Weight lifting rules. Kettlebell sport

Bodyboom: Kettlebell sport: Rules. Normatives: Rules for zmagan

In this division, there are no more basic provisions of the rules for weightlifting in kettlebell lifting.

Rules for weightlifting in kettlebell lifting

Zmagan program

Zmagannya is carried out with kettlebells with a 16 kg wag (unaki and juggling), 24 and 32 kg for such programs:

The purpose of this instrumental material is only for consultations. It's not guilty to gloom as a good replacement for coaching hv-on-vh or for a healthy mind. Due to its nature, the right of kettlebell lifting is associated with a certain risk of injury. Weights - an important piece of metal, and more ruhіv weights include quickening and fastening. If you take weights, you take on yourself the responsibility for all the weights.

Gіrі: vіn is guilty of buti to do it important, to secure the opera, if you lift it, but to do it with the lungs, so that you calmly trim yoga over your head. Room for a goydalka: open a maidanchik from a flat surface, ring out without a shift. The surface is to blame buti deshcho forgiving, but not soft. Brood, packing pіsok, gumove pokrittya pіdlogi and the lawn is good to practice. There are no concrete and wrestling mats.

1. Classical double combat - posting two weights in the chest, pulling the weights over the left hand and right hand.

2. Posting two weights to the breasts with advancing lowering at the position of the hang following the skin pidoma.

3. Kettlebell juggling.

Participants zmagan

Athletes of human rank are allowed to compete: juniors 14-17 years old, juniors 18-20 years old and people over 20 years old.

Appropriate vzuttya: Vzuttya due to be stable with flat soles. Soft feet do not work well, so that your feet can crumble under the hour of dynamic ruhiv. My priority is that the weights are barefoot or vicorist minimalist vzuttya. The stench will not immediately protect your leg, if you throw weights on it, and the stench will uplift your legs, if you need to hand the weight over and take your feet out of the way.

Training clothes: guilty of buti vіlnym i zabezpechuvati sufficiency ruh at stegna. Shorts or sweatpants work well. Dodatkovo: music of your choice. Prehistory. As appointed above, the movement of the weights includes the acceleration and uplifting of yoga in space. The inertia force of the weight directly transfers to the force on the body, especially on the shoulders and in the lower part of the back.

The skin participant may have the right to enter only in one category.

The order of calling the participants.

1. The title of the participants in the promotion begins 1.5 years before the beginning of the first stage for athletes in this category and three years.

2. Calling the participants to conduct trials, yakі zdіysnyuyut judgіvstvo zmagan in this category.

The picture of the beast is the correct malice, with a raised head, ribbed eyes, chest uphill and the lower part of the back is strongly bent. Lower, left-handed - a picture of injuries to the lower part of the back, as it should be. The head is lowered, the chest is sunken, the shoulders are rounded forward, the lower part of the back is rounded in an arrogant position, the knees are too straight.

The next two photographs are the whole shoulder press. The first one is the correct druk, with a raised head, a toelub in a vertical position, in the middle part, shoulders, lowered in the nests. The other is wrong, with a shoulder from the camp, quilted that ridge is twisted and bent at the spill of the position.

3. When calling, a foaling of the participants for the vikliku to the pomіst is carried out.

The Suddivian College.

1. The Court of Justice is equipped with an organization to carry out the campaign.

2. Before stock judiciary board enter:

a) for an hour spent with a number of participants up to 20 cases - the head judge, head secretary, doctor, judge-fixer, secretary, judge-informer and judge with the participants;

Defending the swamps for help with their swamps, including the primer and activation of the m'yaziv, yaki support and protect the swamps. The warm-up for the right is due to the buti zoseredzhena on the activation of the m'yaziv of the core for support, put that m'yazah of the cuff rotator, so that the shoulder would firmly enter the nest in the entire range of motion. My warm-up procedure includes sіm right, yakі step by step zbіlshuyut folding and іntensіvnіst activії tsіl'ovih m'yazіv.

When vikonannі one by one the whole procedure takes about 5-6 minutes. It is right to carry out the skin, step by step, and carefully twist її. To return respect for the eyepieces of productivity and concentrate more on your perfect form, less on the “passing” right.

b) for the hour of the holding of the smagan іz the number of participants over 20 osіb, and also for the hour of the holding of the zmagan one hour on a large platform, the intercessor of the head judge is additionally provided for, and the number of other judges is apparently increased.

Possession and inventory.

The lifting is carried out on a platform (maydanchik) with a diameter of at least 2x2 m. It is not guilty to lift 100 g. Weight due to mother's color, which is suitable for vase: 32 kg - red, 24 kg - green, 16 kg - yellow.

Krok 2: Right 1: Reach for the sky

Start from the width of your shoulders, hunched up with your back straight, putting your hands on your knees. Stretch for the sky with both hands, raising your fingers and poking your head and shoulders up to the stele. Trim the upper position, wiping out all the dirt, if you can see it strongly under a stretch of 5-10 seconds.

Krok 3: Right 2: bent over the tablet

Cristal can be upright and pressed forward. The winds that are intertwined are closed, the shoulder blades are clenched into teal. Charge up the booty for the woofs. Do not push your head forward, pull your shoulders so that the stench will be right in the line with the quilts and quilts. Take your head to heaven. Squeeze your lips and look hard and right, concentrating on the vagina of your middle part, you don’t even get ready for a bowel strike. In a relaxed position, keep your back flat.

  • The legs are parallel and the width of the shoulders is one kind of one.
  • Short straight lines, but not closed, m'yazi nіg squeezed mіtsno.
  • Glitches are squeezed, to drive the whip forward, right about the fives.
  • The kore can be strong.
  • Focus on the grip of all the m'yaziv of the middle part.
Right, it directly activates the m'yazi of the lower part of the back and the middle part, as well as stretching the sub-knee tendon and activating them, so that the stench is strongly thrown into the lower part of the goydalki.

Vikonanny rules are right.

1. For 2 hours before the cob of the cob, the participant has the right to call on the pomіst. 10 s before the cob of the vikonannya, the control hour should be held: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, after which the “Start” command is given.

2. The participant is entitled to the vikonannya 10 minutes. Judge-secretary through the skin quills check the control hour. After the end of the 10th quarter, the "Stop" command is given, if the participant of the goiter has the right to take the sack.

Start from nothing at once, five fingers and toes at once, legs are straight and the knee is closed. To get hurt and stick your fingers down, or the yakomoga is lower. Not stretching the quilt uphill, lift the toelub so that the lower part of the back is straight and flat, with a raised head and chest. Breathe properly under an elastic stretch for 5-10 seconds, first relax down to a rounded back.

Krok 4: Right 3: Plank

When heeling down, actively move your abs, so that you can raise your hands and screen so low, like a stench. Focus on keeping your breeches low if you come to a flat back. You are to blame for the strain in the lower part of the back, the shards are to raise your torso. Raise your arms in your chest or stretch behind you and feel the bend at the lower part of your back. Gently bend your head too far, shards can cause judgment in shii. The knees of the bellies are closed, the back of the quilt is tightly tightened, the shoulders are drawn into the sockets, the shoulder blades are pulled back and together, squinting forward and forward with the head. Lower the strap to the ground, squeeze the seats and back, relaxing the abs. Hang the screen uphill and swing, lower the shoulder blades back and pull the head uphill. It is necessary to visualize it correctly under a strained stretch of 5-10 seconds. Turn to the doshka and repeat krok 1. Follow the exits, rushing with quilts to the sky. The fall rejoices as it rises to the ground, raising its legs closed. Actively speed up your abs, so that the buckle is bent straight to the stegon, and screened to the ground. Squeeze the shoulder blades at once, strongly squeeze the shoulders. Vuha swing in front of your hands, but don’t stick your head forward, pull your shoulders up. Turn to the board. The method of this is the generation of the main body pressure in the entire range of motion.

Krok 5: Right 4: Soma series

  • Trim the knee with both feet at once.
  • Start at the front stop.
  • Feet approximately 12 inches apart, arm width apart.
  • Heels, quilted that shoulders may buti have cherzі.
  • Done, just get to the skin position.
  • Rush there with quilts.
  • Pull the quilt as uphill, so uphill.
Qia to the right is the main element of any kind of training.

3. In times of damage, I could rule up to a technical failure, the referee on the platform gives the command “Stop”, “Don’t shake” or give an advance.

4. At the time of the third (consecutive) violation of the rules, the signing of the vikonnanny has the right to be pinned by the command "Stop".

Right vykonuєtsya in the chest from the starting position, if the legs and the toelub are straightened, and the weights lie on the front shoulders and shoulders. With whom, the shoulders are pressed to the toe. The participant of the zmagan is guilty of hanging weights uphill and fixing them in this position. At the moment of fixation, the arms, legs, and the toe-bag are straightened, but they are in the same plane. Under the hour of posting, the post is not allowed:

Here we robimo without support, the crimson of the body, and even low repetitions, concentrating on the form. Stand high, legs straight, but not closed, seats clenched, quilted at the back and right on the fronts, in the middle part of the head are occupied, chest up, shoulders relaxed, head up and eyes forward. Let go of the ruh, trochs having shriveled up to the waist, so that your stegna step back behind your heels. Properly, in a controlled rank, continue to wipe the stehna, trimming the breasts of the yakomog higher. Keep curling up at the waist, keeping the back low. So, as your buckles are more important, the lower upper part of the body, you need to pull the screen of that hand, as far as possible, so that the stegna is worthy, that they go so far behind your heels. Approximately in the same place, where your brushes of the quilt become parallel to the ground, you will need to attach the quilt forward to the heels, until the knees are folded. Try to sit down, you won't sit on your calves. At the lower part of the squat, your knees should be flat, the knees bent to the maximum, the homoilka may be, but not straight vertical, the low back is flat or slightly curved, the core is narrow, the chest is up and down and hangs forward for balance. Striking your core strongly, tuck in your seats and collapse the quilt back. At the same time, trim the breasts vertically and bend the lower part of the back so that the stench is flat and turned to a good transverse curve. If you think about those who will bend the knee, the stink will come from your toes, to hurt your feet on the feet of the dirt of the ATVs, and not the hardening of the seats. Squeeze your hands, like karate, to press on this fold, where your leg comes up to your toe, to help you see. You are to blame if you are going to fall back, so that your straps will be enough back. Raise your middle and hang it with your chest. The greater the problem of gnuchkost, the lower strength for more people, it will take an hour to learn your m'yaziv new pattern of rush. Always save your five on earth. I know the same, it’s more flexible, lower strength. Do not try to overcome everything, practice yoga for a period of time and months, so that your body has taken over the pattern of chaos.

  • Start from the width of the shoulders, nig, legs slightly turned to the name.
  • Your team immediately proceed to a small vine.
  • Focus on folding on the quilts, like lower-lower.
  • Practice, sitting by the armchair, so you can see.
Heavy traction - tse up, if we take weights.

Minify the position of hands and gir at the moment of vishtovhuvannya;

Doshtovhuvati chi dotiskati weights;

Alternately shtovhati weights in the breasts;

Lower the weights on the shoulders and shtovhati from the shoulders;

Lower the kettlebell from your chest.

The "Stop" command is given for the mind:

Setting the weights (weights) on the shoulders;

Lowering the weights (weights) from the breasts.

Post to Russia with a break, tobto. doshtovhuvanni, dotisk;

Krok 7: Right 6: Halo for kettlebell

Vіn spiryatsya on the squatting nіg, stegon and the middle, adding support to the weights and maximizing the stabilization of the shoulder girdle. Stand with your feet three times more than shoulder-width apart, like for squatting, weights between your legs. The handle may be parallel to the line, painted between the heels, approximately in the middle of the foot. Climb up on the quilts, having a little bit of chiselling in the knees and crotches, taking the quilt well and your toelub uphill. If you are sitting on your back, you see yourself falling backwards, as if your quilts were far back. If you reach low, to grab the handle of the weight, gently trim it by the shoulder, arms are straight, the elbows are closed, the shoulders are mentally hooked into nests, raise your head and look forward. Check for a second to see jealousy. It is your duty to carry your feet far back, what weights are the only thing that makes you fall back. Lift the weights, tightening your core and overflowing, seeing strongly under the pressure. Focus on leading your screen uphill and forward, from the back of the shoulders, and the shoulder blades are pinched back. The pause at the upper part of the ruhu and kіntsi nіg, the middle part and the upper part of the body strongly and resolutely. Lift the weights, bending on the quilts and knees, Focus on shooting back at the quilt, trim your body sharply, first strike at the intestines. Your back can be flat, like you're right on the table, with quilts back, you can walk on the stench. Think about those who sit back on the steel, like a few zaishes far away. The weights can be finished with important ones, so that the wines can truly stand against the vase of your stegon for pickups. If you climb uphill, lift the weights, fold the core on the back, and then sit down. Show that you have put a hairy gorіh between your butt, and you are going to break it by pinching it with your seats. In practice, do regular traction. When the weights are buried, they become jealous. . The core of that leg is also to blame, but it is superbly fixed for support.

Alternate post weight for breasts;

Vidsutn_st fixation at the starting position;

Changing the position of hands, gir pіd hour vykonanny pіdsіdu before the post.

"Perederzhennya" is given when the hands are joined and the bow of the weights is applied one on one.

To the right, wink in one step. The participant is guilty of lifting the weight without interruption until the hands are completely straightened and the position is fixed. The legs of that toulub are guilty, but they are straightened, and they are in the same plane. Following the rahunka of the judge-fixator, the participant with an uninterrupted rush, without sticking with the weight of the shoulder, the coat, is guilty of lowering it to the bottom for the victorious cycle.

The "Stop" command is given for the mind:

Setting the kettlebell on the shoulder;

Putting the kettlebell on the floor.

The advance is given, like an athlete at the hour of vikonannya rivka:

It is necessary to hang with a free hand, or as a part of the body of the platform, weights, working hands, nig, toluba;

Standing with a weight on the platform for an hour of vikonanny swing.

Classification of pardons in case of vikonanni postoshtovhu rivka.

1. The command "Stop" is given for three violations of the rules of smagan.

3. Advance is given for the hour, and the participant is right for the hour.

Appointment of assistants.

In the skin category, the winner is awarded for the largest sum of money for two people. At the river in the rahunok Ide the sum of the weights, which add up for a lesser result, lifted with one hand.

With the same number of pidjoms in the number of athletes, the gain is:

A participant who can change my vlasnu vag to a vistupu;

A participant who speaks for the foal in front of the superman;

At the time of the jealousy of the first two pokazniki - a participant, which may lessen my vlasnu vag after the performance.

A participant, having taken a zero mark in the mail, is not allowed to another one.

From 2014 to 2017, there will be such sports titles and categories.

Classical dualism among people

Postage by DC to people

Rivok at the women's

Wash the rahunka in the court and the hall of pidjomiv at the classic post office
The classic post is victorious with two weights. On the right, 10 hvilin an hour is added. The athlete after that, having hit the weights from the platform, can no longer put them on the bench. After that, like a gyrovik, having put the weights on the platform, judging by the end of the fire. When the weights are hung from the breasts at the upper position, the legs and arms are straightened, the fixation is visible, the head is guilty to marvel straight - after that, the judge's rahunka is seen. If the weights are known on the chests, the arms in front of the body are hung up, it is also hindered to put the weights on the shoulders. As the weights fell from the breasts, the “stop” command comes from the court.

Wash the hall of pidjomiv at the right side of the river

Wash the rahunka in the court and the hall of pidjomiv at the post office for a long cycle
Posts according to the long cycle are also beaten with two weights. On the right, 10 hvilin an hour is added. The athlete after that, having hit the weights from the platform, can no longer put them on the bench. After that, like a gyrovik, having put the weights on the platform, judging by the end of the fire. One pidyom - tse zakidannya with the upcoming vishtovhuvannyam (rewarded for 1 point). If the weights are lifted from the breasts at the upper position, the legs and arms are straightened, if the fixation is visible - then the judge’s chest is visible. If the weights are known on the chests, the arms in front of the body are hung up, it is also hindered to put the weights on the shoulders. After the throwing of the weights to the beast, the weights are thrown down on the chest, with which the teeth of the weights are hung up below and the weights are thrown off the platform. If the weight is standing on the platform, then the “stop” command will sound like a court (if it’s just a teal, then the “stop” command will not be).

Vaga gir
Zmagannya in Russia to pass with weights with a wagon of 16, 24 and 32 kg. For young people, on the youth discharge, the weights are 16 kg, on the grown-ups, the weights are 24 kg, and on the CMS, the weight is 32 kg. The girls have grown up, the ranks are worn with weights with a 16kg wagon, and the KMS with weights with a 24kg wagon.

Shortcomings of the system

Why are there shortcomings in the system of assigning a sports title. Rozriv mizh vagami gir is simply majestic. An athlete, who wins the 1st mature category, immediately begins to lift weights with a 32kg wagon, wanting to do good to himself with rock. Naturally, nobody checks with rock. Zvіdsi y usі pardons in technical terms and all injuries - in view of the ill-conceived system of assigning sports ranks, in view of the early transition of athletes to important weights.

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