Tabular method for determining the status of a child. Follow-up of a child by the date of conception - scientific methods. What is added to the molding process

Life realities do not start zbіgayutsya z tim, scho scho people plan, but more people continue to viriti, scho most important moments of your life can match the plan. And being inspired by such a miraculous surprise, like a call about the status of the newly-born degenerate, they are trying to become a child of roaring.

There would be nothing nasty in anyone, especially in quiet depressions, if there is a need for food about the prevention of recessive pathologies in children of singing status. Ale, unfortunately, can’t think of anything good with science and it’s better to introduce the fathers into Oman. We wonder what the methods are, how to grow up to become a child, to propagate all the calendars and tables of the child’s status, the stench is reliable.

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Forgive me and make available the tables for calculating the status of children and the so-called calendars of vacancies. It is possible to become a child behind the table for the treatment of infirmity, a smut - to improve on the day itself on the day when the plan is vimagatime.

Planuvannya statі children and more foldable food

Widespread vykoristovuvat the Chinese technique, schob virahuvat become a child at the table, women began approximately from the middle of the last century, if in the heat of popularity such scientific trends as astrology and numerology were stumbled. The popularity of this technique can be explained by the authority of the state, which gave the world of Chinese sages that ancient Chinese medicine, and also by the simplicity of the vikoristan.

Judge for yourself, for the investigations you need all the exact data:

  • date of conception (only a month, navit number neobov'yazkove);
  • vіk zhіnki on scheduling moment narodzhennya dіtini.

It is possible to be a child with a table of calculation of the status of a child, who, if anything, is engraved by the "sea battle" or simply by loving mathematics in the pochatkovy school.

  1. The upper row of the table is the turn of the months of conception of a child from the chest.
  2. The left vertical is the age of the future mother.
  3. On the retina of the horizontal row with the vertical one, the "forecast" is displayed - the letters "M" (boy) or "D" (girl) are visible. The method is simpler nowhere.

If you were a reasonable person, you realized what to predict, and then it’s more possible to grow up to become a child at the table - the very same, who throw a foal, the accuracy is approximately the same.

Why is the method of rozrahuvati becoming a child at the table so popular? Well, the popularity is often overgrown with extremely vague theories, therapies and techniques, so it was always - two hundred, and a thousand years ago, and inspire our findings for a century.

Something more zaum in other similar methods - Japanese, like victorious calendar of conception. Rozrahuvati to become a child proponuetsya behind the table.

The theory of blood renewal is profoundly anti-scientific, but the human blood warehouse is modernized richer, lower in the statement 3 fates for women and 4 fates - for men.

There is a prote table, and it is possible to get to know it:

  1. The upper horizontal column is the father's last century at the time of conception (from 18 years).
  2. Leviy vertical stovpets - the last century of the mother at the time of conception.
  3. On the periphery of the line, like in the Chinese table, there are letters that signify the status of the future baby.

Butt: if the fathers are 30 years old, and the mothers are 25, then behind the table they check the people of the girl. How can I grow up to become a child, how will I need a boy? Looking at the table:

  • through the river (if the father will be 31, and the mother - 26), the table will renew the prophet of the girl's people;
  • after 2 rocks - the table depicts the riddle yak M / D, so that you can become a child, but be like that with the same imovirnistyu;
  • nareshti, less than 3 years (if the father will be 33, and the mother - 28) the table says Zhadane "M".

Such a look japanese table for the purpose of the state of the child

Can't it take so long to check? Ні, prikhilniki ideas of blood renewal explain that the results of this technique can change, depending on what month you will conceive. For example, the fathers are still 30 years old, and after 3 months the mother will turn 26 years old, at the moment the table “transfers” the boy, all the time and you can victorious for the conception of a fall of doty, the docks of the fathers will not turn up 31 years. Vrakhovuchi all these nuances, it is suggested to put together your own calendar of conception.

And chi is not behind the table, but behind the formula? So, the theory of blood renewal suggests such an option. For example, let’s go ahead with the rozrahunki with the already “known” couple - yoma 30, їy - 25 rokiv.

  1. Dilimo for a person by 4 (30:4 = 7.5).
  2. Vіk zhіnki dilimo by 3 (25: 3 = 8.3).
  3. Tiered results: 7.5< 8,3.
  4. Whoever has the best result, that one wins.

The woman won our turn, and tse means that the bet at the time they reached the turn 30 and 25 recent years the girl will wake up. Like Bachimo, the data were taken from the forecasts of the Japanese table, but there is nothing marvelous about it - the table is stored behind such roses.

How reliable are the ways?

About the reliability of the examined methods, it’s not a good idea to think about it. The stench is not exact for the forecast for the coin tossed, but there are possible gains, which 50 family couples can boast of - nothing else, just like gains. The one who knows what it takes to become a child, as if it’s zaplіdnenna and never trust similar theories, and not shukatima “a table to calculate how to become a child” (the spelling of shukachiv is saved navmisno).

Let's guess, to become a human being is laid down when it is flooded and lie in the set of chromosomes of the spermatozoa, which is able to penetrate into the egg cell. Under the hour of penetration, there is a flood - angry woman and human clitin in one cell, the title of a zygote, like a mother already 46 pairs of chromosomes, which are meant to become a conceived child.

The zaplіdnennya can be less after ovulation, and with the moment of її the current seasoning is another popular way to count how to become a child.

What will be the method of planning a child's birth by the hour of conception? In this method, the main role is played by ovulation, which means that all calculations are vibrated, how to grow up to become a child.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is called the exit from the ovary of a mature stave cell and the sound from the spring membrane - the follicle.

  1. In the ovaries, women from the її people linger a sprat of millions of children for the quality of immature eggs.
  2. At the time of the current reproductive age, their number will shorten to a few hundred thousand.
  3. Before ovulation, only one or two eggs ripen, ready for the morning.
  4. The growth of the follicle and the entire ovulatory process are stimulated by the pituitary gland, which vibrates especially speech - the luteinizing hormone. As LH production is insufficient, there is no ovulation, and pregnancy is impossible to occur.

What is the meaning for nutrition, how can you grow up to become a child, can you ovulate? Egg cells live only one harvest. If the clitina will not be flooded, it will die, and after 14 days the woman will recover (regulation). It is important that you plan to zaplodnennya on the date of ovulation, or for the production before it, then the first to ovum will be more spermatozoa, to avenge the Y-chromosome, carrying the human genetic material. What do the fathers chant, how to chirp, how to make them become children, so that they are born sons.

How to check the hour of ovulation?

Since a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, it is not easy to recover the moment of ovulation - it is usually 14 days before the onset of the cycle. The first day of the cycle is the day the woman appears bloody visions z pikhvi, navіt yakscho stench is not overly intense. The trivality of the sight is not important, it can be 2 days or 8, after the news from the first day of regulation.

How do you know if your cycle is regular? Come prostrate for a cycle of at least 3 months:

  1. Designate the first day of menstruation for the current month.
  2. Dock the cob of offensive regulation.
  3. Celebrate how many days have passed since the beginning of the ear of menstruation.
  4. Treat the cob of the coming month-old days in advance, you have done well the past time, mark the day on the calendar.
  5. If the next month is approaching (it’s already the third after the birthday), match the date of the beginning of the month with your sign on the calendar - as the stench has come earlier than the planned term, it means that your menstrual cycle is irregular. Well, the time has come - you can vvazhat, scho regular.

How to go through the cycle without the present vaginess

Vzagali, about the regularity of the cycle can be judged by the results of caution, as at least a stretch of fate, the shards of the month can spontaneously change their cyclicity, especially in young girls. As you know that your cycle is regular, you can see it on the cob for 14 days, which will be the day of ovulation.

How to spoil for an irregular cycle?

Save the date of ovulation for women with irregular cycles. In this type of depression, a sprat of methods of inducing ovulation is recommended:

  • vikoristanny of pharmacy tests;
  • folded graph of basal temperature.

With ultrasound control (folkulometriya) it is possible to obtain the most accurate data with the accuracy of the forecast up to 12 years. However, this method is not cheap, even if you need to prove ovulation, which you have seen, you will have to go through not one, but a few ultrasound procedures (3-5 procedures).

Cheaper cost is a pharmacy test for ovulation, similar to the test for vaginess and it affects the hormone LH prescribed in the female section (during the ovulatory period, it is taken). However, it is not possible to name the exact method, the signs of luteinizing hormone increase are not due to ovulation, but to gynecological and other pathologies.

This is what an ovulation test looks like

Zreshtoyu, the technique, which does not require annual financial contributions, is the basal temperature. She will die at the camp of total peace, that will require some preparation.

Preparing for the rozrahunka

To create a basal temperature chart, you will need:

  • notepad chi zoshit;
  • special vision thermometer;
  • as the thermometer is not electronic, but mercury, you need a spring.

Everything is rehabilitated, but it’s due to the hand, entrusting it to the sleeping place, to wind the thermometer is guilty, but in the morning (in the evening) to shake off the number of weddings. It is necessary for the preservation of a completely calm after sleep, if the temperature is controlled.

For an hour, the basal temperature will come to a close in the late evenings and, later, more, in the “nightly days”, but less than 8 years passed from the rest of the reception until the moment of the death.

Order of vimiru:

  1. Start counting the next day of the menstrual cycle. Leaning forward, without getting up from the bed, take a thermometer and carefully introduce yoga into the rectum.
  2. After 5 minutes, the thermometer is twisted and the indication is taken. Write down the meeting in a notebook.
  3. For the third time, add the graph with the cob of coordinates at the lower left corner.

The lower horizontal line can be graphed on the day, and the vertical line - on the temperature line. Kozhen gave a maximum of 0.1 degrees, but the diagnostic value of this process may be less than 0.4 degrees. It is also recommended to expand vertically from 36.1o C.

A decrease in the increase in basal temperature begins to appear in 12-14 days (with a 28-day menstrual cycle), as the temperature stays at an elevated level (+0.4 or +0.5 degrees) for three days, then, ovulation begins. How to grow up to become a child at conception at the moment of ovulation?

The principle is this:

  • if you want to conceive a boy, you may not get married earlier, lower for doba before ovulation;
  • If you need a donka, take the next act 2-3 days before ovulation.

Nothing complicated. Tse not a table of conception, to grow up to become a child, help to give a song.

How will the schedule of basal temperature

Yaky zv'yazok, feed you. On the right, in that they carry the human genome, then the Y-chromosomal spermatozoa are richly damaged for the X-chromosomes, then they carry the female genetic material. However, the first ones live only 24 years, and the others - 72 years old. The axis and go out, which until the moment of ovulation, the eggs can be present only spermatozoa, as they carry the bagan genome.

  1. If the state act occurs on the day of ovulation, or the day before it, then the first to mature state cells of the woman are the Y-chromosomes.
  2. If the stage act occurs 2-3 days before ovulation, then the Y-chromosomes will already die at the time of flooding, and only X-chromosomes will be lost.

Nothing collapsible, but nothing and nothing scientifically confirmed in this theory, how to grow up to become a child. The table for 100 years in May is the same chance of correcting the forecast, as well as the way to ovulate.

Chi is it possible to rozrahuvat become a possible baby by 100%?

Letting the hopefulness of the future fathers know, we realized that we can’t see it, we’ll try to propagate the most soulful option. Truth be told, you can only get by with him for a few pennies, and strictly for medical ostentatious.

To talk about extracorporeal filling, or the ECD procedure, combined with pre-implantation genotyping (ICSI method):

  1. The procedure with the ICSI auxiliary reproductive technology does not transfer pidrachunks, it is designed for people with similar sperm disorders and other medical conditions.
  2. At the procedure, the father’s sperm (ejaculate) is collected, folding forms without pregnancy, you can see a morphologically healthy life.
  3. The filling of selected state cells is tested in vitro, so that in samples, which allows the zygote to be re-examined for the presence of recessive diseases and state belonging.
  4. Having selected the largest embryo, it is implanted in the future mother intracervically (to be injected through the cervical canal, which is between the empty uterus and the cervix).

It is impossible to transfer the status of the finished embryo to the state, therefore the ECO + ІKSІ method is 100% planning of the state, but not її rozrahunok.


  1. Unfortunately, the jokes of methods, how to be afraid to become a child behind the table, are absolutely marn, the forecasts of the table are not scientifically grounded.
  2. It is not enough to put special hopes on the calculation of the moment of ovulation, to program the ovulation of the egg with a singing spermatozoon, few people know, the whole process of ordering is blameless.

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Diagnosis of basal body temperature is also important for planned vagility, or as a result of the prevention of negligible vaginess. Basal temperature during ovulation, it can appear as pleasant days for conception, and it can also indicate hormonal disorders in the development of some gynecological diseases. To please gynecologists a lot: it is necessary to keep the basal temperature of the body under control, if only once on the river. Women of reproductive age are especially valued. Such a schedule will help prostazhite behind the camp of the reproductive and endocrine system of the woman's body, as well as vryatuvat the woman in case of unsatisfactory vagity and rich ailments of the state paths. Basal temperature, what is it? The basal temperature is the temperature of the body of the woman, as it is indicated on a daily basis, after which the data is taken, it is recorded and a separate schedule is formed. It is shown to help to designate the days most favorable for conception. Also, with the help of regular monitoring of body temperature, it is possible to determine if anovulation occurs in the body of a woman. In case of anovulation, the female egg is not mature, but it is necessary to tell about those that the reproductive function of the female organism is impaired. Useful methods for determining the temperature regime: in the empty mouth, or through the rectum. This winter may be carried out for the last three years: Temperature control is carried out every day, including weekdays, weekends and holy days, at approximately one and the same hour. The ordering of the basal schedule is carried out during the last menstrual cycle, including […]

Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg from the follicle. Systematic approach, which is connected to ovulation, is associated with a regular menstrual cycle and a woman's self-consciousness. In order to cheer up, for an hour, by stretching out, you can track ovulation, it’s enough to speed up in a few ways. One of the most popular is the ovulation test. Such a test is easy to carry out at home, with which you can determine ovulation by line or section. Bagato fakhіvtsіv pevvnі scho correct result buvaє in 98% of depressions. See ovulation tests All tests are good for their own, and the axis is the best for you, and it would be easier to choose, three of them will be described. Test from section. This type of test for ovulation is determined for the appointment of luteinizing hormone in the section. This hormone is ovulated and secreted by the pituitary gland (internal cavity). If the follicle begins to mature in the ovary, the accumulation of the luteinizing hormone increases in volume. The very best gives the body a signal about those that the ovulation axis-axis will become clear. In addition, as the shell of the follicle burst and the egg was released, after 2-3 days the increase in LH rіven guarantees the conception. Sleep test. Tests that indicate ovulation by the skin are tested with maximum accuracy in the final result. With vicarious sling, the greatest concentration of estrogen can be detected. The latest method is an electronic test. It is necessary to wear yoga under the incense. With whom […]

For wealthy women, vagity is a dovgoochіkuvanoy podієyu, to get closer to the correct indication of the day of ovulation. This stage of the menstrual cycle can be characterized by signs and signals about the release of a mature egg from the ovary. During this period, the spermatozoa are filled with eggs, so, in order to recognize ovulation for seeing, it is necessary to know the skin woman, as a dream about conception. Ovulation occurs once every 21-35 days, at which time one egg is released from the ovary. At the empty stomach, the fallopian tubes puff up with villi and begin to fall straight down to the uterus. The activity of the ovum is saved by stretching the doby, and if the spermatozoa grow in the course of an hour, then it will become flooded. Buvay, that the ovary sees two three eggs, for whom the woman can become a mother of twins. Seeing after ovulation before maturation of the ovum is not the same, and constantly guarding for their structure, allow you to independently overcome the moment for the state act. For family couples who plan to have a well-adjusted baby, it is important to know the signs of ovulation, even at the same time they have a real chance to get pregnant. The most favorable period for conception is the day when the egg is released, the spermatozoa can live in the mother until five years old, and then pregnancy can come in that depression, as a statutory act of the egg until the egg matures. Seeing during ovulation will help you to get better at […]

Stimulation of ovulation - a real time to motherhood Early in the life of a skin woman, the moment has come, if she is ready to feel the joy of motherhood, if the appearance of a small person in the world becomes the headiest of women. However, it is a great pity, far from being given happiness to the skin. More than ten years ago, the medical verdict “bezplydya” for wealthy women is equal to the virus. Today's day of development reproductive medicine gives the opportunity to become fathers to thousands of families, increasing the chance of conceiving a child for additional stimulation of ovulation. Regardless of the high efficiency of this method of fighting bezploddy, this option is far from suitable for everyone. Being an ideal solution for those who are diagnosed with polycystic disease, those who have a disruption of the menstrual cycle, during the day of ovulation, this method can be a serious contraindication to zastosuvannya. Contraindications to stimulation of vagity Take stimulant drugs and categorically zaboronet in such cases: - in case of any ignition processes of the ovaries; manifestation of chronic illnesses, associated with post-mortem drug therapy; infections of the paths in one of the partners. In addition, preparations that are used to stimulate ovulation can negatively affect the health of women for over 40 years. The next step is to indicate that it is irrelevant to the order in which the stimulation of ovulation is carried out (medication, otherwise it is planned to stimulate the ovulation folk secrets) - it is important to carry out all visits under medical supervision. Folk medicine […]

In the period of winemaking, children of women are often prescribed as vitamin complexes, and there are no obvious problems in health. Riboxin in case of vaginess is added to preparations, which are not only needed by the organism of the woman herself, but also by the fetus that develops. In the instructions, what to add to the drug, it is indicated that there are contraindications for the hour of winemaking for a baby, but if it doesn’t varto, then the drug is ahead of it, so if I take the drug, I can take the drug. Mechanism of action Riboxin is introduced to synthetic preparations that reduce the metabolism in the mucosal tissues of the body. Faces may be antiarrhythmic, metabolic and antihypoxic. What does it mean? Such a mechanism of injection normalizes the exchange of speech in case of vagity, spray short work heart m'yaz. During the winemaking period of the child, all the organs and systems of the woman's body work out of advancing ambitions. It is not enough to work the heart to the point where blood penetrates through the placenta to the fetus, to avenge the least amount of acidity, but to prevent the development of hypoxia. As a result of these pathologies, the internal systems of the baby suffer, without taking into account the overdevelopment of the head brain, all systems of the body can be formed incorrectly. To ensure the normal riven acid is necessary for Riboxin itself in case of vaginess. In the cells and tissues of the liver, Riboxin also improves the exchange of speech, neutralizes the action of toxins that enter the body, or they settle into something that […]

Vagіtnіst є seryoznym vyprobuvannyam yak for a baby, which has not yet appeared in the world, so for the woman herself. For a protracted period of winemaking, various difficulties can arise, which require medical assistance. Some variations of various medicinal preparations help to save vaginess. One of these medicines is magnesium sulfate, or magnesia. What are the effects of magnesia? Diya tsikh likіv zalezhno vіd vіd vіd vіd vіdnja mozhe vіrіznyatis. Magnesium sulfate is generally prescribed as a zhovchoginny, as well as carrying zasib. Magnesia for vagity, introduced internally or internally, spraying the relaxation of smooth cells. For the size of which it is necessary: ​​increase in the diameter of the vessels and decrease arterial vice; promotion of nirkovo filtratsii and obyagu seen sich; decrease in uterine tone; change in ship activity. When to prescribe magnesia? Magnesia with vagity sounds like a urticaria. The main indications for її introduction є: hypertonicity of the uterus and the threat of a week; preeclampsia; sudominal syndrome and eclampsia; epileptic attack; skhilnist to subdvishchennya arterial vice; tricks; extrasystole and other disruption to the rhythm; not enough magnesium and potassium in the body. Supplement rarely with vagity, magnesium sulfate is administered intravenously. It is due to the fact that this method of introduction is more painful and less effective. In addition, internal infections can aggravate suppuration and abscesses, sap immunity from vaginal depressions. To the only evidence of recognition of magnesia […]

Fungal infection of thrush attacks the mucous membranes of the body of people and women. Most often, women suffer from an illness, and they show their guilt on their mucous membranes. The result is an unacceptable sverbіzh, postyne liver that vision. In case of vagity, thrush is turbulent, and the lady, who is on aphids of a weakened Candida immunity (mushrooms that call thrush), begins to actively spread. What is the pleasure of the thrush? A lot of preparations for the treatment of thrush during the hour of vagity of vikoristovuvati suvorono. To that, schob otrimati operational that effective exuberance, Requiring obov'yazkovo to be greeted with fahіvtsem. Clotrimazole in case of vicarious vaccinia should be dosed frequently. Important! Clotrimazole can be administered only in the other and third trimester of pregnancy. In the first trimester, you need to be inspired by the thrush of the thrush with the first trimester. Clotrimazole is used to help prevent mucosal infection, which helps to fight fungus on the mucus membrane of the skin. Fight faces not only with Candida fungi, but also with other pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause various infections. Dia clotrimazole: Antibacterial; Trichomonacidium; Galvanization for the synthesis of nucleic acids; Upovilnennya protein synthesis; Form the release of Clotrimazole in case of vagity zastosovuєtsya mіstsevo, and the possibility of vikoristovuvat yogo during the period of winemaking the baby will take the drug of the middle іnshih likіv takoї dії. Today's pharmaceutical industry promotes lotions, ointments and ointments for healthy zastosuvannya. Likewise, faces are sold in the form of vaginal candles, they are administered in the form of tablets, and they are taken orally. […]

During the winemaking period, not all faces are safe, most of the most common drugs can be toxic to children, or they are negatively indicated for self-conscious women. Ale traplyatsya so that it is impossible to get along without medicines, even if the doctor takes the most safe, effective zasib. Monural with vagity is prescribed for problems of a urological nature, for this reason there is no risk of a negative injection of a child. Is Monural currently needed? Such a camp is especially important for the body of a vagit woman, in which the immune system is significantly reduced. On the tlі tsgo shvidko rozvivayutsya be-yakі іnfektsії, mid-yih first place urological problems. Pain that pulls in the lower abdomen, often go to the toilet, ailing sechowife makes life easier for a human being, and with vagity, loss of self-feeling takes even more pain. Cystitis, having developed, is not guilty of being deprived without respect, the shards of the day of exultation caused pyelonephritis to inevitably appear. And tse ill with vagity threatens with the most insecure complications - tse and advancement of the vice, sagging, toxicosis, in important vipads, which will end with vikdays or in front of the canopies. In connection with cym urological infections in case of vaccinia, it is necessary to investigate until all symptoms and normalization of indications in blood tests and sections are detected. Monural ranks among the strongest antibiotics with a wide spectrum of activity. So for this recognition it is possible to quickly recognize the microflora of mucous tissues […]

Changes and kindness in Western Europe, stimulating medicinal value Sleeplessness, headaches and confusion on aphids in the presence of comorbid problems with arterial pressure can become a drive for choosing the right drug for the doctor. How do you practice Dopegyt? To control this decrease in arterial pressure, Dopegyt in case of vaginess is only administered in an individual dosing strictly recommended by a doctor. The main storage drug is a highly potent component - alpha-methyldop, which can be safely taken from another trimester due to its vacancy. Dopegyt works like a relaxer. Vіn vplivaє on the frequency of the heart rate and on the low blood flow. Likewise, the faces of the lowering opir of blood-bearing vessels are reduced. Indications for zastosuvannya Dopegytu with vagity In the period of vagity, doctors control the burning state of the body of the vagity and її of the fetus. Particularly important is the third trimester, if there is a sharp increase in the pressure on the body, zocrema, and the cardiovascular system. Dopegyt is recommended in the other half of the vagity for: hypertension; regular haircuts vise; head bіl, especially with a horizontal position of the body. With congenital stubbornness to a raised vice or a sharp haircut, a vice of 20 units can be added up to a trivial admission and in the first trimester. General contraindications: nirk deficiency in hostile forms; be like a disease of the liver; heart failure; myocardial infarction; baby shower. If the recommended dose is broken, Dopegyt can cause a number of […]

The most difficult and last hour in the life of a woman is the period of winemaking for a child. In the month in the body maybe mami there is a great number of stays, as they lower your immunity. In order to improve the protection of functions in case of pregnancy and neutralize the influence of unfavorable factors, gynecologists and obstetricians zastosovuyet various preparations. One of them is miramistin. What are the main therapeutic powers of these faces and how are they rooted in therapy? The creation of that sphere of zastosuvannya Miramistin for its pharmacological row is brought to antiseptics. Vіn buv razrazrobleniya Professor Krivoshein Yu.S. the kind of patents as an author's drug. In the course of the test, a great spectrum of yoga was revealed for bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Already may 20 years of vin victorious at the onset of the traditional galleys of medicine: Surgery. For the prevention of wounds in case of infection, frostbite, optical damage to tissues. Venereology. With the treatment of syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea, genital candidiasis, trichomoniasis. Dermatology and urology. Miramistin zastosovuyut with skin infections, urethritis and prostatitis. Otorhinolaryngology. ENT doctors often prescribe this antiseptic for diagnoses: otitis media, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Dentistry. With treatment of stomatitis, prevention of removable prostheses. Cream of its superficial activity, miramistin beneficially infuses the immune system. Yoga can be used for influenza, and in gynecology - for thrush. The drug is absolutely non-toxic. However, miramistin should be recognized in case of pregnancy as the next step of care. It is necessary to vrakhovuvati as a […]

For the data of the WHO, due to lack of health in the body, over 2 billion people are suffering. One of the most sickly sick categories is female women. On the remaining terms of vagity, the deficiency of the cavity is practically observed in all. This is due to a sharp increase in the consumption of certain elements in the fetus (for the growth of tissues of the spleen and liver, the formation of erythrocytes in the blood). Maizhe 1/3 of the woman's hall is stained for the development of a child. Implantation of saline products does not solve the problem of yoga replenishment. The best option- Taking special preparations. Most physicians prescribe Sorbifer in case of pregnancy for prophylactic and curative purposes. Why is anemia unsafe during pregnancy? Diagnosis of anemia is indicated on the basis global analysis blood. About the presence of illness to note the hemoglobin rіven. If the indicator is lower than 110 g/l - severe deficiency anemia, which will require negainal treatment. This diagnosis can be brought up to bring about unsafe consequences for the mother and child, who has not yet been born: reversing the vaginess or the front canopies; hypoxia and fetal hypotrophy; bleeding; weakened tribal activity. Sorbifer Durules is recognized and taken as Sorbifer - a drug that is formed from the ascorbic acid. Tsey chemical warehouse allow to recognize the drug and the drug. For the shortest assimilation, it is easy to get rid of the pills in the form of salt. Best wetted spray and vitamin C. The drug is used: For the treatment of chronic deficiency anemia. How is prevention for the prevention of anemia in II and III […]

In the period of winemaking, the children of the robotic organs of the woman’s etching in more vipadkiv change not for the better. Nudity, flatulence, vomit delivering few inaccuracies in the first month, and even more, as if for the future mother, constipation is turbulent. The impossibility of normal bowel movement causes discomfort in the abdomen, influencing appetite and mood. Duphalac in case of vagity - the axis of the zdebіlshû to make victorious physicians, as a result of scaling up to fastening. If you need Dufalac Just before the hour of winemaking, the little one needs to stop looking, it is necessary only for suvorim indications, and only then, if the problem is not far away to get into other ways. Tse povnіstyu sustuetsya i carrying zasobіv. You can improve the correct emptying of the intestines for the help of a dewy diet, sufficient water intake, water, and products, which are added to the improvement of intestinal motility. It helps to relieve constipation and increase physical activity - walking at any hour of the day, light exercises, for those who are interested in doing yoga, swimming. Even if you don't help improve the intestinal function, you can beat the drug for constipation, which is safe and well tolerated. Why is Duphalac prescribed for pregnancy? The choice of the recognition of this drug for pregnant women may be considered as follows: Faces do not suffer from embryotoxic and teratogenic diseases. Tse means only one thing - for the fetus at any stage, the development of Duphalac is safe. The drug may have a strong osmotic effect. Those […]

Furacilin is an antibacterial drug, which is similar to widening of the middle of the vagina. A minimum of 4-5 days of regular exposure to furacilin guarantees the growth of the microbial population. Furacilin is not a drug of antibiotic power, but the principle of yoga is analogous, and the drug itself has a wide range of benefits. Furacilin in case of vagity: zastosuvannya Furacilin in case of vagity zastosovuyt zovnishno in order to improve or improve purulent inflammation processes, such as angina. Zasіb vikoristovuєtsya as a rare rozchin. The drug takes root in the following sequence: 4 tablets are taken with a large spoon; the powder sips in a liter of boiled water. It is necessary to vicorate warm water, so that cold tablets cannot open; give a chill to the mouth, so as not to scorch the empty mouth and throat when gargling. Zasіb you can win the styles, you can be tempted. Regularity is assigned independently. Chi is allowed to gargle with furatsilin rozchiny in case of vagity It goes without saying that zastosuvannya be-like likіv in case of vagity is unacceptable. To learn the simplest and most difficult faces of guilt, to suvoro dozuvatisya. Proteolyki guilty of zastosovuvatisya in times of illness. If necessary, the most sparing and safe care is assigned. If necessary, doctors prescribe zastosuvannya furatsilin, scallops of these faces are included in the category of the most safe for women and intrauterine fetuses. Another one of the indications of furacilin is the exaltation of dysentery, but in this case, the powder of furacilin stagnates internally. Rozchin for rinsing so […]

Vіdmіnniy zasіb vіd ENT zasіbіv, popular likarskiy іsіb Kameton miraculously dopomogaє at organ organіv dyhannia, among the following are seen: pharyngitis; tonsillitis; undead; Bronchitis. Being an antiseptic agent at the same time, Kameton helps with colds and flu, which relieved their symptoms. Deyakі likarі prescribe tsey drug vagіtnim, oskolki vvazhayut, scho yogo store no ingredients, yakі negatively signified b on the health of future mothers. Let's take a look at how you can beat the spray cameton with vagity. Rules for choosing the drug of this warehouse Spray Kameton - all combinations of the drug, the main drug is chlorobutanol. Tsya speech, in its own right, may have antiseptic and anti-seizure power, and additional elements can replace medical anesthesia. In the warehouse there is more camphor, like a path teasing blood circulation. Considering the cold, in the presence of stagnation, we give such a component as levomethanol. Antiseptic and antiseptic water of eucalyptus oil, which is in the warehouse. The spray cannot be taken by children under 5 years of age. And on the right, in the fact that children are more sensitive to the components of the medical care for the attention of adults. You can use the drug for vagity Thinking about those who can zastosovuvat kameton with vagity too rich, but knowing the right option is not so easy. To that person, like a doctor, to whom you trust, acknowledging the reception of quiet chi іnshih likіv, then accept yoga […]

Everyday pregnancy in a healthy woman cannot do without the recognition of any medications. If there is a need for simple vitamins, the future fathers will need food - why is it necessary and safe for the future child? Dexamethasone is often prescribed for vaginess. Ale chi is so necessary? Dexamethasone is a non-synthetic hormone (corticosteroid), an analogue of the hormones in measles supramental ulcers. The effect of the work of foundations on the connection of some physiologically active speeches, which are vibrated by the hypophysis, is added to the central nervous system, as well as take part in the process of the adoption of blood cells. Indications for zastosuvannya pіd hour vagіtnostі One of the reasons why to avoid threats of early interruption of vagіtnostі, є hormonal disruption. For some reason, the body of a woman during pregnancy gives failure and replacement of the female hormone progesterone, the human hormone (testosterone) is increased in strength. If blood tests show that the number of androgens is seriously increased, then we can talk about hyperandrogenism. In case of such a diagnosis, dexamethasone should not be used in cases of vaginess. Fahivets is guilty of analyzing the burning camp with the correction of the past vacancies of the woman and the obvious chronic illnesses. Least of all, one can judge what is the risk of reversing the pregnancy and what is necessary. Another reason for the beginning of therapy, if it became flooded, and the immune system accepts the embryo of a person as a foreign body and the right thing […]

Sea buckthorn is a good remedy for vitamins, amino acids and minerals, as it helps to heal the sickness. It was not only the ancient Greeks who guessed about the jubilant power of this chagarnik, but also the people of Tibet. In their schools of medicine, the sea buckthorn was successfully planted as an early striker and a blasphemous zasib. At folk medicine vikoristovuyutsya like chagarnika berries, and yogo leaves, flowers and roots. Often shown is the implantation of sea buckthorn during the hour of vaginess. Korisn_ authority Under the hour of vagity, not only does the woman's way of life change, she often manifests illnesses, with which she did not stick to it. Yaky shukati vyhid, adzhe bagato hto medical care vyyavlyayutsya under the suvor fence? How to bring the body back to normal without naughty children? For the majority of health problems, sea buckthorn can help. For the help of this miraculous natural healer, you can save the onset of ailments: Avitaminosis - to the female organism the period of vaginess requires a large amount of vitamins. Sea buckthorn revenge is necessary for them, but for itself: C, K, E and carotene (A). In order to fill the lack of vitamins in the body, it is enough to drink 50 ml of sea buckthorn juice diluted with water. You can live in that very berry. Decrease in immunity - it is implanted in whether it looks like sea buckthorn with vaginess, iodine renewal, active production of antibodies and an increase in the growth of new cells. All factors are friendly for […]

About Roslin Pustirnik (Leonurus) Yasnotkov family. Takozh v_domy yak Dog's nettle or Heart's grass. From the rhizomes are established upright stem stems. Leaves densely pubescent, and along the edges - pilchaste. Tickets taken from a fake wine. Grows up to 2 meters. At the bottom, there are the most palmy-spreading leaves, which can be 15 cm long. Burn down the roslin is tripartitely divided and the size of the leaf changes. The vouchers are small, spike-like. Plid shotgun, which falls on chotiri peas. Roslina grows on the territory of Central Asia, Europe, as well as in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia. Vono vіddaє vіddaє perevagu skhilam, we will leave the settlements, urvish - there you can manifest yogo yourself. The dog's nettle is widely used in case of vaginess, and in medicine. However, only canine canine canine and pyatilopate canine are suitable for medical purposes. The stench practically does not breathe one kind of one. Harvesting of roselining tickets Harvested at the hour of flowering, before that, only the upper part of the roselining is collected. It is important to see the tops correctly, the thickness of the stem is 5 mm, the length is about 40 cm. Grass is taken from dry application and the term of applicability is not more than 3 years. Peculiarities of growing In the warehouse of dog's drop: tsіnі mineral speech; organic acids; essential oils; alkaloids; tanini; malic and tartaric acid; vitamins A, E, Z. Jubilant authorities widely used in medicine for neurosis, cardiosclerosis, heart defects. You can stop […]

Storinka for the quiet, to whom the cicave is assigned to the status of a child. Here are presented the most popular methods, as the list will be constantly updated. Before the description, the report summary of the methods is added as a table of calendars of conception. Also, online calculators are up to the deyaky methods, for a quick rozrahunka state child.

The Japanese method of determining the status of a child

At all times, the Japanese were famous for their wine and wisdom. Until the joys of the representatives of the nation of the nation, they will hear from the whole world. The designation of the child according to the Japanese calendar (table) conceived so fell to the court. At once, a lot of young mothers and tatas from different little cloaks of the world go into this method. For the rozrahunka, it will take a month for the people to conceive.

Chinese method of declaring a child

China has the most people to win the whole method to plan to become a child. The root of this calendar (table) is designed to lead from the most recent China. Navіt vіdomiy Institute of Sciences of Beijing seems to be able to work. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to designate a future baby in advance, correct the date of conception and correctly go to it.

For the date of blood renewal, the method of determining the state of the child

Tsezovsim is new, but even better, having recommended to himself the method of delineating the status of a child. The basis of victory is cyclicity in renewed blood. Moms have an update every three years. If tat times on chotiri roki (dovshe). Іsnuє ymovіrnіst, scho the future child of the mother to become, whose shelter at the time of the conception of the mother is a smaller century. Calculator online before the method is added.

For the blood group of the fathers, the method of determining the status of the child

This method is worthy of achieving great popularity. Vіn allows you to become a foetus according to the blood groups of the fathers. As you can see, the skin of a person with people once and for all takes the same blood type. These blood groups are known to be chotiri. The increase in the number of blood types significantly increases the dynamism of the people for the parity of boys and girls.

Cyclic method of determining the status of a child

The method of the cycle (after the date of conception) is to milk the young, that yoga is not a good way to go. The very purpose of becoming a child in this way is hoarsely. Such a calendar for the purpose of a child propagates a cycle. For 262 days, I take my cob from the moment of conception of a child. Let's repeat until the people of Mami Tata. The cycle of impulses itself is behind the sinusoid.

Numerical method of derivation of the state of children

Even before planning a child, it is important to open the days for conception, which are the most pleasant. For a skin woman, this indicator is individual. Then you can proceed to experiments, zastosovayuchi calendar (table) zachattya method numbers chi іnshі. At the same time, it is important to remember those who, in fact, do not confirm the truth of such revivals.

Mathematical method for deriving the status of a child

Behind the name I realized that the method of foundations on mathematics and ties with numbers. Ale help similar to the method of nevіdome. Є online calculator rozrahunka, who will follow such a formula. For the rozrahunka, such data are needed: to give the people of the fathers that date of conception of the future child. There is little information about the method, but on practical butts the result is good.

An anti-scientific method for determining the status of a child

Calling the method to testify to that which is not backed by science. Alce whole is normal for such methods. I want to practice such a way, having recommended myself well. Yogo essence will be on the data about the conception of a child. Such, like a woman at the time of conception, two remaining figures of the birth of conception and a month of conception. I want to try yoga for a match, definitely varto.

Universal method for determining the status of a child

This method covers a wide range of data about a family couple. Vіn having taken a lot of direct, pochinayuchi vіd vіku batkіv i zakіnchuyuchi ration vagіtnoy. The method behind the formula is important. The more you accept a particular dad for greed, such a state will be a child. In fact, the purpose of the state of the child is not determined by the method, but the national foundation is maє.

The resource site is informational. The administration does not bear responsibility for the information provided on the pages.

The table of conception according to the province of Vanga for the establishment of the state of decline, or the table of prophecies in the form of Chinese people can help with the designated state of the future child.

The child has been in the womb for about 42 years, passing through the stages from the foetus to the embryo. This term is divided into 3 periods of 3 months each (trimester). The accepted standards for the development of the fetus in the skin of the trimester are internal changes that allow the designation of the terms and development of the child.

The entire period of winemaking is divided into the embryonic stage (germ) and the stage of the fetus (fetal).

The fallow of the people in the woman's blue and daughters is changed by the direct fallow in the chromosome set, which is found in the father's eggs. In human ovules (spermatozoa) X and Y chromosomes are approximately equal in number, and only in female ova are X chromosomes.

Vіdomostі zі statyu probably not to take revenge on your own blastocyst (ovum, which is already filled with).

When diagnosing ultrasound, up to the end of the 13th day of the vineyard, it is indicated to become the fetus:

  • On the 5th day, the internal and external organs of the child begin to form.
  • In 6 tyzhniv states, the organs become more singing. But ultrasonic follow-up is still impossible.
  • For the 7th day of authority, the development of the organs of reconciliation: the testicle or the testicles.
  • Until the end of the 8th day, testicles are likely to testify to the hormone testosterone, which is considered a human sign.
  • The design of the zovnіshnіh state sign is placed on the cob of the 10th tyzhnya.
  • To determine the status of a child, you can already go through an ultrasound examination at the 13th degree of pregnancy, having previously signed up for an appointment.

What is pouring into the pidlog of a baby

On becoming a child, a great infusion may be possible for the spermatozoid father himself. Human eggs (spermatozoa) carry both X and Y chromosomes. Up to 5 years, the embryo is filled with two signs of both articles.

  • the presence of sex in a person,
  • addiction to alcohol,
  • chicken,
  • over the world choked with fat and greased їzhey,
  • High body temperature.

Until the 4th day of pregnancy, the embryo can “vibrate”, be born as a boy or a girl, as a result of experiencing strong mother’s feelings, physical anxiety and illness.

Methods for determining the status of a baby

In today's realities, there are 2 practically guaranteed ways to recognize becoming a child. Ultrasonic follow-up of the fetus by a method that is closer to real results. Dosvіdcheny fahivets іz ymovіrnistyu up to 95% can be installed to become a future child.

Chorionic biopsy is another method without any program. On the basis of ultrasonic imaging, a biopsy is prescribed only once, if there is a risk of recessive disease and genetic diseases. Carry out follow-up to recommend on the 7th term of pregnancy.

Navkoplodnu rіdina dial thin neck and її vyvchennі reveal the presence or presence of chromosomal abnormalities. The method gives a 100% result in diagnosing static children. Ale slіd vrakhovuvati, scho tsya procedure can cause physical harm to a healthy mother and child.

Rozrahunok for the blood type of the fathers

The table of conception of children's status for each blood group of fathers is popular with 75% of couples. For the blood group, the fathers at the stage of pregnancy planning can increase the chance of conceiving a boy or a girl.

The skin of a person of the type of people may have their own blood type. There are 4 such groups. With the addition of song blood groups, the possibility of a nation of a boy and a girl increases.

Blood type Batko
matir I II III IV
I girl lad girl lad
II lad girl lad girl
III girl lad lad lad
IV lad girl lad lad

Rozrahunok stati for the Rh factor batkiv

Behind the table of the Rh factor of the blood, the fathers are planning to become their own future child. In 65% of cases, the method gives positive results.

Rh factor blood

Woman + +
Cholovik + +
Ditin lad lad girl girl

Rozrahunok stati for the Budyansky method

The concept of the method is based on the menstruation cycle of a woman and dates, if her mother is pregnant. If a woman is physically healthy, then her menstrual cycles can be scheduled for 28-30 days. You can conceive a boy in one menstrual cycle, and you can conceive a girl at the onset.

Mustache women can develop their own system of regulation of the status of a child. It is passed on from the recessions of the future mother to all life in the form of maternal ancestors.

A woman may be less likely to become girls in a boy with an unpaired menstrual cycle, and also be born from conceived boys.

Menstrual month, if the woman herself was conceived, for the upcoming vacancies of the woman and the woman. Maybutnіy behind him is the month of conception of appointments for the boys, the wines of the people.

The number of days on the larger side is changed by the months of the calendar year in the months of the menstrual cycle. The calendar cycle has 12 months and the baby is a boy's month. The menstrual cycle has 13 months, so the breast will become an odd month. Oskіlki guys of months and unpaired months are due to change one by one, then such a calendar can be courtier.

This calendar, which is composed of 2 years, is also divided into paired and unpaired rivers. On the date of birth, the month of conception and the menstrual period for a sub-bag may be indicated female calendar.

Rozrahunok according to the Chinese calendar

Already for a thousand years in China, vikoristovuyut their system of rozrahunka state children. Like before conception, so after a new one from victorious tables it’s easy to virahuvat, as a matter of fact it’s not possible to wear a future mother. The method is based on the baby month of conception and mami at the stage of conception. Behind this calendar, a boy or a girl will appear less likely to lie in a woman.

In the horizontal row of the table there are numbers from 18 to 45 - the age of the mother at the time of conception of the fetus. In the vertical row of the tables, there are numbers from the 1st to the 12th - the month of the Chinese month of the year. Belonging to the article in a baby can be played in the crossbars of squares of vertical and horizontal rows (M, D).

The next thing to do is to protect the Chinese women from the moment of conception, and not from the people, that matrix, which is not designed to help the Chinese calendar, does not always give the correct result, so as not to lie against its specialness.

At the time of the birth, it will not be 9 months old, and on the first new day of the little one, born by the prostration of the past fate, 2 fates will be celebrated.

Table showing the status of a child for a mother's age:

Rozrahunok stati behind the Japanese table

Residents of Japan designed a universal way to raise a baby. The stench of the month of the people of the father, from the month of conception, she predicts to become a baby. The Japanese calendar is made up of 2 tables. In 1 table, a couple indicate the dates of their people in horizontal and vertical rows and marvel at the number of the place and the peretina.

Japanese table of conception of children

Another table shows the transcript.

Razrahunok stati for the date of conception (ovulation)

In the process of developing the follicle, the mature ovum moves to fallopian tubes. Tsya diya trivaє approximately 4 years.

The period of activity of the egg is a day, maximum two doby, and less than the whole hour, pregnancy may occur. "Children" and "women" ovules are capable of varying degrees of power. Human cells, which carry the X-chromosome, have a life cycle of more than 3-4 days, collapse from a small swedishness, and, for the most part, more than their “brothers” from a human cob.

Spermatozoa with the Y-chromosome have fewer "sisters", life expectancy is no more than 2 days. Ale їх paragaє in shvidkost, shards of state cells with the X-chromosome are the least ruhli.

Ovulation occurs only if the mature egg from the follicle is deposited in the fallopian tubes for spermatozoa flooding. Only in the period of life of a mature woman of statehood can a new life be born.

Women have their own menstrual cycle, which is three in an average of 28 days. In order to make the girl attractive, the state of proximity is established 3-4 days before ovulation. At this point, the Y-chromosome will appear. As for the boy’s plans for the nation, the article is guilty of the prolongation of the day, which is the day of ovulation. The speed of the spermatozoa of the "boys" helps to reach the eggs first.

Freiman-Dobrotin's method of determining the state of children

The table of the beginning of a child by the method of Freiman-Dobrotin could be easily done (for this, by hand, the calculator should be used), it is considered one of the best. The letter "O" in the tables denotes the father, the letter "M" in the tables denotes the matir.

On the back of the table O1 wonder, de twitch the lines with the date of the father and the birth of the child's birth, remember. Everything is repeated in all 5 tables. Usі pokazniki z tables add up. In the sixth tables, the sum of the bag coefficient is marveled. Dali just like that in the tables M2 memorize the number on the line of the lineage of the mother of the mother and the birth of the child.

Mustaches are repeated in the parent tables, and the rest of the tables are surprised by the subsum coefficient. Whoever has a bet the figure of the coefficient will appear more, such a state will be a child. The girl’s varto chekat and that’s in the mood, if the Batkiv’s coefficients are positive for the numbers “0”.

Appointment of the status of a child for the age of the father, the date of the birth of the mother and father

The table of conception of a child's status on the basis of the date of birth of the father and mother is based on the method of systematic blood testing for the date of birth. It is important that the person's blood is subject to an update of the skin 4 years. In women, blood renewal is observed in the skin of the 3rd roki. Become a child of support to that partner, whose blood was renewed.

For a rozrahunka, it is necessary to divide the woman’s age by 3, and the person’s age by 4. The number of people from the father’s family has a large number, so, even if the blood was changed later for a partner, you can invest in a child of your own status.

The sum of the sums came out of the excess - the victory of that father, whose surplus, when the rose was less. The sum of the dates was the same in both partners, then, with great omnivornistyu in the same varto, the twins were taken into account.

Table for dad

The table of the beginning of the state of a child, divided by medical doctors, for the purpose of determining the state of decline after the age of tat, to help solve the problem of the scalability of the people in the world with only a few girls, or less than lads.

For custom schemes, you can go back to instructions:

  1. Vybirayetsya vіk dad (vertically).
  2. Know the month of conception (horizontally).
  3. The people of the lad should be warned by the fathers, as if the chick has a month, if the chick doesn’t have a month, the chick is ready for the girl’s birth.

Appointment of a child for Vanga

Already looking at the butt, as if speeding up with a similar scheme of destination of status. It is enough to show the mother that date of conception itself (more precisely, the month). And on the retinal parameters, choose “M” or “D”.

The optimal age for the people of the child, according to Vanga, is vvazhaetsya in the age of 19 years to 35 years. Like a mother, for example, 28 years old, and conceived at a black woman, then on a retiring church, you can raise a young girl's mother.

Chi can be predicted to become a child of 100% imovirnistyu

Unfortunately, I don’t have a 100% guarantee for the current moment, so that I can tell the future fathers who the stench can pick up after the people: a boy or a girl. Navіt duzhe qualifications of specialties at the sphere ultrasonic follow-up you can’t exactly signify to become a possible impossibility.

Through the low unreasonable reasons, perebuvayuschie in the womb, the child can "not show" his state affiliation. And when you look at the apparatus until the 18th of September, the organs of the boys and girls may go to life.

Rules for planning the vacancy, how to promote the capacity of the people of the boy, girl

As the fathers need only a son or a daughter, you can also go as far as to bring them down.

For the boy's nationality:

  • engage in more frequent sex: “spermatozoa-boys” are active, but live less;
  • do not suffer from stress, drink soothing herbs;
  • change physical activity;
  • be known to a cold host.

For the people of the girl:

  • engage in sex more: “spermatozoa-girls” are less active, but live longer;
  • increase physical vanity;
  • dorimuvatsya diet: fish, cheese, fruits, honey;
  • squirt soda before making contact.

Article formatting: Svitlana Ovsyankova

Video on the topic: the table of the beginning of the state of the child

Table showing the status of the future child:

Chi can, when conceived, be programmed to become:

The appointed state of the future child is lamenting the rich fathers. Finding the best way to get rid of medical obstezhennia, ultrasound examination.

Alyona early terms, immediately after conception, the wine will not show the result, and then more wine is not effective for planning. Naytsіkavіshim fathers come to the aid of the tables, for which you can decide to become a child.

The appointment of a child for a century of fathers

I have a thought, that on becoming a possible baby, we pour into our fathers. Focusing on the new one, you can tell who will be born - a handsome daughter or a spritny lad. Є kіlka variantіv tabl vyznachennya vіkom.

Mostly wider ones, for those who are less likely to be protected by their mothers. Ale є th takі, scho orientated on vіk both batkіv or even more batka.

For the vіkom mother:

How can one decide to become a child behind a table behind a century? It’s really worthwhile to be like one of them simply, enough for your mother before your eyes, to know the fates of one or both fathers, and also the month of conception. Dali need to know in one of the columns required week, and in the next month, it will be conceived on the line of the columns to marvel at the future baby.

Vanga table

One of the non-scientific, ale behind the words of mothers, to finish in the exact way the appointment of the child's status is Vanga's table. It was not the clerk herself who folded it, but her student Lyudmila Kim. Spiraling on the knowledge, otrimani vіd Vanga, she suspected the law of the mother of the century, the month of conception of that statue of the future baby.

Yak їy koristuvatisya:

  1. At the column "Vik mother" you need to know the number;
  2. Find a column with a month, in which one had a conception;
  3. At the end of your mother's life, that month you will conceive and become a baby.

Qiu tablet can be victorious and for planning the conception, so that the child was born tiєї statі, whatever you want. Navit without delving into it, it is immediately clear that the possibility of having a boy is higher for women from 22 to 30 years old. In another country, there are more chances to conceive a girl.

Japanese table of pregnancy - how to know how to become a child?

Tsey method proponuє to become a possible baby in two stages. Behind the fact, there is not one Japanese table, but two.

Persha was founded on the month of the birth of both fathers, a friend on the month of conception of a baby. The stench is wreaking havoc at the complex. I’m trying to figure out how to sign a sublog only one at a time, unfortunately, I didn’t see anything.

How to signify to become a child according to the Japanese method:

The Japanese table, as proponed by Lyudmila Kim, allows not only to become a baby in the first pregnancy, but also to plan. For which it is necessary in the first table to change the coefficient of the father's day. Then we know the column with the cim code, wonder, for what month there is a greater imovirnist of the people of the little bazhano state.

Vaughn guessing described more Vanga's plate. How can you be recognized as a possible child behind the Chinese table? To mark the age of a child, you only need the date of conception for that age of the mother.

At the first column of evil, it is necessary to choose a number that confirms the mother’s name. Dali at the top row it is necessary to choose a stovpchik from the month of conception. On the crossbar of two columns, at the clitiny, it will be ordered to become a child: D - girl; M is a boy.

Tsikava singularity - the inconsistency of the results in the tables of Vanga and Kitayskoy. For example, Vanga had a greater ability to conceive a girl at the age of 19.

To whom all the Chinese have a boy. I don’t know any of the techniques of the virnish. Possibly, the difference in the results does not indicate the inaccuracy of one of them, but simply the individuality of people of different nationalities.

Recognize who will be born after the date of conception

The date of conception is one of the most important elements of the appointed state. Vіn є in the skin table, and svіvvіdno z vіkom dad helps to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl. The exact date of the appointment is not needed, it is enough to know the month.

For help, you can plan an hour away to get busy. For whom in the table, which was worthy, know the best result and marvel, if it is necessary to conceive. For example, take the Chinese table. To know your age and to know the clergy with the bagan statue of a child. Now wonder if the months will be friendly.

Blood renewal table - how to become a child?

There is one more method of deprivation of the status of a baby. This way, the introduction of blood renewal, is important, what is the "new", it is more addictive to become a child.

What does it mean: if it’s a “new” shelter for a future mother, then a girl will be born, if so, then a boy. And in order to be appointed, it is necessary to recognize the update index. For what in the first table, look at the code on the other side of the skin.

In another table, it is necessary to know the coefficient between the age of the father (it looks good for mom and it looks good for dad) and that month is conceived. Now the hour has come to know who will be born.

For whom it is necessary to put together two coefficients (from two tables), otrimanih for mothers, and then for tat. It’s a good idea to designate the smallest number, as if the father would have young blood. For example, if a tat has a smaller number, then it will be a boy.


In order to be recognized as a child according to the tables, for any of the options for obov'yazkovo, the date of the conception of the baby and the age of the mother, in such vipadkas and the father, is needed. Going to the rank of the child behind the table, you can take a reliable result.

Ale not varto spodіvatisya on tsі danі povnіstyu, stench is only one of the additional koshtіv. The exact result can be recognized by ultrasound. Golovne - do not turbo before the hour, even if the wind is blown, it does not give a 100% guarantee.

And a few more additional information on the topic of the article - in the next video.

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