Wet drіzhdzhі like koristuvatsya. Drіzhdzhi "Lux": how to breed, virobnik, vіdguki. Dry bakery pressed

Drіzhdzhi is a one-celled microorganism of natural migration. The stench help to take away the wine and beer, without the drіzhdzhіv inflexible bread and vipіchka. The stench itself will fluff up the dough, we will porous the roblyachi and savory the finished product. In the test, enzymes of yeast call for alcohol fermentation. Carbon dioxide, which settles as a result of alcohol fermentation, fluffs up thickly, giving it a porous structure. . Drіzhdzhi - tse living microorganism (fungus), which in sympathetic minds actively reproduces and breeds. In the process of their own life, they “eat” tsukor and transform it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, yak, in their own hands, give the dough a fluffy bulbous texture and characteristic sourness. It is important to remember that the yeasts are living organisms, even if they are small. To that, scald with sprinkling (the temperature is higher than 45-50 ° C, yeast is not vitriated), otherwise it is impossible to freeze it repeatedly - to perish.

On this day, the food industry produces three types of drizzles - fresh (pressed), dry active and dry dry (instant).

Pressed yeast.

Pressed fresh yeast. Drіzhdzhi pressing due to the mother light color s zhovtuvatim or siruvatim vіdtinkom. On the drizzles, it is not to blame for the color of the white or other color, as well as the dark swamps and dark patches on the surface. The smell of dryness may be characteristic, slightly fruity. Before zastosuvannya їх next razchinit at the warm homeland. Calorie content per 100 g: 109 (kcal) - for pressed yeasts.

Dried yeast may look like granules, vermicelli, grains, powder, or sums of these forms. The color of tsich "women" is light-yellow or light-brown. . Dry yeast is subdivided into two types: active and instantaneous (swiddy-coded). The stench is breathed out by the modes of hanging and the most headless for a calmer, by the method of freezing.

Dry active yeast.

Looks like round granules. To bring dry active yeast have a fighting readiness (“wake up”), it is necessary to stir them up before the zastosuvanny, to break them up by the water. It is necessary to activate dry active yeasts before the victories, so that you can separate them from the warm homeland, let them stand for an hour to stir them up;

Dry shvidkodіyuchі (instantly, in English. instant- Negainy) drіzhdzhi.

Looks like cylindrical granules. Do not forego the forward activation, immediately reach the furrow; Instantaneous drizzle blows from a bog without a front dilution with water, which speeds up the process of mixing. So be moving "Get ready!"

Dry yeast for an expedited brew with an increased pidomnoy power of English. Rapid rise yeast. - One more kind of dry drіzhdzhіv.

Dry drizzles are brewed with various additives, zavdyaks are ready to brew a greater obyag, golden color of the pick and appetizing. old look good shape. Deyakі dry drіzhdzhі recognized for the test with small instead of zucru and olії, and deyakі dry drіzhdzhі navpaki, vykoristovuyutsya for test zі zі zі zbіlshem vіstom tsukru and olії, tbto for more healthy dough. Some dry yeasts have special enzymes, which make it possible to speed up the establishment of smooth and even surfaces.

Dry droughts of various vines on the cob develop a difference in strength, so that the increase in the test, for example, by 1.5 times, in some vineyards in droughts they run into such an increase for 30 quills, and in other vineyards for 1.5 years. The term for saving dry yeasts also increases the strength of dry yeasts. At the average pіdёmna the strength of dry drіzhdzhiv decreases by 5% with the saving of drіzhdzhіv in the dry zone at a temperature not higher than 15 degrees, equal to the vihіdny pіdіomnoy force of drіzhdzhіv at the day їх virobіtku. All kinds of drіzhdzhіv in a cold host rise warmer, lower in a warm host. However, at a glance, the sachets of drіzhdzhіv can be weighed differently (7g, 10g, 11g, 12g) and the smut is redeemed for a different amount. More choices write that 1 sachet of insurance for 1 kg of boar. Ale buy vines: a sachet of dry Dr.Oetker dried yeast for 500g borosna. So for 1kg of borosh you need 2 sachets of dried fruits of the same brand.

Miri vagi drіzhdzhiv:

Dry and fresh yeasts are interchangeable. Dry yeast in different varieties, so read the instructions on the packages, in the case of unequal quantities fresh drizzle. For example, 10 g of swedish French SAF-MOMENT vodkat 55 g of dried dried fruits; 10 g German dry yeast Dr. Oetker confirms 30 g fresh yeast. Ale all the same іsnuє blatant rules, as to allow you to spread the spіvvіdnoshnja dry and pressed drіzhdzhіv, oskіlki sіvіvіnі drіzhdzhі vkazyvayutsya in culinary recipes.

Rozrahunok vіdpovіdnostі dry and pressed drіzhdzhіv:

The number of active dry ones = 40% of the number of fresh pressings, tobto.

number of active dry ones = (number of new pressings) dilution by 2.5

The number of freshly printed (instant) = 33% of the number of new pressings, tobto.

number of swedcodes (instant) = (number of new pressings) dilute by 3

The number of active dry = 120% of the number of dry-cooked (instant), tobto.

number of active dry = (number of dry-coated (instant)) × 1.2

The number of dry-coated (instant) = 80% of the number of active dry, tobto.

number of dry-coated (instant) = (number of active dry) ׃dіlity by 1.2

With all the diversity of the different types of yeast, which are available for sale, the most convenient way to prepare homemade cake for pies is still pressing baker's yeast, prepared in a promiscuous way and packaged in packs of 100 g to 1 kg. Vitrati itself of such drіzhdzhіv is given in the recipes for the preparation of dough.

When buying drіzhdzhiv, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo put respect for the term of belonging of drіzhdzhіv, in a different way, their type is dry active or mittevo-shvidki (instant). As dry active, they do not separate from the root, but hang on the surface and let it stand for about 10 minutes or so, to be sure that the stench is active. As well as dried mittjevo-shvidki (instant), then they should be mixed with dry ingredients (only need to be drunk in their freshness). Like a drіzhdzhі "moment", it is not necessary to crush it, but immediately after the first approach, it is necessary to form the mold. On another pіdkhіd, after the change, the “moment” of the drіzhdzhіv may not be able to draw pіdёmnoї force. Drіzhdzhi pressed, even fresh, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo verify for similarity. For this, you need to dilute in 0.5 bottles of warm (albeit not hot!) Milk, or add 1 teaspoon of zucru and mix with 1-2 teaspoons of borosna. Let them stand for 10-15 hvilin: as soon as a hat of a stump appears over the yeast, you can safely live it to prepare the dough. You can add some zucr and roast in the pressing of yeast, then the yeast will react with zucr and become rare and even easier to mix in milk or water.

Save the yeast:

Cut a large piece of dried dried fruit into cubes, wrap the skin into polyethylene foam and put it in the freezer. In this manner, the pressure of the yeast can save up to the pivroku without worsening their pidjomnoe strength.

We prepare drizhdzhi

Homemade yeasts from rodzinok.

Take 100-200 g of rodzinok, wash with warm water, place it near a dance with a wide neck, pour warm water, add trohi tsukra, tie the beast with gauze in 4 balls and put a place near the heat. At 4-5, the bread will start to grow, and you can put it down. Vono can be storable and non-acidic.

Drіzhdzhi іz dry hops.

Pour hops with hot water (1 to 2) and boil near the pot. Yakshcho khmil virinaє, yogo drown in the water with a spoon. If the water evaporates from the flooring, then the vіvaru will be left with less vіdvіchі vіd cob, yogo ztsіdzhuyut. At the reached warm vіdvarі, tsukor is made (1 tbsp. Spoon per 1 bottle of vіdvar), mixed with boroshn (0.5 bottles of boroshn per 1 bottle of vіdvar). Let's put the yeast in the warm place for 2 dobi for wandering. Drizzle is ready to be poured from a bowl, corked and saved from a cold place. For the preparation of 2-3 kg of bread, 0.5 bottles of yeast are needed.

Drіzhdzhi zі fresh hops.

Fresh hops are added to the pan, poured with hot water and boiled for about 1 year, covered with a lid. When the troch is cold and the salt boils, the sour sand and 2 flasks of wheat bog are not fresh. Wipe the masa to smoothness, set it warm for 36 years, then wipe a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mix it with yeast and again let it sip on a warm day. Drіzhdzhі ready to pour at the dance and close it with corks. Vitrata drіzhdzhiv - 1/4 bottle per kilogram of borosna.

Malt yeast.

Malt - ce germinated in warmth and hairy bread grain, dried and milled. Take 1 flask of borosna and 1/2 flask cukrovy squeak dilute in 5 flasks of water, add 3 flasks of malt and boil for about 1 year. Cool, pour more warm rozchin at the dance, lightly cover with corks and put it in a warm place, and then in the cold. Vitrata tsikh drіzhdzhіv on the preparation of bread is the same, like і drіzhdzhіv іz dry hops.

Tame yeast soil by Louis Pasteur, who described the crowding of yeast as a colony of one-celled organisms. They learned to grow early and this year, the cream of fluffy tist, the yeast of vicarious, as a syrovine for the observance of vitamins of group B and D, for the medical profession for the observance of low preparations and enzymes, for the microbiology for the serology.

We can't take anything for the aroma of homemade food. And the buns, paska and bread looked like homemade, savory and baked in the middle, the right professionals recommended vicorist for preparing the cake and pressed drіzhdzhі "Lux Extra". About those de stinks they whine, what kind of peculiarities and how they are correctly bred, according to our statistics.

Pressed drіzhdzhi "Lux": virobnik

The largest breeder of yeasts in the world is the company Lesaffre, whose history dates back to the distant 1872. At the same time, in one of the places in France, the first factory from the production of baker's yeasts was opened. In 1998, the Rotary Company registered the name of Russia. "Saf-Neva" is one of the enterprises of the Lesaffre group, with which the production of drіzhdzhiv is fully recognized in Russia.

The largest plant-virobniki drіzhdzhіv zoseredzhenі such Russian places, like St. Petersburg, Vuzlova, Kurgan, Voronezh. The products that are released successfully are sold both on the Russian market and in foreign countries.

Features of the "Lux" drіzhdzhіv

The main feature of pressing drіzhdzhіv "Lux" is the tribal term of saving, which becomes 40 days. The goal is to reach the ideal microbiological purity of the yeast culture.

Dried bakery presses "Lux" may have the following characteristics of rice:

  • follow modern technologies without the use of genetic modification of microorganism on the basis of environmentally friendly syrovin, so as not to avenge genetically modified organisms;
  • however, it is effective in case of congestion in bakery, linden, poultry, cosmetology;
  • start actively reproducing at normal temperatures of 32-38 °C;
  • they are sold in warm water or milk (100 g of dried fruits per 2 kg of boar);
  • presented in bright design in the Russian folk style "Khokhloma".

Zavdyaki suchasnіy packing drіzhdzhі miraculously save their freshness.

Drijdzhiv warehouse

According to the official information of the virobnik, one-celled yeast fungi from the class Saccharomyces cerevisiae are included in the warehouse of yeasts "Lux". The product should not be affected by preservatives, emulsifiers, barvins and other components. Only 100% natural dried flowers.

Drіzhdzhi GOST 171-81 signifies as a technologically pure culture of yeast fungi-saccharomycetes, yakі can virobljatsya vidpovіdno up to the th standard. The product was pressed by the company "Saf-Neva" again and again according to the minds of the minds of the generation and may high Kharchov's value. Drіzhdzhi (GOST) 12 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and 8.5 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product is 85 kcal.

Drijdzhi "Lux": how to breed for dough

Pressed drizzle, packed in briquettes, at the time of purchase from the store, they are rebuyed from an inactive sleeping station. Sob the stench began to work at the test, it is necessary for them to create a friendly mind. Before that, how to breed the yeast, Lux needs to be appointed, which is the best mind for them. One-celled microorganisms love water and licorice, do not blame cold and heat. With friendly minds for them, the temperature is 38-40 ° C, for which stench they begin to vibrate carbon dioxide gas, which will spice up the dough.

It is necessary to grow yeast for the dough in the following way:

  1. Rozkrishiti is indicated in the recipe for a quantity of dryness with hands in the back of the preparation of dishes.
  2. Add a tablespoon of zucrue to dryness and 3 times more water. You can beat the milk, but you also need more than an hour for a day.
  3. Kindly mix up the bowls until the full distribution of all the breasts and shmatochkiv drizhzhiv.
  4. Put the bowl in a warm place for 5-10 quills, curling the dishes in front with a paper servlet and a towel.
  5. As soon as the dried masa is made to grow 2 times equal to the cob promise, you can guess that the dough is ready.

After that, you can proceed without intermediary to the process of mixing the dough.

Yeast dough recipe

Drіzhdzhove dough for pirіzhkіv zі licorice filling, rolls and pasok can be healthy. For each and every one, eggs and zukor are added in a sufficient amount.

Recipe for cooking healthy yeast test polygaє in the offensive:

  1. Vikoristovuyuchi Drіzhdzhі Lux Extra (50 g), it is necessary to prepare a dough, to dissolve them in 500 ml of milk with adding a tablespoon of zucru. An hour, the necessary day of fire, to become 30 hvilin.
  2. At the same time, in an okremu utensil, beat 2 eggs with zucr, which is overflowing (80 g).
  3. dough, Scho Pіdіyshla, add it to the egg mass. Mix it up.
  4. Dodavat step by step, what you ask, in the past. For such a quantity of ingredients, you need 800-1000 g of boroshna, fallow in the form of її yakosti.
  5. As soon as half of the whole obligation is given, the rosemary is introduced into the dough Vershkov oil or margarine (100 g) and a pinch of salt.
  6. Postupovo, literally by drіbtsі, to be introduced boroughly, what is left out, and zamіshuєtіsto, trohi sticky to the hands.
  7. After mixing, it is close to 60 quills near the warm place, after which you can proceed to the molding of the virobs.

Dried mash recipe "Lux"

Pressed bakery drіzhdzhі vikoristovuyutsya not only for the preparation of healthy brew and kvass, but also for the preparation of tsukrovy mash. The quality of this product is directly poured into the relish of that mіtsnіst of home-brewed moonshine.

The sequence of preparing the mash:

  1. In warm purified water, freshly pressed dry yeast "Lux" (100 g).
  2. Pour the preparations of the roses in the container for the mash, bagan with a wide neck, so that it is easier to mix.
  3. You have to add 1 kg of zucru. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until they are completely mixed.
  4. Pour into the container with purified water at a temperature of 30-35 ° C to a volume of 5 liters. Mix it up.
  5. Put on a medical sterile mitten on the neck of the container, piercing it in front.
  6. On the coming day, mix the mash and add natural stumps: baking, drying life bread, rodzinki, dried fruits.
  7. Continue the day to mix the mash for 10-14 days. It is recommended to keep the optimum temperature at the place of application at a level of 28-30 °С.

As soon as the malt goes out of the mash, and the upper ball begins to shine, you can put the mash ready, after which you can proceed to the її offensive distillation.

Correct spіvvіdnoshennia pressing drіzhdzhіv to dry and navpaki memorize awkwardly. Tse obov'yazkovo become in good time for those who love to pamper their relatives with pies, pies, and thin pizza.

I can’t confuse an appetizing taste of a dried wine with anything - it has an enchanting aroma and a nameless relish, independent of the recipe. Licorice, juice, healthy - all the same, it’s just impossible to cook something else without yeast.

Drіzhdzhі - tse single-celled mushrooms, yakі in the process of life they see carbon dioxide and even deyakі speech. The very thing is to take care of the porousness and porosity of the dough.

At sales stinks can be found in different forms. To the very same for rich people, the master is relevant є nutrition about those who can and how to replace one view with another.

See the drizhzhiv

On the shelves of stores, the assortment of dried fruits is somewhat different, but there are only 2 main types - dry dried and alive.

Dry yeast, independent of the virobnik and packaging, look like crisp granules of light gray or cream color. Mustache dry can be divided into 2 subtypes - active and drycoded. The first granules are larger, so it is necessary to spread them in a warm home with additional zucru and only then proceed to cooking. Shvidkorozchinni front preparation is not required - they just sound like a boar. The very same drіzhdzhі duzhe zruchno vikoristovuvat for recipes in khlibopіchtsі.

Alive pressed yeast looks like a rich mass of grayish-brown color with a pleasant and rich aroma of bread. Such drіzhdzhі need to be activated near the water, the temperature is 30-35 degrees. In order to “help” the drizzles, you can add a little bit of zucru and boroshna to the water. Putting the force is not a trace - it negatively affects the life of these single-celled mushrooms.

Interchangeability of dry and fresh

There are a lot of recipes for yeast dough, and here you choose your own kohani. Ale often buys those that have dried ingredients in the mix, and keep the refrigerator fresh. The axis here is the blame for the interchangeability.

I’ll tell you right away - whether a recipe can be adapted and it’s active dry, it’s “wet” yeast.

More folded, like a wedding is planned at the baker's house, even if you can see it in the right time. Golovne - razumiti, like spіvіdnoshennia dry and alive go to the recipe.

Okremo needs to be zupinitsya on shvidkorozchinnyh. Such a dry garni is more than for an unhealthy test, or with a small amount of health, for example,. On the right, in the fact that the swedkorozchinni vіdmіnno cope with a one-time test of the dough. And the axis for a repeat їhnyu dії can no longer be stachiti. Tim is bigger, yakscho tightly covered with health. Then, for a quantity of them, you need less active dry ones: for example, active ones for the recipe 4 g, then 3 g for swede. If you die in teaspoons, then 1 tsp. dry active = 3/4 tsp shvidkodyuchi.

Just math and proportions

Let's move on now without a hitch to the pidrakhunkiv. So, what proportions do you need to trim, replacing some yeasts with others? Unfortunately, there are no exact formulas, shards due to the strength of drіzhdzhі in different virobnіv and navit z different parties can revise. Ale є serednі danі, yakі іnоdі write navіt on packs.

For written and repeated test, the average speed is as follows:

  • 1 g of dry active yeasts = 4 g of live pressings;
  • 1 g swede = 3 g syrich;

Call dry packs packed in 7 g or 11 g, either 25-30 g or 40-50 g fresh. Before the speech, as there are no kitchen teres, then the mass of pressed drizhzhivs is possible
to recognize and to “vіchko”: a small piece of rosemary from a sirnikov box should be taken 25 g.

Vagu dry can be taken for an additional teaspoon - 1 tsp. 3 g dry without fat and 5 g with water.

Look, scho 3-4 years. dry drіzhdzhіv can be replaced with a piece of living, rozmіrom z 2 sіrnikovі boxes.

Let's draw up all the numbers for accuracy on the plate.

Table spіvvіdnoshennia dry and fresh drіzhdzhіv

Dry active yeast (tsp) Live Press (g)
0,5 6
1 12
2 25
3 40
4 50
5 60

Vzagali, it is important to remember that the fresh zvichayn drizhdzhi for its strength is 1.5-2 times stronger for the dry ones. Therefore, for a healthy dough, especially for the great pastures of such yak, for example,

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