What does the inverted food sign mean. Yak z'appearing symbol "?" Food sign Information about food punctuation sign

(, ) dash (‒ , –, -, ― ) bagatokrapka (…, ..., . . . ) hail sign (! ) mottled (. ) hyphen () hyphen-minus (- ) power sign (? ) paws („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ › ) mottled with a clod (; ) Vocabulary probіl () ( ) ( )
Seeing the symbol
Naming the symbol

Power sign

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Ryadkova form
handwritten form
Group in Unicode
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Seeing the symbol
Naming the symbol

Upside down food sign


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header form
Ryadkova form
handwritten form

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Group in Unicode
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Power sign (? ) - a rozdіlovy sign, to be put up sound like a rhetoric to express the power of chi sumnіvu.

Zustrichaetsya in other books from the 16th century, the protees of the food of the wines are closed significantly later, less so in the 18th century.

Write a sign to look like Latin letters qі o(Lat. quaestio- Poshuk vіdpovidі). Spoiler wrote q above o, yakі potіm were transformed in the present image.

You can use a sign of a call for a sign of recognition (“?!”; according to the rules of Russian punctuation, the food sign is written first) and three specks (“? ..”; only two dots are speckled with the symbol of a triple).

  • in some moves, for example, in Spanish, there is also an inverted food sign (¿, U + 00BF), which is placed on the cob of a phrase as an addendum to the great food sign in the movie. For example: ¿Que tal?(h vic.- "How are you doing?")
  • the French mov sign has a nutritional sign, like and deyakі іnshі punctuation marks, vodokremlyuєtsya in the form of a word with a pass, for example: Qu'est-ce que tu dis?(h fr.- "What are you talking about?")
  • For command templates of various operating systems, select the "?" means be a symbol.
  • in Microsoft Windows operating systems, the name of the file has been blocked from using the service character "?". If necessary, I’ll replace the vicorist symbols “7” or “¿” [[K:Wikipedia:Statty without dzherel (country: Lua pardon: callParserFunction: Function "#property" was not available. )]][[To:Wikipedia:Statty without dzherel (country: Lua pardon: callParserFunction: Function "#property" was not available. )]] . But keep in mind that files with the symbol "¿" in the name are not supported by all programs.
  • Movie Basic has a “?” sign є alternative notation of the command PRINT.
  • in the Arabic language, in the language of language, in which the Arabic script is victorious (for example, in Persian), the food sign is written in reverse ( ؟ - U+061F).
  • in Greek and Church Slavonic language, there is an inverted food sign: the speck is placed on the top, and the “curl” is at the bottom. The power sign is displayed as the symbol ";" .

Div. also

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  • Food sign (?) // About writing or a letter. You can help the project by adding її.

    Lesson that characterizes the food sign

    Just in front of the Magdalene, on the very top of the man-made hillock, the castle of Montsegur hangs out of love ... Already, above the old fates, the fort was kind and impregnable, the bula її right budinka ... Budinok її beloved donka, the buttress її the temple of friends Montsegurí saved up її spogad - dearest relics of її life, її vchennya and її sim'ї. All її її Thoroughly climbed there in order to purify their Souls, gain Life-Giving Strength. There she spent her most expensive, most peaceful day of the world's metushny year ...
    - Let's go, my dear, the sun is all the same village. Now I am glad to you tomorrow. And now we can welcome our guests. You love to talk, don't you? Axis i will occupy їх until I call.
    - Do not stink me, mom. Their eyes are evil... And their hands are running all the time, otherwise they cannot know their own place. Pogni stink people, mother. Could you ask them vihati?
    Magdalena laughed with a smile, gently hugging the donut.
    - Well, now, my podozryuvalnitsa! How can we invite guests? On those stench and "guests" to bother us with your presence! You know what, don't you? Be patient, dear, until the stench comes home. And there, marveling, you won't turn back any more. I do not need you to call them.
    Mother and daughter turned to the middle of the oven, now it has become similar to a small prayer room, made of gum stone “vіvtar” at the hut.

    Raptom, near the silence, from the right side, chimneys loudly crackled, and two people appeared at the entrance to the premises. Maybe, for some reason, the stench tried to go silently, and now they seemed to be unacceptable to me. I just couldn't figure out what. I suddenly realized that Magdalene’s unforgiving guests... Vaughn shuddered, but suddenly smiled pleasantly and, turning up to the elder, asked:
    “How do you know me, Ramone?” Who showed you the entrance to this oven?
    Lyudina, called Ramon, laughed coldly, and, trying to salute the reception, falsely slyly answered:
    - Oh, do not be angry, holy Mary! Aje you know - I have a lot of friends here ... I just joked with you to talk about it in an important way.
    - This place is holy for me, Ramone. It's not for worldly zustriches and roses. And my daughter, no one could bring you here, but get out, like a bachite, at once with me. You were following us... Now?
    I raptom sharply vіdchula, as if on the back it felt like crying cold - it was not so, it was not enough axis-axis to stand ... I wildly wanted to scream! put your hand through your eyelids, I can’t get in... I don’t have such a right. The hopes that are developing in front of me have been known for a long time, and I could inspire how I could help at once - it would already be handed to history. Because, as if I had vryatuvav Magdalena, the fortunes would have changed, and perhaps, the whole earthly history would have come later... There were less than two people on the Earth, and I, unfortunately, did not have one of them .. Dali everything felt like something fast... It seemed to come, it didn’t feel real... Smiling coldly, the man on im'ya Ramon unstoppably grabbed Magdalena by the hair and bliskavichno built a long, narrow dagger at her... You felt a crunch. Having not grasped the understanding of what is being seen, Magdalena hung on her hands, not showing the signs of life. On її snow-white odyas, a red blood streaked with a streak... The daughter screamed piercingly, trying to wriggle out of the hands of another non-human, as if hopping її by tenditnі shoulders. Ale її cry was cut off - simply, like a rabbit, wreaking havoc on a thin neck. The girl fell in order with the body of her unfortunate mother, in the heart of such a divine person, still without a hint, she planted her curly dagger ... It seemed that she was god-willed and could not be wounded ... How strong was Yogo's hatred, how was she shaking Yogo with an evil hand? .. Zreshtoy, everything is over. Navit without looking back at the slope, two heartless murderers made their way into the oven without a trace.

Lawyer illustration getty

Komi, speckled with coma, the signs of nourishment of the flooring are known to us, what can be done, no stench was founded in the letter of the language. However, that is far from the case. The correspondent propagates zdijsniti more expensive at the end of the rose signs.

I like readers, and like writers, I know more closely about dots, diagonal (oblique) rice and dashes, like clearing up a written text.

Coma, dvokrapka, specks with whom that іnsha їhnya day - invisible parts of the sheet, like shaping grammatical constructions that help us transform typing letters in the dream, or visualize.

Without them, we would be like without hands (otherwise, in the shortest time, we will be used in a non-abyakom misunderstanding), even the ancient readers and writers seemed to manage without them for a thousand thousand years. What made them change their minds?

In the 3rd century BC, in the Hellenistic Egyptian city of Oleksandriya, a librarian named after Aristophanes* is alive, a kind of virishiv, what to learn from something new.

Vіn was the head custodian of the famous library of the city, which contained thousands of vessels, for the reading of which, that strength was spent every day.

The Greeks also wrote their texts in such a manner that the letters were angry one by one, between them there were no different signs and interchanges. There were no opinions between great and great letters.

Chitachev himself had to wade through the mercilessly piling up of letter signs, so that he would err, de-finish one word of the proposition and start again.

The string of the language is richly strong for the fretless Cicero

It is necessary to say that the presence of rozdilovyh signs and clearings between words in those hours was not a problem for anyone.

In old-time democratic powers, such as Greece and Rome, de viborn posadov individuals were going to goiter to conduct debates, to reconcile spivgromadyans at the rightness of their point of view, garna and reconciliation usna mova was more respected we respect ourselves communications, lower letter text.

Whether a reader would have the full right to revise what orators resolutely write on a scroll, first to begin to recite in public.

To comprehend the written text from the first reading was right insensitive. So the Roman writer of the 2nd century A.D., the names of Aul Gellius, became overwhelmed, if you were asked to read an unknowing document in a voice. Vіn stating that you can make a difference in the text and see not the same words, as if they were b. (If the person, who was standing on the handguard, voted to read the suviy, it happened by itself).

Time to close the points

Having broken through, zdіysneniya by Aristophanes, poking at the one who was a prominent librarian, having given readers the opportunity to comment on documents, piercing the succulent sweat with ink specks in the middle, for example, on the cob of a leather row.

Some small, middle and just dots were added with pauses of trivality, which became more pronounced, like a main reader, loudly inserting between larger-smaller ending fragments of the text, and later they took away the names of comma, colon and periodos.

The stench was indicated by a dot at the bottom, in the middle and in the mountains, the rows saw small, middle and large fragments of the text clearly.

Lawyer illustration getty Image caption In Ancient Greece and Rome, it was not easy to comprehend the text from the first reading

The system of punctuation, as we know it these days, has not yet come into play - Aristophanes has introduced his signs rather with simple pauses, lower grammatical bars. However, today was planted.

It is a pity that not all of them were reconsidered at the cost of this innovation. If the Romans took over from the Greeks the initiative as a wake-up caller in the Chergovy Great Empire ancient light, stink, thoughtlessly, thought about the system of points, proponed by Aristophanes.

Cicero, for example, one of the most famous public orators of Rome, oratory"What skin, whoever wants to speak clearly and beautifully is guilty of describing the main method, calling it "rhythm".

The orator, writing Cicero, is guilty of victorious acceptance, "so that the language did not flow with a smooth stream […] fretless."

Writing at the time of maturity

The introduction of a new cult breathed new life into Aristophanes' innovative vitvir - punctuation.

The Roman Empire perished under the mighty majesty and blows of the barbarians in the 4th-5th centuries of the new era, and the Roman pagans recognized the same defeats for others in the battles with the new religion, which was Christianity.

Just as the pagans passed on their traditions by word of mouth, the Christians were free to write down their psalms and sermons in order to more successfully expand the word of God.

Lawyer illustration getty Image caption Christianity put the mysticism of writing and punctuation in the service of

Books have become the alpha and omega of Christian identity. Some of them were embellished with decorative letters and signs of paragraphs (Γ, ¢, 7, ¶ and others), and a lot of embellishments with gold foil and illustrations with thin pictorial miniatures.

Having expanded in Europe, Christianity put the mysticism of leaves and punctuation in its service. In the VI century AD Christian authors began to greet themselves with rosy signs at their pracies, in order to save their holiday money, long before they squandered their creations into the hands of readers.

Later, already in the 7th century, Isidore of Sevilsky **** (on the back of the archbishop, and later on the blessings to the face of the saints) having perfected the system of Aristophanes' rozdil signs. Vіn changing the order of rotting the dots in height, to designate them as short, medium and long pauses, obviously.

Moreover, Isidore is the first in the history of writing, clearly and ambiguously having lost punctuation from the mark. Renames y subdistinctioor the bottom point(.), this sign is already not just marking a pause, but becoming a grammatical indicator coma. Top point abo distinctiofinalis(·) signified the end of the speech.

Nevdovzі poslya tsgogo z'appeared gaps between words. The stench was a wine-maker of Irish and Scottish chants, as if they tried to grow up in unknown Latin words.

Closer to the end of the VIII century in the country, Nіmechchinі, the famous king, and then the emperor, Charlemagne punished Chance, im'ya bulo Alkuїn, ***** fold the unifications of the alphabet from the letters, yak buli b zrozumili all the monarch's in all the corners . yoga majestic Volodin.

Alkuїn vvіv tі small letters, yakim koristuєmosya dosi. Writtenness has grown in maturity, and punctuation has become an invisible part.

Rozіkti diagonally

Now, if Aristophanes' points have become infamously accepted, the writing brethren have begun to discriminate and modify them. The deyakı have set musical notes from the Gregorian liturgical hymn and have foreseen new signs.

One of these signs punctusverus, buv mean digits of the point with whom; vіn zastosovuvavsya for rewriting propositions, and maw looking like a simple point.

The lowest sign punctus elevatus, signifying the rush to the beast down to the exit camp and transforming into a modern dvokrapka. The sign is placed either, if the frontal proposition is changed, even though it should be repeated, but if it is allowed to be expanded.

Another new badge, the ancestor of the modern food sign, called punctusinterrogativeus. Yogo was victorious for the recognition of nutrition and at the same time for the transmission of the intonation that is moving. Similar to its functions, a sign calling the wines later, already in the 16th century.

Lawyer illustration Thinkstock Image caption Smiley: new signs?

Pochatkov's three dots, as the early system of punctuation explained, suffered as a result. In the world of that, as more specific symbols were created, the difference between the lower, middle and upper points became more and more spread out.

The result lost a simple dot, which could be placed in any place on a row to indicate a pause of unknown trivality, which was an indescribable sum with a double dot and a dot in a proposition.

A new blow fell on a modest point, if in the XII century an Italian writer, historian and professor of rhetoric at the University of Bologna, Boncompagno da Signa, uttered a completely new system of punctuation, as a total of two signs developed. The scythe chi diagonal of rice (/) meant pauses, and the dash sign (-) ended the proposition.

The share of the dash, proponated and Signa, - the symbol that means introductory words but a fragment of the text is vague. Vono could be the ancestor of the current bows and other analogous signs, but it could not be.

Navpaki, on a part of the diagonal boundary, virgulasuspensiva, vipav impeccable success. Whose sign appeared compact and clear, clearly indicating a pause, like a coma, and without a hitch under the onslaught, the remaining lines of defense of the Aristophanes system fell.

Punctuation is not dead, it's just checking for a new technological breakthrough to settle it

At such a station, punctuation changed for an hour of a high Renaissance. There was a string of summish of ancient walnut dots, com, signs of supply of those other badges of middle symbols. The company was supplemented by the last surplus - a diagonal characteristic and a dash.

Until what hour of the people of writing practice as a whole, the power was right, which, thanks to God, shards of friendship in the middle of the 1450s, if Johannes Gutenberg overruled his 42-row .

In the coming 50 years, more symbols, with which we cherish and today, were literally cast in lead, so that they would not change at all.

Diagonal rice Boncompagno da Signa spent a lot of line of foundation and nabula of light wigu, pretending to be such a rank, for the present day, having fallen down with her old Greek name.

Krapka with a coma and a sign of a call came to Komi and a food sign.

The speck of Aristophanes survived the rest of the anger and turned into a final speck like a proposition.

After the evolution of the different signs, it sounded like it was rooted to the spot, leaning against the hopelessness, driving it into Drukar machine.

Only now, if the computers have become wider, lower if the Drukar verst, punctuation has begun to give signs of life again.

The average statistical writer of the 16th century did not care about the meaning of the different signs that embellished the computer keyboard, but it could have been three emoticons (icons for expressing feelings) and emoji (Japanese pictures that express understanding), as they were attached to them on other screens.

As it turned out, punctuation is not dead, it's just a check for a new technological breakthrough to settle it.

Now we live in the hour of such a breakthrough itself, and in the presence of us, readers and writers, to lie down, with some signs we admonish one word in our texts, stretching out the coming two thousand years.

Keith Houston is the author of the book "Pidozirnі signs. Taєmne zhittya punctuatsії, simvolіv i іnshih drukarskikh znachkіv".

Translation notes

* Aristophanes of Byzantium (bl. 257-180 BC), famous philologist of old. Heading the Oleksandriya library from 190 BC Doslіdzhuvav spadshchina Homer and Hesiod. Preparing to publish the tragedy of Sophocles, Euripides, and imovirno, Aeschylus, as well as the comedy of his namesake Aristophanes. Vvіv rozdіlovі signs, voices and voices.

** Aulus Gellius (bl. 130-170), ancient Roman writer and popularizer of knowledge of history, literature, philosophy and exact sciences. Author of a 20-volume collection of "all sorts of things", Noctes Atticae ("Attic nights"). Vvazhayut, scho vin uzvichaїv so understandable, like "classical", "humanism", "proletarian".

***Latin wordcomma means "pause", "caesura"; walnutκόμμα - "part", "strike", "strike".Colon means "pagorb".Periodo - "kolo", "period to an hour".

****Isidore of Seville (560-636), archbishop of Seville in the Kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain. One of the remaining fathers and philosophers of the Catholic Church, that first encyclopedist. Yogo main practice of "Etymologia" (Etymologiae) was collected from 20 volumes of knowledge accumulated for the hour of the early Middle Ages. Canonizations in 1598 rotations. The patron saint of the Internet.

***** Alkuyn (735-804), Anglo-Saxon scholar, theologian, she sings. At the request of Charlemagne, I opened the Palatsov Academy near the capital of the Frankish kingdom of Aachen. Natkhnennik of the Carolingian Renaissance - the era of the development of culture and mystics in Western EuropeVIII-IX centuries after the thriving period of barbarism. Conducting a fundamental revision of the translation of the Bible in Latin. The Bible of Alcuine has been spent.

******Boncompagno da Signa (1165/1175-1235 pp.) published the treatise "Palma" in 1198, in which he spoke about the principles of writing in general, dividing the text into parts and divisional signs.

To express the power of chi sumnіvu.

Zustrichaetsya in other books from the 16th century, the protees of the food of the wines are closed significantly later, less so in the 18th century.

The crossed sign resembles the Latin letters q and o (quaestio - search [vіdpovidі]). On the back they wrote q over o, which then transformed into the present image.

Div. also

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    Razdіlovy sign, which is put: 1) for example, energizing propositions. You don't drink? Hi? (Chekhiv); 2) optionally in nutrition with homogeneous members after the skin homogeneous member with the method of division of nutrition. Who are you... Glossary of linguistic terms

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  • System GOOD THAT GOOD, Andrianova A.. I am a psychologist, a writer and an image maker. At the same time, few people believe, but until the age of 17 I was absolutely flexible swings, stooping, like a sign of nourishment, gloomy and cliché-legged. Tse all me far away to correct s...
  • System "Walk and Garnoy", Andrianova Ganna. I am a psychologist, writer and image maker. At the same time, few people believe, but until the age of 17 I was absolutely flexible swings, stooping, like a sign of nourishment, gloomy and cliché-legged. Tse all me far away to correct s...

The one who knows the ancient Russian writings, knows that the stench was created by the uninterrupted "yazzyu" of words without intervals, there were no more different signs in them. Until the end of the 15th century, a dot appeared in the texts, a coma came to the ear of the coming century before it, and even later on the sides of the manuscripts, the sign of nutrition was “written”. It is noteworthy that a speck of a coma played a role for some time. Following the food, without bothering to show up and

The symbol takes the cob from the Latin word quaestio, which is translated as a search for vidpovidi. For the image of the sign, the letters q and o were victorious, as if on the cob they were depicted on the sheet one above the other. In the meantime, the graphic look of the sign has filled the look of a twisted curl with a dot at the bottom.

What does the nutrition sign mean?

The Russian scholar-linguist Fedir Buslaev is strong in punctuation (science is two tasks - to help people clearly express their thoughts, watering propositions, as well as parts of one in one, and signs of emotions to serve the middle.

It’s obvious, first of all, what does this symbol mean - food chain. Vin is pronounced in a similar intonation, as it is called energizing. Another sign of nutrition can mean an increase in sumniv. Propositions sometimes seem to be called rhetorical food. Yogo is asked not for the purpose of asking, but in order to speak out the confusion, the fury is too strong to feel, and also to call out to the listener, reading to the comprehension of tієї chi іnshої podії. The author himself gives evidence on rhetorical sustenance. The company has a familiar call to power, conveying the meaning of the extreme wonder.

De yogo put, as you need to get food

Where do propositions in Russian put a food sign? The symbol of rozashovaniya sound like propositions, but not only. Let's take a closer look at the skin type in more detail.

  • The nutrition sign is known as a simple proposition, as a way of expressing nutrition. ( For example: What are you talking about here? Why does water turn into ice?)
  • The sign of power is raised in the middle of the power proposition in case of re-feeding same members. (For example: What should you cook - soup? speck? indica?)
  • In folding words, this sign should be placed in the end and in that fall, so that all parts of the proposition can be avenged, so that the rest of the proposition can be avenged in oneself. ( For example: 1. How long will I call for a check, or will my devil come soon? 2. Vіn shiro rozmіyavsya, that th who would be baiduzhim to a similar fever?)
  • The food sign is put like this:
    1. If you take revenge on your own and smut, and on a regular basis. ( For example: Do you know how they trapleyutsya in campaigns nespodіvanki?)
    2. If you are less likely to get away from the head of the river. ( For example: Never mind and we don’t want to see light?)
    3. What food is stowed away supplementary proposition. (For example: Different merciful thoughts gave Yogo a fire of light, if you could help Yogo sister?)
  • At unionless speech put the food sign like this:
    1. How to nourish the mustache of the yoga part. ( For example: Where do I go, de shukati prituka, who will extend my friendly hand?)
    2. How to avenge the rest of the last part. ( For example: Be with me at the door: how many times have I lost my life?)

De put a food sign, so it is necessary to say sumniv

When you know the sumnivu, suspect, think about the sign of food, place it in the middle of the speech and put it at the bow: They came like people in robes, enthralled by the workmen (?) and grew up like a rich man.

When food can not be put

In a folding order, in which order it sounds like a symbol of food, do not put it. ( For example: I didn't tell you why I didn't read this book.) However, since the energizing intonation is too great, then the proposition with indirect alimentation can be crowned with this sign. ( butt: I can’t talk about it, how can I still do it? The stench squealed uncomfortably, how did I become a millionaire?)

Transference of meaning

Sometimes the sign of power is guessed at the promo with an allegorical method, bazhayuchi vyslovitsa enigmatic, unreasonable, prihovane. In my opinion, the phrase “power sign” sounds like a metaphor. ( For example: Tі podії forever lost for me not cleared up mysteries, a sign of nourishment, as if I'm scaring, but we'll get lost in dreams.)

Somersault of the food sign

Move, for some of them, the symbol is "from the bottom on the head." For example, in Greek and Old Slavonic (victorious Orthodox Church) Mov Vіn is written with a bar down, burn out with a dot. At my Spanish a sign, which stands for example, is supplemented with its inverted "twin". Wrapping with a curl in the second book, embellishing the Arabic texts. Turning your head down and turning the language of programming.

The sign of the power of flips vertically and horizontally by 180

As a rule, Russian language is unlikely to have an inverted food sign. Ale in Spanish language, this sign є is important. Vikoristovuєtsya vіn on the cob of propositions and serve as additions to the main sign of nutrition, which, like and in all other language, is traditionally put. Or maybe it’s not a mother of the same age to the main sign of nourishment, shards of intonation in Spanish language can change. І pіd nutrition can be put a sprig of the first words in the river. Also, the inverted food sign can be twisted and not only on the cob, but in the end of the proposition, but also in the middle of the proposition. Bezposredny before zapitalniy word.

Devictorize the inverted food sign

1. The inverted food sign is victorious in Microsoft Windows operating systems, the shards of the traditional food sign are there.
2. A 180-degree horizontally twisted sign of food (a curl of turns at the turning circle) is victorious in Arabic language.
3. A vertically inverted food sign (that is, a speck is in the mountains, and a check is below) is celebrated in Greek and Church-Slovak language.

Possibly, it would be possible to use the sign of food in an inverted look, and in our language it’s not food, but instead of a solid one, it means that it’s like a food. Ale! Are there new rules for Russian language?

How to write an inverted food sign

Write yogo in my file as easy as pie. That yoga is not on the keyboard, but it is not a problem. Іsnuє combination of pressing keys for writing a sign. It is necessary to press the ALT key and press її to dial the combination of numbers 0191. With this, the language is switched to English.

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