Name of the Egyptian pharaohs 6 letters. The rest of the pharaohs of Egypt of the sixth dynasty. The meaning of the word ramesses in dictionaries

Shostia Pharaoh Ancient Egypt 6th Dynasty Merenra II (Nemtiemsaaf), reigned from 2219 to 2184 rr. BC

Sporidneni vyazka Pharaoh Merenre II

Father of the dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

Mati is the queen of the sixth dynasty Neith.

Druzhina - the sister of Queen Nіtokrіs, later ruled Ancient Egypt.

Dіd - pharaoh of the 6th dynasty Pіopі I.

In the list of Abidos, pharaoh Merenra II records pіd No. 39.

Economic camp of Egypt under Merenri II

The economy during the reign of Pharaoh Merenre II was grounded in the order established by the ruler of Ancient Egypt, father Piopi II, who had changed 50 years under the rule of Olії and transferred the rule of the kingdom to the young son Merenr II in the squad of Knight.
Like all relatives of the same dynasty, the son and daughter of Nitokrіs helped to raise the camp of rights in Egypt.

Possibly ailments and tension in the robot after I entered to the graveyard led Pharaoh Merenr II to early death. Arrange the correct role of the regent of Queen Nitocris to indicate the greater trival of the reign of Merenre II.

The rulers of the nomes and the priests could have blamed the cause of death, as at that hour they more and more often tried to gain power in Egypt with the method of prosperity.

Tomb of Pharaoh Merenre

The pyramid of Pharaoh Menenr II was also known as Father Piop II and was rebuked at the Saqqara necropolis, and the sarcophagus and the remains of a mummy were found in the 18th century by the French.

The pyramid was behind a single project with an adjacent entrance from the pivnіch side, a long corridor reaching the vestibule in front of the entrance to the funeral chamber.

Dodatkovі kіmnati opposite the funeral chamber served as a collection of products and speeches, necessary for potoibichchya. We haven’t dug up the exit road to the Lower Temple yet, it’s on the right side of the hour.

Queen of Ancient Egypt of the 6th dynasty Nitocris, 2184-2181 BC For the tribute of historians, Nitokris, the squad of Pharaoh Merenr II, took the title of pharaoh after the death of a man and brother.

The first woman in Egypt, yak took the title of pharaoh. Remaining Pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. For other tributes, Mitocris is the mother of the young Menenr II, as a regent for the country. The remnants of the reign of the pharaoh were evidently short-lived, after his death, another squad came to power - the queen Nitokris, yak panuvala 3-5 years, but could not restore the power of the cult of the sun Ra in ruling Egypt. I laid hands on myself for some vouchers, for others I was strated by the opposition of Menenre II under the hour of the palace coup.

The year is close to the tenth evening before the pharaoh came to Hiram, robes at the dark cloth, as Memphis merchants wear.

Why are you so hovaєshsya? - having slept unacceptably chained pharaoh. - Hiba my palace - in'yaznitsa chi booths of lepers?

O Vladiko!.. - the old Phoenician sighed. - If you become the king of Egypt, those who dare to speak to you, without giving a trace to anyone, are being taken in by evildoers ...

And to whom can you convey my words? .. - after sleeping the pharaoh.

Hiram raised his eyes and hands to the sky.

You, sir, see your enemies!.. - vіdpovіv vin.

Don’t worry about them,” Pharaoh said. - Do you know what happened to you? I want to take a thousand talents to Borg.

Hiram froze and slowly got on his feet. Pharaoh allowed you to sit in his presence, which was the greatest honor.

Sіvshi sruchnіshe and re-rested, Hiram said:

Look for more, if you can still take away the greatness of wealth?

When will I conquer Nineveh? interrupted the pharaoh. - Ale, it’s not soon, but I’ll need a penny at once.

I'm not talking about warfare, - Hiram answered, - I'm talking about such a right, as if negainely brought treasuries of great sums that steady river income.

What rank?

Allow us and help us to pierce the channel, which has driven the Middle Earth Sea from Chervonim.

Pharaoh gathered from his armchair.

You are hot, old man! - wiggling vin. - Who can take up such a right and who wants to slander Egypt on safety? Aje the sea will fill us.

Like the sea? - I know that the Egyptian priests, the engineers, took care of their food and cheered up, that it was even better business. It’s important to come up with something… Ale… stink, I want to do it all myself, or rather, I don’t want to, so that the pharaoh will take over.

Where can you prove it? - Asked Ramesses.

I have no evidence, but I will send a priest to explain everything to you with armchairs and roses.

Who is the priest?

Hiram zam'yavsya i, having spoken, saying:

What can I ask, what can I get between us? Win you, sir, give more services, lower myself. Yomu sees a lot of mystery that a lot of ... vile priests ...

I promise, - pharaoh.

Tsey priest - Samontu. Vіn to serve at the temple of Seth under Memphis. You are a great sage, but you will need pennies, and you are ambitious... And the shards of the priests do not allow you to rise, then you told me that your holiness is pleasing, wine ... throw off the priestly caste. Vin knows a lot of their secrets… Oh, a lot!

Ramesses was deep in thought. Win an understanding that this priest is the greatest contributor. Ale vin knowing what valuable services Samonta can give to you.

Good, - Pharaoh said, - I will think about tse Samonta. And now let's go to the whine that such a channel can be awakened. What will be the misfortune of me?

Hiram rested on the fingers of his left hand.

First, - having said wine, - Phenikia will give Egypt five thousand talents of unpaid tribute. In a different way, Phoenicia will pay five thousand talents for the right to vikonnannya robit. Thirdly, if the robots open up, we will pay Egypt a thousand talents for a gift, and, moreover, we will give us many talents, and dozens of workers' wines. Fourthly, for the Egyptian skin engineer and your holiness lady according to his talent for river. On top of that, if the work is completed, your holiness will give us a channel on rent for a hundred rokiv, and we will pay for the price of a thousand talents per river. Hiba tse maly surplus? - sleeping Hiram.

And now ... this year, - saying the pharaoh, - will you give me five thousand danini?

As soon as the agreement is laid down, I’ll give you ten thousand and another thousand three thousand rahunok tribute for three years in advance.

Ramesses XIII became conceited. Already not before, the Phoenicians proclaimed to the Egyptian pharaohs to build the whole canal, and then they set the priests on the back of the fire. The Egyptian priests told the pharaohs that Egypt could be flooded by the Chervonim and the Mediterranean Sea. Ale Hiram affirms that nothing of the kind should be traversed and that the priests should know.

You promise, - having said the pharaoh after a second thought, - to pay a thousand talents for a river stretching a hundred years. You seem to think that this is the channel, ripping at the squeaks, - on the right, it’s important to think about how important it is ... I didn’t understand, and, I know, Hiram, I suspect ...

The Phoenician's eyes sparkled.

Sir, - having said wine, - I will tell you everything. Ale, I conjure you with your crown, the tenth of your father is not to be called out to anyone. Tse the greatest mystery Chaldean and Egyptian zhertsіv i navіt usієї Fіnіkії. Vіd neї lie in future light!

Well, well, Hiram! .. - Pharaoh smiled.

Tobі, sir, - having continued the Finnіkіyan, - the gods granted wisdom, energy and nobility, and you are also ours. The only one of the earthly rulers, whom you can consecrate in tse, just do your building work great. You will reach such a power that no other person has ever reached ...

Pharaoh, knowingly, I will take pride in my soul, but without showing my mind.

Do not praise me, - having called Hiram's wine, - for those whom I have not yet timid, but tell me more briefly, how can Phoenicia take away the channel that my power?

Hiram sіv at the armchair sruchnіshe і beginning to say whispers:

Know, Volodar, that on the eve, on the day and on the pivnich in Assyria, there are no empty spaces for Babylon, no pain, people with miracles, and lie the great lands of that power. The borders and pavements are great, for the feast of your holiness, which is famous for its transitions, it would have been possible to go to the exit twice, until it reached the b їх cordons.

Ramesses ironically raised his eyebrows, like a human being, like he allows other lies, even though he is wise, that is nonsense.

Hiram lightly lowered his shoulders and continued:

On the way and on the day before Babylon, the white of the great sea, sagging up to a hundred million people; they can have kings, their priests are wise for Egyptians, they have ancient books, learned masters... Many people can only vibrate not only fabrics, furniture, and dishes so very maisterno, like Egyptians, but from time immemorial they will be on earth and under the earth temples, more great and rich, lower in Egypt ...

Go on!.. Go on!.. - Yogo Pharaoh kicked. Ale, in the guise of Yogo, it was important to understand, chi zatsіkavleniy vіn opіvіdannym Fіnіkіyanina chi madness yogi nonsense.

In these lands there are pearls, expensive stones, gold, mead ... There grow the most amazing varieties of bread, flowers and fruits ... There, on the rivers, there are foxes, with which you can stretch for months amidst the trees that stand for the colonies of your temples, palm trees and more ... The population of these lands is simple-hearted and lagidne ... and having sent two of your regiments there on ships, you could conquer the lands wider, lower the weight of Egypt, rich for the treasures of the Labyrinth ... Tomorrow, if you allow, I will send you zrazki tamteshnіh fabrics, wood and bronze fabrics. In addition, I will put on two grains of miraculous balms, so that such power can be conceived, that, like only a human being, the gates of eternity and happiness are opening up before her, accessible only to the gods.

Send me pieces of fabrics and wool, - having respected the pharaoh, - and some balm ... maybe, not varto!

It's easy for you to deal with millions! Pharaoh smiled.

Hiram put his hand to his heart.

I swear, - having said wine, - by the spirits of my ancestors and my honor, that I speak the truth!

The pharaoh having broken the roc, yogo was struck by such a holy oath.

Continue! .. Continue! .. - saying wine.

The lands of qi, - having begun again the Phoenician, - are even more marvelous. They are inhabited by peoples with slanting eyes and a yellow color shkiri. They have a king, who is called the son of heaven and looks after them for the help of the wise, but there are no priests, and the stench cannot have such power, like in Egypt. The sounds of these peoples are similar to those of the Egyptians. They chant their dead ancestors and sing about their bodies. The stench is covered with letters, which guess the letters of your victims, but to walk around the old clothes from the fabrics, we don’t have homes, wear sandals at the look of donkeys, and shake their heads with Gostrokintsev boxes ... Yes, these budins are tezh Gostrokintsev and are bent around the edges. Tsі nezvychaynі people grow cereals, more fruitful, lower Egyptian wheat, and prepare a new drink of mіtsnіshe for wine. And there is also a growth in them, leafing like a giving people strength, life and energy and helping to fight with sleep. The stench is able to work with papers and turn it into richly colored paintings, they have clay, like a vipala shining, like a slope, and ringing, like metal ... Tomorrow, if your holiness permits, I will give you images of the will of this people.

Miracles you tell, Hiram! .. - called the pharaoh. - Ale, I don’t make a connection between these divas and the channel, which you want to open ...

I will briefly explain. If there is a canal, the entire Phoenician and Egyptian fleet will be in the Chervona Sea, and from afar, after a sprat of months, it will be added to these rich lands, where it is impossible to reach by land. And hіba vy, your holiness, - having continued Hiram, whose eyes lit up, - do not roll in front of you all the treasures, as you can get there: gold, expensive stone, cereals, wood? I swear, sir, - having continued wine from the spirits, - that you will then have more gold, lower midi at once, a tree will not be more expensive for straw, and a neilnik - cheaper for a cow ... Allow only a little, sovereign, dig a canal and give us for payment of a thousand and fifty of yours. soldiers.

Ramesses also slept.

Fifty thousand soldiers, - repeating vin. - Will you give me skils for the price?

I have already said: a thousand talents work for the right to win the war, and five thousand for workers, which we ourselves deserve and pay for.

And torture them with a robot?

Hai protect us gods! - wiguknuv Hiram. - What's ugly, if the robots die? The soldiers of your holiness do not practice on canals more, less at once on fortified roads. And glory to you, sir! Like pributki treasury!.. Like a burden to Egypt! wooden booth, kіlka goals of thinness and, mabut, navit a slave ... Zhodin the pharaoh did not raise his power to such a height and did not create such a great do!

And what about the brand, - Pharaoh added to himself, - I will have fifty thousand soldiers on a similar cordon?

I understood! .. - Hiram yelled. - For the obviousness of the force, zmist that nothing defies your holiness, Assyria does not dare stretch out its hand to Phoenicia.

The plan of the flooring was bright and declared so good that Ramesses XIII was drunk. Ale wine without giving a look.

Hiram, - having said to the wine, - your little prospects are more favorable... To that I torment and think well myself, and be glad of the priests ...

Wow, you can't wait, you brat! - The Phoenician yelled. - Hocha - let the gods blast me blues! - I’m sure that at once the supreme power in the state passed to the hands of the victims, then in two or three months the stench would have urged us to proceed to tsієї argue ...

Ramesses glanced at the new one with cold anger.

Spread the trouble about the victims of me, - having said wine, - and bring it more quickly, that everything you have said is true. I'm already a filthy king, yakbi not zumіv sunuti pereshkod, scho to stand between my will and the interests of the state.

Truly, you are a great Volodar, sir, - Hiram whispered, shaking to the ground.

Bula already pіznya nіch. The Phoenician said goodbye to Pharaoh and left the palace at once from Thutmose. And on the coming day, having glorified a skrinka through Dagon with treasures from foreign lands. Pharaoh knows statues of gods, Indian fabrics and Persians, grains of opium, and others have rice, tea leaves, sprats of porcelain cups, embellished with painting, and sprats of little ones, embroidered farbs and ink on paper.

The pharaoh, having looked at everything with great respect, is guilty of confession, for he has never dreamed of anything like that: neither rice, nor paper, nor the image of people with gostrikha caps, with slanting eyes.

Vіn no doubt more in іsnuvanni аkоіїs new іnії kraїnі, de everything was іnѕеr, lower in Egypt: burn, trees, budinki, bridges, ships…

“I tsya kraina іsnuє, maybe, it’s already a rich century,” thinking wine. - Our priests know about her, know about her wealth, but mourn ... Stand up zradniks! Oh, my ancestors, that spadkoєmtsі! - vyguknuv vіn thoughts. - I call you at the certificate that I will put an end to it. I will bring wisdom; but I will find hypocrisy, and I will give Egypt long-term peace.”

So peacefully, the pharaoh raised his eyes and shook Dagon, like a check for orders.

Your screenshot is already a cicava, - turning wine up to a fever. - Ale ... I don’t want to see you ...

The Phoenician pidiishov navshpinki i, dropping on his knees in front of the pharaoh, whispering:

If you are able to sign an agreement with the holy Hiram, Tire and Sidon will roll all your wealth to your feet.

Ramesses shaking his eyebrows. Yogo was overwhelmed by the impudence of the Finnikiytsiv, they dared to put Yomu to mind. Vіn vіdpovіv it's cold:

I'll think about it, and then I'll give Hiram a tip. You can go, Dagon.

After the exit of the Phoenician Ramesses, he began to think again. Yogo's soul grew dissatisfied.

“Tsі hucksters,” mirkuvav vіn, “respect me with their own. Hmm!.. The stinks are trying to calm down with a little bear of gold, so that they can sign an agreement!.. The pharaoh did not allow such impudence. Finish it! People who prostrate before the messengers of Assar cannot say to me: “Send, then you reject ...” Evil Phoenician eyes, yak, sneaking at the royal palace, vvazhayut Yogo with their hole! .. "

The more doubly rozmirkovuvav vіn, chih reporter guessing the behavior of Hiram and Dagon, the stronger became yogo cloudy.

“How to smell the stench! How dare you put me down!”

Gay ... Thutmose! .. - having called wine.

The leader immediately came.

What will you punish, sir?

Send someone from the lower officers to Dagon to tell you that you will no longer be my banker. Vin must be stupid, to occupy such a high camp!

And to whom do you give chiu honor?

So far I don't know. You will need to know someone from among the Egyptian and Greek merchants ... In the extreme mood - beastly to the victims.

The message about you flew around all the royal palaces, and not a year had passed before it reached Memphis. Everywhere they talked about those who were already in disfavor with the pharaoh, and at night the mob began to smash the shops of hated foreigners. The priests felt relieved. Herihor came to visit Saint Mephres and said to you:

My heart felt that our pan would turn up in the presence of these pagans, like wetting the blood of the people. I think that it is necessary to hang youma in the same form as our son.

I, perhaps, open the doors of our treasures before him? - Asking St. Mefres obtrusively. - Don't hurry, old one... I've already bitten this youngster, and woe to us, as if at least once it is permissible for him to get a mountain over us.

And how can I tear myself apart from the Phenicians?

Vіn on tіlki only win, more not to pay їm borg, - vіdpovіv Mefres.

In my opinion, - after Herihor began to think about it, - now the moment has come, if we can turn the mercy of the young pharaoh. Burning at gnіvі, vіn vmіє, prote, buti vdyachnym. I tried it on myself.

Every word, then a pardon! - having interrupted yogo vperty Mefres. - First, this prince is not yet a pharaoh, for he has not been crowned at the temple. In another way, if you will not be a rightful pharaoh, you will be placed with contempt until you are ordained to the rank of high priest. I, nareshti, do not need yoga mercy for us, but for you the mercy of the gods, such wines form on the skin!

Mefres suffocated in anger, ale, having taken a breath, continuing:

Having tasted for a month at the temple of Hathor, devouring the new wisdom, and rapt once upon a time, I began to commune with the Finnicians. Moreover, having seen the temple of Ashtoret and having taken the priestess’s stars, to superspeak the laws of our religions… Let’s sweat out mocking my piety… We’ve called the same, like myself, rebels and for the help of the Finns having created the sovereigns and the thrones…… vіrnіshe, on the first meeting of the throne, already znevazhaє zhertsіv, kalamuti villages and soldiers and innovate a close connection with your friends-Finіkіyanami... You forget about everything, good Kherihor?.. is it not safe to become for us the whole milk-drinker?.. Who can vouch, what a madman, like a teacher, having called the Phenikians to himself, and having quarreled with them this day, not to do something tomorrow that I will threaten the state with death.

Well, why are you yelling? - Having drunk Herihor, he sawly marveled at the vіchі high priest.

And those who we can’t stand to speak to you indulgently, shards would mean our weakness. You want to be-sho-be take away pennies, but we are not ladies!

And ... how hungry is the army robbing temples? - continued pitati Herihor.

Ha-ha-ha! .. - Mefres burst out.

Raptom of the wines, having sounded a serious look, raising a low angle, saying in a malignant tone:

Tse already: yours is on the right, godny. Lyudina, like the stylki rokiv cherubed by power, is little prepared for such trouble.

Acceptable, - gently swaying Herihor, - acceptable, that I know bi zasіb against insecurity, as I threaten the powers. Ale ti yourself, holy father, will you be like the eldest high priest ready to give witness to the one who represents the priestly caste of that saint?

Might stink marveled one to one in the eyes.

You feed me, what am I ready for? – repeated Mefres. - Are you ready?.. I don't need to get ready for what. The gods gave me in the hands of heavenly fire, which is to destroy every blasphemer.

Shh... - Gerihor whispered. - Let it be so.

Please, or without help, the supreme collegium of the victims, - adding Mefres. - If the ship goes to the bottom, it’s not an hour to explain with rowers.

The offenders parted in a gloomy mood.

That same evening Pharaoh called them to himself.

The stench appeared at the appointed hour, pharaohs bowed low and stood in the huts, not marveling one on one.

“Have you got it together? thought Rameses. “Well, that’s not bad.”

Holy Sem and the prophet Pentuer died with the year.

Ramesses siv on the high ground, pointing out to the priests on low stools in front of him, turning up to them:

Holy fathers!.. I didn’t ask you for a birthday, because all my orders were spent exclusively on military meals.

Tse your right, sir, - interrupting Yogo Herihor.

I've been working on what a moment in such a short hour to build a state. I opened two new schools for officers and rebuilt five regiments.

Tse your right, sir, - having promoted Mefres.

I’m not talking about the reforms of the Viysk reforms, for you, holy fathers, can’t do it right ...

You make a radio, sir, - confirmed Mefres and Herikhor with one voice.

Ale on the cherzі іnsha on the right, - having declared the pharaoh, the satisfaction of the dignitaries speaks, from the side of such checks there is a list. - The day of the funeral of my divine father is approaching, but the treasury does not have sufficient bones ...

Mefres is moved from a stool.

Osiris-Meri-Amon-Ramesses, - having said wіn, - be a just king. Vіn having provided his people with a bagatar svіt and having multiplied the glory of the gods. Permit me, your holiness, that the funeral of which pious pharaoh was created for the temples.

Ramesses XIII buv zdivovaniya i zvrusheniya honor, nadan yogo batkovі. Having said a good word to the wines, I didn’t know anything about the advice, and I said:

I’m more than happy, dear fathers, for the honor, as I give to my godly father. I give you my reward and once again this one...

Vіn zupinivsya, shoving his head in his hands and sitting so hvilinu, nibi fight with your soul with yourself. Raptom vin lifted his head, the face of yoga shook, his eyes shone.

I'm breaking, - having said wine, - proof of your favoritism before me, holy fathers. Since the memory of my father is so dear to you, then, I think, you do not indulge evil ...

Why don't you hesitate at whom? - Having energized the high priest Sem.

You make a ratio, - continuing the pharaoh, - I unfairly suspected you of being ahead of me. But I want to fix it and I will be with you.

Hai bless you gods, sir, - saying Herihor.

I'll tell you straight. My divine father, through the frail age of that ailment, could not attach a stylki of strength and hour to the right powers, but I can. I am young, healthy, free and I want to govern myself. Just as the commander is guilty of commanding the army for the power of reason and cherishing his plan, so am I cherishing the state. Such is my innocent will, and I will not act against it. Ale, I will understand that, if I had a deep knowledge, I could not do without faithful servants and wise radnikov. Therefore, I will sometimes incite your thoughts from different meals ...

For this purpose, we know as the Supreme Collegium in the presence of the Sovereign, - stating Herikhor.

Dobre, - having continued with a lot of pharaoh, - I’ll go to your servants, and I won’t forget, at once, from the present moment.

Punish, sir… - Herihor said.

I want to improve the life of the Egyptian people. And if it’s like that, on the right, even the quicker ones can do less shkodi, then for the cob I’ll give you a little: after six days of practice - the sixth day of recovery.

So it was for the eighteen dynasties. Tse law of the floor is old, like Egypt itself, - having respected Pentuer.

Give five days for the repair of a skin doctor for a skin doctor, so that you can give Yogo Pan fifty drachmas. And for millions of workers, the power will spend about ten thousand talents on rivers,” Mefres said. “We already cheered up at the temples,” adding wine.

So, - having confirmed Pentour, - there will be fights, but only the first river, because if the people recognize their strength with the help, the wines at the coming fates will work out everything in excess.

Thou shalt say true, - vodpoviv Mefres, - but, accept, it is necessary for the mother of ten thousand talents for the first river. And I think that it’s better not to hit twenty thousand ...

Thy maєsh ration, good Mephres, - the pharaoh intervened, - with such reforms, as I want to spend with my state, twenty and thirty thousand talents will not be necessary with a great sum ... And to that, - having added wine to the pharaoh, - I will need your help holy men...

We are ready to be like your bajannya pіdtremati with prayers and processes, - saying Mefres.

Please! Pray and want to pray people. On top of that, give the state thirty thousand talents, - the great pharaoh.

The high priests moaned.

Pharaoh checked, and then turned back to Herikhor:

Are you talking?..

You yourself said, Volodar, that the treasury can’t bring money to the funeral of Osiris-Meri-Amon-Ramses. Zvіdki take thirty thousand talents?

And the treasures of the Labyrinth?

Tse baptism of the gods, as it is possible to cheep more for the merit of the greatest power, - Mephres.

Ramesses XIII Skipiv.

If it’s not for the villagers, - yelling vin, hitting the handrail of the throne with his hand, - then I need this sum!

You can, - Vidpovіv Mefres, - for the river take away over thirty thousand talents, and Egypt - udvіchі.

What rank?

Forgive me. Punish, lord, to conquer the powers of the Fіnіkіytsiv, - saying Mefres.

It seemed that the pharaoh would throw himself axis-axis at the suffocating priest. Vіn zblіd, ruin in the new tremtili, eyes hovered out of orbit. Ale vin streaming to himself and mimicking in a completely calm tone:

Well, come on. If you can’t give me better joys, then I’ll do without them... Aje mi gave the Phoenicians the goiter and pay them a fine penny!.. Without thinking about it, Mefres?

Probach, sir, in that quivering I was thinking about something else. Your ancestors not on papyri, but on bronze and stones, photographed that they gave, brought by them to the gods and the temple, to lie down and will forever lie down to the gods and the temple.

And to you... - Pharaoh chuckled.

So it is, like a power to lie with you, the king, - the high priest sang. - We protect our belongings and multiply, and marnuvati cannot be right ...

Suffocating in anger, the pharaoh left the gathering and pishov to the office. Yogi camp was given to Yomu with merciless clarity.

Vіn more no doubt about the hatred to the new victims. The dignitaries themselves were blinded by their pride, they didn’t give the past fate to Menfi’s corps and killed him as a monastic only to the one who accepted yoga from the palace for an act of pokirnosti, those who were following the skin of his hand, wrote on a new denunciation. And to you, who fell to the throne, they didn’t say a word about the agreement with Assyria, those who deceived Yogo in the temple of Hathor, and the whites of the lakes of Sodovikh killed the brothers, as if they were pardoned.

The pharaoh, having guessed the bow of Herihor, look at Mephres and the tone of that one. Behind the evocative glamor of shokhvilini, zarazumіlіlі and znevaga looked through. Yomu will need pennies, and the stench will offer you prayers. Not only that, the stench is trying to pull youma, because there is no single king of Egypt.

The young pharaoh smiled involuntarily; Vіn revealing hired shepherds, as if to say the Lord, that Vіn is not able to manage his flock. But really, I was not laughing. The treasurer was deprived of a thousand talents, which could be used for this, at least for ten days. And what will we sweat?.. What will the officials, servants, and, more importantly, the soldiers say, that they don’t just take pay, but simply go hungry?..

The chief priests, obviously, know that the camp is right, and if the stench does not hurry to help you, - it means that they want to misfortune Yogo ... and to misfortune the coming days, even before the funeral of the father ...

Ramesses guessed the fall of his childishness.

Vіn buv shche in the priestly school, if on the holy honor of the goddess Mut among the prominent buv famous in all of Egypt comedian. Vіn zobrazhuvav hapless hero. The hero punished - Yogo was not heard. Yogo anger was laughed at. If, in order to punish the naysayers, shoveling juice, the juice was broken in the hands. Zreshtoy let a lion loose on the new one. The unfortunate hero, after shaking the tikati, ale appeared that it was not a lion who would marry him, but a pig with a left skin. The teachers and teachers rejoiced to tears over these benefits, and the little prince sat gloomy; to you, shkoda was a human being, like to strive for great rights and gin, covered with gluzuvannyami.

Tsya scene and, almost, like vin vіdchuv todі, came to life at the same time in yoga memory.

"The same stink I want to rob me," - saying wine to myself.

Yogo ohopiv rozpach. Vіn zrozumіv, that as soon as the remaining talent will be stained, come to the end of this power, and with it, life.

But then yoga thoughts took another straight. Pharaoh zupinivsya in the middle of the kіmnati.

"What can I do for less? .. Only death ... I destroy my glorious ancestors, before Ramesses the Great ... But I can’t tell them that, having perished, I am not protected ... Otherwise, after all my earthly life, I will drink eternal slander. .."

Yak? Vіn, remozhets lvіytsіv, bude embarrassment in front of the purchase of hypocrites, with whom it was not possible for one Asian regiment to work? ?.. Didn't the ancestors build these temples? Who won the battle - priests and soldiers? Then who can have the right to belongings? Priests or pharaoh and yoga army.

The young pharaoh lowered his shoulders and called Thutmose.

Irrespective of the night, the tsar's lover appeared negligently.

You know, - saying the pharaoh, - the priests led me into position, and in the meantime the treasure chest was empty.

Thutmose stood up.

Will you punish them to vodvest їх at the yard?.. - having drunk wine.

And would you call tse robiti?

There is no officer in Egypt who does not follow the orders of our master and leader.

In such a time, - having washed the pharaoh in a proper way, - in such a time ... it is not necessary to bring anyone to the court ... I have enough faith in myself that I know them. Carrion, like a person to slap on the road, we don’t want wine in a forged screen, but just an obiyde її.

Ale hyena to sit at the cage, - barring Thutmose.

It's still early, - Ramesses. - I’ll be indulgent of anger to these people, accept my father before the funeral, otherwise the stench of the building will form this sacred mummy and destroy the peace of your soul ... And now the axis is: go tomorrow to Hiram and tell him to send me wine of that priest. , They talked about some of them.

Be vikonano. Ale, I’ll bring it to yours, sir, vіdomosti, that today the people have smashed the houses of the Memphis Fіnіkіytsiv.

Axis yak? Well, it's a gift!

I still dare, - continued Thutmose, - why did you punish Pentouer to build the camp of the villagers and workers, the priests to destroy the nomarchs and the nobility ... Stink instill them, sir, that you want to destroy the nobility to the mischief of the villagers.

I know to believe at tse?

Know so, what to believe, or else to say directly, what are the intrigues of the victims against you.

And yakby, I really thought about improving the life of the villagers? .. - having slept the pharaoh.

You know, sir, everything that you know we need, - Thutmose.

I will understand the axis like this! - Be calm and tell the nobility that they won’t just spend nothing, depending on my orders, but on the other hand, the camp will increase and increase the value. The riches of Egypt are looted but nareshti virvani from the hands of the unworthy and vіddanі to the faithful servants.

The pharaoh said goodbye to his lover and was pleased with him. Yogo hvilinny rozpach zdavavsya you at once funny.

On the coming day, close to noon, they added to the holiness that a deputation of Phoenician merchants appeared.

The stench zbirayutsya, maybe, skarzhitisya on the destruction of their houses? - having slept the pharaoh.

Ni, - the adjutant, - stink, I want to give you a gift.

Definitely, 12 Finnikiyets on the choly with Rabsun showed up with presents. If the pharaoh wiishov was before them, the stench fell down, after which Rabsun declared that, following the old-fashioned call, the stink dares to bring their modest gifts to the feet of the ruler, which grants them life, and theirs is safe.

I began to place on the table golden bowls, lancets and goblets filled with expensive stones. Rabsun laid a papyrus tattoo on the throne, and to whom the Phoenician goiter gave a letter for the army, whether it be in order for two thousand talents.

Tse buv is a great gift, who in general has accumulated close to three thousand talents.

Pharaoh graciously appeased the merchants and offered them his intercession. The stench came out looking happy.

Ramesses XIII is relieved. Bankruptcy of the treasury, and with it the need to go to the forcible benefits against the victims, was suspended for ten days. Vecheri again under the funeral of Thutmose to the office of Yogo Holiness appeared to Hiram. This time, Vіn did not swear at that, but fell down and began to curse the fool Dagon in a whining voice.

I recognized that this bastard, - having begun to vine, - dared to tell your holiness about our agreement on a canal to the Red Sea ... If the veins are gone ... so that leprosy has eaten ... Let the children graze pigs, and onuks be Jewish people. Allow me, Volodar, to punish, and, if there are no wealth in Fіnіkії, I will bring everything to your feet, without regard to the annual agreements and receipts. Hiba mi Assyrians chi ... priests, - adding whispers to the wines, - and one word of such a mighty ruler is not enough for us?

And I, Hiram, yakby, really hankering for a big bag? - having slept the pharaoh.

For example, 30 thousand talents?

Now? Vіdrazu?

Ні - protyazh rock.

You otrimaesh її, - vіdpovіv Hiram, do not hesitate.

Pharaoh bov yogo generosity.

Ale, I’m tormenting you to give it to you at the outpost ...

Tіlki for forms, - vіdpovіv Fіnіkіyanin. - Your holiness will give us a digger at the outpost, so that we don’t call out suspicion from the victims. Yakbi not tse, Fіnіkіya would have been given to you without gates and receipts.

And the channel?.. Can I sign the agreement right now? - having slept the pharaoh.

Call me. You put a deal with us, if you miss it.

Ramesses bov with the bearers in the light of joy. Tilki now vin vіdchuv belonged to the royal power - and that is the heart of the Phenicians.

Khiram, - having said to the wines, no longer volodya himself in the view of hvilyuvannya, - today I give you, the Phoenicians, let me open a channel, which will open the Mediterranean Sea from Chervonim.

The old one fell to the feet of the pharaoh.

You are the greatest king, whom the world has known! - Viguknuv vin.

For the time being, I am not guilty of talking about price to anyone, for the enemies of my glory do not sleep. And to confirm, I give you the axis of my royal ring ... - Taking the ring from your finger, embellishing it with a magical stone, on which the name of Horus was engraved, and pulling it on the finger of the fіnіkіytsya.

Wealth of all Fіnіkії to your services! – repeating profoundly Hiram's scoldings. - This is a feat, which glorifies your name, the docks do not go out of the sun.

Pharaoh embracing Yogo's gray head and sounding Yomu's system.

Henceforth, we are allies, - having washed away the pharaoh’s hvilinny movchannya, - I am convinced that this union will bring prosperity to Egypt and Phoenix ...

To the whole world! - wiguknuv Hiram.

Tell me to the prince, are there stars in you, believe in me?

I know your gentry character... Yakby ty, the king, not being pharaoh, ty through the sprat of rokiv becoming the richest Phoenician merchant and head of ours for the sake of...

It is permissible, - Ramesses said, - but in order to strimatize you obityanku, I am guilty of the rozchaviti zhertsiv. Tse is a struggle, and the result of the struggle is unknown.

Hiram smiled.

Pane, - having said to the wine, - we will be so low that we will leave you, if the treasury is empty, and the enemy, raising his head, will lose the fight! A person without benefits easily loses his masculinity, and in the event of the marriage of the king, his army, and piddans, and nobles ... Shards are with you, sir, our gold and our agents, that your army with military leaders, then you will be the priests in you so very little trouble, like an elephant with a scorpion. You step on them with your foot, and the stench will be rotting ... Ale is not mine on the right. At the garden, the high priest Samonta, who, your holiness, was ordered to come. I move away. Now this is the year of the year ... Ale, thirty thousand talents, I will try, just let your holiness be punished ...

Hiram again fell down and pishov, obіtsyayuchi nadіsla Samontu.

Nezabar the high priest appeared. Yak belonged to the servant of Seth, not baring his beard and thick skuyovdzheny hair. The appearance of the new one was suvore, and in the eyes a deep mind shone. Vіn bowed without a veil of humility and calmly looked at the penetrating look of the pharaoh.

Sit down, said Vlad.

The priest of the siv on the pidlog.

You are like me, - saying Ramesses. - You have that guise of a Hyksos, and stinks are the best soldiers in my army.

I raptom after sleeping:

Why did you tell Hiram about the agreement between our victims and the Assyrians?

I, - vіdpovіv Samonta, not lowering his eyes.

Did you take the fate of this bastard?

No, I listened to this agreement... At the temples, like in the palaces of your holiness, the walls are pierced by canals, through which you can wind from the tops of the pylons, you can hardly go near the undergrounds.

And from the dungeon you can talk to people, like lingering at the upper chambers ... - having respected the pharaoh.

Pharaoh smiled. Otzhe, pripuschennya, that it was not the spirit of the father, speaking to him and his mother, we would believe.

Why did you trust the Phoenicians with such an important sovereign secret? - Asked Ramesses.

Because I want to sabotage the shady treaty, which will harm both us and the Finnicians.

This moment is ahead of someone from the noble Egyptians.

Whom? - Asked the priest. - Quiet, who is powerless against Herihor, but quiet, who donis bi yoma on me, crying out for a martyr's death? I said to Hiram, because I know about our nobles, with whom I am by no means familiar.

And why did Herikhor and Mefres lay down like a pleasing? - Pharaoh finished drinking.

Tse, in my opinion, people are not far away. Їх liakav Beroes, the great Chaldean priest. Vіn having told them that over Egypt there are ten rocky burdens of evil, and that if we spend a good hour over Assyria, then we will be beaten ...

Did they believe whom?

Obviously, Beroes showed them miracles. Navіt pіdnіmavsya vіtrya... Tse, zvichayno, marvelous on the right, but I don’t understand why we are guilty of inflicting Phenikia, like Beroice vmіє rise above the earth.

So you don't believe miracles?

Deshcho I believe, - vіdpovіv Samontu. - Beroes, you’re welcome, it’s right to make inconspicuous speeches. And our priests are less likely to fool the people and the ruler.

Do you hate the priest caste?

Self rozvіv hands.

The stench can’t stand it, and, even worse, they know about me, because I serve Seth. And in the meantime, what kind of gods are they who happen to turn their heads and hands for help with a motuz. Why are the zhertsі, yakі, vdayu pious and pomіnim, mayut ten wives, spend ten, or even twenty talents on rivers, steal the sacrifices that rely on vіvtarі, and not richly sensible for the uchnіv vishchoї school?

Ale ti w otrimuesh offerings to the Finnikiytsiv?

And who should I take away? And in us, it’s less than the poor, and as if I was satisfied with their sacrifices, then I died of starvation at once from my children.

The pharaoh, thinking that this priest is still a bad person, even though he could see the secret places of the temples. Until then, wine, maybe, reasonable and even those who are.

Do you have a feeling, - powering up the pan again, - about the canal, which can connect the Middle Earth Sea with Chervonim?

Tsya on the right of me in the house. More than a hundred years ago, our engineers developed this project.

And why didn’t they sing yoga dosi?

The victims are afraid that foreigners did not bring them to Egypt, as they can infect our faith, and at the same time they come from it.

And chi really those who told Hiram about the tribes, who live in a distant gathering?

Everything is absolutely correct. We have known about them for a long time, and do not pass a dozen fates, so that we do not take away anything from quiet lands expensive stone, little ones or maisterni virobi.

The pharaoh again thought and raptom slept:

Do you faithfully serve me, how can I hurt you with my guardian?

I serve you not for life, but for death ... Ale ... if I become the pharaoh's servant, the priests will be overwhelmed, they will hate me.

Why don't you think that you can cheat on them?

And it's easy to find! – Vіdpovіv Samontu.

What kind of plan do you have for the vipadok?

It would be necessary to fill the Labyrinth with the treasury, - the priest voiced.

And what can you do to get to her?

I already have deaky vkazivki. I know Reshtu, I know more, de shukati.

Well, then what? - having slept the pharaoh.

It is necessary to destroy on the right against Herikhor and Mephres for ringing in the sovereign state, in the taєmnih znosinah from Assyria.

Where do you prove it?

We know them for the help of the Finniki, - a distinguished priest.

But why don’t I threaten to be unsafe for Egypt?

None. Four years ago, Pharaoh Amenhotep the Fourth, having knocked down the power of the priests, having established faith in the single god Ra-Hormakhis Ra-Hormakhis (ancient Egyptian Ra-Gorahuti). Ra is the god of the sun, which is shaking on the back of Heliopolis (Oni), which is near the whole country. Horus, who was vvazhavshis the deity of the sky in Behdetі (Delta), the same time becoming the god of the sun; Yomu was worshiped as Horus "Both horizons" (ahuti). The rise of the cults of these sleepy gods was born in the era of the New Kingdom (XVI century BC). Amenhotep IV (Yekhenaten), who tried to promote the priesthood and reform the ancient religion and establish the cult of the single god Aten, ruled approx. 1424-1400 pp. BC In such a rank, the date is assigned to the novel, є khibnoy.. With whom, obviously, he hoarded belongings from the temples of other gods. And the same people, no army, no nobility have already interceded for the victims ... What can we say about our hour, if the faith has fallen long ago!

Who did help Amenhotep?

A simple priest Eyye.

The same one who, after the death of Amenhotep, occupied his throne, - saying Ramesses, he was staring at the priest.

Ale Samontovi calmly:

Tsej vpadok to bring, scho Amenhotep was not an adjunct ruler anywhere, like dbav about the glory of Ra, nizh about the state.

You, right, right sage! - wiguknuv Ramesses.

Radium serve you, sir!

I appoint you as my guardian, - having said the pharaoh, - if you don’t musish take me away, but settle in my palace.

Vibach, sir, ale docks of the members of the Supreme Collegium do not sit down at the meeting place for negotiations with the enemies of the state, my presence at the palace is more shkodi, lower coriste. I serve and give for the sake of your holiness, ale secretly.

Do you know the way to the Labyrinth Treasury?

I spodіvayus, scho still turn around, sir, z Piv, me to give in tse robbit. If we carry our belongings to the palace and if the court sue Herihor and Mefres, whom your holiness can then have mercy on, then I, with the permission of the pharaoh, will speak clearly and no more serving Seth, who only looks at me people.

Do you think that everything will turn out well?

I vouch for my life, - a great priest. - You love the people, and it doesn’t matter to oppose the dignitaries of the soldiers ... The soldiers hear you, as if you were waiting for the pharaohs from the hours of Ramesses the Great ... Who can stand against these forces ?. the power of the world.

If Samont chose to go, the pharaoh allowed him to fall to his legs and gave him an important golden lancet and wrist, embellished with sapphires.

Not every grandee is honored with similar mercy for long-term service.

The sight of Samonta and those yogis filled the pharaoh's heart with new hopes.

"Yakby only a little far away to see the treasures of the Labyrinth! .."

A small part of them would go to those who would call the nobility to the Phoenicians, improve the lives of the villagers and buy the pledge of the pharaoh's mother.

And the power would be rich with such spores! For what is the mischief in view of the fact that the Phoenicians were going to give Ramesses a great posture? The position will need to be extinguished with vіdsotkami chi early chi pіzno vіddat at the outpost іnshі tsar's maєtki. Tse could no longer vodklasti razorennya, but not ahead of yoga.

Egyptian pharaoh

First letter "r"

Another letter "a"

The third letter "m"

Remaining beech letter "s"

Response to the request "Egyptian Pharaoh", 6 letters:

Alternative food for crosswords for the word ramesses

Egyptian pharaoh, who established the rule of Egypt in Palestine

Say in the old Egyptian "Ra giving birth to yoga"

Say in the ancient Egyptian "Ra giving birth to yoga"

Pharaoh, who established the rule of Egypt in Palestine

The meaning of the word ramesses in dictionaries

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Ramesses is the name of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Ramesses I - ancient Egyptian pharaoh from the XIX dynasty. Ramesses II the Great - an ancient Egyptian pharaoh from the XIX dynasty, one of the most important pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. The attackers were called in honor of yogi ...

Great Radianska Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Velyka Radianska Encyclopedia
pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Most famous: R. II (throne named after Ra-sotep-en-Ra), pharaoh (end of 14 ≈ mid-13th century BC) of the XIX dynasty. For the new Egypt, the reach of significant power. Vіv trivalu struggle with the Khets, after that for Egypt ...

Apply the word ramesses to the literature.

One day I slept at the chamber of the blind harpists, at the same tomb of the pharaoh. Ramesses near Tapi, de I, as if earlier, alive, and my old father Amenemhat appeared, moving forward from my bed, spiraling on a club, and punishing: - Look respectfully, my son.

Ramesses dare to think that the Assyrians are high and strong warriors and their armor is beautiful, but you can see that the stink is rotten.

Say more, - vіv far Ramesses- To our pan, who gives us life, that all the Egyptians know and all the wars are overwhelmed for one thought, that the Assyrians can want Phenikia.

Ramesses having been at the complex of Djoser and suffocated by the beauty of yoga texts, which are filled with blues, on yoga thought, writings, which are applied to the walls of yoga by contemporary artists, they are not only stupid, but mediocre at a glance of mysticism.

Since that day, yak Ramesses having become a monk of Lower Egypt, it became so difficult for him, such wines to instill without showing himself, wanting to be born and viris at the royal court.

In popular culture, the rite of mummification is associated exclusively with ancient Egypt. This is the fact that the Egyptian mummies themselves became the homes of our distant ancestors. Ale, modern historians have explained more old culture, who practiced mummification. Tse American culture of the Andean Indians of Chinchorro: mummies were known here, dating back to 9 thousand years before ours. But all the same, the respect of modern historians is attached to the Egyptian mummies - who knows, yak taєmnitsі can take tsі mertsі, that they saved well.

In Egypt, mummification originated less than 4500 years before our era. Floorings exact date allowed the excavations of the English expedition, carried out in 1997, to be explored. Egyptologists attribute the early burial of mummies to the so-called Baddarian archaeological culture: at that time, the heads of the Egyptians were wrapped in linen and bast matting, leaking out in a special warehouse.

Ancient records

The process of classical mummification of old is not known to historians. On the right, the only evidence about the stages of mummification, which have been saved today, belongs to ancient authors, including such great philosophers as Herodotus, Plutarch and Diodorus. For tsikh mandrivniki the classic process of mummification of the New Kingdom is already degrading.

Judge the savings

The organs pulled from the corpse were diligently saved. They were washed in a special warehouse, and then they were placed in a vessel with balm, canopy. 4 canopies fell on one mummy - their heads were embellished with the heads of the gods: Khapi (baboon), Dumautef (jackal), Quebehsenuf (sokil), Imset (man).

Honey and shkaralupa

Іnuvali and іnshі, more vishukanі ways to embalm the deceased. For example, the body of Oleksandr the Great was mummified by an incomparable "white copper", which was not at all lost. In the early dynastic period, the balsam flasks went inward to a greater easy way: the body was covered with plaster, on top of which it was painted with olive oil. In such a rank, the shell was lost, with gunpowder in the middle.

Mummies inkiv

For example, in 1550, a Spanish official greedily drank on mummies inkiv, buried at a hidden stove not far from Peru. Further, further investigations revealed other ovens: in the Indians, a large warehouse of mummies emerged - 1365 persons, many of the founders of the most important cultures.

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