Dried bakery pressing and dry spiving. All about culinary drіzhdzhі - Irzeis

Drijdzhi- these microscopic microorganisms (one-celled fungi), which in the process of reproduction see carbon dioxide (and other speeches), which exfoliate and fluff up.

Wild drizzle can be seen in the background: near the water, on the surface, on the surface of the roslin. Humanity has long learned to "introduce" dried-up superworts and breed different kinds of dry-drink cultures: wine-dried, pub-dried, bakery-dried.

Drіzhdzhi - tse miraculously dzherelo protein and miraculously dzherel natural vitamins of group B, one of the richest gerels of organic intake, mineral resources, microelements and amino acids.

There are 3 types of yeast for vicarious brew: fresh pressed, dry (active and swedish) and yeast starter (sourdough).

Fresh pressed drizhdzhi are briquettes of a grayish-brown color, which cover almost 70% of the water. Such a drіzhdzhі before vikoristannym slid razchinit in warm water (30-35C) without salt. Fresh yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 days or in the freezer for 2-3 months. If the drіzhdzhі have darkened, or having become poured, it’s better to throw them away. Fresh yeast is often used for boiling bread, apiaries, croissants, tobto for dough, which means a trivial or non-single drink.

Proportion for unholy yeast dough

On the skin, 100 g of borosna sound like 5 g of fresh pressed yeast.
500 g borosna = 25 g yeast,
1 kg of borosna = 50 g of yeast.
(For bread, take 2 times less fresh yeast, and for health - more).

Replacement of fresh yeasts on dry

Standard replacement ratio: 1:3 (10 g dry = 30 g fresh).

In one teaspoon 3.5 g of dry yeast,
to that-1 tsp dry yeast = 10 g fresh,
1.5 tsp = 15 g fresh,
2 tsp = 20 g fresh,
2.5 tsp = 25 g fresh.

Pererakhunok drіzhdzhіv different look

10 g of pressed dried fruits = 5 g of dry active ones = 3-4 g of dry dry dried fruits.

Replacement of one type of dry yeast for another

As in the recipe, you can take dry active ingredients, increasing the quantity by 25% (and expanding them in front of the water). І fresh, dry active yeast can be replaced with swede-spreads (1 tsp active = 3/4 tsp swedish). Ale! Drіzhdzhі, scho shvidko razchinyayutsya, can not be seen again vistoyuvannya. Sound enough for one day that virobyv on the deck.

Dryzhzhova sourdough (dough)- tse natural drіzhdzhі, yakі vikoristovuyutsya in vipіchtsі z immemorial hours. The sourdough is prepared from a simple sumisha and borosna that water (in the case of grapes, potato vіdvara), like to leave "sour" for a few days. To the sumishi they consume the dry superchicks, as if they are beginning to grow quickly, the flowers of the "strengthened livelihood" (flour). A part of the ready-made dough is vicorated for brewing, a part is left for brewing a new portion. Acts of "ancient" opari were passed down from families from generation to generation. Bread on such a dough comes out especially, zavdyaks to numerous different types of yeast cultures, as they caught in it to settle. On the dough, you can pekti be-yakі virobi s yeast test.

Proportions for Russian and foreign brews

duje great number take the recipe for the recipe Russian pressed drіzhdzhі. Alas, you don’t live in Russia (otherwise, living in Russia, you are crusted with dry or swedish-spread yeast) good vyrobnitstva), next to know what stench to indulge in the test and іnakshe. Therefore, when mixing dough with such drizzles, it is done in a different way.

Yakshcho pich іz pressing drіzhdzha, then in the recipes for zahіdnyh drіzhdzhiv take in 1.7-2r less, which is assigned to the official Russian drіzhdzhiv
І navpaki, as a pect for zahіdnimi recipes, de need pressed drіzhdzhі, and you bake on vіtchiznyаnіkh іdzhіdzhіh, then take vіtchіnіnіyi pressing drіzhdzhіv from 1.7-2r. more what is indicated in the recipe.

Dry active yeasts take 4-5 timeslessnizh vіtchiznyanyh pressing drіzhdzhіv at the recipe, tobto.0.2-0.25 wagpressed yeast at the recipe.

Dry swedish (instant) drіzhdzhіv zahіdnogo virobnizstva take 5-6 timesless.0.17-0.20 wagvіtchiznânih pressing drіzhdzhiv v retseptі.

Dry yeast of venison take for a vaga vіd 0.5 to 1.0 kіlkostі vіtchiznyanyhpressed drizhzhiv.

Dry yeasts take 0.4 wag presseddrіzhdzhіv zahіdnogo virobnitstv.

Irrespective of those who in this hour have thousands of different species baker's drіzhdzhіv, at home vipіchtsі it is important to distinguish the head rank of mizh press and dry, mіzh in a father's way and zahіdnimi.

Traces of overdosing like this:

  • it will be quiet worse rise,
  • obsyag bread will be less,
  • it will be quiet smell drizhdzhami (yeasty smell is preserved in virobs),
  • kіrochka vrobіv bude prepare, like pect at a given temperature.

Vikoristannya drіzhdzhiv

Pressed dried cheese pour in the mix at the time of mixing look at the difference. To take on the back of the head pressed dry and warm water (38C) - 3-4 times more than lower vaga dryzhiv,
release the drіzhdzhі at this water and so pour in the єmnіst, de mіsit іsto.

Pressed yeasts sip at the tіsto pіd h zamіsu just have a rose-farmed look. You can grind them with a boar, but you’ve got into it in no need, as a task of retelny.

Dry active yeasts before the zamіsom, they soak it like this: take warm water (35-40С) for the vag 6 times more, less dry yeast. At qiu, the water is dripping dry, gently spreading over all surfaces. Don't mix it up! Leave water with drizzles at calm for 10-15 minutes. If you mix it up, you can win at the dough. Soaking up dry yeasts of cold weather can be saved at room temperature up to 8 years or in the refrigerator (0-4C) by stretching a dekilkoh dib.

Dry swedish yeast It is not recommended to urinate or activate before implantation. You should definitely mix it with a boroshn at a dry look, or sip at a yew with a yew, which will be mixed after 1 hvilini zamіsu tіsta. The first one, and the second one, protect swidkorozchinnі drіzhdzhі from direct contact with the other ingredients of the dough - too hot or cold water for them, sill, zukr, fat, etc.

Decontamination of drіzhdzhiv vіdrіznyaєtsya in іd activії і ііdіdzhіv.

When rotting the drizzle, they wake up from the "sleeping" dry camp in the Vologda, which came to life. Activation of drіzhdzhіv, be it dry or pressed, - ce bringing them to the stage of maximum vision of gas, optimal exchange of speeches for them.
Activation of the yeasts is not necessary, but it is just as safe, but it is often important, as it is safe, but for intensive technology. In the dough, yeasts are automatically activated.

One of the ways to activate the yeasts is to create rare drizzles. Borosno zavaryuyut at the sprinkles in the sour and after that, like a rare "paste" of oholone, they let out some yeast, so that the stench fermented the tea leaves. In such a medium, the drіzhdzhі are more rapidly multiplying and more active. The problem of stagnation of such active rare yeasts is for the one who has the problem of working with rare sourdoughs: the m'yakush virobiv z borosna of the first and the most important rod on them is dark, becomes negligently gray, and the acidity exceeds the standard norms.

Properly rotting drіzhdzhіv

  • press yeast to dissolve in water with a temperature of 32C, first pour into dough / dough
  • pour dry yeast with water at a temperature of 45C and leave it for 10-15 minutes to renew yeast cells
  • dry yeast, mixed with flour, poured with water at a temperature of 45-55C

Correct activation of the drives

1. Do water with a circle("Mash", water brew):

  • for 1 g of pressed yeast 1 g of zucru and 33 g of water 32C
  • per 1 g of dry active yeast 1.5 g zucru and 50 g water 45C
  • for 1 g of dry-spread drizzle 3 g of zucru and 100 g of water 45C

Razmіshat tsukor by the water, fill it with native yeast and deprive it for 1 year.
After that, you can vicorate when mixing the dough, or save it in the refrigerator until finished.
Zukor and water for activating yeast should be taken from the recipe for the test (then water and zukor and yeast should be taken from the list of ingredients at the time of the order, so you don’t add two).

2. Near the water("bovtanka", flour brew)

  • Take half of the whole boar for the recipe and add to it the same amount of water 45C and all the yeast for the recipe.
  • Move it and leave it for 2 years.
  • After that, vikoristovuvat for zamisu test or save in the refrigerator for 24 years.

Drіzhdzhi were in the home of the people a thousand years ago. Single-celled mushrooms were vicorous in the preparation of alcoholic beverages and bread. Lately the pressed drіzhdzhі have appeared, without any today it is important to reveal the modern cuisine.

What is drіzhdzhi?

Drіzhdzhі - tse living one-celled organisms that lie down to the kingdom of mushrooms. The stinks live and the stinks grow sour, but they can stick around and until the middle of the middle with access again.

For the activation of the vitality of these microorganisms, energy is needed, as the stench is obsessed from the circus. So that the drіzhdzhі started children, you need only two minds. First - tse access to sour, and the other - licorice middle. As a result of the interaction between the two warehouses, carbon dioxide gas and energy develop. Zavdyaki tsomu in beer - bulbs again, and it’s warm.

See the drizhzhiv

Drіzhdzhi buvayut:

  • pressed;
  • active dry;
  • dry swede;
  • pubs;
  • wine.

Drіzhdzhі do not need any unique minds for their savings and zastosuvannya. You can induce a camp: trim, hang, freeze. The only thing that can harm them is other bacteria that block the activity of yeast fungi, as well as a high temperature.

Bakery pressings

Another name for these drizhzhivs is confectionery. The stench is widely vicorous at the prepared bakery verges. On a third of the yeast, the pressings are made up of dry speech and on two thirds - from syroy. Vikoristann such one-celled microorganisms have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Your smut plus is in the fact that the stench is already rebuying in an active state. The main shortfall is a short term for saving. Pressed yeast dryly psuet, so save them from the freezer. For such minds, pressed briquettes can be trimmed for close to two months. At room temperature, the stench will become unacceptable after 3 days. Sob drіzhdzhі povnіstyu showed their unique powers it is necessary to vikoristovuvat їх at the fresh station as quickly as possible. During the skin day, the building is reduced to gasification.

Dry yeast

Dry active yeast - dried fungal microorganism. In order to bring them to an active state, I will need songs of mind.

Shvidkodіyuchі aktivnі drіzhdzhі - the price of a new generation of dry drіzhdzhiv. The main advantage of such dried fungi lies in the fact that they can be added to the dough directly with flour without prior activation.

Mustache dry yeast is stored in unopened packaging for up to two years, in case of open looking - 4 months in the refrigerator. Negatively dyut z їkhnyoї camp temperature drops. Through an unsatisfactory mind, the savings of dry yeasts before gasification are reduced by a factor of 1.

Why is it different

Drіzhdzhi can be in a different camp: the stench is rare, dry and hard (pressed). Kozhen from seeing his own sphere of zastosuvannya. Rarely looking drіzhdzhі vykoristovuyutsya in industrial production, and in dry and pressed - for the preparation of confectionery and bakery products. You can buy the last two vidi from the store for homemade brew.

Drіzhdzhі pressed and dry, however, good dry. The only difference, the crime of the physical state, is based on the fact that an hour is needed for the activation of dry. An important role in choosing the right product is played by the term zberigannya and special perevagi.

Drijdzhiv activation

One-celled mushrooms in briquettes are rebuyed in a living camp. Ale, it’s good to say goodbye to the hour of the vip, it’s necessary to give it an hour and create necessary mind for the increased reproduction of fungi.

To activate the pressing of vicorous yeasts, use pure water with a temperature not higher than +40 degrees. It is important to trim the temperature regime, so that the stench does not die. Fresh yeast (bread-baking presses) crisply crumble in the warmth of water and milk, add zukor and boar troch. With a stretch of 15-20 strands, the stench actively multiplies. And for the sprat of hvilin, the yeast leaven (dough) will be ready. Now it is necessary to vicorate for a distant mixing of the dough.

For the activation of dry yeasts, it is necessary to hang water in the required quantity in warm water, and do not change it for 10 quills. For the whole hour, the stink swells up at the kilka once. After that, the sourdough should be mixed and you can beat it further for recognition.

How to choose pressed yeast?

Yakisni fresh yeast when preparing the vipіchki - already half the success. Even if the minds of the mind were not taken care of, or the term is attached to the back of omissions, then the pressing of the drіzhdzhі cannot bring a clear result. It won’t be easy, but pennies on food will be spent for free.

Why should you pay attention to when buying compressed dried fruits? The stench is not to blame for the third-party unacceptable smell and it is easy to cry in the hands. In addition, on the surface of the briquette it’s not to blame for splashing, it’s to blame for being smooth and soft with the pleasant smell of yeast dough.

Technology of preparation of pressed drіzhdzhіv according to GOST

Shards of drіzhdzhі - tse living organisms, the stench of the building for the singing minds multiply independently. Ale schob create їm tі yourself umm, needy friendly soil.

Dry pressing (GOST) is made from coal (zukor melasse), salts (ammonium hydroxide), to remove nitrogen, phosphorus or phosphoric acid, vitamins and other additional warehouses. All speeches create a friendly mind for the reproduction of bacteria. With help, the pathogenic microflora is destroyed, and the necessary bacteria begin to grow intensively.

In the case of industrial production of yeasts, one-celled mushrooms multiply in a rare medium. And only after ripening on the undertakings of їx to transform into a solid (pressed) or dry form.

Spіvvіdnoshennia dry drіzhdzhіv before pressing

Dry active yeasts and pressings are interchangeable. Regardless of the fact that one-celled micro-organisms are vicarious in the course of the preparation of vypichka, the result is the same.

Even more often in recipes, as an ingredient, less dry yeast is indicated. Skilki pressing drіzhdzhіv is necessary, then it is awkward to calculate. Є pevna proportion: for 1 g of dry yeast, 3 g of pressing is added. If you try to do it, then the result will be good, however, in any case.

The spiving of dry yeasts to pressing means that it is stated in the recipe that it is necessary to take 10 grams of dry yeasts, and then you need to press 30 grams.

Practically all sachets for crispness on bags of dry yeast indicate the necessary proportions. For example, a bag of 10 grams replaces 25 grams of dried yeast.

Dry pressed: a recipe for a night dough

All the trouble of preparing such licorice healthy dough I believe in the fact that yoga can be prepared in the evening, and vranci can be molded. Zavdyaki to that, which will come out properly, the buns will come out superbly soft and even more savory.

Also, in 250 ml of milk at room temperature, add 25 g of pressed yeast, rozfarbuvavshi їх in front. Opara for this recipe is not prepared, but it is thoroughly mixed with a mixer with a “hook” nozzle. Hands to the test do not torkatimutsya.

In milk with yeast, beat 2 eggs. Mix with a mixer from "hook". Add 500 g of boroshn, 80 g of zucru and mix dough on the full swedishness of 5 quills. Let's gradually add 75 grams inches of butter, scribbled. Remix 5 hvilin|minutes|, pokie|docks| it’s not easy to get right up and down. For example, add a pinch of salt and turn off the mixer for the fluff. Bowl s | iz | cover with a dough and put it in the refrigerator for a night.

The vranci is colder than cold, what happened, ready to work. It's more soft, yogo is easy to roll. It is necessary to formulate s | iz | testa virobu, viklasti їх on deco and surplus fit at room temperature, pok | docks | Quite not zbіlshitsya in obsyazі 2 times. After that, you can vipkati in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.

When preparing a night dough, it is important to trim such proportions yourself. In a different way, if you add less than an inch of butter, the dough will not be soft, if you put strength on the cob, and not like a zamіsu, the pidkhid will be too dry and the necessary structure will not be seen.

Bread from pressed yeast

At home minds, it is even more savory to prepare bread, which is not worse, lower according to GOST. Drіzhdzhі khlibopakarski sovanі, yakі vykoristovuyutsya when yogo pogotuvannі, due to but ob'yazkovo fresh. Tse nagolovnіsha mind.

For brewing homemade bread, it is necessary to take pressed yeast, milk, zukor, roslinna oliya, sіl that borosno.

  1. Milk (300 ml) needs a little bit of fat. It is important that there was a trifle of warmth, not hot, otherwise you will die in such a homeland.
  2. Drіzhdzhі pressed drіbno rozfarbuvati and add to milk. Repair them in milk.
  3. Add 2 teaspoons of zucru. Mix it up.
  4. Sit in a bowl with milk, yeast and zucr, 100 g of borosna. Mix it up.
  5. Put the bowl in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. During the whole hour, in the interplay of drіzhdzhіv іz tsukrom and sour, carbon dioxide gas is settling down, which is rarerly cold.
  6. After the appointment of an hour, the dry leaven (dough) will increase in two, and on the surface a pinna cap will appear with numerical bulbs again.
  7. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt to the dough.
  8. Introduce stepwise borosno (still close to 300-350 g).
  9. Tisto can be soft, the trochs stick to your hands.
  10. Bowl s | iz | cover the dough with a towel and put it in a warm place for at least 1 year.
  11. For the baking of bread, the pidide is a rectangular shape with a size of 20X15X5 cm.
  12. Bread boils at the roses up to 180 degrees oven, about 40 chills.
  13. Willingness to twist with a toothpick: you can be dry.
  14. Bread is available from the form. Cool and less than the last thing you can cut. In other times, the vins are very crippled and broken.

For a cym recipe, it’s even more delicious to go out homemade bread. Pressed drіzhdzhі in yoga warehouses will ensure a good pіdnyattya іsta і add softness and pisnostі to the finished virob.

Active dry yeasts, also known as "baker's yeasts", are alive culture that is victorious for fluffing pastry while brewing bread, buns and other kinds of cakes. This is the scientific name of Saccharomyces cerivisiae. At the sight of fresh pressed drizzles, dry drizzles are known in the “drowsy camp” until quiet feast, until they are suffocated by a blast of warmth. I tі y іnshі drіzhdzhі grow on tsukrі, converting glucose into carbon dioxide. The main advantage of dry drizzle is the term of appurtenance. You can save up to one fate in a cold, dark place, then, as a freshly pressed yeast, sound the next day after the purchase. It’s rich who also cares that dry yeast is easier to beat and drink.

Importance at the baker's office

The process, at the beginning of which zukor turns into carbon dioxide, is even more important for the preparation of various bakery products. Bulbashki gas zmushuyut quietly lifted, which allows you to repeatedly penetrate into the new and spryaє more evenly brewing bread or buns. Therefore, the finished product will come out crispy and light, and not sticky and slick, like a fluke, like yeast, you can’t include it in the recipe or add it.

The main ambush

Active dry yeast looks like a finely granulated powder, which is activated when mixed with warm water or milk. Activated sounds like a natural way to the world, brewing bread and buns - baking in the oven, shafi chi fire, ringing, enough, to provoke the transformation of the tsukra, vrakhovuchi, that it is easy to finish the Vologa. Prote bakers often “stand” for a long time for lowering the risk, those who die for a long time are ready to prepare.

Rozstіy resounds, if the baker takes a small cup with a warm motherland and a pinch or two tsukra, add yeast to it, and fill the sum for 10-15 hvilin. Yakshcho drіzhdzhi good, sumish to kick. If sleep is not seen, then it is not so. It is possible, for example, that the drіzhdzhivs had bypassed the term of appurtenance, otherwise the water was too hot. It is even more important not to overheat the water, the shards of the yeast will perish. Water, as a rule, can be pleasantly warm, but not hot.

Vistoyuvannya- it’s not only a good way to misinterpret the power of drіzhdzhiv, it also allows the cook not to translate other ingredients into dough, like not pіdіyde. Like a little spiny weed, the sum is added to the other ingredients for mixing the dough, like then we are left in a warm place for about a year. In such a “warm” place, you can just be warm, on a yak you are drinking a lot of light, or the oven is lightly heated - it’s practical to be like a place, de no stretch, and de tito nothing is not turbulent. In the course of an hour, quietly ring out to fight in the rosemary, so that the yeasts interact and become activated, so way preparing them before they are placed in the oven and fire.

Vіdminnosti between active dry and fresh pressed yeasts

By stretching the riches to make the most accessible form of drizzles, they were fresh pressed drizzles - a product that is irrevocably accepted by the path of natural fermentation. This kind of drіzhdzhіv robbed from the products of eating, yakі began to grow and spread. However, scientific progress has given today's microbiologists new and thorough methods for controlling the growth of yeasts, and today a greater part of the available products are created in the controlled minds and there is nothing good to be done.

With the help of freshly pressed yeasts, the process of brewing sounds better, and a lot of bakers-purists respect that only for the help of such yeasts it is possible to partake of fresh bread.

The prote term for the applicability of such drіzhdzhіv is rather small. Most of them can be bought from the form of blocks and cubes from sections of food and bakery shops equipped with refrigeration units. Since then, as in the 1950s, active dry yeasts were introduced to the market, stench, as a rule, becomes more popular and more accessible, although it will take more than an hour to put it on the market.

It is important that the first dry active yeasts were crushed every other hour The Cincinnati, another light wine company, in the home of Fleischmann, in the state of Ohio, began to re-compress the dried dryers in dry-packed granules, and then pack them hermetically. According to a popular legend, this is a product of creations, so that the soldiers could be driven in fresh bread at their camps throughout Europe and the Pacific region, without worrying about the need for cooling, and about those that yeasts can arise.

Chinnik of prosperity

Active dry yeast sounds are sold in sachets, which will avenge the number of people, which will significantly ease the process of watering. І in rich recipes, it is true that the number of sachets needed for dried fruits is indicated, and not a specific amount in grams. Mostly in one sachet there is approximately 7.3 g of yeast. Tse, as a rule, 2.25 teaspoons.

Freshness and the term of appurtenance

On sachets with active dry yeast, sound the date of the end of the term of admissibility, which will sound approximately from the moment of brewing. Drіzhdzhi zazvychichay can vikoristovuvat and after completion of this term, prote in this way it is necessary to zadalegіd vіdstoyuvat and reverb. When found, they are saved in a cold, dark place - a lot of people are taken away from the refrigerator, wanting to consume them in nothing.

Like only a bag of water, it is recommended to win over a month. Drіzhdzhi do not zіpsuyutsya, but їх granules can remove odors or particles of speech from dovkilla, and by pouring in again, you can reduce their power. Placement of the solution of drіzhdzhіv in hermetic containers and can sometimes be used to increase the term, but do not close.

Shvidkodіyuchі raznovidi

"Shvidkodіyuchі" drіzhdzhi - tse type of active dry drіzhdzhіv, which is often vikoristovuetsya for brewing singing types of "swedish bread" and in other recipes that require swedish molding dough. The granules of such drіzhdzhіv sang on the floor of the drіbnі, that the stench is more similar to saws, lower to the powder, and even now it is often richer swidden - for the quill, or close to that. It's easy to walk so fast.

For most recipes, you can beat any type of yeast, prote during the zastosuvannі khlibopіchki slid dotrimuvatisya deaky zakhodіv. It is necessary to definitely wait for the recipes of the big bread for the help of the bakers, to that the type of yeast is more important, if the robotic oven is on the right, it will turn out like a dough. Shvidkodіyuchi raznovidi can lead to the fact that we will be hammered or weed outside the baking chambers of the oven, which is the cause of serious problems.

Be-like drіzhdzhі - a variety of one-celled mushrooms. In natural minds, stench lives in rare substrates, in some richly lively speeches. At the baker's right, the drizzle is beaten like a fluff dough. Moreover, kvass, beer, home brew are added to the retailer for obsession. Dried rich on amino acids, polysaccharides, vitamins H, E, group B. They have potassium, zinc, phosphorus, various fatty acids.

Seeing drіzhdzhіv is rich, but in domestic minds, most often, dry chi are alive (fresh). Why do two different things wind up?

Dry yeast looks like a coarse-grained powder of a gray color. The stench is compact and light, the shards can withstand at least water (8%), they are economically stained and saved for a long time without a refrigerator.

Fresh drіzhdzhі more primal, shards are formed from living organisms. You need trim in a cold place, where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees. In this case, such a product must be carefully packaged, but the wrapping itself can be “fluffy”. The term of attachment of living yeasts with the correct selection is not more than 6 tyzhniv. The stench is 2/3 added up to ensure the most safe and intensive wandering.

How do you win the living drіzhdzhі?

Yakіsnі live drіzhdzhі mаut rіvnomіrny gray-beige color. For the consistency of the stink, spring plasticine is guessed. If you press on them, the stench will not spread, not spread. In sales, such drіzhdzhі is necessary for a pressed look. The stench is similar to a bar, weighing 100g.

When preparing, steam a pack of drіzhdzhіv dribblingly and dilute with a liter of warm milk (water). It is important that the temperature of the countryside did not rise above 40 degrees, otherwise the living organisms would perish and, as a result, it would not die.

With insufficient warm water, there will be no wandering.

So that the fungi become more active, the water is bazhano pіdsoloditi.

If the drіzhdzhi are not fresher, they need to take two more. Before that, like letting them loose by the water, they flooded, dry and darkened the briquettes. You can save the pressing of yeast for room temperature no more than 24 years. In order to continue the life of the product for 2-3 more, it is added with a boroshnoy and dribnoy sill. Vtіm, on such drіzhdzhakh it's just right for me, that vitrat needs to be increased.

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