Rosіgrashі and pershokvіtnevі prikol jarti. The best pershkovytnevy draws in history. Dismantling the Eiffel Veil

1st April - a miraculous way to draw close people or simply passers-by, moreover, they did not form anyone. April 1 is officially recognized as the Day of Smіhu, that same day it is necessary to turn on all your fantasy and reality, to fool and play more people like yourself. Ale needs to be ready - you can also show up oshukani! Therefore, feed first. Zhartіv, prikolіv і rozіgrashіv at the same time bezlіch, the axis of deakі z the most original ones.

You just have to draw the rank of 1 quarter of a person. Lies of a human being, as a rule, hurry to work and rarely marvel at the calendar. You need ahead of the Day of Fools, then. On the 31st of the evening, if you come to work, you will unfailingly wind up at the new key to the office, de vin praciu (keys to the yogo car - also go) and put them at the pan with a small amount of safety, leaving the key on the surface . Fill the saucepan with water and put it in the freezer. Lies, before the exit of your man, the saucepan with the keys frozen in it should be twisted and put on the table. Your man, having come to work, for a long time explained to his workers and his boss, now he has attracted a kastrul with him from his house.

For households, you can expect such a surprise. You take a large cardboard box without a bottom, reminiscent of її confetti, put it more - on the closet, for example, and glue it like a scribble and pleasant writing - for children it is useful to write "tsukerki" or "gifts". Obviously, the one who saw this box, and with such a signature, if you want to take it out of the sky as soon as possible, climb after it, and the box - without a bottom! Salute on the head of the cic of security.

The offensive kind of pershokovy prank is not for people with weak nerves. You need to take a drill and once again demonstrate yoga at the included station in front of the eyes of the one you are choosing to play. Khvilin after 15 vi walk back to the victim and, ticking with your finger at the back, turn on the drill. The effect is so dazzling!

1 quarter you can play not only friends, but th unknown people- at the relocated bus, for example. For whom you need a friend or girlfriend with a good sense of humor. For a good hour, you’re moving, then we’ll sing in a whisper, and so, so that a few people who don’t care for you smell you, say “Well, hit it! I'm already tired! Now he's in the guts of a sack! People, perhaps, do not understand your fever, but in a good place you are bigger than you.

1st April - a miraculous year to fire with friends, loved ones, work partners. One mind - they all have a little bit of humor. Good luck to you!

Father, axis i 1 night! At the front of the ubiquitous holyday day of laughter, otherwise, as they call it holy, - Fool's day, proponing a sprinkling of innocent ways to play friends, close colleagues, without running into serious inacceptability: even a smut is the rule of pershokovyh rosigrashivs - buti, naskilki is possible, unimaginative.

It is important that you sacredly take your cob from the XVI century. Some yogo is bound by the decree of the king France Charles IX in 1564 to the year, zgіdno with the same svyatkuvannya New fate from 1 kvіtnya was postponed to 1 sіchnya. And to those who, after the zvichkoy, having celebrated the new holy day of the 1st April, at the appointed deputy of the gifts, they gave empty boxes. Є y іnshі legends of the appearance of this saint, it seems that there may not yet be a long-standing Roman root.

Read more about those why and how holy is the 1st quarter, as well as options for welcoming friends and colleagues from these merry saints, read the material Federal News Agency .

How to play friends and acquaintances 1 quarter

It's easier to play with the friends you know, who phoned them earlier with some idiotic information, rozrakhovucha, that you awake, as it seems, will behave. Here the smut - take care of a serious tone yourself and do not split up.

Weight options. For example, in St. Petersburg, who are sensitive to the problem of preserving a historical sight of a native place, to address the shock, be it shocking information on this topic:

- Bіzhi shvidshe, virubuyut summer garden(not far from the truth, to the point of speech, as if to guess "one's own" reconstruction of the monument of landscape gardening art);

– Know from the pedestal Midny Vershnik(horses Klodt, monument Catherine and etc. - better svidshe, yogo vantage yakraz, try it at once zupiniti).

I like that. Here it’s a smut - choose the iconic places that are played nearby, so that you can achieve fast.

Moscow has a good "pіdut" metropolitan memorials, on the monument square Minina and Pozharsky or create Zurab Tsereteli.

Otherwise, if you go about a young man of a prize-winning age, you can ask someone you don’t know about him to call and say: don’t go anywhere, come to you immediately, bring a message to the army. On the recitation, which is in the new white ticket, the session was opened at the hour, just - you must say: well, you explain to the commander of your military unit.

And more “fun” jokes - a sheet of chi calls to the lad from the maiden from the songs, but there is no sign of the new woman. Vtіm, such frankly hot threaten with serious scandals and navit rosriv stosunkіv.

Pershokvitnevi SMS jokes

And you can, as it seems, do not fool around and be like a nіsіnіtnitsa write rozigruєtsya in SMS notifications.

Є th ready options for SMS-jokes, we suggest actions from them:

- Wow! A virus has been detected on your phone, which you can use, having guessed who sent the SMS, and having sent it to you, be some kind of SMS joke. On another occasion, your phone will die out of boredom.

- Vitaemo! Your phone number won the gypsy girl! If you don’t take the prize by stretching the doby, we’ll give you a tabir!

- Raise your head. I can see you badly. Sniper.

- Vitannya! As long as you read this SMS, I'm walking with your girl! Zhart. Vaughn walks with others!

- To be carried out all-Russian campaign to fight against scammers. Send SMS to number / enter your number/ With the words “not a sucker”. The more you correct the SMS with the words “not a sucker” - the more you are not a sucker.

- And by raptom to know the garmata, what kind of soaking the old one?

- You have mercy on the flooring deeply, that you have mercy on the depths of your pardon.

- You live in my heart. You live in my soul. You live in my thoughts. You live at the head ... When will you pay for the rent?

- Moroccan targani are dying! 100 rubles were taken from your rahunka. on the last job! Dyakuyu!

- 100 rubles were taken from your special rahunka. for landscaping Mіsyatsya. Dyakuёmo for help, Lunatics.

- I want! I already want! I want crazy! You don’t say what I want! I want you now... Smiled!

First draw for friends

It is also suggested that a few variants of “overturned by the hour” perishable drawings, as you can try on household members, friends and colleagues (like stink, obviously, don’t bother).

Give your friend a new hundred and say: “At the store, you know, they slipped a counterfeit banknote, we’re talking about 100 rubles, why don’t you call it right? Ledve knows himself.” You can either win a pair or invite a friend for 1 quarter.

The famous computer drawing for "lamers". Who needs:

  • Vimaniti the victim through the computer for 5-10 whilin.
  • Open a text editor and write: Your computer is being hacked by Anonymous hackers (or be it some other floor and intelligent text).
  • Take a screenshot of the screen (press PrintScreen on the keyboard).
  • Open the Paint program and paste the image from the clipboard (Ctrl+V).
  • Save the document, remember the way to the next, close the graphic editor.
  • Find a broken picture from the explorer, right-click on it and select the item “Give background images to the working table”.
  • If the victim is residually aggravated, graft from 1 quarter that everything will be remembered, as it were.

Vіdomy rozіgrash with a mop and a bowl with water, for whom you need:

  • a bowl of water (bagzhano plastic);
  • mop;
  • stіlets abo drabini;

We take a bowl of water, climb on a stool or drabin and press the bowl to the stele. I call on the sacrifice and ask for help to put a mop on the bowl, which is not far away. We climb and we go, taking the stool / drabin with us. Dalі on vybіr: either posterіgaєmo or znіmaєmo video. Check it out, if the victim doesn't show it, let the bowl out. Let's make a sacrifice to the vologer for 1 quarter.

An even more unsafe drawing: the first quarter of the squad is nowhere on the family car on the right. After 30-40 hvilin people call an unknown person and, in a rough form, demand a penny compensation for a broken car, the squad went to work in a n_bito, that they were playing. Woman crying into the phone, complete the picture. Golovna, after arriving before the month of the "accident" the people would find more sleeping friends, as in different ways they can defend the brazier in the form of righteous anger.

Practically skin people know about this spring day. Aje before Thursday is one of the greatest and most joyful saints, as people are appointed by people to rock. Understandably, even just this marvelous day you can “legally” fire with your classmates, friends, fathers and work colleagues. I don’t care about those that in the calendar this date is not marked with a red color, everyone is seriously ahead of time to start getting ready for Christmas.

Three stories

Day 1 kvіdnya reminds us like a day of laughter, a day of fools and a day of innocent deceptions. Like coils of one of the most cheerful saints? Why is it that this very day is taken as a legitimate drive for draws, laughter and hotness not only in our country, but also among wealthy others?

The version of the people of such a cheerful holy thing. Behind some of them, on the 1st of April, we were told about the last holy spring, as our ancestors predicted with heat and games. Clarify other thoughts. The stench stverdzhuyut, scho sound zhartuvat over your know and friends, take your coils from the middle age and ties with the European carnival-farce tradition.

And this is a tribute that the Day of Fools was celebrated at Ancient Rome. Dosi saved the tradition of draw and have Skhіdnіy Іndії. They loved to fry the 1st April and the Irish. Є vkaz_vka on those who have introduced the tradition of deceiving the whole day into the memory of the daughter of Tias Skadei.

It is still one more thing to report a wondrous confession about the history of the vindication of this saint. Behind some hardships, on the appearance of the Day of laughter, the bastard of the Neapolitan king of Monterey, who encouraged him, was served the same fish to the table, as a gift to the earthworm, who pripinivsya. The cook did not blink. Deputy king of ribi wine, preparing ingsha. Vaughn was even more similar to the one that the ruler skushtuvav rіk to. Ale pіdrobku was opened. Prote Monterey didn't get angry. Yogo laughed. From that hour, as vvazhayut, and pishov sound rozigrashiv.

The 18th century had the greatest popularity and popularity. The French, the English and the Scots expanded the Day of Lamentation in their colonies, which they stayed in America.

In Russia, the Day of Laughing is celebrated from 1703. Appearing in our country to the foreign courtiers of Peter I. "Overseas" sacredly fell to the soul of the king. And from that hour on the 1st of April, it was accepted in us to play grown-up children, vigaduyuchi at the same hired heat.

Zrozumіlo, the purpose of these amusements is smіkh and wild garni moods. Just for that, on the 1st quarter of the day, it is necessary not to belittle my goodness and not to look at the most popular pershokvitnevі rosіgrashі, yakі invariably call out the cheerfulness of the smiles and charge the good mood of the participants for the whole day.

Fun traditions on robots

Can you still doubt why you are holding the first draw in the office? Tsіy people varto pіdrakhuvati, sіlki razіv for a day smile vin chi yogo colleague. So, it’s a pity that the working turmoil of everyday life drags people down deeply, so we can’t just smile at ourselves at the heat of a joke, but we don’t have an hour to drink a cup of tea. But all the same, once a day like this comes to us, if you can be foolish and grow up, regot and have fun. And it’s not only possible, but you need to be robiti! For those wines and the Day of Laughter! To the one who calls on the first day of the day on the robot, varto fix your line and come to the office three times earlier for your colleagues, to set their mood for the whole day.

Just don’t think about stereotyped jokes, popular rock here thirty years ago. Well, who in our hour is looking forward to the white back or about the chief’s call to the kilim? Prior to the process of preparation of first-time fires and drawings, it is necessary to be creative.

Labor and folding jokes

Like stinks, the best pershokvіtnevі rosіgrashі? The organization of one of the most important of them will require some material contributions and small sums. Ale not varto tsogo lyakatisya. Kіntsevy result bude gіdno otsіnen. Adzhe, not all colleagues in the office once guess about those who simply play them.

Even more often people, who work in the same office for a long time, seem to be similar. Tse stosuetsya, for example, music. Try yourself from early in the morning until evening to listen to your colleague's beloved radio station, and in a day's time you will begin to sleep a song, as if yesterday it sounded stupid. Abo drukovani vidannya, yakі if you never read. If a colleague in work constantly looks at them, then the stench will start to attract interest among the restless. So from, as more comrades in the service will recognize the news from one and the same newspaper, then they are recommended to propagate an “emergency special release”. This is one of the most original pershokovy zhartiv and drawings. Pozachergovy number must be written in advance at the printing office. On newspaper sleepers, such a newspaper can be placed be-scho. Golovna, schob їх зміst having got and hvilyuvav chitachіv, and the submitted information was accepted by them seriously. The leader of the one who, having conceived and conquered all the jarth, polagatima in pіdіgіvі і interesu to marvelous and unimaginable novelty.

Unconventional jokes

What else can be a pershokvіtnevі rosіgrashі in the office? You can try these options:

  1. Evil bear. Zhart tsey dosit simple. It is necessary to work so that the bear does not work. For example, you can stop complaining about your colleague's manipulations, because the laser opening will be sealed with tape. For laughter, you can win papyrus for funny images. Another option for pershokvitnevih drawings with bears can be the addition of a computer attribute to the system unit of a colleague. And it’s even more possible in that moment, if the working space of two spivrobitniks in distribution is not far from one and one.
  2. Divacuated copier. Such pershokvіtneviy heat is miraculously pіdіyde for rоіrіsh prаtsіvnik, what a lot of time to spend at copying equipment. For whom the picture is funny, so we can fasten it with adhesive tape on the inner side of the cover. It is placed out in such a rank, so that the image was visible under the hour of the arkush in A5 format.
  3. Viber. If the company works with a great number of ventilators, then on the doors of one of the ventilators you can place a badge indicating the toilet. Such pershokvіtneviy heat guarantees wider zdivuvannya and spіvrobіtnikіv, and quiet, hto vіdchiniv such doors. Show yourself that people are calling your colleagues for a day: “Where is the toilet?”.
  4. Incredibly holy. Pershokvіtnevі rosіgrashі can polagat and in the "decoration" of the working space with a stretch-ply or a newspaper, like a mustache all those who stand on the table, stiletz, the system unit are skinny. A stronger effect can be removed by pasting the whole space with bright stickers. For such a painting, I’ll draw foil, toilet papier and zvichayn servets.
  5. Jelly choked. The one who loves embroidered roses can come to the store in jelly bags and make yoga by the water, placing small objects in front of the wheel (stapler, olives, pens, etc.). For a year, such a surprise can be installed at the refrigerator. Lies well podiv, the joy of that bewildered colleague will be safe.
  6. The keyboard is out of order. This pershokvіtneviy heat is even simpler for the Vikonan. It is enough for her to change the order of letters on the colleague's keyboard. Zvichayno, dosvіdcheny koristuvach mittevo rozpіznaє rozіgrash, and rearranging the keys back will not be so easy.

Within the bounds of what is permitted

Warto mothers on uvazi, scho playing 1 quarter on robots can mothers and fatal consequences for the brazier. Tse become, like wine to cross the line between what is permitted. It’s not for him to prepare zhorstka jokes himself, as if they would have looked at the lack of dignity and intellectual well-being of a colleague, belittled his dignity and honor.

It is also not recommended to jarring and playing spivrobitniks with deeds, tied to the psuvans of a huge chi special lane. Unacceptable and funny, if you feel like such people, it’s not like that. For this hour of organization, it is necessary to think over everything a little bit ahead of time and allow for those traces, as they can come after the end of the battle.

If the rhubarb is almost like the humor of a colleague you are unreasonable, then it’s better not to spit it out, but to give a compliment. Vіd tskogo coristі will be much more.

Jokes for schoolchildren

There is a large number of pershokvytnevih drawings for children. Aje stink even love the whole day for being able to be safe without any punishment. To the very same, the pershokvіtnevі draws over the friends at the school are wider. The stench does not sound like a significant preparation, but at the same time they will ensure the joy of the participants, managing the name effect.

  1. "Paper draw". Even before the beginning of the first day of the week, you need to prepare a sprat of paper arches, putting on them various inscriptions. Tse mozhe buti povіdomlennya about vіdsutnіst vіdstі vіd аbo repair, and also about skasuvannya lessons. Qi sheets must be posted on the walls and doors of the school. Tilki do not varto when thopyatisya on the eyes of the teachers.
  2. "Holy stone". Pershokvіtnevі drawings for children at school can be different. For one of them, like a "victim" pidide classmate, like to carry books that need to be sewn in a myst backpack with a great swarm of guts. The next step is to reach that moment, if the bag is lost without sight. Then a stone is put into one of the intestines. Going home, schoolboy, it’s unlikely that I’m wearing a beastly respect for my vazhka. The results of such a fever will become the signs of the coming day.
  3. "Farewell to school". Such a pershokvіtneviy rіzіgrash pіdіyde for tih classmates, yakі often skip lessons. On the first Thursday, they may have been handed a sheet to avenge the notice about the shutdown of the school.
  4. "Milne doshka". This drawing of appointments is not only for classmates, but also for readers. If you smear your dosk with sweetness before the lesson, all the efforts to write on it with a crade will fail. Ale robiti tse varto is less in that mood, as the anger of a teacher is not terrible for you.

When choosing, I will draw a warto of memory about those who all the people who get used to, are not guilty, but are imaginative for those who are absent. I vzagali, 1 kvіtnya everything can be respected one to one. It is not less than schoolchildren, but also vikladachiv.

Fun for friends

It seems that laughter does not lessen our moods, but the greater trivality of life. Pershokvіtnevі draws for friends, without a doubt, will give them that unforgettable day.

What are the best ideas, how can I give help in the organization of five laughter?

  1. Bank head. You can ask your friends to come home from Day of Smіhu. Before they arrive, take a jar and fill it with water. If you put it next to the refrigerator, a photo of a friend is omitted. Instruct the “victim” to ask them to bring a beer from the refrigerator. The effect of lack of security.
  2. "Pip". This is one of the miraculous ways to make fun of friends. Let's ask our friends to drink a cola with ice at home. Just a few drops, put small pieces, in the middle of which are frozen Mentos zukerkas. After that, as the ice rose, the reaction became more frequent. Tsukerki at the napoi will provoke the appearance of a fountain, which is literally the rine of a bottle.
  3. "It's time to get up." Before the first Thursday, you can ask a friend for the phone number of a term call. Indefinitely, the annual alarm clock for the 5th wound is installed on the new one.

Іsnuє and impersonal first draws for friends by phone. For example, you can call your comrade with a drive and, without finishing the rozmov, say what you will dial in 5 whilins. At the hour of the devil’s call, the deputy’s friend may feel a cry of inconsistency.

The longest and easiest way for first-time drawings over friends is SMS. Tsіkaveta that sіshne podomlennya is unlikely to be able to make anyone look like a slut (for example, about those who took a small amount of pennies from a special rahunka). For the same reason, win the pershokvіtnevі rosіgrashі schodo SMS-broadcasting. The stench is allowed to raise the mood of the know and to laugh at them for a protracted day. Use blank texts for first-rate printing of SMS-broadcasting. The stench of buvayut rіznogo zmіstu - cool, erotic skinny. Golovnya, that the subject matter of the text in a perfect form fit to the point of “sacrifice”. Obviously, the first draws via SMS may be prepared ahead of time. For whom it is necessary to add this robotic hour. Ale varto remembrance of those who all susilly obov'yazkovo secure a nasty result. Believe me, take away the emotions and tell me about such a reminder of the reports of the judges. As an option - you can send a message about the prohannyam about those, sob the subscriber of the day wiping the screen, to the one who can see it badly, she pays the service of guarding.

Student jokes

The day of laughter is one of the beloved saints of youth. Aja wine allows you to jitter without a turbo, playing not only your friends, but also vikladachiv.

Pershokvіtnevі drawings at the institute seem to be the most ridiculous. Aje students are the people of bullying.

As a drawing on the Day of Laughter on the doors of the office, you can hang an arkush paper with the inscription "Business (seminar) to be taken to another audience." Tsіkavі and funny texts can be rozmіschuvatsya and on the doshtsі goloshen, but the pulpit is thin.

The decals of first-year students are playing the vikladach, knowing the hour, break between the pairs of doors from the hinges. Їх pritulyayut until odvirka, schob nothing was pomit. Vikladach, turning to the audience after a break, smiles by the hand, and ... Here comes the culminating moment. Before the hour of preparing such a joke, it’s important that at the lecture it’s all sweat, and then we need to stream and not see ourselves with wild laughter. More than half of all students simply don’t understand why, well, on the right.

Ale, all the same, the best jokes on the Day of Smіhu - tse tі, yakі v_dbuvayutsya in gurtozhitka. Here, students especially love to fire up their classmates at the places of infamous koristuvannya. As one of such hot spots, you can carefully tape the taps of all washstands with adhesive tape. What's the point of lying at such a time? A sleepy student, who does not suspect anything, rush in. However, when you turn on the tap, you can’t see the wine from someone else. Obviously, turn yoga harder. If the vice at the crane reaches the singing equal, the adhesive tape breaks, and the soul of the young people will be secure. Water is more abundant at different sides.

Fun for dads

The one who is called 1 quarter to laugh at the people closest to him, will have to try hard. In this mood, the draws can be kind. Aje mama that tato wimming up to herself a tremulous setting that respect. How to fire up so that the family merrily went to glory?

For whom the fathers can prepare a dessert with a surprise. The Yogo recipe is simple. The melting of the cheese is refined on the third and added to the new troch of hot chopped pepper and the rusty chapel. Dali sumish jump into bags, like a clear sip of coconut flakes. In your own way old-fashioned look Dessert is more appetizing, ale yoga hospitable relish of the unfailingly warming father.

At the Day of Smіhu, before the postal screen of your apartment, you can put a sheet, spellings nibito in the name of the utility service. In the text, for example, those who are planning to lay a new cable are planning to lay a new cable. Under the hour of vikonannya it is possible to fall shmatkіv concrete. For the defense of vikon, the municipal service is to seal them with adhesive tape. How can the fathers take this heat on faith, don’t let them go too far.

Draws for girls

To the one who, having broken the first quarter of a fire from a representative of a weak state, do not overdo it. Aja usі girls are more different. Some of them respond adequately to innocent jokes, otherwise they become strongly influenced by them.

For the girls, it’s a miracle pidide rozіgrash, which sounds like “Cosmetics with a trick”. When yoga prepares, it is necessary to buy a mask for a face mask in the store, and then pour the jars into another container. Instead of a girl, serve thick mayonnaise under the look of expensive cosmetics. It goes without saying that a volodarka of such a gift would like to try yoga in practice. Laughing, you need to see the girl's good fortune.

The subtle effect can be seen in the drawing of "Prohannya". To carry out the light of the night, you need to try a cat with threads, one tip like that, having stuck your neck, you need to try to name it. To ask the girl to just clean up the thread from the dress. If so, you can almost enjoy the view.

Drawings for boys

If a young person can feel a touch of humor, then the assortment of fresh hot dishes for him is simply nothing. For example, if the lad has a car, then while we sleep, it is necessary to take the keys and drive the car to another place. Zranku youmu is reminded of the news. Just do not need a check, the docks will call the police more often.

Also, on the first day of the week, you can tell the lad about your filthy self-confidence, Asking him to go to the pharmacy and buy a tincture of herbs, calling it just invented. Varto walk behind your "ryativnik" and marvel, as if you were trying to gain an inescapable profit.

Until the day of jokes and jokes that is approaching, we have prepared for you a bunch of funny and funny ways to fire over your friends and colleagues!

Repairs on robots

Disposable serving servettes and toilet papiers will bring you relaxation to relaxation, right?

Oil deodorant

Replace your victim's deodorant vershkov oil the evening before.

"Decoration" by the refrigerator

Printed out on the printer, a photo of a face, a jar of water, and heat (not for the faint-hearted) ready!


The first thing you need to do is to earn a loan on the 1st quarter of the year - ask someone from the members of this family to prepare snacks.

Cleaning up plastic cups

It will not be easy for your family members to leave their rooms.

Surprise for the lasuns

Tsі falshivі oven obov'yazkovo to screw up the respect of lasunіv! Ale, be careful, so that you don’t break the oven yourself, while you keep the stuffing - the stench is guilty of being innocuous, so that your cunning plan is spratsyuvav.

Draw for those who are familiar with having recently bought a new kilim

Make a blot out of the glue and make it into whatever color you want to wink on the surface of the kilim. Get over it, that the "lyapka" is completely dried up, otherwise it's hot, it will change on the big rose with a kilim zipped.

How about dessert?

Treat your friends and colleagues with a wonderful pie with grated potatoes and cowbass! It's really savory, even though we don't know those that can be seen as a dessert.

Spidnitsa? Tse kilt!

To create chaos in the office or, for example, at shopping center Cut out the trapezium of the solid color and glue the "back" on the plate on the human toilet. Enjoy the swindler!

Accessible bear

Attach a funny picture to the bear of your victim. The ability of the image to lie in the fact that you are put up to the people, for which they were fired.

Stribok Jahu

When you ask, how high can a man shave, if you catch a friend? First of all, change your mind, so that your victim doesn’t get anything in the hands of tendencies and easily spills.

Poluvanya for belongings

Attach a squirt of coins to the pidlog and watch out for how your colleagues will be able to spend their days. You can mix glue or flowers, depending on how much you are turbulent about the field.

Fake Coca-Cola

Replace gassings with soy sauce and give the balls to your friends. Better take small balls with plastic caps. I, obviously, change your mind, because I don’t have any allergy to soy in any of the victims.

Chi banana cake?

Tsey rosіgrash for lovers of licorice. Whisk the pie in the form of bananas and cover them with a ball of yellow thick sauce. Now eat some chimi with incredible bananas!

Build a faucet trohi yaskravishim

Kharchovy barvnik crush your barvistim wound! Just place the pill at the dispenser on the tap.

What is it?

Are you praying righteously fiercely? Mix it up with Skittles and M&M's. Porada: this heat is not only for the 1st April, but also for a childish evening.

For cat lovers

For right lovers of guts, this drawing is definitely worth it!

"Milk Flame"

Pour on the glass on top of the troch with glue. Dock, if the wine is dry. Place the "flame" on the laptop keyboard and check the reaction of your victim.

Are the batteries dead?

Tape something like an IC sensor on the remote control. The one who wants to marvel at the TV set, mother of the problem.

Would you like some ice for your "coli"?

Trick, which spratsovuє: Mentos, freezing near the water.

Fried egg

There is a small secret in the preparation of the strain: the substitute for protein is yogurt, the substitute for zhovtka is half a canned apricot.

The shampoo is broken!

"Why don't shampoo flow from the dances?" Because there is a cellophane cork, why!

good old classic

Tsey practical jart is absolutely innocent, but even more comedic. Generations of people are trying to make their hands sweet, slap them with a thin ball of clear nail polish, and ask why they don’t know.

Sik to the astronaut

Good luck with trying to drink "sik", crushing from jelly! You take away the mass of satisfaction, guarding the reaction of the people, as if you don’t understand why you don’t wind up with an inverted bottle.

There is someone here, who loves komakh?

For which I will draw you, you need plastic bugs-spiders, that little luck, so that the victim turned and did not remember, as you psuet їy resentment.

Misha in the booth

It is even easier to make a "bear": take an "inverted" box and a root with a "tail". Since you don’t have any appendages for this beetroot, take the place of a new potato and attach a small hank “tail” to it.

"I've filled (la) you with trochs of kavun ..."

Tsey rozіgrash - less food foreshortening. Let someone know that they left youma kavun at the refrigerator, and get a reaction.

"Blue Screen of Death" for your "beloved" robot colleague

One view of that screen blew a cold breeze at the computer-pochatkivtsya. Don't forget to clean the working style of the existing labels and make such trellises.

Paste the car with stickers

You need a few Post-It stickers, but the result is a cost of spending pennies and zusil. Do not forget ahead of time to clear the ticket different parts car. For help with stickers, you can write some text. Don't be afraid to experiment!

In our country, it’s easy to know a person who would never have been played once for 1 quarter. The choice is wide: from the banal "Bila Spina" to foldable productions for the fate of a great number of known and unknown people. More important, less emotions, like when you see it: it’s not a day for a serious and mature person to be foolish, and then, out of satisfaction, laugh at them.

Until the speech, do not know, de and if the people themselves in the past virish robbit 1 kvіtnya Happy Fool. What is Middle Europe, what is Ancient Greece chi Egypt. One thing is for sure: the whole of Europe, with satisfaction, dares to make a century of sprats. Nimtsі, with whom Peter the First was friends, they brought them to Russia, de vin also know the fertile soil.

Vіdomy іstorichny rіzіgrash, if the theatrical corpse held a large-scale advertising campaign for a new name-brand vistavi, the whole of St. Petersburg, including Peter himself, was taken for granted. When the hall was turned upside down, and the curtains rose, all the onlookers shook a majestic banner with the inscription "First Thursday!". The emperor smiled, and at the same time from him - the whole people. І vіn dosi laugh that rosіgruє one of one day.

If you don’t see it, you can also make a far-reaching fire for your relatives, relatives, friends, colleagues, or just vipadkovy people.

Pershokvіtnevi draws over colleagues

On a robot, a person spends a lot of hours, but it is most often reminiscent of serious right, as it is not enough to turn to cheerful hotness and drawings, but only not the first day of the day. Axis of a lot of ideas, how you can implement:

1. Green keyboard. For whom you need an old keyboard, it’s such a bad thing, how to cost an object to draw. It is necessary to pull the buttons, lay cotton wool between them and sizzle the lawn grass. Then the buttons turn on the plate. Watering the "city" is necessary with a syringe. At the viroshchuvannya you will have one or two days, then, as if you would be a colleague, if you can get such “green technologies” on your table.

2. Computer that stopped. Before that, as a colleague comes to work, you need to be a little smarter with your computer: take a screenshot of the working table, install it like a trellis, and then move all the labels beyond the visible screen. The possible panel should be made floating, or take it away. Particularly effective for people, as it is not necessary to know well on computers. After that, as soon as you smile, it is necessary to select “Arrange icons by ...” on the working table and turn everything in its place.

3. Not those! This drawing is good for the great office centers. On the door of the spivrobitnik, which yakomoga is more likely to go out of the office, you just need to put up a sign “Toilet”, and along the corridor - a sprat of vkazіvnikіv leading people. For a long time (for a little to learn yoga patience) the victories of the appearance of people, like the deputy of the bazhany “cabinet of assimilation”, were swayed by the splendid, robot worker.

Understanding that the robot-office drawings will not end, guess new ones, and laugh out of the satisfaction of laughing at once with you.

It’s good enough for someone to get together in a company for the shortest day, so that their souls will smile at the old drawings, and try new ones with an infection. Axis of a couple of ideas:

1. Bloody cocaine. You need more than tsukrova powder, a mirror and everything else that sounds vicorist in films. Then we tell you, as if you know, having given you some cocaine and encourage you to try it. There are possible options.

2. Trohi folding modification of this joke, suitable for a company that smokes. Your friend (perhaps the same one) handing you a skein of good cigarettes (tyutyun for hookah). If I try to draw the object, I will start to get better. You can turn up the quiet meditative music, let the curling or furbished dog into the room. Naygolovnіshe, sob everything else went in, they didn’t notice anything and didn’t understand anything. Zalezhno in the voluptuousness of a comrade, you can try a joke even to the point of a nervous vision, but don’t bring it to the best.

Pershokvіtnevi pinned at the hromada city

The most funny thing is to play people you don't know. Aja stinks never check for such a sight of you.

1. At the skin area, there is a water object: a river, a lake, rates, etc. As if on the way to work you pass a new light, unwillingly turn around before the end of the day, start ticking your finger and shout radiantly: “Wonder, dolphins! Dolphins!

2. Old-fashioned, but not less cheerful rozіgrash, for what kind of people need a sprinkling. One puts on a hat with deer antlers, behind him - to fight a deshcho with majestic water pistols, inflatable towels, or another obviously sham armor. The “sacrifice” walks on the back, followed by the “tenders” from the feeders, why didn’t people feed the deer?

3. Once in England, I went to the supermarket to burn, took a vozok, filled it with bananas, and sipped slowly to the cashier. I guessed that the head was just a man in a suit, but the reaction of the eyewitnesses was meritorious to the repetition. Would you like to rent this suit?

Pershokvitnevi scenarios in Sim'ї

The most terrible drawings are often experienced by oneself in one's native country, where people know one another, all these weaknesses. Golovna, that all members of this family were a little like humor and tried not to look at such jokes:

1. You can freeze the keys to the office of someone close to the kitchen with water. A merry mat, that foolishness will be your reward.

2. Barvnik at the shampoo or borosno at the hair dryer to chant your sister if she is chosen.

3. And mom is eating food in the refrigerator, on the skin z yakah will be painted cheerful pika chi smiley.

4. You can make a surprise for a person: paint three wives on the test for pregnancy and swear yoga “We will have twins!”.

But remember the smut: while you think it over, you are preparing drawings for your friends, close colleagues, and they don’t waste an hour, they already sang and prepared for you. To that, you take away the naming of that hoary ability to make yourself look like a fool and laugh not only at others, but at yourself. And krіm rіgrashіv, you can invite your friends and we'll cook it ahead of time savory. And it’s important, and after funny jokes, you can rule tea.

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