About what to talk about with unknown people. How to correctly rozpochat rozmovu s be some kind of person. “Looks like you have the most fun here. Don't mind, why am I coming to you?"

At the edge of that real life - learn to talk to unknown people.

If we were children, we were taught to beware of strangers, and it was way secure the child. Ale, most people have lost it, and in a grown-up life they give more minuses, lower pluses. We seem to ourselves rather casually, mutually with other people. We do not start new and know new people only through our friends.

You already know a lot of people, you can help, but you can’t get to know those who feel so very numb, like you. Alas, you drank into the new atmosphere and you don’t have so many friends, the fear of arguing with unknowers can seriously compel your life. Before speaking, one of the reasons for such fear may be those that we simply do not know what to say to unknown people.

Luckily, it’s easy to make it easy. As soon as you know, you won’t be able to stand up and calmly find out about new people, to those who choke.

For whom it is necessary to speak in three speeches:

1. What are the benefits of meeting new people?

2. How is it put before the eyes and the unacceptable teeth?

3. How do you practice?

Get to know us, let's get to know

To stop being afraid of that conversation with unknown people, you need to change your light perception. Being vykhіdtsami іz tribіnnoї svіlnoti, we are more afraid of nature, to inspire hatred of people who we don't know. We instinctively accept them as unsafe foreigners, as if to rob our village and enslave our women and children.

Suspіlstva has no such thing. Zdebіlshgo people are kind, vidkrіt and for the sake of posplkuvatisya one with one. It’s better to report a little zusil, so that we can repair the bar'er. Skin people - the possibility of knowing about the new. What do you know about yourself? How do you live that vzaєmodіє zі svіtom? People are melting stіlki cіkavoї іnformatsії!

Get to know new people, you can learn a lot about yourself, reading their pressures, moving gestures, fading their words. Until then, you can induce the following types of vіdnosin:

  • Business contacts. Having served a person, you know more richly, below it is written in the summary.
  • Vіdnosini teacher-student.

Of particular importance is the last point. We try to joke with our soul mate, and if we have someone who is friendly, then we are afraid to go and talk to him. How about the same?

How to take the rudeness of that spirit

Now, if you know the troubles of arguing with ignorance, you need to make sure not to call on advice. The key to this is not to take everything close to the heart.

95% of negative reactions don't get you a hundred years. Shvidshe for everything, the people just have a rotten day, otherwise you caught yoga at an unfortunate moment. Maybe, having hooked up something else, you know that you don’t have the best names. Or maybe it's just not yourself good man, and you don’t know anything about him from talking about him.

Instead of experiencing through help, think about the reasons that could cause a person to react to such a reaction, and that you won’t have a good time for you. In the last 5% of the cases, de vie really caused a negative reaction, take it as a confirmation. The problem is not with you, but with the behavior, think about what you can change. Maybe you're getting cheeky? Did you choose the wrong words? Dip the chains and make the visnovkas.


The most important part of our lesson is to start talking. As long as you don’t have enough luck in the future, you are nervous and you feel unhanded.

Start small. If you are modest for nature, it is better to start slowly. Marvel at the people, smile, say "Hi". Think of possible words to use on the cob.

Comment on it. If you want to see the cicava, say a few words about it. Navіt yakscho tse will not be put in the middle to someone else, people singly commemorate you and react.

Fire up. Yakscho good jart I slept on your thought, immediately vyslovlyuyte її. If you want to laugh, you can vvazhat that the cob of splintering lies.

From i all. Good luck and don't waste your manhood.

At once, a significant part of the interaction between people begins to pass in the so-called information space, with a variety of different gadgets, social measures, email and websites. Prote, like before, special splintering is an indispensable part of our life. Today we exchange words, thoughts, emotions, thoughts, and every day the flow of information becomes greater. We, as before, have to interact with different people especially, and even more often, in order to accumulate, to lay down richly. The most famous people are those, as a rule, those who have thoroughly demystified the mysticism of intercourse. What can you do in order to make a conversation from unknown people become accepting and intimidating?

Behind the tributes of the dean psychologists, soon, if people sip someone more firmly, stink to shy away from their own photo image of their new acquaintance. The first damage is formed in less than 10 seconds, and it is easy to finish it. For a short mindfulness, you can appreciate the good looks, the manner of collapsing, the status, the success of that other ice, remember the figure, and even before that, as the first word will be remembered.

The axis of a kіlka kіlka novichok, yakі can become you in good fortune in order to cope with the first few seconds of the need for damage to the speaker and to increase your ability to speak easily and cіkavim.

Special smile

Smiling is one of the most powerful tools of communication. If you use this tool with a proper rank, you can bring a name effect. One of the secrets is the uniqueness of the “black grin” in the seemingly unchanging and negain grin. Natomist varto respectfully marvel at the guise of your spirit for literally a couple of seconds, trying to imagine and survive your individuality. I don’t sweat anymore - give him wide warmth, a smile. Such a hustle for a few seconds seems to make people understand that your smile is meant for her.

visual contact

Do not interrupt the soft visual contact with the helper of the caller after that, as if you were pinning to speak. If you need to marvel at the kill, then it’s proper to work and you don’t want to wind the troch. Tim himself, you give the mind to the mind, that you understand it respect yoga, making it seem like the closeness of that mutual mind.


Those who are crumbling and trimming themselves are one of the main signals about your status, success and realization. A straight back, straightened shoulders, a free and swollen move, gestures - all this gives your mind to the mind, who you are.

Improving the inner state

If we speak of a close friend, then a rich bar'eriv and folds of splintering are mute by themselves. Weakness, restlessness, antipathy, strimanity disappear, it is easy for us to communicate with each other, we spread that outward friendliness. So that a conversation with an unfamiliar person becomes unimpressed, you can win such a small trick: try to marvel at someone close, long known, with whom for a long time you will be bound by miracles of stature and wide sympathy. Reveal that this person, for some reason, has arisen from the field of dawn, and for a long time, they did not fight and did not take away the unexpected stars. І raptom through the name zbіg of the situation, the scenes were again shot down. Such receptions of experience trigger impersonal reactions in your brain and body. As a result, the look becomes more promenist and softer, the posture, the gesture, that voice is more kind-hearted and open-minded, which, madly, spreads the spirit of your friend to you.


The call of a successful communicator is even more important - smart to watch for yourself and to see the reaction of your speaker, moreover, both verbally and non-verbally signals. Hang out your thoughts, and mark how the other side reacts to those you say. І z looking at qi watchfulness, plan, vibudovuyte rozmovu in a respectful rank.


First of all, try to understand Rozmov, try to understand behind the voice that behavior, in what mood your spymaster is known. Evaluate the yogo camp, to understand, how you feel like wine: you can be, it’s boring for you, you are alive, calm, you can do more destruction. If you want to, for a certain hour, you can subdue the mood, tone and rhythm of the voice of a person, which will help you to quickly move to a clear and confident conversation.


A compliment is a special form of praise, a viraz of praise, suffocated by a person’s evocative look, manners, a distantly spoken word. At the same time, we’ll send a compliment to the riverside compliment for a receptionist, defuse the situation and open up a dialogue to receive. Complimentary, always remember: wine is to be blamed for the mother of the underwire sense, be the door of forests and perebilshennyam.

The most important thing in be-yakoy splkuvannі - save yourself and your own individuality, pragmatic in splkuvannі with other people be natural, vinyatkovy and tsіkavimi specialities, knowing those yourself and in others.

Smile. It’s not easy for you, but it will be easier for the spymaster. I know that you have no hostility to anything, and you are ready to support Rozmov.

Show initiative. Replying to Rozmov with the first ones, to help improve the spirit of the mover positively before you.
The best topic for rozmovi will be a svіvrozmovnik. Even more people love to tell about themselves. Ask the people what is right for them, what they do at the free time.

Unique food, in yakі you can say “so” chi “nі”. Be nourished in such a way that it would be necessary for them to give an open fire.
Respectfully listen to the people, marveling at the vіchі. The same svіvrozmovnik vіdpovіst to you the same, and both of you will take your satisfaction from the vіd rozmovi.

Talk about those that are relevant at the same time. Discuss the weather, current news. Talk about sleeping acquaintances, for sure they stink.
For example, Rozmov’s call is not to stick, tell what suits you yourself and feed the thoughts of a spymaster about it.

Vikoristovyte a little humor. Tell me how funny the story is, or evaluate the heat of the speaker. Such speeches always bring people closer.

Be natural. Do not picture yourself as someone who is not - tse vіdshtovhne vіd you svіvrozmovnika.

Why is it necessary to be unique in a rose with an unknown person

Try less to wave your hands: do not care about the roses of the skin people.

Don't interrupt people. If you don’t like it, all the same, listen to yoga to the end, and then hang your thought. And if a spivrozmovnik interrupted you, then it’s not a good idea to earn respect for you.

Don't drink up your spirits. Obviously, you can put a piece of food on your specialty for you, but you can’t give a report. Whatever the person wants, there you are, everything is clear to you.

Chi do not correct. As if you remembered that the spymaster, having started as a movable pardon, show your wilting without correcting yoga.

If you started talking, for example, about your work, then it’s not varto to zavantazhuvat your promo, be it professional terms, like you didn’t understand the speaker.

Do not insert a number of quotes into the rose majesty my foreign, Yakim svіvrozmovnik not volodіє.

Dotrimuyuchis tsikh simple pleasures, you can know the skin spilnu mova s absolutely be some kind of person.

Oskіlki lyudina is a social istota, she is alive in honed her own likenesses and mimicry is embarrassed to constantly contact and communicate with other people. With every skin from them, they look for equal emotion and susceptibility. So that the process of intercourse does not blame conflicts and that incomprehensibility, it is necessary to protect the psycho-emotional nature of the speaker.


Psychologists Heymans and Le Sey, in the degree of emotionality, activity and equal spontaneity, see different types, to which one can add that rank of the other mind. The behavior of such a minder at the hour of intercourse is determined by the warehouse of his character. The middle of these types is the designation of the amorphous. For this type of people, self-control and the presence of initiative are characteristic. An amorphous person vykonuє doruchennya, intermedium depriving them, as it was said to you, there are no additional checks. If it’s possible to put it on the sweat, then it’s about to speed up. According to the attitude towards other people, they are treated distrustfully and arrogantly suspect all the bazhanni manipulyuvati chi zmusit schos robiti, otrimati vіd nіgo vygoda.

To that splkuvannya with a person who belongs to an amorphous type, it’s important to finish it. Yogo’s behavior and reaction to the words of a spymaster can be unreproducible, while yogi’s behavior can have a logic and a sequence. It is important to appreciate such a person's punctuality as an unskillful vikonnannya of what was obitsiano to him. Such people sound closed and zanuren in the power of experience. They can add their respect, as the topic is not worthy of their respect.

If you want to know that your spymaster knows the pose for an hour and open space, don’t fight and try to turn your respect, appealing to conscience, or even to something else. With a similar rank, you will not reach the result. You should work in such a way that you will zatsikaviti yogo, and for whom you will show that you can take the benefit for yourself, taking the fate of the splintering. Try to start talking on the cob the sphere of yoga interests and link it as if it were a rank from the topic of discussion. Efficiently using chimes and non-standard verbal forms, as well as spontaneous nutrition and non-verbal communication skills.

Ale, it’s time to move on and you should constantly control yourself, so that you don’t have to show your intoxication at the rose with him. You can periodically change the topic of the conversation, at least showing its insignificance, but gradually turning to it. Try less to borrow the “I” from the rose, and more often be the borrower of the “vi”. Pіdsvіdomo vіn is guilty of vіdchuvati, scho rozmova stosuєsya yogo and yogo_interesіv. Encourage your mind to think about it and wait for it, that the topic of discussion is important and for the new one. Do not provoke conflicts, extinguishing them in the bud for additional charm and obvious accommodating.

Not everyone loves the Svitska Balakanina or anything. In fact, it’s better to work out a different function: to help defuse the situation, get out of an unhandy situation, or start collaborating in an unfamiliar company, and it’s also unobtrusive to start a rozmov and find out more about a new spy.

To be honest, I used to think that now it’s unobtrusive to start Rozmova - the talent of wine birth. With these people, already for a sprig of whilin, you feel like that, you don’t speak like a good old friend. I especially know such people - my sharpened ones are not so rich already.

Krіm them, є comrades, yakі it's so easy to repair roamings with unknown people, and yet for the sack they become like representatives of a Canadian company, yakі try to sell you a set of black knives, utensils chi pilososu. Between the first and the other, there is a great difference. How to understand why you got carried away, and how to correctly describe Rozmov? Axis p'yat simple pleasures by Celes, author of the Personal Excellence blog.

1. Supply power

The simplest and standard way of rozpochati new rozmovu, richly hto koristuetsya from them.

"What are you doing?"

This is a miracle food for the cob of besid in the lands, for example, in Singapore or in Hong Kong. People called to identify themselves with their occupations. If you know that this person loves his work and dedicates it to a good hour, ask me boldly. You don’t have to finish the report and report, so that the letter doesn’t end short phrases and an advancing unhandled pause. It is also a good way to move at different conferences, seminars and business calls. If you can put more great number of working food: "How long have you been doing your job right and working in your company?" and so far. Food about clients, rejuvenation, caring and amusing fluctuations on robots - inexhaustible possibilities.

What brought you here?

The food is especially beautiful for occasional visits, whether it is a home party or a business event. Vikoristovyte vodpovid, sob to continue Rozmov. For example, the phrase in the style "I'm here to get to know new people" means that this person is smart to make new acquaintances. Possibly, you share with us the entries that have been added to your calendar.

"What did you do today?"

Other times on the food chain is standard and neticava. And sometimes stinks can tell you about the details about the spy.

"How did the podia pass (zahid)?"

As you know, de man tried earlier, vicorate for rosemary. For example, some of your friends and colleagues have recently turned around from here at the conference. Drink yoga pro qyu podium.

“What do you do with this type of life?”

So, like food about the future, ask yoga closer to the end of the day, so that we can say goodbye later.

Don't forget that you can be given food, so be ready to testify on them.

2. Earn a compliment

For example, a variant, which is the best practice in a woman's company: “It's like a cloak! It's so wonderful to sit on you. Did you buy yoga? that all nutrition, which are worth accessories, zachіski that sane looking. Open the cob in the style “You look wonderful! Dobre vіdpochiv / sіv on / starting to go in for sports? and so far so badly practiced with people.

Compliments of any vikonan robot will be accepted by everyone without a fault. Particularly good stink pratsyut z vіdkriti those emotsiynimi people.

3. Vykorivayte navkolishni ob'єkti like a zipper for razmovi

Having known at the conference, tell me that you were honored with the performance of a singing speaker, say that you managed to take the edge off yourself and ask the speaker what you think about it.

Vykorist those who are close to you, for the sake of moving, creating a comfortable atmosphere in such a rite. After that, as a leader, you can move on to more specific topics.

Often, one meal, or just a little help, you can wind up in a long time, hooting that old conversation.

Why do you care? Because people need to be helped. Tse give them a little respectfulness, apparently, that the stench was roiling the coryne. And the suffocation of the reaction of the individual allows them to feel in the role of a senior mentor.

Tse mozhe buti food on the job. For example, you can say that at the moment you are busy with new things and you would like to know the thought of a person, shards out as an expert in this gallery.

To know that it is true, you will not even need help, all the same ask about her. Glad, given by another person, we can open up prospects before you, we are not ahead of us.

Naytsіkavіshe pogaє in that, scho scho movchas that modest person can break their standard model of behavior and show themselves zovsіm іnshoy side. Deyakі people directly rozkvitayut, if htos tsіkavitsya їhnіmi zakhoplennymi.

5. Tell me about yourself

What did you do for the rest of the months? What new did they recognize? What goals do you want to achieve in the next hour? Tell me about it.

This method is similar to method No. 1: you yourself show the initiative and share some of the information about yourself, as you can use it.

Yogo is better than zastosovuvati, as your friend is more than rubbish and stingy, and it is unlikely that you will be more pink than the first. Otherwise, the person did not respond to your feed-in commentary. You can start to do it, having first spoken to yourself and in such a manner having shown your generosity. If a person succumbs to your readiness to assess that discussion, then you can relax and agree with the expert.

And how do you start a rozmov with unknown people?

Oh, technically. Put food - do not fight. While there are no beginners, start sounding scary at the beginning. To fear the guilt of unhandedness, tightness. To the fact that you are a person and details of your life, a slander, a stranger, a lively active interest in you, there is nothing really in you. And it seems that you, with a wooden voice, are learning from yourself, a person marvels at you, as if at a louse, marvelous: why are you shouting at me?!. - and hovering bolіsna negrabna pause.

And the axis i ni!

1. If a person starts to think about himself at your dispensation, we will try to tell you the truth! If the spy is choking, talking about an important person, then call out an emotional infection. You have))

2. Golovne! People SHOULD talk about themselves. Tse spravzhnya rozkish. There are few people to chirp with us, more respectfully listen for us (technique of active hearing, aha!) Therefore, with the minimum (yess!) And for the one who has spent in yoga, you will need: talk about yourself.

3. Start the first moment of alertness, yes. Spivrozmovnik most often, depending on the first power supply, the trochs strain and respectfully “scan”, revering: it’s so, they blurted out, - what do you really mean? That's why you need to understand here: even if it's formal, ritual food, it's correct to call it formally, also ritually. "Only a bore for food, how to do it, just tell it, how to do it." - And the axis is not a ritual interest, but there is even a drop of living, human important cicada (more I’ll have to wait and I don’t need it !!) - we say more for everything. Seems! Seriously, the bosses are busy with business, - it seems! We had a hard time for 10-15 whilins for the sound, - and at the end of the day I’m dropping a lively stunned clover (plus the rules of small development and active hearing!) - repeat the year to tell you all your life; and you suffocate in them, and stink in you.

Priyom, like a moment to get along.

a) Marveling at the vіchі, in the insulting zіnitsi at once, "nebi razchinyayuchis and falling." You know, what is true in people, really suits you (look, coat, complexion, character, those, like wine pratsyuє - it’s not for nothing that you’ve appeared in the same place, arrogance / bullying, softness, style of clothes ... that’s all right ). I, marveling at the Vіchi and feeding, I will focus more on the axis of others, those who are appropriate. So, and such a look, and a focus of respect, and the mittevy himself asks “what is appropriate” - beginners who are training. The stench is quick to go, and that’s it: the stench at the spivrezmovnik creates in the presence of your HEAT.

b) As soon as the power is supplied, the spy is monosyllable, - it’s all right, it’s the same reverb: if you see the ritual here, it’s warmer tsіkavist. І - in the troch nod, continue to wonder, like in paragraph a), it is important to repeat the one-fold speech and with the same tone of voice, or reformulate the same food, or put the offensive behind it. Well, you know, all the food. So the rules of small development and active hearing are simple, but you can do it well.

For example, a spivrozmovnik realtor. And you ask: “Mykola, why did you want to take care of yourself?” , about anger, etc. At the part - "It is necessary ..." (Boo!) Normal! "Befits ... And what?" - Axis! Tse those places, show de vie: “Kil, that’s right, tell me!” Let’s say, “Splicing…” - “Is it more important for you to have your robots talking?” (Active hearing) Here, either “So ...”, or - in half of the vipadkiv - already begin to explain, rozkrivatisya. Yakshcho “So ...” - “And why is such a splurge for you?”, or “And what for you with such a splinter?”, but we call it straight, a puppy is straight (well, a human being is straight) ts_kavіst: “So splkuvannya is rich de ... And why is she in real estate, why is she like that?

Vzagali, honest puppy cіkavіst - a good image. Accurate. Get a certificate, diploma, diploma on the wall: Oh! Inga, I'm running, you started there. And how do you like the training? .. ”Tobto we put the food widely, but if you ask for clarification, be kind: “Why did you write it yourself there?”

Two additional "chips"

1) You can explain your interest, to small self-discoveries, for example: “It’s important for me to understand that I’m taking a dry surplus into the robot from the beginning ...”, or “I also try to read hour after hour ...”

2) It’s better to insert a formula that directly allows the speaker not to confirm! Tse even more relaxed, knowing the strain: "... it's not a secret ...", "... it's not commercial mystery…”, “…you don’t seem to think that it’s not handy…”, “…I’ve got stupid food…”, “…I’m thinking, put the same food on the river. Even though it’s not handy, be kind, don’t tell me!

For a little rozmove kindly, you will “turn on” your own real edge, depending on the topic. So if you feed on your gut, think about yourself about your cat, then your interest is to go out more alive, more refreshing. Well, in the process, you can say, like an element of self-exploration, what, axis, and you have a whale. Abo ham'yak. Abo Rottweiler)) You in such a time are not perverted like cat people, but like people who care about living creatures)

Abo - “Sergius, how did you get to know your squad?”, - at this moment you will guess about yourself, how you knew your maiden ... chi squad ... chi huge squad))… And at this moment you are in the wind "we are romantics, with a laugh in the middle and in the fire of right men"

Zvіdki theme of the squad, if you are talking about a stranger? - A schoyno vin guessing sіm'yu. Tobto you, let's say, were talking about the right, but having guessed it right away, - that's it! What is the information, what do you remember the technique of small development? - By now and may be our food! Vіlna іnformatsіya "viskakuє", to that people tsіkava - samіy - right axis right now! - otherwise it would not have jumped.

About scho first nutrition "small rozmovi", zvіdki take yogo topic?

We call the universal three topics, like the comments to the beast.

Schos, scho you zvezlo. Are you on salsi lessons? - Why salsa itself? How did you come before her? What should I give you to do? Are you trained? - How do youmu tse navchannya? How vin appeared here (What kind of chronological vin appeared here! - I’m not familiar with ob'yazkovі literary forms of food, everything depends on the context) Have you seen someone in a working office? - And why the profession itself? How can I start practicing here? What would youmu do here?

So, why don't you go to yoga booth, work office. Cups shook - oh, yours? - How about at once? .. - And why karate itself?

Be-yak good information, if you miss out on a business-like exchange of formalities. - Hello! - Hello! - Vibachte, scho zatrimavsya. Sina to the tutor bringing. - To the tutor? Where do you plan to enter? .. (in to this particular type tse іnterpretatsіya, chetverty priyom tekhnіki active sluhannija; krim of active hearing closed food pragnemo do not put zovsim).

Valid information from the spy of the clerk at your compliment (for that number of compliments, you need to learn how to work richly, “on automatic”, turn right: thinking - immediately saying!). "It's quiet in you, lightness and radiance!" - “So, the whole design was based on my little ones!” - Tobto you put it here in the light of your soul. And what did you want, if you created this design, what was important to us before? .. "

It is important that there is a reserve of the most important formulas for opening food, it’s obvious to close it in the head, and the axis rozmov slams on them.

Apply these formulas:

What do you think?..

What is it for?

How are you (those)? ..

How are you getting on?..

And now? And what chronu? And what for?

Navischo?.. What do you care?

What do you score?

What would you like?..

What do you like?..

And how do you work?

Yake hostility?

What a favor?


Tell me about…

What else?..

What is important for you in (at)?

Why in the middle of nowhere?

Why lie down?..

What plan?

What about (that)? ..

Well i - practice, practice, practice. I realized that I have been working professionally for 18 years, then I have to go out stably for a large amount of time until I’m near and far away.

You can pay the coach. And here the coach itself is needed: there are no personal psychologists, just practice in other formats. I'm with the client literally vyhodzhu nadvir and mi zupinaєmo vsіh slept. I will first open it, then the client from my fate, then only the client himself, from the return call to me. This is not advertising - however, it’s not possible for me to come through social media, the language is about those who have such a way to learn about it. You just know such a fahіvtsya - learn shvidshe, as if by yourself - a little more. All technology - at whom post and comments))

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