English words from endings ive. Prefixes and suffixes in English language. Suffixes of examples in English language

Chi є raznitsa mіzh badі badly? It is necessary to remember for a while, as the role of victorious suffix –ly in English so that you don’t have to worry about similar foods any more. Bad"filth", a badly"bad". The whole part of the movie, the skin plays its own special role in speech.

Is the suffix -ly commonly used in English?

Next to know what suffix –ly in English serve to illumine the clerks, to say, yak, give food "yak?" Sound the word + -ly characterizes be-yaku diyu.


T hey speak English fluently.- The stench speaks fluently in English.

Here fluentlyє fluent + - ly. Fluent shift "duck". We cannot, for the help of the second word, characterize the diyu. Weide like this:

They speak English fluent.- The stench speaks English swedish.

Come out, sho suffix -ly in the English language it is important, to serve for the enlightenment of words, as it characterizes not an object \ person, but the child herself.


His Chinese is bad.- Yogo Chinese filthy. (bad vodnositsya before Chinese. Yaka Chinese? - filthy).

He speaks Chinese badly.- It's bad to speak Chinese. (badly vodnositsya before speak. How do you think? - Bad).

Come out, we can't do without -ly, as we want to be propositions in English competently.

Suffix –ly in English language. Apply

We will analyze a sprat of supplementary propositions, so that it is easier to remember, if it is necessary to win suffix –ly English language .



Amanda is an ideal teacher. She teaches children ideally.

Amanda is the perfect teacher. She is the ideal teacher of children.

The music is too loud. You listen to the music loudly.

The music is lousy. You hear the music loudly.

His decision is very quick. He made a decision quickly.

Yogo decision is more than a swede. Vіn shvidko praising the solution.

Our speech is clear. We speak clearly.

Our language has understood. We speak wisely.

The task is easy. I did it easily.

The task is simple. I easily got along with him.

It is a serious validity. You should take it seriously.

Tse serious vіdpovіdalnіst. You should be taken seriously.

The project was successful. We completed it successfully.

In order to easily speak the English language, it is necessary for the mother to have a sufficient vocabulary, and also to remember the necessary words quickly. A simple way to increase vocabulary stock is to change the suffixes of names in English language.

What is a suffix?

First of all, talk about the suffixes of names, it is necessary to find out what the suffix is. Under this term understand significant part words, as if following the same root. In other words, the word is the constructor that is made up of decal elements, which are easily combined with each other and, if necessary, can be easily dispersed. The suffix is ​​one of these elements. Yogo can come chi navpaki - vіd'єdnati vіd words. With this construction, the “word” does not collapse, it only changes its form - sounding, writing and lexical meaning:

  • School - schoolboy - schoolgirl (suffix -nik-, -nitsia-);
  • Friend (friend) - friendship (friendship) - friendly (friendly) (suffix -ship, -ly).

The suffix has two functions. First - formative, as I take part in the development of new grammatical forms: clever (intelligent) - cleverest (intelligent) (suffix -est I take part in the enlightenment of the miraculous step of the apprentice). A friend is a word-creator, it is necessary to study new single-root lexical units: to write - writer (to write - a writer).

Nominal and yoga suffix

Nomenclature, as an independent part of the mov, make your own suffix. The stench is to spit new words. The table "Suffixes of Names" in the English language presents the most productive and their most significant meanings:




East (-an, -ian, -ean)

National belonging, belonging to political parties, flow)

Scientist (scientific), communist (communist), Russian (Russian), historian (historian)

Er (-or, -eer, -ee, -ant, -ier, -ar)

profession, occupation, tenure

Writer (writer), speaker (speaker), inspector (inspector), dreamer (mrіynik), employee (serviceman), engineer (іnzhener)

Belonging to the singing party of a political party

Buddhism (Buddhism), fascism (fascism), nationalism (nationalism)

Subbag of work, result of work

development (development), punishment (punishment)

Hood (-ship, -cy)

Singing camp, rіven vіdnosin

Boyhood (boyhood), orphanhood (orphanage), friendship (friendship), infancy (nemovlja)

Ness (-dom, -y, -ancy, -ency, -ity, -ty)

Singing camp chi yakist

Boredom (tuga), Wisdom (wisdom), darkness (darkness), prettiness (prudence), clarity (clarity), gaiety (gaiety)

Al, -ation, -sion, -tion, -ition,

Ance, -ence, -ing, -age

Obvious result, camp, process

Regulation (regulation), attention (respect), barrage (fence), shortage (marriage)

Razdіl science

Mathematics (mathematics), physics (physics)

Work place, busy job

Laboratory (laboratory), observatory (observatory)

Abstract understanding

Authority (power),
equality (rivality),

Zhіnochiy Rіd

Mistress (panі), poetess (poets)

There are a lot of suffixes in English. Do not obov'yazkovo read them in memory. Suffice it to be respectful and draw parallels between words with the same suffixes.

What did we recognize?

Today, we looked at the most productive suffixes of names in English language. Their main function is the establishment of new single-root words.

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At this lesson "Verbalization in English Language" we continue to rozmov about the suffixes of names. We already looked at Chi remember t p'yat suffixes?

Now let's take a look at the suffixes, so that a new picture emerges about those who are established in the English language. How do you prepare for the English language exam in format ЄDI then it is simply necessary to know them. help you put them into practice.

Usyogo at English name 16 suffixes:

  • -er/or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence/ance (main list - grade 9),
  • -hood, -ship, -dom, -th, -t, -(i)ty, -ment, -age, -ure, -ee, -ist (extensions list -11 class).

Shanovnі vіdvіduvachi site! Copies of these articles with the method of placement її on other resources have been blocked. © site, 2015

Dictionary of names

Suffixes of names in English language

1. Suffix -hood, -ship, -dom, for the help of such names, they are established from other names and clerks.

noun/adj + Ʌ = noun

  1. hood
    child - childhood (childhood - childhood)
    neighbor - neighborhood (susid - susidstvo)
  2. ship
    friend - friendship (friend - friendship)
    champion - championship (champion - championship)
    partner - partnership (partner - partnership)
  3. dom
    king - kingdom (king - kingdom)
    free - freedom (vіlny - freedom)
    wise - wisdom (wise - wisdom)

2. Suffix -th, -t, -(i)ty, for the help of such names, they become established as prikmetniks.

adj + Ʌ = noun

  1. th(it is possible to draw a voiced word beforehand)
    warm - warmth (warm - warm)
    long - length
    strong - strength
    deep - depth
    young - youth
  2. t
    high - height (high - height)
  3. (i)ty
    electric - electricity (electrical - electrics)
    possible - possibility

3. Suffix -ment, -age, -ure, for the help of such names, they are established as devils.

verb + Ʌ = noun

  1. ment
    state - statement (stverjuvati - hardening)
    develop - development
  2. age
    marry - marriage (make friends - love, change)
    break - breakage
  3. ure
    press - pressure (squeeze - vice)
    please - pleasure
    depart - departure

4. I look at the suffix of the profession -ist that suffix -ee.

  1. ist
    biology - biologist (biology - biologist)
    psychology - psychologist (psychology - psychologist)
  2. ee
    address - addressee (addresses - addressee / owner)
    employer - employee (employee - employee)

Together weishlo 11 suffixes. In order to remember, I recommend that you read 11 words (the simplest ones) with these suffixes in the form of mnemonic phrases. For example, such:
1.In my childhood I made a friendship with a king of a kingdom. He had good strength and great height. - I have made friendship with the king of one kingdom. Vіn mav great strength and majestic growth.

2.Electricity resulted from the development of science. — Electricity was the result of the development of science.

3.The breakage was because of high pressure.- Breakage of the bula through a high vice.

Suffixes of names in English language. right

Right 1. Read the name and state the suffix, for the help of which it has been done.

BUTT. performance - The noun performanc e is formed with the help of the suffix -ance.

silence, biologist, employment, humanity, modesty, settlement, feeling

Right 2. Find the name of the skin row and translate yoga.

Right 3. Utvorit vіd bases vіdіlenih slіv іmennіki іz zaznachennymi suffіksі and write їх.

1. The child was greatly excited when he received a big bear as a birthday present.
The child's ____________ was very great.

2. My English may be too large the last 2 months.
There is very little ___________ in my English, I am afraid.

3. Children enjoyed entertaining the guests.
The stench is good to lead _____________ for your masters.

4. He collected a good library of books.
He had a good __________ of books.

5. Machines exhibited in the hall were even more addicted to us.
Cars on ___________ є more than cikavimi.

6. He said he wanted to continue studying after he graduated from the institute.
He said he wanted to continue studying after….

7. Learn had difficulty explaining how the star had disappeared.
The stink bear difficulty in explaining the____________.of the star.

- ence
8. We were rozpovsyudzhenі before, like z'yasuvati, like raznі її speech had become.
We were everywhere at the ________________ in her speech.

Right 4. Insert into the clearings the words, tucked into the data at the shackles of the names.

1. He said good bye and ____________ (departure)
2. Your opinion may _____________ wonderfully. (improvement)
3. The doctor ______________ the boy's arm carefully. (examination)

Right 5. Insert names in the glade, made in the form of data at the arms of the devils.

1. This speculation is the first _____________ of Pushkin's poems. (to edit)
2. The sixth-form pupils' English ___________was much better this year. (to perform)
3. The dancer's __________became slower and slower (to move).

Right 6. Approve the name of the prikmetnik.

  1. thirsty
  2. hungry
  3. shady

To misunderstand yourself, hurry up with the DICTIONARY at the lower right corner. As you press on the arrows, appear at the end of the dictionary and you need to enter a word, as you will be sure.

For example, 1. thirsty (spraglia) - ? your option(Sprague).

Input word right have a dictionary and reverify chi zbіg your option s tim, scho pronounce the dictionary.

Right 7. Zrobi correct choice. Translation of a proposition.
1. What is the (long, length) of the corredor?
2. How (long, length) is the street?
3. He is not (strong, strength) enough to fight with John?
4. My lad can lead a bik for his own (strong, strength).
5. Nelly's skirt is too (wide, width).
6. We can't get the piano through the door because of its (wide, width).
7. Is spring a (warmth, warm) season?
8. We felt the (warm, warmth) of the sun on out faces and hands.
9. Vi buli rozpovsyudzhenі on your formal (polite, politeness).
10. We were not struck by the (white, whiteness) of the snow.

Right 8. Rewrite the phrase, showing the word in the bows, for which the name was created. Translate їх.

BUTT. whole-hearted devotion (devote)

whole-hearted devotion, gloomy silence, outstanding novelist, gathering darkness, limitless possibilities, important addition, noticeable improvement, complete understanding, widespread popularity, gymnastic competition, new acquaintance, asmall.

Right 9. Utvorit vіd tsikh dієslіv іmenniki, vikoristovuyuchi suffixes: -er/-or-ment-(a)tion-ion-age-ure-th.

to the constructive, to the computer, to the negotiation, to the development, to the mix, to protect, to move, to pervert, directly, to the competence, to push, to push, to push, to spread, to spread, to protect, to transport, to spread, Recognize, Measure , Fail, Vibrate, Reflection, Treat, Improve, To Elect, Educate, Manage, Government, Achieve, Imagine, Attract

Right 10. put abstract names in the glade, stowed in the form of words, given at the arms.

1. Suvorov repeatedly showed his great skin and __________. (wise)
2. The deputy is guilty of buv to go to bagatioh __________. (Difficult)
3. He sat resting, enjoying the ___________ of the fire. (warm)
4. He suffered from his own __________. (fool)
5. Whose person may be nadzvichaynu __________. (strong)
6. The balloon floated at _________of one mile. (high)
7. Він remembered the happy days of her __________. (Young)
8. The __________ of the canal is seventy kilometres. (Long)
9. Its _________ is one hundred meters. (wide)
10. When he came round he felt a strange ____________ and could not stand up (weak).

Otzhe, I spodіvayus, scho vykonavshi cycle right on the topic "Verbalization of Names in English Language" you forgot 16 main suffixes of names. However, if you still have no food, write in the comments. Author, Tetyana Nabeeva

Don’t be afraid to be quick with a dictionary, or just guess quickly clear word. In such situations (and not only in them), one should prove the knowledge of suffixes and prefixes. So, for example, it supports Russian prefixes without-, bis-, non-. Tse those that are necessary, if it is necessary to create a negative word for that, as you already know well.

Suffix less in English language and meaning

It is important that it is part of the prikmetnikov. If you look at the dictionary, then less - tse “it’s worthless and insignificant”, “less kіlkіst”. As a rule, less add to the name (or to the diaword) and zavdyaki tsіy metamorphosis, the prikmetnik z negative values. The scheme is like this:

For example, you need to stop at the spoken word "turboless". You don't know English equivalent, but remember the word "turbo" - "care". There is a name, so you can boldly add to care suffix from negative meanings and see those that are necessary - careless(in translation "turboless"). Learn to stop the suffix less English language, and you will not happen to look at the dictionary once again.

English words with the suffix less. Apply

Give respect to such English words from the suffix less. Somebody to finish them off is often victorious in the movie. For clarity, names are added in the first column, for which a new word for help has been created less.





hope less

hopeless - hopeless

use less

melancholy - marne


help less

help - helpless


heart less

heart - heartless


fear less

fear - fearless


home less

budinok - homeless


brain less

brain - brainless


harm less

Skoda - not shkidliva

job less

work - jobless


blame less

guilt - innocent


shame less

rubbish - shameless


doubt less

sumniv - without translation


love less

kohannya - unloved

aim less

You can blame the lunatic (and those, and even more often called word endings, “the end of the word”), before that, English terminology in this food is three times different from Russian. To that it is possible to understand from the main ones.

The ending is a word-changing morpheme. It changes the form of the word, but does not change it, and carries with it a grammatical emphasis:

  • pencil - pencil s(ended by multiple)
  • work - work ed(End time for an hour)

The suffix, its black, word-creating morpheme. The suffixes in the English language create new words, either changing the change of the original, or transforming one part of the language into English:

  • red - redd ish(chervoniy - chervoniy)
  • teach - teach er(Vchiti - vchittel)

The end in the English arc is not enough - ce -s (-es), -ed і -ing. Suffixes in English - impersonal. In this article, we can only see the widest.

Suffixes of names

Suffixes of professions and activities (-er, -ent, -ess)

The suffix -er є, perhaps, the widest and most productive for the designation of "devils". With him, you can make a name practically in the light of any kind of discourse.

  • write > writer - write > writer
  • bake > baker - pіch > baker
  • paint > painter - little ones > artist

The greater number of modern words, which signify vikonavtsy, are settled by themselves with the help of yoga. Value and inanimate objects.

  • printer - printer
  • scanner - scanner

Bagato hto maє suffix -or:

  • doctor - doctor
  • tailor - kravets
  • actor - actor

The suffix in the English language -ist often denotes diyalnist, associated with science and medicine:

  • scientist - science
  • dentist - dentist
  • biologist - biologist

Also, wine signifies a hoarder, if you look at that perekonan:

  • pacifist - pacifist
  • communist - communist
  • realist - realist

Other suffixes in English language, Latin and Greek language:

Suffix -ian:

  • musician - musician
  • librarian - librarian
  • mathematician - mathematician


  • student - student
  • resident - resident, resident
  • agent - agent


  • informant - informant
  • assistant - assistant
  • confidant - trusted person

The suffix -ess is one of the few "female" suffixes in English language:

  • waitress - waitress
  • actress - actress
  • princess - princess

Suffix to the process, diї, manifestations (-ment, -ion, -ism)

The suffix in the English mov -ment is used when forming the following nouns and means the result:

  • movement - movement
  • entertainment - rozvaga
  • concealment - attachment

The suffix -ion also means dіyu, the process is the result of this process:

  • revolution - revolution
  • isolation - isolation
  • restriction

The suffix -ism means a system of looking, changing:

  • racism - racism
  • communism - communism
  • pacifism - pacifism

Suffix I will become, power, power (-ance / -ence, -dom, -hood, -ity, -ness, -ship, -th)

The suffix -ance / -ence for the name, as a rule, matches the suffix -ant / -ent for the name:

  • different - difference (different - difference)
  • important - importance (important - important)
  • independent - independence (independence - independence)

The suffixes in English -hood and -ship mean the camp of a person, ties with the її century, social benefits, and other activities; or a group of people united by the camp.

  • childhood - childhood
  • motherhood - motherhood
  • priesthood - clergy
  • friendship - friendship
  • internship - internship, internship

The suffix -dom means I will become the power of the big one:

  • freedom - freedom
  • wisdom - wisdom
  • martyrdom - martyrdom

The suffix in the English -ness means that I am as good as I and serve for the approval of names of prikmetniks:

  • kindness - kindness
  • usefulness
  • vastness - vastness

The suffix -th most often means physical authority:

  • strength - strength
  • length - length
  • warmth - heat

The suffix -ity means power, agility and splendid for the words of the Latin adventure:

  • brevity - style
  • velocity - speed
  • purity - purity

Suffixes of examples

The suffix in English mov -ful means volodinnya akіstyu (and arguing with the applicator full - “renewed”):

  • beautiful - garni
  • useful - korisny

The suffix -less protilazhny behind the frontal zmіst and means the presence of the quality:

  • careless - turboless
  • harmless - not harmless

The suffix -able, -ible characterizes the quality and availability of any infusion:

  • edible - natural
  • portable - portable, portable
  • admirable - crying out

The suffix -ic and -al means "what can be said, it is related":

  • heroic - heroic
  • mythic - mythical
  • cultural - cultural
  • musical - musical

The suffix -ous also carries a characteristic:

  • dangerous - unsafe
  • nutritious - lively

Suffix in English -ish may dekilka meaning:

vyslovlyuє like (should look like a good look, behavior)

  • girlish - girl
  • childich - childish, childish
  • foolish - stupid

loosen the value of the prikmetnik

  • reddish - reddish
  • narrowish - vuzkuvaty

means nationality, movu chi independence of the country

  • English
  • Swedish - Swedish

The suffix -ive means the freedom of power, building:

  • attractive - pleasurable
  • sedative - calm

The suffix in English -y vikoristovuєtsya for the adoption of a rich variety of simple examples:

  • rainy - wood
  • dirty - brudniy
  • sunny - sleepy

Suffix dієslіv

The dissimilar suffixes are not so different, and practically everything can mean the meaning of “to work like a baby” or “become like a baby.”

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