Prayer is the guide of the spiritual world. Give thanks to those who pray. Viddil II. see the prayers What is the prayer of the ancient world

Outwardly chosen, that description is: what a prayer is meant for children for the spiritual life of a believing person.

The life of a person is made up of sums and radii. At the moment of the greatest happiness, now, at the hvilin of the majestic, Orthodox turmoil turns to God. So that the Lord, having felt the people, start prayers. This is the most recent, more from the Bible hours, the way to convey one's thoughts, go to hell, give to the Creator.

What is prayer

What does it mean word given? The Great Radian's Encyclopedia gives the following definition: “Believing before God. Canonization of the text of the remembrance”. Orthodox Christians are placed before the prayer of the day and respect її not just as a way of transmitting their thoughts and bazhan.

Believe that prayer is a good thread of spiritual light. The stench stalks the earthly and spiritual light. It can be said that the prayer is like until the morning. As soon as our thoughts and vchinkas will be clean for an hour, then spiritually “refinish” we will become clean and transparent. Grace is on the whole earth. As if during the prayers of the people, people will frown on those evil thoughts, then spiritually “spoil” will become gloomy and dark for a while. And yet he is a direct guide to the world of filth and vice.

Sob the human soul does not stumble at sin, pray. Tse svogo kin zahisny shield against the forces of evil. The axis of that is so important for our skin health.

Prayer. What does it mean?

What is the Christian meaning of the word prayer? At the Holy Letter, give a wide-ranging ogo meaning: "Rozmov's soul with God, as the Father and the Creator, zv'yazok іz Him." Vykhodyachi z zgogo vznachennya can be said that prayer - tse be-like a thought, for sure, vchinok, tied with the Lord.

To that, if an Orthodox Christian wants to do something, he must work with prayer. Father, let's do it in the eyes of our Lord. So that the soul, after the completion of earthly life, does not stumble in the abyss of hellish haze, it is necessary to do all earthly deeds for the good of life on earth, with love to our Lord and to all living things. And here you can rely on spiritual grace.

How to pray correctly

A lot of Christians, especially quiet, who have come to the Lord, we call recently, praise the nourishment of the correctness of prayer. You can often watch for such a situation, if the Orthodox feel constrained when praying through those who do not know how to turn to God correctly.

Schob z'yasuvati tse, varto guess the meaning of the word prayer. The goal is to reach our Heavenly Creator, a way to bring the world of the earth and the spiritual. Therefore, there are no singing rules here, such rules should be strictly followed. Tim, who doubts the correctness of his prayers, can give only one joy: to repair and speak only in such a way that the human soul is feral to God. Only in this mood, with the full breadth of such a kayatt in your hearts, you can talk about the right divine prayer. Such a wild beast will be honored by the Lord, even if it is out of time in the presence of a wide heart.

It’s not for nothing that a child’s prayer is the purest and purest. The soul of a child is not a creature of nonsense and filthy thought. To that and a child, a prayer for one's own breadth and purity can be compared with that of an angel.

The skin of a Christian, asking “how to pray correctly,” is guilty of taking on the butt of a child’s prayer itself. If you can cleanse your soul from sinful and evil intentions, help your soul to rise up to the Lord and drink to the highest heavenly light of justice and kindness.

I will help tim who pray

  1. Start and finish the earthly day with prayers.
  2. When praying, it is recommended to shine on yourself the godly banners and vіddavati uklin.
  3. Perebuvayuschie at the temple, at the hour of prayer, you can put a lighted candle on the saints.
  4. Turning to the Lord, it is necessary to ask for the salvation of the souls of all Orthodox Christians.
  5. Before a meal, it is also recommended by an important right to turn back to the heavenly Creator.

Prayer is the surety of the human soul to God. Zdіysnyuyuchi prayer, she is cleansed. People are spontaneous for the joy of that grace. Tse best way dine at the world of justice and bliss. The more often a person prays, the more pure will be our soul. And it means that you will be richly closer to God.

Vіdpovіdі on request

Navischo and why do we turn to God?

Navit people who are far from spiritual life and called out to everything on themselves, sometimes they feel the need to turn to the Greater, Stronger, lower the stink themselves. Most of all, it’s better to be at the bodi, if a person is aware of his strengths and his own strengths, and he’s wise, that he can’t get in on his own. Todi wines turn to God to help the bastards, protect them from silence.

Tse still not true Christian prayers, but God does not condemn such prayers. Christ, having called after him all the people, as if they recognized the sorrows of that unbearable work, and promised to give them peace. After punishing the teachings, ask the Heavenly Father for everything you need. Christ, having called out to be stubborn in prayers, declared that God the Father would give everything necessary for prayer.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; joke, and you will know; knock and knock on you,” says the Gospel.

Appointment of Christian prayer. What is Orthodox prayer like?

Prayer in Christianity - tse the death of a priest, a simple believer before God, the Most Holy Devi, the angels of the Saints.

A believer can pray in his own words, or with a statutory prayer, which has long been in the habitation, sanctified by church orders. Prayers can be pierced to God, for the glory of Yogo greatness. Christians respect God the Father and to that they turn to New as a dear father.

Orthodox Christians should pray forever, and not only once, if required. Prayer is the foundation of our life. The Apostle Pavlo called out to pray without ceasing, to turn fast to God. Prayer has a zustrich and a dialogue with God. Tse i є the main zmіst of prayer.

Walk of prayer

If the first people Adam and Eve lived in Paradise, the stench spoke with God forever and ever, and the stench did not need much in prayer in that which we know. However, the stench committed a sin and was vignani from Paradise. They are blue, Cain and Abel, they made sacrifices in the first place: the shepherd Abel brought creatures from his flock, the earthman Cain - part of the birth. So blamed the liturgy.

In the course of time, the youth began to regulate, as if they were required to hold a service, as words with whom they sing, as if they should work with a priest, to be shy to pray, as it is necessary to stand, if you kneel and pull your hands. All the elements of the Christian liturgy have declined: out of the blue, collective service to God with prayers is the fate of church rites.

With this, the Crimean prayer, even before Christ, there was a special prayer. Believers turned to God with prohanny about the help of the forgiveness of sins, and often z vdyachnistyu. People prayed to God in their own words or read the psalms of David.

The occasion of prayer is the prayer "Our Father" - Christ gave His teachings, to which prayer is also called the Lord's prayer and is respected by the head Christian prayer.

Everything has been rehabilitated with her, about which a Christian is guilty to ask God and how can he be:

  • live righteously
  • practice holiness
  • accept and conquer God's will, do not hesitate that Vin like a father speaks about people and foretells them necessary for earthly life
  • remember to forgive the krivdnikiv and pacify the spirit of evil.

The main text for folding prayers among the Orthodox

Deyakі prayers are guessed at the Holy Letter (tobto in Bible) - gospel(“Our Father”, Prayer of the Mitar) that Old Testament(Psalter of King David). In addition, for righteousness, the Lord sometimes gives the saints the gift of laying down prayers. Plenty of prayers in ancient times were put together by the saints and recognized by the Church.

Most Russians Orthodox prayers written in Church Slavonic mine. Prote from the 19th century, prayers began to be made in Russia as well (akathist “Glory to God for everything”, the prayer of the optinsk elders). With the appearance of new saints, new prayers are called.

Compiling, editing and ratifying the texts of new prayers and ranks following the Russian Orthodox Church engaged by the Synodal Divine Service Commission

Varieties of prayers and their classification

Prayers for your zmіst buvay:

  • repentance
  • prohalni
  • podyaks
  • laudatory (glorifying)
  • murmuring

Repentance prayers- the most important, from those who believe, to ask God to pierce their sins - filthy vchinka, she thought the words. Prayer of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. I believe to ask Christ as God to probate them, and the Mother of God - to intercede before God and pray for the forgiveness of the prayer. Be it as a hell of a beast before God, we can begin with prayers of repentance.

Asking for a prayer, but the prayer is utter, as you can judge by the name, it is recognized in order to ask for something for yourself. Ask God for health, prosperity for the family, help from the right. Ask God not only for earthly blessings, but for the strength to fight with your peace of mind.

At the submissive prayers, believing God for everything, what Vіn їm daє: for їzhu, for a well-lived day chi nіch that for be-like blessing. The daily prayers to the Lord God are read for a lie, in the evening that day.

In laudatory prayers, the majesty of God is glorified: God is the almighty, kind and merciful to all the Holy Fathers, honoring laudatory prayers with the greatest, purest kind of prayer.

At the fussing prayers believing to ask God for favors not for yourself, but for your neighbors, then they are murmuring about them before God.

You can’t pray to God for the blessing of the sinful right, that for the wickedness of evil thoughts

For example, it is impossible to ask God for those who, having punished our enemies, helped Vin to fool someone and calm down. A similar prayer is blues playing.

So do not ask God for wealth, popularity and other vain, superfluous speeches for us. Christ having punished ask for daily bread, and not for the supernatural.

How to pray? Hollow of prayer

In Orthodoxy, prayer rises behind the steps, depending on how deeply a person prays, so that everything turns to God. Prayers can be

verbal prayer, otherwise called corporeal chi usna, reciting aloud the texts of prayers, created by Christian children and hardened by the church. A person sings the words of a prayer, bows at the hour, tries not to think about prayers, but the prayers are not received much. Sleep prayer is the only one available for the majority of the laity and for the enlightenment of the Chents. The first, lower step of prayer.

Dumkov's prayer - why is the activity of thoughts and feelings especially, zozeredzheno zvernenih to God.

Prayer is evident - especially the activity of thoughts and feelings, zealous to God. At whom the words of prayer do not move out loud, but only in the mind. Thoughts of prayer, at your own hand, you can also sing:

  • reasonable prayer (otherwise internal)- Another step of clay. Given this, the mind of the one who prays, I will be more attentive to prayer and to be brought up to God without interruption, regardless of the one with whom the person is occupied. Such a prayer cannot be practiced without a spiritual guide.
  • prayer is heartfelt, but sensible-heartfelt,- the third stage of prayer, if before prayer, not only the mind, but a little bit of the people has been trained. Vaughn is accessible to not rich chants and is described in black writings about prayer.
  • spiritual prayer- the highest step of prayer, if the spirit of the one who prays, I will again turn to God. On the building there are less angels, and there are not many saints.

What kind of minds do you pray for?

Prayers can be

  • collective (suspіlnі chi private)
  • individual

Collective community prayers swear at the temple, at the hour of worship (for example, at the liturgy). The peculiarity of such prayers is for those who stink in full by unknown people. At the service for all prayers, a priest, a deacon, a chanter, a choir perform prayers. The fate of prayer lies in the fact that they respectfully listen to the words of the service.

Collective private (chi family) prayers to be read at home in the native country: the words of the prayer are repeated in chorus by the members of this family, the cry of the small children. So to pray in the urochist vipadkah, at the holy place, before the meal and after a new one, so the prayer of friendship for the gift of children is answered itself. Sim'ya is a small church, and a common family prayer can be taken into account by a variety of community prayer.

An individual prayer is said by a person on their own: at home, on the street, at the temple, if there is no worship there.

Orthodox prayer is performed standing or on knees, it is only allowed to sit at prayer in a crowded number of vipadkivs: otherwise, in case of ailment, it is extreme, or if the one who prays, you cannot stand for prayer (for example, when you are in transport).

What is necessary for God to sense prayer?

When does God hear our prayer?

God sees all our deeds and namiri, and to that, you will feel all our prayers. However, Vіn may not be viconate for what we ask.

Why does God not confirm to our prayers?

God does not respond to our prayers, so we pray for those for whom it is sinful to pray, otherwise, if the vicons of our prohanny do not bring us coriste. For some reason, God may not agree to our prayer or else, but not again and not in the form that we asked.

If you ask for forgiveness, you need to add: “God, it’s not my will, but Thy will be.”

God does not respond to the prayers of people, as if they live in sin and do not want to repent, but also is quiet, who repents and ask God for forgiveness, but does not want to forgive the quiet, who is guilty before them.

God also does not accept unsatisfactory prayers, as they are done in a hurry, no matter.

Do not ask God for those who have gained the strength to grow themselves. It is unwise for anyone to put their hopes on God.

How do you spend the hour of prayer?

If a person prays in his own words, he can bring his sinful thoughts and passions into prayer and start praying about unpleasing speeches. To that, in the first line, it is better to read prayers, the text of such establishments by the Church and one for all, and even after that, turn to God for your own special prohannyam.

The first prayer is necessary, it is necessary to vibe with quiet people, in front of some kind of wine. So punishing Christ himself. As such, there is no such possibility - for example, people, as you have imagined far away from you - to ask God to give you the opportunity and reconcile with the people especially.

At christian church long ago the rules of prayer were formed, the same for all, like at the temple, and at home.

  • Even from the hour of the apostles, call out Christ for the hour of prayer.
  • Standing in prayer, do not give in to outside thoughts.
  • Pray incessantly and reverently.
  • To get in the middle of prayer, move the words of prayer out loud, or whispers, interpreting the skin word.
  • Pray nedbalo, hurry up, try your best to finish the prayer - a sin.

To whom else, okrim God, can we pray?

Viruyuchi pray not only to God, but

Use our intercessors before God, as if to pray to Yomu for us. It is necessary for all of them to sway deeply and turn around in prayers.

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Appointment of prayer

Jesus “said likewise to him a parable about those who earnestly pray and do not hesitate” (Luke 18:1).

Prayer is the turning of the human soul to God

Irrespective of other appointments, as I victorious, characterizing prayer, the main assignment (in the subheading) remains unchanged: prayer is the soul of the human soul to God. Think about the hell out of it.

Prayer is a conversation with God

You hear a prayer; All flesh is given to Thee” (Psalm 64:3). Prayer is an intercourse between your spirit and the Great Spirit of the universe, which is the Living God.

Prayer is the heart's worth

Prayer is the fulfillment of the heart, to that in the hour of prayer you begin to beat your heart like God does. Prayer is the whole school, they learn the truths, which cannot be learned any more anywhere. Instead of that, to spend an hour worrying about the problem or difficult, I begin to pray. If I pray, God will show me how to get out of the situation.

Prayer is more powerful

Prayer is stronger than the banquet, as if it were to be chimed, it is possible, bazhannya, contributed by God. Itself to say the Word of God: “So the Spirit strengthens us in our infirmities; For we do not know what to pray for, as required, but the Spirit Himself will murmur for us with invisible zethanas” (Romans 8:26).

Prayer is a spiritual compass

On all ships, those litaks have compasses, yakі є zhittєvo important warehouse navigational possession. In addition to the other functions, compasses help pilots and navigators to indicate straight ahead and at any hour to indicate more precisely the misfortune. For an hour of one of the benefits on a small pilot, the pilot pointed to a small place that lies under us, and said: "I think the axis is our point of recognition." Ale, having looked from the compass, realized that we were off course for fifteen miles. It was not the same place, they straightened us in the yak.

Prayer is the work of God

Zavdyaki divine zasobu - prayers - we can reach God himself. This truth is attached in the words of the prophet Isaiah: And I helped Yomu m'yaz Yogo, and the truth Yogo took Yogo” (Isaiah 59:16).

Prayer is divine

If we want our prayers to be effective, we may come in divine reverence before the Father. It turns out that today's world has nothing to do with the order of speeches. We can bachiti dovkola disobedience to our country, ensign, order, wind up to God himself. If only we want our prayers to become strong, even if we are not guilty, allow the spirit of disobedience to slander us.

Prayer - divine obedience

First, you read this one to the end, sing and ask yourself: "Why do I attract the spirit of disobedience in myself?"

Prayer is the power that reveals God's treasures

Prayer is the key, strength, energy, mitz, which brings heavenly treasures and vivilnyaєs to the earth.

Prayer is the first step in knowing the Lord Jesus Christ

“For “the skin, whoever called the Lord Im'ya, be saved” (Romans 10:13). The first step in knowing the Lord Jesus is to speak with Him in prayer, seemingly: “Lord Jesus, see me in my heart. Vibach me for my sins. Cleanse the rest of the lawlessness. Bless me as a child of God."

Outside the choice, that description: the word prayer is a dictionary for the spiritual life of a believing person.

Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov.

Example: Stand in prayer.

2. - In religion: insertion of a text that is moved during the beast to God, to the saints

Efremova T.F. Tlumachny vocabulary of Russian.

2) Insertion of the text, which is to be read, or it is supposed to be believed when the animal is up to

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Tlumachny vocabulary of Russian.

1. Religion: introductions of the canonical text,

vymovlyaєєєєєєєєєє during the animal to God, to the saints. Read a prayer. prayers

2. Prayer, beast to God, to the saints.

Podyaka m. M. - repentance. * Stand in prayer - pray, standing in front of

icons, before images. With your prayers (roz. joking) - go to the house

to the question: "How can you?" or "How is your health?" at the value For nothing

like a podiaki for a spy staging. II add. prayers,

word prayer

The word prayer in English letters (transliteration) - molitva

The word prayer is made up of 7 letters: a v i l mot

The meaning of the word of prayer. What is prayer?

Use great number the purpose of prayer, as not everyone runs one by one. Prote, you can admit that such a designation will be acceptable for wearers in different points of dawn.

PRAYER PRAYER (Greek ευχή, lat. oratio) - the animal of a person to God, gods, saints, angels, spirits, personifications of natural forces, vzagali Vishchoi Іstoti or її intermediaries.

PRAYER is the most important aspect of suspіlstv. that private religion. life, її ext. sacraments. zmіst, pronounced in the verbal and obvious form. Prayer is also an indispensable meal of worship. actions…

Humanitarian Dictionary - 2002

PRAYER, a religious act, which is traditionally regarded as a raising of the heart to God, rozmov with God; in a narrower sense - the beast to God z prohannyam. The history of prayer is connected with the history of religion.

PRAYER is a religious act that is traditionally regarded as a raising of one's heart to God, rozmov with God; in a narrower sense - the beast to God z prohannyam. The history of prayer is connected with the history of religion.

Prayer is the main form of intercourse with God, leading up to the New Year with vdyachnistyu, for the help of that blessing. The Jews came to the temple for prayer (Ps 5.8; Luke 18.10; Di 3.1) and prayed, turning to the Holy of Holies.

Vikhlyantsiv V. Biblical vocabulary. - 1994

Prayer vzagali є pіdnesennia rozі і heart to God, like є reverent word of a person to God. Clearly for all prayers, but with a common Christian prayer, without a doubt, we can call the Lord's Prayer: Our Father, etc. (Matt. VI, 9-13) ...

Bible Encyclopedia. - 2005

PRAYER, Preces (εὐχή, podyaka M.- έ̓παινος), is based on the apparent fallowness of people in the presence of gods and on the vіrі in power that willingness to help, the bula turns or to the presence of the deities ...

Classic old days. - 2007

Prayer of the Zvernenny believer to the deity. In antiquity, M. could be married with sacrifices and gifts. Pray for the mali buti ritually pure (for the dolons of the mali buti are turned to heaven to the cult images of the deity).

PRAYER - the animal of a priest who believes to God, to the supernatural. to the forces of prohannyam about the message of goodness and the ogid of evil. M. is not a dominant part of religion. cult, goiter, yazati. attribute of ceremonies, liturgical services of the church. holy

Atheistic dictionary. - M, 1986

PRAYER - the priest's prayer of the most faithful to God, to the supernatural forces from the prohannyam about the message of goodness and evil. Unauthorized part of the religious cult, binding attribute of rites, liturgical services of church saints.

Glossary of historical terms - 1998

“Alphabetic Prayer” (sometimes called “Tlumachnym Abetka”) - an abetka was performed, one of the earliest words of the Jansk verses. It is a special form of cladding of religious truths.

Abet’s Prayer is the first order of the “Voice to the Gospel” of the performances of the Old Bulgarian and Old Slavic Literature. At the early list (XII century, DIM, Synod. Zіbr., No. 262) ...

Glossary of scribes and bookishness of Old Russia. - L., 1987-1989

ABC PRAYER (“Prologue about Christ is dead”, the beginning: “For this I pray to God”), one of the most ancient church hymns. verses with an alphabetic acrostic.

The Jesus Prayer is a short prayer for the beasts to the Lord God and the bagatarase and trival hour. So, calling on the name of God in such prayers as “Lord, have mercy”, “Lord Jesus Christ, son of God” ...

Bezrukova V.S. Fundamentals of spiritual culture. - 2000

Prayer of Jesus Div. spread ІСІХАЗМ (Jesus's prayer). . Prayer of Jesus - short prayer"Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." The prayer of Jesus, according to the instructions of the holy fathers, is worthy, if a person goes, or sit, or lie down.

Orthodox Encyclopedia "Abetka Viri"

The Jesus Prayer is short to M. Jesus Christ: "Lord Jesus Christ, our God (or the Son of God); have mercy on me a sinner." The schismatics keep constantly reading "Lord Jesus Christ, the Sin of God" and so on, stubbornly, as with words ...

FOREIGN PRAYER [εὐχὴ ὀπισθάμβωνος, the manuscripts also have names εὐχὴ ἐπισθάμβωνος or τῆς ἀπολύσεως], they say.

Zaamvonna prayer is read at prvsl. crk. at the very end of the liturgy, before the "empty". The ambo is called the one who, for the purpose of speaking, the priest descends from the frontal presentation, the extreme ledge of which is called the pulpit.

Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - 1890-1907

Zaamvonna prayer - a prayer, like a priest reads like a liturgy (for її vygoloshennya vі come out from vіvtarya, go down from the pulpit and turn around until the opening of the Tsar's gates).

Entry prayers Entry prayers [Church Slav. ], the prayers of the clergy at the entrance until Tuesday before the cob of liturgy. For the meanings of that zmist stink, they approach the cell rule before St.

The entrance prayers in the Orthodox liturgy are the prayers of the clergy, who are prayed before the Liturgy. Tsі prayers are read without interruption before the entrance until vіvtarya, the stars are like their names.

Spelling dictionary. - 2004

Morphemic spelling dictionary. - 2002

Apply the words prayer

Written on the breasts, a prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ Sin of God, have mercy on me a sinner."

Yulia Savicheva pretended to be Lyudmila Gurchenko, singing the song "Prayer".

Faith in God and prayer significantly expands the range of acceptance of this world.

And our children, our vchinki, our prayer is of great significance.

Which ancient saint is celebrated first after Great Day prayer for the dead.

Prayer quietly and unrepentantly changes the stature of a person.

Ale namir, with such a stench they came, the bula was no less than a collective prayer.


prayer, blessing, prayer service, prayer service, prayer service, prohannya, glorifying, singing, voice, liturgy, priesthood; prohannya; kaddish, hymns, namaz, mezuzah, text, paternoster, commemoration, khutba, vіdkhіdna, antiphon, kaddіsh, litіya, kafіzm, litany, maternity, litanny, іsykhіya

What is prayer, prayer tse, word meaning prayer, travel (etymology) prayer, synonyms before prayer, paradigm (word form) prayer in other dictionaries

what is prayer

a) Laudable, podyachne chi prohalne zvernennya to God, saints.

b) outdated. Blagannya, hotter prohannya about shchos l.

2) Restoration of the text, which is to be read or to be believed by the believer during the ascension to God, to the saints.

what is prayer

1) the banishment of the believer to the deity. 2) The canonization text of the banishment

what is prayer

1. In religion: a canonical text has been introduced, which is brought up during the ascension to God, to the saints. Read a prayer. Prayers "I believe", "Our Father".

2. Prayer, beast to God, to the saints. Podyachna m. M. - repentance.

Stand in prayer pray, standing in front of the icons, in front of the images.

mi (roz. joking.) go to the counter for a question: “How can you?” or "How is your health?" at the value dyakuyu, nothing like vyslovlennya podyaki for svіchutlivé stavlennia.

what is prayer


what is prayer

Zvertayuchis on skhid, call to prayer muezzini. Lermontov, Demon.

Turning to God, saints, which accompany the reading of singing texts.

Restoration of the text, which is to be believed during the ascension to God, to the saints, as well as for religious rites.

Wedding prayers. Funeral prayers.

At night, Yuliya Sergievna respectfully read the evening prayers, then she stood on her knees and - marveling at the light of the lamp, she said in a deep voice: - Wise, Lord! Chekhov, Three Rocks.

Before going to bed, they read a special prayer - not to God, but to the night guardian angel. Golubeva, Khlopchik from Urzhum.

synonyms for prayer

Prayer, blessing, prayer, prayer service, prayer service, prokhannya, glories, hymns (pocherya, pivnochі, litany, kafism, stichera, Theotokos, prokeimenon, paremia, litiya, sixth salm, polie, tropar, antim. heat prayer. " Listen to the voice of my prayer"

offer a prayer, send a prayer to God.

synonyms for prayer

antiphon, litany, іsykhіya, kaddish, kaddish, kafіzm, litany, litіyа, mezuzah, prayer, namaz, obіg, vіdkhіdna, paternoster, pіsnespіvi, commemoration, priesthood, text, hutka

paradigm, form words prayer

English quotes of the day

“Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself.”

“It is the set of the sails, there is no direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.”

“The whole hour, to think about those who are going to go, about those who are going to the end.”

“There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.”


prayer spelling word prayer spelling in the voice of the word prayer spelling words prayer

prayer meaning word prayer what does it mean

prayer, 1) the certainty of a clergyman or one who believes before God.

2) Warehouse part of the service.

prayer clouding words prayer what does it mean

1. In religion: a canonical text has been introduced, which is used during the ascension to God, to the saints. Read a prayer. Prayers "I believe", "Our Father".

2. Prayer, beast to God, to the saints. Prayer is repentance.

Stand in prayer, pray, standing in front of the icons, in front of the images.

With your prayers (roz. joking.) Go to the house to ask: “How can you?” or "How is your health?" at the value dyakuyu, nothing like vyslovlennya podyaki for svіchutlivé stavlennia.

dod. prayer, -a, -a. Prayer of the houses (those who pray).

synonyms for prayer

Prayer, prayer, blessing, prayer service, prayer service, prayer service, prohannya, glories, hymns [comvening, pivnich, litany, kathisma, stichera, Mother of God, prokeimenon, paremia, litia, sixthsalm, polyeleos, troparion]. warm prayer. "Listen to the voice of my prayer." Porivn. Divine services that Prokhannya. Div liturgy, priesthood || send a prayer, send a prayer to God

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What is prayer? The meaning of the word molitva, Ozhegov's vocabulary

The meaning of the word "Prayer" in Ozhegov's Slovnik. What is prayer? Find out what the word molitva means - the clouding of the word, the definition of the word, the definition of the term, and the lexical change and description.

2. Prayer- Restorations of the text, which they remember during the savage to God, to the saints

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The meaning of the word prayer

Read up to the word prayer in the crossword dictionary

Tlumachny vocabulary of Russian. D.M. Ushakov

Diya Dієslova. pray. Go to prayer.

The canonical verbal text, which is believed by believers in the case of the beast to the present God. Read a prayer.

Tlumachny vocabulary of Russian. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.

Religion: the canonical text is restored during the ascension to God, to the saints. Read a prayer. Prayers “I believe”, “Our Father”:

Prayer, beast to God, to the saints. Podyaka m. M. - repentance. With your prayers (roz. jokingly) - go to the vet to ask: “How can you?” or "How is your health?" at the value dyakuyu, nothing like vyslovlennya podyaki for svіchutlivé stavlennia.

dod. prayer, -a, -a. M. budinok (those same, scho prayer).

New tlumach-word dictionary of Russian, T. F. Efremov.

Laudatory, chalky chi prohalne beast to God, saints.

obsolete Blagannya, hotter prohannya about shchos l.

Restoration of the text, which is to be read or to be believed by the believer in the case of the beast to God, to the saints.

Encyclopedic dictionary, 1998

the beast of a believer to a deity.

Canonization of the text of the animal.

animal to the deity, one of the main elements of any religious cult, which creates an illusory view of the contact of the believer with the supranatural and psychological coherence of the religious group. Blaming the magic of the word (spell), M. looks like a prohannya, and then it’s like that glorification. Prayer forms gave a glimpse of religious poetry (for example, psalms), and later - to other genres of folklore (for example, spiritual verses) and poetic lyrics. In antiquity, M. was a part of the community rite, at times it had an uninterrupted suspіlne and political significance; Christianity has taken away the inner (“reasonable”) of M., which has acquired a special significance in mysticism. Christian theology should not oppose the “truth” of M., as if calling to the mercy of God, “pagan” incantations, focusing on the taking away of the singing blessings, ordering for the sake of it. In the religious life of the Christian communities, there was little room for insults in the interpretation of M., oppositions were gradually saved. public and individual M., zvnishnyo and internal, formal-ritual and emotionally intense. In the history of religion, the struggle for that other form of M. was often associated with the supernatural currents of the middle church.

prayers, yakі not at all zbіgayutsya one with one.

On these basis, you can propagate the following definition: prayer- “an important part of the spiritual life of a believing person”, the animal of “a person to God, gods, saints, angels, spirits, personifications of natural forces, vzagali Vishchoi Іstoti or її intermediaries”, the most important manifestation of a supple and private religious life in verbal forms, to appear "to glorify, fuck that podiaki."

  • Prayer is an animal believer to God, gods, other supranatural sources, and to bring canonizations to the text of this animal.
  • The name of the verse:
    • Prayer - Lermontov's verse, written by him in 1839.
    • Prayer - verse by Anna Akhmatova, written by her at the Spirit on the day of 1915.
    • Prayer - verse N. M. Yazikov.
  • Song name:
    • Prayer (Molitva) - a song from the single "Prayer (Molitva)" by the Serbian pop singer Marija Sherifovich, which won the international song contest "Eurobachennia 2007".
    • Prayer (Prayer by Francois Viyon, François Viyon) - a song by Bulat Okudzhavi.
    • Prayer- song by Zhanna Bichevsky
    • Prayer- song of Agatha Christ's band

Apply the words prayer in the literature.

Rise up Abba for the milepost, wringing your hands, pulling on the lapserdak and destroying the Kravets synagogue for the evening. prayer.

Gerasim wondering, wondering how Averyan creates prayers, and pray for yourself, vvazhayuchi, that, perhaps, yogo words, turned to the patron saint of seafarers, will be good.

If Gerasim is skinchiv prayer And after shovating the icon, Averyan was asleep: - Did you say to Mikola?

Sufi urochisto vigukuvav ranking azan, calling right-wingers to Persian prayer after sleep.

Chi varto rozpovidat to whom, my young friend, about those who are Turkic and Muslim prayers from azan to azan having defiled your mouth?

Motrona Fedorivna s prayer she poured miraculous fresh water over me and herself and demanded to read the akathist to St. Seraphim in a voice.

Joachim, having taken from his head a black capel with a wide brim, and standing there was a father, opposite the urns from alabaster, trying to throw in prayer.

Turning before the vіvtarya from the Adam tree, Fujita chanobly and swiftly, instead of reading in a deep voice. prayer the priest, speaking: - Oh, Izanagi and Izanami, whose love the people gave to our islands, lands, sea, mountains, forests, nature itself - to the god of fire, the god of Moon, the goddess of the Sun Amaterasu, who has entered the throne of the gods of the Holy Heavens, come to us and his downfall of Emperor Hirohito, show us the path to the downfall of the enemy and the shadows of fear from the face of our people.

I divine Amon, to whom the earth did not reach prayer, lowering their hands on their knees, the Daedalus more deepened at the glance of the graceful divinity, and the saints continued panuvati blind swaville and vipadok.

The lad knew that youma would not come back prayers, i, so that you will quickly turn again to the doorway, raising your reverently eyes of your hands to the sky and in a thin, squeaky voice chattering with a speedy car, which is interrupted: - Good to you, good god Amon, for those who saved you this day, the father in the bid, and mother gave wheat on the cake.

Prayer roaring lad like a lark, raising up to the sky and trembling with wings, rising more and more, to the very throne, de calm Amon, clasping his hands on his knees, staring at his omnipotence.

On the thought of the legacy of primary culture Edward Tylor, sacrificial taking the cob from the same animistic system that prayer.

To encourage another antiphon, the priest at the vіvtar to pray internally prayer.

For those who wisely heal the Curse of the Apis over zooms, 270 Yogo in prayers vdyachnyh vshanovuyut.

Ale pid hour prayers before the thought of the Archi, three times more brightly illuminated Underground appeared - life on the mist of death, and not a righteous zhah of mountains in his soul, not hatred to a robber, but more than unskinned zdivuvannya.

About the meaning of prayer, as the most important part of the spiritual life, many prominent Church fathers wrote in their pracies. Some of them called її “to the rapprochement of people with God”, others – a way to establish a living contact with greater forces. And yet, with whom, everyone agreed on one thing: prayer, which changes the share, may be less for understanding deep faith in the one to whom it is brutal.

Appointment of prayers

Starting rozmov about those that such a prayer, next designate five її main signs. Tse glorification of the Almighty, as the Creator of the world, for sending mercy to Him, that prohannya about helping with life's needs. In addition, the beast to the Lord and the greater heavenly powers can avenge repentance for sins and murmurings about neighbors. In a small group, it is customary to see the so-called sacramental prayers, as if the priest is reading the hour of the holy rites being performed by him.

Praise the Lord God

As a matter of tradition, to begin and complete the prayer is accepted as offerings of praise to the Creator. Navit short phrase "Glory to you, our God, glory to you" maybe even more strong prayer if yoga is reminiscent of the heat of a faith-filled heart. It is also rich in other laudatory prayers, as they glorify the Lord for Yogo Divine perfection, as well as long-term patience, as it manifests itself in the face of human sins. Their butts can be buti, zokrema, the 99th, and also the 103rd psalm.

The Lord God, who appeared to people in the form of Jesus Christ and accepted hellish torment for the sake of their salvation, becoming infused with unconditional love and sacrifice. The children of God perebuvayut at the unpaid borg before Him for all the manifestations of blessings, for them they can only follow the commandments of Yogo. To that, speaking about those prayers in Orthodoxy, it is important to say that they stink to the will of the Son of God, as if punishing them to offer them to Heavenly Fathers. With whom, Jesus left out the text of the prayer “Our Father” for His teachings. Vіn hover at tsіy statti.

Prohannya about the messenger of God help me

Shards of a person are weak by their nature and cannot get along without the help of heavenly forces, then they are constantly embarrassed to go into prohal prayers. Їх іsnuє impersonal. One of them is a prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker, which is avenged by the slander about yoga for us before the Throne of the Almighty. Through the mediation of the saint of God, it is like the forgiveness of the sins of the past, and so are the blessings of the repentance of the lost after the completion of the earthly path.

Let’s expand the butt of the circles, we can buti and kindly guide everyone viraz: “Lord, have mercy!” Also, with a strong prayer, you brought the statute to the Holy Spirit, as if obeying the words: “To the King of Heaven, the comforter ...”. It will sound mayzhe at all the good liturgical services.

Prayers to the incorporeal spirit - I will protect that zahisnik

Prayer to the guardian angel, whom the Lord sends for the protection of the skin faith, which is the rite of holy baptism, is to be applied to the category. One of them is aimed at the statue. This incorporeal spirit envelops the invisibly present order with us, protecting the sight of bad and misfortune, which are raped by the enemy of the human race. It is customary to respect that the prayer to the angel is celebrated especially especially to the very one who always follows the person, without leaving it up to the rest of the hvilini life, as if it were not due to its grave and unrepentant sins.

False about neighbors

In order to understand more about the world what prayer is like in Christianity, it is important to remember the words of Jesus Christ, who from the side of the gospel punished all of His children to give the hell not only for themselves, but also for other people, including for the enemies . A truly believing person cannot get along without murmurings. They are to ask for a messenger of God's grace to everyone who lives on earth, and especially to relatives and friends.

Prayers for the dead, shards of stench will demand our murmurings before God, for the forgiveness of their sins and the gift of eternal life. However, at the sight of the prayer of Mykola the Wonderworker, there is a need for healing in the afterlife of the one who prays, they go for the calm of the souls of other people, as they have completed their earthly journey and are covered with sins.

Prayer of repentance

Shards of human nature have been stricken with original sin, then by prolonging your life, you will innocently break God's commandments, and then, you cannot do without deep and broad repentance. What is prayer like in Christianity, as if it didn’t go to the Kingdom of God, the gate in a yak, as it seems, is made for those who, having washed away their sins with tears of guilt? To this, the holy fathers of the church chimalo chimalo, to help us succinctly and at once, it’s a pity for the poor to hang out before the Lord.

Some are prayers, sent without intermediary to the Lord, and some are holy saints, who feed on mediation at the right salvation of the soul. Lift up, for example, a prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker, believing a person to ask for mediation before God in granting forgiveness to sins that have been pulled down by the stretch of a lifetime.

Podyaka, yaku bring Creator

For all the blessings revealed by Christ, people can only pray with more prayers. The stench is rich in what it is similar to them, which are usually called laudatory, but they sing along with them, which they act, as a rule, for the sake of any particular blessing granted by the Lord, for example, healing from illnesses, giving birth to children, etc.

At the suggestion of a higher prayer, Mykola the Wonderworker is told a slander about yoga murmurings before God, but at the end, a prayer is given at the time of the bazhan to glorify the Lord. To go about a daily prayer - I can only pay a fee, like a mortal person can bring a gift to high forces.

With a friendly zbіg quiet chi іnshih zhittєvih environments people, moreover, naviruyuchi, often say: "Glory to God!", not investing in qi the words of the desired religious sensation, the floorings became the names of those stinks. And in the meantime, such a prayer, as if it were not sent to the Lord from various leads, among them and with the method of confessing to Yomu your vdyachnist. To that, the wording, no matter what the style, can be brought up again and again to the vdyachnyh prayers.

Prayers, as if they are praying for the hour of the creation of rites

There are also special and special prayers that change the proportions of people and allow them to take the blessing of the Lord. The stench is read exclusively at the hour of the creation of holy rites - religious rites, in the wake of which believers are helped by God's grace, that Yogo saving power.

There are such rites: baptism, communion (eucharist), chrismation, repentance (help), holy consecration, and also rite the priesthood. All the stench zdіysnyuyutsya priest, for a wink quiet vіpadkіv, if vіn vіdsutnіy, and the life of a person, as if negain's acceptance of baptism, threatening real insecurity. Only for tsієї think zdіysniti baptism, and also, and read the taєmno-zdіysnennu prayer may be some kind of Orthodox layman.

Form ta vidi prayers

Behind the form, in a kind of stench, prayers are said at the cathedral (church) and at home. In addition, їх, with a singing frequent intelligence, podіlyayat on vnutrіshnі zvnіshnі. Let us briefly dwell on the fact that prayer is so conciliar and why it is superior to home.

At church stakes, it is customary to remember that it is the hour of divine services, that they are held in the temple, that they go to the Lord, that they are celebrated by all present, more often felt, the shards are moved by one heart and one mouth. Those who please God willingly heal their ears to them.

For example, the prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker, lived at home and in the temple, I can summon strength. Navit in quiet moods, if a person, as if only a little bit, has entered the path of Orthodoxy, being present at a church prayer service, not moving at once with a lot of sacred texts, out, prote, vykonuetsya zagalnym prayer nebuduvannyam and by that very close to the Lord. A lot of people allow themselves to be saved, who see the resurrection of the resurrection of home prayer.

What is inner prayer and how is it її vіdminnіst vіd ovnіshnyої?

Animal people before God can mother a move, and a wordless form. In this case, the text of the prayer is not read aloud, but thoughts are made. Such a prayer is called "heart" or "reasonable", shards move in the mind and resemble the heart. A lot of church fathers wrote about this meaning at their pracies.

Zokrema, St. Theophan the Recluse, dedicating lowly his thoughts about those who are such a prayer. Appointment, given to them, even more imaginary and concise at the same time. Vіn pіdkreslyuvav, scho prayer - tse peredesіnnenya before God rose to the mind and heart of a person, whose mouth is more than another row and, vlasne, an additional role.

A similar formula does not apply that meaning, as the church gives public prayers, for all the animals believe before God and the saints rise up in voice. For example, the prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker, read at the temple by a great number of believers, є zvnіshny, but at once, experienced that vision with skin okremo, filling the inner - "heart" chi "reasonable" form. It is important to think about what it is better to give a good result in any given moment.

What is the prayer for, and if it is read out?

At Rest of the Rocks, a series of canonical prayers, included to the collections, which are seen by the official Church, there appeared a few "creators" of unknown authors, as if they were calling the name of their zmistom and mum, as a rule, a big mistake. The broader stench was taken off via the Internet and victorious not only by church-going people, but by those who still do not know their way to God's temple.

One of the most popular creations of this kind is the “prayer of zatrimanya”, which took away its name through those who are attributed to the authorities to trim the devil’s devil and themselves to tidy up human anger, great-grandfather like wine. As її the author is called the Athos elder Pansofia, who had never seen a collection of his labors in the middle of the XIX century, to some kind of visions and guesses the text.

Criticism of "prayer zatrimannya"

It is not possible to put a text in the stats, the shards of the wines are great, it is significantly less, that both church fakhivts, and worldly experts call out a few doubts. Nasampered, the result of a linguistic analysis points to those who fold wines not in the past era, but in our days. On the basis of the evidence, I show the words and the words that are victorious in the new. I do not see criticism, and I myself am a writer.

Nasampered, with a detailed engraving, a slander is revealed to him, like a clear rubbish with biblical commandments. In addition, it calls out zdivuvannya vіdsutnіst at the prayers of such її traditional warehouses, as if we had been blessed before the Lord, prohannya about the blessing of sins and repentance at the broken God's commandments. Significantly, for its written text, the whole text follows the traditions of folk mysticism, such an official church is put very negatively.

To some prayers, give glory

It seemed to me that all the more creation of the day was not given more blatantly manifested by the one who is such a “prayer of zatrimannya”. Notes about efficiency, which are published on information resources on various topics, are super-sharp. It seems that the springs of my prayers have been protected for themselves in the face of unkind people who tried to denigrate my good name. And htos stverdzhuє, scho unsuccessfully slandered so the very “trimat the devil”, as if having looked at the “other half” at the grafted susidka / susida.

The Orthodox Church still does not defend the reading of the so-called apocryphal (non-canonical) prayers, but we should protect them even more, so that through lack of knowledge we do not take away the result, turning to the bad. To that, turning to the Lord, Yogo the Most Pure Mother or holy saints, it is recommended to separate the readings of sacred texts, including before the official viewing of the selections. Prayers are also allowed, praying in your own words, shards in them, as a rule, the whole depth of the human soul is revealed.

All about prayer: what is prayer? What is the right way to pray for another person at home and in church? On qі and іnshі nutrition we magatimemosa vіdpovisti y statti!

19. Jesus Prayer

Prayer - ce shira Rozmov people of the Holy. Be it as a prayer may be on the verge of a prohannya of people for help. And how to pray correctly, so that your passage will go to the Holy and shob win yogo vikonav? Prayer will be less than honored if:

won said zі schirim pochuttyam, without vdavannya; a person is zealous in his prayer, does not respond to outside thoughts and thoughts; a person thinks about the Saint, to whom to pray, thinks to the one whom to pray and thinks to the one who asks for wine. Tsі y less tsі thoughts may zapovnyuvat head under the hour of prayer; a prayer to sound biased, іz pochuttami, z bazhannyam buti we will feel. Prayer, read in a hurry, just like a text, not to please the Saint, it is possible, to irritate. Monotonous recitation of a prayer with a thought about those who "abi read" do not bring the same crust; prayer is voiced in the voice of whispers; a prayer to ask for spiritual help for others. Talking about high material wealth, or about it, what is the manager of shkodi otherwise ...

What is the right way to pray?

“Ask and it will be given to you…” (Matthew 7:7).

What is prayer?

Prayer is our conversation with God.

Law of God

* * *

Prayer is the basis and center of Christian life.

Orthodox catechism

* * *

Prayer is the right head. There is our way to God.

St. Theophan the Recluse

* * *

Prayer is a great blessing, an inexhaustible treasure, the basis of silence, a root, a mother, and a thousand blessings.

Rev. Efrem Sirin

* * *

Pist and prayer fold the most secure fence against the attacks of the prophets.

Rev. Barnabas of Gethsemane

* * *

Great zasіb for salvation is faith, and especially, uninterrupted heartfelt prayer. The axis is prayer - the victory is impossible!

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov

* * *

Prayer is a beast of a fallen man and praying to God. Prayer is the weeping of a drunken person who repents before God. Prayer...

The Power of Prayer

Yakos, when St. Yakiv Nizibіyskiy ishov near the village of deyak, the zhebraks went on the way to the new one and began to ask for mercy for the funeral of the dead. At the same time, the stench showed a flickering, scho to lie with a fever, which was really alive and less than dead. The two marriages, having swayed the bishop from afar, ordered one of them to pretend to be dead, so that for the help of such a deceit, ask for more mercy. Having given them mercy, the saint prayed for the dead, so that God would pierce his sins and rest his soul with the righteous, and go on his way. At the entrance of the saint, the friends of the obvious twinkling began to say to you, that you are tired; but that one lying unruly, for it was true that he was dead and breathless. The zhebraks, babbling that their nonsense turned to the truth, ran after the saint, falling down to yoga, repented of their sin. Asking for their truthfulness for vigilance, the stench of goodness worked them out and resurrected the dead. The miracle worker, inheriting the butt of the merciful Lord, having tested them, and on ...

So many people know what it is necessary to pray, to turn to God in their thoughts in a coherent way, sometimes it’s necessary, but I don’t know everything, how to work. Sometimes we ask God to have mercy, to admit your sins, vryatuvat and save your relatives, kokhanih. Vinicate in such a way that, having begun a specific textual prayer, for example, do not pray with your soul, do not let God in life. Most of the people who go to the Temple, turn to God, don't know what to start with. Situations, for them to inspire little believers, they begin like prayers, rozpachu, difficult situations, as they said at war, with prayer, the atheists went on the attack.

What is Prayer

It is understandable, on their own butt, it is possible, to reveal the purpose, prayer is a particular part of the spiritual life of believing people, leading to the saints in a verbal chi obvious format. For the first form, I give the right to fixation, read, read the text.

There is a lot of knowledge literature, how to take revenge ...

What is prayer?

How about praying?

When do you need to pray?

– The Apostle Paul commanded: “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). “Be fast in prayer, drinking in it for kindness” (Col. 4:2). A Christian is obliged to pray every day: on the morning and in the evening, before the meal and after the meal, before the cob and after the end of every celebration. Kindly instill in yourself the thoughts of praying for a long day with short prayers.

What kind of prayers are there?

- Prayers are fading, ...

How to pray correctly, so that God will feel and help us?

Pray with a pure heart

How much to pray to God

With what words you need to go to the Almighty

What is my need to pray in church and at home?

What is the right way to pray to the saints?

How to start and finish praying

Orthodox prayer rule

How to follow the rule of prayer?

Orthodox Prayer

How not to speak at the hour of prayer

For God to let you pray, it is important to pray correctly. Tse does not mean pharisaical correctness and dotrimannya of all other ascriptions: how to stand in front of such an icon, to read prayers in sequence, how to properly bow down. It’s no longer necessary to be afraid of being afraid when praying, it’s not so and they are more likely to be moved through prayer. God saturate our hearts, and vipadka pardon not to break us with mischief at Yogo.

Prayer is a special connection with God, rozmov with God. Rozmova with God (prayer) - a chain of ears that zasnuvannya stosunkіv with God.

Poradada No. 1:
Under the hour of prayer, close your eyes and concentrate!

Under the hour of prayer, flatten your eyes so that you can concentrate! If a person prays with the help of eyes - they begin to marvel at the walls, objects, marvel at the windows (as if it were in the room). Everything evokes you, the shards in your head begin to think about those that you marvel at. If you pray, close your eyes and show that you are standing before God and wondering at him in your eyes, speak to him. As you victorist a template for prayer, break this prayer into a piece of meaningful parts (only for the butt: I ask for sins, I give it to the devil and the whole filthy one, I ask for strength and forgiveness, I ask for my needs, and I will vote for my help. ) Now open the hour of prayer…

7.1. What is prayer?

- Prayer, for the appointment of St. Philaret (Drozdov), to bring the mind of that heart to God. Prayer is a church people with God, who wriggles their hearts, prohannya, zithannya.

7.2. How about praying?

– Through prayer, a person’s day is recognized by God, so that a meta recognition of a person is created by a singing world - deified її. After a wide, fulfilled prayer, the soul becomes peaceful, calm, prayer brings inner clarity.

7.3. When do you need to pray?

– Apostle Paul commanded: “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). “Be fast in prayer, drinking in it for kindness” (Col. 4:2). A Christian is obliged to pray every day: on the morning and in the evening, before the meal and after the meal, before the cob and after the end of every celebration. Kindly instill in yourself the thoughts of praying for a long day with short prayers.

7.4. What kind of prayers are there?

- Prayers go on...

What is the right way to pray? Zranku or in the evening? For those who died alive, for those who are quiet, who are in the dorozі chi in the likarni. How do Christians, Buddhists and Muslims pray? It’s like blaming such food, then, the song of prayer is already formed in a zahal, and the person admits that you know what “prayer” is.

Maybe, that's right. Skin razumіє tse appearance in its own way. I skin maє ration. In your own way. Ale, few people know, understand, understand and feel prayer completely. What would you need to change, look at her eyes of other people, cultures, and maybe epochs. Adzhe prayer was a part of human life because of the blame of religion, and its forms changed, like light-receiving people.

Yakі buvayut see prayers

Zovnіshnі see a wide prayer stand before our respectful glance like reading, singing, dancing and navit movchannya. Tse її form. Pray, dancing dervishes in Sufism, dancing Arab Christians, whose temperament is not invested in nature.

Good day, dear home. Today, we will tell you how to pray correctly and how to pray correctly and follow the rules of prayer so that we can be perceived by God. It is rich to differ in prayer, but they agree on one thing - prayer is an important aspect of the life of a believing person.

Prayer is not a scam, the method of which is to take away, for example, forgiveness. The sense of prayer is sung by the very soul of the Creator, by the intercession with him - she lamaє bar'єri between the Lord and that people.

How to pray correctly and the rules of prayer

Jesus gave us a moment of prayer - "Our Father" - the main prayer of Christians. Everything that can be broken by all believers has been rehabilitated.

Righteous life conveys the sins of sin, sumniviv at the turbot and respect God, accepts that vikonnannya yoga will, forgiveness of falsehoods, exclusion from the life of evil and peace. My prayers are filled with faith, hope and love of a person to the Creator.

The one who cares...


Prayer - ce zustrіch іz God Lives. Christianity gives people uninterrupted access to God, who feels people, helping them to love them.

To whom the root of Christianity, for example, like Buddhism, is the hour of meditation for the one who prays, may rightly be without special overboots, in the like of wines get bored and in whom you are different, but God, as I live I do not recognize the person of guilt. At the Christian prayer, people see the presence of the Living God.

In Christianity, God is revealed to us, who has become Human. If we stand in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, we look at the God of Satisfaction. We know that God cannot be revealed, described, depicted on an icon or a picture. But it is possible to depict God, having become Ludina, - such, as Vіn appeared to people. Through Jesus Christ, like Ludina, we reveal God for ourselves. Tse rozkrittya vіdbuvaєtsya at prayer, savage to Christ.

Through prayer, we know that God takes a part in everything that happens in our life. To that…

7.1. What is prayer? Prayer, for the appointment of St. Philaret (Drozdov), for bringing the mind of that heart to God. Prayer is a church people with God, who wriggles their hearts, prohannya, zithannya. 7.2. How about praying? Through prayer, a person’s day is recognized by God, so that until the singing world, a meta-recognition of a person - deification of God - is established. After a wide, fulfilled prayer, the soul becomes peaceful, calm, prayer brings inner clarity. 7.3. When do you need to pray? Apostle Paul commanded: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). “Be fast in prayer, drinking in it for kindness” (Col. 4:2). A Christian is obliged to pray every day: on the morning and in the evening, before the meal and after the meal, before the cob and after the end of every celebration. Kindly instill in yourself the thoughts of praying for a long day with short prayers.

7.4. What kind of prayers are there?

- Prayers are prohalny, podyaks, glorifying ...

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about those that are such a prayer, about the likeness of a word, yoga will change that etymology.

Prayer in my life takes up far from the rest of the world, the very process of prayer brings me great joy, but the shards of my restless mind are constantly sleeping with various nourishments, then, I’m sorry, I’m sleeping with such nourishments like “what is prayer really?”. I began to wonder what to think and write about healing.

Etymology of the word prayer - canonical meaning

Etymology, or the likeness of the word prayer, as it were, there is no unambiguous clouding. The successors are aware that the root mel/mol became the basis of the word, aggravated by the suffix d: meld/mold. The meaning of the root is translated as "soft, lower".

Die-word with simplified root on the cob sounded like molditi, tobto. robiti m'yakim, pom'yakshuvati, pom'yakshuvati.

Then, after the permutation, it changed into modliti. Why the permutation of the letters occurred is not specified. They just changed, that's all. In the wake of the word, the name of modlitva has disappeared.

The zahіdnoslovskih movah saved the dl, that in the Polish molic, modlic sie, modlitwa, in the Czech modlitise, modlitba; in Pivdennoslovyansky and skhidnoslovyansky movahs dl was forgiven in l, to that in Russian prayer, pray, prayer, in Serbian prayer.

Historically disputed words blessings, blessings and young, young. Young shoulder meant soft, lower (for example, young greens).

Zagalnoslov'yanske sounding of the root of these words - mold (Russian youth, old Slavic young).

Otzhe, we are urged to reconcile, that the word “prayer” resembles the word mold in the meaning - work softly, help me, tobto. ask.

Chi not to that, in mass evidence, the meaning of the word prayer is equal to the shameless prohannya to the All-Vishish. Give me, give me, crush like this, crush like that.

For the sake of the greater people, prayer is accepted as a universal tool, for the help of which you can work everything that you can’t go through with the greatest tools.

For example, a prayer to stay home, a prayer not to get sick, a prayer to bring people, etc.

In this context, look at the word " grace". Russian skin speaks the same word with the root “maliy”, and not “movlyav”. Try it yourself, say the word in your voice, and you will understand that the mind about lyati tse same, scho mind a lie. Tobto, blessedly, we are advised to apply to ourselves before him, from whom we ask for anything.

Speaking about one of the heroes, quote “The one who creates, you will never ask. Creator vіddavati zdatny himself. Who to ask for you, but what does it mean, you are in a skaralupi znevir ... " end of quotation. So, asking for help from God, we ourselves carry the thought of all the world about those who are not perfect, small, pale, hopeless.
With whom we forget about those that man was created by God "in the image and likeness" of the creator!

More meaning of the word prayer

If you guess mayzhe forget the word “talk” - Rozmov, “moviti” - speak, it becomes clear that the meaning of the word prayer is tserozmov. E thought that “movlyav” is not one significant part which word. Summer, in Greek, may mean "stone", guess the lithosphere - one of the shells of the earth. In this rank, we take away the Rozmov-stone. Rozmova from a stone, they interpret it as a beast to a stone, tobto. stone idols.

The word “prayer” means a service (liturgy) at the church for us. As soon as the word is spread in the warehouse, then it is taken away that we already know “moving” and “fucking”.

Understanding what current culture wholesomely vibrate the whole root "fuck". However, having spoiled a little more, I revealed that the meaning of this root is not vipadkove. Є old rune "Gebo", smut її meaning - vzaєmovernennya, partnership. Inshe, less significant, ale, so it may be the same place, this is a sign human strength that potential.

Otzhe, the meaning of the word prayer can be translated as a mutually respectful Rozmov. Spіlkuvannya equal, chi equal spіlkuvannya. If it is necessary to translate for other meanings of Gebo's rune, then it can be taken away otherwise. I, honestly seeming, could not give an interpretation of this word from the splendid potential of human power.

Let's not forget to guess the word "seditious". At school, we were taken to the point where the meaning of this word is similar to "atheist." They called rebels, rebels, quiet, who did not sedition among the people, to be like nonsense, untruth.

In our luck, the word "sedition" is easily spread out in the mind of the Russian skin warehouse. K-ra-molu. I already wrote about the same word in the article, but we won’t repeat it again. Sedition, tse prayer until the sun.

Ra, not only the Egyptian god of the sun, in the school program, “Ra” is not the same, our native sonechko and in Russian language are impersonal words, as if they are hanging in this warehouse.

In such a rank, otrimuemo, Ra is the sun (more deity), the voice is rozmov, K is straight, from one to the other. Sedition is a prayer (rozmov) of a person from the sun (the supreme deity).

Prayer that church

In modern church rhetoric, the humble is respected by prayer, with spiritual lagadnistyu, leading to God. Prayer is called the conversation of the soul with God;

Prayer, tobto. rozmov with God, may be different, tse i prohannya, і kayattya, і podyaka.

Prayer yak podyaka

At different dzherelakh, I know miraculously put prayers like podyaki. I have already been worthy of the stench, I want to bring them to you in full. I have always been opposed by people who are so subtly vigilant. Below is the prayer of St. Francis (1182 - 1226). The axis, like wine, turned to God, being already a seriously ill person: “High, kind, almighty God, praise to You, and glory, and all blessings: blessed, Lord, do Your work with You, especially and first for everything, brother of the sun, who warms us and makes You happy to glory. Beautiful, promenisty, in a light nimbi - You are wine, High, wit. Yours, O Lord, the sister of the month and the sisters of the stars - You have created in the sky the most blessed, dear ones. Blessed be the wind for your brother, for the rain, and a clear day, and all weather, as you give to your creatures. Blessed be our sister water, which is so generous, humble, dear and innocent. For our brother, fire, be blessed, God, by which you light up nothing without a gap ... Blessed be, Lord, for our matir, the land that grows and grows us, gives fruit, and rows of flowers, and herbs.

As an example, I want to bring the words of the Orthodox priest Grigory Petrov, a kind of pishov in the other world in the 40s of the twentieth century. “Lord, how good it is to stay with You: the wind, burn, stretch into the sky, lead, like a boundless mirror, which turns gold into exchange and the lightness of the dark. mother earth with її shvidkoplennaya beauty, which awakens the tightness behind the eternal vіchiznoy, de sound in imperishable beauty: Hallelujah!

I can't get past my respect for one more prayer. This prayer of Anastasia from the book of Maigret. She's got her time out on me. After reading it, I first realized that prayer to God cannot be missed.

My father, what a creak!

For life is light for you,
For the revelation of Thy kingdom,
I love for free.
Be good.

Thank you for the hedgehog!
I for your patience,
I for the forgiveness of sins
on your land.

My father, what is the creak,
I am Your daughter among Your creations.
I will not allow sin, that weakness in myself,
I will become good
Your beasts.

My father, what is the creak,
I am your daughter
for the joy of You.
I will increase your glory

Come on forever
at your world.

I will be so!
I so want!
I am your daughter
My father, what a creak.

Prayer, tse interconfessional understanding. Pray all, Muslims, Christians, Krishnas, Jews, and Buddhists. Inspire atheism, at the moment of the most unsafe, start praying.

Tse come out of the very depths of human nature. I think that sooner or later you will realize that there is more than one fault, that the whole world has the best cob, which serves as a rightful point for everything, and we, the unbelievable, have that number.

Seeing the food about prayer is so important for people, I unconvincingly showed for myself that prayer plays a significant role in the life of daily life. Rіznі ask in Yandex, in some way or another, the word “prayer” is approaching up to three millions per month.

With whom, 4 millions of people may chirp with God, and 4 millions over the soul. Bad numbers. Ale, at one time, "budinok 2" will run over 16 million times a month. Tsya statistics already clearly show where the respect of people is directed in our time. Tsіkavo will prostegize the dynamics for rіk, two.

Father, what kind of prayer is that people are sure to reach God, rozmov to the soul. I dare, that I do not care for all my ignorance and negligence, God is special. Guess about "behind the image and likeness." It is impossible for him to be such that the words of our podiaki knock like peas on the wall.

Without a doubt, what do you feel, see, and show us your endless love. Pray for nothing, in your own words, with prayers for prayers, especially on the right of the skin, but if you want so richly, why not give him a little bit of your kohanny!

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