Complicated name. The rules of angry and hyphenated writing of folding names. Folding names 2 spellings of folding names

1. Folded names are written at once with elements auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, velo-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, іzo-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, moto-, neo- , paleo, radio, stereo, television, photo, electric it is independent of the number of names of elements or other words in the basis. For example: auto on right, car reel race, agro technique, aero sled, bio station, velo sport, helio therapy, geo botany, hydro mechanics, hydro life resources, zoo vetpoint, zoo hygiene, isophoto reportage, film script, macro world, meteorological information, micro radio broadcasts, mono culture, moto parts, neo positivism, paleo Asian, radio staging, stereo cinema, style movie, thermal electro central, thermohydro dynamics, a photo mysticism, electro drіt, electro light clinic.

Note 1. When scribbling between deficiencies and angering the written words of the will of the other, as in the Russian language, there are no warehouses with powerful meanings in the word, for example: blitz krieg - blitzkrieg, water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gumi-arabik - gum arabic, maitre "o-tel - maitre d', table" vіd - table d'hôte Porivn. also: crepe de chine, fide chine, fіldekos, fіldepers (the words do not have two warehouses with a French drive between them) - crepe georgette, crepe maroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Abo anger writing words are shaking padegras, padekatre, padepatiner, padespan and hyphenated writing of silly words of the same semantic group pas de deux, pas de trois.

Note 2. About writing words from an element air- div. § 41, paragraph 4.

2. Folded names are written at once with the first part of the deaf on - І, for example: vert і neck, gir і color, trim і snout, osprey і budinok, zirva і head, noise і head. Vinyatok: roll і-field.

3. Words of all types are written at once, for example derzhkomitet, Uralmash, trade union committee, Central Bank.
Hyphenated writing

4. As a rule, colloquial names are written with a hyphen without a good voice, which means the names of mechanisms, as well as scientific, technical, supple-political terms, for example: stacking machine, leveling machine, vacuum machine (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield etc.), diesel-electric, dynamo, cable-crane, crane-beam, motor-generator, stop-cock, filter-press, injection machine; armchair-lizhko, raincoat-namet; sawfish; prime minister, lieutenant general, captain-engineer, lord chancellor.

Note 1. Good spelled words:
a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, board mechanic;
b) with another part - meter: vacuum meter, doses meter, millivolt meter.

Designate 2. Through a hyphen, words are written with the first part block- і press: unit, block- diagram, block- mechanism, block- signal, block- system(ale block notes, block gauz); P res- attache, press secretary, press conference, press center; P res- cliche, press conveyor, press papa.

5. It is written with a hyphen in the folded unit of the vimir, for example: gram atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule etc.), kilogram-year, ton-kilometer, person-day, person-lіzhko.
Vinyatki: workday, workday

6. Write through a hyphen warehouse names of political currents, as well as their addictions, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, national socialism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, social democrats.

7. Write with a hyphen, name the intermediary countries of the world, for example: pivdenniy skhid, pivnіchny zahid, pivdenny skhid.

8. Words are written through a hyphen with other elements vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned, headquarters, ex- at the first part, for example: vice admiral, label- guard, ober- conductor, non-commissioned officer, headquarters- likar, ex- champion, ex-vice- premier(With two hyphens).

9. It is written through a hyphen in a folding name for roslin, which you can have at your warehouse in a special form, or a syllabus, for example: love-no- love, not- stick out-mene, ivan- So-Marya, mother- і- stepmother.

10. Folding words are written with a hyphen, for which a word with estimated meanings is added to the main word, for example: bey-woman, gop- company, grief- kerivnik, soldering- lad, marvelous fish, Hurrah- patriotism.

11. They are written with a hyphen in scientific and technical terms, before the warehouse of which are included, name the letter or letters (mostly Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: alpha- particle, gamma- viprominyuvannya, x- change ( X- change), before- particle, pi- meson.

12. Applicants, adopted in the form of geographical names with hyphenated spellings, take the hyphen from their spelling, for example: Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata, Orikhovo-Zuevo - gorіkhovo-zuїvskiy, Los Angeles - los angeles. Puerto Rico - puerto rican, and names, approved by the same lance, are written at once, for example: New York - new york, new york, Costa Rica - costa rican, Costa Ricans, Kurgan-Tyube - kurgan-tyubinsky, kurgantyubinci. To this rule, the lancet is ordered ku klux klan - ku klux klan- Lyalkuksklanovets.

Note 1. About the writing of the hyphen of the folded vlasnyh names of the osib divs. § 13, paragraphs 2–5, geographical names § 17, paragraph 4.
Note 2. About writing folding words truth-truth, purchase-sales, im'ya-in-father div. § 83, n. 1, straight. 2.

13. When joining for an additional union, that two or more folded names with the same other part, this part can be induced only with the rest of the word, and for the front words, instead of it, it is written as a hanging hyphen. For example: gas- that electric welding(porivn. gas brewingі electrobrewing); water- that gas supply; radio that TV show; auto, moto ta cycling(ale for the existence of the union і - anger writing, div. see, item 1).

The spelling of collapsible names, and especially examples, is one of the stressful points of modern orthography. The reference document of the diet is based on the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation of 1956", and refer to the normative "Russian Spelling Dictionary". Іsnuє th deshcho іnshiy pіdhіd before writing these words, for example, at the book “Evil chi okremo?” (dosvіd slovіdnik-dovidnik) B.3. Bookchin and L.P. Kalakutskoy (divine addition to the book).

The spelling of collapsible names, and especially examples, is one of the stressful points of modern spelling. The reference document of the diet is based on the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation of 1956", and refer to the normative "Russian Spelling Dictionary". Іsnuє th deshcho іnshiy pіdhіd before writing these words, for example, at the book “Evil chi okremo?” (dosvіd slovіdnik-dovidnik) B.3. Bookchin and L.P. Kalakutsky (divine appendage for the book).

Angry writing

1. Folding names are written at once with elements of auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, velo-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, іzo-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, moto-, neo-, paleo-, radio-, stereo-, tele-, photo-, electro-in. regardless of the number of names of elements and other words at the base. Наприклад: автосправа, автомотовелогонки, агротехніка, аеросані, біостанція, велоспорт, геліотерапія, геоботаніка, гідромеханіка, гідроенергоресурси, зооветпункт, зоогігієна, ізофоторепортаж, кіносценарій, макросвіт, метеозведення, мікрорадіохвилі, радіо, хвиля, монокультура, теплоелектроцентраль, термогідродинаміка, фотомистецтво, електропровід, electric light clinic.

Note 1. When scribbling between deficiencies and angering the written words of the inshomonic movement of the will of the other, as in the Russian language in words, there are no warehouses with powerful meanings, for example: blitz krieg - blitzkrieg, water machine - water machine, water polo, water polo - water polo - gum arabic, maitre "o-tel - maitre d', tabld" vіd - tabdot. Porivn. also: crepe de chine, fide chine, fildekos, fildepers (the words do not have two warehouses with a French drive between them) - crepe georgette, crepe maroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Abo anger the writing of the words that shill, padegras, padequatre, padepatiner, padespan and hyphenated writing are not shilled by the words of the semantic group pas de deux, pas de trois.

Note 2. About writing words from an element air- div. § 41, paragraph 4.

2. Folded names are written at once with a deaf first part on , for example: pincer, gorytsvit, trimimord, sknar, shibenitsa, noise head. Vinyatok: perekotipole.

3. Words of all types are written at once, for example, the government committee, the trade union committee, Uralmash, the Central Bank.

Hyphenated writing

4. Write with a hyphen, as a rule, collapsible names without a happy vowel, which means the names of mechanisms, as well as scientific, technical, suspension-political terms, for example: automatic stacker, automatic leveler, vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield, etc.), diesel-electric, dynamo, cable-crane, crane-beam, motor-generator, stop-cock, filter-press, injection machine; armchair-lizhko, raincoat-namet; sawfish; prime minister, lieutenant general, captain-engineer, lord chancellor.

Note 1. Good spelled words:

a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, flight mechanic;
b) with another part -meter Cabin: vacuum gauge, dosimeter, millivoltmeter.

Designate 2. Through a hyphen, words are written with the first part block-і press Key words: block device, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system (notepad, blockhouse); press officer, press secretary, press conference, press center; press cliche, press conveyor, press paper.

5. It is written with a hyphen as a folding unit of the world, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule then), kilogram-year, ton-kilometer, person-day, person-lizhko.

Vinyatki: workday, labor hour.

6. Write through a hyphen warehouse names of political trends, and name them pribіchnikіv, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, national socialism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, social democrats.

7. Write with a hyphen, name the provincial countries of the world, for example: pivdenniy skhid, pivnichny zakhid, pivdenny skhid.

8. Write with a hyphen words with additional elements vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned, headquarters, ex- in the first part, for example: vice-admiral, life guard, chief conductor, non-commissioned officer, headquarters officer, ex-champion, ex-vice-premier (with two hyphens).

9. It is written with a hyphen to call the name of the roslin, which you can have at your warehouse in a special form or a spell, for example: love-don't-love, don't-touch-me, ivan-da-mar'ya, mother-y-machukha.

10. Folding words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with estimated meanings is added to the main word, for example: boy-woman, gop-company, unfortunate-ker_vnik, ration-lad, miracle fish, cheers-patriotism.

11. It is written with a hyphen scientific and technical terms, before the warehouse of which includes the names of letters or letters (mostly Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: alpha-part, gamma-viprom_nyuvannya, x-promenі (x-promenі), k-chastka, pі -meson.

12. Applicants, adopted in the form of geographic names with hyphenated spellings, take a hyphen from their written ones, for example: Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata, Orikhovo-Zuevo - Gorikhovo-Zuїvsky, Los Angeles - Los Angeles. Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican, and names, adopted in the same language, are written at once, for example: New York - New York, New York, Costa Rica - Costa Rica, Costa Ricans, Kurgan-Tube - Kurgan-Tube, Kurgan-Tube . To this rule, the Ku Klux Klan Lancer - Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan member is ordered.

Note 1. About the writing of the hyphen of the folded vlasnyh names of the osib divs. § 13, paragraphs 2–5, geographical names § 17, paragraph 4.

Note 2. About writing folded words like truth-istina, purchase-sales, im'ya-in-father's divs. § 83, n. 1, straight. 2.

13. When joining for an additional union, that two or more folding names with the same other part, this part can only be induced with the rest of the word, and for the front words, instead of it, it is written like a hanging hyphen. For example: gas and electric cooking (por. gas cooking and electric cooking); water and gas supply; radio and television broadcasts; auto-, moto- and bicycle races і- Angry writing, div. see, item 1).

Angry writing

1. Folded names are written at once with elements of auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, velo-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, іzo-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono - , moto-, neo-, paleo-, radio-, stereo-, tele-, photo-, electrota, regardless of the number of element names or other words in the base. For example:автосправа, автомотовелогонки, агротехніка, аеросані, біостанція, велоспорт, геліотерапія, геоботаніка, гідромеханіка, гідроенергоресурси, зооветпункт, зоогігієна, ізофоторепортаж, кіносценарій, макросвіт, метеозводка, мікрорадіо, термогідродинаміка, фотомистецтво, електропровід, електросвітлодолікарня.

Note 1. When scribbled between deficiencies and anger, the words of the insomnia will of the other, as in the Russian language in the word are not seen warehouses with powerful meanings, for example: water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gumi-arabik - gumiarabik, maitre d'hotel - maitre d'hotel, price chime - price list, table d'ot - table d'hote. Porivn. also: crepe de chine, fide chine, fildekos, fildepers (the words do not have two warehouses with a French drive between them) - crepe georgette, crepe cashmere, crepe maroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon.

Note 2. About the writing of the words with the element avia-div. § 42 (Folding words without a good voice), p. 4.

2. Folded names are written at once with a deaf first part on -i, for example: Vertisheyka, Goritsvit, Dzhimorda, Sknar, Shibenitsa.

Vinyatok: perekotypole.

3. Words of all types are written at the same time, for example: derzhkomitet, Metrobud, Tulavugіllya, Central Bank.

Hyphenated writing

4. They are written with a hyphen, as a rule, colloquial names without a good voice, which means the names of mechanisms, terms of science, technical, supple-political, for example: vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield toshcho), diesel electrochid, dynamo machine, cable crane, beam crane, motor generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; submachine gun; armchair-lizhko, raincoat-namet; sawfish; prime minister, lieutenant general, captain-engineer, lord chancellor.

Note 1. Good spelled words:

a) with the first part of the board -: flight engineer, flight mechanic;

b) with another part - a meter: a vacuum gauge, a dynamometer, a millivoltmeter.

Note 2. Through a hyphen, words are written with the first part of the block press: block device, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system (ale: checkpoint); press officer, press bureau, press conference, press center; press cliche, press conveyor, press paper.

5. Written with a hyphen folded singles vimir, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule toshcho), kilogram-year, ton-kilometer, person-day, person-lіzhko.

6. Write with a hyphen warehouse names political parties the kind directly, and also їkh prihlіnіv, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries.

7. Write with a hyphen, name the intermediate countries of the world, for example: pivdenniy skhid, pivnіchny zahid, pivdenny skhid.

8. The words are written with a hyphen with the other elements of vice-, label-, ober-, unter-, headquarters, ex-in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief prosecutor, non-commissioned officer, headquarters officer, ex-champion, ex-vice-premier (with two hyphens).

9. It is written through a hyphen fold name roslyn, who can have a word in a special form or a syllabus in his warehouse, for example: love-don't-love, don't-touch-me, ivan-da-mar'ya, mother-th-machukha.

10. Folding words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with estimated meanings comes to the main word, for example: bіy-baba, gop-company, unfortunate-kerіvnik, ration-lad, miracle fish, cheers-patriotism.

11. They are written with a hyphen in scientific and technical terms, to the warehouse of which enter the name of a letter or a letter (mostly Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: x-promenі (x-promenі), do-chastka, pі-meson.

12. There are signs of writing to the Alma-Ata type - Alma-Ata. Similar names are combined with foldable notes, as a rule they are written with a hyphen (Alma-Ata, div. 44, p. 4), so that the following word-creation comes out: Alma-ata - Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata. However, even though in words, adopted in Russian geographic names, warehouses are easily seen (Orekhovo-Zuєvo - Gorіkhovo-Zuїvsky - Gorіkhovo-Zuєvets), then in analogous and inshomonic declarations, such articulation is less clearly accepted. Therefore, the order of traditional hyphenated spellings (New York - New York - New York, Los Angeles - Los Angeles - Los Angeles) is used in similar words of the spelling of anger (Costa Rica - Costa Rican - Costa Rican, Puerto Rico Puerto Rican - Puerto Rican). In the present day, the following spellings are adopted: the names are written in the same way before the rule with a hyphen (Alma-Ata, Gorikhovo-Zuїvsky, Costa Rica, Puerto Rican toshcho), and other common names - all at once (Almaatin, nut-bearing, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican toshcho). Porivn.: Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan.

Note 1. About the writing through the hyphen of the folded vlasnyh names of the osib divs. § 13 (power names of osib), paras. 2–5, geographical names - § 17 (Geographical and administrative-territorial names), paragraph 4.

Note 2. About writing folded words like truth-istina, purchase-sales, im'ya-in-father's divs. § 83 (homogeneous members, not joined by splits), paragraph 1, note 2.

13. When joining for an additional union and two or more dekilkoh folded names with the same other part, this part can be induced only with the rest of the word, and with the front words, instead of it, it is written like the titles of visnovok. For example: gas and electric cooking ( since. gas supply and electric supply), radio and television broadcasts; auto, motorcycle and cycling races (ale for the existence of the union i - anger the writing, marvelous more, p. 1).

  • - SPELL. Div Spelling...

    Glossary of literary terms

  • - otherwise, spelling - under this term, the art of the "correct" image of movement in writing, for the help of letter signs, is understood.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - rules that establish the same methods of transferring promo on the sheet; div. Spelling...

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  • - the ones that spelling ...

    Great encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Section 88...

    Russian spelling rules

  • - Anger writing 1 ...
  • - Anger writing 1 ...

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  • - Anger writing 1 ...

    Advice on spelling and style

  • - spelling tracing paper walnut. ὀρθογραφία, porіvn. nar. ὀρθός "correct", γράφω "I am writing"...

    Etymological Dictionary of Fasmer

  • - In Russian language, two words are used to express one and the same concept: the system of rules for writing the words of the language, the crime of spelling, is called spelling.

    Etymological Dictionary of Russian Krylov

  • - The promos of these people have a little spelling pardon. Yulian Tuvim We live in the era of great spelling words. Victor Tombak Bagatokrapka can mean the presence of a thought...

    An encyclopedia of aphorisms has been published

  • - The ones that spelling ...

    Glossary of linguistic terms

  • - vologo-.....
  • - spelling/nya,...

    Dobre. Okremo. Through a hyphen. Slovnik-dovidnik

  • - RIGHT, -I, povn. Those same, scho spelling. | dod. spelling, -a, -a ...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Pravopis, spelling, povn. 1. The system of rules of the sheet, dominating the other literary movie, Spelling. Spelling reform. Russian speller...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

"Spelling of folding names" in books

1.1.1. Suffixation of abstract names

From the book Mova Russian emigrant press (1919-1939) author Zelenin Oleksandr

1.1.1. Sufixation of abstract names Sufiks -іzm. V. V. Vinogradov called the suffix - ism the most productive among the names of the human family with abstract meanings [Vinogradov 1986: 100]. True, they came from the Russian language in the 18th century. and remember

Z imennikov - in the dialect

3 Google Books. Minule. Today. Maybutne author Lau Janet

Іz imennikіv - at the divinity From the very beginning of the co-founders of Google tormented by the anxiety that the stench would lose control over the im'yam of their company. The stench navit vvazhali for the need to insert a vіdpovіdne ahead of the avenue emisії, in which they wrote: “Do not turn off the risk, what is the word

VII. Spelling of names

author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

VII. Spelling of names § 37. End of names 1. In names, yak may vowel і before endings, it is written in priymennikovy vowel alone(in the case of a woman’s family, the same is true of a given woman) letter i, for example: about a genius,

IX. Spelling of folding words

Books Dovіdnik z spelling and style author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

IX. Spelling of folded words § 41. Closing voices 1. folding words after the basis on a firm voice, I write with a good voice about, after a basis on a soft voice, on a hiss and c - a happy voice e. For example: domosid, kozheed, bird,

§ 43. Spelling of collapsible names

Books Dovіdnik z spelling and style author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 43. Spelling of collapsible names written in Zlitne1. Folded names are written at once with elements of auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, velo-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, іzo-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono - , moto-, neo-, paleo-, radio-, stereo-, tele-, photo-, electro-in.

§ 44

Books Dovіdnik z spelling and style author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 44. Spelling of collapsible examples Written at the same time folding prikmetniki, utvodnі z pojdnán slіv, for their meaning fit one to one or for the way of use (salіznichny, porіvn. Zalizna road), but for the method

§ 147

Books Dovіdnik z spelling and style author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 147. A number of invariable names 1. Words that designate inanimate objects. Some of the names of the inshomogeneous journey, which signify inanimate objects, in their greatness are considered to be of the middle kind, for example: scarlet,


author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

VII. SPELL OF NAMES OF IMNOVIH § 36. End of names 1. In names, yak may have before the end of the voices, it is written in the receiver's name alone (for the words of the female family, also in the giver's name) letter i, for example:


Books Dovіdnik z spelling, wimovi, literary editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

IX. SPELLING OF FOLDING WORDS § 40. Good voices and e 1. In folding words, after a solid voice, it is written with a good voice, after a base for a soft voice, for a hissing and c - a good voice e. For example: domosid,

§ 42. Spelling of collapsible names

Books Dovіdnik z spelling, wimovi, literary editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 43

Books Dovіdnik z spelling, wimovi, literary editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 43. Spelling of folding notes in Zlitne writing Written at the same time folding prikmetniki, utvodnі z poddnanny slіv, for their meanings fit one to one or for the way to please (salіznichny, por. zalіznytsia), or for the way

§ 149

Books Dovіdnik z spelling, wimovi, literary editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 149. A number of invariable names 1. Words that designate inanimate objects. Some of the names of the inshomovny trip, which signify inanimate objects, in their greatness are considered to be of the middle kind, for example: a depot,

6.31.3. Spelling of folding notes

author Guseva Tamara Ivanivna

6.31.3. The spelling of foldable marks is written at the same time at the onset of falls: 1) If the stench is made in the form of folded names: in carbohydrates - in carbohydrates, steamboat - steamboat.

From the book Modern Russian language. Practical help author Guseva Tamara Ivanivna

6.86. Spelling priymennikov, split and particles; spelling of folded priymennikov and priymennikov poednan; spelling spilok zate, also, tezh, schob on vіdminu vіd poddan for those, so itself, those same, scho b; rozdіlne that defіsne writing parts; subdivided the particles not and not

12. III revival of names

From the book of Latin for physicians the author Shtun A I

12. III vіdmіnyuvannya іmennіv vіdmіnі vіdmіnіv III vіdmіni zustrichali seldom, eg: os, corpus, caput, foramen, dens. Such a methodical pіdhіd bv a whole bunch of truths. III vіdminyuvannya - more important for mastering and may have a number of features

Spelling of folding names

1. Write at once:

  • collapsible names, adopted for the help of a successful voice: waters about cart, earth e delay;
  • collapsible names with another part hail, place, meter :Volgograd, Bilgorod, voltmeter;
  • collapsible names with the first element board :flight engineer, stewardess;
  • collapsible names with the first deaf part in the order method (with suffix -i): dzhimorda, Goritsvit, vertihvostka.Vinyatok: perecotypole;
  • Active collapsible geographic names: Verkhnyokolimsk, Novorzhev;
  • collapsible names, adopted in the name of the name with deficiencies written, like naming nationalities, tribes, people for the family to occupy, interests, place of residence: Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican, New York-new york, yacht club-yacht club, ku klux klan-lyalkovo-clan member(Prote nelezhnі prikmetniki written with a hyphen: Puerto Rican, New York);
  • shorthand words: head of staff, district, university, technical college, head of department, special correspondent. At tsomu vipadku elementi head-, deputy-, prim- divided by the name of the scribe, then the stench is written okremo and after them a speck is put: deputy CEO, approx. head director.
  • 2. Write with a hyphen:

  • collapsible names, made without a good voice, the skin part of which can be used as an independent word: sofa-lounge, cafe-snack bar, purchase and sale, colonel general, prime minister, corresponding member, cape, diesel engine, motor generator, engineer-captain, dynamo, stop crane, crane-beam, saw-rib, lord chancellor;
  • Warehouse names of political parties, directly, their relatives: social democracy, social revolutionary;
  • warehouse names : person-day, gram-molecule, kilowatt-year, ton-kilometer.Vinyatki: workday, workday;
  • collapsible names, which mean the intermediate parts of the light, and their equivalents with other elements: pivdenny zakhіd, pіvnіchny skhid, south-west, north-east;
  • collapsible names of roslin, place and іn. love-not-love, Ivan-da-Marya, Rostov-on-Don, Komsomolsk-on-Amur;
  • collapsible names, the first element of some of their possible values: miracle hero, soldering boy, anika-warrior, biy-baba, gop-company, firebird, cheers-patriotism, unfortunate athlete;
  • collapsible names with accessories ober-, unter-, label-, headquarters, vice-, ex-, block-, press-, maxi-, midi-, mini- :chief prosecutor, non-commissioned officer, staff captain, headquarters, life guard, vice premier, ex-champion, block diagram, press center, maxi-coat, midi-back, mini-cloth.Vinyatki: checkpoint, blockhouse, notepad;
  • folds of science designation, to the warehouse of which the names of letters are included (sound the Greek and Latin alphabets): gamma-promenі, iks-promenі, alpha-vimiruvach;
  • warehouse names and geographical names: Zholio-Kury, Novіkov-Pribіy, Ust-Ishim, Yoshkar-Ola, Novo-Arkhangelsk, Las Vegas, New York.
  • Note. With the help of an additional union and two chis, to create a number of collapsible names with a similar other part, the part can be induced only for the rest of the word, and with the front words, instead of it, it is written like this hang a hyphen: gas and electric cooking(deputy gas brewing that electric cooking), car, motorcycle and bicycle races(prote for the presence of the union і- anger writing: car racing).

    3. Korin become-(At the meaning of "half") at the warehouse of the folding word is written:

  • at once, the same part of the collapsible word begins with a voice letter: pivkilometer, pivdrugogo(sound the name of the form generic advice);
  • through a hyphen, then the other part is repaired
  • from voice letters: piv-ogirka, piv-islands;
  • from the voice l : piv-spoons, piv-lemon, however: pіvlіtrіvka(Another part above the form of the generic vіdmіnka);
  • є in my own name: piv-France, piv-Begomlya;
  • that kind of mood become- and the next name will be worth the appointment, then become- spelled okremo: under a bordered glass bottle, under a fruit orchard.
  • Dodatkovo:

  • Right up to those "Angry that hyphenated writing of folding words"
  • Jerela:

  • The chapter “Angry that defisne writing of folding words” from the helper L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementiev "Course of Russian Movies"
  • The chapter "Spelling of folding words" from the helper I.B. Golub "Russian Mova and Culture Mov"
  • Dodatkovo to the site:

  • What are the rules for the spelling of folding examples?
  • Where to know the materials up to those "Spelling of folding notes"?
  • Where is it right to know with those “Angry that defisne writing of folding words”?
  • § 41 about і e

    1. In folding words, the basis for a firm voice is to be written with a good voice about , after the foundation on the m'yak I will sing, on the hissing i c - happy voice e . For example: domosid, kozheed, ptakhiv, False Dmitry I.
    2. In deyakih vipadkah, Kintseva's m'yaka is resonant in, n, r, t the first foundations are firmly and then it is written with a good voice about (in parallel with these words, they get used to and so, for some it is common to write with the rule e ). For example: distant - distant, stone quarry - stone crusher, horse thief - horse thief, bone - bone crusher, blood-burning - blood-bearing, sleepy - song-creating. Porivn. raznі osvіti pіslya bases on c : trapezium - trapezium-like - trapezium-like - trapezoid(Not all of these creations are seen in the Russian mov two foundations).

    § 42. Folding words without a good voice

    1. Sliding apart folding words with good voice and folding words without good voice. SR: psychotherapy(psycho + therapy) - psychasthenia(Psych + asthenia).
    2. In some collapsible words, the first part is in the word in yoga bud form, for example: hours, spent an hour; Sim'yadolya, Sim'yanozhka, Sim'yapochka(SR: nasіnnitstvo, nasіnєskhovische- With good voice).
    3. Without a happy vowel approved term type nitrogen-fixing, transmitting, kisnevmisny etc.
    4. The letter is taken a at the end of the element air- (short version aviation), which fixes the first part of the folding type air base, airborne assault, air mail, air unit etc.
    5. From the conclusions of the first part of the approved words, which were named after the phrases. divine, divine etc.
    6. In the form of a generic note, without a good voice, enter the warehouse of folding words of names, for example: trimeter, five-razor, semirіchka. Vinnyatki become numerical one, ninety, one hundredі thousand, for example: single, ninety centenary, hundredfold, thousand mouthed. Chiselne fourty in a warehouse of folding words, it takes root in two forms: without a good voice ( forty days) and with a good voice ( magpie, centipede- Not in direct meaning rahunki).
    7. Slid rasraznyat folded words and words, such Russian mine does not have two foundations. SR: gas pipeline - gasification, electrician - electricity.

      Note 1. On the upper bases, inshomovni prefixes are written at once anti-, archi-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra- ta in, for example: anti-people(ale: Anti-Duuring- At the function of the power name), archiplut, hypersound, international, infrared, counterproposition(ale: rear admiral, de first part, less meaning), postimpressionism(for conservation of cob root і ), post-romanticism(SR is an angry spelling tsієї and prefixes in words that are inappropriate for morphemy and inshomonic travel: postscript, post factum etc.), super lining, subtropics, transsiberian, ultrasound, trendy, extraordinary(ale: extra mail, extra class- Before the name).

      Note 2. The order is written on the basis of warehouse parts quasi-, pseudo-, pan-, for example: quasi-scientific, pseudo-classical, pan-German(ale: quasi-Pushkin, pan-Europe skinny - in front of powerful names). About the bad sign of the next counter- і pan- div. § 29, subparagraph 2; about saving them cob root і div. § 34 note 4 .

    § 43. Spelling of collapsible names

    Angry writing

    Up to your respect - yakіsnі that inexpensive sex toys. Choose intimate toys from the largest online sex shop in Russia.

    Hyphenated writing

    1. They are written with a hyphen, as a rule, colloquial names without a good voice, which means the names of mechanisms, terms of science, technical, supple-political, for example: vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield etc.), diesel-electric, dynamo, cable-crane, crane-beam, motor-generator, stop-cock, filter-press, injection machine; submachine gun; armchair-lizhko, raincoat-namet; sawfish; prime minister, lieutenant general, captain-engineer, lord chancellor.

      Note 1. Good spelled words:

      a) with the first part board-: flight mechanic, flight mechanic.;

      b) with another part -meter: vacuum gauge, dynamometer, millivoltmeter..

      Note 2. Through a hyphen, words are written with the first part block- і press: block device, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system(ale: checkpoint); press officer, press bureau, press conference, press center; press-cliche, press-conveyor, press-pape.

    2. It is written with a hyphen in the folded unit of the vimir, for example: gram atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule etc.), kilogram-year, ton-kilometer, people-day, people-lіzhko.
    3. Write through a hyphen of warehouses and name political parties and directly, as well as their relatives, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries.
    4. Write with a hyphen, name the intermediary countries of the world, for example: pivdenniy skhid, pivnichny zahid, pivdenny skhid.
    5. Words are written through a hyphen with other elements vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned, headquarters, ex- at the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief prosecutor, non-commissioned officer, headquarters officer, ex-champion, ex-vice prime minister(With two hyphens).
    6. It is written through a hyphen in a folding name for roslin, which you can have at your warehouse in a special form, or a syllabus, for example: love-don't-love, don't-touch-me, ivan-da-mar'ya, mother-y-machukha.
    7. Folding words are written with a hyphen, for which a word with estimated meanings is added to the main word, for example: bіy-baba, gop-company, unfortunate-kerіvnik, ration-boy, miracle fish, cheers-patriotism.
    8. They are written with a hyphen in scientific and technical terms, before the warehouse of which are included, name the letter or letters (mostly Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: x-promeni (x-change), up-chastka, pi-meson.
    9. Watch out for the spelling of the type alma-atintsі - almaatintsі. Similar nouns are written with foldable marks, as a general rule they are written with a hyphen ( Alma-Ata, ), so that the sequence of the word-creation comes out: Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata - Alma-Atinets. However, even in words that have been adopted in Russian geographic names, warehouses are easily seen ( Gorikhovo-Zuєvo - Gorіkhovo-Zuїvsky - Gorіkhovo-Zuєvets), then in analogous other resolutions such articulation is less clearly accepted. Therefore, the order is from the traditional hyphenated spellings ( New York - New York - New York, Los Angeles - Los Angeles - Los Angeles) are chanted at the wrong words written angry ( Costa Rica - Costa Rican - Costa Rican, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican - Puerto Rican). In this hour, it is accepted to write like this: prikmetniks are written in the same way before the rule through a hyphen ( Alma-Ata, Gorikhovo-Zuyivsky, Costa Rican, Puerto Ricanі etc.), and the main names - at once ( Almaatinets, walnut-bearer, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican and etc.). SR: ku klux klan - ku klux klan - ku klux klan.

      Note 1. About the writing of the hyphen of the folded vlasnyh names of the osib divs. § 13, paras. 2–5, geographic names - & sect 17, p. 4.

      Note 2. About writing folding words truth-truth, purchase-sales, im'ya-in-father div. § 83, n. 1, note 2.

    10. When you go for additional help і two or more dekіlkoh folded names with the same other part, this part can only be induced with the rest of the word, and with the front words, instead of it, the titles are written like a hanging hyphen. For example: gas and electric cooking(porivn. gas and electric cooking), radio and television broadcasts; car, motorcycle and bicycle races(ale for the existence of the union і - Angry writing,).

    § 44. Spelling of Folding Appliances

    Angry writing

    1. Foldable examples are written at once, made with the help of words, for their meaning they fit one or the other for the way of use ( translucent, since. Zalizna road), but for the method of control ( car repair, since. wagon repair), but for the method of admixture ( lightly injured, since. easily hurt). For example: girnichoryatuval station(Ryatuvannya in the mountains), woodworking plant(tree cutting) natural look(natural sciences), left bank lowland(livy coast), machine-building enterprises(Business of machines), typing bureau(sheet machines), machine station(Rahunok machines), dribno-bourgeois ideology(dribna bourgeoisie), people's gift plan(popular government) field plantation(Zakhist polyv), lath rolling mill(rack rental), rural culture(silsk state), folded wording(Folding according to the method of ordering), medium-sized bean vidobutok(Average for doba), pratsesdatne population(Hello to work).

      The rule expands on the writing of folded prikmetnikiv, utavleny vіd podednannya prikmetnik with a name, which acts as a geographical name, for example: velikolutsky(Veliki Luki), cherry-volotsky(Vishniy Volochok). Also: Karlovy Vary(Karlovi Vary).

    2. They are written at once in richly folded examples, as they get used to as scientific and technical terms, or as a translation into a book movie, for example: nitric acid, perpetual, evergreen, air-dry, geological prospecting, biconcave, wild-growing, long-fiber, viviparous, retrofemoral, infectious disease, drought-resistant, intestinal, equestrian, control seed, fluorosilicone, round-belt, imaginary, lactic, lactic, meat-canning, nasopharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, juvenile obverse-conical, obverse-heart-shaped, arable, primitive communal, anterior gill, fruit and vegetable, gently dipping, striated, oblong, strongly lumpy, seedling, reactive, sharply crossed, freshly milked, freshly cut, mixed-layered, spinal, closely fingered, peat-dung, peat-muckling, conditioned-reflex, cotton-bakery, formalistic bavovniany, bavovnyany, chlorine water, chromic acid, chromolithographic, chromium-kel-molybdenum, resistant to color, church ovnos lov'jansky, privately-owned, private-capitalist, private-spodarsky, tiles, arthropods, vovniany, meadow-earth, energy-power, energy-chemical, mot-creative, egg-zagotivelny.

      Note 1. In bagatioh foldable prikmetnikі in tsієї groups, the first part is settled with the words:

      high-: high-taminate, high-paying;

      low-: low-year, low-fall;

      deep-: glubokoroztashovanny, velmishanovny;

      dribno-: small-scale, fine-grained.;

      important-: important gains, severely injured;

      important-: important access, important passage;

      wide-: widely available.;

      vuzko-: vuzkovіdomchy, vuzkospetsіalny;

      rich-: bagatogaluzevy, bagatosharovy.;

      few-: insignificant, small movements;

      strongly-: strong, strong;

      weakly: slightly acidic, slightly peaty;

      tovsto-: tow-footed, tow-walled;

      thick-: densely double, densely populated;

      great-: large-block, large-panel.;

      cool-: cool, cool.;

      gostro-: acute, gastrodeficiency;

      flat-: plane-parallel.;

      purely-: pure silver, pure;

      more-: high-medium, high-value;

      lower-: lower listings, lower signatures.

      Note 2. For the obviousness of the explanatory words, it is necessary to sound out in the form of a word (an adjective or an appellate), and not a terminologically foldable word. SR: densely populated areas - densely populated by Negroes; little-studied problems - little-studied by the science of medicine. Vipadki type economically slightly open edges(angry the writing, not caring about the obviousness of the explanatory words) є alone. The order of the words also plays a role: a foldable applicator, as a rule, before the name, and the verbal sound follows him; equal: produce, which are swishing fast - produce, which are swishing fast in the summer hour. In folding words, one voice is put (one with a side voice of the first stem), and word-sentences - two independent voices; equal: decorative chagars, which quickly grow, quickly grow young frames.

    3. Obov'yazkovo anger the writing of a folding tack, as one part of yoga does not get used as an independent word, for example: insanely wise(the first part does not get used to it independently), viscothorax(the other part is not in the language of the language as a word). Porivn. anger the writing of the words, in which the first part is the elements upper-, lower-, old-, middle-, early-, late-, deep-, for example: Upper laryngeal, Lower Saxon, Old Church Slavonic, Old Upper Metsky, Middle Asian, Middle Carboniferous, Early volcanic, Piznyogly, Zagalnorodny.

      Note. About the writing of the word type kissen, what zinc to revenge .

    Hyphenated writing

    1. It is written with a hyphen foldable notations, adopted in foldable names with hyphenated spellings, for example: anarcho-syndicalist, pivnіchno-shіdny, pvdenny-pvdenny-zahіdny, nord-ostoviy, life-guards, Іvanovo-Voznesensky, New York.

      Note. For the presence of prefixes, such examples are written at once, for example: antisocial-democratic, priamudar'insky.

    2. It is written with a hyphen foldable notations, adopted in the name of the name of that nickname, the name of the father or two nicknames, for example: Walter-Scottish novels, Jules-Vernivska fantasy, Robin-Good-by-Gods, Jack-London-creations, Leo-Tolstoy style, Erofey-Pavlovitsky(Type of geographical name), boyle-mariottivsky law, ilfo-Petrovskaya satire; also: Ivan-Ivanovich jacket, Anna-Mikhailivna jacket.

      Note 1. In the okremih vipadkas, angry writings are written, for example: veropavlovski maisternі(in the name of the father’s heroine in the novel by N. G. Chernishevsky “What to work?”), kozmakryukivska youth, tarasobulbivska strength.

      Note 2. When illuminating the clerk in the form of an inshomonic call, before which there is a service word, the rest is written at once, for example: de Broglie hypothesis(porivn. de Broglie).

      Note 3. Applicants, adopted in the form of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and other similar warehouse names of specialty, are written at once, for example: Chiang Kai-shek clique(porivn. Chiang Kai-shek).

    3. It is written with a hyphen folded insignia, made from two and more words, which mean equal understanding; between parts of such prikmetniki in their bud form, you can insert a union і or ale: trade and crafts capital(trading and sayings), bezvіdsotkovo-winning pose(Bezvіdsotkovy, ale winning). For example: agitation-propaganda, nourishment-exposure, swollen-swollen, shlunkovo-intestinal, magazine-newspaper, fluffy-shkiryano, red-white-green(ensign), star-vibornium, fruit-vegetable(ale: horticultural type - fruits), robotic-selyanskaya, Russian-German-French(dictionary), vodryadno-premial, heart-judgment, Slovian-Greek-Latin(Academy), steel wire rope(shop), urochist-sentimental, state-organizational, cellulose-paper, checker-checker(zmagannya), expressively emotional.

      Note. The first part of folding prikmetnikіv of this type can be the basis of a name or prikmetnik, povn .: alcoholic beverages(with liqueur and burner) - liquor-gorilchana promislovist(liquor and Gorilchana); reception center(reception of that building) - priymalno-perekaznі іspiti(Take that retelling).

    4. They are written through a hyphen with richly folding examples, parts of which indicate heterogeneous signs, for example: Viysk Medical Academy(SR: Viysk Medical Academy), volunteer-sports associations(voluntary sports), people's volitional movement(popularly voluntarily), official business style(Official business), design and construction projects(project design), random-historical method(porivnyalny istorichny), personal-virishalny outbuildings(Rahuvalni virishalni), feudal-kryposnitsky ustriy(feudal kriposnitsky), electronic-optical podsiluvach(electronic optical) and in.

      Note 1. Applicants of this type often start from offensive foundations:

      Viyskovo-: military-revolutionary, military-surgical, military-legal(the words military service, military service, military service lie down to another type of word creation);

      mass-: mass-political, mass-streaming, mass-physical culture;

      popular: people-sovereign, people-democratic, people-poetic, people-revolutionary(prikmetnik folklore approved on a day-to-day basis national government);

      scientific: scientific and advanced, popular science, scientific and practical, scientific and enlightening, scientific and technical;

    5. Foldable notes are written with a hyphen, which means yak_st with an additional note, for example: hot-salt water(i.e. salt with hot prismak), booming voice(tobto thick, what to pass at gurkit), peaceful non-resistance policy, clogged-lacerated wound.

      Note. Particularly often, apprentices of this type are used in the literary literature, for example: sinless-pure beauty, blind-blooded natovp, blissful-red plumage of a parrot, hairy-double plumage, deep-low laughter, graceful-grand gesture, baggy-orphan willow, dimno-bright smell, zhovchno-rozdratovy tone, mimic-hot tears, clumsy-bagly-imgrabnі sounds, intolerant-witchy mood, transparent-povіtryana veil, rickety-weak roslin, sharp-dry sound, timidly-smiling voice, znіyakovіlo-happy disguise, taєmno-happy-strіmko frown-looking, anxiously yaznі thought, gloomy-gray color, cold-striman people, miraculously spring curls.

    6. Foldable notes are written with a hyphen, which means colors, for example: pale-blakitny, blakly-erysipelas, plyashkovo-greens, blackish-violet, golden-chervony, bluish-black, lemon-yellow, milky-white, calamute-greens, gray-gray, light yellow, buzkovo-orange blue, dark -syriy, black-bury(ale: silver fox) and in.
    7. It is written with a hyphen in a richly foldable example of a terminological character (), for example: amplitude-frequency(Characteristic), atomic-molecular, legume-cereal, bourgeois-democratic, vial-like folding, gas-pilov(nebula), purulent-flammable, guttural-pharyngeal, sternocostal, woody-chagarnikovy, salivary-siliceous(steel), shlunkovo-pechіnkovy, seasoning-pourable(Valve), moss green(swamp), cereal-bean, infectious-allergic, integral-differential(Rivnyannia), stone-concrete, stable-timothy, complexly obtained(numbers), lanceolate-ovoid, alfalfa-cereal, magnetic-soft(materials), metal-dielectric(antenna), milky m'yasny, pokhilo-straightening(Penetration method), oval-cryptic, fiery-rіdky, rounded-kuljast, preslidno-reclamation, avgіnno-pasovischny, stravochіdno-intestinal, brachial-shinny, club-ribs, flow-mechanization(lines), space-hour(trajectory), loose-lumpy-piluvate, important-rod(mechanism), folding-automatic, drilling-drilling, slusar-progressive, slusar-stamping, word-finishing, peat-bog, down-lanceolate, narrowed-porous-cracked, feudal-earth-growing, physical culture-sports center-shovel, slit-facial , swivel-roller, wool-meat, puddle-acid, scab-pharyngeal, forwarding-transport, electronic-calculating(Technique).

      Note 1. Deyakі zі folding prikmetnikіv tsgogo type mayut at the first stem suffix -at-, -ist-, -iv-, for example: tooth-lanceolate(leaf) paniculate-thyroid(succession), plіvchasto-luskata(shell), dovgasto-elіptichna(the form), loosely porous(ball), warehouseoften-borozenchastі(Smugi), similarly symmetrical(Roztashuvannya); sloppily bent(Plates) fibrous sod(priming), food-greenhouse(priming), weeping-polyatkovana(bark), vascular fibrous(tissue); soddy pidzolic(Earth), vape-syria(vіdvar), kirkovo-stovpchasti(ball), meadow-steppe(Smuga), fruit and berries(Culture).

      Note 2. Often, like the first part of the folding prikmetnik, the foundations protrude vertically, horizontally, transversely, laterally then, for example: vertical drilling, vertical milling, horizontal sledgehammer, horizontal drilling, cross planing, later planing.

      Note 3. Foldable notes are written through a hyphen, in which the basis of the first part is made in the form of the words of an insomous march, ending in -iko, for example: dialectical-materialistic, historical-archiving, critical-bibliographical, medical-shipping, mechanical-thermal, political-mass, technical-economical, chemical-pharmaceutical(Words can be seen before another type, which are written angrily, with the first basis great-, for example: great-power, great martyr, great svіtsky and in.).

      Note 4. A hanging hyphen () is used and with folding prikmetniki, for example: seventeen and eighteen youths and girls; corn-, potato-, flax-, bavovno- and silage harvesters.

    8. They are written with a hyphen (from capital letters in warehouse parts) foldable examples that go up to foldable geographic or administrative names and start from the base skhіdno-, zahіdno-, pіvnіchno-(pіvnіchno-), pіvdno-(pіvnіchno-), for example: Skhіdno-Evropeyska rіvnina, Zahidno-Koreiska inflow, Pivnіchno-Zakhіdniy Pakistan, Pivdenno-Australіyskaya gully ().

      Note. In the case of a common meaning, similar examples are written at once in small letters, in sequence: Pivdenno-Uralskaya bay – pivdennouralskaya flora and fauna.

    9. It is written with a hyphen folded prikmetniki, adopted from the poddnannya prikmetnik with a name, ale with rearrangement of these elements, for example: literary and mystical(porivn. artistic literature), vocabulary-technical(porivn. technical dictionaries).
    10. Collapsible in the case of l a g a t e l l n i, sho utvoryuyut one word (zі zlit abo defіsnym scribbled, div. vishche), and with a word o s o s o t and n і i -o(-e) that prikmetnik or communion (with different writings); before the clerk, who plays the role of an okremenny member of the rechennya, you can put a special meal. SR:

      moral and political rіven - moral stіyka lyudina(Which one has a stable?);

      suspіlno-historical laws - suspіlno unsafe elements(Unsafe for whom?);

      trade-transport business – the country was cut-down by trade(Razvinan in what kind of marriage?).

      The adjective can also show signs on the step, expressed by an applicator or a diprikmetnik, for example: maximum stisli terms, innocuously impartial look, peacefully warm climate.

      Note 1. Most often, the first component of word formation is adjectives absolutely, diametrically, vitally, truly, maximally, justly, sequentially, directly, sharply, suvoro, clearly, obviously, clearly ta in For example: absolutely necessary come in, diametrically opposite propositions, life-important decision, friendly help, the most accurate data, hearty hospitality, brother support, consequently peace-loving policy, directly proportional values, sharply negative opinion, suvoro unacceptable virok. wash, the will is clearly expressed.

      Porivn. also: insanely orderly manners, internally conspicuous person, profoundly pensive look, defiantly nedbala zachіska, contemptuously old way, calmly Russian word, vicherpno ovna vіdpovіd, classy strangers look, navmisne rіzka vіdmova, inauspiciously calm tone, invariably equal stosunki, liquorice sounds invincibly, insatiably greedy for knowledge, imperceptibly swidky flight of rockets, faintly black metal, especially heavy melting. , under the armchair, contrastingly smooth, Christmas-tide shaky dress, a fundamentally new project, strongly overvoltage mode, thinly christened contour, menacingly unsafe camp, marvelously bright farby, ridiculously funny p'esa, artistically modern tvir, utterly French gallantry, extra. etc.

      Note 2. Ring out okremo spellings for -ski, in the case of an applier, characterize the sign with a path similar to what they see, what they add to yoga in any case, for example: angelic lagadne staging, childish naїvnі vyslovlyuvannya, practically uncommon innovation, slavishly pokіrna readiness, theoretically important problem, comradely foreign respect, fanatically blind vіddanіst, chemically clean warehouse, eniklopedichesko raznobіchnі znannya, legally folding.

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