From a certain age it is possible to have a child's fig and a strong wine allergen for small children. If it is possible to give figs to children in such quantities? Figs for children up to three years

From the point of view of the article, you know if it is possible to introduce dried fruits to the child's diet. How to choose colorful and yakish dried fruits and what to cook from them.

How many dried fruits for children can be included in a child's diet? Many fathers are wondering about such foods and would like to win dried fruits instead of shkidlivy tsukerok and other malts. І tse is absolutely correct decision. That is why dried fruits are savory and even brownish lasso, as they can and should be vinaigretted to enrich the diet of children.

Warehouse of the Korisn of power

Wintering and spring dried fruits will help to replenish the lack of vitamins in the body of a child. Dried fruits take revenge on the great amount of potassium, calcium and salt, balance the balance of cellular tissue and organic speech. In addition, they contain pectin and enzymes, which are beneficially added to the pickling process. And also dried fruits are more caloric.

You can sell different sums of dried fruits from the sale. Fallow in the form of components that enter to their warehouse, the power of such sums will be different.

Otzhe, chim dried fruits:

name Korisn_ authority
Dried apricots It is recommended for the prevention of anemia, constipation and in case of heart disease. Rich in potassium and food fibers. Good cleanses the body, strengthens the immune system.
prunes Recommended for low hemoglobin and problems of the herbal system. Effectively relieve constipation. May have antioxidant power. Zmіtsnyuє judges.
Finiki Take close to 88% of carbohydrates - energy energy for the body. Mistat korisnі minerals - mid, zinc, manganese, aluminium, cadmium, sulfur, boron, gold, phosphorus, cobalt, sodium and others. Plants of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, B6, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid, which are included in their warehouse, help to absorb carbohydrates and maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood. Try over 20 types of amino acids. Spriya zmіtsnennya brushes and m'yaziv, pіdvischuє vitrivalіst.
figs Improve the etching and spryya increase the appetite. Mist acid omega-3 and -6. Spriya see zayvoї rіdini from the organism. Effectively fight against chronic deficiency anemia.
Apple Normalize etching. Korisnі for the prevention of influenza. M_stjat bir, korisny for the robotic brain.
Rodzinki Beneficially pours in etching, normalizes acidity. Sweep iodine. Seems to be high in calories.
Pears Zavdyaki grub fibers to paint etching. To administer the excretion of important metals and toxins to the body.
Cherry Rich in vitamins and minerals, avenge organic acids - burshtin, citric, salicylic, apple and quinine. Polypshuє diyalnіst mozku. May antiviral and bactericidal power. Korisna for the prevention of heart disease.
Banani Bagati for natural zukor. Jerelom shvidkoї energy.

Immune sumish from various dried fruits, or 1-2 dried fruits of the same type, which makes a small skin day, allow you to make a deficiency of vitamins and minerals and improve your overall health. You can work on the basis of sumish savory compote, add cheese and porridge, work puree. Korisno will be familiar with the calorie content of dried fruits:

Which vіku can be given to children?

It is important that the optimal age, if it is possible to give dried fruits to children, will be 11 months. It is recommended to add dried apples and pears, cherries, and yak to porridge or compote.

Tse mayut but the same dried fruits, and not the candied fruits, as they are called candied fruits. There will be no peeling of dried fruits, shards of dry fruits, dried in the oven or in the sun without any additives, candied fruits will seep out with a high-concentration candied syrup and then dehydrate.

Single child is not recommended to include exotic dried fruits in the diet, so as not to provoke an allergy. Fallow in the form of grass, you can drink about 50-100 g of a day of savory and brown lassoshchiv - dried apples or prunes, pears and dried apricots.

Sumish from dried fruits for immunity

For a child older than three years, you can prepare a classic summish boosting the body's defenses.

We offer you a miracle recipe for immunity:


  • Take 300 g each - dried apricots, figs, prunes, hairy peas;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 bottles of honey.


  • Skip all the components through a meat grinder, washing them in front and drying them.
  • Twist lemons at once with a skin.
  • I will grind the mass, pour two bottles of honey on it, mix it well.
  • Sumish transfer to damn the jar close the lid and put it in the refrigerator.

How to stop:

Sumish is taken 1 teaspoon approximately 1 year before meals, 2-3 times a day. If you are guilty of it, you have an allergy to dried fruits in a child every day, and there is also no negative reaction to other components of the sum. It is recommended to consult with a child doctor.

We choose dark brown and yellow dried fruits

The bark of dried fruits does not mean sumniviv, but only in that case, as the products of the right yakіsnі are not treated with preservatives. Traditionally, the term “preservation of dried fruit” is used with sorbinic acid uranium - on the packaging of the virobnik they are indicated by the codes E200, E201, E202.

In small quantities, sorbic acid is safe for the child's body, and, moreover, sulfite and sulfur dioxide will be unsafe. The fruit, which has passed through the processing of these speeches, may look pleasant looking - they look gleaming, with a twisted zabarvlennyam. Z'ednannya sirki can provoke a baby to get sick dichal system those problems from the duct-intestinal tract Often call for allergic reactions. Choosing store sums, try not to buy them, at the warehouse of some є speeches E220-226.

It is not necessary for him to choose dried fruits with a bright golden zabarvlennyam. Such apricots of aborodzinka are completely treated with sulfur sulfites. Dried apricots, dried without additives and preservatives, will look not shiny, but the color will be more brown. There will be more prote cory from such dried fruits. If the fruits are not guilty, but they are moldy and sticky, it is necessary to tell about those that the drying technology was broken.

How to make compote for kids

How to make a compote of dried fruits for a child, so that you can save as much as possible the curly speech and not harm the healthy baby? As a child, we try such a drink, for cooking it is better to take an apple, dried apricots and prunes. Qi fruits are less allergenic when paired with others. In the diet of a child, compote from such a sum can be introduced from the seven-month-old.

How to cook:

  1. Take 50 g sumishi from a dried apple, prunes and dried apricots. Relatively prompt;
  2. Pour sumish 500 ml of warm water, cover with a lid;
  3. Napolyagati 8 years;
  4. Chi without pouring water, put a container on the stove. Boil on full fire.
  5. Apply 1 year.

Bazhano do not vikoristovuvati tsukor. You can replace fructose or add a few moles. The compote of trohi is saved more doby. It is recommended for a baby to prepare such a drink every day.


Chi can be dried fruits for children, we s'yasuvali. Ale, the order with the brown power of dried fruits may be low and contraindicated. Including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • shyness to obesity;
  • illness of SHKT - gastritis, virazkov's ailment.

I troch nasamkinets

The right source of vitamins and minerals, energy and natural immunity stimulant – dried fruits are obligatory, but present in the diet of a child. It is smut to know the world, to choose only yakіsnі and korisnі fruits and obov'yazkovo consult with a pediatrician, as if doubting the corrosity of that chіnshoy product. Let your child grow healthy!

Summer and autumn is the best time. For change, one is ripe for another. In addition, є berries, yakі you can buy from the store tsiliy rik. How long have you known the child with them?

Mom's Club consult pediatrician Larisa Zakharova

Up to 6 months, the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health recommends dorimuvatisya exclusive baby shower. The moment has come, if you can step by step begin to introduce complementary foods, then at microdoses you should know a child with a grown-up hedgehog.

There are two main rules for lure and other rules.

Do not varto immediately give the baby a whole berry. In the first month of acquaintance with new lassosh, it is necessary to fertilize the berries, so that they can be crushed with a blender.

Smak yagіd dosit yaskravo vyrazheniya, to that head better yogo trohi muffle. For whom to work a sprout of v_dvari or compote.

Let's add the crushed berries into some products, for example, sir, yogurt, etc.

Start a bagan with cherries and blackberries. And with such berries, like a raspberry, be careful. First to avenge gestamine, what is it? strong allergen, a friend can also cause a negative reaction to the body, shards to revenge brushes.

Vzagali all berries, scho to brush brushes, it is not recommended to give children earlier than 2 years, for example, agrus.

Since we know a child with a new product, the cob dose is not guilty of overeating a spoonful of apples, obtained from a blender. No more.

І dotrimuєmosya the basic rule of feeding: introduce new berries, give them їх small ones 3-4 days after sleep and posterigaєmo for yogo reactions. Allergy may appear not at once, but by itself through the interim of an hour.

Also, take note that you can’t give a child fresh juice, dilute it halfway with water, so that the concentrate doesn’t spill out of the little slut.

You can give the berries themselves from the rock.

Revenge rich in vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, salt, vitamin C, P, PP

from 8-10 months


Mainly folic acid, as well as vitamin C, carotene

from 8-10 months

Perfectly in gammon spragu, stimulates appetite and bowel function, avoids anemia. Salicylic acid, found in raspberries, may have antibacterial and antipyretic effects.

from 10-12 months

Dzherelo glucose, fructose, vitamins A and C, carotene and organic acids. Tsya yagidka increases immunity and stimulates vision shell juice helps to improve cough, improve clear

from 12 months


Take a lot of vitamin C (navit more, lower in lemon!), vitamin A and PP. Also, the warehouse includes calcium, potassium, magnesium and other microelements. Currant improves immunity, helps with pain in the throat and abdomen, larger tonsils, improves appetite. Chervona and black currants are also necessary for little ones, as they suffer from anemia.

from 8-10 months (preferably blackcurrant)

They have vitamins C, P and vitamins of the B group. Qi aromatic berries help reduce blood pharynx, prevent thrombosis, and help with pain in the mucus.

from 12 months

Rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, salt), also iodine. Cherry enhances the work of the central nervous system, activates the work of the sluice, nirok and liver, znimaє vbryaki, regulates the exchange of speech, zmіtsnuє capillaries.

from 7-8 months


Cleanse organic acids, pectin, potassium salts, sodium, calcium, magnesium, midi, salt, vitamins C, A, P and PP. Agrus cleanses the intestines well, removes toxic spills, thickens the walls of the vessels, and helps with anemia.

from 18 months


Dzherelo tsukru, magnesium, rich in potassium, vitamins B and vitamin C. Positively influences the functions of the nervous and cystic-mucosal systems, improves the tone of the skin, clear that hair. Grapes are recommended for a small quantity when carrying that stove

from 12 months (sik can be earlier, from 8-12 months)

It’s great in gammon spragu, so it’s like 93% of the water is formed, contagiously filling up the lack of mineral salts, like a baby’s body is consuming sweat. Kavuni is rich in magnesium, an important element for the nervous system

from 18 months

Rich in cellular tissue, which improves the work of the intestines, it also sweeps up phosphorus and magnesium, like pouring it into the nervous system of a baby. Plums m'yaku cleansing diyu and good induce hunger. Malyukov, who suffers from constipation, let's dried plums and prunes compote

from 7-8 months


Cleanse organic acids (salicylic and oxalic), vitamins of groups B, C, potassium, calcium

from 12 months


Retrieve potassium, salt, manganese, copper, zinc, pectin, folic acid, vitamins

from 12 months

Poor berries with smaller berries, especially bagat on organic acids and vitamin C. Potassium and other microelements

from 12 months


Yak and crane, breathed in by a high mist of organic acids

from 8-10 months


The richest wearer of vitamin C, saliva, (3-carotene).

from 12 months, ale only vodvar, whole berries are not recommended to give

sea ​​buckthorn

Storehouse of vitamins. They may know all kinds of vitamins, rich in vitamins E, A, K

From 18 months (from 8 to 10 months)

Among the vegetables, fruits and feijoa berries are not equal for iodine. Feijoa fruit is also rich in pectin.

from 12 months

The fruits of figs are more than licorice, at the warehouse there is up to 75% zucru, to that it is more caloric, and in the diet of children from the supraworld mass of the body, yogo should be surrounded. And the axis of the little ones, who suffer from constipation, figs, shards, can have a good relaxing effect.

from 18 months

revenge the great amount of vitamin C, carotene, organic acids, pectin.

from 12 months

In yoga juice fruits, there are zukri, tannins, organic acids, an insignificant amount of vitamin C.

from 18 months - sik (dilution with water), povnistyu - if you learn how to whistle the brushes

Large quantity of vitamin C (higher, lower in oranges)

from 12 months

Acceptable appetite of this sleepy summer - to you and your little ones!

Figs - the chain of a fig tree. We get used to two types of hedgehog - fresh dried chi. Fresh fruits are not saved for a long time, it is more important for them to live in a dried one. Drying figs to revenge: sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Creamy, fruits have vitamins C, B1, B2 and E.

Fresh fruit contains up to 25% zukriv, 1.3% protein, 0.4% organic acids, 3.25% glucose, 2.45% levulose and maybe 4% sucrose, as well as pantothenic, glyceric and polyvinic acid.

A rich mineral warehouse helps to strengthen the mind and make it easier to endure the burden. Drying figs exhilarating sore throat and cough, improving the work of the heart and organs of poisoning.

In this way, regular implantation of figs infuse the body with vitamins and microelements.

Korist іnzhiru for children

Mom does not know what can be given to children figs. Dietologists and doctors affirm that the young organism, however, is good at enduring drying and fresh food for the mind, as the baby has no individual intolerance to the components of an exotic fruit.

What is the core for a child?

  • Replace vitamin complexes. Dried fruits to avenge the record amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Tasty replacement of faces. The fig has long been vicorated at folk medicine for likuvannya malyukov in the cold;
  • Universal tonic. Dried figs are victorious for the preparation of a tonic, which will reduce etching in children;
  • Tasty is that corisna replacement for zukerkas;
  • Carrying zasіb for children in vіkom vіd 1 rock of life. Porridge with fresh fruit may have a strong carrying effect and help small children to go back to intestinal dysfunction;
  • Polypshui immunity;
  • Reduces the level of cholesterol for the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • Improves the nervous system and increases the elasticity of the vessels;
  • Normalize the work of liver and liver;

Fruit marathon. Figs: how grown up and the crown of power

Shkidlivist іnzhiru for children

Fresh and dried figs are not safe for the human body. However, yoga fruit is not recommended to be used for gout and intestinal ailments. Can you give dried fruits to children, who suffer from the supernatural vaga? Dietologists are not afraid to please, the shards of the young organism are more likely to acquire the zukor, which leads to a sharp increase in the weight.

If in some quantities a child can be eaten with fruit

Dumka fakhіvtsіv zvoditsya up to one digit - 9 months. For the whole hour, the body of a little one is laying a stone, which can digest dried fruit. Familiarity of the baby with this fruit needs to be strictly controlled. Goduvannya bazhano negaino pin it, as if the little one had a poisoning, vomitting or confusion.

In what quantities can you give dried fruits to children? For children aged 1-1.5 years, 1 dried fruit is enough for a day. Irrespective of its roughness, that curvaceousness, plaid in great cultures can become the cause of non-etching of chi. The additional dose is recommended to be increased incrementally. Goduvannya is recommended to start with halves. The dose can be increased by 50% for 1 day of fruit implantation.

Children up to 4-5 years of age, figs are given in a quantity of no more than 3 fruits per day. Skin 3 days are recommended to work and pause for extraction.

To systematically bring the fruit to fruit until the sound of that weakened yogo likuvalno-prominent diї.

Figs and milk - the best remedy for cough

To fight against a cold, you can prepare drinks. For cooking, you need 50 g of dried fruit, a bottle of milk, a tablespoon of honey and 30 g of a pinch of butter. Ingredients mix and add milk in the warmth. Faces are given to small children in small amounts at bedtime - 50 ml each for children for 1 to 2 years and 100 ml for 2.5 years.

To fight against cold ailments, it’s also fresh and fresh. To prepare a jubilant drink, you need:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1 great plaid.

Cooking is not a waste of time. Put the milk to boil and take care of the pivdenny dew - clean it from the skin, rinse it well and pass it through the meat grinder. At the boil, put the product of purification and reduce the fire. Let the milk cool. Zasіb p'єtsya 3-4 days a day through pіvgodini after vzhivannya їzhi. Children should not be given more than 200 ml of syrup at a time.

According to the fat content of milk, lay down the amount of prepared liqueurs. Fatty milk better soothes the throat and makes it easier to remove sputum from legends.

Malt recipes based on figs

Why work, if a child needs to eat a fig, but she is encouraged? At this time, get ready savory herbs based on that fruit:

Hercules pie

To prepare you need:

  • 100 g dried fruit;
  • 500 g of healthy apples;
  • 3 art. l. tsukru;
  • 150 g of butter and honey;
  • 250 g of porridge "Hercules";
  • 1 g cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hairy mountains.

Sequence of preparation:

  1. Apples are peeled from the skin, then they are cut into small cubes. Place the cut apples in a casserole dish near the roses and sip 1 tbsp. l. tsukru. Prepare 10 quills;
  2. After 10 khvilin, dried figs are added. Cook 10 minutes|minutes|;
  3. Oliya, tsukor, honey and “Hercules” are melted in a creamy dish;
  4. a warehouse of two containers is necessary to mix well and visipati into molds for vipіchki;
  5. The cake is baked with a stretch of 25 strands at a temperature of 190 degrees. Ready dish sip with hairy peas.

Pirіg of Hercules - tse zhe zhivna that savory vipіchka s bagatim to the vitamin-mineral warehouse. Pie of Hercules can be given to children for the first time in 2 years.

Roll of figs


  • 120 g dried figs;
  • 100 g of crackers and hairy peas;
  • 80 g honey;
  • 20 g of candied oranges;
  • 5 bars of chocolate;
  • Vanilla zukor.

Peas, candied fruits, rusks, figs are passed through a meat grinder and eat egg and honey. Crackers vikoristovuyutsya like a gourd. Molded masa virushaє to the refrigerator for doba.

A roll with figs - it’s a simple strava, as you don’t waste brown power in the process thermal processing. The roll is miraculously suitable for the anniversary of children in the age of 1.5 years.


The fig has a lot of vitamins and minerals. The fig is easily acquired and does not tighten the herbal organs, so you can give it to children as early as 9 months old. With her, too, faces are not only shy to fight against colds, but also to treat dysfunction of the intestinal tract and problems of nirok.

Video: Tart with figs - Recipe Babusi Emi

The stinginess of figs for healthy children and grown-ups has a friendly effect on the organs of the herbal tract, the heart-vascular system, and immunity. Folk medicine has preserved recipes for healing with figs, which help to improve health and prevent the development of unsafe illnesses.

The fig has other names: fig tree, fig tree, wine berry. Roslin is native to the tropics and gives juice and licorice fruits, the concentration of zucru in them is 1.5 times higher, lower in grapes. The bark of figs organically supplements the miraculous savory taste.

The fig, or the fig tree, is the whole tree, which can be cross cut. The fig tree is made up of human and female growths. Files between them are carried especially by axis-blastophages. Without them, drinking is impossible. In the fallow, the growth of the tree gives a variety of fruits, the amount of fruit in the fresh one is in the range of 37-75%, and in the dried one it is close to 50%. Unripe fruits do not live in a hedgehog, because sour sik is avenged in them.

Violet color figs, similar in shape to cibulina, are great and different. Ale, the dribs are valued, the shards ring out the stench of the malt itself.

From fresh fruits, they are dried, and on the smoky sun, the stench hangs in total for 4-5 days. Іsnuyut varieties of figs without power to the highest varieties of others, similar to sunichny, nasіnnya in the middle. Ale relish їх suttєvo indulges in traditional varieties.

The tree begins to bear fruit already on the 3rd river of life. Where do fig trees live, for witnesses rіznih dzherel, for 30 to 300 years

Chemical storage and food value of fruits

Kharchov (pozhivna) value of 100 g of fresh fig fruits:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • water - 79 g;
  • fat - 0.3 g;
  • tsukru - 16 g;
  • grub fibers - 3 r.

Calorie content - 54 kcal / 100 g for fresh and 249 kcal / 100 g for dried.

  • A - 7 mcg;
  • B1 - 0.06 mg;
  • B2 - 0.05 mg;
  • B3 - 0.4 mg;
  • B6 - 0.11 mg;
  • B9 - 6 mcg;
  • C - 2 mg;
  • E - 0.11 mg;
  • K - 4.7 μg;
  • Ca - 35 mg;
  • Fe - 0.4 mg;
  • Mg - 17 mg;
  • P - 14 mg;
  • Potassium - 232;
  • Na, 1 mg;
  • Zn - 0.15 mg.

In quiet lands, where fig grows in its wild and cultivated forms, it can bear great value. The yield is up to 20 tons per 1 ha of plantings. Spontaneous licorice fruit is planted in zhu, those who have brown figs for health are even better off.

Zavdyaky to the fact that figs are a champion in potassium, yogo in the whole world vicorist as a preventive measure against diseases of the heart-vascular system.

However, on the day of the varto, the entire kіlkom is surrounded by fruits, the shards instead of the tsukr are great.

Pomіrne spozhivannya spriyaє stimyuvannyu brain activity, and also figs are often included in the diet of professional athletes. Korisny wine and practitioners of important physical practice.

In the lands of Asia, from ancient times, figs have become an aphrodisiac. And they also won yogo as an early zasib, applying porridge from fruits to important wounds, wounds, injuries. Dopomogaє іnzhir i vіd toothache, it is sufficient to apply for the effect of the little piece of the fruit until it is clear.

Evaluate again in the world, how much brown licorice fruit for health will help to improve yoga for people in fallow land and state belonging. Adzhe navit dobova norm, which is recommended, strongly kolivaetsya for these ostentatious.

In hedgehogs, only well ripened fruits, the color of the skins of which can be dark purple, yellow or burgundy, fallow in the variety.

Middle - lower, similar to pulp with licorice relish and pleasant aroma. The first sign of psuvannya is a sour smell, which is not guilty of buti. Wine berries can be eaten as a whole, but children are recommended to scoop up the pulp with a spoon, leaving a rough skin.

Regularly supplementing your diet with figs, women reduce the risk of varicose veins. Ale, the most famous figs have been known from cosmetologists. From them, all the powers of the eye can be prepared: masks, lotions, shampoos, creams, etc. With their help, you can resurrect the shkir of the shkir that was sun-drenched by the sun, dry it out.

The mustache sprat of fruits will help to recover from the physical injury and relieve the nerve overstress, restore the expended strength.

The shards in figs are rich in folic acid and vitamins of group B, which is very important for future mothers, both at the stage of pregnancy planning, and in the process of vining the fetus.

For people

Vinnu berry is already familiar to people, because the stench is not strong enough to supraworld vase. It is important that with help you can improve your reproductive health. The exhilarating effect of a zavdyaki is reached by a high mix of finca, manganese and magnesium.

If a person regularly has to go to sleep or have a weakened libido, then include figs in the everyday menu.

Korisn_ power іnzhiru spramovavanі on zdorov'ya vsієї sechostate system, may be on it a mild antibacterial infusion.

Small children can be given figs, as the examination showed - there are no allergies to it. If you give children fresh fruits, cook compotes and jams from them, introduce them to the warehouse of various herbs, then you can reach many important goals. Licorice figs improve appetite and give the body, as it grows, rich energy.

The figs will be conquered even better, moreover, they positively flow into all organs of the herbal tract. The richest amount of folic acid helps to protect the child's immunity, giving everything necessary for the growth of that normal work of the heart-vascular system, the brain. On the day it is enough to give a total of 1-2 dried figs.

Mozhliva Skoda

Rarely, but allergies and individual intolerance to figs are common. Z'yasovuєtsya still in childhood. In such cases, they are often treated with the introduction of both fresh and dried figs. Ale and healthy people do not cook figs uncontrollably.

Even the high calorie content and the concentration of zukrіv can cause discord etching and induce obesity. Contraindications are figs, who are on a low-calorie diet, as well as disturbances outside the camp of a healthy environment and living in a tsukra.

Fresh and dried vine berries have a lot of grub fibers. It’s even more healthy for people, but it’s not safe for the quiet, who suffer from sechokam'yanoy ailments.

It’s a pity, if you have a disease, it is categorically contraindicated in any case of figs:

  • pancreatitis;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • virazka slunk and gastritis;
  • zhovchokam'yana sickness;
  • obesity;
  • gout;
  • filthy blood spitting.

In case of diseases of the organs of the herbal tract, it is recommended to take care of a doctor about those who can plant figs, and as such, it is safe for health in any quantity.

Celebration with figs

The inclusion of wine berries in the liquor diet is shown for a whole series of ailments. Do not go about those who enjoy licorice fruits. Ale varto find out what brown dried figs are and fresh ones. Uvіmknennya їh ї є є є є є є є vsyakdenny menu podpomozhu yaknaishvidshmu oduzhanniu.

Vіd GRVI, influenza and angina dopomogaє іnzhirny vіdvar on molocі. You can enjoy up to 2 days without interruption. Easy to cook likarsky zasib to help with coughing, to beat the heat, to help the immune system fight infection.

The recipe is this.

  1. Boil 300 ml of milk.
  2. Add porridge from 4 fruits of figs of medium size (you can dry vicor).
  3. Cook sumish 30 khvilin on a weak fire (it can be boiled in three).
  4. Wrap hot water for 4 years.

It is necessary to drink vodvar according to the pivsklyanka before the skin hedgehog. You can save yoga in the refrigerator, but don’t do it for doba.

For problems with the heart

Natural potassium and magnesium, which is found in a great number of figs, is the best budding material for m'azovoy tissue, as well as vessel and heart tissue.

For the help of wine berries, various pathologies of the cardiovascular system rejoice. In the fruits, there is ficin, the function of some kind of influence in the reddened blood. For rahunok tsgogo in the blood decreases the concentration of high cholesterol, through which can lead to life-threatening thrombi.

As a preventive measure, the figs are widely planted, which are prepared for the upcoming recipe.

  1. Pour 50 g of dried fruit with a bottle of okrop.
  2. Let's insist on wrapping up for about 6 years.

P'yut protsіdzhenu rіdina 1/3 of the bottle before the skin hedgehog. The recommended course of treatment is three times up to 12 days. To bring healthy people to life periodically infusion to help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and tachycardia.

For the herbal tract, I will especially bark and dried figs. In case of food poisoning, the enzymes of figs should be taken to the most obvious excretion of the body, and toxins will be removed, helping to restore the normal intestinal microflora.

Movement in place of grub fibers - general prevention of constipation and restoration of normal peristalsis.

Popularity is greeted with an advancing jubilant sumish:

  • 200 g figs;
  • 400 g prunes;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 ml extract of shipshini;
  • 200 g honey;
  • 50 g senny.

Dried fruits are minced with a meat grinder or mixed with honey and herb extract, add dried senna. Then we put it at the bank and clean it up at the refrigerator. Live licorice masu 1 tsp. before sleep and before bed.

Great melancholy іnzhiru with gastritis. Kharchovі fibers envelop the mucus membrane of the slough, reducing the rotting in the air, where to go. So step by step, the ignition process is started, especially in the case of complex drug therapy.

In case of ailments of the mush

It is important that the wine berry is a good blood-forming zasib. Regular implantation helps the body to actively produce new blood cells. Z tsієї Well cause the fig korisna for the robotic liver. For health reasons, it is recommended to use fig milk.

Prepare yogo for the upcoming recipe.

  1. Infuse for 5 years or boil 50 g of figs in 200 ml of milk.
  2. Grind everything with a blender.

Drink like this every day for 2 days. It also helps to clean the zhovchovivіdnі ducts, which is the best prevention of cholangitis, as well as cholecystitis.

Here is another recipe.

  1. 1200 g of figs grind with a blender near the porridge.
  2. 500 g of lemons are added in the same way.
  3. Add lemon to the figs, brush with honey (7 tablespoons) and zucr (500 g).

Otriman licorice sumish is given 2-4 tbsp. in front of hedgehog. The minimum duration of the course is 1 month.

Skіlki іnzhiru can be planted in a day

Adult people can take 3 to 10 fig fruits for a day without risk for health. With this 3 fruits, I will replace the usual meal with myself. Virahuvati your norm of living is even simpler. Doctors insist that 1 wine berry can be safely planted on the skin of 20 kg of a person’s vag.

If you want to try the fig diet, then you can replace the usual intake with licorice fruits by washing them with pure water.


The stinginess of the fig is not transverse, and its miraculous relish and lower aroma do not help to improve your health, but raise your spirits and build a libido! I have no-name recipes for desserts made with figs, ale won garna and itself is both fresh and dried.

Figs are the fruit of a fig tree, or a fig tree, the same leaf that helped the forefathers of mankind Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness.

Ale, not less than a fig tree, became famous.

For her long history, she brought a lot of coriste. The melancholy that Skoda figs was known to people in ancient times.

For example, the warriors of Alexander the Great, vilifying near distant lands, always hung a small bag of dried figs on their belts. The stench knew that a porridge from a trimmed fig would help to lighten the wound early, and after an important battle, or the transition would take more than a sprig of fruit.

Korisn_ authority and protipozannya іnzhiru obumovlenі yogo vіtaminno-mineralny warehouse. The fruits of the fig tree are completely savory, but they do not save a long time. For this, you can most often drink figs from a dried (dried) look. And yet, with such a looker, you don’t waste your powers, but create new ones.

The fruits of the fig tree are completely savory, but they do not save a long time. For this, you can most often drink figs from a dried (dried) look. And yet, with such a looker, you don’t waste your powers, but create new ones.

From the table it is clear how the value of dried fruits is growing.

After drying in figs, it significantly increases in place of macro- and micro-elements - manganese, midi, selenium, zinc and others:

  • 10 times (!) more sodium in new, lower in fresh;
  • potassium is more than mayzhe by 3 times;
  • calcium increases by about 5 times,
  • magnesium at 4,
  • zalizo 3 times,

Therefore, to replenish phosphorus, it is better to have fresh fruits. And behind the brown authorities, that instead of potassium, the figs do more than the peas.

For a quarter of a year, the fruits of a fig tree overturn the most intense post-emperor - an apple.

Corisna of power and contraindication of fresh figs is rich in what to deposit in the concentration of vitamins. So, the fresh one in the dried looking fig to revenge:

  • vitamin C,
  • nicotinic acid, beta-carotene,
  • thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), vitamin E.

In figs, there are also:

  • organic acids,
  • pectin and enzymes.

Nalit, which appears on dried fruits, avenges fructose, glucose, lysine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and trochs of citric and malic acids.

Korisn_ power of fresh and dried figs

Yogo vzhivannya at a fresh chi to a dried look helps:

  • shvidko rejoice,
  • improve the work of etching, help the heart, bake and slug,
  • vilіkuvati cough and sore throat,
  • give me a pass,
  • vryatuvat vіd otruєnnya, dopomogayuchi nirkam and liver vivoti toxici.

M'yakush of fresh figs:

  • can prevent fungal infection,
  • brushes,
  • beneficially pouring onto the skin, changing the zukor in the blood.

Fresh juice does a good job of helping with anemia, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Drying figs to fill the lack of vitamins and other speeches, necessary for the normal life of a person. It is impossible to overestimate the role of the splendid heart-vascular system.

The melancholy of the new fig is also due to the fact that it causes tachycardia. And zavdyaki instead of fіtsinu rozrіdzhuє krov, nizhuє kіlkіst "nasty" cholesterol and change the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

To this end, it is vital to prevent ischemic heart disease, which changes the risk of heart attack and hypertension.

For the jubilation of the vicorist, like the fruits of the fig trees themselves, and infusions (vіdvari) їх. Infusions can be anti-septic, antiseptic, regulate exchange processes. Especially good infusion of figs on milk.

Cooking them is even simpler:

  • it is necessary to pour 40 g of dried fruits in one bottle of water and milk,
  • bud for 5-6 years, until the fruits give milk all their strength,
  • and drink throughout the day in small portions.

Such a nastіy is more corny in case of a cold - it lowers the temperature and may cause sweating. Influences guilt and exuberant effect in case of ailments of the liver or spleen.

The exaltation of the power of the figs is zastosovuyutsya for the exaltation and prevention of sechokamyanoy ailments and cystitis. In this vein, the vicorist grows like an astringent zasіb of the root of that fig leaf. Chumatskiy sik іnzhirnogo tree vyvodit z nirok pisok and likuє rotten wounds and swells, which do not burn for a long time.

For summer people, the fig helps to cope with the lameness and crying of the brushes, to improve the zir, to increase the tone and the fierce self-feeling.

Implantation of figs significantly reduces the incidence of morbidity in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

The mustache of the overexploited is already quite sufficient, so that to occupy a day in the midst of the richest fruits, the aloe cinnamon figs do not intermingle.

What is brown fig for people?

Corisna power of figs for people is affected by those who have active speech, who roam with licorice fruit, effectively cope with impotence. Vinna berry (another named fruit) is a natural and effective way to fight against state weakness in people.

At the gathering, they have long been accustomed to їzhu like zasіb, scho polyuє potency in any future.

It is enough to soak 2 fruits in a glass of warm milk and leave it for nothing, and drink the bitterness and get the pulp.

Figs help to overcome and are so unacceptable to a person who is ill, like prostatitis.

In folk medicine, there is such a recipe:

  1. It is necessary to take 5 fruits and fill them with a glass of hot water.
  2. Relatively remix, trochs to the floor and drink this drink dvіchі for a day? flasks for pіvgodini to їdi.

The treatment is carried out for one month, the course can be repeated if necessary in 2-3 days.

Yaku melancholy can bring figs to women?

Women sound like they are turbulent with a supernatural vaga and most often they go to small sums for losing weight. Ale, it is absolutely safe and healthy way to get rid of weight gain without dependent diets, chemical preparations and sick people.

A total of 2-3 fruits per day - and in a deaky hour the body was in the wake of lightness and stringness.

Corinthian dominance of figs, which is caused by a decrease in the vag, is determined by the calorie content of fresh fruits. It was said more about those that natural fruits have a lot less calories, so fresh figs will be richer for weight loss.

For the correction of the figure, a diet is necessary, if once for a day there is a “figure” rozvantazhuvalny day. All day long, you need 100 g of dried fruits, 1 kg of blue fruits, 0.5 kg of vegetables and drink 2 liters of low-fat kefir.

There is one more problem with which a lot of lovers of high picks are stuck - varicose veins. If you include sprats of figs in your diet, you can get rid of unaesthetic protruding veins and preserve the beauty and health of your legs for a long time.

In the lust of the ailment of the woman's intimate sphere, the syrup from the fruits of the fig tree is additionally used - in the usun I have such an intolerance, as if I were (seen with fungal and other ailments).

A rich woman vicorist is the crown of power of figs at the hour of vaginess.

Zavdyaki richness of brown speeches, yogo fruits nourish healthy mothers and babies with vitamins, macro- and microelements and other speeches needed during this period.

Yakscho u maybe mami if you want to improve the vaga, then the fig will help you to cook food so that you can stabilize the vaga without shkoda for the child.

Practically, the skin woman in the position sticks with difficulties in the prolapse of the intestines. Vzhivannya іnzhiru helps to quickly solve problems, giving a delicate piercing infusion.

Brown figs for vaginal and thym, which helps to recover from chronic deficiency anemia. For the last 1-2 days on the day of the blood donation, it is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When a child is a year old, it is important that the body of a woman needs a sufficient amount of calcium. Unfortunately, in case of intolerance to milk and dairy products, they should be replaced with piece preparations.

figs to this particular type become a corian and a savory alternative. Ale, introduce yoga into the diet of mothers, as soon as possible, carefully, so that any fruit can be brought in by the child and blown up.

The power of figs for women is similar to those who have fig fruits that increase lactation, and when mastitis appears, they become a natural medicinal product. Rosemary in the milk of the fetus, as if applied to the breasts at the mouth of the nariva, easily breaks out of the inflamed.

Korist іnzhiru for children

Mothers ask a lot about what you can give licorice fruits to children. It’s not only possible, but it’s necessary, obviously, like a child can’t be counter-indicated.

What is brown fig for a baby? Nasampered fruits of figs are a powerful natural vitamin preparation, a modern substitute for a purchased complex of vitamins.

In a different way, with colds, the fig miraculously replaces faces. Drink from dried figs with milk, vershkov oil and honey - a miraculous natural zasіb in the face of any kind of cough.

Preparations with figs syrup - even a garnish tonic for small children - wines to improve the pickling and increase appetite.

Until then, a vase of dried figs can replace tsukerok as a substitute for purchased malts, but the mother needs to have a carrying effect.

If a child has problems with its style, then puree with these fruits normalizes the work of the intestines.

Including figs to the diet of a baby, following a step-by-step approach, starting with the need for small quantities and respectfully observing the reaction of the body.

Summing up, it can be said that the spectrum of fig fruit injection is even wider, so figs and preparations are zastosovuyutsya in jubilation and prevention of ailments:

  • anemia;
  • infections;
  • fungi;
  • oncology;
  • musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • nervous, cardiovascular, herbal, endocrine systems;
  • shkiri, empty company and dichal organs;

Krіm tsgogo, fig victorious for the health of the brain, boosting the immune system, as an aphrodisiac, as well as for the delight of women and human ailments.

Skoda fig

Fresh figs practically cannot harm the body of a healthy person. Ale yogo fruit not varto to get used to the disease of the intestinal tract and gout.

Vyalenі fruit through a high vmіst tsukra is contraindicated in diabetes and is not recommended for those who have zaiva vaga. People with sechokam'yanoy ailments should be careful to include yoga in their diet.

Shkidlivist figs for women, like and yogo melancholy, maє great value. During the period of vinification of the fetus, figs are hindered, as if the woman is suddenly gaining weight, she develops gestational diabetes, or she suffers from being ill with nirok.

The contraindication for figs is at least, but it does not mean that a healthy person can be killed in any number of bones. Everyone needs to know the world and have healthy eyes - for prevention, as a whole, 2-4 pieces per day are sufficient.

What is the right way to cook figs?

How zasіb for Swedish hunger іnzhir go near a fresh or dried look. Wine is richly decorated for tsukerki, chocolates and other malts, as they often live like a snack.

Dried fruits can be used as healthy dried fruits. However, it’s better to sprinkle yogo with sprinkles or steam it. Another option is to help save all the bark of the fruit.

Fresh figs the tastiest dessert Just cut the fruits into small pieces and pour over with beaten tops or with licorice sour cream sauce. And in the afternoon with soft syrup, figs turn into a miracle snack, which tastes the taste of champagne or white wine.

Good to eat wine from meat and poultry.

For example, stewed pork has a unique, exotic taste and aroma.

If you want to have some tsikavishe, then for the Christmas holiday you can bake a chicken in Greek. Vaughn is guaranteed to impress guests and households.

And it’s easy to prepare this grass:

  • pickle chicken legs,
  • fold them in a baking dish,
  • spitting figs between small pieces of meat,
  • and spend time with the spirits close to the year.

They appear, from figs, not respecting the powerful fruits of malt, preparing impersonal savory and brown straws with additional tsukru: jam, jam, marshmallow, cook or make wine.

Cooking with figs practically saves all the power and cook without special zusil.

The largest number brown authorities maє varennya s іnzhiru. For varіnnya classic recipe need:

  • 1 kg fresh or dried fruits (medium size),
  • 1 kg of chicken pisku,
  • 300 ml of water and trochas of citric acid.

Keep the figs, see the "tails" and pierce the skin with a toothpick in a few places. Then pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Wisipati figs I boil water and cook 10 khvilin.

After that, the fruit of the vityagnut, wash them with cold water. Hang figs on a dry towel. While the figs are drying, you need to make syrup: add zukor to the water (300 ml) and put it on the fire. When mixing the cook, the docks do not form the same mass.

She has dried fruits and cooks about 40 strands or more (be sure to lay them down due to the stinginess of the fruits). For example, add a variant citric acid and mix it all up. Put the jam at the sterilized jars.

The stinginess of fig cooking is due to the fact that it can be brewed like a medicinal drink in case of a cold and supplemented with a daily diet of eating.

The fruits of the fig tree have a healing effect on the body, not without reason they have long been victorious in folk medicine. Ale and this year, figs antrohi without wasting their jubilant strength and can serve a good service to those who respect for the better enjoyment in natural ways.

On the aphids of sucily piece preparations, which call for a lot of side effects, figs become practical ideal alternative, sho

Figs are safe and bring only greed, so that all two rules are met - no more than 6 in the evening (and still sleeplessness is guaranteed) and do not live more than 160 g per doba.

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