Can you name the date of death? The date of death follows the date of the birth of sacred leaves from the past. Online date of death calculator


From this drive there are two protracted thoughts. A lot of people would like to know the trivality of their lives. Ale is not enough and quiet, who would never want to be told such information.

Irrespective of those who in the reincarnation of that rebirth believe more than a lot of people, death may be afraid of everything. Most of us would know the great stress, yakbe knew the exact date of their death and the death of someone from their loved ones.

Moreover, numerological fortune tellers can also tell about the cause of death. Somehow you know that negative prophecies are only created through those that a person herself creates a psychological attitude. That's why it's going to hit those who will make the prophecy come true, and the thought, as we know, is material.

How can a person create for himself those things that he will die at the singing vіtsі, if possible. Naskolki are seriously put up to similar numerological fortunes - they are special on the right skin side of us. Obviously, it is impossible to name them exactly, because they give only orientational information.

If you want to take accurate information, then you need to go back to the astrological forecast, which includes an analysis of the hour and month of the people, the injection of specific planets and a lot of other factors.

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Prote, one cannot say that absolutely everyone is afraid of death. And so, it’s like a bulo to find out about the trivality of your life for the date of the people in order to cook until a happy old age, or, on the contrary, try to catch up with the realization of everything you have planned, as if by rapt they took away the trash.

In order to find out about your triviality of life, your number is necessary, the month and the river of the people should be summed up, and then bring the otrimane number to a single digit.

For example, let's look at the people, the yak was born on July 5, 1986. 5+1+1+9+8+6=30=3+0=3. After that, as you took away the number, we proceed to the decoding of its meaning. Father, how long will you live with your lower intellect?

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Grandma with a scythe to show up to you after your 80th birthday. You have more than that bright life, and death will be painless and easy.


Better for everything, you will be separated from life after an unfortunate fall. The most safe dates for you are 7,19,29,45 hours 67 years. Of course, you can live longer, just in the world you need to be as careful as possible.


You will live long, but you will die in sickness. The most safe fates for you are 44 and 73.


You are a good longevity. You are one of those people who has every chance to put a hundred candles on their Christmas cake. Up to your rest days you will lead active image life, as well as good health.


Death is constantly hovering over you, but you are silently unique. Your life is far from safe, but in the next world you will not come out of good reason, moreover, in an important way.


Unsafe fates of life for you - 13,22,47 and 68 fates. On the triviality of life, that cause of death is thrown by the karmic borg. Joke a hint at numerological indicators and the number of your karmi.


You have the strongest guardian angel, but you are in the zone of risk of perishing in the face of various elemental evils. Fight the storm, povezh that pozhozh. You matimete unstoppable death.


You are supposed to rizikuvati and greet death. If you do not hesitate, then sooner or later it will end in tragedy. The trivality of your life is entirely in your hands. If you unify the risks, then you will know how to live a long time.


Such a person, unfortunately, rarely lives to see the 50th anniversary. You were given the next trimation in the form of alcohol, tyutyun and bad risks. Vіn is obliged to seriously care for his health, in order to take away the chance to spend more time in this world.

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1. By stretching three times after death, the body is laid out, to which the enzymes accumulated in the body are absorbed.

2. The body of Abraham Lincoln was puffed up 17 times.

3. In people who have overcome self-destruction through a rise, in most of the depressions a posthumous erection traps.

4. After the death of the body, the head hangs for another 20 seconds.

5. In 1907, an experiment was conducted to call a person before the day of death. It appeared that right after the death of a person, she was eating at the vase.

© Heather Shimmin / Getty Images

6. Real facts to say that with serious fat deposits after death they turn into cute.

7. In the book of Moritz Rollingz "Beyond the threshold of death" there are real proofs of the reason for hell that paradise.

8. It seems to me that a person is buried with live bait and will die in 5.5 years.

9. After death, a person continues to grow hair and nails.

10. Faceless people, who survived a clinical death, visited a different world.

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11. Kolya clinical death trapleyaetsya with a child, it’s less good to sip, then the same person has grown up and often sip the demonic conspiracy.

12. In Madagascar, it is a tradition to dig up the remains of a close person in order to dance out of it at once for an hour of ritual ceremony.

13. Michael Newton, American scholar, having learned to use additional hypnosis to awaken people to tell about the past of life.

14. After death, a person is reborn in a different body.

15. If we are in peace, then in the rest of the house we will lose our hearing.

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16. Some mummies, like "live" in Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia, have hair and nails until they grow.

17. Dostovirnі dzherel stverdzhuyut, scho psychologist Raymond Moody wrote his book "Life after death", based on real facts.

18. A lot of people think of a wondrous fence on the name of a dead person.

19. After death, the information that is saved in the brain of a person does not die, it is saved. This fact is confirmed by life after death.

20. Residents of China care that after the death of their skins to eat in the heat.

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21. There are more people in the face of a coconut guinea, but less in a shark attack.

22. In France, it is officially permitted by law to make friends with a lady, or make friends with a dead person.

The date of death after the date of birth can be covered for additional numerology. Іsnuє dekіlka methods for rozrahunku approximate date of death. Varto vrahuvati, that such rozrahuna can indicate an exceptionally clear date, as it is stale in view of the immovability of future prospects.

When taking away data, it is necessary to evaluate your life, and also to straighten it out. For such an approach, the trivality of life can be increased.

One of the simplest methods is the use of rozrahunok on the basis of the numbers of the date of birth. Razrahuvati, for whom death will come, you can follow the next instruction:

  1. The day is written on the arkush, the month of that day is the people's day.
  2. Below is written in a row the sum of the day (the number is the same), the month (it is indicated by the new numbering), the skin number of the fate. Tobto, like a person was born on December 24, 1986, the sum looks like this: 24 + 12 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6.
  3. The number is added to the otriman sumi, which is given to the month, that subvoene month number. If you look at the front butt, the amount looks like this: 60 + 12 + 24.
  4. Otrimane number will become the final result of the rozrahunka.

Tsya method of designating the date of death may be hijacked in 5 years, moreover, it may not only be taken from the greater, but from the smaller side.

Method for determining the date of death with deciphering the results

This technique allows you to designate the most critical fates of life, in which death can occur. Rozrahunok is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The date of birth is written on the arch, for example, 12/24/1986.
  2. All the numbers written in the date are added together, okremo: 2+4+1+2+1+9+8+6=33.
  3. Whenever the sum is taken out a single-digit number, all warehouses are added together: 3+3=6.

The filing of a rozrahunka allows you to know about the approximate date of death of a person. Varto vrahuvati, scho in the staleness of the sign of the zodiac, the hour of appearing in the world, the phases of the month, the results can be resurrected, it is a lot of good to recommend that you work for the help of a comprehensive approach.

Pobudova life schedule for the date of birth

Another way that allows you to calculate the date of death by the hour of appearing in the world is to encourage a life schedule.

Such an eskіz is allowed to evaluate all the anger that fall of a person, її unsafe and folded rocks. How to fold the chart:

  1. It is necessary to write the date of birth in the archipelago in front of the paper, for example: 07/08/1990.
  2. Given all the numbers, krim zeros are multiplied: 8*7*199=11144.
  3. The graph is drawn below: the entire X is displayed horizontally in front of us, as it shows the timing of the intervals. On the X-axis, the values ​​are indicated, multiples of 12.
  4. The mobility of unacceptable pods in life appears to be behind the auxiliary U axis. Signs from 1 to 9 are oscillated on it. The cross point of the axes is 0.
  5. Otrimani digits create are indicated on the graph by dots, which, for accuracy, are connected between themselves by straight lines. Repair the badge next from 12 years.

As a result, a graph will appear on the image. To find out about the trivality of life, it is necessary to decipher it.

Deciphering data graphics


Otrimane, the number 0 can signify the death of a person, and also її perebuvannya between lives and death for a designated period.

Varto vrahuvati, that the struggle will be collapsible, filled with torment.

Zagalom v_dobrazhennya 0 on the graph symbolizes the cardinal deterioration of the lives of people.

A single person has been appointed to report about a much lower level of living energy.

Fallow in the rozashuvannya of the number on the schedule, it can get different values:

  • as if alone, roztashovuєtsya on the cob of graphics, imovіrno, the child will live in the minds of others or fight with important pathology;
  • if you are in the middle of a laman line, a person will live in sins and rahuvat a leather copy;
  • roztashuvannya odinі naprikіntsі graphics vіschuє marginal life.


Most of the people who feel lonely in the middle or like a schedule, suffer from drug or alcohol addiction.

So 1 you can talk about the possibility of depression or pathology, which threatens the life of a person.


The number 2 speaks about those who live steadily passively, in which period people do not check for failure or success.

The two do not see any need for human life.


The result of the trinity form can be said about the stagnation of life. This period is characterized by a special development of people in all spheres of life.

For the whole nine, 3 is a collapsible number, which can reflect the deterioration of psychological health.


The growth of life energy is distinguished by the number 4. It is also a symbol of success, new prospects, the appearance of changes, and to bring about the successful completion of all rospochatih rights.


The cardinal life of the change is the last five.

It’s time for a person to check the transfer, professional change, fun, or having opened a window, the appearance of a first paper.


Shistka is a pleasant period, which means literally all spheres of life.

At this hour of life, people do not threaten their everyday troubles and ailments.


The number 7 speaks of a stable period, which will remind you of a calm, peaceful life.

At that hour, a person will realize the installation of the mark, it will be formed as a different specialty.


Vіsіmka vіschuє vіschuє poshchennya material well-being, people zmіtsnit sії sії sії sії y kar'єrnym і professional planі.

Under the hour of realizing your potential, you will take away a great profit.


The number 9 is a symbol of self-sufficiency, a canopy setting up to material values.

At this hour, a person begins to recognize his confession, the sense of life.

The inkling of the life schedule is most likely to be unstable. Yogo windrows either rise or fall, which symbolize the life of life and that fall.

Vіdrіzki, scho descend, indicate the development of unsafe illnesses.

In order to cost-free calculate the movable periods of life, in which death can occur, follow the reverence for roztashuvannya 0 and 1. It is mindful that such figures may have a low energy potential. If 0 or 1 is located at the center of the graph, it is not enough to talk about the immovability of death in a young person.

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Wealthy people want to look at the future and count the dates of important podias. Until the burning ones come and feed, for a while the time was lost until the end of life's path. With absolute accuracy, the date of death cannot be given, but it is possible to try її virahuvati. Numerological vchennya, which speaks to the roots of ancient times, propagates two ways of z'yasuvati vіk, if death is the most important, and deyakі surround the rest of the path with the folding of numbers to give the people, or the digital meaning of the letters of the name. The table of qualifications is based on two alphabets - Cyrillic and Latin. Before the skin result, a report interpretation was given.

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    Transferring the date of death and numerology

    Wealthy people want to look at the future, that far-fetched knowledge of what tomorrow is preparing for them. Up to one of the most important ones, food is given, how many hours have been lost until the end of the life path. With absolute accuracy, it is impossible to transfer the death of the death, it is possible to try the virahuvati, as if it were a check of one’s exit from life, spiraling on whether it’s a fact. For a long time, since life has been celebrated by people in time immemorial, the greater number of esoteric teachings, broken up by people, can, in their own order, be able to take care of food. Having become familiar with them, you can learn about those, how long a person has lived in this world, or count the critical moments, if death comes close to you and you need to be drunk, so that you don’t waste it to your hands.

      Numerology is one of such sciences that originated in ancient times, recognized the threefold evolution and retained popularity to this day. This system of knowledge is based on the statements about those that the whole world can be given in the sight of numbers, which are given symbolic meanings. Numerologists speak on the choice of as many as two ways to take away information about the circumstances of an imminent death.

      For the date of birth

      Behind the numerological manifestations, it is important that the numbers of the people's day take away all the sacred information about the person, including the most safe fates, if the person is the most shy and spends the risk to the zone. Zavdyaki z'yavlyaetsya mozhlivіst dіznatisya about the approximate date of his death. In order to formulate hypotheses about the trivality of life for the date of birth, numerologists proponuyut to put together a special rozrahunok. For whom do you need to work out arithmetic calculations. It is important to remember that in order to put together a numerological horoscope, it is necessary to state the exact date of birth, which includes more than the day that month appeared on the world, and th river.

  1. 1. It is necessary to add up the numbers to give the people. You can enter a one-digit or two-digit number.
  2. 2. As the result is two-valued, the numbers are added again, reaching numbers like 1 to 9.
  3. 3. Rozrahunok vikonano, the hour has come to interpret the abrogation of the symbol.

In the name of that im'ya

The method will be used to replace the letters of the name and nickname with numerical equivalents. Dani in the father's way is also a vrakhovuyut. The method of distant rozrahunka zbіgaєtsya with the above.

The most truthful way of rozrahunok, vykonaniya on the basis of the most relevant information - that name, with which the person called herself associates, and not those that appear in the documents. Tse means, sho tim, who call a cry for yourself with a changeable form or a homemade prizviskom, varto robit rozrahunki for insulting options - and for the way, and for the same form. It is important that you continue to avenge the program, ideal information about the share, to the same as the real situation in your own mind, how to call a person, we will revise it as much as possible for both options. If it is necessary to choose one, it is recommended that you pass the actual data of your passport.

  1. 1. Having speeded up the indicated table of validity, following the filing of data in the numerical sequence (hint: the number of signs is due to the number of cob letters).
  2. 2. All numbers are added together until they reach the result of 1 to 9.

Interpretation of results

The number 1 allows you to admit that you can not worry about death until an important age. The death of such a person is recognized in the period from 80 to 85 years.

The number 2 is a disturbing sign. It can mean that death will not be natural. Unfortunate falls with a tragic result can be a protracted life: in the 7th, 19th, 29th, 45th and 67th years.

The number 3 remains calm until old age: at the middle stage of life, numerologists recommend turning your respect for only one century: 44 years. Rest of the Rocks Vlasnikiv such a result is often obscured by ailments, as if to speed up the death of life.

The number 4 copes with the enemy of the lucky one: it is a sign of a long-liver. Cross the centenary boundary - it is significant on the right for this group of people. They live out their century in full, without being sickly suffering from health problems.

The number 5 may be doubled with four and two. Qi people balance on the border, living a few critical periods: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62 and 76 years. However, they are accompanied by success: the stench is amazingly unsafe. The right behavior can save the life of the ruler of his result for a long time.

The number 6 is a mystery for numerologists. It can only be said that we are reviewing є 13, 22, 47 and 68 the fates of life. When searching for information about death, it is recommended to turn around to individual conditions. The trivality of life is bound by karma.

People who took away the number 7, are considered lucky in the plan for the uniqueness of insecurity, protection is weaker around 24, 36 and 61 years of life. The death of the people, under the sign of the symbol, will be tied from the deed of the water of the fiery elements.

As a result of the calculation, the number 8 came up, numerologists admit that death often appears as an order from a person. Therefore, whether the situation is risky, it will bring the greatest harm to itself for this group of people. "Protection for a mustache" - the actual motto, which is recommended to representatives of this group.

The number 9, although it is the largest in this list, is a prophet of misfortune of life, as it will break off sharply and quickly. Nine guarded the people under the sign of the shkіdlivih zvichok, vzhivannya alcohol and nicotine. It is recommended to be respectful to your body, diligently dbati about yoga camp. Especially pragnennya slid to be seen in the 16th, 23rd, 38th, 47th years. Such a tactic increases the chances of spending to the glory of happy people, who survived five jubilees. This term is not great for half a century, but for people of nine it is a good and even rare result.

Butt rozrahunka

When folding a numerological horoscope for a person named after Ida, whose people fell on 12. 12. 2004, the coming years will be victorious.

  • 1+ 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 4 = 10.
  • 1+ 0 \u003d 1 (the person is alone, the interpretation of the divine is greater).
  • 1 (I) + 5 (D) + 1 (A) \u003d 7 (div. higher).

Do not be surprised, if the results of the investigations for the names and dates differ, putting people in different categories and giving forecasts that they will not run. It only means that the development of the share of possibilities for both options, information about how to securely protect. On life and specialty, whether a person is poured into impersonal different factors, including the name and the term people, which is shown in the results of numerological studies.

Karmic borg, information about the past life and find the date of death after the date of birth - information, how can you recognize a skin person. Below is a numerological rozrahunka for this.

At the article:

Calculation of the date of death for the date of birth

Recognizing the date of death for the date of the people would have been desired by someone else. Chodo tsyogo є two diametrically protruding dumki. Some people would not want such information. Regardless of the concept of reincarnation, the majority of people are afraid of death. Most people would know about the right stress, as if they would know the exact date of their death, or the death of loved ones. Before that, the numerological fortune teller of death reveals the cause of death.

Deyakі vvazhayut, scho negative transmission zdіysnyuyuyutsya exclusively through the creation of psychological programs.
Seemingly simpler, the person has made up for himself those things that have been passed on, and that the transfer is zbuvaetsya - the thought is material. How to make yourself die at the singing vіtsi, it can be true. How reliable are the same numerological predictions - on the right skin. However, you can’t name them exact - they give only approximate data. Exact date death by the date of the birth can be recognized only for the help of the astrological forecast, in which the hour of the birth of the people is protected, having poured in other planets and richly different.

Not all people are afraid of death. The deyakim would have known about the date of death after the date of birth, so that we would prepare until a happy old age, otherwise, on the contrary, try to catch up with everything that was planned, as if an early death had been passed. To determine the date of death for the date of birth, add the number, month and birth of the birth, and then bring the sum to a single-valued look. In our butt, we can try to recognize the date of death of a person who was born on 17 March 1995:

After the omission of the number, you can go to the tlumach, which reveals all the secrets of your death to the lower one:

1 - an old woman with a scythe came after 80 years. Death will be easy and painless, and life will be bright and rich.

2 - Death from an unfortunate fall at 7, 19, 29, 45 or 67 years. Tsі roki - the most safe for you, if you want, you can live even longer.

3 - better for everything, you will live long, but you will die in sickness. Particularly unsafe offensive fates - 44 and 73.

4 - You will be a long-liver. You have every chance to celebrate the centenary of the people's day. Until your death, you will maintain good health and lead an active way of life.

5 - Death to walk steadily bіlya you, but you go into її unikati. Your life is not safe, but you will die for no reason, moreover, to dosit to an important person.

6 - 13th, 22nd, 47th and 68th dates are considered unsafe dates for this number. On the cause of death and a lifetime of life, the karmіchni borgs are added, about yakі troch below. The number of karmis and other numerological indications can be suggested.

7 - you have a strong guardian angel, but there is a serious danger of death in natural disasters. Fight hard, poke, threaten. Your death is guaranteed to be unstoppable.

8 - You love rizikuvati and grati zі death. It's too early to cause a tragedy. The date of your death is less likely to lie ahead of you. As a unique risk, you can really live a long life.

9 - people with this number rarely live up to 50 years. Їm trace unikati tyutyun, alcohol and thoughtless risk. Take care of your health and take away the chance to live longer.

How to know about karmic borg

Isnuye only chotiri the number of karmis for the date of nationality, as they indicate on a serious karmic borg. Like lessons, like it was necessary to learn, in a skin person, prote stinks are far from always being significant, like being respected. Powerful people to overcome the problems of power. Appointed karmis for the date of birth will help you understand, in which you are directly obliged to develop in the lower mind.

In order to calculate the number of karmis, it is necessary to sum up the number, the month and the birth of the people, but do not subtract the result to an unambiguous form. Rozberemo rozrahunka on the butt of a person, yak was born on 29 September 1996:

This number doesn't fall one by one, like talking about karmic borg. These are є 13, 14, 16 and 19.

People with karmis number 13 in the past, life was hisstical and ineffectual. The stinks were willing to shift the hardships onto the shoulders of the stunned. Just because of the blame of such a person, they were dragged into inaccuracies, the stench also jumped to throw on another person. In the ninth intellect, the shifts became punishments, as they blame there, in other people everything goes through without problems.

This karmіchny obov'yazok needs to be practiced, otherwise you will suffer in the case of failures to instill in the simplest rights with a long life. Transfer the blame to teach you to bring the right to the right to the finale, accept voluntary assistance from others, but do not shift your turbot chi fault on them for what happened to your fault.

Number 14 reach out to people, the incarnation of such willed causes that uniqueness of action has passed. She chose not to win over her talent, which is a grave sin. Lyudina could bring melancholy to the lonely and herself, but she wasted her chance. Ninish vtіlennya pose a threat to the sight of overworlds and stagnation from the sight of alcohol, drugs and other unacceptable speeches.

In order to go through this karmic lesson, you must turn off those that lead to activity - alcohol, drugs, addiction to video games. Supermundane in material satisfactions and emotions should also be reduced to zero. Vihovannya strimannosti, hardness of mind and fading - these are those that you are guilty of doing in your own mind. To put things in order with your life, not putting the beginning of work on yourself for tomorrow, and then your talents will be awakened again.

Number 16 pointing at the people, as in the past life, she gave priority to the sensitive satisfactions of all others. Vіn zlovzhivav pochuttami otochuyuchih and brought him a little suffering. Yogo fit were sued by suspіlstvo. In every life, people with the number of karmis 16 have to deal with situations, in which it is important not to think about your own interests. As a result of wrong decisions, those who are sick are seriously suffering.

In order to practice this karmic bondage, you need to practice modesty and humility. Forget about hisism, which was taken away from the past breath. Start thinking about your loved ones, put their interests ahead of yours.

People with karmis number 19 in the past life they loved to be evil with power and camp at the suspense. By sparing the least of their sins from the lowest intellect. T, who can have such a karmic bondage, self-sufficiency, there is no one to ask for help in a difficult situation, they don’t know the stench, they don’t feel the lower feelings. If you don’t wear the shoes, you can live all your life on your own. Learn about the others without chiding, without looking at anything natomist.

There is one more particular number of karmis - 10. However, it is out of the question to talk about those that all the lessons were acquired by you from the past life. Now your task is to prevent the emergence of new karmic borg. Life Way of people with such a number, ring the riches at the reception, and practically do not say difficulties, like living according to conscience.

Passing life after the date of the people - as a recognition, Kim was in the past in the past

Various tests about reincarnation over the date of birth are gaining particular popularity at once. Topic soul rebirth relevant, it has more people to believe. It’s possible, rich for those who don’t want to spend until the month, to spend the evening. New vtіlennya without memory of past pardons - richly accepting the prospect.

There are few ways to find out about the past of life for the date of birth. More tests about the past few days will require knowledge of the date of the people - the date, the month of that year. For additional information, you can find out everything about whether a person is your perfection. For whom it is necessary to add up all the digits of the number, the month and date of the people, not leading to an unambiguous look. For example, for the people, the yak was born on the 30th of spring 1997, the fate of the rozrahunka looked like this:

After otrimannya, the result is left with nothing more to know than the list. A person from our butt was a woman of easy behavior.

1 - clergyman, monk, preacher.

2 - sailor.

3 - craftsman.

4 - magician, esoteric, teachings.

5 - chemist, alchemist, perfumer, otrut creator, pharmacist.

6 - musician, composer.

7 - alarm clock, architect.

8 - astrologer, astronomer, cartographer, mandrivnik.

9 - Vіdomy dіyach mystekstva.

10 - a forester, a shepherd, a myslivets.

11 - shakhrai, villainous, murdered.

12 - a terrorist, a zmovnik, a thief of the people, a spy, a guardian of the Batkivshchyna.

13 - slave, aggravation.

14 - Viysk chi navigator, who perished in an unfortunate weather.

15 - they sold their labor for pennies, like the majority of people.

16 - a representative of the nobility.

17 - self-sufficient and ill-healthy marriage.

18 - chaklun chi witch.

19 - mandrivnik, doslidnik.

20 - bankir, economist, likhvar, rich and successful person.

21 - forging.

23 - weaver, shvachka, kravets, like a robot with cloth or thread.

24 - icon painter, clergyman, black.

25 - king, king, rich man, endowed with great power.

26 - healer or healer.

27 - vcheniy chi vinakhіdnik.

28 - self-killer.

29 - merchant.

30 - writer, sings, artist.

31 - actor.

32 - mandriving, which did not curl up with this child and died on its own.

33 - court magician, shaman at the leader.

34 - person, kills in a duel with a young vice.

35 - spivak chi minstrel.

36 - maniac, kat, likar, who, after conducting experiments on people, is a sadist, who brings a lot of grief.

37 - deeply believing person, possibly black.

38 - a corrupt woman or a cholovik-alphonse.

39 - gravel.

40 - writer, historian, philosopher.

41 - a writer, popular among the middle class. But writing is popular - you can become a significator for the help of another test about the past of life.

42 - cook.

43 - a representative of an honorable family.

44 - a tyrant, guilty of the death of a great number of people.

46 - Viyskovy.

47 - samіtnik.

48 - small on the right side of the arm.

Karmic astrology according to the date of nationality - the task of the ninth century

Karmic horoscope according to the date of the population, you can indicate your main schedule for the schedule of the flow ventilation. To recognize them, you need a number, a month and a river of people. Karmic astrology for the date of nationality gives the best forecasts. For the help of simple numerological roses, you can find out, with some tasks you came to your world. A mission is given to the skin, and if not followed, it can be taken into account for serious problems.

In order to spread the rose, it is necessary to write down all the numbers and give the date of the people to the row. It is acceptable that it is necessary to conduct them for a person who was born on 30 September 1996. The number series looks like this:

In the butt, the karmic number will be 0 - the remaining digit of the number of people. Other numbers show those that have already been directed at. At the butt and middle of them - 0 numerical series karmi two. Tse means that a person has already been working on coding at the same number of zavdannya, has spent qi on the job, or has ceased to give respect to them, or maybe has not completed her mission in one of the past years. This is the main task for the in-line ventilation.

The current figures are weakly motivated tasks, and if they are less, then closer people to harmonious spiritual development. It’s necessary to write okremo, over these tasks it’s also possible to practice:

Skin people's things have the strength to give you orders, with which you can get into the building. Chim yogo rіven rozvitku, tim folded mіsії matima lyudin. After taking away the numbers of the main karmic task, that weakly exploited steps of development can go to interpretation.

Muladhara chakra

9 - the mission is connected with the development and strength of the Muladhari chakri. A person can learn to overcome difficulties with love, without fear of other negative emotions. Activity, development of willpower and physical body is what you need to do. Try to take control of the creature's instincts, practice resilience, discipline, try to fight about your loved ones without any slander.

Professions related to sports, geology, medicine, especially surgery, traumatology are suitable for you, and you can also become a good massage therapist. Shown to you and the physical practice, as well as the one, as it is tied to the change and the improved material side of the world. Humanitarian direct counter-indications, like spiritual practices and work with energy.

8 - operation on the chakra of Svadhistana. head office may be the creation of this, especially rich. Next, you will get to know your relatives and see good representatives of the new generation. Swirl in yourselves sacrifice at reasonable borders, wisdom and patience to the extreme.

As a profession, you can become a teacher, a caregiver, attendants at liquoreries, children's houses and houses for summer people, and also an ecologist - be it for you, be it a specialty, to help people and care for the needs of you. You can become a doctor, or better yet, choose specialties that will help children and their appearance in the world. Unique great companies and great collectives. You need practical family blue between colleagues, also parts of the change of work are not suitable. When it comes to spiritual practices, varto bulo b zahopitisya Tantra.

7 - your mission is connected with the development of the Manipura chakri. You are to blame for controlling emotions, otherwise the inaccuracies will simply gravitate towards you. Your well-being lies in the stability of the emotional state. Follow the logic and develop mental body.

What a profession, it’s up to you to direct your activity towards creation, and not ruin. Earn pennies, stain them and value them. You need the laws of penny flows and the rules of a penny egregor. You can be employed in any sphere of practice, by the way, by the way, you can create something. Planting stones are not contraindicated, as if they were taken away after the old fates of the hard work.

6 - your life can be directed to the development of the Anahati heart chakri. Your mission is similar to the one marked by the number 8, but it is more foldable and directed to other spiritual equals. Mercy, svіvchuttya, vminnya svіvperezhivat - tse yakostі, yakі you are guilty of developing. However, even though the number 8 May is on the recognition of loved ones, it is easier to talk about a larger group of people. Open your heart to the light and grant love to people.

Professional activity can be connected with medicine and psychology - therapy, narcology, neurology, work with important skills. You can become a kind vikladach. All professions are suitable, directed at the exaltation of the soul of a person. Mystetstvo is not shown to you - the emotion of expressing yoga can be beaten with pantely, in response to the main mission. Contraindications are also direct, like exact science and technology.

5 - your life is connected with the development of the throat chakri Vishudha. Tse zdobuttya knowledge and creativity. Engage in self-development, pass on the beauty of the world and the correct principles to the svetogazer for additional creativity. Learn to understand and understand other people. Appreciate your talent and develop yoga. If you bury your gift in the ground, let the karmis suvoro punish you.

It’s not easy to figure out what kind of activity is right for you, connected with creativity and vikladannya. However, in the rest of the way, varto is practiced by students and grown-up people, and not by schoolchildren. Diplomacy, shift everything that is connected with the rise in price - it’s not bad either. More expensive to be recommended in the event of a fall - you are guilty of helping as much as possible, to tell other people about it.

4 - your karmic task is closely tied to the ajna chakra - . Vaughn stands for clairvoyance and other paranormal vibes. You need to develop. You can see the essence of the manifestations that appear near you. Joke the reason for what seems so deep, as only you can. In another situation, the share of posilyatme to you is without personal inaccuracies.

You can be employed in a closet, but your profession is not guilty of being tied up with monotony and single-room work. You should be productive less at your right, as you should. Community and charitable organizations, HR, as well as cultural management - do your best to work with people that are really bad for you.

3 - your way of life can be directed to work with the crown chakra Sahasrara. You are guilty of violating and recognizing the law, moreover, not less than the one that is written in the Constitution, but the one that is called Divine. You need to heal not the mental body, but the soul. However, you have є potyag to vіdpovіdnyh znan, and share priyatime access to the needs for otrimannya dzherel. You are guilty not only of touching knowledge, but also of conveying it to those who are stunned. Nevikonannya laws and created information lead to serious problems.

You have access to any knowledge, and you can take on any profession. It is recommended to study the exact sciences, jurisprudence, politics and astrology. Be it your duty, you are guilty of being within the framework of the laws of the state, in which you live, as well as the Divine rules.

2 - in the influx of the Divine Promenade of Knowledge. As you will practice the knowledge of any character, the Divine energy of the Knowing will help you to know the source of information, and also to give energy for active activities to the chosen one directly. Give respect to the dribnitsa and mark it, like the stench of a building vplinut on the life of a well-taken people. Learn the laws of energy, as well as one of your tasks.

1 - you leaned under the influx of the Divine Promenade of Wisdom and Love. In order to take yoga away, I will help you, you are to blame, but you have the power of that wisdom to be found in the middle of you. Open your heart to people, be honest with them. In another turn, you will become a victim of self-deception and illusion.

0 - Divine Promise of Might and Will pours on you. If you need a post-updating, that purification from various slags, then the same will not be shkidlivy. You are guilty to read the signs of the share and change it, and if you don’t go out, you must endure inacceptability. In the presence of you, the knowledge of the Divine power, її power of that will, also depends. Otherwise, there will be problems on the job, the cost of loved ones and other difficulties.

In general, if it’s about the date of one’s death, or if one wants to borrow from the past life, the nobility is far from being a skin person, then information about the karmic borg and the main karmic tasks is good for the skin. It can significantly improve the quality of life and direct you to the right path, which leads to spiritual development.

In contact with

A lot of people are trying to find out, so check on them in the future and how it is possible to transfer them to life. Until important, but summary dates, lay the day of the death of a person. It’s definitely not possible to rebuff if a person is dead, but you can still approximately virahuvati. The date of death for the date of birth is calculated simply.

Numerology that hour of death

Kozhen would like to ask about those, which term was introduced to you in this world. This food was relevant in a long time ago, and at the same time it’s too rich for anyone who wants to know this terrible date, but it’s absolutely impossible to transfer it to anyone. Then you can try to loosen death for additional facts, figures etc..

Even the ancestors tried their best to know the ways to transfer death, or quiet moments, if death is already creeping up. It went so far that people guessed father-in-law on the date of death for the date of birth. It worked in order to secure the people and continue their lives for the maximum possible hour.

Numerology is the science of numbers. Vaughn was still at home long ago, changed with the hour. Now the popularity is growing with the skin day. Numerology is based on knowledge about those that, be it an object, a podia and inspire the world, can be brought to some numerical value. The numbers itself will tell you all the information you need. Numerologists blamed the spiel for the ways of the future death.

National Day

It is accepted in numerology that the numbers on the day of the people's birth can reveal all the important information about them. To this list are included and so called unsafe fates, if a person is as close as possible to the edge, and whether or not a pardon can be fatal. You can calculate the date of death yourself and give it.

In this science, there is a hypothesis that it is possible to mutually give a nation to a large number of lived lives. Establish special rozrahunkov schemes that allow you to set such a date. For whom it is necessary to do more simple arithmetic podії. Numerology needs all the data for such roses: own birth, month and number of people. It’s best when mother’s roses are needed all the information in front of the eyes. You can write them down on paper or open the document on a computer, etc. So the process of rahunka should say goodbye:

  • The figures of the people are added together. The result has a one-digit and two-digit number;
  • For a double-digit result, the numbers need to be put together again. For example: 18 = 1+8. The result is 9. Axis and the whole look. You can quickly and easily find the calculator or rob it online. The number has lost its correct vitlumachiti.

I'm that ghost

There is one more way to rozrahunka. Only the axis of this variant, the letters of the name and nickname are replaced by numbers. Sometimes in special ways they are protected and according to the fortune-teller's father. The axis of the zrazkova method of rozrahunku:

It will be more beautiful, as if with rozrahunka vikoristovuvatimetsya іm'ya, like associate with yourself, and not those that are written in the documents. So the roses will be most accurate and truthful. So in such vipadkas you can grow a sprig of rozrakhunkiv: with names, like it has become attached to a person and with a homely name, or a changeful-motley form of a name.

It is accepted that rozrahunok s let me know avenge all information about people, yoga doli. Named after them people reflect the real situation. Through this same qi, the rozrahunka will give at once the correct and reliable information. And if it’s necessary to choose one of the two roses, then it’s better to work yoga for passport tributes.

Approximate results

Now, if one number has been taken after all the calculations, rozrakhunkiv and mathematical diy, one can proceed to interpretation. The skin number has its own meaning:

Designation of unsafe periods of life

Numerology is a science that prophesies twofold and wondrous futures and periods in a person's life. For the date of birth, it is easy to calculate the date of death in numerology, so when you are growing, you can easily find a few dates. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those that human life is slow and rotten. All fall in vіd samoї lyudiny, її її її її її way zhittya those zvnіshnіh factors.

Below, a method will be indicated that helps to recover not the day of death, but the safest period of life, in which case it is a great risk to steal health. Schob zdіysniti rozrahunok, it is necessary to add up all the numbers from the date of the people. The result can have a prime number. For example: 07/03/1974 = 0+3+0+7+1+9+7+4 = 31 = 3+1 = 4.

And for example, it is less likely to be recognized, which means a won number:

Specific applications

These theories about the transfer of death by the date of birth are easily confirmed on the butt bringing people and give food, like recognition, if a person dies. For example, Michael Jackson died at 50. born celebrity spivak 08/28/1958. The sum of the number of people is 5. This number transfers one of the unsafe periods - 47 years. As a result, rozbіzhnіst became less than 3 years.

Boris Yeltsin. The leader was born on 02/01/1931. The sum of numbers has 8. The number to talk about death is in the period from 65 to 75 years. The politician died at 76 years old. So it is possible to create a new visnovka, that the numerological transfer of the day of death is entirely correct. І razbіzhnostі more small.

As for the rozrahunka, a few options are indicated for the hour of death, whose sign is better seen as a guard. In this period, it is necessary to protect as much as possible, to take care of your health and to be uniquely unsafe.

Numerological clouding

Whose rozrahunok by numbers is reborn with a greater rozmitistu, for whom it is unlikely that one will be able to know exactly how to turn away, how many lives have been lost, in what country happen to leave this world. For yoga help, you can find out about those who will be living. This is a fortune teller for quiet people, if you want to know about the date of death, but be afraid of an accurate forecast. Schob її razrahuvat, it is necessary to turn around before the date of your appearance of light. For whom, it is simply necessary to add up all the numbers to give the people, you can enter the number from 1 to 9. Tse and designate the approximate hour of death:

Іsnuyuchi zaboboni

A lot of people think about the date of death and try to recognize it, how to reverse the date of death, not to be afraid to think about the topic “I will live for the date of the people”. But if they are aware, then they will relieve stress and anxiety, it is not recommended for people who are sensitive and nervous to deal with similar roses.

But if the date has been taken away, do not go out of your head, then you can’t see anything. It is only necessary to remember that life should lie in the eyes of the people themselves, її dіy, character, vchinkіv. So you don’t need to be spantelic, don’t need a friendly forecast and let it go anyway. You can change your life forever.

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