Articles of names in English for children. Memories of the study of the grammar of the English language. Yakі articlesі іsnuyut

That is the essence of the article. At tsіy statti we can see insignificance article a\an in English language.

Article a chi an?

The non-significant article has two forms: a and an. The rule of their living is even simpler.

  • Article at the form "a" vikoristovuetsya before the voiced sound: a boot, a tie, a lock, a house, a car, a job.
  • Article at the form "an" vikoristovuetsya before voices: an apple, an iron, an oven, an error.

For example, the word starts with a voiced letter, but it starts with a voice sound, vikoristovuetsya "an". To tsikh vipadkіv lie:

  • Nevimovna h at the beginning of a word: an hour[ən ˈaʊə], an honor[ənˈɒnə].
  • Deyakі abbreviations, yakі read for okremi letters: an FBI agent[ən ɛf biː aɪ ˈeɪʤənt].

Insignificance article a\an in English language - basic rule

If you want to call the rules to the main bed, it will be like that.

Zagalne rule: inconsistencies, the article is victorious, meaning not specific, but yaky, yaky subject (that is why it is called insignificant). In Russian language, they could say “yaky”, “yakiy”, “deaky”, “one”.

Before speech, the article a \ an resembles the word one (one) - you know, it doesn’t matter to understand the meaning of that living. Let's take a look at it.

I need a shovel. - I need a (almost) shovel.

I'd like to buy a ticket. - I want to buy (one, I guess) a ticket.

Correct, to replace a \ an with the chant article the, the sense will change:

I need the shovel. - Menі need (tsya, pevna) shovel.

I'd like to buy the ticket. - I want to buy (that specific) ticket.

Rules for the use of the article a (an) in English language

Let's take a look at the specific rules. Otzhe, the article a \ an gets used, if:

1. Every one is on the verge, be it a representative of a class of objects or osib.

A baby can do that. - Nemovlya (be-yak) can be robiti.

A triangle has three sided. - A trikutnik (be it) has three sides.

The article is not obligatory to stand without a middle in front of, between them, it can be, which means the sign of the name.

I need a cheap ball pen. - I need (like) a cheap bag handle.

I want to buy a good hockey stick. - I want to buy (yakus) a good hockey key.

To give respect, so that in a similar way to put the chant article the, the sense will change a lot, for example:

I want to buy the hockey stick. - I want to buy (pevnu) a key.

2. The name is called, kim chi chim - the subject is chi person.

The most common profession, as if talking about a person, or I’ll name an object (class of objects), as if it’s about the non-living. And here the article is important to “translate” the Russian mine. It is necessary to understand that the name designates the subject as a whole, not as an ordinary copy, but as a general understanding.

I am a doctor. - I'm a doctor.

He is anexperienced graphicdesigner. - Vіn dosvіdcheny graphic designer.

This is a snowboard. - Tse snowboard.

How to win the, the language is not about the class of objects in general, but about a specific representative:

Hi is the experienced designer. - Vіn (the same) dosvіdcheny designer.

3. Mova go about one subject or a person.

Tobto literally about the subject of kіlkostі one thing. Here the article a \ an means practically the same that one.

I'd like a cup of hot chocolate. - I would like (one) cup of hot chocolate.

I need a day to rest. - I need one (one) day for repairs.

With the article the, mova tezh, zagalom, time about one subject, ale about concrete. For example, not just about a cup of chocolate, but an axis about that cup, like you brewed first, her kick looked pretty:

I'd like the cup of hot chocolate. - I would like (that) cup of hot chocolate.

4. Mova go about the subject or the person, I’ll guess in pink ahead ...

... and if we say suddenly, three times, ten times, the article the.

Here the introduction of the articles is dictated by simple logic. Speaking about the subject above, we speak about the new one, about “so soby”, “like”.

– You know, I watched interesting movie yesterday. - You know, I was surprised at the (deaky) cicavy film.

It's been five hvilins, we've already discussed the film vdovzh and across, and we're talking about the new one, not like about yakomus, but about the whole singing movie:

– Yeah, I think, I'm going to rewatch the movie!- So, I think I'll watch (their) film.

Once again, the rule is easily broken. For example, I’ve shrugged off the sound of the speaker and say again that I was amazed not just by the film itself, but by YOUR MOST film:

– You know, I watched the movie yesterday. - You know, I was surprised at THIS BIGGEST movie.

Otherwise, in this particular rozmove, the subject can look forward, but the offended spivrezmovniki will wonder miraculously, about what to go.

Mary: Honey, where is mirror? - Dear, where is the mirror?

John: Your mom's present is in the bathroom, as always. - A gift from your mothers at the baths, as a rule.

5. In a number of resistant viruses

Basically, the stench is connected with the hour and kіlkіstyu:

  • in a day \ week \ month \ year
  • in an hour - for a year
  • in a half an hour
  • a few - sprat
  • a little - not rich
  • a lot (great deal) of - rich

The non-insignificant article a \ an is often vindicated in persistent virases of the to have (to take) type + a name, like a one-time deed:

  • to have (take) a look - marvel
  • to have a walk - take a walk
  • to have (take) a seat - systems
  • to take a note - make a note, write down


  1. Deyakі vrazi for tsієyu scheme vikoristovuyutsya with the zero article, for example: to have fun - have fun.
  2. With the singing article the, most of the verses contain the words: the future, the past, the present.
  3. Name the feast of fate with the zero article: in (the) winter, in (the) summer, etc.

The non-insignificance article before the clerk and the borrower

Articles (whether or not) can get used to prikmetnik. At this point of view, the stench is not up to the prikmetniks, it’s understood, but to the name, the sign of which the prikmetniks signify:

  • She is a nice beautiful girl. - There's a sweet, beautiful girl.
  • I need the red hat. - I need less red drops.

The articles do not get used before the name, so that Yogo already signifies an assignee (my, your, his, her that іn) or an indicative borrower (this, these, that, those). The sense of the fact that it is said about the subject, that vin “someone”, does not already mean that the subject is concrete, singable - the article a \ an is not possible, but the article is zayvim.

  • Not properly: I am looking for a (the) my dog.
  • Correctly: I am looking for my dog.

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Let's take a look at what is needed insignificance article in English language and look at it, apply the article a, an in English mine.

The non-significant articles a, an in English mean the quantity - one. At multiple, in good names (im'ya, name of the place ...), with indefinite names the article a, an does not get used. The article is called irrelevant to the fact that the subject is not specific.


A boy - Boy.
Since we have one lad and we are not talking about a specific lad, we put an article in front of the word of inconsistency, knowing ourselves that there is only one lad.

An apple - Apple.
Same. Since we have one apple and we are not talking about a specific apple, then the article an is put in a non-trivial way, which means that we have one apple.

Apply the victoria of the unmarked article a, an in sentences.

I saw a boy. He was happy. - I'm a bachelor boy. Vin boo is happy.
So, like a boy bachiv alone, the article a is put, which means that the boy is alone.

I ate an Apple. - I'm eating an apple.
The situation is absolutely the same, like a boy. Apple z'їv alone, they put the article.

When the non-insignificance article a is placed, if the article an is non-significant

The non-significant article a in the English language is put, as the word starts from the letter.


a boy oy

a p en - pen.

a l aptop - laptop.

a h headphones - headphones.

The non-significant article an in the English language is put, as the word starts from the voice letter.


an i Phone - iPhone.

an o range - orange (n.) / orange (add.)

an e ngineer - engineer.

an i ron - prask.

How to differentiate voices and voices in English language?

English language to take revenge on oneself 6 voices - a, e, i, o, u, y. All other letters should be voiced.

Seemingly simpler, the voice letters “sing” on the sound: aaaaa, eeeeee, iiiiii...

At bagatioh foreign languageє such a part of the movie, like the article (The Article). Tse service part move and speak out as a signatory of the name. Russian language does not have such a part of the language, for those Russian people who begin to learn the English language, it’s easy to get used to the articles in the language.

How do articles get used to English language?

But if we don’t live it, we can blame the difficulties in dealing with the English, so that you will be unreasonable, about the subject itself, it’s possible to think about something else. In order to avoid problems in communication, you just need to learn how to speak correctly, it is important and necessary to use the articles in the English language and the way they live.

Today we will talk about such an important topic as the introduction of articles into the English language, and we will also look at the negatives, if it is necessary to use the articles.

See articles in English language

There are two types of articles in English language:

  • Definite Article (singing article)
  • Indefinite Article (indefinite article)

THE- sung article abo Definite Article, and imovlyaєtsya vіn [ ðǝ ]. ðɪ ], if the name starts from the voice. For example: the [ ðǝ ] school, the [ ðɪ ]apple.
A or AN- Indefinite Article. If the name-bearer starts with the season, we say " a banana", albeit with a voice, then " an orange".

To better understand why there is a difference between the sing and the non-significant article in the English language, we will point the butt of the Russian one:

When to put articles in English

Vipadki vzhivannya articles in English language

Here it is important to remember, how to learn the rules of living the articles in the English language:

  • The article vikoristovuєtsya in front of the leather burnt name.
  • We don’t live the article either, if there is an indicative or a borrower in front of the name, another name with a relative, a kilk_sny numeric chi listed no (not not!).

This is a girl. - Tse girl.
My sister is an Engineer. - My sister is an engineer.
I see the girls jumping the rope. - I'm chasing girls, like they're stribayut on jump ropes.

As a rule, the non-indefinite article (Indefinite Article) in English mov gets used only if the subject goes upstairs, and also, as if nothing is known about the subject. The chant article (Definite Article) is there, de about the subject, it’s already visible, or the wine will be guessed in a new way. Let's just put it on a few stocks. Give respect:

He has got a computer.- The new one has a computer (what kind of computer, what is with it, what kind of brand is it) we don’t know.
The computer is new. - The computer is new (Now there is some information about the computer - new).
This is a tree. - This tree (unreasoned, like a tree, nothing is known about the new one).
The tree is green. - The tree is green (it’s already been seen, the tree is covered with green leaves).

What are the articles and if they are victorious in English language?
  • Indefinite Article a, an you can get used to the hail speeches that start from these words what: What a surprise! - What a surprise! What a beautiful day! - What a hell of a day!
  • Insignificance article a, an in the English language there are only names with names: This is a book. - Tse book. I see a boy. - I'm running a boy.
  • Definite Article gets used both with counting names and with counting names: The book I read is very interesting. - A book, I read like a cicava. The meat you've bought is fresh. - M'yaso, having bought it, it's fresher.
  • Indefinite Article gets used to the scribe, as if there was a name behind him: We have a large family. - We have a great family. I read an interesting book. - I'm reading a book.
  • The non-insignificance article can be used in the speech of the meaning of the word “one, one, one”: My father has three children, 2 sons and a daughter. - My father has three children - two blues and one daughter. Today I bought a copy-book and 2 pens. - Today I bought one zoshit and two pens.
  • Definite Article Celebrating the Wonderful World of Applicants: Pink Street is the largest street in that town. - Rozheva street - the largest in this city.
  • The chant article is written with geographic names, that is, before the names of rivers, canals, seas, gir, oceans, inlets, channels, archipelagos. Ale does not get used to the names of lakes, lands, continents. Vinyatki: United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Ukraine, Congo, Crimea.

And now, friends, savage respect, in some kind of stable word-findings of the English tradition, there is a sung article:

  • in the south
  • north
  • On the way
  • in the west
  • to the south
  • north
  • until what day
  • to the west
  • What's the use?
  • To the cinema
  • Up theater
  • To the store
  • To the market
  • At the cinema
  • at the theater
  • At the shop
  • To the market.

Okremih vipadkіv vzhivannya articles in English shche rich. Let's take a closer look at the articles, albeit okremo assigned to the chant article and okremo to the unmarked article.

The situation with articles in the English language is rather serious. It’s necessary and can get used to the language, without them it’s just not possible, otherwise we ourselves can get lost and get lost by our interpreter in the information that is shown. And if you don’t stray, like the articles themselves and if you live them, just start the vipadki. And you sing, like you are small, but if you need a part of the service, bring clarity to your rozmova, and your language will be beautiful like that! So let the little ones the, a and an become your helpers at your English language!

See you soon, friends!

At this lesson we will look at the topic “Articles in English”. Vivchimo, how to establish the articles and the basic rules of living in constructions. Razbіr ide lest on equal terms for children and grown-ups.

Vykoristannya articles with spilno z іmennikam in english movі theme to do about'mna, then stock up on patience.

In the English mov article (The Article) - a smut of names. If there is a proposition, the first thing to start with is to think about the articles, who will say the name, or the name will not be known, and then the articles will be put. In other words, to be more specific or more general. There are no Russian mov articles, which is why rich people have a theme that calls out songs that are difficult.

When folding the English construction, it is practical to stop the article. Separate:

  • The Definite Article or the chant article, to what extent The;
  • The Indefinite Article anі a.

We will be cultivating 3 ways of vikoristanny of the article - the implantation of the unmarked, chant article that vipadki, if the article vzagalі not vikoristovuєtsya at the construction.

Singing articles in English (The Definite Article)

Tsya part of the movie can only have one form the. With a look at grammar, it looks like vkazivny borrower"That - that".

  1. Pevniy the article The Definite Article vykoristovuetsya in speech, if there is an object, about which one has already been spoken about, or in quiet moods, if the mind is clear, about what to go.
    For example, Please show me the book. - Show me the book, be kind.
  2. Also, part of the movie is victorious among the rivermen, if the spivrezmovniks talk about the object, which is the only one in their family.
    For example, The sun is in sky. - In the sky the sun.
  3. zastosovuetsya at all vipadkah, if svіvrozmovniki talk about a musical group, a newspaper, a cinema, a restaurant.
    For example, The Beatles - The Beatles.
  4. Naming the nationalities, if not talking about someone specific, but all the representatives of the family are slandered, they are victorious with a part of the language that is being looked at.
    For example, the Americans. - Americans.
  5. The chant article is victorious in certain word combinations.
    For example, at the cinema / the theater - at the cinema / theater. Here the design stood out.
  6. Likewise, in its own name, the words kingdom (kingdom), union (union), republic (republic), at the same time, the whole article wins out from them.
    For example, The United Kingdom
  7. Tsya part of the movie is celebrated in the speeches after the successors of the month.
  8. As a construction “next, last + new hour”, we put the article before the end of the construction.
    For example, the next day - the coming day.
    For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor. - There is a gut in front of the screen.
  9. If you go about the whole family, then the article is also put before the nickname, which is being looked at.
    For example, The Petrovs are at home. - Peter's at home.
  10. the objects are also vicorous in the design with the analyzed part of the promo.
    For example, the Arctic and the Alps - Alpi.

    Respect, the names of the country, streets, airports, islands do not have the article stuck.

  11. As in im'ya, it is clearly expressed by the title and after the new one, the same meaning of, the article is written.
    For example, The Prince of Wales - Prince of Wales.
  12. In English language, like in Russian language, it is a prikmetnik, which is victorious without a name, but means a group of people. Before such a form, put the following part of the movie .
    For example, The old - people of a frail age.
  13. As for the design, there is an example of a high world, in front of him there are also articles definite.
    For example, the quickest - best seen.
  14. The vikoristovuєtsya at all vipadkah, if before the name є "of".
    For example, The Tower of London.
  15. On the three sides of the world, the given article is stagnant in the construction.
    For example, Pivnichna part of our country - Pvnich of our country.
  16. As in the speech, the word only (in the meaning of units), then here we also zastosovuєmo the article, which is being looked at.
    For the butt, She was the only beautiful woman in his life. - Vaughn was one beautiful woman yoga life.
  17. The 1st remaining slip of the introduction of the articles is before the ordinal numerical.
    Stock: We are on the fourth floor. - We are on the fifth version.

This article is victorious with names, lived in one and many.

Insignificance article

look back: 1 119

I see, my favorite readers.

I know that I’m starting a new one, but today I have another task for you. I want you to marvel at these propositions and tell me why there is a difference.

Tommy sat down on a chair while waiting for his turn.- Tom_ s_v on stіlets, until the check of your chergi.

Tommy sat on the chair close to cake, if bigaє for yogo turn.- Tomі sіv on the nearest door to the door, until the check of your bills.

You, perhaps, have already remembered that there is a difference in the very articles and meanings, like they carry a stink behind them. And so, my dears, today we are paying more expensive checks, de bude important for us with you the topic - articles in English language. I will tell you the basic rules, I will give you a lot of applications, both for children and for grown-ups. And I also give you a message on the subject of articles.

What is it and what is it that is victorious?

Let's take a look at it: article- tse those who zavzhd may be in front of the name man. Vin, to speak more rudely, sign a name, so that we would better understand what to go about.

How stinks do they stink and why do they vicorate?

There are three of them: a, an and the.

І їх vikoristanny to lie down in order, as we will later find a name. In English, there are two kinds of names:

  • Counting- Tі, yakі we can frighten. For example:


Earring - earring

  • Innumerable- Tі, yakі porahuvat mi can not. For example:

Sugar - zukor

water - water

In order to understand, if the articles are victorious, we need to guess more about what the name-bearers are alone (diamond - diamond) or multiply (Diamonds - diamanti).

And now, so that you were absolutely conscious, the axis to you table with butts, de vie you can dance, de і z chim stinks vikoristovuyutsya.

Brother "a"

The tsei article is also called to wear not a proud name. non-appointments » ( ). Everything that is placed in front of objects, which are rich in the world. And vikoristovuєtsya only with namesmen, yakі you can frighten, that th yakscho stink in one. Tobto, as if it were rich, and you need to guess one thing - you need to get used to the article itself. Let's take a look at the examples:

Tse varennia I bought a magazine.– Today's lies I bought a magazine. (Not like a singing magazine, but one of the quiet ones that were in the store).

I had a sandwich for lunch.- For insult, I have a sandwich. (Yakiy one sandwich).

My sister got a job. - My sister took the job. (one of the most important jobs for the whole world).

Before the speech, the article "a" is a small, modest brother, which is rarely said to be done - before the words, which are based on voice letters. Tse - "an". The aim of the new one is the same, don’t fight him - you won’t get lost.

I've got an apple and an orange with me. - I have an apple and an orange with me.

Brother "the"

The article the, vin to bear the name singing vikoristovuetsya, if we know the subject, about which one is to be mentioned. The order from them calmly coexists counting and non-numerous names like one, and many ( You can find out more about this).

In addition, it is often necessary to victorious with geographic names and stable virazes, as it is necessary to simply victorious. But it’s important to remember that it’s creaking, including in the names of the place, є your blame, as we learn about you okremo ( Come in to find out about).

Rosy doesn't feel well. She went to the doctor. - Rose feels bad. Vaughn went to the doctor. (To the doctor, who should call out to go).

Did Molly get the job she applied for?- Did Molly take away the job, did she apply for a yak? (Same that robot, she applied for a yak).

If yoga is not known to me?

Well, okay- you say. - If there are victorious articles, we understood. Ale, don’t start me vikoristovuemo less than їх!

And here you will be right, because the English language prepared a small test for us and made such vipadias, if the article is not needed. And such a thing to navit took away its name - zero article. Viviannija yogo is importantly connected with blames from the previous rules. Abo, as we have movi vikoristovuyutsya good names(Tom, Mary, Ritha) chi be-yakі understand zagalom.

Apples grow on the trees.- Apples grow on trees. (All the apples flared up like a species).

Tom bought a bike.- Tom bought his motorcycle. (The article is not put before the powerful names).

Another situation, if you don’t need to put anything before the name. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya after the borrowers(My, our, his, this, that and in).

Until the speech, my dear, after completing the lesson with the rules, do not forget to practice. I have є, yakі dopomozhut navrіpiti new material. You can also remember the rules for living the articles for a long time. Well, the articles are not themselves simple rules for children, chi then 2 class, chi 8 class. That grown-up sound like those who suffer from them. Ale, with my help, I’ll help you, you can get better at them.

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