Yakі dry drіzhdzhі is the best for vipіchka. Home baked bread

Yakі drіzhdzhі better vikoristovuvat for vypіkannya pіtsi - pressed chi dry?
For high-quality pizza, there will be some kind of dryness, pressing, and dry. Є singing features vikoristannya і quiet, і іnshih:
- pressing dry clothes must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4º/6º С, the term of storage is 35 dB; dry can be stored at room temperature, but packs of bagan can be dried on the same day, otherwise, hermetically sealed, stored at + 4C with a stretch of the day;
- Coefficient of replacement of pressed yeasts to dry 3:1;
- instantaneous drizzle "to be afraid" of contact with cryogenic water and ice, so when mixing cold dough it is necessary to bring closer to the end of the mixture, if all the ice has been broken; the temperature of the masa will be higher + 12ºС, or on the cob zamіsu, forwardly mixed with a small amount of warm water + 32º / 35º to the consistency of thick sour cream.

For the brewing of great wheat bread, deactivated yeast should be used as an additive in the order of the most important dry pressed yeast as an independent element for pidyoma dough?
Dry deactivated yeast is a special paint for weakening gluten, applications for work with gluten, which is short-torn, for saving nadan to test blanks, form for an hour of standing and boiling, so do not stink into the laying of yeast.

Can you freeze pressed yeast?
Nebazhano, to that. static cold, or rather, crystals of ice, deforming the drought cells and not negatively influencing the driving force of the droughts.

I bought frozen dredge in the store.
Defrost them in front - put them in a special refrigerator (+ 4C), for a year the stink will come out. And then try the spectacle - in the minds of your home you can only go over it like this. You can activate them - add water to the heat (+35º/37ºС), add trochs of boar and zucru, and add 5 quills, mix. After 5-6 minutes, a "yeast cap" may appear - the first sign that the yeast is active.

Why are the bakery drizzles from the brewery drizzles of the upper ford - all the "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" drizzles?
So, all of them are of the same species, but they are different.

What can you do to bakers' yeast gluten?
Drіzhdzhі, even if the stench and baker's, do not avenge gluten, and at the beginning of the hour of cultivation, that cultivation does not bog down. The main substrate is cemelyas, like dzherelo tsukrіv and mineral rechovins. A gluten is the swollen protein of wheat boar (gliadin and glutenin).

Drіzhdzhі spochatku nebhіdno zmіshuvati z borosnogo i іtlki pіslja tsgogo robit everything else? I sip richly on the back, spreading them out of the middle in milk without a boar.
If you need dry active yeast, then it is necessary to grow it in warm water (+32 º / 35 º C) before adding it to the bog. for the shortest rozpodіlu for the dough (prom_shuvannya) It is possible, you made the yeast in hot, or on the pake, even cold milk, that wandering did not happen. 'yakush virobu.

The warehouse of dry yeasts may include monostearate sorbate. Wine of the creature's aboroslyn's trip and what kind of emulsifier was in the yeast?
Naturally dzherelo stearic acid and s synthesis possess monosorbitan stearate - ce i roslinnі olії, that creature fat. Behind the masa yoga is less rich, lower 1/60.

Why not waste the dry drіzhdzhі of their powers at the vodkritіy pachtsі?
Opening a pack for washing up +4ºС (bagzhan hermetically sealed) can be spratsovuvat 2/3 deb, at +18ºС - 7/10 deb. Otherwise, you should note the significant reduction in gas-producing building capacity of drіzhdzhіv.

In home-baked bread, is it better to vicorate yeast instantaneously active?
Drіzhdzhі dry aktіnіnі і before zamіs vіmіs vymаyut obov'yazkovy razchinennya teploї vod (+32º/35º W).
Drіzhdzhі dry іnstantinі can be vikoristovuvat directly into flour without dilution.
Approximate ratio of active dry to dry instant 1:1. Open the package of instant drіzhdzhіv bazhano with a stretch of 1 dobi or hermetically sealed from the safety at + 4ºС - with a pull of the day. If you open a pack of savings at +18ºС, you can use it for a stretch of 2/3 times, ale, better for everything, You will notice a decrease in the activity of the yeasts.
That is why it is easier and more convenient to work with dry instant yeasts in home minds.

Why are special yeasts for pizza used? Can you beat the yeast for pizza to make kvass?
Drіzhdzhakh for pіtsi vikoristovuetsya special strains baker's drіzhdzhіv with the introduction of glutathione (speech, which is a guide to the gluten carcass, which ensures the ease of expansion of the test piece into the layer and the preservation of the even form after vistoyuvannya and vipikannya).
In principle, you can try them to make kvass, as long as you don't be bothered by the aroma.

Do some drizzles have more "live" strains - are they instantly active?
Von are all alive.

How can I bake bread on kefir - can I get stuck in the biggest bek on the work of the dragons? Do you live beer chi kvass?
To galvanize the robot of drіzhdzhіv, it is necessary to create even more acidity. With the introduction of kefir, nothing terrible will happen, like with the introduction of beer and kvass. You can boldly vikoristaty zvichnі dozuvannya drіzhdzhіv.

Yaki best drizzle dry/pressed for bread?
І dry and pressed drіzhdzhі however garnі for pan bread.

Is it necessary now to sip dry dry yeast in a bunker in Persh black and sip bog, so that the dry drizzle does not stick with the water?
Sensu is defiantly none, so you don’t dare to win the krizhan water or ice. Dry yeasts are "afraid" of low temperatures (but not lower than +15C).

What will help drіzhdzhі to show their activity in the case of sberіgannі often vypechenih virobіv in sizable minds?
With the correct conduct of the process of private vipichka (independently, it is classical or express), the temperature in the center of the brewed viroba reaches +95º / 97ºС, like in the top of the baked virobi. Because dry cells will die again (denature) at +60º / 65ºС, wind up in some boiled yeast cells to die again.

The bread didn't rise... I took the milk from the refrigerator.
All instantaneous drіzhdzhiv have a small minus - such drіzhdzhі be afraid of direct contact with cold water. to this particular type- Milk. On the right, in the fact that in the process of preparing qi drіzhdzhі they recognize the "stress" of drying (influx of high temperatures). Upon contact of the drіzhdzhіv with the cold homeland, a decrease in the gas-producing zdatnosti is observed, so the bread is not lifted, not written in, like you were ochіkuvali. In the next time before the introduction of milk - bring the trohi of yoga up to a maximum of + 35C.

I’m even more proud of the topic of GMOs being won over by the varieties of yeasts.
All strains of yeasts, which are vicorated at the same time when they are produced by all types of yeasts, are both dry and pressed, and not genetically modified by organisms.

What is osmotolerant drіzhdzhі, like stench works, what is their mechanism?
Osmotolerant yeasts (also sugar-tolerant) on the most significant strains in highly active yeasts may reduce the amount of the enzyme invertase in the saplings of the mushroom. As a result of this tsukor іz ovnіshny sredovishcha it is necessary to go to the clitin stepwise and drіzhdzhova yogo yogo properly "rework". With this drіzhdzhі they do not consider the stress of high osmotic pressure, as zvichаnі drіzhdzhі, and do not spend health to normal metabolism, they see enough amount of carbon dioxide and the process of fermentation does not succumb to the test.

It is necessary for an hour of rozrahunka to know the vology of dry yeasts.
The moisture content of dry yeast is 7-8%. In fact, do not play a role in the rozrahunka.

Can you make the dough more buoyant?
The reasons for "mellowness" can be different, sometimes depending on the quality of the boros (unsatisfactory quality / quantity of gluten, superficial in the presence of enzymes, it is possible to induce proteases, which splatter negatively on the gluten frame), just like the quality of the yeast.
If the yeast has an unsatisfactory vigor (the old or the old ones were saved in incorrect minds), then the more you dosing them, you can provoke more stickiness and rosette of the dough (at the link with the great instead of the dead yeast cells and the presence of glutathione). You can adjust the quality of the boroshna with a path of making a beautification.

Before that, how to zastosovuvat deactivated yeast is necessary to know exactly what is gluten-free, what is torn shortly? Chi stink good to show yourself and on a normal muci?
If you work on a wheat boron of normal density, but if you don’t have the plastic power of the boar, then you can make a small a dose of deactivated yeasts (0.06-0.1% to borosna mass).
If you run into problems on the big virobi, the virobi are strongly torn in the growth, they are squeezing for an hour of boiling closer to the end - then, better for everything, you have a lot of gluten, which is short to tear.
The dosing of significant dredges in the case of a sleepy vicarious plant with decontamination does not change.

I want to move from the number of pressed drizzles to the instantaneous droughts. Tell me, be kind, how can you improve the taste and aromatic characteristics of the drinks?
When vikoristannі іnstant dіzhdzhіv sіd vrakhovuvatі їх osobennosti:
- instantaneous "not to love" contact with ice and crying water, on the vіdmіnu vіd pressing.
- with a short mix, it’s better to registrate (spread near the water), otherwise the dried vermicelli won’t be able to separate.
It doesn’t matter to the taste of the change, because you bring in the very amount of yeast (there is only one strain).
The replacement is primed, if you want to protect the storage space and the refrigerator.

What kind of pressed yeast is best suited for the fermentation of cucrum must?
Someone with osmocharacter.

How to increase the term of applicability of croissants to 30 decibels.
For the production of fresh croissants (as well as other types of croissants) it is necessary to "diyati" in two directions: - the production of softness and the production of microbiological purity.
From a glance "microbiology":
- Increasing the acidity of the dough (storing starters, you can try ready-made starter or a starter for developing natural starter);
- stosuvannya preservatives (for bazhano croissants, add protection from wild yeasts - calcium propyanate, sorbic acid);
- Replacement of part of the zucru for dextrose (for the promotion of the osmotic grip);
For a look of softness:
- Introduction of glucose syrup (with pererahunkom zagalnoy nasolodi);
- introduction of pokraschuvacha for softness;
- the introduction of milk powder (lactose is not fermented by yeasts and takes an active part in the Mayar reaction, which allows less vipkati virobi, less visusuvati, mirobi m'yakshi).
Well, it is very important to set the "correct" parameters of the vine - the height of the planting, then lower it, and shorten the troughness of the vine in order to save more cob moisture.

I ask you for help in selecting the optimal components for pici deco. My meta robiti "tovstu" pіtsu maximally povіtryanoy and light, and obov'yazkovo-not fast psuєtsya. The structure of the pulp, to the point of pragnu, is shown in the photo. Can you put some of the dough in the refrigerator for the sake of the coming day of vranci?
Porosity, like in a photo, you take it off, because there is a traditional baguette.
It is not necessary to develop an ideal gluten fusion, otherwise there will be problems with rotting.
It can be "blocked" in the refrigerator (24-48 years), reducing the amount of yeast to 1% and changing the amount of water to zamis.

Is it possible to use the technology of private boiling for the preparation of excellent homemade cookies with fillings? Here is zustrіchav, that not every filling is good to endure freezing-dipping.
Keep in mind - not every filling is suitable for the technology of frozen test preparations and it is necessary to vicorate the thermostable fillings, on a fatty basis, otherwise you will take a stronger "hardening" of the stuffing and large empty ones.
Basically, such dry breads with fillings, like patties, boil over and freeze after cooling. And before serving, go ahead and roast in the oven (microwave, food warmer ...).

Tell me, now to block the fermenting dough for the pizza, even if we add it for the sake of the fermenting dough?
A lot of pizzerias are practiced by the principle of blocking the wandering. Mix it up, make test pieces, round them up and place them near the refrigerator. Wandering there is just right. Drijdzhivs have a substrate, but the stench of yoga spratsovaya is richer, lower for great minds. So you can practice stretching 72 years. It's easier to fight. You make a pizza and check a maximum of 10-15 whilins.
Kukharevs do not need to mix it up for the leather pizza, in the new one there are blanks, like vines immediately rise, lay the topping and immediately send it to the vypіchka without whisking. Tse duzhe zruchno and mobile. From the other side, blocking the brodіnnya everywhere vikoristovuyut in Europe because. zakonodavcho fenced at the bakery pratsyuvati ponad 6 deb without holidays. Therefore, for an hour on the 1st day of the week, we block the weather for 24-72 years, then we will increase the temperature in the weather and boil the virobi. Tsyu tekhnologiyu zazvychay zanizhuyut bookmark drіzhdzhіv tk. I will repeat once again, roaming at will and rightly, but I’m going to wander.

"Vіdpochinok dough 1 year. at t +4 ° C in the refrigerator" - tse way to improve the fermentation, or tse yak then pour into the relish or the form of viroba and sho robiti, yakshcho all the same after the yoke of vicorist is not necessary, but only a part (leave it in the refrigerator up to the moment of vikoristannya or leave out at room temperature)?
Navpaki, the more trivaly the wandering, the greater the relish and the aroma of the virobu.
The blanks are placed at the refrigerator and for increased fermentation, and for giving the dough greater plasticity (it is easier to roll into the layer and the blanks of the dough take their shape).
If you didn’t wipe everything clean, the blanks can be kept in the refrigerator.

Could you please suggest a safer method for wheat bread of the 1st grade?
Boroshno 1st grade may have a streak, we recommend that you vicorist to improve the quality of the m'yakush. Ale: still stale in the tystomysu type. For example, if you need more one-size-fits-all zamіs, then the fermentation is made more for the molding of the gluten frame at the fermentation process. If you have victorious 2 swedes, then, especially at the turn of the vikorist, you can improve, wandering can be done to a minimum (XV 30). quickness, drawing in the walls of bread, crispness of the m'yakush.
If you respectfully don’t want to parse, then the bagan dough is lightly “soured” either by adding the “stiff” leftover dough, or by adding the leaven. Tse dopomozhe otrimannya krihtogo m'yakush, that bread is taken away more (m'yakist + microbiology).

Donut recipe for donut appart.
The only moment - for the clarity of the planting, the amount of water for the task needs to be increased to the required consistency. How to avenge enough gluten good quality, then you can do without painting. If the result is not perfect, it is possible to vicariously improve for healthy choices.

Can you help with the universal technology of preparing pizza dough?
Podіl, rounded. Then you can place the test preparations in the refrigerator (30-40 minutes). For the consumption of chilled test pieces, it is possible to use them for a stretch of 8-10 years. It is not recommended to trim the dough in the refrigerator for several reasons:
- drіzhdzhi that ferment borosna navit at +4С "practice", accumulating acidity and other products of life, which can be noted on the rheology test (advanced stickiness), on the fluffiness, on the taste of the finished viroba;
- there is a risk of the color of the test, after 10-12 years, black chickens on the test begin to appear - these are the first signs of microbiological testing. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the presence of preservatives (for example, citric acid), but at its core, it has to be promoted bookmarks of drіzhdzhіv (vіdbuvaєtsya їх іngіbuvannya), which is negatively signified on the taste of virobu.
Molding, topping, fillings.
Vipichka. The crunch of power will be based on the parameters of the top:
- planting temperature is higher than +240º/260ºC, especially as there is a difference on the disks;
- For example, vipіchki short.

How can you improve the softness of the baked pizza?
For tovstu pіtsu zbіshti bookmark drіzhdzhіv. The crumb will be fluffed up more.

I am writing a diploma about freezing bread! Can you help with literature?
1. "The production of frozen dough products" Karl Kulp, Klaus Lorenz, Jünger Brümmer St. Petersburg, 2005.
2. "Refrigerated and frozen products" Stringer M, Dennis K., Profesiya, 2004.

Stores have a lot of brand-name milk bread with visives, moreover, a sliver of bread with visives can be practically burnt into a roll and wine is not broken. How can you find out what to add to your mouth to take away such an effect?
Spets_aln_ kraschuvach_, to the warehouse of which includes emulsifiers and monoglycerides. The stench helps to remove the elastic pulp, which does not crumble, with a garnetted structure of porosity, and save freshness for a trivalent term.

Please help me with the parameters of the sip for a bowl of bun. On the basis of nuances, it is necessary to pay respect, in order to take the edge off the rowing.
We recommend a high planting temperature of +240º/250ºС with improved inertia of the oven, and it is possible to grow a light under-resistance to ensure "strength" for roasting.

Virishiv launch such a bread like "Pita", but I can't take away the effect of "vіdkrittya".
The effect of opening the intestines in the pіtі is more important than the temperature of the vіpіchki. Sound vikoristovuyut special hearth ovens with a temperature of 500-600C trivality vipіchka stretch 20-40 sec. It is problematic to work on the best ovens, but we can give you further recommendations.
Quietly mix only 1 swidth, DO NOT NEED to develop a gluten frame! It's important, it's hard to be undomesticated.
In another way, the temperature of the mixed dough can be high + 30º / 32ºС, a
according to the consistency, like a natural loaf.
Brodinnya 30-40 min.
For fuller expansion, you can add deactivated yeast to weaken the gluten frame.
Razkochuvannya up to 1.5-2 mm.
Rozstoyka -30 hv for +35ºС.
Vipichka. There are no special ovens - rotary or hearth with the highest possible high temperature. Bagan blanks are thrown on the baked leaves in the oven or on a hot feast.

What can be vicorated for vines with boroshna of the 1st grade (loaf, zdoba) for giving them visible characteristics (volume, light pulp) of similar vines with a higher grade?
For loaves - the best way to do it in a double way, 2/3 borosna in a dough. The sponge can be mixed colder than the original (not +28º/30ºC, but +26º/28ºC) and allowed to stand longer. To improve the rheological characteristics of the test. It is possible, when mixing the dough, to add coloring for the volume, for the volume and the color of the streak.

The norms of spіvvіdnoshennia dry and fresh drіzhdzhіv.

At the same time, the stores have a great quantity of savory and brown biscuits. Someone who loves to eat a crisp, healthy bun with olives is rich. Ale deyakі lords can prepare such wonders of culinary art on their own. For the preparation of vipіchka, dry or pressed yeast should be used.

Practically any recipe can be replaced fresh yeast dry. Before that, as a reminder, it is necessary to be distinguished in particularities and differences between dredges. Pressed - tse fresh, so alive drіzhdzhі. At the store, the stench is sold in briquettes, in a bag of 100 g it can have its own aroma. On the dotik the stink of the vologists and the trochs scream.

At my heart, dry, there are two types:

  • Activated. The stench is aerated with granules of great rosemary and vicarious for the preparation of healthy and fresh dough. You can mix and put on the vistoyuvannya kіlka razіv.
  • Shvidkodyuchi. The stinks make up the powder and scurry around with the boar. Quite often, it swells at a lot of times, but when you re-wrinkle, it’s badly lifted. Such yeasts are more suitable for cooking pizza, chebureks and lubricated pies.

Be respectful when choosing drіzhdzhіv. Z drіzhdzhіv, shvidko dіyut, not varto zamіshuvat іsto for pasok and healthy rolls. Pukhirtsі will be small and it will be rotten.

If fresh yeast is indicated in the recipe, you can easily replace them with active or dry dry ones. Also respectfully learn what kind of dough you are preparing. What is in the recipe? Vershkov oil, richly tsukru that eggs, then masa is more than a vashka that sticky. For that, it was so quiet, it was necessary to have more drizzle. All active are fresh. Have shvidkodіyuchih not vystachit forces on the numerical twiddle and pidyom.

Healthy norms for replacing dry yeasts with fresh ones:

  • If you take fresh as 100%, then it will be 33% swedcod and 40% active
  • So 100 g of fresh yeast can replace 33 g of swede-cured or 40 g of active

Pererakhunok fresh drizhzhiv on dry:

  • Active: 25 g fresh can replace 10 g, usually 50 g fresh, 20 g active, and 100 g fresh, 40 g active.
  • Swidkodіyuchі: 25 g of fresh product can be replaced by 8 g of swydkodіyuchі, 50 g - 17 g of svіdkodіyuchіch, and 100 g of fresh, 33 g of dry.

Remember, the best yeast growth is beyond 30 degrees. If water or milk will be hot, then you should drink hot water. For this reason, it is important to read the instructions on the bags of yeast and do not disturb the temperature regime.

Varto vrahuvaty, scho drіzhdzhі raznyh firms can vіrіznyatsya among themselves, the correct proportions are presented on the bag with the product. Below is a clear spiving of the number of different drіzhdzhivs.

Orientation norms:

  • For the preparation of moonshine, 100 g of yeast per 1 kg of zucru is sufficient. Vіdpovіdno per kozhen kіlіg pіsku need 40 g of active and 33 g of swidko_yuchy drіzhdzhіv.
  • To prepare kvass varto, you need to prepare the recipe. On the skin, 50 g of fresh yeasts require 20 g of active and 17 g of dry ones.

Zagalom іz thogo drive danі troch vіdrіznyayutsya. At the teaspoon, 5-7 g of dry yeasts are placed. Obviously, a teaspoon of such a product will be enough to replace approximately 20 g of heavy yeast pressings.

If you don’t have mercy, don’t take a wife, follow the instructions. Call one sachet of dried fruits for 1 kg of borosh. Proportions can change in the fallow time depending on the recognition of the dough and its particular features.

Like bachite, fresh yeast can be boldly replaced with dry ones. Price n_yak not vpline on the taste of the finished streak.

Often you can feel the thought that bread is a valuable product, in view of the cultivation of which it is necessary to burn. Indeed, all is good in the world. I skibochka fresh homemade bread building to bring like a sea of ​​​​positive emotions, so it’s a burden for health - especially if you add such colorful additives to homemade bread like visivka, wheat and borosno, seaweed, sprouted cereals.

Homemade bread - a must for wine consumption

The first post is food - now it’s time to spend an hour on a cup of homemade bread. At the store you can find dozens of different kinds of bread - with whatever additives. Really, everything is not so rosy - call us to the supermarkets after work, evening, if the wine has already become stale. This situation is especially relevant for people who suffer from allergies to gluten. Bread, which is brewed from “gluten-free boroshno” (folded sum of starches and boroshna from a lot of cereals, which does not avenge gluten, which approximately imitates the taste of wheat boroshno) is rather dry and stale. There is another worse situation, as if there is no great supermarket. In small stores, the assortment sounds up to a loaf of bread and “Ukrainian”, which is not to the liking of all chanuvalniks healthy way life.

At the same time, a cup of homemade bread, for the obviousness of a bakery, practically does not take an hour.

Why do you need homemade bread - a special bread maker or a great oven?

For food, chi varto for brewing homemade bread, you can buy a special bread pot, you can’t give an unambiguous answer. І ovens and bread, while baking homemade bread, there are a number of advantages and shortcomings.

The advantage of a bread pot is that the baking of homemade bread in it practically does not mean zusil. Navit, as there is no home-made bread variety in the bakery program, experimenting with the modes of mixing and boiling is only a little bit. In addition, as soon as the home-made bread of the required quality is boiled, it is possible to introduce a program of boiling bread in a bread pot, we gave everything to the work itself.

In addition, bread makers allow you to eat fresh homemade bread until the singing hour.

Nestacha khlibopіchki - "standardized" vypіchka, spared the charm of originality of homemade bread, baked "by hands".

Vtіm, schob vypіkati in the oven zrobleniy hand-made homemade bread of stable quality, to spend a few months on training and experiment, yakі often end in failure.

How to vibrati borosno for vipіkannya bread

Before it, like baking home-made bread, it is necessary to drink it wisely. Zvichayne borosno "great katunka", as it is sold at all stores, practically does not avenge brown speeches and is designated for brewing health. Homemade bread from it looks like a hamburger bun - “humovy” and not fragrant.

For the brewing of great white bread (the easiest variety of homemade bread in terms of technology), it is necessary to buy a special “bore for bakery” (for example, in Kiev they sell an order with an elevator, at kiosks near the Taras Shevchenko metro station).

For a homemade bread of dark varieties, you need a “peeled” wheat borosno 2 grades and a borosno bread.

How to choose yeast for brewing homemade bread

Lovers who have come up with the best home-made bread, constantly mingle, like dry chi vologists (at briquettes). Tse pitanya tezh can not be unequivocal in vіdpovіdі. Dry drizzle, not viable, and “forgive” blemishes in the consistency of dough and the temperature regime of the boil. Vtim, i stink pratsyyut "standard". Vykoristannya vologih drіzhdzhіv gives a lot more opportunities to vary the thickness and stickiness of the pulp, the comradeship of the squirrel is too thin.

Singingly, for beginners at the right place, brewing homemade bread, all the same, it’s better to beat dry yeast, and having added a song, switch to dry yeast.

What additives can be added to homemade bread

The number of additives that can be added to homemade bread is practically not limited.

Cereal, Greek and corn flour, various spices, roots, kelp flour, malt, sprouted grains.

Golovna - to reach the world. It is not possible to add more than two additions to homemade bread, at the same time, the stench would subside. For example, home-made bread from wheat boar with additions of mint and cinnamon is hardly savory. And the axis of cinnamon and malt (“Dutch” home-made wheat bread) or minu with coriander (“Borodino” home-made bread) will bring nothing.

Vaping homemade bread in a safe way

The easiest way to boil homemade bread is safe. In case of new drіzhdzhі, it is introduced directly into the main mass of borosna before mixing. Keep in mind that using a safe method you can cook more homemade bread from wheat bog of the highest and first grade. A piece of life, peeled wheat boroshna or whiskey in a safe home-made bread is not guilty of more than 20%, otherwise it’s not worth it.

The essence of the safe method lies in the fact that it is necessary to make a drіzhdzhі zgidno with the recipe, mix it up, let it go, let it go again (to give the dough a chance to become sour) and repeat this procedure once again. After the rest of the mixing, it is hard for homemade bread to be springy, when it is twisted, it does not tear and does not stick to the walls of the container.

Vipikannya of homemade bread in a double way

A good way to vicorate for brewing "important" varieties of home-made bread, with a high proportion of boroshna of low varieties (the richest in vitamins of group B). The essence of the method is based on the fact that from the yeast, a small amount of boar is used to ferment a rare sourdough - a dough. Їy give blukati 3-4 days. Properly prepared and ripened, the sourdough is due to the mother's consistency of sour cream, sour relish and bubbles.

Oparne dough for homemade bread is more sticky and plinne, lower dough for homemade bread, prepared in a safe way. Therefore, homemade bread on the dough, make the oven bake in the form.

For homemade bread, kneaded in a steamed way, a characteristic sourish-spicy taste, similar homemade bread has a porous structure, lower homemade bread, boiled in a safe way, and not stale before.

In addition, as soon as the nuances of homemade bread are mastered, you can try to learn how to cook

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