Skilki bake sausages in the oven. Sausage with yeast dough: an ideal alternative to a sandwich. Sausage in pita bread, greased in a frying pan

Sausages in the dough in the oven - it's simple savory vipіchka, the same sitna. Strava is also easy to cook in a home kitchen.

Sausages in leafy yeast-free dough are the easiest option, but we don’t need to bother with mixing dough for the sake of the finished product.

To prepare you need:

  • necessary number of sausages;
  • packaging of yeast dough;
  • one chew.

Ready pokrokovo:

  1. Ready to be frozen, rozkochuemo in thin layers and narizaemo on slugs.
  2. Tsimi muzhikami wrapped the skin of sausages, so that it was possible to guess the tube.
  3. Blanks are placed on a sheet. The top can be smeared with beaten zhovtok.
  4. It is brought to a ruddy and readiness in a hot oven with a stretch of 20 strands at 180 degrees.

Recipe for cooking with a yeast base

Sausages in dough from yeast dough come out especially savory and soft.

Warehouse of components:

  • five grams of drіzhdzhiv;
  • piv-spoons of salt;
  • necessary number of sausages;
  • 350 grams of borosh;
  • a spoonful of zucru

Cooking process:

  1. We crush the base. Drіzhdzhi vsipati in a flask of warm water, add tsukor and lose the sum for 15 whilin | minutes |, shob | abi | she blurted out.
  2. The bowl is suffocating borosno, zadnuemo z sill, then we pour in the dried mass, brought to the breast, covered with a cloth servette and put for a year in a warm place.
  3. Then we turn the dough into a layer, cut it into swags no more than two centimeters wide and burn sausages in them.
  4. We correct the blanks on a sheet, and then we’ll go to the hot oven. Strava will be ready in 20 minutes when heated to 180 degrees.

Sausages at the dough on kefir

You can cook sausages in the dough and on kefir, before that you can create a fresh product.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 300 g borosna;
  • a bunch of sausages to lie in the bazhannya;
  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • a spoonful of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Z'ednuemo kefir with boroshnoy, sillu that we begin to vimishovat so that the masa was springy and soft.
  2. Rozkochuєmo її it’s not too thick, it’s like swag, we wrap the skin of sausages in them.
  3. We put the workpiece in shape and take it out in the oven for 20 minutes, at which the heating temperature is due to 180-200 degrees.

On a rare test

A recipe for lazy and quiet people who don't have time to cook.

Warehouse of components:

  • egg;
  • about 250 ml of milk;
  • the flask is boroshn;
  • pivkilogram of sausages;
  • strength for vlasny relish.

Ready pokrokovo:

  1. In one bowl we put flour | borosno | z|iz| add | salt |, in another lightly beaten egg and everything at once, then we add milk and mix it up to a uniform consistency.
  2. Sausages are usually on the middle shmatki, as if the stink is great, and put into shape. Zap_kaєmo їх 10 quills in the oven at 200 degrees.
  3. After that, we fill it with the prepared sum of borosna and put it again in the oven, and then for 20 quills at the same temperature.

Vipіchka with additional sir

Vipіchka with cheese zavzhd savory, and if it’s more like sausages, then you’ll come out more satisfied, like it’s just to cook.

Required products:

  • close to 10 sausages;
  • 150 grams of syrah;
  • Be-yaké it's as good as you like with a vag 400 grams.

Ready pokrokovo:

  1. Sir rіzhemo on thin straight-cut plates, and vibrane it is hard to turn on the layer.
  2. Yogo is narrated on square pieces of medium size. And on the leather square, put the sir on the cob, then the sausage and pinch the edges in the very center, so that it would appear first in the envelope.
  3. All blanks that come out are rozpodіlyaєmo on the deck and vipіkaєmo 20 whilin, heating the oven to 200 degrees.

With the basis of healthy milk dough

This variant of the test is kinder for the vipіchka. Milk improves the taste, increases the value of ready-made drinks. You won’t know yoga at the store, you will have to cook on your own.

Straw Ingredients:

  • 50 grams of olive oil;
  • a spoonful of zukru and zovsim trohi of salt;
  • about 240 ml of milk;
  • 6 g of yeast;
  • close to 12 sausages;
  • one egg;
  • 450 g boroshn.

Cooking process:

  1. The amount of milk is indicated to be lightly cooled so that the temperature was not more than 40 degrees, boil there dry with zukr, mix and let the sumish be infused for about 10 hvilin.
  2. In another capacity, mix eggs with a sill, a small amount of zukra, then melt it to a rare become an olive, and then pour in the dried mass.
  3. It was only enough to sip borosno and bring everything to a sumish tista, so that it would be soft.
  4. Divide yogo into pieces, so that the bags of the middle size are made, make jguti from them and, for the help of a rocking chair, turn them into thin bags.
  5. Now it is necessary for them to wrap the skin of the sausage, so that the stench will be like a pussy or in a spiral.
    1. For example, looking at pussy. For which you need to take a breast of dough, lightly press yoga, so that the veins become flat. Place the sausage near the very middle, and the edges that are left out, cut the yalinkas straight down at the looking chicks, then cut the skins up to the sausage, throwing them, one by one.
    2. The second option is to put the sausage into a thin shortcake of medium size, with the edges in the middle, so that the sausage is pitted in the middle, and it grows in a new crosswise incision, with which it is only thinly cut, the sausage is left whole.
    3. Another way is a clerk. We take a thin shortbread, put a sausage in the middle, and flare the edges straight to the center. The upper and lower parts are pinned together. The result is to be found in the shape of a chin, or a colic. Quietly from the sides of the mouth, there is a sausage, and there is in the middle, like at the vimts.

About the history of the idea

Popular for fast food is its roots in German. Yakshcho vіriti dzherelam, it's not enough to grab a meal of fast food for the hour of Great Lent. The first sausages Würstchen im Schlafrock, im Teigmantel ("sausage in a dressing gown", "in a coat") were more popular in wheat or wheat dough, and then in leaf dough. Natural intestines were baked in the pasture, stuffed with fresh pork and breaded in breadcrumbs, freshly frankfurter cowbass, and then we’ll sleep all the vareny. cowbasnі virobi. In parallel, a similar product appeared in France with the tradition of croissants with fillings.

Later, during the hours of the Napoleonic wars, the gastronomic idea was ditched and softened by the British: the stench began to turn pig sausages into bacon, and we’d rather sweat at that - so Pigs in a blanket appeared (“pigs in a carpet”) - a traditional supper of buttered turkey for a Christmas dinner. If the American continent got involved, mіstsevі, zókrema, Mexican traditions — this is how the culinary hit — the root dog — was born. American cuisine, as always heavy to practical fast food, gave light cuisine and its hot dogs - hot dogs, de tito unceremoniously replaced with a bun.

How do they cook sausages at the dough?

Rozkatane is cut dry on straight-cut bows, in yak sweat we burn sausages. Zalezhno in the form of a variant, a dressing gown with a tita again, or often close the cowbass, or simply or creatively light up. Sometimes it’s cold to smear the front with mustard, ketchup and horseradish and sip on the cheese. Traditionally cel-listkove (“croissant”, tobto dried) is thick, often similar to dried, although earlier popular it was fresh. In the meantime, today sausages are cooked practically in any kind of test, they are wrapped with tortilla (the Mexican version of “hot dogs”), with milk, spicy - with tovste breading.

"Korysne" food

The most delicious food - what is the sausage in the dough? It's a pity you can't take the appetizer before the recipes healthy eating. However, not everything is so greedy. Cooked at home, with healthy products and in your own kitchen, "hot psi" is not richly rich for a piece of pie with meat or a sandwich with cowbass. Key - obviously, the quality and its own work have been overturned. In such a time, sausages in the test as a whole can become even if not a masterpiece of home cooking, then just handy and savory, like it’s good to take with you on the road, give children to school, or just serve to the household at the sight of a beloved snidanka.

Sausage in yeast dough in the oven

The simplest, most banal sausage in the most banal, splendid yeast dough. Nothing special, but I think it's deliciously delicious!


  • 250 g of milk;
  • 500 g boroshen;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g of butter;
  • 11 g of dry yeast;
  • 1 st. l. tsukru;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 12 sausages;
  • 1 Zhovtok + 2 tbsp. l. milk for smearing dough.

Drіzhdzhi zmіshuєmo with warm milk and zucr, drenched until activation. As soon as a light pinna appears on the surface of the river, add topped butter, an egg, and strength. Sipayuchi flour | borosho | oil | oil | a bowl, zatyaguєmo with a grub plіvka, tidy up in the warmth of the place.

Pіslya moreover, how to thіsto zbіlshіtsya in obsіzі vdvіchі, kneading yoga, laying on the working surface, roaringly straight layer. Narizaemo by old wives with a width of about 1.5 cm. Skin sausage in a spiral wrapped with dough. We put it on deco, we put it under a towel for hanging for 15-20 minutes at a warm place.

Before Tim, how to put the deco in the oven, it is thoroughly smeared with chewing gum, mixed with milk. Vipkaєmo for a temperature of 180 degrees is close to 20 hvilin. Serve, obviously, hot! It’s true, it’s better to give sausages to cool down, I want ten hvilin.

Porada: with bazhannі to sausages, you can add trochs of lubricated mushrooms, spicy and fragrant.

Kiev perepichka at yeast dough

Listuvannya is a “visiting card” of the capital of Ukraine, kohan and native residents, and tourists for their unparalleled sociability. Maybe, on the right in the modern Kievan landscape, maybe, the secret is in especially savory sausages - even if it’s there, we recommend that you try to cook this herb at home on your own, and you will understand why it was worth standing in the center of the fire.


  • 300 ml water;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. l. tsukru;
  • 40 g "live" dried or 15 g dry;
  • 4 bottles of borosna;
  • 10-12 sausages;
  • oil for lubrication.

Drіzhdzhi zmіshuєmo z tsukr, pouring in warm water, drenched until the stumps appear, after which it is strong and strong, adding borosno, zamіshuєmo unacceptably cold. It is rounded off, filled in with a warm mist under a towel until it is bigger.

Quietly, what happened, crushed, divided into 10-12 parts. A leather shmatochok in the hands is stretched in a straight cut, in the middle of which we put a sausage, we pinch the edges of the dough.

Lubricate sausages in dough at the great number of roses dewy olive to a golden brilliance, turning over at the process, so that it was smeared evenly on the sides. We put it on servets, and then we serve it once.

Porada: for the sake of an hour, give the dough a second taste - not only to improve the taste of the finished viroba, but to allow it to be more fresh and savory.

Sausages in potato dough

Potatoes are delicious - it’s even more delicious! Zavdyaki suttєvіy ovochevіy ovochevіy "obolontsі" sausages come out neimovirno soft, succulent that priemnoy gusto. Tse that grass, yak, and having stood, is left without a dog.


  • 500 g of mashed potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6-7 art. l. borosna;
  • 8-10 sausages;
  • strength for relish;
  • oil for lubrication.

Oholone mashed potatoes salty, with an egg, mixed with a boar. Divided into 8-10 equal bags, the skin with some fingers is “roaring” in a straight cut. In the center of the skin deposit, a sausage was cleaned, the edges of the dough were scraped. Lubricate on a good heated frying pan to a golden color, put it on disposable towels.

Porada: the potatoes are rather more prihly "put" up to the crop - try to add a bunch of finely chopped greens, don't be fooled!

Sausages at the cheese dough

Sirne is truly miraculous in itself. It’s more and more gіdne - vologa, not vashka, zovsіm not dry and not zhorstka. Okremy bonus - not stale for a long time, the chances of a new one are left to finish with a fresh stretch for a few days. Yakshcho, zvіsno, be, what will be left out.


  • 8-10 sausages;
  • 200 g syrah;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 2/3 tsp sodi;
  • 2/3 tsp salt;
  • 5-7 art. l. borosna;
  • oil for lubrication.

Syrah is rubbed through a sieve, mixed with egg and sour cream, we add strong soda, step by step we introduce it boroughly. Zamіshuєmo uncool, soft, but not sticky thick, trying to get by with a minimum of boroshna: the more you add yoga, the more you will see it.

Ready masa is rounded, folded into a bag and put in a refrigerator for 2 years, after which a straight-cut layer with a thickness of 3-4 mm and cut with two females with a width of about 1.5 cm is rolled up.

Sausages in the past are smeared on a well-heated frying pan on a medium fire, turning over, so that a golden streak is equal on the sides.

Porada: sirne thick, crazy, tastier lubricate in a frying pan, prote, for whatever reasons you want to get by with the oven, don’t hesitate: the recipe is for this preparation.

Sausage at the dough on kefir

One of the simplest and most common ways to cook sausage in dough is to knead the dough with kefir. Anniversary long roses and pidjomiv: zmishav, lit up, smeared. Easy and simple.


  • 1 bottle of kefir;
  • 2 bottles of borosna;
  • 1/2 tsp sodi;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 8-10 sausages;
  • oil for lubrication.

Boroshno zmіshuєmo іz sіllyu ta soda, vlivаєmo kefir and zamіshuєmo m'yake, but not sticky thickly. It is rounded, it is enough for 10 lengths under a plastic bag, after which it is divided into 8-10 equal parts, the skin is cut into a straight cut. Put a sausage in the center of the skin, curl it into a roll. Grease well on a warm frying pan from both sides to a golden color. Let's serve hot.

Porada: To make the sausages in the dough kefir more savory, try to make a small cut of the bridle of the skin sausage and put it in the middle of a small, long shmatochka sir.

Sausage in sheet dough

Vіk shvidkostey - nіhto nіchogo not comprehend, all bіzhat i, mabut, want not to comprehend more. To be brought as if to twist - for example, cook sausages in a purchased factory dough. Listkom. Definitely, not a “kosher” option, but everything is tasty and the format saves an hour.


  • 1 pack of yeast-free leafy dough (450 g);
  • close to 10 sausages;
  • 1 egg.

The dough is defrosted, cut into females with a width of approximately 1 cm. Cleaned sausages are placed one at a time on the edge of the female and baked, wrapping the skin with dough. If one marriage ends, just apply this. Sausages in the dough are placed on the deco preparation (oiled or covered with paper for vaping). We smear with a beaten egg, for the bazhanny we attach great sea power or sesame.

Vipkaєmo sausages at the test at a temperature of 200 degrees are close to 20 chills.

Porada: try to cook them yourself, but in a frying pan - the result is less, but not less savory. I shvidshiy.

Sausage in pita bread, greased in a frying pan

Lavash - the same thick, only thin and ready. Chi tse not beauty? Mayzha does not require anything to work, and as a result - the most delicious meal of preparations. Well, abo insults at the evening - fallow like yours.


  • 2 leaves of pita bread;
  • 8 sausages;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ketchup or whatever tomato sauce;
  • 2 tsp gostroi girchitsi;
  • 100 g of carrots in Korean;
  • 100 g of solid syrah;
  • oil for lubrication.

Leather leaf of lavash is cut into pieces. Zmіshuєmo ketchup and gіrchitsyu, zmashchuєmo otrimanim sauce lavash leaves from one side. Uzdovzh one edge of the skin shmatochka made a peeled sausage. We put a handful of carrots. We rub the sire, we sip the lavash equally. Grilled in schіlnі rolls, smear them on a well-heated frying pan on olive oil until golden brown. Let's serve hot.

Porada: prepare the sauce with sour cream and chasnik, or be some kind of tomato dip - in a company with such a diva, sausages from lavash will be even tastier.

Sausage in batter

About the corn dog - the closest relative of our sausage in the test, which lives in the USA and some other sudidnіh kraїnah - you sang chuli. And did they think about those who can be cooked in such a rank not only by the corn-dwellers, but by the wheat flour? Obolonka is different, but the essence is the same: juicy sausage is tasty in the company of batter at once. Try varto!


  • 10-15 sausages of a small rosemary ("baby");
  • 3 art. l. borosna;
  • 1/4 bottle of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • strength for relish;
  • oil for deep-frying.

Eggs are mixed with milk, we add borosno - it has a thick consistency of sour cream. Sausages for goodness are strung on wooden sticks for cooking shashlik, dipped in batter, and then we once again say good rozіrіtu olіyu. Obsmazhuєmo, overturning, literally whilin - to a golden color. Ready-made sausages in batter are put on disposable towels, and then served to the table.

Porada: sausages in batter can be prepared without wooden sticks. Whisk two forks: split the sausage on one, dip it into the dough, and then, after the help of the other, “take” the sausage from the fork into the boiling oil.

Muffins with sausages

More simple and Swedish way cook sausages in dough - give them to the look of muffins. Obviously, the whole calico is the only one, but the mayzhe is so very tasty and, at the same time, it is richly simple.


  • 200 g kefir chi sour milk;
  • 250 g boroshen;
  • 100 g of solid syrah;
  • 3 sausages;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp sodi;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • a small bunch of greens.

Prepare a dry part - zmіshuєmo strength, soda that borough. There, for the bazhannya, we pay a pinch of pepper.

Okremo zmіshuєmo grated hard cheese, kefir, eggs, chopped greens.

At the three-chotiri, the ruhi is rarely parted with water, and sausages are cut into circles. Otrimane is neatly laid out behind the forms for brewing muffins, filling them by 2/3. Vipkaєmo for a temperature of 180 degrees 30 hvilin.

Porada: when bagannі in the dough for muffins, you can add trochs of chopped broccoli, green peas licorice corn.

How to burn a sausage in dough

The classic way of gorging sausages in a dough is to cut them with wisps of dough, wrap them sequentially in a spiral and troch overlap, forming a “shirt”.

The dough can be cut with straight cuts, in the center of the skin weaving a sausage and pinching it according to the principle of a pie.

Beautifully look kovbasnі virobi, molded like flowers. For which sausage is wrapped in pastry behind the front principle - like a patty, then let one side sag with the same crack of about 0.5 cm. After that “pie” is rolled up in a ring with names called - sausages rolled up, satisfying “flower pellusts”.

Garno looking at the pie from sausages and tіsta, choosing “checkerboard”. Zvichayno, it’s possible to tinker, but the result of that wart. For whom you are ready to be narrated with long wives of the same width. On the surface of the work, the smugs themselves are placed, across the dovga sausage is placed - in such a way that part of the smog is lost under the sausage, and part (after one) - over the sausage. The advancing cowbass looks like this, so that the smogs change their camp: the lower ones leaned over the sausage, and the ones that were above it lay down. In this way, the whole pie is taken. Garnot is effective.

A simple, yet pretty way to burn a sausage in a dough is to make a “braid” from it. We put a sausage in the center of the rolled shortbread, we cut the white parts of the dough with smugs under the cut of 45 degrees to the sausage, then we fold them one by one along the cheeks, forming a wonderful “braid” with a cowbass in the middle.

Vtіm, ways, how to burn a sausage in a dough not only beautifully, but warmly, more richly:

5 ways to cook sausage in dough more delicious

  1. Experiment with the main component - you can always know better than the ones you already buy. Try smoked sausages, buy sausages with medium cheese, experiment with sour sausages and thin sausages a la Vidensky. Masa options, you won’t be boring!
  2. It's great, if at the same time from the sausage in the dough the deaks of the other ingredients burn. Zavzhdny darling sir. Viglyady looking greens. Ketchup and tomato sauce add a piquant note. Do not hesitate to try something new and non-standard - just so you know your "own" recipe, which, perhaps, will become a family. How to burn a sausage into a bacon companion, the widde is not just tasty, but wonderfully tasty. Having added thin slices of pears and apples, take off the top of the kitchen. By making friends of sausages with sticks of pickle or carrots, you can solidify what vegetables you have to the table.
  3. A classic sausage in the past doesn’t stick and doesn’t stick to anything, whoever you want to sip on with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, or be like some other day in front of them, how to put deco in the oven? Drіbnitsya, like more and more I will improve the taste of the vipіchka.
  4. Irrespective of the particular love to the point of fear, do not hesitate to cook it in reserve: after all, the sausage in the dough is beautiful with a fresh, only cooked look. It’s a pity, having lain down and stood up, she’s wasting some of her relish. In extreme weather and with special love to mass cooking, it is recommended to freeze those that you definitely don’t eat at once - in this option, you can always defrost home-made drinks and cook sausages in the past.
  5. Sausage in the dough - self-sufficient strain, ale, like a tribute with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, it will be tastier and more delicious - oh, blues in the fast food range! - Corinth.

Sausages in dough are not the healthiest thing, but they are definitely one of the most popular snacks, which can be minimized with a competent approach. Live from pleasure and eat deliciously!

Sausages in the dough prepared in the oven - tse Strava, as it can become a good reference for culinary specialists. All on the right in the fact that it’s easy to cook like a boil, and the dough won’t come out even before everything and even a sieve. Since you have little practice in the culinary field, then this recipe is definitely for you, since I have the right to claim the title of the simplest.

Similar preparations of sausages have been practiced for a long time. You can find similar cooking recipes in Radian culinary magazines, but it’s not one or two ways, but impersonal different options for cooking food homemade vipіchki. Until the preparation of today's season, you can go differently. The first moment is worth the test. You can cook your own yogo, or buy ready-made frozen dough in the store. Especially, I will make the will to win the first option, but if you have an hour in the form, then boldly go to the store.

Well, until another moment, it’s bezpomednya chi obsmazhuvannya. Like bachite, you can also drink two ways. The first option, more classic, can be baked sausages at the oven, so I made it this year, otherwise the other option is to cover them in a frying pan. I strongly recommend all the same to bake with an oven or an oven, so sausages come out richer tastier.

If you are not far away from experimenting, then cream sausages can be burned in the dough with such products: sir, vegetables, or smear the sausage with sauce in front. Similar grass will become a miraculous alternative to spoiled sandwiches, and as if you have children school age, Then give the child sausages in dough with you to school, it will also be a wonderful option.


  • 12 small sausages
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • 150 ml warm water
  • 1 tsp tsukru
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 flasks of borosna
  • 1 st. sonyashnikova olії
  • 1 Zhovtok

Preparing the strain from the photo.


Sausages in the past with their relish will always please the right lovers of good food. Tsya strava vіdrіznyaєtsya not only schodo in a simple way preparation and budgeting. All products are necessary for the recipe, cost a penny, that's why with a monthly budget, you can make such a specialty in less than a day. If you had any fears about the preparation of yeast dough, then my cover photos, to allow you to easily see and touch the top of your culinary biography. Nasamkinets, like and forever, I want to give a spice of joy, so that your sausages in the test were savory and s the first time:
  • Do not fill up and cook drіzhdzhovoe tisto for sausages independently. The relish of truly homemade specialties is freshly brewed as if you were preparing it on the basis of a store-bought counterpart;
  • You can prepare dough not only on the water, as I did today. For the next time, for the sake of diversity, try replacing water with milk, kefir or yogurt;
  • Under the hour of winding the sausage dough, do not stretch yoga much. In another day, it will be better for you at that moment, if you are in the spirit;
  • Before putting it to the oven, coat the sausages with a beaten zhovtok in obov'yazkovo. Vіd tsogo win not less old look, and smakovі yakosі stravi;

Berezen 1, 2017

Sausages at the dough are a popular snack among the whole world. You love the same way as a child, so you have grown up. Your appetizing look does not deprive anyone of baiduzhim. This country has two main warehouses for hot dogs. It is possible to vicoristize for the sake of snacks whether it is drіzhdzhov, leaflet, without drіzhdzhov, rіdke tіstо like pancakes, you can wind vicoristovuvat batter, so that not a droplet will appear on the final result.

Qiu appetizer good s tomato juice, milk, kefir just with compote. You can just take it with you on the road, to the dacha, or just for a foreign picnic and you will have a wonderful snack.

And it’s much easier to try to choose how you can cook sausages in the pastry in all the options, and you can also choose what you can cook more to your heart’s content at the oven or in a frying pan.

In order to cook sausages in the oven, you need to cook dry yeast dough, so in this variant, you often cook dry yeast dough.

Ingredients for testing.

  • Boroshno 500 gr.
  • Zukor 50 gr.
  • Strength 20-30 gr.
  • Drijdzhi 50 gr
  • Oliya Vershkove 50 gr
  • Oliya sonyashnikova 50 gr
  • Water 1 bottle

Cooking process.

I'll give you a recipe for a swedish, non-doughy yeast dough. Such a dough recipe is also suitable for preparing sausages.

    Repair the drizzle by the water. І add zukor.

    Ask for flour|boroshno| and step by step add to the homeland.

    Add oil and start mixing it up.

    Vershkov oil we’ll bring it into the trohi zamіshane and continue the pomsta. Solimo.

    Move this to the table add | add | more flour|boroshna| and keep the place on the table. Mіsimo tіsto until it won't stop sticking to the table.

    We put the dough in a bowl and leave it for a couple of years, so it went well.

    For more details on how to prepare dry dough, you can read the following article. .

Now, if it's cold, you can start preparing a delicious appetizer with vicarious sausages.

Vіd tіsta vіdokremlyuєmo small shmatochki and roskochuєmo їх in cowbass.

We take boiled sausages, which are already cleaned in the form of sour cream. Varity is also bazhano without swimming.

Rock the cowboy at the husband's. Burn the sausage into a bowl from the dough in a spiral.

Burnt sausages are stored on a sheet of parchment.

If you lay everything out, do not forget to brush it with a hard beaten egg.

We correct our sausages at the hot oven. The temperature is standard for a dry brew and it becomes 180-190 degrees.

Quietly for such a temperature, it is prepared more quickly and the whole brew takes an hour no more than a year. Check for a golden blush and you can take sausages out of the oven.

For the time being, the hot brew is once again smeared with egg white. Let the sausages cool down and you can serve them to the table.

Sausages in sheet dough recipe for the oven

A good recipe for those who don't like fiddling around with dough. Abo simply does not have time for yoga preparation.You can take the dough ready, or you can prepare the leaf dough yourself.

And so, if it is ready, it is often sold in a frozen look, before that, before you start preparing it, you need to defrost it.

While it's still defrosting, you can start making sausages. Let's clean up their kind of smelting and boil it. More stench richly savory and safe. As long as the sausages will be boiled and cooked, savoury.


  • Sausages 7-8 pcs.
  • Boroshno 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Ready leaflet 1 pack
  • Sir 50-60 gr.
  • Egg 1 pc.

Cooking process.

Prisipati stіl boroshny. In order to make it easier to practice with the dough.

Tіsto rozkotiti and narіzati on small wives. The torso of the male is 3-4 mm, and the dovzhina is close to 30-35 cm.

Now we burn the skin of the sausage into a stitch from the dough, so that a new round of troch has bent the bi in front.

On a sheet of stele parchment for vaping. I lay out our sausages. It is possible to vikoristovuvati and the original form, but before it happens to smear її olієyu.

Beat a trio of eggs. І tsієyu bovtankoy smear the surface of the skin sausage. potіm prisipati grate sire. Then you can put deco in the oven. Heat the oven up to 180-200 degrees. Vipіkati sausages close to 20 hvilin|minutes|.

Chastuvannya go miraculous. First of all, it's easier to cook. In a different way, it’s more satisfying and tasty. Two pieces, we’ll try to kill the worm for food, or for insult. Kindly serve with tea and milk.

Sausages in dough from ready-made dough in the oven

The axis knows another option, how you can beautifully decorate sausages in dough, even if the correct design is an important factor, which is to say about the professionalism of the cook.

This variant is good for both leaf dough and yeast dough.Cook the sausages and cool them down.


  • Sausages 10 pcs.
  • Boroshno 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Quiet ready 1 pack
  • Sir 50-60 gr.

Cooking process.

Make a small cut along the whole length of the valley and put small pieces of sir in the cut.

From the dough, make a shortbread. Lay the sausage in the center and in the middle to the edges of the shortbread.

Let's sweat the wives of the dough that come out, put it on a sausage with cheese for a type of pussy patch.

Lay the sausages on a sheet and brush with egg.

Vip_kati close to 20 hvilin|minutes| at a temperature of 180-200. for kіlka hvilin until ready, you can cover sausages with ketchup, and you can also add sesame seeds for bazhann.

Sausages in dough smeared in a frying pan

Since there is no need to fuss with cooking sausages at the oven, you can speed up in an alternative way of cooking. Grease the sausages at the dough in the pan.

Tse viide swidshe and relish not to be ruined, but to inspire a singing world. Tse zvichayno for quiet who loves everything lubricated.

Quite for whom it is ready to dry like for pies. Detailed recipe you can read it for help.

And so it’s good to cook our sausages. For now, let's clean up the sausages and cook them. Damo їm trochs get cold, more with hot pratsyuvati it’s simply impossible.

Take a little bit of olive oil and put it on your hands so it will be easier to work with the dough. Take a small piece and see the main test. Rosemary Shmatochka is about the size of a chicken egg, maybe a little more. Ale with an hour of understanding, the little thing will come to you, and everything will be OK.

Flatten a piece of dough with your hands and put a sausage into the shortbread, which is viishov. Light up її in dough for a kshtalt pie. You can turn up and fill the edges without pasta, but rather, obviously, hide the sausage in the dough, so it will be more juicy. Ale varto try to prepare offensive options, sob to change, which suits you better.

Now pour olive oil into the frying pan and as soon as the olive heats up, put sausages in it and brush it until a golden blush appears.

After that, it was so thickly smeared, we put sausages on a paper towel or on a grate in order to store the excess olive oil.

Together with sausages in a dough, you can burn a third sir, or you can not grate yoga, but cut with wives and put things in order.

It can also be supplemented with pickled ogirk, cut eggs, herbs, mushrooms, green cibulae. At the dough, you can add three raisins to the original raisins and sausages.

Sausages smeared with batter on fingers

It’s possible that it’s good to cook and it’s not about you, and you don’t have time to mess around with the dough, but the shards of the sky didn’t try all the same not to go out. And buying sausages in the test does not win you over, the stink shards there to grease them on the fifth oly and in the fire are not savory. But what about work, how and if it’s not possible to prepare water and buy it? Excuse me, you can cook sausages in batter.

It’s easy to prepare the batter, and you won’t be able to wander your hands and go out deliciously.To prepare a batter for sausages, you need the simplest set of products.


  • one egg
  • Pivsklyanki borosna
  • Trochs of milk
  • The strength of a pinch
  • Roslinna Oliya

Cooking process.

At the mist of the snake, the sipuchi products are beaten into them with an egg and pour in the milk.

Mix everything on the right with a spoon or a mixer until you see a little viscous mass.After that, you can add a little dewy olії.

I’ll respect the tough one. Rіdka on stіlki, schob її can be poured into a bottle. And viscous on the stilki, so that it didn’t mix with sausages.

Pour the batter at the temple flask. Tse in order to manually soak the sausages.

Now we take a wooden skewer, split a sausage on it and lower it into a bottle with batter. Vicorist skewers for clarity.

Like sausages too long ago, or you didn’t know enough deep flasks of sausages, you can hit them.

Sausages need to be boiled in advance and cleaned from the skin. Before that, it’s necessary to wipe the sausage into a flask with dough, as if it’s wet, it’s so wet, it’s easy to match. І ce 100% checked more than once.

It’s too much to grease at the fryer in the frying pan.

Although there are no deep fryers, you can use a small saucepan. Pour oil into a saucepan | oil |, bring it to a boil. It’s easy to change the oliu for readiness to smear. Soak the skewer in the dough and then dip it in the oil, so that the oil on the skewer is twisted, which means you can boldly proceed to the battered sausages.

We put a sausage on a stick and lower it into a boiling oil. smeared until an ore light blush appears.

Distantly, sausages are ready and put on a servlet in order for her to take in the leftover olives.


Video about how easy it is to cook sausages at the dough

I would like to bring respect to the arch of an important moment. The relish of the finished strain is 99% stale in the form of selected sausages, for the sake of taking the product overcooked, in the form of overcooked sausage, and even more shortly - to grow sausages independently, but there is another story.


  • Kefir 2.5% - 125 ml;
  • Boroshno - 160 gr.
  • Strength 1/4 teaspoon
  • Soda 1/4 teaspoon
  • Sausages - 6 pcs.
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova - 5 tbsp. spoons

Cooking process.

On why my dobirka cooking sausages at the testi reached the end. I guess what skin I can know for myself savory recipe cooking savory and simple stravia. And I bid you farewell to all the world of goodness and good appetite.

Vsіm, healthy! Today, according to our aim, a savory and simple recipe for sausages in dough in the oven. Do you smell what? That's right, salty. How to brighten up be-like a cup of tea, and also you can replace a snack at school or on a robot.

In the traditional version of the whole two warehouses, there are hot sausages and dough. But be it a recipe, you can ur_znoman_tniti, about what we'll talk about for example.

So the axis, it’s easy to go, whether it’s like - more dry, healthy, leafy, just like you want. Yogo can be bought ready-made by yourself. But about the diversity of sausages, I started talking.

Even if you don’t save a lot of money, shards of cheap sourdough bread (like 50 rubles for a pack of 20 pcs.) can behave badly when baking. Abo smazhuvatisya vdvіchі, seeing the great amount of fat, or navpaki swell and shovel. That one for the taste of the same virobi for an hour like papir. "Vidensky", "Russian" or "Dairy" - the most misunderstood variant.

How to cook sausages in the oven (from yeast dough)

In this recipe, there are dry, crisp dry yeasts and boiled water, so you can successfully replace it with milk or kefir. already slipping on our website.

List of ingredients:

Sausages 10-12 pieces;
- milk chi water 1 bottle;
- 2 eggs;
- borosno wheat 2 bottles;
- dry yeast 11 gr (sachet);
- zukor 1 tbsp;
- Vershkov oil 50 gr.;
- Strength 0.5 tsp

1. Let's start with the preparation of the "dough". Warm up the milk until it becomes warm and boil it down to dryness and half the chicken squeak (approximately 1 tsp). Razmіshayte їх to zniknennya breasts and fill in 10 quills.

Before the appearance of the pinnacle cap (if it is 2 times larger, please choose more capacity).

2. For an hour, you’ll squirt at the handy bowl 1 chicken egg with leftovers tsukru and silly. Until the final division of the rest.

3. Melt a small piece of butter (at room temperature).

4. Vilivayemo to the motherland with yeasts, vershkov oil is mixed to a homogeneous mass.

5. Ask for two flasks of wheat boar and zamyshuemo tisto until the sum is summed up.

On the back with a spoon, then we’ll see it on the table, sipping on the boar. Remember 10 minutes|minutes|. Give it a good offal, the docks won't stop sticking to the hands of that table.

A good mix is ​​softly maє equal to the surface and vіdmіnnu elasticity.

6. Divide yoga into 10-12 parts and form bags (wonder how many sausages you have).

7. Kulki rozkochuєmo in kovbaski dozhina in 2-3 times, scho to turn the sausage dozhina. For the help of a rocking chair, we give a flat shape.

8. Wrap the skin of the sausage overlapping in a spiral, the skin of the offensive coil often (up to half) can lie on the front.

9. Deco for the oven is covered with paper for a whisk, smeared on the surface Sonyashnikova Oliya. Lay the sausages on the sheet in stringed rows.

10. For the 2nd chicken egg, it’s less than a zhovtok, it’s more for 1 teaspoon of boiled water and milk, and we smear the skin sausage in the past.

If you give them 10-15 hvilin to stand, then the stench will swell and become appetizing at the sprat.

I enjoy the aromas of that awesome vipichkoy.

After that, like sausages were pulled out of the oven, I smeared them again with a thin ball of zhovtkovo sumishi.

Video from our Youtube channel:

How to cook sausages in dough in the oven (from leaf dough)

Whatever you want to cook sheet paper, then you will easily know the best recipe. And we will look at the recipe and we will buy it.

Required products:

Listkove dough 500 gr.;
- Sausages 10-12 pcs. Approximately 500 UAH;
- egg 1 pc.

1. At the store, it is most common to sell frozen. To that it is necessary to pokat, while it is out at room temperature.

2. After something you grow up on a squat bog kitchen table in the formation. I cut yogo into swags 2 cm wide.

3. Sausages are cleaned in the form of hulls and burnt into husks from leaf dough.

4. Beat the egg in a small container and smear the surface of the sausages at the dough.

5. Heat the oven up to 180 ° C and bake with a stretch of 25-30 strands

Sausages in dough in the oven without yeast and without eggs

In recipes without drіzhdzhіv vikoristovuyut rozpushuvach or grub soda, sob otrimat pishnіst viroba.

What is needed for the recipe:

Sausages 10 pcs.;
- kefir 1 bottle;
- borosno 2 bottles;
- zukor 1-2 tsp;
- Soda 1/4 tsp;
- Strength 1 tsp

1. Prepare a bakery base. At kefir we throw grub soda, kitchen salt and bloody pisok. Let's move on.
It would be wrong to add a couple of spoons of olive oil for elasticity.

2. Please be borosno and add yoga to the mass of kefir. Zamіshuєmo quietly, dodayuchi borosno for the need.

3. Dilimo dough on equal shmatki for a bunch of sausages (the size of a troch is larger than a chicken egg). Rozkochuєmo leather at the shortbread, stacked kovbaski, you can add a kerchief or dress it with mustard. I burst into flames. On the surface, you can add incisions.

4. Preheat the oven at 180° and boil for 25-30 minutes.

Once we wrote that the recipe would be without eggs. After cooking, anoint with topsoil - a small piece, or for an additional culinary brush.

Sausages with dough smeared in a frying pan (from potato dough)

Zavdyaks to this recipe, you take away your own pirіzhki with cowbass. In the heat in the frying pan, the main thing is a sufficient amount of oil, sometimes it can reach the point that the ball of oil covers half of the height of the pie. Quite possibly, but be-yakim, but for versatility, we will aim the butt of a potato.

What is needed for cooking:

Potatoes 8-10 pieces;
- Sausages 10 pcs.;
- egg 2 pcs.;
- flour 0.5 bottles;
- Watchmaker 3-4 cloves.

1. Potatoes are cooked and set to be boiled in salted water.
If it’s cooled down, it’s cleaned from the skin and it’s rubbed dryly with a handy container, or with a special weaver’s turn it’s on mashed potatoes. You can grate trochs of sirah (gram 100)

2. Here we add two chicken eggs, spices are changed to uniformity

3. Prosіyuєmo pіvsklyanki borosna, ґruntovno zamіshuemo.
Dilimo on equal shmatochki for a bunch of sausages.

4. The skin is turned into a shortbread, put a sausage in the middle. І filled with dry sides.

Like a cowboy's wife, you can beat them to pieces.

5. Rolled in boroshni or breaded and added to a frying pan with roasted olives (ball of olives 2-5mm thick). When deboning, you can beat your favorite seasonings and spices.

6. Lubricate the skin side until ruddy.

If there is a lot of fat on the surface of the cakes, let them lie down on the paper servlet or a towel, and also get it wet for the beast.

If you put some greens on the frying pan and add some greens to the potatoes, then you will have portions of a full-fledged snack under the look of sausages at the dough.

Corn dogs. Sausages in a rare dough without yeast (greased in olive oil)

The whole point of the rare tasting is that it doesn’t fall off the sausage and calmly thrives on the new one. Ale can be finished watery at the same time.

Required ingredients:

Sausages 10 pcs.;
- borosno wheat 1 tbsp.;
- borosno kukurudzians 1 tbsp.;
- boiled water 2 tbsp.;
- strength 0.5 tsp;
- soda kharchova or rozpushuvach 1/4 tsp;
- tsukrovy pisok 1 tbsp.
- Eggs 1-2 pcs.

1. Take a glassy vessel. Zmіshuєmo in nіy sipuchi products. Strength, tsukor, soda, and I ask you to be offended, see borosna.

If there is no corn, then replace that amount of wheat.

Soda can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

2. We beat the eggs well, for help, or a great sight.

3. For now, insulting parts of that, help, step by step, add the lead. Achieving a uniform thick mass, as if trimming on the surface of sausages and not capitating them. You can change it just by wetting your finger at the mouth.

4. Prepare the oil at the fryer or bring it to a boil in a saucepan or frying pan with high sides.

5. Sausages nasadzhuemo on skewers (vzdovzh). It is poured coldly at the temple flask, or else, so that the sausage can be zanurit in the new one.

6. Dip the skin of the sausage in batter, trying to get a neat pastry shell.

7. Lubricate in oil until crispy.

After that, we put root dogs on paper towels and servets, so that we can get the olive oil wet.

For a bag you can make sausages in dough in a multicooker

There are 4-5 sausages in the cup of God's will, that will be vipkati in the sprat of entry.

Smear the cup with soniashnikov or top oil. And then on vibir:

a) Replace the frying pan with the "Special" mode for 15-20 quills from the skin side.

b) Replace the oven with the "Vipichka" program, 25-30 minutes from the skin side, or 40 minutes from the 3D heating function.

How to change a recipe

I will give you a sprat of ways to grow fragrant grass and savory.

Mix the test base on kefir, sour cream, ayran and other. Deyakі umіltsі navіt on beer roam. Vykoristovuvaty raznі spice and dribnorubanu greens. Try zastosuvat in the recipe.

Vershkov oil can be replaced without any problems with 2-4 tablespoons of rosemary.

Zapkhati in the middle a small piece of sirah on the back of the sausage or the plastic of the salted ogirk.

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