Cto such a chorny Chernets. Repairs in the Orthodox Church for the Growth: Today's Hierarchy. The clergy is white and black

Black and white spirit

Why do the clergy look black?

Russian Orthodox Church the main church hierarchy is that structure. Our clergy is divided into two categories - white and black. Why do they stink one by one? Before the white clergy lie friendly clergymen, as they did not give black cloisters. It is allowed for the mother with this child.

If we talk about the black clergy, they think about uvazі chentsіv, hanging from the priesthood dignity. They dedicate all their lives to the service of the Lord and give three black abode - sensibility, listening to that lack of acquisitiveness (voluntary service).

Lyudina, how to choose to take a spiritual dignity, even before the hanging of the goiter, you must grow vibir - make friends with you as a prince. After hanging, it is no longer possible to make friends with the priests. The priests, who did not make friends before taking the rank, sometimes took the vows in Chance to rob celibacy - to give a house of bezshlyubnosti.

Church hierarchy

Orthodoxy has three levels of priesthood. At the first step there are deacons. The stench help to conduct worship services and rituals in churches, but they themselves cannot conduct services and perform rituals. The ministers of the church, who belong to the white clergy, are called simply deacons, and those who are hung in their dignity are called _rodiacons.

Among the deacons, the most senior ones can take the rank of protodeacon, and among the elder deacons, the archdeacons. The patriarchal archdeacon, who serves under the patriarch, takes a special place in this hierarchy. Vіn belong to the white clergy, and not to the black one, like other archdeacons.

The other step of the priesthood is the priests. They can conduct services independently, and also perform more rituals, we will close the rite to the priesthood. If a priest belongs to the white clergy, he is called a priest or presbyter, and if he belongs to a black clergy, he is called a hieromonk.

Єrey may be promoted to the rank of archpriest, tobto senior priest, and hieromonks - to the rank of hegumen. Often archpriests are abbots of temples, and abbesses are abbots of monasteries.

The newest priestly title for the white clergy, the title of protopresbyter, is given to priests for special merit. To this rank I give the rank of archimandrite to the black clergy.

Priests who lie up to the third level of the higher priesthood are called bishops. They may have the right to perform all ceremonies, including the sacrament of ordination to the ranks of other priests. Archbishops cherish church life and cherish eparchies. The stench is divided into bishops, archbishops, metropolitans.

Become a bishop can only be a clergyman, who should be up to the black clergy. A priest, a kind of friendship, may be zvedeniya at the dignity of a bishop, only if I accept blackness. Vіn mozhe zrobite tse in that vapadku, yakscho yogo squad died, or tezh was tonsured in blueberries in the other eparchy.

Ocholyu pomisnu church patriarch. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is Patriarch Kirilo. Crimea of ​​the Moscow Patriarchy, in the world and other Orthodox Patriarchates. Constantinople, Oleksandriysk, Antiokhіysk, Yrusalimsk, Gruzinsk, Serbian, Rumunskі Bulgarian.

What is "bile blackness"? Who is vin - "white black"? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Vidpovid vіd Bill Smith Muslim[guru]
More blackness, blackness at the sight of black - blackness in the world.
Mirske chernetstvo is recognized as deakim Protestants.

Vidpovid vіd Evecha at the darkness[guru]
Priests, like in the world. Before speech, clergy, not blackness

Vidpovid vіd Cafaella[guru]
More blackness - tse priests, if they did not accept the black tonsure, then the stench can be friends and mothers with them, on the lookout for the black clergy, as it is accumulated from chentsiv, as they accepted the monks again in the light.

Vidpovid vіd Dmitro[guru]
Chi is not blackness, but more clergy. Tse great priest, or friendship, or celibacy.

Vidpovid vіd Naivna[expert]
Talk about white and black clergy. And in the next it is suitable for the first time.

Vidpovid vіd Grigory Spichak[guru]
There is no white clergy... Only black clergy. Chorne - chenci, bile - mum with me and the ability to make friends.

Vidpovid vіd Koristuvacha has been seen[guru]
One of the great sights of Sevastopol ghosts is the "white black" that lingers on the territory of the smallest museum-reserve of Chersonesos, de in the 19th - on the beginning of the 20th century, the Kherson Volodymyr monastery was roztashovuvav. There is a lot of talk about something new, but there are not enough specific facts for anyone else. The “white blacks” appear especially at nights of the famous Kherson foggy ringing and the old monastic baths. “Bilim” Yogo was nicknamed for his clothes, although he wanted to be decent enough to go all the same in black. Ale, having imagined your predilections. "White black" often lakaє zakohanih those night leotards, but zagalі vіn dosit peace-loving. Wanting one moment, po'yazany with him, all the same, I'm on my guard. On the right, in the place where the stony beach is located, which comes close to the large monastery baths, greets the city dwellers with filthy glory. Do not miss fate, so that there is no drowning there, and it does not care about milk water! Ale chi is guilty of a “white black man” who walks along the shore, it’s impossible.

Vidpovid vіd 2 types[guru]

Vitannia! Axis dobirka іz vіdpovіdyami on your inquiry: What is "white blackness"? Who is vin - "white black"?

Why do the clergy look black?

The Russian Orthodox Church has a unique church hierarchy that structure. Our clergy is divided into two categories - white and black. Why do they stink one by one? ©

Before the white clergy lie friendly clergymen, as they did not give black cloisters. It is allowed for the mother with this child.

If we talk about the black clergy, they think about uvazі chentsіv, hanging from the priesthood dignity. They dedicate all their lives to the service of the Lord and give three black abode - sensibility, listening to that lack of acquisitiveness (voluntary service).

Lyudina, how to choose to take a spiritual dignity, even before the hanging of the goiter, you must grow vibir - make friends with you as a prince. After hanging, it is no longer possible to make friends with the priests. The priests, who did not make friends before taking the rank, sometimes took the vows in Chance to rob celibacy - to give a house of bezshlyubnosti.

Church hierarchy

Orthodoxy has three levels of priesthood. At the first step there are deacons. The stench help to conduct worship services and rituals in churches, but they themselves cannot conduct services and perform rituals. The ministers of the church, who belong to the white clergy, are called simply deacons, and those who are hung in their dignity are called _rodiacons.

Among the deacons, the most senior ones can take the rank of protodeacon, and among the elder deacons, the archdeacons. The patriarchal archdeacon, who serves under the patriarch, takes a special place in this hierarchy. Vіn belong to the white clergy, and not to the black one, like other archdeacons.

The other step of the priesthood is the priests. They can conduct services independently, and also perform more rituals, we will close the rite to the priesthood. If a priest belongs to the white clergy, he is called a priest or presbyter, and if he belongs to a black clergy, he is called a hieromonk.

Єrey may be promoted to the rank of archpriest, tobto senior priest, and hieromonks - to the rank of hegumen. Often archpriests are abbots of temples, and abbesses are abbots of monasteries.

The newest priestly title for the white clergy, the title of protopresbyter, is given to priests for special merit. To this rank I give the rank of archimandrite to the black clergy.

Priests who lie up to the third level of the higher priesthood are called bishops. They may have the right to perform all ceremonies, including the sacrament of ordination to the ranks of other priests. Archbishops cherish church life and cherish eparchies. The stench is divided into bishops, archbishops, metropolitans.

Become a bishop can only be a clergyman, who should be up to the black clergy. A priest, a kind of friendship, may be zvedeniya at the dignity of a bishop, only if I accept blackness. Vіn mozhe zrobite tse in that vapadku, yakscho yogo squad died, or tezh was tonsured in blueberries in the other eparchy.

Ocholyu pomisnu church patriarch. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is Patriarch Kirilo. Crimea of ​​the Moscow Patriarchy, in the world and other Orthodox Patriarchates. Constantinople, Oleksandriysk, Antiokhіysk, Yrusalimsk, Gruzinsk, Serbian, Rumunskі Bulgarian.

Before the white clergy lie friendly clergymen, as they did not give black cloisters. It is allowed for the mother with this child.

If we talk about the black clergy, they think about uvazі chentsіv, hanging from the priesthood dignity. They dedicate all their lives to the service of the Lord and give three black abode - sensibility, listening to that lack of acquisitiveness (voluntary service).

Lyudina, how to choose to take a spiritual dignity, even before the hanging of the goiter, you must grow vibir - make friends with you as a prince. After hanging, it is no longer possible to make friends with the priests. The priests, who did not make friends before taking the rank, sometimes took the vows in Chance to rob celibacy - to give a house of bezshlyubnosti.

Church hierarchy

Orthodoxy has three levels of priesthood. At the first step there are deacons. The stench help to conduct worship services and rituals in churches, but they themselves cannot conduct services and perform rituals. The ministers of the church, who belong to the white clergy, are called simply deacons, and those who are hung in their dignity are called _rodiacons.

Among the deacons, the most senior ones can take the rank of protodeacon, and among the elder deacons, the archdeacons. The patriarchal archdeacon, who serves under the patriarch, takes a special place in this hierarchy. Vіn belong to the white clergy, and not to the black one, like other archdeacons.

The other step of the priesthood is the priests. They can conduct services independently, and also perform more rituals, we will close the rite to the priesthood. If a priest belongs to the white clergy, he is called a priest or presbyter, and if he belongs to a black clergy, he is called a hieromonk.

Єrey may be promoted to the rank of archpriest, tobto senior priest, and hieromonks - to the rank of hegumen. Often archpriests are abbots of temples, and abbesses are abbots of monasteries.

The newest priestly title for the white clergy, the title of protopresbyter, is given to priests for special merit. To this rank I give the rank of archimandrite to the black clergy.

Priests who lie up to the third level of the higher priesthood are called bishops. They may have the right to perform all ceremonies, including the sacrament of ordination to the ranks of other priests. Archbishops cherish church life and cherish eparchies. The stench is divided into bishops, archbishops, metropolitans.

Become a bishop can only be a clergyman, who should be up to the black clergy. A priest, a kind of friendship, may be zvedeniya at the dignity of a bishop, only if I accept blackness. Vіn mozhe zrobite tse in that vapadku, yakscho yogo squad died, or tezh was tonsured in blueberries in the other eparchy.

Ocholyu pomisnu church patriarch. Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirilo. Crimea of ​​the Moscow Patriarchy, in the world and other Orthodox Patriarchates. Constantinople, Oleksandriyskiy, Antioch, Єrusalimska, Georgian, Serbian, Rumunskaі Bulgarian.

Layman. True, you can understand blackness like seeing the unity of the Church... but all the same, it’s still a trifle to be able to seperate a “special” path, “another” - “another.”

priest. You at once hung a deep thought, that blackness is like a “other way” and, at one hour, true apparently unity Churches. Axis ze i є breadth of the narrow Evangelical way. Obviously, blackness is a sight of unity in Christ, and, obviously, it’s a special path. Ale is special, obviously, there is no type of Christianity, but a type of secularized, unsalted, so-called "Christianity". From the first to make the earthly history of the Church, true Christians, not to put up with untruth and hypocrisy, began to smirk at the middle church center of believers: some in the right blackness, others in hibne blackness, the hibne is jealous of the truth, the split, the sectarianism. So do the dos. Obviously, at the same time, the situation became even more complicated: at the very same “light”, having penetrated blackness, it seemed like it had flowed in. The history of monasticism has not lost its share of Christianity. It became the footsteps of "Christianity" to lead the world and learn to serve you richly vitonchenish, making friends with the wealth of the world, with those "strong" and noble, walking in the stars and orders, with empty prayers and the presence of love and mercy. The wide sleeves of the cassock became the Pharisees' wiguk. And pure souls have become with the same guardianship in the presence of such blackness, as if in the light of the world, pragmatic evangelical purity and simplicity.

Layman. Tse duzhe is fair, what you say. I myself, an accursed layman, have not been able to go without bitterness and drowsy marveling at the price list (I still can’t say) of prayers of one black monastery that is present to us, as I have forgiven the victim to sacrifice, giving a penny rose different terms prayers, yakі, zvichayno, by virtue of one thing, not only did nothing, but were abominable in the eyes of God. Vibachte, what am I saying so directly.

priest. You speak clearly until the Spirit of the Gospel, and to that your words are richly blackish, lower than the prayers of quiet chentsiv. We all need to be jealous for the truth of Christ. do not protect її from the world, we do not protect її from ourselves. Truly tassuvat prayer - tse blasphemy of the Spirit of God. And this sin is not forgiven ... And in parallel, until the fall of black life, “better blackness” began to emerge teaching of Christ. In front of every burning heart, to grieve for the life of heaven, now three paths open up: a path of black blackness, pulling yourself into the robes of the outer world in the light of this; the way of the white blackness - to take one’s heart into the dress of the wedding, with the forms of life of all people, and, nareshti, the third way - vodkol, vodokremlennya in the unity of the church under this and other drive, - the way of less spiritual love to the brothers, and also, to God. Tse I'm talking about "sektanti". І navіscho vіdokremlyuvatisya? If you want to burn with love before God, choose some path: white and black blackness ... The Lord Himself, our Vladiko, has His Holy Image with His own, having filled the faithful with His paths. Vіn Himself having eaten them at Sobі, being the Nazarene-Mandrіvnik with the world, who, having taken wine and ї in everything that must be eaten, - all right your hands. The apostles were already clean and white: the Apostle Peter with his retinue, and the Apostle Paul without his retinue.

Layman. I will now understand your thought! It is more close to me and, in fact, it is simple. Only, I think, it will be good for us, secular Christians, it will be more important, more - you need to say what є, - we actually sounded marveling at our worldly Christianity, as if it allowed us to live for our sovereign commandments, selectively from the Gospel with the most important rules of the blessing; and like leather from us, having made a bi tablet, scho vіn schiro vvazhє obov'yazkovim for yourself, then in this table it would not be written the very ones who are the true identity of the true faith of Christ. And, obviously, the basis of the Gospel would not be written down there: love to God in the form of a broad heart, love to God would not be written down in the light of the mind, in the presence of the will, in the presence of the essence of that likeness ... pagan behavior ... It's wonderful, like the Lord, having helped everything, directly instructs the Christians: “How will you love quietly, who will love you, how will you be rewarded? Chi not those shy and mitar? And how do you keep only your brothers, what do you do in particular? Chi not so repair and pagans? ().

priest. Everything is right. At the Centuries of the History of the Church of Christ "black blackness" was less than evocative love to God, and only old weddings zaperechennya svіtu (not nature yoga, obviously, ale grіha, that having infected nature). It is clear to speak about the Gospel of the tonsure, but the apostle of the tonsure explains on right tsієї lyubovі і єєєєї єєєїї їїї їєїї їїї їїї їїї їїї їїї їїї її їїї її її її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї "such ... not a good one ... the whole world"(). Well, the Gospel of Christ is given to people who have been convinced, who have been convinced, grow with chants - “their”, lower ones, as they can be called “their own” in this world.

Dialogue is different

priest. Vaughn is not mine. She's a church... I'm more than hanging out in my own words, in my own.

Layman. Yak bi was not there, but the food of blackness is now already dead for me. I can't help seeing your words with the words of the Gospels about the service of God in the Soul and Truth. True, all forms are less than true to the spirit. Breathe in the spirit - the form becomes an empty shell ... Why don't you know anyone from the current readers of the Church, who was wise for us, the laity, my own and in our understanding talking about myself? Sts. The fathers of the first century are not rich ... hard for conquering. Yet I will read them, but the axis of my team, that my daughter will not read them ... I tell you out of the door.

priest. Even more valuable is your truthfulness, but I sing to you: the one you said has no good heresies. Honoring in the Church is not to be stubborn, and in the past we give the light of our readers, as in the past we will be mothers of one Holy Spirit and speak one and the same truth of the Word of God, but in different psychological forms, in a better form, the most sensible epic, given to the welfare of that people. At the church, there is always, without interruption, the Gospel of the Announcement, the mountain of the eternal truth of the Gospel is alive. Golden lips at St. Batkiv, at the Cappadocians, for example, ale, deedly, “important” mova їх for our hour; you correctly remembered. It is not enough for the literary forms of the 4th century to keep the conquest of the patristic thoughts in our capital. We need new readers of the Church. Don't say anything new, ale talk about all the stench in a new way. In our time, the patristic truth of Orthodoxy has suddenly been clearly revealed in the words and works of Father John of Kronstadt. Yogo student "My Life with Christ" - "Better Philokalia". Like 35 authors of the "black" five-volume Philokalia to become a "Chinese bible", so the volumes of the Kronstadt Schodennik to become the right kerivnitstvo until life with Christ in the world. The skin of a Christian, who, having awakened his life in a viable way to the Schodennik, reaches quietly the same results in the spirit, which every black man reaches, which is the victor of the Philokalia. I that and іnshiy appear exact vicons of the Commandments of the Gospel, and see the very “calm of the Lord” with the different paths of their lives.

Layman. I have only read the verses of the spiritual Schodenik Fr. John of Kronstadt. And as if, know, without giving them special respect.

priest. Those same Bulo and in me on the cob of reading. But if the Lord has opened my eyes, I’ve been talking about my thoughts. John, do not forgive the thoughts that merge with the mind, but the thoughts of the Spirit are the revelation of God, I bowed my heart to the blessed Schodenik Fr. John, what a graft of Yogo himself to the pinnacle of holiness and є a necessary spiritual Christian for our era. Father John confirms all the nourishment of the present languor of the spirit and yes - promotes the Spirit - clear instructions of the mysticism of love and self-restraint. Vіn - it’s not enough to marvel at the sides of your Schodennik and vouch for all your taєmnі thoughts that almost.

Layman. I had a chance to see a few families, for whom it was like a miracle, like a healing, like a spiritual rebirth, for the prayer of Fr. John.

priest. I’ll tell you more, there were a lot of chents, they were ordered from the monastery. I whiter and blacker the clergy of Russia, and navit the archpastorship was known by direct infusion. Vіn buv is not only a great old man - confessor of Russia, ale vіn bov is a charismatic prophet, messages of Russia for invocations of repentance. Before the storm, the letters would be lost, so that the first word would be lost before the mouth, the Russian people would be shaken and scattered to the single salvation of the spirit: to “life with Christ”. Yogo apologetics Pravoslav'ya naytsіnіsha for all apologetic treatises. Bo vin is all with Christ, and yak ap. Pavlo, for a moment, say about yourself: “It is not I who already live, but Christ lives in me” ().

Layman. Tell me, is it true that wine is not borrowed from a girl?

priest. So sure. And in the same food wines, in full of that image of a Christian-chents, about which we were talking about you. Vіn "white black"... I call Christians to the whole white black. Aje, think, the Lord Himself, the Creator, that having appeared to us and dressed our earthly clothes, buv - we praise it like this - “Bilim Chon”. Vіn buv “Nazarene”... todіshne blackness, i – all in the world… І, think, if the Lord prayed at His Great Prayer for the world, for yoga salvation, Vіn commemorated before His Heavenly Father more and more chantsiv – dearest and unloving, ale liche Yoga of right Christians. “I bless them not about the whole world good, ale about the quiet, such ty gave me, for your stench ... I passed it on to them your word, and the world hates them, to that the stench does not see the world, as I do not see the world. I do not bless you, having taken them from the world, ale shob saved from evil. Stinks do not see the world, like I do not see the world "(). – Tse prayer for blackness, about the right Church of Christ, with one spirit, that you live on earth, as in heaven. The only difference is that here warfare for the truth, and there - a triumph about the Truth ... Vtim, i thereє warfare, і hereє celebration.

Layman. The nobility would have been crying, how would the chants on Athos have been put up to such your thoughts ... Adzhe ve buli, yes, there, in your black state?

priest. I was born there, having taken my first tonsure ... having arrived there as a “black Christian” (referring to our new terminology) - tim, who repents about his fornication, proud life, and after having starred “bilim chenets” - to work, in the world ... Vtim , we can say freely and navpak.

Layman. And did you move your kimos on this topic on Athos?

priest. I didn’t speak about this topic there, but instead I spoke about the old ascetic on Athos, who lives on his own in the skeletons, to celebrate the Holy Liturgy at his own small church. This ascetic is a person of higher spiritual enlightenment (and navit a teacher); vtіm, the one who does not understand the dialectical culture of the world and understand the inner world of Christ shattered heart to Athos. I have been alive there for about 40 years. The axis of this schemist, to reveal, is less than young, that he is pragmatic to blackness and already stand before the tonsure, even raising his respect, that “monasticism”, well, become ... abnormal ”(from the mouth of a schemnik, in the mountains of Athos, feel like this phrase!) Ale at once explaining his thought, scho, vlasne, all Christians are guilty of living black pranayama before God and so, as if the world of the Church was true visions from that world (but it would be normal, enough for him to listen to the word of the Lord in the 17th division of John), blackness would waste its current meaning having separated from the true Church. І yak, for example, the old man pointed me out on the life of deaky places and villages Pivnіchnoy Africa who lived (in the first centuries of Christianity) behind the monastic spirit - to instill in their own secular order, - with the help of retinues and children ... That I myself could imagine the image of St. Oleksandriya, to marvel at the quiet, who is guilty of the gods for the new, and to go in to the booth before two family wives.

Layman. Tse duzhe tsikavo, what you say. Yak, deysno, we went in the spirit of the right Orthodox Christian Life! Like a zusilla, you can be in the Church, so that we can be cleansed.

priest. Yes, we need to clean up. And salt yourself with the Spirit. And with pure zeal of love for the great sanctuary of the Confessions, given to us ... Let me not give you marvelous ones that I will say: I want to turn back the quiet first Christian hours, if they were not allowed at the temple of God, and so our hours were far from us, if we we call to the temple, we invite you to take part in the Holy Eucharist to inspire third-party posters, often simply glorify with your concert performance and especially with artistic icon painting ... why not desecrate the holy places? Blessed are the hours, if the podiacons have misunderstood the faith, and the spirit is quiet, who has gone to the liturgy of the faithful.

Layman. And now people, who stood at the Temple, who took their part in the Sacraments, should not bow down to the Holy Gifts ... Indeed, so cover up the whole world, to stand (to inspire some without a slight bow!) Before the body of Christ, to swear by the Tsar's Brama.

priest. It is important to fight for the holy of the world. The thorny path is quiet, who calls on qiu from the right. All black Christians, white christians, black chants, white christians are called to Aje. Holy business. Struggle for the truth of Christ, silent, lagidnu truth, which may not be protected from the world. Obviously, you can fall from the extremes of non-balance into the other extreme - the transcendental zeal of holiness. On this path there were also pardons in the history of the Church, and souls, as if they considered themselves “pure” and “holy”, in the sense of radicalism, it is possible to look at the apostolic messages, they began to show unceasing zeal, even not from the household cleansing of people, alez vіdkidannya їх vіd Church. The spirit of non-balance about the Church to inspire others to join with this spirit of hellish zeal for Orthodoxy, unloving vіdkidannya human souls vіd at home the truth that seems to be... Ale, walking for Sts. Fathers, victors of the evangelical spirit, we know the royal path of zeal for the Church. The image of John of Kronstadt riches gives us a clear path to understand. Nebezpeka є i right-handed, but through those that are out there, we can’t lie in the pits of the left-handed road.

Layman. Chuti, in Russia at the same time there are a lot of secret chentsiv and chentsiv. Tse is a new phenomenon in a sleepy church life.

priest. Tse is a sign of the royal purification of people. Vіn is a sign that is more significant for the Church, lower domes of that renewal of icons ... You need to listen to the Spirit of the Church, to the її lagіdnoї, prayerful, ale staid - with blood - fight in the world, for the Holy of Holies.

Third dialogue

Layman. I read the message to the apostles, the reader on Postriz (), and I wanted to talk to you again. Dumka about “Bile Chernettva”, yak about the monastyan camp at our hour, the mirco -cup of the mirror of the Chuke, a trepidacle of his own simplicity, with such adolescence of the inside of the udd, yoga life forms. In this Russian faith and will, my long-standing commandment of thought about the everyday life of the right Orthodox culture. More often, you need a half-drowsy cleansing of your “internal people”, wholesome(oh, not half-frequent!) svіlnennya yourself in the atmosphere of the "world". Lyudina is guilty to be born into a foreign culture, dihati with other lungs, special exercises. And it’s all miraculously possible to build at the same working verst, white those heads, white of the same shop counter, de people and all the material revolutions of the world. I am so great all the time! Looking at the tonsured apostolic messenger, I marveled that it was taken from the messenger, sent to all Christian souls, to the skin ringing of that camp.

priest. So, the message is made up of science for everyone - for fathers and children, for servants and pans, for squads and people; to the skin apostle gives his povchannya, and in kіntsi pіdbivає pіdbags ( "Zreshtoyu, take my...") and yes... black shearing reading- The basis of the black child! What a contradictory proof of the vindictiveness of that “white blackness”, as they carried in themselves and which all the centuries of Christianity, the spirit of the Apostolic Church, have defied.

Layman. The Christians of Rusalim and Mayo did not small their own, but to instill no longer a monastic idiorhythm, but a spravzhnya kіnoviya!

priest. More Christian blackness in the world, scorched, stunned majestic idiorhythm of the whole church, And, right, in all monastic idioms, with their powerful cell states among the Chents, the spiritual rіven is equal to the average pious life in the world. Episcopy - іgumeni for bilih chentsіv; priests, abbots of parishes - elders... How bi was the rise of the priesthood of the entire clergy! Bishops would not end up in administration, priests - in the management of magnificent services ... The best thing to reach is to bring to the Church all of their authority, cloisters ... Ale tsyu, the rest of the form is not so suttavo vikonati literally. Can you secretly act on your own “own” values. The Lord marvel at the heart. Show the full exercise of those who believe to the integrity of service to God, show all the necessary forms in all aspects of the life of those who believe, flock and organize them by their bishop. Chi is not an organization is true, and not її plans, but enlightening the spirit of the gospel, accept again that purity of the cross, common death in Christ - for the values ​​of the world, that Sunday is for new values.Іstotny the transition of the psychology of Christians from the spiritual ground to the spiritual one. Why do you have a job? church culture.

Layman. It is the source of that deep, hard, rooted in the depths of the Law of eternal Life, the work of the Church in the lives of the bloodless-dead, who spit out only a little that unadulterated shell of a human being, theories of furierism, sensimonism, and living our divine crooked. As the first theories are the essence of idola, which means the slaughter of the human soul, then the other ones swear and slay the body ... integrity serving you, and like a person correct value of white Christianity, his soul will inevitably go to the dear wholeness of serving the spirit of the dead, that dark one. Whose spirit - oh, how I know in my little life of fortune - vimage of the galley, Egyptian service of my own, and do not rest on less. And the people of whom do not succumb. It’s true, right, in your own culture. Salt the history of the earth, verily, only a small herd Became the Church of Christ. Oh, how far away are the Christians who grimace! How to take care of everyone remember about this Stud, to bury the memory of the Bila Church - a kind of decay. Aje won, tya whiteness of spirit, є heart of the world! Light of her - cosmic - wild ... zovsіm not suspecting that. I have been thinking with you about the "History of the Church" and come to the conclusion that the "history" is, in fact, only - preaching the Truth of Christ in the world - spreading the fire of Life - i - organization of gathering and zahist tsikh inflamed souls in the spirit of darkness, lust and malice ... And the assistants of our current "church history" didn’t teach us anything and didn’t twist us. I didn’t know anything from these assistants, I’ll look at the intrigues of those foreign factors. And it’s not surprising that the church service simply doesn’t know its own Churches and doesn’t you know what to work for you in the “Christian” world. Some Christians throw themselves into beneficence, others into mysticism, a third into religious worship of nationalism, a fourth into social reforms, five into the Old Believers, into the “science” of theology, so much for what they want to calm their own mind, and spiritual confusion not rozchin in the new. The first axis of all Christianity is the guardian of all those who are not afraid of the Christian Church. River historical powerlessness Christians are crying out of every dzherel.

priest. I radiate and marvel, dear, at your quivering church truth. Those that you say are the truth. Vtіm, licorice in nіy those scho now vіdkrita us, i already do not fool us. As we її know, it means that we won’t get well ... We learn to fight; like a child, “we begin to walk” with tsomu. The Apostle of Postriga speaks only and exclusively about the essence of our struggle for eternal life in the discipleship of Christ. You are absolutely correct in saying that you need to fight at once for the memory of the Light of Christ(Not only for Light!). Tse apocalyptic experience. The apostle, it seems, that we have only one enemy, and wine is a bodyless, invisible eye, that is especially not safe, and the fight against the new vimage of vinyatkovy entrances, about how we should not think of the worst, and that robbed from the greatest - at the trembling of the Spirit of Christ, relieved salt your own taste. The bodyless enemy is the devil, and Yogo's servants are evil spirits - the essence of the most real manifestation of the world, which is in the minds of the summations, the vain chi embittered souls. Demons are the same reality, like the light of the power of the invisible world - angels, who breathe in the depths of the human spirit and light of conscience. The true Christians of the world are also alive confirmed faith in the bodyless light that penetrates our light of the flesh. The Christians of this light of the building to inspire fiery, they themselves, obviously, do not understand, that they laugh and fry over the Gospel. Verny to the Lord, white Christian monk, know from which the roots of this life stick together. The First Apostle just revealed the indestructible God's truth - the one that all the internal struggle of people is guilty of being waged not against people who are like everyone else to sinfulness, but against the belligerent incorporeal force of evil, which captivated the soul of a person and humanity, the soul of all interests, became so temporal, earthly, as if they could not bear the Greek spirit of eternity. "Prince of the world"- so named unfingered angel Myself (). Otzhe, Vіn knyazyuє, maє svіt yakomu deep-eyed - obvious and taєmnichimu sensi. Vіn is not the creator and omnipotent of the world, ale vin is the prince, and the first mind is for those who receive Christian baptism - three times a day of Satan in himself, and in himself in the presence of Satan, while reading incantational prayers, if only after following the soul of Christ. And the first christening in the face of the evil spirit of the Christians, being christened in childhood, do not remember, because no fathers, no adopters do not learn that, entering into the sacrament of renewal - we simply rite, we call. And for the whole hour, you can stand before the Christian eyes and constantly take it out against the inner evil in your soul and muffle it in the new world, calling to your soul the powers of light and the Grace of the King of Glory Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, let us pray .

Purity of spirit calls to uninterrupted prayerful purification (“Lord, have mercy”) and zmіtsnennya (“Lord, zmіtsni”) on the stream ahead of life. Tsya practice refreshes the soul, to live, remake, groaning, in the presence of it the crowd of evil, dark, vipary spirits, as if it sounds like a breath in a secular environment, not commemorating, stunned, tsgo, being overwhelmed with respect for everything. "Princes tsієї galuzі povіtryanoї", "world rulers of the dark age", "spirits of evil under heaven"() - as the apostle calls them - the axis of the right enemies of mankind and people, the axis of the right blame of a thousand-fold fall of human free will and the root of all sickness and suffering of the world. People don't hear him, because the stench is blind, and their leaders are also blind. I axis is blind to lead the blind, and light to rush to the pit (). We are not one to one enemy, but the demons will let us down. And my brothers, ailments, wonderfully, German - skin ailments his ailment of evil. We alone are guilty of forgiving and loving, and guilty of understanding, that we sin with a primus, behind a slave camp, and guilt is less (and immoral!) For those who cannot be helped, zmіtsnennya, healing that forgiveness for the will of one’s evil, for the will, I am not straightened up to the wholesome love of Christ. We are all sick with evil. - Likarnya for forks, more the Church has all forks, who true to the Church. And the germ of our sickness and our suffering, our enemy, the evil spirit, which evokes the atmosphere of our earthly life with its miasma, which enters not only into people, but among creatures, veins penetrate into our ears, and it is only the grace of God to know. People often become themselves demons, and even more often - in all positions of the world - the stench is possessed. Steps of obsession, obviously, different, and there are many forms. St. Dmitro of Rostov turned at the temple to the people: “Vibatch me brother, as I every sinner who does not think about his sins, name bіsnuvatim".

People are so familiar with this, morally and physically, that they may be able to “toughen up” [tobto. listen to the words of the Savior: "Sip and pray"(; ; )], to repair itself on the contrary, as if it were necessary to repair: they press the snake to the heart and wear the keeper-spirit. Evil is closer to the nature that has not fallen and is not in Christ's nature, "licorice" їy. For the inspired nature of the human being, the sin is disgusting, ugly, sick, and truth and love are licorice, and the good-yangol is a friend of life. For the majestic crowd of people, ring out the middle camp, if the sin is either licorious, or painful, and holiness is sometimes rejoicing and acclimating, then lakaє, torturing and shaming ... It is important that these processes were carried out svidomo, shob posterigav a person behind these processes at his soul and entered into them to the appointed ones of his free will, to those who found kostovnym appointed, because everything is indebted ... The Lord “kisses and dies,” as the Paschal Word says. Ale abi stinks were straightened out at the beak of light.

Giving oneself in white hearing to the Lord Jesus Christ is purer, more than “coming to oneself”. The cob of understanding its own functional value is at the sight of its own evil, which is to be slandered. The old grain of carnal world, carnal thoughts, is dying, - a new ear of rich grains of the spirit is born. Christ the Lord to resist is the only Nadiya of the world. Vіd us less - іskra kohannya. Of course, we are all self-loving people, ale our winds, dear friend, ale, the root of our life will not be on the waters of the Most Holy Trinity - the Heavenly Father, Sina - the adoption of the people and the Spirit, Who breathes yoga, in ochikvanni tsієї praise of adoption!

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