On Mars, there were some hrobaki, some screws. What are unsafe wooden worms in a miner's ticket? Chi worm'yaki

In the rest of the hour, there is a lot of information about the bark of wood grains. Ale at the garden. And for room suites? It’s rich who cares, what the miner needs to subdue them. Chi so tse?

The thoughts of the wooden chrobakіv vkrai protilezhnі. Some people praise their virtues and try to build their booths, otherwise they have an unacceptable squalor, I’m like a careless caterpillar.

On the Internet, you can find a little explanation, where butts are aimed, like wooden worms "grimed a poor ticket in a miner" (here and further - quotes from other forums). However, such a statement calls out great sumniv. I nasampered, in the light of their authors.

The axis of the quotation, from which one rhyme begins: "Ring the wooden hrobakіv look like brown clods ...".

They gave the following description of the bad ticket, as if "it was on the eyes." After that, like a yogo was blamed from a mountaineer, it appeared that there was a wooden hrobak there (and there’s more than one!). Mabut, "these worms and z'їli are all roots, only zhalugіdnі mounds have been lost in them."

Like the wooden worms look, we, well, we know. Let's try to find out if the stench can hurt the roslins.

It is clear from the fact that wooden worms are not coma (as they were called on the forum). Figuratively, the word "worm" is not about them. Wooden worms, such as we see in the garden, are all earthly spineless. The axis looks like a scientific classification: the Kingdom - Creatures; Type - Number of worms; Class - Poyaskovy worms; Pidklas - Small bristle worms; Zagin - Haplotaxida; Suborder - Doshchovі worm'yaki; Family - Lumbricidae.

To this family lie the eyes of great worms 10-30 cm long. The canopies of that visible family are distinguished by the shape of the head shovel (the so-called upper lip), by the position of the girdle and by the kilkistyu kіlets.

In Russia, there are dozens of species of canopies of Lumbricus, Dendrobaena and Allolobophora.

Representatives of this family are the best helpers for promoting soil fertility, and for madness, bait for fishing is popular.

The reason is that the wood worm "fouled" a bad ticket, absolutely unsupported. The woodworm has daily mushrooming organs, on the surface, for example, in the form of a dartweed. That healthy root roslin youma is "too tough".

The woodworm lives on organic matter, which swelled up, among those roots, but already rotten and rozm'yakshim. So in the miner of the wines, the root of the flower instantly "zapped", as if the stench had rotted. But with such roots, the flower would have perished on its own, without the "help" of the worm.

Like wine and z'їv root, which is rotten, then, more quickly, it brought rustiness, shards of liquidation, having removed most of the infected tissue. You can compare with the amputation of the leg, affected by gangrene. Doctors donate a part of the body to prevent it from dying by fire.

Otzhe, the worm does not have a healthy root in the miner. What happened to the roslina, how did it start to v'yanuti?

Causes of illness can be sprat. Shvidshe for everything, the ticket was simply flooded. Zastіy vologists in the mountaineer shkіdlivy be-like roslins. At a glance, the upper ball of the soil may be dry, but at the lower part the earth is covered with water.

Zastіy vologii vіdbuvaєtsya, if roslin is often and brightly watered, if there are no drainage openings chi dirka over that small one is clogged with earth. It's too early to bring the roots to decay.

Also, the roots begin to rot in the case of overcooling of the earthen breast on the sub-floor, or in the case of a high dose of good. Another reason is ailments, such as those who disturb them, penetrate from the soil into the root system.

Ale, in all these vipadkahs, the "wine" lord of the flower himself, because he did not beat the growth, but disrespectfully lashed after it and missed the cob of ailment. It dawned on me that we do not like calling ourselves. It’s better to call everything on a plank hrobak, it’s more, if you’ve leaned against “the mischief”.


At the kvіtkovy miner, wooden worms (as well as their eggs) are consumed from the garden soil or compost, which is added to the soil sum. Do not ring at the store grunt tsikh meshkantsiv, for that the grunt is steamed.

A true sign of what is in the miner room dew there are wooden worms, to serve as small black spools on the earth. If in the soil the diyalnist of the earthworms is taken in by the core, then in the flower miner he is not in a place. Tse z tim, that the miner has worms zmushenі life near a small obsyazі soil. At the whispers of the stink, they roam the impersonal walks and practically "spin" in one place. Tim themselves stink to the growth of thin smoky roots, as if to revive the growth. It looks like a humbled look and develops properly.

With all the help to the wood worms, it’s better to take them from the miner. On the vvіchlive prohannya pіti stinks do not react, happen to run out. For whom to stop such a way. The miner should set up a reservoir and pour water equal to the earth. Nezabar khrobakam not vistachatima povіtrya, and the stench whimpers to the surface. There you can pick them up and move them to the garden or the front garden. However, such a method does not guarantee that the earth has not lost the eggs of the woody chrobakiv.

It’s better to transplant the ticket into a new soil, vibirayuchi with all the unfortunate guests. The eggs of woodworms can be easily picked. The stench is round, yellow or brown, and it is large (vіd 2 to 4 mm). More precisely, these are cocoons, in which there are 2 to 20 eggs.

Transplanting a ticket, sometimes you know at the miner a lot of red chervonok chrobakiv,

yakі a little similar to brown pomіchnіv. Tsikh "worm" immediately namagayutsya nizchiti. Ale, the young growth of a plank chrobak looks like this, like a hatchling of eggs (on the first day, the baby is only 1 mm old). Together, from the earth, they also need to be let into the beds.

The removal of worms, the transplantation of indoor flowers is recommended even to those who allow respectfully look at the roslin for root rot.

Root ailment is easy to treat for diseases: black or dark brown. Sometimes the root becomes nap_vprozorim and soft on the dotik.

It is necessary to cut the wounds of the roots of the roots with good knives and attach them to the working vugills (or with a tablet of the activated vugill). After transplantation, water it calmly, and cover the above-ground part with a can of chi with a package.

For the treatment of ailments, it is necessary to water the roslin with a fungicide, for example, phytosporin.

If the root was healthier and you just saw the woodworms, then it didn’t take long to grow up on the mend.

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Flat Fokina! Scop, weed, push and mow for 20 quills Gerasimova Natalia

How to know that hrobaki have taken root

For the day after the settlement, you can evaluate the first results.

Marvel at the stench that inhabits the space beyond the borders of their substratum of the earth. If so - it means that the stink of yours їzhi zvikli.

Also focus on old-fashioned look hrobakiv. As if the surface of the worms is clean, and the stinks themselves are rotten - a sign of their well-being. Yakshcho mlyavi, inactive, do not try to hovatsya in the light - these are signs of trouble.

It’s bad for your hrobakam, don’t fall into the vіdcha. Shukayte a new family, maybe, in another place, and plant them again at the worm's nest.

Like everything is good, the worms will feel good, do not turbo їх 3–4 tizhnі. Everything that you are guilty of working at this hour - periodically water the worm's house with warm water.

Tsey text is a cognizable fragment. 3 books by the author

Worms live there, de є їzha, water, sour and pleasant temperature. If there is nothing in one place, the stink goes to another. On one hectare of land, there may be over ten million worms. The average size of worms is 6-10 cm, and the length is up to 1 g.

3 books by the author

What stench of the grain Ancient Egypt, Aristotle called them "the intestines of the earth." “The plow lies down to the last and may the most significant people's wineries; a little more back to yogo vinehodu ґrunt

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More than a hundred years ago, Charles Darwin wrote: “Worms miraculously prepare the earth for the growth of roslins ... The stench will spread the floorings of the earth, so that there are no mineral particles in it ... Retelno

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Like a robot, plank worms will winnow on our plots A soft, spineless building worm will break through to find the hard and dry land. The worm rips the little pieces of the earth with its lips and forges them. nakovtaetsya to the edge and rise to the surface, sob

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Woodworms regulate the acidity of the soil. The majority of cultivated plants do not blame acidic soils, so that the acid is overridden by the normal assimilation of low macronutrients, and navpaki,

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Passing the earth through itself, the woodworm is reminiscent of coprolits. But the whole word, honestly, goes badly, to that rotten hrobakiv can’t be unacceptable

3 books by the author

Fluffy soil to rob humus and woodworms In the first place, we’ll briefly feed it, but we have already discussed the topic: fluffy soil to kill humus and woodworms, and when digging out, on the other hand, it will be strengthened, because large particles are broken on dribni, stinks roam

If I’ve taken the killed land for the life of a house in the city and the cultivation of vegetables near the village, I didn’t grow a wood-burner near this land. Having regularly brought in all the coming rocks, and at the same time in the city in my country I know the woodworms of several kinds, and in the field, like a lot of rocks, I didn’t know the plow and I bring 200 bears on the yak, I bring six species of woodworms.

If we beat with a pitchfork, onuks will play at the grue, who knows more potatoes, and who knows more worms. At the same time, the stench knows up to 20 bulbs at the lunt and thirty wooden hrobakiv of different colors.

Pochatk_vtsyam varto buy biohumus

As soon as you feed the cob, on how to spend pennies, so that you can better grow on the beaten land, I will say: “Buy a ready-made kind of nadium weeder and bring yoga into the soil, at the hole before planting the roslin.”

  • Tilki biohumus svidko vilikovuє ґrunti, and gnіy і on the bіdnih ґruntakh at the first rocks will help ailments.
  • Only biohumus is right for the growth, and it helps to improve the imbalance of life and to call out the suppression of soil fungi.
  • Tilki biohumus i vermicoffee quickly build up soil fertility, form soil bioriznomanittya and increase the amount of soil humus, improve its structure, and just temporally increase growth of roslin.
Obviously, everything can work and wet harvesting, but the beginning of the first fate cannot work compost correctly. Yogo is encoded along the sides of the sides: “…visip thyrsus…”, “…mulch with straw…”, “…visadzhuy sideratati…”, “…Mitlider is your true friend…”.

Worm'yakіv stilki, skіlki rotting organic

The woodworm doesn't live in roslin. Vіn not poshkodzhuє living root and living leaf. The leaf is guilty of fall and rot, and the root is to grow old and rot. І axis if you prepare mushrooms and bacteria, a worm and proceed to the meal. Skіlki vydіv rotting organics, stilkі і vidіv ґruntovih hrobakіv.

In Australia, chrobaks are valued in kilograms, aquariums are grown on rotting bulbs of other insects, and other roots are eaten microscopically.

Their retail is only in roses and savory similarities, but the essence is the same: to start the processing of bacteria and fungi, which they put on the ground and into the ground of organic matter, then we will wrap the worms. Worms, like a cow's slug, create ceremonies for working with microorganisms, and even in the empty worm's organic matter, they turn over, infuse with sourness, water, amino acids and sucroses from the worm's secretions, and then they are reshaped in silence.

Khrobak - tse compost bin in miniature

We spread the compost (give kisen), let it go, keep it behind the warehouse, temperature, give 1 part nitrogen for 25 parts of carbon. The same and a worm: take a leaf of the youngest, pull yoga in a nirku, de warmly and freely, chew, cover with mucus, soak up accessible speech for the life of your body (and give speech to you symbiont fungi and bacteria) and see balast .

We have a view of the tank and the necessary ballast - coprolity. Even for millions of years of evolution, chrobakiv and roslins remained learned to give chrobaks a fall at the sight of the root secrets of that leaf, and ti - to apply for roslin coprolity, a crinite of thousands of necessary growths of mineral and organic speeches in an accessible form.

What are the vipovzki and rilli worms eating

Mi Bachimo is less than the great wooden worms - vipovzkiv. Abo in pus - red pus-filled hrobakiv. All of us in the children were chomping on the fisherman and we think that these are the smut worms. But for the soil, there are no head and other rows, there are millions of forms of life and friendship.
  • Є worms that live at the pіdstiltsі lіsu, the stench of nori will not be;
  • є nornі worm'yaki: at night having saved a leaflet and vіdnіs at nirku;
  • є rіllі worms, live deep in the black soil, їm build a plow is not terrible.

And what do these rilli worms eat? Adzhe in the depths of the leaflets is not. Everything is simple. From above, the cow gave rot, yogo is given pus and sees scum. The grass has perished, the leaves have fallen, and they give out worms and give scatter. Lay coprolites like great worms, and other enchitrivs and nematodes, - and black earth.

Cows are invisible to conquer all the speeches from the grass, and to extract the available flowers and whites. To that, the excess of organic matter should be eaten by cows with pus. So the very coprolitis of pus eat rilli worms. The stench is digging the soil, digging, reshaping yoga far away, better than that they see their coprolity. Even though the minerals in the humus soil are important for the roots, then after the robotic rilli grows, they take away the miraculous fresh biohumus. Humus is growing, but growing grows - the circle of coal does not stick in nature.

How people make friends with hrobakami

Wisdom of evolution in the field: in the steppe regions, the ball of humus in the soil is two meters, and in the broad-leaved forests, the ball of humus in the looking leaves and grass also holds records for organic reserves. The skin of these zones has its own worms, its own fertilization of organic speech.
A person can move this organic matter from a convenient place for himself, to grow cultural roslini, and there її rework new docks, new worms, so they don’t turbulate and don’t cackle.

I have been wary of the fact that Terra Pretta has been created on the shores of the Amazon. Organic matter did not accumulate in the soil on poor clay during post-tropical rainfalls. Ale Indians carried rocks to the beds, came out from the table and the leaves of palm trees. And in this organic matter a gigantic chrobak appeared, which remelted and vugillya, and palm fiber, and nitrogenous organic toilets, molding coprolity, like not roaming the wood. Self-priming soil breeding was formed. Vіdsotok stable humus in such soils dosi b'є records.

My Californian zdichavili

If I started to bring in rotten chrobakiv after the porads of susіdіv, there were no worms, and I added Californian worms - 40 years ago the stench began to come into fashion. On the beds, the stench, of course, did not take root, but zdichavіl and dosі live near the old barn, for a long time the vіvtsі lived. Varto bіlya shed hung litter bears with pus, like until autumn they teem with red pus, and in the bear - ready fluffy biohumus.

I’m all the same, tse hybrids of Californians or tse mast rudiy woodworm. Vіn got accustomed, pratsyuє - and well done. Catching mice. Then I stopped bringing in the rot and digging, and the soil to the diverse organic beast.

Like I bring bears into the garden, or I put them in chagars, they grow up in them in different colors and colors, but there are no rotten ones. I bring these bears to the field, I grow potatoes and vegetables, or into the garden, and trees, but to my mind: not those worms, which I want to multiply, but those that I myself want to multiply in new minds and new ones, take root in the skin soil. I'm just giving them free rein. And from I buy from the compost, I can add the money I need:

  • What do I need high nitrogen compost, I add more to the cup, and grubs, other mixed fodder, and I hang a bear with red pus.
  • What do I need high-carbon organic matter for the garden I add hay, straw, bedding from creatures to the compost pile, and I hang a bear with earthworms and bedding worms. And in that, and in a different period, the compost will come out more and better quality.

Coprolity of worms - ideal compost

Compost from chrobakami better lower compost, regeneration at the cup without worms. Chrobaks create soil aggregates near looking breasts. The stinks of the water house, are formed from the frame of the fibers of the roslin, which are closed by the place of the vapne and glued together with mucus. Tse іdealne dovgoryuche kindly.

But if it is a worm in the field, closer to the root of the growth, the organic matter is processed, then the effect will be built up: fresh coprolity for the growth of the best, lower folded in the compartment. The stench continues to process microorganisms from the empty worm and enzymes, continues to become active. The stinks come in like organic fibers, and there are detailed clay and mulist parts. Tse is not compost, but black earth.

Chrobaks push the ground

Chrobaki cut nori up to 1-2 meters. Not the skin of the root itself tried to make its way to such a deep, but the tunnels in the valley are calm, even with the plank near the tunnels, soil rich in humus is brought in from the upper balls, and there is a lot of coprolitis in them, that and again go to the great deep.

Coprolity of worms saturate the soil with humic acids, and the centers of soil-forming processes. In humates itself there are active centers, minerals, cations and anions, oxidants, and even active microelements are chipped on them. So, humati, dabbling in the soil, transforms on the basis of active catalysts, as if accelerating the formation of the soil hundreds of times. That is why we bachimo, as the growing plants come to life, watered with vityazhki from biohumus. And if fresh vermicompost is added to the soil, then it will be more practical. I microorganisms, and enzymes continue to transform organic matter into humus, grow roots and improve the structure of the soil.

Humus is soft and fibrous

Festering worms, refining grubs, go that nitrogenous grass, give soft humus. It is even more accessible for root eating, the stench of it can be more povnistyu and deprive a little of the hot humus.

BUT Soil and bedding worms give fibrous humus, yogo growth grows properly, the natomist vin improves the generosity of soils in a long-term perspective.

But remember, if there is little organic matter in the soil, then the worms will not help, the stench themselves will eat the excess of organic matter and quickly perish. It is possible, it is foldable, but without understanding the very mechanisms of these mechanisms cannot be properly resurrected.

Chrobaks live brown fungi and bacteria

Khrobak lives in pools of rotting organic matter, wines of organic matter itself, and thousands of rotten bacteria and fungi can rot, sting. Who helps you to survive? that . At the empty yoga, live on the mushrooms, on the bacteria. actinomyces. Zavdyaki actinomycetes, like vomit antibiotic speech, woodworms do not get sick, but fresh coprolitis or extracts from them rejoice in bacterial infections.

In an empty worm, not only brown fungi live, but they fight against small bacteria, and even brown bacteria. pseudomonadi, yakі protect the worm and ґrunt, viroblyayuchi natural, gnіchuyuchi rotten fungi. Mushrooms and bacteria fight one by one, worms are vicarious, they are guilty of vicory.

I am a drug and vicarious penicillin, visions of flowers for the treatment of streptococcal infection, and nystatin, visions of streptomycetes, for treatment of fungal infections.

Vermicompost long time to save, miraculously live the growth and structure of the soil, but I can’t have antibiotic power, that only hrobaki, who practice the order with the growth, є healers for the root.

In empty worms, thousands of microorganism species play the most important role of nitrogen fixers. The worm, having seen coprolity, already saturating them with nitrogen salts, and then gave nitrogen fixers to continue to work, take nitrogen from the soil and transform yoga on salts accessible to roslin.

The knowledgeable gardener can vicorate: less zastosovuvaty, which drives in everything alive, and vicoryist hrobakiv those products for the zahistu roslin vіd.

How to get brown chrobakiv to your lot?

Just like a sensible gardener, he adds brown bacteria and brown mushrooms to the lot.
You don’t listen to the “gurus” – talking, you need a rainbow-type mushroom to hang under the apple trees for the “thyrsian technology”, – but just bring more leaves and dry grass to the garden, and the mushrooms will grow wildly. Mushrooms do not grow there, they planted them, but there, de stinks want to.
A smart gardener mulches his garden beds with pus, compost, cod, dig less and add mineral water. Do not try more to bathe and zastosovuvat EAT-drugs. I need bacteria to form their own ecosystem and enter into symbiosis with the roots of roslin. If there is a stable supply of organic matter, and corrosive bacteria will protect the roots of rot.

So are the worms! It will be more stable to mulch the garden with organic matter (which is different, it’s more beautiful), - and both fungi and bacteria will appear as new insects of organic matter - worms of all kinds and varieties. The stench is to fill in the mouths of food, to bring in your intestines the coryza of actinomycetes and pseudomonads, and to renew the ancestry of your soils.

To begin your knowledge in the skin of a cartoplenium moon, ten worms of the wood are already known, a wise gardener.

From the category of marine sacks, you can distinguish pollock and Pacific saury, from meat of yak

let out canned food and sell it to a frozen one. It was thought that if in saury it is possible to reveal helminths-fractures of Echinorhynchus gadi, they were found near the intestines, reaching up to 35 mm in a new size. During the processing of specimens, infested with this type of worms, thin worms appeared in their empty worms. On the sales counters you can see such a wide variety of river and sea sacks, yak perch, pike, flounder, cod, smelt, worms were found in empty ones, localized in meat tissues. The structures of m'yaziv change their presence of stink, the m'yaso unacceptable for comfort. It is noted that most of the time, the rich worms grow themselves in the m'yazy, the roblyachs are in good spirits with the breeze. For the purpose, this hrobak, which has a red-brown color, and the shape of the eye looks like a nematode, the dozhina of the body becomes 1.5 cm.

Live in sira ribna products, it is necessary to win for
you can see that they were growing in piece waterholes at industrial scales. There, at the process of growing, for future products, there is a constant control, and if you develop a problem of infection with helminthic invasions, you come in negligently and negligently. The fish catch, wriggling by the sea, also needs to be frozen deeply. When it comes to bagging wild rivers and lakes, it’s better to choose ready-made products that have gone through a strong processing of smoked meats or salt. I need to prepare the ribs, so that the stench is not safe for living, you can cook or lubricate for help, if you try not less than 20 - 30 quills.

Khrobak, who is alive in the body of a human being, to pass the folding path, first to drink to the end of the ruler. In case of infection, it can be caused by larvae and eggs, and most children suffer from helminthiasis, due to their poor staging to hygiene.

See the worms that linger among the people

1. Roundworms and nematodes (, whipworm, trichinella).

2. Flat:

  • strіchkovі abo cestodes (wide strіchok, scourge and pig tsip'yak);
  • sisun abo trematodes (cat fluke, schistosome).

Ways of infection and widening

Worms are not viviparous organisms. Their development is characterized by the following scheme: an egg - a larva - an individual has grown. At the same time, on the skin stage, the worms check the songs are difficult - for example, the daytime of the minds (temperature, water content) or the master (industrial, endemic).

Guinea is an impersonal person, but even though a lot of helminths are still alive and need to know the meta. Also, round and strechkovy chrobaks in the body of a person are consumed in 4 ways:

  1. Alimentary (contaminated water, uncultivated hedgehog, contacts with domestic animals).
  2. Active (brudni hands, bathing near waterways).
  3. Contact (from a person to a person through kissing, hand-shaking).
  4. Transmissive (through coma bite).

Most people become infected through a lack of special hygiene - for example, through soiled hands. On the right, in the fact that the eggs of worms are most often present in the soil. Obviously, if a square centimeter is not skin, but if you put a person’s fingers in their mouth, then you can eliminate helminthiasis.

In addition, it’s not safe to become a bath and bathe at the vіdkritih vodomah. Eggs of worms can be taken from the free swimming, gazing at the mind. The stench is consumed by the intestines with a shackling of water, but the deuces penetrate them even across the skin, the shards may be even smaller. If it’s a superficial ushkodzhennya (stretched, wounded, wounded), then such an imovirnist is moving in a razi.

Helminthiasis does not appear immediately. Ascaris signs are given on 2-3 days after infection, and the incubation period of other worms can last from 2 days to 1.5 years.

Such a significant list is a sign of helminthiasis for an hour. І, in order to correctly diagnose the illness, it is necessary to carry out a few diagnostic visits.


For any suspicion of helminthiasis, feces are kept, shards of more worms are alive in the intestines of a person. Zagalom, in order to establish a diagnosis, doctors go to the next methods:

  • Analysis of feces.
  • Blood test.
  • Analysis of legenic sputum.
  • X-ray follow-up.
  • Biopsy of tissues.
  • Endoscopy of the intestine.

How do chrobaks get in the body?

If doctors have established the presence of helminths in a patient, then they prescribe treatment with specific drugs. In case of any priority, complex therapy is given, in order to gain the power of different faces. For example, physicians should take the vicarious heart to loosen the worms, based on levamisole (Decaris), and after 2-3 days, the patient should be given another anthelmintic (Vermox or Nemozol).

2. Additional therapy:

  • sorbents (activated vugillya, Enterosgel) are needed for the elimination of toxic products in the life of helminths from the intestines;
  • symptomatic faces (pro-allergic, analgesic) are prescribed for the diagnosis of concomitant signs of illness;
  • the intake of probiotics, the necessary renewal of the intestinal microflora.

Similar preparations are normally tolerated by adults and children, and in some cases it is recommended to use a preventive method. However, those women, who are breastfeeding, are guilty of undergoing jubilation under the control of the doctor.

In addition, it is also important to turn off the possibility of re-infection. When you are happy with the body of a person, worms and eggs come out, to that bed that whiteness happens to be mined regularly. And at any time you can’t put your fingers in your mouth after the mitt of the crotch!

Today's medicine promotes clearly drug-free methods of therapy, for example, the infusion of living organisms.


Zvichayno, can settle in the body of a human being. Well, if you don’t give them the opportunity to eat in the middle of the SHK, then get sick of the viide without any special problems. For whom it is enough to take care of the rules of special hygiene for an hour, and give other recommendations to doctors:

  • Mitya hands with a darling in front of even that post in the street.
  • Do not drink water from open dzherel.
  • M'yaso and riba are thermally processed (forget about steaks with blood).
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries, and greens, zavzhd miti before living.
  • Do not eat sirah and lightly salted fish (especially important is the rule for a river catch).
  • Even if you bathe at the waters of the river, then only in the quiet ones, the purity of which does not call for doubts.
  • Do not kiss dogs or cats (and take them to the vet regularly).
  • At the sight of the tropical lands, respect for the defense of the shkir in the bites of the clods.


Today, the use of nameless preparations and methods of treating helminthiasis, in the course of time, the treatment will be delayed by a trivalent term. Be respectful to yourself and do not waste the cob of ailment - this is the correct way of swedish exuberance.

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