Color of the shirt under the gray jacket. Poednannya colors in human clothing

You can find the most beautiful costumes and accessories that can look wonderfully cool, but not at all in ensembles, so you can’t guess with the choice of colors. And not far away, there will be a vіdtіnkіv аbо zayva їх іхіїїї їїїїїїїї ‿їїїї іѕ tо create a more pleasing image. Competent combination of colors - tse mystetstvo, like a skin person. With yoga to help the folding of a non-trivial elegant sane looking become an easy task. In addition, the wardrobe is in need of integrity, to turn on inappropriate non-speech.

Helper for the creation of the image

  • We choose the base color. Refine the shape of the image from the choice of the base color. Sound such a prerogative to a suit or a shirt. As a rule, the basis is neutral colors: white, black, gray, blue or brown. Everything is made with easy and careless meals, practically with the help of others. To give special respect to the Syrians - literally zmushu іnshі tone of the palette to take yoga.

But remember the law of three colors: the greater number of them in ensembles cannot be allowed to create a harmonious look.

  • We see accents. A person's wardrobe is surrounded by a plan of objects, which can be used as a color accent. Adzhe іnodi podkrelennya okremsennya object nadaє nadaє vglyadu your own charm. It’s enough to put the right voice, for example, on some accessories - a sassy look is gaining zhavvostі and privablivosti. For such a mark, use scarves, cravats, hustkas (in some cases, a year-old or eyepieces). Just don't forget that it's not your fault to bring dissonance to the ensemble.

  • Protect the peculiarities of zovnishnosti. The correct choice of colors in clothes is impossible without regard to the type. Adzhe is the main task of retraining for the help of the necessary help.

The greater the contrast between the colors of the hair and the coats, the greater the sharpness you can afford at the wardrobe. For example, dark-haired men with a white coat can boldly bathe a black crib with white husbands, and from light hair that coat conveys a day of contrasts.

The color circle is a helper when choosing

If you are afraid to bow to your taste, hurry with color. This handy tool will show you how to choose the right basic (70%) and additional (20%) colors, as well as accent (10%). For beginners, the most pleasant field of experiments is monochrome colors. Not richer folding of the main and analog signals (the stench is found on the sides of the base ones).

For advanced fashionistas, additional ideas are presented that are opposite to the basic ones. The scarlet man's clothes can be played in contrasting days, or better, decorate them with black and white colors.

Ideal day in clothes for people

Kolіrne kolo do not know to be known under the hand. To that varto memorize a sprinkling of the main color combinations, which are suitable for all occasions of life:

  • Blue and brown - the colors of the earth and the sky harmoniously complement one another. In addition, the ensemble does not look boring, combine different tones: blueberry blue + soft brown or dark blue + light brown.

  • Khaki and greens are ideal for spring and autumn. For example, chinos khaki pants, a green shirt and a white T-shirt form an impassioned stylish image.

  • Red and blue is a wonderful tandem for creating an expressive bright look. The union of tsikh vіdtіnkіv zmusit commemorate you at be-yakoy natovpі. Try to make one of the tickets darker - so you don’t win competition between them.

  • Siry and blue chirp - make it easier for the youth chi sports key. And the axis, combining gray with dark blue, also takes a strict calm choice for the office.

  • Greens and Syria - they create a quiet dial for everyday selection. Add gostroti to help or Khustka.

  • Yaskravo-rozhevy and beige - non-standard for summer days. A wonderful option for those who are not afraid to get a look at the rest.

Change colors for different situations

How to correctly eat those chi іnshi іdtinki, lay in the sunset, which one you choose to see:

  • Negotiate business - the best sound of choice on a cold palette. A safe option: a dark gray suit with a white shirt and a black and red crib. Complete the look with black shoes and scarves.

  • Romantic cheering is the very hour to turn on creativity. To create a masculine smilie image for the help of a basic outfit of blue color in white, olive or gray.

  • A friendly evening is one of the things that do not require additional standards and standards. Focus on your likeness and don’t be afraid to experiment. Whatever your image will be, the better.

Dotrimuyuchis rules, all the same do not fight shukati new cіkavі options. Remember, your zvnіshnіst can become a trump card, both in the case of the opposite article, and in the work. In the distance that you receive experiments!

Replace the prologue. In this article, we won’t strain your forearms like Sheldon Cooper and raise your finger to the top, force “right or wrong”, but we’ll just throw strokes of harmonious summancy of sounds in the choices of a stylish maine.

For a warm-up, let's take a look at what trends, brandy, and friend dictate to us for the coming season:

  1. Gliboky red, yogo dark tone, like stole cranes, lingonberries.
  2. The color of the electrician in clothes. Cost price blue, wine looks so effective, as it is called.
  3. Smooth Syria- like graphite in olives, and not like a TV screen without a signal.
  4. Mute greenery. Such a cloth on a billiard table is like a cactus of a monitor.

Rozim'alis? Let's go! We have a marathon for sharing their colors in clothes with photo butts. It is amazing that a person’s wardrobe is the most distant (from the look of models), the most beautiful of red, blue, gray, green, brown, yellow and turquoise colors.

Front. As long as you see, we guess one thing is simpler, more universal, and that is a practical rule. I know, I don’t know how, if half of the wardrobe is in prana and I have to pick out what the police have lost. Otzhe, as if to take a plain robe, without small ones and vizerunkivs, then it would be more or less like two or three colors. Ale no more. If there are 4 and more looks in the outfit, the style of the image will be reduced to zero.

So it is not easy to fall into the other extreme - if all the details are taken from one image without contrasting elements. If you want a black suit, a black shirt and black shoes - no food, but take a lingonberry crib before them and also scarves.

Table of colors in clothes

On a hold. The replacement of a thousand words is a laconic palette of substantive tones.

Finish with a banal, but fair phrase: boldly experiment and you will be happy!

The women of the day spend a lot of time on those who put together a beautiful image and dress properly. Irrespective of the small number of clothes in a man's wardrobe, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't think about the right thing to eat. Navіt yakscho you work in the office and wear a business suit with a cot, you need to get it right. At tsіy statti mi rozpovimo, like tse robiti.

Color scale

Mayte on the verge, the color of the shirt is to blame for the bright thread itself in the suit. Like pants and a vykonan jacket made of plain fabric, the shirt can also be without small patches. Before the dark gray suit fabrics, the shirt is made of horn, red and beige linen. Ideally, all the flavors from wet asphalt to sky-blaky will blend in with the same color.

Little ones and little ones

If you want to see, bring a crib with a little one. The suit and shirt are to be worn in plain colors. Just as a shirt can have weak expressions of little ones, then a crib can be monotonous, or revenge little ones of a larger size. Moreover, although on the costume fabric there is a husband or a clitina, then on the dress it may be similar.

The most popular are shirts of beige and black color. The stench will come together practically with some kind of costume fabric. Put on a black suit and a shirt, including the complaint. Wear a dark blue or dark gray suit to the office or to the conference. Even though it's too hot in the street, at any given time you can't wear a shirt without sleeves. The color of the costume can be beige. It is worth to wear a shirt from a bed. At the summer hour, you can buy a light bed for a shirt for 1-2 tons. In the last hour, the bed is to blame but the darkness for the fabric of the shirt.

General rules for selection

When choosing a shirt, give respect to the comir. Vin is not guilty of tugging at your throat and crushing yoga. Vіn is guilty of buti trohi vischim for the collar of the jacket. If there are cuffs, then it is ideal if the stench looks 1 cm from the sleeves of the jacket. Neobov'yazkovo, that the stench was made of gold. Pіdіyde road bizhuterіya.

3-4 shirts are allowed before the skin suit. You can wear them all together with a suit, so you can reconcile them in sets and marvel at how many centimeters you look at the cuffs of that comir. To give respect, the shirt is not guilty of stovburchitisa, but to wash these pants. It is your responsibility to smoothly repeat the skin of your body, but with it, do not bind yoga.

Syria and burgundy color

At the business world, sir, pearl that burgundy shirts talk about those that you respect a partner who came to Zustrich. Try not to dress up the bed - it's a sign of a filthy tone, and you show respect. Do not think of adding a shirt with guts, it is due to being straight and without decor. How important is your zustrich, to put on a plain suit and shirt, and to reinforce your status with expensive cufflinks.

The smut at the costume is like a wine to you. Ale, all the same, follow the trail wild rules especially as you work as a stone-worker of the Middle or East Lanka. Adzha was charged with taking a butt from you, and not less than a robot.

Change colors, fabrics, prints and get them right, price and є the secret of elegance and style of human fashion. It is not easy for vikonati tsі puncti, for this reason, when buying, do not throw yourself at the front of the river, which was trapilas, but go to the selection of your wardrobe. Magazine site rozpovist how to combine colors in clothes and pick the perfect lookbook.

Try to bathe in the clothes that suit you, but you are also guilty of dressing up your wardrobe. Marvel at the fabrics, the colors and the beaten coats outweigh the larger ones in the wardrobe. Write your thoughts new clothes s tієyu until you choose, but rather come to the store with this element dress up to whatever you want to buy a lookbook. And so we will help you to add the main colors.


We let go, sho white color go with usma colors. Tim is no less, it’s your fault to try to get lost in light colors, such as yellow, light green, .... tsі options are suitable for recovery at private resorts. For a suit, sound a white color as an element of trousers. The choice of a dark color among the great kіlkost is not a badge. One thing is clear: white, good to come from the sirim, blue, black and brown.


A black color is called an acceptable or a handy color. The black color is ideally matched with the usual colors, but try to use unique colors, like too dark, like dark blue or dark brown, and also the colors of black, do not slander the great number of colors. Black, the color of elegance, and to rob you with a string.


The gray color is the widest in the wardrobe of a fashionable young person in the look of costumes. Good to go practically with usma colors. Colors that would be most suitable would include black, blue, white and deak brown. Reds (burgundy, maroon, ...) can be eaten, but not so good, with some kind of green colors. On the vіdmіnu vіd nіtіnky, іrіy kolіr іt's good to go іz іrimi vіdtinki. The Syrian color is stylishly streaming. Fallen in the tone of gray wine can make us more and less stringy.


One of the colors, which is the leader for the amount of presence at the chef. The blue color scheme is well combined with quats: white, red, gray and sandy, as it suits you. A bright or light blue color scheme is victorious in the younger generations, and dark colors, such as dark blue, rob our stylized and grown up.


Green colors, zokrema, emerald-green colors are one of the fashion trends of this year. It’s easy to get along with the same green range and don’t ruin the wild style. Often vikoristovuvanі kolori olive green and dark green. Brown is one of the few colors that will look good. Greens can be combined with some kind of gray tone.


The brown color stands out from the green, and is one of the most crazy ones. It's great to go with other shades of wet color, for black. Colors are dark burgundy, sand-yellow and camouflage print, the trends of this rock.

I would like to show that it is clothes, which is not recommended to go, for example, to eat summer robe and winter, and do not combine swag with photographs.

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