Find the best human brandy. Najdorochchi human costumes

It seems that people and women from different planets are especially worthy of shopping. Zdiisnyuyuchi chergovy "raid" on the shops, the women of this place cherish the principle of "beautiful-ugly" that "girlfriend-die-of-healthy". At cholovіkіv zovsіm іnshiy pіdhіd to the addition of that chi іnshoy product. Aroma, relish and dotik luxuries with practicality - the axis of winning combination for people. In order to easily understand people and at the right time not to have mercy on a gift, we present you the rating of the most popular brands among people.


10 places

A Swiss brand with a rich history and unchanging traditions that produces elite tyutyunovy vodka, kava, perfumery and other. As the statistics show, the products of the Davidoff brand are already popular among the human half of the people.

9 place


Well, what right person in the list of the most favorite speeches does not have cognac in one of the most important brands in the world?! Hennesey is one of the oldest French cognac Budinks. More than 50 million dances are sold a lot with this rich drink, and the stars are not tired of talking about yoga. It's no wonder that more people outnumber Hennesey cognac itself.

8 place

Dom Perignon is a brand of premium-class champagne from the great French brewer Moët et Chandon, which is named after the Benedictine P'er Perignon, a kind of vineyard method of making sparkling wines. Share with a lady a champagne bowl of Dom Perignon є the height of gentlemanship and an unassuming show of the high status of a person.

7 place

The English Dim Fashion Paul Smith also won people's hearts. The men, like the sound of being in the center of respect and inviting to go for milk "from the tops", will wear jeans, shirts, perfumes, shoes and Paul Smith's anniversary.

6 place

Tag Hauer

Let's step on the list of favorite human brands and the Swiss company Tag Hauer. From the moment of its foundation in 1860, the Rotary Company issued Christmas holidays, eyepieces, telephones, bags and belts. Tag Hauer products are always in favor with such famous people as Leonardo di Caprio, Brad Pitt, Tiger Woods, etc.

5 places

The Swiss manufactory Rolex, which produces the most expensive and most exclusive anniversary in the world, has given a fifth position in the rating. Honestly, it seems that we were too young and stunned Rolex in the first place, well, at least on another, even, on the thought of a weak state, Rolex for a man is like for a woman a dress of all light brands, which, having fallen into the wardrobe, is absolutely free and forever. Prote statistics are not bad.

4 places

Completely cleared up! Suits like Hugo Boss - all perfection! Wanting people to rob more than Hugo Boss clothes. The German luxury brand also produces marvelous fragrances, eye-catching cosmetics and accessories.

3 places

The Italian designer Hata Armani marked its position among the people. Armani clothes are especially popular with the business world. And not long ago, the brand began to conquer a new sphere for itself - Armani became engaged in the design of interiors. So, sing-songly, the offices and business houses of businessmen will soon be “like Armani”.

2 places

On the other hand, for the popularity among the people - the American brand Calvin Klein. Jeans, T-shirts, casual whites and Calvin Klein perfumes are bathed by men most of the time.

1 room

Polo Ralph Lauren

And so the first place in the ranking was Polo Ralph Lauren. Statistics have shown that people trust the products of the American company Polo Ralph Lauren the most. Polo Ralph Lauren clothes are the words of the most important quality and invisible part of the wardrobe of a successful, stylish and inspired person. The company produces clothes, accessories, perfumes and interior items under such trademarks as Ralph Lauren, Polo Jeans Co., RRL, RLX, Rugby, RL Childrenswear, Chaps, Club Monaco and others. zokrema and near Moscow).

The human fashion has its own heroes. Ce and triumphant Tom Ford and budget brand COS. Popular engravings on the market are always being planted with woodlands - vtіm, fully deserved. Prote light of the human fashion will require new names. A clothing market for people of height, which means that a lot of design teams can produce fat clothes. At zv'yazku z tsim deyakі brandy virіshili novititsya.

The quality of brandy often reacts more strongly to fashion trends, lower brands. Ale, after all, they buy less willingly, not trusting an unknown brand. Adzhe inodi varto dig deeper.

We represent your respect short description old brands, which earlier were not the best representatives, but now enter the arena. You will be greeted.

Believe it or not, but today's clothes on Stone Island are not a bad thing to throw stilts at the policemen at a football match. In the days of notoriety, the brand has made a 180-degree turn. This year, a smart brand is more suitable for a thinned music lover, lower for a hooligan. Drake and Trevis Scott, actor Russell Tovi, are among the chanuvals of the brand.

Thread's lead stylist Samuel Moneghan is aware that the brand develops cordoni in both fabric and sewing technology. We can perekonatisya in tsoma, as if marveling at the phosphorescent fabric and outwardly at the watersheds of slanderous authorities. It’s true, if we guess, that earlier this brand gave priority to hooligans.

Stone Island is re-inventing basic sweatshirts with branded patches on the sleeves, neon fleece sweatshirts and utility bags. The brand continues to be heavy to form cool (bombers, puffy jackets), but today your clothes become stylish.

T. M. Lewin

Founded in 1898, the brand T.M.Lewin quickly took away the recognition as one of best brands clothes in the world, ale in Rest of the Rocks vin having spent their prestige on Seville Row. The reason for this was the availability of the brand and its popularity among the merchants in the business district of London. The brand effectively promotes the greatness of the finished garment, as a competitor cannot be put in sales. Forget that you have crooked legs and towsness, and all the same you will know what is right for you at T.M.Lewin.

The official representative of the brand Luy Boroditsky seems to be the company using 118 traditional methods of creation human shirts. For example, T.M.Lewin's shirts do not have glued shirts - they are a sign of cheap clothes. Natomist company promotes Italian fashionable costumes, including half-size ones, at competitive prices, which are rarely used by leading brands.

The key propositions for this brand are the certitude of seam cots - from strict, office-friendly to models for the soul of the Ivy League - at a price of 34.95 pounds of leather. You can also spend pennies on the creation of other Italian clothes, or on classic vzuttya from an arc of a wide line. So, you won’t hit us on the fashion podium, but on the other hand, for fun and official entries.


The company is no longer betting on tourists on Carnaby Street and is releasing its non-poppy jackets. At its production line, the company tries to protect the fact that the best connoisseurs of the brand live on the continent, and their likeness is even more diverse. Warto know that buyers on the continent and in Great Britain today can know everything they need from Diesel.

The rest of the collection of the brand is on the right side of the Krayina Vranishny Sun. The artistic director of the brand, Nicolas Formichetti, seems to have been celebrated for 30 years, as the brand appeared in Japan, and also, varto is significant. Nikolai is greeted by Japanese bikers, who try to change the fashion of America and Japan, especially the twists of sukajans. The very Japanese souvenir sukajani jackets have become a must for the head hits of the brand of the same rock.

Other key moments for the brand are classic (in Diesel terms) jackets, shirts and jeans, for any space in any wardrobe. The brand is becoming such a massive one, like before, but today it becomes a real superman for designers.


The transformation of the brand has not yet been completed, GANT still does not know as many shanuvalniks as they would like to. And yet, the brand's clothes have ceased to be the uniform of the ungracious uncles from local golf clubs, and today the brand is oriented towards a younger audience.

At daytime dressing GANT will bring together the energy of East Endu and East Hampton, and the upper and lower parts of the wardrobe can be completely different. The main color of the season is china-black, which miraculously underpins the smear of the skin. At the same time, in the collection you can find a classic jacket, jackets, pilots, and colorful prints and indigo.

GANT is still left behind in the upper segment of the mass dress, but the rest of the models deserve respect.

north face

It's so easy to know a classy top dress, like watching Tom Cruise's interview with Oprah Winfrey. Let's be honest: who in the world needs Gore-Tex, Alaskans?

North Face takes two important components, for example, Marches Patagonia - all cult branding and mastery of technics vikonannya - and now we are absolutely new - we are relaxed sporty style. Ale, in front of Patagonia, the hour of the North Face has not yet arrived. This is a wonderful chance for those who want to be at the forefront of fashion.

Biggest North Face collection - outer garment, but you can also find a lot of different models for casual wear, among them T-shirts with color blocks, jumpers with armor on the sleeves, nylon caps. When speeches in Supreme and Palace become too much requested (read: sold out), lovers of street fashion will have to snoop clothes from other brands - North Face is ready to drink, you are growing up.

Among the other key models of the tricolor brand, there is a cool collection of parkas, which allow you to survive in the cold weather without sacrificing style.

I present to you your latest updates and additions to the catalog from 23 leaf fall 2015. The previous catalog was published maybe two years ago.

Let me tell you, they didn’t use fashion brands before the catalog, as they specialize in the production of designer clothes. For example, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Emporio Armani and others. This is due to the fact that such brands make clothes that are far from being able to be called truly classic, and the prices for these clothes are often swindled by a great markup for their brand, but not by the real quality and details.

I will add that I have not inserted logos of brands, to that on classic suits, shirts and jackets, logos should not be put in any way. For the sake of the catalogue, I simply provide photos of clothes and accessories of some European merchandise.

I have tried to provide a catalog with information about those where you can buy clothes and accessories of that other breeder. The information is correct for Moscow. That's why I may go to Moscow GUM, Moscow Central Department Store, Moscow trade center. Ale z іnshoy side, deyakі brandy moyut vlasnі merezhі stores; In addition, there are also multi-brand online stores - for example,, and others.

Name the most expensive brands with green colors, in the assortment of which there are suits for a price of up to 45 thousand rubles, shirts for a price of up to 8 thousand, cribs for a price of up to 5 thousand. All prices shown are regular, non-sale.

AD56. A Milanese brand to get good cribs and scarves, but not the best quality (and for the lowest regular prices, I’m unlikely to become a couple). Beds cost from 5.5 to 7 thousand rubles, presented in the Central Department Store, St. Petersburg store and other multi-brand stores. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Andrea Campagna . Italian classic brand man's robe and accessories. Clothes of high quality, suits and jackets with manual operations (but shirts without manual operations), fully-canvassed, lining with a natural seam. Gudziks from natural materials. All clothes are sold at TSUM, and some are sold to TSUM Discount. Prices are higher, shirts and polo shirts cost about 25 thousand rubles, suits cost 200 thousand rubles. Breastplates are so so, small ones and pidshit on a cunning machine. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Bagutta . Por_vnyano young italian brand of shirts. A lot of strongly fitted models, but also more space (want such space, like in some English). Yakіst vishcha for the middle, but not vishcha. Shirts cost 10 thousand rubles, you can buy them at the Central Department Store, Podium stores. Spend some money to TSUM Discount, on, where prices start at about 3 thousand. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Read the report about the Bagutta brand.

Barba. Neapolitan brand of expensive shirts, pants, cots, scarves. Good quality, a sprinkling of manual operations on shirts (sound small, three-chotiri, ale є line with a large number of manual operations). Cravats like zvichayny, and at 6 additional, with self-reinforcing. Prices: from 10 to 17 thousand rubles for a shirt, about 15 thousand for trousers and from 5 to 7.5 thousand for a bed (actually, it’s more expensive, but some things were bought at the old euro exchange rate and not sold out). You can buy Barba's speeches from, sometimes at TSUM, at,, and at foreign stores (for example, La Rinascente at Milan - about 170 euros/shirt). Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Belvest. Another collection of Italian classic costumes. Fine quality, handmade, fully-canvassed (younger Silver line is simpler, half-canvassed, minimum manual robot). Costumes cost 150 thousand carbovants. You can get them in the Cristian Vung store, which is located in the Crocus City Mall. In addition, Belvest speeches are sold at several St James stores.

Boggy. Italian brand of human clothes; a classic and a contemporary classic. Spivvіdnoshennia tsіna-yakіst gіdna, in some cases vіdmіnna. Wide range. Shirts are made from 6 to 8 thousand, they are made in China, they do not show anything special; jackets and suits are sold for a price of 37 to 60 thousand, are available in Italy (the most common models are in Serbia), practically all fused, with plastic horns, without manual operations. Suits and jackets made of Loro Piana, Guabello, Vitale Barberis Canonico fabrics. The cots are made in Italy and cost 2.5-3 thousand rubles, the quality is high, it is cut through, and there are attractive models with receiving fabrics.

The brand store is located near the shopping gallery "Modny Season" near the metro station "Mislivsky Ryad" near Moscow. In addition, Boggi has a company store on Leninsky Prospekt, booth 22.

Brioni . A Roman company was founded in 1945 in a wide variety of suits and jackets with significant (albeit not the maximum!) frequent manual work. Fully-canvassed, but canvas (board) is sewn on the machine. Yakіst vіdmіnna, but for such pennies you can get a better class or sew a bespoke suit; prices are highly dependent. Brioni suits cost approximately 250 thousand rubles, shirts cost 35 thousand rubles (before speech, shirts are good and good, but the cost is lower with such prices of spantelic; shirts without manual operations). Cribs from 20 thousand, panicles from 13 thousand, breastplates from about 10 thousand. Shalenі tsіni, zagalom.

Dressed Brioni performances at the Central Department Store, deshcho drank to the Central Department Store Discount. Virobnitstvo: Italy. Among those who wore/wear Brioni suits - Luciano Pavarotti, George W. Bush, Nelson Mandela, Mikhailo Prokhorov, Donald Trump and many others.

Brooks Brothers . American brand human woman's clothes, who has been conducting history since 1818. (So-so, even if the wine is American, but I still turn it all the way down to which directory to include, we will obviously not add the wine here). The assortment at Brooks Brothers is simply magnificent, far from everything is presented at the Russian company store (and the wines are sold at the Moscow GUM). Є kіlka linіyok, the best value at Golden Fleece (fully-canvassed costumes of American manufacture with manual operations, the price at once significantly transfers 100 thousand rubles).

In the line of 1818, the costumes are simpler; Most importantly, the stench is produced by the Italian company Lardini, and the other models - by the USA company Southwick. The design is half-canvassed, there are not many manual operations, but there is a stink. Fabrics: Reda, Vitale Barberis Canonico. Prices are repaired at once at 85 thousand rubles, but, perhaps, old models are still out of stock, before the fall of the ruble, suits were made here at 48 thousand. In the online store, there are still a few models for the old prices (48-58 thousand).

In the Red Fleece line, you can find both cute jackets and crossovers. The best models are shown in Portugal; construction - fused, but also unstructured models. Prices - from 28 thousand rubles. Shirts cost 6.5 thousand (the best models are in the Golden Fleece, Black Fleece lines, but the stench is even less expensive). Countries of manufacture of shirts: China, Malaysia, USA.

I also reported about Brooks Brothers at . In addition, there are a couple more articles about the speech of the brand: "" and "".

Brunello Cucinelli . Italian brand founded by Brunello Cuccinelli in 1978 in Milan. Yakist vіdminna, miraculous fabrics. The company is famous for its cashmere products (the first product of Brunello Cucinelli was variously colored cashmere jumpers), its good-quality classic and casual clothes, and ale tsini ... naked (in a filthy meaning of the word). Vidpovidno, spіvvіdnoshennia tsіni i yakosti є maladektnym, hocha akіst, I repeat, good. Costumes cost 240 thousand rubles, cribs - 15-23 thousand rubles, shirts - 26-40 thousand rubles. Є company store at GUM, moreover, all clothes are sold in stores of cashmere and shovk ( Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Calabrese. A small Neapolitan brand, like making cravats and handicrafts from 1924. In addition, the assortment includes scarves, bags and bags with zі shkіri (sewn on typewriters). High quality, high quality fabrics. Calabrese speeches are sold at the Gents’ Stuff store (, online and offline options). Cribs cost from 4 to 7 thousand rubles, hustka - 3 thousand rubles. Virobnitstvo: Italy. Read a report about cravats and Calabrese hooks at.

Caliban . Italian brand of shirts, the history of which is the cob of the 1950s. Caliban shirts cost 6 to 10 thousand rubles. Sold at TSUM. Virobnitstvo: Italy and other countries. Dzhe peresіchna yakіst, ale zovsіm not zhah-zhah.

Canali . The brand was founded in Italy in 1934. Specializes in making expensive classic clothes. Yakіst is good that vіdmіnna, but do not zavzhd vіdpovіdaє tsіnі; the best Exclusive line. Suits and Canali jackets cost about 100 to 200 thousand rubles, cots - from 8 to 10 thousand, shirts - from 10 to 20 thousand, shoes - about 40 thousand. Small number of firm stores. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Cantarelli . Mensh is an Italian brand, but the clothes are not bad. Chi is not the highest class unambiguously, manual robots chi ni, chi minimum. Zagalom equal below Canali (and in one and two equal equals). Fully-canvassed suits (line Sartoria Cantarelli), half-canvassed and fused jackets, as well as unstructured (line Tailored Jersey, Cantarelli Tailor). Jackets cost approximately 50 thousand, suits cost 70 thousand. At Cantarelli performances at TSUM and Firmato & Scontato (de on sales, discounts reach 70%; sales are often carried out and prices are lower, lower at TSUM, stinks of stink, maybe buy old models, stocks). Deshcho spend to TSUM Discount. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Caruso. The name of the Italian brand of classic human clothes. Already high is the quality, even though it’s not found. In the distance, spіvvіdnoshennia tsіni and vigor. The suits and jackets are fully-canvassed, and there are manual operations. Jackets cost 80 thousand rubles, suits cost 100 thousand rubles. Wonderful shirts (without manual operations). You can buy Caruso clothes at and Alta Sartoria. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Cesare Attolini . Do not find the Italian brand of classic clothing, Cesare Attolini's prote yak_st_p_trimuє on the arch of a high eve. The history of the company dates back to the 1930s. More than 30 years are spent on one suit; all suits are fully-canvassed, manual operations are rich, the border (canvas) is sewn in manually. Shirts with manual operations (the quantity can reach up to ten). Prices, vіdpovіdno, arc high. Cesare Attolini clothes are sold at Alta Sartoria stores. Suits cost approximately 250 thousand karbovantsiv, shirts cost 25 thousand. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Corneliani . Vіdomy italіyskiy brand of classic clothes, founded in 1958; Zvichayno, wear and wear in everyday style. Yakіst high, but still not a thing. Jackets cost 65 thousand rubles, suits cost 80 thousand, pants cost 17 thousand, shirts cost 14 thousand. Firm stores in GUM, Petrovsky Passage, Spring, as well as near St. Petersburg (Veliky pr. P.S., 59). In addition, Corneliani was presented at, stores and offline stores of its retailer in Nizhny Novgorod.

Virobnitstvo: Italy. Five lines: the best Linea Sartoria, the main Corneliani (both of these lines are fully-canvassed jackets), the available (“complete classic”) Corneliani Trend and Corneliani ID, as well as the youth CC Corneliani. High Yakіst - cheris Sartoria and the main line, in two lower lines the Yakіst is significantly lower (especially in CC Corneliani). Clothes of the "lower" lines can be drawn beyond the borders of Italy.

eidos . A Neapolitan brand that belongs to the same company as Isaia (read about Isaia below). High quality, suits and fully-canvassed jackets. Russia has a lot of Eidos models and, costumes cost 100-110 thousand rubles. On top of that, Eidos is presented in the American online store Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Ermenegildo Zegna . A more familiar, widely promoted Italian brand, founded in 1910 by Kravets Ermenezhildo Zegna; the company of dosi is occupied by the family. It is noteworthy that Ermenegildo Zegna made costumes for the bagats. Vіdomih brandіv- For example, for Gucci and Tom Ford. Ermenegildo Zegna brand suits (main line, fully-canvassed) cost 160 to 220 thousand, jackets - 120 thousand, shirts - 21-30 thousand. You can buy them at TSUM, at company stores near Samara (vul. Kuybisheva, 133) and other places. Production: Spain (costumes), China, Turkey, the lands of Northern Europe. In Italy, it’s not enough to shy away, it’s more important than cribs and chants.

The top line of Ermenegildo Zegna is called Couture (the quality is even better, but the price is through brand awareness). Okrim not that main line, є more democratic lineZ Zegna , fashion in Asia and Europe, youthful styles (more fitted suits and jackets), modern classics, riven commemoratively lower and prices are not recognizable. Suits - £70 thousand, jackets - £40 thousand, shirts - £14 thousand.

Eton. A Swedish company that produces high-quality shirts, hoodies and cots (though, if you want a quality and a medium-sized thing, but it’s not the best - it’s not the best thing about the DnA Made in Sweden line, but it’s not represented in Russia). Eton shirts cost 13 to 18 thousand rubles, khasts - 4.5-5.5 thousand rubles, cravats - 7-10 thousand rubles. Eton clothes and accessories are widely presented at the Moscow Central Department Store. Production: Romania, Estonia (shirts), Italy (hustki, cribs), Sweden (high-cost shirts, which are not sold in Russia, but in Europe they cost 300 euros).

Finamore . Neapolitan brand (founded in 1925 by Caroline Finamor), with its wonderful shirts, from three to seven manual operations; buzzards are made from natural Australian mother-of-pearl. Finamore shirts can be made in Russia for 15 to 25 thousand rubles; cribs - close to 8 thousand; You can buy them from the already established store, as well as from TSUM. An unfortunate collection of Finamore shirts at discounted prices is offered by the American Internet outlet Variety: Italy - Naples.

Fumagalli . Small Italian brand of yakіsnih cribs, which was founded in 1892. Cravats cost 3.5-5 thousand rubles. Yakist is good, but not miracle. Fumagalli cribs for sale at Gents' Stuff. Virobnitstvo: Italy. You can see the look of cravats and metelikіv Fumagalli.

Hackett London . English brand founded in 1979 by Jeremy Hackett; Now belong to the Spanish company Torreal. Yakіst is decent, but not glittery - nothing exclusive. Jackets - 50 thousand, shirts - 10-18 thousand. You can buy them at TSUM, as well as at the UK Style store (Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 17). Production: Portugal, Tunis, Turkey, China; some accessories are made in Italy.

Harris Tweed . A Scottish maker of tweed fabrics, which promotes a line of clothes for clothes: jackets, vests, pants… These clothes are found in China, and the fabrics themselves are made in Scotland. From the point of view of the quality of the construction and vikonannya - nothing special, everything is even more transverse, even if the fabrics are good. You can buy Harris Tweed clothes from, where branded jackets cost 18,000 rubles; Tvіdovі pants are sold for 12 thousand rubles.

Hawes and Curtis . English brand of budget shirts and accessories. Hawes&Curtis shirts cost about 4,000 rubles in Russia, cribs - 2,5-3,000 rubles. You can get them at Podum Market stores (for example, at Moscow, TG fashion season), online stores, Virobnitstvo: Asian lands. Yakіst is wickedly different in price, ale scorched, obviously, more transverse.

Hugo Boss . The German brand (founded in 1924 by Hugo Boss), but the production has long since been transferred from the city of Nimech to Turkey and other lands. Yakіst zagalom nasty, not zhah-zhah, but only weakly acknowledging the demanded prices. Best for the line - Selection, but to equal, for example, Canali and Corneliani do not hold out and won, and do not reach much.

Hugo Boss suits cost approximately 40,000 rubles, shirts - 7,000 rubles, cribs - 5,000 rubles. You can buy Hugo Boss clothes at TsUMі and Stockmann stores, as well as at company stores at GUMі, Vesna and Vesna shopping centers in Ekaterinburz near the Europa shopping center (Lenina, 25). Virobnitstvo: mainly Turechchina and China; things are sewn in Italy (cravats), Romania, Bulgaria (deak pants, for example).

Isaiah . This is a Neapolitan brand that produces clothes of high quality, often with a chic design (foremost, jackets and suits are worn by a great fantasia cell). Fully-canvassed jackets, manual operations on shirts and jackets. Isaia jackets cost 135 thousand rubles, suits cost 155 thousand rubles, shirts cost 21 thousand rubles. Company store near "Petrivsky Passage" on Petrivka Street, 10; In addition, you can buy Isaia clothes from St. James, online stores (they have є th offline stores in Nizhny Novgorod) and multibrands in the Smolensky Passage shopping center. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Kiton . A Neapolitan luxury brand of a classic human outfit, dating back to 1968. High yakіst, ale rіven lie in the line. Suits fully-canvassed, with manual work, but only for the most expensive suits the border (canvas) is sewn in manually. The brand of promotions (let's go and break the narrow stakes), the price is obviously dependent on that. Kiton suits cost from 290 to 540 thousand rubles, jackets - from 240 thousand, shirts - from 44 thousand rubles. You can buy Kiton clothes and accessories at the Central Department Store and at, as well as at the company store at 13, Stilnikovo Provulk. Source: Italy.

Lardini. The great Italian maker of the classic human robe. A classic dress for Brooks Brothers (suits of the 1818 line), Burberry, Salvatore Ferragamo, and some other brands. Harn yakіst, garni fabric. Є fully-canvassed, є half-canvassed models. In Russia, Lardini clothes can be found at the store, where past collections are sold. Jackets cost 22,000 rubles, suits cost 31,000 rubles, shirts cost 5-6,000 rubles. Spivvіdnoshnja tsіni that akostі for such tsіn vіdmіnne. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Clothes Lardini, moreover, performances at some Bosco Uomo stores (for example, at Petrovsky Passage), but there are a lot of things there (costumes - from 100 thousand rubles).

Lino Sentiero. Neapolitan cut, like a shirt. Vіsіm manual operations, garnі fabrics, high yakіst. Lino Sentiero shirts can be purchased from Gents' Stuff. Koshtuyut stench 13 thousand carbovantsiv. Virobnitstvo: well, Italy - Naples.

Loro Piana. Italian brand of fabrics, as well as expensive clothes, like a suvory and dosit official, so everyday. High quality, but the prices are still protected. Jackets cost 150,000 rubles, and prices for jackets can exceed 500,000 rubles. Dress Loro Piana performances at TSUM, as well as at the firm's store, which is located in Stilnikovo Provulk, booth 9. Production: Italy.

Luciano Barbera . Italian brand founded by Luciano Barbera in 1971. Miraculous quality, especially in the Sartoriale line (costumes in this line are made at the Italian manufactory d'Avenza). Miraculous fabrics, as if they were made at the vlasny factory. Firm store near the shopping center Vesna; Presence at St James multi-brand stores, Bosco Uomo stores, Podium stores (not Market!) and online stores Jackets - from 100 thousand rubles, cots - from 12 thousand, shirts - from 17 to 35 thousand. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Luciano Lombardi . Neapolitan brand of handmade shirts. Shirts are sold at the store, costing from 25 to 36 thousand rubles. To put it bluntly, it is not a naive proposition. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Luigi Borrelli. The Neapolitan brand of shirts, bedspreads, hoodies, as well as suits, jackets, and pants has been circulated. The height of the temple, but ... it’s something to worry about and do not depend on the prices. The best shirts are from the Royal Collection line. Cribs cost 12 thousand, shirts cost 17 thousand. Sold at St James shops; often found on and (and it's obviously cheaper there). Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Maria Santangelo. Neapolitan brand of shirts of the highest class. There are too many manual operations, up to fourteen. High prices: 15-20 thousand rubles. You can buy qi shirts from Virobnitstvo, obviously, Italy - Naples.

Marks & Spencer . An English brand, the company was founded in 1884. Zvichayno, it is far from being less than human classic clothes. In some cases, the balance between price and quality is even better, especially the respect for the use of 100% natural materials (Pure Wool Collection costumes).

Shirts cost 2-5 thousand rubles (which is more expensive, more beautiful), shorter shirts - in the Sartorial, Luxury lines, Autograph shirts are three times lower for a ruble, Non-Iron / Easy Iron - even lower. Shovkov's cots cost 1,000 rubles (machine robots), jackets cost about 10,000 rubles. A wide range of company stores. Selection: China, Indonesia, Bangladesh and other Asian countries. Ukrainian stores often do not have speeches from the best, top lines.

Massimo Dutti . Spanish brand, founded in 1985 by a roci, and now owned by the Spanish company Inditex. Clothes of decent quality for a sensible price, the style is more important - a modern classic, moreover, rich casual clothes. Є arc far away options for spіvvіdnoshnja tsіni and vigor. Suits and jackets are fused, without manual operations, but nice fabrics are stitched. Massimo Dutti suits cost 20 thousand rubles, pants - 5 thousand rubles, shirts - 4.5-6.5 thousand rubles, cribs - 3.5 thousand rubles. Merezha of company stores. Production: China, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Portugal.

Orazio Luciano La Vera Sartoria Napoletana . Behind the fuss at the narrow stakes is the Neapolitan collection of the classic man's robe, before the suits and jackets. Fully-canvassed, no manual operations, the border (canvas) is sewn in manually. You can buy Orazio Luciano jackets at the store Prices: 190-290 thousand. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Pal Zileri . An Italian brand that Gruppo Forall has, a kind of clothing for many famous brands. Suits of the main line cost about 90 thousand, jackets - 65 thousand, shirts - 12 thousand, cribs - 8 thousand. Presence at TSUM, firm stores in GUM, Vesna shopping center (Moscow), Pori roku shopping center (Moscow), Smolensky passage shopping center (Moscow), Limerance shopping center (Yekaterinburg) and other places (Podium stores, for example, as well as . Production: mainly Italy; Prote shirts are worn in Albania and Romania.

The best brightness in the Sartoriale line; the main line is also not bad, like a language about suits and jackets (fully-canvassed with a minimum of manual operations) and nothing special, like a language about shirts (it’s even more transverse, but it doesn’t change prices). Є more democratic linePal Zileri Lab , fused jackets, without manual operations, not made in Italy (in Tunisia, Albania), youth style, modern classics; jackets - from 40 thousand. Yakіst pomitno lower, lower at the main line (more than average for such and such prices, let's say it straight). In addition, there is another Concept line, also lower quality, lower basic, and a little higher than Lab. Suits and jackets with lines of lines are worn in Northern Europe (Ugorshchina, Bulgaria) and cost 60 thousand rubles.

Piacenza. Italian fabric maker, which has been leading its history as far back as 1733. At the same time let out more clothes, knitwear is more important, but not only. Pants Piacenza cost 11 thousand carbs; You can buy them at the store (from the new offline version). Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Pierre Cardin . The brand of foundations in 1950s was promoted in France by P'er Cardin, but at the same time P'er Cardin can't wait until a new beginning. The brand has been around for a long time to the Turks. The quality of the fire is decent for such a price, but no more. Don't talk about exclusives. Jackets cost 17-18 thousand rubles. Stinks are sold at Stockmann, JS Casual stores; є a chain of company stores. Production: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria.

Richard James . Modern English classic, young brand from Savile Row. Ready-made clothes are mainly shipped outside of England - in Mauritius, Portugal and other countries. Accessories are manufactured in England and Italy. Yakіst vishcha for the middle, but not vishcha. You can buy Richard James clothes and accessories at St James stores, as well as at the UK Style store (Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 17). Shirts cost 16,000 rubles, jackets cost 50,000 rubles, and breastplates cost about 3,500 rubles. Yak_st vіdpovіdaє tsіnі less on sales.

Rosi&Ghezzi. A small Milanese brand of cribs, panties, scarves and vests. You can get them in the store, cribs cost 3.5-5 thousand rubles. Some stinks are listed on Weaving: Italy, deaks to make scarves in India. Read the report about Rosi&Ghezzi. A look at the cribs and Rosi&Ghezzi scarves can be seen.

Sartoria partenopea . Neapolitan brand is an expensive classic dress. Presented at Jackets cost 240-255 thousand rubles, suits - 250-385 thousand rubles. Fully-canvassed, lots of manual operations, canvas is sewn in by hand Made in: Italy.

Simonnot-Godard . french brand bavovnyanyh llyanikh fabrics, as well as khustok. Іsnuє z kіntsya XVIII Art. Manual trimming of the edge, the arc of high quality. Khustki are presented in the store, costing 4.5-5 thousand rubles. Production: France. Read a report about the company and brand Simonnot-Godard at.

Strellson . A Swiss brand of a man's clothes, both tight-fitting and informal. Nothing special in terms of quality, such an average peasant. Suits cost 28-45 thousand rubles (fabrics of natural wool, viscose lining, fused construction), shirts - 6-9 thousand. You can buy Strellson clothes from company stores (divine list on, Production: Bulgaria, Turkey, China.

Suitsupply . A young Dutch brand of classic human clothes. Є kіlka linіyok. Best costumes- fully-canvassed, with a lot of manual operations, horny and mother-of-pearl horns, and stench to cover about 90 thousand rubles. Simpler costumes - half-canvassed, with plastic horns and without manual operations - cost 35-50 thousand rubles. Є models with good fabrics, including Carlo Barbera, Colombo. These costumes are made from Vitale Barberis Canonico fabrics. Mayzhe everywhere robochі cuffs; the loops are twisted around on the machines. Suitsupply suits and jackets are produced mainly in China.

Suitsupply shirts are available from Northern Europe (Macedonia, Poland) and cost from 7 to 16 thousand rubles. Cheaper models are more transverse, more expensive models - with mother-of-pearl horns and imitation (!) of manual robots. Fabrics: Monti, Thomas Mason, Canclini, Albini, Leggiuno. Vests fused, 10-12 thousand; є even pretty double-breasted models from receiving fabrics. Trousers are sewn 13-17 thousand.

Suitsupply does not have the best price for the lowest Russian prices, although it is impossible to name it badly. Suitsupply's brand store in Russia is still only one; vineyards near Moscow, on Bersenivsky embankment, budinok 8, budov 1.

T. M. Lewin . English brand, founded in 1898. If T.M.Lewin's shirts were sewn in England, but now the stench is vibrating in Asia. In Russia, prices are dependent; It’s better to ask for shirts directly from T.M.Lewin’s branded English online store (there are some promotions like “4 shirts for 100 pounds”). In Russia, shirts with stamps cost 5 thousand rubles, cribs - 3.5-4 thousand. You can get them in the online store Virobnitstvo: Asian lands.

Tombolini . Italian company founded by Eugenio Tombolina in the 1960s. Yakist is good, but not worse. Jackets (mostly fused, with a minimum of manual operations) - from 38 thousand rubles (but mostly from 60 thousand), suits - from 70 thousand, pants - from 15 thousand. Appropriate for the brand of presentations at Bosco Uomo,, Podium ( stores, near Rostov-on-Don - at stores. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Read the report about the Tombolini brand.

Van Laack . German brand of shirts, cribs, cufflinks and other accessories, founded in 1881. Like shirts are zvichaynіsіnkі, peresіchnі, yakіs are even more sympathetic. The quality is good, but not great, and the prices seem a little weak. Van Laack shirts cost 13-25 thousand rubles in Russia. Van Laack has a company store at GUM, and in addition, the entire brand can be bought at TSUM and the online store Virobnitstvo: Most Van Laack products are produced in Asia (Zokrema, in Vietnam).

Vincenzo di Ruggiero . Neapolitan maker of handmade shirts. You can buy shirts in, where the stench costs 25 to 48 thousand rubles. Often branded shirts are found on, where they are sold for a lot of lower prices. Virobnitstvo: Italy.

Additional comments

Prices indicated by the camp for autumn 2015. The stench can change. In some cases, the minimum prices are indicated, clothes for which you may not know at company stores, but you will find them in online stores (Russia, do not seem to be talking about overseas).

As a rule, girls on the river are sold out, on which you can get a classic dress with a discount of 30 to 50%. Not all brandies sell, not all brandies sell all models; In addition, in a dress with a classic dress, the reduction is often still 30%, and 50 times more than 70% is noticeably lower. Moreover, one often does not rely on luxury clothes.

I don't care about those who seriously inform me about the creation of this catalogue, I do not bear any responsibility for the accuracy of the information, whether it be a legacy, which can be blamed on the results of this review. I cannot guarantee that all the shops in the show sell original goods and I cannot guarantee that you will receive suits, shirts and other goods at the indicated price.

For obvious reasons, I cannot guess in one catalog of brandy. I won’t add information to the catalog about brandy, clothes of which you can’t get in Russia, about brandy, the rightness of the Western European or American approach of them is not obvious, but it’s not so obvious, and also about brands, for which classic clothes are not the main ones, and one of the key ones.

Away shopping!

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