Status quo: so what. Status quo: what are the service parts of the movie

Even more often from the screens of televisions we feel, more often read in the press, it is clear, like the status quo. Blame it on a whole reasonable diet: “But what is it?” In order to focus on food, we can look at a few options, if we understand the status quo in the river.

How to translate the status quo?

It was understandable that in the Latin language it sounded like status quo ante bellum, which is shifted like a camp, like it was up to the cob of war. This is the definition of "status quo ad praesens", that is. camp for today. Another variant of the status quo nunc is the lowest standard of justice. The current term status quo means the camp is right to be whatever. As the majority of foreign words, it is understood that they do not shirk with words, it is permissible to put yoga in the middle gender - “stay the status quo”, for example. Є two variants of writing:

  1. Status quo.
  2. Status quo.

Uminnya zastosovuvaty spefichnіchnі turn zbagachuє mov people, for the mind you know the meaning of the term and vikoristovuє їh in the correct context. In another turn, a precedent is being created for stupidity.

Legal status quo

In other words, in legal practice, it is often difficult to understand the status quo. Zastosovuetsya out of the context chi renew the status quo, chi save yoga. Reinforcing the status quo - I’ll turn right until I’m too big, I’m going to make it to the bottom. Save the status quo - tse means that it is necessary to save a large number of right unchangeable.

In times of vindication of disputes, which are considered in court, for example, family, financial landlords, you can take decisions about saving the status quo. Tobto. the claims of the parties are overwhelmed with too many rights, their claims are not satisfied.

Legal meaning of the status quo

For international law, the term status quo is not less significant, less for lawyers. In 1969, the Videnska Convention on the Law of International Treaties was signed, because of the obvious fact that the provisions of the treaty are not valid for such a treaty, if there is any legal force, the status quo may be turned to the side of the treaty. Tobto. The parties to the agreement are guilty of bringing the camp right before I become, which is before the laying down of such an agreement.

After the Other World War, the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition reaffirmed the status quo of cordons for the country, as they took the fate of the fascists of the Nazi Germany, as they died until the war for a small blame. Finland and Bulgaria took away the cordons on the 1st spring of 1941, and the Ugrian region established its borders on 1938.

The political significance of the status quo

Debati as a form for expressing thoughts that її outrageously gained the rest of the hour of wide popularity. Political debates take place on television, debates at schools, institutes and yards. Well, the main political directness is the debate, which is to change the elections on different equals, either the presidential elections, or the heads of the rural settlement. In the meantime, the stagnation of the debate vocabulary embellishes the language of promotions, nadaє dodatkovoї vagomosti and bewitch gazing.

In the political context, the meaning of the term "status quo" means the country is right in the countryside, districts, villages, and also the country is right in the social and economic circles. That is why the listeners know about the situation in these blinds and do not list similar data, but the magnitude of the post is discussed without any sense. For example, the meaning of the status quo is virulent “we are guilty of being tolerant of all candidates”.

Musical status quo

Not young music lovers will sing along on the food show that the legendary English rock group “Status Quo” has such a legendary English rock band in the last century. I remembered the great number of writing hits. The group has been rewarded for its significant contribution to the music. And especially the popularity of "Status Quo" came after the victorious song "You're in the army now".

For ten years of its existence, the Status Quo rock band has released dozens of albums, recorded over five hundred songs, and took top spots on the music charts. The documentary "Entitled Hello Quo!" that aired the artistic comedy "Bula Quo!".

In this manner, the meaning of the term status quo lies in the context, in which it sounds wrong. I in the legal, i in the political, i in the legal movement, the status quo is significant whether the country is right, the country of the situation. And the nuances, which will help you to understand the words, joke about the context. It is easy to do it, and a skin literate person can explain the meaning of understanding the status quo.

Names for the type of opinion are divided into three types:

  1. Names of the female family finished -a, -i(Earth);
  2. Names of the human family with zero endings, names of the middle family with finished - oh, e(booth, field);
  3. Names of the female family with zero endings (Misha).

In the Russian language, a special group is composed of names: tyagar, tem'ya, half-m'ya, vim'ya, ensign, tribe'ya, stirrup, hour, im'ya, way.

Significant group of names do not change for canopies and numbers, they are called unskillful; depot, lobby, scarlet, cava, coat, attaché and others.

Prikmetniki change for childbirth, numbers and vіdminkami in one. A lot of old people have completed the practical work of three families: new tables, books, feasts.

Іsnuyut sevnі rules vіdmіnyuvannya that chislіvnikіv. For example, a numeral one shirks like an example in one, and a numeral two, three, which may be especially vіdminkovі forms, yakі podіbnі until the end of prikmetnіv in many.

Numbers from five to ten and numerals for -dtsyat and -ten are scaled down to the third anniversary of names.

Numbers forty, ninety mayut two vіdminkovі forms: forty and ninety.

Among the number of two hundred, three hundred, chotirist and all of the number of hundreds of offended parts.

1. Words that mean inanimate objects. Neskhilnі іmenniki іnshhomovnogo pojzhennya, scho signify inanimate objects, at their greater place to the middle kind, for example: zaliznichne depot, tsіkave іnterv'yu, route taxi, political status quo, healthy scarlet, vovnyane muffler.

The rule is low blame, with a splash of different analogies (Russian synonym, grammatical type of word, which means generic understanding, and others.).

So, before the human family, the words are heard: ha (por.: one hectare, injecting the word hectare), kava (injecting the human family of this word into my french, for some reason it was more distant, and also in the link with cim the number of forms of kav, coffee), poppies (overgrowth), penalties (injection of the Russian synonymous duel "11-meter penalty kick"), siroko, tornado (generic understanding of "wind" ), suluguni (general understanding “sir”), shimmi (generic understanding “dance”), ekyu (an old French coin; pouring in movi-dzherela) and deyaki in. Suomi, Urdu, Hindi, etc.

The words lie before the woman’s family: avenue (Russian synonym for street), bere (general concept “pear”), take-take (genus concept “sickness”), kohlrabi (“cabbage”), salami (“cowbass”) and deyaki іn.

Nareshti, deyakі words get accustomed to looking at two slopes, for example: auto (middle and male, with the word automobil), afghani (middle and female), bibabo? (Middle and male, SR: small bibabo), brandy (Middle I person, SR: mіtsniy brandy), mocha (Middle and person, analogy with living the word kawi), nargile? (middle and person, close to understand “hookah”), pas de deux and pas de trois (middle that person, generic understanding “dance”), cicero (middle that person, generic understanding “ font"), Esperanto (middle and cholovik., pouring in the words mova, div. vishche); words are chanted, as if at once they get used to each other from the slopes and many, for example, blinds (middle and plural; por.: beautiful blinds).

2. Substantiated words. Substantiated unskillful words are pronounced to the middle gender, for example: including “hello”, more “so”, more “cheers”, our tomorrow, sharply “I don’t want to”.

3. Words that mean osib. Indeclinable names, which signify special, are placed before the human chi of the female genus, fallow in the meaning, tobto. spіvvіdnestnostі z real statyu individuals, scho signified, for example:

1) human family: rentier, military atache, courier, duce, curé, referee, maestro, natsi, quazimodo, yankee, chevalier, torero, impresario, caballero, p'єro;

2) female gender: fraulein, inzhenyu, travesty, mis, lady, nude, lady, madam, milady;

3) courtiers: vіzavі (por.: mіy vіzavі appeared as a cіkavim svіvroznovnik – my vіzavi vіvіvsya as a cіkavoi spіvroznovnitsa), protégé (por.: our protégé was true to usі nadії – our protégé was true to all nadії); incognito (por.: taєmnichy іnkognіto raptovo sign - taєmnicha іnkognіto raptovo znikla); hippi (porivn.: young hippi spivav - young hippi spivala);

4) middle gender: zhuri (in the chosen meaning; porіvn.: zhurі decided).

4. Words that signify creatures, birds, etc., unskilled names that signify spiritualized objects (crim osib, div vishche), go to the human family, for example: zebu, pony, chimpanzee, cockatoo, kangaroo, flamingo, macao , nandu, koala, gray. Under this circumstance, humankind lives without harm to the status of a creature. However, if the context indicates a female, then specific words take root in the form of a female gender, for example: a kangaroo carried a kangaroo in a bag, a chimpanzee was a child.

Dvorodovimi - the words colli, grizzly (female and human).

5. Geographical names. There are a number of names that signify geographic names (name the place, river, lakes, islands, gir, etc.), depend on the grammatical gender of the nominal name, which acts as a generic concept (name of the place, river, lake etc.), for example: sleepy Tbіlіsi (misto), wide Mіssіsipі (river), fresh water Yerі (lake), importantly accessible Jungfrau (mountain), pictorial Capri (island).

Steps in the rules are explained by an influx of analogy, the introduction of a word in a different meaning, a tendency to bring the word to the middle gender -about etc., for example: Five-headed Beshtau (injecting the name of the dry mountain Mashuk), Pivnichne Borneo (injecting the final about), Another Baku (named the place of the oil bottle, but not the place). New Sochi (khibna analogy with words in the form of a plural to the type of Veliky Luka).

In other words, the very word gets used to different generic forms in a fallow way, as if it were understandable. SR: During the crisis, Somalia suffered from food shortages. - Somalia accepted humanitarian aid for help (for the first person, the understanding of “state” may be on the horizon, for the other - “country”).

6. Name the benefits. For generic names, there is also a grammatical row that is not shilled by the names of the mass information, for example: Bі-Bі-Сі povіdomila (British Radio Corporation); liberal "News Chronicle". Quite often there is a commemoration of the favor: Bі-Bі-Сі povidomilo (like a stubborn name of the middle family), The Times published ... summer collection clothes (naming the magazine).

7. Abbreviations. The abbreviations, adopted by the letters of cob letters of these words, among them, there are different names, assign their own grammatical class to the gender of the common word of the warehouse name, for example: MGU (Moscow state university) svyatkuvav his two hundred; ATS (automatic telephone exchange) increased the number of subscribers. Sometimes it is allowed to use it even more, for example: ITAR-TARS povіdomiv...

At the same time, the camp is expanding and folded-short words (reading behind the cob sounds chi yak_ include to your warehouse storage space), even though these words do not shilyayutsya, for example: mіstseve selpo (sіlske spozhivche comradeship).

1. Independent parts of the movie:

  • names (div. morphological norms noun);
  • words:
    • communion;
    • dієprislіvniki;
  • prikmetniki;
  • numerical;
  • borrowers;
  • attendants;

2. Service parts of the movie:

  • receivers;
  • splits;
  • parts;

3. Wiguki.

At the same time, Russian classification (according to the morphological system) is not used:

  • the words ta y nі, like the stench, play the role of an independent speech.
  • introductory words: later, before the speech, at once, like an okrema speech, as well as a number of other words.

Morphological analysis of the name

  • pochatkovy form in native vіdminku, odinі (because of the acronym іmennіkiv, scho get used only in the plural: knives and etc.);
  • vlasne abo zagalne;
  • spiritualized or lifeless;
  • рід (m, f, povn.);
  • number (one, many);
  • vіdminyuvannya;
  • vіdminok;
  • the syntactical role of speech.

Plan of morphological parsing of the name

"Malyuk drink milk."

Malya (v_dpovidaє on the supply of who?) - Name;

  • cob form - baby;
  • postiyni morphological signs: spiritualized, nominally, specifically, of human kind, I-th introduction;
  • inconsistent morphological signs: nazivny vіdminok, odin;
  • in the syntactic analysis of the proposition, the role of the pdlyaga is victorious.

Morphological analysis of the word "milk" (explains the nutrition of whom? What?).

  • cob form - milk;
  • fast morphological the characteristic of the word: the middle kind, non-living, speech, zagalne, II-e vіdminyuvannya;
  • zminyuvani morphological signs: znahіdny vіdminok, odin;
  • the speech is directly supplemented.

We suggest one more point, as a morphological analysis of the name, on the basis of the literary dzherel:

"Two women went up to Luzhin and helped him to get up. He stood up and drank from his coat. (Example z: "Zakhist Luzhin", Volodymyr Nabokov)."

Women (who?) - Name;

  • cob form - female;
  • postіyni morphological signs: nominal, spiritualized, more specifically, female gender, I introduction;
  • impertinent morphological characteristics of the name: alone, generic vіdminok;
  • syntactic role: part of the pіdlyagaє.

Luzhin (to whom?) - Name;

  • cob form - Luzhin;
  • virna morphological the characteristic of the word: good im'ya, spiritualized, more specifically, human kind, mixed vision;
  • non-constant morphological signs of the name: one, davalny vіdmіnka;

Doloney (chim?) - Name;

  • cob form - dolonya;
  • post_yni morphological signs: female, lifeless, stale, more specifically, I vіdminyuvannya;
  • inconsistent morpho. signs: odiny, odonnogo vodminka;
  • syntactic role of the context: additional.

Drank (what?) - Name;

  • cob form - saw;
  • the main morphological features: vulgar, speech, female, alone, spiritualized, not characterized, III review (name with zero endings);
  • impertinent morphological word characteristic: knowledgeable vіdminok;
  • syntactic role: additional.

(C) Coat (Why?) - Name;

  • cob form - coat;
  • permanently correct morphological characterization of the word: lifeless, zagalne, more concretely, of the middle kind, unskilled;
  • morphological signs are inconsistent: the number cannot be assigned beyond the context, the generic symbol;
  • syntactic role of the member of the proposition: supplement.

Morphological analysis of the prikmetnik

Prikmetnik - this is a famous part of the movie. Do you confirm Yakiy? Yake? Yaka? Yaki? that characterizes the signs of the quality of the subject. Table of morphological marks of the applicator:

  • pochatkova form in native vіdmіnku, odin, human genus;
  • postіyni morphological signs of prikmetnikіv:
    • rank, depending on the value:
      • - yakіsne (warmer, movchazne);
      • - vіdnosne (pretty, reading room);
      • - attached (hare, mother);
    • steps of alignment (for yakіsnih, for those who have become a sign);
    • povna/short form (for yak_snih, for some, the sign is constant);
  • non-constant morphological signs of an applicator:
    • yakіsnі prikmetniki zmіnujuutsya after rіvny pіvnyannya (at rіvnyalnyh steps the form is simple, at miraculous ones it is foldable): - beautiful;
    • povna or short form (only yak_sn_ prikmetniki);
    • a sign of the genus (only in one);
    • number (used with a name);
    • vіdminok (uzgodzhuєtsya with the name);
  • the syntactic role of the word is: the clerk is used as a part of the warehouse nominal attribution.

Plan of morphological analysis of the prikmetnik

An example of a proposition:

The last month zіyshov over the city.

Povna (yak?) - Prikmetnik;

  • cob form - povniy;
  • postіyni morphological signs of the prikmetnik: yakіsne, povna form;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics: at the positive (zero) level there is a difference, a woman's rank (to be named after a name), a name;
  • according to syntactic analysis - another member of the speech, victorious role of appointment.

The axis of the literary text and the morphological analysis of the applicator, on butts:

The girl was beautiful: a string, thin, her eyes are bright, like two marvelous sapphires, so they looked into your soul.

Beautiful (yak?) - Prikmetnik;

  • cob form - beautiful (for what it means);
  • post_yni morphological norms: yakіsne, short;
  • impermanent signs: a positive step of a relative, alone, of a woman's race;

String (yak?) - Prikmetnik;

  • pochatkova form - string;
  • post_yni morphological signs: yakіsna, povna;
  • non-constant morphological characteristic of the word: outside, positive step, equal, alone, woman’s rіd, nazivny vіdminok;
  • syntactic role in speech: part of the award.

Tonenka (yak?) - Prikmetnik;

  • cob form - thin;
  • morphological post-indicators: yakіsna, povna;
  • non-constant morphological characteristic of the applier: positive step of the relative, one, female, nazivny vіdmіnka;
  • syntactic role: part of the award.

Blakitnі (yakі?) - Prikmetnik;

  • cob form - blakitny;
  • table of post-morphological marks of the applicator: yakіsne;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics: outside, positive step of alignment, multiple, nazivny vіdminka;
  • syntactic role: appointment.

Divovizhnykh (yakikh?) - prikmetnik;

  • pochatkova form - marvelous;
  • postiyni signs of morphology: visible, virazne;
  • non-constant morphological signs: multiple, ancestral vіdmіnka;
  • syntactical role in speech: part of the furnishing.

Morphological signs of the word

Vіdpovіdno to the morphology of the Russian, dієslovo - tse independent part of promotion. Vіn can mean dіyu (walk), dominion (kulgati), vіdnoshnennia (vnyatisya), camp (radіti), sign (beautiful, beautiful) of the subject. Do the words tell the food what to work? sho robiti? what to rob? what robiv? but what worktime? Different groups of dієslіvnіh word forms have tamannі heterogeneous morphological characteristics and grammatical signs.

Morphological forms of disliv:

  • pochatkova form of the disword - іnfinіtiv. Її so the name itself is unknown, but the inevitable form of the word. Inconsistent morphological signs daily;
  • vіdminnі (special and non-special) forms;
  • inconsistent forms: prichetnі and dієєprichetnі.

Morphological analysis of the language

  • cob form - infinitive;
  • post-morphological signs of the word:
    • transition:
      • transitional (winning with the names of the gnostic vіdmіnka without a successor);
      • non-transitional (does not get used to the name of a wise man without an accomplice);
    • rotation:
      • zvorotni (є -sya, -ss);
      • irreversible (nі-sya, -s);
      • incompleteness (what robiti?);
      • thorough (sho robiti?);
    • note:
      • I v_dminyuvannya (do-eat, do-et, do-eat, do-eat, do-yut / ut);
      • II vіdminyuvannya (sto-ish, stand, stand, stand, stand, stand/at);
      • discordant words (hotity, bigti);
  • inconsistent morphological signs of the word:
    • way:
      • deisne: what robiv? what did you grind? what to rob? what to crush?;
      • umovne: scho robiv bi? sho zrobiv bi?;
      • command: robi!;
    • hour (in a descriptive way: past/now/tomorrow);
    • person (in the present / future hour, in a direct and command way: 1 person: I / mi, 2 persons: ty / vi, 3 persons: vin / stink);
    • рід (at the past hour, alone, in a decimal and mental way);
    • number;
  • the syntactical role of speech. The infinitive can be a member of the proposition:
    • awards: Buti today is holy;
    • pіdleglim: Get ready to need it;
    • addendum: All the guests asked to dance;
    • vyznachennyam: New viniklo has no need to eat;
    • furnishing: I wiyshov walk.

Morphological analysis of the word butt

In order to understand the scheme, we will conduct a letter analysis of the morphology of the dialect with the proposition butt:

Crows like God sent a small piece to the sir... (tale, I. Krilov)

Having sent (sho robiv?) - a part of the language of the word;

  • cob form - nad_slat;
  • post_yni morphological signs: thorough look, transitional, 1st introduction;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristic of the word: the effective way, which is the hour, of the human race, alone;

An offensive online episode of the morphological analysis of the discourse in speech:

Silence, listen.

Listen (to learn?) - dієslovo;

  • cob shape - listen;
  • morphological post-signs: thorough-looking, intransitive, reverse, 1st sighting;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristic of the word: commanding way, multiple, 2nd person;
  • syntactical role in rechenni: adjudication.

Plan for morphological analysis of the discourse online free of charge, based on the appendix of the whole paragraph:

Yogo needs to be guarded.

Do not need, let me know another time, how to break the rules.

What are the rules?

Check, then I'll tell you. Uviyshov! (“The Golden Calf”, I. Ilf)

Guard (what to protect?) - dієslovo;

  • pochatkova form - guard;
  • morphological signs of the post-word: thorough looking, transitional, non-turning, 1st sighting;
  • inconsistent morphology of the mov: infinitive;
  • syntactic function of the speech: warehouse part of the award.

Let me know (what to rob?) - part of the language of the word;

  • pochatkova form - nobility;
  • inconsistent morphology of the word: commanding way, alone, third person;
  • syntactical role in rechenni: adjudication.

Porushuvati (what to work?) - the word is divine;

  • cob form - porushuvati;
  • post-morphological signs: incomplete appearance, non-turning, transient, 1st introduction;
  • non-permanent signs of the word: infinitive (cob form);
  • the role of the context is syntactical: part of the award.

Check (what to rob?) - part of the move is a word;

  • cob form - check;
  • post_yni morphological signs: thorough appearance, no turning, transitional, 1st introduction;
  • non-constant morphological characteristic of the word: the commanding way, multiplier, another individual;
  • syntactical role in rechenni: adjudication.

Uvіyshov (scho robiv?) - dієslovo;

  • cob form - uviti;
  • post_yni morphological signs: thorough looking, non-turning, non-transitional, 1st sighting;
  • non-constant morphological characteristic of the word: hour, effective way, alone, human kind;
  • syntactical role in rechenni: adjudication.

Total found: 56

Good afternoon. What is the correct way to say marvel at all the videos? Yakshcho mova go about the great number of videos. Does the video have a multiplier? Vibatch tse sung 2 meals, let me be kind

Word video the meaning "video film, video clip" can be used as a name of a plurality (the words are the same word, the category of the number is expressed syntactically, that is, in the phrases and phrases). Whose meaning is true: marvel at all the videos.

Request No. 293921

Good afternoon! Tell me, be kind, how is it correct to say "maestro" for many artists of high equanimity? Spanish will be "maestros". How can the word "maestro" be used in Russian, or will it be invariably "maestro" in many?

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

All vіdmіnkah one and many words will have one form - maestro.

Request No. 293470

Good afternoon! Do the names, for example "Heavenly Fairs - 2017", put a dash or a hyphen, or need a clearing? Vdyachna ahead of time for advice.

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

The permanent addition, which is transmitted on the sheet in numbers, is added with a hyphen: "Fairs-2017". However, in that case, if there is not a word in front of the numbers, but a single word, the hyphen is replaced by a dash: "Heavenly Fairs - 2017".

Request No. 287057

Good day! Let me tell you, be kind, some kind of rosy sign of victoriousness in the name of the press release: STATE SPORTS MARCH - 2016 AT ST. PETERSBURG ST. PETERSBURG SPORTS MARSH - 2016 AT ST.

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

A dash is needed, for that which is an inevitable addition 2016 arrive before the due date: All-World Sports March - 2016 near St. Petersburg.

Request No. 286704

Tell me, be kind, how right? Russian Lizhnia 2016 Russian Lizhnya-2016 Russian Lizhnia-2016 Davos-2015 Davos-2015

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

Correctly: Davos-2015; Lizhnya Russia - 2016. The permanent program, which is transmitted on the sheet in numbers, is added with a hyphen. However, in that case, if there is not a word in front of the numbers, but a single word, the hyphen is replaced by dashes.

Request No. 285879

At sl / op. TURN AT HOME What kind of a call and why?

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

The type of link here is primikannya (before the head word, there is a fallow word that does not change; the link between the head word and the fallow word is added only for a change).

Request No. 285766

Good afternoon. Podkazhit, be kind, some kind of vyazku vikoristovuєtsya in the phrases "wear a coat, їhati in the subway", so in such, de stale word є іmennik, scho not shilyaєєєєє. I think it’s addictive, but the colleague is smart to the variant of keruvannya. Dyakuyu

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

Vіdpovіdno to "Russian Grammar" (M., 1980) managementtse contracting link, which turns to the head name in the form of an indirect note (without a receiver or with a receiver); liking - tse zv'yazok, if the role of the fallow word comes forwardinvariable words: adjective, indefinite adjective, as well as infinitive, comparative or indefinite adjective. If it comes out of these names, then the names of the names in the guidance are guided by the head word.

Request No. 284368

Good afternoon, what is the correct way to say "for today", what is better to get used to "for today"? An example of the context: "For today I have given ten leaves."

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

For today- It's correct. Word today get used here as a name of the middle kind in the meaning of "this, this day".

Request No. 283627

How to spell the word "brut" correctly?

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

In other dictionaries, the word is fixed and it is like a great name that shirks. (flask of brut) and yak nezminny prikmetnik (Champagne brut).

Request No. 282016
How is it right: we stand up for saving the status A-quo or for saving the status quo?

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

Status quo - permanent name: for saving the status quo.

Request No. 280175
Thank you for your work! You work a noble corisna for all of us on the right! Suggest, be kind, according to the rules of Russian. why do you need to put a dash in the names of films and serials in the case of the continuation of seasons? For example, the film "Mitsniy Gorіshok 2" or "Mіtsniy Gorіshok - 2"? Yak right?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov

For kind words!

The rules are like that. The permanent addition, which is transmitted on the sheet in numbers, is added with a hyphen: "Hobbit-3". However, in that case, if there is not a word in front of the numbers, but a single word, the hyphen is replaced by a dash: "Mitzny pot - 2".

Request No. 277908
Having given you a power supply, and then yours called out a new power supply.

"Food № 277897
The Academic Spelling Dictionary defines "hi-tech" as a word of a woman's gender (come out: "high-tech reference"). You give the form "pl." ("Spravzhni ganbi-tik"). I would, spying on my own feelings, writing to a person ("proper high-tech"). Enlighten, be kind, how right? Your opinion is even more important, go proofreading the book of art!
Іz vdyachnistyu,
Yuri Leonidovich
Vіdpovіd dovіdkovoї service rosіyskoї ї mov
In the rest of the history of the "Russian Spelling Dictionary" hi-tech is the name of the human family that is shaking, and the word is invariable. That's right: good hi-tech".

So the axis, food is like that. If they are cheating, then can you say "right high-tech"? And what is unmistakable - then "right high-tech"?
Vibatch me my ignorance!

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Can you say: right hi-tech.

Request No. 277897
The Academic Spelling Dictionary defines "hi-tech" as a word of a woman's gender (come out: "high-tech reference"). You give the form "pl." ("Spravzhni ganbi-tik"). I would, spying on my own feelings, writing to a person ("proper high-tech"). Enlighten, be kind, how right? Your opinion is even more important, go proofreading the book of art!
Іz vdyachnistyu,

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In the rest of the "Russian Spelling Dictionary" high tech- the name of the human family that is shaking, and the word is unchangeable. Correctly: reference high tech.

Request No. 275064
What is the right way to say about speeches that belong to the people of Komi: Komі songs, Komі stravi chi pisnі Komі?

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Possible options: komі pisnі, komі straviі pіsnі komі, dishes komі. variety komі pisnі, komі stravi we won’t have mercy, that’s the word comedy you can get used to it as a name for the meaning " people " , and as a constant example for the meaning " what should be for this people " .

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