Coma is seen in propositions of especially significant elements. Rozdіlovi signs. Seeing different signs

§ 1 Rozdіlovі signs

At this stage, we look at the main groups of different signs and systematize our knowledge about them.

All razdіlovі signs and rules of their staging in speeches and texts show a special science - punctuation.

Punctuation we respect ourselves the design of a letter movie and may have a communicative function.

Razdіlovі signs utvolyuyut especially group of all graphic system of Russian language; їх recognition - to serve those sides of the written movement, which can be expressed in letters.

Rozdіlovі signs serve

in order to accept clarity and clarity in the transmission of thoughts,

they admonish one proposition in another, or one part of yoga in another,

rі vіrazhayut v_chutya hto to speak, i yogo setting to the ear.

“Your recognition is to express the articulation of the language on the meaning, and also to accept the manifestation of the syntactic mode and rhythm”, - there is also the “Glossary-provider of linguistic terms” by D.E. Rosenthal and M.A. Telenkovo.

In a number of vipadkіv rasdіlovі signs are the main or the only way to show the meaning of words.

For example, you can equalize the setting of a coma, a dash and a two-fold in that very unfortunate collapsible speech:

Young people went, the evening became boring. (At tsom rechenni vkazuetsya on the sequence of subdivisions).

The young went away - it became boring in the evening. (In the other part of the proposition, the proposition is pointed to the consequence, the result of the di, assigned to the first part).

Young people went: the evening became boring. (Here there are causal and inherited indications of the appointed causes in the other part of the chain of non-split folding propositions).

§ 2 Razdіlovі and vidіlnі razdіlovі signs between parts of folding propositions

Separate signs in folding propositions are needed in order to convey on the sheets the peculiarities of the meanings between the parts of the folding propositions, the peculiarities of life and intonation.

In foldable and non-split folded speeches, the stench is substantiated by simple propositions, having a different function, and in folded rows, one sees a fallow part (additional proposition), typing the function of seeing.

So, for example, a coma, a dot with a coma and a dash, win a separate function in folding and non-successful sentences, and a split function carry a two-fold, and ale vikoristovuetsya between parts only in a folding non-union sentence.

A dash in BSP has a separate function.

And the axis of the function is the vision of the power of the omnipotent coma, as it sees the proposition in the warehouse of the folding proposition.

For example:

Komi in SPP to win the function of vision.

§ 3 Features of Russian punctuation

It should be noted that the rules of Russian punctuation are of great gnuchkistyu, the shards at once from obov'yazkovymi norms are the basis of statements, as if they are of a strict normative nature and that they allow different punctuation options.

So, for example, the author's punctuation in folded speeches is such a setting of different signs, as it is not overridden by the rules, the prote is permissible, as the author of the їх additionally conveys some kind of additional zmіst. Before such signs, it is most common to put a dash in folding words, a speck with a coma.

For example, K.G. Paustovsky vvazhav for the need to put a dash in the unfortunate collapsible proposition

I want to put up a dvokrapka.

§ 4 Short bags for the lesson

Considering the busyness, it can be seen that the knowledge of punctuation and the functions of the punctuation marks in the folding speech is necessary, the shards of the divided marks are not only indicated on the meaning of the terminology of the text and the speech, but also the important design of the written language.

List of victorious literature:

  1. Zolotarova I.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Egorova N.V. Lesson learning from Russian: Grade 11 - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 320 p. - (To help the school teacher).
  2. Rozental D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary of linguistic terms: A guide for the reader. - M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1985. - 399s.
  3. Egorova N.V. Lesson analysis of Russian language: a universal guide. Grade 9 - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 224 p.

1. Significant signs– ce such razdіlovі signs, the function of such polagaє in vіddіlennі syntactic structures or їх parts one in one. The simplest example of expanding rose signs - tse dot, food and call signs, bagatokrapka.

Vіddіlyayuchi rozdіlovі signs to be divided into two big blocks– ce end of speech signsі signs in the middle of a proposition.

Signs in the middle of a proposition more "folding", scallops are subject to rich rules. Here is the next nobility, as the most important provisions of the rule, and the blame for it. The middle propositions can be sharpened speck, nutrition signs and call signs, speck, coma, speck with coma, dvokrapka, dash.

Krapka, no matter how marvelous, it rattles and in the middle of the speech: they trap together, if the words are short-written - that in.(and others), and etc.(and so far), etc.(and the like), that pid.(І podіbne), t.sound(so titles) that in.

Power sign zustrіchaєtsya in energizing propositions same members, de vikaє the need to analyze nutrition: That scho me to whom? before them? to the whole universe? (A. Griboyedov). Takozh power sign in the middle of the proposition, it is victorious in order to speak sumniv, or to imitate the writer (the construction with the sign of power in such a state is falling into the arches): Art. Fedorov insists: “All the listeners will repeat (? ) were good with my visnovkas "(K. Chukovsky).

hail sign vikoristovuetsya in such vipadkah:

1) in oklichnyh speeches with the same members for the recognition of the emotional level of the movement: Usy vіdkidav: law! conscience! believe! (A. Griboyedov);

2) after the words-propositions, the beast or the vigukiv, which move out of the hail intonation: old! I felt a lot of times that you lied to me in the face of death(M. Lermontov);

3) at the temples for the expression of irony, zdivuvannya or the bewilderment of the one who writes to the thought, which is transmitted: After the call of the city, Svyatopolk changed at the prince's residence, if it was raptovo (! ) Grand Duke Volodymyr died(A. Rogalov).

Bagatokrapka stop when quoting (before the cob of the quotation, in the middle or after it) to indicate the passage in the quoted text: « ... zhorstoke viprominyuvannya forcing mutations » (L. Gumilyov).

Coma vikoristovuetsya among the same members of the speech: chilly aspen, flutter in the wind, holone on sun, freezing in hell(I. Tokmakova), as well as between parts of the collapsible proposition: whisper, boyazke dihannya, trills of the nightingale, sreblo that kolivannya sleepy strumka, light of the night, night darkness, thin without end, low enchanting change of a sweet disguise(A. Fet).

Krapka with a coma we can understand between the parts of the collapsible unionless proposition: To sleep inflow, like the spirit of a stingray, there is no wind, dew lies on the grass; last month, mute enchantments, high and far tremt(K. Sluchevsky).

dvokrapka victorious between parts of a collapsible unionless proposition: Hunger is not a titka: the pie is not a pie(an adjective), as well as before the same members of the speech after the following words: Grimilo everything: and underlay, and stele, and furniture(A. Chekhov).

Dash most often it is spoken in foldable bezsluchnikovyh rechenny, between the parts of which are installed in the blue of vision, the hour, wash that іn. omission, with the omission of one of the members of the proposition and in .:

Give take it, take it bizhi(adjective);

I've heard everything, I no one(A. Pushkin).

2. Seeing different signs called such razdіlovі signs, meta like those of the rechenni - seeing especially significant parts of it. Seeing rozdіloviy signs є razdіlovі signs at vіdokremlenih other row members of the speech zі values ​​of the additional award and іn.

Before different different signs be seen komi, dash, arms, paws, coma and dash , as well as dvokrapka .

Komi most often vikoristovuyutsya at vіdokremlenih members zі znachennya dodatkovogo award, represented by:

1) vіdokremnim vyznachennyam

Grass,be blown away by the wind kicked on the ground(M. Gorky);

dosch,boring and unskinned , still liv i liv(Yu. Kozakov);

2) water-reinforced additive: Orly,satellites viysk climbed over the mountain(A. Pushkin);

3) vіdokremlenoyu furnishing (dієprislіvnik, dієprikmetnik, porivnyalny turnover, etc.)

Mandrivniki,don't cry , took up their modest offense(E. Novov);

Axis wind,gloomy nazdoganyayuchi , Zіthnov ...(A. Pushkin);

Placement rates,yak steel , shining on the sun(I. Turgenev);

4) animals

Give,Jim , on my paw(S. Yesenin);

Noise, noisehearers vitrilo , boast under me,gloomy ocean (A. Pushkin);

5) with an introductory word, or with a word

And Tudimaybe , verst n'five will be ...(G. Semenov);

What a day on the streetYak seem , panuvalo great pozhvavlennya(N. Nosov);

6) adnexal part of the folding proposition: I everythingabout what the skin dreamed of itself , who guessed with an inflated soul(V. Bryusov).

Dash as a sign, which you see, is victorious with introductory propositions and intercalary constructions:

My parish -I tse moment remember - a bunch of trochs zbentezhiv guests(I. Turgenev);

Groupie -three-chotiri people - Roamed across the majestic field(V. Soloukhin);

І invisible -ugly and evil - the rumble of the valleys in the midst of a terrible, dense, squeezed in the narrow expanse of a human mass(A. Kuprin).

Significantly, scho in okremi vipadka dash we can learn when introductory words oh, and oh, so poednannyah sliv, ale tse vіdbuvaєtsya vkrai seldom and not a rule. The introductory proposition is seen as a dash due to the fact that it is an independent construction in the middle of the proposition, or it can also be seen - in lonely vipadkas - komami.

temples, like a dash, accompany introductory or insertive propositions: Kozak buv young (for twenty years ), hurry up in Russian and especially in mov(K. Fedin).

So that you don’t get lost with different signs, you know introductory proposition in the insertion structure.Introductory proposition(like introductory words and phrases) carry in your own “emotional” assessment of what is being reported: the writer can express on dzherelo remembrance, on one’s own, on succession the other way. Plug-in design to enter additional information at the proposition, in order to concretize the actual judgment. In other words, the inserted construction is an independent unity.

Kavicki see straight motion, and find quotes: "Kubrak, Dubov, hurry up!" Levinson commanded quietly(A. Fadeev).

Coma and dash like a single sign of vicoration when you see the words of the author in the middle of the straight line of the movie: "Sure, -having promoted Arkady, - what a wonderful day today!(I. Turgenev).

dvokrapkaі dash as if you see rozdilov signs zastosovuyutsya at the sights of a group of similar members with a specific word: dvokrapka - after a common word in front of the same members; dash - after the same members, as they do not end the speech.

All nature:i lіs, i water, i pishchanі pagorbi - burn like a crimson engraving(I. Goncharov).

Arms and paws, signs of coma and dashes are visible before the signs of water-reinforcement. With whom, invariably, male implants are characterized by arches and paws. Other rozdіlovі signs vikorivuyutsya from both sides see the component, as if vin roztashovuєtsya in the middle of the proposition.

If you want to stand on the cob or in kіntsi propositions, then a coma, a dash or (inodi) coma and a dash vikoristovuyutsya once - after the turn, which is seen, but in front of him. For example, living in a lump, which you see on the cob and in the end of the proposition in the Kremlin turns: Surprised at the gloom, I guessed the rest of the days,carried out on a schooner (Kozakiv).

Їх recognition - seen in the rivers especially significant parts of yoga; such Komi vikoristovuyutsya at vіdokremlennі, at vіdіlennі animals, introductory constructions, vigukіv.

The biggest coexistence with the most visible sign of coma is the most “neutral” Skoblikova O.S. Modern Russian language. Syntax of collapsible speech (theoretical course). - M., 2006. - P.240. among other signs, which are victorious in the middle of the speech. Vidilni komi sharply differ for function with a dot and a dot with a coma, stench in such a way to be included in the other system of punctuation meanings, quiet, like powerful signs that you see, zokrema double dashes and arches. For example:

  • - Komi at water Kremlin: I spent the night here on the outskirts,at a penny hotel, and early vranci viyshov from Sevastopol(I.A. Bunin);
  • - Komi with introductory words and introductory speeches: Vchora,seem took us along the great road at the sight of the field, which is watered at once from the waterings of young Tolstoys(I.A. Bunin);
  • - Komi with animals: True,Petro, tell me, but to you, to the speaker, hi bee vin, having served the samovar(Hirky);
  • - Komi, what do you see supplementary propositions: Deyaki,who stood closer reluctantly pulled their hats(O.M. Tolstoy);

Here a new gradation is observed: Komi, dash, arches (Komi see parts of propositions of lesser significance and folding; dashes - parts of greater significance and wider; arches - especially sharply mimic parts of propositions). For example, living in the vision of a com and a bow, a com and a dash, a dash and a bow:

  • 1) The lower part of the disguise was seen forward, revealing the stinginess of a prejudiced nature, but a tramp (behind some characteristic, though importantly catchy signs, I once admitted a tramp to my guest) for a long time already the sound of streaming qiu stickiness(V.G. Korolenka);
  • 2) Nowhere in Russian Russia, - and I pretty much got it from all directions, - nowhere did I hear such a deep, completely, thoroughly quiet, like at Balaklava(K.G. Paustovsky);
  • 3) Vіn becoming sumny, not balaky, and zovnіshnі traces of Baku life - old age - lost from Grin forever (K.G. Paustovsky).

The role of such signs is especially clearly shown with the possibility of their interchangeability. For example: Kutuzov, having heard the addendum of the black general (the main subject of such a bula criticism of the position under Tsaryov-Zaimishche), is just like hearing Denisov’s fault(L.N. Tolstoy). - Kutuzov, having heard the addendum of the black general, was the main subject of some criticism of the position under Tsar-Zaimishche, just like that ...

Those that the arches are the most powerful mimicking sign are separated from the comas and the dashes, confirm the possibility of living them not only in the middle of the proposition, but also in the paragraphs. Like a sign of seeing the stench, they are victorious in syntactic units, larger, lower propositions. For example: Vіsіm without five. All junkers are ready, selected for the ball. (“What a bad word,” Aleksandrov thinks, “taken in. It’s as if they took us in Spanish costumes.”)(A.I. Kuprin).

Paws also serve to see. Kavicka see:

  • - quotes;
  • - straight language. For example: Yogo[Cherdakova] fed: “Valka, it seems, at the sixteenth troop, having beaten the German ace, another day he went to Nimechchini and threw the yoma on the grave of the Trojans?” Vin said in a squeaky voice: "Well, what about it?"(O.M. Tolstoy). Moreover, as in the form of a straight line, the character is given a mimicry, then the paws are the only possible sign. For example, Strimuyuchi zіtkhannya, thinking: “Axis, you’re shooting people and you’re passing by rosy, and there is in front of you, like a whole kingdom in ruins, what to smoke ...”(O.M. Tolstoy)
  • - words that seem to get used to their own great meaning; words that seem to get used ironically; words, previously proponated chi, navpaki, outdated and unimaginably thin. For example: In our country, as I have already said, we reign supreme in literature as a zhalyugidne, childish reverence for authors: we are highly revered in literature« table of ranks» and I'm afraid to speak the truth about« high persons"(V.G. Belinsky);
  • - Name literary creations, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, steamships, just like smart names. For example: As soon as I remember, first, what was read: “Pompadourie and pompadourshі”(A. Karavaeva).

Visual signs are distinguished not only by the degree of vision that is transmitted by them, but also functionally. At tsomu sensi unambiguous є less than the bow - the stench is seen less than the insert, tobto. additional information. As far as a dash, then their functions are wider and more varied: they can convey different meanings, intonation and accent thin (especially a dash). For example: We have already fallen snow, ale only standing, and in the forest under the yalinka - marveling - and sitting zaєts (Paust.); All the same, I recognized anew - for dotik, for relish, for smell - a lot of new words, which before that hour I wanted to know me, but far and unexperienced (Paust.); Most often, bliskavits are found near the linden, if the bread is ripening. That is why people believe that the gleams "dawn the bread" - they hang it at night - and in the form of this bread it is poured swidshe (Paust.); Evening dawn begins, if the sun has already set beyond the ends of the earth. Todit out of the darkness of the sky, pouring across the new faceless farb - from pure gold to turquoise - and it is right to pass from day to day and into night (Paust.).

Visible sign є і paws. The solemn functional unambiguity of the paws (visible) does not respect its mother's different private meanings.

We see the paws of the text in front of someone else's language - okremi words that belong to another author, quotes, direct language. For example: The lad said "marvel at the thunder", and I guessed the words from Dante's "Divine Comedy" about those who "throw the lock" (Paust.); About the blind board, which goes in the sun, people say: "The Queen is crying" (Paust.).

The paws serve as a guard for seeing various names - orders and medals, literary creations, newspapers, magazines; businesses, organizations; of production types, brands of cars; sortіv roslin thinly. For example: All created by Prishvinim: and the first speech - "At the edge of the nelyakany birds" and "Gingerbread Man" and attacks - "Calendar of nature", "Komira of the sun", numerically rosepovidі і, nareshti, thin, nibi zіtkany from the ranking light, key drive and speak quietly while leafing "Ginseng" - all the same to the beautiful day of life (Paust.); Vin friend under the pseudonym "Multatuli". Latin tse means "long-suffering" (Paust.).

The main functions of different signs, as well as more private ones, which are realized in the semantic and grammatical minds of specific texts, create the ground for an individual choice of punctuation marks. Such signs are related to the author's understanding of what is written, sound to convey the emotional mood of the mov and enter at the understanding of the "movie of the writer". The punctuation of prominent masters of the artistic word is evidence of the wealth of stylistic possibilities.

The main principle of individual understanding of different signs is not in the forgetfulness of their functional significance, but in the persistence of symbols in new contextual minds, which are unknown to them (from the point of view of normative rules). For example, a dash by M. Gorky in positions, de rules, transfers a coma or the presence of a sign (dash after the sign; a dash by A. Blok (after particles, naming words from the more generalized meanings) also expands the scope of his zastosuvannya; M. Tsvєtaeva: it helps to “spread” the words for transcendental meaning, compression of a row - both poetic and prose. Vіdoma so predilection І. Babel to the point, A. Tolstoy - to the dash thinly. So the signs "author's" are signs of love, which reflect the originality of rhythm and intonation to the text, the inclusion of such different signs is included in the author's system of literary and artistic devices.

The basic rules of punctuation may be normative in nature, the stench is usually consistent with practice and the same for others different types written language. Prote itself is a letter mova in a functional sense of difference: it is scientific, official-business, journalistic, artistic. The syntactic expression of the skin of these different types of written language has specificity, more less clearly expressed. Oskіlki punctuation before fixing the syntactic articulation of the promo, as a whole, it is natural that there is a difference in different texts according to the nature. In the linguistic literature, it has been repeatedly said that punctuation is not the same for different texts.

So, the syntax of the scientific literature is clear, it is reminiscent of the succession of other motives, their completeness and recurrence. At scientific promotions, folding is important syntactic constructions, with the arc we will open up that ordering by a logical connection between the components. In them, richly folded propositions are distinguished by causal and inherited and signifi cantly rosy staleness. The scientific style is "heavy to the most important, easing the emotional tension and expressive farb", to that in the syntax of scientific works, invested already in no way on the emotional response, sound the constructions that convey the expressiveness of the movement. The scientific style is not characterized by emotionally zabarvlenі rechennya, zamovchuvannya, lack of understanding, semantic and stylistic thinness. Such a syntax, of course, does not require punctuation fluency. The punctuation of this type of literature is standardized and allowed for individual information. Override the signs that form a logical and grammatical basis: the signs, which divide the text into other propositions and parts of the speech, to form its own structural elements (heads and appendages; homogeneous parts; middle waters are less than obov'yazkovy, which is caused by structural signs).

An example of a scientific text: Folding minds about the exploitation of offset forms in the process of drukuvannya vysuvayut raznomanitny vomogi to zvolozhuyuchih rozchiniv. The voluptuous rozchin is not to blame for the mother of aggressive powers to lacquer smelting, which lies on zinc or aluminum surfaces, as well as midi xanthate swimmers on bimetal forms. The storehouse of a healthy variety is responsible for guaranteeing the maximum savings in the smelting on the surface metal, maintaining an optimal world of hydration, so as not to damage the structural-mechanical power and stability in case of drought.

It is not important to remember that in the text there are no intonations and semantic signs, which are connected with the individual author's manner of writing. There are no expressive elements of syntax here. Vipadki vzhivannya symbolіv absolutely normative: Komi, scho vodokremlyuyut appendages from the main ones; Komi among the same members; Komi, scho vіdokremlyuyut postpositive prichetnі turns; points like propositions.

A number of works and studies, which otherwise destroy the nutrition of styles, i, zokrema, scientific, confirm this blatant vysnovok (as a peculiarity of the syntax of the scientific style, approximately one and the same drawings are induced: allied call; a large number of accountable turnovers; the presence of evidence in expressiveness and emotion; great Middle dozhina propositions; the modal plan is weakly expressed).

Documents of official business (additional orders, orders, orders, programs, protocols, instructions, statements, etc.) have a syntactic structure that is even more standard (along with scientific creations). In such texts there is no direct movement, there are no reverse turns; there are no clarifying and clarifying constructions and emotionally charged syntactic prompts; there are no different elliptical propositions. Zagalnopriynyatі (and odno єdino mozhlivі) forms of cladding and roztashuvannya material are made to equal "lightness" of koristuvannya razdіlovy signs, їх odnomanіtnostі.

However, punctuation and business papers have their own peculiarities. Before them, for example, see parts of the proposition (the skin part begins with a paragraph and ends with a dash with a coma; in other words, in a paragraph, put a dash); numbering or letters of designation. So, for example, the punctuation of legal documents and legal documents, international agreements that pleases just fine.

Also, the stylistic, visual spectrum of contemporary Russian punctuation is even wider. However, the main meanings and habitations of different signs are the same in various literary texts. Tsya unity is given to the rules of punctuation necessary stability. The basis of stability is the reliance on syntax.

Punctuation- tse:

  1. The system of branch signs
  2. Divided the mentality, which weave the dividing signs and the rules of their living on the letter
Have a hot lighting program 10 different signs: dot ( . ), power sign ( ? ), hail sign ( ! ), speck ( ... ), coma ( , ), mottled with a coma ( ; ), two-fold ( : ), dash ( - ), temples (round) () , paws ( " " ). Razdіlovі signs serve for recognition in the speech and in the text between the meanings of the vіdrіzkіv, the meaning of which is especially emphasized by the writer. Razdіlovі signs secure writing and reading unambiguously lucid propositions and text.

Punctuation rule

Punctuation rule- this instruction, in which case you should choose the choice of a branch sign (to either live it or not). Mind the choice of a different sign - grammatical, meaning and intonation features of speech and its parts.


The place at the river, where it is necessary to set up rozdilovyh signs, can be known behind the signs of recognition (prikmet). Recognizable signs of punctuation rules:

  1. morphological: presence of dієprikmetnikіv, dієprislіvnіkіv, vygukіv, spіlok, okremih particles;
  2. syntactic: the presence of two and more grammatical bases, letters, introductory words, admonitions of words, homogeneous members, someone else's language;
  3. sound: vimova from the nickname and other types of intonations;
  4. meanings: viraz cause that in.

Functions of branch signs

Razdіlovі signs serve for dividing the speech one and one in the text, for subdivision and seeing the meaning of words in the speech. The stinks are divided into three groups: vіdokremlyuvalnі(at the text), separateі seen(in speech).

Separation signs

One can see them dot, food sign, call sign, speck. The stench vikoristovuyutsya:

  1. for vodokremlennya skin word rechennya in the offensive in the text;
  2. for the design of an okremoї proposition as completed.
The choice of one or more of the Kremlin signs is determined by the difference and the intonation of the proposition.

Rozdіlovі signs in kіnci rechennya


  • For example, the opportunistic and spontaneous propositions are put to rest, as if they do not express emotions (almost) in them.
  • For example, nutritional propositions put a nutrition sign.
  • For example, be it a proposition from the point of view, a sign of a hail is put, as in them it is more or less pronounced.
  • The bagatokrapka is put as a proposition, as if writing a great pause.

Separate punctuation marks

One can see them coma, speck after coma, dash, dvokrapka. Rozdіlovі razdіlovі signs serve for simple propositions for the identification of cordons between the same members (coma and speck with coma), for folding - for the hem of simple propositions, which enter before the warehouse.

The choice of rozdilovyh rozdilovyh signs is determined by morphological, syntactic, meaningful and intonation minds.

Vidіlnі rozdіlovі signs

Vivid rozdilovі signs serve to distinguish between the meanings of vіdrіzkіv, as if to complicate a simple proposition (letter, introductory words, phrases, speech, admonitions of other row members), as well as direct language.
Vivid rozdilnymi signs є coma (two komi); dash (two dashes); hail sign; arches of the underwire; dvokrapka that dash, scho get used at once; foot paws.

The choice of different rozdilovyh signs is determined by syntactic, meaningful and intonation minds.

Vipadki if the punctuation mark is not put

  • Mіzh pіdleglіm i priydkom, yakіy priєdnay union yak.
  • Between the same members, united by single splits that, or.
  • Before the appendage, like a split yak embedded in the meaning " in the ranks».
  • If there is an accountable turnover, then it is necessary to stand in front of the name and does not have a causal meaning.
  • Before the clerks, adopted from the clergy.
  • Between simple propositions in a folded sentence with a union і for the manifestness of the infamous member.
  • Between the same contractors, united by the union і.
  • Mіzh uzgodzhenimi vyznachenymi, akshcho characterize the object of the stench from different sides.
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