Vorozhinnya at the kokhannya of the people. Folk fortune-telling: perevіrenі hour methods. Vorozhinnya about the future is young

How can a girl not know about those who were destined to become a man? Deyakі z yunih panyanok at tsommu pitannі go nastіlki far, scho go to the aid of the angels and psychics. Ale іsnuyut і more simple ways find out about your share, including independently right in your own home. Golovne, choose the right hour of the day for the ritual. Best ways witchcraft in domestic minds is presented in our article. For their creations, you can victorize objects that you can wear with your hand: candles, mirrors, a hoop, a thread with a bare head and others. If you only get stuck in the right way - you can start the ritual.

The presence of singing objects that are necessary for the ritual, and the hope to find out about your share as soon as possible, having ceased to be a guarantee for those who see the results as true. There are a number of rules, which are important to follow, guiding the minds of household minds:

  1. Ritual time. For the old hours, the fortune-telling was held on the New Year's Eve (at night from 6 to 7 September). The days from 6 to 19 September (this is the name of the Christmas time) were also respected with friendliness. Itself in this period of the middle of the unmarried girls it was customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed.
  2. Day of tyzhny. It is not recommended to tell fortunes at Friday and Saturday, but only in that weather, as it does not fall on the day of Christmas.
  3. Z kim tell fortunes. In Russia, rituals were carried out in the galaslivy company of independent girls, quiet rites, if the judgments of the mother appear in your dreams.
  4. Time to finish. The optimal hour for a fortune-telling is after sunset or after 7 o'clock in the evening. Bagato girls are free to perform the rites of the night.
  5. Navkolyushnaya situation. Before the witch, it is necessary to be well prepared. For whom you need to turn on all the phone calls, the TV set and the computer, close the doors and hang the windows with curtains. Well, it’s a smut, that’s the right attitude, that faith is with those who are awake.

Vorozhinnya on the betrothed of a dream

Representations of the method are one of the simplest. The ideal period for witchcraft in the future is to cook in the home minds of Christmas time. Ale bagato girls sing yoga and in the last hour stretching rock.

The essence of the vorozhinnya lies in the attack. Nezamіzhnya dіvchina before going to bed is obliged to put a bottle of water on the bedside table and put on a new piece of bread or a bun, and instruct to light a candle. Only respectfully podbaty zazdalegіd, schob not spread out in the middle of the night. If the girl dreamed of a future person, she could remember the words before going to bed:

"Names-dressings, come before me to supper."

In a dream, a young pannochka can shake her future cohanna.

Witchcraft on wax

The offensive ritual is carried out from vikoristannya candles. Such a way of telling the tales from calling to Budinkov's apartment, which can tell an independent girl to be his betrothed. It is necessary to drink whiskey before the vicons at the water bath. At this hour, on the doorstep of the booth, put a small saucer with milk. After whom the girl says these words:

"Housewife, my host, come at the threshold to drink milk and eat wax."

After the tsієї phrases to the milk, the next thing is to add the melting of the whisk. Behind the form of the post, which is the result of the ritual, you can make visnovki about your future. As soon as you guess a ticket, it means that the maiden of this fate can see her soul mate and make her come home. The figure, similar to the silhouette of a person, symbolizes a great kokhannya. Well, it’s a good time to guess the star, it means that the check for the girl is successful at all initiatives, including those at the head.

Representations can be brought to the greatest fortunes on the cox, regardless of those who interpret the results and finish it smoothly.

How to learn fortune telling on cards?

Ways of assigning one's share for the cards are considered one of the simplest and most popular. Such self-sufficient fortune-telling in household minds allows you to take advice on rich food, what to sing, including about those who were in the past and who check people in the future. To carry out the ritual, the cream of the deck, which is made up of 36 cards, you need a special tlumach their meaning. Yogo can come at the bookstore.

the essence of a simple witch lie near the offensive. A deck of cards should be shuffled well, without forgetting when you formulate nutrition, what to cackle. With the left hand, the upper part of the deck is lifted and shifted to the bottom. If necessary, take nine cards and lay them out with the front side down. Then you can turn the cards over and interpret the meaning according to the tlumach.

The offensive way of the fortune-telling is to signify your past, today, nearer and far future, and also to know about those speeches, like to honor the vikonnanny bazhan. During the process of creating a ritual, decks are drawn 5 card cards. On the table, the stinks are laid out in an offensive sequence: No. 1 - center, No. 2 - beast, No. 3 - evil, No. 4 - bottom, No. 5 - right-handed. Interpret the results with the necessary approach: the first card shows the current hour, the friend - the nearest future, the third - far away, the fourth - past, p'yata - speeches that zavazhayut zdiisnennyu bazhan.

How to recognize the name of the condemned?

Such a way of conjuring up kohannya in domestic minds can be forgiven. Sob to recognize the name of your condemned, it is enough to viconate the low clumsy day. It is necessary to prepare a sprat of the same for the size of paper leaves for the help of great knives. Write a letter to the skin of them human names(Know or not know lads). Dalі predgotovirovanі leaves are twisted. Moreover, in such a way that it was impossible to read the written name on them.

During fortune-telling, leaves with names are lowered into a bowl of water. Closing your eyes, with your left hand, one of the leaves is waving from the water. Those im'ya, like it will be written in a new one, and may wear a future dress.

How to tell a fortune teller on a mirror

The effectiveness of which Bulo was brought to a rich fate. In Russia, a mirror and a candle were victorious as one of the main tools for watching a strong fortune-telling on a kohanny in domestic minds. Intercession of the ritual performed in the offensive:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two absolutely identical mirrors. Put one track on the table.
  2. Then it was necessary to light two candles. Put them in front of the looking glass on the table so that the fire would start burning in someone else.
  3. The girl takes a mirror to the hands of a friend and stands with her back to the first. Bazhano zazdalegіd pіdgotuvati insulting objects great expansion. It is important that at the other mirror, the light of the candles that burn could be blown out.
  4. When the maiden wilts the words, by which she calls out the betrothed to appear before her. In front of you in the mirror behind you, it is your responsibility to pamper your future person.

Witch for a book

This way of assigning a share is considered one of the most romantic ones. For witchcraft in domestic minds, popular women's novels are the most suitable for books.

In order to know the evidence on the front of the power supply, it is enough to name the number of the side and row (light up from the bottom). Then it is necessary to read the phrase aloud and try to know the answer to the power supply.

Vorozhinnya on a ring on a string

Such a way allows you to take a look at the supply of food and find out about those who will become with the future. For a fortune teller, you need a hoop, which you can put in for a certain hour with mom, sister or grandmother, as well as a mitzna thread. To purify the object of energy from Yogo Vlasnik, for 5-10 seconds lower the water near the krizhan.

The rite is carried out over a photograph, in that case, as if a girl knows a young man, or over a bottle of water, as if a fortune teller is cast on her betrothed, who is a stranger. The ring is stretched through a thread that falls over the bottle or photo. Dali need to follow him, like an object collapsing. If the ring is wrapped around a stake, it means that the forecast will be positive. The maiden will not hesitate to send her friend a half, or we will change her. Like a circle wraps around like a pendulum, it means that it will be negative.

Modern fortune teller

Presented more ways to transfer your share were popular in Russia. Today, the girls at the fortune-tellers on the appointed Daedalus often go to the modern technologies, and to the mobile phone themselves.

To carry out the ritual, it’s enough to just think about your kohana person and immediately dial the phone number, which is the first thing you think of. Vorozhinnya is interpreted stalely according to what is expected in another country:

  • nothing seems to be true - the kokhan of the people is not thinking about the girl;
  • unavailable number - you happen to praise a difficult decision;
  • say "Hello" to talk about those who are developing among you serious stoks;
  • as if the trumpet sounded like "So", it means that the girl's life will radically change to a better one;
  • vodpovid "Speak" about the witness in the kohanna without a bar;
  • if you said "Where you phone", it means that a serious scandal will soon be on you.

Other simple ways of divination in home minds

It is also a low number of rituals, for the help of such a skin-independent girl you can transfer your share. Below we give an attack on simple witchcraft in domestic minds:

  1. It is necessary to put a short candle in one of the halves of the hairy pea shell and put it in a bowl of water. After that, it is necessary to pokat, until it burns out. If you want to be quick, then you can get ready until the wedding, and then again.
  2. On the slopes in the room, there was a chaotic spread of a lot of coniferous trees. Then, having flattened our eyes, we should choose one of them and respectfully look at it. Like the bark on the ridge is rough - a young person will be financially secure, and now.
  3. The offensive was carried out on Christmas Svyatovechir, or on Svyatki. Opivnochi maiden vibіgala nadvіr i shouted "Ay". On the other side, the moon was shining, and next the betrothed appeared.

Winter is the hour of fairy tales and the vikonannya bazhan, to which the girls loved to spend Christmas time, which they celebrate from Christmas to Khreschennya (from 6 Sichnya to 19 Sichnya), at the fortune-tellers and prophets. But, as practice shows, the most truthful evidence on all dates can be taken off at night from 6 to 7 September, if holidays were held.

Tsієї night yunі divi in ​​Russia climbed in the laznі, to that it was the most quietest place and the very place, for beliefs, a magical power came, which inspires all the girls to be nourished without mystery. The first thing to do was to start before the storm, the girls were bathing, in such a rite of escaping all the inaccuracies and problems that had accumulated all day, and went with a clean head and a clean body to the dialogue with the power of magic and charm.

Obov'yazkova umova: there is little smell of pine needles at the lazna, to that witches brought yalin and pine needles, like a kind of heat they rose on the reception of the reception aroma, they themselves could beat one with vines from the yalinka, with this very stench they pleased the magical power, so that the bula was pleasant and gave less truthful evidence.

Near some villages, they would bring different malt and a cup to the lair, put it on the lava, covered with white cloth, it was thought that the spirits would breathe, eat, listen to songs (the girls slept on the tongue of that day) and they would be pleased to give kindness.

Today, these ancient rituals are rarely reached, but the fortune-telling on Christmas time is relevant and the middle of today's girls; force: the place of lazna is a sauna, the place of yalinovyh galok is aromatic olives, but I used to replace the tablecloth with a white towel and, obviously, don’t forget to take a steam bath to cleanse yourself from filthy thoughts.

The meaning of figures for witchcraft on wax, kava, shadows and others

Here you will find the deciphering of figures for folk witches on kava and tea, as well as for witches on wax, shadows, mirrors, lead, tin and the like. Based on the values ​​for 600 figures.

For a skin person, її future is a mystery, yaku really wants to know. Singingly, the stars appeared bagatorazovi try the machine's timing for an hour. Even if you don't know anything, you don't know what's possible. Holy fortune-telling of the building raises the curtain of mystery.

Here you will find a fairy tale at the end of Christmas at Christmas time and Christmas: on gudziks, room ticket that thread. The stench will tell you that soon you will see the zamіzh, like stosunki will be with you as a person and what a new character you have.

Christmas time is a miraculous hour for all the sorceresses, and even in the days of the common people do not practice, but they walked around and celebrated the Christian holy - Rіzdvo that Khreshchennya, and in the same day the sweats of the power are the most active, and it means that you can look without being able to see the fst one’s own future to recognize what it says!

What is the commandment of the dream? The skin won its own, but for itself, for her, the people are alive, wildly, she collapses. Somebody is ready for the vision of the conceived burn, and one should be inspired by the spell and check for this magical moment. And what a marvelous thing... to come. Golovne - tse faith is that hope, that everything is seen!

Kokhannya is the most pochutya on Earth, the same one in the whole World. This priceless gift, which is given, unfortunately, not to everyone, but about such a rich world. For the sake of the kohanny you can suffer, for the sake of the kohanny you can live, for the sake of the kohanny you can create. To that same love spell, that transmission is the most demanding, like the middle women, and the middle people.

All of us check for our other half, with which we will go through life hand in hand, bringing negativity and joy to happy happiness. Therefore, the independent girls and pragmatic recognition, staring at the future, what kind of wine is theirs darling and non-repeating.

Who among us does not want to know about his share? In the trials of the future, we cannot be favored by the foldedness of the methods, the invariance of the means, the originality of the interpretation ... The first victorious kawi for the fortune-tellers with the most amazing rank "has taken root" in the practice of fortune-telling.

Vorozhinnya may be so deeply old, that in the same number of yogo you can see in the midst of remembrances Ancient Egypt, Chaldea, Greece, Ancient Rome and other lands. In the middle of the words, the fortune-teller was even wider, and the priests, sorcerers, healers, witches, enchanters and chakluni were more importantly engaged in it. In the Bible, there are repeated riddles about witches.

In Ancient Russia, the fortune-telling was especially wide in the era of the tower self-confidence. At long winter evenings, the blue girls, the boyars and the gliders burned for an hour and tried to penetrate into the region of the taemnichoy share and unravel their future.
Mustache witch, and to change the mask, tobto. a masquerade that the church sued for its hour and was respected by the right unclean. What's the axis folk zvichayakh the hour of the fortune-telling of obov'yazkovo was timed to the pivnoch.

The most distant days for the witches are vvazhayutsya Christmas time, nothing else Ivana Kupali, nothing else New river that pіd Khreshchennya. Ring out for the old hours of consecration, lead to Khreshchennya, to tell fortunes and mummers, no matter how cold it is, they wound them in a cap, slinging their sins.

Different folk witches

Thousands of girls' fates to tell fortunes different ways and by methods that were passed down from generation to generation to children, onuks, great-grandchildren and reached our times ... Try it, see the spirit of the ancient hour of that mystery of witches!

Witchcraft in dreams.

Vorozhinnya according to dreams about the betrothed Nairiznomanіtnishi. The best days of the fortune - on the feast day (they are also called the Feast of the feast) or on Friday, if it's a month, it's growing, or again. You need to sleep on your own, the occupants have more innocent people. After the voice of the words to the betrothed, no one speaks of it, it is not supported by third-party rights. The less roses from outsiders about the transfer of the fortune teller, the better. In order to dream a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other bed (to put a pillow there, earlier they kicked with their feet), turn the pillow over on the back side, it was also necessary to re-lay the lower side uphill and pull the shirt up.

Tse vorozhinnya for girls with long braids. Lying down to sleep, slip a padlock into your braid, close it with a key and say: "Names-dressings, come before me and ask for the key." Put the key under the pillow. Dreams will have names that come for the key.

Before going to bed, put combs under the pillow, comb, say: "Names-dressings, come and scratch me" (when you make a guess, you can’t lie down to sleep).

Put a mirror under the pillow and a comb with the words: "Come, come. Comb, comb. Marvel at me, show yourself."

Before going to bed, put a small glider with water and a kitchen close to the bed. Before that, how to lie down to sleep, say: "From the road-road, you are tired, my judgement, I have water, come, I will give you a drink." Cross over and lie down and sleep.

For nothing, use a thimble sauce without drinking water. "Who is my judgment, who is my order, give me a drink." Instead of a thimble of salt, you can replace a salty hedgehog.

Roar from the twigs of the places, put a pillow under it, guessing: "Who is my judgement, who is my row, that one will transfer me through the mist."

Before going to bed, dress Shkarpetki, then take one and put it on a pillow. Words: "Names-dressings, come undress me."

Before going to bed, pull a twig out of a new mіtli, put it on a soft spot, and put a pillow on a horse (pіdkovu, bridle). So, as our hour has such speeches, you can make a little horse or look at the picture, you can also paint a pidkov. After that, frog to sleep, sing: "Names, my goodness, go home to me, kick a horse, put me on a new one, take a twig, filth a horse, kiss me."

Read on a trich: "Monday from Tuesday, Wednesday from Thursday, Friday from Saturday. A week is a widow, what kind of dream will I have?

Put a white knotted vase with jams, before going to bed, remember: "We have a lot of malt in me!" Dream of naming, before that, there will be no naming of naming. Make your own cooking.

Sob mother-in-law dreaming of a future son-in-law, put a frying pan with milk before going to bed. Vimoviti: "Names-dressings, come to your mother-in-law on the milk"

Like a girl to sleep at a guest in a new place, before going to bed, remember: "Dream to the betrothed in a new place."

Witchcraft on chamomile is one of the most favorite types of folk witches. For whom it is not necessary to have any advanced training, or special imagination, or the gift of a teacher.
The maiden chi youngak, showing his friend half, shaved the chamomile flowers of the pellust, saying: "Koha - not to love." With some order to send the rest of the pelyustok, such is the answer.

Ale, fortune-telling by chamomile can be no less than a kohannya. Put a be-like food - in the form of life and special, before predicting the result of tієї chi іnshої gri. Golovnya, that you could choose more than two options - "so" chi "nі". The more intimate your food, the better you will be.

New witchcraft with candles.

This fortune-telling with candles is a whole ritual, getting ready until the next few days. The hour for the new one is better to choose the winter quarters, Novy rіk chi Svyatki.

Buy three candles from the church, and collect pure water in the jar, as it is your fault for the knot of your bed for three hours. If the term is mine, start divination. Dock a pіvnochі, call stіl. Place three candles on the new one near the shape of the tricot, between them, in the center, place a decanter with spring water. Behind the decanter, put a mirror so that one candle of the yogo hung. Through the water at the countess you are guilty of a mirror. When you cook everything, relax and concentrate on your nutrition. Stare at the water, don't shake the docks like a picture, and I'll be watching.

Svyatkov's fortune teller on the mirror.

One of the most famous and most terrible Russian Christmas witches for the betrothed. If you yourself guess by the mirrors, it’s important to say - you can sit and have a pivnich, you can have a pizno evening. Ale, start ringing fortune-telling evenly opivnochi.
For a witch, you need a mirror, a candle and a towel. Put the mirror in front of you, order - a candle. Just out there can light up the dark room. Remove the spell:
"Names-dressings, come before me to supper!", And look into the mirror.
When the betrothed appears, it is easier to knock out the candles and light up the mirror. As soon as it becomes, wipe it dry with a cloth towel.
The adverbs come from behind and marvel in the mirror. Having looked at yoga guise, the girl can say:
"Chur, what a mist."
Adverbs are immediately known. Yakshcho the girl does not use the necessary phrases, she sits on the steel and viymaє from the intestines like a river. Yakshcho girl vygukne "chur", rich will be її.

Іsnuє and deshcho vidozmіnene vorozhіnnya. Instead of one mirror, take two, put them opposite one of one, and between them - candles. From kіmnati it is necessary to vygnati all those who can cross over - their own creatures, close ones. You can leave only your closest friends, as if you sit on the sidelines in the result of fortune telling. The maiden, to tell fortunes, sits and begins to stare into the corridor, double mirrors, and the betrothed appears.

Rіzdvo vorozhinnya wax.

Light a candle. Check until you have enough melted wax in it.
Pour yogo into the back of the prepared plate of water. Vilivati ​​vіsk can be a sprig of times before the adoption of the little ones on the day of the plate. Qi little ones and swoon.
Viymіt zastigly vіsk іz vodі і pochnіt tlumachiti.
The impersonality of small little specks shows wealth. Great figurines gloom behind the form and associations, like stench shouting.
The axis of the kіlka of such interpretations:

  • Vialo means difficulties in the work place. You can liquidate the company, de vie practice. You can lose from the team.
  • Grapes made from wax mean good luck and happiness in a special life.
  • The mushroom symbolizes health and long life.
  • The figure of the dragon is a vision of the people of the child, the creation of dreams, the reach of meti.
  • Dzvin zavzhdi means novelty. Rivny z usikh okіv dzvіn vyshchuє good, crooked - filth, and kіlka dzvonіv mean anxiety.
  • A leaf in the form of a tree means those that you zadryat, and weave intrigues behind your back.
  • Mavpa s wax to hell, fake friends that nonsense.
  • Trousers to wear swedish viber on the path of life.
  • As if a figurine has disappeared from the wax, that I guess an apple, be more respectful - what will you be, it’s a better sign, that the apple will appear crooked, at the future you have a check of peace, as if next to move.
  • The egg forever symbolized a new life. It is possible, when you appear a child, it is possible, you will begin to live anew. Have a vipadka, an egg - tse future, open it with a mystery.

Vorozhinnya on Ivan Kupala for wine.

The girls were telling fortunes not only for Christmas time, but also for Ivan Kupala. At this taєmnichy hour, the stinks were able to tell fortunes about the river and the stakes. The most popular fortune-tellers had wreaths tied with birch stalks. The day before, the holy girls wove wreaths, garnishing leathers from such bows in their own way, and winding up in other ways. Then we all went to the river and ate together, so that we could win the future of that fate.
The girls threw vines at the water and respectfully stroked, as if they were behaving. Yakshcho bailiff to the shore - sued the maiden shvidka zamіzhzhya. If you have popped it far away, you won’t see it outside. And if you drown, it’s important to happen to a girl - you’ll die of illness.

You see the witch. Axis, for example, in the tradition of the Old Believers, there was also a witchcraft from a flower wreath.
Before him, as to make friends, the girl is obliged to serve as a servant in the booth of the betrothed. As if merging the term, they wove the flower wreath and threw it into the river, nourishing the girl of the foreign rock. As if the wine had been flooded afloat, they were celebrating Christmas, as if drowning, he had to serve the whole offensive river in a booth and go to the fathers with a shambles. Dehto, with such a fortune-telling, was cunning - having added important virtues to the vines, and sinking vines.
So the mother-in-law worked, as the bride did not fit, or the girl herself, as if she did not want to go abroad. You can tell fortunes on wines and in a different way. Weave a lot of garnished vines, put paper leaves on them from the written bajans and throw them near the water. Wharf your wine to the shore - the bazhanya will wake up, the pople is far away - you will achieve the bazhan yourself, sweat - don’t drink anything for you, even if you tried hard.

Witchcraft on the betrothed.

Tse vorozhinnya on the betrothed for girls with mimic nerves. Guessing late in the evening, near the night. Behind the old clock, they told fortunes in the lazna, behind the turns, the lazna was vowed by the lintel of dark forces. Crimean lazne, you can guess in some dark, water-reinforced place.
Lay a new clean tablecloth on the table, put two fittings. Clean up the knives and forks from the room. Close the windows on that door, sit at the table, spread fruits, berries and zucerka at the plate (there is nothing to blame for meat, smeared boiled tea at the room). Put your hands on the table and speak loudly:
"Names-dressings, come before me in the evening!"
If so, behind the windows, a noise begins to ring: sharp blows in the wind, whistles, knocks, and sometimes a smell can be emitted - all these are signs of the nearness of the condemned. (Because of the beliefs, the image of the named one takes on an unclean spirit.) If you see the names, you need to move and be astonished to your rank, try to remember your guise, apply, robes.
If you sit at the table, ask:
"What's your name?"
Vіn nazyvaє іm'ya i viymaє z kishenі yakus rіch. It's time to say at once:
"Chur, my mist! Chur, my riddles!"
After these words, the image of the judged is known, as if the river is left on the table. If the girl forgets the words, or if you don’t get “shuttered”, then the ghost can be punished.

Novorichne vorozhinnya in the thick of the cave.

Early New Rock - the largest away hour for such a ringing and mysterious occupation, like a fortune teller in the thick of it. Your yavy shows you, like the very tlumachit little ones, eaten on a saucer of kavoi grounds.
The ritual begins with hand-prepared kawi.
Forget about the kavovark and rozchinnі surogati, and call yogo the way our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. Sip fresh kava into a saucepan, pour boiled water and boil. Check it out, the docks won't be thick. Then you can drink yoga and talk about the topic, if you want to clarify the hour of fortune-telling. The reception atmosphere will allow you to relax, and the unimpressed rozmov will help you at a distant gloomy little ones in the thick of the cave. If there is only guschavin left in the briskets, turn them over onto saucers. It is necessary to work so that the thick was left with a thin layer and freely flowed along the edges.
Put the kukhol on a saucer, burn it upside down and check ten khvilin.
Only after that you can proceed to fortune-telling.
Thickness on a saucer needs to be divided into chotir equal parts - the stench symbolizes the time of rock, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Cloudy signs:

  • Pukhirtsі in the middle of the saucer I designate a star or a leaf. Give respect to those from which side of the stench you know, so that you can definitely find out if you yourself come.
  • As if from the sides of the saucer is not clouded, only with one droplet of cavi, then a call will come from afar, at which it is respectful to marvel, from which side you can see the thick of it - as if on the right, then I’ll come again .
  • Stars and dots convey Fortuny's grin. Not included, you win a large sum of pennies.
  • Cross that stake w - signs of protection. As thick as possible, it means success in your plans, and even as a result of them, there are ruins of that trough, you can get on the road to success, you can be dosed with inconsistencies (they show you the cracks of the gap through the day).
  • If you keep moving along the straight line of truth, then you can easily overcome it. Black lines to talk about a friendly result.

You can transfer the future through the thick of the cave, if only, and not only to Novy Rik. Tsya fortune-telling will help you if you have a special life, pobutu, robots. Ale remember - kavova thick, like and be-like ways to look into the future - does not give an accurate forecast. It’s more than guessing, which way we should go straight.

New fortune-telling

At New River, for the old hours, the girls and the youths told fortunes in their own way. The stench came out over the door and made a wish for a bazhannya. Listening to the words that come from other people's vikons, the stench wondered what would happen to them, like a life, a future man and a squad. With whom, not only did he feel the words, but the voice itself: why lie in the hands of a woman, old or young. The tone of the words spoken is the same as the meaning. An affectionate voice in the world and calm in the future family, a husky - obviously, discord.
A number of similar witches have a nickname. Outside the courtyard, the maiden came up to the first zustrіch man and fed him, like a yogo sound. Feel at home and respect the name of the future betrothed.

So the girls went out onto the road and said: "Hail, bark, little dog, wail, lilac jig." From which side the noise is heard, there and the girl is in a new, foreign life. It’s like the noise was too close to appear, which means that it’s not far and there are judgments. Well, the noise is almost noticeable, the girl is far, far away.
Listened to at home. They lay down to sleep, adding:
"Navuzheniya-ryadzheniya, go ahead v_kno." Like to go outside the windows, have fun and shout, you will be happy and happy in your life. How to pass quietly, live the girls in the evil ones and the evil ones.

Witchcraft in the dark.

For whom the fortune-teller is taken arkush paperu and the best newspapers. Tsei arkush paperu needs to be wrapped with hands, so that the wine has turned into a shapeless masa, breast, uniquely shaped kuli. If the paper is ready, put it on the bottom of the thrown plate and light it. Burnt papyrus, not stealing and not ruining the form of ashes, bring it to the lightened wall. Carefully turn the plate, the docks do not appear on the wall like a shadow. For її outlines to judge the future.

Vorozhinnya with pivnem.

According to the agreement, the grain is dried ahead of time and then, exactly about the 12th year of the night, they take the pivnya from the saddle (bagzhano black) and let it into the room.
For the behavior of a bird, one evaluates the future. If a piven is pecking at all the grain, then whose fate will be good luck, and the one who yearns, makes friends with the viide zamіzh; if only a part of the grains are pecked, then it can be seen that after some time it will become a pod, or else the girls will see the zamіzh (for example, having pecked three grains, then the third maiden will see the zamіzh); yakscho pіven not touching the grain, tse means not far off river.

Vorozhinnya with a clerk.

For this fortune-telling, take a basin with water, not filling up to the brim. On the edges of this pelvis, papery women are hung with the names of quiet, who can tell fortunes, otherwise you can write on them: fun. ailment, stray kokhannya, vigrash, death, etc. Then we take a half of a shell of a pea and put a blue candle in it. The chauvin is allowed into the middle of the pelvis and a candle is fired. Fallow in that, to which edge the ship is moving and which papriets is burning, to judge the future.

Kilce near the water.

You need to take an excellent flask with a smooth bottom, without the usual little ones, pour three quarters of water into it and carefully lower the hoop into the middle of the bottom, cleaned in front. Sweat for a trival hour, we need to marvel through the water in the middle of the lowered kiltsya. Those who have a lot of imagination, they sing that it is so possible to sing the guise of a future betrothed.

Most of the ancient Russian witches were timed to the great and small river saints church calendar, which were regurgitated from the old-fashioned pagan actions. In these articles you can recognize simple and reliable old witches bare ancestors.

Hiking of old Russian witches

Old Russian witchcraft popular dosі. Napіvmovny, napіvhristiansky way vіruvan, to understand that image people's life they put their voucher on the fortune-telling rituals of the Russian village.

Moreover, in the national religion, it was accepted as holy "at once" from the mustaches that inhabit the mother earth, independently from their pagan Christian "walking".

It turned out that on Great Day the words were suddenly protected by prayer and the goddamn banners. evil spirits and they immediately christened with her! - even with pagan and folk beliefs, on Great Day, the devils roll the furred eggs on the crossroads, the shards are alone with the lovers of the saints of the supernatural istot!

Let me know if you have used the singing order of everyday, ritual, ceremonial and holy witches.

In Ancient Russia, there was not a lot of literacy in the Feast of Christ, as in the creation of the world, so the New Rik was born with the astrological and in the wake of the new calendar rock, it began with birch.

Therefore, the awakening of nature and a new cycle of earth-growing peasant labors began with the hour.

For Ivan III, the Grand Duke of Moscow, the serpen entered the last month of fate, and the New River began on the 1st spring. Zustrichati Novyi Rik at noon from 31 babies for 1 day started in Russia more than 300 years ago for Peter I.

Following the praise of the Julian, and then the Gregorian calendar, the order of the witches got confused, forgotten.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that the official church never praised “pagan obscenities” and spoke out against the conservation of the elements of pagan rituals in folk culture.

Slov'yansky river rose from Kolyadi or winter Christmas time and trips to Khreshchennya. Vecheri before the day of Christmas (feast of Dazhbog and Marenya according to the pagan calendar) cottons and girls with a “nativity scene and a star” walked around the huts - they caroled.

They read vodkas, sang carols, for which they gave gifts to their guests - malt, and then a penny.

Many doslidnikiv vvazhayut that carols in Russia were not only agrarian-magic and ritual-commemorative, but also a love-loving character.

So, as a fortune-telling at Christmas time, it was important to woo, zmovok, rukobitya, leading those other pre-wedding, fun and splendid rites.

On yakі holy you can tell fortunes

Our ancestors used to tell fortunes about the hour of the holy evening of Holy Eve (the day of Kashchei and Beles);

On Maslyana - the winter pagan is sacredly commemorated, which has gone on to this day - they baked milk, fought fist fights for a riddle about ancestors, glorified friends and symbolically punished unfriended and independent;

Let's sweat, scho zbіgavsya with pagan myths about those, like Dazhbog in the kingdom of Kashcheev for the stolen Madder;

On the 11th of the fierce day of Beles - “holy cows”, replaced on the day “Vlasiya - beat rig from winter”, they told fortunes on creatures, rejoiced at cows with bread, and filled them with water; The 18th of the fierce was divined on the day of Marenya, substitutions on the day of St. Maryamni the righteous.

In the folk calendar, the bula is called Marem'yana-kіkimora, "one-eyed", equal-valued pagan Marenі-Marmore-Mare, and also kіkimore-dolі. The last day was saved, as if it were a guess of that day: "I made Yarilo winter for a fork."

At the first half of the birch they called out spring, they told fortunes on the comoidi - the holy awakening of the bear;

During the whole spring they praised Lada, Lelya, Yarila, and in the other half of the birch they commemorated the dead, celebrated feasts.

Moreover, for the hours of paganism, the word “trizna” itself has little meaning, in view of today’s “funeral banquet”, and it meant “bіy” chi “ristannya” - “fight for the merci”.

Ukrainians do call the fourth of the Great Tyzhny “Navsky Great Day”, that is. on the day of navіїv - mertsіv.

4 worms on Yarilin Day glorified the god of spring birth, ruled saints, similar to ancient Greek mysteries in honor of Dionysus.

Nareshti, from 19 to 24 chervnya, the holy day of Rusalia was celebrated on that day of Ivan Kupali - the culmination of pagan rituals.

These days were accompanied by ritual dances, merrymaking, round dances, spitting bugs, launching burning wheels, blessing the spirits of the waters, bathing at the dews...

On the 20th day of the fall, the day of Perun was celebrated with the clear sacrifices, the ceremony of zrivanny vіnkіv - dedicated to the girls at the woman's.

At the sickle, zazhinki and dozhinki were marked, which were accompanied by various rituals of agrarian magic - fortune-telling and other actions that connected with the cob and the end of the harvest.

At spring, the time has come for communal banquets with glorifications to the Family and women in childbirth, with the singing of ritual songs and drinking honey with ritual bowls-chari, which walked on the stake, with charitable witches, sacrifices to the gods of bread and creatures.

Fortune-telling shards, our ancestors prayed at the holy day before them, let us suppose that the “pagan Friday” was a deity of its kind and the patron of the spirits of the dead.

Three reasons for the ritual witchcraft were held at night from Thursday to Friday.

A lot of doslednikiv vbachayut chergovy proof of the duality of the words of the Yansky vіruvan. On the right, in the fact that in European and European demonology, Thursday is considered the most favorable day for contacts with "evil spirits".

At one time, the rite of passage that looked like a budin’s sama at the quarter is like a reminder of those who have pagan mythology and magic practice all day long, devotions to the spirits of the life.

They didn’t save special vkazіvok like that, as the months are especially suitable for fortune-telling rituals, at the same time the most adventitious things were taken in by the undead dark places - barn, laznі, hills and pіdvali.

In the house of the witch, as it was necessary to spend the white of the rural outskirts, on the crossroads, on the roses, on the flowers, on the church porch, on the birch of the river, the collection - the white of the pollonka, the white of the wells with water...

Vorozhinnya on the Holy Cross

Bake "chrest" on Wednesday and bake their kiltsya, pennies and cross. To whom the cross is far away - it’s important to live and die soon, heels - to live together and make friends, pennies - we’ll become rich.

Vorozhinnya on the zamіzhzhya zі strіchkoy - put under the miner a strіchku z scythe, under the other - kіltse. Whoever cut the braid-braid is far away, sit at home, whoever is in the countryside, who is abroad.

Vorozhinnya on the Trinity

  1. On the eve of the Trinity of the day, call with wine on the skin member of this family and throw it in the stomach. On the Trinity they win and let them into the river; whose wine is not popliv, but immediately drowned, which means the time has come to die.
  2. At Thursdays before the Trinity Day, the girls are taken together, to curl the kurtovini - the rods on the birch are braided with a khurtovik and tied with strings, the vines are weaved and put on that birch tree, then we cook porridge on all and eat. After porridge, throw spoons through a birch tree and mark: where the spoon falls with live bait - the name of the betrothed check, there and the zamіzh will be given.
  3. Before the Trinity Day, the young are picked up and treated with eggs and olives before them, like curling birch trees; on Spirit Day, birch trees are developed and thrown into the river. Whose birch popliv - to prophesy the dovge of life.
  4. Vorozhinnya on zamіzhzhya at the Trinity Day - throw birch vines at the river and mark:
Drowning a wreath - until sickness of death, spinning on a mist - sitting at home in a hut circling, watering a wreath - until a great swimming, to the exit from the father's house, until the winter chi merry.


  1. If someone was suspected of the witch, then take the lower one from the image of the cross on the handle and throw it over the head - then you will see it.
  2. To smear lard on children's shoes, and even then they cannot leave the church while children are staying in it.
  3. At noon, the morning hours melt on the lava, crushed from a new tree and marvel: if you come back in the morning - you see. If it’s necessary to go home, so that the witches don’t catch up and tear apart the one who patted them right after the service.
  4. Like marveling in the eyes of a splendid person - you will improve your own image, and you can find out about those that the image in your eyes is turned upside down.

Old Russian witches behind the sounds

“The word is not a gorobets, to jump out is not evil,” they said among the people, giving the language and the sound of miraculous power to transfer and change the share. Vorozhinnya in the future for help voices was even more popular in Russia.

Speech in Russia was played by the sound of the sound and the creak of skids, the clatter of sokiri and the sounds that hover in the snow...

head feature the witches "at the crossroads" or "separated" were respected by "falling" to Mother Earth, to hear "її voice".

Yak guessed in Russia

Dog barking witchcraft

Tse vorozhinnya on the future rozpovist about the possibility of zamіzhzhya. Vorozhinnya on the bark - they stand on the hump, with their backs to the bottom, collect snow in a sundress and fall from the hem, adding:

"Field, field white snow, evil dog, father-in-law in the yard, father-in-law on the stove." Then they hear: at some boci, at some one the dog is barking, there you will let the zamіzh.

Vorozhinnya-weed on a khmilnik

  1. Go to the hopyard (a place in the woods, which is overgrown with wild hops, otherwise the city, de grow hops), pick up the back in the bottom of the snow, fall in love and sue:

    “I’ll field, I’ll field white snow on a dog’s trail, evil, little dog, my father-in-law’s on a lancet, my mother-in-law’s on a stove, my dear one’s on a bed!”

    Then we hear: a dog barks at a fighter - you are alive with that name, with a rough voice - for an old zamіzh go out, with a thin one - for a young one.

  2. 2. Poluyut snow on the hop plant, collect snow from the bed, then we will hoot with squeezing over the left shoulder, adding trichi sleep: “Field, field, snow, bark, dog, on someone else’s bots”, - and hear, de dog hawk.

    A fortune-teller with a rocking chair - use a rocking chair according to the viri and use: “Doggy, doggy, bark at the father-in-law on the lance, at the mother-in-law - on the stove, at the betrothed of mine - on the lie”.

Vorozhinnya on the creak

Vorozhinnya in barrels-kvashontsі - rub with a whorl of snow near the barrels, or in a jar and hear the creak, nibi im'ya chie lunaє - so the named one is called-magnificent.

Vorozhinnya with a creak - twist the kіlok in the snow and hear: im'ya squeal like that - so I magnify the betrothed. More to turn the shafts - then the frosty twist creaks and nibi choloviche im'ya squeaks unobtrusively.

Vorozhinnya on a sleigh - the runners on the sleigh are chiseled and the creak is heard: if I creak, creak, then I will call the appointed chi.

Witch with a horse

Vorozhinnya bіlya stajní - podkochuyutsya on the snow to the gates of the stajni with a peak, burn out from the side of the street and hear: it’s better to step over the horse, go or feast, then the rowing train will be soon, if you’ll be quiet - and you won’t come to woo.

Vorozhinnya bіlya vorіt - wallow in the snow, drop to the susіdskih vorіt and knock with a kalamutka - zapirka horse chi lock, then take that fate zamіzh.

Witchcraft on a horse - in the evening, if you lead the horses at the flock after the robots, pick up the girls, wallow in the snow, sip to the gate and try:

“Good kіn, tell me - don’t breeze, tell me - don’t take it, why will I go abroad, why?” If you respect them: throw it up, make up with a bridle - it means you will take it.

Vorozhinnya-jumping - close to the night the girls jump the well against the sun - three times on the left nose and three times bewitched: "The devil's misery - the devil is with you!".

Then we hear: dripping water at the well - but it’s friendly, don’t drip - sit at home. Before him, like going home, they turn around: jump over the well with the sun - three times on the right nose and three times say: “God's place - God is with you!”

Vorozhinnya bіlya khlibnoї komori - at night, close to the barn, go to the granary, jump three times against the sun on the left nose and apply:

"The devil's place - the devil is with you!" Then they close and listen: they sip bread - for the rich life, you feel a note - for a bad exit. Before them, how to sleep, they turn around.

Vorozhinnya on the future for the sound

Vorozhinnya in kluni - to go to Crete kluni i, as if there were non-milk shirts, to vigukuyut judgment on the rahunok of a part of one’s own and share: as if on the yak of them, it sounds like a sound, a shere or a thief, it means good, no judgement.

Vorozhka - dutty to the castle - to go to the komori and to the castle to get dirty: you will feel, nibi life in the locks oversip, - to go for the rich; feel, nibi htos nakedly met, - the poor man will get away.

Vorozhinnya on the porch - go closer to the church until the beer night and hear on the porch in the castle: smell "Isaiye, radiy" - until death, "With the saints of the dead" or "Eternal memory" - until death. It is necessary for one and none of them to wander along the road and not to speak.

Vorozhinnya according to seven cards - put these cards in your bosom and go to the church: you will smell the first word there, after it you will judge your future.

Vorozhinnya-pіdslukhovuvannya pіd vіknami - how to weave cloths, so take doska-tsіnovnitsі and go with them pіd vіkna strangers - pіdslukhovuvat, guessing behind the distance, what people will say:

About bread or grain - to wealth, about horses and bubontsiv - to zamіzhzhya, about robes or dows - to death.

Vorozhinnya on a call - having felt a ring at a vuha, ask one to one, in which you ring; at his own guess the bazhannya vikonannya. Guessing correctly - and bajannya zdіysnitsya.

Old Russian witchcraft on objects

Witch on the sieve

  1. Sound on the sieve to tell fortunes of the women of the zamіzhn, and only in that fall, as if someone was suspected of cheating the thieves.

    Harden the sieve on thumb, then let's move the hand of the killer and begin to move the voice of suspected names. In whose name the sieve collapses, that one is known to be guilty of the one.

  2. Attach knives to the top of the sieve, then two people sound, so that the stench of the kіntsі-kіltsya hardens on the middle fingers, after which the fortune teller begins to incite:

    "Black steal? Rudiy vkrav? Sviy vkrav? Piebald crooked? ... "Warto just spin the sieve - marvel, after some kind of food, after which the cloak of magic and z'yasovuvati are repaired - who is right, and who is wine.

Witchcraft on the Psalter

In ancient Russia, the prophets were encouraged to finish the cіkavі vorozhіnnya on the psaltire, and the tsі vorozhіnnya fought in this way:

  1. Write food on an arcade paper, quite open a psalter and put a note at him, marking the psalm, the book was opened. Take the key, put yoga in the book - shearing it with virizami in the middle, ringing - call it.

    Mitzno tie a skein or a spool, so that the psalter does not open and the key does not fall, tie the ring to the skein and pull on the fortune teller's finger.

  2. Soothsayer to set the power, quite open the psalm and read the psalm, what did you say, after which the fortune-teller-sorcerer tumbled you read.

Witchcraft on beans

Take exactly forty-one beans and divide into three pieces. Take the first part from left hand, and with the right hand, wind along the chotiri bobi, putting it on the side, doti, the docks in the rutsi do not get enough three, two, or one bean. Put a surplus at the first line - a charge from the first part.

Take the third part, wind up the chotiri bobi and put the surplus at the first line - order from the third part. They fold a line of beans to a friend, which are laid on the side, - and also in three orders.

The third line is folded in three orders, but without a rahunka, - from beans, which were left behind after the first two lines.

Another order for the first line is the head, the third order for the first line is the whole hand; a different order for the other line - the heart, a third order for the third line - the legs.

By the “head” one can judge about mood and viability, by “hands” - about wealth and wealth, by “heart” - about the joy of turmoil, by “legs” - about taking away the parcels, about the possible future is more expensive, about the vikonannya bazhan.

Even at the fortuneteller's order, there is a crossing over the crossing of the way, the vikonnanny bazhannya, odd - success, good luck, safety at the right.

Vorozhinnya on the water

Start guessing on Mondays, prote shortest hour for witches - four. Victory of water fortune-telling is the head rank for vikritta vikradacha-villain.

Pick up children and children in one place, put a cup of water on the table, after which the water-garden writes the name of the skin on the arches of paper and throws notes near the water.

Whose note is not thinner, but on the surface, that one is recognized by the wine.

Vorozhinnya about the future is young

“Prihovuvannya” - as the hour has come for the young to go to the podklet (the lower one over the wooden booth), at the friend’s svitlitsa, a pie is burned in one throw of a towel, and the other one is lowered from the table.

By the way the pirig is bred, they guess, the son of the daughter will be born: top down - daughter, uphill - blue. The axis of why and call it a fortune teller for the people of the child - hovannyam.

For the help of a cow, you can spend a simple fortune telling someone to be born - young people go down to the bed and lie down, so a cow friend jumps on a girl’s hump. Lying bread with the upper pick down - a girl to be born, the bottom - a lad.

Vorozhinnya on the people of the child at the "red table" - the next day, fun - at the "red table" start a friend to destroy the bread and throw it on the table. In the fall, the first shmatok with a humpback uphill - chekati їm first-syn, down - daughter.

Vorozhinnya who was born on kalachi - take young kalachi from both sides and pull at the different sides. Whose half will show up more, that one in this leader.

Mother-in-law's fortune teller - to put a dish in the middle of the appointed yard, to make a tablecloth, to put bread for the beast and put a bottle.

The bride's mother wields the young, who go out of the church, with their fur coat turned upside down, sitting on the horns, kocherz or mtl. Skache nazustrіch їm podvіr'yu with a mountain worker from water and vіvsom. I give everything to my son-in-law.

He is guilty of pouring water on the horse's mane and the empty mountaineer, friends, is guilty. Kine's friend, the mountain worker was killed, and yakscho rozіb'єtsya - the son of the first to be born, vtsіlіє - donka.

In these articles:

Vorozhinnya - all old people's well-being, which allow you to transfer the future and take it off on a different diet. A lot of people today continue to believe in the effectiveness of witches, if they are skeptical about such rituals, other people sometimes want to know about their share.

Vorozhinnya to be put up to chaklunstvo that magic, but on the vіdmіnu vіd ritualіv, in some vikonavets actively intervene in the forces of nature that change navkolishniy svit For the sake of your own benefit, the elders work with reality passively - they only lift the veil over the secrets of the future, but do not get involved in the natural crossing of the bottom.

How the witches appeared

Vorozhinnya started and continues to work with all peoples in the world. The riddle of such rituals is in the mind of a miserable person, like a miraculous hoarder of all the lovable associations.

People watched over the light, paid respect to the signs of that phenomenon, which they passed on to the singing podias, forgot them, and brought out the law, through the yak of the cob the signs appeared, and then folding systems prophesying that people are allowed to know their future.

Warlocks were widened in all ancient powers, the art of little significance for Ancient Assyria and Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome. In the song of the era, the magical craft played the most important role of sovereign life. To our days, there have been witnesses of that retelling, in which there are, that in Rome the sovereign collegium of priests was founded, head managers such a lot of transfers of podia, buildings vplinut on the suspіlstvo as a whole.

Vorozhinnya was an important element of the life of a person before the expansion of Christianity, if magical rites were discussed on the back, and later all the magicians and fortunetellers were re-examined. The church did not protest against those who, with the help of a fortune-teller, can learn about the future and take care of important food. The clergymen only talked about those that all the information from the witches came from the Devil himself, that she could be wicked, and if a person turns to such chaklunstva, then the way to Heaven for the new one will be closed once and for all.

These guards increased their right, and people began to be afraid of any manifestation of magic, however, there were those who took the old traditions of chaklunstva and departments, and passed them on to their downfalls. The very zavdyaki to such people and in our time perform magical rituals.

Russian folk witches

In the Middle Ages, the gates were wider all over the world, especially in Russia and the Western lands. The majestic number of esoteric books was founded, as if all people were far away, as if they were able to talk about the future, and, of course, they could read. In this literature, it was told about the signs that the songs of the feet move in life, as well as about the ways of divination, by which a person could speed up.

Obviously, the books were only illuminating part of the life, in the villages people could not read and managed with the old knowledge of their ancestors, as if they were saved, not ignoring the persecution.

Witchcraft on the betrothed

This is one of the most ancient words of the Jansk witches, how to accept to celebrate the Feast of Christ in advance. In order to recognize the name of your future person, the girl can go out on the street and sleep with the name of the first animal person. It is important that the very same name is worn and її names. Today, this way of conjuration is considered ineffective, prote, girls do it, they want it more like their own rose, the lower way of transferring the future.

How to pamper the future man, uvі dream

This way of conjuration was also victorious at Rizdvyanu noch. In order to sing the dream of your destined one, the girl is small, take a home-made whisk (obov'yazkovo vikoristany), wiggle vines from a new sprat, ring them at once and sing the words:

“Whoever is my judgement, who is my mummery, that one will pass through the place of twigs and into my dream, servant of God (im'ya), come. Let it be so. Amen."

In addition, right after waking up, you can’t marvel at the windows

After the words, the twigs needed to be tied together at the sight of the place and put under the pillow.

Tsya ancient divination may have a few options for vikonnannya. In one of them, the girl is small to make a well of sirniks, put yoga under a pillow, read the words move and lie down to sleep. Zmova:

“Your names are mine, mummers. Before me, servant of God (im'ya), come and drink some water. Let it be so. Amen."

An important mind of similar witches is those who, after the pronunciation of enchanting words, are not guilty of saying anything. In addition, having thrown a lie, you can’t hang your head and hair, otherwise you can forget a dream.

Yakim will be the character of a future person

For help, simple fortune-telling, the girls were figuring out what the character of their future man would be. The rite is carried out on the night before the Rizdvom and for your mind, there is a lot of snow on the streets. It is necessary to dress warmly, go out into the street, sit at the great kuchuguru, then get up and, without turning around, go to your settlement. Early in the morning, I need to re-enter the street and marvel at the trail, which has left you in the snow.

If you outline the line, they will be clear and sharp, which means that the character of the judge will be sharp and rude. M'yaki outline the next line, that the person will be kind and chuynim. Like a trace of snow sizzling, then it’s not varto to spodіvatisya, so you’ll sound the roaring rock.

In another version of such a witch, the girl is obliged to go out into the street at night with a knife in her hands, and I will come nearer to the snowy kuchugur, adding the words:

“Damn, Chortyak, don’t talk, tell me what kind of person I can get away with, what kind of mess. Why do I laugh in joy, why cry in grief, I am christened? Amen."

If so, it is necessary to listen to the navkolishny world and check for the first dog bark. If the havkit will be loud and angry, then the character of the person will not be accepted. Zalivisty, merry hawkit - a garne of a sign that tells about those that a person will be kind and with a sense of humor.

Vorozhinnya on the future on wax

To carry out this ritual, it is necessary to pour fresh milk in a small saucer and put yoga on the threshold. Let us drink a church candle in the water bath, proclaiming the words:

“Domovik, Domovik, you are the owner of my house, you come to me on the threshold, drink milk, you sleep with wax. Amen."

If you become rare, it is necessary to pour yoga into milk, the figure that has emerged, and it will be a sign of the coming river.

Meanings of wax figures:

  • Quote or roslin- Shvidke is happy.
  • Cross- Serious illness or low inaccuracies. The more clearly outline the cross, there will be more unacceptable approaches to your life.
  • creature- In the midst of your friends and acquaintances, an unkind person will appear, the building will bring you inaccuracies and let loose a bit.
  • Small stars- offensive rock on you is checked for success and kindness, especially on the right that robots.
  • Smugi- Ruh, stinks can mean more expensive, reconditioning, quick moving at new houses.
  • The figure of a person- check the appearance of a new person in your life, to become a good friend to you and make you kohanoy.

How can you guess by the shadow

To conduct this fortune-telling on the future, you need to take a newspaper, relatively її zіm'yati and put a sheet on a plate. Papir needs to be burned in the form of a wax candle (better than a church one). If the sheet burns down, place a plate with a candle in such a way that the shadow from the paper falls on the wall or on the other side of the vertical surface.

Silence, as the newspaper sees, to take revenge on oneself for the sign of the future. You will need to sing in the dark, clear contours of any figures or figures, the stink itself and it is a sign by itself. Tlumachiti shadow is required for this very principle, what is the wax position on the milk.

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