Training variant in Russian format ege. The problem of the role of childishness in the proportion of people Piskiv suvori vomoglivі roki zbіgli zbіglisya nazvâєєєєєєє

Task: Write tvir after reading the text.

(1) Suvori, mighty fates have befallen us, “Viysk cottons”, with the centuries-old laws of human development. (2) We took ourselves for all the applications. (3) Learned from the grown-ups and one to one, self-love spurred on: Petka can, but why should I? (4) I'll guess what we got. (5) We are five of the same class and classmates in the same street. 6 ... (7) I will not say that they grew up like wild birds. (8) Went to school. (9) I read richly, richly read. (10) Books, of course, were vipadkovі. (11) But still talk about KKD їх works, vіn buv majestic. (12) Read with eagerness! (13) Behind a garne book, keep a bula cherga. (14) I was started: after reading - tell me! (15) So we changed books and tim, scho books. (16) I used to: they read out loud, according to their hearts. (17) Yakby at that hour had told us: in ten or fifteen years you would be able to sit at home beating a box with a screen and bachiti, which can be seen for thousands of kilometers, we would not believe it at all. (18) How many more children sprouted? (19) I think, caution, bazhanny try everything, learn how to learn. (20) At this hour, it was not possible to get a check, which I will need, I need to bring something at the booths and bring life's right to someone who is victorious. (21) It may be possible for a wondrous person to get away, but I don’t have annitroch for a share, guessing these fates. (22) Scrolling backwards at once a line of life, calling, de, if I have learned something, I show without worries: the head school of life sits around the rocks. (23) Deeply I believe: the lessons of masculinity, practice and hardships are also needed for podlitkiv. (24) You need to cultivate (in family, at the camp, at school), similarly before, as physical culture we remember the day of natural physical practice. (25) At the right time, in the necessary doses, with a true degree of risk, it is necessary for a person to be vigilant, who is invariably vimagatim. (For V. Peskov)


V.M.Peskov, who has been asked to analyze the text, has problems with warfare. The nourishment of the younger generation stood for an hour and can stand at the support of the first mission. In addition, as the growth of the new generation, there will be future success. For all hours, it was not easy to get right, but it was accompanied by a lot of problems.

Rosemykhkovoi about his General, Voroslіshannya fell on Vynni Roki, not tilki rospovіdu about those practical vmіnnyas Volodili, Tsi little “peasants”, building a column of abstini, and the beasts are reached. . Like eagerly reading books, retelling them one by one, grew up, became man, knowing new, growing up. The author is aware that life's difficulties worked for self-reliance, awakened the knowledge of the new and the new. V.M. Pєskov vpevneniy at that, scho "lessons, masculinity, practice and difficulties at the same time for podlitkіv are also needed."

Forget the famous Illushu from the novel by I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomiv", a kind of sound before that, to shy away for a new one; wine is not a building dbati about himself. Yogo child pragnennya schos dіznatisya, touch, zrobiti itself step by step died out, disdained the position of the fathers, as if they hounded the bigati to the yar, self-assisted. At the result, in Oblomov, there was a lack of joy, fear of some kind of deed. Tsey tvir є miraculous illustration to the problem.

It’s all the same to Illi Oblomov – the heroes of Mikhail Prishvin’s story “Komira of the Sun” – Nastya and Mitrasha. Orphaned children all managed to work themselves, lived mature lives, worked richly, like everyone in the countryside. With whom the child was taken in.

Life can be folded in a different way, so it is necessary to put yourself steadily up to life situations and stand up to us in front of yourself. “At the right time, at the right doses, with the right degree of risk, obov'yazkovo needs to be read to the person who seems to be constantly vimagatim.”

Help! Head of EDI. From propositions 1-5, write out a prikmetnik, get used to the name-bearer. I can't know (((

1 and? (4) I'll guess what we got. (5) Mi - five five classmates and classmates from the same street

Write tvir for yoga criteria plz state the problem! Like before us, among the class of priests, the actor of our Moscow drama theater Levkoev

Evgen Dmitrovich. Having said that, we know a drama group, and having chosen a lot of lads for participation in the production of A.S. I'm wondering if the role of Baldi will go to me. on the right dіyshla before me, I calmly read the tasks of the shmatok. Axis ti and you will be a Baldoy, - Yevgen Dmitrovich screamed. I have become Skoda Zhora. Adzhe Evgen Dmitrovich, having sprung yoga, having pulled it, that it was no good. Can I just stay like this? - Zhora said and laughed without any image. Yevgen Dmitrovich lowered his shoulders. Rehearsals have begun. having become necessary. In the first place, throwing yourself at the tables and columns, to clear the place for the stage, twisting and closing the windows. Yakos, Evgen Dmitrovich, propagating youma the role back legs horses. Zhora from the satisfaction of the weather. Vіn having taken away his role, after that, as the actor of the kіlka once tried to show the boy that he is playing the hind legs of the horse, he accumulates a sound with his feet, which the boy never got out of. accurately depicting a galloping kin. At the upcoming rehearsal, with a raptom from the back of the back part of the kinsky bosom, I felt a joyous roar. Yevgeniy Dmitrovich was led into capture. Vіn negayno vityag Kurkulіya z-pіd horse and sprat once primusiv neigh. the front legs of the horse, like a krim naturally galloping, nabula zdatnosti naturally irzhat. The rehearsals were three, and I continued to disguise the mediocrity and instill the inconsistency of my victoriousness. Once, if I forgot the row, I quickly turned into my beak and famously washed out the necessary words, shouting out loud laughter. Innode Zhora suggested to other lads. One day, playing with the lads at the football, I raptly recalled that Zhora Kurkulya would live from the side of the school, gesticulatingly, to us. I guessed that I had an hour to rehearse for a long time. If we came, Evgen Dmitrovich said in a rapt voice: Get dressed, Kurkulіє! And you, so much Balda, you will be on the yoga mist of the horse ... Wanting to see what I did not see my role in any joy, I raptom thought, that there are many images and images. The image of the bula was so deep that I would shamefully protest against the horse, even if it would become clear to everyone that I cherish the Baldi roll, as they took me away. The rehearsal began, and it appeared that Kurkulia knew the text perfectly, and already played it clearly better for me. And if Zhora, having become spinning a skein with a sense of efficiency and faith, that at once with a vein of a spool to unwind the balls of all the devils, with whom I don’t mind listening to what’s going on in the day, it became clear: I can’t compete with him. At the top of everything, my partner, who earlier played the role of the front legs, now having powered on his old place, that it was clear that I was galloping and irzhu richly higher for the new one. So, having moved from the leading role of Baldi, I switched to the remaining role of the rear legs of the horse. If we went for kuoisi, the lookers continued to beat in the valley. I raptom unspeakably light hit me in the eyes, and a new flurry of splashes fell on our heads. It appears, Yevgen Dmitrovich, having taken the cardboard croup of the horse from us, we stood in front of the lookers at their high, ruddy panchokhas, under the color of the horse. Well, well: "zavisa, maestro, zavisa!"

help write tvir for cim text)

(1) I live in a small house on the dunes. (2) All Rizke uzmor'ya in the snow. (Z) The sea went for hundreds of miles near the black-lead distance. (4) A small house to stand, like a remaining beacon, on the edge of a foggy prіv. (5) 3here the earth is shaved. (6) There, in the west, behind the ball, there is a small fishing village. (7) Zvichayne ribalskoe village with fences, scho to dry in the wind, with low bugins and low smoke from pipes, with black motorboats, drawn on the sand, and trusting dogs with shaggy hair. (8) Latish fishermen live near this village, hundreds of rocks. (9) Generations change one another. (10) And just like that, like hundreds of years ago, fishermen go by the sea for herring. (11) I just like that. Like hundreds of years ago, not everyone turns back. (12) Especially in autumn, if the Baltic is fierce in the form of storms and boil with cold foam. (13) Ale, no matter how it happened, how many times I didn’t have a chance to pull off hats, if people knew about the death of their own comrades, all the same I needed to work on my right - I’m unsafe and important, commanded by the grandfathers and fathers. (14) It is not possible to give up the sea. (15) A great granite boulder lies by the sea of ​​the settlement. (16) On a new one, for a long time, the fishermen wrote: "To the riddle about all those who, having perished and perished in the sea." (17) Tsey wrote can be seen from afar. (18) If I found out about whom I wrote, then I gave myself up as a bag, like a mustache epitaph. (19) The Ale Latin writer, who told me about her, did not wait long and said: (20) - Navpaki. (21) (22) It seems that no one will give up,. no matter what, work your right. (23) I would have put each one as an epigrapher to be a book about human labor and employment. (24) For me, he wrote to sound something like this: “To a riddle about the quiet, who did and did the sea.” (25) I waited with him and thought that the bishop was suitable for a book about writing practice. (26) Scribes cannot give up in the face of negativity and step in front of transitions. (27) Whatever happens, the stinker is guilty of uninterruptedly working his right, commanded by his predecessors, entrusted by his co-workers. (28) It is not for nothing that Saltikov-Shchedrin said that “if you want literature to be locked up, it will be equal to the death of the people.” (29) Writing is not a craft and occupation. (ZO) Writing-calling. (31) A person is by no means called to remіsnitstvo. (32) Call yogo lishe to see the borg of that important task. (ЗЗ) Why should I bring a writer to this hour sick, but beautiful practice? (34) Nasampered - the call of a wet heart. (35) The voice of conscience and the faith of the future do not allow the right writer to live on earth, like an empty flower, and not to convey to people with all the generosity of all the majestic thoughts and feelings that remind him of himself. (36) A person becomes a clerk not only for the call of the heart (37) The fates of the mature man come, and the writer expresses it differently, the cry of the calling voice of the sweet heart, the new pressing call - the call of his hour and his people, the call of people. (38) For the commandments of calling, in the name of one’s inner spontaneity, a person can work miracles and suffer hard trials.

(1) For a long time it was important that Egyptian pyramids they were slaves, alezovsim recently, in spite of their hardships, they declared that the building of the pyramid did not even lay a heavy load on the shoulders of the slaves and the most important faiths of the population. (2) Working at quarries and transporting majestic stone blocks of the bula, undoubtedly, superbly important, but they paid pennies for a new one, but you can tell that everyday life was carried out for an hour of bottling the Nile, if the villagers didn’t have something to work, then you can respect the robot good: the won did not allow people to die of hunger. (3) (...) the villagers were victoriously victorious on the transported stone, and thousands of professional alarmists were engaged in the well-spread pyramids.

1. Which of the following propositions correctly conveyed the HEAD information that should be hidden from the text?

1) The life of the pyramids was an unbearable burden for the most diverse populations.

2) When the pyramids were arranged, helping professional alarm clocks, the villagers were engaged in the transportation of stone, so that the robot did not let them die of hunger and was kept at a good hour for them.

3) The burden of a robot in the quarries was paid for, the villagers respected such a robot for good: they did not allow them to die of hunger.

4) Piramidi were sporadzhuvalis at the hour of bottling the Nile, if the strong support robots were stuck.

5) If the Nil was pouring, the villagers didn’t have much to work, and if they didn’t die of hunger, the stench of the madness would go against their will to the quarry, take care of transporting the stone.

2. How can I put lower words (lower words) on the third (3) verse text? Type in word ( slive ).

such a rank to that before

3. Read the word article, in which the meaning of the word PRACTYA is indicated. Vyznachte, for whom the word is significant, the word was vikoristan in the speech 2. Write figure , which confirms this meaning of the dictionary article.


1) Dotsilna activity of a person, straightened out with the help of a sign of the production of material and spiritual values. Rozumovy t. Physical t. Scientific organization v. Productivity v. Law etc.

2) The result of activity, work, tvir. T. of all life. Naukovy etc. 3) Zusilla, straight to the reach of someone. Take Vіn t. 3 t.

4) Robot, busy. Zavzyaty t. Danny t. Pay for t.t.

5) Attached vminnya that navichok at yakіy-n. professional, gospodar's activity as a subject of high school education. Lessons from Comrade Vikladach for Vol.

4. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Type in word .

over a long period of giving to see the sensible more beautifully

5. In one of the propositions below, the word is WRONGLY implanted. Correct the pardon and write the word correctly.

In order to make homemade kvass viishov GRIGLIM, accepting and refreshing, it is necessary to improve the technology of its preparation.

There was a speck near the linden tree, and if on the green leaf the ear was full and unsung, and then all the drops of the tenacious vologa were more boldly caught, all nature trembled and stretched the nazustrich plank.

Nephrolepis can grow and with STUFF lighting, ale, like and all ferns, require increased moisture.

During the summer months, schoolchildren are led to the international movable camp, one of the main directions of activity of which is the enrollment of foreign mov.

Zsuvayuchi century of stone, streams fell down DOCHI

6. In one of the visions below, a pardon was allowed in the illumination of the form of the word. Correct the pardon and write it down word right.

dripping with a CANDLE MORE far away with SIM'TEN helpers JJAI straight TWIST quarters


A) damage to the prompt propositions with an indestructible appendage

B) the proposition is incorrect

C) the prompt speech with indirect speech is wrong

D) wrong living vіdminkovoї form name with successor

E) pardon at the prompt speech with the same members


1) Match of proishov at the great sports arena, the Luzhniki stadium.

2) Zavdyaki for splitting, none of the lads fell ill.

3) When the little ones were ill, they stood up to the vikna, having said with a sum, and the cars were walking.

4) Vivchayuchi foreign language, helping to read books, revisiting films and talking with the noses of the movie.

5) An asterisk is called a deeply rooted form of behavior, as it is practiced independently from our knowledge

6) Those who have an idyllic halyavice and a quiet wild, in fact - I don’t know the reason for the overworking, and those whom we call shkidniks and pathogens, beetles, fungi and pathogenic microorganisms - play a great role in a new one.

7) Old lindens in the alley in front of the main entrance to the pansky house of the temple and rose.

8) We drove by Spanish car, turning from Burgos to Madrid.

9) Most of the creatures that live in the wild, occupy the heights of a peaceful life - to the good life and the continuation of the family.

8. Choose the word that is missing swear root voice. Type in word by inserting the missing letter. add..hotel room

9. Designate a row, in which in both words the prefix omitted that very letter. Write qi the words by inserting the missing letter.


pr .. wise, pr .. make

pr ..berezhny, pr...

u ... walk, be ... sensible

n ... rіkannya, pr ... boom

10. Write down word , for which the letter E is written on the pass

remember... look back... step over... merciful.. rozkr.. vati

11. Write down word , in which the letter Y is written on the pass independent...may ruh...mіy hіba...niy

12. Vznachtte wording, in which NOT zі the word is written EVILLY. Open the temples and write it down word .

(Not) corrected pardon;

(not) zoran autumn field;

(un)additions novel

decision (not) thought out

already n_yak (not) loudly

13. The name of the speech, in which the insult is seen, the words are written THROUGH THE HYPHEN. Open the arches and write qi two words .

(B) THERE IS THE BOAT, (ON) TO THE ONE ZUSTRACHAYUCH I started pulling up to the pier.

The speck (PO) of the troch subsided, but (PO) FRONT it was unbearably stuffy.

WHEN (TO) Arkhip Petrovich do good rozumіv (ON) FRENCH.

(ANCIENT) Greek and (old) Slavic books melt away a lot of mysteries.

On the street it was (ON) VERY cold, (ON) ALL of us were wearing warm jackets.

14. Enter figures , in the missive of which it is written N.N.

At the room, furnished with (1) old (2) furniture, freshly bright (3) and lighters shone, there were gilded (4) candlesticks on the tables

15. Set apart signs. Enter numbers propositions, for those it is necessary to put ONE to whom.

1) A view of the litak showed a view of the beatings with shooting and vibukhs of the stone-peeping area of ​​the steppe.

2) And through the frosty and astringent smell of the stink, both chuli are sweet and p'yanky spirit of the home.

3) The seriousness of one's own position in viviv is not so simple, but it is overwhelmed badorikh osib likariv.

4) The trees were noisy now and then loudly and loudly, then loudly and anxiously.

5) Young people shut up and began to hear and marvel.

16. Set up different signs: enter figures

Vira (1) having sighed in the sight of the osyayany bright light of the window (2) glaringly (3) marveled on all sides (4) and (5) shvidko (6) came to the table.

17. Set up different signs: enter figures , at the mіstsі yakіh v rechennі povinnі stand Komi.

Just (1) it’s great (2) to take up the mind, for the sake of justice (3) you can (4) get out of the disrepute of the practitioner.

(1) Suvori, mighty fates have befallen us, “Viysk cottons”, with the centuries-old laws of human development. (2) 3and all the cues were taken by ourselves. (Z) We started with the grown-ups and one to one, vanity spurred on: Petka can, but why should I? (4) I'll guess what we got. (5) We are five of the same class and classmates in the same street. 6 ...

(7) I will not say that they grew up like wild animals. (8) Went to school. (9) I read richly, richly read. (10) Books, of course, were vipadkovі. (11) Ale yakscho talk about KKD їх roboti vіn buv majestic. (12) Read with eagerness! (13) 3 and with a garne book, start a bula cherga. (14) I was started: after reading - tell me! (15) So we changed books and tim, scho books. (16) I used to: they read out loud, according to their hearts.

(17) Yakby at that hour had told us: in ten or fifteen years you could be sitting at home beating a box with a screen and bachiti, which can be seen thousands of kilometers away, we would not believe it.

(18) How many more children sprouted? (19) I think, caution, bazhanny try everything, learn how to learn. (20) At this hour, it was not possible to get a check, which I will need, I need to bring something at the booths and bring life's right to someone who is victorious.

(21) It may be possible for a wondrous person to get away, but I don’t have annitroch for a share, guessing these fates. (22) Scrolling backwards at once a line of life, calling, de, if I have learned something, I show without worries: the head school of life sits around the rocks.

(23) Deeply I believe: the lessons of masculinity, practice and hardships are also needed for podlitkiv. (24) You need to cultivate (in family, at the camp, at school), just like before, as physical culture we remember the day of natural physical practice. (25) At the right time, at the right doses, at the right level, the risk of obov'yazkovo is required to be given to a person who lives yoga permanently vimagatime .

(For V. Peskov *)

18. Set up different signs: enter figures , at the mіstsі yakіh v rechennі povinnі stand Komi.

Kazan Cathedral (1) to the facade (2) of which the colonnade of 96 columns (3) is adjacent to Nevsky Prospekt.

19. Set up different signs: enter figures , at the mіstsі yakіh v rechennі povinnі stand Komi.

The sun rose (1) and (2) while people were sleeping (3) warmed the place with their exchanges (4) so ​​that the day was declared warm and clear.

20. Yakiy iz vyslovluvan don't agree change the text? Enter numbers vidpovidey.

1) From the childhood of the child, it is necessary to graft them to work, to end the life of hardships.

2) At wartime, the lads did not go to school, but read a lot.

4) The boys knew that in ten or fifteen years you could be sitting at home beating a box with a screen and bachiti, which could be seen for thousands of kilometers.

21. What are the recalculations of pardon? Enter numbers vidpovidey.

2) Propositions 1-2 have descriptions.

3) Propositions 18-20 have an explanation.

4) In propositions 23 - 25, a mirco bath is presented.

5) Propositions 5 and 6 explain the change of proposition 4.

22. From propositions 23-24 write a metaphor. (word receiving)

23. Middle propositions 18 - 25 to know what is tied to the front for the help of a special borrower. Write the number of the proposition.

24. « Describing the past, U. Peskov vikoristova lexical features of virulence: (A)_______( « suvori, vimoglivі rocks » ) ta (B) _______( « sprouted from childhood » , « lessons in masculinity » ). The author asks the reader to think twice, going to (B) ________ (propositions 18-19). The choice of such a syntactic way, like (G) __________ (propositions 6, 19, 23), allows V. Pєskov to show the reading world of his childishness » .

List of terms:

1) epithets

2) homogeneous members of the speech

4) parceling

7) nutrition-vidpovіdі form viklad

5) hail speech

3) rhetorical food

8) metaphor

6) quotation

Main problems

1. The problem of the role of childishness in molding specialty. (Who “grows” from children? Chi є viysk children are the main school of life?)

I. Children themselves lay the most important special features, work hard to work, make life difficult.








wisdom to transform

look around



colito in french

Lessons in masculinity

(1) Suvori, mighty fates have befallen us, “Viysk cottons”, with the centuries-old laws of human development. (2) 3and all the cues were taken by ourselves. (Z) We started with the grown-ups and one to one, vanity spurred on: Petka can, but why should I? (4) I'll guess what we got. (5) We are five of the same class and classmates in the same street. 6 ... (7) I won’t say that they grew up like wild birds. (8) Went to school. (9) I read richly, richly read. (10) Books, of course, were vipadkovі. (11) But still talk about KKD1 ​​їх robots, vіn buv majestic. (12) Read with eagerness! (13) 3 and with a garne book, start a bula cherga. (14) I was started: after reading - tell me! (15) So we changed books and tim, scho books. (16) I used to: they read out loud, according to their hearts. (17) Yakby, if someone told us: in ten or fifteen years you could be sitting at home beating a box with a screen and drinking, which is thousands of kilometers away, we would not believe it at all (18) What else sprouted from children? (19) I think, caution, bazhanny try everything, learn how to learn. (20) At this hour, it was not possible to get a check, which I will need, I need to bring something at the booths and bring life's right to someone who is victorious. (21) It may be possible for a wondrous person to get away, but I don’t have annitroch for a share, guessing these fates. (22) Scrolling backwards at once a line of life, calling, de, if I have learned something, I show without worries: the head school of life sits around the rocks. (23) Deeply I believe: the lessons of masculinity, practice and hardships are also needed for podlitkiv. (24) You need to cultivate (in family, at the camp, at school), just like before, as physical culture we remember the day of natural physical practice. (25) At the right time, in the necessary doses, with the right degree of risk, it is necessary for a person to be vigilant, who is invariably vimagatim.

(For V. Peskov *)

Show text again

What is the role of childishness in life? The very same problem is destroyed by the text Vasil Mikhailovich Peskov.

The author turns to the actual social problem. The Radyansky pisnik tells about the suvorian military hour, which appears to be the “head school of life” for pidlіtkіv. Five one-liners could learn a lot of things at war if the bula needed additional help to navigate the smallest ones. The lads “kept the mow, pidshit feltings, insert the bottom at the cebro, clean the dimar at the coarse”. Ale, the journalist is not at a loss about qі podії ta about his share, rozumіyuchi, how war prepared younger generation before life. Takozh Vasil Mikhailovich rozmirkovu about those who are children and in this hour they are guilty masculinity, practicality, fearlessness. V.M.

The author is aware that children need to be introduced to children until they are difficult. Children are guilty buti are ready for future difficult ups and downs, you know the situation decision on be-yak, nachebto, impossible task.

I repeat the thought of the Radyansk writer. The very same vihovannya lie away molding temperament, svetoglyadu, values, ideals. Childishness is born in the skin of us and is deprived unforgettable drukarian pardon away from life.

Dana problem praised bagatioh


  • 1 of 1 K1 Formulation of problems in the visual text
  • 3 of 3 K2

Vasil Mikhailovich Pєskov in a fragment from the book “War and People” destroys the problem of vihovannaya pіdlіtka in military rock. What is war? Vіyna - tse girki tears, death, separation. Ale viyna to bring people a majestic life dosvіd.

Viysk's fates are powerful and important fates. For everything, the bastards had to take care of themselves. The children of that hour were able to mow, tuck down the felt, insert the bottom at the cebro, work down, rake, clean the dimar from the rough.

Definitely, at the right time, at the right time, at the right doses, it is necessary to read a person to that person, who is invariably vimagatim.

Rozmirkovuchi about vihovannya, guessing tvir I. A. Goncharova "Oblomov". Mother of the main character I. Oblomova, if she used to be known as a lad, was turbulent with love to the blue, imposed her respect on you, and by themselves intermingling him richly in chomu. I can’t sue you for love before Illi, but through the whole world, you’ll succumb to the virus in an apathetic, lazy and nothing person, because yogo’s interest and clucking were “trampled” by the mother’s love in the childhood itself.

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