The most recent people's thoughts in all spheres of life. Russian folk spirits.

Folk rites and revivals are ancient chaklun rituals, with which our ancestors used to make money.

Russian magic slandered all spheres of people's lives, for help, people hid their heart problems, lured them to themselves. penny dobrobut and good luck, vibudovuvali defended against the evil of the spiritual and physical, rejoiced at different illnesses.

A great number of such devices is to establish interest as fahivtsiv in the sphere of chaklunism, and other fakhivtsiv, to cultivate folklore, for example, ethnographers.

Speak for jubilation

Rituals, as a duty to help people get rid of various illnesses, can be called the strongest and most important.

Іsnuyut like universal rituals, scho priyat impassioned exuberance and inspiration to the body, so vuzkosravovaniya, zdatni stand only one ailment.

The Russian magical tradition has impersonal means and rituals for the delight of children. With these rites, they were koristuvalis like a silly chakluni and sorcerer, the skin mother knew them to remember.

In rituals for healthy children, it is even more important to read the words “move” correctly; Vikonovets can be firmly entrenched in the strength of the ritual and believe that you will bring relief to the ailing.

It is important to remember that if there was any rite against ailments, the next one should be carried out only with a positive, good-natured attitude. You are not guilty of everyday negative thoughts and feelings. Only a person with a pure heart can forge a child with a soul.

Ancient rite of spending blood

Danish magical ritual is carried out in order to bleed heavily. To carry out the rite, the magician is guilty of squeezing the wound on himself with his fingers, or other people, and three times, read the words of the move:

“The earth is creaking, pulling, fighting, and the servant of God (im'ya) has blood. As the earth heals its wounds, it smoothes it, so don’t let the wound of the servant of God (im’ya) heal. Let it be so. Amen."

Starovinna zmova against severe illness

This strong magical rite will help heal a person from the most ill. For healing, you need to read a special prayer-zmova, standing up to the knots of the sick people with the Three-handed icon. Words to read today lie and in the evening:

“Promonting the Most Holy Theotokos the Virgin Mary, I fall down, and bow down before you, before the icon of the saint. Remembering Your glorified wonder Reverend John Damascus, a miracle that the sight of Your icon was revealed to people. The banner of that Donin on the icon of Tієї, perhaps, in the image of a third hand is depicted. Help me, Three-Handed, help heal the servant of God (im'ya) with your hand. Feel me, Most Holy Theotokos, not forgiving me to help your own. In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Icon of the Mother of God of Three Hands

Folk ritual of drinking

Drinking in Russia has not been such a serious problem, as it is today. And the more the Russian people drank at the slave’s fetters, called the krіpatstvo, the more the power and the church tried to fool the people, the more they drank in our country, they drank in the absence of a way out. If this is the problem of Vinyl, then there appeared an impersonal popular means to fight against the booze. Sob relieve ts_єї ailments close people we need to read over him hmіlnim and sleep the words:

“In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Let the hop and wine come from the servant of God (im'ya), pide the fox at a distance, at the dark fox, for the wide fields, for the swedish rivers. Get lost there, where people don’t walk, where horses don’t go, where wild animals don’t roam, those birds don’t fly in the sky. Fall into misfortune in the presence of the servant of God (im'ya) and do not turn around anymore. So wake up, what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Rite for prosperity that dobrobut

Lyudina for all hours wanted not to see financial problems.

A penny good house was given to a simple Russian person even more importantly, to that there appeared impersonal magical rituals, investments in riches.

Rituals of pennies can resurrect among themselves. Some rituals were aimed at successful trade, such rites were carried out if a person went to the fairs with goods.

The penny rites were up-to-date, but in our time to pester the skeptics, so as not to believe in especially Sili

Other, universal ways, guilty of earning pennies in this way, by any means, under such rites, a person could know pennies right on the earth.

Folk rite for a rich life

To carry out this magic ritual, you need to buy 12 apples. If you please don’t take the money from the seller, prepare some banknotes for that.

On the first day, it is necessary to give a skin to a friend an apple on the street, and bring the six fruits that are left out to home. The next day, it is also necessary to distribute half of the apples that are left out. Three fruits that you have lost, you need to bring them to the church on the third day, put them on the memorial stele and say the words of a penny snake: “I will remember my life for the dead, guess and see the misery of the servant of God (im'ya) for the dead. If the wealth is that penny, then I will have it. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Sob sіm'yu came big money

For this rite you need five white church candles. Place them on the table, lay them with a light tablecloth, set them on fire, intersect and read the words of the move:

“My hope is that support, Jesus Christ. Blessed Virgin Mary, my mother. The stench of the sky went, the bears carried pennies, the bears blew up, those pennies fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (im'ya), walked the earth, knew you pennies, took you pennies, carried them home, lit candles, and distributed them pennies. As the candles burn, so I will add pennies to my house. Repentance, Amen."

The Christian egregor is doing a good job of helping his followers.

Now check out, if the candles are about to burn out, take all the whisk from them, download yoga in one bag and put yourself in a hamanets. In the next few days, you are guilty of remembering the cob of polypshenya of the financial state.

Strong rite for pennies

Russian eyes on wealth are even more effective. With your help, you can significantly increase your financial status, smut, competently carry out all the necessary activities.

Danish magical rite should be performed on the guy's day of the month, on the next month. Go to the church with a coin, as if the mother’s fault is less than the guy’s denomination. Sanctify the coin and in the evening break it all at once to the fox. At the fox, find a great aspen, dig a small hole out of it, put a coin there, sip it with earth, stand up to the beast and read the words of the move:

“Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, bless the servant of God (im'ya). Let the Lord be with my soot, let it grow like a parrot, let it grow in crops. Like a misha, you don’t sting a sin, like a worm you don’t drink it, so let me and my pennies don’t stain anything. Come to me pennies once, but she won’t get away anyway. So wake up, what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Zamіst fox can be drunk near the park

After that, it is necessary to pour clean water on those places, the girls buried a coin, turn around and, without looking back, drink from the fox. The rite may begin to work for two days after reading the sound.

Call on the kohanny

Kokhannya is a little more significant for our ancestors, to this day hundreds of special magic rituals have come to our days, calling for help from the heart right.

It is noteworthy that a lot of these rites were recognized for victoria by people, we can boldly say about those that in the olden days enchanting magic was not exclusively a woman's occupation.

Pushing ritual for kokhannya

Place three new candles on the tablecloth. Light the candles and read the words, move:

“Lord, my God, I hope in You and I bless You. Make you a high wall, that pit is deep, that one I will enclose without enumeration. Make a tight impenetrable, a depth of three sazhens. Create a worldless height, and a tight, worldless depth. Zakriy, Lord, fence, fence off the fence, so that the Servant of God came to me, so that I didn’t go to another place. And if you think about it, go over to you all the hardship that was only created by God. Close your fence, Lord, take that key yourself, help me, God's servant (im'ya). As long as the castle of the Lord God is not open, let me love the servant of God (im'ya). Let it be so. Amen."

To graft a girl

To turn the respect, and then the love of the girl, read the whispers, if you can read the words: “Having created the Lord God a woman for a man. I love my woman, I love her, I love her. Will be a servant of God (im'ya) mine. Amen."

Basic rules of chaklunism

Chaklunstvo always instilled fear and awe in people. In the meantime, people in charge of the material or physical shkoda, be it anyone, heal or transfer someone, communicate with the spirits and representatives of the creaturely world, it seemed to be for wonderful people chimos for the border of understanding.
During the middle hours, a lot of people believed in chaklunism. They were afraid that I would show something. Navit a little suspicion on those who were tied up with chaklun practices, were punished zhorstoko by the church, more respected that chakluni killed the favor with evil spirits.

Chaklunstvo - tser_vnovaga. Be-like chaklunsky diy and rituals create energy. Sometimes, especially on the cob of learning, our life begins to roam like a pendulum, creating problems, about which there have been no small manifestations before. If you create chaklunstvo, then how would you support the all-world, that you are ready to become jealous in your life. Ale, in order to become jealous, your life and your guilt will be changed.

It often seems that the stench no longer wants to be engaged in chaklunstvo, for with them it turns out in such a way that the stench did not want to. If you think that you should be inspired by chaklunstvo, then life will turn in the direction of the zvichne. Nothing of the sort. Life is changing all the same, and, perhaps, for a bigger bek.

Basic rules of chaklunism

Your life from people to death is made up of cycles of changes. If the situation does not change, then life is transformed into a swamp. A stop equal to death. Change - life is an important part of our butt. Chakluni to start respecting the change and pragnate jealousy.

Basic rules of chaklunism

  • Whether chaklunstvo can be part of the spiritual plan.
  • Whether or not chaklunstvo will require the participation of the spirit.
  • Roll up to the fortune tellers, first proceed to the next chaklunsky diy.
  • Remember that your skin gives birth to traces that infuse into your life that life of other people.

Chaklunski rules

  1. "Roby what you want, but don't hurt anyone."
  2. "Everything that you are robish, turns to you in a three-time rozіrі".
  3. "Chakivstvo is not guilty of superhuman will of other people."
  4. "Stalking behind your thoughts and words."
  5. "Start May back-up plan."
  6. "Everything that is created in the Chaklun world is manifested in the real world." While you are learning, watch all the chaklunsky operations in a magical time or in the sacred space.
  7. "Trimays given alcohol and drugs."
  8. "Do not threaten and do not caress people with your chicanery."
  9. "Prag to jealousy and respect change."

Leading the way for all hours was in any spheres of activity. Prote facts are overwhelmed with facts: and in the present, spells and rituals help to create harmony in mutual relations, get sick of illness, get good luck, and not just attack with the method of mischief. It is necessary to know that the chaklun does not just turn the pot at the required bank, it is necessary to pay for everything. The payment can be different, stale, depending on the forces of practicing the practitioner, with the help of the special energy consumption and skills of the robot for his work.

Unfortunately, regardless of the development of science and technology, as well as the development of humankind as a whole, the dark poured into the people to continue to sleep, for this modern people it is necessary to know the symptoms of the manifestation of psuvannia and addiction and ways of defending against attacks against the evil world. Such a day can bring a lot of problems to you and your loved ones, in some cases, people are more skeptical about it, it’s important to give a rational explanation for these other negative manifestations in a special life.

However, a glimpse of the world can see that understanding of the mind. It’s not like it’s a surprise to be surprised by people, as if you had a waste, ailment, rozryv chi inaccuracies on robots. There is nothing easy and acceptable life for us, an impersonal situation is given to us for confirmation, or for development, and in such situations, we carry out procedures to purify, or to try to correct the situation is simply marno. In addition, the next thing to know is that our energy field will guess the immune system and the building will self-cleanse. With a negative influx of a light step, break in the floor can be tightened without special treatment.

Tsі zvi z okremoї cups vіznyayutsya scho stink pіyut, being said to be some kind of person. You can read the language and vrantsі, and in the day, and in the evening (until the tenth year), but not at night

Zgіdno with folk beliefs, ailment - tse okrema, independent istota, as if you live in your own world and it’s less like a bad guest to come to people. Zgіdno z widely rozpovsyudzhenimi povіr'ami, mayzhe all ailments - including children - shouted in a plethora of demonic іstot, that it is important to lie down to a woman's status.

Type of raptov ailment

Qiu zmov obov'yazkovo sled the nobility to remind the shepherd and read before going to the pasture. Work on the street under the board, near the field under the wind most often takes away the health of the people. The one who knows tsyu zmovu can take care of the unstoppable ailment.

I will rise, having blessed the descendant, the descendant beak. On me is the cross of the holy Jesus Christ everywhere with me Heaven is my castle, earth, me are the keys, and if you are sick, don’t knock on me. I step on a stone - blood-ore, not a cap, nowhere in the tіli do not pinch, do not hurt. Angels, in front, angels, behind. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen to the ocean sea, the church stands on the stone. Vaughn mіtsna, won, strong, won, not sickness, pain, how much, I don't know. So be I, the servant of God (im'ya), I am not sick, I hurt, if I don't know. There is a rocky mountain near me, it protects me, ailments, do not let me in. Zalizniy, tin, Castle of the Virgin. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Shvidko gain strength

Be sure to furnish: people are expending strength due to ailments, slopes, stress, etc. Look at the street, raise your hands above your head, marvel at the stars and say:

The stars are not happy, the sky is not the laity. Lord, my God, the powers of heaven are with me. I glorify the Mother of God of the Father and Sin of that Holy Spirit. Amen.

Zmova vіd forty deadly ailments

Zmov help to inspire for a quiet ailment, like a good doctor, you can’t change it. Read it loudly, without stammering and not at what, without questioning.

Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and give to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, all my words, all my nonsense. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. People, sick, people, suffer, people, die. Whomever, sickness, vvazhav, whoever, sickness, on people, lashing out, Stand up, sickness, fear, go and fall into hell. Cattle, call for the servant of God (im'ya), so that his soul, zdіynyalas, and the body of pain ceased. Bless, Lord, do all my words, all my kisses. And those that I missed, those that I missed, the Lord will punish and all the words for me Angel, tell me. Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When unwell

The icon of Christ the Savior is touched with a ring finger, then let us say to our hearts:

There is no nameless finger, so there is no ailment in me, the servant of God (im'ya). Amen. Nezabar you see the relief, and the sickness goes without a trace.

What to work in the absence of forces

Like a person seeing the fall of strength, go to the field, lie down at the fresh furrow and say:

Harvest the harvest, give me all your strength, give birth to the earth, earth, revitalize, earth, reward me with strength. Jesus Christ is risen, so let my strength rise again. What did she say, what did not prove, what did she think, what did I do, God's servant (im'ya). In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And they also corrected the forces with herbs. (I marveled at the “Herbs”.) Last month, about the year 00, you can go to the street, raise your hands to burn out and shout, not thinking about those who can feel you

Strength, heavenly, unstoppable, unfulfilled. Angel, my, support me with strength. In im'ya. Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. On an unpaired day, cerebration is not possible.

What can you do to help with the filthy self-confidence

If you fell ill, turn off all the meat from eating. Give the priority to ribi, and even more so to ribniy yushtsі (fish broth). Rositrit so at the misci Vershkov oil with honey, rub your sum, warm up in the lazna. Poke, like a quick turn before you turn your strength.

Sleep turns healthy. Turn on the door ring, telephone, close the curtains. When you lie down to sleep, say:

Angels protect my health. Amen.

If possible, eat less, drink more often lingonberry brew with honey and hot milk with pink. Dvіchi for the day - vrantsі that in the evening - wipe with a terry towel, soaked in hot salty water. After the procedure, they are rubbed with a dry waffle towel.

Like breaking your wrists, wrap yourself in a bare body at the goat's shawl, kicking in a lizhko, say:

Dvorogy take a biped. Desk, Abu, Ali, Ala. I took a dvorog, I saw a two-legged one. Amen. Those same varto zrobiti for colds.

If your ailment has dragged on like this, fix it like that. See the river (as there are no rivers nearby, you can have a bath with water), pour water over your head from head to toe with the words:

Mother waters came, curtains, mothers, went. I'm driving - and I'm driving viishla. God gave me a soul, settling me on dry land. I'll go by the water, I'll know better. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Help the ailing camp to help the sacrifice of the blood of a bloody beaten bird.

chop the cock, submit left hand warm blood. Forty crosses are painted on the naked body with blood. On the skin of inklings, the cross seems to be:

Tee, bird, dead, and I'm alive. Blood on the cross, but I have health. Amen.

Thank you for your health, I’m sure you’ll be on the mend. In the presence of a contagious illness, like a sleeping epidemic, you should speak to yourself in advance, so as not to fall ill.

Set up two mirrors. One in front, and one in the back. Marvel at yourself in the pot and say:

There are no eyes on the roof, no nose on the roof, no company on the roof. So there was no illness in me: no people, no animals, no horses, no cows, no kiz, no birds, no wind, no water, no land. Lord, save. Save that defense. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Vіd nevіdomoї ailments

As doctors can't make a diagnosis, but if you know that you're dying, proceed to repentance.

Read at 12 pm before bed.

Unlimited miles, let me live. Take your eyes, uterine snake. From my body, fly into the chimney, find yourself a sacrifice for another. All holy heavenly helpers of God, vouchsafe me a servant of God (im'ya), help me, help me, destroy my ailments! Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Zmova, which protects the hour of influenza epidemics

Namovlyayut on water, pom_shyuyuchi її skіpkoy, vіdsheplenoy vіd polyna. It’s more than enough to take care of one directly, for the year’s arrow. Zavazhayut doti, do not read the docks three times. Let's carry water around the whole family. Triska dry and burn. The shield of the Lord, with me in the presence of mustache, ailment, earthly: in the form of a virazka, pestilence, in the form of plague, fire, in the form of leprosy, gnoyvoї, in the form of a shaking, fire, tale. Enclose, Lord, Your fence, my family. Amen.

lamp of life

To recognize, die of ailments chi ni, shatter the lamp of life. Pour oil from the lamp, take the lower shirt of the sick man, lift the lit lamp on the river and read:

The candle of the life of the servant of God (im'ya) is on fire. Yogo guardian angel, tell me. Yakshcho, the lamps do not burn, the servants of God die. Amen.

Let's sweat the sick man's shirt behind him. If half a mind is weaker, but not extinguished, it means that you will get sick more, but you won’t die. If the fire is extinguished, then the wines will not rise.

How to speak to yourself in the ailment for the whole river

This is the same old way of perevіreny sposіb. Grandmother spoke about the new one like this:

"Defender, rescuer." If everything is right, it’s all right, get rid of colds and ailments with a stretch of fate.

Move your left hand from blowing a wooden tuft. Cross on the bridge, stand with your back to it, step with your left foot back and forward and say:

No devil, no devil, no yoma cross. So I don’t feel pain, and I don’t hurt tomorrow, not on the day after tomorrow, not for this week, not for a month, not for the whole river! Amen.

Banna Zmova at the mitzna of health and longevity

Vimovlyayte words tsієї zmovi pіd hour mittja at the laznі or else, as the clinic is contraindicated for you by doctors, at the baths. Able to speak words, if you rise, pour water over yourself.

From goglya water, from me thinness, dryness, bruises, windy fracture of snakes, rinses from God's servants (im'yarok). Like a pitching from the sea, so change the ailment. Like s guski water, so s mene twigs. Yak from a gander water, from (im'ya) cattle. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova on the cob of ailment

As soon as you see the first signs of ill health, read tsyu zmovu - you will help to heal the ailment on the very cob.

Church, crossed in the sight of white babies, red beshih, in the face of lotuh, in the sight of kumchug, in the face of windy forks. From the wind come and pishov to the wind. Amen.

Zmova over an ailing relative

Zmov is read over the illness trichi.

Come from (im'yarek), ailment, into a beast, onto a leaf, into a dry bush, into an empty barrel, into a swamp bush, cleanse the body of (im'yarok). Mitsno. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova at the rejoicing of wounds and blows

Chi zabite, wound, inflamed - lead your hand around a sick mist (you can rub the ointment at once, as if it’s prescribed for you) and read three words:

Like on a dry birch a leaf dries up, dries up, so the wound would heal in (im'bright), the ailment would dry up, dwindle. Mitsno. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Rankova Zmova at the Health Mitzna

Start the day with good luck.

I get up, the servant of God (im'yarek), bless, cross, I will wash the saints, I will pray to the Lord God. I will see from the door at the door, from the gate at the gate under the rank dawn of Mary, under the evening dawn of Marem'yan, to the ocean to the sea. On the ocean-sea, the golden stone is not tone and not none, the servant of God did not have a puff, not a nilo, the fluff did not burn down, it was visible -Under vivoritnoy, there would be no good tracts, good shelters, no good 12 relatives, so they would dry up, so they would come from the servant of God yogo (im'bright), there would be neither in the brushes, nor in the swamps, neither in a violent head, nor in a ruddy guise, nor in clear eyes, nor in black eyebrows, and from the moustache of the body, and from the moustache member. The rank dawn of Mary, the evening of the dawn of Marem'yan, as if you soon smelled, roared, so they became quiet in the servant of God (im'yarok), all the sorrows and pains, birthplaces, tracts withered, 12 rodimishchevs grew up. Whoever, unlearned, knew how words - read, how, mabut, knew-forgotten-deprived, you used to run ahead and hi and quietly helped. And be, my words, mіtsnі that lіlennya, mіtsnіshі for the stone, shvidshe for the violent wind. Forever and ever. Amen.

Zmova when vmivanni on healthy beauty

Shoranka that evening, vmivayuchisya, read the words zmovnі. The stench will not only try to help the sick, but don’t let the sickness go to a healthy person. And moreover, give you a healthy and fresh looking.

Water vmivayutsya, rubbed with a veil, walk in good health. Amen.

Zmova, sob up the ailment

To hurt the sickness and take care of yourself, you need to christen the sickness of the place by the stake with the pointed finger of the right hand and three times to read the call.

I will rise, the servant of God (im'yarek), bless, walk, cross; rush in with the rank dew, rub it in with a thin white cloth and go from the hut in the door, from the door at the gate, go down to the Ocean-Sea. On that ocean-sea stands God's island, on that island lies the white burning stone Alatr, and on the stone is the holy prophet Illya with heavenly angels. I pray to you, holy prophet of God Illya, sent thirty angels at the golden cloth, from bows and arrows, let them beat and shoot at the (im'bright) lessons and prizes, and inflows, pinches and slices, and wind-bearing virazka, tudi, kudi krilatiy bird on black mud, on dull swamps, and zustrіchno, і transversely, stamovo and lomovo - on the young, on the old and on the re-opening of the month.

Zmova over faces

Tsya zmov to strengthen the wholesome deity be-yakikh likіv.

Let me down with a grim and prayer; beat and strike in the presence of the servant of God (im'yarok) lessons and prizes, pinches and shatters, hardships and pozihannya, and windy virazka, where winged birds do not flood, and youngsters on horseback do not zazhdzhaє, zustrіchne і transversely, zaskirno and zhitlovo. Like the hands and feet of a dead shimmer, teeth and ruin, body, sho tripoche, so they used to prick at (im'bright) lessons and prizes and inflows, pinches and chunks, sips and pozikhati, and vitronosne virazka, zustrichne and transversely, stamovo and lomovo, , Spoїvo, zaskirno and lived.

Such a sound is better than good lye herbs, tune in and out of them.

Zmova on the water for dousing for relief I will become ill

Pour some warm water from the bucket and read the sound over it. After the mitt, pour water over the sick.

The servant of God (im'yarek) got up, blessed, pishov, crossed, from the hut door, from the yard with comirs, that wiyshov near the open field. In a clear field there is a blue sea, on that blue sea there is a quiet flood, on that quiet one at the factory a gray goldeneye floats, on that gray goldeneye no water or dew can be seen. So on the servant of God (im'yarok) there were no lessons, no prizes, no dashing washings, no winds, and no nightly commotion. Forever and ever, amen.

Zmova on red wine for strength and blood renewal

Tsya zmov blood onovlyuє i new forces on the whole body carry. To read yoga over a glass of red wine, or rather to vicorate cahors - church wine, which symbolizes the blood of Christ. Wine is required to be drunk before going to bed.

I will stand, bless, go, cross, near a clean field; near the clean field of roads and roads to live the river Oka. I wash the river of the Oka steep bank, and shovkovy grass, and dry sands, and stones. So bi beat and washed for the slave (im'yarok) you condemn that shirt. You, the servant of God (im'yarek), succumb to the dew, wipe off the stars, succumb to the moon and the chervonim sun in the face of judgment, save yourself, and in the sight of the warden, that opposer is gone! And as the cathedral church zamіkaєtsya zatverzhuєtsya, so I, the slave (im'yarok), stverdzhuyu that zmіtsnuyu all words that vrokam, take it to the age, amen. Mark Pustelnik, help and help the servant of God (im'yarok), so that there will be no sorrow for you now and forever; and if you didn’t hurt and didn’t hurt, so the servant of God (im’yarok) was at the teeth of the dead.

Zmova over the water and sill at the turn of the bridge

Pour some water into a cup, sip a pinch of salt and put three vodkas.

Read the sound over the water and breeze the ailing on the arms, legs, chest and back.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners, have mercy on the servant of God (im'yarok)! Mother of God, do not deprive the mercy of Your servant of God, forgive this great sin, in which I have sinned before You. Have mercy, Lord, yogo in the face of every accusation. May you, O Lord, be healthy, that salvation!

Let's cross the sick and read these words:

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on the servant of God (im'yarok). Lord, bless, Father! Archangels, angels of the Lord, Michael and Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, who dance at the doors of the Lord, hold scepters in their hands, who take care of the Lord's bed; looking at the impersonal forces, the archangel and the river: “Curse the devil, and you won’t reach the servant of God neither in the day, nor at night, nor on the way, nor in any place.” Ale, cherish, Lord Jesus Christ, with the prayers of the Blessed Mother and all the holy angels, forever and ever and forever and ever, amen.

Zmova for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and pain in the globules

It’s good to choose a yard dog, a shoe like this, which is not alive in a hut, but in a life, strain the wool, knit scarves (like hurting your legs) or hustka (like excruciating pain in your back, arms). Take away the virib should be brought close to the lips and whispered on a new call. If this river is victorious for the confession: tie the hustka to a sick mist, pull on the scarves and tie them to nothing.

Words like this:

Become thee, servant of God (im'yarek), blessed in the evening, vmiєst the morning dawn that evening, in the morning with a bright light; at the forehead, a red sun bakes, at the ceiling, a bright month; we walk out of the doors, out of the blue blues, out of the gates of the gates, far away in the open field, on the chotir growth, stand on the fold of the faces, on the back of the ridge: at the mount the light of the true Christ; on the blue sea there is a white stone, on the white stone there is a white man at the white cloth, light Georgy Khorobry; Georgiy Svetla the Brave has two young men, two rich in the distance, great archers: one son Simeon, the other - Gerasim, walking from a tight cybule, shooting at an orphan oak. Oh, Simeon and Gerasim, do not shoot at the orphan oak, shoot at the tidal wounds, shoot, sing at the servant of God (im'yarok) parishioners, prizes, tidal guards, windbreaks, tidal guards. Amen.

Look around at the dacha, in the village of budinok, de trim the dog, ask the masters for help. It is possible, if you try hard, to know people, to spin outside. Try to do everything, as it is appointed here, to the one who is good, hopeful.

And if you don’t see it, vikoristovyte іnshi zmovi.

Cooking whole olea

Take roslinna oliya and speak yogo in reserve, so that at some time you will care for his ailment.

Є sea-ocean; on that sea there is a place of gold, to sit on a new man of gold, to shoot arrows of gold and shoot from a servant of God (im'bright) prikis, and a parable, and drіbotu, and hairy, prikis night and day, midday, and venerable, and water, and firewood, from the hands and from the nig, from the brush, from the brain, and from the dry beat of yoga; God forbid, God's servant (im'yarok) for health and for salvation.

Zmova napepel vіd khvorob brushes

Read the zmov over the ashes nine times, after which you sip the ailment of the place with it.

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Hair, hair, see the servant of God (im'yarok) on the ear of life, or on the popelets, or on the warmth of the water!

Zmova when stretching the back

As if only they pulled their backs, needing to take a break, not coming from the month, to say to the call:

Matinka Zoryanitsa, red maiden, mother or mother earth, remember me, from the servant of God, a pond - straight, cross; noon, noon; wear, pivnoshnu. Amen, amen, amen.

Move through the stribkiv vise, pain in the heart

Surely, with ailments of the heart, it is necessary to look after the doctor. Ale and zmova tezh camp in good luck: they took a pill - and sob more attack proyshov, read zmovu.

Zmova pіd hour attack

Speak three times and then spit three times after the skin.

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen. Yegoriy descend from heaven with golden gatherings, bring Yegoriy from heaven with three hundred golden bows, three hundred golden-feathered arrows and three hundred golden-haired arrows and arrows, and instruct the servant of God (im'yarok) lessons, touch, heartache: dark foxes, and floods, black wild foxes, near dybuch swamps; sob didn’t happen, not a day, not a night ... ”Forever and ever, amen.

How to speak heart faces

If you regularly take faces, before taking them, read the word over it:

Ide a slave (im'yarek) from the court in the baptismal faith in the presence of the Holy Spirit, in the presence of the seal of Christ. And the city of Jerusalem is near Christ, Luke, Marco and the third Mikita are a martyr to walk around this city of Jerusalem, and pray to God for us. In the hands of the Mother of God is the key, the lock, de Christ Himself vouches. My guardian angel, save my soul, creak my body in the face of pain, my heart in the pain. The enemy is Satan, a dashing person, it looks like a servant of God (im'yarek), like a beast like a beast, a snake like a snake, a heretic like a heretic, a chaklun like a chaklunka. Bless, Lord, live in good health, and our fathers the Kingdom of Heaven.

Zmova with virazci sluka chi intestines

Qiu zmovu roar for water, yak potіm drink.

Our Lord is peaceful, the King of heaven and the Creator. Your rich servant (im'yarok) is sent to you, to pray for mercy with Your life. Oh, for my sins of punishment, hostility, gut ailments. All my insides were sick, hanging, sick. I bless you about forgiveness, in front of the red throne, if I slay. Desire your servant (im'yarok) in the form of torment, in the form of a virazka of baking, in the form of fierce fury. Send your servant (im'yarok) permission with the holy guardian angel, with the Holy Mother of God, with the healer Panteleimon, your saint. Amen.

Let’s make a special order for conspiring drops, drink one drop, the next day - two, then three and so bring it to twelve, then at the return bik - eleven, then ten, etc.

Zmova I’m carrying that vomit

Pour boiled water into a cup, put a pinch of salt into it and say a word. Qiu water is drunk on a spoon during the day.

I will rise, the servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the door at the door, from gate to gate, on the way to the blue ocean-sea. By this Ocean-Sea there is a karkolist tree; hanging on this tree: Kozma and Demyan, Luka and Pavlo, the great helpers. I come to you, servant of God (Im'yarok), I ask, great helpers, Kozma and Dem'yan, Luka and Pavlo, tell me: why do simple-haired women come out of the sea-ocean, why stink around the world, wake up in a dream , vіd їzhі, moisten the roof, pull lived, like a worm, sharpen the black liver, saw with saws yellow brushes and driftwood? Here you have no life, no life, no cold; go to the marshes, by the deep lakes, behind the swedish rivers and the dark forests: there for you there are light boards, downy feather beds, and fresh pillows; there stravi tsukrovі, napoї honey; there you will live, live, cool - dosi, until that day; my word, the servant of God (im'yarok), mіtsno, mіtsno, mіtsno.

Zmova from Zhovtyanitsa

Read zmovu over ailing trichi.

Enclose, Lord, with the power of Your honest and life-giving cross and save the wicked vivi from any evil, Lord, I see my spirit, Save me and bless the living eternal grant. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova vіd puhlin cherevnoї empty

Qiu zmov to read on a birch vine. Ale for the visconnanny, get the necessary helper.

Request a person, as an optimistic marvel at life, do good in everything, believe in the best result, and trust him to say to me.

We need to steam the vine, say a new word, and then put it to the stomach. After pouring water over the sick person, they poured it into a yakіy broom.

Take a bottle of okrop and pieces of gauze. Have gauze visipte a teaspoon of herbs Polina. Burn the gauze and tie it with a red thread. Let's dip it into a bottle with sprinkles and spend the whole hour until the sound is said. Let's sweat the herbs, cool the water and drink in a teaspoonful of time.

I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will be blessed and crossed, I will wash myself and be afraid, I will pray to the Lord God, I will go far, far, to the skhіd; at a similar botsі є greenery garden; near the green garden Georgiy Khorobry, the passion-bearer of Christ, protects that obgorodzhu from siri worms, from white worms, from fox, swamp, leafy, root. Goy tee, sira worm'yak, white worm'yak, fox, marsh, leafy, root, go across the sea, to the butt of Perfil, rich in the butt of Perfil, fields of cabbage zsіyanі, with honey vipolovanі, tobі obіd blessings; the axis of the path and the road, pіd kіl, pіd perevitok, pіd zastav pole. Amen.

Zmova in the nirka kolka and stone at the nirka

Lay on the lot with the palm of your right hand and use:

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen. Not in the wind, not in the wind, the arrow came to the servant of God; and go out, tsya arrow, from the servant of God (im'yarok) on the mouth, on the floor, on the olive tree, tinsya, don't break and don't tear. Zavzhdi, ninі i povyakchas і for ever and ever, amen.

Zmova like warts

Grow a wart - on the right is simple.

Get rid of the warts on your hands. Take a thread, put your hands behind your back and tie the knots on the threads, you have warts. Bury the thread in the ground (you can kvіtkovy miner). Read the call:

Like the whole skein of rot, so that all the warts rotted.

Zmova like scrofula

Scrofula for the old hours was called the greatest diathesis - ailment, which often occurs in children, but often affects the grown-ups. Nachebto nіsenіtnitsa, but buvaє, scho people to the blood rozchіsuє shkіru, scho itching. Tsya Zmova help for such an ailment, moreover, if we are grown up, so are the children.

Zorya-zirnitsa, red maiden, come help me; Help me, Lord, from the servant of God (im'yarok) to win scrofula, reconsider, change my mind, change my mind, pivnіchnu, violent-buinovitsa, yellow-zhovtavitsa, blue-blue-blue, red-beautiful and rozsipchasta; scrofula-beautiful, come from a slave (im'yarok), from a violent head, from clear eyes, near a clean field, near the blue sea, on a growth, turn, on a deep swamp; like a stone without sleeping, not z'їdaє herbs, around, onimіv, so I died as a slave (im'yarok), onimіla at a violent head, at clear eyes; like parts of the sky hoarse from the sky, so bi in a slave (im'bright) scrofula hovered from a violent head, from clear eyes.

Zmova vіd chirіyu on tops

Pour the tops into the clay cup and read the sound over them. Let someone be smeared with tops of sickness.

The servant of God (im'yarek) got up, blessed, and pishov, crossed, from the hut door, from the yard with comirs, wiyshov at the open field. Є in a clean field dry shavga; on this shawl the grass does not grow and flowers do not bloom; and also the servant of God (im'yarok) would not have had any chiriya, no vered, no unclean evil spirits. The slave (im'yarok) is being cleansed. In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Khreschuvannya nariva

Move with the pointed finger of the right hand with a bunch of cross-like arms and read the zmov:

Father is a young month, you don’t have any sickness, no sickness, so the servant of God (im’bright) didn’t have any sickness, no sickness.

Vechernya zmova nariv

In the evening before going to bed, read the call to the Nariv:

Naritsa, naritsa, queen, don’t live here, don’t live here, don’t nest here, live in a clean field, on a white birch. There you live, there you live, there you nest.

Zmova vіd korosti – korosti

Sob more with a mite, and the sverblychka scurry, vikoristovyte a smart word.

Look at the bank of the river (lake chi rates at to this particular type do not go - you need running water) with a piece of bread and silly. Salt the bread and throw yoga near the water with the words:

Bread, strong garlic, drink, wherever you want, toby kind way, And I'm in good health!

Smovi vіd opіkіv

As if they got a little fat (not too much, not to the bulbs), immediately sip on the opik strength, and then three times we’ll call out:

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Light to dawn, and dawn to light, and op_k to slіv. Forever and ever, amen.

Zmova when opting for dim

Light a siren or a candle, put out a її, sob pishov dim. With a hand to marry dim at the bik of the ailing and use:

Dym is a wild one, take a flying fire from a slave (im'yarok). God bless.

On the ring finger

As soon as you burn, you need to take hold of the ring finger on your hand, from the side of which it is opik. Read trichi zmovu, after skin blow blow on the scorched space and spit over the left shoulder:

The fox followed the fox, the fox went through, there was a slug opik, three times the dune, three times the spit - everything will pass. Amen.

Zmova vіd narivіv that fuse

Above the sickness, read this:

I will stand, chain-link God, crossing myself, I will be blessed, from the door at the door, from the gate at the gate, at the shidny bek, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the early morning of the Svitanka Mary, under the evening Marem'yan, to Keanu the sea, on Kіany sea Zlatir stone, holy apostolic church, on the apostolic church the holy throne, on the holy throne sit Michael the Archangel and Egory Khorobry with tight arrows, with hospitable batogs; I, servant of God, will come closer, I will hurry and pray:

“With you, father, Mikhailo the Archangel and Egor Khorobry, beat and stibayte with tight arrows, with batogs twelve niggs of an ore horse, whip yoga on the vakhs and on the backs, on the eyes and behind the eyes, on the shkiri and on the shkiri on the bones, on the mane on the mane, on the tail and on the tail, on the hoards and on the hoofs, on the swamps after the swamps, from the blood and from the heart; Father Michael the Archangel Georgy Khorobry, vision of an unclean spirit, twelve nails.

Yak christify nariv

Put your fingers in a trice and cross the burning place:

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen. I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will be blessed, I will cross, I will cross the door, I will steal the doors, I will open the field, I will go away. And in a clean field, on a hidden side, stand the holy golden throne, the Savior sits on the holy golden throne. Blessed Mother, help and help! Є in me, the servant of God, a likot and a dashing bіl. The Blessed Mother sends her servants to heaven with all the power of heaven, and all the power of heaven does not obey: ahead of Flor and Laurus, behind Frol and Lavr - Michael the Archangel, behind Michael the Archangel - Kozma and Damian, behind Kozma and Damian - Georgy Khrab; and come to me, exalt and exclaim every nail, evil, dashing and dashing pain. Flor and Laurus take the scepter from their head in front of me, banish the evil, dashing nail in three yards, to the ground, under the root of the grass. And God has passed me by the evil, dashing night all the days, years, forever and ever, amen.

Zmovi vіd peaks

If the beshikhov fever went away more quickly, and the infection didn’t go away, help you out.

Take a club from a knot. With a knife with a wooden handle, go around the knot three times behind the year's arrow, three times against it, reading the call. After naming the skin kobili and for an hour, spit out the pichok:

The peak fell on the white kobil, the kobil fell, and the peak arose. The peak of the kistyan, the peak of the wind, the peak of pristrit, the peak of the lessons, the peak of the cold, the whirlwind, the wind, the thinness of thinness, the native native land.

The peak fell on the red kobil, the kobil fell, and the peak rose. Peak, kistyan, pika vіtryana, pika pristrit, pika vіd lessons, pika vіd cold, vіd whirlwind, vіd wind, vіd lean leanness, vіd native native.

The peak fell on the black kobil, the kobil fell, and the peak arose. The peak of the kistyan, the peak of the wind, the peak of pristrit, the peak of the lessons, the peak of the cold, the whirlwind, the wind, the thinness of thinness, the native native land. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova in eczema

Take a new head and a dry knot. Tick ​​your neck in the branch and read the call. Then breathe on the burning spot and spit over your left shoulder:

Like this bitch, don’t stand on the root, don’t stand on the leaves, dry-hanging and don’t care anymore, so it’s like that, eczema, dry-hanging and don’t grow anymore.

Zmova I deprive

Zirvit the plantain, wash it with boiled water, read the zmovu over the leaf and tie it to a sick month for the night. Repeat three to five days after sleep:

In the sight of God is good, in the sight of me is melancholy. Like on the stove the slea dries, let (im'yarok) deprive the dries. Fly for the dense foxes, for the fireboxes of the swamp, de zvir do not walk, de bird do not wear brushes. Fly more for a salary knife, gostra-gostra chablis. I will close the mouth, the key is at the sea, the tongue is at the mouth. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova like a rolling pin

To smear the place with iodine, in a yak a rolling pin has appeared, and read the sound over it - the rolling pin and see itself:

A pitching from the sea, a bird from a tree. Come on, rolling pin, from the body. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova view the screens in the assessment

Having drunk the powder at the eye, cross yoga and read the sound:

Like I'm off the road often, so vech-na-vech mote. God bless.

Zmova vіd bіlma

Read zmov trichi, then spit over your left shoulder:

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us! Amen. I shov St. Egor through the flood mist, and three psy died after him: one is Syrian, the other is white, the third is black. The Syrian dog was angry, the white dog was angry, the black dog was angry at the people, at the prayerful, at the baptized servant of God (im'yarok).

Smovi like barley

Zmova for grown-ups.

Wet the eye-catching finger of the right hand with a wash and wipe the ailment of the eye. Trichi read zmovu:

God bless! The sun is at sunset, the day is at an end, the knot is at the edge of the plant, it is gone, like a black cholo. Key and lock in my words.

Zmova for children.

If barley starts from a child, then show closed eye muzzle. Read the zmovu trichі, I’m blowing my eye with a cracker:

The axis is tobi, barley, paw, and the slave (im'yarek) has a healthy eye.

Smove for colds

Zmova in case of a cold, which is repaired.

Take three vugills and lead them along the cheeks of the nose, voh and shi ailing. Shchoraz use:

How to burn and burn, rotten and burn, burn and burn, rot and dry, toad and gourd, and hearts.

Zmova in the form of a sore throat - in the form of a toad.

A toad for the old hours was called a sore throat, a sore throat or throat. So that the sick man felt better, he needed to rub it with his hands, adding:

I went to bed (im'yarek) to sleep, pray and be blessed. On the Kiyan-sea lie the Latir stone; the white of that stone Latir to stand the throne of the Most Holy Theotokos; besides that, a dry tree stands on the throne; birds sit on this dry-topped tree - carry zaliznі, damask azure, pluck, smack the toad dry and wet, all the time, for ever and ever.

After that, wave your hands at the bik doors and remember:

Go, dry and wet toad, dry!

Healthy gargle for angina

Pour boiled water into an earthenware cup, cross it with the ring finger of your right hand and read the sound over it. Gargle your throat, and drink the excess water.

Bless, Lord, and vryatuy, Lord, servant of your servant (im "bright) in the face of misfortunes, in the face of an evil man, in the face of a hater, have mercy and save your servant (im" bright) in a clean field, in a green forest ; the hearth is an oak and a dry tree, for which there are no shoots; vіdteper i to vіku, i vіki vіkіv; amen.

Zmova for a sore throat

Oak, oak, take your oak-throat, and kovt, and wet toad, dry oak-throat, and kovt look like a servant of God (im'yarok)! Do not take your oak-throat, blame you for the gills and the roots of the prokovt.

See the pain in the woah

Put the ailing in the kut and attach it to the new one behind his back:

Kut rubbing and cross oaks. That cross didn’t hurt, didn’t sting, and the yushka didn’t twist; And so in the servant of God (im'bright) it didn’t get sick, it didn’t sting, and the yushka didn’t twist, not in the day, not in the night, not in the early morning, not in the evening, not on the new, not on the old and not on the block . Forever and ever, amen.

Zmova in otitis

As if they fell ill, take a vine from a vine and stick around with the lobes of the ear, nibbling the ailment. Apply:

I, the servant of God (Im'yarok), will become inspired to inflict the ailment with a zavushnik. The zavushnitsa came with good and see good, but don’t do good, both in birch legs, in paska and throw birch bushes, so that it didn’t hurt, so that it didn’t hurt and sleep didn’t respect the servant of God (im’yarok).

How to speak an ache

For the old hours, when reading tsієї zmovi, they planted an ailing under the mother - a beam at the base of the house. It dawned on me that at the same time more people live in modern booths, there are no beams. Just plant a sick person in some kind of cross - for example, at the door. Drive over the yogo's head with scissors, cut off the ailment, with it, read the call:

Lord, bless, Lord Christ. Like this mother of science planted on forty planks, so I will plant this disease of science; like a pure sharpener with scissors, so I see the ailment navіk; like a beam of rust from the mowing I know, so I know the sickness of the servant of God (im'ya sick). Amen.

Zmova in the form of temperature in case of angina, otitis and other flaming ailments

Put a charge from the sickly icon of the Mother of God and the Savior and read the zmovu:

Holy is the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven. Having created the Lord heaven and earth, and all the settlements; a fiery river flowed, at the same fiery river the power of the Lord was christened, Petro and Pavlo, Michael the Archangel, Jesus Christ himself. Behind their temple satan settled; vin, Michael the Archangel, wringing his head at him. Oh, the Most Holy Bogoroditsa, the Kuriy of the Slave of the God (Im'yarik) with his smelly rhiza, the yogo vid Triyski, vid Lomoti, VID shaking Kumukha, vd Twonadsi Boliv Kumukhiv Blazunitsy: VID DIVITSYA, SHLENKI, SHLENKI, SHLUNIK daytime, nighttime, midday, nighttime, early morning and evening.

Zmova in the form of scarlet fever

Read zmovu trichі over trioma vugіll, after which bury the vugіll in the ground.

Wet toad, dry toad, scarlet fever, kropiv'yana fever, dry that hang.

Zmova against stomatitis

You can namolyat on a knot, which then we need to put near the water, and deprive it for the twelfth year. And then we will rinse the mouth with water.

Bitch, bough, take your bitches from the people, from the wounded, this bitch hangs, sob and q the bitch withered from the servant of God (im'yarok). Amen.

Zmova against herpes

You need to speak like this:

Fire, fire, take your fire, give the servant of God purity, whiteness. Amen.

Zmova for high temperature and cold hour

Read the zmovu over the sickness from the high temperature:

I, the servant of God, will be blessed, and I will go, cross, by the blue sea; on the blue sea lies a white combustible stone, on which stone stands the throne of God, on which throne the Blessed Matir sits, by his white hands he trims a white swan, shaves, plucks a white feather from a swan; like a feather jumped, a white feather streaked, so a feather, a white feather, a feather white lung, ruchenyat, s nizhok. I came from the wind - go to the wind; from the water came - go to the water; I came from the forest - to the forest go, come on, and dovka.

Zmova over the people, who fell into the carelessness of a feverish person

Read the zmov over the sick, what to lie, christy yogo the whole hour:

On Mount Favorstey, under the oak of Mamvri, that gray-haired Sikhail, Mikhailo, and having chosen the powers of heaven, the angels, the archangels, the cherubs, and the seraphim, and the gods walk with simple hair and without a belt, and they seem to stink: “Who are you, divi?” Wonni rekosha: "Daughters of King Herod." - "Where are you going?" - "Idemo at the light of human brushes, torn and tormented bodies." And the stench gave them a thousand wounds in the flood of oaks and threw them into the fire of the sea. “God forbid you to come from the fiery sea, neither of your family, nor of your tribe.” Having chosen the powers of heaven, angels and archangels, cherubs and seraphim, who saw the appearance of the servant of God (im'yarok).

Zamovleny vіdvar with flu

Prepare a healthy drink for the sick and read the magic words over it.

Take a bunch of dry raspberry fruits and a bunch of dry linden blossoms, mix it up and pour one liter of okrop. Speak on the name of the sound, cover it with a lid and let it stand for 20 quills. Drink the ailing infusion during the day.

I, the servant of God, will become blessed, and I will go, having crossed myself; vmysya no white, no black, no dry, no wet; I sip with fresh milk, I rub myself with poppy color; I go from the door at the door, from gate to gate; nazustrіch me Tikhіn saints, I bow to the saint Tikhon: “Take you, father, twelve rods of tin, flood, and beat them with them twelve daughters of the gentiles, so that the stench didn’t frighten me, my brushes didn’t break - vіdteper and dovіka.”

Zmova in the form of temperature during sony stroke

As if overheated on the sun, wiped with a towel, soaked in cold water. Wiping yourself, read the zmovu, spitting over the left shoulder:

Cursed Satan, shaking and fire, who spared me, the servant of God (im'yarok); here rest some gospels: Ivan the Theologian, Luke, Marko, Matviy, the unmercenary wonderworkers Kozma, Demian, Kirilo, Iona, Panteley, Yermolai, take you, damned Satan, shaking and inflamed, for me, the servant of God, and protect the Lord forever, ever and ever and for ever and ever. Amen.

Zmova like a pounding (sharp prickly pain)

With the tip of a sharp knife, circle those places, deem you beat, and cross the place with a knife. Speak the words. Let him zanurіt lower at the cup with water. Part of the water needs to be drunk, partly to heal the ailment of the place.

I sich, I cut, I chop, I chop, I chop, I chop with a gostry knife. Like a bar you know in the style, in the damask steel, in the hallway, so you know in the high, pounding home, in the white brush, in the black meat, in the white tilce, and up to the century.

Zmova for pain in the stomach

Christ lives and read the zmovu:

Lord Jesus Christ Sin of God, have mercy on the servant of God (im'yarok), vouchsafe yoga, bless, Father! The sea is gold, on the golden sea there is a gold ship, on the golden ship there is St. Nicholas, helping the servant of God (im'yarok) in the air; the sea is gold on gold, the sea is gold, the tree, on the golden tree, the golden birds - carry floods and nigti floods, b'yut, pull the sight of a servant of God (im'bright) on mosses, on swamps; the sea is gold, on the golden sea there is a white stone, on the white stone a red girl sits with a bayous mace, heat, defends, watching the appearance of the servant of God (im'bright) on mosses, on swamps; є the sea is gold, on the golden sea there is a gold ship, on the golden ships there are thirty kings and seventy queens, helping the servants of God (im'yarok) in the sky; The sea is gold, the sea is gold on the gold ship, on the golden ship there is St. Nicholas, wielding the deep sea, raising the bay of the gate, and shining in the sight of the servant of God (im'bright), baked in the crack.

Zmova in the form of chunks in the swamps

Take two cups - one with water, the other empty. Pour water from cup to cup, reading the sound, then pour the water on the ground.

Cry, Ozevishche and sliver, from a violent head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, from black brows, from tassels, from mіzkіv, from fingers, from swags and bushes; I'll throw rivers for you. Matinka shvidka water, go to the sea - take greenery and slices from the servant of God (im'yarok) by the sea that sea day, to the very end.

Zmova in the form of toothache

Read qiu zmovu if you have a toothache.

Oak oak, worm teeth, do not sharpen and do not grind the servant of God (im' bright) tooth, but sharpen that grizzle dry oak.

And if your teeth are likuvatime, repeat to yourself a short call:

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us. Amen. Antipas is the savior, father, dental healer, heal, Lord, whose servant of his (im'yarok) is like a tickle, a toothache. Chi is not like stone fruit, but like dental disease. Amen, amen, amen to the King of Heaven.

Sneak at the blood

Obviously, a tourniquet must be applied to a great wound, but from a small wound you can simply speak.

Read such a sound over the wound, to bleed, trichi:

From the ocean-sea, the big stone is brown, having broken the golden stone. Tee, blood, do not robi the servant of God (im'yarok).

On the wound that opens

As the wound periodically flares up and bleeds, it is necessary to instill over the wound twelve times:

I will stand on a stone, my roof is not a can, my roof is not a can, no way. Chur, my thoughts, zur, my thoughts.

Speak at times of unfortunate moods

Bitten by a naughty dog.

King Bread, I don’t slander you; I swear, I immovlyayu (im'yarok) from the brushes, from the relics, from the veins, from the jacket, from the warehouse, from the warehouse, from the violent head, from the costal cyst, from the combustible blood, from the thin belly, from the dry intestines. On the sea-okіyani, on the field of radiance, on the high mound, there are houses of floods, middle faiths, silver gates, golden locks, locks are not visible, shawls are not excited.

Kind of snake bites

On the sea, on the Ocean, on the islands on Buyan, there is an oak tree, under this oak tree there is a crayfish bush, under this bush there is a white stone, on that stone lies a rune, under this rune lies a scorpion snake. She has sisters Maria, Marina and Katerina. And we will pray to you, on all sides we will bow: “Quiet your dashing in the sight of the servant of God (im'yarok)”.

Spelled ointment in the form of any bites

Take sir, turpentine or fish fat and read the zmovu over it. Circle the bite of the trich around the stake with the pointed finger of the right hand and apply it to the new slander.

I will become, the servant of God (im'yarek), early in the morning, I will study smoothly, I will be bright, I will pray to God; I’m going, servant of God, from the door of the hut, blessing, from the courtyard to the gate, cross, under the dawn of the morning, to the Ocean-Sea. On the Ocean-Sea lie Zlatir stone, on the Zlatir stone stand the cathedral church, at that cathedral church there is a throne, and behind the throne stand three hundred horses and three hundred people. I will come, I will pray, I will bow and I will go: “At you, three hundred horses of the bay and three hundred people of the bay, take you by the bow of the bay and three hundred arrows of the bay, drive you soon our vidkuruch and shoot the black cow mother at the wife, at the sting and in snakes. Like mother-earth to stand on three cedars, do not be afraid and do not rage, - so stay, the sting of the snake and the snake, do not be afraid and do not rage. Amen.

Vіd vivihu

Cross the sickness of the place and take it:

The Lord Himself walked along the borders, walking with stitches, not being afraid, not knowing. So in the servant of God itself, do not be afraid, do not be angry, and lived in a vein, and swarms of swamps. Lord, Lord, the servant of God (there) all the eternal vigilantes, all the fractures, the unclean viyshla navіki, amen.

Zmova in the fracture

Read over the ailment of the trichi:

Heat, and a blow, and a thought: the axis of the star, famously, came, - there, famously, maybe, - heat, and a blow, and a sight. Axis of us pritsi, pritsi, prizes, people’s talks and the whole thought is mitzna, axis zіydіt prots from a white body, from a zealous heart, from hands and from a nig, and from a swollen swamp, from a violent head, from an unblemished hair, from a white brіv, from clear eyes, from the mustache servant of God. Forever and ever, amen.

Zmova vid Zabitya

I will become a servant of God, pray, I will go, cross, from hut to hut, from blue to blue, from the door at the door, from the gate at the gate. I’ll go into the open field, I’ll stand in disguise, on the back of the ridge, I’ll pray, I bow to the Lord himself, to Jesus Christ himself - the King of heaven, the most holy Pani of the Mother of God. I will ask for the blessings of the servant of God, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the King of heaven, to send for help, for the Lord's great mercy. We will beat, fight, fight against the servant of God, all the priests, all the ghosts, all human guards, thin my mind, filth thought; and it’s important for the servant of God to cover the wound, sever wound, tight pinch, so that it wouldn’t hurt, don’t sting, wouldn’t hurt the servant of God, wouldn’t press the heart of the tight-pinch, on the body of the swelling, with the mustache of the brushes, with the strong pains and z usikh far away suglobiv. Looks like a girl-beaters, looks like a silky-haired woman, looks like a man, looks like a heretic, looks like an evil, dashing people. Amen.

Zmova vіd tuga

Ailments can be not only morbid, but spiritual, and sometimes other sick for the first time. With the price of a zmovoy you can exult in the tightness like yourself, so be it another person.

On the sea, on the Ocean, on the islands in Buyan, on an empty galyavin, under a wet oak, the servant of God (im'ya) sits, slandering in the ace of the unknown and in the confusion of the unknown, in the steep of the unmoved. To go to the height of the elders with the old man, not to go, not to go; goy ty, why are you sitting like that on an empty galyavin, on the island of Buyan, on the sea-ocean! І rk the servant of God (im'ya) 8 to the elders of the elders: she knew famously among the outskirts, lay down in the anger of the heart; pinch, hurt little head, not dear light clearer. Having yelled to all the elders from the grizny old man, they started the lamati tight, throw the tight for the outskirts, the throw was thrown tight, from the very beginning to the sunset, from the river to the sea, from the road to the road, from the village to the tsvintar; they didn’t take the tight anywhere, they didn’t cover the tight anywhere; rushed to the island on Buyan, on the sea, on the Ocean, under the wet oak. I beseech the slave (im'ya) in the face of an unbearable hardship, until this day, dosі, dosі, my word can not be overcome by either spirit or spirit.

Zmova as a party

Alcoholism - seriously ill. Є ways to speak to the ailment.

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen. Khmil and wine, step into the presence of a servant of God in the dark fox, where people do not walk, and horses do not blaze, and birds do not fly.

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit (dvіchі), hop and wine, go on shvidka water, people don’t ride on any kind of driver; see the servant of God, drink and wine, go to the wild winds, with which the winds go far. In the name of the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, attach yourself to a dashing person, like you think famously on (im'ya), before you attach yourself, so that you don’t do good, like you’re going to be. In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen.

People's sounds are those that our ancestors transmitted from the downfalls. More people daylight, vvazhayut їх marimami and indispensable. Axis only knowing people are inspired in the fact that similar people can help people get into trouble with any life problem. Similar movable floorings are universal, which will help in case of problems with health, for improving health and improving financial status.

Today's medicine does not stand on the ground and progresses steadily. Axis only deyakі lyudski problems, navіt medicine is not in virishity. And the folk rituals and Russian folk spirits can help save the houses from the psuvannya and the prison. Aje is negative for the magic of progressing today. A lot of people are trying to save the life of their enemy, take revenge on people and yoga, and also push into the camp of a healthy enemy.

Zmova in the form of bleeding

This old Russian ritual helps to heal the bleeding, if it is. If doctors can't make a great flow of blood, then Folk medicine zavzhd come help. Put a hand on the wound that bleeds, and read the call. Slid designate, scho dії carried out only with the right hand. І after skin reading, spit over your shoulder.

The words of the prayer sound like this:

“The bird is already a long time old, and on the first field the tree of the village has settled. With itself, a miraculous thread is small, as if blood could be zupinit. I, the servant of God (im'ya), ask the bird to give me a thread, my native person stop bleeding. I pray vryatuvati yogo, I bless him about help. Amen."

For relief from sickness

Tsya zmova help to get rid of any illness. Naskіlki won't be strong, jubilation will not be barred. Fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho tse strongest and most nadієvіshiy way to turn your health for the help of Christ. Put an icon in front of you, and put a sick person's bed. It is necessary to read the people's Russian language for the day.

Words sound like this:

“I ask for help. The only Holy One, who help me help me, the Most Holy Theotokos. Vaughn carried Christ and protected Yogo in the form of ailments. A lot of people asked for help in it, and the Mother of God always came to help. I did not hesitate for help, but the hour and mine came. I ask the heavenly forces, so that the ailment will go away from the servant of God (im'ya). Let the sickness not be able to destroy this body and bring us inaccuracies. Please feel my words and take them seriously. I don't know what to work anymore. I support I'll help the shvidka heavenly mother. Amen."

Shchob pishov perelyak i crying baby

The Danish method of laying is universal, which will help not only with a strong windfall, but it will also help to get in the way of the succumbing or the streak, which is often used by a child. Take it, be like stones, like they will strike you on the road. It is necessary to take it, and throw it at the water.

Sounds like this:

“Let the stones rush my child to see that psuvannya pristritu. No one can read a slander against a little one, and bring him a restless sleep. Yogo mother and father were weary of the fast weeping, that we are trying to get help to magic. We tried a lot of methods to solve the problem, but we couldn't do anything. Let us help Heaven and Angels. Amen."

How teeth are cut

As soon as a baby teething, then you can forget about normal sleep, and calm. That's why the fathers are trying to know the way that allows you to solve the problems of health. At such moments, most often turn to magic, even if the folk spirits of the century can help in any situation. A ritual is carried out against crying, if the child begins to cry a lot. Cross the child.

“I go around the child with a cross in order to take the bіl from her. Teeth grow faster than fast, and there will be no pain. Mustache only to zazdryat that, like you have, the servant of God (Im'ya baby), garni teeth. But we can’t say why it stinks like that. About tse we know less. I ask you to take your strength away from my little one, so that I don’t suffer from it. Vin is still small, and you can run after her. My words are mіtsnі, and sound wide. Amen."

To buy an apartment far away

A lot of people, at least once, ale bathed their living well. Folk methods cannot help you if the cost of living is low. The stench is directed at those houses that the apartment was energetically clean and did not bring you discomfort. Just so you know that the result is better, it is necessary to follow a few rules.

  1. Do not rozpovsyudzhuytes on the rahunok of the one who chooses to hurry with magical rituals.
  2. In the spirit of a wide heart, you will see that the spirit works the way you need it. Aje vira is the guarantee of success.
  3. It is necessary to read the slander long before you know the next option for buying. The reason for this is that magic does not always give instant results. You will most likely get the next hour.

For the ritual, you need to collect water in the dishes and boil yoga. A key is thrown at the water and a prayer is read:

“Turn back to magic, I, the servant of God (im'ya), vyrishila through those who blamed some financial problems in me. Therefore, I ask the Lord for blessings, so that the purchase went without a hitch. I ask that all forces send me an ideal option for life. I ask you to do this so that they don’t re-examine my post-failures. Only magic and other forces of the building help me. Let the whole house smell of positive energy. Amen."

Dock the moment, while the water is cold. Don't sip the sealed water, the docks won't know the best way to live. Before him, as you go to bed, wash your hands with washed water, take amulets from you. Podbayte about those who are not guilty of Bachiti Chogo. Your thoughts may be occupied only with a successful pleasing, and nothing else. Rite of passage, as you see the flow of positive energy. Ring out people to see the sweat of strength, and inspire in luck. I ask you to rob me so that my cohany will tell me and I won’t be any more. Don’t mention the other women, don’t mention them, and only love before me. Let the servant of God (im'ya) come before me. I promise to weave my kohan, and in no way can I do it. My share is here, let it out, come before me. Amen."

This is a book that reports on folk magical rituals that you can put into practice. For її motives, a documentary film was recently shot, which is called "Great Zmova against Christ and yogo people." Everything was presented in the new folk methods in details that allow you to help people. In the skin of the series, it is told about those, like different rulers of vicorist, they make magical amulets to reach their goals.

“Conjuring, schob (im'ya man) zadnavsya z (im'ya zhіnki) so it is, like zadnani Vogon, Povіtrya i Water from the Earth, and thought (im'ya cheloveka) straightened up (im'ya zhіnki), as a substitute for the Sun to direct the Light of the world and yogo garlic, and schob vin (im'ya man) having created її (im'ya zhіnki) at your own sight, look like the sky was created with stars and the tree with its fruits.

Let the high spirit (im'ya woman) hover over the spirit (im'ya man), like water over the earth. And work in such a way that fortune-telling (im'ya man) is not maw bibazhannya їsti, drink that joy without (im'ya woman)".

Zmova on the girl's kohannya

“I lie down, a servant of God (im'ya), I pray, and I get up, cross, and I go out of the door at the door, out of the gate at the gate, in a clean field, under a clear star, under the lun of the Lord (moon). I lie three roads, and I don’t go right-handed, nor left-handed; I will follow the middle road, and that road lies through the dark forest. The dark fox has a tuga tree; grieve and scold the tightness, get confused, and I settle that tightness in the slave of God (im'ya); go in her white body and in a zealous heart, and mow in Russian, in a burning roof, in seething ore, so that she would sum up according to the servant of God (im'ya), and she would think about me all; I wouldn’t drink in a drink, I wouldn’t get drunk in a drink, I wouldn’t sleep in a dream, and I’d wake me, a servant of God (im’ya) in my mind trimal. Like a dream and a month, there was no way to move, so there was no way for me to move. Amen, amen, amen."

Zmova on kokhannya lad

The girl is guilty of lightly biting the language with words; “I bite myself, I gain a slave (im'ya) to myself. Sob the slave (im'ya) nudguvav, in the light of a tightness, not knowing the light in the day, nor the dark night. Everything that you think about me. In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Zmova to aim tight

For an hour of dancing with cohanim, you need to marvel at your eyes and repeat to yourself three times: “Adam and Eva have sinned, they have given birth to children, they loved one alone. So you love me. Amen."

You can also look at the apartment and whisper nine times:

“Slave (im'ya), go to the gank, to my palace, to my blue, to my threshold, for my clues. I will not tell you to anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen."

Zmov yaky was moved “for fun”, having rested over, that the man (remake) can become a man (retinue), that he says these words:

“I will rise, servant of God, be blessed, walk, cross, near a clean field, I will stand on the back of the ridge, on the faces of the faces, I will look, I will look at the clear sky: from the clear sky, a fiery arrow will fly, that arrow will pray, I will submit, I will sleep: - Where did the fiery arrow fly? - At the dark fox, on the hitky swamps, on the sire of the root! - Oh, fiery arrow! Come back, fly, where I will send you. Є in Holy Russia, a red maiden (im'ya). Water your heart, black liver, hot blood, camp vein, bloody lips, clear eyes, black eyebrows, so that she grieved and grieved all day - in the sun, at the dawn of the morning, at a young month, on wind-cold, on many days and on the past days it's warm and see you later!

Qiu zmovu vovlyaє i dіvchina, yak took her betrothed.

On the 12th of May - the day of the nine martyrs in the case of illness

“Nine holy martyrs, Theognid, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artem, Magicians, Theodotus, Favmasii and Philemon, healing the Servant of God (im'ya) from nine ailments, from nine adversities: so that yoga did not break, it didn’t torment, it didn’t burn, it didn’t endure, It didn’t shake, it didn’t knit, it didn’t stick together, it didn’t bring down from nothing, and it didn’t bring the earth into syrah. My word mіtsne — mіtsnіshe for zalizo! Irzha is cold, but my word is not alive. My word is made on this lock, the locks are sealed, the keys are thrown into the ocean-sea, the whale is forged with fish. Amen."

Zmova like distemper

“Oh, Saint Josip, you, who maw a dog, you - whom she hid in the Chaldeans during your sleep. You who know the holy dignity and holy crown. Lie in front of the death of my dog. One tear that resurrect yoga. Amen."

Zmova looks like suppuration of the eyes

When you see it, it’s necessary to marvel in your eyes at your own vihovantsi and virtuously move:

“Clean water, clean eyes, snake sickness, tears. Amen."

Repeat the call as needed.

Move before us came from our Ancestors. At the dark hour they were saved from the rich words of the Yan canopies. A lot of zmov, like at the same time another popular sight, was taken from the words and reworked two thousand years to that from the replacement of rich words. In the distance, look at the old one, looking at ethnography and clarifying their hour of fall of old old-timers and old-timers.

Zmova for health

Perun! Listen quietly, what they call to You! Glorious that Trislaven wake up! Health, that bread to the Family, to my children (names ...) Come on, turn on the thunder! Rule over All! More s Ridno! Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Zmovi vіd ailment

* Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Vognebozhich! We slept bіl-ailment, cleanse the womb, from the child of a person (im'ya), from every creature, from the old and young, Ty - God's Delight! Cleansing fire, the strength of the souls, save the child of God, and the pain of the disease. We glorify you, we call to ourselves. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

* Father of you, Semargl-Vognebogu, God of all Gods, let us fire fire for you! Like you bake and burn near the field, grass-ants, hashchі and netrі, bіl gray oak under the earth root, sіmdesy sіm korіn, sіmdіsіs sіm galuzey, so they slept with (im'ya move) sorrows and ailments. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

* Zorya-Zaryanitsya, red girl, mother herself and queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear - take my sleeplessness, sleeplessness, midnight shift. Zorya-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me as a red maiden, as a matir queen, and store up for me (im'm to move) and see me cursed strength, all ailments in negativity. Ninі i povsyakchas, i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

* I will be blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea the white-flammable stone Alatir, on the stone of Alatir the Goddess Jiva will sit, at the white handles of the white swan, the white wing of the swan will be obscured. Like a white wing jumped out, so it came out, it came out, it got right in the air (im'ya) of relatives of fire, feverishness and lihomanka - Khripusha, Lomeya, Deryahlia, Dreamla. Vitreya. Smutnitsa, Zyabuha, Shaking, Vognea, Pukhlia, Zhovteya, Nemeya, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapush. From wild heads from clear eyes, from black brows, from a white body, from angry, from the wind came - to the wind go, from the water came - go to the water, from the fox came - to the fox go.
From vіku i till centіttya.

* The mermaid walked along the forest path, ripped up her lower leg, and from those wounds that was not blood-ore, but from those wounds that pure water. That pure water, that stream flowed, that water passed through all the earth. That one on the island, that one on that Buyan, on Buyan that that high mound. On the mound to that stone-alatir lie at full width. Do not raise yoga, do not burn yoga, as long as the people of the earth are alive. Like under that stone, water flowed, and behind it the ailment forever. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

A jubilant ritual for the order against the sickness

From long ago, the best helper of a person, the best healer, was respected by the Goddess Mother Sira Earth. From the chimneys, salting (behind the year’s arrow) was placed a protective circle with a diameter of 1.5 m in the middle of it, a small Vivtar was installed, a ritual that was carried out, entering at the protective circle and waving the Goddess with raised arms. Two candles and pahoschi were installed on the vvtar, and they were fired for additional fire, churned out by sirniki (you can use syrniki), instead of the left hand and the right hand, they put two bowls with dzherelnoy water. I rozmovova z Goddess about their health. Then they took a bowl, which cost evil, brought it to the chola and the ritual, which they performed, asking Mother Sira to bless the Earth її. Then we repeated the same with the right cup. It was necessary to give a blessing to the Goddess, and charge the energy of the earth with water after the completion of the ritual, transfuse it in other containers and drink when you are unwell. Also, water can be rubbed with eczema, opіkah and pain in the marshes.

A jubilant ritual with miraculous stones

Mothers gather water from a glass, rivers and lakes, pour water over a stone. And then we take water into the okrema container. The water is shaken by the holy, we pour it over with sweat - they do not sanctify the Vedic ancient knowledge. Because of what the dethlachs are turning over the new whiteness, and depriving the old one of the white stone. Under the hour of the ritual, such a sound is made:

I will, (im'ya), blessed, go to the blue river. On the blue river, on the steep mountain lies the white-flammable stone Alatir. Like water was bred from the body of a white student, so it was sprying, it was water, it was fire, it was fire, it was feverishness and feverishness - Khripusha, Lomeya, Dryakhlya, Dremlya, Vitreya, Smutnitsya, Zyabukha, Shaking, Inflamed, Fluffy, Karkusha , Snore. From wild heads from clear eyes, from black brows, from a white body, from an inveterate heart. Come from the wind, come to the wind, come from the water, come to the water, come from the forest, go to the forest. Vidteper and see you later.

The wound is curled up by the hand, it is read zmova on a bleeding tooth:

On the sea on Okiya, on the island of Buyan, there is a white combustible stone-alatir. On that stone-alatir sit a red girl, a shvachka - a mastrin, trim a head of damask steel, chew ore, sew up wounds of crooked. I pray (im'ya) in the face of the blow. Damask steel, get out the water, but stop the flow, blood, flow. Ninі i povsyakchas, i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Zvernennya, to call on the help of the Guardian Leg:

Mandrivnik Lіg, my Holy Guardian, give me the protection of the Patron-Kin, please, diligently: Enlighten me today and save all evil, guide me until the good day and guide me on the path of the righteous, let all my efforts be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Zmova for warriors:

Im'yam Light, im'yam Rod, im'yam the strength of yoga! Perun forced kindness on those who called out. Strength and glory, firmness and fierceness, give us Perun in battle. Thunder phenomena, be nathnennym, show your will. Im'yam God Gray Svarog give strength to the warrior. Sina and brothers, others howl, reveal your will. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Zmova before picking healing herbs:

Goy ti is the land of the orphan, Mother is dear to us! You gave birth to Usikh, swung, vigodovala and gave pleasure to the people. For the sake of us your children Zelei gave birth. Use the bіsa to wrench and break the ailments. They brought for themselves to snatch up the needs of the day, for the sake of empty lives. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

You're welcome:

Empress, Makosh Mother, mother of heaven, Mother of God. Tee, mother Rozhanitsya, Svarog sister! Grant us good luck, without aunts and cry! Give me health to the children (names) great and small. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Healthy offspring:

Mother Rozhanitsa, Mother of God, you will feel our words, accept our bloodless needs, give our children healthy offspring to all our families. So that our eternal birth thread was not interrupted in any way. Tobі Great glory is spіvuєmo and in our mansі we call to you. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Zmova for good luck:

Oh ti, Lado matinko, matir Sva (heavenly) is pure! Do not fill us without love, that happiness! Your grace has come upon us, for we shanuemo and glorify you Nini and all the time and from stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it! Until the end of the hour, until the Yarilo sun shines on us.

Zmova on a good life:

Veles God-patron! Svargm guard the yard! I glorify everything to you, for you are our support. And do not leave us without a primari and fenced in the sea, our line of guards, and like a good granary of ours, let us be with you in unity. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Ritual to relieve the image and sorrows:

E If your life is full of baptisms and images, then step into the deaf forest, to know there the place itself in the most part. Digging a hole in the ground (30 cm in diameter) to fawn over it and cry out in it all your images, fears, roar, shout about them until quiet feasts, until tears come out of your eyes and you don’t feel empty, exhausted. Then dig a hole, and immediately go, without looking back at home. Remember, no one should turn around here for the next day.

It’s better to bring all your sorrows and pains to the water. There can only be flowing water: a river, a glass, you can wind it from a tap - you can drink water and call it.

Ritual for good life:

At the rear of the oran furrow in the ground, they put grain and poured beer, adding, having become the faces of the shid: “Mother Sira Earth! Get rid of every unclean reptile in the form of a love spell, turnover and dashing do it.

Turning back: “Mother Sira Earth! Poglin tee evil spirit in the abyss I'm fuming into tar paliva.

Returning to the pіvden: "Mother Syrah Earth Vgamy you wind pіvdnі z worthless, vgamuy piski sipki z khurtovina"

On the pіvnіch they turned like this: “Mother Earth! Vgamuy ti wind pіvnіchnі z hmarami, strimy frost z khurtovina "

After the skin wound, they poured beer at the furrow. Then the sorcerer covered the earth with his hands and whispered: "Mother Sira the earth, tell me, tell the whole truth, show it to (im'ya)" and transferring the future people. Saying goodbye to the Goddess of the earth, they took it into a little bag and took it as a guardian for a little її zhmenka.

Call on the water, that fire for the sake of psuvanya, for the children of the chi grown up

Speak-prayers to the old ones, they were saved during the half-hour of the old-timers, and they came to us in that look, in which I help them.

1. Take water in the dzherel, scoop up the stream from the river and turn around from the dzherel, not roaming anything. Sweat at home read on the water. Drink pіvsklyanki, reshtu voliti on the head.

On the sea-ocean, on the islands of the buoy, there is a tower,

At whose house stand Mati Holy Mother of God,

She’s reading a pigeon’s book, she herself seems to be:

From the chakluna, from the chaklun,

Vіd zadrіsnik, vіd hater, vіd zazdrіsnitsі, vіd navisnitsі,

In the filthy year, in the filthy eye, in the girl, in the youth, in the night, in the night, in the afternoon, midday, in the war, in the summer, in the gray eye, from the yellow eye, from the black eye, like a qiєї people sh at tit i s at sewing.

If you are not flattering, do not create evil, wipe out all ailments from your white body and violent head.

And if you don’t stop this people from getting hot and dry, I’ll pray for a while, I’ll bow down to God, I’ll bow to Perun, I’ll turn to Dahu, stink to send gloomy grizn on you, beat you with thunders, burn you with sparkles, krіz drank krіz Mati.

Oh, Mother of God, the Blessed Mother of God, could you save the people of God, help us in every unclean spirit, in the evil eye, in the filthy hour of wisdom.

2. Wash for water yourself, like in item 1.

Mother water is clear, your springs are the keys, in the name of the Father, Sina and the Holy Mother, thy dawn-Zaryanytsya, the dawn of the Red Maiden, the dawn of Maremyan, in the sight of the orphan eye, in the sight of the white eye, in the a chaklun peasant, a chaklun grandmother, a simple-haired girl, an unclean spirit, a strong tuft, a bathhouse, a water one, a fox one. GII!

3. Likewise for water. Kovtok zagovoranoї vіdpiti, then the authorities urinate 3 times and brittle the chest and back of the person who is pretending.

I will become (name of the one who makes water), be blessed, pray to the family, I will leave the door of the house, I will open the door in the open field, in the green forest. A birch about 12 roots stands near the green forest, don’t take no lessons for me, no prizes, no sorrows, ailments, no fears of trouble, no windbreaks, like native native, like rusyavih, like white, like black, black , two-toothed, three-toothed, double-toothed, tri-toothed. Be my words mіtsnі and lіlennya, mіtsnіshі and nіpshі sturgeon glue. GII! Glory!

4. Purified by fire.

Batechko ty tsar fire. To all the kings of these kings. Be merciful, like you are hot and sticky, like you are palesh and palesh in a clean field of grass ants, who have roots in a gray oak, so I pray, I stick around.

Father tsar fire fell asleep from the onion of God all sorts of sorrows and ailments, fears and commotions, fell on the spot, cleanse і sickness! GII!

Zmova-oberіg vіd psuvannya:

If it’s damage, then we know it on the back, and then we read it a talisman.

1 variant of the amulet. Do not pass over the ocean-sea, do not turn the stone of Alatir, child of God, (im'ya), do not judge, do not shame neither chaklunov nor chaklunov.

2 option.You can also read yogo shoranka, sob bov zakhist for a whole day. You can read it on your belt of amulets, eyes.

The early morning is clear.Go down the red sun

Hanging light gold wheel

The wound is clear, the sun is red

Happiness dovgy visvіtli, protect and save

Water youth

Pure sister

In the lake to the marvelous, she flickered with a key

Zvelila healthy life, forget the sickness of the sickness

Water is young, sister of a student

Healthy mіtsnim visvіtli, protect and save

Wind well done well done

By the will of the soul visvitli zakhista save it

Fire light king,

you slept, clean up what you know in the past,

Evil, black trash,

Opali navkolo, do not let the disease

Everything is not good, that is not good

Fire, father, fire, light king

In the look of the crooked, in the face of fierce anger,

Vіd zadrosti black zakhist and save. The fox is thick,

fox ber,

give me peace,

Vіdkry memory, vіdkry heart,

Let me take you with a great power, a worldless power,

Protect and save, become an expensive treasure.

Zmova for childbirth:

Trisvetla Rozhana mother! Do not let our Family be harmed, sanctify the hearts of all women and our names, with your grace-filled power. Ninі i povsyakchas i vіd stake to stake! Taco buti, so be it, so be it!

Type of insomnia:

It is necessary to put a part for your brownie in the gospodarsky kut (right across the door), bake, tsukerki and say: "Knock-knock, chok-chok, brownie, brownie, turn to the other barrel" - after a couple of hvilin, the body will relax and have a good sleep.

Yakshcho at the booth there is no rich:

Give a chat to the brownie and say "The house-keeper, house-movie, graft and see." If they didn’t know three times, then there’s no speech in the booth.

On the amulet of the house:

“Hey, dear, don’t fall asleep, take care of the villains in your own way, walk around the yard on patrol, take care of everything.” І put a chastuvannya to the brownie. You can safely walk on your right.

Jubilation of a childish mushroom:

Stroke the sickness of the place with a circular hand for the year's arrow and say "Hryzha grize (im'ya), ti times - I'm two, ti two - I'm three, ti 3 - I'm 4, ti 4 - I'm 5, ti 5 - I'm 6, ti 6 - I 7, ty 7 and I'll call you z'їm. And so three. Spend 5 days in the last month. Two days before and two days after the big month.

For vodkrittya or zvilnennya way:

“Buy - Tour Ariy, I think about Khara, I talk about Khara. Dunu on that path press Zhinev "

Hex for driving:

Bil - sickness from someone else's box, the stars came, they went there. Who sent you, the one who bothered you. I conjure you back, for the blue rivers, for the high ones, burn, there, why don’t you know the sound. Turn to the one who sent you, you don’t know grief. Get rid of him and don’t turn around. ” Zamovlenu water p'yut 1/3 bottle 3 here a day. I live to take water, I don’t boil it and I stand.

Celebration of Meningitu (navit at the last stage): Take an oak tree, there you will grow a dream (sino) and bathe the sick with this rose.

Gangrene exuberance: Take a fresh pig's liver and put it on the ailment, there was no gangrene.

Aid belt to fight like this: write the words “Zvіdki priyshov – tudi i pishov” on the white cloth."Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Firebog! Slept bіl-ailment, cleanse the womb, at the child of a person (im'ya), at every creature, at the old and young, Ty - God's Delight! vіd stake to stake! Let's write to apply on the goal of the body and wear it. After 28-29 days, tear and take (do not cut). The belt is shorter than the linen.

Zmova on zhu for health, I'm that strong

Zmova is recognized for the fact that she was savory, went to the fury and rekindled her health and strength. Read the lie for the hour of cooking so that no one feels:

Father Svarog with Lada-Mother created heaven and earth and the whole universe: water, land, fire, wilderness, grain, bread. Gods of the Motherland, give me the opportunity to create, to infuriate your onukivs. To health, to give strength, to stink or drink it, Gods were glorified. Give, Father, let me be glorified by the righteous right. Glory to the Gods and Ancestors!

Zmova from Perelyaku

Velesi, help me, Matinko Lada, Native Gods of protection will bury, To help me, that my child of the evil spirit of the evil spirit, give me joy to my child, all the world, all the world, joy and glory of Trimat! Get out the bastards! Get out the bastards! Get out, get out, you evil spirit! Chi pіdlivayut chi suggest - do not let, Svarozh. Svarozhichi, sichit, chop, vіd vіdzhenіt, vіd Dazhbozhy onuk (іm'ya), vіd оnuchok, vіd great-granddaughter, vіd my child, vіd my herd, vіd the world of the white world! I rage evil: out of the head, out of the head. At the head of the tale do not buvate, deafness, dumbness, blindness, not a bit, not to know. I run from the womb, from the heart, from the heart, from the leg, from the leg, from the liver, from the liver, from the drain, from the drain, from the intestines, from the intestines, from the spleen, from the spleens, s nirok, s-pіd nirok, z once, s-pіd once, from any ailment I’m throwing trash: from the hands, from the shoulders, s-p_d of the shoulders, s-l_ktiv, s-p_d of the liktiv, s-to-dolon, s-to-dolon from fingers, from fingers, from nails, from nails. You don’t know paralysis, take away bread and salt with your own hands. From the side, from the side of the side, from the knee, from the back of the knee, from the thigh, from the back of the stegon, from the flower, from the back of the flower, from the tassels, from the back of the brushes, from the p'yat, from the back of the p' yat, z pіdoshv, z-pіd pіdoshv, z shiї, z-pіd shiї, z across, z-pіd across the right hand vіdіgnati, seventy-six ailments do not know, twenty chotiri with deathly gates are not a bit, glory and healthy mother, cleanly, like God Svarog, mother Ladi mother. Lie - do not lie, do not know the ailments!

Universal zmova against ailments

Come out, spirits of darkness and all sorts of ailments from people: from the brush, from the veins, from the mud, from the blood, from the shi. Go there, de wind does not blow, de sun does not grie, de God's voice does not enter, de temples of the Family do not stand, de fires of Svarozh do not burn. There you will trim, piskom peresipate, wave the outline, Light does not rise, twist the hemp, lamati, leaves obsipate, become hollows, root virivate, and the Light of grief is not matima and nobility. To rise, to perish, to see the World, and to bring my mind to the Holy Right! Weekday from Monday, Tuesday from Wednesday, Thursday from Friday, and Saturday itself - perish the evil spirits of that ailment. The Sun rises every day - evil spirits and all ailments come! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors, Perunov's children, help me, evil spirits, all sorts of ailments, foreignness is more dashing at the temple (fire) wiggle! Viydi, pristrіt, pereljak, vortex, vikhoritsya, protyag, naskrіz-nyavitsya, newer, newer, lunatic, paralysis. From the bruhtu, from the current, from the stupidity. Come, spirits of darkness and all sorts of ailments, see all ailments at the temple (at the fire). Into the fire, into the sword, into the invasion of the Holy Spirit of Fire. Come dark spirits and all sorts of ailments. Z heads, z wuh, s prostrikannya wuh. From the ridge, from the shiї, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from the sich mihur! Look, dark spirits, foreignness is dashing and all sorts of ailments. To see: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, damaged, overwhelmed. From watering, from robots, to see cats, dogs, oxen, chickens, sheep, girls, well done. Come on, dark spirits and all sorts of ailments. Mustache dark spirits and all sorts of ailments at the temple to see. And there, fill up your skills! Glory to Svarog!

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