Kettlebell sport results zmagan. Kettlebell sport. History of kettlebell lifting. Recommendations how to borrow. Obladnannya and equipment for weightlifting

Bula vigadana in the distant XVII century by gunners Russian Empire. Why is it tied to this, that the soldiers, as if they were loading artillery armaments, were small mothers of great strength and vibrancy. For this one, they attached a special handle to the core and practiced it.

Also, this projectile was victorious and in the circus numbers of strongmen, and already, like the 40s of the last century, began to actively form and develop kettlebell lifting. Trenuvannya zabezpechuvalo zagalnozmіtsnyuyuchy efekt that naroschuvannya m'yazyv. The cob of bulo was laid in the SRSR, after which the wines became more widespread among the whole world.

Stabilization of the ridge strengthens the back and stomach pain. The quickened that galm_vn_ forces also train the mud of the shoulder. About the death of the weight of the weight, to note the numerical scientific results. On the right, it positively flows into the heart-vascular system, muscle mass, body firmness and vibrancy.

Weightlifting walk for beginners

Inadequate athletes are on the back of the head and the classic strength is right, so it’s like sitting down for deadlifts. Whoever opines tsі ruhi and can suffice stіykіst up to the body, does not have problems from navchannyam goydalkam. On the cob, the process of learning or warming up is guilty of lifting and lowering the weights vertically, similar to classic traction. When you see the ball, you get ready to swing.

Basic knowledge

Be-yakі have the right to be guilty of vikonuvatsya only with diligent preparation, the correct approach and knowledge. Not є vinyatkom at tsomu sensі i girovy sport. The training of a professional athlete is unlikely to be able to produce a newcomer champion, better for everything, and take away the injury. The head method in this direction is the reach of the very m'azovoy vitrivality itself, and everything else will be reached by the process.

How do you turn on the goydal at your head office?

In this manner, your body does not get so swept up, and you can focus more on the technique. Pushing the coristuvachi can increase the rivenness of folding, increase the number of repetitions, vicarious vishchі vaga or win right with one hand. You can install new incentives for the help of other weights, such as Cleanliness or Bite. The stinks are accumulating on goydalks.

Who is the goydal for?

First of all, you need to be brave, you are the mother of the basic training beginner. Zagal is recommended to instruct the coach. It is also necessary to suffer from early illnesses or orthopedic ailments. In such vipadkah it is necessary to victoriously individually, so that you can victorious weights in a different way. Goydalki can win in rehab training.

Through those who in the course of training try to focus on different groups of people, then the choice is made for them in an individual order. Before that, for which it is necessary to rozpochat us before, ce secure yourself with the necessary tool. We sell classical weights of 16, 24 and 32 kg, but at the same time you can easily know 8 and 64 kg without any problems.

After this varto sort out the weights for the wags and with the right, as if they were victorious with them, for such a rozrahunka, the bigger the m'yazova group, the more important can be the shell.

How wide are the pardons with the weights of the weights?

Like all law enforcers have the right, you can obov'yazkovo give respect for the correct technique. The position and stability are nuts and bolts of the Hybrid Swings. Particularly people often overestimate themselves that they train because of the transcendental vaga, which increases the risk of injury.

Recommended for cobs weighing 10 to 12 kg or 14 to 16 kg. In the fallow, in terms of productivity, you can also vicorist the lower or higher vag. What do you think about kettlebell training? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

It’s best to start your own special workbook, where you will make records of your results: self-feeling, walking, vagary shells, repeat, periodically repair, take an hour and all those that you need for the necessary.

Select weights

In order to designate a projectile for yourself, with this choice it is necessary to work on the foot. It’s necessary to take that weight over yourself 5 times, and in that case, if you stop twice and are given more importantly, then it’s best to take another, less. If you have a temper, you can lift a smaller vag for a sprat once more.

Axis of reporting help. Reader: Press and її variations of the Instructions for installing a stand for a friend. In this rank, it starts from the one for which it is being continued. Press on the back, like the most right weight, dosit unimportantly. Why can't you lift the ball so importantly over your head. So chi іnakshe, one tell yourself.

The newcomer already quickly sees that there is more to stand for. Win works just like that, like a simple press, only with two hands and, obviously, with two balls at once. Do not reject the variations, but you are guilty of training for the first hour, the first time is lowered from the bottom uphill. We are more modest and start with more simple presi with our starting ball 16 kg for the Lord and 12 kg for the ladies. Presa є supravisually effective right for the entire upper part of the body. Here, shoulders and shoulders, as well as a sheepskin coat, which stabilizes the whole movement, mіtsno fasten.

For the first time, it’s best to give weights of 10 kilograms to the citizens, and then you can add weights later.

Use the same hollow shells, in yak you can stuff sand or lead and by yourself independently regulate your air. Whether someone can buy weights, the price of yaks is at an affordable price for a skin athlete. The middle man's age is coming:

Otzhe, we start from a clean one, and the ball lies on the front of the station. Now we just keep the drinks and the weights close to our heads. Tse everything was body, in view of the stegon and the seat on the m'yazakh of the tuluba under the strain. A small tip: the more you tighten the seats, the easier it is to open. Tse mozhe buti mіzh.

Like a zavzhd, the back of that shiya is left straight and right. Legs mіtsno fasten to the shoulder of the earth. The leg may have strong contact from the sole of the foot, without hitting the heel to the knees of the foot. Rings show that directly, like fingers.

You walk the ball across your legs, the docks of the vins do not hit the butt, the handle here is in the middle of the stegon.

Kettlebell 8 kg.

Kettlebell 16 kg.

Kettlebell 24 kg.

Kettlebell 32 kg.

Kettlebell training gains

What is such a garniy weightlifting sport? Training with a cym projectile is unique in its own way. This is due to the fact that the weight can shift the center of gravity, which allows the use of mud in quiet flats, which are only suitable for weight lifting right. Such an effect cannot be reached with any other projectile.

Now you vibukhovo break the quilt that quilt, moving the ball to the position of the rack. There to stand right uphill with clenched quilts and legs and strained mud in the seat. A fist with a weight is placed at the station in front of the screen, the neck is left straight, and the back is not bent. Now place your front shoulder in a vertical position, if your elbow is still bent, so that the ring of your front shoulder hangs. And now you see the weights lifted up in the air, until the hand protrudes directly from the head, leaning with the elbow. The wrists are innocently stretched out above the world, but I make a straight line with the fronts.

Want to train with kettlebell turn on see different sports, the list of disciplines can only have two positions:

  1. after the last cycle (with lowerings between nig).
  2. Classical double combat, which is formed from the weight of the weight with one hand and the postage of two weights from the breasts of two hands.

Irrespective of single-mandate, weightlifting sports are becoming increasingly popular among the population. Direct directing to development:

A free hand, you can rozpovsyudzhuvati for stabilization. Give respect to the mind. Now you can start a complete cleansing after the skin pressure - press, clean, press, etc. or just press the sprat again, clean it up again.

Mitsnist and stabilization of training are extremely important for runners. Strong m'yazi hip joint and tulubi help an economical style to live, and protect you from trivial injuries. Ale, how many hours do you spend on purpose? When you rise, do you torment yourself on your pillow? What is the voltage of your body?

  • lithic m'yazіv nіg and quadricepsіv;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • m'yaziv back.

What is developing kettlebell sport

Qi have the right to click to develop:

  • functional capacity of the body;
  • the bendiness of the ridge;
  • physical strength.

Better for everything, you can not know another sport, which is a moment and a floor of various plans and a comprehensive development of the body’s ability. Naturally, with new fitness programs, you can try to replace the training with weights, but the flooring is a methodical basis, as the bagatma is overturned by the rocks, they don’t have it.

Kettlebell training training: so that strength training can be great!

I know: for me, the potential of the mountain is crazy! The reason is that it is more cheerful, lower strength training, which I often like. To that, if it’s time for May to train, my vibir will sound vinic. We regularly put nutrition: how often do you train with kettlebells? How are you victorious?

And what is the best way to train with kettlebells in the first place? We are not professional weights, we powered the professional Karol Schwand. In the interview, you will know what training for kettlebell lifting suits you and how you can start in your ideal strength and stabilization training for weightlifters!

Crimea, right with this projectile, the least traumatic for the hummocks of that ridge, compared with other power disciplines.

Kettlebell sport: training

Before that, how to go directly to the robot with a kettlebell, the back of the head needs to be raised. You can play the suglobi for the help of the skipping rope chi big.

How did you yourself train with kettlebell lifting? Karol: Tse bov sooner rozpach. The back of the head was even more marvelous, that I had gained wine from the weight, but everything that helped me was able to grow. What are the advantages of these basic attachments and what are the characteristics of the classic dumbbells? Warm-up, training, cooling and continuation everyday life. The gains of weights are, of course, the nudga of the trainee. Shards of vins become swishy from the right to the right, vins never become boring. Another achievement is the development of dynamic and economical changes, directed towards those that would teach the whole organism as a single whole.

In most cases, an individual skin athlete can be selected according to his physical form. Regardless of the target, at one training session, it is selected as a specific work with a complete cycle, for example, a row or a post. Depending on a specific task, a robot is assigned to an important vag, even a smaller number of repetitions, or light weights from a pidrahunk hour.

I don’t create a significant m'yazovoi mass, like a great dumbbell workout, but it is even stronger and more effective in the fight against important ambitions. Karol: As there is no phase of acute pain in injuries, kettlebell lifting training is suitable for most people. Can you accept fear? Specially at the weight training, it is necessary to talk about the vibrancy of the fortress, as it is not obov'yazkovo tied with the growth of m'azovoy masi. In addition, the main respect is attached to efficiency. Tse means that we want to, more often, raise your voice with minimal noises.

Big - efficiency. Be it so, the titles of "parasitic" ruh unremarkable, more than vin will allow you to rule. Itself so tse s navchannyam weights. What can we look at? Karol: It’s a lot of bugs to know the problem of trivaly pidjoms, like others can be hot. With kettlebells we train more importantly at higher intensities and on our feet and screens. Tsya combination to rob the training of weights especially for the runners is especially valuable. In this rank, the runner can build a stable corps, stable numbers, and a smaller roc on the mountains.

Dalі vykonuyut so zvanі pіdsobnі have the right, to which the rod can enter. The stench is oriented towards increased vibrancy and increased strength. The stench enters the posting from the sitting positions, the barbell bench press is standing skinny.

Zavdjaki to the fact that the training is to be done 3-4 times a day, it is possible to correct the skin right, as to enter the sport of kettlebell lifting. The body, when it comes to do it quickly, enters the rhythm of volume and important work, so that the skin is busy to pass at a very high pace, through which the results become commemorative quickly.

Are you guilty of being present at the seminar with an instructor in kettlebell lifting? Especially at the head of the kettlebell there is a lot of dribbling. It’s not guilty to implicate anyone to start the kettlebell sport. Tse simply means that you are the fault of a professional with a bagataric certificate.

It's a pity, my galuzi has a lot of black sheep. You can change it. It is not important to feed an honest and honest teacher of kettlebell lifting. Chi can you say? Can you give us some joy about buying a weight of weights? Karol: Vaga is based on the daily productivity of a person and cannot be fixed at a fixed rate. When buying weights, it is the fault of the nobility that the size of the handle is great, so that the wrist is not damaged. Cheap weights - another choice and may be more successful than the next.

Butt training of highly qualified weight lifters

The Federation of Kettlebell Sport is constantly carrying out various exercises. In order to show a good result in them, the obov'yazkovo is necessary for the training. Below views report plan 4 days of training Z. Rekston, RRFSR champion.

The stench mayut that perevagu, that all the vagi of one razmіru. In addition, the stench may have the same diameter of the handle and the same width of the handle and the height of the handle. Another advantage is to stand on the ground, as if you were to blame for your expansion. Especially in the rights, de coolies are on the ground, which gives significantly more security for the hour of training.

You also wanted to learn how to do weightlifting? If you live in the Rhine-Main area, marvel. We cordially invite you to our gear workshop with Alex Fisher. The history of the kettlebell and the features of the kettlebell. Right? - Learn from Chisty and Zhernova to Giryovoy. - Explanation of various training methods. By stretching the last seminar, one can look at the right vikonannya right, as well as the right fit, which is an important element for high efficiency and careless learning.

The first day starts with a postage, then we pay for it. After that, with a minimum hour for recovery, the athlete will move to the squat. Dali go to the right on the bench press from behind the head, and the training will end with isometric rights.

Another day, we start again from straightening and ryvka, so we will pass from the press with one hand, then with the other hand. At the training session, the introduction of a barbell from a sitting position is introduced, and ends with a new isometric right.

Alex Fisher about himself that masternuyu. In the disciplines of the working atmosphere, you will get to know the practice of kettlebell lifting practice with technical challenges and various variations. Appointment seminar for athletes with the right to work with kettlebells and coaches and without them, if you want to competently and efficiently serve your clients.

You have a rich knowledge of the valuable thinness of the robotic weights and catapult your learning to new rіven! Come and try the "Steel Weight Strength". Participant boundary: 12 osib. About the seminar, be kind, contact Alex Fisher directly by e-mail.

The third day, like two days before, begins with postage and rivkiv, the athlete was allowed to cross all the way on the beams and carry out bending and stretching. We gave a bench press over the head, isometric right, and finally a deadlift.

The fourth day of training is held in the event of other teams, which start with a cross of 8 km, for a maximum of 40 minutes. Dali - different sports games and get inspiration.

Such a smart plan for training the master of sports.

Correctly vikonana to the right - a pledge to success

In order to understand how to lift the weight correctly, it is necessary to divide the whole process into several steps.

The kettlebell may stand in front of the socks at a distance of 20 cm, feet shoulder-width apart. With this, the bow can be parallel to the feet. The kettlebell is taken with an upper grip, with bent knees, the torso is heeled, and the athlete shifts to the outward position. Vіlna hand vіdvoditsya ubіk.

Dali the next head element - drive. Gіrі naєtsya priskrennya for rahunok m'yazіv tuluba and nіg. On a whim, I can name the athlete himself, who needs to practice his hand to help me to help my elbow, and after that - straighten the bowstring to the projectile, which at the same time is resting at the “dead point”.

At this moment, it is necessary to stand on the shkarpetki, and raise your shoulder, you can work a small pidsid, some clay can be deposited according to the level of training of the athlete and yogo dosvidu.

Fixation is carried out in such a way. The athlete straightens his legs, walking from a squat, taking a vertical position at once with a working hand placed behind his head. As if trying to carry out the Kettlebell Lifting Federation, then the athlete can at the moment reach the court’s signal, which will fix the wave. Farther the projectile is lowered in swing, and the ruh is repeated.

Fundamentals of training

  1. Before that, how to go directly to the main training, whether an athlete needs a well-organized training program. Kettlebell sport, on the other hand, is more intense, so it is necessary to play the tendon, the links and the m'yazi are richer. Whom to spriyat exercise bike, probіzhka,
  2. If so, it is necessary to go to the flywheel ruhiv, yakі prepare links to navantage.
  3. The skin is new to the right of the back, it is necessary to repair it with a greater light weight, so as not to cause injury.
  4. It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity and intensity of the adventure, but only if the athlete himself is self-aware, that tse yoma should be strengthened.
  5. As soon as the devil's mark was reached, it means that the m'yazova mass grew. In order to universally increase and fix the result, it would be effective to turn to training with simulators and barbells.
  6. The classical kettlebell sport has a special respect for not only the maximum working vase, but also the amount of yoga for the singing hour. Such fritters should not be forgotten, for m'yazova vitrivality is a pledge of success.
  7. With kettlebells, it is necessary to take up only rich repetition sets.
  8. Walk the straight road to your destination, no matter what.

Strength training: programs are right

Creating your own optimal training, varto overcoming the most complex rights, like acclimatizing metabolism, pouring stinks of stench without intermediary promotion of m'yazovoї masi and overnight spitting zayvogo fat.

I am a representative of this type - a robot is attacked by a projectile. It is necessary to take a break position, after which you “virvati” the weight with one hand on your shoulder and put it over your head, and in reverse order zrobiti everything again.

The main method of such trainings is to speed up the exchange of speeches, which will secure the basis for the growth of speeches.

If you want to be right yourself, then choose them to make a difference, and choose to lie down exclusively according to your likeness.

Number of repetitions of that working load

I work for you and the number of repetitions necessary to choose in an individual order. For active athletes, who show off their physical features (for example, an ungracious figure), it’s easier and more convenient to win more repetitions from medium or small vags. For other athletes - navpak.

The correct mode can be dictated by the body itself. In other words, in any range of intensity you can easily practice, in that it is necessary to reach your maximum results. Obviously, a number of repetitions can proportionally increase at the same time with a working wagon.


It’s not only more correct to vikonnanny ruhіv, but the system of dihannya can be on the verge of weightlifting. Technique vdikhiv i vidihiv at the required moment є chi not one of the most important minds to achieve the result. Moreover, these two moments are mutually intertwined with each other, so that it is more correct that the inviolability of vikonnanny of all the rights does not break the breath and leaves it equal. With the right breath at the right moment, it’s easier to rob the vikonannya.

Be-yakі vіdhilennya in that chi іnshoy sensі to lead a lance of pardons, yaki can lead to injuries.

Zagalom has only 3 dihanna systems, but the most effective is tricyclic. If you feel like walking, to get to the point of drunkenness, fight calmly and take a light breath. End at the same time from the team, as if finished driving. Moreover, the rest of the tretina in the air can be carried out more intensively, lower part of the cob.

As soon as an athlete begins to enter the stage of drinking and straightening his arm, then at that moment he sees. As soon as the weight starts to drop, one more short breath, and when lowered - see.

At the end

Now, if the first point is about basic knowledge of vikonano, you can boldly go to the store and buy your own weights. The price does not particularly bite, and you can also allow yourself to take care of your health. Children are necessary right now, and not from Monday to New Rock, as is customary among rich people.

Like taking in the complex all types of sports (a list of some that can be infringed), the right one with kettlebells is one of the most effective. Try that perekonaytes in tsoma especially.

A kettlebell like a sports equipment was found by Russian gunners in the 17th century. Even the soldiers, as if they served the artillery armor, needed strength and rightness in order to lift and shift the cores, and also to clean the stovbur of harmati. Todi stinks and they came up with the idea of ​​gaining a darling to the core and exercising for an hour of hiking, so that you can recharge the harmat more easily and get less tired.

For a long time now, the kettlebell has been victorious like a circus shell for strongmen, and there has never been such a thing for a sport that has been embraced. Just like the 40s of the last century, having begun to take shape and develop the weightlifting sport on the back of the hand in the Radian Union, and then in the whole world.

In our hour, the kettlebell is a very popular subject of training not only for sportsmen – weightlifters, but also for MMA fighters, representatives of CrossFit and other fitness methods. In addition, the United States has a brand of sports directly - kettlebell fitness, which significantly increased the popularity of this projectile.

Best best right with kettlebells

Why is such a garna weight and what are the main advantages of winning in strength training?

On the right, in the fact that the weight of displacement has a center of gravity for an hour of work with it. Tse allows not only zovsіm in other areas to opratsovuvat m'yazi and vikonuvat right characteristic only for this projectile, but also to take advantage of the numerical m'yazi stabilizatori. Such an effect is practically impossible to take away, vykonuyuchi you have the right to do it with great dumbbells.

As for kettlebell lifting, in our hour of wine it is 2 disciplines:

  1. Classical double combat, which is formed from the weight of the weight with one hand and the postage of two weights from the breasts of two hands.
  2. Post-gir after the last cycle (with lowerings between nig).

Technique for posting from breasts:

Rivka technique:

Technique of the sense of weights for a long cycle:

Іsnuє standard (magal gradation of weights per arm): 16 kg (1 pood), 24 kg (1.5 poods), 32 kg (2 poods), but for training you can win and weights with intermediate arms.

10 quills are given on the veil on the skin, for which it is necessary to vekonat the maximum number of repetitions.

Vikonannya tsikh is right not only to practically navantage the whole body of an athlete, but also significantly develops the strength of virility, vibukhov strength, the heart-vascular system, as well as serious willpower, shards of robit and more sprat repeating on the rest of the days with a new automaton of the whole organism on the right is not easy. Therefore, the main voice during the training of athletes is to strive for the development of the functional capabilities of the body.

The most important weight groups for kettlebell lifting:

- m'yazi nig (quadriceps, litkovi);

- M'yazi back (rozginachi);

- M'yazi shoulder girdle;

Training in kettlebell lifting consists of three parts:

  1. Warm-up. Tse, as a rule, is a big or jump rope, lifting of suglobiv and a robot with light weights.
  2. Vіdpratsyuvannya spetіsіlіh prіv z kettlebell. As a rule, one to the right is chosen for skin training: post, revok abo rivok on a new cycle. Fallow in the current days, the athlete practices either with more important weights, or with a smaller number of repetitions, or with more light ones, and repeats with a pidrahunk hour.
  3. Vikonanny pіdsobnih right. In this bloke, they are vykonuyutsya right with a barbell and dumbbells to increase strength, or vitrivality when victorious with a right swing, such as a deadlift, squat with a barbell, bench press standing, waving from a sitting position with a vest, etc.
  4. Zatrimka. Light big and stretching.

The exercise is carried out 3-4 times a week, which allows you to correct the skin on the right side in a healthy exercise. As a rule, training is carried out at a high pace, which allows the body to be prepared for volume work in special rights. With a serious approach to training, progress in any kind of sport can be reached quickly, which can be seen not only on the results of victories in rights, but also on vitality and physical form.

Otzhe, presumably, who has the advantage, and who is the korisny weightlifting sport.

What develops kettlebell lifting

  1. Functional capacity of the body
  2. physical strength
  3. The bendiness of the ridge
  4. Vitrivality.

It’s sing-song, it’s easy to set an example for one more sport, which allows you to develop your abilities in such a different way. Insanely, new directly to fitness, which are announced, they try to propagate in a similar way, but do not try such a methodical basis for themselves to encourage training, twisted in history. In addition, kettlebell lifting is not so unsafe for the ridge and the snow, as there are other disciplines of power, because there are no great things here, which are lifted by athletes.

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