What is a prayer - the like of that present day meaning. About prayer What is a short prayer?

What is prayer
The Power of Prayer
Zustrich prayer

What is prayer

Prayer is our conversation with God. Law of God

The simplest, most powerful, and most important prayer is known in the Law of God: prayer is a conversation with God.

The skin of us is aware, you know that the Lord loves yoga. I will be your Father, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty (2 Cor. 6:18). Forever, be it, if we can turn to God, to our Heavenly Father, and to our Volodarka Mother of God. Surely our prayer. She is necessary for us, like the daily bread necessary for our souls. We have all kinds of God and nothing of our own: life, health, health, everything is given by God. To that, in the midst of turmoil, innocuous grief, now, bright joy, we turn to God, we pray to Yomu.

Prayer is a blessing to the mind and heart, as it is expressed in the reverent word of a person before God.

In the Christian catechism, in the instructions about the Christian faith, it is said about prayer as follows: “Prayer is the offering of the mind and the heart to God and the reverent word of the people to God.” Prayer is the thread of the living fabric of the body of the church, which goes with all directions; the call of prayer permeates the whole body of the Church.
A daily prayer of a skin member of the Church with the Heavenly Father, members of the earthly Church among themselves and members of the earthly with heavenly.
Zmіstom of prayer є: praise, or glory; podyaka; repentance; prohannya about the mercy of God, about the forgiveness of sins, about the gift of spiritual and bodily blessings, heavenly and earthly. Prayer for yourself and others. Prayer one for one is said to each other by the members of the Church.
Spiritual worship is necessary to accompany the bodily heritage of a close connection of the soul of that body. Prayer manifests itself in various evocative forms. Here you can see the inclinations, hell of a banner, the injection of hands, the implantation of various liturgical objects and all the bells and whistles of social Christian worship.

Prayer has supernatural power. “Prayer does not only overcome the laws of nature, it is not only an inexhaustible shield against visible and invisible enemies, but rather it tries to strike the hand of the Almighty God Himself, lifted up to strike sinners,” writes St. Dimitry of Rostov.
But read the words of the prayer for the riddle behind the prayer book, stand in front of the icon at home in the church, lay down bows - this is not yet a prayer. “Reading prayers, standing at prayer, bow to become more than prayerful standing,” write St. Theophan the Recluse, “and prayer, well, go from the heart. If tsієї nemaє - і hodnoї nemaє. Prayer without feelings is those who are the day of the dead.” The prayer itself, as St. Theophan the Recluse writes, “is blamed in our hearts for one after the other reverent respects for God - almost self-abasement, vіddanostі, podyaky, glorifying, vibachennya, diligent falling down, poor, obedience to the will of God and otherwise.”
Most of the hour of prayer, we are guilty of dbati for those who are similar to them, almost reminded our soul, so that if we read prayers inwardly, for an hour bowing our heart was not empty, so that it would straighten up to God. If you feel like we can, then our prayers, our bows - prayer ...

Prayer is the basis and center of Christian life. Orthodox catechism

Prayer is the right head. There is our way to God. St. Theophan the Recluse

Prayer is a great blessing, an inexhaustible treasure, the basis of silence, a root, a mother, and a thousand blessings. Rev. Efrem Sirin

Pist and prayer fold the most secure fence against the attacks of the prophets. Rev. Barnabas of Gethsemane

Great zasіb for salvation is faith, and especially, uninterrupted heartfelt prayer. The axis is prayer - the victory is impossible! Rev. Seraphim of Sarov

Prayer is a beast of a fallen man and praying to God. Prayer is the weeping of a drunken person who repents before God. Prayer - waving the heart's bazhan, prokhan, zіtkhan zanepaloї, sin-slain people before God. St. Ignaty Brianchaninov

According to the words of the Fathers of the Church, prayer is a science and a mysticism, it will require that training. Orthodox catechism

Prayer is such a thing that, having lived in a monastery for a few years, you will not soon learn to pray like a dream. Rev. Ambrose Optinskiy

Prayer, for one's own sake, is the rebuking of that people's life with God; according to w, won є affirmation of the world, reconciliation with God, matir and at once daughter of tears, mercy for sins, place for the transition of calm, wall, which protects from sorrows, place for the transition of peace, ruination barking, on the right angels, zha all incorporeal, Maybutnes, non -Chinenna Dіyannya, Jerlo Chesnot, guilty dodgy, invisible ACHIKH, їAZA DVIK, ovynitzta Rosuma, Sokira Rospachu, Vyzhennya Sorrier, Charb Baga, dashboard, dzerkali, Dzerkaloi spiritual. banner of glory. Prayer, which is to pray truly, is judgment, judgment seat and the throne of Judgment before the Last Judgment. Rev. John Listvichnik

Prayer is the blessing of blessings, which is strengthened by the pious before God. St. Basil the Great

It is not necessary to pray only with a word, but with a mind; and not only with the mind, but with the heart, let it be clear and understand the mind, which is moved by the word, and let the heart be aware, that with this mind. All at once and є right prayer; And if there is nothing in your prayer that is out of it, then there is not enough prayer, but we do not call prayer. Rev. Nikodim Svyatogorets

Prayer - bringing the mind and heart to God, gazing at God, loving the rose with the Creator, reverent standing of the soul before Him, like before the King and the Self-Life, which gives life to everyone; zabuttya for the New all-negative us, zha soul, freshness and light, life-giving warmth її, cleansing sin, good yoke of Christ, Yogo's light burden. Prayer - fast, feel (remembrance) of one’s spiritual infirmity, sanctification of the soul, foreshadowing future bliss, angelic bliss, heavenly plank, which refreshes, intoxicates and floods the earth of the soul, strength and m , a golden link, which is the work of the Creator, badness and masculinity in all sorrows and moments of life, a lamp of life, success on the right, equal angelic spirit, affirmation of faith, hope and love. Prayer is a prayer with angels and saints, as if in the eye of God they lived. Prayer is the correction of life, mothers of heart poverty and tears; stronger sponukannya to the pardon of mercy; security of life; humiliation of the fear of a mortal; nekhtuvannya earthly belongings; the blessing of heavenly blessings, the enlightenment of the all-worldly Judgment, the sleepy Sunday and the life of the future century; stronger efforts to escape eternal torment; uninterrupted shukannya mercy (pardon) at Vladyka, walking before the eyes of God; blessed is the sign before the Creator, who has created everything and is all-pervading; the water of the soul is alive; prayer is a place of love in the hearts of all people; the skidding of heaven into the soul; embedding at the heart of the Most Holy Trinity, after saying: we will come before the new one, and we will make a monastery with the new one (Іv. 14, 23). St. rights. John of Kronstadt

We are like that, who from the left side may fire, and from the right side water; how to catch fire in the fire, take water and extinguish the fire: the fire is evil thought, and the water is a prayer. Rev. Pimen

Righteous prayer is a gift from God! I pray for tse. St. Theophan the Recluse

Prayer is the communion of life. Redundant її bring souls to the invisible death. St. Ignaty Brianchaninov

Prayer is often called by those who do not call it a prayer - going down to the church, standing, marveling at the icons at people, at their disguise that vbrannya - like: having prayed to God; standing at home in front of the icon, nodding his head, having washed the last words without understanding that speech, it seems: having prayed to God, wanting to think with his heart, he did not pray, but was in a different place, with other people, with those speeches, and not with God. St. rights. John of Kronstadt

Prayer is the first right thing in the moral and religious life. The root of one's life is to become freely svіdome setting up to God, as if we run the year of us. Territory, dezkrivaєtsya and є in di ї tse setting, є prayer. St. Theophan the Recluse

“Oh, my soul seemed to be in prayer!” Rev. Macarius of Egypt

The Power of Prayer

Yakos, when St. Yakiv Nizibіyskiy ishov near the village of deyak, the zhebraks went on the way to the new one and began to ask for mercy for the funeral of the dead. At the same time, the stench showed a flickering, scho to lie with a fever, which was really alive and less than dead. The two marriages, having swayed the bishop from afar, ordered one of them to pretend to be dead, so that for the help of such a deceit, ask for more mercy. Having given them mercy, the saint prayed for the dead, so that God would pierce his sins and rest his soul with the righteous, and go on his way. At the entrance of the saint, the friends of the obvious twinkling began to say to you, that you are tired; but that one lying unruly, for it was true that he was dead and breathless. The zhebraks, babbling that their nonsense turned to the truth, ran after the saint, falling down to yoga, repented of their sin. Asking for their truthfulness for vigilance, the stench of goodness worked them out and resurrected the dead. The miracle worker, inheriting the butt of the merciful Lord, having passed it, and for it died alive with prayer.
At 1941 p. from Leningrad she was looking forward to the evacuation of a woman. The transport of the city was no longer running at this hour - there was a pishka with two children, it was full of speeches. Arriving on the platform, and pulling already breaking, already going. And she bellowed out loudly: “Old man Barnabas! You are welcome to help! (Її sіm'ya until 1906 - the death of St. Barnavi of Gethsemane - was guarded by the great old man of the festival). I, I don’t know myself, she, with her belongings and children, leaned against the train car, which was collapsing.
“So, take a peek at the skin of the hour and pray, let it help you to go down with all the troubles of the future and stand in front of Sin of the Human
(Luke 21:36).

Zustrich prayer

Prayer - ce zustrіch іz God Lives. Christianity gives people uninterrupted access to God, who feels people, helping them to love them. To whom the root of Christianity, for example, like Buddhism, is the hour of meditation for the one who prays, can rightly be without special overboots, in the like of wines we become bored and in whom we are different, but I live like God I do not recognize the person of guilt. At the Christian prayer, people see the presence of the Living God.
In Christianity, God is revealed to us, who has become Human. If we stand in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, we look at the God of Satisfaction. We know that God cannot be revealed, described, depicted on an icon or a picture. But you can depict God, as if becoming a Lyudina, such as Vin appeared to people. Through Jesus Christ, like Ludina, we reveal God for ourselves. Tse rozkrittya vіdbuvaєtsya at prayer, savage to Christ.
Through prayer, we know that God takes a part in everything that happens in our life. To that, rozmov with God may not be the ashes of our life, but a head zmіst. Among the people that God is the impersonal bar'eriv, as if they are only praying for additional prayer.
They often ask: now it’s time to pray, ask God if God knows what we need? On tse I v_dpov_v bi so. We pray not for the sake of asking God to ask. So, in some situations, we ask New concrete help for quiet and other life situations. Ale, the head zmіst of prayer may not be worth it.
God cannot be more than a "supplementary guardian" in our earthly rights. With the head zmіstom of prayer, I can forever be left alone standing before God, she herself is a zestrich from Him. It is necessary to pray in order to get in touch with God, reach out to God, perceive the Presence of God.
However, the sound of God at prayer does not start, even if we start talking with the people, we are far from being able to fix the bar'er, which divide us, to go into the depths, often our intercourse with people is less than superficial: So it is in prayer. Decals are clear to us that God is between us and God - the deaf mute is dumb, that God does not feel us. But it is my fault to understand that this barrier is not set by God: with my sins, yoga is arguable. Behind the words of one zahodny middle-class theologian, God start order with us, ale mi far away in New, God start wonders us, ale mi don’t feel Yogo, God start in the middle of us, ale mi - call, God is at our house, ale mi in New aliens.
Remember about tse, if we are ready to pray. Let us remember those who once upon a time, standing up for prayer, sticking with God We live.


Prayer is the whole dialogue. It includes not only our stalking to God, but also the testimony of God Himself. It’s important not to speak out, to speak out, but to feel it. Do not force the confirmation of God to come uninterruptedly in the midst of prayer, sometimes it seems like a little less. Buvaє, for example, we ask God for non-gay help, but it’s less likely to come for a couple of years. But we understand what happened to the one who, in prayer, asked for help from God.
Through prayer we can learn a lot about God. Pray, more importantly, but we are preparing until God sees us, but Vin may appear to others, lower me Yogo was manifested. Often, we are peacefully pardoning, approaching God with powerful revelations about the New One, and these manifestations intercede in front of us the real image of the Living God, which God Himself can reveal to us. Quite often people at their svidomosti create such an idol and pray. Whose dead, artificially created idol becomes a crossroads, a bar'er between God We live by us, people. “Create your own holy image of God and try to pray to you. Henceforth, we are guilty of preparing ourselves until God sees us not as we see ourselves. Therefore, when approaching prayer, it is necessary to look at our images, as we create our way, human fantasy.
The testimony of God can come differently, but prayer is by no means undivided. As if we didn’t feel like it, it means that we ourselves have a lot of trouble, it means that we haven’t mastered enough in that way, which is necessary, to get to know God.
Є prilad, titles with a tuning fork, yogo vikoristovuyut nalashtovuvachi grand pianos; this attachment gives a pure sound "la". The first strings of the piano may be stretched so that the sound, like a stink you can see, is close to the sound of a tuning fork. Docks the string "la" is not stretched with a proper rank, the skids would not hit the keys, the tuning fork is movable. But at that moment, if the string reaches the necessary degree of tightness, the tuning fork, this metal inanimate object, begins to sound with a rapt. Having played one string "la", the master will then play "la" in other octaves (in the piano, the skin key strikes on a number of strings, which creates a special volume of sound). Let's keep playing "si", "do", etc., one octave after another, until, nareshti, the whole instrument will not be tuned to the tuning fork.
So you can join us in prayer. It is my fault to lash out at God, lash out at New with all your life, all the strings of your soul. If we make our life on God, learn to follow the Yogo commandments, if the Gospel becomes our moral and spiritual law, and we can live in accordance with God's commandments, that sounds like a precisely stretched string.


the beast of a people to God, the Mother of God to the saints.

Russian Phraseological Dictionary


by your prayers- vodpovid on rozpituvannya about help, I'm healthy too.

Encyclopedic dictionary


  1. the beast of a believer to a deity.
  2. Canonization of the text of the animal.

Orthodox Encyclopedia


bringing to God the mind of that heart, the reverent word of the people to the Almighty. Clearly for any prayer, the Lord's prayer, as if Jesus Christ Himself gave us.

Glossary of Ephraim


  1. and.
    1. :
      1. Laudatory, chalky chi prohalne beast to God, saints.
      2. obsolete Blagannya, hotter prohannya about shchos l.
    2. Restoration of the text, which is to be read or to be believed by the believer in the case of the beast to God, to the saints.

Glossary of Ushakov


prayer, prayers, female

Encyclopedia of Judaism



Prayer is the basis of worship, that is the service of God with the heart. It is said by our wise men: I serve Yom with all your heart. And what is serving with the heart, if not prayer? (Ta "an. II). M. calls out a spiritual pidyom, draws the soul closer to the Creator, spurs a person to see evil and get closer to good. as we became a laugh and a shambles among peoples, likened to vіvtsіv, like to lead to the slaughter, M. awakening in Jewish hope, that you will honor the blessing of yoga, and the Lord will not deprive His people and His decline will not leave.

Zgidno with the Jewish faith, the one who prays will not require an intermediary between himself and God: Khana to speak in his heart, only the lips of її were broken, and there was hardly a voice of її "(I Sam. 1,13), but the Lord, having listened to її M.

The old M., like M. Hani, M. Shlomo, were saved; the whole book of Psalms with the selection of M. In the era of the Temple, the priests read "Shema", the prayer "Shmone-Esrei" *, "blessing of the Cohens" and that іn. With the help of God, M. went to the synagogues and became, at once with the readings of Tory *, the main part of the divine service.

For a long time, M. divided into three main views: the takeover of the kingdom of heaven, the hromada M. and that blessing (prohannya osobisti).

Take over the kingdom of heaven

The "Shema" prayer is compiled from urivkіv, taken from a number of chapters of the Tori. In our days, it is customary to read the following three fragments: "Shema" (Deut. VI, 4-9), "Vega, їm shamoah" (Deut. XI, 13-21) and "Vyomer" (Num. XV, 37-41) . All three parts are called "Shema" at once, after the words of the first її verse "Shema Israel" ("Listen, Israel"); This prayer turned into the motto of national unity. From the lips of M., the Jewish martyrs for all hours went to death on their lips.

Community prayer

At this prayer, it is a supposition to ask to grant the blessing of that land to the people. Khazan prays aloud, and in the presence say "Amen" after a skin blessing. M. "Shmone-Esrei" received "Blessing of the Cohens" and "Kdusha". The people of the Cohen* blessed the people only in the Temple, but in the meantime, the rite of passage at the synagogue, and in the evening, M., they are moving today, before the rest of the blessings of Shmone-Esrei. In the past, hazal praised the blessing of the “Blessed Cohens” in the diaspora * only at the saint, and in Yeretz Israel, for calling, the cohens bless the day.

"Kdush" is made up of a number of verses taken from the book of Isaiah.



After M. the priests at the Temple, the people fell on their knees, and skinned their own special blessings. Years later, M. went to the synagogues. Zmist її Bulo suvoro regulated, and praying in his own way.

After the destruction of the Temple, all worship services passed to the synagogues. Previously, synagogues were recognized as the main rite for Tory's wedding. With the ruination of the Temple, M. became the basis of worship and replaced the sacrifice. The price of the new camp is symbolized by the words of the prophet Hoshea: "We will offer sacrifice with our lips" (Hosh. XIV, 3), although the wise men supported that only the good deeds of the building should replace the sacrifice in the Temple.

All the same, the synagogues looked like the "Small Temple", which could occupy the place of the wrought Temple. Tom M. is recognized for the same year, as they served us in front of the huge sacrifices at the Temple.

M., yak and halakhot *, were written down, but were transmitted orally. To that skin hazan instantly change the text for his own understanding, while Nar. Gamliel* without confirming the formal text of M. Shmone-Esrei. Vіn praised, scho back to back

suspіlstvo vovlyaє tsyu M. whispers, and then chazan repeats її in a voice. Vіn also praised the vimovlyat tsyu M. herself and in the evening.

Our sages recommend: pray at the synagogue. There is no such possibility, to pray by the field. There is no such possibility - to pray at home. There is no way to pray at home, pray - pray at the bedside. Even if it’s not possible, pray to your heart.

Biblical Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible


Prayer is the main form of intercourse with God, leading up to New Year's Eve, for the help of that blessing. The Jews came to the temple for prayer (Ps. 5:8; Luke 18:10; Di 3:1) and prayed, turning to the Holy of Holies. Even though the temple was far away, the stench prayed, turning to Bik Yerusalim (1 Kings 8:48; Dan. 6:10). Prayer was answered three times a day (Ps. 54:18): about the third year, so about the ninth year; about the sixth year, that is the last day (Dії 10:9) and about the ninth year, that is about the third year in the afternoon, for the hour of the evening sacrifice (Daniel 9:21). They prayed standing up (1 Sam. 1:26; 2 Chr. 20:13; Mar. 11:25; Luke 9:29-30; Luke 18:11), in especially tracts of the valley - on knees (1 Sam. 8:54; Ps.94:6; 9). Some people fell “into their own disguise” (then with their whole bodies on the ground) without prayer, but they tangled with God without intermediary (But.17:3; Judg.13:20,22; Dії.9:4). Prayers were offered, perhaps, before the skin hedgehog (1 Sam. 9:13; Matt. 15:16; Di. 27:35). Ale, in the law, there are no statements on the obligatory (installed) prayer, like a sacrifice. Prayer for the soul's natural exercises is connected with God, as even a sacrifice can be called instilled prayer (Ps. 141:2). To that the learners were sent with prohanny and to Ivan the Baptist, and to Jesus Christ teach them to pray ( div. Lord's Prayer).

About the prayer at the Holy Letter, there are about 40 different statements. The most important ones are:

pray with faith (Mat.21:22; Yak.1:6),

sweat (But.24:63; Matt.6:6; Luke.9:18),

briefly (Nehemiah 2:4; Matt. 6:7; Ivan 12:28),

quiet (Nehemiah 2:4; Ps. 5:2),

shiro (Ps.119:58),

humbly (Luke 18:10-14),

fast (Mat. 26:41; Luke 18:1; Eph. 6:18; 1 Thess. 5:17),

have a good hour (Ps. 118: 62),

with care and boldness (Matthew 15:22-28: Luke 11:9-13; Luke 18:1-8),

about all people (1 Tim. 2: 1), including about kings and about those in charge, as about about ten people (Ezr. 6: 10; 1 Tim. , in which there are insinuations of atheistic, god-fighting ideologies, div. ),

tell about the enemies (Matthew 5:44),

also about those places where they can resettle us against our will (Er. 29: 7),

especially about all the saints (1st century 5:16; Eph. 6:18).

At the time of sufficient humility, that generous prohanna is in accordance with God's will, the Lord gives us prayers (2 Chr. ; John 16:23-24; John 13:20-22). Axis deyakі apply vіdpovіdalnyh prayers: Judge 15:18-19a; 1 Sam. 1: 11, 20; 1 Kings 3: 5-14. And yet, we ask you against the will of Yogo, God does not confirm (1Ів.5:14), and є chimalo applied, if the Lord did not allow prayer and did not give a waste (Deut. 3:24-27; 2 Sam. 12:12-18a ) (Mat.20:20-22a; 2Cor.12:7-9a).

The Holy Letter, and especially in the New Testament, has a lot of remarks on those who pray for the right people (1 Pet. 3:7; 1 Tim. 2: 8). In the New Testament, about women who pray, think (indirectly) only in three months (Luke 2:37; 1 Cor. 11: 5,13; 1 Tim. collections of believers). ( div. , )

Bible: Thematic Dictionary


intercourse with God

BUT. Commented on topics

PRAYER as the theme of the Gospel according to Luke:

PRAYER I RIGHT as the theme of Nehemiah:

B. What is prayer

call on the Lord's Name:

Pobut 4:26; Pobut 12:8; Soph 3:9

go to God:

Ps 4:2,4; Ps 16:6

shukati disguise of God:

2 Chronicles 7:14; Ps 26:8

Shukat Lord:

Ps 33:5; Iz 55:6

vigukuwati before the Lord:

Ps 3:5; Ps 65:1

lift your soul to God:

Ps 24:1; Ps 85:4

raise your hands to God:

Ps 27:2; Ps 140:2

come to God's throne of grace:

Heb 4:16; Heb 10:22

Art. To whom can we pray


2 Chronicles 20:5,6; Ezd 9:6; Dee 4:24


Eph 1:17; Eph 3:14; Kiel 1:3


2 Chronicles 20:5,6; Di 4:24; 2 Corinthians 12:8

Jesus Christ:

Luke 23:42; Dії 7:59

R. What is the purpose of prayer






D. How can we pray

1. divine element

in Jesus Christ:

Rom 1:8; Keel 3:17

in the name of Jesus Christ:

Joh 14:13,14; Eph 5:20

by the Holy Spirit:

Eph 6:18; Yud 20

2. human element

in fear of the Lord:

Ps 144:20; Helps 1:28,29

at viri:

Mark 11:24; Yak 1:6; Yak 5:15

in humility:

2 Chronicles 7:14; 2 Chronicles 33:12,13

at the penitent:

2 Chronicles 6:37; Ps 54:18; Dee 3:19

with our heart:

Deut 4:29; Jer 29:13

my heart can be sinless:

Ps 65:18,19; Isaiah 1:15,16; Jun 9:31

life can be unkind:

Luke 18:9-14; Yak 4:3

the heart is not guilty of buti sumniviv:

Mt 21:21; Yak 1:5-7

the soul has forgiveness:

Mt 6:14,15; Mark 11:25

with confidence:

Eph 3:12; Heb 10:19,35; 1H 3:21,22


Luke 11:5-10; Luke 18:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17

with breadth and simplicity:

Mt 6:5–8; Mark 12:38-40

zgіdno with the will of God:

Mt 26:42; 1H 5:14

accompanying a prayer to the roots:

e. God vouches for the prayers of His people

1. Znamenni vydpovidi on prayer

Servant of Abraham about the squad for Іsak:

Moses about the victory over the Amalekites:

Gideon about yoga outside:

Samson about yoga power:

Gunny about a child:

Іllі about the resurrection of the widow's son:

1 Kings 17:19-23

Іllі about the fire from heaven:

1 Kings 18:30-38

Іllі about the board:

1 Kings 18:41-45; Yak 5:17,18

Elisha about the Sunday child:

Єzekії about healing:

Danilov about the poryatunok at the left ditch:

Dan 6:10,16-22

Zechariah about a child:

to the robber on the cross about salvation:

to early Christians about Peter at the v'yaznitsa:

Di 12:3-11

To Pavel that Strength at the v'yaznitsa:

Di 16:25,26

2. God's servants help us

at the Old Testament:

Ps 85:7; Isa 30:19; Iz 58:9

in the words of Jesus:

Mt 7:7-11; Joh 14:13,14

in the messages of the New Testament:

Yak 1:5–8; 1H 5:14,15

3. Present God's opinions

God's glory:

Numbers 14:13–16; John 17:1-5

God's grace:

Wich 32:31,32; Numbers 14:17–19; Isa 30:19; 2 Corinthians 12:8,9

the faithfulness of the Lord to His word:

Wich 32:12–13; 2 Chronicles 20:7-9

4. The way of God's confessions


Numbers 14:20; 1 Kings 17:20,21; Luke 23:43

inodі in a deaky hour:

sometimes we need more, please:

1 Kings 18:24,36-38; Eph 3:20

іnоdі mi otrimuemo schos vіdmіnne vіd prokhanoy:

1 Kings 19:1-9; 2 Corinthians 12:7-9

inodі vіdpovіddu buvaє "nі":

2 Samuel 12:15-20

God checks on the diї і from our side:

AND. Various aspects of prayer

1. Posture for prayer


1 Kings 8:22; Nehemiah 9:4,5


1 Chronicles 17:16; Luke 10:13

on the knees:

Ezd 9:5; Dan 6:10; Dії 20:36


Wich 34:8; Ps 5:8; Ps 94:6

lying on the ground:

2 Samuel 12:16; Mt 26:39

raising hands:

Ps 27:2; Isa 1:15; 1 Tim 2:8

2. Method of prayer

alone, movchki:

alone, out loud:

prayers, they prepared vines in the early dew of Yalivtsev, and they upholstered the first leaves of the rolling hall with them, and inspired old-fashioned recipes for corrosion resistance of metal.

They commemorated them in prayers, asking for help to hasten the end.

Aje behind the legend, the prophet Mohammed himself, pulling on his cloak, to go to prayer, having sprung into the air, so as not to disturb the intestines, as if he were sleeping on it.

Even close for a meaningful speech, you can read the Holy Letters and life stories of the Saints, about miraculous healing for the help of prayers.

The rules of the Benedictines mean that they take part in prayers, lack of richness and humble contemplation.

1) turning religious people to God and other supernatural forces that glorify them, and also to avenge all the prohannya about the messenger of goodness and evil; 2) fragmentation and hardening by the church, whether there be any confession, the text of such a beast.

Vіdmіnne vyznachennya

Not exactly appointed ↓


the animal of people to God, gods, saints, angels, spirits, personifications of natural forces, vzagali Vishchoi Іstoti or її mediators. Prayer is an element of a religious cult and individual religiousness, as such it is characteristic of all religions. Prayer may be there, de є svіdomіst chi vіdchutya zalezhnosti people in vіd vishchoї stovnogo buttєvoїії іnstantsії, scho volodіє sobіsіsmi аbo kvaіsіsоbіsіsnіmi risі, tо zdatnoy sluzhenі і і react to їїїnya svіnya prays. At the same time, magic spells, in theistic religions, like a special God-Creator, who love your creation, prayer is a way to establish contact with God, enter into an intercourse with him. The main types or aspects of prayer: bowing to God as the Vishchiy Іstoti, in the form of laying down the spiritual share of a person; podyaka - for the gift of life, yoga of good, and also for the guidance of God; repentance for sins and entry into the path ordered by God; prohannya, that they are hung up on some side of human life, as well as divine mercy, that beneficence in a flash.

In Christianity, as in the lower religions, prayer is the core of religious practice: through prayer, a person hangs his faith, so that, being a bright-eyed attitude, it becomes a viraz of the calling of God. For this sense, there is an actualization of trust and fidelity, without some impossibility of inter-society vіdnosini, scho pragnate not to the point of resistance, but to mutual understanding, goodness and love. As a rule, prayer is not verbally expressed (canonical prayer or prayer “in one’s own words”), but it is not the same as Vimov’s deaco formula, but the text: prayer transfers us to the intention, that is a spiritual and intellectual move, the metaphor of which is the reach of God and readiness spriynyat yoga vpliv vіdpovіd. Being not only an “internal promo” turned to God, but a viraz of a deep religious experience, prayer can take on various forms: recitative, song, cry, dance, or prayerful movement. Scattered, chi bulky, prayer is performed at the hour of worship, in the presence of a religious community, and in the name of all її members. In the Christian liturgy, the most important place is occupied by the confession of faith (remembrance of the Symbol of faith) and the eucharistic (“podyaka”) prayer, at the hour of which “the infusion of bread and wine into the Flesh and Blood of Christ” is celebrated; prayer accompanies the performance of all church rituals, priesthoods and rituals. Individual prayer is used in special prayer texts that are recognized for different hours of the day (for example, the prayers of a true Muslim), or in the frequent repetition of short prayer formulas (for example, “Jesus Prayer” in Christianity: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner”) . Prayer can be accompanied by special gestures (bow, bow, draw in hands, etc.); at times, the singing position (standing, sitting, kneeling, prostrate prostrate) is different. Prayer can be voiced in whispers, as well as silently, in the mind (“reasonable prayer”, expanded in Christian black practice). Vymogi until the position of the body under the hour of prayer, calling out to accept the creation of a special spiritual mood and to hang up the spiritual and material unity of human nature. In the mystic-ascetic tradition of Christianity, prayer is understood as a brand of "spiritual deed", and a description of the rules and internal laws is assigned to great literature. Prayer of an ascetic in the midst of an innocent state and the reach of his greater, "perceptive" step. In line with the similar Orthodox tradition, under the hour of silent prayer to the internal zusilly “the mind is born in the heart”, which reaches the camp of maximum concern. Zahidnochristiansky (Catholic) traditions have a practice of prayer, in which they actively victorate in reality (for example, experiencing the suffering of Christ). Christian prayer is a kind of meditation - an energized spiritual reflection on religious topics. At the same time, regardless of those who are deprived of meditation within the framework of reflexive enlightenment, even though prayer is straightened out to God as a spiritual companion - the Second, it is important to conduct a clear cordon between these forms of religious practice.

The life of a person is made up of sums and radii. At the moment of the greatest happiness, now, at the hvilin of the majestic, Orthodox turmoil turns to God. So that the Lord, having felt the people, start prayers. This is the most recent, more from the Bible hours, the way to convey one's thoughts, go to hell, give to the Creator.

What is prayer

What does it mean word given? The Great Radian's Encyclopedia gives the following definition: “Believing before God. Canonization of the text of the remembrance”. Orthodox Christians are placed before the prayer of the day and respect її not just as a way of transmitting their thoughts and bazhan.

Believe that prayer is a good thread spiritual light. The stench stalks the earthly and spiritual light. It can be said that the prayer is like until the morning. As soon as our thoughts and vchinkas will be clean for an hour, then spiritually “refinish” we will become clean and transparent. Grace is on the whole earth. As if during the prayers of the people, people will frown on those evil thoughts, then spiritually “reveal” we will become gloomy and dark for a while. And yet he is a direct guide to the world of filth and vice.

Sob the human soul does not stumble at sin, pray. Tse svogo kin zahisny shield against the forces of evil. The axis of that is so important for our skin health.

Prayer. What does it mean?

What is the Christian meaning of the word prayer? At the Holy Letter, give a wide-ranging ogo meaning: "Rozmov's soul with God, as the Father and the Creator, zv'yazok іz Him." Vykhodyachi z zgogo vznachennya can be said that prayer - tse be-like a thought, animal, vchinok, tied with the Lord.

To that, if an Orthodox Christian wants to do something, he must work with prayer. Father, let's do it in the eyes of our Lord. So that the soul, after the completion of earthly life, does not stumble in the abyss of hellish haze, it is necessary to do all earthly deeds for the good of life on earth, with love to our Lord and to all living things. And here you can rely on spiritual grace.

How to pray correctly

A lot of Christians, especially quiet, who have come to the Lord, we call recently, praise the nourishment of the correctness of prayer. You can often watch for such a situation, if the Orthodox feel constrained when praying through those who do not know how to turn to God correctly.

Schob z'yasuvati tse, varto guess the meaning of the word prayer. The goal is to reach our Heavenly Creator, a way to bring the world of the earth and the spiritual. Therefore, there are no singing rules here, such rules should be strictly followed. Tim, who doubts the correctness of his prayers, can give only one joy: to repair and speak only in such a way that the human soul is feral to God. Only in this mood, with the full breadth of such a kayatt in your hearts, you can talk about the right divine prayer. Such a wild beast will be honored by the Lord, even if it is out of time in the presence of a wide heart.

It’s not for nothing that a child’s prayer is the best and the purest. The soul of a child is not a creature of nonsense and filthy thought. To that and a child, a prayer for one's own breadth and purity can be compared with that of an angel.

The skin of a Christian, nourishing "how to pray correctly," is guilty of taking on the butt of the very childish prayer. If you can cleanse your soul from sinful and evil intentions, help your soul to rise up to the Lord and drink to the highest heavenly light of justice and kindness.

I will help tim who pray

  1. Start and finish the earthly day with prayers.
  2. When praying, it is recommended to touch yourself and repent.
  3. Perebuvayuschie at the temple, at the hour of prayer, you can put a lighted candle on the saints.
  4. Turning to the Lord, it is necessary to ask for the salvation of the souls of all Orthodox Christians.
  5. Before a meal, it is also recommended by an important right to turn back to the heavenly Creator.

Prayer is the surety of the human soul to God. Zdіysnyuyuchi prayer, she is cleansed. People are spontaneous for the joy of that grace. Tse best way dine at the world of justice and bliss. The more often a person prays, the more pure will be our soul. And it means that you will be richly closer to God.



1) eur. tefila, "prayer", "turning to God"; the word atar maє meaning "pray", if you go about a person, and the meaning "go to hell", if you go about God; Greek words: deesis, "prohannya"; proseuhe, "prayer"; proskunein, "pray (hearing the knee)";
2) in our times, it was customary for all peoples to recognize M. Lyudina - the best of living things. Vіn creations after the image of God (Joth 1:27) and appointments of controversy with Him (div. Adam, I, 1). Tsim explains the activities of people - incl. those of the pagans - until the conflict with God. The history of religion knows few examples of penetrating, wide M., which were brought and offered not only by Jews, but by Christians;
3) M. pagans and Christians are close behind the form and they feel the same, they are like them. Spiritually revived. a Christian is less likely to take away from M. the possibility of conversing with God. People are small on the back, tell about what Pobut 3:8 and next. Ale z grekhopadinnyam i vygnannym yogo z paradise vіn vtrativ splkuvannya with the Lord. Only having survived the people burn, the "new people" could worship God "in the soul of that truth" (Jv 4:24). A Christian wins M. for power. will, but for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:15), Yakim vin vikonany (Div. Luke 1:41,46 ff.; 2:27 ff.) . Holy Spirit to witness about Himself who believes and manifests to Himself in M., to inspire Himself to pray in people with "invisible zeal" (Rom 8:26) and curse for the new one before the Father. It is obvious that Christ is correct. M. is not a binding, but a Christian's testimony about his predilection for God, an expression of his spiritual solidarity with the Lord. Tim himself asks for the statement that M. is only a monologue of the soul. Turning to God is a way of life, an atmosphere, in which a spiritual person is alive. M. weasel those who live believing: praise is the same (Ps 103:1 ff.); reverence for the Almighty (Dee 4:24).; blue love to the Old Man (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6); love to the neighbor is such a fuss for the new (Kiel 1:9; 1 Tim 2:1); sumnіv, I need calmness (Ps 21; 72:23 ff.; 73:1 ff.; 101:1 ff.) ; skargi (Ps 63:2; 88:39,47; 101:2). M. life is necessary for Christians, and ap. Pavlo napolagaє, sob the Church prayed fast (Rom 12:12; Keel 4:2; 1 Thess 5:17 - "Pray without ceasing" etc.). Pid M. here is toiling for the sake of not only rozmov with God, but th life, in the presence of God (1 Thessalonians 5:10).


1) God Himself orders us to go to New (Ps 49:15; Isa 55:6; Mt 7:7; Luke 18:1 ff.; Jo 14:13 ff.) inspire in quiet moods, if through your character, become chi sinfulness, it’s important for yourself that it’s impossible to go to New (Joth 18:27; Dan 9:18; Luke 18:13) . To this command of the Lord, Yogo obityanka listen to the Lord M. (Ps 49:15; Mt 7:7,9 ff.; Mk 11:24; Luk 11:13) . Numbers. bibl. apply (E.g. Booth 18 ff.; 2 Kings 20:5 ff.; Ps 117:5; Di 12:5 ff.) and the Church’s ceremonies with the help of riches of the century confirm that God sees His obіtsyanka and hears M .;
2) in the Bible there are minds, with whom M. took people, but they could be honored by God. Ale tsi mind not to dwell on automatism in the skoєnі M.

a) as seen from the cob words of the prayer "Our Father" (Mt 6:9) div. Our Father), hope that Yogo M. will be honored, perhaps less the one who, having received the adoption of the faith of the Spirit by himself, recognizing God as his Father (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5). We want for such a person before the Father, Jesus Christ (Jn 14:13). Such a person will get a mustache, asking for wine in the name of Jesus, tobto. at acc. by Yogo's will (Jb 14:14; 15:17; 16:23). . So will be honored M. humble (Luke 18:13). joke God (Heb 11:6), prohannya who needs (2 Chronicles 33:12 ff.; Ps 49:15) ;
b) Jesus calls His teachers to pray in the name of Yogo, Jesus (Jb 14:13; 16:24,26; date Mt 18:20) . With whom, perhaps, it’s not only that M., how to pray, what to pray, to rob at the acc. I will command you, Ale and M., until you are guilty, remembering the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, to murmur before God for the guinea of ​​light (div. Rom 8:32) independently picking up for the right word, and awakening God of Mercy. Sens such M. is not only in order to reach the sight of God in our bazhan. Itself in M. can and may be able to follow our will with God's will;
in) M. people, who spire on God's house, vimage (Mt 21:22; 17:20 and later). that firmness of spirit (Rom 4:20 ff.; 8:32) . Taka M. will be honored. Vira vimahaє subdue (div. Rom 1:5; 14:25), and to that M. - tse so waving hearing, spiritual diya, founded on the words of the Bible. Vira is not a platitude of divine witness, otherwise the payment would be, zreshtoy, the merit of a person. acc. VZ, viriti means "remembrance" with God, tobto. Shukati help Nyogo. Jesus does not advise on M. and Tim, who cares about the faith (Mark 9:24). Shards of evidence on M. are not always obvious, the end result cannot be put in the cold;
G) the breadth of our M. that faith in the household is often tested by God. To that Jesus for the sake of turning to the Old Man, fast, again and again, turning to New, the docks of M. will not be honored. Vіn pіdkrіplyuє his joy with parables about a hard-nosed friend (Luke 11:8) and about the annoying widow (Luke 18:8). Here we speak about the might and mercy of God, tobto. on those who look at Yogo types of people. Navit is easy-going M. is born not by itself, but by the will of God, what you feel. If a person is swayed by God's will, then M. cannot act in the name of Jesus. Expand on M. blatant rule: we call to serve God, not Vin us;
e) Whoever prays, vole to God: Let Thy will be done. (Mt 6:10). The faith of a person is not guilty of being kidnapped, as if on yoga M. God, it’s not like that, as he has cleared the wine. The basis of M. is humility, so as not to be allowed to doubt God, then, if Vin, who gives only goodness to his children, once, as we can get away, you won’t feel our prayer . We are told that the Lord senses all our M. (1Jn 5:14), as well as those who the Heavenly Father "give blessings to those who ask from him" (Mt 7:11). Ap. Pavlo, on his nonchalance M., having rejected the sight of the Lord, said: "To give you my grace" (2 Corinthians 12:9).


1) internal the camp of the one who prays, and his standing before God is called, they turn into a sign. prayers. poses:

a) acc. cx. to the court ceremonial, bowing down in front of his master on the ground down to the guise (Esther 3:2). Vіn lying in front of the king with a plaza doti, the docks of that did not lift yoga chi without punishing you to come. Tse position zgaduetsya in the Bible and like a prayer position (Josh 7:10). The Greeks called this position proskunein;
b) as a sign of humility, that bow before cx. the overlords sank on their heads. When M. uklin also shows the humility of the one who prays (2 Chronicles 6:13; Ez 9:5; Ps 21:30; Isa 45:23; Mark 15:19; Luke 5:8; Eph 3:14; Phil 2:10 etc.) ;
in) often M. stood up (Mark 11:25) what could be a viraz of breadth (Goth 18:22), with which hands with open palms stretched out to the sky. (1 Kings 8:22; Ps 140:2; Isa 1:15) ;
G) pray, people put their hands up in the air (Vuh 17:11; Ps 133:2; 140:2; 1 Tim 2:8) yak bi for adopted God's gifts (Vuh 9:29; 1 Kings 8:22; Ps 89:14; 1 Tim 2:8) . Mitar, on the other hand, acknowledging his sins before God, hitting himself in the chest. (Luke 18:13). Fold your hands for an hour M. became less in the middle ages; value it expressed the bringing of the obitnitsa of fidelity and obedience;

2) call M. it sounds like a lie (Ps 5:4; 87:14; 119:147), in a day (De 10:9) that evening (Ezd 9:5; Ps 54:18). Ale and nіchnі M. so zvernі to God (Ps 41:9; 119:55)- Jesus sometimes prayed for a stretch of the night (Luke 6:12). Ap. Pavlo did not show M. z vyznach. hour, calling the Church to pray innocently (Rom 12:12; Keel 3:17; 1 Thess 5:17; por. Luke 18:1) . Danilo praying at the viznach. year, yak, mabut, having celebrated the hour of sacrifice in the Jerusalem temple (Dan 6:10; por. Ps 54:18; 140:2) ;
3) for M. there were special services. Tse could be a light (Dan 6:10), covering the booth (De 10:9), as well as "kіmnata" (Mt 6:6)- maybe, a small place on a flat cover (Div. 2 Kings 4:10 ff., 33) . Sanctuary, temple, yavl. no less than a church service, these people often came believing - to pray one by one (1 Samuel 1:3,10 ff.; Luke 2:37; Di 3:1) . After the pose of the temple, people prayed, turning to their faces at the straight ahead of the sanctuary. (1 Kings 8:38; 2 Chronicles 6:34). , and beyond the borders of the country - at a straight line to Israel (1 Kings 8:48; Dan 6:10). After the coming of the Messiah, it was not the place where M. was killed, but the spiritual camp of the one who prayed, that became important. (Jv 4:20-26).

Yak and Jesus on the cross (Luke 23:46 = Ps 30:6; Mark 15:34 = Ps 21:2) , the first Christians robbed M., vicorist texts of the VZ: Di 4:25 ff. = Ps 2:1 and next; since. Rom 8:31 ff. (v. 31 = Ps 117:6; v. 36 = Ps 43:23) or Rom. 11:32 i present. (Art. 34 = Isa 40:13; Jer 23:18) or Phil 2:5 ff. (v. 10 = Isa 45:23 etc.) . Tim themselves stink pіdverdzhuvali vseredinu. spіlnіst VZ and NZ. Obviously, the first Christians did not only adopt the M., which they entered into the synagogue, among them, the psalms began to play a special role, which brought the liturgy. form, and they themselves became laudatory songs and M. (e.g. Rom 11:33 and 1 Tim 3:16) . The order of іz tsimi, which were established by the forms of M. in the Bible, is increased by іnshі, bolshі vіlnі. (1 Corinthians 14:2); div. also "Zіthannya Spirit" in Rom 8:26. Krim M., who speaks out loud (Jo 22:23; 1 Sam 7:9; Ps 16:6; Jon 2:3; Lu 23:46; Di 4:24) , Zgaduєtsya and bezmovna M. (1 Samuel 1:13). To the weary I call to show my devotion to people (Mt 6:5) Jesus opposes the ability to pray to the Father in Heaven (Mt 6:6; 2 Kings 4:33) . M.'s delicacy to lie not due to the frequency of its repetition - not a trace of the richness of the pagans (Mt 6:7), - A type of width (Yak 5:16) I will spiritually become the one who prays (Luke 18:13). So, the old Church was inspired by certain famous attributes of the Judas. M. (phylactery and talit). For the hell of a school (Luke 11:1), Jesus gave them the butt of the true M. - "Our Father".
To M. the Bible to bring glory, podyaku, prohannya that prayer (Phil 4:6; 1 Tim 2:1):

1) VZ riches for Slavoslіv'ya, obrasch. to the Lord. Do not deprive the people of Israel of calls to honor God and bow down to Yom (Deut 20:5; Deut 4:19), and pagans turn around and worship God in M. (Ps 21:28; Isa 45:22). . Angels also wail to the Lord (Is 6:3) and praise Yogo (Luke 2:14) usim heavenly viysky (Nehemiah 9:6). Navit Sam Sin to pray to Batkovi (Mt 11:25) like the One, Who deserves a deep worship. Prayer. with glorifications to the Lord, all the messengers of ap. Paul: here are hymns of praise, and modest tributes (Rom 11:36; Gal 1:5; Eph 3:21; 1 Tim 1:17; 2 Tim 4:18) . Ale, the Church has finished the work of the Creators, and all praise and M. (Announcement 5:9 ff; 7:10 ff; 11:16 ff; 19:1) ;
2) as if glorifying God is great, then podyaka - tse M., as if praising God with love (Joth 29:35; Joh 11:41; Rom 1:8; Eph 5:20 and so on.) . Z podyaky pochinayutsya mayzhe all the messengers of the anap. Paul (Rom 1:8; 1 Cor 1:4; 2 Cor 2:14; Eph 1:16; Phil 1:3 and on.) . Pavlo calls out to the churches to constantly offer God's blessings (Eph 5:4; 5:20; Col. 4:2 then) and "do not sleep in prayer" (Col 4:2);
3) at the heart of the prohanny lies the fallowness of the child from the Old Man, the creation from the Creator. That is why people ask God not only about the satisfaction of their spiritual needs (Mt 6:9 ff; 9:38; Eph 6:19 ff) , Ale and about a lot of material speeches. So, in M. "Our Father" prohannya about daily bread is the main (Mt 6:11). But all the same, in the first place, a person is guilty of praying for the coming of the Kingdom of God and for the creation of the will of the Lord on earth (Div. Mt 6:10). Tim, who prays for you, it’s true that everything else will “get” him (Mt 6:33). People are the first to ask for forgiveness of sins for everything (Mt 6:12), div. Spovіdannya, spoviduvati, I), about the opinion of the viri (Luke 22:32; so John 17:11) and about the sound of peace (Mt 6:13; Jv 17:15). Ap. Pavlo looks at his prohanny at the preaching of the gospel (Eph 6:19; Col. 4:3; 2 Thess 3:1) , and Jesus especially instructs His followers to pray "Pan stubble, let the workers hang on His stubble" (Mt 9:38). With prohannia about the coming of the Kingdom of God, the first Christians called M. about the coming of Jesus Christ to the Friend. (1 Cor 16:22; Ann 22:20) ;
4) a Christian is skinned for his life - a priest and that is why a priest can work. M. - prayer. Prayers for the neighbor and for the people of God are heard by all Bibles. pray. Nayvischiy zrazok clamor. M. - prayer of Jesus about Yogo the enemy (Luke 23:34). Behind the butt of Jesus, having made Stefan (Dee 7:59).. Abraham, having acted as a priest, brought God's blessings about his nephew Lot and about the place of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Joth. 18:22).. May the month's orders show up to the people of Israel Moses and Pavlo, ready to sacrifice their bliss. (Vuh 32:32; Rom 9:3) for the sake of the will of the Israelis in the presence of God's wrath and death. Wanting blessings are chanted and at the VZ (E.g. 1 Samuel 7:5; 12:19; Jer 7:16; 11:14; 14:11; Dan 9:16 and on.) , most of the depths of that deep stink are less accessible to NZ (Div. 17:17,20), especially in the messengers of St. Pavlo. The reader is caught by yoga prayers about churches (Eph 1:16; 3:14 ff.; Phil 1:4, 9 ff.; Chl. 1:9) , about bosses (1 Tim 2:1 et seq.) the one about okremih christians. Cr. in order, Pavlo to ask, that the masses supported their M. like himself, and his associates (Col 4:3; 1 Thess 5:25).

VI. To whom the prayer is savage
At the OT, prayers are turned to God (Joth 24:26 ff.; De 34:8 ff.; 2 Samuel 12:20; Ps 28:2; 95:9 ff.) . Jesus also brings M. to the Old Man, the Lord in heaven. (Mt 11:25; 26:39; Luke 10:21 etc.) . Jesus himself for Yogo life, if Vіn working miracles (Jn 9:38), and after Yogo Resurrection began to honor the deities. honor that return to New M. (Mt 28:17; Joh 20:28). At His farewell prayers, Christ speaks about prayers. prohannyah, yakі will be savage to New (Jn 14:14). Tim himself, the followers of Jesus and the first Christians (div. Dee 7:59; 2 Peter 3:18) they confirmed that the stench of Jesus the Sin of God, until such a trace was taken from M. just like that, until Yogo Batka. (Jn 5:23). I for example days, if Jesus hands over all the Batkovs (1 Corinthians 15:28), The Heavenly Church offered Yomu its praise and M. (Announcement 5:8 ff.). The words of Jesus: "No one comes to the Old Man, like through Me" expands on M. (Jn 6:44; 14:6). In the NT, the majority of M. was brought to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
Until the most popular prayers in the VZ, or the song, the song of Moses is heard (Jeh 15:1 ff.) that M. Moses (Deuteronomy 32:1 and beyond).. I think Deborah and Barak slept after the victory over Yavin. (Judg 5:1 et seq.). Among the Old Testament prophets-prayers next to name Samuel (1 Samuel 7:5,9), Illu (1 Kings 18:36)., Jeremiah (Er 7:16; 11:14; 14:11) i Daniela (Dan 9:1 and beyond).. From the king, David was ahead of us (divine laudatory song of David in 2 Samuel 22:1 ff. that yoga teach Ps 50), Solomon (1 Kings 8:22 ff.) that hezekiah (2 Kings 19:15; 20:2 and beyond) . At NZ, Jesus, a prominent person M., depriving us of "Our Father" (Mt 6:9 ff.), high priest. M. (Jn 17:1 ff.), M. at the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26:39,42,44) that M. on the cross (Mt 27:46; Lu 23:34,46). Before the most poetic M. in the NT lie the laudatory songs of Zechariah (Luke 1:64,67 ff.), Elisaveti (Luke 1:42)., Mary (Luke 1:46-55) that Simeon (Luke 2:28).. Three hours of the early Church in the house of laudatory song, note. in Di 4:24 ff., as well as the rest of Stephen's words (Dee 7:59).. At the messengers of ap. Paul, and especially in their cob words, M. speaks about the differences in the church (1 Cor 1:4 ff; 2 Cor 1:3 ff; Eph 1:15 ff; Phil 1:3 ff; Chl. 1:3 ff; 2 Thes 1:3 ff.) , as well as M. (Rom 8:31 ff; 11:32 ff; Eph 3:14 ff) . It is not surprising that, like the Bible in the book of the Announcement of Ivan, prayers are suggested. psnі (Announcement 5:8 ff.; 11:17 ff.; 19:1 ff.) , even if the Church is revived, lie here before God and the Lamb and bring to your M. the glory and praise of the Father and Sin for ever and ever. M. - one of the center. Tim Odkrovennya.

Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia. F. Rineker, G. Mayer. 1994 .

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