Single English number. Many names in English language. Names without a multiplier or alone

Mnozhina names of English language- the topic is clumsy, however, and here there are some nuances, on the basis of the following respect. Let's thoroughly analyze all the rules for clarifying plurals in English language.

Particularities of the adoption of the multiple

In the English language, there are nomenclature, as if they make a plurality without ending -s, so that they change their root voice:

Names that only live in one

There are a number of names, as they live exclusively in one - tse unnamed names. To the unknown names are seen:

Name the speeches and materials:

  • Silver - silver
  • Air - show, atmosphere
  • Iron - cold (element) thin.

Current products:

  • Salt - strength
  • Sugar - tsukor and so on.

Abstract understanding:

  • Love - kohanna
  • Bitterness - bitterness

Name the sickness

  • Chickenpox - chicken pox
  • Mumps - pig
  • Rabies - deprive
  • Rickets - rickets

Selected names:

  • furniture
  • luggage
  • rubbish - rubbish
  • fruit - fruit, fruits, etc.

Give respect to the word fruit.

As a rule, a plurality zbіgaєtsya with one: fruit - fruit (fruit-fruit). However, for the recognition of different types of fruits, there are many fruits.

On the table are apples, plums and other fruits.

There are apples on the table, drain those other fruits.

Movie: Chinese, French, English, Spanish etc.

To give respect to those who are coming names also cannot form a multiplier.

Advice, information, progress, knowledge, weather

Namers vikoristovuyutsya only in one.

She gave me some good advice. - Vaughn gave me a sprig of good pleasures.

The stink mayut even little information on the whole subject. “They don’t even have a lot of good food.

Her knowledge of Italian is poor. - May have weak knowledge of Italian language.


Styky viraz Inallweathers- whatever the weather

Names money(groshі) that hair(hair) forever live alone.

Mu money is on the table. - My pennies are on the table.

Vin May beautiful brown hair. — She has chestnut hair.


Hair(In the meaning of a hair) you can get used to the form of a multiplier.

My mother has lots of gray hairs. - My mother has a lot of gray hair.

Name news(novelty, novelty) always get used to being alone.

What time is the News on the radio? - What time is the news release on the radio?

The names of sciences and sports that end in -ics (mathematics, physics, phonetics, gymnastics, athletics, etc.) are singled out, wanting to form a multiplier.

Athletics is my favorite sport. – Athletics is my favorite sport.


The words politics have a significant political look at that statistics in significant statistical data, they live with the words in the plurality.

Come on sports games also make a shape alone:

  • drafts, checkers - checkers
  • billiards - billiards

Nomenclature, which are less likely to get used by many

I have a number of names, so they get used to the English language in many ways, but they want to get used to the Russian stench in one:

  • Arms - armor
  • Clothes - clothes
  • Contents - zmist
  • Customs - mitt
  • Dregs - siege
  • Embers - hot ash
  • Outskirts - outskirts
  • Premises - application, budinok (with adjoining spores)
  • Proceeds - vitorg
  • Stairs - go down
  • Wage- wages and etc.

Vinyatkovo many vikoristovuyutsya such names, so do not end s / es

  • Police - police
  • Cattle - great horned thinness
  • Poultry - your bird
  • People - people
  • Clergy - clergy

The name bagatioh twin items get used to, like in Russian language, but in multiples:

  • Scissors - knives
  • Trousers - pants
  • Spectacles - eyepieces
  • Scales - wag
  • Tongs - tongs,
  • Jeans - jeans,
  • Pajamas - pajamas

Ale, if the stinks get used to the viraz a pair of, then the same word and other signs are put in one:

I need a new pair of trousers - I need new trousers (a new pair of trousers).

Special Vipadki vzhivannya іmennikіv

It is necessary to talk about the deeds of the adoption of a multiplicity English names:

Name penny(pence) maє two forms of multiplier:

  • Penny - Pence(if you are talking about a penny sum)
  • Penny - pennies(Kind toil on Uvaz okremi coins)

It costs ten pennies. - Cost 10 pence.

Pennies are made of bronze. - Pence (tobto coins for one pence) to splurge from bronze.

Names export and import get used to the form of multiple exports, imports, if you can find out about the quantity or variety of imported goods or imported goods:

Poland exports to Ukraine can be a great world of perfection. - Polish exports to Ukraine, as well as Polish imports from the country, have significantly increased.

If the process of import and import is on the verge, then the forms of export and import alone are victorious:

Tsya company is caught in export and import. - This company is engaged in export and import.

Deyakі zbіrnі іmenniki can get used to z ієslovy in odinі or іn mnіzhіnі sleazy vіd іdtinku znachennya.

With the words of many such names will be accustomed, as if all members of the group of people are toiling for the uvaz, or the structure of that can be introduced by the whole world to the skin member of the group.

At one - like a group is accepted as a whole.

Axis qi names:

  • Army - army
  • Audience - public
  • Choir - choir
  • Crew - team
  • Crowd - NATO
  • Family - family
  • Government - order
  • Public - public, society
  • Staff - staff
  • team - team

Tsey tým є better. – Our team is the best.

The team discuss strategy to every game. - The team will discuss the strategy before the skin storm.

W lands in many cases, and others, the priests live forever in one.

United States is located in Pivnіchnіy Ameritsі.

When to go about a sum of pennies, a period of an hour, a day, etc., which are looked at as a single whole, then the names in the form of a plurality get used to the word in one.

Three thousand pounds were already free in the casino. - It was too early to spend three thousand pounds at the casino.


We also live in the same spirit and the other saints in one, if you care two be-like parts as one goal, if the stench is together and:

fish and chips. Riba s buttered potatoes(one star) Fish and chips is very tasty. Riba with lubricated potatoes is even more tasty.

"War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read. - "War and Peace" - found tvir, which I have ever read.


  • a two-week holiday double entry,
  • a three year old boy- tribal boy

de kіlkіsnі іmenniki є components of the warehouse prikmetnik, the stench does not make a lot.

A dozen is a dozen, a score is twenty, a hundred is one hundred, a thousand is a thousand, a is million

I have three dozen eggs.

If there are a number of days, then a lot is settled for fire rule.

Pack pens in dozens, please. - Pack dozens of pens, please.

Hundreds of students came here. – Hundreds of students came here.

I am sure you have mastered all the rules for understanding the multiplier, as well as the special ways of living the number in the English language.

Misunderstand yourself in the rules of illuminating the multiplier You can, having learned

Volodymy mine, not splitting one and the same multiplicity, obviously, it’s impossible. Luckily, it’s not so easy to sort out and correctly win a multiplier in English, like, for example, in French. Let's take a closer look. Ready?

A lot of people in English language follow the rules of singing, in which, obviously, they have their own faults. It would have been better, not everything is so coherent, but when novice moves are often blamed for coherence, that the rules may have their own peculiarities. Let's start from a simple one.

Many names

  • There was a fruit on the plate. /there boules deaki fruit on the plate.

Varto vrakhovuvati so that є and unnamed names. In this time, we live only one form of the word to be.

  • There is deyakі pennies in the valley.

Deyakі іmenniki navpaki can get accustomed less to a plurality: scissors, glasses, trousers, tweezers,pajamas ta in For example:

  • Where are my favorite jeans? The stench is guilty buti on choli.

words in one

Numerous nominees vikoristovuyutsya only in one. Borrowers each, either, neither, another and all warehouse words with a component - one, -body or - thing, see to to one number.

Everybody was surprised when they saw him.

Іsnuє impersonal superechok about the multiple form of words that end in - us. Historically, it has developed that words that end in -us may be similar to Latin. A lot of stench is filling up - i deputy -us. However, not all such words can be latin-like, look like super girls. For example:

Plurality of the word virus - viruses viruses, and chi is not viri.

Deyakі latinskij zapozichennya priymayut regularly English ending -es: campus - campus es; bonus - bonus es.

Deyakі latinskij zapozichennya priymayut zanіchennya -i: radius - radii, stimulus- stimuli.

Rules for multiplication in English

Podsumovuyuchi, we can boldly stverdzhuvaty, so that it is good to sort out in one and many names in the English language, it is necessary to consider the main blames. There are not so many such words. You can speed up in any way you like with stickers - paste it in the same way with a list of words in the places that are most trapped on your eyes, and turn around until you repeat. Also, check the multiplier in the English supplementary table.

Vivchivshi blame, turn to the rules, where everything will be. Їх not rich. Golovne, vodchuti, and you can zastosovuvaty їх іх іх іхітіно нініміїмі, nіbi english — your native language. If you doubt that you can cope on your own, you can always turn to a teacher who will advise you and protest. There is nothing foldable and impossibly, smut - faith and bazhannya.


Enlightenment of many in English language - azi, from which they begin at school, to that tsіy those varto attach special respect. No matter how much fate you have, this topic is forever guilty of but among the middle of the cob topics for the wedding. As soon as you win the structurization of the basic materials for the production of the English language, otherwise you are engaged with the teacher individually, you will be familiarized with the language directly. Well, you are doing it independently, obov'yazkovo podbayte about those who do not bypass them by those side.

I wish you a productive training!

Great is that friendly sіm'ya EnglishDom

When we are talking about the subject Oh, ghosts I, people I, we victoriously multiply. In the article, we will analyze the general rules for clarifying the multiplier, we will suggest that we apply that exclusion word, as they do not follow the rules. For example, you will also know the report table, in which we have chosen all the rules, blaming and impersonal applications, so that at your fingertips you will always have a cheat sheet for the form of a multiplier. How about?

The main rule to sanctify a plurality of names

  1. It’s a big rule to put most of the names in English, and it should sound like this: it’s necessary to add to the speech in one s, and we take the multiplier.

    A Spoo n spoo ns (spoon - spoons).
    A do g do gs (dog - dogs).

  2. s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z, -x, then we add - es.

    A bru sh bru she's (Shitka - shields).
    A tor ch tor ches (Smoloskyp - smoloskypi).
    A mat ch mat ches (sirnik - sirniki).

  3. Yakshcho the name will end with - y(і - at reads like Russian /i/), then - y know, but add - ies.

    A countr y countr ies (Kraina - lands).
    A cherry y cherry ies (cherry - cherries).

  4. Yakshcho the name will end with - ay, -ey, -oy (-y in kіnci it is read like russian /y/), then we just add - s.

    A b oy b oys (boy - lads).
    A t oy t oys (Igrushka - igrushka).

  5. Yakshcho the name will end with - about, then add - es.

    a tomato o tomato oes (Tomato - tomatoes).
    A her o her oes (Hero - heroes).

    A pian o pian os (piano - kіlka piano)
    A kil o kill os (kilogram – kilos)
    A phot o photo os (Photograph - photographs)
    A vide o vide os (video - kilka video)
    A flaming o flaming os (es) (Flamingo - sprat flamingo)
    A Volcan o Volcan os (es) (volcano - volcanoes)

  6. Yakshcho the name will end with - f or - fe, then - f change to - v and add - es.

    A loa f loa weight (loaf - loaf).
    A wi fe wi weight (Squad - squads).

A lot of "wrong" names

  1. Acting names do not follow the same rules. Unfortunately, we are not left with anything else, as if we were to remember the form of a plurality of such names.
    • A man - men(person of a person).
    • A person - people(Ludina - people).
    • A woman-women(female female).
    • A mouse - mice(Misha Misha).
    • A foot - feet(Leg legs).
    • A child - children(baby child).
    • A tooth-teeth(tooth teeth).
    • A goose-geese(Gander - geese).
    • An ox-oxen(Bik - Biki).
  2. And yet there are names, yak may have the same forms, like in one, so in a plurality.
    • A fish-fish(Riba - ribi).
    • A fruit - fruit(Fruit - fruit).
    • A deer - deer(Deer - deer).
    • Sheep-sheep(vіvtsya - vіvtsі).
    • A Swiss-Swiss(Swiss - Swiss).
  3. A lot of words, written in Greek and Latin language, are also respected with vinyaty swear rule. І їhnyu form multiply tezh need to be remembered. Below is a sliver of words. And more complete list we took from the table for example statistics.
    • A phenomenon - phenomena(Phenomena - manifestations).
    • A datum-data(Information).
    • A formula - formulae(Formula - formulas).
    • A genius - genii(genius - geniuses).

Let's marvel now, yak vikladach Rebecca h engvid explain the topic in English. To learn that you have a low English rhyme, you will understand, if you will, that you will tell it, you will speak fluently and victoriously, you already know the words to us.

Many unknown names in English movies

Usual names in English can be divided into two groups: counting and non-numerous. Names, yakі mi dosі sorted out in tsіy stattі, vvazhayutsya counting - all stink mаyut form multiplier. And it means that you can fuck them: one boy ( a boy) - two lads ( 2 boys), one person ( a man) – three people ( three men) and so on.

Ale is also in English є іmenniki, yakі get used only in one, they simply do not have many forms. Such names are called indistinguishable. Russian also has similar words: information (information), kava (coffee). Before indistinguishable names in English there are such groups:

  • Mustaches and rare speeches: water(water), cream(cream), rice(Rice).
  • Abstract understanding: success(Success), happiness(Happy) love(love).
  • The words information(information), advice(pleasure), money(pennies), news(news) furniture(furniture).
  • You can find a detailed list of counted and unknown names in tsіy.

Why work, how do we need to protect the number of these unnamed names? In such a time, it is not the objects themselves that matter, but those by which they stink. For example, we cannot say “two tsukrіv”, but we can say “two kilogram tsukru", "two spoons tsukru", "two sachet tsukru ”- in all of these speeches, we respect tsukor for help alone in the world of sippy speeches. Before the speech, to show respect, that in Russian language in all butts the word “tsukor” stands alone. In dermal z unidentified names of their own univir:

  • A bottle of milktwo bottles of milk(a splash of milk - two splashes of milk).
  • A kilo of ricethree kilos rice(a kilogram of rice is three kilograms of rice).
  • A glass of juiceten glasses of juice(a bottle of juice - ten bottles of juice).
  • To words, for the help of some of the most insignificant names, we consecrated the statue "".

Without rules, it is impossible to illumine many English words competently, even if the topic is closely related to the habitation of descriptive words, articles and other parts of the movie. That is why it is important to be kind in the rules. Do not forget to take advantage of the table, for which you can always look up and choose the correct version of the multiplier.

І more pass the test, so that you remember the rules more quickly.


Many names in English

Choose the correct option

Task 1.

The … є fragile, please, wash them carefully.

Task 2.

You can't live without discos and ... .

Task 3.

I don't like fried ... .

Task 4.

Children should not play with … .

Task 5.

How many … of bread do you want to buy?

Task 6.

I can't get home because I've lost my … .

Task 7.

Firefighters are real ... of our time.

Manager 8.

Have you learned these spellings … ?

Manager 9.

Look like dogs, but stink wild animals and maybe be there.

In English, nomenclature changes after numbers, so that they can form the form of one and many (yak, vlasne, and in Russian language). Following the rule of thumb, many more names in the English language end with -s. Ale and singing nuances. This topic is one of the simplest in grammar, and it develops at the beginning stages of mastering the language. Otzhe, let's do it.

Zagalne rule for the adoption of multipliers with butts

The scheme for the adoption of a plurality of names is indicated in this manual table:

vipadok osvita Apply
Zagalny vypadok s cat-cat s- kitty cats

ant-ant s- murah-murah

table-table s- Steel tables

book book s- book-books

window-window s- vikno-vikna

s,-ss,-x, -ch,-sh es bus-bus es- bus-bus

class - class es- class-class

glass-glass es- flask-flasks

box-box es- Box-boxes

tax-tax es- tribute-gifts

couch couch es- sofa sofa

bush-bush es- bush-bushes

The name will end with y and їй frontє melodious -y change to ies ba b y-bab ies- nemovlya-nemovlyatya

ci t y-cit ies– place-place

The name will end with y and їй frontє vowel Before the form alone, the completion is completed s (Zahalny vypadok) b o y-boy s- Boy-boys

d a y-day s– day-days

The name will end with -o Before form one. numbers are added es tomato-tomato es– tomato-tomato

hero hero es- hero-heroes


radio-radio s– radio

photo-photo s– photograph (-ії)

piano-piano s- piano

zoo-zoo s– zoo-zoos

The name will end with f, -fe f, -fe change to weight wolf wol weight- Vovk-vovki

thief-thie weight– villain-villain

scarf-scar weight– scarf-scarf

knife-kni weight– lower knives

wife-wi weight- Squad-squads


chief-chief s

roof-roof s

cliff-cliff s

handkerchief- handkerchief s

safe safe s and deyakі іnshі

Words off

Coming names may have a special form of a multiplier, without adding an ending -s, so that the stench does not conform to the rule of thumb:

man-men- person person

woman-women- female female

foot-feet- foot - feet

tooth-teeth- tooth teeth

goose-geese- goose - geese

mouse - mice- Misha Misha

sheep-sheep– vіvtsya – vіvtsі

deer - deer - deer - deer

fish-fish- riba - ribi

ox-oxen- bik - biki

trout – trout– trout – trout

child - children - child child

louse-lice- louse - louse

means - means - way - ways

species -species - view - see

Names of the next memory.

Consecration of a plurality of foldable (warehouse) names in English language

A lot of folded names are settled according to the rules described above, but only one part of the folded word takes on the form of a multiplier:

vipadok osvita Apply
Folding name is made up of two names The form of a multiplier is accepted only by another element of the name girlfriend - girlfriend s

teapot-teapot s

schoolchild-school children

gas-mask – gas-mask s


In collapsible names with the first element man / woman in the plural. numbers change after the numbers of offending parts:

woman-writer - women-writer s

Folding name is folded from the mark of that name The plural form numbers accept only a name frying pan – frying pan s- Patelnya
Folding name is made up of two names with a receiver or one name with a receiver The plural form numbers take less than the first name mother-in-law-mother s-in-law - mother-in-law, mother-in-law

passer-by-passer s-by - passable

There is no name in the warehouse of the word (for example, the warehouse word is composed of words, priymennikov or other parts of the movie) To make the multiplier add -s to the remaining element drop-out - drop-out s- vibulium, inclusions

breakdown - breakdown s– breakdown, accident

Nomenclature, yakі get used only in one

Such іmennikіv dosit richly, but I'll bring you as a butt of the widest and living:

  • advice- Please, please
  • information– Vіdomosti, іnformatsija
  • money- Groshy
  • furniture– furniture
  • knowledge- knowledge
  • weather– weather
  • vacation- holidays
  • news- novelty, novelty (give respect to those who word given take the plural form. numbers, ale vikoristovuєtsya at the meaning of the single. For example, What is the news today? – What are the news of the day? Dieslovo to be stand alone in the form)
  • progress- success, success
  • name school subjects and sciences, for example, maths,Physics, want to make the form of a multiplicity, get used to the meaning of the one. For example, Maths is my favorite subject.

Nominees, as they get used less with a plurality

Objects are seen before them, like boys or mayut meaning (sense) multipliers. For example:

scissors- scissors

glasses– eyepieces

trousers- Trousers Pants

clothing- clothes

stairs- Get off, get off

goods- goods, goods

of people- people

Tsya group of names victorious with significant plurals. numbers, vіdpovіdno, vimagає vzhivannya dієslіv form a multiplier.

For example, His clothes are dirty. Yogo clothes are brudna. The word to be is used in the plural form. numbers.

Right on vіdpratsyuvannya those

If you want to work out, then go ahead and fix the material.

Right 1. Utvorіt form of the plurality of the upcoming names:

dog, book, table, goose, potato, book,pencilbridge,box,foot, match,rosebus,party, grape, watch,garlic,onion, shop, fish,press, day, fly,goal, lady, key,rate, clock,pet, lorry, zoo,office,owl,city,window,story, tummy, city, country, berry, dicarary, key, party, bay, tray, boy, knife, life, thief, loaf, wolf, dish, dress, glass, match, fox, potato, tax, bus, tomato, piano, woman-doctor

Right 2. Utvorіt form od. numbers:

oxen, children, leaves, roses, berries, cities, snails, mother-header, guts, towels, mens, photos, cabbage, cabbage, riba, agni, birds, lice, deer, stromy, seas, trout, wives, ties, vases, flats

Right 3. Vipravte pardons in the light of many names, like stench:

zubs, dogs, pens, deer, erasers, radioes, potatos, keys, leave, tables, torches, glasses, advices, moneys, scissors, newses, shelves, handkerchieves, oxes, lice

Everything is good for what. Success at the English school.

Categories of numbers in English language may only be namesі borrowers. We have already sorted out, that time we concentrate less on names.

Zahalnovidome the rule of the adoption of a plurality (plural) in the form of English names in one (singular) - adding to the basis of completion - s or - es . The rule is postulated by school mentors as a universal, krim vipadkiv, if the understanding does not get used to the plurality, and develop special forms of vocabulary.

Next, indicate that the end is - s which always signifies a plurality of objects; often illuminated by him the name of the person to know new zmist singular. Closest butt: word - word, word s - Words (plural), ale also: rozmova, mov, welding, welding (single).

1. Phonetics of forms of English nouns ending with -s and -es. Change of vocal and subvocal foundations of deaky words.

Navit with the established forms of the multiplier in the "traditional" way, the English nouns make a different sound: іz zvinkim [z] or deaf [s] on the kіntsi. The basis, until it comes to an end, can change the voice ( y → i ) or I will listen to the letter ( f → v ).

Іsnuyu varianty (often it is necessary to understand, zapozichennyh z іnshih mov) with the possibility of establishing a plurality of two ways, a way to come to an end s or es.

Table 1 is dedicated to the report of this nutrition.

table 1

The basis ends with:

Completionpl. year.

change of base letters

Sound Apply

voices and sounds are voiced

toe - toe s(finger - toes) tree - tree s(tree - trees)

kid - kid s(roz. child - children)

doll - doll s(lyalka - lyalki)

bomb - bomb s(bomb - bomby)

pin – pin s(hairpin-hairpins)

river - river s(river - rivers)

spiv – spiv s(shahrai - shakhrai)

film film s(filmmaker - filmmaker,

also: cinema, cinematography, film industry)

Note: apply the basics that will end on -y , -o hovered below


hook-hook s(Gachok - Gachki) week - week s(tizhden - tizhni)

loop - loop s(loop - loops)

step step s(croc - crocs)

raft – raft s(tіl - flesh)

spot - spot s(plama - plyami)

I vote for him

- e,

yakіy rework

s, c, z, g

purse-purse s(gamanets - gamantsі) face - face s(person - individuals)

craze – craze s(crack - cracks)

dodge-dodge s(cunning - accept)

house - house s['hauzɪz] (budinok - at home)

sometimes the call of the foundation is called

hissing and whistling

bus-bus es(bus - bus) moss - moss es(swamp, moss - swamps, mosses)

fox - fox es(fox - foxes)

fizz – fizz es(whistling - whistling)

flash-flash es(spalakh - spalah)

bench-bench es(lava - lavi)

pitch - pitch es(Resin - resin)

deakі words can have different meanings:

glass - glasses

(flask - flasks,

but it’s also clear:

"slope" and "eyepieces")


subwar z

quiz - quiz zes(quiz - quiz)

change f on the v

calf-cal weight(calves - calves) elf - el weight(elf, desert, desert - elfi, desert)

leaf-lea weight(leaf - leaf, leaf)

half–hal weight(half - halves)

wolf - wol weight(vovk - vovki)

Changes in the voice of the voice do not start
(the end looks like [s]: belief - belief s(vira - viri)

cliff - cliff s(skele - skele)

chief - chief s(boss - bosses)

reef – reef s(reef - reef)

roof – roof s- (old form: rooves (dah - dahi)

Some admissible insults ways to word-creation:

hoof - maybe yak hooves, so i hoofs (kopito - kopita)

wharf - wharfs, wharves (pier - berths)

It is necessary to remember about the ambiguity to understand, if it can be like a plural in the name of the name with the singing meanings.

beef - beeves, beefs - yalovichina, also: approved for slaughtering a creature (beak, cow) Herd of beeves - a herd of biks

beefs - roz. skarga, dissatisfaction

brief - briefs

Plenty of briefs - great practice (advocacy)

briefs - underpants

change f on the v

knife - knives (lower - knives) life - lives (life - life)


safe - safes (safe - safe)

behind words:

café - cafes (cafe - plural, singular) Cafes have been popular in London for mayzhe 200 years.

— Cafes (pl.) have been popular in London for over 200 years.

don't pretend to be good

auto-da-fe (Portuguese: an act of faith, a ceremony that accompanied the stratum of heretics).

any forward is suitable

change y on the i

party-part ies(party - party) duty - dut ies(zobov'yazannya - goiter'yazannya, but also: tribute, stamp collection, mito)
Note: when illuminating pl. in your own name change the voice - y does not sound: Kenned y– Kennedy s– Kennedy – (homeland) KennedySand y- Sandy s- (changed) Sanya, Sanya - Sanka

which is the first voice

way - way s(way - way) toy - toy s(i-toy - i-toy)

prey-prey s(sacrifice - sacrifice)

(for more names)

kilo–kilo s(kilogram – kilos) lotto – lotto s(lottery - lotteries)


Two forms of enlightenment zero - zero s, zero es(null, nulls)
zapozichennya from italіyskoї movi
fresco - frescos, frescoes - fresco, frescoesmotto - mottos, mottoes - motto (also: adjective, epigraph) - motto

grotto - grottos, grottoes - pechera - pecheri

volcano - volcanoes, volcanoes - volcano - volcanoes

studio - studios

fiasco - fiascos - failure - failure

duo - duos - duet - duets

- a lot of utvoruєєtsya only come to an end -s

Spanish movie
amigo - amigoes, amigos - friend - friendscargo - cargos, cargoes - vantage - vantage

embargo - embargos embargos - embargo

gringo - gringos, gringoes - foreigner - foreigners (Latin American indifferent animal)

mosquito - mosquitos, mosquitoes - mosquito - mosquitoes

mulatto - mulattos, mulattoes - mulatto - mulati

hidalgo - hidalgos - hidalgo

macho - machos - macho

- plural is less likely to come to an end -s

narrated from portuguese movie
flamingo - flamingos, flamingoesbuffalo - buffalos, buffaloes,
also a multiplier without changing the form: buffalo - buffalo, bison - buffalo, buffalo

2. Understanding that there are less words in the form of plural or singular.

Chi do not satisfy multipliers (otherwise do not allow yoga for their own meanings) English words, Apply any suggestions in Table 2.

Table 2

Word Singular value Notes
names, okremі meanings of which (*) also do not think of a multiplier in Russian language
advice [əd'vaɪs] pleasure, consultation legal: povіdomlennya, povіdomlennya, obsolete. official notification
seaside ['si saɪd] seaside resort
news notification, announcement, novelty
trouble [‘trʌbl] hvilyuvannya, restlessness, anxiety
work work, work
information [ɪnfə’meɪʃ(ə)n] Vіdomosti
information (*)
progress [‘prəugres] success
progress, growth (*)
knowledge [‘nɔlɪʤ] knowledge
erudition (*) Like in Russian language, words are not powerful, form a multiplier
education illumination, vihovannya
music [‘mjuzɪk] music
luck share, fortune, luck, happiness
luggage [‘lʌgɪʤ] baggage
weather [‘weðə] weather
name-bearers, commensurate with the Russian mine from the English savings alone
shopping [‘ʃɔpɪŋ] shopping, shopping, shopping, buying goods
traffic [‘træfɪk] flow of information, traffic, work vanity
name what will end - ics (names of sciences are important)
politics politics At a glance - plural, but they follow the rules for the singular: Economics is a subject which no two people can agree on, especially Economists
mathematics maths
physics physics
economics economy
phonetics phonetics
deyaki selective understanding
money [‘mʌnɪ] pennies In Russian vіdpovіdnі words navpak, less in many. year.
hair hair, comb
Ale: hairs - hair (like okremi hairs)

Uzgodzhennya all tsikh to understand s dієslovami vіdbuєtsya for the rules for іmennikіv odin.

Deyakі іmenniki, navpaki, accept only multiple form. Before such lie butts from Table 3:

Table 3

Plural only!



name the pair of objects
scales wag and domineering for Russian language
trousers trousers
deyakі understand, scho may zagalnyuyuchy zmіst
riches wealth, wealth
clothing clothes
arms zbroya
goods goods, goods
stairs go down (like a faceless descent)
naming of certain natural products (what may be the most important)
carrots carrot
oats oats
onions cibula
potatoes potatoes

A number of names have the same form of one and many. Give your application Table 4.

Table 4 and many others. year.

Word Value Note
deyaki name the creatures
deer deer - deer
sheep vіvtsya - vivtsі
swine pig - pigs swines - figuratively: They are such swines! - Stink so pigs!
grow chicken - chickens
fish riba (one) - riba (in the chosen meaning) many fishes - rich ribeye (if there are different ribs that are counted) much fish - rich ribey (if there is a food product)
okremi vidi rib
salmon salmon
code trill
trout trout
plaice flounder
- this is the name of a single representative of the species, a school of industrial ribs, a food product
scat - scat
shark - sharks
lamprey - lamprey
other words that can have the same form when naming one and the same number of objects
fruits fruit - fruit (selective meaning) fruits – different fruits (if they are repaid)
craft and pokhіdnі vіd new, for example,
ship - ships
letak - letaki
space ship - space ships
other meanings: spritnist, maisternist
The most common designation of one object on the sheet may be completed - s, which formally looks like a name of a multiplier.
barracks barracks - barracks Russian analogue, which does not make plural. - living quarters
gallows shibenitsa - shibenitsa other meanings: goats, braces
alms mercy - mercy other meanings: grace, mercy
riches wealth, belongings - wealth, belongings
crossroads cross, cross, cross, cross - cross, cross, cross, cross Stock: stand at the crossroads ( ale: crossroad - the road that crosses over)
billiards billiards billiard - prikmetnik: billiard (style)
understand what is often talked about in the press
works tvir - create; plant - backwaters
means zasib - zasobi other meanings: wealth, camp
series series - series; series
headquarters head office - central authorities
news novelty - novelty The good news is to come

3. Ancient, non-standard forms of word creation

Actual words satisfy a lot of additions to the foundation of completion - en (The ancient form of the word-creation), in a number of “viklyuchen” (as a rule, recommended before being memorized by the school program, the order with the table of observation wrong words) when passing from one to multiple the root is voiced. On the leaves of the other, buti is represented as one letter, so it is received by letters - oo , — ou .

Apply such a phrase in Table 5.

Table 5



ancient forms of enlightenment pl. ending -en

cow cow - cows (old, dialect) kine( cows- Modern form)
eye eye - eyes (outdated, poetic, dialectic) eyes ( eyes- Modern form)
sow pig - pigs swine
ox [ɔks] bik - biki, horned thinness oxen [‘ɔksən]
child child - children children [‘tʃɪldrən]
brother [‘brʌðə] brother - brethren (near the monastery) brethren ['breðrɪn] ( brothers- Modern form)

enlightenment pl. zmina root voice

f oo t foot - feet f ee t
t oo th tooth teeth t ee th
g oo se goose - geese g ee se
m a n man man m e n
wom a n ['wumən] woman women wom e n [‘wɪmɪn]
m ou se Misha Misha m i ce
l ou se['laus] louse - louse l i ce

especially the plural forms, positioned at once with their own cob rules in the introduction of Latin, Greek

stimulus us geni us stimulus - stimuligen - genius stimulus i geni i
larv a larva - larvae larv ae['lɑːrvē], ['lɑːrvi]
curriculum um course of study, initial plan - course, initial plan curriculum a
code ex code - codes code ices
Cris is thes is kriza - kriza teza - tezi Cris es thes es
phenomenon on phenomenon - phenomenon phenomenon na

4. Folding names that are made up of a few bases

make a lot of change, zgіdno with the rules, another basis:

school boy – school boys (schoolboy - schoolchildren)

house wife - house wives (Domogospodarka - domogospodarki)

post man – post men (leaf-bearing - leaf-bearing)

How can a receiver enter the warehouse, pl. settle down with a way to finish -s to the stem of the name:

passer-by-passer s -by (passing, passing - passing, passing)
sister-in-law - sister s -in-law (sister-in-law - sister-in-law)

Before speech, you can play with grammar and like this: the word bypasser be a rich mother. year. bypassers

If the name is approved in phrasal dialect, then the end "chips" to the receiver:

hand-out - hand-out s (Distribution material - materials)

take(-)away - take(-)away s – (stravy on vinіs – stravy on vinіs)

At times, like the first half folding wordє man or woman , offending parts change:

wom a n-doctor - wom e n-doctor s (zhіnka-likar, "likarka" - female-likarі, "likarki")

m a n-servant-m e n-servant s (Servant - servants)

Words without a name at the warehouse are plural. come - s :

forget-me-not-forget-me-not s (Forget-me-not - forget-me-nots)

І to stop

About extra pennies on intestinal vitrate. English language in a word penny means 1 pence. How do we care real coins, multiple you will look like penn ies (Three pennies ). How to mova pіde about an abstract sum (for example, vartіst goods), you will need to get used to the word form pen ce (Three pence ).

You can consolidate your knowledge in a game form: recently on the forums we discussed (є і simple, і folded).

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