You can also use the introductory word. Yak is spelled like this itself and likewise - at the same time chi okremo. Written: anger that razdilne

§ 33.1

Dodatkova part of the folding proposition in the form of a cremation or seen komami: For the time being, the squad was preparing a snack, Danilov viyshov on the city(Pan.); Skіlki vin sidіv bіla tumbled yalinka, Andriy didn't remember(Bub.); Її shrill voice, yak roztinav vіdstan, mayzhe not weak(Paul); Kapustin declared a home with the head of the school, schob vin zbіlshiv Meresyevu kіlkіst vilіtіv, and having asked Oleksiya to build his own training program(Become.); Vporskuvannya drive can be a direct proof, sho painfully inject yourself on your own, not in your mind to reduce secretion(I.P.); The old one, having punished the m'yaso in a right way, schob vono little garny looked(Sim.).

§ 33.2

In the warehouse of folding and row propositions, there may be an inconsistent proposition - in the main part or supplementary:

1) uneven at the head part: Axis already two fate, as we are friendly(SR: My friendly axis is already two rocks- Simple proposition); Already a month like vin turning from pivdnya(SR: It's already been a month since I've turned back from pivdnya- coma before union yak“vіdіrvala” b award vіd pіdlyagaє); Already three days yak mi here(SR: We are already three days old here. the situation of the city yak here); ale: The third day is like wine here a simple proposition, just as in the more pointed butts at the head part of the proposition, the words were drawn on the edge: passed from that hour, from that moment;

2) uneven or close to uneven at the appendage part: It was important to understand chim on the right; Ready to help what can I do; Gradually learned to sort out, what up to what(SR: Understand what's what); People know what to shy away; Come on in who is already with checks; Sit down deviously; Rob everything what is needed; Put, how you feel good; Please, to whom next; Everything barked loudly, who cares(with clarification; later: Leaflets are called in a compartment, they should be taken by anyone who doesn’t molt - phraseological turnover with the meanings of “skin, whoever wants, who will be lured”); Nadishlіt, where necessary; ale: Robi what do you want thin (div. § 41, item 2).

§ 33.3

If the head part of the folding proposition is found in the middle of the appendage (in the rose style of the movie), then coma sound put less after the head part (but don’t put it in front of it); equal: dominion can't say schob vіn occupied ...(R.) - It is not possible to say that he was engaged in statehood; Alec words I'm not handy what did you say...(Hertz.) Alemeni is not handy, so you said tsі words.

Words are not seen in lumps bachish, you know and so on. in the request-hailing propositions of the type: And you know what a garni!; And vin bachish, what to rob?(Div. § 25, n. 8).

§ 33.4

Do not put a coma between the head one and the adnexal part of the adnexal part of the folded proposition in the depressions following it:

1) as if before a contracting union with an allied word, there is a negative part not: By the sea, in quality, sleep not if you want, but if you can(Gonch.); Try z'yasuwati not that the stench was already roiling, but that the stench was getting more rotting; I come not to respect you at the robot, but instead, to help you; The Roman generals respected for the importance of setting up not skils of the enemy’s troops in front of them, but de stinks; Vin know there is not only wild game, but yakі її raznovidi linger there;

2) as before the contracting union or the union word, there is a union i, abo, abo and so on (sound repeat): Chew i scho vіn saying, і like vіn tse saying; Vіn not chuv no way my sister went to the room, no way we left noiselessly; I respond to your request otherwise, if the chergovy number of the newsletter arrives, or if I myself will bring the necessary correction, since. so with a single union: Without showing yourself and how to get out of the camp; I know and how to shy; The lad was forgiven and if you didn’t hear anyone, ale (with reverse order head and adnexal parts): What was the name of the boy, I don't guess;

3) as a part of the contract, it is folded from one allied word(a prominent borrower or a servant): I would like to know why(L.T.); Don't know why, but I don’t understand yoga(Trif.); Vin pishov i without saying kudi; Vіn declared to turn around without a problem, but without specifying if; important to say why; Mother started the temperature of the child with her lips: bring it to the chol and immediately skilki; Having given a cup of water to an ailing man, without looking at wine; I will not say yak, I say - great misfortune.

Do not put a coma and є kіlka of prominent words, like in the role of the same members of the proposition: Don't know why and in what manner, ale leaf raptom sign; call- R aspitai who is most important.

Yakshcho for the allied word є part, then setting coma optional; equal: I don't remember sho itself; Vin can't say what else; Qiu quote can be known, I remember de.

In the minds of the context, the setting is possible coma i before a single allied word; equal: What is work? Learn, what(Stronger logical vision of the borrower). - At their hour of wine, there were whispers, they could not understand - what?(A.T.) (setting a dash to indicate the meaning of the borrower and to be true to the intonation of the food).

§ 33.5

Yakshcho before the contracting union to stand the words especially, zokrema, tobto, but itself, for example, but also, but simply and so on with additional meanings, then the coma of the following words should not be put (for § 24, paragraph 4): I don’t want schoolchildren to learn, especially if the sun brightly shines warmly; I had a chance to carry out additional research work, zokrema if there was an experimental re-verification of the versat; The author has the right to part of the fee, depending on the agreement, tobto if the manuscript has been praised by the eye; The expedition will have to end before the end for unfriendly minds, and itself if the season of rains rises; About every vipadok, please, with your own consecration of an individual, for example if you take a penny for a postal order; The post-graduate student came to Moscow to study with his scientific cerebrate, and also to improve the archives.

§ 33.6

How to stand in front of the contracting union only, only, exclusively etc., then coma put in front of them in a superficial intonation (when reading, a pause in front of them is not to be shy; povn. § 20): Katya wandered from the far, yak time if we smashed krok one to one through yakіs valіzi(Kav.); I love the robot, only I will be free (por.: ... just only free); Vin arrived, inclusive to help me(SR: Vіn came not only to care for me, but also to give me help - littya negative parts not).

Do not put a coma after seeing the particles axle, aje, to stand in front of the contracting union at the appendage part, which is in front of the head: Boast about nothing especially, axis like a robot we know, then come.

§ 33.7

If between the head and appendage parts of the folded-string speech there is an introductory word, then it is seen komami on the high grounds: Vin thought maybe that I don't want to chat with him; Yakshcho є drink at random, to mean, be a proposition. The introduction of the introductory word after the change to the head chi of the appendage part is determined by the minds of the context; equal: Vin is angry maybe, to that denouncing yogo bulo zbudzhenim(Introductory word is brought to the head part: the person may be awakened as a result, and I will not become the cause of it). - Vin hastened to that maybe, sho fearing zapіznitisya at the meeting(Introductory word to the adnexal part, about scho to recognize the dismemberment of the collapsible union; div. § 34, p. 2).

§ 34. Coma with folding contractions

§ 34.1

Yakshcho a part of a folding-and-drying line is tied with the head for the help of a folding (folding) contracting union ( zavdyaki to that, to that, to that, to that, to replace that, to, to, to, to that, to that, regardless of those, after that, yak, before him, yak, first lower, vodkoli, so very yak ta in), then coma set once:

1) before the union, as a part of the contract follows the head one or is in it: The apple trees have blossomed, to the fact that the mice were all over the bark(L.T.); ... Dihannya became all glib and vіlnіshim, in the world of that, it was like that, that body was chilled(Cupr.); ... We trampled on the mist and virish, before Tim, as the sun comes in, call again(Ser.); Take it with you for on them lay packs from the outside, they were too tall and plump(Ch.);

2) but more often - after all the appendage parts, as if it were the front of the head: Ale persh lower tsey shmatok to fall to the ground, a robot worker with an unimaginable strife wrapping Yogo with a lancet in the hand of a zavtovka(Cupr.); After that, the war began and the factory was transferred to the defense plant, the grain of the workshops for mining, naturally, turned out to be impossible(Pop.).

Porivn. also: It is impossible to touch the development of the suspense, like it is impossible to turn back the wheel of history; Forces accumulated in the world of that, how healthy I was on the mend; For the rest of the hour, the stench did not stink, for now, she's gone; They put up the warts, to get ahead of the possibility of a rapt attack; Help me like before, like you were helped; Youmu far away to reach his own, zavdyaki to the fact that comrades were constantly praising yoga; The judge continued to recount his fault, I don’t care about those who are victorious.

§ 34.2

However, it is stale in the sense of the intonation, the logical subconjunction of the appendage part of the collapsible proposition, the obviousness of the verbal lexical elements of those other minds, the collapsible union can break up into two parts: the first to enter the warehouse of the head part like a spіvvіdnos; have cih vipadkah coma put less in front of another part of the day (that is, in front of the splits sho, schob, yak) . SR: Vіn not come, morewhatsick(The voice of the accomplice shy away from the very fact of non-appearance, the reason is not confirmed). - Wine does not come to thatscho zahvorіv(At the forefront is an indication of the reason for the absence).

Porivn. also: Zavdyaki to that which summer was more smoky and dry, need to water the leather tree(Ch.). - Already, through a sprig of whilin, a small tendency was given a miraculous, to the very zavdyaki what was so wrong(Kar.);

You promised, in how will you have a story, don't forget us(Dist.). - In times as for you htos i sticky, then high bachit, where did you go(Cat.);

Be like a man in order to breathe, it is necessary to respect your diyalnist important and kind(L.T.). - Everything is said for to destroy the respect for the life of a rich army of writers-pochatkivtsiv(M.G.);

Not only that, the stalk was pricked from the sides. - Vіn buv is so scary mіtsny, that I fought with him hvilin p'yat(L.T.). - Not only that, there was no such divination, Voloshka from ancient hours, taking a part in rich beautiful rites and saints(Sol.);

Raskolnikov movchav and repaired opir, regardless of those who, having seen themselves, have enough strength to rise(Dist.). - Regardless of those what a wind ... freely rushing over the sea, gloomy boules are unruly(M.G.);

Before Tim, like the stench descended into the dugout, Vіn sche vstig pomіtiti, like fighters bіlya antiaircraft guns… vіdіbrali vіd stovburіv yakіs important parts(F.). - Vin jumped out of the house at the last moment before him, yak collapsed dah(Іl.);

Like before, as the force of a magnet attracts to itself a sawdust sawdust, places to draw in, soak up people who live in the open spaces(Sol.). - Like before like the style of a writer - concentrations of viraz of the inner ruhіv of the emotional mind, portrait - narrations psychological world(Bond.);

In the world of that, like my family was rich, old favorites unremembered from our house(S.-SH.). - Round dances of the stars with marvelous vizierunkas merged in the distant sky and one by one they went out in the world of that, like a bright glare immediately pouring over a dark purple crypt (L.);

Just after that, as the year of chotir's cherguvannya was beaten by Stepan's son, Ivan Ivanovich with soul(Copt.). - І navit after that like a vіrshi instructed, vin new and re-turn to them.(Chuk.);

First, bring it down, you need to listen to yourself more(S.-SH.). - Ale earlier, lower at the seat to sit, vіn zabruguvav up to the horse with the price of promo turn around(Cr.);

First lower I zupinivsya at the same birch forest, I walked with my dog ​​through the high wasp hai(T.). - Ale earlier, why talk about the specialty of the officer and yogo rozmov, it’s necessary to have a better look at the inside of the yogo booth and know even a little bit of yogo way of life and employment(L.T.);

The commander of the brigade, having taken the decision to reschedule to the sweatshirt, tim, reserve up to the wound(Sh.). - I asked you, panov, s tim, to help you not receive a call(R.);

Since she won Andriy, old buv z Nonnou officially dry(Pan.). - Vіdtodi, like a coachman my їhav zzzadu, vіn becoming nibi merry and balakuchim(L.T.).

The division of the collapsible union is also guarded in the coming speeches: I’ll punish you not to wake Aunt Doti, until you throw yourself(Ax.); Already more than three years have passed since that hour, like I came to the boys(T.); Levin wanted the sun not to rise earlier, chim vin did to the swamp(L.T.); Nibi that that the grass is not visible in the darkness of its old age, in it rises cheerfully, young triskotnya(Ch.); Bombs fall near the water, near the sand, near the swamp, what is the way of the fortune-tellers of the breaks and breaks(Guide.); Goryova was asked to be a shifter for a vipadok, for guests to get stuck in the castle(Paul); Rozіyshlis on houses after that, like a zagіn zupinivsya near the center of the place(BUT.).

§ 34.3

To the minds of the division of a folding union lie:

1) presence before the union of the negative part not: Shepherds zіyshovsya with Tsvetukhіnim to the one who is heavy on the actors(Fed.); Moscow looked empty in view of what changed life in him, but to the one that the war had everything from her ...(Leon.); Landsberg Winkel is not to those who are eager to continue their developmental activities(Kaz.);

2) presence in front of the union of subsidiary, intermediate and other parts: Vіn allowing movchannya hіba scho in order to scold your daughters(P.); Vіn trimaє Єvprakseyushka less to the fact that the zavdyaks їth household ugly ide not huddling with a single amount of money(S.-SH.); Natalya tsієї winters first began to seriously sleep and especially through those that Denisov hooted with її spіv(L.T.); I'm unbearable to her only through those who won before me baiduzha(Er.); Vodij yakraz in order to make people disappear, zupiniv machine against colds(F.); Chi varto act as an important thing to do only to what matters?(Krim.);

3) presence before the union of the opening word: ... All the same, for me, an invisible beauty, it’s possible, to the fact that I won't care anymore(R.); Young black grouse haven’t heard my whistle for a long time, maybe, the fact that I whistle is not enough naturally(T.); Here, in the kitchen, it’s nothing, but at the windows, it’s possible, because the lamp is weak here, all the same, I bachu nachebto signs of the day(Ol.);

4) the inclusion of the first part (spontaneous word) to a number of similar members of the speech or parallel constructions: The river nabula has a special look to the one who can see the water from the naked bitch, and even more to the one that has a water color in the cold(Ax.); Gospodarska chastina in the booth Wheat did not flourish only to the fact that Agafia Matviїvna was a noble master, and even more so, that Ivan Matviyovich Mukhoyarov was a great bishop of gastronomy (Honch.); Nekhlyudov zaїhav till titonok to the one who had their mothers at a cost up to the last regiment, and to the one who asked for the stench even more about it (L.T.); Romashov is red to right tears view his without power and destruction, and in pain for the image of Shurochka, and to the one who suddenly heard the sounds of a quadrille did not go into inserting the desired word(Kupr.).

§ 34.4

Actual unions when “spreading” into parts sharply change their meaning, so punctuation options are not allowed; equal: Mist rotten, so it’s not safe to go in a new way(The consequence is indicated). - M ost rotten so it’s not safe to go in a new way(The steps are indicated). Porivn. also:

We sat on the rose bastion, so that in the offending parties could bachiti everything(L.). - Vin thin for one night so, that only shkir and brushes were lost (L.T.);

Outside stood a black black, impenetrable nothing, so that half-heartedly Romashov had a chance, instead of a blind man, to pave the road in front of him(Kupr.). - Potim vіn pіdvіvsya, stretching so that the brushes crunched(M.G.);

After that, Anya didn’t have a good free day, oskolki won took part either at a picnic, or at a promenade, or at a vistavi(Ch.). - H unknowingly without looking at us so, yak mi looked at yogo(Ars.).

§ 34.5

More often than not, the collapsible contract union is not divided, as an additional part of the collapsible proposition before the head: In the world of that, like a chaise, approaching the gank, Manilov's eyes were shy(R.); When I became friends, I already don’t drink a lot of shit for you(Sharp); Persh lower Samghin, having guessed to help me, she lifted a book(M.G.); After that, they took the bandage, the pain has gone to the singing world(Fed.); Before that, take up the violin, rolled up the sleeves of the shirt, baring the breasts and becoming white(Fed.); Before that, she began to work on mail, won't think about the problem of delivery to distant places(Gas.); Persh lower vіdpovіsti matchmakers, Stepan sneered at the retinue(Mark.).

§ 34.6

Do not separate folding splits same time, same time yak, same time, dumb yak, as well as simple splits and subsiluval part that adjoins them (navit yakscho, only if, only-but, only-but, only-but, only-but, only-but etc.): ...Zustrivshi Gapka, having begun to bark, now she hits without work, tim hour yak won tax cereals in the kitchen(R.); ...Vona learned in her strength and dared to fight with a man, without tears and scarg, vimagati, todi yak dosi won not crying(Rem.); Chomus in yoga on the floor, in that hour yak vin blukav on gai, Vaughn made herself mature, and Yogo - small(Fed.); How only the God of damnation has risen, From the very same day, the hot weather of nature cooled me down for me(L.); Nemov like a mother over a blue grave, stacks of sandpipers over the plains gloomy(N.); Ale only-but vin vіd'їhav vіd Bagration, yak sili zradili youma(L.T.).

§ 35

§ 35.1

Between the same row parts of the folding row proposition, not connected with the splits, put coma: I remember how we ran across the field, how the bushes jigged, how the chicks fell, which are blown by them, how we made their way through the bushes of hunger (Garsh.); Chuts popped around the farm, that bread is taken for the cordon, that there will be no sowing of this fate, that from year to year war will be cleared (Sh.); Who does not see the innocence in his own strength, who does not have courage, Let's get richer in your current job(Azh.).

§ 35.2

As if after homogeneous adnexal parts of a collapsible utterance, it is necessary to use a common word, to which the first word is given, or the word is lower (in a word, in a word, shorter kazhuchi etc.), then put before the rest coma and dash(on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd perekhіvannі іnоrodіnііnііnіі in simple propositions, if only a dash is put in such a vipad; div. § 25, p. 2), and after the new one - coma: On one of the hauls they talked about private matters, who are the stars, what they are doing, who has the middle virus, - in a word, on those fields(Furm.).

(About setting a point with whom for a folding-and-row div. § 37.)

§ 35.3

Between the same row parts of the collapsible row proposition, which are connected with the unique and successful ones, the coma should not be put: My father said what wines do not have such khlibiv and what is the ninth river the harvest of special characteristics(Ax.); It was given nibi writhing in the face of the whole forest and the root that you see from the earth, and the earth itself is stony and screaming in pain(Fed.) - unions that are repeated, there is nothing here (the first union і the bottom two appendages, the other - the same podlyagayut rootі Earth, third - homogeneous awards stackі scream); What is the charge and who is Kovpak, we didn't know yet(Medv.).

Note. Slid razrіznyat vpadki, if solitary union ta posterior homogeneous appendages (coma before і do not put), and vipadki, if the union і two independent propositions, or similar members in the head part, between which the successive part (coma in front of і put). SR: that frosts will wake up and next come to life when you come to the frost of early vegetables in the cold(The deputy does not only talk about the present frosts, but also gives recommendations on how to protect the vegetables). - Newspaper commentators say scho ochіkuyutsya frosts, And next to live, come in at the right time to protect the early vegetables in the cold(At the deputy, it’s less to worry about the possibility of frosts, and the visnovok about the need to live in the springs is already to be robbed by the reader).

Definitely clouding guesses the punctuation of such a text: Hadji Murat thought so sho not remembering, like bending a little glider, and water poured out(L.T.) - for the presence of the Komi in front of the spliff і independent proposition water poured out it would become a subordered appendage part (... without remembering, like bending a glechik and like water poured out of it). Similar example: The thought of a shvydka rozluku zі so impressed my mother, that she let the spoon into the saucepan, and tears flowed її to the faces(P.) - for the presence of the Komi before і Mav bi text looks like this: ... so struck the mother that ... tears flowed down to her faces.

§ 35.4

When repeating unions between sub-orders, sub-string parts, it is foldable to put a light word coma: Perebuvayuchi at the hospital, vіn guessing, like the fascists attacked them raptly, and like the stinks stumbled in the sharpened, and like a corral all the same, they still managed to break through to their own (gaz.).

§ 35.5

Union chi ... abo are looked at as repetitions, and additional parts of the folding proposition, connected with them by splices, are subdivided whom: For a long time, all the attendants were deprived of conviviality, not knowing chi deisno stinks blew chi invisible eyes, chi that bula was just a dream ...(R.); ... The whole sky above the horizon was full of crimson gravel, and it was important to understand, chi bula pozhezha here, chi zbiravsya go away for a month(Ch.); After whom to swear, chi fight, litatime, live, chi you always act as a miss by the tram and see him off with sensitive glances (Pol.).

Note. For structures made of splits chi ... abo the following punctuation rules are established:

1) do not put a coma, yakscho chi… chi join the same terms of the speech: Why do you support me, why don't you support me?(Div. § 13, n. 12). Porivn. homogeneous members of the same union in the appendage part: Nekhlyudov comprehended this word and looked at it in such a way that you want to know, try to be guilty of your own decision, or having accepted її vіdmova and changing yoga (L.T.);

2) coma put up, like chi ... abo add independent nutritional propositions: Why is it bad for you at Plyushkin’s, why are you just walking around like foxes and tearing passers-by in your own way?(G.) (div. § 30, item 1, note 1);

the same, as a foldable proposition chi ... abo I have a proposition to avenge the wisps of chi wisps: The words chi Chichikov's boulders were changed so many times, or and the mood on the whole day at the new boulo was especially adjusted to the door - vіn zіthnuv, having said, having let the pipe smoke burn out.(R.); Chi were overcast at the mist of the village, or who cheerfully celebrated a birthday, Petro Mikhailovich began to tell about(Pis.);

3) coma be placed between parts and splits chi ... abo, what to open the crown of the head part, what to order: There was still no more food: chi more battalion Saburova march to Stalingrad, or well, after the night, the vranci vіdrazu destroy the entire regiment(Sim.);

4) coma put, as if with splits chi ... abo pov'yazanі pіdorderakovanі appendages parts: ... It was important to understand chi are advancing for days, chi tse gloom so inpenetratingly burned the earth(Bab.).

Father, do not put a coma, like chi ... abo to stop the same parts of the speech, and to be put, as if the stench is to stop the parts of the speech.

§ 35.6

Mіzh pіdryadnym parts of folded-and-ryaded speech with the last order coma to be placed on the high-pitched stands: Viktor asked the killer, to that vin chuv, tse the most important profession at the mine(Hump.); ... Bobrov was puzzled by the readings of him in some magazines, some sings to say to their dear, that they will not swear allegiance alone to one, to that they made oaths more trustingly and hotter (Kupr.); I already showed you what a marvelous evening, if you were inspired by me, our dear fairy called you a child(Pog.).

§ 36. Coma on the stick of two splits

§ 36.1

In the case of a sequential order, one successive part of a folding order can appear in the middle of the other and there will be a "buzz" of two sub-order unions, or a union word of the union word: I think, so, if you are irritated, go to chat, richly whoever you want, go(M.G.) - coma distributes split splits whatі if; Rest was an orphan, yak, to be proud, it is guilty of a bula to enter the service(L.T.) - coma podіlyaє allied word yak and subordering union shob. Substituting for such punctuation is the situation that a friend can use a part of the text, or rearrange it in another place - for the end of the folded word.

However, do not start such a clumsy operation, it may be broken. Possibly two propositions may be combined with a lexical warehouse, but with small additions to the other of them: Vin said, well, if you will be free, evening will come before me. - Vin said if you will be free, then in the evening come to me(added another part of the hanging union yakscho ... then). Punctuation of the difference: at the first rechenni (my order with sub-order unions, what to stand, to stand in a coma) to a friend, the contract part can be changed or rearranged without damaging the structure of the proposition; it is not possible for another to speak, the shards with a change in the rearrangement of another adnexal part instruct the words to appear sho... those as well such a state breaks stylistic norms literary movie. Porivn. also: Sword wise, well, I’ll have a chance to shoot again, there’s nothing else to strike at Peaks(F.). - I already thought if I don’t argue with the old one, then it will be important for me to cry out in the future (P.).

In this rank, with the "summer" of two consecutive splits (or a contractual union and union word) coma put between them, as if the other part of the adnexal part did not change, and the main part did not change (practically, it didn’t follow the other part of the subordinate union those so or ale, presence, which will require such a perebudovi), and not to be put, as far as another part of the dependent union was appointed.

SR: (coma to be put) It seemed that the road led to heaven, to that, the windows of the eyes were instantly roared, everything was lifted up(L.); ... Forever having seen the injustice of one's own excess in the equality with the people's life, and now having spoken to oneself, so, to feel completely right, wine ... now there is more pracyuvatime and even less allowable luxury (L.T.); ... appeared, so, wanting to know, and speaking even more smoothly and for a long time, it was impossible to convey what you said(L.T.); Vedmіd so fond of Mikita, scho, if vіn yshov kudis, zvіr anxiously sniffing the air(M.G.); I read before if you feel a little ring of a little ring on the front gank, you don’t know who to call and now(M.G.); In this rank, the enemy creates the situation for himself, as if we were without a gang, we would be smart and courageous, we would present ourselves to defeat our head strength(A.T.); Tsya soundlessly rosy looking so slandered Lisa, if there is strength at the table near the great hall, її eyes, not showing to anyone, they also talked about(Fed.); Nareshti vin vіdchuv, you can’t do it any more, that no power can destroy you for a month, and that, now you’re sitting down, you can’t rise anymore (Pol.);

(no coma) Sobakevich ... about a quarter of the year with a small doїhav yoga[sturgeon] in total, so if the police chief guessed about the new one, then he babbled, that in the face of the creation of nature, he lost only one tail (G.); Anton Prokopovich has boules, among others, only pantaloons of such marvelous power, if you dressed them wine, then the dogs would bite you for the caviar (T.); Village houses followed the city, yakі hoch were zbudovanі vroztіch і not stowed at the right streets, but they showed the wealth of bagmen (T.); Hadji Murat siv and saying, what to send only to the Lezghin line and give it to you, you can guarantee that the whole of Dagestan will be sent(L.T.); At times, hanging out with such a povіlnistyu, if yakbi is not a step-by-step resurrection of the yogo contour, then one could think about how to stand on one place or go to the other shore (Ch.); Slipy knowing if you marvel at the sun in the room, and if you stretch out your hand at the windows, then dew will wilt from the bushes(Kor.); Who don't know if the ailing person wanted to smoke, then it means the same thing that wanted to live(Shv.); Axis to why the inhabitants of the city perekonan, if the yakbi can pierce the gorges on the falls and lower the rіven of the lake, then the shores will dry up and the grass will grow good (Prishv.); Ale, maybe, the world has already become, but at the same time it happened - it was fatally wrong, - even though it was still hotter than seaside summer, but the dacha didn’t give me a Roman villa(Cat.).

§ 36.2

Mіzh por_vnyalnymi and podryadnym spіlkami coma is not put: Not like the one that mother said to him, but more like the one who was the brother of Kostyantina, for Kitty tsі disguise raptom gave up at the greater steppe and nepriemnі(L.T.); Tell me about your caution not only if you start to try the test, but at the end of the whole experiment; Statya of merit for respect both to those who are damaged in their nutrition are relevant, and to those who have dealt with the stench seriously and deeply.

§ 36.3

With "zustrіchі" to the union and contract (or the union word) coma between them to be put chi to be put stalely in the minds that have been appointed higher (clause 1). SR:

(coma to be put) Grigoriy, singed with rapt and radio rishuchist, forcibly embracing the horse, if the remaining hundred, the ice did not trample Stepan, raced past, jumped up to the new(Sh.) - when the appendage part is exaggerated from the union if priymennikovo-imenne until new it becomes unclear, but in a structural way it is possible to make such a difference, to that coma between the coordinating and contracting splits in similar situations should be put; Mumu didn’t go to the pan’s hut, if Gerasim carried firewood at the kіmnati, forever lost back and impatiently yogo checked the gank(T.); Levin said goodbye to them, ale, so as not to be alone, cling to your brother(L.T.);

(no coma) The woman's legs were scorched and barefoot, and when she spoke then he drank warm with his hand to his burned feet, dumbly trying to calm down the pain.(Sim.) - with the change of the permutation of the appendage part from the union if the order of the words to appear i then; Cold night ... the lad knocked at an unknown boudinka, lilting, de alive Oznobishin, that as if youmu didn’t see the dead moving, then a lunatic squabbling cry, or a suspected experiment(Fed.); Mikola Mikolayovich tries to follow him, ale, the shards of wine stray between the trees and spot, then youmu often have to beat his companion with a pidstrib(Cupr.); Having glanced vaguely at all sides, it became unbearable for you Skoda and the sky, the earth, and the forest, and if the real note of the nozzle swept lingeringly in the wind and trembled, like the voice of a man, crying, youmu became superficially hot and covered for disorder, like having been replaced by nature(Ch.) - following the opposite union a a coma in these depressions, as a rule, is not put, it’s like not following another part of the dependent union those, oskіlki n_ vyluchennya, n_ permutation of the appendage part is impossible without a change in the head part; The sounds faded step by step, and as far as we walked in front of the house, it became more muffled and deader(M.G.) - split і arrive at a foldable proposition; Vіn has already gone a long time ago, and de vin now, nobody knows - split і come the whole foldable proposition.

§ 36.4

With "zustrіchі" happy union і And in a contracting union, the following types of changes are possible:

1) coma stand before the union і(independently, depending on whether the two parts are homogeneous members of the river, independent words, or sub-ordering of the appendages), as if after the appendage part, the other part of the subordinate union then yak or ale(at tsomu vipadku union і I come to the whole foldable proposition): Vіn wearing dark eyepieces, sweatshirt, vuha laying down cotton wool, and if you sit on the vіznik, then punishing lift the mountain(Ch.) - union і one by one the same members of the speech; A small little snowball stuck to the fold, and how respectfully to be surprised, then can you please help її naytonsha crystal budova(Paust.) - union і follow simple propositions; Likar said, what a sick person needs calm, and if we don’t want to turbuvati yoga, then can get out of the ward- split і z'єdnuє subordering of the appendages; Z'yasuyte, be kind, chi reading the reviewer's manuscript, and having read it, then yaka yogo thought about her - split і z'єdnuє subordering at datkovі parts;

2) coma put only after the splits і, yakscho vin z'ednuє two identical members of the speech or two suborders of the appendages and far not following the other part of the subordinate union: Vіn thinking zdivuvat її his generosity, but navіt brow did not lead i, if vіn vіd it vіdvernavsya, scornfully grimaced her clenched lips(T.); Obviously, in your own words pushing Vіn is not of little value, in order to add value to them, dabbling stretch them out(Ch.); Z'yasuvalosa, that the manuscript is still not edited, docks will not be carried out by an additional robot over it, it is not possible to collect them;

3) coma to be placed before the split і, and after the new one, yakscho vin zadnuє two simple propositions (moreover, after the adnexal part does not follow the other part of the subordinate union): Mitsny buv cholovik Gulyaev, i, if you turn to the Urals, behind him was the glittering glory of a millionaire(M.-S.); Chomus about him they said that he was a wonderful artist, and, if mother died in new, Grandma taught yoga to Moscow, to the Komіsarіvskogo school(Ch.); Tsey of the new people pan especially dratuvav Samghin, i, yakbi Klim Ivanovich buv building hatred, vin hate bi yogo(M.G.); ... At the head it became easier, clearer, everything seemed to thicken, i, while in the head it was thickened, it became quieter on the streets(M.G.); She looked at the calmly beautiful Elizaveta Mikhailovna with her great eyes, and, if that pestil її with that soft lower hand, її licorice heart froze(S.-SH.); Lisa went through a deserted area, and, if the legs of її began to look importantly from the round foxes of the stone, she guessed, how she turned her face on a sleepy day after the first grassland from Tsvitukhin(Fed.); Zhvavy wind from the sea inflating windows, i, if the sun has gone down, and the walls of the city are left behind the stern of the remaining plow, a thick song spilled over the expanse of the Volga(Evil.); And the woman kept talking and talking about her misfortune, and, wanting the words її boules, u Saburov's heart hurt with a rape(Sim.); On the turns the sled was thrown to the coast, i, so that she didn’t break on the stone, to wash the snow, Alitet vіdshtovhuvavsya with his feet(Sim.).

§ 36.5

Statement of the Komi between the adjoining union (on the cob of the word, after the dots) and let’s follow it with a contractual union to lie down in the meaning of the union:

1) as a rule, after splits і no coma: I if Levinson, having done all the work of everyday life, having punished the people who spoke out,- in the corrals such a triumph has come, as if by this order all sorts of misunderstandings have truly ended(F.); I want the weather has brightened significantly, the dry weather has not passed; I deputy for that turn right-handed, pardon, let's go straight;

2) after joining the union a coma is also not put: And if the sun shone, before us was a view of the snowy peak; And yakscho according to weather forecasters, tomorrow may be warmer;

3) after splits ale coma not to put pauses between splits and to put, as if to break a pause; equal: ale koli vіn, spiraling on the chick, vyyshov from the staff bus on the square ... i, not chekayuchi, until you hug him, he himself became hug and kiss all those who, after eating up to him, hugged him, it pinched him in the wound.(Paul); Ale yakcho attacking the enemy went into attacking, the infantry again rushed to the attack(Sim.);

4) after splits however coma call to put: However, as surround that vimagatimut, I don’t stand aloof.

Note. For different ways of living in a union on the cob of a proposition, the following rules are established:

1) coma put after a split іі ale and not to be placed after the split a, for example, they gave the following water-reinforced turnover (most often - a design with a dієєprislіvnik): I, having hung up on the way out, vin turned around; Ale, do not hesitate to turn to what has been said, having missed the place of your notice; BUT feeling these words, vin wiggling...(div. § 20);

2) a coma, as a rule, is not put after the adjoining union, as if they gave an introductory word or an introductory proposition: I, imovirno, you don't expect it; Hello, maybe food was not yet visible; And vtim, and this option accepted; I show myself vipadkova vіdpovіd turned out to be correct(div. § 25, n. 6);

3) coma put in front of the adnexal part of the fallow due to the meaning of the union and the obviousness of the presence of the pause for the hour of reading (div. § 36, p. 5).

§ 37

If the same supplementary parts of the collapsible proposition are wider, especially if there are Komi in the middle of them, then between such regular parts the Komi can be placed speck with coma: What are you thinking about? About those who are vino bіdniy; scho pratseyu vіn is guilty of self-demonstration and independence, and honor; how could God give you a penny to your mind; well, it’s so empty of happiness, the mind of the narrow-minded, laziness, like life is much easier(P.); Davidov's troch became summarily through those who now have a lot of things changed there; now it’s no longer possible to spend the night without interruption behind armchairs; what now about new, mabut, zabuli(Sh.).

§ 38

§ 38.1

Dash put for the intonational division of the main part of the folding proposition in the appendage. Most dash vikoristovuetsya in quiet vipadkah, if the head part is forward:

1) contract is explanatory: Yak vin got here - what else can’t you understand in a moment(R.); How did the teacher tell - I have heard for a long time(Pl.); It’s great, good, that you are married to her, and how to live - who knows(M.G.); Why vin її tormenting - she didn’t sleep like that; Win come, ale koli - I don't know(SR with a different order of parts: I don’t know if you will come); The stinks have gone, ale kudi - did not say; BUT axis shob for all to recognize their fault - Spirit does not hang; Chi vіdpovіla won on yogo sheet chi nі - Vіn so i did not know; What do people know - fact; There were some new bits about new, ale yaki - unbelievably; Who doesn't love magic - or callous in soul, or deaf to everything beautiful; Yak buti in such vipadkas - Request radio hearing;

2) pіdryadna umovna (sound from the splits chi ... chi, chi ... abo): Whether someone sleeps about what - movchi(P.); Chi head thinks, chi heart looks, chi hands turn bottles - everything is covered with equal splashes(R.); Looked into the distance, I'll look at you - and in the heart it’s light as if to light up(Fet); Chi did you see the darling, that this is a stone, not bread, you did not see - food chain(S.-SH.);

3) dodatkova inferior: Let it go, like you want to, tyrannize - I can't see my will(S.-SH.); Skilki would not marvel at the sea - it's not at all nabridne(Cat.).

§ 38.2

Know what to put on stage dash:

1) parallelism of the structure of the folding proposition: Chi orach song in the distance sleep - dovga song for the heart take; chi lіs pochnetsya - pine and wasp(N.); Whoever is cheerful - laugh at that, whoever wants to - achieve that, whoever jokes - you know that!(OK.); If someone comes - to the radio, if no one is despised - I don’t grieve; What will be - it is known, what will be - no one knows;

2) inconsistency in the warehouse of the proposition in the appendage part: Some inquire, why did the zatrimka іz virishennya nutrition, іnshі - why did the wine burn, third - why, along the way, do not look at that other food; Vin is a bad person, that Skoda - p'yanitsya; I'm sorry, I don't remember myself;

3) presence of words tse, axis: What is the nature of Chesna - I'm clear(T.); If a fly obstinately enters in front of your eyes- e it's unacceptable Ale, if the mosquito at night innocently trumpets over your whistle - Tse is simply unbearable; What is wonderful in this forest - tse scho wine all from pines; De vin at once, what do you do? the axis of power, on the yakі I could not take vіdpovіdі; And what is vin buv sensible - you can believe me; What wine does he know - tse yoga on the right;

4) refurbishment of adnexal elements: As if you don’t sing in your own, as if you don’t win masculinity - vіdmovsya; Navkolo people, and who has come, who has had a problem - dont clear; BUT what was going on in this chaos of speeches - Rozuma unbugged; Vin, to show sho know everything and s usim is good, scho is far away - once zaproponuvav their services;

5) rozmaїttya com, on the dashes of such dashes it appears as the most striking sign: Then we got a certificate, but for the certificate, as it seems, if you don’t pay more, you won’t overpay;

6) intonation of the main part in the advancing adnexal behind it: You ask - now I’m on the price ?; And you are impressed - what is needed?

7) between sub-orders of consecutive parts, as if the omissions are the opposite union or the other part of the stave union: The artistry is based on the fact that the skin word was not just a big time - if it was necessary, inevitably, and if it was less common(Black).

§ 39

dvokrapka to be put in front of the contracting union in quiet, lonely vipadkas, if in the front head part of the folding proposition, there is a special advancement about the distance of roses' clarification (at which place the trival pause is to be shy, and you can insert the words and myself):I, zrobivshi tse, vodchuv, that the result of viyshov bazhany:(L.T.); Hadji Murat sat in order at the kіmnati i, even if he did not understand what they said, having understood those who needed to understand: that the stinks were quarreling about him(L.T.); Now, if the shackles of the boots of the vikonans were worn, if the stench brought clarity to the confused situation of the bay, if the most important task was taken care of, the stench thought about those who did not think about it in their life: what the stench is vryatovani, what the stench is not drowned, that in this majestic night sea the stench cannot slip through the crying boat, which should be at anchor(Inc.); I'm afraid of one thing: that the retraining of our people did not appear on their work to watch over the wounded(Pan.); During the day, the idea became more and more obvious, as the Americans themselves repeatedly told us: that newspapers in the USA are still not a huge idea.(Gas.).

§ 40

Coma and dash as a single sign to be placed in a folding word:

1) in front of the head part, like a front row of homogeneous adnexal appendages, which reinforces the breakdown of the folding proposition into two parts (a trival pause is rushing in front of the head part): Who is guilty of them, who is right - it is not for us to judge(Cr.); Chi robs for whom Stolz, who robs and how robs - we don’t know(Good); How many of them were there, of all people, who came stink here in a vipadkovo, who would be left here for a long time, which I can’t tell you,

2) in front of the word, as it is repeated in the appendage part, in order to connect with it afar part of the same proposition: Now, judge judged, Ivan Illich saw that everything is without blame, the most important, self-satisfied people - everything is in his hands.(L.T.). The same with repeated words in the head part: І thought, which wine can be cherished by this interest, which wine can be reconciled with the retinue for sale to the fox thought imagining yoga(L.T.); life yogo, that it began (so miraculously at the place) with a majestic church porch ... and in the voice of mothers, in a thousand times, knowing shining a creamy way, and the star spoke with the star, - tsya life with her skin age she was reminiscent of new, all new meanings(Cat.).

In other ways dash put after Komi, which closes the contract part, for better punctuation, with a “break” in the construction before the word tse and etc.: Once I asked myself: what if I turn around, it’s impossible to appear before you - will you be radium? The best, what a moment to grow up, - drink at once; What is it for a vapadok, who had a foolish style, - what Vіn guess not a moment; The only thing that suits me here is the old thin park; Let me have mercy, - well, have mercy on the powerful people; Vіn zamovk, but not to the one who didn’t get the plume, - you didn’t get the breath; Having said the words that weren’t what they thought, the first ones came to the thought of the first words.

Angry or different spellings of the words "so" and "so it is" lie down, depending on what part of the promotion is. It can depend on the context, the signs of which are manifested by their morphological and syntactical signs.

When do we write okremo?

The adjective “so” is written okremo from the arbitrary meanings and the independent part “a”. The stinks get used to the promotions for the equalization of whether they are deeds or stans, which flow or appear in similar minds or environments.

I tried to get the father of everything: it was like that, having mastruwed the ship, blowing the shavings, that the z-pid of the planer came out.

Outside of the window, it was as if the snow fell on its own, and it seemed that the wines would fill up the whole place to the very dahivs.

In the words of the inscription “so” with a frequent “g” you can sing substitution of the adjective "yak" from the union "i":

Just like Galya’s friend, Olya loved little ones, but the little ones didn’t come out like that.

Learn cob classes so, just like high school students, take the fate of sports zmagannyah.

When do we write together?

Pokhіdny union "so", omissions in the way of angering the adjective "so" with a frequent "zh", written at once. Doing yoga is easy replace with the union "i":

In the middle of the school, there was an indescribable praise; at the corridor, the fathers also boasted.

The scholars were boasting, and in the corridor the middle fathers were being praised.

Importantly, the sign of the adverbial word “so” with a frequent “g” is the syntactic role of the proposition: the adjective is like an independent syntactic unity of the warehouse of a similar turnover, it acts like a set. Union is also service unit mov, vikoristovuєtsya for linking parts of the proposition at the warehouse foldable syntactic constructions that member of the proposition is not є.

In some cases, the meaning of the difference between the words “so” and “so it is” can only be used for a broader context, which includes a sprat of speech, or for intonation, which can be misunderstood when they are read:

Rіznitsya mіzh "so it is" and "so" pogohaє in the offensive

  • Poednannya so itself folds out of a suffix with some arbitrary meanings and is tied to him for a small part. The word "so" is a good drive.
  • The use of the adjective "so" with a frequent "a" is written okremo. Pokhіdny union "so" is written at once.
  • In the speech, the adjective “so” with a frequent “a” may have a secondary meaning and act in the role of another member. The union "so" cannot be independent lexical meaning and serve as a link between four parts of a syntactic construction.
  • Even “so” with a frequent “a” can be included in a regular turnover, as if after a new adjective “yak”. Pokhіdny union "so" is easily replaced by the union "i".
  • In some cases, the adjectives of “so it is” can be reconsidered in the form of “so” only for an expanded context or intonation with an armchair logical voice.

It should be noted that today the success of the prague is becoming more and more literate and literate. The development of culture in the masses to bear its fruit, and the beneficial effect of such a ubiquitous inflow of literacy into the success will not get in the next hour. And at the same time, there are also deuce factors, which negatively affect the expansion of literacy.

In contact with


Let’s talk about those who today are a practical leather gadget, whether it’s a program, like a text input, giving you the opportunity automatically edit misspelled word, otherwise it is proponing to introduce it already ready after the introduction of the whole dekilkoh of the first letters. Such minds are unlikely to want to go to the dark and spelling dictionaries. True, it’s important to work, it’s a smart system to do everything for you.

Ale, but literate, we can’t become old. Progress is good, flawless, but literacy can never be wounded. Until then, such words and phrases, in the writing of which you can earn a pardon and for the obviousness of automatic spelling correctors.

In this article, there is a word about the phrase "so it is." How to write "like this" - at once chi okremo? Not leather can be used on the food chain. At this article, the reader can know the report on the new one.

The spelling “like this” and “so it is” - at the same time how is it okay?

The main twist is blamed, if you don’t understand, how to write the same words. at once or Okremo. To this very fact, it is allowed that more pardons are more important, tied to the writing “so it is”. It’s possible to know how important it is to orientate yourself in all the rules, what is the cost of this food, but, in principle, there is nothing foldable in it.

Slid just remember the kіlka cunning and those rules, yakі allow not to have mercy on the written word. In that case, as if blaming inconsistencies, it is necessary to simply understand, as a part of the language and phrases - as if the union, then it is written at once, and as an adjective, then it’s clearly okremo. Belonging to the singing part of the movi plays a great role here.

Different writing

For the cob varto, mark the moments, if the words, which are seen in the article, are written okremo. "That's the way it is" should be written okremo in that vein, yakscho "so" є, and "g" - frequent. Vykoristovuetsya podednannya tsikh sliv for povnyannya ob'ektiv. For example:

  • Vіn in everything he tried to inherit his teacher: so very richly nodding his head, so himself leading in conversations and arguing with women;

Like a hint: if you blame the folding, then you can distort yourself by trying put "yak i" after "so it is"

  • I hate this person, just like that, like me;
  • People are just like creatures, rich in what they live, being guided by internal instincts.

Angry writing

Now varto discuss vipadki, if "so" is written at once. As it is already possible to guess, “so” is a union, and, as it was assigned to the cob of the article, it is written at once:

  • The actor boasted before the performance, so did the whole corpse;
  • Meri Ivanov's candidate, as well as Sidorov's candidate, also continues to fall in the rating.

Don't have mercy varto just change in the head “so” to the split “i”:

  • The actor boasted in front of the vistava, and at once the whole corpse was boasting from him;
  • The first candidate is Mary Ivanov, and the candidate Sidorov continues to fall in the rating.

Setting nutrition

The correctness of the spelling "so it is" can be seen for the additional setting of the nutrition "how?". Before the union, such food should not be supplied.

Seeing this part

You can also try out a part of "i". In that mood, as if the vision of propositions is not in line with it, then it is necessary to write okremo. In the other direction - at once. This additional method can be seen on specific stocks:

  • The whole thing passed by itself, like it was past;

If you throw out a piece of “g”, if you hope to be stronger, then sense proposition does not change:

  • The whole thing has passed so, like the past.

In such a rank, one can signify the fact that it is the very next thing to write in such vipadkas okremo. Let's look at another example:

  • My friend marvels at football, I also love this sport.

How to try out a piece, then look like this:

  • My friend marvels at football, I love this sport so much.

As you can remember, the proposition once became stupid. Not surprisingly, even a little bit of the union was thrown away, but once a part of the union. So you can distort yourself as a substitute for the union put "tezh":

  • My friend marvels at football, I also love this sport.

True, the replacement of one union with another did not lead to the loss of sensation of all propositions. If you can change it, then varto boldly write “like this” at once.


In that mood, as if there is no time to think, and for a wise proposition, one has to stop words, you can just replace them with suitable ones. Synonyms to sing the language more variably and with a bell. But at the same time, you can successfully win in quiet fluctuations, if there are fluctuations in the writing of either a word or a phrase. They will be given synonyms, help to identify the wrong spelling of the words that are seen in the article.

The adjective can often be replaced by offensive synonyms:

  • similar;
  • Just like that;
  • So very yak;
  • Yak i;
  • Similar;
  • however;
  • So just like i;
  • the same rank;
  • Similarly.

In that case, as in the proposition, the union “so” is victorious, you can twist the following words-synonyms:

  • however;
  • Tezh;
  • Just like that;
  • Together with tim.

Chitachevi varto vrahuvat the fact that synonyms of truth can be pleasantly thrown into the reduction of the number of spelling pardons. If you blame nutrition, you are impersonal vipadkiv, you will only be correct in some help, competently spelled synonym. That is not recommended by them. “So it is” and “so” - verbal enlightenment, which is often scribbled, but with the same voicing in the text, food is often called out, it’s not possible to say correctly on the skin.

One of the most important sources for spelling is the use of the words “so” and “so it is”. For rich people, as a rule, they blame richly folded people, although in reality everything is much simpler. It is enough just once to understand the principle of cultivating these words and understanding the difference between them, so as not to say more about cultivating these words. Otzhe, how do you spell "just like that"?

Zlito chi okremo

In fact, there are two variants of the spelling of the word "so". In other words, yoga can be written like a kremo, so at once. Vybіr tієї chi іnshої variant povnіstyu lie down in the environment, scho can vikoristovuvatsya near the river.

In the case of "a takozh" it is vvazhaetsya by the union, it was done in the face of the anger of the clerk to the union "a". The role of the rechenni is to unite the same members, or to say a sprat of simple words in one fold. І here “so” will be equivalent to the union “i”.

The phrase "so it is" is used by the adjective "so" with a frequent "a". Vikoristovuvaty yogo is more necessary in quiet moods, if when the part "a" is lowered, the swagger of the phrase does not change. Another variant of living is the vikoristanny of this word already like a match.

Apply the spelling "and also" or ""and also"

"So" is written at once, so that you can replace the word with the union "i".

Vaughn asked for relatives, as well as friends. Vaughn asked for relatives and friends.

Yak union z anger writing the whole word zastosovuєtsya at that vipadku, so it is easy to replace yoga with the union “tezh”.

My friend loves to read novels, I love to sit in the evenings with a book. My friend loves to read novels, I like to sit in the evenings with a book.

If and yak “and so” is written okremo

Nasampered before the varto name the following propositions.

The behavior of the price was very similar to his matir: he was so self-loving to lie on his back and have fun.

Such a variant is often vikorated in vipadkas, if the word “yak” is instructed to stand. "And so" is written in the same vipadka okremo.

So it goes, like a father, Mitya loves ribality.

Razdіlnoe scribal zavzhd vykorivuєєtsya in that moment, if part of the "g" zastosovuєєєє vyklyuchaetsya for the strengthening of the construction, under which the proposition does not waste sense without it.

Karina could play the flute just like that, like a vikladach.

Having memorized a few features, you will know how to spell "and so it goes" - at once, abo rozdilno.

Good day! I am reposting to you the dialogue that I had between me and my colleague. -Maxim said that we have nothing. Chi є? - True. Suggest, be kind, who is making a move. My colleague, what a stverzhuє, sho "dіysno" - an introductory word and a coma is needed after a new one, or I, who vvazhaє, sho in to this particular type tse do not enter the word and coma zaiva.

You can know the arguments for the greed of both positions. Have a different decision about the production of which the author accepts the text.

Request No. 299306

On one of the sites devoted to Russian language, I knew the following proposition: “To increase the light, or to mute the music.” Who needs a coma? Meni zdaєtsya, over there zayva.

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You maєte radio, coma zaiva. Non-repeated union or go here the same terms of the speech.

Request No. 294290

"Keep your mind on your audience. Know who your customers are, and how you can see your product." I respect that all 3 Komi are here, colleagues seem that all 3 are needed. Who's right? Dyakuyu!

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Use two komi: before the word now i before word who. The stench is placed between the head and the row proposition at the warehouse of the warehouse. Third coma zayva, to that union і follow the same appendages.

Request No. 285028

How to correctly place the Komi in the phrase: "forget everything you know about life, and just squash your eyes"? I care that 2 rooms are needed. Everyone insists that a friend is a coma.

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You make a move. Need insults Komi. REPRESENTATION what do you know about life seen as lumps from both sides.

Request No. 282360
Good day! I won't be beaten by your opinion. Why is a coma not needed here?

Request No. 282322

Good afternoon. Chi not zayva coma in the temples?
access to special office(,) Koristuvach goiter tell me about it.

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

So, tsya coma zayva, її it is not necessary to put.

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Є rule: after single member propositions that come with the union and also, Coma is not put, so wine is not vodokremlyuetsya.

Request No. 282322
Good afternoon. Chi not zayva coma in the temples?
When you enter the password, as well as at the time of illegal third-party
access to a special office (,) koristuvach goiter about tse.

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So, tsya coma zayva, її it is not necessary to put.

Request No. 281761
Hello, shanovni spіvrobіtniki!
Dyakuyu for your practice. Help, be kind, one more time.
"For the manifestation of a group of high risk and the development of ailments ... in 2014, roci were actively victorious for the formation of robots (,)
and the medical examination of the singing groups of the mature population was carried out.
Coma in the arches dorechna chi zaiva?
With honor Olena Volodimirivna.

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Zaiva coma. Vaughn not to be put, to that two parts of a folded-to-row speech are united by a heady other-row member in 2014 roci.

Request No. 281590
Good afternoon.
Why do you need (and why) a friend of a coma at the rechenni "From the position of not a writer, but a reader, the book has sunk"? Maybe, and first coma zayva?

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After the remaining homogeneous member of the proposition, which joins with an opposite or contractual union and does not end the proposition, do not put a coma, then you will not be vindicated: From the position of not a writer, but a reader, the book went into the distance.

Request No. 280611
Tell me, be kind, what is the correct punctuation in this phrase - "Axis only, what should I say to Jack?"

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Zaiva coma.

Request No. 279786
Good afternoon. Chi correctly affixed punctuation marks in such a sentence:

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Zaiva coma.

Request No. 270936
Tell me, be kind, what are the correct signs in the offensive proposition?

Leafing on the trees - like a bright picture.

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Zaiva coma.

Request No. 268218
Good day, fakhіvtsі Literacy! At the proposition "Sof'yan Feguli flew to Africa, to win international binding at the warehouse of selected Algeria" coma folded word. What am I wrong? Behind the hell.

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You make a walk, there is no place for putting Komi before the word vikonuvati.

Request No. 257843
illiteracy is prospering in the country ... why do you think that people don’t know how to spell “pretty”?

Chi not є coma zayvoї їy after the words "know"?

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Coma after know Obov'yazkov.

Request No. 234197
According to the process of detoxification, the blame is justly fed: what is the best way to move to which mechanism? Is the punctuation correct?

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Zaiva coma.
Request No. 226887
Let me suggest, be kind, that you correctly see the word "for example" with lumps on both sides of this view: "there is a signal about the possibility of a disruption in the exchange of speech, or hormonal problems, for example, with pregnancy."

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Another coma of a zayva (_for example_ seen at the same time with a turnover).
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