Narodnі prikmeti on the 19th of Zhovtnya. Note that sound

They said that on Denis Pozimsky on the 19th of July, the sky could rise up to sing the cup of gloomy fate - it was important that winter would come at that moment, the cold would turn cold. “Priyshov Denis, pulling down the day, it became earlier than the suffocation, then we light up, the sun doesn’t rise behind the trumpets, but the mists and the bells rose.”

Vlasne, with this phrase, it is possible to become cooped up, giving a description of the chergovy Zhovtnevy day, which is among the others "white snow with a great ford". Pozim'ya - what else do you say.

On the 19th of Zhovtnya, the villagers puffed up the bags of the gospodar's fate. Prayed to the Apostle Homi. They meant that from the 19th of the next day the days become short, and the nights become long. For many days, Komori were filled with various supplies: vegetables, bread, jams, preserves, marshmallows, pickled mushrooms. They believed that the more you store, it will be easier for them to survive the winter - to get food until warm days. Zgіdno z selyanskim perekonannymi Khoma already love thrifty and prudent people. And the axis of marnotism does not fly.

On the 19th of Zhovtnya, they rang out the bags of fate, and they signified that they were far away from taking income from their activities. Obov'yazkovo violated the promises to the church and put a candle to St. Tom. In especially vrozhayny rocks, it is possible to create a rich style and as the next day of the next day, indicating successful labor activity.

In Russian folklore, the peculiarity of Fomi is associated with Yeremoi. Saint Homa was one of the 12 apostles, but it so happened that he also became a character in a rich story. And it turned out that Khoma and Yerema began to act like a comical couple. Tse buli spilniks, yak swear different bad vibes. Years of vinickly syllables, orders, folk stories, fairy tales, songs and navit pictures on this topic. More importantly, the majority of such creations were grounded on a similar technique: the parallelism of different speeches.

If you talk about church canons, then, according to the Scriptures, Homa was one of the 12 apostles, who did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lives in Galilee and engaged in the fishing trade just like the apostles Yakiv, Ivan that Petro. Tsіkavo, that Thomas was often called by the scientists “twin”, the shards of the name of the wines were even similar to Christ. If Homa did not believe Jesus at Sunday, he himself appeared before Homi and showed him his wound. Khoma continued to propagate Christianity throughout the territory of Persia and India. He died a martyr's death at the 1st century, perishing at the hands of pagans. Before the speech, among the people, there is an order “Thomas is unruly”, a trip that is still due to the peculiarity of the saint.

On an autumn day, on a certain day, the bags of the past cropping season were lifted and the stocks were secured in the locks, having long ago entered the nineteenth day of the harvest. Before this period, the Polish and agricultural labors were finished, the masters finished conserving and harvesting for the winter.

Folk examples and traditions of the day

Traditionally, on the nineteenth day of the zhovtny, they were engaged in it, which was to bolster a small amount of reserves from the fences and comoras.

  • They sorted and sorted the vegetables.
  • They checked the stock of grain, sorted it out and sorted it out.
  • They placed jars with jams, pickles.
  • Barrels of pickled mushrooms, cigars, and sauerkraut were placed at the handy and virtuous mistress.

Our ancestors commemorated that if the days are warm, then the winter will be cold.

An important tradition of that day was respected in this way by the name of the svetove zastillya. Turning back from the church, he next stole rich and generous style, asked for more friends, sucides, and simply known people. Zgіdno z folk beliefs, such a rite, holding this day, to help pick up a generous harvest and on the onset of the river.

Orthodox traditions of the day

In the Orthodox Church on this day, the memory of the holy apostle is being built, who has gone down in the history of Orthodoxy as the most important Christian preacher and as a person, even more similar to the Savior. Other apostles called Thomas "twin" through this similarity. It is noteworthy that Thomas, on the back of his head, having taken up this very craft, that the greater number of the apostles: having made a living for them, by catching fish.

Following the ryativnik, his apostle became a zealous preacher, however, after the resurrection of Christ, he doubted the veracity of the call. To this day the Messiah came and showed his mustache with his scars. After that Hom preached another hour, after which he died as a martyr among the pagans.

For every day pray to the Savior and the holy apostles. It is customary to light a candle for those, so that the winter was soft and kind to people, good to be born at the fences.

Take a look at the weather

They tried to watch the weather on the nineteenth day of the harvest, to analyze more. Behind the weather signs, they made a forecast for the weather of the next days and months.

  • Our forefathers commemorated that we have grim all day long - the spring will be cold.
  • Generous leaf fall at the nineteenth day of the zhovtnya, showing cold and frost on the shvidka.
  • Hmari, who spit the sky all day long, carry the winter with you, that cold weather with snowfalls.

19 zhutnya Orthodox church guess the apostle Thomas, who was also called the twin. The holy bov comes from the Galilean town of Paneades. Once I felt the preaching of Jesus and pishov after Him, then we became Yogi, and also one of the twelve apostles.

Khoma followed Jesus and became a witness of Yogo's ryativnyh suffering. After the resurrection of Christ, he began to doubt in the words of other apostles, as if they sang that they swore at the Lord. And having said, scho do not believe the doti, the doki especially do not slander Christ and do not touch Yogo wounds. Vіsіm days after Sunday, if the scholars took together and with them the letter Homa, the Lord appeared to him, showing his brother and telling Homi to put his finger on them. After which Homa yelled: “ My Lord is my God!».

After the ascension of Jesus to heaven, the apostles threw a foal, where would the skin go from them to preach the Word of God. Foma colt wanted to go to India, to learn the true faith of people and enlighten the land, frown with paganism. The apostle already sumuvay, scho yomu happen їhati to such savage peoples. But at the sight of you, the Lord appeared, who made men and women fear nothing.

After the sermons of the Apostle, many people believed in the One God and became Christians. Before the death of the guards, the sisters of that son of the ruler of the Indian city of Malipur, the saint was taunted, and then they pierced five scribes. On that mission, where the body of the Apostle Homi was commemorated, various miracles were performed.

November 19: the traditions of the day

On Foma, it was accepted by the bready region to be quiet, who was in poor health. They believed that they could help them dress better. The people said: “ Thomas is great chrome". Besides, they called the place near the comoria, they took away grain and other products. They believed that the Apostle Khoma wanted to be thrifty and thrifty. And the axis does not help the money-spenders and the stateless people.

Until the due date, the bags of the ruler's fate were bolstered, the income was insured. Like komori, lyohi, komori, and the screens were clear, they would break before the church and put a candle in front of the image of St. Homi. In the evenings of the harvest day, the right benquet was in power.

Among the people, the Apostle Thomas, who had doubts at the Resurrection of Christ, began to be distinguished with a distrustful and shy person to the point of doubt. We often talk about such people - " Homa unbreakable».

In the folklore of Khoma, there is a close connection with Yeremoi. Іz tho drive іsnuyut і orders:

They joked Yerema, they knew Foma.

Talk about Yerema, but talk about Foma.

They beat Foma with Yeromena bidu.

This inseparable comical couple, sometimes - podilnikov, and sometimes - brothers-bad ones, like they robbed stupidity and bad things, attached syllables, humorous songs, fairy tales and folk stories. Most of these works have synonyms, which practically signify the same, but in reality they signify absolutely different speeches. For example, the phrase " Homa tovche radish, and Yerema chasnik Offending vegetables means a small grain, as it is impossible to eat.

Everything you do about Foma and Yerema is filled with humor. And today, the fantasy of the nameless authors is opposing, for they have managed to play so subtly on the difference of similarity and difference.

Thursday 19th: check it out

  1. If the weather is calm, then it will not be cold.
  2. What day in the sky it is possible to dance the rest of the cloudy gloom.
  3. Ravens climb into the wild - to the scoundrel.
  4. Dry snow, which has been drunk all day, is growing in summer.
  5. Dim stand still - until warm, sleepy weather. If you spread the earth, then it will be a plank.
  6. Blide the sun at sunset - until the cold.
  7. Vechirnya dawn of a bright-red color - to the scoundrel.
  8. If the mornings are foggy and gloomy, then the day will be fine.
  9. Vranci the sky of a yellow color - to fall.
  10. If the earth is covered with snow, then in the other half of the leaf fall, winter will stand on its feet.

Lyudina, who was born 19 Zhovtnya can be practical to heal someone to your point of dawn. As a talisman you should wear an amethyst and a rubin.

Video: Church calendar for July 19


    • . In other words, a horoscope is a whole astrological map, folded for the right time at the right time, so that the planets are right for the line of the horizon. To encourage an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know the hour and the place of the people's people as accurately as possible. It is necessary for the recognition, as the heavenly bodies were ripped apart at this hour and in every month. Ekliptika in the horoscope is zyghogi cola, Rodillahno at 12 sectors (signs of Zodіak. Fasting up to Natalonia Astrologer, Vyush, you are more likely to be more than the same. The horoscope is the self -assembled. s otochyuchimi and navіt praise deyakі important decision. "> Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they recognize the signs of a specific diet and prophesy the future. It is possible to recognize the future by domino, it is one of the most common types of witchcraft. To tell fortunes and on the tea and kavov thick, along the valley, and on the Chinese Book of Changes. Leather from these methods of directing to the transfer of the future. If you know the nobility that checks on you in the next hour, choose that fortuneteller, which is the most like you. But remember: as if they had been passed on to you, accept them not as an indestructible truth, but as a warning. Vikoristovuyuchi vorozhinnya, you transfer your share, but, having reported singing zusil, you can change it.

Egypt is famous for its zabobonnistyu. So, for example, knives are endowed with a special symbol, so they cannot be twisted without need. In addition, there are plenty of people who put their pillow under the pillow, so that nightmares do not come up.

What checks on you in the near future:

Find out what is being checked on you next hour.

Folk examples on the 19th

Folk name:

Fomin's day, baker.


From long ago, it is important that on this date it is necessary to give the gifts to the fate and signify, so that you can take away the allowances for the surcharges in the light of your activity. If you have achieved a good result, then it is necessary to earn a rich style and eat enough, thereby denoting your success.

Folks note that St. Khoma should love thrifty and prudent people and be negatively put up to costly ones, so he should provide all kinds of preparations and supplies for the winter.

If you were going to change the locks, then the whole day is ideal for taking care of them.


  • Snіg, sho vipav on Foma, vischuє the present winter in 40 days.
  • They remembered that at sunset the sleepy disk was closer to the great one, which means that a strong sunset wind will soon be mixed.
  • As soon as the evening dawns of a bright-red color and lingers for a long time, then the bad weather comes to its senses.
  • Ravens were baited, who are climbing into the land - know that there is a scoundrel.
  • The weather is clear without wind, it’s getting colder than ever.

Whose day is the holy day:

Tlumachennya snіv 19 th

Uvі snі vy nabіu your bіblіyu, oh, next hour you happen to diligently correct; they fired її - through your thoughtless vchinki you will start crying for pardons, in order to embarrass you to put your plans on inconsistency terms. As if in a dream she was in a black palette, then we will prepare the next buti for you to great difficulties.


If you were born on July 19, then embellishing an amulet made of amethyst or a ruby ​​can become your amulet. Save the first building mineral from vile sounds, such as alcoholism and drug addiction, until deep old age, give your volunteer a healthy mind, clarity of memory. Another

“Priyshov Denis, pulling down the day, it became earlier than the suffocation, then we light up, the sun doesn’t rise behind the trumpets, but the mists and the bells rose.” Vlasne, with this phrase, it is possible to become cooped up, giving a description of the chergovy Zhovtnevy day, which is among the others "white snow with a great ford". Pozimivlya - what else can you say.

So, perhaps, those who are not more than the weather of life on earth signify. And zhovten, if you want to get into trouble in Russia for a month, scoundrels, then komori yogo spovneni. It’s not for nothing that it seems: “Thomas break the bars, take everything for nothing.” Animals in the forests and then chew, benevolently looking at all the sides and not knowing the reasons for worrying, if all the hollows, nori, nests "under the eye" are truly filled. What do you say about people?

For example, all the main city-poly works are finished, the thinness is beaten, food is provided, it is warm and dry in the huts, and it’s filled with bears, screens and bows, there’s no place to step. Here there is a soaked apple, and salted fritters, and sauerkraut, and boiled, and marinade nayriznomanіtnіshі. And in the middle of them is a pot-bellied barrel with kavuns, yakі, zvichayno, and being fresh garni, ale and having tasted their savory tastes by rosesalt do not waste.

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