Yaku read a prayer for the crayfish shkiri. Prayer for cancer. Health and wellness - God's gift to people

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In these articles, you will know the main prayers, as it is necessary to read abo vichity, as you have stumbled upon such a cancer.

Prayers for the hour of cancer!

Prayer of the Holy Trinity

O most merciful God, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, at the Undivided Trinity worship and glorious, prize favorably on Thy servant (im'ya), the obsessed ailment; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn to your health and that strength of the body; give you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God, our Creator.

Prayer to the Lord

Vladiko the Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, harden to fall, cast down, bodily men of sorrow, correcting people, we pray to You, our God, Thy servant (Im'ya), do not see Thy mercy, do not mercifully forgive your involuntarily. O Lord, send down Your healing power from the heavens, lift up the body, extinguish the fire, catch addiction and all kinds of Germans, wake up the healer of Your servant (im'ya), wake him up from the bed of the sick, and from the bed of embitterment of the whole and the milky. pleasing and doing Your will, for Yours, for mercy and save us, our God, and glory to You. Batkov, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Prayer for the healing of the sick

O Merciful God, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, in the inseparable Trinity worship and glorious, look kindly at Your servant (im'ya), the obsessed ailment; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn to your health and that strength of the body; give to you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God and my Creator.

Blessed Mother of God, with Your all-powerful intercession, help me with the blessings of Your Sin, my God, for the healing of the servant of God (im'ya).

All holy angels of the Lord, pray to God for the sick servant Yogo (im'ya).

Prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos in Cancer

of the Most Holy Mother of God in honor of the icon "The Tsaritsa" (Pantanas)

Troparion, tone 4:

In an image of joyful honesty of the All-Tsaritsa, we warm the bajans to draw Your grace, save, Lady; succumbed to the circumstances until you are quiet, who goes into; in the face of all misfortune, enclose your flock, which until the intercession of your call every hour.

Kontakion, tone 8:

The new appearance of Your icon of the future is broken; send down the celestials to Thee, none of Thy servants. That all radio call to You: Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments heal with grace.

All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanas, All-Tsaritsa! Come on, dear, that vіydesh pіd mіy dakh! Ale, like a merciful God, the matir is loving, say the word, let my soul heal and my German body shine. Masha, for I can’t overcome the power, and I can’t find any nonsense in You, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me! You pray for me. Hai I glorify your most glorious name forever, never and ever. Amen.

of the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon "The Tsaritsa" (Pantanas). A friend's prayer.

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Feel the richness of our zіtkhannya in front of Your miraculous icon, from Athos the recession in Russia was transferred, look at Your children, suffering from unfortunate ailments, falling to Your holy image with faith! Like a bird with krill, it covers its own bird, such a Ti nina, always alive, cover us with Your rich omophorion. There, de Nadiya knows, undoubtfully Nadiya wake up. There, de lyutі mourning overwhelm, Patience and Weak z'appear. There, I see the darkness in my soul, let me sow the invisible light of the Divine! Cowardly in the silence, strengthen the Germans, bake the help to the hearts and grant enlightenment. Thy people heal, O merciful Queen! The mind and hands are quiet, that they rejoice at us, bless; Let us serve the znaryaddy of the Almighty Doctor Christ our Savior. How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, the blessing of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, in sorrow Consolation, let miraculous help soon take away, glorify the Life-Giving and Nerazdilna Trinity, the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

prayer for sickness for cancer

Saint Nektarios Yeginskiy

Troparion, voice 1:
Silіvії galusi i egіni keeper, in the rest of the summer he was, the honor of a wide friend, Nektariya inshanuyemo fidelity, like a divine servant of Christ: for sharpen the tsіlі bahatorazov piously shouting: glory to the glorified Christ, glory to Him who gave glory and glory to the giver of glory.

Kondak, voice 2:
Divine grim, spiritual trumpet, believe the planter and witness of heresies, Trinity pleasing, great saint Nektarios, angels stand all the time, pray innocently for all of us.

Prayer for cancer and healing:
Oh, Saint Nectarius, Father of the Wisdom! Accept, the defense of the Orthodox faith, the words of the lips of the people of Christ, chosen today in the temple of the grace of God, who is alive in you. Vistka is reachable to the borders of Russia, boty, great among the saints, the saint of Christ, in all the kingdoms of the whole world, for calling on your name, and in the form of cancer, you are healed.

Sensitively about єєєreyyu, tobi tezoimenitom і the temple in your ім'ya creating, with great sorrows. Cancer well, for the virazka of the chest, the battles were, the blood was sharpened, and the lutish suffered; make sure they didn’t deprive their saint.

Raptom to thee, to the Saint of rich mercies, from heaven, I have set you in the temple in a visible image. Vіn, not rushing to your brother, one of the mortal but, prohayu prayers of yours and saying: then I will not die, I am ready, death does not care for me.”

Well, father, without a body, your face has been healed with tears! and obsyag the sufferer, lobiza i, saying: “Do not grieve, my child, for the ailment of the test, health is healthy. They must know about the miracles of whom they know. Vіn same, zlіleny buv, zbіє razumі, z kim rozmovlyav, to the invisible colossus.
Oh, great saint of Christ Nectarius! Thy temple of perfection and none of your miracles, like the sea, which shimmers, multiplying! Well, we know, for the prayers of the righteous man can be hasty, but our diligence until the service of God and die for Christ, she is healthy with sight. Pray to you, righteous father, your sick child: let the will of God work with us, good, pleasing and complete, not crying for the death of sinners, but to turn back and live buti yoma.

You, savior of the will of God, have blessed us with your grace-filled manifestation, may God be great in heaven and on earth for ever and ever! Amen.

Prayers for the healing of the sick

Persha prayer (prayer against cancer)

Vladiko, the Almighty, holy King, punish and do not drive in, harden to fall and bring down the skids, straighten the people of sorrow, we pray to You, our God, Thy servant (Im'ya river) weakly see Thy mercy. Їy, Lord, send down Your healing power from the heavens, dotorknis the body, extinguish the fire, catch addictions and all kinds of Germans, wake up the likar of Your servant (im'ya river), argue with him in the wake of the sick and in the bed of embitterment of the whole and of the creative your will. Yours is more than mercy and ryatuvat us, our God, and we give glory to Thee, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of a friend (prayer for cancer is strong)

Oh, God of Mercy, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, in the inseparable Trinity worship and glorious, look kindly at Your servant ( im'ya), obsessed with sickness; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn youma healthy and that strength of the body; give you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God and My Creator.

Most Holy Theotokos, with Your all-powerful intercession, help me with the blessings of Your Sin, my God, about the healing servant of God ( im'ya).

All holy angels of the Lord, pray to God for the sick servant Yogo ( im'ya). Amen.

Outwardly, that description was described: a prayer for a person, like an illness for cancer for the spiritual life of a believing person.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer before the icon of the All-Tsaritsa in Cancer

"Screw, Lord!" Please, that we have seen our site before, in order to get some information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for a skin day. Also, check out our Odnoklassniki page and subscribe to our Prayer for Skin Day Odnoklassniki. "Take care of you Lord!".

People fall into the vіdchaydushny camp, if famously not just tapped, but strong and long reigned in them everyday life. Especially sore and hot, if sickness is close and native person. There are simply no words to convey the experience.

So, even with oncological illnesses, a difficult choice must be faced by a person - to give up, or to fight. The great number of believers, the prayer of the All-Tsaritsa in cancer, helped to overcome illnesses forever.

Prayer of the All-Tsaritsa for healing

Before him, as if to turn away from the prohannyam about healing before the Lord, it is necessary to clearly comprehend your intentions. Shira, spiritual blessing helps everyone who needs healing.

It is easier to see a person, not to believe in the Lord. With a single mind, a blessing for help. One can go not from the mind, but from the heart itself. Lyudina can use words a lot, but not just read the text.

Zavdyaks Vіrі ta zvarynennia to the Blessed Virgin Mary impersonal people forgot about their illness. She herself allows herself to be moved again in the face of the vanity, forget about the illness and do not wear it constantly in the heart.

Just before the hour of prayer in front of the icon, the people began to move to another, another space, de vantage was taken. In the first few steps to the knowledge of another Divine human exile, as well as the clear reason for the blame for illness.

Prayer of the All-Tsaritsa in oncology - how to ask correctly

Even more turbulent food - de itself can turn around for help to the All-Tsaritsa, and it’s right to ask for help. Now, in order:

  • Prayer in the face of oncological illness is guilty of vivolyatsya without intermediary beating of the holy face.
  • Don’t get confused, because after the first time before the All-Tsaritsa there was no improvement. Tse arc thorny and folding path.
  • It is recommended not just to see the temple and pray, but to bring the face of the saint to the house until you get sick. Vіn obov'yazkovo may be close to the sufferer's bed.

Prayer of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa helps the suffering

People, yaku struck by illness, life is more difficult. Ale people, yakі znahodyatsya voucher, often more folding. Aja same vіd them lie down not only the strength of the ailing, but yogo bajannya to heal the ailment. We simply need the help of the Lord, for such a stench they turn.

Arriving at the temple, obov'yazkovo zamovte akathist against ailments. Servants of the Church vykonuvatimut yogo. It is also recommended to take a similar service at the monastery.

Under the hour of the beast, before the Lord ob'yazkovo ask:

  • I am healthy not only for the suffering, but for my relatives;
  • strength to overcome the disease;
  • be patient with the sick;
  • blessed.

Prayer of the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa, let me not only help your loved ones to overcome the disease, but also to instill strength in you, like allowing you to fight with difficulties and do all the bad things that accompany the hour of healing cancer.

At the end, designate that it is necessary to turn to the icon generously, without falsehood. Words spoken from the heart will help ease the suffering of your loved ones and heal oncological illness.

Ale not a trace, after healing, forget about the Lord. Remember, wine helps not only in bidi, but also in health. Don't forget to thank youma for those that everything is good with you, even if you grant you good luck, good luck and love.

The prayer in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa in Cancer is read as follows:

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsar! Feel our greatness before your miraculous icon, from the share of Athos brought to Russia, look at your children, suffering from the ills of those who do not suffer, falling to the holy image of yours with faith!

Like a bird, krilbma covers its own bird, taco and Tiny, always alive judge, cover us with your rich omophbrom. There, if you know hope, be undoubted Hope. There, de lyutі mourning overwhelm, Patience and Weaken z'yay.

There, I see the darkness in the souls, let me plant the invisible light of the Deity! Cowardly in the silence, strengthen the Germans, roast the hearts of remembrance and enlightenment diruy. Thy people healed, O All-Merciful Queen!

The mind and hands are quiet, that they rejoice at us, bless us, let us serve the znaryaddy of the universal Physician, Christ our Savior. How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, the healing of the healer and the healer, Joy of the mourners, in sorrow Consolation, that miraculous help was taken away without a bar, glorified by the Life-Giving and Nerozdilna Trinity, Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen."

Take care of you Lord!

Marvel at the video prayer on the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa:

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One thought on "Prayer in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa in Cancer"

The text “Prayer before the Icon of the All-Tsaritsa in Cancer” has a lot of Drukarian pardons. Navit people, as if seeing a temple, do not understand even half. Correct be kind. The site is good, I'll be careful in advance. I am broadly convinced that in the rest.

Prayer of the All-Tsaritsa at Oncology

Some people in life trapleyaetsya so that the people nazdoganya sickness is terrible. Oncology is a disease even more serious, which often drags the death of an ailing person along with you, even if in the body there is a crayfish fluff that the body of the ruler is living in.

In our hour of cancer, they don’t just hurt anyone. Vishchi Force vikoristovuyut podіbnі zahvoryuvannya in order to stimulate the spiritual growth of the individual. Human civilization has entered a new era, if the spiritual prevails over the material. The energy exchange of people has been strengthened.

If a person is reminiscent of aggression, aggression, zazdrіst, then she becomes like a cancerous plump for the All-World and is guilty of being poor.

There is nothing special here, Vsesvit just talks about his self-preservation, even if the Greater Forces allow a greater number of ailments to the aggression of people, then the Vsesvit himself will perish and together with him and all other healthy organisms.

If a person has fallen ill with cancer, it is necessary to remember that it is already left in advance of those who need to change and drink in life in a different way - a path of spiritual development.

The first woman is less than the one who does not feel, does not understand the advance and continues to sleep in oman.

Rakovі zahvoryuvannya vrazhayut, in pershu cherga, zavzhd all unsatisfied people, yakі often imagining on іnshih. Dissatisfaction with that image reduces our body's supply of Love, granted to us by the Creator during the people.

Spiritual Causes of Cancer

Keep in mind that as you only express and accumulate negative emotions, you begin to serve the Dark Forces. And not just words. Z tsієї khvilini vy pochinaєte povіlne iznischennya yourself. On the physical plane, you have mild illnesses, then, as you did not understand, your sores gradually become more serious.

Cancer is already an extreme start, the last stage and the last try to teach a person, to make his soul suffer, and that means to pratsyuvate and purify yourself - to reproach, be vindictive for everything that God gives, and not “brizkat” to eternal discontent, do not drink pride and do not torment yourself with haunting images.

Then the souls of those who have died in oncological illnesses, having gone through pain and suffering, the floorings are cleansed, for the priests, who enter the next world, shining with an invisible light.

Psychosomatic officials in the development of cancerous diseases of the various. For example, like a woman's whole life, she looks like people, she can't work them out, then, more for everything, she looks like she's ill, like cancer of the uterus.

If she doesn’t die, then she wastes her uterus, which means she wastes her wife’s nature. In this rank, imagining a man, a woman beats herself.

Let's bring some spiritual causes of different types of oncological illnesses:

1. Striking the brain - a person is already afraid that he should not love anyone.

2. A blow to the milk taint - an image on a person who is not to love, and also there is a lot of guilt for tse.

Lіvі breast vrazhenі - it's a pity that mom doesn't love tato, pity for a woman's status in general after all.

Rights - my mother does not love me, and I call її for tse.

3. Striking a slug - a person will be forced to the point of being forced.

4. Damage to the cervix - wrong sex.

5. Porazka sich mіkhur - a person among people sees "nasty" and bazhaє їm evil.

6. Infection of the anterior ridge - aggression on the gluzuvannya of women, aggression on the power of the human weakness.

Like bachite, regardless of the variability of the reasons, which shout out to the unsafe ailment, the base is the same - the presence of a kohannya and a lot of negativity.

We are sick with oncology

We recommend that you stop the complex pidhid in order to get rid of cancer. Only in the complex of spiritual and physical help overcome the disease, or rather, transform in such a rank, so that the disease itself leaves you. First, it is necessary to change your perekonannya. It is necessary to understand that there are no “nasty” people and “nasty furnishings”.

The skin of a person is that podia, which is sent to you on the way, є your teacher. People and surround, as if they didn’t stink, teach us love and that acceptance. Knowing me, we are growing spiritually. Well, we start to look and accumulate anger, we drive ourselves in.

Another crochet to likuvannya - tse podyaka. Lies, as soon as you get up from your bed, first start before prayer, thank the Almighty for new gifts to you day and for those who can. Write down your goals for the future (5 years ahead, for example). You are to blame for the nobility, for the sake of which you live, so that out of vevnenistyu it will collapse forward by force.

It is also necessary to be fearful of death, for be there any fear, I distrust the Almighty, and death symbolizes only the transition from the physical world to the spiritual. Learn to ask that to accept a human help and support, do not mumble in yourself. Become soft and communicative, express the love of your neighbor, and yourself begin to transmit love to other people.

Shira prayer, zvichayno well, є obov'yazkovoy warehouse healing in case of any ailment.

Walk of prayer

The Mother of God is respected by a strong rank in Christianity, which showed the greatness of the number of miracles. For this reason, more sick people are encouraged to pray better for themselves.

Vidguki is quiet, who helped

How to read correctly?

First, start reading the most powerful prayer at home, go to church, confess, communion, go through unction. Zamovte sobi magpie about zdorov'ya. Robіtse regularly, do not separate yourself from one trip to the temple. Buy consecrated church candles, stock up on holy water.

Carry out a general cleaning of your apartment by adding a tincture of polyna to the water. Relatively rub it with tincture of the pen entrance doors the call is in the middle after the completion of the cleaning. Sprinkle your life with holy water and wash yourself with it often and drink it.

Purification of life with church candles

Surround your life with three lit church candles around the perimeter of the apartment against the year’s arrow for the month of the month, in order to cleanse the houses from evil forces. To work with a hand with a candle like this, you will know the cobweb of the walls. Kuti and open the door as necessary to christen three times. By the way, read a prayer, for example, "Our Father."

After that, as you have lived all the necessary visits, start praying for a shoranka, until you become calm in your soul, and then calmly take care of everyday things.

Even more important is the mind when dressed - drive negative thoughts to yourself. Remember that tse bisivska calmness. Whether it be a negative thought, obov'yazkovo should be replaced by a positive one. I clothes are safe for you.

Prayers for oncology and cancer. How to pray for cancer

Have a good time! Before that, how to read the recipes for the treatment of contagion with medicinal roslins, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) in the home minds of the trochs rose to ourselves. Call me Kostyantin Fedorovich Makarov - I am a phytotherapist with a 40-year certificate of work. If you read the article, please save your body and health and do not immediately proceed to these methods of healing, as described below let's tell WHAT at once! Є already a lot of flowering plants, preparations, herbs, yakі brought their effectiveness and a lot about them good reviews. But the other side of the coin is the contraindication of congestion and concomitant illness of the sick. For example, few people know that hemlock tincture cannot be congested during chemotherapy, or if other preparations are congested, it causes an acute illness, and you can be ruined. Tom, so that you wouldn’t be naughty, rather, consult with a specialist or your own doctor, before trying different methods of healing. Health to you and enjoy correctly.

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In these articles, you will know the main prayers, as it is necessary to read abo vichity, as you have stumbled upon such a cancer.

Prayers for the hour of cancer!

Prayer of the Holy Trinity

O most merciful God, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, at the Undivided Trinity worship and glorious, prize favorably on Thy servant (im'ya), the obsessed ailment; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn to your health and that strength of the body; give you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God, our Creator.

Prayer to the Lord

Vladiko the Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, harden to fall, cast down, bodily men of sorrow, correcting people, we pray to You, our God, Thy servant (Im'ya), do not see Thy mercy, do not mercifully forgive your involuntarily. O Lord, send down Your healing power from the heavens, lift up the body, extinguish the fire, catch addiction and all kinds of Germans, wake up the healer of Your servant (im'ya), wake him up from the bed of the sick, and from the bed of embitterment of the whole and the milky. pleasing and doing Your will, for Yours, for mercy and save us, our God, and glory to You. Batkov, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

4-stage course of oncology education by phytotherapeutist Kostyantin Fedorovich Makarov.

Oncology education course in 4 stages:

Prayer for the healing of the sick

O Merciful God, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, in the inseparable Trinity worship and glorious, look kindly at Your servant (im'ya), the obsessed ailment; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn to your health and that strength of the body; give to you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God and my Creator.

Blessed Mother of God, with Your all-powerful intercession, help me with the blessings of Your Sin, my God, for the healing of the servant of God (im'ya).

All holy angels of the Lord, pray to God for the sick servant Yogo (im'ya).

Prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos in Cancer

of the Most Holy Mother of God in honor of the icon "The Tsaritsa" (Pantanas)

Troparion, tone 4:

In an image of joyful honesty of the All-Tsaritsa, we warm the bajans to draw Your grace, save, Lady; succumbed to the circumstances until you are quiet, who goes into; in the face of all misfortune, enclose your flock, which until the intercession of your call every hour.

Kontakion, tone 8:

The new appearance of Your icon of the future is broken; send down the celestials to Thee, none of Thy servants. That all radio call to You: Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments heal with grace.

All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanas, All-Tsaritsa! Come on, dear, that vіydesh pіd dakh my! Ale, like a merciful God, the matir is loving, say the word, let my soul heal and my German body shine. Masha, for I can’t overcome the power, and I can’t find any nonsense in You, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me! You pray for me. Hai I glorify your most glorious name forever, never and ever. Amen.

of the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon "The Tsaritsa" (Pantanas). A friend's prayer.

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Feel the richness of our zіtkhannya in front of Your miraculous icon, from Athos the recession in Russia was transferred, look at Your children, suffering from unfortunate ailments, falling to Your holy image with faith! Like a bird with krill, it covers its own bird, such a Ti nina, always alive, cover us with Your rich omophorion. There, de Nadiya knows, undoubtfully Nadiya wake up. There, de lyutі mourning overwhelm, Patience and Weak z'appear. There, I see the darkness in my soul, let me sow the invisible light of the Divine! Cowardly in the silence, strengthen the Germans, bake the help to the hearts and grant enlightenment. Thy people heal, O merciful Queen! The mind and hands are quiet, that they rejoice at us, bless; Let us serve the znaryaddy of the Almighty Doctor Christ our Savior. How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, the blessing of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, in sorrow Consolation, let miraculous help soon take away, glorify the Life-Giving and Nerazdilna Trinity, the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Saint Nektarios Yeginskiy

Silіvії galusi i egіni keeper, in the rest of the summer he was, the honor of a wide friend, Nektariya inshanuyemo fidelity, like a divine servant of Christ: for sharpen the tsіlі bahatorazov piously shouting: glory to the glorified Christ, glory to Him who gave glory and glory to the giver of glory.

Divine grim, spiritual trumpet, believe the planter and witness of heresies, Trinity pleasing, great Saint Nektarios, s angels stand all the time, pray non-stop for all of us.

Prayer for cancer and healing:

Oh, Saint Nectarius, Father of the Wisdom! Accept, the defense of the Orthodox faith, the words of the lips of the people of Christ, chosen today in the temple of the grace of God, who is alive in you. Vistka is reachable to the borders of Russia, boty, great among the saints, the saint of Christ, in all the kingdoms of the whole world, for calling on your name, and in the form of cancer, you are healed.

Sensitively about єєєreyyu, tobi tezoimenitom і the temple in your ім'ya creating, with great sorrows. Cancer well, for the virazka of the chest, the battles were, the blood was sharpened, and the lutish suffered; make sure they didn’t deprive their saint.

Raptom to thee, to the Saint of rich mercies, from heaven, I have set you in the temple in a visible image. Vіn, not rushing to your brother, one of the mortal but, prohayu prayers of yours and saying: then I will not die, I am ready, death does not care for me.”

Well, father, without a body, your face has been healed with tears! and obsyag the sufferer, lobiza i, saying: “Do not grieve, my child, for the ailment of the test, health is healthy. They must know about the miracles of whom they know. Vіn same, zlіleny buv, zbіє razumі, z kim rozmovlyav, to the invisible colossus.

Oh, great saint of Christ Nectarius! Thy temple of perfection and none of your miracles, like the sea, which shimmers, multiplying! Well, we know, for the prayers of the righteous man can be hasty, but our diligence until the service of God and die for Christ, she is healthy with sight. Pray to you, righteous father, your sick child: let the will of God work with us, good, pleasing and complete, not crying for the death of sinners, but to turn back and live buti yoma.

You, savior of the will of God, have blessed us with your grace-filled manifestation, may God be great in heaven and on earth for ever and ever! Amen.

Prayers for the healing of the sick

Persha prayer (prayer against cancer)

Vladiko, the Almighty, holy King, punish and do not drive in, harden to fall and bring down the skids, straighten the people of sorrow, we pray to You, our God, Thy servant (Im'ya river) weakly see Thy mercy. Їy, Lord, send down Your healing power from the heavens, dotorknis the body, extinguish the fire, catch addictions and all kinds of Germans, wake up the likar of Your servant (im'ya river), argue with him in the wake of the sick and in the bed of embitterment of the whole and of the creative your will. Yours is more than mercy and ryatuvat us, our God, and we give glory to Thee, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of a friend (prayer for cancer is strong)

Oh, God of Mercy, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, in the inseparable Trinity worship and glorious, look kindly at Your servant ( im'ya), obsessed with sickness; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn youma healthy and that strength of the body; give you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God and My Creator.

Most Holy Theotokos, with Your all-powerful intercession, help me with the blessings of Your Sin, my God, about the healing servant of God ( im'ya).

All holy angels of the Lord, pray to God for the sick servant Yogo ( im'ya). Amen.

Strong healing prayer for cancer

Oncology is a terrible diagnosis, which many people take like a deadly virus, even if medicine is powerless. In deyaky vypadkah one vyhіd - spodіvatisya only on the Almighty. We are sick, because our relatives are helped by a strong healing prayer against cancer, sent to Panteleimon the Healer, the Mother of God, or our guardian angel, as you can read either before the operation, or on a daily basis, or on some object.

Prayer of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

The icon is glorified by the whole world as a fighter against oncological illnesses. About її zlіyuyuchu force became known in the 17th century. As if the icon of the "All-Tsaritsa" was white, the young man hummed and became invisible to my whisper like a word. Raptom vin falling, why yogo htos shtovhnuv. The lad was angry, crying and robbing the elders about the sin of the past - he had become a magician and read the oath before the icon. At that moment, if I had been robbed, the icon of Yogo looked out of itself and in such a rite gave a sign that the lads would rather repent and cleanse their souls from sin. From that hour, the "All-Tsaritsa" and began to enter into miraculous. Today you can find a few exact copies of this icon: near Moscow near the Church of Usikh Saints and near the Novospasky Monastery.

We are ill with breast cancer, we need to stand on the contrary and bow down, light a candle in front of her, remember the words of prayer:

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Feel our greatness before your miraculous icon, transferred from the Athos share, look at your children, who suffer from minor ailments, who fall down to your holy image with faith! Like a bird with krill, it covers its own bird, such a Ti nina, always alive, cover us with Your rich omophorion. There, de Nadiya knows, undoubtfully Nadiya wake up. There, de lyutі mourning overwhelm, Patience and Weak z'appear. There, I see the darkness in my soul, let me sow the invisible light of the Divine! Cowardly in the silence, strengthen the Germans, bake the help to the hearts and grant enlightenment. Thy people heal, O merciful Queen! The mind and hands are quiet, that they rejoice at us, bless; Let us serve the znaryaddy of the Almighty Doctor Christ our Savior. How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, the blessing of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, in sorrow Consolation, let miraculous help soon take away, glorify the Life-Giving and Nerazdilna Trinity, the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen."

If you are ill with cancer, you yourself cannot ask for help from an icon, but you can be a human being. Golovnya, after asking the ailing magpie about his health. Prayer is foldable for memorization, so you can write it down and read it from the arch.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

A sick person may before going to bed for forty nights sleep to read to his guardian angel such a prayer:

“Oh, holy angel, Guardian and patron of my kind! Wake me, servant (s) of God (s) (I am sick (s) in a sinful dream! Treat my stomach in fear of Christ God. Help with your prayers the last hour of my stomach without a vice to pass and create the fruit of a day of repentance " .

After the voice of the prayer, it is necessary to go to bed and read in the bed "Our Father" trichi.

Prayer of Jesus Christ for dressing up for cancer

The ailment of a person dresses on himself white and proclaims the following words:

“Our earthly Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior. Help me cleanse your soul. Help me to get rid of the vices of the earth. Help me to understand your body. I bless you about forgiveness to all the souls of my loved ones, who live in Heaven and on Earth. I bless Thee for forgiveness to all earthly souls. I bless you, send us your grace and lead us along the path of Heaven. I bless you about my healthy body. My body respects my soul to be cleansed. Help me, take care of my grave illness. Help me to recover the tlіn from my teles. I believe, and I follow You. Praise Thee and take care of your soul. Amen."

Wear this whiteness, not knowing, for three days, then let us viprati okremo in other speeches. Hang and re-say the new word of prayer. Wear again for three days. After viprati and pull only to the liquor. Do not give yoga to anyone. Qiu prayer can be read every day until noon and a hungry slug.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Cilitel about clothes for cancer

Qiu prayer of ailments for cancer can be read alone in a calm environment before the operation.

“Oh, the great saint of Christ, the passion-bearing and likarevі richly merciful Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful servant of God (im'ya), feel the stogin and zoyk of my, the mercy of Heaven, the Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, grant me healing in the case of a zhorstogo rotten less ailment. Receive the blessing of sin greater for all people. See me with grace. Do not make my sinful eyes proud, anoint them with your olive mercy and save me; Let me have a healthy soul and body, the rest of my days, for the help of the grace of God, I can spend in repentance that God-desired, and I will be able to take a good end of my belly. Їy, the saint of God! Pray for Christ God, let me grant your presence a healthy body and the salvation of my soul. Amen."

After this, it would be good for you to say goodbye to no one and not to do anything. Hang out alone.

Zavdyaki tsim prayers people are better able to endure likuvannya, as if appointing a medicine. It is not possible to seek medical assistance at any given time, prayer is a strong addition to the main eulogy.



The skin of a person may have a divine dialogue with the Creator, in which he turns to God with his hidden secrets about special problems, needs, ailments, sorrows. About scho mozhe buti prohannya cancer sick? Shvidshe for everything, about helping with the treatment of cancerous problems, and about the ways of the Lord, as if they brought the sick to the healing of cancer. Stars and " prayer for cancer"!

So, otrimav ztsіlennya through the relay " prayer for cancer", mercifully granting the text of the prayer to others who suffer from cancer, with the help of a movchasnoy, self-reasoning mind, to read on the aphrodisiacs of the correct prayer rule, from the blessing of the priest and for the attainment of all Orthodox dogmas and canons.

From the blessing of the confessor in the prayer rule, you can include prayers to the saints. What kind of saints can people choose? Obviously, if you have a skin ailment, you will find a prayer for yourself before that saint, who may have the grace of healing in the face of severe ailments. The Orthodox Church has a majestic translation of prayers and our church classification heavenly patrons that zahisnikiv in the person of the saints.

To whom is the beastly prayer of ailments for cancer? Zvichayno, among icons Holy Mother of God ailments to cancer bestially pray to the miraculous icon, which I have the gift of healing oncological diseases, - "All-Tsarits", and more naturally, in the words of yoga prayer, animal-to-All-Tsaritsa, there will be words about "cancer", about "cancerous bed", about "cancer bed" and so on.

So that the "prayer in the face of cancer" gained strength, it was necessary to bring it to God, Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Angel of the Guardian, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Cross and All the Saints of God with the inexhaustible clay of the vlasnoy vіri.

In addition, before the cob of prayers, light a candle with bjolin wax, consecrated in the church. І tse backward-spiritual fathers read: "A candle - tse svіdchennya vіri, prichetnosti people to the Divine light." A candle enhances the power of prayer!

Prayer in the form of cancer is strong, as the one who reads її, seeps through the prayer text. The power of "prayer for cancer" is subdued, if you read about yourself ailments for cancer, and build up in depressions, as if the words її zomіyut awaken in someone who reads repentant thoughts, cleanse the soul, mind and heart of yoga from sinful defilement!

Neimovirno (in magnitude - until miracles of healing) multiply the power of "prayer in cancer" even if you put ailments on a dialogue with God through this prayer with all your hopes, and the faith of yoga is unfeeling with this growth.

The ignorant people for an hour are important to understand that the texts of the prayers are Orthodox, and that they do not think of anything connected with Christianity, penetrating to people under the mask of pseudo-churchness, hovayuchis for the name of God and saints.

Significantly, as a prayer to avenge the Orthodox text in oneself, de linger the Holy Spirit, and not heresy, de linger the forces of evil spirits, maybe only spiritual mentor, priest, scho to serve in Orthodox Church. The posture of the Orthodox Church, the posture of a priest, has no such gift of "significance" in anyone.

To that, first proceed to the prayer prayer before God, that Yogo saint through the texts of the prayers, otrimani not from Orthodox dzherel, bring this prayer to your confessor and take away the new blessing on koristuvannya it.

At the hour of reading prayers, it is necessary:

1. Mark yourself with the holy banners, especially often at the "Prayer for the Holy Cross of the Most Holy Christ."

If we put on a horseradish banner on ourselves, then an invisible fire will come out of the correctly folded fingers, which charred with grace, sanctifies it cleansing our body.

2. As far as possible, try to fast, but not to sin, but to the Glory of God, more sense of fasting (like the sense of Christian life) at the onset of the Holy Spirit, and not blindly crush yourself only in a hedgehog. And there are rocks about "prayers for cancer", then for an oncological ailment, one can replace the disease, and as an ailment, one can assess the cancer situation, in a Christian way, as God's mercy, and endure the ailment with the help of God, with the help of God mind youmu God, then in such a time, ailment is taken equally to fasting, and often more.

3. Bow down to Robiti. Bow - signs of repentance and humility, in obedience to that bow to God, and also - repentance of the soul of that body. Bow not to be timid at the same time with the goddamn banners!

4. Light a candle - tse yak svіdchennya vіri and venerability of a person to the Divine light; as an addition to prayer with a callous act. The candle is due to pure wax, which means the purity of the people and the obedience of God to the generous kayatts.

5. Find the fear of God. God loves us, to the one who created us, to the one who made us Jerelom of Life and all of us are deposited in the sight of the Lord. God is our Creator: we are responsible for the fear of the mother to imitate Yogo.

God is our Father: children are always guilty of being afraid to impersonate their father. The shortest way to know the fear of the Lord is to know God through the Holy Letter. The one who reads the "Bible" regularly, to indulge her sinfulness and її legacy, and therefore know the fear of the Lord by itself.

6. Mother Vera, Nadiya, Love in the soul, hearts and minds of your own. Reading a prayer - kohai! Reading a prayer - get up! Reading a prayer - vіr!

Prayer to Cancer God - Our Father

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God, be merciful to me, sinner (th).

Tobe, Lord God, my Creator,

At the Holy Trinity One,

Glorious and worship,

Batkov, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit,

I say my prayer

I have a full confession about my sins,

Introduced by me to the servant of God (-im)

(I'm praying(-gosya)) All the days of my stomach, All the time, days and nights, in a word,

And my sins,

Soulful and physical together,

Yakimi Tobi my God and Creator rot

I will deal with a heavy sickness of cancer

Deserving of the punishment for you.

Convince your sins

I have the will to repent:

My penitence came to my sight

About my sinful life

І about Thy nevimovna Mercy,

Bo not having driven me deservedly,

And having punished cancer with a disease, mercifully,

Deprive me, sinful (th) slave (-i)

God's (yomu) (im'ya sick (yogo),

Time for a prayer of repentance

I for the correction of my sins.

Lord my God,

On the knees, with tears I humbly bless you: Help me,

To your merciful vibach me

Bo about these sins are bad,

I present to you and bless you

Allow me to see you,

I am a Good People Lover.

How good the health is invisibly

Through the prayers of Thy Saints

Mene, servants of God (yogo)

(im'ya ill (-yogo), in the form of ailment, psuvanya cancer

І all yoga rank:

Cancer wormy, putrid, growing, fungal, bruised,

Watery, crooked, prickly, mighty, fiery, fatty,

Internal, pakhlovy, pozuchy,

Grainy, mature, serbulach, cereal.

Merciful Lord, feel the prayer of the slave (s)

My own, to pray (going) to You.

Dovga and fierce sickness Iovlyu

On pus and in worms

Through the word Healing You, Lord.

I now pray to you:

I am invisible to the good

Mene slave (-a) God (-yogo) (im'ya ailments (-yogo)) in cancer

Rotten, growing, wormy, fungal,

brittle, watery, crooked, prickly, mighty, fiery,

fatty, internal, pakhlovy, pouchy, otruyny,

rotting, granular, sighting, serbulach, cereal. Weaken, forgive, God forgive me, my sins, free and fleeting, I’m in words and in action, I’m in sight and in the unknown, I’m in the day and night,

I'm in the mind and in the mind:

Yako Blessed is that Lover of People.

Nevzhe me a servant (-y) of God (-yomu)

(Im'ya ill (-yogo)) Odr tsia cancer will be?

Se truna pіdlyagaє,

Seven death checks.

Save, O God, my wretched soul,

І torments are inexhaustible,

I do not stop creating evil:

Worthy of any condemnation and boroshnya,

For thee is the Lord, my God, forever I glorify,

I Blessed Thy Matir,

I all heavenly forces,

I Holy Guardian Angel.

Lord, save me, a sinner and a godless slave.

God (yogo) (im'ya sickness): If you save the righteous,

Like a pure one, have mercy,

God of thy mercy.

Ale on me a sinful call Thy mercy:

About Tse manifest Thy love for people,

Hai not healthy anger of my enemies

І my fall

Your nevimovnoy Bliss

І non-redundant mercy.

Let my enemies not check my death

I do not worry about your victory

I about the victory of the black Bisiv forces.

Defender of my soul, wake up, God!

Enlighten my eyes! Lie to me, sin (th),

Yak in the middle of the Hodja merezh bagatioh:

Sparing me with them,

Vryatuy, save, zahisit.

I won't fall asleep to death

Vіd ailment psuvannya cancer

I all yoga call.

Karay, but don't drive!

Quiet, who hate and skrivdzhu forgive me;

Meni servant (-y) of God (-yomu) (im'ya ailments (-yogo)

Grant salvation and life forever,

In ailments of cancerous diseases

Give me healing.

I ask for health with tears of repentance

Meni servant (-y) of God (-yomu) (im'ya ailments (-yogo)),

Change from death to life,

Even mournful in the quiet.

I repent of all my sins,

How do you not want death, sinners,

Revive, welcome a slave who is sick (-yogo) (-a)

God (yogo) (im'ya sick (yogo),

Let me stand up and serve you,

Supporting us with the righteous

Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, Nina and all the time and for ever and ever.

Prayer for the Cancer of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Good King Good Mother,

Blessed is that Blessed Mother of God Mary,

Until you, - Blessed Divi,

Helpers in adversity

All-Merciful Intercessor for all sorrows,

ailments and sorrows,

Pom'yakshuvachі evil hearts,

ryativnitsі vіd bіd,

I healers of spiritual and bodily ailments,

Tsaritsі, sho maє the gift of healing sickness to cancer, I, the slave (slave) of God (th)

I am sick (yogo), I go for help:

Feel my tearful prayer,

With reverent awe

I have deep faith before Thee.

The mercy of Thy Sin and our God Vily on a stick my soul,

On the pain of my body

I on my cancer bed.

With Your Holy Mouth

I with your prayers,

Vgamuvannya ailments of the water cancer,

Fatty, bruised, crooked,

mushroom, wormy, putrid,

Arrange, grain, serbula,

Pakhlovogo, vnutrіshny, zovnіshny,

Cancer in the spirit of the sickness of the spirit

I all yogo call from the servant (-a) of God (-yogo) (im'ya ill (-yogo)).

You help everyone who asks you,

Be-yakі ailments vgamovuєsh.

I put all my inspiration on You!

Mother of Christ God

Cover me, the sinner (th), with Your Most Holy Omophor,

Protect me under Your Protection.

Bring my prayer to Thy Sin and our God;

Don't hate me, sin,

I need your help

I will intercede for you, for my soul rests on you;

Pray to God for me, sinner (s) to the Servant of God (s) (im'ya ill (yogo)).

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.

Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv.

Prayer for Cancer Guardian Angel

(to the saint, whom you wear)

Oh holy angel

Keeper and patron my good!

Wake me, servant (s) of God (s)

(I am sick in a sinful dream!

Reach out to my belly with the fear of Christ God.

Help with your prayers

The last hour of my stomach can pass without vice

I create fruits of good repentance.

Set my mind in today's way,

I to Love Gorniy strike my soul.

So by you, Angel of God,

My Holy Guardian, I will guide.

I take away the sight of Christ God great mercy,

Help with your prayers:

Hai I take away the grace of God

On the test of your soul more damned

І on healing the body of one's type of cancer.

I will not perish in rozpachi.

Hai do not laugh at my enemy about my death.

Light light! Lightly enlighten my soul.

To the mentor and the Guardian of my

God gave me an Angel!

With a broken heart, a sickly soul

I will slay with a cancerous body,

Lying on the cancer bed of the plaster bed,

Znemagayucha and gnіyucha in the bіsіvskih podstupіv,

Weaved with devilish lace

I stand before you, pray:

Feel me, sinful (-y) slave (-y)

his (th) (im'ya sick (-ї),

With a mіtsnim cry and a hіrkiy weeping of a wailing one:

Guess my lawlessness and lies;

Appear to me, merciful;

Do not look at me, filthy (th);

Look at the mortal falls of sinners, reach out to me.

My Holy Guardian!

How can I be merciful to God, who is good,

To relieve my dashing evils;

I miracle worker Yogo the blessed

Saved the body of a slave, who didn’t, (s)

God's (-ої) (im'ya sick)

Vіd ailment psuvannya cancer

I all yoga call.

Angel of God! my ryativnik!

Defend me against the enemy of the embittered me.

In the face of every misfortune, fortune tellers with huts,

Cover me and reach out to the evil catch,

Having risen to my heavenly life,

Navchayuchi, translucent and zmіtsnyuuch me,

Always in the light of my life, reach out,

Give me the salvation of the inexhaustible,

In the face of all my struggles and misfortunes of freedom,

I see sadness vryatuy,

My sickness is invisible.

Holy Angel, give me the sight of God,

Good to my keeper! I pray you:

Enlighten my mind, Blessed,

І think me korisna, teach me,

Nastav me marvelously to the silence of creatures,

Let my heart be stabbed right,

Be merciful to me.

Holy Angel of the Lord!

Holy intercessor, my guardian!

Enlighten me with the light of the weak,

Put me on the glory of Your prayers,

Make me a god of the Kingdom of Heaven,

Think kindly enlighten my soul,

Don't break the enemies that piss me off,

Release me cancer misfortune;

Beautiful Angel! My keeper!

All my thoughts

I have laid my soul before Thee:

Don't leave me a guinea

Father, gloomy demons in my soul,

Defend me in the sight of their fishing of the Bisivsky,

Vgamuvannya ailments psuvannya cancer

I all yogo call from the body of my weakling

Roses of the Holy Cross of the Lord

at the servant (s) of God (-oї) (im'm sick (-ої))

Cancer is prickly, can, watery, fatty, bruised, crooked,

Mushroom, wormy, rotting, what do you lay out, grain, serbulic,

Poslouchy, brittle, fragrant,

internal, outward, dramatic,

Free me from cancer, in case of illness to the spirit of the dead, I all yogo call.

At the terrible hour of death, unapproachable wake up;

Defend me in the face of gloomy demons,

Live fearful souls of my quivering;

Make it easier to cross over the broken ones;

So, take care (s) I will be You, holy Angele,

I will harmlessly reach my greedy paradise,

De Species of the Holy and Girsky Forces

Invincibly they praise all the honors and miracles of im'ya

At the Trinity of the glorious God,

Old Man and Sin and the Holy Spirit, honor and bow to Yomu for centuries and centuries.

My Holy Guardian!

Friend and representative

Zahisnik and champion

Pray to God for me, sinful servant of God (-oї)

(I'm sick).

Blessed my Guardian!

Lie to me, sinful servant (-y) of God (-nu)

(I'm sick). Pray to God for me! Amen!


“Our earthly Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior.

Help me cleanse your soul.

Help me to get rid of the vices of the earth.

Help me to understand your body.

I bless you about forgiveness

To all the souls of my loved ones,

Live in Heaven and on Earth.

I bless Thee for forgiveness to all earthly souls.

I bless you send us your grace

And lead us along the path of Heaven.

I bless you about my healthy body.

My body respects my soul to be cleansed.

Help me, take care of my grave illness.

Help me to recover the tlіn from my teles.

I believe, and I follow You.

And take care of your soul.

PRAYER before the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarts! Feel our greatness before your miraculous icon, from the share of Athos brought to Russia, look at your children, suffering from the ills of those who do not suffer, falling to the holy image of yours with faith! Like a bird, krilbma covers its own bird, so th Tiny, always alive judge, cover us with your richly rich homophbrom. There, if you know hope, be undoubted Hope. There, de lyutі mourning overwhelm, Patience and Weaken z'yay. There, I see the darkness in the souls, let me plant the invisible light of the Deity! Cowardly in the silence, strengthen the Germans, roast the hearts of remembrance and enlightenment diruy. Thy people healed, O All-Merciful Queen! The mind and hands are quiet, that they rejoice at us, bless us, let us serve the znaryaddy of the universal Physician, Christ our Savior. How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, the healing of the healer and the healer, Joy of the mourners, in sorrow Consolation, that miraculous help was taken away without a bar, glorified by the Life-Giving and Nerozdilna Trinity, Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.


1. "My heavenly angel, please take care of me!"

At the empty life, outsiders do not ring,

I burn with a candle, I melt in the presence of a fierce illness,

I de soul to know the order - I don’t know.

Embrace the blacks of me without a day,

I fight fiercely, but I can’t pull my strength.

Holy Savior, give me your wings!

Let me get away, I didn't have any mercy

Let me know! Hope on you

Be kind, lie and save me!"

2. Prayer for cancer

"God! Good God! Let your name be holy in heaven and on Earth, from the edge and to the edge of the All-World! God! good in the face of evil and rest in peace and firmness of spirit, so that it is good to do Thy Will among people, see the strength of my brothers and sisters, as close ones, so I don’t know me, let me sing your right glory and be blessed with love in your heart, and heal dark in Russia On the way to the Light, that one to stretch out one to one of her arms and give out the immeasurably warmth of the soul ... Lord, let Thy Will be done! .In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen."


"There is a throne at the Vereteny mist. Marya sits on the new one with a sword, that cross is a cancer!

Cancer: prickly, can, rotten, growing, igneous, fatty, internal, pahlovyy, watery, brittle, brittle, brittle, putrid, crooked, granular, sighting, serbulic, cereal.

Mother God! You help everyone, you help the ailments in gammon. Vgamuy ailments іnshi cancer і all yogo call from the servant of God (Im'ya sick), In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen.

Lies: bless, Lord, on the day of the coming day and do not let the hardships be hardened, so as to tell them who are walking under your light. Vecheri: Remembrance, Lord, expended strength for the good, sob to prepare yourself for the future. Amen."

Persh's prayer for the healing of the sick

Vladiko, the Almighty, holy King, punish and do not drive in, harden to fall and bring down the skids, straighten the people of sorrow, we pray to You, our God, Thy servant (Im'ya river) weakly see Thy mercy. Їy, Lord, send down Your healing power from the heavens, dotorknis the body, extinguish the fire, catch addictions and all kinds of Germans, wake up the likar of Your servant (im'ya river), argue with him in the wake of the sick and in the bed of embitterment of the whole and of the creative your will. Yours is more than mercy and ryatuvat us, our God, and we give glory to Thee, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A friend's prayer for the healing of the sick

Oh, Merciful God, Father, Sin and Holy Soul, worship the inseparable Trinity and glorious, look kindly at Your servant (im'ya), obsessed with sickness; let yoma all the sins of yogo; give him healing ailments; turn youma healthy and that strength of the body; give you a long and prosperous life, your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us bringing all the blessings to You, the All-Generous God and My Creator.

Blessed Mother of God, with Your all-powerful intercession, help me with the blessings of Your Sin, my God, for the healing of the servant of God (im'ya).

All holy angels of the Lord, pray to God for the sick servant Yogo (im'ya). Amen.

Prayer of a friend of the Tsaritsa.

"Oh, Most Holy Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Feel our richness before Your miraculous icon, brought from the share of Athos to Russia, look at Your children, suffering from minor ailments, fall down to Your holy image with faith! Thy omophorion, grant, Thy people are sick, O All-merciful Queen, the mind and hands are quiet, to rejoice us, bless us, let us serve the healers of the Almighty Doctor Christ our Savior.

How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady!

Stretch out Your hands, the blessing of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, in sadness Utikha, that miraculously help me without a bar, having glorified the Life-Giving and Nerozdilna Trinity, Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. "

One more prayer of the All-Tsaritsa

O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanas, All-Tsaritsa!

Come on, let me go and see you, my darling! Ale yak of the merciful God

kind-hearted Mother, rci word, let my soul heal and my body be strengthened, that I am weak. Imashi for the power is impossible and impossible

You have every word of wisdom, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me, You do good for me. So

I glorify your most glorious name forever, and ninth and in endless centuries.

One more prayer of the All-Tsaritsa

In a joyful manner, honest All-Tsaritsa,

We warm the bajans quietly, who whispers Your grace, save, Lady,

succumbed to the situation, it’s quiet for you, that they come running, in the face of any adversity

Thy flock, what will I do to Thy intercession?

Prayer to Saint Nektarios Yeginskiy.

"O Saint Nektarios, Father of God's Wisdom!

Orthodox, the words of the mouths of people of Christ, the chosen ones

today in the temple of the grace of God, who is alive in you. Vistka well reachable between the Russians, for you, great among the saints to the saint of Christ, in us

to the omniscience calling out your name is and in the form of cancer you give healing.

Sensitively about єєєreyyu, tobi tezoimenitom і the temple in your ім'ya creating, with mournful great ones. Cancer is more than a breast expression of the battles, the blood of the day is sharpened, and suffers more; make sure they didn’t deprive their saint. Raptom to the hierarch, richly merciful, from the heavens, setting you in the temple in a visible image. Vіn, let's not hasten to you brothers, the only kind of mortal butti, ask your prayers and mov:

for I want to give the holy vіvtar, but once again the holy liturgy

together with the parishioners; let's sweat and die, ready for me, death for me

Well, father, without a body, your face has been healed with tears! and obsyag the sufferer, lobizashe i, saying: "Do not grieve, my child, as if, with an ailment, you will be healthy, you will be healthy. All about the miracles of which you know" . Vіn same, zlіleny buv, aby rozumі, z kim rozmovlyav, to the invisible colossus.

Oh, great saint of Christ Nectarius! Thy temple of perfection and none of your miracles, like the sea, which shimmers, multiplying! Well, we know, for the prayers of the righteous man can be hasty, but with our diligence until God's service and courage for Christ die, and I'm healthy.

Pray to you, righteous father, your sick child: let the will of God be with us, good, pleasing and perfected, not afraid of the death of sinners,

ale scho turn around and live buttya yoma.

You, savior of the will of God, have blessed us with your grace-filled manifestation, may God be great in heaven and on earth for ever and ever! Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

Prayers of the All-Tsaritsa

persha prayer

“O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanas, the All-Tsaritsa! Come on, let me go and see you, my darling! Ale, like a merciful God, the matir is loving, say the word, let my soul heal and my German body shine. Masha, for I cannot overcome the power and I can’t find any nonsense in You, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me. You pray for me. Let me glorify your most glorious name forever, never and ever. Amen."

A friend's prayer

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Feel the richness of our zіtkhannya in front of Your miraculous icon, from the share of Athos brought to Russia, look at Your children, suffering from minor ailments, falling down to Your holy image with faith! Like a bird with krill, it covers its own bird, such a Ti nina, always alive, cover us with Your rich omophorion. Patience and Weak z'appear. There, de Nadiya knows, undoubtfully Nadiya wake up. There, de fierce sorrows magnify, there, de darkness, I will spread in the souls of all, let them shine the invisible light of the Deity! Cowardly spirits, strengthen the Germans, bake the hearts of remembrance and grant enlightenment. Thy people healed, O All-Merciful Queen! The mind and hands are quiet, that they rejoice at us, bless us, let us serve the blessings of the Almighty Doctor Christ our Savior. How alive You are with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, the blessing of healing and healing, Joy of the mourners, in sorrow Utiha, that miraculous help will soon be removed, glorifying the Life-Giving Nerozdilna Trinity, Father, Sin, and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen."


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ our God, and we chant the image of Thy saints, in view of what kind of healing you give to everyone who rushes to you with faith.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "The Tsaritsa"

Kondak 1 Іkos 1

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 2

Without beginning, the Word of the Child is young to Thee, giving healing to Thee, Dіvo, sho shanoyu and nevimovne Yogo Rіzdvo ospіvuchim: Aliluya.

Ikos 2

Rozum unreasonable rozumiti Diva jokingly, scream before the service: like a pure Otrokovitsa, like I’ll be Cherry Mother, explain. And before her, Gabriel washed with fear, like this:

Rejoice, for the sake of Cherry Obranci; Rejoice, voice quietly, to pray to the Quick Listener.

Rejoice, treasure of Christ's world; Rejoice, strength of your people.

Rejoice, marvelous muzzle of the shells; Rejoice, O healers of other ailments.

Rejoice, single light of intercession; Rejoice, for you are safe in sorrows.

Rejoice, for weeping and tears are filthy vgamovuesh; Rejoice, salvation, come in to all of you.

Rejoice, sceptre that inhabitant power of Athos; Rejoice, rods of chentsiv and laity.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 3

The power of Cherry autumn You, Otrokovitse, take on the flesh invincibly, showing You the village of licorice to those who want to reap salvation and sleep: Aliluya.

Іkos 3

Glorified marvelously holy Thy icon, the All-Tsaritsa is named, if the image of the Mother of God appears wholesomely; And give healing to those shouting in front of her with faith, let the songs of cotton be multiplied:

Rejoice, Mother of the unforgiving Light; Rejoice, for you endure to the end.

Rejoice, for there is rejoicing in ailments and sorrows; Rejoice, orphan that widow is an unbreakable wall.

Rejoice, that you open the doors of heaven; Rejoice, for you intercede for laborers and tight ones.

Rejoice, salvation of the faithful Intercessor; Rejoice, for the prayer of the human prayers.

Rejoice, heavenly ladder that raises from the earth to Heaven; Rejoice, living creature, for washing away mortal sins.

Rejoice, Lamb, that you guard the heart of the gentle; Rejoice, Protection, you touch the children of the Church.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 4

Granting the belly of light, Vladyka to the world entered Thy womb unobtrusively and, having shown You the Mother of God, crying out in the light of the world: Aliluya.

Іkos 4

Most glorious I have risen about You, the City of God, healed in the sight of Your holy icons; Tsіlbonnosnі strumeni rejoicing pleasantly, subtly, about the Tsaritsa, we shout:

Rejoice, zillya, bіl vgamovuєsh; Rejoice, it's cold, the sick fever cools down.

Rejoice, that you are baking shells, like half-witted ones; Rejoice, for you pidіymaєsh from the bed of those who are overwhelmed by doctors.

Rejoice, for Thy face is more pure than we choose; Rejoice, that you allow in the bonds of sin.

Rejoice, for you are given salvation in the face of death; Rejoice;

Rejoice, visoto, unfulfilled by human blessings; Rejoice, glibino, by the one Word of the Zvіdan.

Rejoice, prophecy before You of many patriarchs; Rejoice, teacher of Tobi ієrarchiv, who prayed.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 5

The Most Holy Temple of the Savior of You, Otrokovitsa; We fall before Thee, Pure, that we are robed of the temples of the Divine, to weave Yoma: Aliluya.

Іkos 5

Seeing the Angels at the hand of Your Creator, who created the people with her hand, and like the Lady, who is intelligible to You, the only one, if You called You a slave to Yourself, sing with songs to serve You, Blessed, Sitsevoy:

Rejoice, placed by God above the heavenly Forces; Rejoice, for you conquer the world with miraculous healings.

Rejoice, for the praise and glory of the Heavens you hear; Rejoice, for the air of the earth is pleasant.

Rejoice, for you will require us in your hearts; Rejoice, for you have broken thee with the steps of the devil's yokes.

Rejoice, for the vale of deplorable joy has victorious; Rejoice, for you change sorrow in heavenly malt.

Rejoice, fragrance of God's reception; Rejoice, sinners who repent, merriment of the non-abyak.

Rejoice, armor of truth in peace; Rejoice, protector of shields against witches and evildoers.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Preachers of God-speakers, Savior's disciples, who appeared to You, Miraculously, from the back of the earth to Heaven, You descended, with the same heart and mouth to sing God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having taken wondrous grace from Thy icon, All-Tsaritsa, if you are young, disciples of satanic obscurations, before her fall and unruly buti; more like spodіvan vіd gloomy vіlny, with fear and joy vzivashe Ty sitsa:

Rejoice, correction of the godless life; Rejoice, for you hold the wicked wicked.

Rejoice, vigil of the Bisiv hordes in front of the Church; Rejoice, O wicked rose.

Rejoice, touching the steps of the invisible; Rejoice, Omnipotent demonic charms.

Rejoice, lamp, instruct those who are calm; Rejoice, clothed, twist the innocent forms of evil.

Rejoice, humpback, that you live with heavenly manna; Rejoice, valley, that you are full of the humble of Christ.

Rejoice, stone of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, mirror of the peaceful Light.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 7

I want to give Sobі in їzhu vіrnim, having favored You, the Divine Divi will fall in, let it be acceptable to the Most Pure Body and Your Blood, to know You, God thoroughly; for those who marvel at the invisible wisdom of the world, cry: Aliluya.

Ikos 7

The Creator has appeared to the new show of the mystery, having taught His Mystery Supper; Well, praying to the All-Tsaritsa to honor us with the Divine Shrines, we write off Your Sitsev:

Rejoice, Giver of Heavenly Bread; Rejoice, Father of the Eternal Life.

Rejoice, cup, that you partake of Christ; Rejoice, soul and body unite with God.

Rejoice, for nonsense of gold, Divine Mysteries. Rejoice, dear kivot, place of the great saints.

Rejoice, finger, point to the Holy Eucharist; Rejoice, Trapezo, that you preach to us the Holy Holy.

Rejoice, for in the year of the ship of the present communicants you are right-handed; Rejoice, fighter of the zealous Divine Liturgy in the midst of the hell you willed.

Rejoice, for bringing mortals to Dzherel without death; Rejoice, for you protect your children with peace and fortresses.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 8

Divne Rіzdvo, scho bachilo, every life vіdklademo pikluvannya and grief maєmo heart; on tse bo Vyshnіy z'appear, at scho attract to the heights Volayuchi Tom: Aliluya.

Ikos 8

Invisibly in the depths of the Vitchiznyah perebuvayu, The word is indescribable on the earth, body buti; God the Great create the greatness of the Divine and despise the humility of His servants, who hear faces:

Rejoice, for you, for you did not contain God, you did; Rejoice, for you have shown the transcendental Creator of light.

Rejoice, for the sorrows of death are the power; Rejoice, for the wound of Adam was healed.

Rejoice, plastic, scabs of the soul will start to cry Rejoice, Ledve, anoint the veils of the body.

Rejoice, tampering sickness of the people; Rejoice, relief from the torments of the dying.

Rejoice, for you have known the blows of hell; Rejoice, for you have dulled the sting of death.

Rejoice, spodіvannya infamous Sunday; Rejoice, undoubted salvation of the Orthodox.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 9

Be like an angelic and human being, rise to the greatness of your undefiled instillation, the Word; Zdivovano well about the great mystery of piety, with fear and trembling, the cry of Ty: Aliluya.

Ikos 9

Possession with bagatora-like ailments, O All-Tsaritsa, in the sight of Thy holy icons, they possess more healing, that blessing, which they received by faith, loudly shout Tі:

Rejoice, healthy children are saved; Rejoice, for I am ill for health.

Rejoice, healed sick children; Rejoice, young martyr Mother.

Rejoice, rise up on the bed of fallen ailments; Rejoice, for the joy of mortal fear is possessed.

Rejoice, for listen to the people of Ridannya; Rejoice that you are looking at our stony.

Rejoice, for the pain of the earthly heavenly joy of repentance; Rejoice, fiercely restless natural patience.

Rejoice, for you prepare joy for crying; Rejoice, for you provide for the lagid wings of prayer.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 10

Vryatuvati want the Creator of the sin of human beings, throw themselves on You, like a board on a fleece, and, having killed You, the bush was unscorched, God, buti Lyudina, let me sleep Yoma: Aliluya.

Іkos 10

The wall is to the virgins, the Maidens are Pure, and to everyone about cleanliness, for God has settled in You, cleanse Your intelligent creation, let it go to all sorts of nasty things, it’s proponed by Tisitsa:

Rejoice, movchannya is quiet, that Spivbesidnitsy are joking; Rejoice, for in the end you take care of the divine.

Rejoice, cob and end of spiritual commitment; Rejoice, for the treasure of the Divine revelation.

Rejoice, Trinity for the Sake of Mystery; Rejoice, saving people to blame.

Rejoice, top, impregnable with a proud mind; Rejoice, you, humble heart, accessible.

Rejoice, pure, purest heaven; Rejoice, Cherubim and Seraphim are honest.

Rejoice, Vishna, for you have taken joy in the sight of the Archangel; Rejoice, Vishna, for Your hand has seen the resurrected Christ.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 11

The sleep of the sensible, who is trying, to bring the Savior, lead the unkeyed, Lady, Thy servants are deprived; Who can sleep well God, Yogo im'ya, how to writhe in peace? For the sake of crying out to Youmu: Aliluya.

Іkos 11

Great light, zayavshis in the darkness, scho to sit, see us, oh Divo, Skhid zgori Sin and Thy God; Having planted thee with a candle on the candlestick, ordering the light-bearing child of the church to bring Tisitsev:

Rejoice, dawn of the sensible Son; Rejoice, place of the Divine Fire.

Rejoice, light, for the blessing of the saints called Thee; Rejoice, holier one, for the temryavu bіsіvsku wіdgnala.

Rejoice, stagnant roses of light; Rejoice, enlightened sinful hearts.

Rejoice, pravitsa, to bring marnot from the sea. Rejoice, exchange, cherish the Kingdom of the saved.

Rejoice, bliskavka, that you are not a sharp enemy; Rejoice, thunder, terrible destroyers.

Rejoice, crafty sumlіnnya enlightenment; Rejoice, merciful God's Judgment.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 12

Grace to give if you want, the covenant of the old Give us the covenant of the new gift to us; well, I accept grace, we did not share the law, but by one faith we improved the salvation, we will write everything: Aliluya.

Ikos 12

Sleeping on Your birthday, like ancient Israel at the cymbals of the blue tabernacle, sleeping like this, I am nine to You, the True Tabernacle, glorified with garlic, let the chuesh in the mouth of the sitsa:

Rejoice, song, that you sleep grief; Rejoice, psalm, what you hear below.

Rejoice to the only God served well; Rejoice, divine Trinity has reached the humble.

Rejoice, that you wore robes in Sobі. Rejoice, throne, that you hold the omnipotence of the hands.

Rejoice, taєmno nevimovna vіkіv those chasіv; Rejoice, strong hope of peoples and tribes.

Rejoice, joy of the heart of the reverent priests; Rejoice, quick hearing of the prayers of the church and the cells.

Rejoice, Divine Wisdom; Rejoice, courtesy of the judge, God of vibrations.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 13

About the All-Tsaritsa Mother, who gave birth to all the saints of the Holy Word, now ours accepts sleep, in spite of all mortal ailments, you have avoided the condemnation of the screaming ones: Aliluya.

(This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion)

Іkos 1

Angel, Representative from heaven, zіyshovshi, having promoted to the All-Tsaritsa: Rejoice! And in a divine voice, which is gifted to You, Lord, cry out to Her like this:

Rejoice, head of our salvation; Rejoice, viconan of the Creator of wonder.

Rejoice, for God God will succumb; Rejoice, for the Invisible One is shown to You.

Rejoice, having received the mercy of the world in the middle; Rejoice, for the garment of the flesh has sung the Word.

Rejoice, the glory of the girsk is beyond the mind; Rejoice, heart of manna, which the heavens revived.

Rejoice, star, bless you; Rejoice, dzherele, live and drive.

Rejoice, Mother of God, blessed among the squads; Rejoice, for the Virgin of the Savior gave birth to the imperishable.

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

Kondak 1

New appearances of Your icon of the future, faith, blatantly sleeps with Thee, the All-Tsaritsa, Thy servants; send down the numbers to Thee, none of Thy servants, that is all rightly crying out to Thee:

Rejoice, All-Tsaritsa, our ailments are blessed with grace.

For oncology for help to the Mother of God

The image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is known to the Russian Orthodox world as a way to seek help for those healed with oncological illnesses. The first miracles, manifested in the form of icons, were recorded in the 17th century.

Cicavia fact

Є svіdchennya svіdchennya vіd іdіk "Tsaritsa" to people іnshih voprospovidan

The Queen of Heaven chi Pantanas

The original of the miraculous image is taken from Greece on Athos near the cathedral church of the Vatopedi monastery. As a confirmation of history, the icon was blessed by the Monk Josip the Silent to his followers.

On the icon, the Bogomatir sits on a throne in royal robes: the throne, and the scarlet decoration of the Blessed Virgin symbolize royal glory, which is why the icon took away the name “The Tsaritsa”, that is, “All-Mistress”, “All-Volodarka”. On the knees of the Mother of God - Christ in the form of the Tsar's young man with his hand at the hand of the blessed ruler.

Prayer gesture of the Mother of God of the beasts to Sin, there is no way, the axis is your Savior, pray to Yomu. Behind the Mother of God and її Divine Sin, two archangels touch the wings.

Relate to the iconic type of Panahranta, that is Immaculate, Most Pure, All-Merciful


At the temple, its image is easily recognized by the garlands of golden embellishments, like offerings of the venerable laity to the sign of virility for the manifestation of a miracle of healing.

Corresponding materials

The retelling was saved about those, as the icon spared one young man from enchantment. Tse became at the 17th century. As if at the temple on Athos, a young man was seen, who, zupinivsya before the icon "The Tsaritsa", began to whisper like wondrous words. The guise of the Mother of God shone with a blind sleep of light, and it was not a day for the young man to come out. If the monastic brethren helped him to rise, they would tell him with tears in their eyes about those who are engaged in chaklun, and come to the temple to transcend the power of their magic on the icons.

The miracle, revealed by the Theotokos through her Most Pure image, tempted the young man to move into his unrighteous path. Vіn zalishivsya on Athos and vіdteper vіv charitable way of life. From that hour on, the icon of the “All-Tsaritsa” began to sway as if it had been cast in the face of a different kind of Chaklunian charms of that evil eye.

Cicavia fact

The first copy of the miraculous icon appeared in Russia less than 24 years ago.

"The Tsaritsa" - ryativnitsa against cancer

The first witnesses about the blessed healing power of the icon succumb to the 17th century. The clergy of the Vatopedi Monastery commemorated the marvelous specialty of the icon to help cancer patients. The ailment, known to people since the hours of Hippocrates, and from that hour brought a lot of grief and suffering to people.

Recently, less than twenty years ago, the first list of icons appeared in Russia. Yogo was brought to one of the Moscow oncology centers, after which a lot of small patients began to paint. From that hour, the image of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” repeatedly revealed the healing power of the very people who are ill for oncological illness.

How to pray correctly. See the prayers

Shira prayer zdatna richly on scho. More special prayers have been induced, as if to be read to the image of the "All-Tsaritsa". However, it often happens that the filthy head of the text is in the head at the last moment. And instead of that, to wiggle your life at the dumb prohanni, a person tries to guess the words by force of memory. As can be seen from the butts below, more healing was seen if people turned to the Mother of God with their own words. Ring out our soul itself whispering to Christ, we intuitively know how to behave correctly when icons are used.

The prayer camp of the mind is a special camp, if a person repents of earthly thoughts, and all yogo conceived on the rose of the saints. Not every illness is a punishment for sin, but we can take it as a payment for our fault. Why is it important to comprehend all your vchinki and thoughts that will overcome the disease, and also repent from the sins. Then the one who gets close to the image will have the right prayer mood.

  • it is necessary to pray prayer without interruption at the face of the Mother of God,
  • even though there is no possibility for the sick to come to the temple on their own, for the sake of it, a relative can grow. And for those who are suffering, give an image, marveling at some kind of ailment, you can pray yourself,
  • to strengthen your prayer, you can pray a prayer for health in front of the icon "The Tsaritsa".

Mustache prayers are chanted in the cells, so that the church ones are at home. Acts of church prayers can be read at home, for example, an akathist. Ale, it’s better, all the same, like yoga to read at the church.

It is important that a holy church prayer can have a great grace-filled power against home opposition. Through it, a person can take real help from the heavenly forces, as it is said in the gospel:

Truly, I’m telling you that if the two of you get along on earth, ask for every right, whatever you ask, we’ll see My Heavenly Father, for there are two three chosen in My name, there I am among them.
(Mt. 18:19-20).

Before special church services, on which to ask for health, there is a prayer service. If you are sick with oncology, people would perform a prayer service after the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”.

You can pray at the temple, turning to the servicemen of the church (the candle shop). With the development of the Internet in some especially great churches, you can pray a prayer service on the Internet. The presence of the ailing person at the prayer service is extremely important. Under the hour of service, it is necessary to try to understand the essence of the priest, how to pray, pray fervently in your own words. Yakshcho prohannya will not be given immediately after prayer, not a trace of embarrassment. Prayer Pratsya - Tse important Pratsya.

Well, it’s time to improve, don’t forget about the podyaku. The gospel has a riddle about those, as the Lord healed ten lepers, and only one of them turned to say thank you. If you remember the Lord about ailments, guess yoga and in health.

Apply miracle cures

The first diva in Russia began even before the appearance of the miraculous icon of our country. A little patient of a child's oncology center on Kashirtsy (Moscow) unapologetically remembered a candle that looked like a reproduction of a paper icon. Later, on an unseen sight, other children lost their respect, and after them, they grew up. The girl quickly began to go to the hospital, which shocked the fathers and doctors.

On the fringes of the Community of Mercy of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, created at this center, by the chants of the Vatopedi monastery, the list of the “All-Tsaritsa” was created. 1995 year yogo bulo was transferred to the child cancer center. A lot of children were taken away by miracles to help.

On the Holy Rіzdva Blessed Virgin Mary, the image of the soil is myrrh-streaming. This myrrh-streaming was repeated once again at another great church holy - Introduction, after which the icon was transferred to the Church of the Usikh Saints near Chervony Selo Oleksievskogo monastery.

From the sheet of the paraffian woman to the temple in Chervony village to the abbot:

Seeing the church at the end of 2003, I bought a holy oliya in the form of the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. She anointed his eye at a number of mysteries, prayed to the Mother of God. The half-life came for the first year, then I fell asleep. Through prayers and for the setting of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Lord healed my eye.

From the sheet of Svіtlani, Parathian to the Church of the Usіh Saints near Chervony Seli:

Our fathers were diagnosed with stage IV duct cancer with metastasis in legenia. When they knew that friend of his team, they found out about the miraculous icon “The Tsaritsa”. Vaughn came to the evening service, she prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos, read the akathist. Then, for a long time each day, I read the akathist at home in front of the icon “The Tsaritsa” and prayed to her.

And it was a marvel: the doctors, preparing the father for an important operation, did not know the usual cancerous swelling, and the blackouts in the legs were not metastases, but traces of chicken bronchitis. Visnovok likariv - a virazka of a slug that scars, burns.

Another view of the miraculous healing from the icon "The Tsaritsa" at the Temple of the Usikh Saints:

People of the middle age were diagnosed with liver cancer. Doctors were moved to perform the operation. Vіn having become a day, go to the temple of Usikh Saints, to the prayer service "All-Tsaritsa". After a few hours, the youma became better, I went through repeated obstezhennia, and it appeared - no cancer.

In 1997, another copy of the miraculous icon appeared in Moscow. Vіn buv novu preparations on Athos i transferred to Novospaskoe human monastery, de and rebuvaє until today. Three years later, after their appearance in the monastery, on the icon, the raindrops of the world appeared - the image had died. The sanctuary has already helped the wealthy suffering from ailments. To whom there are documentary records, written down in a special book by the laity themselves, as they took healing.

Lists of the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Vladichny to the woman of the monastery(Moscow region, Serpukhiv) recorded less than two drops of healing in the evil puffs in the icon "The Tsaritsa". The image is myrrh-streaming over thirty times.

At St. Petersburg, at the Trinity Cathedral, there are three lists of the All-Tsaritsa. Tsikavoy є istoriya appeared on one of them a gold salary. Yogo zamoviv іzraїltyanin, batko dіvchinki ailments for cancer. Maliy uvі snі z'appeared the Blessed Virgin and punished her to pray, to dress her. The fathers bought a small copy of the icon from the cathedral and brought it to the donets. After that, as the girl prayed, the repeated obstezhennia showed that the carcinoma had arisen. After the dress, the girl received holy christening.

This wondrous vipadok tumbles over one more and demonstrates how great is the power and mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is not for nothing that in the prayers of mercy to the Mother of God they are called “invisible”.

Near Greece, the motherland of the Muslims from Turechchiny was talking on the shore. Їkhnіy malіtnіy sin buv ailments for cancer. The lad was only five years old, but he had already died: he practically couldn’t walk, he was suffocating. Yogo's heart did not show the least physical urge, and the doctors were ahead of the fathers, that their son could die, be it a mit. The boy's father called the lad in a vipadkovo way, having broadcast a program about the miraculous saints, chosen on Mount Athos. Yogo zatsіkavil information about the "All-Tsaritsa", and, having already received reports about her, he brought his son to the Vatopedi monastery. Chentsi led them to the icon, in front of the accusations of such a father as a stick and praying so much, like a mind, like a great heart. And on the chergovy obstezhennі, they already knew the diagnosis, the lad began to dress. Todi batko that son turned to the Athos monastery and baptized.

Health and wellness - God's gift to people

Miraculous and unmistakable miracles are shown by the Mother of God to us through her image. Having become a mother to the Lord for life, after death, she adopted the whole world for herself, for sorrow dies and gives hope to the skin, who goes under the Holy Protection of God. The grace and God's power rest on the image of the "All-Tsaritsa" especially. For more than twenty years, the lists of the miraculous icon have been changed in Russia for an impersonal healing. About this church chronicle, compiled by the laity themselves, h-pomіzh is quiet, who has healed the disease with the intercession of the Mother of God. Help deadly ailment people are the butt of the inexhaustible love of the Lord to the people, glorify Yogo, Mother Yogo, Goddess Mary and the one who can work the bread is pure, the prayer is full of deep faith.

In the 17th century, the Athonite elder Yosip Isychast commanded his teachings. On the icon, in a scarlet robe, the Mother of God is depicted, as if sitting on the royal throne. Behind her are two angels, as if with reverence they illumine the Most Pure Virgin with their wings. In the hands of the Mother of God - Bogonemovlya. At the lion’s hand, the wines are trimmed with suvi, and the right is lifted at the gesture that you bless.

Bogomatir svoєї right hand pointing to the Son of God, emphasizing respect for the fact that he is the Savior of all people. average expansion and resent the maisterny vikonannyam. On the nimbus of the Mother of God, vikonan, there are vizerunki with enamel. And on the nimbi of Bogonemovlya it is written in my walnut: "Looks like everything is right."

De i kim bula icon was painted

It is important that the icon was created in the 17th century, but a lot of historians were reconsidered, which was written by 12 unknown artists. And only after that, as she had eaten the elder of the Athos monastery to the hands, she became aware of and її miracle-working was effectively confirmed.

The first wonder, as it confirmed the divine power of the icon, became practical once, as it was placed in the temple of the Athos monastery. A young person, a lover of black magic, tried to test her strength on the Holy Icons. For those who came to the Vatopedi Monastery, there was a lot of holy icons. Like only a lad of zaishov on the territory of the monastery, yoga nibi was pulled by an invisible force into Head Cathedral. Itself there was the icon of the All-Tsaritsa. Vіn approached her and began to mutter a spell of black magic.

Inexplicably, sparkles shone from the Image, like a lad struck, throwing Yogo back. A lad from a flyaway vibig іz the temple. On the path of the priest's chastisement and rozpovіv yoma about those who have become of him. The wicked young man is aware of the fact that in his soul he does not have faith in God and is engaged in black magic.

After that life of the young man changed, he repented, having decided to dedicate his life to God's service and retired to the Athos monastery.

Meaning of the icon name

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is also called "Pantanassa". In translation, in Greek, tse means “All Lady”, “Vsevolodarka”. This icon as a whole shows its name and may be of great importance for all Orthodox Christians.

For the whole hour of her popularity, she created a lot of miraculous healings. This image is respected by the strongest fight against oncological illnesses. It’s zdatna change the light-gazer of erring people, rich magicians and chakluniv pinned their activity under the splash of the icon. The Mother of God is built to guide on the righteous path, she sees the faith of people and, having come before her, you can know in the air.

Chi was preserved sacred to our days

The original of the icon "The Tsaritsa" and in our days is found at the Head Cathedral Church on St. Athos near the Vatopedi Monastery. In the same place, you are tonsured by the Chentsi. Tsya mіstsevіst is completely pictorial and beautiful. The monastery itself is old, for the order of the foundations of the 10th century. 12 temples were planted on the territory of the city. Crimea, around the outskirts there were scattered more impersonal temples and small churches. The Vatopedi Monastery has a long-standing library.

If at the 17th century it was confirmed that the icon of the All-Tsaritsa helps people to overcome puffy illnesses, then on Athos a lot of exact lists from it were written. Copies distributed by different lands and for the vіruyuchikh vіruyuchih vіruyuchih vіruyuchi vіzі miraculous, moreover, someone from them myrrh-streaming. Mustache miracles, as seen by the icon of the Tsaritsa, described in church books.

The icon "The Tsaritsa", the first for everything, gained its popularity through the exaltation of cancerous ailments. This peculiarity was marked in ancient times by the honors of St. Athos. This year, prayers to the Holy Mountain to pray faceless pilgrims.

Oncology is described by Hippocrates, who called it carcinoma. Vіdomo tse ill was the same for healers Ancient Egypt. A lot of fates have passed, but today medicine can’t get out of this ailment. Therefore, the prayer of the icon “The Tsaritsa” for the rich is filled with a single hope. Practically all people, as if to believe broadly, to help out - someone has a pooh, and sometimes they know without a trace. For oncological ailments, special pilgrimage trips are organized. Ale traced the nobility, that only people could enter the Holy Mount Athos.

In Russia, the miraculous list is in the child cancer center near Moscow. In addition, lists of icons are found in other monasteries and churches.

Text Orthodox prayer to fight against oncological diseases:

Prayer before the icon of my All-Russian Tsaritsa:

“Oh, Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Feel my rich zіtkhannya and my prohannya before your miraculous icon. Your image from the Holy Mist of Athos to Russia of offerings. Give respect to my wider beast and my blessing. I ask you to heal my terrible illness and help everyone to the image of your saint falling down.

Like birds, with their wings, they cover their species of insecurity, so do you protect us and cover us with your opulent omophbrom. Grant us hope for healing, so that we can help our dearest sorrows to survive. Take away the trouble from our souls, gladly let the soul return. Let us pray over us with Your invisible divine light! Give to the faint-hearted, give in the quiet, German zmіtsni, baked hearts, help to soften and grant enlightenment. Heal me, O All-Merciful Queen!

I ask you to bless the mind and quiet hands that rejoice at me, so that the stench served the blessings of the Almighty, Christ our Savior. Like before the living You I pray before Your icon and I fall down before it. Stretch out your hands to help me, vikonanі zlіlennyam і kuvannyam. Grant joy to the mourners, let us mourn in silence. To all of you, who, having taken away your help, I will help you miraculously, we glorify the Holy Trinity, the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

A short version of the prayer sounds like this:

“Oh, All-good, Most Holy Theotokos, one of these days, wondrous Mother of God, Pantanas, the All-Tsaritsa! I’m not a Warty, call out to you the Holy One, the Pious, go away, my dear! Ale, I ask you to feel my prohannya, show your mercy to me, loving God Mother God, wash your strong word, let my soul heal and my German body shine. Tilki You can show your will and strength, help me live in health and goodness. (You can ask for the health of your loved ones). I pray to You, the All-Tsaritsa, and I believe that you ask for me the Lord of our Vishish. I will glorify Thy holy name. Amen."

Hear an akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa":

Why is prayer important as miraculous

The icon “The Tsaritsa” is considered to be miraculous, because it helps with the most difficult problems. Often people turn to her for relief from drug and alcohol addiction. Moreover, in to this particular type for the order of people in the form of vices, fathers and just close people can pray.

Madly, known is the power of the icon in the fight against oncological diseases. Ale, with whom you can pray for the healing of other ailments and for the improvement of health in general. In addition, prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon helps to bring out the positive negative infusion, for example, to pray for chi. Often women turn to the Mother of God for help, as they cannot take care of the trivaly hour. Such a prayer will help the people to give birth to a healthy child.

Yak correctly її read

Pray before the rite of obov'yazkovo at the temple. In addition, so that the prayer was more wild, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo conduct church services. The Gospel says that the Lord is obligatory among the believers, as they go to church for prayer. Spile prayer among Orthodoxy is respected by the strong. God forbid for ever, so that people experienced one by one, in such a rank they take part in prayer for the salvation of their neighbor.

If a person is very ill, then for her it is possible to say a special prayer, as if to read the Liturgy at the beginning of the hour. It is allowed to read kafizmi on the icon of the “All-Tsaritsa”, and complete them with a short prayer to the Mother of God, in a sort of obov'yazkovo way, guess the names of your loved ones.

It hurts even more, if the ill-health has caught up with a close person, so that you can strengthen the faith in your soul, and help heal by a miracle close people, it is necessary to pray before the icon of the All-Tsaritsa. The next thing to remember is that you can’t get back, remember that the most terrible diagnosis was made. If you pray fervently to the Most Holy Mother of God in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa, then it will become a miracle and your loved one will be dressed. It is necessary to remember that a lot of changes have been recorded, if the prayer for cancer of the All-Tsaritsa healed a lot of people with oncology.

The priests affirm that the cancer is ahead of the Lord. Violently trying out at the sight of an oncological illness, the Almighty is ahead of those people who will repent of their sins and begin to live according to the laws of God. Golovnya in such a situation should not fall into the hands of the most ill or the closest.

How to ask for help for your neighbors and relatives

It is even more important to know how it is right to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for help to your loved ones. We are next in memory of those who will pray for the devil, as if they will pray with the strength of the soul. Prayer of the day will help only in that moment, as you see with the people, for which a prayer is offered, a spiritual link. At the soul may be obov'yazkovo buti bazhannya generously help people. It is necessary to believe in those that your very prayer will help a close person to dress. Slid vydkinuti be-yakі sumnіvy.

It is even more important to remember the prayer text. Obviously, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo dorimuvatsya the main sense, but if it is allowed to put into the text the blessings of a close person. Allow me to increase the power of prayer. If you read the prayer text from the arkush, or just mechanically move it, then you will not get the desired result. Tse z tim, scho razі schirіst not vdass invest.

Important for the effectiveness of prayer is the goodness of the people. It is necessary to throw out all third-party thoughts. For an hour you need to stand in front of the icon in Moscow with thoughts about a close person, as if misfortune was brewing. You can’t think about something bad at once. It is necessary to concentrate only on one's own desire and reach the people, additional help is even more necessary.

If everything is broken up correctly, then between people, how to pray and people, who are sick, blame a strong energy link, which will serve as a bridge for transferring the additional forces of the call to fight against this terrible disease.

When praying for a loved one, a person needs to be moved prayer words directly in front of the icon. Only in this way can one take away from the sacred image the needs and directings of the power industry.

It is important to understand that reading a prayer in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa for the merriment of a close person in cancer is a folding and trivaly way. Not a trace of ochіkuvat, scho miraculously after reading the prayer will be the coming day. In order to feel good about it, it is necessary to pray today. Moreover, it’s important not to spend a lot, so that you can pierce the skin of a prayer phrase. With this great role is played by the faith of the people who pray. Tobto, follow in a right way to those who are close to you people dress.

Regardless of those who pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon, the All-Tsaritsa is directed to the bliss of the ailing cancer, is obliged to read obov'yazkovo at the temple, at home it is also necessary to mother such an icon itself. Before her, it is periodically tedious to speak in your own words, hanging on to your help to help sick people. A small icon is also recommended to install a charge for a sick person. Deyakі people stverdzhuyut, scho just marvel at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and they step out in pain, but strength is given.

It’s even more important after reading the prayer to ask the Lord to give strength not only to sick people, but also to us, it’s necessary to pray for those, so that patience does not deplete you and bless you.

Shards of important ailments in a person can develop as a result of negative positive infusions, then a prayer in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa will help to get rid of such nasledkіv.

The next thing to remember is that it’s possible to take a psuvannya chi with more than a wide prayer. It is even more important that the soul of the people had a wide faith. In tsimu vpadku vdastsya shvidnoviti energy field, poshkodzhen chimos unkind look chi word.

In order to clean up the negative force, I should focus more on the prayer text. Prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos, as if praying before the icon of the All-Tsaritsa, she understood that it was necessary to pray for this, assuring the skin phrase. In addition, it is necessary to insert special prohannya obov'yazkovo into it. The stench can be concrete and sensible. The stronger and more accurate the sound of prayer is, the greater the momentum of that which is positive will be taken away in the shortest hour.

If you realize that you have recognized an energetic attack, then, first of all, you need to harmonize your body and calm down. It’s more important to project all life onto other people. As you know, whoever tries to harm you, then there is no trace of this people of evil. Remember that if you don’t kill someone, then you kiss and strong prayer The Most Holy Theotokos will stand before the icon of the All-Tsaritsa.

It is allowed to pray in front of the icon, also from the help of a close person, as if you were instilled, that they had planned it, or else there was a psuvannya. If you offer prayer in a neurotic state, then with your negative emotions you can hurt people.

Do not be fooled that having prayed once, you will be forgiven. It is necessary to pray before the icon of the kilka once a day. In addition, I would like to visit the temple once a day and light a candle for good health.

Video prayer about the Mother of God, who is sick, in front of the icon "The Tsaritsa"

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