What are the standards for kettlebell lifting. Programs

Kettlebell sport


The strength of the bula and is lost from the poshan from the peoples of the wealthy lands. With a marvelous quality, people endowed their heroes, creating legends, opposites, bilini about them. In Russia, strength was developed for the help of other (individually original and original) rights:

transfer of decks, stones, zhoren, lifting bears made of grain, kovadla, wag weights, etc. folk saints that party. Fistfights, wrestling, wrestling and wrestling were the favorite rozvaga of ordinary people.

The deyakі folk amusements of the power character have migrated to the circuses of the big top, which roses all over the country. Athletes entered the arena, as if they were fighting people with their overpowering strength. The program of their performances included folded forces on the right, juggling with weights and cores. Wrestling tournaments were often held with the participation of “mysterious” champions. As a rule, these tournaments with sensational names attached a great number of peeping eyes. Chapito played a great role in the popularization of rich power rights, including right with kettlebells.

Kettlebell lifting, as a different type of important athletics, was born in Russia on the 10th of September 1885 on the occasion of the last century. a decision was made to create the first group of lovers of wrestling and law enforcement at St. Petersburg. The initiator of this creation was V. F. Kraevskiy, a Petersburg doctor. Having made trips to the lands of Europe, having learned the methods of training for athletes, getting acquainted with the technical equipment of athletic bays and having taken part in the participation of representatives of the leading intelligentsia, having made a whole team.

The accumulated knowledge and knowledge VF Kraevskiy generously passed on to his teachings. Lovers of important athletics are well aware of Ivan (Uncle Vani) Lebedev, an active propagandist of law enforcement rights, a follower of the initiative of V. F. Kraevskoy. Nezabara similar groups were organized near Kiev, Ufa, Voronezh, Tiflis and other places of Russia.

Z 1897 All-Russian championships began to be held regularly for heavy lifting. Athletes rushed at the drop-off barbell, as well as at wrestling, boxing, fencing. The programs of the championships had daily right with kettlebells: they moved to the rank of additional rights for the development of strength and vibrancy. However, the stench continued to be of great popularity in small villages and places where there were no organized teams of important athletics.

The shani used the shell of the leading athletes at that hour. Uniquely right with kettlebells victorious S. Elisiev. "King Gir" was called the strongman P. Krilov near Moscow. Great physical strength and unimaginable vibrance allowed him to lift the double weight 86 times with his left hand, juggling three times with "twins". They loved the weights. Sandow, G. Lurikh and other rich men on the cob of the XX century.

After the Great Zhovtnevoy socialist revolution, becoming possible mass development of weightlifting sports. Already by the birch, 1918 special-team priority of the young Radyansk Republic from important athletics. At the onset of the fates of the weightlifter, they gained a few jasperes and set impersonal records. Many of them at the front of the war became familiar with our country, and far away between them. Protegirs, like before, were left behind by the weightlifter's helpers to set records and promote sportsmanship. At that time, kettlebell lifting was practically non-existent in today's yoga world. At one time in the labor collectives of the rural and industrial enterprises, in the infantry and parts of the Chervonoy Army, like before, contests of strongmen were held, the participants of which were set with weights. The stinks propagated strength and vibrancy, prepared young people to take up weightlifting. Most of the famous weightlifters at that time started their sports path with kettlebell lifting.

In 1948, with an interest in lifting weights, an all-Union competition of strongmen was held near Moscow, and the winners of republican competitions took part in it. The exercises were carried out in four categories: 60, 70, 80 and over 80 kg. Participants of the competition beat a row of weights with one hand and post two weights from breasts; with whom it was allowed to wichavluvati, shvunguvati and doshtovhuvati. In addition, the athletes were swinging at the right with the barbell: at the press and the post with two hands.

Muscovite Grigory Konovalov won in the 60 kg category. Vіn virvav with one hand dvoudov weight 28 times and lifted the weight 7 times. In the 70 kg category, the athlete from Voroshilovgrad Ivan Salomakha became the winner: his result was 23 rows and 15 jumps. Leningrader Oleksandr Lavrentiev was the strongest in the vase of 80kg-30 weight and 13 weights in breasts, and in the strongest category (over 80 kg) of the rank of the strongest champion in the champion of Chkalov Mikola Bolshakov - 33 chests.

The method of holding this competition was to train young talented athletes to take up weightlifting. However, the path “through the weights at the barbell” did not tell the truth. Heavy athletics has reached what hour great success in the country and in the international arena. In order to achieve the highest results, the athletes need to have a higher specialization, which is more likely to fight for the melancholy of important athletics. In this kind of sport, the system of training and improvement has already been well established, and it was included in the Single All-Union Sports Classification. The weightlifter instantly became the master of the sport of the SRSR, which especially attracted young people. There was nothing like this in kettlebell sport.

At 50 years of employment with kettlebells continued to be popular with the rural youth, fishermen, warriors. Radianskaya Army and Viyskovo-Navy Fleet. Zmagannya was held like a competition of strongmen, de bulo no rules, no classificatory standards. However, the interest is really people's vision sports are by no means weak.

The period of formation of the current kettlebell sport is 60 years old. In the RRFSR, Ukraine, Lithuania, in the rural physical culture teams of our country, the Daedals often began to organize magic. The stench was carried out at Christmas time, tsikavo, from the great number of spectators, from the awarding of medals and prizes to the victorious. In the republics, the rules of the zmagan and classificatory standards, zokrema and standards of the master of sports were expanded; records began to be officially registered. Enthusiasts of the Lipetsk and Voronez regions made a particularly great contribution to the popularization of kettlebell lifting. Altai region, Ukraine and Lithuania. Bulo rozrobleno special classification standards for the soldiers of the Soviet Defense Forces.

For 70 years, tournaments have become traditional tournaments for weightlifting amateurs in rural areas of the RRFSR, Ukraine and Lithuania. Zmagannia were dedicated to the memory of people living in our country. For example, near Lipetsk, weightlifters competed for the prize of M. Stepanishchev, Hero of the Radyansky Union of Pilots, and Kazan for the prize of a circus artist, strongman I. Zherebtsova too thin. buv i єdinih rules zmagan. I want weightlifting sports to be included to the Unified All-Union Sports Classification (for distribution of national sports), all-Union rights to the community of wines are not yet available.

And those who like to take weights with kettlebells wanted to promote their mastery, wanted to be sportsmen-rankers, candidates for maistry, nareshti, masters of the sport of the SRSR. Irrespective of the day of roses, today the number grew with skin rock. At the tournament to Kazan, Klaipedi, Lipetsk, Odesa, 25-30 teams from different places in our country participated.

On the cob of the 80th mass development of kettlebell lifting, the tournament “Heroes of Russia”, organized for the decisions of the Sports Committee and the Federation of Important Athletics of the RRFSR, and which were held throughout the territory of the republic, for example, the country’s strongest rock, took place. Zmagannya were carried out according to simplified rules. The winners were rewarded with gold, silver, bronze tokens, and the teams of the regions, as they put up the most participants, with transitional prizes.

With the help of gostrota, there was a food about the all-Union recognition of the rights with weights. However, five more years were needed in order for the weightlifting sport to be included up to the Unified All-Union Sports Classification of 1985 - 1988 years. as an independent sport.

Under the Federation of Important Athletics of the SRSR, a commission was created for kettlebell lifting and athletic gymnastics. With the help of enthusiasts (B. Vishnyauskas, U. Voropaev, U. Polyakova, U. Rasskazova) they broke the allied union rules for promotion and discharge standards (zocrema and standard, giving the right to confer the honorary title “Master of Sports of the SRSR”).

The result of long and hard work was the first championship of the Radyansky Union in Lipetsk near the leaf fall in 1985. Kettlebell sport viishov to the all-Union arena.

The names of the first champions of the Radyansk Union will go down in the history of this sport: M. Rodionova (60 kg, Lipetsk), F. Usenka (80 kg, Sumi), A. Moschennikova (90 kg, Perm), S. Mishina (over 90 kg , Kaluga). Sergiy Mishin at this championship shoved two double weights on the breasts 100 times! Guess what the contest of strongmen 1948 p. Mikola Bolshakov hit right over 19 times. Over the years, the mind of the training process has changed. Kettlebell lifters have become richly practiced over promotions of vibrancy and strength, which allowed the development of kettlebell tournaments with dynamic and spectacular ones.

At the fall of the leaves, 1986. near Klaipeda, passing another championship of the Radyansk Kettlebell Union. F. Usenko became the strongest weightlifter of the country and the champion of the USSR in the other category of 80 kg. At the delivery of two two-pound weights with chests of wines, showing a unique result - 135 times. Vodnochas, tsey championship having revealed new problems, connected with further development of kettlebell lifting in the country. Athletes and coaches have had a hard time: what is the fault of weightlifting sports to develop and give us a direction, or to improve the technique of the main rights? What will be the answer to the question, show the hour. In the meantime, right-handed with weights took away the all-Union recognition as a mass sport.

Those, like weightlifting sports are developing in our time, You can watch for yourself ...

the books "Gyrovy sport" (V.A. Polyakov and V.I. Voropaev)

^ Kettlebell lifting rules

    1. The nature of the program zmagan
Zmagan character

1. The benefits of kettlebell lifting are subdivided into:

a) special,

b) command,

c) special-command.

In special magics, less special results of the participant are protected, and the result of the participant is obviously up to that point in magic.

In command teams and special team magics, the result of the skin participant of that team is completely protected, as a whole, and in general, special positions of participants in that team are determined.

2. The nature of the sting in a skin-smooth rash is determined by the provisions for stinging.

^ Zmagan program

Lifting with kettlebells 16, 24 and 32 kg is carried out:

For the program of dual combat (posting two weights in the breasts of two hands and lifting the weights by one hand and the other hand),

At the delivery of two weights from the breasts (for a long cycle) with lowering to the position of the weight after the skin lift.

Zmagannya in one category for the program of dual combat is carried out for one day. We'll pick up the mail, then we'll requisition.

Zmagannya can but organize those schob for the hour of repair between the rights of the lesser 30th century.

Participation of participants in one category is carried out in one day.

^ II. Participants zmagan Vik participants

Athletes of human status are allowed to zmagan:

Yunaki 14-18 years old,

Juniors 19-20 years old,

People over 20 years old,

Veterans 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64. 65 years old and older.

^ Other categories

Participants are divided into the following categories:


Individuals, juniors, veterans

Up to 55 kg

Up to 60 kg

Up to 60 kg

Up to 65 kg

Up to 65 kg

Up to 70 kg

Up to 70 kg

Up to 75 kg

Up to 75 kg

Up to 80 kg

Up to 80 kg

Up to 90 kg

St. 80 kg

St. 90 kg

A skin participant may have the right to speak in their minds only in one category.

^ Order of calling participants

1. The title of the participants begins 2 years before the start of the first three years.

2. The call is to be held at a specially designated place for the recipient. When calling, you are allowed to be a member of the parent judiciary board, one official representative of the skin team.

3. The call of the participants is carried out by the judges, who will ensure the judgement of the jury in this category.

4. Participants are called naked. A skin participant is called once. Until the second call is allowed to the participant, who has the right to know the best category in case of the cob call.

5. During the passage of the credentials committee, a foaling of the participants is carried out in order to go to the porch.

6. It is allowed to designate the final group of the strongest athletes to stand up for the results of the first goals.

Rules and obligations of a participant

1. A participant in the goiter of the nobility of the rules of magic and the regulation on magic.

2. A participant may have the right to apply to the head of the judicial board for food only through a representative of his team, a captain or judge with the participants.

3. A participant in goiter-exercises should be able to complete the discipline, be correct in terms of respect to other participants, and also to those who are judged. The participant, who did not show up at the wystava, znіmaetsya zі zmagan.

4. The participant is hindered by koristuvatisya, be it some kind of outbuildings, which make it easier to lift weights (gir).

5. The participant may have the right to the vacancy on the pomіst to prepare the weights for vikonannya right. The preparation of weights is carried out at the designated place for the purpose of training, in the zone of visibility of the Court of Justice.

6. The participant has the right to be a representative of the enterprise of any company to advertise their products. About the participant, or the representative of the team, is guilty of organizing, how to carry out a slogan, that head judicial board and otrimati did not allow it.

^ Participant costume

The participant's costume is made up of shorts, T-shirts or a weightlifting leotard and a sports jacket. For cowardly, the participant is guilty of wearing swimming trunks. It is allowed to wear an important athletic belt, with bandages no more than 1.5 m wide.

Under the hour of preparation of the weight, it is allowed to coristuvatisya only with magnesia.

^ Representatives and captains of teams

1. Skin organization, as if taking part in special command and command zmagannyah, is to blame for the mother of his representative.

2. The representative of the commander of the team carried the responsibility for the discipline of the participants, as well as the attendance of the participants for the award.

3. The representative of the present day is calling the participants of his team and the foaling, as well as at the awards of the judicial board, as the stench is held with representatives.

4. At the start of the hour, the representatives of the guilty are known at a specially appointed place or among the participants.

5. The representative is asked to intercede at the order of the judges and so on, as to carry out the magic.

6. If the participants of the team do not make a representative, then the captain of the team is bound.

7. The representative (captain) has the right to file a protest before the court board, that there are no more participants in their teams.

^ Ownership and inventory

Zmagannya is carried out on a platform (maydanchik) with a size of at least 2x2 m.

Hierarchy of the guilty mother so remembrance and color:

At the international level, a court alarm system can be installed for keeping the rahunka.

When carrying out a strike on several platforms, the distance between them must not be less than 1.5 m.

^ III. Suddivsk Collegium

1. The Judicial Board is completed by an organization in order to carry out data collection.

2. To enter the warehouse of the judicial board:

a) for the hour of the holding of a change from a number of participants up to 20 cases: head judge, head secretary, doctor, judge-fixer (on the skin pomist), judge on the duplicate protocol, secretary, judge-informer, judge at the participants, technical inspector;

b) for the hour of the holding of a change from the number of participants over 20 years, and also for the hour of the holding of the mark, the intercessor of the head judge is additionally provided on a number of platforms, and the number of other judges is apparently increased.

3. Judging by the weightlifting sport of goiter, you must firmly know the rules and remember to stop them at the move. Vin is guilty of being objective and principled in his decisions, being the butt of discipline, organization and clarity in work, good knowledge of the situation about magic that is carried out.

4. Judges are responsible for the mother's uniform uniform: a dark blue jacket, gray pants, a light shirt and a crib.

5. For the government's security organization, how to carry out a slogan, you see a zmagan at the order of the court board of the commandant.

Head of the Judicial Board

1. The head judge, his intercessor and the head secretary enter the warehouse of the head judicial board.

2. Under the hour of the international championships and national championships from the judiciary collegium, the jury is gathering, as if it were the head judge of the award.

3. Before the warehouse of the jury, the head judge enters and up to five members of the jury, so that they can choose the category. Warehouse of the jury appoints the main judicial board.

4. At the masses' zmagannyah, the bindings of the zhurі vykonuє head judge zmagan.

^ Rights and obligations of the main judicial board (jury)

Head of the Judicial Board (Jury):

Sledkuє for the correct conduct of the smaganya is viable to the rules of that regulation about the smuggle;

Accepts and declares protests and blames decisions for them;

For the period of arranging the protest, the money is squandered;

Skasuє decision of the court-fixer for a clear violation of the rules of the smagan;

Usuvaє vіd roboti suddіv, yakі imposed rude pardons;

Make changes to the layout of the zmagan, as if it is necessary for the vinyl;

Znimaє іz zmagan uchasnikov for technical unpreparedness.

Note. The main judicial board (jurisprudence) does not have the right to change the established regulation of the mind and carry out the penalty.

The decision of the main judicial board (jury) praises the greater number of voices.

^ Head Judge and Yogo Protectors

1. Головний суддя керує роботою суддівської колегії та несе відповідальність перед організацією, яка проводить змагання, за чітку організацію, дисципліну та безпеку проведення змагань, створення рівних умов для всіх учасників, суворе дотримання чинних правил, об'єктивність суддівства, підрахунок результатів та підбиття підсумків zmagan.

2. Head judge of goiter:

Before the cob of the law, hold a meeting of the court board and a seminar with representatives on the rules of law, as well as the visibility of the relevant inventory and possession;

Designate jointly with the jury the procedure for the work of the head judicial board and judicial brigades;

Cheruvati move zmagan i virishuvati nutrition, scho blame;

To establish control over the diyalnistyu of judges in the course of the stroke and in the event of an appointed remembrance;

Accept before the discussion the jury declare and protest what they wanted;

Submit at 5-day lines a letter from that necessary documentation to the organization that carried out the campaign;

Appoint that to hold a meeting of the ship's board at the move zmagan.

3. The head judge has the right to:

Make changes to the layout of the zmagan, as if there is a need for vinyl;

Do not allow the participants to reach the mark, the technical training of such a suit does not comply with the rules or the provisions on the mark.

4. The intercessor of the head court shall be charged with statements of the head court, for the presence of the remaining vikonu of the binding.

^ Head Secretary Zmagan

1. Head secretary:

Prepare the necessary technical documentation and support for the correctness of its execution;

Draw up the minutes of the meeting of the court board and draw up orders and decisions of the head court;

With the permission of the head court, give information about the help to the court-informator, representatives of teams and correspondents;

Keeping records about the establishment of records;

Operate all documentation;

Representing the head judge required materials for sound^

Wede the appearance and fixing the solution of any protests.

^ Judge on the platform

Judge on the platform:

I want to know the participants in this category, the judiciary is guilty of this;

Close for with a sultry look that form of clothing of a skin participant;

That clearly deafens the rahunok of the correct vikonanih pidjomiv;

Fix technically incorrectly vykonani pidyomi command "do not rahuvat";

I vociferously vouch for the participant's residual result in the skin right.

Note. At international competitions and national championships, two judges are assigned to the leather yard, one of them is the oldest and the rahunok. Yogo helper fixes pidyomi and keeps the protocol. The residual result is determined by the joint decisions of two judgments.



Fill in the cards of the participants on the call (protocol of the call) and the protocol of signing on the platform of this category;

Calling the participants to the pomіst and ahead of the need to be prepared for the devil's participants.



Announce the decision of the order of the head judicial board;

Let the observers and the participants know about the results of the attack.

^ Judge in front of the participants

Judge in front of the participants:

Checking for the lists the appearance of the participants in the check, as well as the validity of their costumes, depending on the rules of the check, and informing the head secretary about the results of the check;

To spend a pobudova and to see the participants in the zmagan zgіdno with a foal for tribute;

At the same time, ahead of the participants about their call to the pomist;

Give the secretary information about the non-appearance of the participant, or else take the fate of the magicians;

Є as an intermediary between the participants and the judiciary board;

Following the procedure for the preparation of weights.

^ Technical inspector

Technical inspector:

Together with the intercessor of the head court, carry out the sounding of weights and draw up an act on their compliance with the rules of the law;

Controlling the technical level of the gear and possession.

^ Likar zmagan

1. The doctor is allowed to enter the warehouse of the judicial board as an intercessor of the head court from the medical unit.

2. Likar zmagan:

Reviewing the presence of the doctor’s visa in applications for the admission of participants to zmagan;

Zdiysnyuє medical guard for the participants at the hour of the call that at the process zmagan;

Ledkuє for dotrimannyam sanitary and hygienic minds when carrying out zmagan, place of living and eating;

We give medical help in case of injuries and illnesses of participants in the scourge, indicating the possibility of their distant ledge;

Uzgodzhuє with the head judge of the food about the nanny of the participant, give a letter of whiskey about the cause of the nanny;

Yes, I allowed the participant to zastosuvannya with additional bandages, plaster, overlays, about which he informs the main judicial board;

After the completion of the loan, you give the head judge a call about medical and sanitary services.

^ Commandant zmagan

The commandant is responsible for his own preparation of equipment (platforms, weights, weights and other equipment), a place for money, a place for participants, representatives of judges, press. Vіdpovіdaє for registration of the application. I take care of the parade of participants with technical aids and paraphernalia, vykonuє vkazіvki of the head judge and representative of the organization, so as to carry out magic.

^ IV. Vikonanny rules

1. 2 minutes before the cob of the cob, the participant has the right to call on the pomіst. 10 s before the spadix, follow the control hour: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 s, after which the "Start" command is given.

2. The participant is entitled to the vikonannya hour 10 min. Judge-secretary through the skin quills check the control hour. After the end of the 9th control hour, the control hour is deafened after 30 s, 50 s and the rest 5 s per skin second.

3. After the end of the 10th quarter, the “Stop” command is given, if it is not secured, and the participant of the goiter has the right to go.

4. The skin is right for the vikonan to be accompanied by a judge on the platform.

5. At the time of the damage, I could up to the technical failure, and the referee on the platform gave the command “Don't fuck up”. With a little more correct vikonnі, right rahunok trivaє s accruing result.

post office

The posts are poised in the breasts of the station, if the shoulders are pressed to the toe, and the legs are straightened. At the moment of fixation of the weight of the beast, the arms, the coat, the legs can be straightened up.

The "Stop" command is given when the kettlebell (weight) is placed on the shoulders and the floor.

Pidyom is not secured with:

Send a gir from a break in Russia, tobto. doshtovhuvanni, dotisk;

Alternate post weight for breasts;

change of hands for the hour of vikonanny pidsidu before vishtovhuvannyam;

Day of fixation at the starting position and on the hill. Postage of 2 weights from breasts with advancing lowering into

posture after skin pidyoma (after a long cycle)

carried out according to the same rules.


To the right, wink in one step. The participant is guilty of uninterrupted hand lifting the weight on a straight arm and fixing it. At the moment of fixing the weight of the beast, the arm, legs and toelub may be straightened.

After fixing the highlands, the participant is guilty, without sticking with the weight of the coat, lower it down for the vikonannya chergovy pidyoma.

The "Stop" command is given for:

Setting the kettlebell on the shoulder,

Putting the kettlebell on the floor. Pidyom is not secured with:

Get the weights up,

Vidsutn_st fixation vgorі,

Turning with a free hand, or as a part of the body of the platform, weights, working hands, nig, coat.

^ Appointment of assistants

With the same number of pidjoms in the number of athletes, the gain is:

A participant who can change my vlasnu vag to a vistupu;

A participant who speaks for the foal in front of the superman;

A participant, which I can control my vag after I speak.

The protest against the decision of the judge on the platform is submitted by the representative of the commander of the participant to the main judicial board (jury) before the departure of the member of the jury. Zmagannya for the whole hour pripinyayutsya.

A participant, having taken a zero mark in the mail, is not allowed to reach another mark.

The winner of the team's first place is awarded for the largest number of points scored by the hall participants. Eyepieces are worn out in one of the ways that are determined by the provisions for magnification (according to the table of M.V. Starodubtsev, for taking a month, savage number pidjomiv, etc.).

Razdіl creations at the victoria of the book "Girі. Sports of the strong and healthy" (Vorotintsev A.I.)

^ For training:

Kettlebell warm-up

Early preparation of the body (warm-up) before the future training work can be even more important for the completion of the task of skin protection. Through a lack of a warm-up, pardons in technical terms appear, often blaming different injuries.

The warm-up is upgraded to a special one. The head of the warm-up warm-up and the step-by-step development in the exercise training, the development of the mind, the preparation of the heart-vessel, dychal and other systems to further work. The increase in body temperature (rozіgіvannya) will speed up biochemical reactions in m'yazakh, more elasticity in ligaments, friability in loams.

In the wild roses, it is necessary to give preference to all groups of m'yaziv. Zastosovuyutsya different right: walking, running at a calm and change pace, light gymnastics right with light tightness. From the gymnastic right to zastosovuetsya mainly right to bending, coordinating the ruhivi, frivolity in the swamps (shocked, circle ruhi hands forward, backward, circle ruhi with a tube in one and the second bik, stretching the m'yaziv standing, sitting).

Right, with light tightness, they stoked forward with a dumbbell or a disk in the barbell behind the head, wounded to the sides with a light weight in the lowered arm, pulling the dumbbell or weight up to the level of the chest, head and higher, squatting, sitting with them. From the beginning of the warm-up, the pace of the vikonannnya is right more povіlny, then step by step increases.

Spray the spread of m'yaziv with different ointments and rinds (as a final, alcohol, menthol).

A special warm-up is carried out after the main one and includes special right, close to the structure of the ruins to quiet, as it is necessary to vikonat on the cob of the main part of the lesson. If it’s a zmagalna right (for example, a row), then on the cob of a special warm-up there are special right for rowing, then a row with a light or lightened weight and in the end of the warm-up to fight a sprat of tuning pidyomy, even with a training weight. Warm-up hour from 15 to 25 min.

A warm-up before the ledge on the signs of maє songs of particularity. Even though after a warm-up, you can have the maximum focus on the m'yazovu, heart-sudinna, dychal and other systems of the body, the athlete needs not only to do well, but to bring himself to such a “combat readiness”, as if he would allow himself to realize all that morally -volovі. ability to reach the best sports result. Insufficient, incorrect warm-up does not allow the athlete to fail the task. The correctness of the warm-up before the shaping of the skin, the athlete can show himself in the control exercises (estimations).

Sometimes, before the estimate, it was given, a sufficient and complete, and special warm-up was carried out, but the result was not given. And after a deaky hour (4-5 min), wind up on aphids to get tired, in another test, you can set a special record. In this vipadka, the warm-up was clearly not enough before the first estimate.

Getting ready to zmagan, it is necessary to take a long time to change the time for the hour and to find the options for warming up and to reconsider the correctness of the chosen option.

The warm-up can be viklikati almost automatically. With the correct її carried out, the athlete can winknuti bajannya zmagatisya. Three times a warm-up, a little more, a little more, a little less, and it’s no less guilty than 5 minutes before going to the porch. After the end of the warm-up, they should cool down (as a warming up is carried out at a cold place or on a damp air), to save heat.

If I stand up in the first right - to drink corianly licorice tea with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), buckle up, lie down on gymnastic mats or benches. Approximately 15 minutes before going to the pomіst for vikonannya rivka (another right) will be enough to grow a small amount of people coming to vikonannya of special additional rights rivka with a small number of repetitions, then 2-3 go to vikonannya rozka with a light weight 'yazami zmagalnu weight, try zcheplennya shackle with penzlem (to zcheplennya shackle rubbed with magnesia).

Zastosuvannya ointments, sho zіgrivayut, spryaє more shvidkomu zіgrіvannyu, vodnovlenny m'yazovogo tone, saving heat in the break between vikonannym zmagalnyh right, and as a result - more successful ledge in zmagannyh.

Behind the book "Girі. Sports of the strong and healthy". Vorotintsiv A.I.



Irrespective of simplicity, they are right with weights, they are bound to be completed with folding practical actions, which should be taken care of by simple minds and beginners. The beginning of the technique starts from ryvka - the most available for the first time in the right of kettlebell lifting.

The last cycle of the circle can be rightly divided into a few technical elements: start, swing, drive, pidside, fixation, weight lowering; let's swing for overshooting, overshooting, swinging, driving, pidsid and fixing with another hand (Fig. 1).

Start. I. p.-bent in the knees of the legs shoulder-width apart. the weight is standing between the legs (trochs in front), buried by the beast, the free hand is put in the kill, the back is straight.

^ Swing. From the starting position, lifting the weight in front of the platform, swing back and forth; the free hand is extended, the back is straight.

Pidriv- The head element of Rivkovo is right. For the rahunok of active straightening of the back of the weight, it is necessary to accelerate, which is necessary for a free flight to the required height. On the spot, the working hand swings out into the future, the trochs bend into liquor loam, and then we straighten up the weights, which have reached the "dead point".

^ Pidside. Vicone to reduce percussion pressure before fixation.

Fixation. The kettlebell is lifted on a straight arm. the legs and the toelub are straightened, and they are resting in an unbreakable position.

Lowering. Winning for a hearty swing. The kettlebell is lowered downwards by the optimal trajectory in the swing position by the side of the stepwise bending of the arm.

^ Swing for overshoot. Wicked from v. n. legs shoulder-width apart, back straight, kettlebell between legs.

Perekhoplennya. Behind the back, the weight is lifted forward to the “dead center” position, swinging with one hand and slamming with the other, and then turning into the swing position.

^ Wave with another hand. Vikonuєtsya after perehoplennya in. n. feet shoulder-width apart, trim weight in front of you, free hand is brought in, back is straight. Under a surge of force, the weight is lowered between the legs for a swing.

^ Pіdriv i pіdsіd. Wrapping up is also actively and with the help of a method, with another hand.

Fixation with another hand- The final element of Rivkov's right.

Here, a new cycle of rowing is examined without lowering the weight on the platform. On the zmagannya, the crossover is only hung up after the maximum vykonannya is right with a skin hand.


There are 3 main options for breathing: two, three, and more than three cycles per one lift and lowering the weight at the groove.

The most practical and effective is the tricyclic dihannya: pid hour pidyom to pivpidsidu - indah. Starts in the air unimpressed, overnight with the cob of weight lifting from the main start and ends overnight with the completion of the drive. At the cob, ending in the air, it is more hard and fast - at the beat of the rush. Outwardly straightening the coat and under the breasts at the end of the breeze, it is possible to take it deep and deep in the breath. Under the hour of vikonanny napіvpіdsi sit that straightening the hands in the mountains - they saw. At the same time, with an ear of skidannya weights - a swedish breath. Ends inhalation at once from the folded arms approximately on the level of the breasts. Lowering the weight, - I see no disturbance. The sight will end at once from the end of the swing of the weights back - for the knee.

The first hvilini pidjomiv did not have a trace of dihati over that deeply. In the world of zbіlshennya, the body needs in sour strength, that depth of the breath is obviously increasing. Inodi in rest hvilini pіdёmіv up to mezhі dihannya not vystachaє. In this case, under the hour of priming the weights in the mountains on a straight arm (fixation), it is necessary to work for short-hour teeth and additionally to pick one or the other in the air and vidihiv. Tse lowering the pace of vykonannya ryvka, but at the same time allowing the athlete to fully rotate the rules of the hour (10 minutes), to realize their physical abilities.

The benefits of tricyclic breathing are similar to those who, first, 3 cycles per 1 cycle and lowering the weight three times an hour will keep the body sour. In a different way, the breath goes far away with the ruins, which brings the calmness and safety of the ruins that breath. In addition, without disturbing the cyclical nature of the winding technique, you can easily change or to the edge increase the tempo of vikonnanny right. If the tempo increases, the rhythm of the breath will gradually pick up. Everything is important for the realization of the physical abilities of the athlete and the achievement of the highest results in the competition.

post office

At the guards’ right, you can see the following technical elements: start, take on the chest, off position in front of the vishtovhuvanny, pidsid, vishtovkhuvannya, pidsid, fixation, lowering the weights, off position in front of the black vishtovvanny (Fig. 2).

Start. I. P. - knees bent at the knees shoulder-width apart, weights stand between legs (trochs in front), choked by the beast, back is straight.

^ Take the gir on your chest. From the starting position, kicking the weights out of the platform, swinging back and forth. Then the rahunok of a sharp straightening of the viscounty’s back and the backs of the viscounts were lifted, and having bent their legs in the knees, they lifted and lifted the weights with their chests in the “dead spot”; after that, straighten your legs.

^ Vihіdne camp before vishtovhuvannyam. It is accepted after taking weights on the chest. Legs are straightened shoulder-width apart, the elbows are lowered and pressed to the toe, the weights lie in front of the shoulders and shoulders, the arms of the weights are on the chest, the back is straight.

Pidside- the element of the postal right, which is the front of the vishtovhuvannya. Legs, shock-absorbing the weight of weights, fully bend in the knees, the back is straight, hands with weights are not broken.

Vishtovhuvannya- The head element of the mailbox is right. For the flurry of a sharp uprightness of the nig and the tulub (after the pidsidu), the weights are vishtovhuyusya uphill and they themselves are brought up, necessary for a free flight to the necessary height. Vipryamlennya nіg may end with an exit to the scarpets.

Pidside. Vikonuetsya after vishtovhuvannya. The weights that have reached the "dead point" are puffed up by the bending of the legs and the straightening of the hands. The back of the troch bends across and hardly closes.

Fixation. The weights are lifted up on the mountain on straight arms, the legs and the toelub are straightened and they are resting in an unbreakable position.

Lowering. After fixing for the rahunok of the progressive bending of the hands, the weights are lowered on the chest; with this, the legs are slightly bent in the knees and the cim is shock-absorbed across.

^ Vihіdne camp in front of the devil vishtovhuvannyam. It is accepted after lowering the weights on the chest. The legs of that toulub are straightened, the elbows are pressed to the toulub.


For a classic mail order, the first trick is to win on the chest more than once, so more athletes do not pay special attention to the correctness of the movement, the shards of the mail in this option of the mail may not be affected by the results in general. Some athletes, before the pidom on the chest, sing in the air and winch with the trick of the breath. Inshі, when swinging the weight back - for the knee, shy away. Vipryamlyayuchi toulub і pіdnіmyuchi breasts і shoulders pіd hour pіdёmu to polupodsad - vdikh. How only the weights hit the breasts when vikonann_ napіvpіdsіd - vidih ​​(the weights are seen all over the breasts).

^ Dihannya in the mail with breasts. In practice, there are sprats of options for dihannya, which vikoristovuyutsya stalely in the minds of the minds of the chosen one (tempo, step in the same way).

^ 1. On the breath: at once with an ear of death, before vishtovhuvannyam - vidih. Vishtovhuvannya gir - on the zatrimtsі dihannya. Napіvpіdsіd and straightening the hands of the eel - seen. At once, from the cob, lowering the weights on the chest, bending the hands, and moving them on the scarpets, inhale. How only the weights hit the breasts - they are visible (the weights see the wind from the breasts).

^ 2. On the video: bending legs in front of vishtovhuvannyam and squeezing breasts and living with weights - seen. Vipryamlyayuchi legs and podnіmayuchi chest pіd vishtovhuvannya hour - swidky breath. Vikonuyuchi napіvpіdsіd і vpryamlyayuchi hands uphill, seeing. At the same time, with the cob of the hand bending while lowering on the chest to the weights of the breasts - inhale. At once, from the torso of the weights of the breasts - we see. When pulling weights on the chests, or on straight arms, one or more sprats (fallen due to trivality of the trim) short breaths and breaths are victorious.

^ Breathing when lifting the weight on the chest and lowering it into the mail according to the new cycle. When lifting on the chest from the main start, straighten and lift the shoulders, inhale. At the same time, the weights of the breasts are being hammered - they are visible (the weights are seen more and more). When the weight is lowered from the breasts, one hour at a time, the three steps forward - inhale. It ends in the air at the moment when the bow of the animal is buried (at the position of the weights on the breasts, the brushes were pushed through the middle of the bow). Chilling and lowering weights, I saw. The sight ends at once from the end of the swing of the kettlebell back - for the knee to the main start of the lift of the kettlebell on the chest.

Vіlne without zatrimok sighing at the bottom of the ruhs, it’s more possible for you to understand the correct technique of victoring all the elements of the dermal reception and sending it with a smoke. Navit short-hour zatrimki dihannya when vykonannі posthovhu to "vіdmovi" protyag 10 min negatively signified on the results tsієї right.

For the mastering of the technique of the basic rights of kettlebell lifting, it is necessary to have more respect, more detailed training and more thorough development during the course of the initial-training process. Particularly often blamed are the difficulties with the delivery technique. As a rule, athletes-pochatkivtsiv do not have another piddid.

Tsey razdіl created under the hour of vikoristannya

books "Gyrovy sport" (V.A. Polyakov and V.I. Voropaev) and

"Girі. Sports of the strong and healthy" (A.I. Vorotintsiv)

The nature of the program zmagan

1. The nature of the program

Zmagan character

1.1. According to the nature of the weight lifting sport, they are divided into:

a) special,

B) command

B) special command.

In special magics, less special results of the participant are protected, and the result of the participant is obviously up to that point in magic.

In command zmagannyah, the results of the team are secured with a hail and in the same way the place of the team is shown up to the point.

In the special-team magics, the result of one participant of that team is fully secured, as a whole, and up to which special places of the participants of that team are determined.

1.2. The nature of the smear in the skin with a creamy depression is shown

Regulations on magic.

1.3. Lifting with kettlebells 16.24 and 32 kg is carried out according to the program:

Posting two weights from breasts (short cycle),

Posting two weights in the chest with lowering at the position of the hang after the skin lift (long cycle),

Rivok weights handwritten with one and the other hand,

Classical dualism (postage and rivok)

Command zmagannya (relay races).

Zmagan program

1.4. The program of the promotion is determined by the Regulations and may be folded in such a way that an athlete can compete on the same day no more than in one of the events in that relay.

1.5. A person can be recognized in the skin category, both in rights, and in the classical nobility with the largest sum of pidjoms. At the edge of the hall Ide the average result of sumi pidjomiv, vykonanih with one and the other hand. With the same number of pidjoms in the number of athletes, the gain is:

A participant, which can menshu vlasnu vlasnu to vistupu,

A participant, who can lessen my vlasnu vag after speaking,

A participant who speaks for the foal in front of the superman.

1.6. The places in the team ranking are assigned to the results of the final participants in one of the ways that are assigned to the Regulations (behind the tables of ranking coefficients, for the places in the special ranking).

Participants zmagan

2. Participants zmagan

Number of participants

Athletes are allowed to zmagan:

Yunaki and girls up to 16 years old,

Young girls and girls up to 18 years old,

Juniors and juniors up to 22 years.

People and women in vіkom vіd 22 rokіv,

Participants are divided into the following categories:


Senior youths

Individuals, juniors

Girls (youth)

Senior girls

Women, juniors

up to 48 kg

up to 58 kg

up to 63 kg

up to 48 kg

up to 53 kg

up to 58 kg

up to 53 kg

up to 63 kg

up to 68 kg

up to 53 kg

up to 58 kg

up to 63 kg

up to 58 kg

up to 68 kg

up to 73 kg

up to 58 kg

up to 63 kg

up to 68 kg

up to 63 kg

up to 73 kg

up to 78 kg

St. 58 kg

St. 63 kg

St. 68 kg

up to 68 kg

up to 78 kg

up to 85 kg

up to 73 kg

up to 85 kg

up to 95 kg

St. 73 kg

St. 85 kg

up to 105 kg

St. 105 kg

The skin participant may have the right to speak less in one category. It is allowed to take part in another category, less in team relays (relay races) for the re-appointment.


Before the beginning of the march (per day) to the Main Judicial Board (Secretariat), applications are submitted for participation in the transfer and registration of the cards of participants, where a mandate commission is held for the admission of participants and teams to the transfer.

The application may be certified by the sports organization's certifier and doctor.

Order of calling participants

2.1. The call of the participants is carried out in advance of the day before the event for 1 year. Participants, yakі act at command zmagannyah (relay race), are allowed to participate in nasledkami zvazhuvannya in іndivіdualnyh zmagannyah.

22. Calling to be held at a specially appointed for the purpose of admission. When called, it is allowed to be a member of the Head Judicial Board, one official representative of the skin team.

2.3. The call of the participants is carried out by the judges, who will ensure the court of justice.

2.4. Participants are called naked or wearing swimming trunks. If, in the event of an athlete being called, to go beyond the inter-category, the athlete may have the right to re-admittance within the framework of the regulations for the time of the athlete entered in this category.

2.4. When passing the credentials committee or at the first hour of the call, a foaling of the participants is carried out to determine the number of exits to the site and a technical application is submitted.

Rights and obligations of a participant

2.7. A participant may have the right to apply to the Main Judicial Collegium for further food only through a representative of the Command and judge with the participants.

2.8. The participant may have the right to the weekend on the pomіst to prepare weights for vikonannya. The preparation of weights is carried out at the beginning of the day for the purpose of training.

Under the hour of preparation of weights and hands, it is allowed to coristuvatisya only with magnesia.

2.10. A participant in the goiter of the nobility of the rules of zmaganya and the regulation on zmagannya.

2.11. For violating the generally accepted rules of conduct of the public order for the hour of the conduct of the smagan, the participant fights ahead of time, in case of repeated damage, the decision of the jury can be taken away from participation in the smagan.

2.12. A participant in goiter-exercises should be able to complete the discipline, be correct in terms of respect to other participants, as well as those who look out for judges. A participant who did not show up for tribute. To zmagan is not allowed. The participants, as they sent the prizes of the month, went to the awards at the parade sports uniform.

2. 13. The participant is ready to perform with weights, installed on the platform, on which wine he is guilty to go.

2.14. The participant is hindered by koristuvatisya be-like an extension, which will make it easier to lift weights (gir).

2.15. The participant is defended for the hour of victorious right and comes to the court on the platform after vikonnanny is right.

2.16. A participant who, outside the health camp, is known as a doctor in one of the types of programs, is not allowed to further participation in these magicians.

Athletes uniform

Athletes goitre to perform at the form, so that they can be clean, shaky, meet the upcoming criteria:

The suit can be folded in one or two parts, cycling shorts, weightlifting leotards, T-shirt or T-shirt;

The sleeves of the T-shirt are not responsible for curling the elbows;

It is allowed to be worn with a standard important athletic belt with a width of no more than 12 cm, with bandages with a length of no more than 1.5 m. The belt cannot be worn under a smart suit,

Sports vzuttya may be more satisfied;

Commands to wash buti in a single form.

Representatives and captains of teams

2.17. The organization, as if taking a part in the special command and command zmagannyah, is to blame for the mother of his representative.

2.18. The representative is the leader of the team, bears responsibility for the organization and discipline of the participants, goiter and yazaniyas are present at all the awards, which are carried out by the head court panel with representatives, to ensure the attendance of the participants on the spree, such control over the women’s day

2.19. The representative of the team may be present at the call of the foal of the participants of the team, I represent you as wine.

2.20. The representative is asked to intercede with the judges and osib, as to carry out the magic. The representative has the right to submit to the court board an application and a protest. What do the lesser participants of their teams hustle about.

Protests are submitted before the departure of the Chergovy change of the participants.

2.21. As a result, the members of the team do not make a representative, and the captain of the team becomes obligated.

Application for the fate of the zmaganny

Ownership and inventory

3. Ownership and inventory

3.1. Striking is carried out on the platform with a diameter of at least 1.5x1.5 m.

Vіdstan mіzh scaffolding is responsible for the safety of the safety and not to worry about the process of magic.

32. Vaga gir is not guilty of being rated higher than 100 g.

3.3. Parameters and colors of weights:

3.4. For vedennya rahunku that information may be inserted suddivska


3.5. Before the ear of the cob, it is possible to fold the act on the validity of possession of that inventory to the rules of the shift.

Rozminal hall

Z.6. In order to get ready for the kick, the athletes can be given a warm-up hall, which should be known in order for the kick. At the hall for a warm-up, there may be enough room, gir, magnesia, etc. depending on the number of participants. In addition, the warm-up hall is the responsibility of the mother's step; guides, come to the microphone, a scoreboard (duplicate protocols) to show the names of the participants in the order of the foaling, their power and command; stіl for chergovy doctor.

Suddivsk Collegium

4. Judgment board

4.1. The Judicial Board is completed by an organization to carry out the tribute.

4.2. To enter the warehouse of the judicial board: Head judge; Head Secretary; judges on scaffolds, secretaries on duplicate protocols, judge-informer; judging by the participants, technical controller. In the event of an increase in the number of participants for over 30 years, the number of judges can be increased, for the entrance to the judge board, place the intercessor of the Head Court, the intercessor of the Head Secretary, and the number of judges on the platforms.

4.3. Judging by the weightlifting sport of goiter, you must firmly know these rules and remember to stop them at the move. Vin is guilty of being objective and principled in his decisions, being the butt of discipline, organization and clarity in work, good knowledge of the situation about magic that is being carried out.

4.4. Judgment of the valley to make a single form of clothes - dark jacket those black pants.

4.5. For the government's security, the organization, how to carry out a slogan, is seen at the order of the court board of the commandant's zmagan.

Head of the Judicial Board

4.6. To the warehouse of the Head Judicial Collegium enter: head judge, head secretary, intercessor of the head judge, intercessor of the head secretary.

4.7. Up to the cob zmagan the head judging form zhuri at kіlkostі 3 chi 5 osіb. The personal warehouse of the jury is brought to the court of justice on the award. Members of the Presidium of the Collegium of Judges or authoritative judges are included before the jury. Watch the work of the jury Head of the panel of judges, yogo intercessors chi head judge zmagan.

4.8. The head judge board is allowed to form the final group of the strongest athletes (Group A) and the teams (in team divisions) for sub-bags of performances in the remaining divisions:

What fate; front rock

The rights and obov'yazki zhuri

1. Jury shall exercise control over the vikonannya by all the participants of the Rules and the Regulations on magic. The jury has no right to change the established regulations.

2. The jury accepts protests and blames decisions for them.

3. Judges may have the right to pronounce the head judge to judge the work of the judges, to give rude pardons in court, as well as incorrect actions of the participants in the fight (athletes, coaches, judges, representatives).

4. Make changes before the spread of the zmagan, as in which vinyl is needed.

5. The decision of the jury is accepted by the greater number of voices. Kerіvnik zhurі pіd hour voting may two votes.

Head Judge and Yogo Protectors

4.9. Головний суддя керує роботою суддівської колегії та несе відповідальність перед організацією, яка проводить змагання, за чітку організацію, дисципліну та безпеку проведення змагань, створення рівних умов для всіх учасників, суворе дотримання чинних правил, об'єктивність суддівства, підрахунок результатів та підбиття підсумків змагань.

4.10. The head judge of goiter:

Head Judge before the cob zmagan goiter to hold a meeting of the judiciary board and the team representatives. To the very beginning of the mind, the place of the carried out mark, its equipment, inventory and possession, the compliance with the rules of the mark and the help of safety equipment;

Determine the procedure for the work of the judicial board and the judicial brigades.

Sweep the move and take care of the food that you blame

To establish control over the work of judges at the move

Appointment of assistants;

Accept before the discussion the jury declare and protest what they wanted;

Give at 5-day lines of letters svіt ta nebhіdnu

Documentation in the organization, how to carry out the magic;

Appoint that to hold a meeting of the Judicial Collegium for an hour zmagan.

4.11. The intercessor of the head court is charged with statements of the head court, for the presence of the remaining vikonu of the footwear.

Head Secretary Zmagan

4.12. Head Secretary:

Prepare the necessary technical documentation and support for the correctness of its execution;

Draw up the minutes of the meeting of the court board and draw up orders and decisions of the head court;

With the permission of the head court, give information about the help to the court-informator, representatives of teams and correspondents;

Keeping records about the establishment of records;

Operate all documentation;

Submit the necessary materials for the call to the head court;

Vede form and fix the solution of any protests

Judge on the platform

4.13. Judge on the platform:

Fully and clearly deafening the rahunoks correctly chiming pidjomiv,

Fixing technically incorrectly vykonani pidyomi with the command "Do not rahuvat";

I vociferously vouch for the participant's residual result in the skin right.

NOTE: At international competitions and national championships, two judges are assigned to the leather yard.


4.14. Secretary:

Fill in the cards of the participants on the call (protocol of the call) and the protocol of the sign on the platform;

Calling the participants to the pomіst and ahead of the need to be prepared for the devil's participants.


4.15. Judge-informer:

Announce the decision, order of the Main Judicial Collegium;

Let the observers and the participants know about the results of the attack.

Judge in front of the participants

4.16. Judge in front of the participants:

Checking for the lists the appearance of the participants in the campaign, as well as the validity of their costumes, depending on the rules of the campaign;

It is right to spend a pobudova and see the participants in the zmagan with a foal for tribute,

At the same time, ahead of the participants about their call to the pomist,

Give the secretary information about the non-appearance of the participant, or else take the fate of the magicians;

Є as an intermediary between the participants and the judiciary board.

Technical controller

4.17. Technical controller:

Up to the cob zmagan at once from the head judge reverberating the rules of zmagan and safety techniques, the mass of the mass, the mass of the warm-up and the preparation of the kettlebell. Availability of tereziv, platforms, court signalization, chronometry and іn;

Together with one of the members of the Head of the Judicial Collegium to the cob zmagan, to carry out the audition of the parametrization of the group and the warehouse act on their compliance with the Rules of the smagan;

At the process of improving the control of technical equipment and inventory and possession and compliance with the standard of compliance with the Rules of improvement and technical safety;

I ensure order at the uninterrupted place of the participants, including perebuvannya whether they were in front of it behind the platforms, at the uninterrupted proximity to the courts, in front of the lenses of the video cameras, just.

Give instructions to the commandant for the adoption of the revealed chi viniklih in the process of the zmagan is not enough for the technical safety;

In times of insolence, you need to make propositions about zupinennya zmagan to eliminate the cause, which її calls out.

At the time of the emergency over the state situation, urgent calls are made to the evacuation of participants and watchers from the unsafe zone, remember about those who ended up in the regional center of the National Assembly.

Likar zmagan

4. 18. Doctor zmagan to enter the warehouse of the Judicial Collegium as an intercessor of the head court from the medical part.

4.19. Likar zmagan:

Reviewing the presence of a physician in applications for the admission of participants to a doctor;

Zdiysnyuє medical guard for the participants at the hour of the call that at the process zmagan;

Ledkuє for dotrimannyam sanitary and hygienic minds when carrying out zmagan, place of living and eating,

We give medical assistance in case of injuries or ill participants

Uzgodzhuє with the lead judge about the nanny of the participant, give a letter of whiskey about the cause of this nanny,

After the completion of the loan, you give the head judge a call about medical and sanitary services.

Commandant zmagan

4.20. Commandant zmagan vіdpovidaє for his own preparation of equipment (platforms, weights, weights and other equipment), zmagan’s place, place for participants, representatives, judges, judges.

Take care of the parade of participants with technical aids and paraphernalia, vykonuє vkazіvki of the head court, technical controller and representative of the organization, to carry out the magic.

Rules of vikonanny right

5. Rules of vikonanny right

burning position

5.1. For 2 hours before the cob, the participant has the right to request for tribute. 5 seconds before the start, the Control hour is held: 5. 4, 3, 2, I sec. After the "Start" command, the participant of the goiter and yazaniyas will often have the right to: post workers. At the same time, the participant lifts the kettlebell (weight) on the platform to the “Start” command, the senior referee gives the command “Stop, put the kettlebell (weight) on the platform and put it right.”

5.2. A participant, who has fallen asleep on the floor until the moment of start, is not allowed to start.

5.3. At the vikonannya, the participant is entitled to an hour of 10 hvilin. Judge-secretary through the skin fluff povіdomlyaє Control hour. After 9 minutes, the control hour is deafened after 30 sec., 50 sec., remaining 5 sec. Skin for a second.

5.4. After 10 hvilin, the “Stop” command is given, if you don’t get safe, and the participant in the goiter has the right to take a bite.

5.5. Skin correctly, the vikonan is accompanied by a judge on the platform. Judging by the voice of the chest, if all parts of the athlete's body become unruly.

5.6. At the time of the damage, I could up to the technical level, and the right referee on the platform gave the Commands “Don't fuck up”, “Stop”.

5.7. At the vapadku, as a participant in the hour of vikonannya, the right to hit the statue behind the boundaries of the platform, as if it were part of the body, the command “Stop” is given.

5.8. An athlete who cannot straighten his speech at the link

I am guilty of natural inspirations about tse povіdomiti judges on the platform of that court in front of the cob vikonanny is right.

post office

5.9. Posted from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chests, the shoulders are pressed to the toe, the legs are straightened.

At the moment of fixation of the weight at the upper position of the arm, the toelub and legs may be straightened. The athlete's hands are on the frontal area of ​​the head. The legs of that weight are located on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing at the top position and the boat of the judge, the participant lowers the weights at the starting position in a sufficient way.

An important note: fixation - accepted, visible, visible girdle of the athlete.

5.11. The "Stop" command is given:

Lowering the weights (weights) from the breasts at the position of the hang.

Doshtovhuvannya. dotist;

Day of fixation at the starting position and at the top position.

5.12. The posting of 2 weights in the chest with advanced lowerings at the position of the hang after the skin lift (for a long cycle) is carried out according to the same rules, but the “Stop” command is given when the weights are placed on the floor.


5.13. To the right, wink in one step. The participant is guilty of uninterrupted hand lifting the weight on a straight arm and fixing it. At the moment of fixation of the kettlebell at the upper position is the hand. the legs and the toelub may be straightened. The athlete's hand can be on the frontal area of ​​the head.

It is not allowed to twist the tuluba, twisted into hip joint. After fixing the mountain, the participant does not stick around with the weight of the coat of that shoulder. lower the її to the bottom for the vikonnannya of the chergovy pidyoma.

5.14. The change of hands is carried out once. in a fair way. When the weights are lowered on the shoulder for an hour and a half, the command “Shift” is given with the first hand.

5.15. Stop command is given:

for technical unpreparedness;

Setting the kettlebell on the shoulder with the rivt with the other hand;

Putting the kettlebell on the floor.

Dotice weights;

Visibility of fixation at the upper position,

With a free hand, be a part of the body, a platform, a weight, that you practice your hands. nig, tuba.

Command zmagannya (relay races)

5.17. vaga gir (giri), right, timchasovy factor, the number of stages are determined by the provisions on magnification.

5.18. Vikonannya has the right to be held for wild rules.

5.19. Vikonannya is right for the stages, it starts from light categories.

5.20. The participant is allowed to speak at least one stage.

5.21. Relay order:

Before the cob of the relay race, the participants of the vishikovuyut to the vistava

For teams, for stages. 5 seconds before the start to fight

Control hour: after what the command "Start" is given

To the participants of the first stage,

15 seconds before the start of the draft stage, the judging with the participants should be shown

offensive athletes;

5 seconds before the end of the draft stage, pass through the control hour: 5,4,3,2,1.

The transfer of the baton is for the command "Change". member, law

Chile stage, guilty of putting weights on the pomist,

To the participant of the front stage, which fixed the weight after the command

"Change" for the rough stage

Rahunok is carried out in a heated manner, with growing results;

The alternate team is nominated for the largest number

Pidjomiv - for the equivalence of the number of pidjomiv for two and more teams

The team will take the priority, so I can change my vlasnu


Member card zmagan

Interpretation of paragraphs of the rules

Interpretation of paragraphs of the rules for the promotion of kettlebell lifting.

1. The nature of the program is zmagan.

Kettlebell lifting exercises are carried out according to the regulations on lifting. Regulations are issued by kettlebell lifting federations or by organizations that carry out these promotions. The arrival of the participants, the beginning of the mandate committee, the hour of the meeting of the judicial board, the people of the representatives are appointed at the appointed time. The regulation also regulates the number of categories, the number of categories, the hour of the call, the weight of the gear, the hour of the right, as well as the program of the program. The positions in the team ranking are assigned to the tables of the ranking coefficients, to the positions in the special ranking, or other criteria assigned to the positions. The provisions on the protection cannot be changed.

2. Applications.

Before the mandate commission, applications of the established card are submitted, certified by the sports organization’s certifier and doctor, individual cards of participants approved by the federation and completed by the computer version. The insurance policy is responsible for the skin participant. As there is no collective medical application, the skin participant submits an individual opinion as a doctor.

3. Calling participants.

The call of the participants of the zmagan is carried out by the judges, who are recognized as the head judge of the zmagan. On the occasion of the international and national competitions, the celebrations are held ahead of the evening and the third one year. On the ridges of the lower level, the call can be held two years before the ridge and three years. Before the ear of the call, a technical application is submitted for the fate of the command first.

4. Participants zmagan.

A member of the zmagan goiter of the nobility and unskillfully vikonuvaty rules zmagan that regulation about zmagannya.

5. Form of athletes.

The form of athletes can be clean and ohaynoy. The costume can be folded in one or two pieces, elastic shorts, leotards, T-shirt or T-shirt. The sleeves of the T-shirt are not responsible for curling the elbows. The name of the country, region, coat of arms can be named on a T-shirt. A weightlifting belt can be standard. The back part of the belt is not more than 12 cm wide, the front part is not more than 6 cm, the thickness of the front part is not more than 0.8 cm. see. It is allowed to wear knee pads and a pahvin bandage. The belt cannot be worn under a suit of magic. Sports vzuttya can be more than enough. The team is to blame for the mother uniform.

6. Representatives.

The representative carries the full responsibility of his team. Guilty to be present at all the celebrations that are held for the hour of zmagan. You can file a protest to the jury, if you are more than a participant in your team. For the presence of the representative of the yogo obov'yazka, the captain of the command is vikonu.

7. Inventory.

The weights on the zmagannyah can be but a single shape and color according to the rules of international zmagany, as well as prepared and numbered zgіdno with platforms.

8. Rozminalny hall.

The mother is guilty of sufficient number of platforms and weights for warming up the participants of the zmagan, the month of recovery. Obov'yazkovo can be conducted dublyuchy protocol zmagan.

9. Judgment.

The panel of judges is completed with the organization of the campaign. On the basis of international and national equalities, the head board of judges and judges are appointed by the presidium of the board of judges. Before the jury of judges, on the scales of different equals, the judges are guilty, so that they can get a certificate of judgment at various courts and a seminar on the advancement of qualifications. The board of judges and judges in their activities are charged with the official rules of kettlebell lifting.

Interpretation vikonanny right

Vikonanny rules are right.


Team stop sue for technical unpreparedness

Technical unpreparedness- ce repeatedly incorrectly vikonannya is right in view of the arbitrarily accepted rules of the post. Appear to the judge on the platform.

Zshtovhuvannya- The weights are placed in front of the athlete at any time, either on bent arms, standing up from the side of the body at any time, or in the shoulder or elbow pad for fixation.

We press the weights(Gіr) - an athlete at the pіdsіdі аbo in stіytsі dotikaє kettlebell on a straight arm.

It is allowed to correct the weight in the outer position, but if the attacks are correct, the postage will not be protected. The weights at the exit of the camp go down only after the rahunka of the court in a sufficient way without an obvious tooth. At the old cycle, the tooth is fenced at the bottom.


Under the hour of fixing the kettlebell at the upper position, the arm, the legs and the toelub may be straightened. After the rahunka, the judge, the participant can take a sufficient camp of the body for the repair.

When towing a kettlebell on a platform without wasting the pace, the onset of the attack is not secured. When the pace is lost, when the weight is turned on the platform, the command to “shift” to another “stop” is given to the first hand. When the pace is changed, the first hand is commanded to “transfer”, another “stop”.

Change of hands is carried out once in a certain way (it can be lowered without a tuck over the shoulder) on an additional swing. With two additional swings, the offensive will not be protected. For more swings, the “stop” command is given.

Vikonanny technique is right


Classical rivok - on the right, with vikonannі yakoї vydpovіdno to the rules of lifting the weight with one uninterrupted hand can be lifted uphill on a straight arm. For the safety of її pіdyom, you can beat pіdsіd. The trivality of one row (with a rise uphill and downhill) - for the average 3-6 s.

Technician folding Rivka, Zhokremi, Zekrema, Znokhidnistu Realizuvati Potzіal under the Shvidkom Rusi Girі, Utitrimati, over the head of the stipa, with a sufficient horizontal shell at the Ponno-Zadno, and such in general. Tse pred'yavlyaє vysoki vomogi to rukhovy zdіbnosti, kіnesthetic sensitivities and frivolity in the swamps.

The right is composed of several successively victorious parts: the start, the lifting of the weight uphill, the fixation and the lowering down. In the skin of these parts, sings of rukhovi zavdannya are virulent. It is right to repeat the maximum number of times with one hand and then with another hand. The change of hands is carried out on an additional swing.


The engine for the start is the security of increasing the realization of the athlete's rukhovy potential in the process of skin stepping lifting weights. At the starting position, the following elements are seen: the placement of the feet, the expansion of the athlete’s other legs of the athlete’s body, the chocking of the bow of the kettlebell.

Stop sounding to place the trochs wider behind the shoulders with the natural turn of the scarpets, the lower is created the most conveniently, the position is more stable.

In addition, as an athlete zdіysnyuє zahoplennya arms of the weight, rich in what to lay the final result. As if the shackle is choked up all the way down, the shkiri (rubbing of calluses) is rubbing, and also the shvidka is m'yazyv in front of the plate.

With the correct zahoplennі arches of the weights of the m'yazi in front of the shoulders practically do not get stuck and calluses do not rub. For this bow, the weight is to blame for lying on the phalanxes of the fingers, for which reason the stretching of the m'yaziv in front of them is safe, and the increase in practicality. To prevent the appearance of calluses, it is necessary to shove the shackle in such a way that the tightness of the shkiri on the shoulders is turned off.

Kut nakhil tuluba in terms of stretching to the horizontal is responsible for becoming approximately 45. It adds up to the value of the kuta villota uphill of the weight and ensures the necessary static tension of the long backs. The head can be lifted a little, the straightening looks ahead. This is the position of the head spryaє (zavdyaki shynotonic reflexes) to increase the tone of m'yazіv-rozginachіv nіg і tuba, making it more effective inclusion in the dynamic work, and at once lowering the m'yazovy tone of їх antagonists. The arm is straight, the shoulder is lowered (tight). The hand is free to know the hand position.


Having lifted the weight in front of the platform, the athlete will eat, for which the trochs are buried in the knee-high swamps of the legs, heeling the toelub, giving the weight between them back.

Climbing the mountain uphill - the largest vertical part of the river. Head rukhovy zavdannya tsієї parts є nadannya weights nebhіdnoї svidkostі and height villot. Lifting the weight uphill is lifted up in two phases, which are sequentially beaten: the phase of dispersal - the projectile, in the process of which weight is lifted up to the level of the breasts, and the phase of the free weight of the weight, as a result of which it is lifted uphill on the drawn arm.

In the first phase, the main task is to put on the weights, which is necessary for the villota uphill. Zusilla develops at the same time as the tight openings of this coat. The pelvis moves uphill, the shoulder girdle collapses in an arc uphill and back. At the same time, the kettlebell moves from the quickening forward to the hill. The arm under the hour of dispersal is straight (it plays the role of a “thread” in the pendulum), the shoulder is lowered. The least bending of the hand in the first phase decreases the susilla that an athlete develops, as a weak lanka appears in a practical biomechanical lance. It is necessary to bring the kettlebell weight up to a change in speed, and on the other hand - to the speed of the weight. Even more often, a change in the activity of m'yaziv nіg that tuba is suspected. The reason for this is the pre-training of the athlete to the lifting of the weights, the change in the amplitude of the swings, the transcendent scootiness.

Until the end of the first phase, the kettlebell is as far as possible from the athlete's side, and its mobility also reaches the maximum. Let's sweat for the rahunok pribanoy shvidkostі out collapsed by inertia crooked uphill. The hand of the troch is bending, to change the moment of inertia, m'yazi pratsyut in the dwindling regime. The greatest tension falls on the hand (Rk) at that point of the trajectory of the flight, de vector of the central force to the pidyoma (Rg) where the arc of the flight will be maximally straightened on the athlete.

Zusilla, who reach the kettlebell, make buti split up so that at the upper part of the floor the wind of the kettlebell goes out. If you don’t have enough weight, wash your strength, straighten it at the top point back-uphill, make the kettlebell fixation easier.

For this, when fixing the weight in the mountains, she did not hit the front, the hand should not wind the weight on the side, which is flying uphill, and by the same token, the blow is delivered. Tse reach the heart of the supination in the liquor loam. The hand straightens up, the soft pid-sid fights. The weight is rotated for a long time in front of the shoulder, and not thrown over the brush. Lifting the weight on a straight arm, the athlete straightens his legs.

If the weight is found on the mountains, then the bow can be on the support of the arm. Tse allows you to maximally relax the m'yazi in front of the face and prevent the squeezing of the blood-bearing vessels, which will protect the blood of the hand and the front. You can open your palm and move your fingers to ensure a singing brush massage. In the mountains, the hand is completely “wimped” at the elbow and shoulder swamps, the shoulder is loosened. The pressure of the weight through the important hand can be transferred to the widest m'yazi of the back. Tilki for tsієї mind you can viskonati dosit large number of pidjomіv (like in rivka, so in mail).

Before lowering the kettlebell down, the fingers clamor the bow of the kettlebell so that it would be easy to trim it down below and there would be no tension on the hips.

The weakening of the mind, yak it does not mean an uninterrupted resurrection, and practicing - an important indicator of mastery in kettlebell lifting.

B. LOWERING THE WEIGHT DOWN The weight falls down under the vlasnoy vaga. Slowly give it on a straight arm three steps forward, turning slightly in front of the shoulder forward and down, cross the bow on the chest with a grip on the beast and immediately lift the shoulder. Just like a projectile that falls, pull your arm down, gently lock it down, lower your shoulder, heal your toe, bend your legs in knee-high swamps and take the starting position. Let's sweat, without lowering the weight on the floor, let's start a new cycle right.

post office

The classical mail is right, for which the great and trival m'yazovy stresses are characteristic, which are accompanied by a zatrimkoy breath and stress. Posts are victorious with two weights. Successful postage will require a high level of development of power vitrivality.

The right side is composed of two independent devices: the top on the chest and the top on the breasts (Fig. 1). The first one is a preparation, vikovanim, right on the cob, the other is the main one.


Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart from the natural turn of the scarpets, weights stand between the feet, behind. For the rahunok, the robotic m'yaziv-rozginachiv tuba and nig, as well as the robotic arms of the weights, are lifted with one uninterrupted movement along the crooked uphill on the chest.


The rise in the view of the breasts is composed of three successively victorious parts: the one at the exit position, the rise to the top, the top of the step. Mustache parts are organically mutually connected and poured one on one.

Dії at the outward position. The main task of the day is to secure the greatest possible physical abilities of an athlete, with a little victorious right and us in front of the strength of m'yazіv-rozginachіv nіg that tuluba, oskolki tsі m'yazi in the mail from the breasts are carried out.

In order to ensure the posture of the breasts, the athlete is obliged to take the most convenient position. Stop standing on the width (or a troch wider) of the shoulders, ensuring that for the smallest equal minds there is more equal realization of the strength of the m'yaziv-rozginachiv of the nig and the greatest way on the weight in the process of їх pіdіm to pidsіdu. The shackle lies on the base of the valley. The weights are pressed to the breasts, the arms are relaxed, the elbows of the yakomog are closer one to one (which one they try to develop, developing slackness at the shoulder and elbow globules). Tulub troch is pulled back, the pelvis is forward, legs are straightened. Mіtsne that nadіyne utrimannya gir on the breasts is a necessary mental concentration of respect for vishtovhuvannі gіr uphill, full realization of the strength of nіg that tuluba in another priyomі postovhu vіd breasts.

The projection of the central center of gravity is due to pass approximately in the middle of the support, or a little closer to the homilk-foot globules. Look forward straightening, m'yazi shiї rozslablenі.

Pidyom to pidsidu. Tse - the head part of the post of the type of breasts. The main її rukhove zavdannya - lifting the weight to such a height and with such a final swedishness, so that with the optimal for a given athlete, the right lift could be successfully completed.

Pidyom to pidsida is composed of two successively victorious and closely related phases: napivprisid and vishtovhuvannya. This interrelationship of delusions, that zusilla, directly on the vishtovhuvannya gir, actually starts at the phase of the drink, if the athlete’s move and the gir are down. In the case of an unsatisfied cutaneous aging of the cycle phases, the structure and parameters of the rupture are sharply deteriorated. Oskіlki vishtovhuvannya - the conduction phase of the pidyom to the pіdsіd, napіvprisіd is responsible for the safety necessary mind for effective vikonannya vishtovhuvannya.

Napіvprisіd vykonuєtsya with support on the entire foot for the rahunok of an insignificant bending of the knee near the knees. With this, the knees are slightly swayed to the sides, the pelvis is lowered back and down, and the shoulder girdle is forward and down (the tulub yak bi bends). The weights move vertically down or arcuate down and forward. Gіrі about two-thirds of his way down fall quickly. Then, on the way, where he was left, the athlete is actively pushing the weight down (susilla, what is developing, growing fast). Pіd hour galmuvannya singing part kinetic energy streaked on the front stretching out the working m'yazіv, which increases the efficiency of their distant work. Prote, as the weights go down more quickly, then the way of their galvanization fit more. It is the responsibility of the skin athlete to know the optimal speed of galvanization for himself. It's important, sob napіvprisіd not be too deep. Then there will be a greater maximum susilla at vishtovhuvann, shards at the same time, great kuti is saved in the knee-high swamps and, also, the dynamic ability of m'yaziv-rozginachiv nig will increase.

Vishtovhuvannya is carried out with energy, speeding up the opening of the tunic and with a sharp feed forward-uphill of the pelvis and ends with swedish standing on toes. Zusilla, which develops, is passed on to weights and hands (weights and hands are one and the same here), which is free to lie on the chest.

It is necessary to improve the vishtovhuvannya z swidkistyu, which swidko grows, vicorist energy and the work of all the legs of the musculoskeletal apparatus. Tilki for tsієї think you can conserve energy reserves for the victory of a great number of ruins.

The rhythm of the head part of the chest is two-tact: the first beat is vibrated on the top, the other - vishtovhuvannya.

Pidsid that getting up. Vikonannya pidsidu lie down in the vіd vіd vіsoti vіdkostі vilhotu gir. In order to avoid the curved trajectory of the swing, the weight forward, when standing on the scabbards, the gravity line of the “sportsman-weights” system is guilty of being stuck in the middle of the support.

In the rest of the moment, the athlete shvidko and completely "turns on" his hands in a dynamic work. This allows you to extinguish the vertical movement of the body, after which the athlete quickly winks down, pushing the chest forward and down. Active interaction with kettlebells speeds up the speed and regulates it directly. Why does the athlete's body sink with stalking, that it outweighs the stalking of a free fall, and the weights rise more and rush back a little.

After a full swing of the arms, the entire system of the “athlete-weights” under the influx of gravity and inertia of the troch goes down. Strimuyuchi the vice of weights, the athlete locks his legs. Trim your head straight, squeeze it up to your chest, the toenail bends across, with the projection of the center of gravity of the weights to pass through the cool loam. Hands in the mountains are closer one to one (stars, not spread apart to the sides), delta-like shoulders are relaxed, basically susilla is safe for the widest, trapezoidal and other m'yazi of the back.

Rising starts immediately after the lowering of the “sportsman-weights” system down. For whom it is necessary to give the pelvis in front.

Under the hour of fixation of the kettlebell, the athlete can be unruly.

It is required to uniquely change the amplitude of the vishtovhuvannya of the gyroscopes, to bring the stones to a significant power work of the hands, which is achieved on the final result. Mala Ampletuda is bogged down by the Coordinances of the Permanista, the nyg il tuluba to Pidsіd, if the athlete in the lines is a snake to the snakes of the tension of his fuma, the ribs of the ribs are in the depths of the ribs: - uphill, and pіd hour pіdsіdu - again down.


To lower the kettlebell on the chest, the athlete gives the torso back, the pelvis slightly forward, lifts on the scarpets, relaxes the arms, bending them at the elbows. Hands with weights freely fall on the chest, with which the blow of the weights on the chest is amortized by bending the legs, lowering on the entire foot and the ruches of the toelub, which will spring.


In kettlebell lifting, in order to achieve a high result, it is important to achieve a high functional capacity of all organs and systems of the body, in order to ensure the sourness and utilization of yoga with the greatest effect. A high level of aerobic capacity to lie down due to the preparation of the dyhal apparatus, the correct rhythmic breath. It’s not alone, if the athletes don’t work on the setting of the breath and through the price they don’t advance their reach to the world that they could.

Sliding dihati deeply and rhythmically, including the so-called diaphragmatic dihannya, robiti povny and intense vision. In the world, the increase in fitness is actively breathing becomes an organic part of the rukhovogo dosvіdu and does not fail to fix the athlete’s respect.

The investigations carried out in 1953 by L. V. Fomichov show that it is more dihanna, that it reflects the nature of victorious work, it changes the possibility of vindication of hypoxemic manifestations and the increase in practicality. Breathing is required through the mouth, so when breathing through it, it is not possible to reach the limit values ​​of ventilation. The following schemes of dispensation are recommended for vikonanni rivka and postage:

When pulling: under the hour of lifting the weight from the starting position, the deep breath is taken; at the position, if the weight is in the mountains, - I see and a small breath; when the weight is lowered down - a deep sight.

Otzhe, for one cycle of Rivka to fight two breaths and two breaths;

When posting the type of breasts: at the starting position, push in the air; when napіvprisіdі - deep vision; before vistovhuvannyam - vdikh; at the position of fixation, the weight is a small sight and breath; when the weight is lowered on the chest - deep vision.

Otzhe, in one new Russian post, three breaths and three breaths will fight for breasts.

The basis of kettlebell lifting is to lay the kettlebell at the standing position, the maximum number of times for the singing interval of an hour.

In kettlebell lifting, men compete in one of two disciplines, and women in one discipline. The basis of kettlebell lifting among people is the classic double combat, which is formed by lifting weights with a skin hand and sending weights from the breasts with two hands.


Until the 1940s, kettlebell lifting, as a discipline, did not exist. Were less okremі enthusiasts, yakі were engaged in kettlebells for wet rose. Vtіm, weights like a sports equipment may have a long history. The oldest historical records about them date back to the 17th century.

In 1948, the first promotions for kettlebell lifting were held. The stinks were carried out under the patronage of athletes-important athletes and included the right with 32-kilogram weights. Since then, the magic has been carried out on post-yny bases, step by step, acquired the rules of that nabouli format, characteristic of modern zmagan. The basic rules for kettlebell lifting were broken down on the cob of the 1960s. In 1985, the rotation of kettlebell lifting took off the official recognition, and the All-Union Federation of kettlebell lifting was officially recognized by two fates later.

Rating standards

Kettlebell lifting has different standards. Masovі sports ranks are assigned here from 10 years, the category of the candidate for the master of sports (CMS) - from 14 years, the category of the master of sports (MS) - from 15 years, and the title of "master of sports of the international class" (MSIC) - from 16 years.

Standards for people

For people in the classical duality, there are such standards (withdrawals from the amount of weights for 10 weights):

In the category of 58 kilograms, the first category is awarded for 80 weight lifts with a weight of 24 kg, the other - 60 lifts, the third - 40. With an additional junior category, a weight with a weight of 16 kg is awarded. The first youthful one is given for 120 rubles, the other youthful one - for 85 rubles, and the third youthful one - for 50 rubles.

In the category of 85 kg, the first category is awarded for 130 lifts with a weight of 24 kg, the other - for 100 and the third - for 75 lifts. To win the CMS rank, you need 105 lifts with a weight of 32 kg, MS - 145 lifts and MSMK - 205 lifts.

In a similar category for people with a second cycle of postage, the first category is given for 69 postloads of a weight of 24 kg, the other - for 56 and the third - for 44 postloads. The title of Candidate Master of Sports is awarded for 48 pieces of weight 32 kg, MS - for 57, and MSMK - for 75 pieces.

Standards for women

For women in the category of 63 kg, the third category is awarded for 60 lifts in a weight of 16 kg, the other - for 80 and the third - for 100 lifts. To win the CMS rank, it is necessary to raise 63 lifts and weights with a weight of 24 kg, MS - 110 and MSMK - 130 lifts.

You can find out more about the regulations on the official website of the All-Russian Federation of Kettlebell Sport.

From 2014 to 2017, there will be such sports titles and categories.

Classical dualism among people

Postage by DC to people

Rivok at the women's

Wash the rahunka in the court and the hall of pidjomiv at the classic post office
The classic post is victorious with two weights. On the right, 10 hvilin an hour is added. The athlete after that, having hit the weights from the platform, can no longer put them on the bench. After that, like a gyrovik, having put the weights on the platform, judging by the end of the fire. After the weights are lifted from the breasts at the upper position, the legs and arms are straightened, the fixation is visible, the head is guilty to marvel straight - after that, the judge’s rahunka is seen. If the weights are known on the chests, the arms in front of the body are hung up, it is also hindered to put the weights on the shoulders. As the weights fell from the breasts, the “stop” command comes from the court.

Wash the hall of pidjomiv at the right side of the river

Wash the rahunka in the court and the hall of pidjomiv at the post office for a long cycle
Posts according to the long cycle are also beaten with two weights. On the right, 10 hvilin an hour is added. The athlete after that, having hit the weights from the platform, can no longer put them on the bench. After that, like a gyrovik, having put the weights on the platform, judging by the end of the fire. One pidyom - tse zakidannya with the upcoming vishtovhuvannyam (rewarded for 1 point). If the weights are lifted from the breasts at the upper position, the legs and arms are straightened, if the fixation is visible - then the judge’s chest is visible. If the weights are known on the chests, the arms in front of the body are hung up, it is also hindered to put the weights on the shoulders. After the throwing of the weights to the beast, the weights are thrown down on the chest, with which the teeth of the weights are hung up below and the weights are thrown off the platform. If the weight is standing on the platform, then the “stop” command will sound like a court (if it’s just a teal, then the “stop” command will not be).

Vaga gir
Zmagannya in Russia to pass with weights with a wagon of 16, 24 and 32 kg. For young people, on the youth discharge, the weights are 16 kg, on the grown-ups, the weights are 24 kg, and on the CMS, the weight is 32 kg. The girls have grown up, the ranks are worn with weights with a 16kg wagon, and the KMS with weights with a 24kg wagon.

Shortcomings of the system

Why are there shortcomings in the system of assigning a sports title. Rozriv mizh vagami gir is simply majestic. An athlete, who wins the 1st mature category, immediately begins to lift weights with a 32kg wagon, wanting to do good to himself with rock. Naturally, nobody checks with rock. Zvіdsi y usі pardons in technical terms and all injuries - in view of the ill-conceived system of assigning sports ranks, in view of the early transition of athletes to important weights.

International Club of Kettlebell Sport (IUKL)

International Union Kettlebell Lifting - a leading organization given species sports, in the name of which all official promotions for kettlebell lifting are carried out. In Denmark, the hour is 21 national federation. The headquarters of the IUKL is located near the metro station Roja (Latvia). President of the Federation for 2012 Imants Lochmels (Latvia). Official site: http://www.giri-iukl.com/ http://www.iwf.net/

All-Russian Federation of kettlebell lifting (VFGS)

All-Russian Federation of kettlebell lifting (VFGS) a public organization that organizes, develops and promotes kettlebell lifting in Russia. This time includes 44 regional divisions. The headquarters has been restocked near metro Obnіnsk. President for 2012 – Igor Petrovich Solodov. Official site: http://www.vfgs.ru/

Zmagan rules
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burning position

According to the nature of the weightlifting sport, they are subdivided into special, command and special team. The nature of the zmagan in a skin-smooth rash depends on the provisions for zmagannya. Lifting for people is carried out with weights of 24 kg, 32 kg and 40 kg according to the program: step by step two weights from the chest (short cycle), step by step for a long cycle (set of two weights from the chest with lowering at the position of hanging after the skin lift), row of weights by through one and the other hand, classical double combat (postal weights for a short cycle of fares), relay races (team swing). In the gir duality, the first right is the convoy for a short cycle, the other is the row. Women use kettlebells 16 kg and 24 kg less than weights. Peremozhets in the skin vagovіy category is assigned for the largest number insured pidjomіv. At the delivery of two weights from the breasts for a long and short cycle, a quarter of the weights were insured for the bag. At the weight of the weight with one hand at the people on the rahunok, the average value of the sum of pidyomiv of two hands (the result of the left and right hands is added and divided navpil). The woman at the river in the hall went to the sum of pidjomiv of two hands. The weight-lifting duality is expected to have the result of the mail order. With the same number of awards for two and more athletes in one category, the participant will take the lead, if I can reduce the weight of the head to the vantup, if it is the same, then the participant will take the lead, and I will take the lead. If the team of participants is the same in both stages, then the athlete of the super athlete who goes through the foaling will take the lead.

Participants perform on platforms with a size not less than 1.5x1.5 m. 5 seconds before the start, pass through the control hour: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sec. For a long time, the participant is obliged to enter the pomіst, after which the “Start” command is given. A participant who has fallen asleep on the floor is not allowed to start until the start. After the "Start" command, the participant of the goiter should start to walk right. At the same time, the participant lifts the kettlebell (weight) on the platform to the “Start” command, the senior referee gives the command “Stop, put the kettlebell (weight) on the platform and put it right.” On the vikonannya, the participant is entitled to 10 credits. The judge-secretary through the skin fibers confirms the control hour, or the control hour is displayed on a special scoreboard. After 9 minutes, the control hour is deafened after 30 s., 50 s., remaining 5 s. skin second. After 10 hvilin, the “Stop” command is given, if you don’t protect yourself and the participant of the goiter has the right to take a bite. The minimum interval between the rights may become 30 minutes. Kozhen correctly chiming pidyom is accompanied by a bastard judge on the platform. For damage, I could up to a technical fault, the right judge on the platform gives the command “Do not rahuvat”, “Stop”. With the dotik, until there is a part of the space beyond the boundaries of the platform, the “Stop” command is given. Under an hour, the sportsman was fenced off to shout cheers. An athlete, who cannot straighten his lungs through natural respiration, is guilty of helping judges on the platform of that court before the cob of vikonnanny is right.

Relay races are performed by teams according to the kilka osib, de skin a member of the team on the basis of lifting weights for a short period of time. Participants take care of the Vikonan only one right. Vaga gir (girі), right, timchasovy factor, the number of stages depends on the provisions for magic. Vikonanny has the right to be carried out according to the banal rules. Vikonannya is right for the stages, it starts from light categories. The participant is allowed to speak at least one stage. Before the cob of the relay race, the participants of the vyshikovuyutsya for the vistava behind the teams and stages. 5 seconds before the start, the control hour will be held: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” after which the “Start” command is given to the participants of the first stage. 15 seconds before the start of the choke stage, when the participants see the offensive athletes, 5 seconds before the end of the choke stage, it is held at the control hour: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The transfer of the baton is carried out for the “Change” team. The participant, who has completed the stage, can put the weights on the floor. The participant of the previous stage, having fixed the weights after the command “Change” for the draft stage, will not be protected. Rahunok is carried out in a heated manner with growing results. The team-permuter is nominated for the largest number of pidjoms. If two or more teams have an equal number of pidjoms, the team will take precedence, as I can lessen the power of the participants.

Participants zmagan

Athletes from the next age groups are allowed to participate in kettlebell lifting: juniors and girls up to 16 years old, young women and girls up to 18 years old, juniors and juniors up to 22 years old, men and women from 22 years old.

Participants are divided into the following categories:
- juniors, senior juniors: up to 53 kg, up to 58 kg, up to 63 kg, up to 73 kg, up to 78 kg, up to 85 kg, St. 85 kg;
- juniors, people: up to 63 kg, up to 68 kg, up to 73 kg, up to 78 kg, up to 85 kg, up to 95 kg, up to 105 kg, St. 105 kg;
- Girls, older girls: up to 53 kg, up to 58 kg, up to 63 kg, St. 63 kg;
- juniors, women: up to 58 kg; up to 63 kg; up to 68 kg; St. 68 kg.

Tables of rating standards for kettlebell lifting of the All-Russian Federation of Kettlebell Sport (VFGS) in 2010, valid for 2012

Giry's dualism (people)

Note: in the table, as a standard, the sum of payments for the shipment of weights for a short cycle and the weight lifting is presented.

Postage for a long cycle (persons)

Note: in the table, as a standard, the number of deliveries of weights for the delivery of weights for a long cycle is presented.

Rivok giri (women)

Note: the table shows the standard as the amount of pidjomiv left right hand at Rivka Giri.

Zmagalni right: rules and order vikonannya

Posting two weights per short cycle

Delivery of two weights from breasts for a short cycle

To the right, you veer from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chests, the shoulders are pressed to the toe, the legs are straightened. The athlete is guilty of the system, after which the weights are lifted uphill and the weights are lifted from them by one-hour straightening of the arms, after which the legs are straightened and the arm is fixed. At the moment of fixation of the weight at the upper position of the arm, the toelub and legs may be straightened. The athlete's hands are on the frontal area of ​​the head. The legs of that weight are located on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing at the top position and the boat of the judge, the participant lowers the weights at the starting position in a sufficient way. Fixation - accentedly seen, visible ridge of the athlete's guitar. It is allowed to correct the weight in the off position, but if the attack is correct, it will not be protected. The weights at the exit of the camp go down only after the rahunka of the court in a sufficient way without an obvious tooth.

Stop command is given:

- for technical unpreparedness (repeatedly incorrectly corrected, which is repeated, revisited in accordance with the generally accepted rules of the post, is judged on the platform);
- lowered weights (weights) from the breasts at the hanging position.
- doshtovhuvanni (weights for an hour pidsidu to be placed in front of the athlete or on bent arms, for an hour of getting up from the pidsidu doshtovhuyutsya or at the shoulder or elbow for fixation);
- dotisk (athlete at pіdsіdі or stіytsі dotiskє kettlebell on a straight arm);
- Visibility of fixation at the starting position and at the top position.

To the right, wink in one step. The participant is guilty of uninterrupted hand lifting the weight on a straight arm and fixing it. At the moment of fixation of the kettlebell at the upper position, the arm, legs and toelub may be straightened. The hand of the athlete is guilty of buti at the frontal area of ​​the head. It is not allowed to twist the tuba, twisted in the hip joint. After fixing on the mountain, participant, without sticking the weight of the coat on that shoulder, lower it down for the vikonannya of the cherg pidyoma. Change of hands to be carried out once, in a sufficient way. When the weights are lowered on the shoulder, the command “Shift” is given with the first hand. Vipadkovy torkannija a platform with a kettlebell at swing is not vvazhetsya pardon. Under the hour of fixing the kettlebell at the upper position, the arm, the legs and the toelub may be straightened. After the rahunka, the judge, the participant can take a sufficient camp of the body for the repair. When towing a kettlebell on a platform without wasting the pace, the onset of the attack is not secured. When tempo is lost while lifting the kettlebell on the platform on the first hand, the command “Shift” to another “Stop” is given. When the pace is reversed, the first hand is given the command “Shift”, another “Stop”. Change of hands is carried out once in a certain way, you can change hands on an additional swing. With two additional swings, the offensive will not be protected. For more swings, the command "Stop" is given.

Stop command is given:

For technical unpreparedness (repeatedly incorrectly vykonannya right, which is repeated, arraigned in accordance with the generally accepted rules of the rivka, vyznachaetsya judge on the platform);
- Setting the kettlebell on the shoulder while pulling with the other hand;
- Putting the kettlebell on the floor.

Dotikaє kettlebell (athlete dotikaє kettlebell on a straight arm after pіdyomu);
- vіdsutnіst fixation at the upper position;
- dotik with a free hand, be it a part of the body, a platform, a weight, a working hand, a leg, a coat.

Post-weights for a long cycle

Posting two weights from breasts for a long cycle
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Dana rightly represents two weights in front of the breasts with distant lowerings to the position of the weight following the skin lift. Zmagannya in the mail of the weight for a long cycle is carried out according to the same rules, that of the post for a short cycle, and the “Stop” command is given when the weight (weight) is placed on the floor, so for the long cycle the tooth with the weights below is blocked.

Equipment for kettlebell lifting and yoga design features


Zmagalny platform for kettlebell lifting

In the minds of the champions of the right to kettlebell lifting, they are victorious on a special platform with a size of 1.5x1.5 m. On top of the platform, it can be flat and not slimy.

Heavyweight weights 16 kg, 24 kg, 32 kg

On the weights of kettlebell lifting, the weights of the weights are standing up, as if they are winding up in the strictest sports weights to the strict dotrimans of the singing weights. Weights of 16 kg, 24 kg, 32 kg, 40 kg are weighted on vicorist weights. Vaga gir is not guilty of vіdhilyatisya vіd nominal bіlsh nіzh per 100 g. Dimensions of weights: height - 280 mm, body diameter - 210 mm, handle diameter - 35 mm. In order to separate the weights of different vags, they are farbuyut, fallow in the masi, in the songs of the color: 16 kg - yellow, 24 kg - greens, 32 kg - red, 40 kg - bronze.

Equipment for kettlebell lifting

Athletes-gyrologists zastosovuyut within the framework of training and improving the equipment, zavdyaky, for example, the injury is reduced and relieved by the impact of the projectile. Kettlebell sports are allowed to wear offensive equipment: zuttya, belt, bandages, wristbands.



The rules of the federation of diversity do not regulate the construction of the athlete-weight lifter, but most often weightlifting is used on the swings, which allows you to increase the athlete’s stability and protect the feet of yoga at the right. This variety of sports wear is a strong fixation on the feet of the boots on the torso and zhorstky soles.

weightlifting belt

The technical rules of the federation allow the fitting of a weightlifting belt with a width of 12 cm on the zipper. Zastosuvannya belt girovikami allows you to reduce injury-safe navantazhennya on the transverse vіddіl ridge pіd hour vykonannya right. Most of the time, the belt zastosovuetsya pіd hour postovhu gir. The weightlifting belt has a specific shape - the back part is widened for a shorter girth across, and the front part is sounded for safe friability.


Elastic bandage

To reduce the tension on the knees of mud in kettlebell lifting, put in elastic bandages for bandaging the knees. Zastosuvannya bandages allows you to reduce the injury-safety of the burden on the knees of the snow and the hour of the vikonanny is right. The rules of the federation regulate the bandage cap - three more than 1.5 meters and the width of the overlay - three more than 25 div.



To reduce the tension on the wrist of kettlebell lifting, wristlets can be stuck. Apparently, up to the rules, the width of the bandage on the wrist is not to be changed by 10 cm.

Organization of initial training process

Kettlebell sport, due to its specificity, a cyclical kind of sport, to achieve great trivality of work in the minds of great activity. It is necessary for a sportsman-gyrologist to exercise under tightness (gir) with a stretch of 10 strands with a higher pace, a good conductive rukhovo yakistyu in this kind of sport, a strength vibrancy. All you need to know is your lead in the specifics of the training process in kettlebell lifting. Athlete-girovik krim training of power zdіbnosti is also necessary to develop aerobic vitality. Only those who are engaged in no younger than 12 years of age are admitted to regulatory documents before taking up kettlebell lifting.

This specificity of training in kettlebell lifting is determined by the qualifications of those involved. At the cob stages, the training of weightlifters overwhelms the general physical fitness in the development of strength (right with tightness) and vitrivality (big, loose gri). The selection of similar technologies allows for the safe formation of a physical base for further buried specialization. Specialists have the right to stagnate with weights in the smaller world, the main voice in that zastosuvanni rush to master the technique of smagal rights. In the course of the increase in training, a part of the special rights is increased, the intensity of the quest is increased, the training process is directed to the lost specialization, the part of the OFP is shortened.

The main reason for training in kettlebell lifting is right, so you can mentally improve on zmagalni, special preparationі hotly developing. More than a hundred weightlifting sports with such fahіvtsy zastosovuєtsya simple classification of rights: right with weights and right without weights. A number of stashes in the training process of gyroviks have the right to take positions in other sports.

General developmental rights are represented as the causes of development of aerobic vitality, and the features of strength training. For the training of vitrivality in the preparation of the kettlebell lifter, include a big leg at the middle and long distances. Для підвищення результативності бігових вправ застосовується весь комплекс методів тренування витривалості: злитно-рівномірний (проходження дистанції з постійною швидкістю), злитно-нерівномірний (проходження дистанції з періодичними прискореннями) та інтервальний (проходження дистанції кілька разів із жорстко лімітованими). As part of the strength training, it is right to get involved with different interests on the main language groups, the priority is obvious basic rights(bench press, deadlift, squatting, pulling up, getting sick too thin) can also be included in the training right for important athletics. Right at the development of strength, sound at intervals of repair until renewal, the weight of the tension should sound 40% - 80% at the maximum, at your own right, at 40%, it is recommended to win at the highest possible pace.

Zmagalny and special-preparatory training have the right to include a complex of different rights with weights. Zmagalny and special training have the right to work with kettlebells for a complex of ruddy health that is specific to kettlebell lifting. Zmagalni have the right to be represented by a ryvkom of weights, by mail weights for a long and short cycle. Special preparations have the right to include different options pіdёmіv gir similar іz zmagalnymi z tekhnіnіnі vykonannya, rhythm і tempo roti, drіguvannya naprugі and razslablennya razmіh m'yazovykh groups. Specially-prepared to have the right to win with one or two weights, with which the projectile can be widely changed. Based on the specifics of the main activity, within the framework of the initial-training process, the main and special training have the right to get out of the stagnation of various methods, as they are selected in the reserve from the factory, as the first sportsman is the first sportsman. In kettlebell lifting, within the framework of special work, such methods of training should be used: even, changing, interval, repetition and significant. Rivnomirny method of transferring significant and specially trained rights at the same pace, with which the right is won once. The pace should be adjusted according to the heart rate reading. Pulse in the right place may be approximately equal to 75% of the maximum (220 beats/minus vik). The main meta of this method is to increase the aerobic capacity of the athlete's body. The change method of transferring the number of milestones to the right with weights of various weights. In the first half of the rise, the weight of the weight rises, and in the other half, it decreases. For whom the constant pace of vikonnannya is to be blamed, the number of repetitions is determined individually. The change method of assigning us to the advancement of the power component to the complex of the ruhovyh zdіbnosti gyrovik and the perfection of the technique is right. The interval method of transmission is right for short series for trivality, as they are drawn by a strictly regulated order. The whole method of victory is right to move the pace of the victorious. There are two variants of the interval method: sprint (trivality of the skin series 15 - 30 seconds at the maximum pace), tempo variant (trivality of the skin series 1-2 whilini). This method is also the shortest one for reaching sportsmen. The repeated method of transmission is right with a large number of approaches, the trivality of the skin approach is less on the strokes and becomes three to five whilins. Intervals for repair between approaches are three before the athlete is renewed. This method is also effective for the perfect technique. The important method of transferring vikonnanny is right with trivality and at a pace as close as possible to the minds of the mind. The Danish method is zastosovyatsya for non-intermediate preparation to zmagan, destined to its maximum for the current hour. The choice of the singing method to lay down according to the planned commitment and the intensity of the adventure, the degree of adaptation of the athlete's body to the physical challenge.

Krim mastered the techies of the zmagal, deliberately trennage of the guns of the athlete, for the reach of the isolation, it is important to reach the bosom buildings to the Roboti Systems Organism, and the stoop of the stoil of the yogo Utlizanita, the worship of the non -Chin, the right -wing dwarf is the right dwells of the correct dwellings of the correct dwellings of the correct dwell Zgіdno z widely widened recommendations dikhati sіd through the mouth, deeply and rhythmically, robiti povny and іntensive vidih. When the weight is lowered, in the course of the projectile from the starting position, a deep breath is lifted, if the weight is in the mountains, it is visible and a small breath; When the weight is placed at the starting position, the weight is thrown inwardly, when the weight is lowered, it is a deep sight, then before the hand position, the weight is in the breath, when the weight is lowered on the chest, it is deep sightly - three sights are fought in one cycle of the weight being put on the chest.

Initial training activities in kettlebell lifting will follow the classic three-component scheme: preparatory part, the main part is final part. In the preparation part of the occupation by athletes, there is a deep warm-up to the body, so here specializations can be included in the right with weights of a small weight for training quietly, who is engaged in specific adventures. The trivality of the preparation part to become the average 15 hvilin. Within the framework of the final part, with the help of a quicker interruption of the recovery processes, stretching of the main meat groups and a special right for the compression expansion of the ridge. Trivality of the final part to become close to 10 hvilin. The main part of the occupation is in the state of training and is formed from a large group of people who have the right to win at the singing sequence. Аналіз тренувальних програм спортсменів-гіровиків показує значну різноманітність застосовуваних тренувальних схем, але найчастіше на початку основної частини виконуються змагальні вправи, після яких можуть виконуватися спеціально-підготовчі, в кінці основної частини зазвичай виконуються загальнорозвиваючі вправи на основні м'язові групи. Spivvіdnoshnja obyagu raznih gruppov vprav in the main vyznaєtsya qualification occupied. The trivality of the main part becomes 1 - 2 years.

Within the framework of the winter microcycle of weight lifting, it is carried out in 3 to 6 training sessions. Skin employment includes 4 - 8 right from the group. Due to the great trivality of special rights with kettlebells, the number of steps is small and it becomes 1 to 4. The intervals for repair between steps can be either ordinary (until re-invigoration) or long (exchange by the hour) - determined by the method of trenuvanya.

The design of training complexes to take from weightlifting sports is subject to the singing rules. When describing the training task, a number of parameters are indicated: the serial number, the right name, the weight of the projectile, the number of repetitions and approaches, the hour of repair and the hour of work. The name can be written more accurately, or it looks faster: P - rivok, T - postage for a short cycle, DC - postage for a long cycle. The weight of the projectile is specified in kilograms. The number of repetitions can be specified specifically for the digits, or for hundreds of digits for the maximum reach. The hour of work and the hour of repair is written in hvilin chi seconds. So the training supervisor can tell you important parameter the vanity of the weightlifter - the pace of the vykonannya is right for you to see a lot of pidjoms for the whil. The overridden components are not necessarily presented again in the training schedule, they can only be indicated as necessary in a particular case. For example, it is possible that a projectile squad may not be able to show up, that the forwarding of the vikonanny is right with the standard gear gear of tasks for an hour at a singing pace. Also, the hour of work and the number of repetitions are not indicated at once (replacement of repetitions can be indicated by the tempo of vikonannya, or the work’s trivality). Yakshcho vykonannya is right to be disposable, the number of approaches is not written. The hour of repair between pidkhodami is indicated for the hour of vykonannya right with limits for hourly intervals of repair. Looking back at all the artefacts, it becomes clear that the design of the order with different methods of training will be different. For example, a training task with a victorious equal method of preparation can look like an offensive rank:

1. Items: 24kg/8xw/10xw or 1.T 24kg/8xw/10xw

which means: "On the right number one post weight 24 kg, win at a pace of 12 kicks for a span of 10 strokes." The design of the training task for the different methods of training can look something like this:

1. Postage: 24kg/10hw; 28 kg/10 per min; 32 kg/10 per min; 28 kg/10 per min; 24 kg / 10 per min

What does it mean: "It is right to hit the number one postal kettlebell with a pace of 10 lifts for the fluff, five lifts with kettlebells 24 kg, 28 kg, 32 kg, 28 kg, 24 kg." Design trainingchnogo zavdannya z vikoristannyam іintervalnogoThe training method can look like this:

1. Pack: 32 kg / 50 / 120 sec / 3 abo 1. Pack: 32 kg / 60% / 120 sec / 3

which means: "Right number one post weight 32 kg vikonati 50 times (60% of the maximum), three steps, the repair interval between the steps is 120 seconds." The design of the training task for the selection of the repeated method may look like this:

1. Rivok 24 kg/60/2 or 1. Rivok 24 kg/60%/2

What does it mean: "Right number one row weight 24 kg vikonati 60 times (60% of the maximum), two passes." Making a task according to the magic method is done simply:

Packs 32 kg/max/10 mins or Rivok 32 kg/max/10 mins

which means: "Vikonati post (rivok) weights of 32 kg for the maximum number of times for 10 weights." The formalization of the legal development rights is used in the standard form: the name of the right and the number of approaches is multiplied by the number of repetitions. For example:

Squatting with a barbell on the shoulders: 3x15

What does it mean: "Vikonati squatting with a barbell on the shoulders 3 times 15 times, vaga pick up independently." Below, like a butt, there is a training complex for kettlebell sports, with designs following a similar scheme:

1. Pack of two weights: 24 kg / 80% / 120 sec / 3
. Rivok weight: 24/70%/120 sec/23. Bench press over the head: 3 x15 4. Squatting with a barbell on the shoulders: 4 x10 5. Healed through a gymnastic horse: 3x20
6. Folding the coat lying on the bed: 2xmax

It should be respected that more than the scheme of designing training tasks for the complex in kettlebell lifting is not conceived, which is explained by the great diversity of approaches to the design of training tasks among fahivtsiv in this sport.

As an example of the organization of the training process in kettlebell lifting, you can make a few plans for the current microcycles. The first plan for the training of representations with a typical microcycle of three takes i assignments for gyrovikiv-pochatkivtsiv, the terminology of the author is saved:


1. Showing off a low siwa with a kettlebell behind the head: 16 kg x 10-15 times / 2
2. Rivok weights with two hands: 24 kg x 10-15 reps / 2
3. Shvung press two weights: 16 kg x 10-15 reps / 2

5. Deadlift two weights: 16 kg + 16 kg x 10-15 reps / 2


1. Squatting with weights on the shoulders: 16 kg + 16 kg x 8 reps / 2
2. Lifting two weights on the chest with pulls: 16 kg + 16 kg x 10-15 times / 3
3. Drink with weights on the shoulders: 24 kg + 24 kg x 10-15 reps / 3
4. Bench press: 3 x 10-15 reps
5. Vishtovkhuvannya gyr іz out on socks: 16 kg + 16 kg x 10-15 times / 3
6. Shvung stowage from behind the head: 3x10-12 times
7. Hang on the crossbar for an hour: 2x1 xv


1. Kettlebell swing with a change of hands: 24 kg x 10-15 times / 2
2. Deadlift of the kettlebell to the stand-up board: 16 kg x 10-15 reps / 2
3. Rivok one kettlebell with two hands: 24 kg x 10-15 reps / 2
4. Rivok kettlebell with one hand: 16 kg x 10-15 reps / 2
5. Nahili standing with kettlebell in hand: 24 kg

The next plan for the training of performances in the presence of a microcycle with which to take that insurance for more trained athletes, the terminology of the author is saved:

Monday (the value of the vanity is small)

1. Kettlebell swing with a change of hands: 24 kg / 40% / 2
2. Rivok: 24 kg / 50% / 3
3. Walking with weights in the hand below: 2x60 s
4. Sitting with a barbell on the shoulders: 3x6-8

5. Pidyomi tuluba lying on the tragus: 2x12-15
6. Krosova preparation 1 km

V_vtorok (the value of the average interest)

1. Packs: 24 kg / 60% / 4
2. Shvung press: 3x10-12
3. Walking with kettlebells on straight arms eel: 2x30 s
4. Healed with a barbell in the hands: 3x10-12
5. Drink with a barbell: 3 x 20
6. Krosova preparation 2 km


1. Pack: 24 kg / 70% / 3
2. Rivok: 24 kg / 50% / 2
3. Walking with weights in the hands from the bottom: 2x60 s
4. Sitting with a barbell on the shoulders: 3x6-8
5. Healed with a barbell in the hands: 3x10-12
6. Bench press standing: 2x20
7. Krosova preparation 1 km

Friday (average value)

1. Rivok: 24 kg / 70% / 3
2. Walking with weights in the hands of the bottom: 2x30
3. Sitting with a barbell on the shoulders: 3x6-8
4. Pidyomi Tuluba lying on the tragus: 2x12-15
5. Rise up to the crossbar: 2x10

In the course of the training plan, it is necessary to take the weight of the tension at the most part of the hour working with the great groups of athletes, with an individual approach, the replacement of the weight can be given specific figures for the magnitude of the tension, which is more effective and practical for such events. When assessing the level of training effort in kettlebell lifting, the amount of weight lifted weights or the amount of lifted kilograms (tonnage) for the training period is accepted for її obyazh. For the intensity of the training challenge, you can take the weight of the gear, the pace of the increase, the number of repetitions for the maximum number of repetitions.

The planning of commitment and the benefit of weightlifting in kettlebell lifting is based on the improvement of the specifics of the stages of bagatarism training and the improvement of age-old and individual characteristics that are involved. The number of training challenges of different levels in different periods of the training process depends on the principle of cyclicality, the nature of the performances that are to be achieved, with which they vary in a wide range and are assigned to the current tasks of sports training.

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