How to put on a black shirt. Fashionable man's shirt - how to choose and what to wear

If you are a fashion designer, say, be a girl, what do you respect yourself and follow fashion trends, your mother’s goiter in the wardrobe is a couple of shirts or a shirt. For this season, a black shirt is especially relevant. She herself is guilty of not without fail appearing at your wardrobe.

Let's try to sort out the diversity of models. We know how and why to wear Blakytna shirt. We choose the ideal set, which is suitable both for the office and for walks with friends.

Women can use

It would have been given b human robe that woman. However, shirts are a wardrobe item, which vibrates from the global trend and is a universal type of clothing, both for people and for representatives of a beautiful state. Don’t think too hard what a person has lost in the image. Women in shirts of different styles look more attractive and stylish. Have mercy on what.

We choose originality

A shirt with a classic cut will forever be demanded by fashionistas. Ale fakhіvtsі to give the best respect to extravagant models. Vibrati will be what. Zvichayna blakitna is supplemented with invisible guts, jabot, original cuffs, lace.

Designers note that the extravagance of a shirt is not only fabric, but only additional details. Tse unimportant item to the wardrobe with other speeches. It seems like it’s probably not. For example, a classic black shirt with trousers or breeches looks more stylish. The more unimaginative the dressing of the models, the image will win.

Mustaches of blue

Otzhe, let's figure out why designers are happy to wear a classic, or no more than a black shirt. Insanely, the best option - everything. Top - blue-black shirt, bottom - dark blue jeans or black pants. Above you can put on a turquoise cloak and a black cardigan. If you are wondering which components of the image show off among themselves, add a sprat of splendid accessories that will break out of the main picture.

Black - no-program option

Obviously, a shirt with a classic cut is a variant of an office outfit. Here you can not do without a black bottom. If you need the most classic suvory option, then for the sake of coming today. Blakitna shirt that:

  • black spine-olivets;
  • black classic pants;
  • shortened black pants;
  • black pants.

Fallen in the style of the shirt and at the bottom, change your image. If you dress up a black-fitting figure and if you wear a jacket, then take office style. Well, take a shirt with a larger, loose cut, put on your own black pants, add a skinny vest - look zukhvaliy, free style.

Before the speech, miraculous additions to the image will be yaskravy remіnets. Vіn become a colorful accent, spend an invisible fashion between a strict black bottom and a white black top.

Universal - brown

Sandy, kawi color, almond, cocoa, bronze, rustic, hot sauce - all shades of brown miraculously combine with black shades. with brown trousers and a beige bag in stock a stylish and fashionable look. Also, shirts can be worn with a roasted cardigan, cocoa-coloured shorts, a caviar jumper, a beige sweater, and so on.

Smuzhka do not go out of fashion

The wife of today is important fashion trend whether you look like a dress, some kind of a back, a jacket or a white-black shirt for going to work. A shirt in blue or a black jacket can be worn with dark blue trousers. Remember that the bottom is dark, the bottom is the top. The ideal option for any outfit is jeans.

If you are not a fan of a dark denim wardrobe, you can choose light and warm colors. Blakitna will be wonderfully sitting together with beige or white trousers, a bright back and bright-heavenly shorts.

Gramo in contrast

If you’re tired of office arranging, you’re tired of everyday life, and you want to please yourself with a kohana, then open your wardrobe and take a sack of rivers. The dyag of bright colors not only raises the mood, but also attaches the respect of the resting. Vaughn seems to say: "My master is not afraid of experiments, she is free and happy."

Vvazhayuchi for the best black shirts and turned the image brighter, for the sake of turning to red, bright-yellow, light green. Why can you pull up a black shirt:

  • yaskrava back-klosh;
  • hot pants and red boots;
  • back with a brightly colored floral print;
  • yellow pants;
  • the back of the shorty is peas;
  • if there is no commissar on a shirt, then tie a yaskra scarf or a hustka.

Do not forget about the fashionable husband and cell, always bright colors.

Before speech, the contrast is fashionable not only in color, but also in models of clothes. If you chose a tight-fitting, strict shirt, then the bottom is guilty of buti zukhvalishim, for example, the food on the back, which is broken.

Shirt and sweater

A cardigan, a light jumper - a good addition to a suvor office shirt. Stink vartі respect be-like a fashionista, even the very items of the wardrobe allow you to loosen up the strict style of a shirt and put it on your old-fashioned look stylish specialty.

Designers are happy to fold bagatosharovі images. For example, shirts, dressed on a T-shirt, look marvelously and cheerfully. You can add a large cardigan to the top. Vіdmіnne poddnannya - a black shirt for a woman, a warm jumper, jeans and a parka (autumn jacket).

The shirt can be tucked into pants or the back, or it can be left out. Everything is stale in recognition of the image of your mood.

Fashionable colors of human shirts.
Human shirts: more colors - stylish consultations on new publications of the “human part” project of the Kiev fashionista Yuliya Dobrovolskaya “Ideal wardrobe”.

A shirt, a jacket, a crib are potential partners, so you can always practice mutual support. In order for the reception, organized by cloakroom units, to be fine, effective and modern, it is important to respect the principle of harmonious addition of color assets and patterns.

Most of the "cottage-jackets" choose themselves in companions, white, black and erysipelas shirts. The choice is obvious, more simple. These colors are basic and do not compete with the details of the whole collection.

As a dressing room, the reception is straight forward at the bik, the basic one, the symbiosis of the colors of the warehouses is better to choose fantasy, non-standard and, what is important, own. The seasonality factor is an axis about what to think about in front of them, as if experimenting with a color scheme.

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

on the light: virishuyuchi, what color shirts choose, insure the seasonality factor

Fashionable colors of human shirts. Zimova Color Gama

Winter tones and pvtoni are due but dark for summer and spring.

A black shirt can be an ideal project that is easy to implement. A dark gray suit, a pair of badges on the commissar and pink slippers. A black shirt is a stylish accessory, which does not tolerate others: belts and cots.

Sometimes simplicity is the key. The use of black and blue colors is rarely seen in post-traditional smoothies. A gift. Black and blue instantly charmed the French, especially the Parisians. A black shirt is a friend of cardigans and blazers. Therefore, invest in the whole color of obov'yazkovo varto.

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

on the light: blue blazer miraculously go with a shirt of color Bordeaux

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

on the light: black and blue colors - a more stylish solution

Just don’t hesitate to choose a black shirt, zipping on a dark blue one. A dark blue shirt in collaboration with a brown and olive suit is extraordinary and stylish.

Fashionable colors of human shirts. Autumn color scheme

Come to replace the rozhevіy shirts of autumn, that the collection will bring shirts of camel color, beige or khaki color.

The color of red wine is a crazy and constant attribute of autumn. A shirt in color bardo or burgundy - it's not ordinary. Complete this shirt with a blue blazer or a suit with a brown crib - for formal visits, jeans and beige chinos - for casual outings.

Let the black shirt of autumn transform into light-sire. Gray color - undeserved dislikes: brudny, stale, gloomy ... Dislike to the gray - the most common combination of yoga. There are a lot of ways of yakіsnogo provodzhennya syrogo in the selective group.

Total gray - (from the English “overwhelmingly gray”) - if all the ones in the set of viconan have a gray color scheme. Great plus gray color in an indistinguishable number of yogo varieties: from brudish-white to graphite. Correct Total Gray - no contrasting solutions. The line, which is necessary to beware of - anger at the sight of a gray object in the wardrobe for one. As you see that the risky person transforms the image into one great sir flame, go into the tactics of victorious paternivs (klitin, smuzhok, kvitiv toshchoo).

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

stylish outfit: syriy is a fertile ground for interaction with various rapports and smart-witted cribs.

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

stylish outfit: Syrian cardigan to create a look Total Gray

A gray shirt and a blue suit, a crib in blue tones - take it forever and must have (obov'yazkovo volodity) of a person's wardrobe.

For cold weather - a gray three-piece suit with a cardigan instead of a vest: a dark gray cardigan, a light gray shirt, a medium gray suit. For example, the color of the shirt and the suit will be as similar as possible, the dark cardigan is pinker. If you want to see Total Grey, choose a blue, burgundy or plaid cardigan.

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

Fashionable colors of men's shirts

on the light: color graphite suit - a universal solution for creating classic and non-standard images

Syria is a fertile ground for mutual interaction with various rapports and cunning cravats. Experiment with the colors of your mouth: dark brown shoes will help you dress up in a new way.

Fashionable colors of human shirts. Spring-summer color din

Sira shirt for spring - tse buzkova shirt. Buzkovu shirt is worn with green, blue, gray and black wardrobe elements.

Green color for a shirt is an extraordinary solution. Try wearing a green hanging shirt. It’s like to reinforce seasonality and give such an important thing at this time of rock freshness. Shirt green color and yoga of the last days is mixed with a dark blue or brown suit. In life, a green shirt can be worn with chinos, a Bordeaux color and a communist manifesto, and, of course, with classic denim.

Zhovtiy - the color of the Sun - is invariably obliged to know the fermentation at the spring wardrobe capsule. Acceptances of yellow colors will be visually practicable with light knitwear of blue and gray colors.

photo from sites:,

Read about lights, cardigans, jumpers and golfs in a man's wardrobe on the portal site - at the next materials for the project of Yulia Dobrovolskaya "Ideal Wardrobe"!

A shirt in a man’s wardrobe is one of the most important items of clothing, it gives the image of a man a special impressiveness and, before that, it’s good to go with a suit. especially popular with the new season. Fashion designers demonstrate new items on the catwalk, which are not similar to the models of previous collections. For the second season, shirts exude elegance and originality.

Pictured is blue human shirt Roner

Recently blue shirt most associated with speeches made of denim. At the same time, in fashionable collections, you can wear such shirts not only from denim and knitwear, but also from fine knitwear, vnyanі, gaps, glimmer and navit zі shkіri.

Where to buy a blue man's shirt?

The blue color in clothes is most often chosen by self-sufficient, inspired people. For rich people, their colors are associated with uniforms. Vіn maє the widest, in parity with the others, the range of vіdtinkіv. For this reason, the most popular clothing among designers. The blue color is simply indispensable for creating a business style, evening costumes. This universal color is the most suitable for afar, dressed in odyas, and for any style.

Why should a person wear a blue shirt?

Blue shirt and red crib

Kravatka є garnim additions to the office suit. Yaskravі zabarvlennya z malyunki often zustrichayutsya in youth fashion and style casual. It is important to remember correctly pick up a cot and a shirt in the distance. Blue shirt and red crib- suitable option. Kravatka can be monophonic or with a little one. Vіn є brightly colored flame of the suit. Bazhano vibirati pants ta navy blue jacket many other dark colors.

Blue shirt and yellow crib

Blue shirt and yellow crib- Far away change of colors. More shortly, like a shirt, it will be a bright image, for example, of heaven. Kravatka is guilty of harmonizing the color not only with the shirt, but also with the suit.

Blue shirt and black crib

Blue shirt and black crib- It’s unimaginable, we’ll frown as we can, especially if navy blue shirt. However, fashion models can carry in the distance options of outrageous speeches. A blue shirt with a black-coloured crotch can be a pre-river one, like for a casual business suit, and like an evening option.

Blue shirt and jeans

Bagato people young vice under jeans, wear better t-shirts, because the stench is good. The elders are already beginning to renovate their wardrobe with shirts.

Wear two types of shirts - classic and sporty. Models will go with jeans sporty style. Blue shirt and jeans look away together. Sound like a choice of fabrics from large and coarse fabrics - flannel, oxford, chambray, denim. Denim shirts are better worn with dark-colored jeans.

Blue shirts and jeans they can be monotonous with great little ones, different little ones. Such models are distinguished by an unusual cut, decorative fastenings, original decorative details.

Tim, who has a standard figure, better wear fitted shirts. If there are problems due to the curtain and proportions, then it is better to wear shirts of a free cut. With jeans, a shirt can be worn tucked in; The correct variant of dozhini is to the middle of the hind quarters of jeans.

Blue shirt and black pants

Blue shirt and black pants As much as for a business style, so I go to a restaurant. In these cases, there are more monotonous shirts, or even smaller ones. Shirts with great little ones and little ones will be more beautiful for worn clothes, youth fashion, style casual.

Fashionable shirts of this season were not deprived without a respectful glance of designers. Particularly worthy are models of blue color models, as in 2017 they are represented in other options vikonannya. New ideas came up to create fabrics, from which designers shy away from fabrics. So, for example, already not for the first season, shirts in denim, knitwear with different inserts and different styles are in favor. At this release, we’ll talk about everything in a report and find out how to choose the varto for lovers of what to wear and why to wear it. For an excursion around the world of fashion, we’ll forgive you more, our fahivtsy prepared a photo, so that you can join in this article below.

Yaki models of blue-colored shirts will be fashionable in 2017

In 2017, the blue color scheme has got absolutely new outlines, to the point that the designers do not give you peace of mind. For additional fabrics of such designs, they are created in the same way and stylish models of shirts for girls, which you can see in the photo from designer shows and at the best stores. Young girls of style are recommended to give special respect for the light of the color of the color - even the stink itself is a symbol of freshness and youth.

The deyakі models of the blue color of the flooring are original, so many girls are simply afraid of choosing them and wear them with the same Christmas speeches. So, for example, it’s very important for someone to know that “models are not for everyone.” Before them enter lower, shortened shirts and shirts with wide shoulders. And if our styles are inspired by the fact that you can correctly combine a similar attribute of a woman’s wardrobe, then you can create a beautiful image regardless of the complexion of that girl’s age. And about those who wear a model of blue color, we’ll talk more about it later, but for now, you can have mercy on women, as if it’s easy to wear such an element, a dress of blue color.

One of the unique novelties of this season is the changed shirt, as in 2017 it takes the leading position for popularity practically in all seasons. On the right, in the fact that such a style can be beautifully played in a blue color, and it means that you should take a small sprat. Styles to talk about those that are wrapped in a bow and tie of that rock varto turn respect for the print “blue coat”, and for autumn it’s just a chic pididde cage. In the photo below, you can see different images from such prints.

The blue women's shirt is popular in the classic style. It’s a miracle pidide for the girls, like they’re dreaming about those who were chosen to showcase the business style. Really, deyakі zhіnkі plunder such vibrіb, especially dark blue color, schob razbaviti office dress code. It’s wonderful to look like this, if you want to wear yoga with accessories. In my opinion, you can see the weight of a massive namisto.

Before the speech, even the original-looking business shirt was made from blue fabric in a cage. Such a virib is simply wonderful to look at, like wearing yoga with jeans and sneakers. Navit do not be surprised at those who are an element of a classic wardrobe, miraculously fit into any image, and therefore you can wear it with different options bottom and top.

A denim shirt is another trend of 2017 rock, yoga cannot be called a novelty, even though it has been in fashion for the first season. Young girls give the prestige of such a model to rich other speeches. For example, like a blue shirt vikonan with natural denim, so it's more beautiful, you can boldly wear it in the spec. Perfectly similar variant goes with white T-shirts, in this case you can wear a blue shirt with a cardigan. Even though the original look of the denim model is worn, it is not uncommon to rob girls for a street style. The photo below shows the most stylish versions of rock, the stink can be added to any image.

Why is it fashionable to wear a blue-colored shirt in 2017

Obviously, I need to feed on those for whom it is fashionable to wear a blue shirt in 2017. Let's try it all at once on the food chain, as if it is strong enough to call women's hearts, and help us to select a special photo below.

Let me tell you about those who are not important, like a kind of embellishment for a woman’s blue shirt. A great role is played by the style of the viroba itself. So, for example, a light blue model with a classic cut can be worn with a white bottom. Tse mozhe buti podnitsa or shorts, yakі can repeat the style of the upper cut. Otherwise, you can blame the imbalance in the image and the inappropriate contrast. Krіm tsgogo, even a beautiful blue shirt looks like, as you wear it with light jeans, like in the photo below.

Folded shirts in a clitina or a husband just look gorgeous in a pair of leggings and jeggings. Young girls are obligated to fall in love with such an image, which in the new world looks like a cloth or a tunic, which adds originality and romance, reinforces the style and grace of a woman.

Shortened shirts look stylish at the bottom with a frilly waist. For example, you can wear leggins, shorts or jeans. Wear with such shirts a varto shirt carefully in that vipadka, as it is dark blue. On the right, in the fact that the same color can add trouble when picking clothes. Be careful about the fact that the model is shortened, especially if there is a print on the client or the husband. With such a look, the girls with the ideal figure “dog year” are out, but you can add it to the image from the bottom with a curled waist, like in the photo below.

A dark blue shirt with a loose cut with dark trousers looks even more beautiful. Such an image can be supplemented with a white T-shirt and ballet flats in tone. It is great to complete the whole image with a neat haircut and make-up in nude style.

A blue-colored denim shirt can be worn with matching jeans to match, to create an impression, or wear overalls for a girl. Overall, try wearing a similar model with shorts and denim bottoms. But follow along, so that the image is not overwhelmed, for which you can add a white T-shirt to the image, like in the photo below.

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