4th day diet. Different options for egg diets with presentation menus and recipes: it’s worse for extra help. Egg diet Osama Hamdiy

Live power eat allow you to include in the menu the most addictive diets for weight loss. The principle of the method is simpler: the body needs to spend its fat reserves for processing a large amount of protein, for some rich product.

As a result, the gains in kilograms are already known stretching the first two tyzhniv. You need more time for those who need to correctly close the effect and not gain a reputation with advanced swedishness. The diet does not transfer the life to the egg, which makes the task easier.

Pluses and minuses

Eggs are taken for relish and ready to cook, it’s not easy to starve with help. Ale tsya system, yak and be-yak іnsha diet, mає strong and weak sides:
  • Eggs bring a lot of sieve, which makes it easier to control hunger;
  • Zavdyaki to the great amount of protein, the method is suitable for people who go in for sports, it is not acceptable for those who have components of the product;
  • Eggs when normalized are bred. Ale, there is too much protein in them and a deficiency in carbohydrates, which, having settled down in the afternoon of diet, can increase weakness, head bіl and other problems of the physical plan. In times of manifestation of strongly pronounced negative factors, it is faster to speed up by another method.

Egg diet for 4 days: detailed menu


For the next 7 days, as a snack, you need to cook the same set of products: boiled eggs (2 pcs.) And half a grapefruit. For the sake of that, in these days, grapefruit has not been replaced by an orange. Evidently, the description was given for the troubles for two upcoming daytime meals.

Riba and meat (obov'yazkovo low-fat varieties) cannot be lubricated. Only boiled or grilled products are allowed. Kuryaku shkіra need to be taken far away.


  1. You can eat some fruits, but you can pick them yourself;
  2. Supper - m'yasna.


  1. Chicken breast;
  2. Eggs (2 pcs.), 1/2 orange, vegetable salad, toast.


  1. Tomato, sirah (with low salt and fat), toast;
  2. The supper is fresh again.


  1. fruits of the same species, ale without a designated norm;
  2. M'yaso and green salad.


  1. Boiled vegetables and 2 eggs;
  2. portion of ribi. On top of that - one citrus fruit and green stalks of salad.


  1. Fruity obid;
  2. M'yaso that salad is not leafing.


  1. Kurka. Allow yourself tomato, citrus fruits;
  2. The supper is like a weekly insult.


Snidanok without change.


  1. Meat. Uriznomanitniti menu can be green salad leaves;
  2. Eggs (2 pcs.), Grapefruit, lettuce.


The collection of products of the past Monday is repeated.



  1. eggs (2 pcs.), cheese, boiled vegetables;
  2. Only a couple of eggs.


  1. Meat. Like a vegetable supplement - tomatoes (2-3 pcs.);
  2. Two eggs.


  1. Offended like Friday, but you can please yourself with a grapefruit;
  2. Fruit supper.


  1. Sheep and chicken. Having offended the products at the vіdvarenomu look. Orange;
  2. Supper as insult.


Qiu Simdenka can be conveniently called “egg”, because there are not enough eggs on the menu. Allowed products may be of the same type, but without obmezheniya for the quantity.

Monday : all fruits are brewing, cream is even licorice;

Tuesday : potatoes are not allowed, but all other vegetables are allowed;

Wednesday : all the merchandise, victories in the first two days of the third day;

Thursday : fish and cabbage;

Friday : meat.

Saturday і week - Daily fruit days.


The entire list of food items was divided into small portions. Golovna, don't take more than the prescribed norm.


  • M'yaso: 4 pieces of 75 gr.;
  • Canned ribs (preferably tuna);
  • Grapefruit (you can replace it with an orange), 4 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 toast.


  • M'yaso (200 gr.)
  • 4 cucumbers, grapefruit, 3 tomatoes, apple;
  • Small toast.


  • Assorted vegetables (300 gr.) for a cooked look, an orange and two fresh oggs and tomatoes;
  • Bread that spoonful of syrup.


  • Remove 1/2 trigger;
  • Grapefruit, one ogіrok and three tomatoes.
  • For more calories - a small toast.


  • Traditionally - a pair of eggs;
  • Tomatoes (3 pcs.), Lettuce leaves (10 pcs.);
  • Grapefruit.


  • For sieve 120 UAH. sir ta two pieces of breast;
  • Two tomatoes and ogirki. Plus grapefruit;
  • 0.25 l kefir.


  • Tuna (canned) that 30 gr. sire;
  • 200-gram portion of boiled vegetables, two ogurts and tomatoes, grapefruit;
  • 1 toast.

Menu-table for 4 types

Egg-orange diet

It is necessary to lose weight quickly before the last entry, just to speed up with the system.
Vaughn is even simpler in zastosuvanni. For a day in a skin year, you can take 6 eggs and a similar number of oranges. Norm - one product one reception.

Trivality of diet - 7 days. Shown clearly drink (water that green tea). If you become unbearable hunger, you can take a spoonful of honey. Tsya system allows you to throw off up to 3 kg.


Grapefruit's powers of power effectively spit fat, and this triday method is worthy of great popularity among the rich stars of the show business.

Diet menu:

Snidanok : egg and half of citrus, kava with black bread;

Obid і supper - Identical diet: a couple of eggs, 1/2 grapefruit, kava.


It is not easy to get such a system of starvation, because it allows the use of different products. Trivality of diet - 5 days. For the whole hour, you can throw off the bagat up to 5 kg.

Zrazkove menu:

Snіdanok: sir (200 gr.), low-fat milk (1 bottle), kava.

Obid: dietary fish, vegetable soup, carrots with sour cream.

Supper: eggs (2 pcs.), mashed potatoes, 0.25 l of sour milk.

Egg diet Osama Hamdiy

For a month, this method allows you to throw off close to 28 kg. The peculiarity of the system lies in the fact that eggs can be eaten a few times a day, but with which meat, fruits, dairy products, and vegetables are allowed.

Under the fence - fat, zukor, alcohol. Acceptable aspect is the fact that in the period of unbearable hunger you can allow yourself more than їzhі, lower is designated in the daily norm.

Egg diet for 4 days (in a different way - Diet Maggi) - a weight loss program for those who want to get the necessary kilos without starvation and fasting calories. With a stretch of 28 decibels, it is necessary to comply with the singing rules and live only permitted products.

Egg diet is used as an egg diet, and other protein products. The maximum quantity of protein is found in the body in the first two levels of the system. The same period is observed in the shvidka by the spalling of fat reserves. Ration 3 and 4 tizhnіv allows you to fix the result.

Externally, the exclusion from the livelihood of carbohydrates and the introduction of protein create in the body the effect of carbohydrate starvation. After that, fats are split, and zayvі kilograms fill the body. In addition, eggs supply the body with biotin (vitamin H), which is an additive to these processes.

In this way, the egg diet of Maggi is based not on a change in the calorie content of the diet, but on chemical reactions, which are found in the tissues and organs of the change in eating.

Eating rules

In order for the result of the diet to be assessed, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of the diet.

  1. It is necessary to eat 3 times a day. Snack is turned off.
  2. With the reception of a hedgehog, it is not possible to change the missions.
  3. Supper after 18 years or 4 years before bedtime.
  4. Salads and eggs do not need to be salted.
  5. Like in the menu there are citrus fruits, you need to start a meal with them.
  6. During the day, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of purified non-carbonated water: it will help you remove slags from fabrics.
  7. Unsalted tea and kava in beans are allowed.
  8. When you feel a strong hunger, you can have a bite to eat with small pieces of carrots and ogirka.
  9. Dietary food should be eaten with physical rights.
  10. As if the diet is for some reason attached, it is necessary to start back.

Suvora Diet Maggi transfers exactly to the diet. To make it easier to put together a custom menu, you can quickly get a list of allowed products.

Let's live:

  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • vegetables, cream potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms: pecheritsi, chanterelles, glivi;
  • fruits, yakі mіstya few calories;
  • be green, including leaf lettuce;
  • see meat: veal, horse meat, rabbit, turkey and chicken without skins;
  • low-fat varieties of ribeye: pollock, triska, flounder, perch;
  • give the sea;
  • whole-grain bread, biscuits, bread, dietary crackers;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • tea, natural cava or chicory, herbal teas;
  • ginger, lemon juice, balsamic juice like dressings.

It is reserved to include before the diet of the egg diet:

  • fatty broth;
  • mayonnaise sauces, ketchup;
  • pasta virobi;
  • potatoes;
  • cereals garnishes;
  • tsukor, honey, other pidsolodjuvachs;
  • confectionery virobi, zukerki;
  • alcohol;
  • fruits from a great number of calories: dates, bananas, grapes, avocados, figs, mangoes;
  • meat and fish with fat;
  • juices, licorices filled with gas;
  • dairy products with high fat content.

Detailed menu for 4 days

The free lunch is repeated with a stretch of 1 and 2 runs. Wine is made up of half a grapefruit or an orange and 1 egg cool. Daytime and evening receptions are folded behind the offensive scheme (as a diet is rozpochata s monday).

Tizhden №1


  • obid: 1 piece of fruit with allowable quantity;
  • supper: 200 g boiled rabbit.


  • 200 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 eggs cool, 150 g vegetable nariz, 1 toast, 1 orange.


  • be-yaky obsyag sir, 1 loaf, 2 tomatoes;
  • 150 g of yalovichini, baked in a casserole.


  • plaid of the same species without obmezhen;
  • 150 g of steamed meat, 100 g of vegetables.


  • a couple of boiled eggs, 200 g of vegetables from a double boiler;
  • 200 g of boiled pollock, 600 g of soft grapefruit.


  • fruit for bajannyam;
  • 0.2 kg boiled veal.


  • 0.2 kg of chicken fillet baked with chanterelles, 2 tomatoes, 100 g of grilled vegetables, 1 orange;
  • 200 g steamed vegetables.

Tizhden No. 2:


  • obid: 150 g salad with vegetables, 150 g boiled meat for bajannyam;
  • supper: 150 g vegetable platter, 2 large eggs, 1 citrus platter.


  • 200 g of meat, cooked in oven, 2 skewers;
  • 2 eggs cool, 1 orange.


  • 150 g boiled chicken, a couple of ogirkiv;
  • like the second.


  • 2 eggs cool, 150 g syrah, 100 g grilled vegetables;
  • a pair of eggs.


  • 200 g steam ribi;
  • 2 eggs.


  • 150 g steamed veal, steamed tomatoes, 1 citrus fruit;
  • up to 0.5 kg of fresh fruits (seasonal).


  • 200 g boiled chicken, 2 tomatoes, 100 g steamed vegetables, 1 grapefruit;
  • 200 g boiled chicken, 2 cucumbers, 200 g orange pulp.

Tizhden №3

The diet of the third day of the transfer of the products from the list in any period of the day without a podіlu on a specific day:

  • monday: acceptable fruit;
  • second: fresh and boiled root crops;
  • middle: narrations from preparations and sirikh ovochіv;
  • four: steam fish, Chinese cabbage, boiled root crops;
  • Friday: chicken breast, cooked with vegetables and mushrooms;
  • Saturday that week: one kind of fruit.

Tizhden №4

The products are spread over the course of the last day without giving for a meal, obid that evening:

  • Day 1: 100 g of boiled yalovichini, 3 tomatoes, 4 scallops, 50 g of tuna in wet juice, 1 toast, 1 citrus fruit;
  • 2nd day: 150 g of meat, cooked in oven, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast, 1 pear;
  • Day 3: 50 g of syrup, 100 g of steamed vegetables, 2 fresh cider and tomatoes, 1 bread, orange;
  • Day 4: 500 g of boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, 1 chickpea, 1 bread, grapefruit;
  • Day 5: 5 quail eggs uncooked, 3 tomatoes, ogirok, grapefruit;
  • Day 6: 0.4 kg of boiled chicken, 0.3 kg of syrup, toast, a couple of tomatoes, chickpeas, 250 g of orange pulp;
  • Day 7: 50 g of syrah, 100 g of boiled ribeye, 200 g of grilled vegetables, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, bread, apple.

Herb recipes

Starting from 3 days of diet, it is permissible to introduce rich components into the diet. From the permitted ingredients, you can prepare this.

Diet omelette


  • 4 cheese eggs;
  • 8 ovens;
  • 8 cherry tomatoes;
  • piv-cibulini;
  • 50 g boiled chicken;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 20 g Dutch syrah;
  • 3 pieces of parsley.

Steps of preparation.

  1. In hot oil, brush the finely chopped cibula until golden.
  2. Add shmatochki triggers and lubricate 2 more hvilin.
  3. Add cut into 4 pieces of mushrooms and black halves.
  4. Instead of a frying pan, sip with chopped parsley.
  5. Okremo call the eggs and wag around the fireball masu.
  6. Grate the omelet with cheese and cook under the krishkoy 3 hvilini.

Fragrant trigger

Required components:

  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 2 hour teeth;
  • piv-lemon.

Pokrokovy recipe.

  1. The breast is rolled from the skin.
  2. At the m'yasі, to splinter incisions and insert thin plates there for the watchmaker.
  3. The chicken is placed near the oven up to 200 ° C for 40 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle the baked meat with squeezed lemon juice and put it in the oven for a couple more quills.

Vegetable stew


  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 cibulya-ripka;
  • 1 watch clove;
  • 200 ml of drinking water.

Cooking technology.

  1. Vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes.
  2. The tooth is picked up by a watchmaker.
  3. At the saucepan, pour water, add zucchini, carrots, cibula and a teapot.
  4. After 15 minutes of simmering, put tomatoes and languish under the roof for another quarter of the year.

As a physical ambition, you can choose whether it is straight forward. Ideally, it is important to increase strength and cardio rights. As if at the gym, there is absolutely no time, it is necessary for the schoran to work a light warm-up, to change the bag more often and to win over active species repair.

Departure from Maggi's diet on the 4th day

To fix the negative effect and continue to lose weight after the end of the diet, you need to competently get out of the rationed diet.

The following rules will help you to easily switch to a healthy meal without any preoccupation with the body.

  1. In the first 7 days after the course of the dietary program, it is necessary to eat 2 eggs cool and 1 citrus fruit.
  2. It is better to eat more shot (5-6 meals) in one and the same year.
  3. It is necessary to eat stravia prepared at the oven, steamer, casserole without adding fat.
  4. Like licorice, it is necessary to win the marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade. It is permissible to live in 2 cups of hot chocolate per day.
  5. Salads next to fill lemon juice and olive oil and low-fat sour cream.
  6. It is important to continue to trim the diet.
  7. Kіlkіst in їzhі tsukru, shkіdlivih spices and salt need to speed up.
  8. Slid to continue vikonuvat physical rights.

How many kilograms of zayvoi vaga can be thrown off?

Diet Maggi, folded into 4 tizhn, divided for those who have great willpower. Prote in the end to finish all the rules and strictly to finish the diet to radically change your figure.

The number of kilograms consumed on this diet is directly deposited in the cob cob. For example, the weight of the body reached 100 kg, but you can get 20-25 non-necessary kg. The minimum cost of the vase for completing all the rules is 10 kg.

To whom is such a diet contraindicated?

It is necessary to consult a therapist for the presence of visible ailments before starting a diet.

The egg-orange diet is suvoro contraindicated in:

  • allergies to main products:
  • problems with organs of etching, nirks, heart and vessels;
  • high acidity of the shell;
  • wine making children;
  • breastfeeding.

Suvore dotrimannya schemes of eating egg diet and majestic bajannya to thoroughly save your body to help you achieve colossal results!

Legendary English diet For 4 days you are guaranteed to lose 10 to 20 kg without any hunger. One mind - it is necessary to take care of the clumsy eating regimen.

It is important that this diet was developed by nutritionists from the famous American Mayo Clinic especially for the fair lady Margaret Thatcher.

The essence lies in a special combination of products, and the basis of the diet is eggs and citrus fruits. This way allows you to effectively burn fat in a short term without unsafe consequences for the body.

7 rules of diet Maggi:

1. It is not possible to change the offense of the evening with the months.

2. If the exact portion of the product is not indicated, it can be taken in any quantity.

3. Eggs can often be replaced with cheese.

4. You can plant malt on the basis of zukrozaminnikov.

5. Obov'yazkovo needs to eat a lot of fruits and drink a lot of clean water.

6. You can't eat until you feel heaviness in your stomach.

7. Change the quantity of salt to a minimum, adding more seasonings and spices.

Harvested products:

Lamb and fat pork;
dates, bananas, mangoes, figs, grapes;
potatoes, corn;
milk, fatty cheese;
creature fat, roslinne that Vershkov oil;
meat broth;
fatty sauces;
macaroni, cereals;
boroshnyanі virobi (krim of permitted whole-grain toast);
zukor and malt on yoga basis;

An egg diet Maggi is not suitable for you, as it is an allergy to singing products, sickness of the heart, nirok and liver, and an hour of vagity. First, start before a diet, consult a doctor!

First week

Snidanok repeat daily: 1–2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit, tea or kava without zucru

Day 1

Obid - an apple, a pear and half an orange

Supper - 400 g low-fat baked yalovichini

Day 2

Obid – baked chicken breast with ground paprika and salad mix with lemon juice

Supper - 2 boiled eggs, fresh ogi salad with minced parsley, half a grapefruit, 1 whole grain toast

Day 3

Obid – low-fat syrah salad with tomatoes and fresh parsley, 1 whole grain toast

Supper - cooking meat with chopped greens and mustard, salad with white cabbage with carrots and lemon juice

Day 4

Obid - fruit salad dressed with low-fat natural yogurt

Supper - baked kurka with coriander, salad with fresh tomatoes ta ogіrkіv iz zelennu selery

Day 5

Obid - 2 boiled eggs, salad with boiled carrots and green peas, dressing with soy sauce.

Supper - salad Chinese cabbage with grapefruit and parsley

Day 6

Obid - a bottle of fruit smoothie based on water

Supper - cooked yalovichina with ogirkovy salad and crop

Day 7

Obid - cooked chicken, salad with tomatoes and basil

Supper - baked bell peppers and greens, 1 whole grain toast.

Another day

Snidanok repeated all day: 1–2 boiled eggs, grapefruit, unsalted tea or kava

Day 1

Obid – baked yalovichina with fresh vegetables

Day 2

Obid - baked chicken breast with Bulgarian pepper and carrots

Day 3

Obid - baked yalovichina with salad from fresh cabbage, ogirkiv and greens

Supper - 2 boiled eggs, 3 tangerines

Day 4

Obid - 2 boiled eggs, salad from brinzi from greens, steamed zucchini and carrots.

Supper - 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange

Day 5

Obid - baked in a sleeve riba with lemon or crop

Supper - 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit

Day 6

Obid - boiled chicken, salad with tomatoes, bell peppers and cilantro, 1 orange

Supper - 1 boiled egg, fruit salad with additional grapefruit, dressing with low-fat natural yogurt.

Day 7

Obid - baked chicken breast with tomatoes, zucchini, chasnik and greens, 1 orange.

Supper - 2 boiled eggs, salad with fresh ogi and celery

Third day

Day 1

In the long run of the day, you can eat less fruit. You can prepare fruit salads with the addition of a small amount of low-fat syrah, dressed with natural yogurt.

Day 2

On the whole day you can live only steam or baked vegetables. It is recommended to add more fresh greenery

Day 3

Today you can eat fresh baked fruits and vegetables, cream

Day 4

4 priyomi їzhі, yakі add up with small portions of lubricated or boiled ribi, cabbage salad, green leaf lettuces, boiled or baked vegetables

Day 5

Smazhene chi cooked lean meat and chicken, fresh chi cooked vegetables. All products need to be divided into 4 equal servings and to live for a long day

Day 6 and 7

Best days: you can eat 1 kind of fruit at any time

fourth day

Assigned products should be divided into 5-6 equal portions, so that they can be used throughout the day. Dodavati be-scho zaboronyaetsya.

Day 1

1 grapefruit abo 2 oranges, 4 tomatoes, 4 chickpeas, 1 can of tuna without olives, 300 g boiled abo lubricated lean meat

Day 2

1 pear or 1 apple, 200 g dino or 1 orange, 1 grapefruit, 300 g boiled meat or chicken breast, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 whole grain toast

Day 3

Low-fat sir or non-salted brinza, 150 g low-fat syrah, boiled or steamed vegetables, 2 cider, 2 tomatoes, 1 whole grain toast, 2 oranges or 1 grapefruit

Day 4

400 g boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, 3 chickpeas, 1 whole grain toast, 1 orange and 1 grapefruit

Day 5

Lettuce, oiled or baked riba, 3 tomatoes, 3 chickpeas, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or 2 oranges

Day 6

400 g boiled chicken breast, 150 g low-fat syrah or 150 g brinzi, 1 whole-grain toast, 3 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 bottle of sour milk or kefir, 2 oranges or grapefruit

Day 7

150 g low-fat syrah, 1 can of tuna without olії, steamed vegetables, 3 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 whole grain toast, 1 grapefruit or 2 oranges.

by Notes of the Wild Lady

Description of the diet:

Not long ago, high school dietologists, remembering the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba, shared the visnovka, which, with the right approach, the egg will become golden ... for our dear health and that position. And they made an egg diet, for 4 days you can spend a decent amount of zayvikh kilograms. We encourage you to try. Whose regimen of eating does not depend on the calorie content of food, but on chemical reactions, yakі pass in the organism. For this very reason, the regime needs to be suvorably trimmed without any change, otherwise there will be no corist in the diet. If you fail to pick up this product, then at the same time do not replace it with another.

What is the need for respect:

Drink more water.

Boil vegetables by the water without adding broth. It is allowed to add strength, pepper, seasoning, cibula, chasnik.

Strictly dorimuvatisya regime z tsimi w products and kіlkіstyu і do not mіnyati obіd z evening and navpaki.

Є eggs (for those i diet “egg”), fruits: oranges, apples, pears, apricots, dino, kavuni, pineapple, peaches, kiwi, pomelo, tangerines, grapefruit, plums. Vinyatok: grapes, mango, dates, bananas, figs.

Live like boiled vegetables, crimson potatoes, but for one meal, eat one type of vegetable.

What can be in the diet of an egg diet?

Live on gassed drinks (dietary).

Drink at some hour tea chi kava without zucru and milk, you can use tsukru as a substitute.

When you feel hunger, plant ogirki, carrots and light vegetable salad, but at the last hour (2 years) after the spelled out їzhi.

Є sir with the least amount of fat content (fatness is not guilty of overestimating 16-17%) or low fat sir.

What can't!

Add oil and fat.

"Having stopped at some stage of the diet, it is necessary to turn to the cob for this moment.

Practical care

If you want to take care of changing your vag, fahivtsi recommend calling 1 time per day before the toilet.

If you are guilty of repeating the diet one more time, then it is more important to repeat the first two and the last two.

Even if the diet does not specify the quantity of the product, you can beat them for whatever quantity, to the point of total saturation.

An egg diet is suitable for women, no matter what age, it is not necessary to take additional vitamins at the time of the transition to the regimen.

It is necessary to start a diet from the Monday menu, regardless of which day you are starting.

What do doctors say

Eggs are a wonderful source of niacin - speech, necessary for the life of the brain and the establishment of state hormones. Enter to their warehouse and vitamin K, which will ensure the safety of blood pharynx, and choline, which will improve the memory and remove the liver from the liver. In addition, eggs contain vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid and nicotinic acid, phosphorus, salt, calcium, potassium, iodine, copper, cobalt, as well as zinc proteins and bioregulators.

The main part of the brown tongues of the egg is found in the zhovtku.

French doctors saw quail eggs and patented the drug, which is good at seeing allergies.

Respect! Before the cob be-like a diet, rejoice with the doctor! It is not recommended to live in eggs, as well as to treat an egg diet, for people who suffer from zhovchnokam'yanu sickness, and ailments of nirok.

Ideal for a dietary meal, nutritionists respect the egg, the brew is uncool. For yoga, it is enough to master 1-2 years. And from an egg it’s cool, but it’s necessary for someone who is no less than 3 years old, so you can’t call this type of product a dietary one.

Eggs, which are naturally zabarvlennya, are so colorful, like they were. Presence on the scale of marmurous, pigmented patches, tenditna of the scale - pointing to the trash eating chickens and talking about lowering food value egg.

Diet Ration:

First week.





Obid: boiled or lubricated trigger without shkіri

Supper: 2 boiled eggs, salad (roast, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), 1 toast or 1/4 cake, 1 orange or grapefruit.


Obid: be-a kind of sir (non-fat) at the necessary kіlkostі, 1 toast, tomato.
Supper: lubricated or cooked meat (skibochki or minced meat without fat), cream of lamb.


Obid: there is one kind of fruit in the non-family kilkost. Supper


Obid: 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables.

Supper: Riba boiled chi lubricated, lettuce, 1 orange chi grapefruit.


Obid: there is one kind of fruit in the non-family kilkost. Supper: lubricate or cook meat (skibochki or minced meat without fat), cream of lamb, salad.


Obid Warehouse: boiled or lubricated cock without shkіri, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Supper.: boiled vegetables

Another day.

Snydanok: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs.


Obid: smeared or boiled meat, salad.

Supper: 2 boiled eggs, lettuce, 1 orange or grapefruit.


Obid: lubricate or cook meat, salad.



Obid: lubricate or cook meat, butts.

Supper: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit.


Obid: 2 boiled eggs, be it a white sir (non-fat) in the non-measured kilkost, boiled vegetables.

Supper: 2 boiled eggs.


Obid: the fish is cooked or lubricated.

Supper: 2 eggs.


Obid Lubricate or cook meat, tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit. Supper: sumish from fresh fruits (orange, tangerine, dinya, peach, apple).


Obid: boiled or lubricated trigger without shkir, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Supper: sumish from fresh fruits (orange, tangerine, dinya, peach, apple).

Third day.


For a stretch of the day, be some fruit at an unimaginable quantity, be there an hour, have some other fruits (exception wondrous more).

Tuesday. For a tense day, be it boiled vegetables, be it be salads, eat potatoes with dry cereals.

Wednesday.For the rest of the day, be like fruits from re-explored earlier, be like boiled vegetables, salads in an uncircumcised quantity, be it an hour.

Thursday. Riba is either boiled or lubricated at the end of the day, lettuce (only cabbage or lettuce) at the right end of the cut, boiled vegetables.

Friday. M'yaso cooked or lubricated, without fat, cream of lamb, or chicken, boiled vegetables.

Saturday and week. For these days, one kind of fruit is not necessary for a large amount, at any hour (so you can eat less than an apple, or less than a pear, or less than a peach)

fourth day.

All listed products are spread out for a whole day without a singing hour, and without additional ones.


4 scoops of greased or boiled meat or 1/4 boiled chicken

3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers

1 can of tuna without olії (or washed with water)

1 toast
- 1 orange chi grapefruit.


2 scoops of buttered or boiled meat (maximum 200 grams)

3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers

An apple, or a pear, or 1 chastochka din, or an orange, or a grapefruit.


1 spoonful of sirah or whatever white sirah (low-fat)

- 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers

1 orange chi grapefruit.


1/2 boiled or oiled chicken

3 tomatoes, ogirok

1 orange or grapefruit (one type of listed fruit).


2 boiled eggs

1 lettuce, 3 tomatoes

1 orange chi grapefruit.


2 boiled chicken breasts

1/8 kg siru chi brinzi

2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, sour milk

1 orange chi grapefruit.


1 spoon of syrah

A jar of tuna without olії (or washed with water)

Small plate of boiled vegetables

2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers
- 1 toast

1 orange chi grapefruit.

Efficiently ordering in the amount of zayvih kіlogramіv - food, like khvilyuє rich women and people. Some people try to gain privacy and youth, others follow medical indications in order to avoid unsafe illnesses. Throw off your vaga to help you with healthy products, for example, chicken eggs. Egg diet, covered for 4 days, it’s better not to say goodbye to excess fat, but also to improve the body.

The essence of the peculiarity of chotiritizhnevoy egg diet

Eggs are brought to unique products. Irrespective of the facts about the high cholesterol in the night, a lot of today's nutritionists are obligated to include yoga in the diet of their patients. So, cholesterol is really present, proteins are not found on the walls of the vessels, as with regular implantation of transgenic fats.

At the squirrel that zhovtku mіstya:

  • life is important for human amino acids (tryptophan and in);
  • antioxidants;
  • microelements (manganese, salt, zinc thin);
  • vitamins (A, most of the B group, biotin, choline and others.).

The lower white shell and the soft "middle" of the eggs may be more likely to get into the shell of a person (by 95-97% with a stretch of 3-4 years). So shvidko that effectively does not recycle the same product.

Egg diet is one of the most effective. There we go, for whom it is unpleasant to feel hunger (smoking with a spoon to bring discomfort), as well as for people with increased blood flow. The result - the reduction of a large number of kilograms - reaches the beginning of the activation of certain chemical processes in the body (decomposition of fats, activation of the exchange of speech).

4-day dietary menu, based on chicken eggs, is assigned to those who want to radically change their old look on the better. The best results for those with small physical strengths reached 25–28 kg;

Diet is important low-carbohydrate protein. It is not possible to bring it to fat-free, shards in protein and zhovtka can be saturated and non-fat fat in small quantities. It is allowed to sit on it once a day at a time.

Core fact. Chicken white is rich in components, foldable for its warehouse, speech, given to us by nature. In the yogo of the overflow, the unsplitted surpluses are established at the shlonk. Vegetables will help to bring them to the body, in which there is a growing cell wall, and there is a large amount of pure water.

To overcome the protein diet should lie:

  • ease of preparing herbs;
  • it is simple that sitna їzha, which provides the body with the necessary speeches;
  • the ability to get rid of fatty prosharka, overnight zmіtsnivshi m'yazi for rahunok protein;
  • the ability to increase the store of life energy, as well as improve memory and increase the concentration of respect.

Reviews of doctors and nutritionists, thoughts of patients about the results

Louisiana University held a study, during which time one group of women ate eggs, and another group chose a high-calorie food (bread and other bread). The terms of the experiment were separated by two months. The results turned out to be glaring - women, who live eggs on the snidanok, could:

  • throw off the weight of the body;
  • significantly (up to 10-15 cm) change waist and stegon;
  • paint the fire of self-pity;
  • improve the camp of shkiri, hair and nails;
  • increase the ardent tone, become more active and energetic.

In the opinion of Dr. N. Dhurandhar, the building’s egg supply is slightly increased and the caloric resentment is short.

Based on the results carried out at the University of Surrey eating, it became clear that the egg diet does not change instead of cholesterol in the blood. To that it is possible not to be turbulent, because the change of the vag is accompanied by the formation of plaques and the blockage of the vessels.

Know Korisno. Diet health unique powers chicken eggs. It has been scientifically confirmed the fact that it’s a lie, it helps to spend your money on a rich meal, a lower lunchtime or an evening omelette.

Contraindications and calcification in case of diet on the 4th day

  • vagіtnim and fertile breasts;
  • suffering from chronic alcoholism;
  • patients with various liver diseases (pyelonephritis, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • patients with ailments of the heart and vessels;
  • let's change the vegetarians;
  • with damage to the work of the intestine (flatulence thin);
  • with individual intolerance to citrus fruits and chicken eggs.

In this case, the change in the mass of the body manifests intolerable symptoms (destruction of the SHKT, a rotten smell from the empty mouth, hanging on the tongue) and it becomes self-perceived.

Before the cob of death, you will be able to consult a qualified doctor in good time. Vіn pіdkazhe, naskіlki correct є vybіr protein menu.

Okremі likarі act against diet through the zhorstka zamezhennja in carbohydrates. Z tsієї causes deakі tі, which is worse than the first season, see the shvidka stomlyuvanіst and mlyavіst. Prote ce timchasovoe, it manifests itself vibirkovo, in the mouth.

On a note such that you waste your time. Navit as an organism in normal life reacts normally to chicken eggs and oranges, during the diet can lead to side effects - from weakness to hanging on the skin of the body. That’s why it’s bad to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor or a qualified nutritionist.

Doctors are not happy to switch to a protein-growth diet in case of a transferred illness, if the body is sick.

Principles and rules of eating

The smut rule of the 4-year-old diet is to respect all recommendations, to respect the transfer of permitted products.

For the first 14 days, you can throw off about 7 kg. People to enter:

  • excess rіdini, accumulated in the body;
  • part of the fatty deposits.

Strictly dorimuetsya scheme 3 meals a day, dodatkovі "snack" zaboronyayutsya. With a strong feeling of hunger, it is allowed to eat yoga with a vegetable or a fruit, in order to "accustom" the body to a new regime, but not to overdo it. Robititse through a sprat of years after the main receptionist їzhi. Dinner is not later than 18.00.

In mіtsnih napoїv - alcohol, cavi - to be drunk. Hovering:

  • herbal teas;
  • green tea (without zucru);
  • pure non-carbonated water, with a volume of 1.5–2 liters per day (for the normalization of exchange processes);
  • soda (no more than 1 bottle per doba).

Note to newcomers. Not leather from us, you can make yourself drink a 2-liter bowl of pure water on the first day of the diet. You can drink on a trick: put a small cup of water on your robot at home, work on a sprat of kovtkiv from it. So the organism "zvikne" to a wholesome vology.

M'yaso, necessary for a diet - be lean:

  • ptah (trigger, turkey) without skin;
  • yalovichina;
  • veal.

You can cook yoga in a different way. As soon as the cooked breast is not tasty, it is successfully baked in the oven or quenched, smeared on a grilled grate without fat and marinade.

Syrup comes from fat content from 0 to 5%. Posipati yogo tsukrom chi sіllu, try to improve the taste, suvoro defend yourself!

Eggs are selected as store-bought, so homemade. It is important that the product is fresh, from a clean, non-shocked shell, saving from the cold. Boil even less than 5 quills.

Plus, I believe that on the basis of recommended products you can independently develop new recipes - for example, make pate from syrah and vegetables, or change the warehouse of salads. Tim, who is fed up with “egg” single-manyness, can experiment with the preparation of the main product: cook a bovtanka in a dry frying pan or bake it. Vzhivannya orphan contraindicated.

Vegetables are cooked in spring water, not in meaty chi-fish broth. Practically all kinds of potatoes are allowed:

  • zucchini (zucchini);
  • eggplant;
  • carrot;
  • kvassola (ideally pods);
  • young peas;
  • that in.

Add spices (oregano, Provence herbs toshcho) and greens. The watchmaker turns off the cibula, the shards of the stench spread the appetite.

List of selected products and detailed menu

The protyag of a month of eating vranci will be standard:

  • ½ whatever citrus;
  • 1-2 eggs, uncooked.

Themselves are so hungry for a lot of dancers in front of the ledge.

Approximately the menu for the first week is indicated in table 1:

Table 1

tizhnya day Obid Supper
MondayOne piece of fruitM'yaso cooked or smeared in a dry frying pan
TuesdayBe-like m'yasne filet2 eggs “in a bowl”, vegetable salad (greens, fresh rump, licorice, carrot, tomato), toast, 1 citrus (orange)
WednesdayLow-fat syrah, 1 tomato, 1 toastMeat
ThursdayFruit of loveMeat fillet, salad leaves
Friday2 eggs uncooked, boiled vegetables (kvassola, zucchini)Low-fat fish (cooked or lubricated without oil), salad leaves, 1 citrus (grapefruit)
SaturdayBe a fruitLettuce leaves and meat fillet
weekChicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, citrusVegetables

It is possible to turn off whether or not the product is in a diet, but it is not recommended to replace them with others.

Ration from 8 to 14 days is given in table 2.

Table 2 - Dietary menu of another type

tizhnya day Obid Supper
MondayLettuce leafing that m'yaso2 eggs uncooked, citrus, green salad
TuesdayLettuce leafing that m'yaso2 eggs in a bowl, citrus
WednesdayFresh ogirok, meatCitrus, 2 eggs
Thursday2 eggs, low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables2 eggs
FridayRiba cooked2 eggs
SaturdayTomato, meat, citrusFruit salad (tangerine, orange, peach, dinya, apple)
weekM'yaso, cooked vegetables, tomato, citrusRepeat offense

For the next two tyzhnіv menu can be folded, relying on data 1-2 tizhnі and general recommendations, indicated in tables 3 and 4.

tizhnya day Recommendations
MondayPosilene eating: a quarter of a chicken or close to 400 g of any other meat, 4 fresh cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, tuna without oil, 1 citrus, 1 toast
Tuesday200 g of beef meat, 4 fresh cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast for bajannyam, apple or pear, allowed as a dessert 1 part of dino, 1 citrus
Wednesday50 g low-fat syrah abo syrah, 2 cranks and tomatoes each, a portion of boiled vegetables, 1 citrus, 1 toast
ThursdayChicken fillet, sturgeons, tomatoes, citrus, toast
Friday2 eggs uncooked, lettuce, citrus, 3 tomatoes
Saturday2 chicken breasts, 150 g low-fat syrah, 2 each tomato and cider, 1 citrus, 1 toast
week50 g low-fat syrah, tuna without olives, a portion of boiled vegetables, tomatoes, cider, toast, citrus

Dorimuvatsya tsієї sitnoї and dієvoї dієti will be awkward. Headache - the result, which is taken for a long time (until it is more).

The difference in the menu is explained simply:

  • the first two of these organisms "perebudovuetsya" on the correct and correct diet;
  • third day - fixing the result;
  • the rest - vibrating the sounds to small portions.

The period of 15 to 28 days can be called preparation for the exit from the diet.

Important to know. "Yaechno-vegetable" eating is more likely to provide the body with the necessary speeches, necessary for normal life. Therefore, take it independently, be it polyvitamin complexes, you can’t consume it.

Egg-orange diet: features and approximate diet

Buvayut especially vipadki in life, if it is necessary to put the terms in order and throw off a couple of heavy kilos. Here, a diet will come to the rescue, based on chicken eggs and oranges. It is important for a short time (for 5-7 days), but even more effective:

  • go zaiva vaga the result is taken for a long time;
  • the skin is pulled up;
  • lives become more springy and flat.

The warehouse of the rationed diet is simple:

  • eggs nekruto (white and yellow) - 6 pcs.;
  • medium rose oranges - 6 pcs.

Approximate eating schedule will be as follows:

  • snidanok - 1 egg;
  • the break is close to the hour;
  • another snack is an orange;
  • a break of 1-1.5 years, and then follow the same scheme, which products are allowed.

Coming out shot-shot combined eating, as if supplementing with green tea and non-carbonated water. In the evenings, it is allowed to pamper yourself and add 1 tsp to tea. natural honey.

Shanuvalnikam kavi. Allow yourself to pamper yourself with a cup of your lover to drink, but no more than one a day. Ale yogo needs to be prepared without zucru and piece pіdsolodzhuvachіv, as well as without milk and vershkіv.

Water stones and side effects

Citrus fruits and zhovki strong allergens. That is why it is necessary to follow the reaction of the body, and for the least ailment, take an egg-orange diet.

With special care before the implantation of citrus fruits, put people with some kind of ailment of the intestinal tract (gastritis, mucus stool). A mustache sprat of orange or grapefruit clumps increases the level of acidity and provokes an attack.

Correct exit from diet

It's easy to come out of an egg diet. The organism, which sounds up to small portions, is simply not built to overdo the great obsyag їzhi. Everything is possible for that, for a little wine with refined tsukr (confectionery varieties, milk chocolate, cakes and tіstechok), to full saturation.

It’s a lot of thin people that the stench of the floorings sounds up to the “correct” menu with protein, low-fat and cellular tissue, which will continue to be on them their own good diet and far away.

Fahіvtsі z shudnennya radyat protyag first 7-10 days after the diet of the day to implant the egg, fattening sir or citrus fruits on vibіr. Lasuni can allow themselves to be enamored with "shkidlivosti", but in a meager obsyaz, bagan in the first half of the day (until 12.00). Obov'yazkovo continue to supplement the nutritional diet - not less than 2 liters of clean water per day, reshta drunk - for the trial.

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