St. Nicholas the Year - zvicha, traditions and folk traditions are holy. Day of Mykola the Wonderworker (Mikola Litniy)

An impersonal example is tied with guts, but few people know that the stench came from middle-class England. At that hour, there was a majestic number of these creatures, before that, the stench stole the products of that pseudo speech, they were recognized as evil spirits.

What checks on you in the near future:

Find out what is being checked on you next hour.

People's note on May 22

Folk name:

St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas day, grassy day.


Those, whose work is connected with seafaring and at a higher price, especially during the day, and before coming to the distant country, they try to turn back to Mikoli the Wonderworker, for the passage of time, allow them to turn back to their homes with tsilimi and neushkodzhenimi. Krіm of that saint is the patron saint of spring, young girlfriends couples, before that, he protects small children from the strong ones, the fields - from the summer fires, and at home - from the villains.

If you don’t want to go hungry for a long time, then try to scold the homeless people, or if you can, you want to make them sleepy for one night, otherwise you yourself will be doomed to hunger, that evil one.

Ring in the pіvdennih areas of our country 22 May starts the swimming season. It is important that you, who climbed near the water earlier line, cursed for misfortune - on their graves, the willow grew.


  • After Mikoli, frosts can come, but not more than twelve times. After them it is enough to get warm.
  • They remembered that the buzok had blossomed, so, for two days, you can go to the field and pick up the stoves.
  • Our ancestors commemorated that if it’s frost all day, then the spring will be cold. offensive dobi - richly fallen off, before that frost often sets in.
  • They poached, scho - the next few days are warm and that sleepy weather. Those same visuu and night makeup.
  • They respected that the gorobina began to bloom too early - may be even shorter autumn.
  • Surprised before, like making a kvity kulbabi. If at the middle of the day the stench is closed, it means that the boards will start to swell in no time; vіdkritі, ale with whom dark gloom is pouring across the sky - navpaki, do not be rascals.
  • Zgraї shpakіv roam around in the region restlessly and constantly fly from one month to another - check for a change in the weather.
  • Vranci passed through a small board and the fog appeared - you will go to the street, pick up the dew that has fallen, and wash it away. For povіr'ami the whole river you do not get sick, even if ailments literally bypass you.

Whose day is the holy day.

The national calendar date is 22 May - Mykola Spring, spring, summer, warm, grassy, ​​St. Nicholas day. Apply to Mykola (May 22) to show what a rich harvest will be. Orthodox church This day marks the transfer of the relics of the saint and miracle worker Mikoli from the place of Miri to the place of Bari.

The saint was born in the III century in the colony of Patara (Greece), from childhood he was also religious, having flourished in the education of the Holy Letter. On the day of wine, without leaving the temple, but at night, reading books, she prayed. Otriman after the death of the fathers of Mayno Mikola, giving away to the needy, and dedicating his life to God's service.

The saint and miracle worker is alive at the Malaysian city of Miri, de bov i pohovaniya close to 345 rock. Through this city, Muslims attacked the place and destroyed yoga. In order to protect the relics of Mykoli the Pleasant from the outside, they transported them to the place of Bari, which is near Pivdenny Italy. In 1087, the inhabitants of the city placed the relics of the saint at a specially revitalized temple, de stinks perebuvayut and today, believing people from the earth.

May 22: traditions and sounds of the day

St. Nicholas Spring is an important agricultural date. In the afternoon, a lot of prikmet was tied up, sending orders. Before the new one, the impersonal ritual actions and the strong gift certificates were consecrated. In rich texts that celebrate the days of warm Mikoli, either two Mikil dates (i 22 May), or two great spring saints -) and Mikolin's day.

Our forefathers commemorated that it’s stingy all day long. Yogo was called Mikola spring (spring), warm, herbal. Z tsієї give checks for the right heat and the growth of herbs.

Cry to Mikoli, if you want to grow up, but live from Mikoli - don’t grieve.

Priyshov bi Mikola, but it will be warm.

Knowing for sure that the spring people are warmly minliving and whether they can change their indignation, they said:

Before Mikoli, do not shear sheep, do not eat buckwheat.

Praise the winter after the day of Mikolin.

In the pivnіchnyh regions, it was important that in Mikoli there could be more than 12 frosty wounds, which could stretch up to). Our ancestors remembered that the weather would be bad all day long. Nikola to work, and Triytsya to rule.

From Mikoli, the grass grows well. For the villagers, it was not just nice and beautiful, but also important, for those who were able to transfer horses and thinness to daily food, that and their diet would significantly improve greenery. Therefore, the topic of Mikil'ska grass is widely represented in the notes and orders:

Roci has two Mikoli: one is herbal, the other is frosty.

Egorij with warmth, and Mikola with food.

Egorij from the water, St. Nicholas from the grass.

They didn’t boast on Yegoriya with crops, but boasted on Mikola with grass.

At the end of the day, the hours were especially stonily set to the ground, ready for the growth of herbs. To that, it was hard to beat on him.

Spravzhnoy grace vvozhavshis wood, sho shove in the whole day, which is so necessary herb, which is gaining strength, we will already plant bright bread, for a good planting of the soil for the sowing of other grain crops.

God's mercy is great, like on Mikola Vesnyany dosch pіde.

If Nikolin has a day of wood, then summer will not be dry and give birth to bread.

Also, since the whole day there was no plan, then they prayed to Mykola Ugodnik, asking him to have mercy and give spring land dovgoochіkuvanu vologu.

At certain times of that day, wheat and oats were planted. There, where the early sowing was bright, on Mikola the middle sowing fell warm. Under the hour of preparation before the sivbi spiraled not so on the calendar date, like on the camp of nature. For example, it was felt that it was not possible to sow wheat until the hour when the oak leaf does not flare up, or until the wild cherry is not rozkvitne. And from that, the birch “spread”, the very hour to shine. In the same way, the farmers planted wheat, if bare feet can endure the cold near the orange furrow.

Another cicava order was made, dedicated to this day: “ St. Egoriy stocks cows, Mykola horses. It shows that on June 6 of the day (May 6) the first grass appears and the vipas of the cows begin, and on the day of Mikolin - horses. Horses to switch to daily food. Vzagali, spring Nikola is considered the patron saint of horses. On the day of remembrance, they prayed a prayer service to the sanctifiers of water, to give the creatures health and protection of their species of wild animals. From the Mikilsky day, the horses were driven into the “night”, tying them to the middle twigs, for the sound of which one could easily know the strong herd. The cattle ran to the saint, asking: Mykola Wonderworker, look at our thinness”, moreover, the leather cow that kin was called on іm'ya.

From the skin village to the grooms, unfriendly lads were robbed, and then they were sent off with light. Specially for them, they baked pies with porridge and prepared presents. After the dressed-up chastovannya, the grooms fell on their bows, and they had fun all night long. In the light of the fires, the stench celebrated their simple banquet: they brought a burner, an appetizer, greased the egg, and after sunset, the girls came up to them. The youth had fun, sang songs and danced round dances until the very morning. For reasons of St. Nicholas Vesnyany in Russia, traditionally respecting the human saint.

At the same time, the cows were transferred to the daily fodder, so they “bewitched” onions, tobto. on the borders they built twigs and twigs into the ground. This rank signified the month, where pasture creatures were harrowed.

After Mikolin's day, place the place.

On May 22, they finished planting potatoes, as for the old hours they valued no less than bread. The villagers of that day beat the booth, laid crosses from the chicks and triska, fired the ganka of the chicks of the wilkha, to protect the life of that yogo meshkantsiv from the snakes.

At the religious witness Mykola Ugodnik without intermediary ties with the water element. Vin is the patron saint of sailors, fishermen and all who sail the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. It is connected with episodes from the life of the saint, de rozpovidaetsya about the sorcerer Mykola the Wonderworker of people, like they stomped or were consumed in a storm. I use a lot of snakes and prayers, for those who turn to the saint to the holy vryatuvat and save "on the waters". As before, so today, on any ship, the image of St. Nicholas is always present.

Folk calendar tsey vyazok vіdbiv in its own way. It was important that before the spring Mikoli it was not possible to wet the hemp, but I would wet the trace of the wind, so that later we would not have a chance to fight the flood. Dosi did not swim.

May 22: check it out

  1. Dosch on Mykola Vesnyany - before I give birth.
  2. If the toads croak on Mikola, then the oats will be garnished.
  3. Before St. Mikoli, do not shear sheep, do not eat buckwheat, do not swim near waterways.
  4. A dream from 21st to 22nd of May is dreamed of by people who were born this day. Dream, wake up on the 22nd of May, wake up after 5 years, if you forget about it.

Video: May 22 - "Mykola Vesnianiy"

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Spring) 22 May 2017: St. Nicholas pass three times on the river. Dates fixed, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іnshih church saints. Later, on the 11th sickle, it is customary to commemorate the day of the birth of Mykoli the Wonderworker, on the 19th of March - the day of his death, and on the 22nd of January - the transfer of the relics of the Holy Light to Bariy. Tsya podium became a distant 1087 fate.

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Spring) 22 May 2017

The place of the people of Mykoli the Wonderworker became the place of Patari, which was known in the region of Lycia and Asia Minor. Todі vіn buv greek colony. Mykoli's fathers were good people, but they believed in Christ and did not forget to help everyday people.

The saint spent a lot of time at the temple and devoted himself completely to faith. If the fathers of Mikoli died, having distributed a recession to the bіdnim, they continued the church service. Later, the hierarch was appointed to the episcopal throne at Miri. In our hour, the place is called Demre and is located in the province of Antalii, in Turkey.

The new archbishop, being worthy of the people, fell in love with him. Aje vin buv is kind, fair and strange. In addition, Mikolaj became famous for his miracles. So, having healed the place of Miri from hunger, praying and helping the sailors in the same way, leading the unfairly wounded out of the way.

The exact date of death of Mykoli the Pleasant is not known, between 345 and 351 years, having lived to a deep old age. The relics of Yogo were imperishable and lay side by side in the cathedral church of Miri. The stench streamed myrrh, and the world healed the believers.

Later, in 1087, part of the relics of Mykoli the Wonderworker was transferred to the Italian town of Bari. Through the rock, some of the relics, which were lost, were transported to Venice, and in the Worlds of Donin, only a small part is saved.

For bagatiohs, St. Nicholas Day is a holy winter, on a yak it is customary to give gifts to children. Alecia saint for the shanuvannya once three days on the river.

St. Nicholas' Day is celebrated not only on the 19th of Breast (the day of the death of Nicholas), but also on the 22nd of May (the day of the arrival of his relics to Bari, Italy), which is already Monday. On the 11th sickle, the first people are celebrated. The mustache is holy and intransitive, so that they can be fixed.

Among the people, these days are called, obviously, Nikola Zimovy, Nikola Osinniy and Nikola Vesnyany (tobto spring), or Mykola Litniy.

Another saint is involved in "Mykola Mokrim". Tsey saint at all times was vvazhavsya the patron saint of sailors and all those who have risen in price with a burn. Since the temple in the name of Mykoli Ugodnik was visited by seafarers (often - in acknowledgment for the miraculous order on the waters), the people called him "Mykola Mokriy".

First breast, and grass are very important for harvesters ("Two Mikoli: one with grass, the other with frost").

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Spring) 22 May 2017
It is important that in the whole church it is sacred that you cannot do anything for yourself, but rather help others who you need. Previously, people believed that for the whole day you don’t talk about orphans of the poor, then by stretching seven future fates you can know the beats.

The post of this day did not need to be waited on, the Orthodox vlastovuvali earlier goddamned go: with icons they went to the fields and robbed prayers for wells, asked God for a tablet.

According to tradition, it is not customary to give gifts to Mykola Vesnyany, it’s less likely to shy away from Winter Mikoli, but if you really want to, you can welcome loved ones in words or send a leaflet with blessings to the world, goodness, health, goodness, kindness and conflict, and help, diva in life.

St. Nicholas of Summer (Spring), St. Nicholas Day, Mykola Ugodnik - this is how the people call the day of remembrance of the transfer of the relics of Mykola the Wonderworker from the Holy Light to Bari on May 22. All day long, in Russia, its own traditions and sounds, a lot of examples are tied to it, especially the folk iconography of St. Mykola Mozhaisk.

May 22, St. Mykoli the Wonderworker, in 2018, roll, the whole day falls on the rest, the great period. Saints Mykoli is respected as the patron of sailors, those who rise in price and merchants, as well as the protector of the poor and innocently condemned. In Russia, wine has long been especially loved, shanuemo, yogo affectionately called Mykola Ugodnik.

The heirs of the Russian antiquity declare that St. Mykoli Vesnyany (Litny) is one of the poorest, which is accepted “from the Latins”, and not from the “types of the Greeks”. It is not included, what happened to the fact that, at the people's witness, St. Nicholas was angry with the bilin hero Mikulo Selyaninovich - a grain grower, who was tied with the name day of Mother Earth, like a head anniversary. To that same saint Mikoli-pleaser, a lot of folk examples were tied up, as they helped the common people with their holy robots.

Mykola the Wonderworker, as the closest saint to the priesthood, in Russia, he immediately became shanuvatsya like a leading national heavenly patron. At the gathering of Mykoli the Wonderworker, they called Mykola Rosiyska. At their old prayers just people the deacons passed on to him the functions of God, the innovators often called Mikola “the Russian god”.

At church calendar three saints Mykoli the Wonderworker at the end of the rock. And in Russia, two saints Mykola the Pleasant were widely celebrated, they were called among the people Nikola Zimovy and Mykola Summer. On the first day of the 19th of Breast - the day of commemoration of St. Nicholas, always commemorate the old traditions, then with the summer (spring) saint of the Saint, commemorate different marks and zvicha.

On the third day it was allowed to bathe in the rivers, they began to lead the horses into the night. In some places, “nіkolshchiny” ruled, if shepherds and chasing horses were shoved, in other places they were taken to fraternities, demonstrating important family chi supples.

Near the pіvdennih regions of Russia, on Mykola, they made horseshit, went around watering, prayed for a plank, after which they went to bathe or doused themselves with water.

Є richly prikmet on Mykola, for which earlier they judged about the future harvest. It seems that there are a lot of sayings that orders, like people's virtuosity.

· To Mikoli, cry, even if you grow up, but from Mikoli live - do not grieve.

· Father Nikola! Let's go to the great dosch! On our life, on the babin's lyon, water the bucket!

· Ask Mikola, and tell the Savior.

· What a day for spring Mykola, such a day for winter Mykola.

A shard of iconographic types of St. Nicholas was formed. Icons, depicting Mykola the Wonderworker with a bare head, were brought to Mikola Letniy.

Nikola Letniy - sound, traditions and folk examples holy

If the Saint was pictured at the mitre (as the people used to say “in a hat”), they respected that Mikola Zimovy was there.

Crimea, є Rostov and explain the image of the Saint. The wooden sculptures are wider, moreover, they are simpler, because they swear at the special nationality of the saint. The setting of the official church to the wooden sculptures of saints was ambiguous;

St. Nicholas the Year - zvicha, traditions and folk traditions are holy

I especially love the iconographic type of the saint, who is called “Mykola Mozhaisk”. Widely seen retelling about the defense of the city of Mozhaisk by Mykola the Wonderworker. Mozhaisk besieged by the gates, and after that, as the inhabitants of the place prayed fervently to St. Nicholas, in the sky above the cathedral the Saint himself looked like a wretch. Vіn setting іz with a glittering sword right hand and with hail May you have livy, nibi showing that you are protecting yoga. Enemies ticked in fear at the walls of the place. From that hour, St. Nicholas steps forward as the patron saint of the place.

St. Nicholas the Year - zvicha, traditions and folk traditions are holy

“Mykola Mozhaysky” was no more than a sculptural image of the saint, but in the course of time they began to write icons of such a design.

Rik u rіk tse is sacredly celebrated on the same day - 22 January according to the new style (9 January according to the Julian calendar). The name "Mykola Litniy" is the widest. However, the urochistity may or may not have other names: Nikola Vesnyaniy, Nikola the Saint, Summer Day, St. Nicholas, Nikola with Warmth, Herbal Day, Mykola the Miracle Worker, Warm Day.

Also read: 19th Breast - Day of Winter Mikoli

Holy Mykoli the Year of Christianity

Why has the sense of the Saint of Summer Mikoli?

From long ago, it was important that on the Grass Day, spring, residually giving up its position, is growing with summer. Sonechko is no longer gloating affectionately, yoga proms are becoming spicy in a right way. After Mikolin's day, the sound of specious time came. In Russia, it was sacred to check, the wine was of great importance for the Orthodox. St. Nicholas was approaching God and being one of his lovers.

At certain villages, people used to make special prayers in honor of Mikoli. At their prayers, the stench without a trace turned up to the Saint, asking the new defender for that intercession. Behind the great rakhunok, prayers, slaughtered before Mikoli Litniy, practically did not sound like prayers, as if they were praying for the honor of the Lord. However, these prayers were not praised by the church canon.

Vitoki is holy

To honor the memory of Mikoli the Summer began on the cob of the 11th century, literally ten years after the vindication of the Orthodox religion. The Greeks did not push great significance what saint. For them, they were warned about negative influences, the country has spent the holy relics of Mikoli on shards.

On the back of my mind, Mikoli the Wonderworker was swaying only with the sacks of Italy. For the transfer of the relics of the Saint, for example, the 11th century from Lycia to the church of St. Adherents of the Christian faith, like lingering in other lands, Nikola Letniy did not accept and did not look like a grandiose holy through those that all the respect and honor of the people was slaughtered to the Holy Shrines.

Childhood of Saint Nicholas. In one of the colonies of Lykia (the territory of Turechchyna), near a rural homeland, a boy was born, who was named Mikola. This date is dated to approximately 270 AD. From early childhood, the fathers raised Mykola to the Orthodox faith. The lad saw the liturgy of the skin, prayed often, and wove the Divine Books and Scriptures.

Youth and youth of Mikoli the Wonderworker. Dear uncle Mikoli served as a bishop. Vіn i pospriyav that, scho youngak having taken the rank of priest, in the bindings of which included intercourse with the flock. Mykola miraculously coped with his bindings, sang and trained the faithful people, began to pray, and gave care. In a short period, Mykola gained love and respect from the parathians. Junius Prelate mav such a quality, like mercy, kindness, kindness, generosity, smartness to speak generously to people.

Through a sprig of rocks, the lingering light was taken away by the fathers of Mikoli. Following the name of Nicholas, having stepped into the recessions, handing out valuables to needy people: zhevrym, impossible, ill, disabled. St. Nicholas mav modesty and lagnist, do your good things without afishuvav, without slandering about them in awe. However, the voice about the blessing of the Saint widened suddenly. Mikoli became even more loving and respectful.

Watching the fates of Mykoli Ugodnik. St. Yak a priest, Mykola became a pilgrim. For a sprinkling of roki vіn zmіg vydvydat practically all the time, where the foot of the Savior stepped. If the Saint turned to native Lykiya, the parishes of the church unanimously chose him Bishop. Having taken the rank of bishop, Mykola Ugodnik did not change his internal perekonan, being filled with such an ascetic himself, lagid, generous and kind. Regardless of his modesty, Mykola will be dragged down by the enemy of the heresy and paganism, and the merciless struggle for the Christian religion.

With the stretch of his life, Mikola fared away to create a few miracles, the paraffians were witnesses of such. Mykola forever stretched out his hand to help needy people, healed the sickness (sickness), roared quietly, who was in the bidi, showed injustice and resurrected the quiet, who went into the other world. For such a blessing, people called the Saint the Great Wonderworker.

Honorable age of Mikoli. Until his deepest old age, Mykola preached Christianity, instructing the laity on the true path, helping us, who had gone to hell. Saying goodbye to the light of the living Pleasant, having reached the frail age. Historians name the following dates for the death of the Saint: 342, 346, 351. The imperishable relics of the Wonderworker were taken away by a tribal term at the holy cathedral church of Doti, the docks were not transferred to the place of Bari. From quiet old hours and until this day, it is important that the ashes of Mikoli vibrate the world, like a fork in the presence of ailments.

Apply those rites for the day of Mikoli Litniy

People's notes on Mykola Letniy

  • Like in the period before the summer (22.05-10.06), the weather was syrah and windy with storms and thunderstorms, which means that St. Nicholas of Summer is good, and for example, you can pick up the richest harvest. Such a weather was especially pleasant for the harvest of wheat.
  • If there was a little croaking of toads on Mikola Vesnyany, then Mother Earth bring a generous gift to people. Good crops of cereals and vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • “God’s mercy” and “Sheds the sky on the earth, sheds a lot of bread” - so they said, as if on Mykola Vesnyany, they went to the boards. And yet such weather announced a happy life to that rock.
  • It was important that the shearing of sheep, the planting of potatoes and buckwheat on the day of Mykoli Summer would bring success to all rights, a rich harvest, a fair amount of inaccuracies.
  • Zgidno with one s ancient prikmets, prayers, beasts to the Lord and the Saints 22 grass, mayut great power. People can ask for healing in case of an ailment, adding to the family, healing with the other half, forgiveness of sins. Saint Mykola, a kind of approach to God, obov'yazkovo help!
  • So that the whole river would not be sick, lie against Mykola Summer, people all together went out into the field and washed in the dew. If you are healthy, you will be mіtsnim and not succumb to illness. The deyakı ran up to the bottom and rolled on the grass, dew was falling on it. In this order, the whole body was bathed in grace-filled water.
  • As early as 22 May, Vilha begins to bloom, then check your financial well-being. It was important that it was so, on the underside of which the buds on this tree were budded, the whole world is not aware of the difficulties in the material plan. Vіdomi vipadki, if the people of the next knew the belongings, nespodіvono otrimuyut spadshchina, won a great sum of pennies.

Traditions at St. Mykola of the Year

Oskilki Mykola the Wonderworker, the patron and protector of dying couples, young girls at dawn on May 22 prayed to the Saint for those who would give them wine from the other half. The independent girls asked that Mykola sent them good man, generous, garny, practical, daring, kind.

St. Nicholas helps creatures, including animals and horses. Until the Day of Mykoli Summer, fresh grass in the fields has already grown. That is why, on the night of 22 May, all the horsemen of the horses and the sheep drove their thinness near the field. The creatures played all night, ran, plucked the grass. In Russia, this rite was remade on the right side of the show. That day, in some villages, such an action can be carried out. Sob that horses didn’t break up, shepherds were assigned to them - young and physically young people.

In the evening, before the cob of the vine the creatures, a special supper was prepared for the shepherds, like porridge and pies. Then, along the perimeter of the great field, bagats were spat. Few of the villagers went to bed early, even though they all wanted to watch over the creatures. The fathers allowed the little detlachs to go out for walks all day long until nightfall. Trochs a year, if the villagers dispersed to their huts, the girls came to the shepherds - the independent sacks of the village. Then a fair party began with dances, songs and merry games. It was important that in the middle of the night the young women and the girls entered the adulthood of life, that the older relatives were not particularly controlled by the “hot young hearts”.

Sob the harvest was rich, and the land was kindred, at dawn people entered the fields of that city, became faces until the sun, to go down, and performed a special ceremony. The stinks read prayers, praying to Mikoli the Wonderworker, asking Yogo for the protection of their ugіd, for generous gifts, asking for an excuse.

How to behave and work at St. Mykola the Year?

In order to be happy with the stretch of the mustache fate, on May 22 it is necessary to spend prayers and turbotah about family, budinok, thinness. Bazhano, the mustache of the household, from small to great, were occupied by brown right.

In the evening, pray to Mykola the Spring and the Lord. You can ask God and the Saint for everything you need. As your blessings are generous, and you are truly meritorious for those you ask about, you will be bound by language.

What day is it necessary to start a new culture. As a rule, they planted buckwheat and potatoes. It was important that after the day of Mikoli Summer, he would be busy with their façade without a head. In a first way, I won’t give birth to a good one, in a different way, culture won’t overtake ugliness.

Vranci, after going to the church that prays, go to the lazna, take a good bath and change into clean clothes, or bring on a new life of whiteness. Upper robe so can be buti viprana and viprasuvana. At the hour of bathing, you can read a prayer.

The gentlemen, from the very beginning, took up the general tidying up of the booth, the backyard territory, the non-living overhead spores, destined for thinness. The creatures were greeted by wild salmons. The parnokopitnyh and zhuinykh vipasalis, reshtu vikhovantsіv - viguluvali.

Nezamіzhnі dіvchatа and unfriendly lads after the laznі peredyagalis at the garne vbrannya. The lads wore gold-plated shirts, wide trousers. light color, pіdv'yazuvali satin belts. The girls climbed into long sarafans, and they tied different-coloured khasts on their heads, or they pulled garlands with stitches.

After the robots in the field, the rozvazhalnyh zahodіv usі members of the sim'ї mali zіbratis at the table, schob skustuvati Christmas supper. There are no special recommendations on how to put on the table. Or everything that God has sent. Call the bula of the unviable hedgehog: milk, milk, chicken eggs, sir, porridge, boiled potatoes, lard and all kinds of herbs, cooked from over-ripened products.

Why can't you work for Mykola Letny?

On May 22, it was not good for sumuvati, vdavatisya to spogadіv about the past negative podії, linuvatisya. The only thing, in view of which the varto moves to work according to the dominion - tse knitting that shit.

It is not necessary to scoff with scissors and other prickly-cutting objects (kitchen fillings and gardening tools are not taken to respect).

It was important that as a person to encourage someone who had turned before her, she herself would take care of the need and recognize bad luck with a stretch of 7 years of sleep. Remember, I will help the marriages, orphans and everyone who asks - these are one of the rules of life, which St. Mykola has always done for life.

On a warm day, it’s also unbearable for anyone to advise (of course, within reasonable limits) to children. Mykola Ugodnik is his patron, that all children need gifts. Nebov'yazkovo bathing on the road, let's just present, for example, souvenirs, toys for your beloved lasoschi. As a tradition, gifts were always placed for children under a pillow, or they were put into scarves, as if they were then hung on a moth over a coarse (fireplace).

At Grass Day, it is not common to go into a violent roar. Unacceptable dances until you drop, strong alcoholic sleep and gooey sleep. Also, there is no sign of special stosunkiv and, moreover, welding, scandals, beats. Layatisya 22 May, later, cause bad luck.

Nikola Litniy - holy, like to love richly, especially detlahi. It is sacred, consecrated to the end of spring and the beginning of the summer season. It is important to hold it holy correctly, so that Mykola the Prelate viscons of your bazhanya, becoming for you that your homeland, the patron and nadіynym protector!

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