Cause a fall in strength, weakness, that filthy self-feeling. I feel like a filthy person, a greedy friend and a son

Sometimes I will ask myself: “Why do I feel so bad at once?” I don’t know the truth, I suffer because I can’t know the reason for this, I will become and clean up those who respect the self-confidence. I think that a person doesn’t want a mother’s filthy mood, especially since it’s important to remember the old days. Otzhe, at tsіy statti mi razbiratimemo causes filthy self-feeling!

Visnovok - filthy mood is the result, not the cause. We feel badly in the physical world, as if it were not handy or stale. For example, we live to hurt the head or even worse and those, th іnshe. Why do we have suffering in the soul? Inheriting logic, we suffer, to the one who was given the wrong information, as unhealthy it was thrown at us. As a result, we tried to strangle the filthy thoughts of the callers, we tried to save the calm and go out of the shards, fighting with the legacy, but not with the first reason.

How to fight? Physiologically, we will not be able to spare the suffering in the aftermath of other illnesses. So just in spiritual light it is necessary to be sick, so that the excess wipes out of our spirit. Tse for the mind, we no longer eat filthy food, but let's move on to the normal jerela of information. Step by step we will mother spiritual strength and mother more strength to fight.

So that the symptoms of spiritual ailment or spiritual self-perception do not recur, it is necessary to be viable to the point of eating. Respect that the majority of people are those who stink the right choice hedgehog. We do not attach due respect to what we read, what we marvel at, and as a result of the work, why at the end of the day my camp has fallen. For the very reason, I have set for myself a rule to read those that are great, to hear those that give strength to replace that, to take everything in order.

Why do we have bad demographic indicators in our country? On the right, in the fact that most people in our country spend the whole day on robots, and later at the TV, for which every nonsense comes. People should not take care of their souls, that emotionally healthy falls, and as a result they blame bodily ailments as a result of oppression. We turn on the zombie box, which is a sewage ditch, for a penny they will show everything and more, for which we are sent to shkodi.

Dear friends, we have the right to choose how we live, what we hear, what we talk about. Qi speech without intermediary pour into our life. Possibly, earlier you didn’t mark it, but dzherelo, for which we can, we can exterminate, or bring health. The Internet is one of the bottomless sources of information and skin, you can draw whatever you want. Navіt casually glanced side can vplinut on you. For goodness sake, you can choose which information to read in social media and on other sides. Sound I block the news of the koristuvach, who overpowers me, I will empty the inappropriate information on Vkontakte or in Odnoklassniki. This method allows you to save time and not get infected with the bacterium of sin. Alemy, we live not only in the borders, but also we share with living people. We have the ability not only to be more ignorant of information, but to become a dzherel. You can change the situation with your sharpened, instilling a word about empty speeches on the information that you are creating. Aje bagato is in our strength. Think about your spiritual health, even if strong people change this world.

Vіd 34 to 45 vіdsotkіv vіdsіh vіh vіkom vіd 18 to bolsh nizh 65 roіv hatred i often sleep during the day. And even though at first glance it might seem like a real problem, but if people start pecking their noses, let's say, under the hour of the traffic jam, similar speeches become unsafe.

Lower the deeds for the most important reasons, for which you always feel yourself to be lazy and spend the day, and think about those that you can work to help such a thing.

1. You are sharpened by chaos and troublelessness.

Zaharashcheny working space or space can use your mental energy and take your auto. Psychologists seem to think that it is through the impossibility of being in the middle.

To get away from the trouble, take away the things of the first need. If you are working on a project, try to save money on the table, only writing and stationery, as if you could help you at work.

2. Your body does not take enough sleepy light

If people know the influx of drowsy changes or the bright rank light, the melatonin will be released earlier and the stench will be easier.

Cream replenishing your body with vitamin D, sleepy light can also give your body and brain a regular rhythmic layout.

3. You're taking it wrong

You, sing-song, already richly chuli tse: snidanok є the most important reception їzhi for the day. The consequences of skipping a loan or an unbalanced loan can be stingy.

If you skip meals, you won't have enough calories to boost your metabolism and boost your energy levels throughout the day.

However, even imbalances in the supply of funds will also make you feel tired.

In order to help your body to function on the most equal level, today eat grain, a small amount of protein, as well as fruits and vegetables.

4. You are often watery

You may not understand, but a dehydrated organism can often be viciously aware of it, even if dehydrated organs do not excrete toxins.

Our body is 60% made up of water - there is no way for that to feel ideally, in spite of this lack of water.

The coming time, if you see it, try to drink a bottle of cold water.

5. You are sharpened by negativity

Let's marvel at the factoring posture by diet and the way of life.

If you have honed yourself with people, if you constantly swear and whine, you will be rozumovo vysnazheni in no time.

Other people's problems can affect your emotions and your body. Psychologists recommend shaving ties with people, so as not to shy away anything, we will spend our time on scars and ruin your feelings for the world and positive.

Natomiste try to communicate with people, as they help you feel good for yourself - or choose some hours for a healthy and positive communication.

6. You need to connect

You will feel a lot of people in the region after the eighth year of sleep. Obviously, it’s important to sleep for a long time, but it’s not less important to have a mother’s dream.

A lot of people give a pardon, for a long time wondering before going to bed on a different screen - stink to marvel at the TV, look at the phone or play on the tablets - and, as a last thing, do not take away the necessary amount of Swedish sleep.

If the hour has come to lie down to sleep, it’s better to see the electronic attachments. If you are blaming problems from zasinannyam, read a book.

7. You sleep too much

Too late a long dream calls out the blubber of the day. Too much sleep misinforms your internal biological rhythms and confuses that little brain, as it regulates the good body cycle.

Therefore, try to wake up at the weekend, try not to sleep over it for a long time, because you will ruin the schedule of the coming winter.

8. Your body does not take enough physical challenge

The sedentary way of life is extremely unsafe for the human body. Sitting at a fixed position for a year of sleep can be negatively marked on your body.

You can see bіl і skutіst in the region of the neck, the back and the head and taste a little bit of mlyavostі.

It’s more important to commend active image living in the world of your comforts - in this way you can balance the level of hormones and drown yourself, improve your mood and mood.

Try to work your lungs right for more than 20 hours a day, stretching for a few days. You'll be on a robot all day long, so you can have a few little breaks and plan to visit regularly on a fresh day after the job.

9. You may have food intolerance

Diet plays an important role in the development of our body in the vital form. The following studies show that there are three main groups of foodstuffs that can be identified in some people: dairy products, gluten, as well as fruits and vegetables of the pastlon family.

In rich vipadkahs, sensibility and intolerance can be viklikaty vysnazhlivu therefore that vysnazhennya. It is best to consult with a doctor or a nutritionist, right diet for your way of life!

10. You have medical problems

Іsnuє tsіliy perelіk medical indications, yakі can take malice.

Deyakі khronіchnі khvoryuvannya, such as allergy and sinna lihomanika can cause a serious attack in you. Otherwise, such as anemia and diabetes, they can change the level of the blood in the body and add blood levels to the level, and also cause a side effect.

Sleep problems and unnatural symptoms can lead to menopause, depression and anxiety.

People with high emotional sensitivity were officially described in 1991 by psychologist Elaine Aron. Vaughn has shown that approximately 15-20% of the world's population can qualify as empaths. Vaughn also admitted that their brain is shaping the sensory input in a different way, like in other people, and the functions of regulating emotions in them are also disturbed.

Empathy is more sensitive to emotions and behavior than other people. The stench is a natural ear, often too rich to hear others. Ale, shards of stink are already finely lashed on in the middle, the stench is good at mocking the false people of that behavior. Honestly, those deep stoks with other people allow them to prosper, but instruct them to start feeling bad with the stink characters.

Why do empaths consider the order of false people?

If you empathize with a hypocrite, you can help him, but you can help, Kim is a true person. An empath simply cannot ignore or pay attention to this fact, like slandering a lot of people. It really speaks out of discomfort. A person with a heightened emotional sensitivity is aware of the symptoms of mental and physical power, so much so, rozcharuvannya, drinkability of hands and increased heart rate.

Alas, this reaction cannot be called an open dislike to hypocrisy. The screen is soon closed, as it allows the empath to hide his power.

What is the behavior of that situation turbulent empathy?

Also, how to apply typical behaviors, how can you call an empath's alarm? What can a person do, to inspire empathy, how to be wise and help everyone, she has returned?

Reactions and kind of empathy

If the empath can rightly guess your behavior, your instinctive reactions may include:

As an empath, you can fight hypocrisy

Some empaths, like all people, are brought to their mother's right with hypocrites. You just can't get away with such situations. Natomist sled vikoristovuvat lower basic principles, schob to promote self-control and avoid negative reactions in robots with false people.

It's good to speak for yourself

Empathy often manifests itself in such conflict situations if you can’t say anything, then who knows what to do badly to others. For the cob: as if you were vidpoviste vіdmovoy on the yoke of a scam, we won’t ruin you yet. Well, if you wait against your will, then in the future, you can be the best for you two. What is good for you, but good for others, and for the other. Don't be afraid to speak broadly and say "no" when necessary. It’s your responsibility to control your emotions in the fallow time in your life, so it’s not your fault, if the stench is embarrassed.

Don't forget to follow your path

Another extended pardon - try to help everyone you can. If you want to help others, it’s really great, you are guilty to draw a line, for which help you respect your own dreams and hopes. In your other day, you will lose your dissatisfaction with your life and you will not be able to continue to help others.

Natomist you next, but we dare and continue to follow your heart. Do not allow others to stand on your way and remember that you cannot turn the whole world. Don't be fooled by the self-perfection of that important passage of the wet path.

Usim can't wait

If you want to do good to everyone, you can manage to do it with an innocent namir, but in truth, we can be even more shkidlivy for you. As always, go ahead of yourself in order to be good to others, your power needs to lean on another plane. You see yourself as guilty, and you can no longer be fit for anyone.

You only win, so you will begin to improve your self-esteem. It is important to remember that your needs are the first priority and the first, the first lower you will help other people.

I am different sometimes without any obvious reason. However, I don’t think anymore what is wrong with me.

At my own old fate, starting from the thirteenth century, I was present at the rich family grievances and when I sighed, I feel miraculous. On the right, not in the fact that I felt unhappy in my native country, I know not. But for the last few days, I felt terribly tight feeling that I can’t behave in family gatherings with such indifference, with which I act in the company of my friends. It was almost characterized by weakness in the slunk, unhandedness and strong bazhannami in the flow in front of people and turning home. It was not the ones that you should know, but, more, more, a little inferiority, as if blaming after a filthy ledge, or otrimannya catch up with a barefoot.

Feel not in the mood - it's okay

Looking back, I myself can’t believe in those who felt that way. As soon as I think only about those who still don’t feel good, then I can understand the reason for my oppression (I lay down to sleep and didn’t sleep, it’s like that).

Inwardly, I most often explain my unkindness equally with the grown-ups - I have tried not enough good, I have lacked organization, I have not yet done anything important. As soon as everything was mostly left behind, I tried to explain the problem and how I instantly broke it. Often I have put together for myself a list of new tasks or purposes, which, as I know, will help me to gain self-confidence. I'm making hundreds of similar lists.

I don't experience clinical depression. I've been tested, and I don't know the symptoms. The same happened to bipolar disorder and other forms of neuropsychic states.

I'm a happy person by the way. I see that my life is more beautiful. More than an hour I feel more beautiful, lower on "vіdmіnno" - light is more appropriate for me.

Ale navit me at once, sometimes it happens n_yakovo without any obvious reason. However, I don’t think anymore what is wrong with me. Not obov'yazkovo pov'yazanі s psikhіchny zahvoryuvannyam, filthy choice in life and lack of comfort in the homeland.

I ris, vvazhayuchi, scho th person feels bad, why can I explain. It's a little bit. You looking at a scary movie. Htos having hurt you. Thogos not zrobiv. You nasty talk about yourself. I vvazhav, that in the heat of the moment people will feel miraculously guilty, and it’s more than sorrow of such a kind, short-lined chi dovgostrokov, you can explain why it feels bad.

Alemie we know what human moods can be influenced independently from the surroundings. We have survived everything: life can be healed by a scary wound and we will frown in the evenings of the same day, for example, with whom nothing happened. Some of us have similar fluctuations more often, others have lower ones, and I think that they often explain straying in their diet.

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At Rest of the Rocks I’m ready to talk more about it with my friends and relatives, and I’m sure that it is even wider than that which is respected by the norm. If I shared with these people my bagatarium of a quiet death at the hour of the family evening, or at the meetings at the meeting, some said that they had the same, but richer, at the same time they did not understand what I was talking about. language.

Vee, singsongly, you know, lie down to some group. It is important to understand that you can respect the "extreme norm", to the fact that most people do not want to talk, not a little about it. I’m not a psychologist, so don’t take my thought for a scientific assertion, but at the same time I’m crying to inspire optimism in life, sometimes you can feel badly for no reason.

However, we continue to think that there is a reason for this, that the effect of a snow breast will appear, and wine can be ruined.

My attacks of a gloomy mood, maybe, were very natural, but the stench dragged on for a few days to the fact that I, having felt abnormal, felt bad, and could not explain why.

If you care that your filthy mood obov'yazkovo means that it's not so either with you, or with the necessary light, you see that it's your fault to correct either of the two, or else. But you don’t know how you grow up, and in what way you become spicier.

If you start shukati nedolіki in navkolishnym svіtі or yourself, you always know a lot of things that can nurture your inexcusable thoughts. Prote all ci think in 100% of the cases to produce up to one of that list:

- I'm not doing enough
- I can't change the life of an important speech
- Svіt є in the middle and unsafe
- It's not so with my minds

Ale, the whole list of explanations for a nasty mood is absolutely not necessary, as no one (including you) needs daily explanations.

On the right, not in the fact that the mood and mentality become unreasonable. Imovirno, behind the skin sensations and feelings to stand as genetic, neurochemical and situational factors. Ale tsі prihovanі mehanіzmi not zavzhd give zrozumіle, virazne explanatory filthy mood. However, they are keenly checking for explanations. How can you be asked, how can you, and how do you say: “It’s not great,” they will ask you why. And you happen to shukati vіdpovіd, you want the most.

Ale, you can just say that everything is fine with you, and you know that there won’t be any further developments - for everything is respected by nature.

Sometimes, in a nasty mood, you will understand the causes and then you can fight them. There is also a serious illness, which causes discord in the mood, and the stench leads to exultation.

But all my skills to the full range of human emotions, and in itself are not a problem, as it is necessary to correct. Marvel at how many times a day you see different clerks, cashiers, colleagues and friends, as if they are trying to show with their remaining strength that everything is miraculous with them.

At once I will lie down until my mood, I will wait until the time is right. Schoden’s emotional swings are blamed just like a board, the stars from the All-world. All of us have long been accustomed to the navkolishny climate, some specific norms and extremes. Some of us live on the pivdni, and some of us live on the pivnoch. Leather climate may have its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is not “wrong” for them. We don’t care what the gods force us to do as punishment. We do not threaten the sky with our fists, raising our protest.

We take the climate minds like that, like the stench, we make our own adjustments. Dress up the light, make a party, watch a movie. Feeling not in the mood - it's okay. published.

David Kane

P.S. And remember, if you change your svіdomіst - we'll change the world at once! © econet

That apathy after a long working day is a manifestation of normal and natural. To get back to normal, healthy people have a good time and just live until the end. And yet, it doesn’t help you to turn around in the day, when the hour has come to think about visiting the doctor.

Throwing lies, do you forcibly hesitate to dress yourself up and watch the madness until the end of the day? At weekends, you don’t have the strength to bring that day to a walk, and at weekdays - is it more? Having gone through a couple of passes with gatherings, are you ready to fall into weakness? All these signs can speak of serious health problems; deakі z them, schopravda, you can virіshiti independently, іnshі vymagayut help fahivtsya. The authors of the book "Signals of your body" (Your Body's Red Light Warning Signals), which was published in America, named 8 of the most widespread reasons for the constant autonomy.

1. Lack of vitamin B12

This vitamin helps to function nervously and red blood cells of your body. Stop, with your dignity, to take your fate from the transportation to the tissue of the sourness, which the body is unable to convert the life of speech into the necessary energy. Significant weakness in B12 deficiency. You can recognize it even after other signs: for example, it is often accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes it is the names of the fingers and not by memory problems.

What work. Vitamin deficiency is shown with the simplest blood test. Even if you show a positive result, you will be more pleased for everything with more meat, ribeye, dairy products and eggs. The vitamin is also dispensed in a medicinal form, but it gets badly acquired and is prescribed only in extreme cases.

2. Lack of vitamin D

This vitamin is unique, to that which is viroblyayetsya powerful forces our body is true, for which it is necessary to spend 20-30 hours a day in the sun, and the rest of the criticism of lovers of zasmagi does not even come close. The press is so clear in advance about those who are choked with sleepy baths threatening the old times, pigmented patches and cancer. Chastkovo tse, zvichayno, however, ale and overworld protection is not less unsafe for health. Deficiency of vitamin D, ahead of the doctors, can turn into problems with the heart, increased vice, neurological damage and other types of cancer.

What work. Riven vitamin D is also checked by blood tests. You can refill yoga with a fish diet, with eggs and a liver. Ale sleepy baths are also needed. 10 quills on fresh air for a day will be enough for you to spare yourself.

3. Taking medication

Read the likes tab, if you accept. Possibly, among the side effects it is indicated that apathy, weakness. Vtіm, deyakі virobniki omgut "grab" you tsyu іnformatsiyu. For example, antihistamines (stay in case of allergies) can literally draw energy from you, even if you don’t read anything on the label. Such an effect may be rich in antidepressants and beta-blockers (likes of hypertension).

What work. The skin of a person reacts to faces in a different way. The value can be the mother form and brand name of the drug. Ask your doctor to give you another one - it is possible to change the tablets and turn you back into shape.

4. Zbіy robotic thyroid gland

Problems with the thyroid gland can also be manifested in fluctuations in the throat (especially in difficult times with yogo vtratoi), dryness of the skin, chills and disruption of the menstrual cycle. The most typical signs of hypothyroidism are a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, through which the body does not control the exchange of speech hormones. In a zanedbany camp, you can bring sickness to a snowy sickness, sickness of the heart is without a hitch. 80% of sick people are women.

What work. You need to go to the endocrinologist and see if you need more intensive care. As a rule, we are sick until the end of our lives by sitting on replacement hormone therapy, wanting the results to be true.

5. Depression

Weakness is one of the most common companions of depression. About 20% of the world's population is suffering from misfortune in the middle.

What work. If you don't want to take pills and go to a psychologist, try going in for sports. Physical activity is a natural antidepressant, adhering to the hormone "happiness" serotonin.

6. Problems with the intestines

Gluten disease, otherwise celiac disease affects approximately 1 out of 133 cases. Polegaє out in the absence of the intestines to etch the gluten of cereal crops, so that you can sit on pizza, ovens, pasta or bread for a while - bloating, diarrhea, discomfort in the area of ​​​​suglobіv and constant exhaustion. That organism reacts to the lack of life-giving speeches, as it cannot be taken out through the lack of bowel.

What work. On the back, to go through a sprat of analyses, to reconsider, the problem is in the intestines. In some cases, to confirm the diagnosis, you need endoscopic follow-up. If you are positive, you will have to take a serious look at your diet.

7. Problems from the heart

Close to 70% of women who have suffered a heart attack, suffer from rapt and protracted attacks of weakness and permanent because they overdid a heart attack. I want to have a heart attack in the beautiful half of the population is not so painful, the number of deadly nasledkіv among women is steadily growing.

What work. If you have any other symptoms of heart problems - a decrease in appetite, difficulty breathing, rare, severe pain in the chest - it is better to turn to a cardiologist. You may need an electrocardiogram (EKG), an echocardiogram, or an ultrasound of the heart. Lіkuvannya lie down in the result. As a prevention of heart disease, you can change the diet to a low-fat diet and engage in light physical education.

8. Diabetes

Tsya podstupna ailment can be two ways to vysnazhiti. First: if the rhubarb tsukru in the blood of a sick person is high, glucose (that is potential energy) is literally ignored by the body and is wasted for nothing. Come out, the more you see, the more you will feel. Before the speech, the camp of the post-increased tsukru in the blood may have its own name - potential diabetes chi prediabet. It’s not yet sickness, but it just manifests itself in the inevitable second.

Another problem lies in a strong case: ailments are rich, and after a few times for nothing, you get up “out of need” - what a healthy dream there is.

What work. The other symptoms of diabetes are accelerated urination, increased appetite and loss of appetite. As if you suspected that you were ill, shortest way refute your suspicions - send blood for analysis. If you have diabetes, you will have to take a diet, regularly check rhubarb in the blood, take milk and, possibly, go in for sports. How to give you prediabetes, losing weight, increasing physical activity can make you stronger.

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