Rules of punctuation for the hour of numbering. Rules for the design of lists. Razdіlovі signs with the same members of the speech with the most important words

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Rozdіlovі signs between parts unionless proposition

Folding propositions in Russian language are of two types: union and non-union. In collapsible allied speeches, parts of the words are intertwined with themselves intonation and syllables or allied words. In the unfortunate folded speeches, parts of the po'yazani have less intonation.

Adjust three butts:


The squirrel cut from neck to neck, to that on our heads with plastics sips of snow;

The squirrel cut from neck to neck - on our heads the plastics sipped snow.

Let's try to determine the meanings between the parts of the speech at the skin butt. The first word has two parts of the word, krіm intonation, union I, the main meaning of which is to indicate the sequence of podіy. The other word has two parts of the word, krіm іntonatsії, union (more precisely, the union analogue) THAT, the main recognition of which is to show on the last of these words, as described in the main part of the folding proposition. And in the third butt of the conjunction of the daily, it is impossible to delineate the essence of the difference between the parts of the proposition. It can be said that there are both causal and inherited blues, and an indication of the sequence of events at once.

Also, folded unionless propositions are brought up in the foldable allied propositions, which stench is less clearly expressed in meaning between parts. In order to work out the meanings in mutually between the parts of the collapsible unionless speech more clear, on the leaves there are victorious different signs punctuation: coma, speck with coma, double speck and dash.

The choice of the skin punctuation mark is determined by a special rule.

It’s good to have quiet vipadkіv, if there are parts of the unionless proposition between coma or speck with coma.

1. A coma is put between parts of the union-free collapsible speech, as if some facts are simply overwhelmed. In this way, after the Komi, you can easily insert the union I. For example:

Well, I pimped, I punished the Cossacks and heated the kettle in a casual way(According to Lermontov).

2. Between the parts of the union-free folding speech, in which the facts are rebuffed, a speck can be placed in the coma, as the parts of the speech are much wider (replace the same members, parchments or other examples of turnover, clarified later). For example:
Yogo's head was sick; vіn standing on his feet, turning around at his commissary and falling back on the sofa(Dostoevsky).

3. Krapka with whom you can put it in the same way for such an allied river, for some part of you it’s not enough to lie one kind of one. Such a collapsible proposition can, without destroying the sense, be broken into simple sprats. For example:

On a new robe of robes, a Life Campanian uniform; Yogo Bula's head was heavily brooded with mud and beaten in a few places(Saltikov-Shchedrin).

Now we're beastly up to the rules of staging two dashes and dashes. Select two punctuation symbols to lie in the meaning of parts of the speech.

Іsnuyut three differences, if between the parts of the collapsible unionless proposition it is necessary to put dvokrapka:

1) as another part of the statement on the reason for what is described in the first part, for example: In the broken lands middle class win the result of the elections: win to become the largest population. At qiu proposition, you can insert a union TO THAT SHO;

2) just after the first part of the following explanation of what to go to the first part, for example: Write a work plan: what you need to buy and prepare, why you need to tell, in what terms you can complete the project " or Like a mustache in Moscow, your father is like this: he wants a son-in-law with stars and ranks(Griboyedov). In qi propositions between parts, you can insert the union A CAME;

3) as another part of the maє value of the addition, and in front of it you can insert the union SHO, for example: That I want to learn more: harrows need to repair(Tolstoy). In some cases, the crime of the union, in the proposition it is possible to add an omitted adjective І POBACHIV or І POCHUV, for example: Vіn gazing at the room: there was a man sitting at the table and pissing fast.

Dash between the parts of the collapsible unionless proposition to be put for one of the minds:

1) it is possible to insert the union A chi ALE, for example: Kilka once looked around - there was no one(Tolstoy);

2) as in the first speech, the meaning of the hour, or wash it, and in front of it you can insert a spit WHEN or JAKSHO, for example: The bosses want - we are guilty of swearing(Gogol);

3) as another part of the proposition, indicating a hint of what is described in the first part, and before it, you can insert the union SO, for example: Calling yourself a load - lie at the body(Subsliv'ya);

4) in lonely vipadkas, the dash is also victorious for the recognition of the swedish change, for example: Sir vipav - bula shahrika taka with him(Kriliv).

De put dvokrapka

Dvokrapka - is one of the rozdіlov signs in Russian language, which sounds like a folded speech with an allied link between predicative parts, or in speeches, de є homogeneous parts, expressed as a part of the language.

The staging of the double Russian mine is governed by the following rules:

1. Dvokrapka is placed in front of the redevelopment, which ends the proposition (Perekhuvannya, as a rule, is expressed by the same members, yakі can be seen to one understandable understanding). For example:

  • Zvіdusіl yomu came across amusing appearances: from stnіv i logs, from tree trunks, about three leaves, from various herbs and fox flowers.
  • Everything here was familiar to me: creative chaos on the table, randomly pasted posters on the walls, and discs lying everywhere.
  • In this fox it is possible to instill khyzhakiv, like: wovkiv, foxes, and other vedmediv.
  • On the table, a school of utensils lay haphazardly: wickerwork, handicraftsmen, arkush papers and olives.
  • 2. In the rivers with reshuffles, put a two-pointer in the same way, there is no such word to say. Then this rozdilovy sign appears as a signal about those who have given the next resurrection. For example:

  • Behind the horn appeared: a girl's haircut in a short cloth, a gum toddler on tardy legs and a sprat of older cottonmen.
  • 3. Dvokrapka to be placed at the rechenni in front of the redevelopment, like in front of it is a zagalnyuuche word, or the words "like that", "and itself", "for example":

  • And all the same: and the river, and the twigs of the verbalase, and the lad - foretold me the distant days of childishness (Pervintsiv).
  • 4. Two-fold is placed after one of the parts of the union-free folding proposition, after which one or more of the other parts are followed. Surely, at times, splits are transferred. The meanings of links between predicative parts in a collapsible non-union sentence with a two-piece can be as follows:

    a) Raz'yasnennya, clarification, razkrittya zmistu first part, for example:

  • Vaughn did not have mercy: the lad and rightly turned out to be Peter.
  • Over those, the troubles of the great family tormented them without interruption: now the baby’s birthday did not pass, then the nanny went away, then, as now, one of the children fell ill (L. Tolstoy).
  • Here such a thing happened: having made soup with wine, but forgetting to take the pot out of the fire.
  • b) The reason for what happened to the first part. For example:

  • Do not overtake the said trio: horses of the city, і mіtsnі, і strikers (Nekrasov).
  • No wonder I didn’t dream of a future person in you: you’ll always be secretive and cold.
  • 5. If two propositions are combined in one without the help of splits, then the two-fold between them is put in that fall, it’s like the first proposition to avenge the words “bachiti”, “chuti”, “marvel”, “nobility”, “recognizable”, and in the advancing speeches the zmist tsikh words are revealed (then, the first proposition is ahead, about what to go to the offensive ones). For example:

  • The first axis is a buoy-keeper and a helper-Kyrgyz bachat: spitting a river with two strings (A. M. Tolstoy).
  • Popovz I climbed on the thick grass in the ravine, marveling: the fox was skinned, the sprat of the Cossacks was looking out for a galyavin, and the axis was hanging right up to them, my Caragez ... (Lermontov).
  • The axis of the nareshti was seen by us at the very top, the ridges bulged and looked around: the heavens opened up in front of us.
  • Pavlo v_dchuvaє: your fingers are sticking out of your hand more than your elbow (N. Ostrovsky);
  • I realized: you are not a couple of my little girls.
  • Ale (without warning ahead):

  • Bachu, you are not so simple, as it seems.
  • 6. Two-fold is placed at the words, to introduce a direct language, following the words of the author. For example:

  • Khvilini two stinks moaned, but before her, Onegin pidiishov and mov: "You wrote before me, don't fight" (Pushkin).
  • The gut marveled at me and wanted to ask: "Who are you to tell me?"
  • And I thought: “What a valuable and lazy maly!” (Chekhiv).
  • Note. A group of words with a direct speech, where the words of the hero are introduced without intermediary, follow the discussion about a group of speech with an indirect mine. The stinks of the words of the hero are introduced with help service parts movie, as a rule, split or allied forces(“yaky”, “scho”, “lower”, etc.), and not a two-point, but a coma is put. For example:

  • I thought about those, like there is still a miracle person.
  • I did not know what I would do in the evening.
  • Never again will I guess about those who were supposed to be?
  • Setting a two-box at the propositions of the rule

    The most common variations in the variability of the rozdilovyh signs are in parallel with the introduction of a double-dash and a dash.

    1. After the catchword, a dash is often put before the reshuffling of the same members of the speech (replacement of the main double): There everything else is a language, a way of life, a lot of people (Koch.); Everything in them showed divination - their loudness, self-singing, unceremoniousness (Gran.); Possibly other additional characters - the owner of a furniture store, a painter smeared with a damp cloth, a greengrocer from a sudsidnoi kramnitsa (Evt.); What її more hvilyuє - the sight of a person, what are those who, in the eyes of the resting eyes, have ceased to have a “smart family”? (Gas.); The first star - from the skin house, the yard, from the skin ruins, that wire - the moon befell the moon (Paust.).

    Porivn. apply, de feasibly vibir between two folds and a dash: You don’t take anything (:-) no hour, no negativity, no ailments; Zvichayno, vіn chіnivsya (:) hunched over, posivіv, with wrinkled eyes in the folds of the company; It is important to explain, what is the key to your intelligence? in good manners? broad? kindness?; But why did you win so much over the minds and hearts (:-) rejoicing and confusing, carav and forgiving? [Div. also § 15, paragraph 5 and 9.]

    2. In the union-free folding speech with explanatory vodnosinami, the order is doubled with a dash. SR:

    I am sensible: it is important, who is small (Gran.); I am sensible - grief has become, and the little ones want to help (Es.);

    Efremov was given: no way to go (Sart.); І it was given - axis-axis is not rich, і Fedіr zrozumіє (Tendr.);

    І courts virish: as if there would be a plank, a magician says; Pomitiv the first stone, virishiv - here the belongings, becoming kolupatisya (Tendr.).

    3. Variation was the implantation of the doublet and the dash in elitist speeches with the daily diesel sprinyattya (and pobachiv, і pochuv, і vіdchuv thinly). SR:

    Having listened: it was quiet near the mountains (Hump.); Listening - eternal forest silence (Ser.);

    Kuzma listened: he had spoiled his horse (Lviv); Jacob listened - sad song (German).

    Porivn. also: Vhodzhu (: -) all is quiet; Vіn the whole hour looking around (:) chi do not sneak up htos; Rozrahuvav, having estimated (:-) invisibly; Winning with wonder, marveling at the whips (:) tse stars? [Div. § 44, paragraph 4.]

    Porivn. staging a dash (replacement of a double-edged doublet) in the propositions of which: Win a bevel marveling at her - she’s more young and beautiful (M. R.); Vaughn looked around - Vaska flew at her in a soldier's tunic, with charcoal-black eyebrows, looking like she was transferred to the fold (Pan.); Vіn vizirnuv іz kіmnati - zhodny vognik vіknakh (Pan.); Marveling at the water bottle - the water was dreaming (Shishk.).

    Sometimes, in these vipads, a coma and a dash get used to a coma and a dash, like a single rozdilovy sign: I looked at the nest, - there are only two little birds (Ver.); I turned around - the leader is already in order (3 pro.); Lifting your eyes, - the table was empty (Ser.).

    4. Variable double dots and dashes in unlucky folded words with causal-inherited variances. SR:

    The rest of the days of the ensigns on the map did not collapse: the camp was abandoned without changes (Sim.); And we couldn’t get stuck - the earth froze (Grand.).

    Porivn. also: Here you are, Primor'yu and without that є chim zdivuvati svіt (: -) only tigers and ginseng of which you cook; Do not change the number of words with a new one (:) may appear; With such a partner, you can even fly to Mars, your best friend.

    5. Variations of two-pointers and dashes in unfortunate folded statements with explanatory notes: The authors of these sheets praised various problems, but they summed up one thing (:) all the stinks were checked in the newspapers of a specific one and help; Usikh tsіkavilo more than one meal (: -) as soon as you get out of the camp; I remember fluff on yoga cheeks On the head її kolorova Khustka (: -) on the red field of green trojand; I have a rule (: -) no kawi drink before bed.

    Porivn. staging a dash instead of a spotted dvokrapka: White specks glimmer in the sky - shrapnel is torn (Cat.); From the birches with great tears, dripping drops - go spring juices (cat.).

    6. Parallel to the implantation of the two-pointer and the dash, it is sharpened with the explanatory and clarifying terms of the phrase: Tse meant one (: -) Need to separate; How long has it been cemovchannya (: -) hvilina, three, ten ?; Then a smut began (:) jokes, matsuvannya new ways to achieve; Rozmov’s day ended with one and the same (: -) welding; Skіlki menі todі bulo (:-) nine'yatnadtsat chi twenty?; I don't know if vikhati (:-) u middle chi quads.

    Porivn. punctuation of headings close to the structure: Know: Baluev; Uvaga is a child.

    At the end, you can indicate that the "competitive fight" doubles with a dash "overcomer" often has a dash. This phenomenon is considered to be rich by elders, as it is important that “in the whole dash - a sign of greater strength, to enter and at the Volodinnya double-flap” and that “there is a tendency to appear at a row of double-flap marks with the sign of a dash”. It can be explained by the special status of the dash in the middle of the other divisional signs: “In this hour, the dash is already rooted and a richly functional divisional sign. Vіn vykonuє as grammatical (purely syntactical), and emotional-expressive functions; wines are especially widely vindicated in the rest of the art literature.

    Watch over the current periodical friend to confirm the visnovok about the “aggressiveness” of the dash: For the fates that have passed since the signing of the Final Act in Helsinki, millions of people, the first for everything in Europe, especially appreciated all the good things that the peace order gave them, peaceful life, economic, scientific and technical and cultural spivrobitnitstva (Gas.); Choose behind - you can change (Gas.).

    Div: Grishko F. T. Possibility of variation of rose signs // Rus. lang. at school. 1973. No. 5 (stars behind and deyaki butts); Barulina I. N. About deyakі regularity in zmіshuvanni dashes and dvokrapki // Modern Russian punctuation. M., 1979.

    Div: Makarov V. G. About rozdіlovі signs in one of the types of unhappy folding propositions // Rus. lang. at school. 1977. No. 1 (stars behind and deyaki butts).

    Modern Russian punctuation. M., 1979. Z. 90.

    Valgina N. S. Principles of Russian punctuation. M., 1972. Z. 55.

    Ivanova V. F. About the first introduction of the dash in the Russian press // Modern Russian punctuation. M., 1979. Z. 236.

    Dvokrapka: de, if and why it is necessary to put a dvokrapka

    Otzhe, dvokrapka - a rozdіlovy rozdіlovy sign. On the vіdmіnu vіd dots, the call and the sign of food and the rich flecks of the wines do not have a viddіlnoї funktsії, so not vіdokremlyuє propositions in the text one vіd one. Dvokrapka is placed only in the middle of the proposition, and that indicates those that will be continued after the new introduction.

    Two-fold can be used in simple and folding propositions. In simple propositions, they subdial and see parts of the speech; in folding, they play the role of meaning: showing on the meaning of intelligibility between parts of the unfortunate folding speech.

    So how is it right to get used to the dvokrapka, not to make pardons and not to stray with others? Let's take a look at the main vipadki.

    Two-fold in a simple proposition

    Rule 1

    As a common word to stand in front of the same members, then after a new one, a two-fold is needed, for example: Snow lying everywhere Cabin: on duhah budinkiv, on parkans, on lawns, on cars.

    This proposition has a word everywhere zagalnyuє low uniform furnishing. The usual word is roztashovane in front of the same members, and then there is a two-fold.

    Rule 2

    With clarifying words, clarifying words can be used in the speech: like forcibly, forcibly, like that, but itself, a coma is placed in front of the yakim, and after them - a dvokrapka. For example: Snow lying everywhere, and myself: on dahas of houses, on parkans, on lawns, on cars.

    At this proposition at the same time from the key word everywhere lively clarifying yoga construction "and itself" , if there are a number of homogeneous members, then there is a two-fold.

    Rule 3

    If the language is directly following the words of the author, then a two-piece is placed in front of it, moreover, the language itself is straight in the paws and the first word of the direct language is written in great letters: The teacher said: "Hello, children!". Likewise, if the language is directly interpreting the author’s words in the text, then a two-box is placed in front of it, for example: Having said: “Hello, children!”, the teacher will rise to the class. If you want to direct the language, it is necessary to put it to someone.

    Two-fold at folding proposition

    Rule 4. Between the parts of a folding proposition without a union (BSP), a two-fold can be placed in such situations.

  • Another part of the BSP explain those about what was said in the first (between parts of the speech you can insert but itself"), for example: Among the people there is such an example: lastivkas fly low to the board; Katya write even more competently: do not break the pardons of the words, correctly place the signs. In these unfortunate folded words, the other part gives an explanation of what the first one has to say. You can insert between parts of propositions but itself": The people have such a prikmet (and to herself): lastivki fly low over the water on the board. Therefore, in the guidance propositions, a two-pointer is placed.
  • Another part of the BSP reveals the reason of what was said in the first (between parts of the speech, you can insert links: to that, to that), for example: Katya write even more competently: read a lot, read verses to remember, train memory;Nezabarom under the board: lastivki fly low over the water. The BSP has another part to bring up, pointing out the reason for what happened in the first place. You can insert splits between parts: to that.Coming soon (because): swallowtails fly low over the water. Therefore, in such propositions, a two-box is put.
  • Another part of the BSP add, reveal those that were mentioned in the first one (such propositions are synonymous with collapsible propositions with additional clauses, so between parts of the BSP you can insert a split what). For example: Katya knows: to read books is not only cicavo, but it’s more scary for learning;Among the people it seems: lastivki fly low over the water on the boards. Among these BSPs, in the other part, there is a sense of what is to be found in the first. How can a part of such a proposition be united by a union what, then we see a folding proposition with an explanatory clause: People seem (what): lastivki low over the water to the board fly. Propositions of this type are doubled.
  • In the first part of the speech, the words are omitted: and pobachiv, i feeling, i vіdchuv, for example: I lifted my head: clear the sun, breaking through the gloomy darkness, touching the halyavina with bright light;Vin turned around: the moon of quavering crooks mooned close at hand. These propositions are also synonymous with foldable and supplementary explanatory ones; and pobachiv, i felt, you can insert a split between parts what. I raised my head (І pobachiv, sho): promin the sun breaking through the gloomy crisis, illuminating the galyavin with light.

  • Double vs dash

    The main foldedness of living in a two-blade field lies in the fact that sometimes it is easy to confuse this branch sign with another one - a dash. In the rest of the hour, qi signs often take root in parallel, so in the quiet valleys themselves they can be placed like a dash, so a doublet. For example: І courts virish: as if there would be a plank, a magician says; Pomitiv first stone, virishiv - here is the belongings, becoming kolupatis(Tendryakov), Well, winechanged (: –) hunched over, posiviv, with wrinkled eyeskutochkas have a mouth; Vhodzhu (: ) everything is quiet; Do not change words with a new one(: ) you can appear; Usikh tsіkavilo only one meal (: ) how to get out of the camp as soon as possible; Tse meant one (: ) it is necessary to separate.

    Such options are respected equally, you can not be afraid to have mercy on living in a dash, and a double. However, the next memory, scho dash krim syntactic functions, Vikonu and emotional-expressive, which indicates the emotionality of the spirit, reinforces its virility. Therefore, the proposition does not carry such meanings, it is neutral, it is necessary to unify the living dash and put a two-pointer, dorimuyuchis looked at the rules we have.

    Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (1956)


    § 159. Dvokrapka is placed in front of the redevelopment, which ends the proposition:

    1. As a retelling of the passage, the most important word (and often, moreover, more words for example, as if, but itself ), for example:

    The Cossacks rose up: from Chigirin, from Pereyaslav, from Baturin, from Glukhov, from the lower side of the Dnieper and from the upper and lower reaches of the islands.

    2. Even though there is no catchy word before reframing, it is also necessary to get ahead of the reader, so that they should follow such a passage, for example:

    We could see a samovar, a bowl with a frosty shape and more deacons attached to the vuzliks and boxes.

    § 160. Dvokrapka is placed in front of the crossover, which is in the middle of the speech, as if the crossover is in front of the double word or the word like, for example, but itself , for example:

    And everything: and the river, and the vines of the verbose, and the lad - foretold me the distant days of childishness.

    About the shooting gallery after the re-arrangement, what to stand in the middle of the river after the two-fold, div. § 174, paragraph 3, note.

    § 161. Two-fold is placed after propositions, after which one follows one or a few propositions that are not connected with the first for help unions and how to avenge:

    a) roz'yasnennya or rozkrittya zmіtu of that, about what to go to the first rechenni, for example:

    I did not have mercy: the old one did not move in the form of a proponated bottle.

    b) substava, the reason why the first person should go, for example:

    Do not overtake you with a shalen troika: horses of the city, і mіtsnі, і strikers.

    § 162. Dvokrapka is placed between two words, not joined through alliances, as in the first word with such words, like bachiti, marvel, chuti, know, vіdchuvati and so on, to fight ahead of time, which gave a glimpse of some kind of fact, or some description, for example:

    І axis buoy-keeper and helper-Kyrgyz bachat: spit the river two strings.

      I feel the earth tremble.

    § 163. Dvokrapka is put after a proposition to introduce a direct language, a zokrema is a direct food or a viguk, for example:

    Khvilini two stinks moaned, but before her Onegin pidijshov and mov: You wrote before me, don’t piss.

    Note. A group of speeches, at the warehouse of those, there is a direct language, next to the folding speeches with a contraction: put before the contraction, like a zavzhdi, coma, and in the end of yoga - a sign, necessary for the nature of the whole folding speech, for example:

    I thought about those, what an important and lazy lad.
    I tried to guess, de bov I of which fate is equal to that.
    Never again will I guess about those who were supposed to be?

      It’s important to think about those who have been on that stingy day!

    same members Words are called words that are used on the same food, which can be seen up to one and the same word in the speech and by one and the same member of the speech.

    Homogeneous members are cremated one by one komami:

    Bulo light, radio, warm!
    Snow, rain, wind did not praise the people.
    Zaderikuvatiy, fun, marvelously know Yogo's voice was booming.
    Vin big, letiv, rush nastrich your dream.

    Coma be placed between the same members, as if the stench of the day:

    • repeating splits then ... then, nі ... nі, or ... or:
      That snow, then wind;
    • hanging splits like something i, not only i, something like something:
      Green yak trees, and bushes. Greenery is not less than a tree, but bushes. Leaves are opened up not in the morning, but in the grass (the coma is not put in front of the yakshcho).

    Before alone union "і" no coma:
    Green trees, bushes, flowers and herbs.

    The rivers may have a sprig of a row of the same members:
    Claneyі birch trees stumbled upon pagorbachі hollows.

    dvokrapka put before pererahuvannyam, like:

    • it is necessary to get ahead of the reader:
      Tim for an hour there are a lot of their own factories and factories: drip, glassy, ​​paper ones) too thin (I. A. Goncharov)
    • transfer before:

      the last word: In humans, everything can be beautiful: i disguise, i clothes, i soul, i thoughts (A.P. Chekhov);
      enter the word(as if, but at the same time, for example, etc.), when you enter, the word is cremated to whom: For trade and industry, it is possible to deliver a small amount of unimportant objects, such as: skins, horns, ikliv. (I. A. Goncharov)

    Dash to be put after pererahuvannya, which is in the middle of the river, as if the word is standing after the same members of the river: In the house, in the tree, in the pigeon - in of all they died for a long time. (I. A. Goncharov)

    Dvokrakoy and dash one sees a resurrection, which is in the middle of a river, as if to that reperahunka, I give a zagalnyuyuche word, and then a reperahuvanation of the recension is trivaє: I am rich in new goodness: a hutra, an atlas, a srebla - and in the eyes and under the locks. (A. S. Pushkin).

    Task and test on the topic "Single members of the speech and divisional signs with "i"

    • Homogeneous members of the speech, divided signs with them - Proposition. Vocabulary Grade 4

      Lessons: 1 Task: 9 Tests: 1

    • Propositions from the same members. Uzagalnyuyuchi words - Basic understanding of syntax and punctuation grade 5

      Lessons: 2 Task: 8 Tests: 3

    • Punctuation with the same members, joined by non-repeating, repeating and paired splits - The proposition of the 11th grade has been simplified

      Lessons: 2 Task: 6 Tests: 1

    • Razdіlovі signs at appointments and additions - The proposition of the 11th grade has been simplified

      Lessons: 2 Task: 7 Tests: 1

    Respect! At rіznih love coma before "i" is impossible!

    Remember that:

    1. if the word is used to stand in front of the same members, then after the new one a two-pointer is put;
    2. as if a double-word is worth after the same members, then a dash is put after the double-word;
    3. if you use the word to stand in front of the same members, then, as you already know, after the new one is put a two-box; And if the proposition is tripled, then after the same terms it is necessary to put a dash.

    For example:
    Mustache: children, adults, dogs - mixed in one compartment.

    When is a two-pointer placed in a proposition? Yogo sing vicorist at or there, de present expressions, be some kind of part of the mov. In these articles, we will tell you about those, if a two-pointer is put up. Then, below, we will list the rules that regulate the setting of which one and the specific application. When to put a two-piece?

    Russian movie rules

    1. In that case, as if the author’s words were written in the same way, the language is straight. Apply:
    Pidishovshi to the counter, Oleksiy said: "Give me, be kind, a package of milk."
    I thought: "Why do you trust him?"
    As a rule, the speech does not win over the direct language and it is indirect (for example "I thought it would be bad to come at once"), then the dvokrapka does not vikoristovuєtsya. The deputy of the new victorious couples and the Komi.
    2. Two-fold is placed at the same time, as if two propositions are combined in one without the help of splits, and the other part of the curve is replaced by the words of the first. Butt:
    Mi nareshti descended from the mountains and looked around: in front of us was the purest lake.
    Two guardians swayed: the villains still flowed in.

    3. The two-folder is placed in the same way, as the proposition is formed from a few parts (warehouse). Whenever two situations are possible:
    . The other part of the proposition is rozkrivaє zmіst first. Butt:

    Olena is small right: a single person, as she could yogo zupiniti, buv yogo dad.

    Ivan did not trust Yogo: afraid that Semyon would fool Yogo again.

    The other part describes the reason. Butt:
    It was not just that I did not trust you: you were always movcha and cold.

    4. When is a dvokrapka placed? At the rechenni pіslya and before refurbishing, it’s like it’s going to end. Butt:
    All the relatives lingered at his booth: mother, father, aunt, grandmother, that mother-in-law. It was so clean in her apartment that everything seemed to shine: dishes, mirrors, and food. At each fox there are huts: wolves, foxes and witches.
    5. Dvokrapka is placed at the rechenni, as if there was a change, but there is not a single word. Butt:
    From the bag they washed: hamanets, documents, a comb and a passport.
    From the apartment we saw: a woman, a man and a child.

    6. The two-fold is placed at the time of pererakhuvannya chogos, the presence of a zagalnyuychy word chi offensive words: “like”, “for example”, “zokrema”. Apply:

    I have a lot of plans for the next hour, for example: buy a computer, get friends and make friends.

    Evgeniya tsikavili about the city of Astrakhan, but at the same time: if there were foundations, how many inhabitants live near that place, and there are significant reminders there.

    Other fluctuations

    Do some vipadkas have a two-pointer?
    . Mathematics has a rozpodіlu sign. Butt: 6:3=2.
    . In information technology, the hour of recognition of computer disks. Butt: D:R: and so far.
    Now you know, if you put a two-piece, and you can boldly squat. Often, through non-writing, or through disrespect, the replacement of which divisional sign can be used as a dash sign. Tse є unacceptable damage And in mathematics, the sign below can be indicated by a number of options: 6/3=2 or 6:3=2.

    Homogeneous members of the river (brothers and other rows), not connected with splits, are divided komami : Near the office were brown oxamitesarmchairs , bookishshafa (Nab.); I wrote about winesitiv on the balconytrimav book on knees(Boon.); Cold, empty, lifeless spirit zustricha budinok(Sol.); Flower in frontcherry, gorobini, kulbab, shipshini, konvalії (Sol.); Only restlessness is leftwater, overgrowth, ancient willows (Paust.); Shcherbatova confidedabout your childishness, about the Dnipro, about those As in their garden, withered hangings, old willows came to life.(Paust.).

    How the rest of the penis is low to join with splits i, so, or , then do not put a coma in front of him: Vin[wind] bringcold, clear and empty whole body(Paust.); Dense, high chagarniki stretch for a kilometer.chamomile, chicory, stables, wild crop, cloves, mati-and-machukha, kulbab, gentiani, plantain, zvinochkiv, zhovttsiv and dozens of other fluffy herbs (Paust.).


    Homogeneous members of the proposition, connected by unions, which are repeated, even though there are more than two ( i… i… i, so… so… so, nі… nі… nі, chi… chi… chi, chi… chi… chi, chi… chi… abo, abo… abo… abo, that… that… that, not that ... chi that ... chi those, chi ... chi ... chi ... chi ), are shared by coma: Bulo sumoі at the spring povіtri,і in the dark skyі at the wagon(Ch.); Not Bulono boisterous plums,no sticky knowledge,no oaths(Paust.); After separation from Lermontov won[Shcherbatova] couldn't marvelno on the stepno on people,no on the way villages that place(Paust.); Bachitithen with a can,then with a bag andthen and with a bag and a can at once -or in naftolavtsі,or to the marketor in front of the gate, a booth,or at gatherings(Bulg.).

    For the presence of the union і before the first of the repaid members of the speech, the rule is added: if there are more than two of the same members of the speech, and the union і I want to repeat myself, coma between the usima of the same members (zokrema before the first і ): They brought a bouquet of Budyak and put it on the table, and the axle was in front of mepozhezha, and metushnya, and fires of scarlet round dance (Ill.); I Today of the Poet's Rome -weasel, i went out, i bagnet, i batig (M.).

    With dvorazovoy repeated spіlki і (as the number of the same members is two) coma for the obviousness of a catchy word when same members propositions: All guessed about autumn:and zhovte leaves, and fog vrantsі ; the same without a special word, but for the obviousness of the fallow words for the same members: Now you can already bulo a little okremoand the noise of the board, and the noise of the drive (Bulg.). However, for the presence of appointments of minds with the same members of the speech, which establish a tight sense of unity, who can not be put: Navkolo Buloand light and green (T.); І day and night kit teachings all walk around the stake on the spot(P.).

    With a double repetition of other splits, krіm і , coma to be put on hold : To prick innocently my eyes to gypsy livesabo stupidly, abo pitilessly (A. Ostr.); Vіn buv is ready to believe that having arrived here not at once.or too late,or early(Rozp.); ladynot those barefoot,not those yakihos have prozorikh ... shoes(Bulg.); All day longor snow,or board with snow. pong[lampy] less than podsvіchuvalithen walls of the cave hall,then the most beautiful stalagmite(Sol.); Earlychi , piznochi , but I'll come .

    Note 1. Do not put a coma in whole phraseological combinations with conjunctions that are repeated. i… i, nі… nі(stink of words with meanings that are countered): and day and night, and old and young, and smіh and grief, and there and there, and that and that, and that and that, and that and that, that and that, that and that, that and that, that, that, that, or that, that you take, that you do not take, that you are not your brother, that you are neither back nor forth, no bottom, no tires, no this and that, no state, no system, no living, no dead, no way, no spirit, no people, no fish, no m'yaso, no way, no peanuts crow, neither cunningly nor roll, neither that nor that in. With the boys' words, if the third is not given: and man and woman, and earth and sky .

    Note 2. Union chi… chi do not start and repeat. So, at the river Do not understand why Matviy Karev laughs at his words because students look into his mouth.(Fed.) Union chi introduce an explanatory contract part, and the union or one-to-one members. Porivn. splits chi… chi like repeating: Idechi board,or to shine the sun - to you all the same; Bachitchi wine,or don't sip(R.).


    Homogeneous members of the speech, united by single succesfull or separate splits ( i, so at the value " і »; abo, abo ) don't succumb to anyone : Teplohidgetting up across the riverand giving flowing yoga down, along the way(Rozp.); Day that night - Dobu get out(ate); Pіdtrymaє wine Uzdechkinachi do not support ? (Pan.).

    For the presence of the same members of the opposite union ( oh yeah, yeah at the value " ale », prote, wanta, prote, vtim ) and adjoining ( and so, and then ) coma : The secretary stopped taking notes and cast a sighing glance,but not for the arrested, but for the procurator (Bulg.); baby bularіzіv, ale mily (P.); building student,hot line ; Vіn vіdvіduvav the librarydon't worry ; Mokiivna has already brought koshik weaving from the house,prote zupinilas - virishila to catch a glimpse of the apple(Shcherb.); The apartment is smallthen quiet (Gas.); Vaughn knows Germanand also French language .


    In case of pairwise joining of the same members of the proposition, coma is placed between pairs (conjunction і diє only in the middle of the groups): Alei, plantedbuzkami and lindens, yazami and poplars led to the wooden stage(Fed.); Songs were different:about joy and grief, the day of minuli and the day to come (Geych.); Books on geography and travel tips, friends and habits know they told us that Ropotamo is one of the most beautiful and the wildest places in Bulgaria(Sol.).

    Note. In rivers with the same members, it is possible to live in one and the same unions on different bases (between different members of the river or in groups). At this time, when changing the different signs, the different positions of the splits are insured. For example: ... Everyone її chirped merrilyі friendlyі they sang її, what a garna won, dear, dear(Ch.) - in my proposition of the union і not repeating, but one by one, to make a bet of two identical members of the speech ( fun and kindly; they sang and sang). For example: Nothing else broke the silence of the ductі a river that does not shave cold river lilies with bleshesі without choking in a voice, which is the best choking without words(Paust.) - first і zadnuє zalezhnі vіd words silence word forms duct and river, other and locks a number of attachments (Not breaking, not shaving and not groaning).

    Homogeneous members of the speech, united in pairs, can enter into smaller, larger groups, which have their own line of alliances. The Komi in such groups are placed with the improvement of the whole folding unity, for example, they are protected against the opposite blues between groups of the same members of the proposition: Batko Christopherbowing and chuckling not softly and outrageously , like a zavzhd,but shanobly and strained (Ch.). The rіzny rіven of the happiest vodnosin is insured. For example: They have[Kramnitsy] you know calico for shrouds and yogot, and ice-boats and borax for wine targans(M. G.) - here, from one side, word forms calico and yogot, ice packs and buru, and for the other - tsі groups, already on the rights of single members, are united by the union, which is repeated. і . Porivn. variant without pairwise association (with a well-formed uniform members): You know calico for shrouds, yogot, iced fields, and borax for wine targans .


    With the same members of the speech, the cream of single or unions, which are repeated, can get accustomed to subvenous (paired) splits, as they are segmented into two parts, so that the skin is rotting with the skin member of the speech: yak ... so i, not only ... ale th, not insoles ... stilki, naskolki ... floorings, even if ... ale, yakso not ... then, not those scho ... ale, not those schob ... ah, not just not ... ah, hurry ... chim that in Coma should always be placed in front of another part of such splits: I can hand overyak in the court,So oneі according to our friends(R.); Green buv not only miraculous landscape painter and master of the plot,ale moreі already subtle psychologist(Paust.); It seems that the Sozopol inlet is flooded by holiday-makers, tobtonot the ones holidaymakers,a apparently, they came to conduct a check-in of the Black Sea(Sol.); Matinot the ones angryale still unsatisfied(Kav.); The fogs are rolling in Londonhow not leather day,then a day later(Gonch.); Vіn buvNOT insoles embarrassmentskilki understanding the situation that has developed(Gas.); Vіn buvshvidshe razdratovaniya,chim embarrassment(Journal).


    Between the same members of the proposition (and their groups) can be placed mottled with a clod .

    1. Introductory words are included before their warehouse: Appear, reveal subtleties. Treba, sob bagatya bulo,Persian , dimensionless;differently , not too slick;and thirdly , near the windless(Sol.).

    2. As if the same members are wider (mayut stale words or appendage parts of the speech, which can be seen before them): Yogo respectedper yoga vіdminnі, aristocraticmanners , for a bit about yoga win;for those , that miraculously dressed up and sounded at the best room of the best hotel;for those , who vіn vzagalі good obіdav, and once navіt vіbіv іz Wellington at Ludovik-Philippe;for those that I brought everywhere with me a good silver nesesser and a good bath;for those , which smelled like some kind of incomparable, completely "noble" spirits;for those , scho vіn maisterno engraving vіst i zavzhdi engraving...(T.)


    Be placed among the same members of the speech dash: a) pіd hour to skip the opposite union: Knowledge of laws by people is not bazhano - obov'yazkovo(Gas.); A tragic voice that no longer can fly, not a sound - deep, chesty, "Mkhatovsky"(Gas.); b) for the manifestation of the union for the signification of a sharp and unstoppable transition, I will stand before one another: Todi Oleksiy, clenching his teeth, flattening his eyes, twitched, ripping both hands with his hands - and immediately put into(B.P.); ... I want to start living near the city - and I’ll end my life near the village(Ch.).


    Homogeneous divisions of the speech and their differences are added when splitting the speech (parcels) dots(div. § 9): And then there were hot summer days, the wind from the low mountains near Stavropol, smelling of immortelle, the silvery crown of the Caucasian mountains, the essence of the forest blockages from the Chechens, heather cul.P'yatigorsk , strangers, with which it was necessary to behave like friends.І new swidkolinny St. Petersburg and the Caucasus , Zhovti peaks to Dagestan and the same love and ryativny P'yatigorsk.Short calm , think broadly that vertices, light and golden up to the sky, like a gloom over the peaks of the mountains.I duel (Paust.).

    Razdіlovі signs with the same members of the speech with the most important words


    As a collateral word before a number of similar members, after the collateral word is put dvokrapka : Fishing boatdifferent : fisherman-pensioner, fisherman - worker and serviceman, fisherman-wiisky, fisherman-minister, so be moving, state fiend, fishing-intelligent(Sol.); From whom you know, you will know mayzheeverything about the new one I guessed more : dry oak leaves, a gray astronomer, the rumble of a cannonade, Cervantes, people, it’s not uncommon to believe in the victory of humanism, a girsky vivcharka, a nighttime policy and a rich other(Paust.).

    With clarifying words, there can be clarifying words like forcibly, forcibly, like those, but itself , A coma is placed in front of the yakim, and after them - a double. The words like for example, like that vikoristovuyutsya to explain the previous words, words and myself - for information about the secondary nature of the offensive transfer: Tsіlodobovo practice a lot of business and services,yak forcibly : zv'azok, dopomoga shvidka, liquor; Introductory words can express an emotional assessment of a confession,for example : for happiness, for success, for the joy of that іn.(Z assistant); Katya ... watched the shed, showing there, surrounding the balloon and tiles, more mau of brown speeches,like : two low green benches, garden table, hammock, shovels, rakes.(Step.); Everyone showed up at the gathering,and myself : contributors, students and supporters of the institute. After clarifying words so (From the equal sign of the meaning) do not put a two-box: The first days after winter, the flowers are opened,so crocuses, tulips(Gas.).


    Useful word, as if to stand after the same members, to be strengthened in their sign dash : Handrails, compasses, binoculars, various fittings and wind high thresholds of cabinseverything Bulo midne(Paust.); І tsі trips, and our roam with her -all pierced with a languid, lifeless tight(Beck.).

    As before the ominous word, we admonish the same members for an additional dash, if the word is introductory, then the coma before introductory word go down: At the vestibule, at the corridor, at the offices -word , everywhere people were hustling(Pop)


    Dash to be put after the redevelopment of the same members, so that the proposition does not end with the redevelopment: everywhere : at the clubs, on the streets, on the benches there were billowing gates, at the booths - galasli roses were heard(Garsh.).

    For the obviousness of two double words - in front of the same members and after them - offensive signs are placed: a two-point (before re-cutting) and a dash (after a new one): All : the crew, having passed quickly along the street, guessing about the image, feeding the maiden about the cloth, how to prepare it; even harder, the word is not rich, weak fate -all pained the wound, gave the image(L. T.). Those same with a broadened zagalnyuyuchy word: For a sprat of hvilin vіn a moment to painteverything is welcome : human figure, creatures, trees, life -all appeared in a new characteristic and chewing(Beck.).


    Homogeneous members of the speech, which are in the middle of the speech and may have the meaning of passing respect, are seen dash from two sides: Everything that could muffle the sounds -kilimi, curtains and soft furniture - Grig has long been cleaned from home(Paust.); All -i Batkivshchyna, i obom Lichkiv, i Volodya - Bіlі horses, little ponі, fireworks, chauvin with lichtars are brewing(Ch.).

    Note. It is permissible to win in modern practice with each other in all positions of the main words dash, zokrema - before refurbishment (on the traditional dvokrapka place): The new workshop organizes mass productionproducts for machine-building - bushings, flasks, toothed sieves(Gas.); good kayakersthere were three - Igor, Shulyaev, Kolya Koryakin and, consciously, Andriy Mikhailovich himself(Tendr.); Kohaiall - dew, fog, rocking, all other birds and animals(Tendr.); Yakby yogahos I saw the middle of the others - talent, intelligence, beauty ... But Duke didn’t really have anything like that(Strum.); All all I feel - and the grass of the evening spiv, and the language of the water, and the stone of the dead cry(Ill.); All praised the same yogo rozum - and bows, and nivi, and lis, and ha, in the "chapel of the old storm, the noise, the old wonderful retelling"(Geych.); Vin vivisiv on the wallyour expensive collection - knives, swords, saber, dagger(Shcherb.). Porivn. the same with K. Paustovsky, B. Pasternak: After the new[dock] begin violentlymushrooms - sticky butternuts, yellow chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, rum'yanі ryzhiki, honey mushrooms and indistinguishable grebes(Paust.); Until noon, over the dark water, it began far awayheaps of Baku - blue gir, gray sky, blue budinkiv, covered with bright patches, ale tezh gray sleepy color(Paust.); I mav the year and happiness of the nobility of the elderssings that they lived in Moscow , - Bryusov, Andriy Bily, Khodasevich, V'yacheslav Ivanov, Baltrushaytis(B. Past.).

    Razdіlovі signs with the same designations


    Homogeneous appointments, pronounced by prikmetniks and diprikmetniks and like to stand in front of the word, stand in front of each other coma, heterogeneous - not water-creamed (vinyatok div. § 41).

    Note 1. Vіdminnіst mіzh odnorodnymi and nehomogenidnym vyznachennymi poluchaє in the step: b) before the appointment of a bet of heterogeneous ones, it is necessary to come up with an offensive phrase. SR: Red, green the fires changed one by one(T. Tolst.) - red fires and green fires; Soon the chimneys of the factories will smoke here, lie downmіtsnі zalіznі paths on the old road(Bun.) – mіtsnі → zalіznі. Between the same appointments, insertion of a split is possible і between heterogeneous - impossible. SR: It’s cold to play with different-colored vogniks, for suremore expensive stones(Boon.). - It's cold at the front, like blue, and it smellsSyria, frozen bark of wood...(Boon.). In the first vipad, the union i cannot be inserted ( dribnimi expensive stones ), for the other - it is possible ( orphan and frozen bark).

    Note 2. Often, as inhomogeneous, there are signs, expressions according to the yoke and water-bearing applicators: Її[siren] muffled the soundsbeautiful string orchestra(Boon.). How heterogeneous can be adopted by that designation, expressed by the same examples of different meaning groups: Axis to the ground began to fallcold big drops(M. R.).

    1. Homogeneous designations, what do they mean signs of various objects : Talented student, like Volodya, five words and thought about himselfFrench, Spanish, German literature as if at home, boldly currying with their knowledge(Kav.).

    Homogeneous designations, which reflect similar signs of one object, to characterize the object from one side : Tse buvdull, tired day(Kav.); Potyag yshov povіlno і nerіvno, podtremuyuchiold, creaky railway carriage(Rozp.); Vazka, vіvolozhena the wall of the pine tree does not break in, mowchit(Lip.); Olena ruled її inspace, empty rooms(Kav.); Winter was reluctantly going ahead, like the last fate, thensharp, cold windy(Kav.). The similarity of the sign can appear on the basis of some approximation of the value, for example, according to the line of assessment: І tsієї hvilinistrimany, soft, vvіchlivy Zoshchenko raptomly said to me, rattled: - You can’t crawl into literature, shoving with your tongues(Kav.); on the basis of the unity of opinions, which are transmitted by appointments (dotik, relish toshcho): Atclear, warm early, like early morning, in Obruchanov, two horses were brought to the local farrier Rodion Petrov.(Ch.); Bliss bulacold, fresh, savory water that gently slips from the shoulders(Kav.).

    The similarity sign can be blamed on the prikmetniks, as they get used to the figurative meaning: I squeezed stretch mebig, callous hand(Shol.); Zhorstok, student spring brunki, sho poured, driving in(Ahm.); In the heartdark, suffocating hop(Ahm.). The homogeneity of the appointment is supported by the union of one of them і : They have[songs] overwhelmedimportant, gloomy and hopeless notes(M. R.); Suchmiserly, lilac and slanderous siskin(M. R.); Stomlenі, zasmāgli ta zaporošenі physionomy buli zovsіm pіd kolіr burim lahmitty krill moon(M. R.).

    2. Not the same designation-prikmetniki that characterize an object or a manifestation rіznih sides: Great glass the doors were vіdchinenі vіvstizh(Kav.) - the meaning of the world and the material; Kolishnia Yeliseyivska їdalnya bula trimmed with frescoes(Kav.) - sign of Timchasova and signs of dependency; Tovsta Chornova zoshit, in which I wrote down plans and drafts, laying on the bottom of the valley(Kav.) - recognition of the recognition of the world; My archives knewZhovtenka schoolgirl zoshit, writing in handwriting(Kav.) - recognition of the color of that recognition; Foxes, now illuminated by the sun, gave themselves to you in cupslungs rudy(Paust.) - recognition of the vag and material; Vіdomy and vіdvazhny our mandrivnik Karelіn gave me about Kara-Bugaznew letters certification(Paust.) - the value of the assessment of that form; The brigadier served before teaviscous cherry varennia(Paust.) - knowledge of the quality of the material; Finish offtemple starovinna faience the lamp burned softly under the erysipelas lampshade(Bun.) – sign of magnitude, timchas sign and material.


    Appointment-prikmetniki can move along with reckoning turns. The setting of someone to fall into this category of vіd roztashuvannya reckoning turnover, which acts either as a single member of the recension, or as heterogeneous.

    If the parable turn is worth after the signatory-prikmetnik and before the appointed word (to open the uninterrupted link of the signifier of that name), then a coma is put between the appointed names: Navitold, covered with lichen tree gleams whispered the days gone by(M. R.); Nі, not only uvі dream cryyears, posivil for the fates of war people(Shol); It is small small river<…>spilled over a kilometer(Shol.); Standing, scho strayed at the window the smell of apartments pribity buv spicy unruly to the flower beds(B. Past.).

    If the official turnover is to stand in front of the appointment-prikmetnik and be brought up to the offensive sweat of the appointment-prikmetnik of that crazy word, then no one should be put between them: Shhorazu appeared and again drowned in the impenetrable darknessStepova, who fell to the wide beams station(Paust.); Sergiy pabachivfloating near the sea zoshita leaves(Gorob.).


    Coma to be put in the event of an inconvenience, that indefatigable punishment (an indefatigable discharge is to be avenged after an inconvenience): Timadditive, with brown walls zimіvlі Klyushinykh verdі burned trochs the seven-line lamp was gnawed(Bil.); Vaughn took the tabletovstu, with fringe the tablecloth that bedded іnsha, bіlu(P. Nil.).

    However, coma not put, for example, the loss of an unused and an unused appointment means a single sign: Bila at the client tablecloth; bulablue with polka dots back .


    Appointment, what to stand after the words, as a rule, are the same and that they are coma: Wordwriting, false, bookish dialo on a new sharp(Boon.). The skin of such vyznachens without intermediary pov'yazane with the primordial word that may be an independent logical voice.


    Heterogeneous appointments are shared by someone only in that mood, as I explain to a friend first, revealing this difference (it is possible to insert the words to that, but to itself): Vіn… carefully stepping on the glittering dartnew, fresh almost buried(Gran.) - here new to mean " fresh»; without komi, i.e., with the help of explanatory notes, another sense will appear: it was “fresh, almost buried” and it appeared new (new, fresh, a little, ale: new, fresh, a little more); - Shelf oritka, - having enteredthird, new voice(M. G.) - appointment new explain the meaning third; There is no nature of more talented and less talented creations. Diliti on tі and іnshі їх is possible only fromours, human dot zoru(Sol.). SR: At the dacha village appearednew goals at home(More others reached the whole bunch). - At the dacha village appearednew, new at home(Before that, there were no good budins).

    Razdіlovі signs with the same additions


    Programs (designated, pronounced by namemen) that are not joined by splits can be uniform and heterogeneous.

    Programs that stand in front of the word and designate close signs of the subject, that characterize yoga from one side, are the same. The stench pod_lyayutsya coma: Hero of the Socialistic Pratsі, People's Artist of the USSR. N. Gogolova- Honor the title; Volodar of the World Cup, Champion of Europe NN- Sports titles.

    Programs that designate different signs of the subject, that characterize yoga from different sides, are not uniform. The stench is not subdued by coma: first intercessor of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army NN- planting that military ring; head designer of the Design Institute of Budіvel Machine-Building for Prefabricated Cast Concrete Engineer NN- Posada and profession; general director of the industrial association candidate of technical sciences NN- Posada that scientific step.

    In case of similar and heterogeneous additions, it is necessary to place and separate signs: Merit Master of Sports, Olympic champion, Dvorazova Volodarka of the World Cup, student of the Institute of Physical Culture NN .


    Additives, like standing after the word, independent of the meaning they convey, are divided into lumps and obov'yazkovo are seen (div. § 61): Lyudmila Pakhomova, merited master of sports, Olympic champion, champion of the world, multiple European champion, coach; N. V. Nikitin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, laureate of the Lenin Prize and the Sovereign Prize of the USSR, author of the project of the Ostankino TV House; V. V. Tereshkova, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Radyansky Union; D. Z. Likhachov, literary scholar and hromadasky playboy, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Pratsі, head of the board of the Russian Fund for Culture, laureate of the State Prize; A.I. Solzhenitsyn, writer, publicist, laureate Nobel Prize .

    Razdіlovі signs when repeating the members of the speech


    Between the members of the proposition, which are repeated, put busy. For example, repeating the support of trivality diї: I'm going, I'm going at a clean field; little twinkle ding-ding-ding...(P.); Plili, plili at the blue, non-vibrant clay of the back, windy gloom(Shol.); pointing to great number objects or things: Smolensk road -foxes, foxes, foxes . Smolensk road -steppe, steppe, steppe (OK.); signifies a high step signs, yakostі, pochuttya, moreover, the skin of words, which are repeated in such a state, may be a logical voice: Scary, scary by the way(P.); The sky is now bulosire, sire (Sol.); Why are you playing, my little tit,self-sustaining, self-sustaining ? (OK.); confirmation categoricality: At once ... everything I live with - tserobot robot (Am.).

    Note 1. About the choice of a hyphen when repeating divs. "Spelling", § 118, p. 1.

    Note 2. About the repetition of the borrower's cases with the forms of the borrower's words ( why in what, with kim z kim) div. "Orthography", § 155, p. b.

    Note 3. Coma is not put, as if repeating limbs with particles not or So between them they establish the same meaning of the goal with the meanings of the confirmed approval, if they express the meaning of non-significance: HiSo nі; ЇhatiSo go; Valeria was again amazed at me and didn’t say anything: tomorrowSo tomorrow(Sol.); All under the hands of our village: foxSo fox, riverSo river(Sol.); doschnot doshch, do not understand what. Those same with pronounced meaning actions: Hournot hour, and їhati required .

    Like repeating awards with frequent So think mentally-intelligible meanings with a stronger sense, then who can be put: - But what! - Raptome vigukuє vin with an unstoppable surge of energy. - Get out,So get out(Cupr.); Well be, dyakuyu. Having made friends,So making friends(Chuck.). (SR: If you need to get out, then get out; Having made friends, then too much .)


    Members of the proposition, which are repeated, with the union і with a sharp re-creation of their sensus, they are cremated with a sign dash : Іdіt - and it's easier to go; We need a win - and more than a win. However, with more calm intonation, a coma is possible: Ti і tіlki ti building on the tse; Need facts, more facts .

    Yakscho union і to stand between the two with the same words, as if they act as a single award, which reflects the constant repetition of the deed, coma is not put: And wine is everythingwrite and write follow the old address .


    § 159. Dvokrapka is placed in front of the redevelopment, which ends the proposition:

    1. As a retelling of the passage, the most important word (and often, moreover, more words for example, like *, but itself ), for example:

        The Cossacks rose up: from Chigirin, from Pereyaslav, from Baturin, from Glukhov, from the lower side of the Dnieper and from the upper and lower reaches of the islands.


        Known details appeared: reindeer antlers, the police with books, a mirror, a pich with a breather, which had long been needed, the father’s sofa, a great style, a book was opened on the table, an evil popilnichka, zoshit іz yogo handwriting.

    L. Tolstoy

        Sharp fish are great, like: pikes, catfish, asps, pike perches.

    S. Aksakov

    2. Even though there is no catchy word before reframing, it is also necessary to get ahead of the reader, so that they should follow such a passage, for example:

        We could see a samovar, a bowl with a frosty shape and more deacons attached to the vuzliks and boxes.

    § 161. Two-fold is placed after propositions, after which one follows one or a few propositions that are not connected with the first for help unions and how to avenge:

    a) roz'yasnennya or rozkrittya zmіtu of that, about what to go to the first rechenni, for example:

        I did not have mercy: the old one did not move in the form of a proponated bottle.


        Over those, the troubles of the great family tormented them without interruption: either the wedding did not pass, then the nanny left, then, as now, having fallen ill one of the children.

    L. Tolstoy

        Here a picture of finishing the cicava was seen: the saklya was wide, as if it had been spiraling into two completed steps, it was sown to the people.


    b) substava, the reason why the first person should go, for example:

        Do not overtake you with a shalen troika: horses of the city, і mіtsnі, і strikers.


        It was not for nothing that the Greek gods recognized the charitable dominion of the share over themselves: the share - the head of that dark boundary, for the yak did not cross the svіdomіst of the old ones.


    § 162. Dvokrapka is placed between two words, not joined through alliances, as in the first word with such words, like bachiti, marvel, chuti, know, vіdchuvati and so on, to fight ahead of time, which gave a glimpse of some kind of fact, or some description, for example:

        І axis buoy-keeper and helper-Kyrgyz bachat: spit the river two strings.

    A. N. Tolstoy

        I popovz on the thick grass with a rage, I marvel: the fox has folded, the sprat of Cossacks is looking out for a galyavin, and the axis of my Karagez hangs right up to them ...


        Axis nareshti, we went up to the Gud-mountain, zupinilis and looked around: sulfur cloudy hung on it, and її cold breath threatened the approaching storm.


        I know: your heart has pride and direct honor.


        Pavlo v_dchuvaє: your fingers are sticking out of your hand more than your elbow.

    M. Ostrovsky

    Ale (without warning ahead):

        I feel the earth tremble.


    § 163. Dvokrapka is put after a proposition to introduce a direct language, a zokrema is a direct food or a viguk, for example:

        Khvilini two stinks moaned, but before her Onegin pidijshov and mov: You wrote before me, don’t piss.


        After the completion of the work, Petro asked Ibragim: “What is it like for you to be a girl, with such a dance you will exchange for the last assembly?”


        And I thought: “What an important and lazy lad!”


    Note. A group of speeches, at the warehouse of those, there is a direct language, next to the folding speeches with a contraction: put before the contraction, like a zavzhdi, coma, and in the end of yoga - a sign, necessary for the nature of the whole folding speech, for example:

      I thought about those, what an important and lazy lad.
      I tried to guess, de bov I of which fate is equal to that.
      Never again will I guess about those who were supposed to be?
      It’s important to think about those who have been on that stingy day!

    * Editorial comment to the portal

    Defisne writing warehouse split likeabout (At the meaning of "and the same"), let's get old. In the article “Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. The latest academic report” (edited by V.V. Lopatin. M., 2006 and the coming sight) in § 142 Union like included before the list of service words, yakі are written okremo.

    Sche in the "Glossary of Russian language" Z. I. Ozhegov, at the article of Yak, it was stated: “Yaks - the same, the same. Mustache business, like that: budive, textile, polygraphic - work normally».

    Razdіlne written warehouse split yak t about allows you to plant yogo on the leaves of the borrower's clerk before a before that.

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