Halkidiki seaton of nature. Siton is a mountainous and wild region of Greece. Liter of elite metaxi

Three three pіvostrіvіv Chalkіdіkі Sitonіya is the greenest. Vіn raztashovaniya in the middle between Kassandra and Athos. Close to 90 km from Thessaloniki warehouse. Sithonia is considered the most beautiful part of Halkidiki and is ideal for those who like to eat Beach resort and walks in the mountains and forests. Two natural membranes, Athos from the very beginning and Kassandra from the sunset, do not let the winds roam. That's why the sea is clean here. The beaches are inclusive of food and sharpened from the sides with pine forests. The coast is winding and brightening with calm bays. The hotel base is varied, with a great number of new fashionable hotels. Є in Siton and children's camps, and camping and studios with apartments. Sithonia is named after the son of Poseidon in the name of Siphon. This beautiful greenery of the island is suitable for family and active recreation. Buyannia farb accompanies you everywhere: the blue sea, white pisok, emerald pines and various colors of trojand and bougainvillea. The proximity of St. Athos and the hospitality of the city dwellers add calmness and peace. Mount Itamos, the vineyards of Porto Carras, the islands of Vourvourou, the bay of Porto Koufo will soon call for emotions and good luck.


Seaton is a small farm. Dovzhina yoga to become 50 km, width - 24 km. Seaton is more mountainous, lower Kassandra. Shape the relief to finish the soft, with a winding coastline. Maizhe the whole island is covered with pine forests. Through the whole of Siton pass the Itamos ridge with a maximum height of 811 m. Uzberezhzhya along the coastline is calm, with food beaches. The western coast is rich and populated, the lower one is smaller.


In Siton, like in all coastal Greece, the climate is of the Mediterranean type. Summer here is dry and smoky, with a maximum daily temperature of + 32 + 35 ° С. Winter weather is cold. The woods fall from the fall of the birch trees. From birch to black on Siton everything is in bloom and full of fruits. It's stingy and dry here. The water temperature in the sea inlet fluctuates from +22°С to +27°С.

Population and tourism

3 106 thousand osіb, yakі live near Chalkіdіki, total 12 420 people. registered in Sithonia The population is more importantly borrowed from tourism, the potential for the development of such a region of greatness. Let's embrace tourism in the countryside of rozvinenі silsk gosudarstvo and bdzhіlnitstvo.

Mythology and history

ancient land Halkidiki is thoroughly seeped by myths and legends. Navіt form pivostrova explains the ancient recitation about the sea god Poseidon, more precisely about the yogi children of Siphon and Pallini. As if the beautiful Pallini had been touched by the terrible giant Athos, and the young Siphon had been planted in it. Poseidon, trying to help, throwing a trident at Athos. The trident has built itself into the ground, and if Poseidon, pulling yoga on himself, the furrows have settled. These furrows are called Pallini, Siton and Athos. At 8 st. to the sound e. on Sithonia, trade colonies founded by the inhabitants of the island of Euboea are blamed. The largest of them were Galipsos, Singos, Toroni, Sarti and Sermili. In honor of Sіngos and Toroni, streams were named immediately after the sunset of Siton. At 5 st. to the sound e. the place for the region to take the fate of the Greek-Persian wars and the Peloponnesian war. At 348 p. to the sound i.e., these places lost their independence and became part of the kingdom of Macedonia. At 168 p. to the sound e. trade in the region to pass under the control of the Romans, which led to the fall. From that hour until 9 tbsp. Halkidiki - God forgot the province. At 855 p. Emperor Byzantium Basil I the Macedonian will deafen the lands of Halkidiki “every silence and calm rebuking of chentsiv” to the end of the century. Tse to bring to zbіlshennya kіlkostі chentsіv to Athos. The reshta of the territory of Halkidiki is transformed into a strong supporter of the Athonite monasteries. In 1430, the Ottomans occupied Thessaloniki, and in the cities with them Chalkidiki. Nadmirna danina and part of the attacks of pirates were brought to a change in the population in the region. After the call in 1912 Halkidiki, including Sithonia, was inhabited by about 15 thousand. residents Ale born in 1922 the Greeks moved here, who lived in Asia Minor.

Traditions and sounds

The proximity of Athos was given as signs in the way of life on Siton. People here are kind and kind, chanting traditions and sounds, especially Orthodox ones. Religious holy are celebrated widely, especially Great Day. The river is flooded here through the Toroneos inlet from the settlement of Mikit to Kalifea on Kassandra.

Significant reminders

On Sithonia and the parts of Halkidiki that were adjacent to it, there are not so many settlements. The most important of them are Nikiti, Neos Marmaras, Metamorphos, Agios Nikolaos and Sarti. Mikiti is the municipal center of Sithonia. The number of population is close to 3 thousand. Meshkantsiv. Here you can find all the administrative departments of the district, the police department and the banks. The settlement took its name from the temple of St. Mikiti (16th century). Near the coastal part of Nikita there are no-man's bars and cafes. Near the old part of the village there are old temples, honed with rich hut spores. On the square, in the shade of sycamores, traditional taverns were quietly roaring. Neos Marmaras is the tourist center of Sithonia. At the settlement there are bags of 3 yew. osib. Neos Marmaras roztashovuєtsya on the western coast of Sitonії, belya pіdnіzhzhya m. The distance to Thessaloniki warehouse is 125 km. The central district of Siton, where vinification is located. The settlement has a large number of shops, taverns, restaurants and bars. Vіdpochivayuchi іz suіdnogo complex Porto Carras vvazhayut for the best spend your holiday yourself here. Agios Nikolaos rose 2 km from the banks of the Sіngіtіkos inflow. In this part of Chalkidiki itself, the ancient Singos was known, in honor of which the flood was named. Near the settlement there are close to 2 yew. osib. Near the area of ​​Agios Nikolaos, there are Vourvourou and Ormos Panagias, the stars are flying boats to the coast of St. Burn Athos. Near the village of Garna, there is a zone with taverns and cafes, where the locals love to sit. Metamorphosis is a small settlement (700 individuals). Vіdstan to Thessaloniki warehouse 90 km. Roztashovuetsya Metamorphosis on the very cob of Siton, on the deciduous schili, on the birch of the streams of Toroneos. At the same time, near the village and in the outskirts there are modern hotels, camping and two children's camps. The Crimean tourism population is engaged in fishing and security. Sarti is located on a similar coast of Siton, on the banks of the tributaries of Sіngіtіkos. Navpaki, through the sea you can see the river. Athos (2033 m). At the settlement


On Siton, there are long beaches with mustaches, and calm bays, rimmed with sharp skeletons and pines. Diving can be done on three of them: Kalamitsi, Armenistis and Platanitsi. 14 beaches of Sithonia were awarded to the city of Blakitny prapor ЄС. Mikiti. Roztashovuetsya at the shidniy part of the food bank of the zavdovka 30 km. Tse, perhaps, is the only beach of Sithonia, lined not with pines, but with olive trees. There are no taverns here, bars and cafes. There are no great hotels in the village, nor in the nearest surroundings. Neos Marmaras. The beach on the outskirts of the village of the same name stretches for 2 km to the Porto Carras complex. Good organization of food, the beach is blessed with good fortune. On the beach, you can enjoy the services of cafes and beach bars, go in for water sports. Vgamuvati hunger is possible in the numerous taverns of the village. Sarti. The most popular beach among the Greeks. Already a lot of fates here come the stunners of a calm family reunion. And for amateurs of active sports there is a water sports center. Panoramic views of Mount Athos and pine trees are suitable for nature lovers. Save the food here, the sea is crystal clear. Toroni. Invisible beach for Sithonia, the entrance to the sea here is overly pebbly. On the third day of the day, the beach of thefts from the hvil of the old miss. At different places on the beach, you can find taverns that go straight to the sea. Krіpaki and old churches tell stories about the rich history of Toroni. In honor of this month itself, the inlet Toroneos was named. Psakudya. Garniy beach, which is ideal for a break. Tse dovgy pishchany beach, obladnany sunbeds. Not far from the coast there are hotels, apartments, shops and taverns. Pine trees come up from the sunset to the sea, and olive trees come right off the bat. Metamorphosis. In fact, it is a complex of beaches and bays with a different entrance to the sea. It is important to sing, but pebbles trap at some places. On this uzberezhzhі roztashovanі hotels and children's camps. Gerakinі


In Sithonia, always know what to do. Near the settlements and villages there are a large number of taverns, restaurants, bars and cafes, in which they always serve local and international cuisine, local wine and malt. On the breeding grounds, you can find music programs and youth night clubs. On the territory of the Porto Carras complex there is a casino, which is one of the largest in Greece. Є golf course with 18 holes, yak occupies an area of ​​45 hectares. The most active night of life is at Neos Marmaras, Mikitі Sartі. There are anonymous bars, discos and night clubs. On some beaches, there are beach evenings. Influence on Siton to hold various festivals, holy is that sports magic. Fans of active sports can go diving or horseback riding. For example, there will be a big tuna fishery in Porto Koufo. At rich hotels, you can engage in tennis and water sports. For nature lovers, there are routes near the coastal and mountainous parts of Siton. Here you can ride a mountine-byke or take a jeep safari.


The most popular and the most popular product from Siton is natural honey. Moreover, here it is not only flowery, but also pine honey. At the very heart of Siton, the vineyards of Porto Carras grow, on which miraculous wines are made. Labels with the inscription "Porto Carras" can be seen at all the best restaurants in Greece. Crimean wine and honey, especially respect, it is necessary to add olive oil and olives. Oliya from Chalkidiki has an incredible aroma and taste. For example, great olives of the Gigantes variety grow more importantly in this part of Greece. The great interest of the guests of the region is shown to the various wooden figures and handicrafts of the mastrins.

Transport and transfer

Check your luck. There is no airport in Halkidiki, but we do not have a problem. Airport Makedoniya m. Nearly 400 thousand rubles arrive to Salonitsky airport. tourists who come to Halkidiki. Good luck seafarer. There are no great passenger ports in Sithonia. From the port of Ormos Panagias, boats sail to the coast of Athos, to the port of Ouranoupolis. From Neos Marmaras on the ship you can reach the land of Kassandri. For more distant routes, you can go to the port of Nea Moudania, the stars sail ships to Pivnichni Sporod (Skiathos and Skopelos). Є the great port at the susіdnіh Thessaloniki, the stars can be spent on the Dodecanese and Crete. Buses. By public transport from Sithonia you can get to Kassandra, Athos and Thessaloniki. Green-colored buses with the inscription KTEL on the scoreboard, which light up, pass at an interval of 20-30 hvilin. Tickets are bathed at the water. Taxi. In Siton, like in all Halkidiki, taxis are taken from different colors. More important cars - new "Mercedes". Zupinki taxi є in the skin village, ale zruchnіshe and svidshe vyklikati taksі. The fare can be discussed ahead of time. The tariff is approx. 1€ per km.

Kitchen and eating

In Siton, like in all of Greece, the cuisine is simple, but savory. It is not for nothing that the Mediterranean cuisine is considered the absolute leader in terms of korisnistyu. In mountain settlements, the priority is given to grasses from meat, legumes, grains and dairy products. Characteristic herbs for Siton are goat meat, baked in lemon sauce, cock, boiled with cereals, and tsobaniko rhizogalo (rice, cooked with licorice milk). It is obviously impossible to deprive misceva feta without respect - a brinza made from mutton and goat milk. At the coastal zone, fish and sea products prevail. Fresh striped striped mullet, catfish, dorado, tuna and flounder are smeared on the wugill. And the grouper obov'yazkovo vikoristovuetsya for Yushka. Sarti prepares the most delicious dried octopus. For dessert, it’s necessary to eat ravioli from Mikita, which is to fight with cereals, honey and milk. Behind the savory qualities of the wines, one is looking for the revenge of Veriy, which is respected by the best in Greece. Near Halkidiki, that on Sitoniya zokrema, miraculous wines are made. At the taverns you can buy Port Carras and Tsantali wines, as well as fine homemade wine. In Siton, sprat varieties of grapes grow. All French varieties Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc. Ale є y mіstsevі sorti Moskhomavro and Malaguzi (do not stray from Malvazієyu).

Siton is a unique perlin of Greece, so the titles are “another finger” of the island of Chalkidiki. This natural paradise is spread in the Aegean Sea, between Athos and Kassandra, which is immediately washed by the streams of the Singitikos and Toronichny vіdpovidno. The length of the Siton Pivostrova is close to 50 km of the dam and 25 km of the dam, with a population of 13 thousand inhabitants. Here you can watch the wonders of the unoccupied civilization of beaches, valleys and mountains. I tourists, and local residents come here on a calm basis in the small pictorial resorts of the uzberezhzhya. The region is famous for its sandy beaches with crystal clear sea water, and embossed skellies that will make you feel lost. The beauty of the landscapes in Siton, the flooring is amazing, which is created by an unrealistic photo and a painted picture.

Lovers of cycling, divers and golf enthusiasts should appreciate the pіvostrіv. Uzdovzh por_zanoї coastline with small bays, which are ideal for swimming, there are a lot of campsites. However, if you think that Seaton can only propagate a beach holiday, then you will be greatly gracious. Middle temples, ancient ruins and other historical monuments were planted on the territory of the pivostrov. Gourmets can enjoy walnut cuisine, the best seafood and wonderful wines.

  • Area: 515 km²;
  • Water area: Egeisk Sea.


In this part of Greece, there is a mild Mediterranean climate: warm winters are replaced by smoky dry summers. The mountain masses, which make the island desert, protect it from the strong winds, so the winds are very rare here, and the water warms up well. Summer temperatures repeatedly sound in the range of +30 ... +36 ° C, although sometimes they reach +45 ° C. It is practically not noticeable when it comes to drying dry and obvious sinter. Coastal waters warm up to +25…+26°C. The best weather near Sitonia is from the middle of the month to the end of the black hour and from the ear of the spring to the end of the day.

Main resorts

Mikit is the administrative center and the largest population point of Siton. Like the greater number of towns, wines spread on the old settlement, roztashovan in the depths of the farm, and the coastal settlement, yak became a popular resort. Settlements of all s kіlkoh budinkov were established in the XIV century, and even before the XV century the number of the population grew and Mikit acquired the status of an independent village. In 1821 p. during the hours of the Greek Revolution, the Turks completely defeated the entire settlement. Prote, until 1827 the village was revived anew. Today, the place can open the infrastructure and go to the sea, and in the mountains - the mountain Itamos will be built in order. It can be used as a pish, as well as cycling rides, or you can go on a jeep.

If you visit the old village, then you should definitely try the right walnut cava, marvel at the church of St. Mykiti, built in 1867, and stroll along the narrow little streets with houses, vikonanim in the style of traditional Macedonian architecture. So, Nikita is the largest bdzhilnitsky center of Macedonia.

At the western part of the coast, we most live in the small resort town of Neos Marmaras. Having omitted its name from the migrants from the Turkish Marmaris, they ruled here, and on the territory of the fishing village virus Noviy (Neos) Marmaras. A church, a port, numerous quiet restaurants, living quarters and apartments for rent are being built here. Archaeological evidence in this gallery tells about the ancient Byzantine settlement, in view of which the relics of the old fort have been preserved to this day. When staying in this place, try to see the traditional Greek village of Parthenonas, which is located on the height of 350 m, and the pivostrova, which goes into the deep, for 6 km. Here, the local coloring and the unique architecture of the dwelling houses were preserved. You can see the island of Kelifos and Toroneiska zatok. From the Parthenonas, the famous pishohidna stitch is famous, as it leads to the natural reserve Itamos.

A dekilka of kilometers per day sprang up another ancient settlement - Toroni, which has been leading its history since the VIII century BC. At the same time, the most popular quiet resort, oriented towards families. The tourist infrastructure is devastated, the sea is beautifully clear, sandy beaches, awarded with the Blakyt ensign, and the presence of great winds is added to mandrivniki with small children. However, there are cultural and historical monuments here: the remains of the ancient Acropolis, the walls of the fortress of Lykif, the Church of St. Athanasius. At the bottom of the sea, a few kilometers from the shore, the ruins of a long-standing place rest.

In the summer season, the most popular village in the southern part of the farm is Sart. Wine rich for anonymous hotels, apartments, cafes, restaurants and bars for any relish - a leather tourist knows his own. A lot of taverns are located right on the shore. This is a miracle place for a budgetary support from democratic prices. Zvіdusіl vіdkrivayutsya here wonderland see to the great Mount Athos. Man-made memorials in Sart are not far from the port, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary has been refurbished. There is a small chapel on the beach, which is amazing.

The resort is suitable for inexpensive shopping: souvenir shops and shops to show great choice beach accessories and clothes for low prices. The three-kilometer beach of Sarti, with the purest water, dry sand and a gentle entrance to the water, possessing sun loungers and parasols, proteo depleted and wild, disordered caravans. Quite rarely here.


The coastline of the Pivostrova is even longer and may have its own large number of beaches, 6 of which may be on the city of Blakitny Prapor for its infrastructure and cleanliness. Deyakі roztashovanі in uninterrupted proximity to the above-described resorts, and others are found in the villages. The best beaches of Sithonia are: Sikya, Sarti, Toroni, Karidi, Trypotamos, Tristinika, Lagomandra, Eliya, Antemus, Armenistis, Sitoniya.

Almost all beaches are roztashovanny in the bays, so there are no great hvil. Save for all your life, like food, so take care of pebbles. Most of the beaches are equipped with sun loungers, parasols, toilets, shacks, bars. Here you can try a lot of water roses, and in the small town of Tagarades you can find Waterland - a majestic popular water park, attractions that bring both children and grown-ups.

Fans of the deep sea can bathe and sip in the quiet coves, far from outside eyes.

Rozvagi and shopping

Siton has not only historical remembrances of thousands of different people, but natural beauty, like a kind of skin mandriving. We have the best vineyards in the world, roztashovani in Porto - Carras. Bring respect to the skelestas of the bays of Kartla, and the Itamos reserve on the Dragudel mountain.

Every day a trip across the cordon is not complete without shopping or a fur coat or a fridge magnet. Trade quarters with a large number of shops and more retail outlets near the great cities of the breeding island - Nikiti, Neos Marmaras and Sarti. As a rule, tourists bring olive oil, olives, ceramics, natural cosmetics, honey and alcohol from Siton.

Olives in Greece are sold on a daily basis - in the markets and in supermarkets, you can pick them up vacuum packaging chi at the banks. You will be asked to propagate the greatness of the number of varieties, prote, the first of the lower ones, to try it more often. With an olive oil, it’s already more folded, a wart of memory, what’s best, an olive of a cold vіdzhimu.

Siton has a sprat of popular yak honey production. One of the leaders in Europe for the production of malt and Mikita. For over 500 years, the merchants have been engaged in the care. Robbing here is more important than pine honey.

Also from Greece varto bring metaxa (myst cognac), national wine and raki (grape burner).

Like a walnut gift, you can bring cosmetics, here they are made from natural syrovina based on olive oil. The simplest such a souvenir is a cute walnut, as it is sold as a piece, so in great sets.

Seaton marvels and subdues, relaxes and gives strength. Having drank here once, you will want to turn around again. Garni kraєvidi, miraculous malovnichі kraєvidi that mass of unforgettable hostilities at the resorts of this enchanting farm is guaranteed to you.

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Seaton (Σιθωνία) is another one or the middle farm of Chalkidiki. The piercing and hostile landscape of the middle “finger” evokes nature lovers and tourists, who want to get together in civilization.

The shores of Siton represent a wide range - pictorial villages, water-kremlin bays, deserts and beaches, even if they are wide-ranging, in sharpened pine trees and chagarniks, as well as the unique architecture of the houses and churches.

The brown climate of Siton has come to your reproach, to heal your body and soul. Cultural and other visits, which reflect the specifics of the Seaton region, will propagate you an unforgettable memory.

In Sithonia you will find hotels of any quality, from which you can choose the one that suits you, including unique luxury hotels with a golf course, tennis courts and water sports.

As soon as the rise of that night life is worth it, then Sithonia will give everything a new peace, it’s good to go to the traditional beauty of that hotel from modern visukuvanni.

Sitoniya bagata on the memorial memo: ancient town-castle and church Ag. Afanasia in Toroni, churches of the 16th century in Mikitya, windmills in Sikia and the largest and safest natural harbor of Greece in Porto Koufo (Koufo), the yak bula was designed by Thucydides as the "Deaf Port".

Zrobimo is not great for you a tour through the places and villages of Siton, which will remind you of new enemies and marvelous images of beautiful beaches, pine forests, narrow streets with colorful squares, and island life.

At the western part of Siton there are a lot of food beaches and hotels. Two of the most beautiful mountain villages - Stariy Mikitі and Parfenopolі - were rebuilt here.

Old Mikit (Παλιό χωριό Νικήτης)

Old Mikity is located 100 km from the Thessaloniki, from the railway station, not far from the main road on the left side. Here you can see the old village of prehistoric hours, where the antique place and tsvintar were revealed.

The crisis of the forest massif is visible stone budinki, zbudovani on the cob 1830 rock. On the old square with three fountains there is a small wine shop and a tavern. On the most important part of the central road in front of you is the great church of Saint-Nikitas, from the yard you can see the view of the whole village, it was founded in 1867 by the priests. The beautiful chapel of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary from the kilkom was decorated with paintings of the wooden iconostasis of the 17th century.

Parthenopolis (Παρθενόπολη)

The name of the village inspired archaeologists to think that the Acropolis could be entrusted. However, the ruins were not found, but the ruins of the temple, perhaps Zeus, were found.

Tse miraculous place with taverns, cafes and hotels. As you see Parthenopolis, do not miss the moment to walk Itamos (Ίταμο) - the single mountain of Sithonia, whose peak is only 20 miles away along a good dirt road.

Neos Marmaras (Νέος Μαρμαράς)

Neos Marmaras was born in 1922 to the birth of a migrant from Asia Minor, a tse ribal village and a rural settlement with a developed tourist infrastructure - apartments, condominiums, hotels, restaurants.

From one side there is the beach of Paradise (Paradise), from the other side there is the main beach of Marmaras. Near the center of the village there is a fish port and the church Taxiarches. Neos Marmaras is 115 km away from Thessaloniki metro station.

Porto Koufo (Πόρτο Κουφό)

Porto Koufo is located in Toroneos - the safest and most natural port in Greece, ready to accept any type of vessel, Porto Koufo, from Thessaloniki, is located 145 km. On the rocky and streamy shores you make the ovens, where you can drink when you arrive on the chute.

Under the hour of Another light war Porto Koufo maw is important through its strategic camp. Nіmtsі vikoristovuvali yogo as headquarters, and also zvіdsi buv direct access to the Aegean Sea. Until now, the ruins of defensive spores have been preserved, like the Germans called.

A memorial to the region is Miss Kartalia (Καρτάλια) on the pivdenny schili of Siton. Vіdvіduvannya mіsta mіsta mіsta mіsli vіd poromі. View of the skele, which is high above the inflow, is a tskavim sight. At Porto Koufo there are faceless taverns with fresh fish.

Vourvourou (Βουρβουρού)

Vourvourou (Βουρβουρού) from the Thessaloniki metro station is located 120 km away and is located near the lower part of the coast of Siton. This is a unique place, full of its unoccupied nature and enchanting beaches.

Vourvourou roztashovaniya on the day of the Church Ag. Nikola, for 10 kilometers. With its unique natural landscape and exotic beauty, unforgettable view of the nearest ten islands and Athos, Vourvoura has always attracted both the Greeks themselves and foreign tourists.
For bathing in good weather, you should go to Vourvourou beach, close to the beaches of Lavary (Λιβάρι), Xifara (Ξιφάρα).

Having passed through the villages, Nea Marmara in Porto Carras, sharpened by vineyards, pine trees and turning to the right, there are a number of smaller beaches in Koutsoupias and Saint Helena, three distances from the beaches of Monodentri, Alatompara, Azapiko, Tristinika - a long beach with a private beach bar. Turning to the coastal road, you will find Poseidon camping with an organized food beach.

Toroni (Τορώνη)

This region, where the resort village of Toroni is located (145 km from the Thessaloniki metro station), was inhabited from prehistoric times and was the most important place of the Chalkidiki breeding ground, the place flourished in the classical hours. Vіn buv foundations by settlers from Chalkіdi in the 8th century BC

There were found two royal flowers (11th to 8th centuries BC) and 2 acropolises in Lykif and near Vigle. A silver urn of the 5th century BC - a jellyfish with carved handles (taken in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki) was revealed on one of the tars in Toroni.

Near the area of ​​​​Toroni, you can see the round vezhu at the upper part of the Vigla pagorba and the early Christian church of Ag. Afanasia.

Siton, named after Siton, the son of the ancient Greek god Poseidon, is a unique beer island. The wine stretches between the barvist of the Toronichny influx and stretches right up to the Drepano mise. The place, blessed by Poseidon himself, is roztashovane in the pivnіchnіy part of Greece. Sithonia Halkidiki is a region of malovnichiy and unique in its nature, with vast expanses of mediterranean warm climate, which positively affects the people, mountain massifs and miraculous forests that enchant the look. The main point of breeding is Mount Itamos, staggered at a height of 811 meters above the sea.

If a person sips to Siton, it becomes a part of the world that creates numerical inflows, the sea is warmer, like it shimmers in all the blue shades, the blue glare of the rocks, the soft pine trees. The Greek Sithoniya of Nemov was attached to the evergreen attire of trees, which gave a unique atmosphere of naturalness, it was not in any way disturbed by the progress of technology and reached the people in that way, in which they knew the persovidkrivachs of ancient Greece.

On the view of rich popular areas in Greece, Seaton is a calm, quiet place, where a tourist can always relax on the water Kremlin, pictorial places, and beaches, or throw yourself into the atmosphere of sleeping under pine trees in a handy hammock. For those who like quiet places, which are not overflowing with markets, to shout, and other richly crowded places, Sithonia, open your doors, giving you the opportunity to peacefully breathe in the Aegean Sea, enjoying the silence of the ancient pіvostrovo.

At the western part of Siton Pivostrova, the tourist knows wonderful bays, like dumb people hid in the middle of evergreen pastures, crystal clear water of beaches, on yak, as it were, no human foot has set foot. At the same time, for lovers of wild evenings and shopping in the countries of abroad, there will be established tourist centers, so as not to deprive the baiduzhim of navit tourist, as you can see.

The climate of Siton, creations for healing by nature itself

The long-standing state of Greece is inspired not only by its history, its mythology, but also by its friendly inhabitants, and is still home to the whole world with its mild, Mediterranean climate. At that hour, in the krains of the SND, the temperature is simply unbearable, and the wind is cold in the cold, the temperature is cold, at Siton, the tourist is checked for the lower change of sun, the temperature is that average moisture, which is accompanied by light sea breezes. About the impact of the climate, especially about the mediocrity of the Mediterranean, physicians published an impersonal robot and recommendations. The very weather of Siton to rob this region is not less than a cause for rebirth and rose, and all the world is led by a health-care worker, seeing that the health of all members of the motherland is worthy.

Guided tour on the lands of Sithonia

Open the veil, as if the secrets of Sithonia’s breeding island, allow excursions. The sightseeing life of an invisible part of the buttya, like mandrivniki, so the mіstsevih inhabitants, like anew and anew pragnate to five roots in their own past. Vіdpochinok and excursions suffocate the mandrіvnik at the vir of mystical color, the heroic past and cultural statues, which are the same as the whole region.

It is impossible to discover for yourself the mystery of the lands, not having seen the rich place of Sarti. Yogo expanse, if they fought from the unfavorable sea, as if they lifted the walls of civilization. The era of Sarti ended in the distant 16th century, having left the unique monastery behind its caps. Leather mandrinnik can be transferred to the atmosphere of the decline of religious life, stepping up to the temple of Xiropotamos. Here, in a marvelous manner, the past century is intertwined with that vanity of modernity, which can savor the sight of musical and theatrical productions, which often cope on the improvised platforms of Xiropotamos.
It is impossible to repent of your soul, having visited the lands of Siton and not having served the baths of the inhabitants of the brewery - the great place of Toron, there are no rich records. This tragic fate begins at the moment of the bloody slaughter of these lands by the Macedonians in 348 BC. Thus, the glorious Toroni step by step fell, the prote and now leather mandrinnik of Halkidiki can touch the majestic atmosphere of the acropolises near Viglé, imagining them to remind you of the drama of the past hours.

The sightseeing route of the mandriving in the island of Siton, obov'yazkovo led to a galaxy of mystic beauty and monuments of Halkidiki. The chergovy point of recognition, which you can touch for decades, will be the church of St. Athanasius in the city of Sikia. This stronghold of the religious butt was called in the not so distant past - 1814 rock, prote for such a non-trival іsnuvannya vіn dvіchі surviving zhah zgaryshch, scho fiercely at the walls of the yogi, prote temple, the beginning of the Phoenix, vіdrodzhuvsya from the ashes and now є a drive for numerical legends.

Excursions on the lands of Sithonia and Halkidiki Pivostrova - a kind of cult, to which all the "pilgrims" go to this place, the land of riches on the monuments, ancient monuments and the replacement of cultural influences, who knew their own in the architecture of Slavic architecture In order to get over the atmosphere of Siton, you need to spend more than one month, and even the whole life, but you can also get to the bottom of the mystery of rich history with legendary routes. Variety of excursions on the farms can be from 50 to 300 $, but the tours taken on these lands will accompany you all your life.

Memories and legendary memos of Sithonia

The route will be long, sticking out late in the day, burying itself in the mystery of dramatic epochs that encroach on the roots of antiquity. The place of Neos Marmaras is proudly called a reminder; There’s something to be afraid of: to drag mandrivniki to the right epicenter of a roaring life. The history of yoga is new and originates from the 20s of the XX century, but the color of authentic taverns, traditional cafes, markets, more accurately convey the atmosphere everyday life Meshkantsіv pіvostrov Sitonіya, and osyagnennya actual on today's day of tradition - the best reference point for vydkrittya myths and legends of old.

Embracing the chronology of the beauty of the city and driving for pride, the guests sound like they are crashing down to the lands of the little town of Mikit. These lands are silently guarding the cultural relics of the past century, the rocks under Mikitiya, archaeologists have discovered a small civilization. Sche VIII-VII Art. before our time, the place of Galipsos flourished here. Prote all the mystery of this prosperous edge veils the globe of the earth and the walls are already calling for a new life.

Can't get past the stronghold of religious traditions - Churches of the Dormition Holy Mother of God, as they called at the very heart of Mikitia The first stone of the foundation was laid at the XIV century, the inhabitants of the city sacredly guard it. The ruins of the legendary church of St. Athanasius - another pearl among the galaxy of monuments of Sithonia. Nina's temple prospered near the city of Sikia, the oskelki vdyachni naschadki of 1870 rock not only revived the spores from the ashes, but they also called the school of white yoga walls.

I invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of a truly mythical, more familiarity with the lands of the city of Sykia. Її іstorіya syagaє to the roots of the distant Neolithic, proto-cultural bathhouses, the finest examples of architecture and inconspicuous displays of mysticism, the local residents were saved away. Such is the position of Siton in front of the skin guest, and this fertile land will forever become a part of your special history.

Saving gold "the other finger of Halkidiki"

Having set foot on the land of the pіvostrova, a miraculous panorama of the inviting black waters and the sleepy dunes of the dunes is seen by the skin mandriving man. The line of escaping makes it possible for a skin newcomer to drown at the exchange of sun on the sands of its beaches. The impersonal beaches in Siton are covered with sand or cunning pebbles, saving them from the ancient hours to be famous for their miraculous powers, which help to know people's health and longevity.

Lavri first on the island of the middle of the great variety of beaches in the conquered Carid. The aroma of pine needles, black warm water and white sand - all this creates a unique atmosphere for a comfortable rest. The Sithonian beach is lined with the necessary landscaping to ensure calmness and tranquility.

To get calm and enjoy the good fortunes of nature, allow the beach of Trіstinіka - the bay is protected, which shows wonderful panoramas at the evening, come in the sun. Drіbniy pisok and the purity of the sea call mandrivniki from the mustaches of Siton. It is impossible to bypass the respect and protection of the beach of Eliya - the epicenter of life in the cafes, roaming centers, quiet, which appreciates the recognition, welcome the sand to the beach of Trypotamos - the water-kremlin of the protection, deprivation of nature Ready to greet mandrivniks and golden dunes to the beach of Fava, and the warm sea of ​​Turkolimnionas.

How to get to Siton

You can get to the island of Sitonia both by car from Sarti, and by bus, from Kassandri. Until then, a lot of tourist organizations will propagate a chovnov excursion along the shores of Halkidiki, as if it will end with the Sithon skyscraper. Routes to traffic transport, both water and land, can be done at the preparatory offices of bus stations and travel companies that conduct excursions. Transfer across Siton can be booked both on a taxi, and on scooters, water transport. Hotels in the region, having blessed Poseidon himself, will always be happy to bring tourists to any point of the natural pearl of Greece.

"Another finger of Halkidiki" is the proud name of Sithonia, which is the right pearl in the galaxy of islands and lands of the region. For the same reason, the leather mandrinnik pragne at once throw away the beauty, colorful architecture and the number of cultural sights of the fall, passing along the route of the monuments of Siton and all Halkidiki. The guests of the brewery are filled with the quintessence of antiquity, as a kind of contrast with the restless present. To that, the leather mandrinnik of Siton respects with his own obv'dat vіdvіdat's bagatovіkovі nadbannya hours in antiquity and man-made vivorіv suchasnіv.

Greece, Chalkidiki Seaton is a small country, one of the three "fingers" of the mainland. The island is unique in its kind, I named it after the name of Siton, the son of the old Greek god of the sea. On the geographical map of the vineyards between the Toronichnaya bay and the Drepano mise in the most pristine part of Greece. Seaton Greece is a very beautiful and majestic area with unique nature, Mediterranean health climate, which brings the harmony of people, mountain systems, forests, which enchant. The most important point of Halkidiki is Mount Itamos, which stretches for 811 meters uphill.

Sitoniya - a place for repair

On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih vіdomih greek regions, іtоnіya spokoіyne i іtikhе mіsce, de mandrivniki can vіdpochiti samotі on garnі expanses і і on warm beaches, аbо vdatisі to the realm of Morpheus in a hammock in pine trees. Tourists, yakі vіddâtâvat advantage calm vіdpochinku, zavzhd can spend the holiday hour itself in Sitonії, breathing in the fresh air of the Aegean Sea and drinking in the silence of the ancient land. At the entrance of the Mandriving Pivostrov, there are miraculous inlets and ideally clear water near the beaches. However, Seaton promotes party lovers and shopping, night clubs, discos, modern mollies and boutiques.

Settlement of Mikiti

The small town of Nikita (Greece) was planted in the town with no stones on the 100-kilometer view of Thessaloniki. On the territory of the settlement, there were found traces of ancient places, the remains of a rich age and a great number of churches in the early stage of Christianity. In ancient times, the place of Galipsos stood at the place of the place, having told Herodotus in his chronicles about 480 years before our time. Also, at this city, there were a number of two ancient fortifications - Fiskella and Parthenopolis. For example, in the 14th century, the village of Neakita was established;

The place is made up of two halves - the modern metropolis of the sea coast with a well-established tourist system and the old village. The village saved its original looking zavdyakova її sacks, as they periodically repair and restore their houses. The place took away the title of a historical memorial. Walking along the streets of the city, you can imagine stone houses with wooden loggias, embellished with vines and colorful dews.

Street Mista Mikiti

Settlement of Gerakina

Gerakini (Greece) - a resort town with a mild climate, sandy beaches, diverse nature and reminders. Roztashovuєtsya entrusted with the misami of Sithonia and Kassandra, which are often called the “fingers” of the Chalkidiki brewery. The place is young, even though we look old and rusty. Spochatku was appointed for industrial purposes through the majestic laying of a white stone, from the sixty decades of becoming a tourist destination.

Climate and weather

Seaton - climate

The ancient state of the Greeks of Cicava is not only its marvelous history, mythology and guest residents, for tourists in the world outside, they are at home in front of the Mediterranean climate. It’s unbearably stingy in the lands of the Kolishny Radyansk Union, and winters in the frost freeze the breezes, at Siton mandrivniki, the sun is warm, the average temperature is not high at the same time with light sea breezes.

Seaton Island, Greece, on the map

Anonymous doctors published positive work and recommendations on how to inject the Mediterranean climate into the human body. For rich people, Seaton is not just a place for recovery, but also a natural health center, which positively influences the whole homeland. According to the forecasts for summer 2018, the average temperature will rise from 22 to 27 degrees Celsius.

Weather in Nikita

Place Mikitі in Greece, the weather in New Bagato is similar to other settlements on the island of Chalkidiki. Mediterranean climate, areas between the desert and continental climate zones. The average river temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, the maximum temperature is 44 degrees plus, the average water inlet temperature is 25 degrees.

Pleasant weather near Nikita

Weather in Gerakina (Greece)

On the territory of Gerakin, there is also a Mediterranean climate. The weather is dry and smoky, but it warms up to 37 degrees, but through the sea winds the speck is not unbearable, but on the contrary, I am.

Get respect! A charge of warmth and water, but there are no parts and bright woods, like in other parts of Greece, to Sithon and Gerakin, tourists are invited tsiliy rik.

Significant city of Sithonia

Sithonia is proudly called the Other Finger of Halkidiki, distinguishing it from pearls from the crowded islands and the breeding island of Greece. Practically leather mandrivnik, walking along the routes of Siton, Mikit and Gerakin, try not to miss the beauty of beauty, the richness of architecture, and the diversity of cultural and historical monuments. On the islands, the notes of antiquity are closely traced, entrusted to the victories of modernity.

Mіstsya, yakі varto vіdvіdat і Sitonії:

  • Old place;
  • Fortress and Church of St. Athanasius near Toroni;
  • Windmills in Sikya;
  • Church in Mikit, founded in the 16th century;
  • Church of the Holy Mother of God.

Nasampered tourists direct to the territory of the town of Mikit. On these lands, the cultural values ​​of the past centuries are saved, which are found under the earth. Archaeologists knew the ancient place, as if it existed in the 8-7th century BC. If on this earth stood the sovereign place of Galipsos, buried under the globe of the earth.

Important! Vіdvіduvannya vyznachnyh mem'yatok іz іz guide need to zapіblyat okremo.

Lovers of religious monuments will visit the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary near the center of Mikita. The beginning of everyday life dating to the 15th centuries, the local population writes about everyday life and protects yoga in every possible way. There is a reason for this - in the distant past, another significant reminder of Sithonia, the legendary temple of St. Athanasius, was added. Nini temple is miraculously built near the city of Sikia, for the inhabitants, like a lot of historical remembrances, called yoga anew in 1870 roci, contagiously zbuduvavshi order school.

Church of the Holy Mother of God at Sithonia

For zanurennya in the mythical atmosphere of Greece, tourists need to look at the Veletensky lands of Sikії. It is interesting to establish the cultural values ​​of the hours of the Neolithic era, the best architectural objects for that hour and the inexhaustible creation of mysticism, successfully saving the medical population.

People who work at the monasteries are engaged in animal breeding, ribi fishing, and vigilance, they created the ninth look of Siton - a resort place, destined by the Greeks and foreign tourists. The architecture of the settlement is reminiscent of the 70s, dovkola to stand pine forests, pishchani beaches, rozvineny vіdpochinok on the open air.


For tourists popular sightseeing tours with old spores of Siton. A trip to the monastery "Meteori" will be busy: the old-fashioned life was planted on a great height overlooking the sea level in the middle of the skel.

For thirteen kilometers from Gerakina, the ancient settlement of Nea Potidea stands. Guides show the remains of an ancient fort, which are washed from the sea depths, telling the story to tourists, including Russian ones. Trochs gave the rotting of Petralon's oven. In the middle, there is a large number of stalactites and stalagmites, and the interest in becoming one’s century is close to 700,000 years.

Furnaces of Petralona

Vidpochinok on Sithonia

How to briefly describe Siton, the green space, the clear water and the white sand. The main view of the view on Siton is the beach view of the beach near 25 kilometers of the coastal zone.

List of main beaches in Sithonia:

  • Lagomandra. To be found within 15 kilometers from Mikit, the beach, pine foxes, all the necessary services.
  • Kalogria. The beach is 5 kilometers from Mikit. Velvety sand, bar presence, sun loungers made of parasols. Є water roses.
  • Kovdu. The inflow is small, the bottom is shallow. Oksamitovy pisok, cold winds, є mіstsya for diving.
  • Agia Yanni. The water is clear, the width of the beach is large, parking, bari.
  • Tristinika. Skelesta city, the beach is located 37 kilometers from Sarti. Tsikaviy is led by the Ethnic bar.
  • The head beach of Mikiti. Ideal for a family holiday, the beach is lined up with the church of St. Theodore.
  • Climate control. Food beach with clear water. A couple of pubs and cafes, sunbeds with parasols, parking.
  • Criaritic. A beautiful beach on a similar coast of Siton. Є camping and mall.
  • Paradisos. Food beach for a kilometer from Neos Marmaras. Є bezlіch hotelіv that cafe, scho pіdhodit for іmеyny vіdpochinku.
  • Cavurotripes. The beach is located 5 kilometers away from Sarti, you can see beautifully, a white stone, the bottom is filled with clear blue water.
  • Platani. Beach from dry sand, pine foxes, camping. On the territory there is a bar Afri-cafe.

Important! Viewing the beaches without cost, you can ask for payment only for renting a sunbed.

Crimean beaches, Seaton can boast of a developed tourist system. There are a lot of hotels, night clubs, bars, restaurants on the whole territory of the Pivostrova. The sphere of shopping is also expanded: mini-markets, souvenir shops, boutiques, shops, what to sell on a drink, embellishment, fritters and clothes. On rich beaches there is the possibility of underwater swimming and yachting.

Paradisos beach

You can watch Sithon on a celestial river, the best time for picking up will be the period from May to Spring. You can spend weddings on the beaches or go on excursions with a guide to the historical places. The best place for the night, you will have a hotel room near the coastal zone.

At the end, you can say that the repair at Seaton Brewery is the best time spent in Europe, accessible to the skin tourist with the necessary service.

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