Religious holy 24th of spring

If Semyon Antonov, the son of a Tambov peasant, who was born in five years after the acquisition of a strong right, was chotiri rocky, letting the book-carrier spend the night. He appeared as a human being, intelligent and progressive, and, without delay, began to work out his enlightened mission, explaining to the dark rulers that Christ is not God, and there is no God in sight. From that day, the words of a grown-up scribe: "De vin, God?" they did not give the lads peace, repeating madly: "If there is a great growth, I will go to God."

Ale didn't have to go far. Entrusted to the village of Seleznyov, the recluse John is alive, who was respected for his life by the saints, and if he died, they began to go to the grave to bow and pray. Alas, it’s a holy man, - and not like an old-timer, from books, but here, by nature, - it means that God is among us and there’s not much to shuk Yogo around the earth, having sung Semyon at 19 rokiv and right there with youthful maximalism scribbling it. at the monastery

Having seen Yogo Batko, the person is more pious, but wiser. Sin was a great peasant lad - strong, garrison, practical, looking at the girls, beating on fists. І father having judged: serve the sixth fate. military service And then, you won't change your mind...

Having served Semyon at St. Petersburg, in the sapper battalion, but the metropolitan calm already could not beat his thoughts about the monastery. Having been demobilized, he went to Father Ivan of Kronstadt, and he blessed Yogo and virushat Athos. Staying home for a year, and in the autumn of 1892, he entered the year as a novice to the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on the Holy Mountain, and after a couple of years, having taken black tonsure in the name of Siluan.

Hearing of the new one was the most prosaic: first of all, he was a worker on the mill, then an economy, then he was in charge of the mines, a food warehouse, and on the rocky slopes - a trading shop.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian monastery on Mount Athos, experiencing the peak of its popularity, suddenly became overwhelmed by the government. The future missionary archimandrite Spiridon (Kislyakov) wrote about this with a fistful: "The second scandal: get out, roztashovanі at the great places, de chantsi just die. The third scandal, the most serious: pennies, pennies, forever pennies! brothers, but always I had to act, the one who stinks came out of himself ... There I didn’t train the great saints! , I was especially rushed by the neighbors ".

It's wonderful, the scarlet father of Siluan, like an economy in the thick of it, calm, the stench hung around. For the one who replaces the wastefulness of turmoil all his life in public, having performed a special asceticism, God's gift- Yogo became a method to learn to pray fast, for whatever minds, busying yourself with whatever right. I love everyone.

As if already in old age, if one ascetic-somnitnik began to reconsider yoga, "God punish all the atheists, and they will burn in hell," Siluan energized yoga: "Well, tell me, be kind, I'll plant you before heaven, and you will be call bachiti, how to burn by the hellish fire, why will you rest in peace? “And what do you think, you yourself are guilty,” said the black man. The first elder from mournful appearances vіdpovіv: "Kohannya can not bear it ... You need to pray for everyone."

Beau vіn a simple, low-lighted people: all education - two classes of church-paraffial school. True, I loved to read and to the rich book selections of the monastic library regularly. The mentor had his spiritual rights, as the ascetic ceremonies of the ancient ascetics, he didn’t know wine, but he himself, on his own knowledge, went through the school, wanting to outdo all the great Christian ascetics-mystics, but self-tightness is impossible. Ale, maybe Elder Silouan, having lived his life in a different reality, and to you, in yoga simplicity, those things were given that are inconceivable for others.

Dozens of years in the nights with tears praying for "all Adam" - all the people who came out sick, which had just gone from one luminous battle and already prepared for the new one. Greatly speaking to people who torture themselves, like "joking about their freedoms," Yogo Volati was embarrassed: "Oh, people of all the earth, I fall on my knees before you and bless you with tears: come before Christ ...". "Pray for people - shed blood," - saying wine. I live as citizens of the whole world, forgetting about myself.

The elder prayed, sealed in letters, became home only after death. For life, as an enlightened ascetic, he did not show up in anything, wanting special grace, like a new one to come out, everyone watched, from simple workers to ієrarchiv.

Athos chernetsstvo in their hard distrust to the people reach the rules: "Do not appease anyone until the end." Just after the death of the elder in 1938, the people spoke about the new one: "Now, the old man Siluan has reached the world of the holy fathers." And after the publication of the book by schiarchimandrite Sofroniy (Sakhorov) "Elder Siluan. Life and repentance" the Patriarchate of Constantinople received a canonization letter, as it was done in 1987.

The name of St. Silouan of Athos was brought before the Russian Months Orthodox Church 1992 to the fate of the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II.

Post Gedalia

At the same day, the Jews complained about the riddle about the driving in of Gedaliya ben Ahikam, the remaining monk of Judea, recognized by the Babylonians after the destruction of the First Jerusalem Temple.

The first century before our time was a folding period in the history of the Kingdom of Judah. A small country was built between two mighty powers - Babylon and Egypt. The emperors of Yudei tried to maneuver between them, pragmatically to know a viable ally and patron. Zreshtoy, in 605 roci BC Tsar Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Egyptians and defeated Judea to Babylon.

For the longest time the Jews put up with their half-day camp, and in 598 years BC. Judah again stood up for Egypt. At the end, the Babylonian king captivated the Jewish king Echoniya and the entire national elite, including the courtiers, the military, and the mercenary maestros. Zagalne number 10,000 people became overwhelmed. Above Nebuchadnezzar, who was left behind in the Batkivshchyna, having appointed Tsar Tsidkiyaga as a monk. Ale, in 591 Tsіdkіyagu, after cheering the black rebellion against Babylon, following the footsteps of Egypt, and in 588 Nebuchadnezzar again rushing to go to Judea.

After two rokiv oblogs, Rusalim fell. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the place, the First Temple and the stratum of the sons of King Zedeki, putting an end to the 400-ruler dynasty of the line of David. Vіn killing or taking from the full majority of the members of the royal homeland and the nobility of the country. The elite of the Jewish community, including the leading clergymen, civil and military, was introduced as a colonization at Babylon. Bagato hto buv kills.

Prote Nebuchadnezzar did not want to turn Judea into a social desert. The people of the lower ranks were allowed to live in Judea to engage in farming. Nebuchadnezzar recognized Gedalia, the son of Ahikam, a wise and just person, a friend of the prophet Jeremiah, as the ruler of Judea.

Rich Jews, like beagles under the hour of war in a safe month, in the littoral country, began to turn to the edge. The governor, calling on the people to save loyalty to Babylon and declare peace and security. It can be said that the woman was vikonan - the Babylonian garrison, stationed at the edge, not depicting the Jews, but protecting them from the fortune tellers.

Among the Bіzhentsіv, yakі came to Gedalії, buv Ismaїl, one of the princes of the family of David, who, mabut, having respected, that vin will be richly the best ruler for Judea and that Judea needs to be orientated by his own foreign policy to Egypt, but not to Babylon. That is why I know an ally in the person of the king of the state Ammon, who, out of concern, is chasing the growth of the new Jewish colony. I, having acquired a friendly vipadka, having driven in Gedalia, a richly distinguished comrade-in-arms, as well as a small Babylonian garrison, which was in the Mitspa district, the headquarters of the governor.

Gedalia was ahead of the zmova, but having seen the proposition of the comrades-in-arms, secretly drive in their enemies. The very vin of the murders was the hour of rezanin, worn on the Christmas banquet of the other day of Rosh Hashanah.

On punishment for killing Gedalia, Nebuchadnezzar liquidated the Kingdom of Judah, having remade Yogo on the Babylonian province, and took over 9,000 inhabitants of the region. As a result, the Jewish people have lost their state and national independence for a long time. The Jews lost one reward - to go to Egypt. But then the hand of Babylon reached there: through the rock sprig, Nebuchadnezzar invaded Egypt, destroying more and more Jewish refugees and perishing.

To the riddle about the driving in of Gedaliya and the tragedy, then I became the Jewish people after the destruction of the First Temple, and this post was established, the titles of the post of Gedaliya. And the shards of the sacred, having fallen on the yak, the day of yoga perished, it is not possible to post, the mourning settlement was transferred to the coming day (and if it falls on Saturday, then for a week). This fast is called in the Bible (Zech. 8:19) as "the fast of this (month)".

24 spring(September 11for the old style)

Transfer of the relics of St. Sergius and Herman, Valaam wonderworkers.

Rev. Sergius and Herman of Valaam settled on Valaam Island in 1329. Chosen by them, the brotherhood became a lamp of Orthodoxy in this region. Kareli began to be re-established with confidence before Christianity; Reverend Sergius and Herman spread around the year 1353.

Kaplunіvska icon Mother of God (1689).

The Kaplunivsk icon of the Mother of God after a miraculous appearance in the dream of the priests John, on the 11th of spring 1689, was bought by him from a Moscow icon painter, who was passing through the settlement of Kaplunivka. Once, on the third day of Great Lent, the icon shone with an unparalleled light and was transferred to the Kaplunivsk temple.
The depiction of the icon depicts the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kaplunivska bula on the battlefield near Poltava near 1709. Russian warriors repeatedly turned with prayer to a miraculous image. The Holy Celebration of the Mother of God in honor of the Kaplunivsky Icon was installed in 1766.

Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (474-491).

Reverend Theodora of Oleksandriya and the other person lived in Oleksandria. Theirs was full of love and good fortune, and it was hateful for the enemy's salvation. One rich man, spitting like a devil, having calmed down with the beauty of the young Theodora and shaking his mustache in ways to break her love, but for a long time there was no success. Then, having bought a woman-star, she introduced the trusting Theodora into Oman, saying, what a sin, what to do at night, God does not ring. Theodora took care of her man, but then she shamelessly made a fool of herself and, seeing the vileness of the fall, hated herself, mercilessly beat herself in the face and tore the hair on her head. Conscience did not give me peace, and Theodora broke to the knowledge of the abbess and spoke about the malice.
The abbess, the bachelor of a young woman, broke her faith in Divine forgiveness and foretold the Evangelical parable about the sinner. that she washed the feet of Christ with tears and took away the sight of the New forgiveness of her sins. In hope of God's mercy, Theodora said: "I believe in my God and now I will not commit such a sin, but I will try to make amends." Tієї well hvilini the venerable Theodora went to drink in the monastery, to be cleansed in the feat of that prayer. Vaughn secretly left her family, changing clothes at human costume, I went to the man's monastery, because I was afraid that the man would know me in the women's monastery. The abbot of the monastery, without blessing, let him in at the door, watching the hardness of the bulge.
The Monk Theodora was deprived of spending the night when she was a thief. The lieutenant, falling to the higumen, called herself Theodore of Oleksandriya, and she asked to leave her in the monastery for repentance of those black feats. The generous-hearted bachachi namir arrived, the abbot waited.
To learn the final chants marveled at the all-night prayers, humility, patience and self-confidence of Theodore. The saint worked in the monastery in the spring of the year. The body, if defiled by love, became a visible vessel of the grace of God and the receptacle of the Holy Spirit. Like a holy bula was sent to Oleksandriya to buy bread. Blessing її on the road, іgumen pokarev at times zatrymki in doroz zupinitsya in the court Enatsky monastery. The same daughter of the hegumen lived at the hotel of the Enatsky Monastery, as the father came to see him. Calm down by the beauty of the young lady, she began to slander the Monk Theodora until sin, not knowing that there was a woman in front of her. Feeling the mother, she committed sin on the other guest and conceived. The reverend, having bought bread, turned back to her monastery. After a certain hour, the father of the shameless maiden, having commemorated the wickedness, began to vipitate with his daughter, who called. The girl pointed at Theodore Chents.
Father Negainy having called the abbot of the monastery, in which the Monk Theodora worked.
The hegumen called out to Theodore and spoke about the ringing. Іnok firmly vіdpovіv: "God of witnesses, I'm not timid", and the abbot, knowing the purity of that holiness of Theodore's life, not trusting the slander. If the lover gave birth, the natsky chentsi brought not to the monastery, where the ascetic lived, and they began to earn the chentsi from the unclean life. How many times did the abbot believe the slander and become angry at the innocent Theodore. Nemovlya was handed over to the reverend and dishonored they drove him out of the monastery.
Theodora humbly acquiesced to the new trial, dabbling in the new calm of a colossal sin. Vaughn settled with a child near the monastery in the kuren. The shepherds, unfortunately, gave milk for seclusion, and the reverend herself ate only wild herbs. Stretching out seven rokіv, enduring negativity, the holy ascetic tried to talk with Vignanna.
Nareshti, for the prohannya of chentsiv, the abbot allowed her to turn back to the monastery at once from silence, the girl lived for two years in seclusion, giving the child the fear of God. The abbot of the monastery took away the confirmation of God, that the sin of Theodore was forgiven. The Grace of God changed on Theodora's chants, and inexplicably the moustache became a sign of the banner, as if it were the prayers of the ascetic.
As if at that mistevity, the drought dried up all the waters for an hour. The abbot said to the brothers that only Theodore could turn famously. Calling to the reverend, the abbot called for water to be brought from the withered well. From the blessed hegumen, the Monk Theodora brought water, since the water in the wells did not dry up. The humble Theodora said that she was miraculously praying for that faith of her abbot.
Before her death, the Monk Theodora began in her cell with a youth and commanded him to love God, listen to the hegumen and brothers, take care of her mother, be gentle and lazy, unify the dashing and wasteland, love unhappyness, cheer up mandrіvne life. After that, as she began to pray, she got up and asked the Lord for forgiveness of her sins. The young man prayed together from her. Unexpectedly, the words of prayer died away on the lips of the ascetic, and she calmly resounded at the Holy Light († bl. 474-491). The Lord revealed to the abbot about the spiritual thoroughness of Theodore’s wisdom, and about him, I’m hiding a mystery. The abbot, to take the slander from the dead, at the presence of the abbot of that brotherhood of the Enatian cloister, the priesthood and for the consecration of the Persian reverend. The Father Superior and the brothers shuddered in fear for their great sin, and, falling down to the holy body, with tears they asked for repentance from the Monk Theodori. The message about the holy ascetic reached the person of St. Theodori. Vin having taken the tonsure at the monastery, the yogo squad was disbanded. The lad, waving of the reverend, also follows in the footsteps of his foster mother. By the year of wine, having become abbot of that monastery.

Hmmm. Mikoli and Viktor Presbytery
Shmch. Elder's crown
Rev. Silouan of Athos
Shmch. Mikoli diakona
Mchch. Demetrius, Evanfia, Yogo's squads, that Dimitriana, her son.
(I) .
Mchch. Diodora and Didima, Sirsky.
Mts. Ії (Єvdokії) and 9 thousand with her in Persia
Rev. Evfrosina the cook
(IX) .
Kaplunivsk Icon of the Mother of God
Mchch. Serapion, Kronida and Leontiya, Oleksandriya.
Rev. Paphnutia, Confessor, Bishop at the Egyptian Thebaid.
Prpmts. Theodori Vastijskoy, Peloponnesian.
Rev. Іllі pecherskogo kalabriyskogo
Blessed Xenii, Petersburg.


Today Orthodox, church saints, holy saints of God: Reverend Theodora. Reverend Sergius and Herman. Reverend Silvanus.

Today, 24 March (11 March according to the old style) is holy Orthodox, church, holy saints of God:

* Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (bl. 474-491). *** St. Sergius and Herman, Valaam wonderworkers (transfer of relics). * Rev. Siluan of Athos (1938).
Martyrs Demetrius, Evanfia, Yogo's squad, that Demetriana, son of theirs (I); Diodora, Didyma and Diamida in Laodicea of ​​Syria; II (bl. 362-364); Romana and Isidora; Leva. Saint Zenon, Bishop of Naples. Venerable Euphrosynus the cook (IX). Hieromartyrs Mykoli (Podyakova) and Victor Presbytery, Moscow (1918); Karpa (Elba) archpriest (1937); Mikoli diakona (1942). Icon of the Mother of God of Kaplunivska (1689).

Holy Orthodox saints of God

Reverend Theodora

The Monk Theodora lived in Alexandria near the 5th century. Mayuchi man good people she lived happily. Ale trapilosya, scho pokohav її її as a rich man and with all his might he tried to heal for the sake of people. St. Theodora was afraid to portray God with her health and for a long time she fought for peace. Nareshti, for the mediation of one woman, the rich reach of her own meti. So conscience began to torment Theodore: she was astonished to marvel at her own man, her relatives, who knew her. Having come to the monastery to the well-known abbess, she confessed her sin and nourished, how can she be supported by the mercy of God, that salvation? The abbess reassured Theodora, saying: “Great is your sin, but great and merciful God, and there is no sin, which has overexamined bi yoga. Repent, and turn back." Todі Theodora went to the monastery, but fearing that the person did not know її in to the woman of the monastery, she cut off her hair, dressed the man's coat, and in the name of Theodora came to the man's monastery in Egypt. Igumen did not want to accept її, bachachi її youth; that St. Theodora tearfully blessed yoga and promised to win all black rumors. Vіsіm rokiv held St. Theodora in the monastery at the great pratsy, fasting, theology and prayers. As a donka, the Vlasnik was a hotel in Oleksandriya, where St. Theodore snarled at the right side of the monastery, calmed down by the beauty of a young chents, she shrugged him off to the point of sin. Having taken away the child, and then having unlawfully given birth to a child, she washed the reverend at sin. The abbot and the brothers were angry with her and drove her out of the monastery. Ale St. Theodora, unconcerned with her mystery, took the child and settled in a hut not far from the monastery. The shepherds, out of sting, gave him milk for eating children. Skіlki had a chance to endure different gluzuvannya! In addition, she endured both heat and cold. Nareshti її was taken anew to the monastery, de, having lived for two years, she died. They recognized that she was a woman, and God told the abbot about his holiness. The hegumen spoke about the brothers, and all those who imitated the saint, gasped and repented bitterly, that they sinned grievously against her. It was God's wish to bring a man to St. Theodori to the monastery on the day of his death, and having left the world and taking tonsure.

Reverend Silouan

Reverend Silouan (in the light of Semyon Ivanovich Antonov) was born in 1866. in the village of Shovsky, Tambov province, in the rural homeland. The reverend having lain down to that rare family of ascetics, as if on the cob of his path he would take away that world of grace, as if it were sounded thoroughly, and especially keenly experienced the imminent application. At 19 rokіv vіn survived the first blessed resurrection, and if the youth of life began to drown out the memory of the new one, the cry of repetitions by the Mother of God herself. Todі in the new winery is the bazhanya of the black life. After the end of the military service, Semyon, having tried at home for more than one week, went to Athos, de autumn, 1892. having entered the Russian Panteleimon Monastery. The first yoga rumor was the robot on the Mlini.

The Athos age-old way of life, introducing yoga on the paths of spiritual feat, Holy Mother of God the great and rare gift of self-destructive prayer. Vodnochas nedosvіdcheniy іnok zaznіshnyh chislenіh demonіchnymi attacks. Fight with them through the fire, if brother Simeon knew, seeing the complete desolation, and his soul was suffocated by death, the young novice could see Jesus Christ himself. If the deity of grace became weak, Simeon was overwhelmed with "need for the Lord." So that Christ could change in the new in a moment, purify himself of the “reasonable feat” of predilections. tonsured in 1896. in the mantle, father Silouan, bearing monastic rumors, having learned from the depths of the heart "reasonable hardness" - to fight with prayers, not a feat of exercising one's will and transferring oneself to the will of God. I slept sitting, one or two years on the doba for 15-20 quills, did not give Jesus prayers, and spent five fifteen years in unceasing struggle. Once at night, if, despite all efforts, it was not possible to pray purely, the Monk Silouan was overwhelmed with painful languor: how many rocks of the frontier susils for the people, and still the Lord God blesses! Batko Siluan, saying to his heart: “Lord! ... Why can I be afraid to pray to You with a pure mind? ...Should my soul be subdued?" I bula yoma v_dpovіd at the heart of the sight of God: Keep your mind in hell, and do not fall into vіdchai.

The revelation of the Lord to the Monk Silouan in a short form avenged the age-old proof of Christian asceticism. Judging oneself in hell, recognizing oneself in the early hours, but not wasting hope on the Merciful Lord, putting one’s strength and hope in the New One, the ascetic knows the building to resist the power of addictions and attacks of the call. At what hour did the Monk Silouan establish himself residually on the path of salvation. And yet, after fifteen years, the attainment of impartiality. The Lord, knowing him at first by blood, is now inaccessible from him. tonsured by the schema, born in 1911, the Monk Silouan was heard from the monastic steward. The same wine wrote his notes, published in 1952. Let's learn yoga by the schema-archimandrite Sophroniev (Sakharov). Many monks are called their New Philokalia.

The Monk Silouan died, without interrupting his prayers, ill before his death, troch more than a day. Vіdomi vipadki numerical zlіlen, scho vіdbuvali vіd vіd head of the reverend, sho zberіgaєtsya in the monastery of St. Panteleimonіv on Athos. (1938).

Reverend Sergius and Herman

Rev. Sergius and Herman are called the Valaam wonderworkers, for they were the founders of the black life on the Valaam Island of Lake Ladoz. Who buli stink for hiking - nevidomo. Some people think that Sergius will teach Andriy the First-Called, who saw the island and blessed him with a cross from a stone, and Herman - we will teach Sergius. If you think that they were the co-participants of Prince Volodymyr the Great and at that hour they were sleeping their monastery; Ale Naimovіrnіshe, that St. Sergius and Herman worked in the middle of the XIV century. In this capital, the Swedes, having established themselves in the western Karelia, harassed the Orthodox Karelians to accept Catholicism. At this hour, the elders Sergius and Herman settled in the lands of Karelia to support Orthodoxy in their own lives and lives, and they fell asleep in the monastery on Valaam. I had a chance to know a lot of sorrows, especially in the sight of the Swedish king Magnus, a zealot of Catholicism, who, having zmushuva with fire and a sword, went over to the Catholic faith. The brotherhood of chentsiv on Valaam from the very beginning was rich in people, the statute is life and suvory. The death of the holy saints of Valaam will lie until 1353, and the relics of their relics will come to 1400. Their relics rest under a bushel at the cathedral monastery church.

Today the Orthodox church is holy:


Ochikuyutsya holy:
10.03.2020 -
11.03.2020 -
12.03.2020 -
13.03.2020 -

Holy Church at Vernes

Day of Theodora Oleksandriyskaya

THEODOR OF OLEKSANDRIYSKA that її cholovіk lived in Oleksandria, and their homeland was full of love and goodness, and it was hateful for the devil. One wealthy man, who, having sprung yoga, calmed down with the beauty of Theodori, and having used the means of shalyat її before falling in love, but for a long time there was no success. Having bought the zvezdnitsa, yak introduced the trusting Theodora into Oman, saying, what a sin, what to do at night, God does not ring. Theodora took care of the people, but the nevdovz, having perceived the vileness of the fall, hated herself. Conscience did not give her peace, and Theodora violated to the knowledgeable abbess and spoke about the malice. She, the bachachi of a young woman, broke her faith in Divine forgiveness. Virishiv to accept blackness, Theodora secretly left her family and, changing clothes in a human costume, straightened up to the human monastery I was afraid that the person would know me in the women's monastery. There she called herself Theodore and asked to leave her for repentance.

  1. The third winter of autumn.
  2. Do not scholita up to Fedori dotyagne.
  3. If you want to start a litter another time, then it will be a trival and a long autumn (Voronezka lips.).
  4. More and more slota, more and more boards go: Fedora - wet tails.
  5. Fedory's autumn podіl podіtkayut, and Fedori's winter (12 Sіchnya) curled with a thin wing.
  6. Fedori-obderi: bread is beaten, which is left on the roots.
  7. What autumn day to ride a gnid kobili. Venerable Theodora - skin right amen. Walk marvelous winter go.
  8. Do not praise the wort, but praise the beer; do not praise the winter crops, but praise the harvest.
  9. Do not put winter in locks.

The Monk Silouan of Athos, born in 1866 in the pious homeland of the peasant Ioann Antonov, lived in the village of Shovskomu volost, Lebedinsky county, Tambov province. Simeon's fathers were practical people, lagidnim and wise by nature, though unwritten.

Like a year, having made an old man, great and friendly with her family, she lived in peace, prote, no matter how much she helped the needy, in an hour to help the rest of her. Mandrivniks were especially welcomed by the Sims. Batko spoke to them about God and Christian life, and tsі rozmovi celebrated a strong hostility to the sympathetic soul of young Simeon.

The reverend did not mav his own teachers, and in obedience to some kind of singing elder did not bv. He himself, similarly to the greatness of chants, vyhouvavsya in the atmosphere of spiritual tradition for the chants of Athos, leading, as it were, a rich way of life in the monastery, days in unceasing prayer of Jesus, on frequent services at the church, in fasting spovidi and frequent spovidi of Christ's Mysteries, reading spiritual books and practice.

From the first to rest of the day reverend, having shown himself the image of a thorough obedience. Having lived for 46 years at the monastery under a sacrilegious statute, the ascetic never jumped to the entrance to the gate, or to the exit into the wasteland, respecting that it’s only more help, and not the meta of the Christian life. Vodnochas vіn far away and vіd mundane interests. Constantly moving among people, the old man having saved his mind and heart from third-party thoughts, clearing their types of addictions for prayerful presentation to God, stubbornly, that is the shortest path of salvation. His whole life was a heartfelt prayer “until great tears”, a vignantly lofty feat of love for the Lord, and in 1938 the elder schemamonk Siluan died peacefully.

Transferring the relics of Fr. Sergius and Herman, the Wonderworkers of Valaam.

Rev. Sergius and Herman of Valaam settled on Valaam Island in 1329. Chosen by them, the brotherhood became a lamp of Orthodoxy in this region. Kareli began to be re-established with confidence before Christianity; Reverend Sergius and Herman spread around the year 1353.

The Kaplunivsk Icon of the Mother of God (1689).

The Kaplunivsk icon of the Mother of God after a miraculous appearance in the dream of the priests John, on the 11th of spring 1689, was bought by him from a Moscow icon painter, who was passing through the settlement of Kaplunivka. Once, on the third day of Great Lent, the icon was illumined with an incredible light and was transferred to the Kaplunivsky temple.
The depiction of the icon depicts the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kaplunivska bula on the battlefield near Poltava near 1709. Russian warriors repeatedly turned with prayer to a miraculous image. The Holy Celebration of the Mother of God in honor of the Kaplunivsky Icon was installed in 1766.

Rev. Theodori of Alexandria (474-491).

Reverend Theodora of Oleksandriya and the other person lived in Oleksandria. Theirs was full of love and good fortune, and it was hateful for the enemy's salvation. One rich man, spitting like a devil, having calmed down with the beauty of the young Theodora and shaking his mustache in ways to break her love, but for a long time there was no success. Then, having bought a woman-star, she introduced the trusting Theodora into Oman, saying, what a sin, what to do at night, God does not ring. Theodora took care of her man, but then she shamelessly made a fool of herself and, seeing the vileness of the fall, hated herself, mercilessly beat herself in the face and tore the hair on her head. Conscience did not give me peace, and Theodora broke to the knowledge of the abbess and spoke about the malice.

Hmmm. Mikoli and Viktor Presbytery (1918).

Shmch. Corop of the presbyter (1937).

Rev. Siluan Afonsky (1938).

Shmch. Mikoli diakona (1942).

Mchch. Demetrius, Evanfії, Yogo's squads, that Dimitrіana, her son (I).

Mchch. Diodora and Didima, Sirsky.

Mts. Ії (Evdokії) and 9 thousand after her in Persia (362-364).

Rev. Euphrosyn of the cook (IX).

The Kaplunivsk Icon of the Mother of God (1689).

Mchch. Serapion, Kronida and Leontiya, Oleksandriya.

Rev. Paphnutia, Confessor, Bishop at the Egyptian Thebaid.

Prpmts. Theodori Vastijskoy, Peloponnesian.

Rev. Іllі Pechersky Calabrian (960).

Blessed Xenii, Petersburg.

At the spring, the stubble was completed, yakі maly ensured the well-being of the family on future river. In addition, the dawn of autumn marked the renewal of the fire: the old fire was extinguished and the new fire was fired, which was mined with blows of flint. From the “autumn” the main state work was transferred from the fields to the city to the boudinka: starting with the selection of vegetables (they prepared the cibula in front of us).

Ring out in the Autumn the power of chastuvannya, as the whole family was chosen. They brewed beer for the saint and slaughtered a vіvtsyu (ram). From a borough of a new plant, they baked a pie. They praised Mother-sire-land for those who gave birth to bread and other reserves. Shards from the first day, having sprung up with a selection of hops, at the Christmas party they sang the following playing songs:

Weave, hop, change,

To our bik,

Like on our side on the side of the great!

And the privilege is great, rich men!

What muzhiks are rich, stone chambers!

What stone chambers, golden doors,

What poppies liti!

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