Kіnkan oval room growth. Roslin is beautiful from China - citrus Fortunella (kinkan, kumquat). Revitalization and kindness

Roslin's kumquat pidkupovuє its exoticism. Growing that reproduction of this fruit is possible in home minds. Having planted yogo and having ensured a careful look, you can not only grow even a decorative tree, like in the photo, but also enjoy the vishukanim relish of yogo fruit.

Batkivshchyna kumquat є China. Zvіdti nadali Roslin was imported to America and Europe. The name yoga is translated as "golden orange". In Japan, the name of the fruit is wider - Kinkan (golden apple).

Kumquat is even more beautiful than rose with savory fruits

Roslin is a small tree. In domestic minds, it grows up to 1.5 m-code, and in wild nature- Up to 4.5 m. The leaves are crisp, smooth, dark green. Flower kumquat white with erysipelas spirited flowers. Raztashovanі vouchers one by one chi sutsvіttah. The fruit is supposed to be a tangerine, which is more than meaningful. The coat is not overweight 30 g, the skin is thin, bright orange in color. Relish is the fruit of kumquat balances, fragrant licorice peel and softness with sourness.

After 2-3 months after the flowering tree begins to bear fruit. The fruits ripen like winter - on the cob of spring. During this period, the kumquat becomes decorative, as can be seen in the photo submissions.

Kumquat Nagami

Varieties and varieties of kumquat

Most often, when grown in domestic minds, the kumquat Nagami (Nagami Kumquat) is grown. Zovnі tse even decorative roslina and vykoristovuєtsya in decorated bonsai gardens. The crown of yogo is compact and succulently covered with bright orange fruits during the fruiting period. Є garden form kumquat Nagami:

  • Nordmann Nagami- Bezkіstkovy subspecies, similar in name to Nagami.
  • Ripple- Yogo dictatorial peculiarityє yellow or cream leaves. The fruits of the bud are full of late green smuga, which appear when ripe.

ripple kumquat
  • Kumquat Marumi(Marumi Kumquat) you can see the presence of hairpins on the necks. Rosemary the tree of which mind is smaller. The fruits are golden-yellow when ripe, with coarse tassels. Roslin is mentally winter-hardy. In the pivdennih regions, there is no growth in the dry soil.

Kumquat Marumi
  • Smaller species of kumquat Meiva(Meiwa Kumquat) bestows fruits with the most delicious relish. The tree is more decorative, dwarf, with a dense crown and fine hard leaves. The fruits are visibly large, the bells are similar to lemons. The skin is golden, sometimes with yellow shades.

Kumquat Meiwa
  • The greatest fruits can boast of diversity Fukushi(Inakshe Changshu, lat. Fucushii Kumquat). A tree at a height grows a meter or a troch more, with which the crown of the yogo rozlog is dense. Leafing more, lower in other representatives of the genus. The fruits can be both oval and pear-shaped. The juice pulp of the dessert relish is sharpened with a thin, narrow licorice peel of orange color.

Fukushi kumquat
  • Kumquat Hongkonzka(Hong Kong Kumquat) is grown with dry fruits, the size of a pea. The fruit of this kumquat does not live well in hedgehogs. Numerous old prickly hairpins are worn on the necks of the yoga.

kumquat hong kong
  • There is one more kind of kumquat, which does not grow in domestic minds. Malayska(Malayan Kumquat). In the Fatherland, yoga grows like a green fence. Vіn vіdіznyаєєznaetsya significant roses and great golden fruit.

Krym raznovidіv kumquat, іsnuє tsila low interspecies hybrids:

  • calamondin - a hybrid, cross-breeding kumquat with mandarin;
  • limequat - a hybrid of kumquat from lime;
  • orangequat is a hybrid of kumquat and orange.

Landing that watch for the kumquat

The period of growth of kumquat is three times 1-2 months, starting from April. Large growth - up to 10 cm. A tree blooms in the middle of summer for a day. Flowering may occur again in 2-3 days. In domestic minds, the flowering tree needs to be standardized. Until the end of winter, exotic fruits ripen on kumquats.

With the right eye, the tree will bear fruit

Roztashuvannya. Kumquat needs to be seen in a sleepy place in a booth. Think of it for a pink light, you can bring yoga to the street or a balcony. Vzimka - more than direct sleepy shifts and, if possible, cold weather.

Respect! Shchob kumquat maw miniature rosemary, take small space for planting. For a complete development of the tree, the vicorist will be gathered by the mountaineers.

Priming. For planting kumquat vicorist, soil is made from soddy and garden soil, leaf humus and tarragon sand.

Watering the kumquat is necessary

Watering. Kumquats also love watering. The stench is guilty, but make it clear and regular, but without stagnation of water. In summer, that period of the included central scorching of the roslin will require partial brushing and rubbing of the leaves with a wet ganchirochka. When the weather is supernaturally dry, the tree starts ailments and throws off the leaves. Let's not take the kumquat, which imitates the natural wood.

Respect! Watering should be carried out only with warm water. In another moment, the tree leaves the skin.

clipping. Spring is the period of kumquat crown molding. For this, on the main needles, 2-3 streaks are drained, the stitch is removed. The leftovers of the troch are shortened, thereby stimulating the growth of the young shoots.

Transplantation. Once every two or three rocks, roslin will need a transplant. To shy away with transshipment, so as not to destroy the earthen breast. The soil and the drainage ball at the miner's shoes are replaced with new ones.

Respect! The transplant is carried out on the cob of spring on the cob of growth.

Revitalization and kindness

Kumquat will not bear fruit without regular pіzhivlennya. The frequency of application, adding to fallow due to various factors:

  • v_ku tree that yogo will become;
  • vikoristovuvannogo for vyroschuvannya ґruntu;
  • mountaineer size.

So, as a kumquat miner is not great, it is necessary to bring more often.

In the period of growth of kumquat, skin ten days are spent with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In a period of calm, the life of life is shortened up to once a month.

Dobriva is also necessary for the fruiting and normal development of the growth

Optimal storage of complex fertilizer (per 1 liter of water):

  • ammonium nitrate - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • potassium chloride - 1/8 teaspoon;
  • Simple superphosphate - 1/2 teaspoon.

Chuy kumquat and on the infusion of wood ash.

Ailments and poor people

Kumquat is afraid of the impersonal ailment, the power of citrus fruits. Symptoms of unwell may be:

  • patches on leaves;
  • changing the shape of the leaf infestation;
  • hairiness of pagons;
  • drying up a tree;
  • illumination of growths.

Plyamistі on kumquat leaves

Fungal and bacterial infections (anthracnose, verrucosa, gommosis and other) can be affected. Like on the roslini є buds or fruits - it is necessary to see them in order to protect the strength of the kumquat. Next, carry out bagatorase treatment with fungicides. During this period, it is important to look at the tree correctly, inspiring its life energy.

Porada. For prevention, the development of fungal and bacterial infections of kumquat can be treated with 1% rosemary Bordeaux sum 2-3 times for the period of growth.

A tree attacked by a virus (xyloporosis, trespeza and іn), do not get carried away.

In an unfriendly climate in the kumquat habitat, popelits, spider mites, scutes and other shkidniki, which can get wet, are attacked by special preparations.

Reproduction of kumquat

Kumquat can be propagated in a number of ways:

  • now;
  • living quarters;
  • rooted vodvodkiv;
  • chips on chips.

Growing from birth, young growths do not take care of their mother's faculties, they begin to bear fruit. Vykoristovuyut tsey way in the main breeders for the introduction of new varieties and the cultivation of food.

Sajanets kumquat

In domestic minds, the reproduction of live bait is the most pleasant. The living creatures are sprouting, picking up short young pagons of the past fate on the kumquat, which will bear fruit. Cut the leaves in half. Harvest bait at the watery squeak, having crooked the capacity with a fold or a spit. The improvisation of the greenhouse is sometimes opened for the airing of gardeners.

Porada. For swidkost rooted livestock, planting material can be used as a growth stimulant.

Rooted living creatures hang from the miners from the earth. A closer look behind the sadzhan is as if behind a mature thicket.

It is possible to grow kumquat in domestic minds as much as possible, having provided you with a diligent watch. As a result, you take away not only a thinner decorative tree, ale and juicy, brown fruit.

Growing kumquat: video

Nagami Kumquat (Fortunella margarita)

Deliveries of your time from the lands of the Far Descent - China and Japan, decorative fruit kinkan may be anonymous other names. Tse gold apple (Chinese - Kumquat) and golden orange (Japanese kіn-kan), which characterize the yaskar їstіvnі fruits. Latin yoga is beautifully called Fortunella - Fortunella, which can be compared to a special citrus variety.

Two types of kinkan circulate in the minds of the home: the oval Nagami Kumquat (Fortunella margarita) and the Japanese Marum Kumquat (Fortunella japonica). With all the folding, it is possible, in the names of a beautiful evergreen tree, which, with home selection, reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters, it is comfortable to grow at a grower and not at a glance.

Features of watching the kinkan

Roslina strongly reacts to regular summer watering with garnish of earthen breast and to nourishment with mineral fertilizers and pus. And also on the crowns covered with water at room temperature. The rest of the world protects yoga and against the attacks of shkidnikiv: spider mites and shields.

In the winter period, watering is carried out to the death, and it shortens up to 1-2 times per day. When placed in a place near the central scorching, follow the stitches for sufficient moisture in the air: increased dryness can bring the leaves to the fall.

Kіnkan, kumquat - kіmnatna roslina /description, description of authorities/

Family - rutovі.

Another name is fortunella, kumquat (from the Chinese "gam gvat" - "golden orange").

Description Kіnkan - a number of evergreen dwarf trees. In room minds, the curls grow up to 1 m 20 cm. The kinkan has thin spines, without spines. Leaves are dark green, flowers are up to 10 cm. Flowering time is spring.

The fruits are oval berries, sometimes round, small (4 cm), color is bright orange, smooth licorice skin is natural, they ripen in the winter period. Similar to a crisp orange, and the taste is similar to a tangerine, trohi sour.

How to keep an eye on the kinkan (kumquat).
Kіnkan (kumquat) - light-loving roslina, so choose for a new room from a sony side. In the winter period, the required cold weather is 4 - 6 °С. Vlitka can be brought into the garden, onto the balcony. Roslin needs to love the vologe every once in a while, so you need to bridle it, otherwise you can put wet pebbles in the tray and put a miner on it.

In the summer period, watering is clear, in winter - it is dead, but do not allow it, so that the earthen breast does not dry out. To prepare a kinkan during the growing season (chill-spring) with new mineral fertilizers. Transplant through skin 2 rocks.

Warehouse for soil for kinkanu (kumquat): sod land - 2 parts, leafy land - 1 part, humus - 1 part, sand - 0.5 or other citrus fruits). Through the weakness of the root system of yoga, it is rare to grow out of our souls.

Yak kuvati kinkan (kumquat).
Likewise, remember the shields of brown color on the roslin, the roslin is attacked by the shield. The shields need to be removed by hand with a cotton swab, soaked in a mile or alcohol solution, after which the roslin is sprinkled with "Karbofos".

If there is a thin cobweb on the kinkan, then the roslin is afflicted with a red mite, which appears in dry places. It is necessary to increase the moisture content of the soil, wash the roslin with warm water, as the roslin is strongly affected, treat the roslin with "Decis".

Korisn likuvalni vlastivostі.
The fruits of kinkan are rich in such vitamins as A, B, C, D, E, as well as revenge citric acid and zucru. Shkіrka roslina also becomes valuable in the case of jubilation of the heart-sudine diseases, shards avenge vitamin R.

The fruits are widely vinified from the preparation of juices, jams, and jams. Also kinkan (kumquat) to avenge efirnі olії, yakі mаyut bactericidal action, є natural antibiotic, so yogo vicorist for the exaltation of the disease of the upper wild roads.

M'yakush kinkan to avenge furocoumarin, which may be antifungal action. In the fatherland, the fruits of the kinkan are given for alcoholic sleep, stink shards for anti-alcohol treatment.

Like other citrus fruits, kumquat improves the functions of the body, improving the etching and exchange of speech. Essential oils, which can be found in kumquat, helps with the treatment of neurosis, depression, apathy, chronic malnutrition syndrome, relieving tension and stress. It’s also good for people to get used to it because of the promoted rosum activity

Fruit salad with kinkan.

Arrange kinkan, banana, kiwi, midnight, grapes without pits, add honey and yogurt, mix. Cool down.

Kumquat can grow on any vіknakh, okrіm pіvnіchnyh. Summer wines love to dosit warmer - up to 25-30 ° С. It’s not good to bring Yogo to the garden or to the loggia, having provided a bright light for sleep. So that the roots do not overheat, the miner can dig at the soil. Winterization of wine during the winter of cold weather - 10-15°С. If such a temperature is not taken into account, then in the autumn they will begin to improve, as much as possible increasing the illumination of the charge. In the cold period, the hour is the next time to check
temperature on subway. Vaughn can be blown up by the temperature in the room, and by the great difference in these values, the leaves will grow and fall off.

Like all citrus fruits, kumquat love to finish the water every once in a while. In other times, you begin to throw off the leaves, attack the attacks of spider mites and shields. Regular obraskuvannya problem not virishuє. Install a bowl of water with water, or even better - get an automatic watering system.

The earth is trimmed in a peacefully vologous camp, not allowing re-arrangement, no perishing. Like a growing plant, to be found in a small miner, to water it, if the top ball of the soil has dried up. Large specimens in large containers should be watered after the soil has dried up to a depth of at least 5-7 cm. If the water is too hard, add 1/4 tsp in an 8-liter plastic bucket. oxalic acid: excess salts of magnesium and calcium settle to the bottom and walls of the container. Through doba її you can vikoristati.

In the period of calm - from the middle of the harvest to the fierce - the growth does not grow. Under the hour of growth - from birch to the end of spring - "year" at least once a month (moreover, in the spring and in the first half of the year more often, three times more instead of nitrogen, and in the end of the growing season - more often and lowering the amount of nitrogen). Bazhano, that mineral dobriva did not avenge chlorine. Consumables and periodic organic renewal. Tі і іnshі cherguyut. To ask the robot, to stop it like that, dobriva-sticks of prolonged action. Dobriva sticks are placed at the miner’s place only during transplantation, spreading along the miner’s periphery.

Mature, and especially fruitful, roslins are transplanted once into two or three rocks, for example, fierce - birch on the cob. Young growers - if necessary, if the miner's rozmir starts to commemorate the crown rozmіr. It is better to win the way of transshipment, when the root is not cleared from the substrate, and to whom the earth is taken as much as possible. The upper ball of the soil is carefully replaced when it is applied. You can use ready-made earthen sums for citrus fruits, or cook them yourself from soddy land, fertile soil, well-sweetened with pus or leaf humus and coarse-grained piska or vermiculite (2: 1: 1: 1). How to drain to fit promitium expanded clay or gravel. Remain important and give the miner great stamina.

The transplanted tree is lightly watered and placed on a sprat of tizhniv in a calmly warm place, periodically basting the crown with warm water.

For molding the equal crown of the growth, it is enough (approximately 10 degrees skin for 10-11 days) to turn around its own axis - kumquat does not like sharp turns in relation to the light. Forget not about varto when transplanting: the "facial" part of the growth is signified by a line, and, having transplanted yoga, the mountain worker should set it up like that. Otherwise, I brought to a sharp fall of the greater part of the leaf.

Kumquat is propagated by cuttings, splitting, livestock and napkins. The rest of the way is the simplest, but on the fruits you can get a check more than 7-8 years. Until then, varieties of signs may not be preserved in naschadkіv.

1. Temperature: summer - 18 - 24 ° С, winter - 12 - 14 ° С, a cold period of calm is necessary for the blooming, and also there were no signs of lack of light in the autumn - winter hour.
2. Lighting: light shade in the direct change of sun in the daytime, sleepy baths in early evening.
3. Watering and watering again: water the spring and water with such a rose, so that the top ball of soil with a thickness of 3 - 5 cm is dried up by watering the honey. Once a month, near the water for irrigation, add sprats of drops of lemon juice or grains citric acid. Vologіst povіtrya temple.
4. Features For the present flowering, a competently shaped trim is needed, and for fruiting - a piece sawn. At the same time, plucking the kinchiks of the young stalks of the bushes will mold the bichnist stems.
5. Priming: even loose and rich in organic soil with a large number of living rivers and acidic pH.
6. Life: add spring and summer coats with rare fertilizers for citrus trees skin 2 seasons. In autumn, that collection of pidzhivlennya is not carried out.
7. Reproduction: for us - with tassels that hang on the hinges, with stalk live bait on the hinges and splits.

Botanical name: Kinkan

Kumquat home - family . Rutov.

de growth. Batkivshchyna Roslina є Asia.

How do you look and what is a kumquat abo kinkan abo fortunella - evergreen, a tree that grows naturally, 2.5 - 5 m high, stems thorns often.

leafing through simple, rosted black on short petioles, lanceolate, dark green, tovst, shkiryasti, glossy, dozhina 3 - 8 cm.

Kviti white, spicy, single or in small axillary clusters up to 4 pcs., With a receiving aroma and 5 wax pellets, 1 - 1.5 cm in diameter.

fruits dovgasto - oval or round, up to 5 cm in diameter; green, when ripe, they become golden yellow, juicy, revenge is small.

Like on other trees of the Rutov family, on kumquats, buds, flowers, buds, greens and ripening fruits can be overnight, which only gives it additional decorativeness.

Visota. Dwarfs see kumquat reach 3m. For additional trimming, you can trim the height of 90 - 120 cm.

2. Brewing homemade kumquat

2.1. Oversight, circumcision

It’s not easy for Roslin to look at you. Kumquati vitrivalish, lower citrus fruits.

With a stretch of lita, wine kumquat kіmnatny z house in the fresh air.

Most of the homemade roslins are self-burning, but for other types of kinkan, it is necessary piece sawn for the help of a clean, dry penzlik.

in the spring trim too long stalks to save the compact and neat growth.

Look at the weak and weak pagons.

Kіnchiki young pagonіv pinch for a short deburring.

For the present fruiting, that and simply harmonious development of a citrus tree is already importantly correct shape the crown roslini.

The first pinch of the rooted baits of aboroslin, otrimanih z nasinnya, should be carried out if the stench reaches the height 20 cm.

Pagons that come out of the main stovbur tree are called pagons of the first order - pinch them if the stink is close to reach 20 cm.

Tsyu procedure, like and reshta, maє sens to carry out if the needles are soft - so you can just pinch and not remember the growth.

At the mist, de buli pinched pagons of the 1st order, sound a fork from the pagons of the 3rd order - they shorten them, if the stench also reaches the dozhini. 20 cm.

Vidpovidno on їх vertices are formed gіlki 4th order - їх are already close 10 cm.

Perche flower stand on pagons 4 and 5 orders.

At the same time, cut off the old and ailments of the neck - all the works of the varto spend only welcome with sterile secateurs and, if necessary, attach a space for activating the vugills.

Don't spread the roslins near scorching systems- the stench blows the autumn with clearing leaf fall.

Periodically leafing opadime - the whole process is normal, even if the skin is alive close to 2 rocks.

As a reminder of winter - on the cob of spring, the leaf fall is bright and the roslin is very bare of the needles - lower the temperature of the morning, or increase the lightness of the day for the help of piece lighting.

2.2. Color of kumquat

Main color hinged and inlet Ale, okremі vouchers can appear at some other time of fate.

2.3. Reproduction, living, growing from brushes

Breeding kumquat brushes- Nasinnyam, like hanging awnings.

  1. Landing is carried out at a plump, lively soil.
  2. On top of the substrate, the front is cured from sawing with water at room temperature.
  3. From above, cover with a ball the bottom of the zavtovshka is close to 2 cm.
  4. Sіyantsі kumquat is covered with a transparent plastic kovpak or skl to improve moisture.
  5. For the germination of syantsi, they are placed in a warm place with a temperature of about 21 °.

Remember that it’s not your fault to spend direct sleepy changes on the rose garden.

If the first couple of ukrittya from the gardeners show up, it will be necessary to take them.

bloom so grew in 4 - 5 years. The fruiting of roslins, otrimanih z kistochok, іnоdі zatrimuyuyutsya. up to 10 - 15 years.

Kumquati often pinch on a smaller scale.

Possibility of vegetative reproduction for help zhivtsiv, take a hinged one. Shave the lower leaves of live bait and bury the base of the petiole into powder for rooting.

2.4. Yak transplant

Try to transplant only for consumption, if the roslin has outgrown the rise of the miner, or it is necessary to change the soil.

Carry out a transplant hinged with the first signs of a new growth.

This citrus tree is more generous in color slightly clenched minds.

Young plants need to be transplanted 1-2 times per river, grown-ups - once per 2-3 rocks.

At the great roslins, you can simply minify the upper ball to the ground.

2.5. Ailments and poor people

  • Zhovte leaves when there is too much water, they become dry and dry - when dry weather and dry atmosphere are welcomed.
  • With poor drainage, the growth will rot.
  • Pozhovtinnya of leaf plates (veins with which they become green) talk about those that have begun chlorosis- Treat roslin with saline chelate.
  • Yakscho kinchiki leaf plates, especially in winter months, melt away crying, brown and dry, possibly, roslina are subject to overflow - for such specimens, it is necessary to speed up the frequency of watering.

  • From fungal infections, roslini can be scalable anthracnose at the morning in a warm and warm atmosphere, and in a warm one.
  • Scab you can see the ugly, erysipelas-yellow patches on the fruits and small yellow patches on the young kumquat leaves.
  • Sazhirite mushroom a tree appears at the sight of a black tint on the leaves of that pagons.
  • With overly frequent and clear watering, as well as with insufficient drainage, roslin can root rot.

  • From the beginning of the rot, the tree will throw off the leaves.
  • If a citrus tree is planted deep, and its root neck is sunk into the ground, then the rose can be buti piddan gomosa what is manifested in the sight of the appearance of small see-through drops of resin on the needles.
  • Powdery mildew vrazha kumquat in the morning at the arch of cold watery minds.Seeing the sickness like white fluffy poured on the leaves.

  • Deformation of leaf plates, change in their color and scorched growth can speak about the appearance viral diseases. Trees, as if they were afflicted by a virus, are experiencing a total decline.
  • Even though the fruits show small, rounded, brown patches, whitish, light, yellowish stakes, then, perhaps, a sickness on citrus cancer.

W shkidnikiv the widest furrow worms, popelitsya and spider mites. Attacks of spider mites can be recognized by thin, possibly invisible cobwebs, as they appear on the growth.

Komakhi - shkidniki

Name komakhi Signs of infection Come fight
Borosnisty bug The top of the leaves and pagons is covered with a fluffy, cotton-like white coating. Roslini stand by the rosette People's interests: coated with mili-alcohol powder. Goodness showed themselves nasty tyutyuna, chasnik, cyclamen bulb, spirits, pharmaceutical tincture of calendula. Chemical products Osі: rozchin green mil, Aktellik, Fitoverm.
Few paws on the leaves, pozhovtinnya and falling leaves with a wide streak. The top of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. The development of roslyn is spovіlnyuєtsya. Folk methods. Roslini can be washed in the shower and left at the bathrooms in the water atmosphere in the summer. Refinement with an ultraviolet lamp with a stretch of 2 strands. Chemical preparations based on pyrethrum, sirchan powders, Fitoverm, Aktellik.
popelitsya Adhesive droplets appear on the leaf blades, the leaf blades curl and deform, the lower buds and young leaves wither. On the tops of the pagons, buds and the lower side of the leaf plates, colonies of coma can be planted. The flowers of the wounded popelits of the roslin can become deformed. Folk methods: real sprinkling, leafing rhubarb, polyna, miles of roses, hot tyutyunu and kulbabi, tsibuli, black-brown, wood, tansy, powdered with wooden ash. Chemical preparations: Serkovi powders, dressing with green potassium sweet green masi without getting into the ground, Decis, Aktellik, Fitoverm.

2.6. Watering

The frequency of irrigation should be laid down depending on the temperature at the same time.

Vletka water kumquat clear povnistyu soaking soil. The upper ball of the substrate can dry out between waterings.

Vzimka just protect the soil from the overworld skyline. This mode of watering will help to increase the health of mycium citrus.

2.7 Temperature

The optimal temperature range for growing kumquat is 18 to 24°C stretching the mustache rock.

In the winter period, you can place it in a cold place, ale not give a splash of temperature below 10°C. The cold winter welcomes the beginning, and the coming season allows the tree to brightly bloom and bear fruit.

Roslini vitrimuvat short-hour frosts down to -12°C, as if they were on dry ground.

2.8. Dobriva kumquat

Happy kumquat skin two types rare goodness during the growing season. In the autumn, that charge of resurrection is ringing.

Kumquat reacts well to organic pіzhivlennya.

In the period of molding the buds and the color of the vicarious, good, rich potassium.

2.10. Kumquat for a mountaineer - soil

There are more types of soils, good drainage.

Up to pH equal to the soil, the bush is also not viable.

A ticket proving the victory of the grunts, rich on organic living speeches.

2.11. Appropriation

fox squash soft water of room temperature.

Can you place a mountaineer on poddon with watery pebbles in room culture.

2.14. Hydroponics

You can grow on citrus hydroponics, but the stench will be felt better in the soil.


3.1. Kumquat Margarita abo Nagami - Fortunella margarita

A small evergreen tree, yak in the natural medium reaches a height of 2 to 4 m. The leaves are dark green, glossy, dovgast, lanceolate, on short petioles. Leafy shawls of this variety are slightly folded in the central vein. Flowers are selected in small, small blossoms in the axils of the leaves, creamy or white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, may have a licorice aroma of orange. The fruits are orange, dowgast, zavdovka up to 3.5 cm and a width of about 2.5 cm.

3.2. Kumquat Meiwa - Fortunella crassifolia, kumquat "Meiwa"

Evergreen fruit-bearing chagar with a height of 3 to 6 m. The leaves are glossy, whole-edged, lanceolate, slightly bent vzdovzh central vein, whole-edged. The tickets are small, white, fragrant, selected in the color of small flowers. Fruits are rounded, orange, tangerines and may be more pleasant, licorice relish. The fruits of roslin are vicarious like a fresh-looking one, and for the preparation of jams and candied fruits.

3.3. Kumquat Fukushi abo Obovata - Fortunella obovata ‘Fukushu’

An evergreen fruit tree with a height of 2 to 5 m with upright, ruffled pagons. Leaves, oval, zhorstke, dark green, glossy, on short petioles. The flowers are small, fragrant, white, with waxy dry pellets. Come round, lightly splashing, with a thin, natural skin, reaching a diameter of 2 to 5 cm. Starry look fruit guess the tangerine.

3.4. Kumquat Marumi or Fortunella japonica - Fortunella japonica

Neat, dwarf, evergreen fruit tree. At height, the growth often does not exceed 2.5 m. Leaves are glossy, vuzke, lanceolate, whole, on short petioles. The flowers are white, fragrant, axillary, alone or in small flowers. The fruits are rounded, natural, orange, with a sour relish.

Maybe, you can also be hushed up:

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