Put it in order to develop the mental body of a person. The mental body of a person. Meditation without any thought


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Mental body of a person

The fourth, intellectual cob of a person who serves as a guide mental body”, lie down to the quiet lower warehouse ambushes of people, like they are ruining after skin penetration. The stench is virazom yoga special. But the results of skin inspiration, the very essence, synthesis, as it can be said so, all physical, mental and mental experiences of a person are taken from the divine, immortal nature.

Budova mental body supra-echoly subtle, the matter of the higher sphere (mental), as it is formed, is imperceptible not only for the physical view, but for the astral one; won - in the post-life of Russia, in the post-life sounding that in the post-plays of light-colored sounds. develops mental body Approximately the same way, as if astral, with a path of purification of thoughts that manifest, with a path of introducing the Daedal of the broader regions of the All-World into the sphere of light, with a path of sharpening all the manifestations of people; but in the same conductor and particularity, which exalt yoga in the form of ethereal and astral body. It conforms to the forms of a person, but it has an oval shape and becomes more obligatory in the world, as the person’s identity develops and expands. All our thoughts toil their own in the new, and then we will already pass into the astral and physical center.

An unrepentant person has a small mental body. Other people's thoughts, with which they are most satisfied, do not develop yoga, it is only for the inner thoughts to understand that develop. The active process of thinking, cleansing from vile predilections and straightening out on the gentry's tsili, zmushyu literally grow our mental body. In a highly developed person, there is a beautiful sight of swishy pulsating lower and bright light eyes.

At the world, the sound of its own kind of biased cob, the mental guide becomes a pan over the mortal nature of a person, a right hand and an organ of the free will. For the sake of which, the mind is guilty of subduing one’s own passions, like trembling the will of a person in full, for the docks will not be overcome by the astral beginning, the bazhannya will be a pan over the will of a person. This idea was founded forever, at all times, among all peoples; zvіdsi all myths about the fight with the dragon, which is the symbol of the lower nature of man.

From what has been said, let us understand why the old wisdom gives such great significance to the mind. " People are fighting for it, what are you thinking about”, - found in the Upanishads. We at Zahodі we give meaning to our vchinka, but we have little respect for those that we think. And in the meantime, the way of our thought is the most important motive force of our internal development. Clearly, the last thought, pierce the innocence of that inner truth, purify our mind from the lower, biased, the cob and lead us until the day with the body of our knowledge, with our great Ya. for the lonely, to those who do not pass on so easily to others, like our thoughts; all the middle that leaves us is filled with magnetic streams of thought-forms; as the mind is pratsyuє blyavo and undetectable, it is easy to enter into a different kind of other people's thoughts; even though it vibrates the mind of energy, singers and gentry for their character, the stench will attract only their own similar thoughts and vidshtovhuvati evil that negligence.

Moreover, due to the strength of our mind, due to the strength of that richness of our knowledge, due to the strength of our mental body, to lie down the whole character of our posthumous evolution between two branches of that great world, which at Sunset is called Heaven, and at the Descent - Devakan. Everyone is special, clumsy, prejudicedly humiliated - like mi bachili - at once from the special; we take away only the sake of our special knowledge, everything that we thought out without regard to our selfishness, we understood it, all the spiritual evidence of our earthly life is collected in our mental body, and our heavenly life after the transition from purgatory will pass through the one who brought all material, our whole life is transformed into spiritual strength, like that gift, the power of our immortal individuality.

When the inspiration came and the whole result of the lived life penetrated into the immortal soul, being transferred the thinker, Then, and the mental body, at its core, collapses and people throw off their fourth, and the rest of the shell. All of our future lies in the fact that the quality of the material brought by us from earthly life, and those that we indescribably manifest to ourselves as heavenly bliss, lie down only in that, as thoughts and as if that pragnennya inspired the soul of a person under the hour of earthly life. If the stench is good - the bliss of the yogi of heaven will be great and trival, if it’s worthless and unclean - you won’t feel bliss, to that which has high vibrations spiritual light do not know the nature of one's soul.

For book materials People that її visible and invisible warehouse".

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Yoga Anatomy


Azhna - shosta chakra of a person

Shosta chakra ripped in the hypophysis, behind the frontal cyst. The chakra is called Azna» that is translated as « inexhaustible strength". Shosta chakra- Center intuition, inner voice that knowledge. The good knowledge of the talent of intuition to bring us to the people and the place, we know the greatest personal vision for ourselves and the possibility for living that growth both materially and spiritually. Tse talent is happy and fearless, to that we know everything and trust our hands, as they guide us.

Anahata - the fourth chakra of the human

fourth chakra located in the center of the breasts, in order from the thymus fold. Chakra called Anahata and translate like sound, creations without the closure of two objectsі indistinct melody. This is our inner vibration, as it happens, if the energy of sleepy gossip, rising uphill and passing through the heart, creating a melody through our voice. fourth chakra- The center of the expression of love, roaming, forgiveness, sympathy and peaceful reunion at the sight.

Astral body of a person

With the third body of a person, after the physical ether body. astral matter penetrates physically in such a manner that the skin physical atom with its ethereal shell of water-creams in the form of the skin's other atom, infinitely greater than thin and rickety astral matter. Ale tsya matter may be called by other authorities, lower physical, and it is invisible to us to those who have not yet opened organs for sprynyattya її.

Aura - the eighth chakra of a person

Aura vvazhayut eighth chakra in Kundalina yoga. Tsya chakra is ours aura, or energy, yaku can watch and inspire deyaki bachiti around us. Tse our electromagnetic field. If our aura strengthened and there are no breaks in it, it’s natural for us to come out naturally, as it manifests itself through a smile, a glare of eyes, clarity of sight, clarity of thoughts, and self-expression. V is a beacon for others, maybe the easiest way to describe a strong aura.

Vedic Knowledge Ayurveda and Yoga

Ayurvedaє only a small part of the great Vedic knowledge. Knowledge of Ayurveda is even more relevant in the practice of the most important divisions of yoga - asanas and pranayamas, which give special respect to hatha yoga, smells of stench, like Ayurveda, aimed at harmonization and purification of the body. This system encourages the natural exercise of all living things until the restoration of unity with the divine dzherel.

In order to rise to a new level of development of your Earthly intuition, the Lord of the emotional plan needs to develop the necessary functions of the mental plan, which create a new reality of the rich and worldly body, which allows you to fully unite with the Soul. And in Learning, there is a possibility, a vicarious possibility of a new reality, a development of mental abilities (functions), which allow you to transfer all the plans and levels of a rich body to the new possibilities of an offensive round of development along the Spiral of singing.

Great is the Harmony of the possibilities of the mental body with the help of science, and those who, having succumbed to the methods of this technique, begin to grow with their true possibilities, laid on the skin by the Creator, and transform into “He who is guilty.” "The one who wins" to begin to begin to carry the principle of Harmonious Resonance - not like a theoretical concept, but like a practical reality. A skin atom in a richly cosmic body of a person can have changes in his nature and can become a part of his mental essence. Skin strength and skin ability of the mental plan, like volodya Learn to lie to you for the divine providence, and as if I’m wrong, then I’ll deceive you and put it on a new trust. The spiritual essence, as in the process of developing the development, is already beginning to rise above the material essence, step by step, it becomes completely perfect and powerful behind its form. The main metaphor for the development of the possibilities of the mental body is the recognition of the path and the creation of a new reality on the level of the mental plane, which flows into all rich worlds of the body on all planes and levels.

It is possible for any field to have harmony, comfort, synchronization of energies. Umіnnya pіd kerіvnitstvom Vchitelya, synthesize raznі іnі fields priynyattya vіznih planіv i kontrolvatі tsі protsessy v іlі, є є svozhny method razviti͡a lyudinі, yak usvіdіdomі svoi vіdomіrіnі і ї ї ї ї ї svoї sposobnostі. Vminnya synthesis raznі vіznі fields priynyattya vіznyh є praktіv, yak zdatna give results, unthinkable from the look of the trivial material world.

From the point of view of the practice of the mental plan, transferring in space is the buildingness of the visualization of the movement, the possibilities of the mental plane, leading to resonance with the prevailing tones and moving at once with these winds to other levels of reality. Modern science has shown the scientific significance of visualization through the theory of torsion fields in an experimental way. Ludin's path of visualization, which creates torsion fields of the singing configuration, polarizes the vacuum. As a result, the spins of the elements of the physical vacuum are oriented along the torsion field of the energy of the dzherel, repeating the visualized structure.

The physical vacuum at the same time becomes stable, and after the energetic injection of the dzherel and the throat of the torsion field of visualization, the transmutation of the spin structure into the cob camp. In the rich universe, the possibility of creating a visualization of the spin space structure is called - the creation of a rich world reality. Possibility of creation of a whole rich variety of activity is given only to the istots, to the intellect, and to the feasibility of the mental plan, tk. there is a need for stable intellectual visualization.

The skin living essence of the rich universe of the people is given the right to choose: either to live in the illusory world of problems and the sufferer of the reality of the material foundation, the knowledge of the trivial material world, or to create a rich reality in oneself, sharpen the field high vibrations. Tsey vibir - main task and the meta straightened into yoga development according to the Spiral of significance from the equal of the Infallible person to the equal of “He who is you”.

Methods for the development of dynamic capabilities of the mental plan

Development of your Mental body:

Raise and lower your hand. Then let us visualize, raise and lower only the hand of the Mental body. Raise the hip and lower it 12 times with one hand, then 12 times later;

Raise your hand to the level of your shoulders, mentally move it up to the nearest wall and change the hands of the physical body to the size. Raise the hip 12 times with one hand, then 12 times with the other hand;

Change and change the deep dimensions of the mental body. 12 times increase your mental body size to the size of a five-surface booth and change yourself to a normal size. Then, 12 times, change your mental body to the size of the siren box and then reduce yourself to a normal size.

It’s even scarier to zbіshuvatisya at important negotiations, but the head didn’t go beyond the border between the overhead overlap. With important contacts with people, if it is necessary to call attention to yourself, you can give yourself additional authority. Abo change mentallybody, if you want to become incomprehensible and ruined by the NATO.

1. Development of the development of energy fields:

Bring your hands with your palms down to the top of the table, see the field of the table and then collapse your hands between the top of the table. Watch and remember the difference among the witnesses (repeat 12 times);

Bring your hands close to your quilt, see the quilt field. Let's ruin your hand, kill it in the quilt. Watch and remember the difference with the witnesses (repeat 12 times).

Bring your hands close to someone else's back, see the field of the back. Let's break the hand of the kill in front of someone else's back. Watch and remember the difference with the witnesses (repeat 12 times);

Put the palm to the palm and open your hands properly to the sides up to 50 cm and then properly bring the palm close one to one, if you see the aura of your hand. Remember to remember (repeat 12 times);

Put the palm to the heart and put your hand in the right direction up to 50 cm. You feel the chakra of your body. Remember to remember (repeat 12 times);

2. Development in the property of synchro- nizing energy, synthesizing different fields of adapting different plans and controlling the process as a whole.

Standing in the room, not collapsing from the month, show that you are working the rock, the other one, and the axis of you are already standing in the cloak of the room (pratsyuvati 30 min.).

Tse Vi zdіysnili more expensive for the mental tіlі. The inspiration of the mental body is just the first, the simplest gathering on the path of learning the energy fields of the wealthy world. Tse plan of the lower Astral. At the light of the lower Astral, we consume more sleep. There we will rise in price in thin bodies and we will grow with such mandrivers;

Standing in the room, not collapsing from the moon, show that you are in the mental body and that you can feel and feel, perebuvayuchi in the mental body. Marvel at the body of the subtle plan at a glance, focusing the glance (practice 30 min);

Move your mental body around the room (like on aforeheads), increase the spatula, change in the middle and increase again in the end (repeat 12 times);

Take out a twin from yourself, and change it yourself at the time of the change to a speck and then reduce it to a normal size (repeat 12 times);

Viyshovshi from the physical body, shifting the room in the body of his subtle plan. Go out onto the street, rushing straight ahead, turning back (practice for 30 min. every day).

3. The development of the mental possibilities of the creation of an energetic visualization of the spin space structure of the called rich world reality.

The possibility of the creation of a double (phantom, reality, elementary essences) is a part of the whole creation of a richly imaginative reality. Dvіynik (phantom, day, elementary іstota) - is the esoteric name of the invisible with a simple eye, the spinal expanses of structures created by visualization. The All-World may have the presence of a twin (phantom, day-to-day nature, elementary essences), created by Torso fields, generated by the energies of classical creation.

Tsі dvіyniki mayut nature, scho znahoditsya between material and intangible. The nature of such a twin was studied by American physicists under the ceramics of Robert Pecory, by Japanese scientists under the ceramics of Professor Yamamoto, and by a group of contemporaries of the Theoretical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR under the ceramics of P.P. Garyaev. The stench wove twins with generated energies, which are seen to collapse matirієyu kіtin spadkovі and dіyshli advancing vysnovkіv:

Dvіynik (phantom, sutnіst, elementary іstota) - biologically active;

Dvіynik (phantom, sutnіst, elementary іstota) - is formed from the discharge of superlight particles, which can be even a short term of foundation.

A classical creation, a creation of an energetic visualization of a singing floor space structure. Lyudin by the method of visualization, you can directly takeand transform the torsion fields. The thought of whether it be the essence, the building of thought, the energy of nature, which ignites the torsion fields, which is injected into the field of the physical vacuum.

Dumka - tse energetically self-organizes the light, that spreads itself around the torsion fields, that creates the pillars of the floor structure through the injection of the physical vacuum into the field. The lawyer did not use the people unconverted by the way, the image of the I, the Idai I, the lifesh, the fantom, the Subnosti, the Eleementaren, Yaki I, the yogo Zhitta -ogi, the Termen Termin Zhitta, the Zikla Zhittnovani fisle fishali fisilovye fihthavoy fihthava

People themselves create their own "energy vampires" and then marvel that they rarely contain the happiness of life, and that they are constantly rooted in problems, ailments, suffering, fears. All this is the birth of an illusory visualization, caused by the lack of perfection of a person at this stage of development here and now. I will learn a lot of the need to create your own way of visualization of your own twins. The bagomyre skin type has twins, which have their own additional functions.

Розвівши в собі функції, необхідні для повного контролю ментального плану багатовимірного тіла, і розвинувши динамічні можливості ментального тіла, Господар астрального тіла може приступати до розвитку інтуїтивного мислення (підсвідомості), початку об'єднання свідомості та підсвідомості та розвитку можливостей 3,4 та 5 ока .

Shkidlivy programs-viruses;

  • ✪ empower your mind and mind;
  • ✪ try to understand the rіven (it is more mortified to penetrate into the essence of speeches and appearances);
  • ✪ increase the efficiency of your mind;
  • ✪ improve automatic response programs (linking the message with behavior patterns).
  • What is the mental body of a person

    mental body- the whole majestic layer of the human psyche, the whole sphere of thought, models of behavior, to understand that word. With a third thin body, following the ethereal and the astral. It is to live our thoughts, the mind and signify the speed of thought.

    If you correctly identify everything that is written in the mentality of a person, you can find out everything about her.

    The automatic development of the mental body is observed in these people, as they are engaged in rozum activity, work out complex tasks (be it mathematical life, but other food), practice with ideas.

    Virtuously practice at the mental space garni healers and magicians. You know the mechanisms for managing mental energy and you can:

    - Methodically zchituvati іnformatsiyu z ugo mental space;

    - use the energy-information negatives of the mental body;

    - to create program texts of the splendid spell.

    The structure of the mental

    The mental body of a person is not formed at once. If a person comes to this world, her skin begins to gradually take shape from thin bodies. The skin of the lower recumbent thin body begins to recede only once, if the lower recumbent is already replete.

    People on the back can take a great amount of feelings (feelings) into the real world, and then translate these feelings into emotions. The more a person has insights into the world, the more he has the ability to evaluate them emotionally. A child begins to develop her body not at the moment of birth, but in the womb, the third month of pregnancy, if the nervous system begins to form.

    The structure of energy, which is stored in the mental body of a porous person, may white color and is a triball construction:

    1. On the lower level there are words that describe the superfluous reality;
    2. on another level, there are abstract terms (so understandable, like love, fidelity, honor, servility...);
    3. on the remaining, third equal mentality, the model of human behavior.

    The mental body of a person can be molded in two ways:

    • Vlasny dosvid (through vlasni vіdchuttya);
    • through directive method. Іnuє pevna kіlkіst of mental constructions, created through vlasny dosvіd, ale pov'yazanih with abstract terms (concepts) that cannot be seen in the real objective world. It is necessary for the mental body to know the terms of real proof - to know them in the sphere of evidence, that is. “pіgnati” is obviously a term, it’s possible, it’s possible, you can’t tie them together in one whole.

    In such a manner, it appears that sometimes a word calls out an absolutely inadequate reaction. It’s worth it if the mental body doesn’t have any solutions for the algorithm and the faults of the first lancers, who got caught, are out of the blue. Such mental programs are called directives or "hard mental constructions". The constructions, sound, in the automatic mode, they do not look at each other and look at each other.

    How to get "hard mental constructions (programs)"

    Having opened the link between the astral and the mental- the main method that allows you to "brother" such a construction. It will be deactivated, but not removed from view. It is possible to visualize the construction again only on the level of the buddhial or in a shorter way on the level of the causal body.

    A similar mental program does not exist on its own, it needs information support and energy support. Only for the presence of two obov'yazykovyh minds is known to the program - an automatic method of response (dії). Obviously, as we choose the energy boost, the program switches to the sleep mode (it is not active). Simply cleansing the astral body already knows the energetic eating of “hard mental constructions”.

    Ways to develop the mental body

    1. Self-guided. Vykoristovuvaty special energy-information self-navigation programs.
    2. Meditation. With proper meditation, the mental body of a person begins to automatically gain energy, heal and unpack.
    3. Purification of the astral body. As it was said above, such a cleansing of the negative mental programs, like the background mode, strongly feeds the energy of the people. After such a cleansing, the mental begins to “think” again, cackling information, as before, it simply could not slip through there.
    4. Train your mind. For the mind is not stupid, it is important, for the wine is active, shying away.
    5. Develop Anahata Chakra. The development of tsієї chakri heals the usunennia of energy holes, cleanses and expands the middle of the mental, reminiscent of positive energy.

    How to work your mind with a tighter, smart building knows an effective solution! Find out the simple and effective right for the development of the mental body!

    Because of the old esoteric knowledge, people have a sprat of body, and a physical body - only one of them. Other bodiesare called thin andnot seen by the great dawn, to thatto be at other vibrational frequencies.

    The skin thin body has its own functions, and in this article there is about the development of the mental body.

    Mentally tіlo vouches for all the intellectual and rozum activity of a person. All your thoughts, hardening and reconciliation are nascent in the mental body. The new one has bright-eyed models, for which you live.

    It is known at its own frequency of vibration of the mental plane that it is like a shell of a person at a distance of approximately pivmeter from the physical body.

    In order to train your mind with a tight and dry mind, the mental body needs to be trained similarly to the physical one. One of the options for training the mental body is lowered to the right.

    Lesson 1: meditation on the development of mental vitality

    1. The practitioner takes the position of the body by hand, flattening the eyes and relaxing all the m'yazi;

    2. After a certain hour of wine, have a drink at the meditative camp of evidence, which is necessary for work.

    3. The practitioner begins to see himself from the side, to show the spherical shell of the mental body right next to him.

    4. You will remember the colors of the oars with different colors: you will see how the colors shimmer around the sphere, which oozes a physical body.

    5. When a person starts to feel like a mental body has an exchange of information, a steady flow of energy. You can imagine, hundreds of thousands, thousands, millions of gigabytes of information of a different type go through a mental crisis, and this process is strengthened.

    6. After ten minutes of concentration, the practitioner will finish: calm down, try to “throw out” all thoughts from the head, concentrating respect for the attention of the physical body.

    7. Turn around at your splendid camp and flatten your eyes.

    Krok 2: right at the development of the mental body

    Right at the development of mental zdіbnosti:

    1. Practitioner chooses a book on the topic, which prompts you to demystify, analyze the text, which is to be hidden in it.

    2. A person reads a piece of propositions at a reasonable pace, and then think carefully about reading the information. The practitioner analyzes the readings of the text with a glance, as if he could guess.

    It’s not necessary to be surrounded, it’s necessary to protect all possible thoughts, like falling into a thought! Your meta is a strengthening of mental zdіbnost that development of the mental body.

    3. At the cob stage of practice, I am entitled to borrow no more than 15 quills; with the development of an hour, you can increase it to pivgodini.

    Also, during the first attempts to think intensively, a person can be swept up. Respect, that rose of guilt, zmіtsnіti, call to vanity.

    Step by step, with good practice, remember how your rozum power increases; mental zdіbnostі to grow in the kіlka razіv.

    Nezabarom mentally stavatime mіtsnіshim - zadatnіst vіrishuvati slozhnі zhittєvі zavdannya for a short interval of an hour.

    It is necessary to remember well: the training of superintendency should be done regularly - this is the main guarantee of success!

    The mentally thin body of a person is a quarter from the bottom of the next, showing the development of the mind. Mental body, like other thin bodies, vykonuє its special and irreplaceable function. Mental energy, as it reminds me to live mentally, it is necessary for people to work with thoughts, ideas, for thinking, for a solution, whether it be a romatic activity.

    You can read about all the subtle bodies and their developments. In these articles, we can see the very Mental body of that yoga recognition.

    Mental body - structure and function

    The mental body is placed on the wall at a distance of 30-50 cm from the surface of the physical body. Mental energy, which is how the mental body is restored - may have a white color, its structure is porous like asbestos, but at the same time it is light and clean. Vaughn to live our thoughts, our mind, signifies the speed and efficiency of thought.

    People who don’t train, don’t develop their mind, are wretched, weak, mentally body, rightly streaming thoughts, often stench is not good to generate ideas and effectively work with them.

    First of all, people of sensible professions, scholars, readers, those who practice knowledge, ideas - may be stronger than that rozvinene mental body. However, if a person breaks the principles of the mind (one of them is the principle), the development of the mental body and the mind is karmically blocked.

    Purpose-straightening development of your metal body. Those people, who, through meditation, begin to train, renew energy, develop the Mental body - automatically strengthen the vigor of their mind. If the energy in the mental body is too much, renewal automatically begins, strengthens that revelation of vitality, the awakening of lucidity begins to grow, it begins to penetrate the essence of speeches and manifestations. People begin to think more smartly (be smarter) and just stop being “stupid” :)

    How to develop and train your mental body?

    1. Engage in romatic activity, constantly train your mind, vibrating like a folding task. Zhittєvі zavdannya chi mathematicіchnі tse vzhe friend pitannja. It is important, that the mind is active, not overgrown with fat, not linting, but shying away, violating important orders, and the more foldable, the better.

    2. Meditation and thoughtlessness - the technique of a quick and easy set of energy (as it has been mastered well). Mental body, reminiscent of energy in meditation, rich in what itself begins to grow, unpack, grow and awaken.

    3. Special energy-information (special formulas), recognized as such for unlocking and developing the mental body. But the technicians themselves may be less likely to work during other jobs, while working.

    Productive work for you with the mental body and the revelation of the vitality of the mind!

    And as for you, you have blamed for the reading of the article - їх boldly, we will try to be honest!

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