De serving Suleiman Kerimiv. Suleiman Kerimov: a sovereign fiend and a professional investor. Stan Suleiman Kerimov

Member for the sake of the Federation of the Republic of Dagestan. In the past, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth term, a member of the "United Russia" faction (until April 2007 - a member of the LDPR faction). Vlasnik of the company "Nafta-Moscow". Behind the tribute ZMI is one of the richest people in Russia.

Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov was born on 12 February 1966 in Derbent (Dagestan). In 1983, he finished secondary school (with a gold medal) and joined the faculty of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute. After the first year of vocations to the army (additional lines for students of daytime graduations from universities were also waived). In 1984-1986, he served with the missile troops of strategic recognition. Having received the rank of senior sergeant, he was the head of the RVSP rozrakhunka. In the army, I went in for sports a lot - becoming the champion of the weightlifting division.

Turning from the army in 1986, Kerimov transferred to the Faculty of Economics of Dagestan. state university(DDU). Under the hour of the appointment of the intercessor of the head of the trade union committee of the university. In 1989, he graduated from the university, graduating with a diploma for the specialty "Accounting appearance and analysis of government activities", and started working at the Eltav plant of the Ministry of Electronic Industry - one of the best enterprises of the defense industry. Worked at the plant until 1995, passed through the path from the transitional economist to the assistant to the general director of economic nutrition.

In 1995, the beginning of the established circle of acquaintances among Moscow businessmen and officials, Kerimov took the proposition of becoming the intercessor of the general director of the Soyuz-Finance company. This Moscow company worked in the sphere of the country's aviation business, gray galuzahs and the banking sector. Kerimov accepted the proposition.

In April 1997, Kerimov became a scientific collaborator at the International Institute of Corporations (Moscow), and in the fierce year of 1999, he was appointed vice president of a non-commercial organization.

Himself in the 1990s, Kerimov, for the tribute of ZMI, having earned a cob capital. At Zhovtni 1998, Rock Kerimov for 50 milions Dolariv dovbavov 55 vidsotkiv Aktziy Investcappani Vat "Nafta-Moscow" (she traded Nafta Naftoproducts, the Bula was on the Basi Obzeftekport) vіdsotkіv] and thus becoming the head of the company.

In early 1999, Kerimov's fate was called for the appointment of the vice-president of the International Institute of Corporations at the meeting with the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation(Proishov at the Duma of the third call for the list of the federal federal list in the Zhirinovsky Bloc).

Having become a deputy, Karimov did not see the right. Behind the words of Yogo I know, vin, as before, I control my company again, and buying up assets became the lifeblood of Kerimov's capital. In that period, behind the ZMI tribute, the "soft" (without affiliation structures) business alliance between Karimov and Roman Abramovich was called, and later on, business leaders of the "Basic Element" Oleg Deripaska were established (for the credit, the alliance founded until leaf fall 2006).

In 2000, "Nafta-Moskva" bought the company "Var'eganneftegaz". In 2001, Kerimov’s team at the same time with the structures of Abramovich and Deripaska took part in Andriy Andriev’s business, which formed more than a hundred companies: "Rosiya"), the bank "Ingosstrakh-Soyuz" (nine "Soyuz"), "Nosta" and others. At the same time, Kerimov's company, as if it had become one of the largest oil traders in Russia, continued to enter its cob activity and in 2002 practically burned out the oil trade.

December 7, 2003 Kerimov was re-appointed as a deputy of the Derzhdumi. At the Duma of the fourth click on the names of the proishov for the regional federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party. The deputy was recognized as the intercessor of the head of the committee of the State Duma for physical culture and sports, and also included in the warehouse of the committee for security.

In the wake of 2003 and 2004, Nafta began to buy up land in the Moscow region on the Novorizky highway. On these lands it was planned to build 2.7 million square meters of elite dwelling and rozvazhalnyh complexes. The cost of the project was estimated at 3 billion dollars. The project took the name of the private place "Rublovo-Arkhangelsk". Until 2006, they had already borrowed 430 hectares of land.

At the fall of the leaves of 2005, the International Federation of United Styles of Wrestling (FILA) presented Kerimov with one of the most prestigious awards - the "Golden Order". The President of FILA Rafael Martinetti gave a special gift to the deputy of the city, so that "to honor the people, to support the struggle in Russia and in the rest of the world" (until 2005, Nafta-Moskva became the general sponsor of the national defense of Russia).

Naprikintsі 2005 year "Nafta" for 900 million dollars bought "Polymetal", a friend of the Russian gold and footwear company, and planned to place about 25 thousand shares on the stock exchange. In the fierce fate of 2006, Kerimov made a profit from Nafta-Moskva, a full-fledged investment company, turning it into a private equity fund.

Until 2006, Nafti, for official tribute, owed over 6 thousand shares to Oschadbank (about 1.6 billion dollars at current prices) and more than 4 thousand shares to Gazprom (10.4 billion dollars), cable television operators in Moscow Petersbourzi - "Mostelimerzha" ("Nafta" Volodіti 59 vіdsotoks of Aktrimism) TA "National Cable Merezhi", Mayzhe 20 VIDSTSII BIN -Bank, Two ACCII ACTITSIA, ACTI -Red Personal Personaire (Ut. Bought by "Nafta" from two companies, which are superb, were sold to the group "PIK" (for the money ZMI, Kerimov earned on resale).

At that time, operations for resale, including those on the market of indestructibility, became the "forge" of Kerimov. At the end of 2006, Nafta became a partner of Mosbudeconombank, which owns Smolensky Passage, took away control of SVK Rozvitok from Chernya, which united three business firms, and Moscow’s measure for those shares. Mosprombud". A day from tsikh pridban was not lost from "Nafta": "Rozvitok" outbid "Bazovy Element" Deripaska, "Mosprombud" and Mosbudekonombank - group "BIN".

At the grassroots of 2006, Kerimov became a member of the Opikunsk Council of the Wrestling Federation of Russia. Following the words of the President of the Federation, Mikhail Mamiashvili, the decision about the launching of Opikunskaya for the sake of that recognition of the її kerіvnik was accepted by the one who, for an effective vykonannya, should stand before the Federation of Sports Wrestling of Russia, the virishal meaning of the new construction sovereign bodies sports management and great national business structures.

Unbeknownst to the press, there was information about those that the football club "Dynamo" could be bought by Kerimov, the oscar of the club of that company Fedcominvest, Oleksiy Fedorichev, who is currently active in his sports business in Russia. The information was based on the fact that Kerimov had already tried more than once to get into the football business. In 2004, representatives of "Nafta-Moskva" were negotiating for the purchase of a controlling stake in the shares of the Italian "Romi" (please did not agree), three of them Kerimov could please the Moscow Region about financing the football club "Saturn" (please, 60 dollar was surging at the last moment). In 2005, the Nafta-Moskva Rotary Company became one of the sponsors of the Russian Football Union.

At the same time, Kerimov, together with Deripaska and Abramovich, added a stake in the state-owned oil company Rosneft (companies, for example, in 2004 bought a lot of Donka oil company Yukos - Yugansknaftogaz). And at the end of 2006, in the press, there were reports about those that Nafta-Moskva was small enough to buy the borg of NK Yukos , having paid off the creditors of "YUKOS", in fact, take control over his assets). It was asserted that Kerimov would talk about such a possibility with the president of Yukos, Steven Tidi. Later, the press service of "Nafta" officially called for information.

In the middle of the leaf fall of 2006, it became known to the journalists that Kerimov had decided to take up the hotel business in Moscow. On November 21, 2006, the Nafta company and the Moscow department voted about the creation of the United Hotel Company (statutory capital - 2 billion dollars), where shares were transferred for 20 hotels (including Baltschug, Metropol, what is on the balance of the place). "National" and "Redisson-Slovyanska"). It was said that the fate of the project was to make "Nafta" one of the leaders of the Moscow hotel market.

The list of the richest people in the world, compiled by Forbes magazine in 2006, Kerimov posіv 72 months. Yogo stats, for tribute to the magazine, reached 7.1 billion dollars. In addition, for the tribute of ZMI, even in 2005, Kerimov rose to the number of 50 richest Russians, as if they were in the air, - they added a BBJ liner (business version of the Boeing 737-700, costing approximately 50 million dollars).

On the 25th of the fall of 2006, Karimov spent his fate before a car accident. Behind the tribute of the newspaper Nice Matin, a car, like a deputy at once from the companion їhav the English embankment in Nice, crashing into a tree and falling. Kerimov with important opikami was taken to a specialized clinic de la Timone near Marseille. Behind the words of the eyewitnesses of the accident, the zoom itself vibratised from the car, trying to beat the half-mind out of his clothes. The companion of the businessman, TV presenter for the STS channel Tina Kandelaki, suffered less for the tribute of journalists. Vaughn was delivered to the Saint-Roch dispensary and was registered the same day.

Dzherela, who are close to Kerimov, told the journalists that they did not threaten their lives. At the same time, the spivrobitnik at the kerіvnitstvі lіkarnі de la Timone told "Vidomosti" that Kerimov was connected to the apparatus of a piece dihannya and was known to the piece komі. The doctor did not predict the patient's future, having said only that Kerimov is "stable and under the supervision of physicians". It was also reported that the Crimean opikiv, the deputy, took away a craniocerebral injury. As for Kerimov’s companion, then, following the words of Oleksandr Rodnyansky, president of the CTC Media company (the company, in a similar way Kandelaki), on the 26th of the fall of the leaves there was already a bula in Moscow.

On the back, the investigation reported that Kerimov, who was sitting at the kerm of the car, did not run into the caravans, if he went to the outskirts. The policemen shied up to the version that the amount of water supply on the embankment was 50 miles per year, which is close to 70 kilometers per year. According to the version of the police, as a result of Kerimov's maneuver, a car - a Ferrari Enzo, worth 675 thousand euros - hit the pavement, then it hit a tree, and the impact crouched at the gas tank.

For a long time Kandelaki did not confirm her fate at the roadside, imitating the fact that she did not start in Nice, but stayed at home, near Moscow, because she fell ill with a mumps. Later, the TV presenter knew that she had changed at once from Kerimov at his car, and added that she only spoke about the pig in order to grab her stosunki with the deputy. Kandelaki told the journalists that on the road in front of Karimov's car, a human being jumped up like a rapt. Sob not to beat Yogo, the deputy sharply wrenched the kermo, and it caused the accident.

On December 5, 2006, the Belgian newspaper RTL, with a request to a representative of the Belgian Ministry of Defense, announced that Kerimov was transferred to the Queen Astrid hospital in Brussels. For information, Kerimov was transported to Belgium to the hospital of Professor Jean-Louis Vincennes from the Erasme hospital, which he asked the Minister of Defense of Belgium, Andre Flao, to see "like vines" of special possessions of aircraft and a brigade of Belgian military "transporters". In addition, the professor said that all attendants involved in transportation will be more or less dependent on the patient or relatives.

On September 24, 2007, it became fateful that Kerimov turned to Moscow and started work. As the news agency "Interfax" told, close to the core of the VAT "GNK" (the "Nafta-Moscow"), a kind of Volodya Kerimov, a businessman, "practically recollected after the accident" and "practiced in the normal mode in the same way."

On April 6, 2007, it became known to fate that Kerimov had written a statement about leaving the LDPR faction. As the representative of the committee of the State Duma declared about the regulations, Kerimov did not obstruct his decision. After giving the committee s regulations, Kerimov did not write any additional statements about joining the other Duma faction. That same day, it became clear that the faction (and at the same time the LDPR party) was abandoned by deputy Oleg Malishkin, who in 2004 ran for the LDPR with the president of Russia. The parliamentarian told the journalists that we could be left with an independent deputy. Vice-speaker of the Derzhdumi, leader of the liberal democrats Volodymyr Zhirinovsky, commenting on Kerimov's anger, telling journalists that the reason for his departure from the faction was a gross violation of party discipline. According to Zhirinovsky, the deputy did not take an active part in the election campaigns in his region.

On April 12, 2007, the fate of ZMI was told about those that Kerimov wrote one more statement - for the first time about joining the faction of "United Russia" (his view was recognized on April 17).

On April 19, 2007, in the Russian version, Forbes magazine published a rating of the richest citizens of Russia. The list of the hundred richest Russians was chosen by the governor of Chukotka, Roman Abramovich, whose assets until the spring of 2007 reached 19.2 billion dollars. Kerimov from 12.8 billion dollars in somme land.

On May 11, 2007, it became fateful that the presidium of the "United Russia" faction decided to accept a deputy to the fraction's warehouse. Formally, the food about the adoption of Kerimov is little discussed at the meetings of subgroups of fractions, but in fact the food can already be taken into consideration.

In early 2007, the fate of Kerimov was selected as a representative of the national assembly of Dagestan in the Radiation of the Federation. The candidacy was nominated by 56 deputies, who were present at the meetings of the republican parliament. Turn Kerimov by proponing the riverman of the Dagestan parliament Magomed Suleymanov. For yoga words, Kerimov - to dosit vodomy politician, who "gives encouragement to Dagestan, especially to the athletes of the republic." On February 20, 2008, Kerimov became a senator: the Rada of the Federation confirmed his recognition as a representative of the National Assembly of Dagestan.

In early 2008, the newspaper "Komersant" told about those structures, controlled by Kerimov, sold large blocks of shares to "Gazprom" and Oschadbank, which belonged to them. The number of shares per cob of rock was 15.37 and 5.4 billion dollars, obviously. The newspaper also reported that Kerimov's structures were "sold or to conduct negotiations about sales" of other Russian businessmen's assets - Metronom AG, the operator of several supermarkets "Merkado" (sold to X5 Retail Group in autumn 2007 for 200 million dollars), "National Telecommunications" (the name was National Media Group, the main shareholder was Yury Kovalchuk's "Rosiya" bank) and parts in the "Polymetal" company (the founder of the ICT group Oleksandr Nesіs, as well as the Russian financier of the fund Oleksandr Mamut and the Russian structure, were named as the founders). Krym tsgogo, for the tribute dzherel "Komersant", Kerimov zbiravsya to sell and elite settlement "Rublyovo-Arkhangelsk" that will be. After the sale of land, telecommunications, metallurgy and other assets, the businessman is practically not guilty of losing investments from Russia. It was also reported that, as a result of the sale of Russian assets, Kerimov invested in foreign financial institutions (for the newspapers, at that time he had already added about 3 hundred shares of Deutsche Bank, as well as Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, UBS papers).

However, at the fierce fate of 2009, a bulletin was published about Kerimov's banquet from Russia. It was reported that "Nafta-Moskva" became the manager of 75 projects of "Glavbud SPb" - the company, like in St. Petersburg Volodymyr, the development projects of the corporation "Glavbud" (Business Development Project of "Basel" Deripaska). The Komersant newspaper was close to Kerimov’s company, which informed about the purchase, confirmed that Nafta-Moskva was “consolidated in the consolidation” of all parts of LLC Glavbud SPb, whose portfolio of projects was estimated at 6 million square meters of neuroscience. At the same time, it became known that the Moscow squad had propagated "Nafta-Moskva" a controlling stake in the BAT "Dekmos", which was engaged in the life of the hotel "Moscow". Tim not less, "Nafta-Moskva" took away private control over BAT "Dekmos" only in sichni 2010, if it gained 50 thousand shares of Konk Select Partners - the company, which owed 51 thousand shares of BAT "Dekmos".

At the end of 2009, Kommersant reported that Volodymyr Potanin, head of the Interros holding, was selling 22% of Polyus Gold shares to Kerimov's structures. Please don’t tell the sum, the prote newspaper gave data about the number of shares of Polyus, which were quoted according to the market on the date of the operation - 22 thousand dollars cost 1.42 billion dollars. Analysts agreed on the thought that Kerimov added more assets "to the song term for a distant resale." The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) informed that the purchase of a stake in Polyus Gold by Kerimov was praised by the rank commission for foreign investments. At the end of 2009, when Polyus Gold revealed the structure of power, it became clear that Kerimov was the beneficiary of 36.88 thousand shares of the company: it was reported that this stake was controlled through Wandle Holdings Limited. Irrespective of those that 24.59 thousand shares of the same package were sold for the sake of REPO ed.), the right to vote for someone new Kerimov saved. The repurchase agreement was laid down, and if the businessman has the right to turn the shares, it was not advised. In the fierce year of 2010, Polyus Gold, which Kerimov actually led at once from Mikhail Prokhorov, received 11.4 hundred shares of RBC Information Systems BAT, the parent company of RBC media holding.

Nadali Kerimov continued to buy up Russian development companies. So, at the end of 2009, one of the largest developers in the country, the PIK group of companies, officially found out that Nafta-Moskva had taken 25 thousand shares and filed a complaint with the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the purchase of another 20 thousand shares of PIK. In the same fate, the Vedomosti newspaper reported that Kerimova's Nafta Ko became a sponsor of the Moscow Voentorg, and a few representatives went to the warehouse for the sake of the directors of ZAT "Trading house "TsVUM"", which is to lie "Voentorg". The financial director of "Nafta Co" confirmed the information about those that "Nafta Co" should have a maximum of 100 widows of ZAT "Trading House "TsVUM" ("Voentorg"), adding that the operation was closed in the fall of 2008. Prote dzherelo "Vidomosti" said that the department store of Kerimov's company was about 300 million dollars - 300 million dollars - 300 million dollars - 300 million dollars - 300 million dollars - 300 million dollars, which would see the project only after the completion of the reconstruction of "Voentorg".

Suleiman Kerimov is a young child in the family. The new one has a brother, a doctor for fakh, that sister, a vikladach of Russian movies and literature. Old men and other relatives of Kerimov live near Moscow. Firuz Karimova's team of undertaking - the daughter of a functionary of the CPRS; for some kind of information, Kerimov herself is rich with her, in which he starts his early career. For various tributes, Suleiman and Firuzi have two or three children. Like the squad of Kerimov, the estradna spivachka Natalia Vetlitska was also pardoned, like a star with such dzherel maє vіd ny donka. In 2008, it was mentioned that one more time Kerimova, designer Katya Gomіashvili, was robbed of her daughter.

Suleiman Kerimov is one of the "old-timers" in the Forbes rating. He is not only one of the richest businessmen in Russia, but also the richest member of the Upper House of the Parliament of the Russian Federation, and in many years he represents the native republic of Dagestan. Suleiman Kerimov is not only a great businessman and a happy investor, but also a powerful political and sovereign fiend with a good reputation and experience.

  • PIB: Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich
  • Date of birth: March 12, 1966
  • Lighting: Dagestan State University, Faculty of Economics (graduated in 1989)
  • Cob 1993 rіk
  • Type of activity at start: bank "Fedprombank"
  • Current type of activity: Member of the Radiation of the Federation of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Dagestan
  • Flow mill (2017 rіk): 6.3 billion dollars

Suleiman Kerimov deserves a well-deserved authority in native Dagestan, which he represents a lot of fate in the Radiation of the Federation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, you have been able to create a powerful business empire, which includes great assets in Russia and beyond the cordon. Serious life is shocking, so terrible is the car accident and the cost of the entire life in the crisis of 2008, they didn’t break this strong people. Vіn not only turned to the great business, but also restored the leading positions in the rating of the richest businessmen in the country.

Dagestan - small fatherland of the Russian oligarch

Suleiman, a Lezghian for nationalism, was born on 12 February 1966 in the sleepy Derbent, in the intellectual homeland of a lawyer and an accountant. short biography Suleiman Kerimov begins with a story similar to that time.

The Radyansk childhood and youth of the future billionaire passed in the native Caucasus. Vіn z vіdznakoyu graduating from school, vіddav military obov'yazok Batkivshchina, having served in the army, graduating in 1989 from the Faculty of Economics of the Dagestan State University.

The young man is seriously indulging in important athletics and wrestling and achievements in this field of commemorative success. The career of the young economist also turned out to be quite successful.

Malyunok 1. Mathematics and sports are the children of Karimov's hoarding.

In the Caucasus, clan and clan support is traditionally strong. Zavdyaki far off the boat and the protection of the spitting father-in-law Kerimov labor activity at the "Eltav" plant, which produces electronic equipment.

The purpose of directing the young man was quickly raised by service gatherings from the economist to the assistant to the general director. In 1993, Suleiman Kerimov's assistants were given the right to represent the interests of shareholders at the newly created Fedprombank. Kerimov moved to Moscow. From this moment, a new round was opened in the biography of Suleiman Kerimov, his similarity to the financial and political Olympus.

Before the speech, the elder brother and sister of Suleiman Kerimov, representatives of the classic professions of a doctor and teacher, and to great business, there are not a few hundred years.

I will become a special business

Nezabarom Kerimov became the guardian of "Fedprombank", and then spun off the company "Soyuz-Finance". Vіn nabuv priceless knowledge, occupied with operations in the financial markets, as well as lending to enterprises of industrial companies, as if acknowledging financial difficulties in the crisis.

After the completion of economic problems, for the additional support of supplementary financing of enterprises, they turned loans to the bank with a large marginal profit for credit, which was established especially for Kerimov. Surely, at the same time, the sensible and successful economy has no less successful investor.

The basis of Kerimov's business was formed by the purchase and sale of various assets in the distant lands.

The first head office of the oligarch was the Nafta-Moskva company, which, as a matter of fact, is filled with the head business structure of Kerimov. Vіn shvidko having increased his share of the company to 100% and becoming a one-of-a-kind її vlasnik. "Nafta-Moskva" was busy with oil transportation, but without a hitch, it reduced its activity to a minimum and turned into a full-fledged investment company.

The main risks for the business of Suleiman Kerimov are: predilection for the first echelon assets (naphtha, gold-mining industry, telecommunications and development), the creation of pributkovy enterprises and the supply of power to the business with state structures.

Malyunok 2. Kerimov was constantly asked to take care of the banks (pictured by VTB President Andriyem Kostin).

The first great surplus was brought to Kerimov by the purchase of shares by Gazprom and Oschadbank on a special loan received for this penny. The favorable situation on the financial market has made it possible to quickly turn back loans and take a large margin from the favor.

Table 1. A number of successful favors of Suleiman Kerimov

Name of the asset (purchase)

1 "Polymetal". In 2005, a controlling stake was obtained, in 2007 - an IPO was held on the London Stock Exchange for the amount of 2.44 billion dollars

In 2008, 70% (the whole package) of shares was sold to Oleksandr Nesis (IST Group), Oleksandr Mamut and Peter Kellner (PPF)

2 Place of Millionaires "Rublovo-Arkhangelsk" - development project (2003-2008)

The project was sold to Mikhail Shishkhanov (Bin Bank)

3 P'yatizirkovy hotel "Chotiri seasons" of creations in 2009 on the basis of the hotel "Moscow"

In 2015, the distribution of sales to Belarusian enterprises in Khotynim

4 In 2005, Mosteleseti was created, in 2007 - the National Telecommunications holding

In 2008, the asset was sold to Yuriy Kovalchuk for $1.5 billion

5 GC "PIK" - the largest forgetful in Russia, in 2009, more than 40% of shares were added. At the time of purchase, the capitalization of the group was 279 million dollars, until 2013 - 1.42 billion dollars

In 2013, a block of shares was sold to Oleksandr Mamut and Sergiy Gordyev

6 "Uralkaliy" - the world's largest producer of potash fertilizers, 2010

Shares of the company were sold in 2013 to Mikhail Prokhorov and Dmitry Mazepin

Suleiman Kerimov has long been able to enter the richest businessmen of the country, if I want to expand it, I will periodically recognize the original colivans.

Jerelo: Forbes

So, in 2008, the financial empire of the oligarch had a real disaster. Ale yi was blowing an even scarier podium that was traipsing in sleepy France.

Two catastrophes: life before that day

This novelty has spread all over the world. 2006 rock in Nice became a terrible accident. Elite car Ferrari crashed into a tree on majestic speed. The Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov sat behind the kerm. Zіtknennya boulo nastіlki strong, scho avtomobilі after an accident not pіdlyagav vіdnovlennyu.

Malyunok 3. After the accident, Ferrari was sent to the hall.

The life of an oligarch vryatuvavala incompetent system of security of expensive foreign cars. Alas, it’s a pity, at the saloon, the fire burned, the fire spread to the water. Eyewitnesses recounted that Kerimov was literally choked with fire, if he got out of the car and tried powerful forces put out the half-light. Suleiman Abusaidovich was delivered to the clinic in a term. Yogo was lied to. Ale ahead, there was a trivale of rejoicing and rejoicing. It seems that the consequences of the accident are indicated on the health of the oligarch's dosі.

Dovidka. Kerimov’s companion at that fatal train appeared in the house of the Russian television host Tina Kandelaki, who practically did not suffer from a marvelous rank.

Undaunted by the aftermath of a terrible accident, Suleiman Kerimov did not let the management of his business empire go to hell. At that time, I had transferred practically all my assets abroad and had grandiose plans to expand investments in foreign companies. Not more than being, but actively zdіysnyuvav.

If there is practically no pennies available at that time, it is possible to reveal the scope of the operation, as Kerimova was named the largest private investor of Morgan Stanly.

The oligarch nastіlki vіriv vіv іn thе success оf thеіr іnitiаn, whо, nоt dоwn wіth аnxious calls frоm thе bіlіbіlіh svіtovіh bіrzh, stіyke decrease in quotation аktіy prodovіv vіd skupuvat tsіnі piperi greіt pridpriemstv. Alas, for the first time, Kerimov was prompted by a senseless business. The light financial market has fallen, buried under the ruins of about 20 billion dollars Kerimov.

A lot of experts navit allowed the end of the history of Suleiman Kerimov's success after such expenses. Ale Suleiman Abusaidovich deservedly deserved the reputation of a strong and sensible engraver. Great business carries great risks. I can easily survive the loss, the collapse is the quality, the power of large-scale features. Bula prograni battle, ale z vіyna. Kerimov, having continued his business, trochs corrected the strategy. Now vin pragnuv pridbannya operational control over their assets.

It is noteworthy that Kerimov literally turned to the top of the Forbes rating in triumph for a long time.

Today, you have practically managed to reach the twenty richest businessmen in Russia. Per rest river the Kerimov camp increased by 200%. The oligarch gradually transfers his assets to Said, including Polyus Gold and the airport near Makhachkala, the daedals are more focused on community activity that beneficence.

Political career

Kerimov is no less than a successful businessman, who is able to survive the fall and renew gold. The uniqueness of this specialty lies in the fact that the wine is supported by a thriving hour and a political long-liver, moreover, the most equal.

Suleiman Abusaidovich - deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd fold (1999-2003 pp., 2004-2007 pp.) of the Liberal Democratic Party. Since 2008, until this day, Kerimov represents native Dagestan to the Radiation of the Federation of the Russian Federation.

Obviously, formally, Kerimov handed over the management of business assets to the fund named after himself, hoping for a state service. Ale, in fact, having continued to control and inject into the processes of his structures. Moreover, as if having shown the hour, we will successfully go through all the spheres of our various activities.

Mitsna sіm'ya that garne special life

With his retinue Firuz Suleiman got to know in his youth. For dovga sleeping life the stench swung three children, as if they were following the father on the right. The squad of the oligarch has always been a boon for a new superior til and a true friend. Firuza Kerimova - post non-public, ale, krim pidtrimki home fire that vihovannya of children, she takes a part in the beneficent activity of a person, especially in Dagestan.

Like for a Caucasian, sіm'ya for Kerimov - tse holy. Yogo shlyub mіtsniy and indestructible, wanting to try yogo zruynuvati still strove from the side of other women. For the sake of justice, varto indicate that Suleiman Abusaidovich himself gave a lead for such trials, being a lover beautiful women.

Ale yoga stosunki posture sіm'єyu nіyak can not be called a fit in the vulgar meaning of the word. First, like a right Caucasian, Kerimov is romantically and with a wide eye on women. In a different way, one of the most beautiful and most beautiful women of the country showed up next to him. Thirdly, the wines are not particularly attracted to their romantic views from the public, which, as it seems, greatly reduces their interest in such stories.

The oligarch’s girlfriends at the time of the hour were Nataliya Vetlitska, the scandalous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, Tina Kandelaki, the actress Olesya Sudzilovska. The skin story tells a fairy tale about a handsome prince, really, with the same finale: the prince ends his days and is left with his family. Flats, summer cottages, luxury and boutiques are thrown into the mystery of a beautiful girl.

In this hour, I am a member of the Federation for the sake of the Republic of Dagestan. In the past, he was a deputy of the Sovereign Duma of the Russian Federation for the fourth time, a member of the "United Russia" faction. Volodymyr company "Nafta-Moscow".

In 2000, Nafta-Moskva added the Var'eganneftegaz company, and in 2001 Kerimov became a part of the business Andriy Andreeva, who formed part of a large number of companies: Ingosstrakh-Rosiya (single Rosiya), Avtobank (2006) roci uviishov to the corporation "Uralsib"), "Ingosstrakh-Soyuz" (nine "Soyuz"), "Ingosstrakh", "Nosta" and many others. Overnight, Kerimov's company, as if it had become one of the largest oil traders in Russia, gradually entered its main activity, in 2002, having practically ceased to engage in oil trading.

On December 7, 2003, Kerimov was elected deputy of the Derzhdumi, having come to the Duma on the fourth call for the federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party. Kerimova was included in the warehouse of the committee for safety, and was also recognized as the intercessor of the head of the committee of the State Duma for physical culture and sports.

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Forbes magazine

In 2003-2004, "Nafta" began to buy up land in Pdmoskov on the Novorizky highway. On this territory, it was planned to build 2.7 million square meters of residential complexes of that elite dwelling. The project was called "Private place Rublyovo-Arkhangelsk" and cost about 3 billion dollars. In 2006, they borrowed over 430 hectares of land already.

In 2005, Karimov won the title of "Golden Order" in the name of the International Federation of United Styles of Wrestling. Rafel Martіnetti, president of the TsI-ї compani, who was specially handed over to the deputy to the deputy, Scho "Visloviti Povagu people, yak pirimu Borotbu in the uvomo svitі" (2005 Rock components of Nafta-Moskvy, became the general sponsorship of the National ).

In 2005, Kerimov bought a friend for the size of the Russian gold mining company Politmetal, spending about 900 million dollars. However, it was planned to place close to 25% of the company's shares on the stock exchange. In 2006, a businessman makes a decision about those who want to create a full-fledged investment company from Nafta-Moskva, as it becomes a direct investment fund.

For official tribute, in 2006, Nafta's share was awarded 6 thousand shares to Oschadbank (which is close to 1.5 billion dollars at current prices) and 4 thousand shares to Gazprom (10.4 billion dollars). Крім цього, «Нафті» належали оператори кабельного телебачення в Петербурзі та Москві «Мостелісітка» та «Національні кабельні мережі», близько 20 відсотків акцій Бін-банку, 91 відсоток акцій Краснопресненського цукрорафінадного заводу, 2 відсотки акцій ВАТ МГТС, 50 відсотків акцій мережі супермаркетів . "Mercado".

During this period, the resale became a kind of “kovzan” of Kerimov. In 2006, Nafta became a partner in Mosbudeconombank, took control of SVK Rozvitok, and also took 17% of the shares of the Mosprombud holding. However, "Naft" does not lack the lucrative fortunes: the Bin group bought "Mosbudekonombank" and "Mosprombud", and "Rozvitok" was transferred from Deripaska's "Bazovy Element".

In 2006, Karimov became a member of Opikunskaya for the sake of the Wrestling Federation of Russia. The vital significance was the long-term cooperation with the great national business structures and the sovereign bodies of sports management.

In the next hour of the next day, information appeared in ZMI about those that Kerimov, possibly, would come to the Dynamo football club, the remnants of the head of the club, Oleksiy Fedorichev, wanted to start the sports business in Russia. The basis of this allowance was Kerimov's non-recurring bazhannya to expand the football business.

In 2004, representatives of the Nafta-Moskva company negotiated the purchase of a controlling stake in the shares of the Italian Romi, but they did not agree. Trohi pіznіshe mіzh Kerimov and the order of the Moscow region was practically arranged for the sake of financing the football club "Saturn" (the favor was saved at the last moment). In 2005, Nafta-Moskva became one of the sponsors of the Russian Football Union.

Together with Abramovich and Deripaska, Kerimov gained a block of shares in Rosneft, and in the spring of 2006, ZMI published information about the sale of Nafta-Moskva to the borg of Yukos Oil Company (1 Arbitration Court The Moscow company was recognized as a bankrupt, be it some kind of investor, some kind of inviting to pay її Borg, in fact, taking control over її assets). There were a few talks between Kerimov and the president of Yukos, Steven Tide, about the implementation of a similar idea, but the press service of Nafta officially called out similar information.

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At the fall of the leaves of 2006, information about the city of Kerimov appeared as a big business in Moscow. On the 21st of the fall of 2006, the Moskvy department "Nafta" voted about the creation of the BAT "United Hotel Company", the statutory capital of which was 2 billion dollars. Shares of over 20 hotels were transferred here, which are on the balance sheet of the city (Metropol, Balchug, Radisson-Slovyanska, National).

25 leaf fall 2006 rock in Nice Kerimov dragged to a car accident. How did the newspaper Nice Matin tell, Kerimov's car, in which he drove out of Tina Kandelaki at once, crashed into a tree and fell. Due to the deputy's serious warnings, he was taken to the liquor de la Timone near Marseille. As eyewitnesses said, Kerimov managed to get out of the car on his own. Yogo's companion suffered less: having passed all the necessary refreshments at the Saint-Roch liquorice, she was discharged at the next hour.

Scandal from Kerimovim:

Dzherela and sharpened Kerimov made an official statement about those who do not threaten the life of a businessman. However, the spіvrobіtnik at the cerіvnitstvі likarnі de la Timone rozpovіv about deshcho іnshe stan ref. The deputy, for yoga words, perebuvaє in komі and podklyucheniya to the apparatus piece dihannya. I also added the wine that the businessman is "stable and has been under the supervision of doctors." Krym tsgogo, it became known that Kerimov, in a number of cases, having removed a craniocerebral injury.

At the thought of the investigation, Kerimov, who, having changed for a kerm of a car, did not run into the caravans. This version was based on the fact that the cold water supply on the embankment was less than 70 kilometers per year. After trying to overtake, Kerimov's car (Ferrari Enzo, vartistyu 675 thousand euros) hit the pavement, after which the car hit a tree, and a fatal blow fell on the gas tank (due to which, a fire started).

For an hour, Tina Kandelaki was asking for her fate at the road accident, invoking the fact that at that hour she was at home through the ailment. Ale nevdovzі TV presenter did know that she was a businessman at the time of the accident at her car. She only told about her ailment to those who wanted to attach the fact of their hundred years as a deputy. Behind the words of Kandelaki, on the road in front of the car, a human being suddenly jumped up. Kerimov sharply wyvern kermo, which caused the accident.

On December 5, 2006, in the Belgian newspaper RTL, with a request to a representative of the Belgian Ministry of Defense, information was published about those that Kerimov was transported to the Queen Astrid military hospital near Brussels. The deputy was sent to Belgium on the initiative of Professor Jean-Louis Vincennes at the Erasme Hospital.

On September 24, 2007, information appeared about the return of the deputy to Moscow, de vin immediately rozpochav his work. As dzherel, close to the core of the BAT “DNK” (at the past “Nafta-Moscow”), Kerimov “practically resurrected after the accident” and “practiced in a poor regime and in full obsyas” were told.

On April 6, 2007, ZMI received information about Kerimov's voluntary departure from the LDPR faction. The businessman did not finish his decision. And on April 12, 2007, it became known to fate that Kerimov, having written a statement about the chance to join the faction of "United Russia".

Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich and yoga women are the subject of interest of the Russians, but to talk about one of the richest businessmen in the country, I’m addicted to a representative of a beautiful state. With whom, as a well-to-do, yogi, generosity and recognition of the inviolability of the institute of sіm'ї are exalted.

Trochy biographies

A native of Derbent (Dagestan) near the birch tree of 2016 turned 50. From childhood, the young man hobbled in sports, which did not respect you to do good. After passing through the army and graduating from the university with a degree in economics, Kerimov opened his career at the Eltav plant. Having protected the father-in-law, more than a student, the young man made friends with the girl on the name of Firuz. Vaughn bula and become the head woman of yoga life, giving three children:

  • Gulnaru born in 1990 n.;
  • Abusaida born in 1995 n.;
  • Aminat born in 2003 n.

For 6 years, the ordinary economist rose to the rank of assistant to the general director and transferred to Moscow to represent the interests of the Federal Industrial Bank, one of the founders of such a business. The topic “Suleiman Kerimov and his wife” is discussed in the press, so that a huge capital is invested in assets, which may have a growth potential. Having got into oil and wine, he became the head of "Nafti-Moskva", adding shares to "Gazprom", "Sberbank", "Polymetal", selling them for a bargain price.

Appearance of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Having earned a cob capital from the 90s, Kerimov formally became a member of the Council of Ministers, becoming a deputy of the State Duma of the Liberal Democratic Party (1999). For the rest of the year, Dagestan is represented by the Radiation of the Federation. The links that appeared in state structures helped to solve problems in companies, like wines.

In the circle itself, a low novel began under the name "Suleiman Kerimov and yoga woman." Photo of the first beauty - Natalia Vetlitskaya's partner, you can chat with the article. Peak її kar'єri tezh crouched at 90. The similarity to the Olympus began with the car's of the dancers, and then the back-vocalists. At 24 years old, she ate to the group "Mirage" zavdyaki producer Andriy Razin.

For a couple of years, the couple left the team. Before the wedding with Kerimov, the woman had three official suits and civilians with Vlad Stashevsky, Mikhail Topalov, Dmitry Malikov. Vetlitska brought the image to the stage Holy Left against such a temperamental Lezgin simply could not stand up.

Roman with a dream

The successes of pop divi on the stage show up as a businessman The oligarch turned the star to the popular Olympus, investing pennies in the її rozruchuvannya. Suleiman Kerimov and yoga women always showed up at the same time at the world's entrances, fortunately the squad gave priority to the community's life at home. Not to blame for the court union from Vetlitskaya, that I create hostility, that the couple make friends. On the 38th day of the birth of the girlfriend, the billionaire ruled a grand evening at the garden of the 19th century from the requested stars of the light stage. As a gift, it was given a gift of 10 thousand. dollars

In 2004, Vetlitska gave birth to a daughter, Ulana. Її good father nevіdomy. The intrigue is added to them, what is the name of the girl - a copy of the mother. The captivating romance ended in a roar, but like a farewell gift, Kerimov left the apartment on Novy Rizi ta litak for a lot of his pas. Today, the woman lives as a self-taught person in Spain, does not make contacts with colleagues from show business and does not give interviews. Ale presi went on to say that the Swiss lawyer Kerimova is dealing with the rights of the Vetlitsky dossi.

Anastasia Volochkova

A young Anastasia Volochkova came to change her age. Until 2009, Vetlitska still played rock and lived in Russia, which became a sign of a new novel. A little bit, she stumbled upon a newly minted couple in one of the restaurants, where she promised to take revenge on a ballerina who hired bandits. Volochkova snarled in a right way, she yearned in the sight of the oligarch for a more powerful funeral.

The women of Suleiman Kerimov knew about his family camp, from which they had to put up. Ale Anastasia Volochkova tried to take the billionaire with her family, for which she paid with a rose of stosunkiv. Її problems with the Great Theatre, the terms zbіglis z їх separations.

Accident in Nice

In the autumn of 2006, Kerimov's car was consumed in an accident in Nice, crashing into a tree. The airbags cushioned the blow, and from the fire tank sizzled fire, which burned, calling out to fire. Embracing half-minds, the businessman fell to the ground, trying to put out the clothes that he was falling on. Iomu came to the rescue with podlets, like playing baseball on the meadow. Tse vryatuvalo yoma life, even though the French doctors fought for it for a long time. Today, about the incident, they predict mittens under the color of the shkir, like a businessman to wear from that hour.

What is the purpose of history under the name "Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov and his wife"? The photo of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki flew around ZMI. The blind brunette was in the car with an oligarch, but luckily she didn’t know any serious troubles. As a friend of the patron Andrey Kondrakhinim, the woman diligently tried to get in touch with the oligarch, but the fact was that there were public relations. For a sprig of rocks, Kandelaki's hats broke up.

Katya Gomiashvili

At the same time, Moscow whispered the oligarch's romance with the young daughter of the successful restaurateur Archil Gomiashvili, which created the unforgettable image of Ostap Bender in the cinema. Otrimavshis glamor evropejsku osvitu, Katya on pennies dad created her brand clothes Mia Shvili. We went to the right in the middle until that hour, until the pleasurable patron joined in until the right. Katya became a part of the project "Suleiman Kerimov and Yoga Women". Your novel was three years old, for which the girl zumila opened a boutique near London, the designs were designed by the designer of light named Eb Rogers, and she came to Moscow for a fair chance to show the collections of such celebrities as Kate Moss.

Її painted sheepskin coats, cloth towels and swimwear in sequins were bought up with satisfaction by the “golden youth”, until the girl cooled down to the modeling business. It turned out that tse s її vagіtnіstyu. The people of Mary's daughter were embarrassed by the woman to sell boutiques, for which she took compensation from Kerimov from a million dollars. Vіn having established a new people's schomisyachny boarding house and donating an ex-cohancian villa near France.


What more beauties of modernity should be included in the story under the name "Suleiman Kerimov and yoga woman"? Following Nastya Volochkova, the oligarch had a lot of girls with an actress. And then the filmmakers appeared to be great for the new one, so the couple quickly parted.

The paparazzi caught sight of the beautiful Zhanna Friska in the Leleka restaurant. Close to two years, the businessman affectionately stroked the companion's hand, whispering compliments in her ear. The history of the castle, which is a solitary trance, which they said was like a blue.

Today's day

The crisis of 2008 caused Kerimov to spend over 20 billion dollars through investments in foreign projects. The businessman did not just say goodbye to financial troubles, but again he moved to the forefront of the business. For the past year, the topic “Suleiman Kerimov and yoga women” has been practically closed. Photo 2016 to celebrate that the oligarch is no longer accompanied by young beauties at world visits. Tse pov'yazuyut іz ailments and the aftermath of an accident in Nice. In 2016, the oligarch viyshov left the Duma for the sake of the Federation. Previously, he lost his beloved child - the football club "Anji".

The rest of the woman, she wrote about the press, as about the main lover of a businessman, her daughter Gulnara, as she was married in 2013 for the son of a foreign father named Arsen. The oligarch of the vlastuvav їy rozkіshne veіllya at the closed golf clubs іz requested іtalіyskih and mіstsevih celebrities.

One of the richest people in Russia, a deputy of the Sovereign Duma of the Russian Federation Suleiman Kerimov, was born on 12 February 1966 in the city of Derbent, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Ninі - the Republic of Dagestan). Batko is a lawyer, having worked at a carny rozshuk; mother worked as an accountant at the Oschadbank of the Russian Federation system.

In 1983, S. Kerimov joined the faculty of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, in 1984, after completing the first course of the institute, he was called up to the army and passed the military service in the Rocket Military Strategic Recognition of the Armed Forces of the ZSRN (RVSSR). After graduating from the reserve, continuing the education at the Faculty of Economics of the Dagestan State University named after. V.I.

In 1989-1995, he worked in the suburbs as an economist to the assistant to the general director of economic nutrition at the Eltav plant of the Ministry of Electronic Industry.

Since 1995 - General Director of the company "Soyuz-Finance" (Moscow).

From April 1997, I took up scientific activity.

At the fierce-breasted 1999 he became the intercessor of the director of the autonomous non-profit organization "International Institute of Corporations".

From December 1999 - deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third call for the regional federal list of the electoral bloc "Zhirinovsky Block", being a member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for security.

On December 7, 2003, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the fourth time for the regional federal list of the Liberal Democratic Party. At the Derzhdum uvіyshov to the warehouse of the LDPR faction, є intercessor of the head of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for physical culture and sports.

In April 2007, he left the LDPR faction and became an independent deputy.

Suleiman Kerimov is very pleased with the Opikunsk Council of the Federation of Sports Wrestling of Russia. In my youth, I was chomping on judo and weightlifting, being a repeated champion of different pershodes, the International Federation of United Styles of Wrestling (FILA) awarded yoga with the "Golden Order" - one of the most prestigious awards.

On April 19, 2007, in the Russian version of the Forbes magazine, the rating of the richest citizens of Russia was published, in which case Kerimov from 12.8 billion dollars in sodomy.

Under yogo control through VAT "DNA" Nafta-Moskva" and other companies - the footwear and footwear holding "Polymetal" (99.5%), "National cable companies", the Moscow cable operator "Mostelecom". "", 5.7% of the shares of Oschadbank, close to 2% of the shares of MGTS. Invest in the suburban area "Rublyovo-Arkhangelsk" (2 million sq. m. of an elite dwelling).

Vіn є vlassnik yacht Ice, pobudovanї at the shipyard Lürssen in Bremen, Nіmechchina. This is a chotiripadne vessel, the length of which is 90 meters. These bathtubs and sinks in the cabins of the sackcloth and the guest cabins are made of full-length shmatkiv vapnyak, the interiors are decorated with oak. Vlasnik's bedroom stretches from one side of the yacht to the other. On board - a swimming pool and a helicopter maidan. Navigation distance - over 11,000 km. For some kind of tribute, more interior decor, including painting, costing $25 million, and the overall versatility of the yacht could become close to $170 million.

As a special liner, Suleiman Kerimov is a richly detailed medium-haul passenger liner Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 737-700, which takes on board only 16 people, moreover, the master has an office on board, a shower room that bedroom. The cost of such a plane is $50 million, the range of this non-stop flight is up to 12,000 km.

Suleiman Kerimov friends. Yogo squad - Firuza - the daughter of a high-ranking Dagestan official. We got to know her for an hour of study in Derbent, and we soon became friends. Z a bit, vlashtuvatisya on garnu robot- an economist at the Eltav electronic plant, one of the largest enterprises in Dagestan, father-in-law helped Kerimov. Firuza has always been a right "shidnoy" retinue, so as not to like to appear in public, not to talk to the press. Takes care of three children.

Suleiman Kerimov to love svetskie come in, evenings with pop stars, sailing on the ice yacht Ice, what is the cost of the coast of Spain. Vіn to love vlashtovuvat rozkishnі vechirki, give garni gifts. Jomu is credited with novels made by couples, ballerinas, and actresses. During the rest of the hour, Im'ya Kerimov often appeared in the press at a call about the accident near France.

On November 25, 2006, on the embankment of the Promenade des Angles in Nice, the millionaire that yogo companion, like a bula, for the tribute of the deacons ZMI, in the house of the Russian TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, was taken to a car accident. For unknown reasons, on the road, where the maximum allowable speed is 50 km / year, the sports supercar Enzo Ferrari Kerimov, having spent a lot of time on the road, crashed into a tree and fell. Embracing half-minds, Kerimov zmіg independently vibrated from the cabin and rolled with grass, trying to beat the fire. Youmu was assisted by eyewitnesses of the accident. A hot car could be put out only by firemen at Nice airport. "Ferrari" variant is close to 675 thousand euros. Yogo's companion, Tina Kandelaki, was seen by insignificant opikas and ushkodzhennya. Vaughn was hospitalized to the Saint-Roch clinic. And after my medical help, that same evening, I flew to Moscow. Kerimov, who had taken care of important opiates, went by helicopter to one of the Marseille clinics, and then moved to a clinic in Belgium, de-passed the course of treatment and already, like the beginning of 2007, turning back to Moscow and starting to work. On today's day, I've reappeared again after an accident and work in a normal regime and in a full bond.

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