Receivers are divided into ranks. Divide priymennikiv for the meanings and according to the definitions of the recognized forms. Apply for living

To be divided into two categories - good and bad.

Until bad luck be seen without, in, before, on, behind, s, before, krіm, mizh, over, before. Shansky N.M., Tikhonov A.N. and Shelyakin M.A.

Non-pokhіnіnі prijmennі zvіdnі rich, аlе trаlyаyutsya і unambiguous, for example, without (Vіdsutnіst chogos), behind (Meta).

Behind the warehouse, not suitable receivers can be just (Composed from one word): before, in, vіd i folding (Composed of two simple priymennikov, z'ednah hyphen): z-for, z-pіd, over.

Pokhіdnі prijmenniki kіlkіsno prevail over nekhіdnymi.

Sounds like three groups of similar adopters: prislіvnikovі, vіdіmennі і vіddієslіvnі.

Adverbial successors

Ring out, adverbial successors vikoristovuyutsya with the form and turn:

1. Expanses of visibility: deep, in the middle, in the middle, near, on the side, in the mountains, in front, behind, on the side, white.*

  • Tidy up your purse vglib bags.
  • Navkolo the garden was impenetrable thickets.

2. Timchasovo vіdnosiny: later, ahead of time, earlier.

  • After rozmov me feel better.
  • Forward the day we asked friends to leave.

3. Kіlkіsnі vіdnosinі: burn, burn, crim.

  • Crimea magnets and souvenirs, we brought sea stones and turtles.

Vіdіmennі priymenny

Vіdіmennі priymennі yavlyayut kolishnі priymennikovo-vіdminkovu form: through, for help, way, in the past, in the past, soon, in the world.**

  • Find out the details way examination of certificates.
  • Get informed shodo tomorrow's entry.
  • I know all the importance, do the right thing around the world forces.
  • Lastly strong frosts died down.

Most of the nouns used more of the lexical link with the name; successors between , in the role save the meaning of the link from the name.

Vіddієslіvnі priymenіnі

Vіddієslіvnі receivers for trips є forms: zavdyaki, including, vvazhayuchi, vhodyachi s, unremarkable, unremarkable.

  • Zavdyaki the heroism of the workers was defeated by the catastrophe.
  • (K. G. Paustovsky)
  • Through do not go to the forest with raspberries.(Subsliv'ya)

Behind the warehouse, pokhіdnі receivers can be just (which add up from one word): in the middle, zamіst, zgіdno, way, vnaslіdok, zavdyakiі warehouse (which add up to a few words): narіvnі s, pochinayuchi s, not respectful, not respectful, at the link z.

For the meanings of the worse, the receivers are unambiguous.

* It is necessary to dry the receivers navkolo , ahead of the day , bіlya in the same name of the clerks. As if the words were to stand as a borrower or a name, then we have a successor in front of us.

  • Navkolo I had a lot of friends.
  • All guests have arrived ahead of the day fun.

** Often refers to the difficulty of demarcating the dependents of those named. Vislovlyuyuchy setting, ominous receivers at the same time carry an element of objective meaning: without help , between , in the region , have a link .

  • Movchati by virtue of fence. (In force = through, receiver.)
  • Vіriti through the fence. (Viriti (at what?) - in force, name.)

Vzhivannya priymennikov with vіdminkami



Morphological analysis of the category I will become

How to make a word

Degrees of alignment

Porovnyalne: heat - heat її, warmer; dzvinko - dzvink e, more dzvinko.

Chudov: warm - warmest, dzvinko - dzvinche for everything.

1. suffixal: cold - cold about, good - garniy about, motor - motor about.

2. Transition from names: Skoda, line, it's time, grief.

1. Vipisuemo from proposition

2. What does the word mean (spiritually become thin. Bud.)

3. Z'yasovuyemo syntactic role.

Bulo stuffy after a smoky day.

Stuffy- The word category will become, which means the camp of nature, it is a part of the award.

Receiver– ce service part mov, as to serve for the connection of names, names, borrowers in the forms of indirect words with other words: vikhati h place, read in books, hand over through cohos, before three add two.

Respect! Receivers are not members of the meeting, but enter the warehouse of members of the meeting:

At fox lunala lumberjack's juicer.

Vіdminki Receivers Apply
R.P. Without, posture, for, before, z-for, z-pіd, vіd, zaradi, u, z Without tickets, pose not safe, for you
D.P. Before, clearly, in front of, zavdyaki, on the contrary, nazustrich, Before booth, zgidno mandate, zavdyaki knowledge
V.P. Ignorantly on, about, krіz, through, in, on, for, pid, s, by Regardless of board, about new, crisis dim
Tv.p. Above, before, under, behind, s Above mistomy, before boudinok, brute h burn
Ex. At, oh, in, on, by At dear, about school, in fox

Receiver on you can win with borrowers of the 1st and 2nd individuals in the form Pr. P.: sum after you, shoot at us, sum after you, shoot at us.

1. For values:

Discharge of receivers Apply the phrase
1. Timchasov: broach, broach, to, on, in front of, by, s, after, through, before, through, Pratsyuvati in the continuation season, encourage on the a month earlier.
2. Spaces (specify on the space): in, y, navkolo, behind, s, on, over, navkolo, pіd, z. Іti in fox, walk close at home.
3. Objects (indicate on the subject): in, for, before, on, over, shodo, o, vіd, z, on, deputy, nachebto, on kshtalt. speak about tobi, sleep shodo roboti
4. Reasons: zavdyaki, through, afterward (= through), through, through, over. Zavdyaki help friends, through frost
5. Ways (image) to do: without, on, by, s, in. Їhati on the buses, talk on phone.
6. Numbers: for, for, for, for, for. Pete per shopping, show up h visit.
7. Actions: irrespective of, beyond. Regardless of board, beyond transfer.

2. Behind the structure:

1. Sorry(composed of one word): in, pіd, on, for, o, before, s.

2. folding(composed of two simple ones): through, s-pid.

3. Warehouses(to be added up from a number of words): protyazh, in im'ya, by virtue of, vidpovidno, regardless.

3. For hiking:

Ticket number 2

1. Signs of the apprentice and the discourse at the sacrament.

The sacrament will be in your own meaning and the signs of the word and the prikmetnik.

Indicating the sign of the subject for the deed, the diplomat is easy to follow with the descriptor.

Butt: bag, what to fly.

fly- the one that can fly.

  • Prikmetnik means object mark for color, shape, smell, power and so on, tsya signs postіyna (round sack, cursing kelih).

  • Communion means sign dії, as it proceeds in the hour (learning, how to complete the task - learning, how to complete the task) and we can complete it or not complete (learning, how to complete the task - an owl. view; rozv'yazuvav task - non-sov. view).
^ Vee waters: the sacraments are not recognized (the stink of the stench is exalted in the language of the word), but shilyayutsya like prikmetniki.

The signs of the word are present in the communion to that which the sacrament was made in the form of the devil.

1) Communion, like and diєslova, can be irreversible and reversible:

soothing - soothing.

2) Communion, yak and dієslova, look at me, buvayut thoroughly and half-finished mind: read (non-Sov. V.) - having read (Sov. V.).

^ Communion save the sight of that discourse, in the sight of which they have made:

3) Communion, yak and diєslova, mourn the hour - today is the past:

shtovkhaє (present time) - shtovkhaє (past time).

^ On the vіdmіnu vіd dієslіv, communion is not a form of the future hour.

Marksmanship marks.

  1. designate the sign of the subject;

  2. change for curtains, numbers, vіdminka, weather
with the appointed name

Signs of the word

1) transferability and intransitionality diї

2) a thorough and incomplete look

3) present and past hour

^ 2. Understand about the receiver. Discharge for meanings and trips.

For their adventures, the successors are divided into not goodі get away.

Nepokhіdnі The successors have been vindicated for a long time, so at this hour it is not possible to remember such famous words: s, vіd, s, y, before, for, in, on, for, o, through, with, over and etc.

More different examples of rich and homonymous prefixes: perїhati - per fox, inїhati in fox, viewїhati view foxes, hїhati h burn, on theїhati - on the style

Let's go the successors settled down late in the afternoon, in the wake of the words of other parts of the mov and adverbs, vіdіmennіі dієslіvnі.

Adverbs the successors of the zdebіlshý vrazhayut expanses and timchasovі vіdnosiny, for example: bіlya at home, close rivers, navkolo place, in front paddock, after insult.

Vіdіminnі priymenny hid from different vіdminkovyh forms of іmennіkіv i vrazhayut ob'ektnі and deyakі obstavinnі vіdnosinі, eg: shodo roboti, drive declare for help prefixes, looking back collapse, s nagodi holy, broach lesson, etc.

Dієslіvnі receivers look like dієprislіvnikіv and vyslovlyuyut different furnishing vіdnosiny ( causal, inferior, timchasov ta іn), for example: zavdyaki turbot, irrespective of sickness, through day.

Pokhіdnі prijmenniki next vіdіznyati vіd homonymous independent parts of the movie: zavdyaki ( receiver) zusilliam - zavdyaki ( dієprislіvnik) for support; contrary ( receiver) enemies - incriminate ( clerk).

^ 3. Understanding about the text. The main signs of the text.

In linguistics, it is like word-finding and propositions, and the difference is the same as the completion of the speech in the same big obsyagu. The largest of these singles text.

^ Text(type of Latin textus - "fabric", "gossip", "z'ednannya", "structure", "link") - tse moving TV, What is formed in a series of propositions, ripped apart from the song sequence and united by the whole unity by those, the main idea and for the help of various other benefits.

Topic- tse recognition of the subject of the mov, so that the life is quiet and nourished, as chosen by the author and images in his work (often the theme is chosen in the name). Those about which the text has it.

Main thought(Idea) the text is given the author's statement to the subject of the movie, its assessment of the image.

^ The main signs of the text є:

1) completion, meaningful completion, which is manifested in the full (from the author's point of view) razkritti conceived and in the possibility of an autonomous interpretation of that lucid text;

2) viscosity, which appears, first, in the development of propositions in such a sequence, as it reflects the logic of the development of thoughts ( meaningful sounding); in a different way, in the singing structural organization, which is formed for the help of lexical and grammatical features of the language;

3) style unity, Yake believes in the fact that the text is always formalized stylistically: as a roman, official-business, scientific, publicistic and artistic style.

4) integrity, which manifests itself in the narrowness of the connection, completeness and stylistic unity.

The receiver is the service part of the promo, which draws up the order of one famous word, other than the word-received words and phrases, turns the order of one to one quiet objects and diy, standing, a sign, like these words are called. (Example: talk about the trip, talk about the stretch of the year, not far from the booth, nudguvat among strangers)

Classification (for Grammar80)

For their formal organization, the successors are divided, from one side, into primitives and non-primitives, from the other side, simple and folding.

The first successors are a small group of simple words that do not popovnyuєtsya, not po'yazanih living word-creating vodnosiny z some-nebud famous words. Richly one of them, the building is more lower with one ominous form of the name, may be all the first ones are richly significant. Before the first drives, one can see: without (without), in (in), for, before, for, s (s), before (before), krіm, mizh, mizh, on, over (required), pro (pro, pro) , vіd (oto), before (before), behind, through, pіd (under), at, about.

Parents-brothers: z-for, z-pіd (old. pose, over)

Non-primitive successors are successors, who can think alive word-creating stouns and lexical-semantic links from famous words - names, adjectives and idioms (dierverbs). All the stinks are insignificant, the skin is brought to light only with the same vіdminkovoy form.

All non-primitive items are divided into: denominal (calling, yak, in im'ya, along the line, under the look), adverbials (close, ponad, after, in the middle) and in the middle (including, including, crim).

Forgive me - and primitives and non-primitives, like in one word.

Skladovі p. - tі non-primitive apprentices, yakі z two or three words: forms of the name, descriptor and apprentices at once from one or two primitive apprentices. (Nadali to, far away, on the vіdmіnu vіd, zgіdno s, by appointment to)

Non-primitive successors can be subdivided into ZMICHNI, DESIGNATED, VІDGLADNI, fallow as motivational names (adopted as adjectives, nouns or deities).

Adverbs: simple and warehouse.

Forgive the attendants escaping from the attendant. Apply: close, near, vdeb, vzdovzh, natomist, in the middle, deputy, ahead of the day, navpaki, shodo, in front of, on top of, on top of, in front of, above, clearly, if, etc.

Warehouse adverbial receivers є podnannya priymennik with a primitive receiver. Most of them will be connected with the main drive, the succession of these other drives is the primary drive.

Apply: near, far from, together with, far from, independently from, proportionally from, order from, parallel from, order from, next to, etc.

Vіdіmennі pryymennі for the form є

or (1) priymennikovo-vіdminkovu form of name (that is the form of indirect vіdminka of an abstract name with a primary drive or POZA receiver): without help, yak, for rahunok, stretching, as a result, shodo, pіd hour, sideways, etc.

or (2) such a priymennikovo-vіdmіnkovu form, accompanied by one (other) primary drive: in fallow vіd, at a straight line to, at vіdminіnu vіd, at vіdpovіd on, at zv'yazku z, at povnyannі z, etc.

or (3) a non-permanent form of рід. chi tb. p .: order (something), way, way (something), type (someone-something)

Receivers 1 and 2 groups - warehouse, 3 - simple.

Vіddієslіvnі prijmennі.

Behind the form there are dієprislіvniki, in their modern life they are not connected with the paradigm of the idiom, which carry the meaning of the blue.

Simple remarks: zavdyaki, including, not reaching, by the year, through. The characteristic form of the name, which comes with such a drive, is determined by the nature of the link in the verbal dialect. Vinyatok: zavdyachi, not reaching - the stink of the good management.

Mustaches are unambiguous, vodnosini spiral on the lexical meanings of the same words, excl. zavdyaki - may have its own abstract meaning of cause, drive.

Warehouse vіddієslіvnі receivers: marvel, marvel, judging from, wandering from, repairing from, not respecting, not respecting.

Vіdmіnkovі forms at tsikh drives vіdvoryuyut zv'yazki vіdpovіdnyh dієslіv: marvel, marvel at something, marvel at someone else.

All the same, the receivers are unambiguous, clearly blue, which they turn around, also spiral on the lexical meaning of the common words.

Lexical meaning. To the lexical meanings of the receiver, as a slurred word, is the meaning of tієї chi іnshої vіdnosini. The goal can be as abstract, wide, concrete, narrow as possible. May I have a successor lexical meaning, Rіzna is less than a step of yoga abstractness. The meanings of non-primitive apprentices (the crime of some ambiguous ones) are so similar to the lexical meanings of these famous words, which are motivated by the stench.

Together with the recognized form of the name, the receiver establishes syntactic unity, sov. priymennikovo-vіdminkovu form of іmenі. It is impossible to establish in such a context the value of the note in the majority of cases. For example, in the days without a dad, with friends, in front of the house for the SRY, the meaning of the vіdminkovoї form cannot be seen in the posture її dnannyam with the receiver: on the level of syntactic semantics, the priymennikovo-vіdminkovo ​​form is not articulated.

Divide priymennikiv for the meanings and according to the order with the recognized forms

Priymennikov vyslovlyuyut different vіdnosini mizh znamennymi words. The main types of vіdnosin, which are manifested, are:

1) expanse: "turn around to Moscow", "arrive from the afternoon", "retreat in the countryside";

2) timchasov: “sleep until the wound”, “practice for a month”, “suspend in a sprat of days”, “sleep in the course of the session” thinly;

3) ob'ektnі: "telling about yourself", "know about yourself", "tough for the fatherland", "going into ignorance";

4) goals: "turn around with pretensions", "live for the car," "gift for a riddle";

5) povіvnyannya, imitation: "live with mine", "fist zavbіlshka z head", "daughter all in matіr";

6) the meaning of zbroї dії: "give it for additional twist"; "set the next hour of experiments";

7) the meaning of the method dії: "become without any expression", "have a drink with an appetite";

8) meaning blue: "apple trees near the color", "coat on batting".

The meanings of the apprentices are realized less in the case of the other forms of indirect indications.

Together with the endings of names, the receivers express different meanings. For the values, the receivers are divided into categories:

Expanses (place): in, on, through, under, on the way, on the way, at, above: look at the sea, practice in the field, sit under the parasol.
Timchasovo (hour): through, before, before, h, before, stretching: pick up at the leaf fall, write for a year, come for days.
Reasons: in, in the aftermath, through, through: chervonіti vіd zbentezhennya, mothers on uvazі.
Tsіl'ovі (meta): for, for the sake of: read for children, practice for the sake of the ziska.
Image dії (indicate the image dії): h, without, c, vіd: grati іz zahoplenny, regotati vіd soul.
Objects (subject, on which the action is directed): about, about, shdo, s, talk about the book, get together with a friend.
For the trips, the receivers go to the holidays and the bad ones.

Nepokhіdnі prijmenniki folded from one sound, one warehouse, two warehouses: without, pіd, for, before, with, about, after, vіd, about, for.

Pokhіdnі prijmenniki can be approved as:

sermons: close, close, dovkola, in front of: marvel at yourself, go nazustrich one to one;
imennikiv: pіd o'clock, at zv'azku, vnaslіdok, at times: protyazhnya, after frost;
dієprislіvnіkіv: zavdyaki, not respecting, not respecting: they went regardless of the weather.

25. Spilka as a service part of promotion.


The union is the service part of the movie, as if it were a member of the speech at the folding warehouse:

At my soul, like at the ocean,
Nadіy rozbitih vantageіv lie.
(M. Lermontov.)

The more grammatical meaning of splits is the signification of a coordinating and contracting link between words and phrases.

Syntactic Functions: Splices are not included in the warehouse of the members of the expression.

For everyday splits, simple warehouses are used.

Just add up in one word: i, a, ale, so, sho, yakscho, if.

Warehouses are made up of two and more words: ale and, to that, vіdkoli, doti still.

For the meanings, the links are subdivided into letters and subdivisions.

Split splits

Spliku (i, a, ale, so, abo, nі - this, that - that) tie homogeneous members propositions, the simplest propositions in a folding warehouse.

For the meaning of the stink, they are subdivided into:
happy (so, nі - nі, i - not only, ale i, tezh, takozh): Savel'ev having put in and tezh having fallen on a knee;
opposite (a, ale, so): The country is majestic, that road is not so common. (E. Perm'yak.);
Rozdіlovі (chi, or, then - then, not that - not those): Either falling fog, then raptly letting down a slanting board. (L. Tolstoy.)

Contractors splits

The suborders of the sequences (if, todі, schob, later, to that, nachebto) will bind simple propositions to the folded one.

For the meanings of the stench, they are subdivided into categories:

Timchasov (if, poke, only-but, only-but): If they brought tea, I was already asleep.
Reasons (for, to that, to that): Do not be inspired by the small in the work, for from the small you will be great. (I. Pavlov.)
Tsіl'ovі (schob, schob, schob): In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to speak to yourself. (L. Tolstoy.)
Umovni (yakscho, yakscho - those, yakbi): If you know a kohannya, then there’s not much to live.
Concession (want, no matter what, let me): I didn’t feel scared anymore, even though the storm continued.
Porіvnyalni (like, nachebto, for sure): And she herself is majestic, speaking, mute. (A. Pushkin.)
Next (sho, shob): Freeze on the street so that you can’t get out.
Explain what, nibi): I felt me, nibi snig to frown. (M. Lermontov.)

26. Chastka yak service part of the movie.


Particles - tse service parts of the mov, yak give different addendums of words and words, or serve to make the forms of words: The birds did not sleep, the nightingales murmured.

The more grammatical meaning of the particles - the viraz of the additional meanings of the meaning, it is reminiscent of the great versatility.

Formative and word-forming parts are seen.

Satisfy the way of the word: Let us see. Yakby I knew?
Conquer the forms of the steps of alignment: The most beautiful, not less intelligent.

Discharge particles by value:

Food: no, chi;
call: what for, yak;
Vkazіvnі: axis, he, tse;
Pіdsilyuvalnі: navіt, adzhe;
Negative: nі, nі;
Clarify: to itself, to itself;
Intermediate: less, only.

27. Russian spelling like a system of globally accepted norms of the sheet. Principles of Russian orthography.

Spelling rules, based on written roots, prefixes, suffixes and endings, rich. But the main, guiding principle is one. Let's take a look at it.

Why is it in the word water that it is written pro, and in the word grass - a?

Why is there a difference in the end of the name: from the village and to the village?

Why should I write oak, ale soup? Aje is a little the same sound [n].

Why is sumny written with the letter t, and savory - without it?

Well, there are different spelling rules here, but you can follow them on the basis of the basic principle of spelling, which means that you write: 1) not trusting your hearing and not writing like that, like you feel; 2) rechecking sumnivnі writing; 3) remembering that reverification is possible only in the same morpheme (roots, completed just); 4) think correctly pick the correct word. Golovne, nobility strong positions: for voiced ones - the position under the voice, and for the voiced ones - before the voiced і before l, m, n, st.

Keeping in mind about tse, you can easily revise all the suggestions: water - water, grass - herbs, from the village - from the river, to the village - to the river, oak - oak, soup - supi, sumny - sumuvati, savory - savory.

You can also reverse the spelling of suffixes and prefixes. Yaka letter (e, i, i) is written in the suffix of the word per..sty? The word per..sty means "what is made up of pir'ya", "similar to pir'ya". Such a suffix itself is in the words: stoney, promenisty, granular. Otzhe, you need to write the letter i - peristy.

Lipovy chi lipavy? Perveryaemo: pine,

Those same and at the consoles. Why the prefix is ​​recorded through a, a no through It seems that it is necessary to remember that there are no prefixes zo- and pa (before speech, the prefix pa- є - stepson, flood, branch pipe). Let's try to change it: darkened, brightened - under the voice of a; pulling, funeral, handwriting - under the voice of Fr.

The prefix z-in the words zrobiti, throw off, rot sounds like z, but if you put її in a strong position, then it will become clear that the prefixes z- in Russian are not: zlamati, zrіzati, zіrvati, zv'azati.

In this rank, the rules may be the same substantiation. They signify the guiding principle of Russian spelling. Such a principle, if the sound is distorted by a strong position, is called morphological. This principle is the best for Russian writing.

One of the main signs of a literary movie is normativeness, that is the manifestation of norms. Movna norm - tse srazok, tse those, as it is customary to speak and write in this modern society in the tsiu epoch. The norm determines what is right and what is not, she recommends one movnі zasobi that way of expressing that zaboronyaє іnshі. For example, you can’t say a color, a slide is a corridor, you can’t make a call - just call. Modern norms are objectively formed by the process of modern practice of the members of the society. The norms can change with the hour, but the stench is stable for a long time. Dotrimanny norms have become easier to compose a literary movie. The norms permeate all the tiers of the literary movement. Є norms of spelling, tobto vimovnі, what to punish, how to put a voice in a word, how to move that chie sound: squeezing [embossing]; quarter (not a quarter), beautiful (not beautiful, not beautiful).

According to the lexical norms, it is understood the correctness of the choice of the word and the dorechnost of the yogo zastosuvannya. For example, viraz, what is being said, the author of the goal is unbelievable. It’s also wrong to have a cavalcade hmar, I wish bad luck, but the word “cavalcade” means a group of leaders on walks, but success cannot be bad.

Grammar norms are subdivided into morphological and syntactic ones.

Morphological norms determine the correctness of understanding and embedding the forms of the word. For example, normative form generic advice multiply richly panchokh, chobit, ale shkarpetok, you can’t say mist, dil, you can’t change unskillful names: in a new coat, nevirno: better (simply - better) or smarter (reasonable or smarter).

The syntactical norms regulate the adoption of the wording and propositions, for example, when managing: you can’t talk about those ... (show what?), I’m able to overcome (at the transition), it’s time for patience (patience), pay for the fare (pay what about?); Marveling at the film, I became confused (I wondered at the film, I hesitated. Abo: I became confused, since I marveled at the film).

According to the spelling norms, spelling and punctuation norms are understood. Spelling norms - the rules for writing words, stinks are fixed in spelling dictionaries, school assistants from Russian language and help books.

Punctuation norms dictate the rules for setting different signs. Stinks were written by assistants and helpers of Russian language in the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" (1956).

28. Implantation of large and small letters. Transfer rules.

capital letter small letter
- Write on the cob of speech, paragraph, text (I want to take a walk. If I break my lessons, I'll go to the street.) - Write on the cob of direct language (Vona said: "Come in, be kind.") - Write in the middle and in the middle of the word (mother, Russia). - It is written in the middle of the word, as the word is not itself in the right place, but I will name it (Win arrived late at night).
Written in great letters Written in small letters
- name the established organization, incl. international (State Duma, Organization of the United Nations), - name the country and administrative-territorial units (Great Britain, Successful States of America, Moscow region), - names, according to fathers and names (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich) - name historical backgrounds i, holy with holy names): 8 Bereznya, Velyka Vitchiznyana War. - name the ranks, ranks (lieutenant Popov); - the words comrade, bulky pan, mister toshcho. (Mister Brown, Gromadyan Petrov)

Zagalni vіdomostі

Entering respect. Great (great, great) letters win in two different functions.

First, it will serve as a vision of the cob of singing voices in the text. With this method, it is written in great letters first word to the text, as well as the first word after specks, specks, a sign of nutrition and a hail to complete the speech. The traditional Russian verse is seen as a great letter with an ear of a leather folded row.

In another way, it is great letter to serve as a vision of okremih slov independently in the text. Next, we look at the rules that govern the use of great letters in other functions.

In the middle of the words, which are seen as a great letter, they are divided: 1) powerful names for a narrowly significant word and 2) name.

The names and names of people and the names of creatures, geographic and astronomical names are known to the most important names. The names of the establishments, organizations, associations, historical epochs and epochs, saints, mass entries, orders, architectural monuments, as well as the names of newspapers, magazines, cities, works of art, partnerships, enterprises, tradesmen, generally seen with paws.

§ 157. Seeing the words in the text for the help of the great letters victorious for typing the powerful and swear names: the splendid names are written in small letters, the powerful ones are written in great letters. SR, for example: lion - Leo, Nevsky shore - Alexander Nevsky, red hat - Red hat(cossack character), Zdorov'ya - Zdorov'ya magazine.

Usі words near the warehouse of high names (with a higher meaning), krіm service words and words that mean generic understanding, are written from the great letter, for example: Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol, Volodymyr Chervone Sonechko, Kashtanka, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Kaluzka region, Skhidno-Evropeyska rivnina, Palatsova Square, Polar Zirka.

In the upper names - names, which are formed from a few words, from the great letter, only the first word is written (for the vinyatka of the vipadkiv, if other powerful names are included in the warehouse of the name), for example: All-World Federation of Trade Unions, Museum of the History of Moscow, Institute of Russian Movement named after O.S.(newspaper), "War and Peace"(novel), "Veteran Pratsi"(Medal).

§ 158. Valuable names can be victorious for a generalized designation of similar objects, remaining nominal; under which a large letter in rich vipadkah is replaced by a small one.

With great names and written with small letters, name one person in the world, given for the names of the clergy ( ampere, volt, pascal, x-ray etc.), as well as the names of objects, items (seeing clothes, armor, fabrics, drinking and etc.), give special names, names of firms, geographical names, for example: Macintosh, Colt, Winchester, Boston, Bordeaux, Khokhloma, adidashi; ale: Faberge(As the name of virobiv tsієї firms).

All the names of historical characters, literary and mythological characters, coexisting in a lingering (portatively) way, like naming people with singing rice character and behavior, are not written alone - some of the small, and others of the great letters. Their writing, which signifies the tradition of living, is restored to the vocabulary order. Yes, the words Donquixote, Don Juan, Robinson, Dzhimorda, Judas, philanthropist, Hercules, getting used to the wild meaning, written in small letters, and Hamlet, Oblomov, Manilov, Plushkin, Khlestakov, Mitrofanushka, Apollo, Cicero, Napoleon and many others are saved with the greatest letter. Those same stosuetsya zagalnenny (portable) introduction of geographic names: so, it is written in small letters Olimp"vibrane kolo, the top of some kind of suspіlstva", Sodom"renew disorder, chaos", walker"mass embossing of people at NATO", Kamchatka"the back rows in the hall, in the classroom", but they save the capital letter in figurative meanings Mecca, Vendee, Klondike, Cheryomushki, Hiroshima, Chornobil that in.

Living in the solemn meaning of similar names in the form of a multiplier does not mean replacing a great letter with a small one, for example: Ivan, yakі do not remember controversy; galloping Europe; We all marvel at Napoleoni(P.); radianska Sharikov; nuclear vibration to the tension of dozens of Hiroshima.

Note. The writing of special names in small letters (sound in the plural form) is allowed as an expressive and stylistic device, most often with a method of strengthening the negative and ironic assessment of the individual: modern chichikov, azefi, robes'єri, novovedenі gebelsi etc.


Entering respect. When rewriting the text on the side (handwritten, typewritten, handwritten) there are a lot of fluctuations in the end of the row with a sign of a pass, through which it is necessary to open the letter lancelet, which is correct for the word. Such a rise is signified by the sign of transference (rice). In order to change the lack of handiness, which is blamed on the link for the time of reading the text, the rules of transference are introduced. The storage principle is the basis of the transfer rules. Prote hour urakhovuєtsya and articulation of the word on the meaning of the part.

Section 211 It is not allowed to leave on the row or transfer one letter to the offensive row. For example, you cannot transfer: a-katsia, akatsia.

Section 212 It is not allowed to leave it on the row, or transfer to the offensive row the letter lance, which does not avenge the voice letter. For example, you cannot transfer: cm-ox, nd-lid, center-tr, tre-st.

Section 213 It is not allowed to add a front letter bі b. Transfer correctly: vіd'їzd, kіltse, fir'ami, bul-on; transfers are not allowed: vіd-їzd, kіltse, lanes, bul-yon.

Section 214 It is not allowed to add a transferred letter th in the form of a front voice letter. Transfer correctly: district, viy-na, stable; transfers are not allowed: district, military, stable.

Section 215 Not allowed the last letter prefixes. Transfer correctly: chu-duck, ka-min, do-m_y, sha-lun, ba-lik, open-air, wattle, po-lit, ham'yak, bi-ryuk; transfers are not allowed: wonder-ak, kam-in, bir-yuk etc.

Well, the prefix ends well, and after it follows the voice letter, which can be carried over to the same rule, but it can also be carried over, as if it were a division of the word into significant parts. Allowed, for example, not only transfer trouble-freeі trouble-free, rozzbroїtiі unravel, learnі pud-chichi, ale th trouble-free, rozzbroїti, pіduchiti.

Note. As if after the prefix, which ends with a suitable letter, following the letter s, then only transferring after the voice letter is allowed: draw or razi-grati.

Section 216 Rozbivayutsya transferred underwine voicing, scho to enter at the root, or to establish the stick of the root of that suffix, for example: dzizhchaty, mass, kіnny, spring, russian. Transfers are not allowed: zhu-zhati, masa, kіnniy, spring, russian or Russian.

However, after the prefixes of the underwire, when transferred, they may not break; can, for example, transfer zі-burning, in-cookі sleep, cook.

Section 217 A group of unequal voicing letters in the middle of a word, which enter at the root or make up the stick of the root and the suffix, can be broken by some kind of transfer, for example: se-stra, se-traі sister; central, centralі center roll; peopleі people; childishness, childishness, childishnessі childishness; shu-opinionі noisy.

If a group of voices has a part to lay prefixes, or if the whole group starts a part of a prefixed word to another, it is important to change the articulation of the word into meaningful parts. Advantages: pіdbiti, pіdkinuti, send, vіdstoronity. Let's transfer: in dbiti, pidb-rosity; send; wids-transitі vіdstoroniti.

Section 218 On the stick of parts of a collapsible or a collapsible short word, you can hardly transfer it like that, yak it is necessary to articulate the word into a meaningful part, for example: auto-prichip, lі-so-step ', new introduction, two-atomic, three-gram, five-gram, special clothes, special storage, san-vuzol, derzh-maino, dit-day nursery.

Section 219 Do not transfer: a) abbreviations that are written (mostly or often) in great letters, for example: DOSAAF, UNESCO, KAMAZ; b) graphic abbreviations, for example: b-ka, railway-d., r / rah; in) writing, scho є dannym digits and ending words, for example: 20th, 365th.

Optional rule. When transferring, it can be ruined by the difference between written words at the same time and through a hyphen; equal: Viyskovo-zobov'azaniya(written viyskovozobov'azaniya) that Viyskovo-marine(written Viyskovo-marine). In order to preserve the imminence, you need to repeat the hyphen on the cob of the transferred part in another person: wіyskovo-/-maritime. Tse rule zastosovuєtsya for the bazhannyam of the one who writes.

Note.Іz zastosuvannyam of this rule, the text of the right crypt of the rules for spelling was instructed.

29. Spelling at the prefix.

First, let's talk about the spelling of prefixes, let's look at the spelling, which is written as it is regulated by the features and prefixes, and the root word.

1. spelling b and b;

I. Spelling b and b

Looking at spelling Umov Apply

Razdіlny bj

After prefixes for the year before E-E-U-I- V'їzd, pidyom, goloshennya, z'їkhidnichati, rozlyutitsya, ob'їgoriti, roz'mniy, tongueless, international
Pіslya іnshomonovnykh prefixes on voices (ab-, ad-, diz-, іn-, inter-, con-, counter-, pro-, pan-, sub-, trans-) before E, Yu, I Pan-European, adjutant, adjuncture, disjunction, injection, conjuncture, conjunctivitis, subject.
After the numerical two-, three-, chotirioh-before-I Double-tiered, tri-tiered, chotiryarusny
Some nicknames like Pid'yapolsky
At the word vada
In the middle of the word (not after the prefix) in the post-position words Feld'jäger
In folding-short words such as Glavjurist, foreign language, children, organizational unit, the letter is not written
Collapsible words that are written with a hyphen do not write a trade union letter

Razdіlny b

At the roots, suffixes and endings before E-E-Yu-I-I- Bar'єr, foxes, brush, bur'yan, pianoforte (written pianoє old)
In inshomonic words before -O- Bouillon, pavilion, oven
At the word clerk (like the word dyak)
The word inter'єr is written b (here inter- not є prefix)

II. Spelling prefixes

Attachment type Attachment type Umov Apply
Unchanged Vzo-, in-, before-, for-, izo-, co-, on-, over-, necessary-, on, under-, pro-, pro-, pro-, vіd-, re-, over , pіd-, before-, pro-s-, co-, middle-, through-through- Always write the same way Burn, obtіchny, nasolat, vіdblisk, front payer, fit, front, trust, cross.
Voices on consoles Raz-(ros-) - trojand-(ros-) Under the voice -O-without the voice -A- Rozvalnі - rozval, Rozpis - rozpiska, Rosіgrash - rosіgrati
Prefixes on Z-N Without-, bis- Air-, vos- Іz-, is- Bottom-, nis- Raz-, ras- Roz-, ros- Through-, through- Before voiced and voiced voices - Z, before deaf voices - Z Nesmachny-without interruption, fluffing-digging, forgettable-witching, throwing-outrageous, throwing-out-clearing, rozshuk-letting, nadmirniy-cherries

Pre-i at-

= narrower Dovgy
= re- interrupt
Arrival Sew on
Irregularity dії Please
Proximity Primorsky
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