The best ways to get into self-confidence. How to live on your own: please a psychologist. How to reconcile with the self-esteem How to reconcile with the self-esteem of a girl

A great number of people feel themselves. Selfishness has a negative impact on mental and physical health, the shards seem to be indifferent to the work of the immune system, leading to a risk of developing depression and anxiety, creating a spriynyattya. You can be selfish, as if you are loitering in a small place and cannot know friends of your age. Sometimes self-esteem becomes the result of changes in life: moving, changing jobs or initial mortgage. Remember about it, getting ready for great changes. Selfishness can be chronic or temporal, prote є ways to reconcile with these feelings and get over unacceptable remarks.


How to get in touch with selfishness

    Understand that selfishness is intelligible, not objective reality. Self-sufficiency can stimulate a little quirkiness, isolation, own inconvenience. Learn to recognize such situations and remember: stench does not mean that such is reality. You do not have to feel yourself.

    • Feel like you can move quickly through the furnishing of that shutter to them. You can be yourself, but then we will understand that you want to be not with friends, but alone with yourself. It is possible for a friend to call you and you will see that you are not alone.
  1. Accept your feelings. Do not ignore them - stink to talk about those who are good and what is bad in your life. As if in a fit with other feelings, you should allow yourself to be selfish. You can feel the physical discomfort or want to cry, that's fine. Let yourself survive on your own and cry, as necessary.

    Change your setting. As if you are thinking about those who are your own and you are alone, more for everything, the stench calls out to you only negative associations. Poor thoughts are blamed at once, and you begin to doubt your own worth, consider yourself inappropriate, consider emotional and physical exuberance. If you don't want to eat pasta, try changing your setting. Take your stand not as self-esteem, but as an affirmation. Stand up to the possibility of pobuti vіch-na-vіch іz yourself like a way to change and turn your strength. Having learned how to overcome satisfaction with self-assurance, you can better cope with self-esteem.

    • Vikoristovyte this hour in order to recognize more quickly: lead a student, meditate, read books, like you call.
    • Sometimes it is inevitable (for example, after moving to another place in the country). Accept the fact that you will need to be alone with yourself, and remember that you will not be so. Enjoy the new message.
  2. Spive yourself. Remember that self-esteem is known to everyone and engulfs everyone else in the other world. Selfishness is a part of human life. Reveal that a friend seems to you, that I am self-conscious. Yak bi vy vіdpovіli? What would you say? Try to speak to yourself. Allow yourself to turn to other people for help.

    • On one hand, there is nothing nasty - early on, all people stick together for this reason, it’s not like it to be embarrassed through it. Viyavlyayte rozuminnya shkodo itself that vyslovlyuyte spіvchutya tim, to whom it is self-evident.
  3. Ask yourself what you don't get. Self-sufficiency will help you to understand what you do not see in life and what you want. You can be perfect people, lead active image life, but when you feel yourself. Self-sufficiency is sometimes not a marriage of social contacts, but the presence of profound emotional bonds. Keep silent about those who you wanted to be mothers in your life.

    • Record the moments when you feel like it. Possibly, it’s better for you to get an hour of people coming in or at home, if you are alone. Think about what you can do to loosen your self. Possibly, you could take a friend to visit, and if you are at home by yourself, call your sister or watch a movie. Come up with a possible solution to the problem (but don’t worry about what you need a lad and a girl to solve all your problems).
  4. Reply with rubbish and irritability and innocence in your own. Remember that people of the nationality have daily skills of breeding, all stinks are in the process of development, and only beginners, not superzdatnostі. Often sorom'yazlivist and nevpevnenist in oneself become the result of wrong attitudes and fear of conflict. Remember that in order to be like people, it is not necessary to be ideal. As you see your own innocence, try to look around at all sides, so that you can reflect on thoughts and feelings. Focus your respect on the speaker and listen to yoga, and not to yourself.

    • Remember that there is nothing nasty in the fact that you have to work for a pardon when you splurge. The stench of everyone!
    • People give respect to pardons more richly, lower you are given. Most of the time, people are buried by themselves and their own fears, so they just don’t pay attention to the innocence of others.
    • Look for articles on wikiHow about how to fix rubbish.
  5. Fight with fear, but we will overcome. Some people decide that it’s better to get involved in the splurge, lower it. This fear becomes a little distrustful of people. Perhaps, in the past you have been treated, and you are afraid to trust people or make friends. You were hurting more, but it’s important to remember that not all friends are hurting you. Joke new friends.

    • Don't start buti miserable means buti filthy people. It’s possible that someone simply didn’t manage to add enough respect, or didn’t mention what you want to ask.
    • Remember that not all people are worthy of you; Tse is fine.

    How to fix self-esteem

    1. Practice over the skills of the trick. It is possible, you feel self-consciously, to the fact that you do not get accustomed to your recruits. Start laughing at other people, tell them compliments, start a conversation by unknown people(From the seller at the store, a barista in a cafe, a colleague).

      Listen up. Spillkuvannya polagaє vminnі speak. It is also important to hear people, how to speak. Do not try to invent ideal ideas and do not check the ability to start speaking yourself - so at the center of respect you will stumble, and not speak. Show your interest as soon as you can, and start new people's food.

    2. Get to know new people. Joke people with similar interests, with which you might get confused. Ask food (about family, domestic creatures, interests and so on), so that you can recognize a person better, and give feedback on the food, as they will put you.

      • Get to know people for help volunteering. If you love creatures, practice as a volunteer at the back. There you will get to know the same-minded people, and you will find a lot of topics for roses.
      • Ask about people with similar interests. Yakshcho you should be in 'yazannya, more for everything in your place there are people, like them busy tezh up to the like. Look for a bunch of people on the Internet.
      • wikiHow has articles on how to make new friends.
    3. Make friends. It is important for the mothers of the best friends in the city, de vie live. Friendly blues raise mood, reduce stress, give the necessary encouragement. Talk to people who you could trust, who will trust you and who will suffocate you. Keep in mind that you can have your own goodness, that you want to have a good time with your friends.

      • Be a generous person. It’s easy for you to be yourself with a company of friends, better for everything, if people are not friends with you. Friends love you for those who are, at the same time with your marvelousness and likeness. What is important for you to know spilnu mova With a person, why do you know that you have to report for someone else?
      • Be the kind of friend that mothers would like. Think about the quality, if you want to bachiti in another way, then work for your friends at the reception.
    4. Take the creature out of the back. A dog or a gut (otherwise, be it another creature) from the shack we will make you a company. In people who have dogs, there is less development of depression; stink better cope with stress and anxiety.

      • Break up to the porch for the creatures and squirm with the dog or the gut, as if you were left without a home. Take your creature, as you have such a capacity.
      • Well, take the creature - it’s a big deal. In order to feel good about yourself in a new booth, you may be able to change your voices and schedule according to the needs of the creature.
    5. Look at psychotherapy sessions. Sometimes selfishness becomes unbearable, and people don't dare to deal with their own problems. The psychotherapist will help you get out of social anxiety, understand your feelings, exclaim with past evils and mistrust, improve the skills of splintering and almost live far away. Going to a psychotherapist can be the first step on the way to the life you need.

      • Read articles about how to choose a psychotherapist.
    • Find out if you come in and see your place. Without a doubt, you can see the different sights and others come in.
    • Speak up at the death of close friends or acquaintances. Write a sheet. Request a person for the evening and ask for information about the dead person. Listen carefully rather than talking about yourself.
    • Let the people in, if you don’t swear by a friend, with a smile and kind words - for example, a ticket seller at the subway, a cashier, a parking attendant. Give them a great day.


    • Do not spend too much time on the Internet. You can say hello, what are you talking about real people However, these people are far away, and you can’t replace the lively conversation that you don’t get. Try to make friends on the Internet, but don't let the Internet make you see your real life.

Feel like selfishness vinikalo once in a life of a skin person. Htos otrimu z tsogo I will become greed, but htos, on the other hand, suffer and suffer in the sight of the new. What is the way, which helps to reconcile with self-esteem? On the basis of nutrition, there are impersonal opinions, about which we will talk further.

Most of all, woman’s self-esteem is more pronounced. Be it a girl, it’s important to accept such a camp and you can learn through a new complex of innocence. Wanting to, as a matter of fact, women, like, navpaki, choose their own life as a whole, without suffering from it.

How to reconcile with the self-esteem of a woman? So that everything has become richer simpler, it is necessary to take into account all the pluses of such a person and become engaged in a powerful career.

Samotnі cholovіki zustrichayutsya pompously rіdshe, nіzh samotnі girls. Sounds like rooted unfriends, like perekonan in all the pluses of sovereign freedom. Ale є th such cholovіki, such a camp of selfishness prignіchuє. How can such people reproach themselves with selfishness? Zgіdno z podarami psihologiv, it is necessary to simply enjoy life. Look at the different people, come in, make repairs at the apartment, destroy the road and life with new farbs.

Zvichayno, richly folded, reconcile with such a camp, like self-sufficiency for all life. And yet, you can know your own feelings. Wants and minuses to this particular type so chimalo.

Pluses and minuses of selfishness

How to reconcile with new self-esteem? Nasampered, do not get angry. Self-sufficiency can be impersonal positive sides. You will see for yourself: you come home, no one is scandalous. You can not worry about your family problems and dedicate yourself to pushing through career gatherings. Oburiuvatisya tim, scho you came late and little time added to your partner, so you won’t be. The pluses of selfishness lie with the one who gives more to himself. You devote all your free time to what suits you. You reach professional success, engage in self-illumination, rise in price, spend pennies only on your consumption and forever you can be alone with your thoughts.

As if you are selfish at the same time, try to take away all the meanness of your life and at the same time do not fall into it. Timchasov's self-sufficiency - remember about it. Zhittya - tse fun that hoarsely. Behind the skin turn of the share, new friends and acquaintances, new friends and beloved people check on you. The hour is over, and you will no longer be self-reliant: here I am instructed to know a person who is close to you in spirit, and you will get to know her without difficulty.

There are not too many people in the building to enjoy their own self-esteem - as a rule, most of us are heavy in our camp. Tim is no less, discover ways to help you get out of the experience of your drive.

Almost all people are afraid of being left out on their own, and it’s absolutely normal, the rest of the people are alive in society. The experience of the drive of the life of the hermit zmushyuyut zamylitsya navіt children. For a century, anxiety grows stronger, and transforms into fear. Be it a thought about selfishness, it often calls out fear in us. The very same feeling shtovhayut people on zdіysnennya rash vchinkіv. For example, a woman can get married for someone who doesn’t deserve to be born, but do it yourself. Vtіm, similarly, you can grow a person.

For such furnishings, a person can feel selfish

People who do not like to talk to others are rarely afraid to be selfish, they have no need to communicate with others. Most of the time, they hang out with people, as if they live in a different country, or they are close friends with practically the same friend. Well, if you have a lot of friends, and you often like to spend an hour with them, then, more than anything, you will be turbulent by thoughts about those, as you will feel when everything is over. In truth, this fear is only in the head of a person, and in truth, I don’t threaten you, but I’m afraid of suspense.

In some environments do we feel selfish? The most common thought is about those who have lost your loved ones alone, but only after spending someone close. Tse mozhe buti yak razstavannya s kohanoy chi just welding. At such a moment, it is important to remember that your camp is Timchasov’s, and you will either renew the blue, or you will tie new ones. Overcome the fear of him more quickly, so that you can feel more sick again and learn to trust.

So you can consider yourself self-conscious after strong changes, such as moving or changing jobs, if you have a relationship with people you love.

How to signify that you are truly yourself

In a right way, there are fewer lonely people, less quiet, who respects himself like that. On the right, in what we often marvel at in the light of life, it’s unbearable, under the influx of emotions. Buvay, that a person only thinks that she is not needed by anyone, and I know that I don’t want to hear from her. In fact, everything can be far from being the case.

To get to know each other, it will take a lot of time to spend on introspection. Try to calm down and think about what you want to have one person, so you can tell what is in your heart. Possibly, navpaki, in front of you htos rozkryvaetsya. If you can be in the presence of someone, then you are not alone. And if your friend knows that he is twisting his soul in front of you, then he trusts you, and also, dear to you. In addition, try to reconsider your thoughts and that excuse. It is possible that more people will want to tell you about your spiritual experiences, but you yourself will.

4 stages of selfhood

Have your devil see different selfishness. The skin of a person is going through a period in his life, if we are alone, the situation changes without a hitch. Tse timchasov self-sufficiency. Everything is richer folded, like a person’s trivial hour cannot tie up any kind of breath with otochyuchimi. So self-worth can be divided into sprat stages.

1. Nemaє kohanoї people that sіm'ї

The first mental stage of self-sufficiency is the cost of a kohanoi maiden and sim'ї. This situation is practically observed in skin life. After the separation of a person, you can close yourself in your own and zіpsuvati vіdnosini z usіma close, including those with your family. In truth, self-sufficiency at this stage is easy to achieve. Remember that all life will show you to your relatives, and practically, whether you can make a difference, you can save. As a matter of fact, you can’t work your family out for yourself, try to guess well what they have created for you. Try to analyze the positive sides of the fathers, making friends with others so that the stinks outweigh the negative ones.

Spend your time in a kohanoi people, parting out more richly. More for everything, you feel like a stranger and don’t want to trust anyone anymore. Nasampered, try to work so that you don’t have an hour to think about kolishnoї kokhanoy. Put into work or sports, find out new things. After another hour, try some new blues. Try to spend a lot of time with the company, so that selfishness has not passed to another stage.

2. Nema nі sim'ї nі friends

In addition, as a person spends a hell of a time with her family, and also gets stuck in herself, she starts to solve problems, she starts to spend friends. This is another stage of self-sufficiency. If you understand that you are changing at this stage at once, then do not hasten to swindle and get angry, but take the situation into your own hands.

Understand that you have less friends not to the one who became unfamiliar through your problems, but through those who themselves don’t have them. If you are interested in getting in touch with them, or you don’t want to spend an hour together, your friends start to look at the image, zrada.

Remember that you are not guilty of what has become of you, and you are not guilty of it through suffering. Vihіd їhny position є, і він duzhe simple. It is your fault to give more respect to your friends, and perhaps, to repent for your behavior. So you don’t just redeem the stosunki, but take it off to help you with other problems.

3. We don't have anyone close

Since you have spent your family, your maiden or your squad, your friends, you can start turning around for yourself those other close people who you have lost. You will no longer be able to communicate with your colleagues, which means you will be alone in one sphere of your life. At some stage, you, better for everything, want to feel selfishness, but you will be able to think well with the otochyuchiy. Like before, in the best way turn your life in the direction of more than spending an hour with the company. Try to make new acquaintances. Sign up for a collective course, you can communicate with people in a calm environment. You can also get to know yourself from your place online. However, remember that it is necessary to get to know your friend behind the listings of obov'yazkovo in reality and not varto draw the moment.

4. You are absolutely smashed into suspense

It's a pity, the fear of being forced out of people's minds about self-sufficiency. After a singing hour, the wines are completely alone. Deyakі z people, yaki perebuvayut on tsіy stage of self-sufficiency, fates are driven to go out into the street. The stench is in contact only with sellers in stores, or with couriers. Possibly, such a style of life is appropriate for them, remember that you can change everything. As you can see, you can’t just know a friend on the street or in the neighborhood, sign up for an appointment with a psychologist.

Like you're really selfish

For as long as you have been suffering for a long time in the form of selfishness, then, more for everything, at your camp you call yourself. Apparently, your self-esteem is rotten, and you also see unkind people in the people who are yours. In the first place, you are guilty of understanding that if a person does not have friends or relatives, then it doesn’t mean that it’s not so in the new. You can always know someone close to you in spirit, just go home more often, develop yourself, and even then you will be rewarded with such a rich specialty. So you don’t just want to make new acquaintances, but try to rediscover the old ones. Better for everything, you will be able to become friends again with a great classmate or classmate.

How to get in touch with selfishness

As a matter of fact, impersonal people, as close as they are close, so and so, but with some sense of self-sufficiency, don’t leave you

As soon as you got a lot of people, if none of them is your friend, supporting that support, then, better than everything, you simply don’t let the restless people come to you. So you yourself cannot be more generous with them, and also do not let them open up. Try to tell yourself what to inspire if someone hurts you in the past, then there is nothing in your life at once. Nayimovіrnіshe, at the very same time, that girl is in order with you, so as not to make it hurt more, and also a friend who encourages you. Together with people, make a risk, prote wine, practically make a truth.

How to put up with selfishness and chi varto tse vzagali robiti

Well, well, be self-reliant far from being bad. You can try to reconcile with your position and change the situation. So you can see yourself, choose a position, you need to call all the pluses and minuses of life the same, and the same way, which type of life suits you especially.

Few people know that self-esteem negatively affects health. Sami people practically always suffer from alcoholism. In addition, the stench is overflowing or else, forgetting to eat normally, as well as smoking. Є problems are also nervous system, shards of all, almost all those emotions, are left unhinged, and to rot the people. Through tse the same postyno perebuvayut depression. Also, the self-esteem of the new one is greatly reduced, and also the growth of distrust towards others.

From the other side, self-esteem allows people to analyze themselves, their light-gazer. A lot of pustelniks go near the mountains for another distance, in order to know harmony in oneself, to engage in meditation. So, life equally allows you to respect the Swedish rhythm of life in the world. Deyakі people associate the self with fresh impressions. During this period of life, a person starts in a right way of reason, which is such a special space, and learn to appreciate yoga.

For the sake of a psychologist: how to overcome depression against the background of selfishness

A lot of people are enthralled that they can overcome depression and depression, so that they can communicate with others. Tse truth, prote є small mind. A support from the side is very necessary, it is also necessary that a person who suffers from selfishness began to change his inner world. Read from your thoughts, analyze them. How can you only understand that at the same time your thoughts will only despise, rattle them. Try to think positively, and don't worry about the voice. So, bit by bit, to fix your problems, you can ask for help from your loved ones. Also, check with a psychologist. For the cob, recognize the specialties, and then try to see the group sessions, you can know friends and, maybe, remember to be selfish.

Prior to the editorial office of Pravmir, there is a sheet with the sign “Priest’s Meals”:

“I would like to put food for the priests. I tried to talk about it with the priests of my temple, but, unfortunately, I didn’t smell anything sensible.

I cannot comprehend the thoughts of God about myself. Who needs my misfortune?

I will soon be forty years old, I live in a small apartment with my mother. I have a lot of robots, a lot of friends, I sleep on the kliros, I write at the week-long school. The zovnіshnіst I have is zvichayn, the blue panchoha in the black khust was not in any way - I take part in the company's visits too soon. Ale, I’m unmarried, I didn’t have a betrothed, like children. I, singing, you won’t be.

No, I don’t swear and I don’t get tired of praying and spodіvatisya, I know the examples of happy lovers, I know that, it’s possible, I’ll catch the people. Ale, in my mind, there is already the possibility of something that won’t happen, won’t work out, won’t see. I can’t adopt a synovite - my mother is against it, but I can’t lay down an apartment.

Have vіddіlі on the robotі usі the girl from the family. I’m sicker than aching, like a stink, happy, vociferous about vaginess, go on maternity leave, choose a stroller-bed. In a deaky hour, come to the guest with nemovlyatami.

Bachu, like other colleagues see as people and children - everything is good in their life. I won’t be late - if I feel better, or if I want to, like they have. And even if the Lord Himself said: “It’s not good for people alone,” and blessed to be fruitful and multiply! And I think, how unkind, how much I could give a child. Navitt at Nika Vuychich’s team is that blue, although he doesn’t have hands and that’s it.

If I am busy with my right hand, tying up with children's medicines, I start to think that my skin is my cross. I have a cross - the day of sim'ї. Ale, I often chime in with happy people of a frail age, with whom everything is good. And with whom the stench is good, believing people. I didn’t die in them, I’m not seriously ill, my homeland is good, my children are alive and well.

I can't figure out why. I standard orthodox explanations do not fit.

“Listen to yourself, Antonia,” the people said, as if their choice had already grown, and inquired about outsiders. I feed about myself that my life. I myself don’t have a black warehouse, I won’t throw my mother away, and I won’t let her out to the monastery.

There is no one to say that sorrows are given for sins. The paraffian woman of our temple firmly showed that she robbed abortions, to that the donka was disabled. Ale, as if honestly, I can’t see the axis “for sin”. I saved my color, I didn’t kiss anyone, I didn’t have abortions anymore and I didn’t kill mortal sins. Judgment, marnosliv'ya that razdratuvannya, and also other sins - everything stinks in the field, so, unfortunately, I didn’t do anything grandiosely nasty.

Possibly, one more explanation is given in the fact that as a result, that mother would become a stingy retinue. Maybe booty. Ale, I could have become a garnoy! I have a lot of money. I love children and I work hard at a week-long school, I can’t show that I would have become a stingy mother.

So I don’t need to explain what this world has good people suffer, and sinners indulge, but in that world everything will be different. I have girlfriends and close kind people, a lot of those who believe and are churched. I think that the future life will have everything in them.

I don’t have much head to do with my life, for the sake of which I could reconcile myself with self-esteem. I'm not Condoleezza Rice, - the robot is a miracle, if I call tomorrow, then nothing will happen. If I want to love a robot, I can’t throw myself at the jokes of my call.

If I hear again and again my girlfriends and happy squads, I will continue to torment the same food: “Lord, I want it like that! For 20 years I could have been a retinue and a wealthy mother! Why did you give me self-worth?! If I have to talk to the soul, there is no one with kim. There is no one to touch by the hand, the Crimean grandmother from the temple. I want to inspire you to make children and onucivs.

I think about death and potoybichne life ... with a sum. Zvichayno, razumіyu, scho vzagalі I can spend to hell, but well ... the axis of this earthly happiness, the people of that vihovannya children will not be there. Bagato who lives happily ever after here. It seems to those who know rich people that they don’t want children anymore. After your eighth and eighth child, you don’t want to and don’t be bad, that no more people can be born.

My smut food: how to accept the Will of God about yourself? How to stop wanting to have children? How do you reconcile yourself with your self-esteem?

Zazdalegid dyakuyu, R.B. Olena, 39 rokiv, St. Petersburg.

If a person feels selfish for a long time, her health problems can be blamed. To that, it is necessary to understand the experience, which is blamed on its drive, not the best outcome of the situation. More often than not, and again, to deal with the problem and get involved in self-esteem, so that such a camp would not cause a negative impact on your life.

Often people care that only those people suffer from self-esteem, who is alone, the one who cannot be alone, friends, relatives. In truth, it’s less obvious, that for an hour you don’t reflect reality. Aje people become self-reliant and among people, and friendly, and care for children.

Because for wealthy people self-esteem is not a joy to embrace freedom, but a big problem, which often accompanies depression and the sum, we have found such an important food: how to survive self-esteem, or rather, how you can quickly get into self-esteem. Have you gone?

What are the reasons for selfishness

Samotnya, more not needed?

If you don’t know, how to stand up for self-esteem, it’s even more important to turn joy back to life. For whom it is important to understand, as a reason why they should have thought about themselves. It is possible, through the daytime, to encourage, unreasonable, baiduzhost, and isolate a person to know that it is not necessary for anyone, not important for anyone.

How to get in with such self-confidence? Everything is richer simpler, you don’t care. To change what is not so, you can, having come to the partnership of volunteers, like helping homeless creatures, taking care of nature, arranging trees, picking up light, extinguishing fire, conducting actions and lessons of kindness, teaching orphan children, helping people with physical . agility, the children are grown up, as if stumbled from serious illnesses.

Be it a place for people whose kindness expands on all the necessities of the needy. You can know for help social measures, today an impersonal group has been created, in which people collide and solve different problems at once. Someone who helps them from afar, living in a different place in the village, who wants to come to them especially, to get to know new people, for some kind of mercy, speaking that speaking is not an empty sound, but a way of life.

And then the people are aware that it’s really necessary and important, only it’s necessary to report a little bit of susil, so that you look around at the world at the quiet, who needs help. In the light of self-sufficiency, home-made vikhovants are rushed, especially picked up on the streets, or taken from the porch. The gut will give you the warmth that will help you heal all the wounds, and the dog will be taught to healthy lifestyle life and offer a chance to get to know the same dog lovers, among whom you can be a person, as you become your companion, as long as you are free and do not die.

Self-sufficiency as the ability to become self-conscious

It is also important to take into account the negative impact on mental health. People who constantly run away, suffer from selfishness, lakayutsya yogo, constantly try to remember their day, if they overwhelm their soul with a mass of negative emotions and hostility, and all the same after an insignificant fall fall on them and be quiet, who is in order at the moment, like an avalanche that seeks everything in its own way.

It’s not safe, if people can’t or don’t want to be left alone, they’re afraid to look into their souls and make things right there. For the very reason, the deacons often create such discomfort in the soul from the image, rozcharuvan, claims, unrealized bazhan, that one time the stink zrivivaetsya.

Movchannya - turn the way to the passion and self-sufficiency

The druzhina, as if mumbling and enduring, putting on magic, do not think about those who are not in power with their own people, indulging in, that everything is good, deep in my soul I didn’t think so, and after an hour to come to her, I would come to know that she was out of sight, insensibly . With whom, її a person can be more than a garbled person, but if you can feel it, if you don’t say anything, don’t hang out. And if a soulless tyrant started, then there is nothing marvelous, that she did not want to be deprived of everything from herself, so that she would not just look at the truth in her eyes and not stoop to the situation, if she needed to take decisions, to live.

And in such situations, self-esteem often takes on as a threat to a well-groomed life, wanting nothing good in it. Therefore, it is important to understand that it is not possible to turn the soul into a sewer, where all the negative and dissatisfaction accumulates. Self-sufficiency allows you to grow up with those things that you see in life and at the same time fill your soul with accumulated treasures for every hour. For those who are quiet, who are smart, who threaten the post-event bazhannya buti in the midst of the podia, self-esteem with a right order, which gives the ability to protect oneself that hourly life way take an important decision and work the first rock on the way to hell.

To survive selfishness, look for the positive side

In order to get back to self-esteem, once, as if you have imagined self-worth, think about how it opens up possibilities in front of you. You can make things right with your soul, change your mind, that everything is good with you. Significantly, how many people stand in front of you and how much stench is relevant. Choose that dream, as you want to see more and expand the plan of the vikonanny. Married knowledge, then joke around, you have the whole world in front of you, you don’t have to go on the Internet. Analyze those who have recognized, try to move your life and put together a plan, as you can take away the bajan. Break yoga into a few steps, and proceed to the realization of the most important.

Helping with self-esteem help social life

Participation in important social projects, as if changing life to a better one, helps to survive self-reliance, realize your significance, consider yourself self-sufficient, understand what good people more, and some of them obov'yazkovo want to talk to you, and rudeness and unacceptable peculiarities can always be forgotten.

Lyudina, for which someone else's pain and grief is not an empty sound, you cannot be self-sufficient, you can be ruined and do not run your own path for the time being. But the very same self-consciousness becomes a signal that the hour has come to look at your life and to be thoughtful, and you all work for what is important to you. What are all your dreams? Which way did you choose for yourself, which one did you want and which one would bring joy?

Analyze your dream and dream

In order to survive selfishness, think about your own suffocation, try to find out who you don’t know there, de vie live, people who also hobble about. And if you want to learn something, take a look around, you will definitely know the same-minded people, with whom you can ask. The stinks can become good friends for you.

Become a good speaker

Are you worried about the lack of a spy? Duremno. If you are aware of hearing, it is widely infested with the fact that even the other one, believe me, you will not be left with incomprehensible things. Until then, as psychologists seem, people are more obsessed with themselves, with their mistakes, that the stink of the rich is not marked. Those who laugh at others, respectfully watch over them, unforgiving and unfortunate people, the earlier you realize that this person is like that, then it’s better to turn them off from the list quietly, with whom varto speaks. I don’t need to take everything on your own account. It’s bad for Lyudina to behave, that’s bad for him, but not for you. More self-consciousness. A good philanthropist will never suffer from selfishness, even if you talk to him to the heart, you won’t lose time on selfishness.

Expand about the information, know

Suffering from selfishness in a special life, think about how you can expand the scope of the conversation in order to get to know the person.

Selfishness as special freedom

Ale, obviously, with a headache, as if getting into self-sufficiency, it is respected like this - to change one’s position to self-sufficiency. Take yoga not in bagnet, but try to marvel at the other side. Stop taking it as a warning, as a sign of your worthlessness, wretchedness in the world.

At the same time, for a dermal age, it’s important to be alone, to analyze thoughts, feel, emotions, live through them, to survive and let them go.

Zavdyaks of such a rank of self, you are left alone with yourself, there is no need to hurry anywhere. You, nareshti, you can read a book, like, who knows, change your life, or you can see an exhibition, a museum, go to the park, join charitable organizations, or add respect to them on the Internet, spreading information about them online.

In order to survive selfishness, see that your chance is at your best to grow up in yourself, understand what you really need, what you would like to do, or else, understand that you are on the right path, who would not try to make you happy at the turning point, Evaluate your reach, replace the one who criticizes yourself.

Do not be afraid to think of yourself. Selfishness is not scary. There is nothing nasty in it. There is less time for your life, if the hour has come to get to know what is the most important life for you, what you want to do for real. It is worth the opportunity to be alone alone and to analyze your path, the dream of that aspiration. Whoever lives a rich life, zreshtoy, having learned that they lived someone else's life. To that they ticked, hovalis and scrambled with all their might to get on selfishness, like they lapped. The stench could not see that the chance to suddenly recognize yourself better, to understand your right hand, to know and step on the way, to make them happy, so that it was not covered and hurt, that life passed for nothing for him, which was not necessary for us.

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