Color surma. Budov atom surmi. Physical and chemical

Surma(Lat. Stibium), Sb, chemical element of the V group of the periodic system of Mendeliev; atomic number 51, atomic weight 121.75; metal with a bright white color from a bluish tint. Nature has two stable isotopes 121 Sb (57.25%) and 123 Sb (42.75%). 122 Sb (T? = 2.8 deb), 124 Sb (T? = 60.2 deb) and 123 Sb (T? = 2 rocky).

Historical proof. Surma is seen from deep antiquity. At the borders, it immediately got used to about 3000 years before the stars. e. for the preparation of vessels. At Ancient Egypt already 19th century BC e. antimony bliss powder (natural Sb 2 S 3) under the names mesten or zastosovuvsya for black brows. At Ancient Greece vіn buv vidomy yak stimi i stibi, zvіdsi lat. stibium. Close to 12-14 century AD. e. Vinicla called antimonium. In 1789 A. Lavoisier added Surma to the list of chemical elements under the name antimoine (modern English antimony, Spanish and Italian antimonio, German Antimon). Russian "surma" resembles Turkish surme; It was used as a powder of lead blisk PbS, which also served for black brows (for other reasons, "surma" - from Persian antimony - metal). Report description power and methods of otrimannia Surmi and її spoluk was first given by the alchemist Vasil Valentin (Nimechchina) in 1604 roci.

Expansion of Surma in nature. Middle room Surmi in earth measles(Clark) 5 10 -3% by weight. The magma and biosphere of Surma rose. From hot underground waters it concentrates in hydrothermal genera. Vlasne serious genera, as well as antimony-mercury, antimony-lead, gold-antimony, antimony-tungsten. Z 27 minerals Surmi golovne word of mouth maє antimonit (Sb 2 S 3). Zavdyaki sporidnennosti іz sіrkoy Surma in the look of the house often streaks in sulfides of mish'yaku, bismuth, nickel, lead, mercury, srіbla and other elements.

Physical power of Surmi. Antimony is found in crystalline and three amorphous forms (vibukhov, black and yellow). Vibukhova Surma (width 5.64-5.97 g / cm 3) vibrates when it comes to a halt; utvoryuєtsya with electrolysis of the difference SbCl 3; black (width 5.3 g / cm 3) - with a swedish chilled bet Surma; zhovta - when passing sour into the clumps of SbH 3. Zhovta and chorna Surma is not stable, at lower temperatures it passes to the state of Surma. The largest stalk is crystalline Surma, which crystallizes in a trigonal system, a = 4.5064 Å; thickening 6.61-6.73 g/cm 3 (rare - 6.55 g/cm 3); t pl 630.5 ° C; t kip 1635-1645 ° C: pet heat capacity at 20-100 ° C 0.210 kJ / (kg K); thermal conductivity at 20 °C 17.6 W/(m K). Temperature coefficient of linear expansion for polycrystalline antimony 11.5 10 -6 at 0-100 °C; for a single crystal a 1 = 8.1 10 -6, a 2 = 19.5 10 -6 at 0-400 ° C, electroopir (20 ° C) (43.045 10 -6 cm cm). Surma is diamagnetic, magnetic susceptibility is -0.66 10 -6. On vіdmіnu vіd vіdshostі metalіv, surma krihka, it is easy to split along the cleavage planes, it is erased into powder and it does not turn into kovtsі (and even її it can be brought to napіvmetalіv). Mechanical power to lie in the purity of the metal. Brinell hardness for cast metal 325-340 Mn/m2 (32.5-34.0 kgf/mm2); spring modulus 285-300; interfaciality 86.0 Mn/m2 (8.6 kgf/mm2).

Chemical power of Surmi. The configuration of the external electrons of the Sb atom 5s 2 5p 3 . At the bottoms, the degree of oxidation by the head rank is +5, +3 and -3. In a chemist's mind, Surma is inactive. On the surface it does not oxidize to the melting temperature. It does not react with nitrogen and water. The coal is slightly different in the melting of Surmi. The metal is actively interacting with chlorine and other halogens, quenching antimony halides. We sour the interaction at a temperature of more than 630 ° C with solutions of Sb 2 Pro 3. When fused with sulfur, antimony sulfide appears, so the very interaction with phosphorus and mish'yak. Antimony stіyka according to the ratio to water and dilution of acids. The concentration of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid is adequately differentiated by antimony chloride SbCl 3 and sulfate Sb 2 (SO 4) 3; concentrated nitric acid oxidizes antimony to a high oxide, which dissolves in a seemingly hydrated half xSb 2 O 5 yH 2 O. Of practical interest are the important salts of antimony acid - antimony (MeSbO 3 3H 2 O, de Me - Na, K) and salts not seen metaantimony acid - metaantimony (MeSbO 2 3H 2 O), which can be powerful. Antimony hits with metals, setting antimonides.

Otrimanya Surmi. Antimony is used for pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of concentrates or ore, which should contain 20-60% Sb. Prior to pyrometallurgical methods, siege and smelting are seen. Syrovina for osadzhuvalnoy smelting є sulphide concentrates; the process of foundations on vitіsnіnі Antimony with її sulfіd zalіzom: Sb 2 S 3 + 3Fe => 2Sb + 3FeS. Zalizo be introduced at the charge at the sight of scrap. The smelting is carried out at vibrating or in short drum furnaces, which are wrapped at 1300-1400 °C. Viluchennya Surma in black metal to become over 90%. The smelting of Surmi is based on the introduction of oxides to metal to the villages in the coals or with a stone-coal saw and the slagging of the empty rock. The oxidative melting was preceded by the oxidizing vipal at 550 ° C with too much repetition. Cinder to smite non-volatile oxide of Antimony. As for the osadzhuvalnoy, so for the introduction of swimming trunks, it is possible to zastosuvannya electric furnaces. The hydrometallurgical method of extracting Surmium consists of two stages: processing of syrovine with a tin sulfide grade, transferring Surmi to the grades of antimony salts and sulfosalts, and processing of Surmi with electrolysis. Chornova Antimony in the fallow in the warehouse of syrovin and the way to remove it from 1.5 to 15% of houses: Fe, As, S and others. For the production of pure Antimony, pyrometallurgical or electro-refining is required. With pyrometallurgical refining, the houses of the hall and midi are removed from the vibrating streaks, introducing Surma antimonite (krudum) - Sb 2 S 3 into the melt, after which the mish'yak is removed (at the sight of sodium arsenate) and sirka when blown again with soda slag. When electrolytic refining with a black anode, Surma is cleaned from the hall, mid and other metals, which are deposited in the electrolyte (Cu, Ag, Au are deposited in the sludge). The electrolyte is a variety that is formed from SbF 3 H 2 SO 4 and HF. Instead of houses in refineries, Antimony does not exceed 0.5-0.8%. For the extraction of antimony of high purity, zone melting is carried out in an atmosphere of inert gas, or antimony is obtained from previously purified half-oxide (III) or trichloride.

Zastosuvannya Surma. Antimony zastosovuetsya mainly in lead-based and tin-based alloys for battery plates, cable sheaths, bearings (babit), alloys that are zastosovuyutsya in polygraphy (gart), etc. Such alloys may increase hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance. At fluorescent lamps activate Sb with calcium halophosphate. Antimony enters the storage of napivprovidnikovyh materials as a light additive to germanium and silicon, as well as to the warehouse of antimonides (for example, InSb). The radioactive isotope 122 Sb is found in the cells of γ-viproduction and neutrons.

Antimony in the body. Zmist Surma (per 100 g of dry speech) should be used in roslins 0.006 mg, in sea creatures 0.02 mg, in land creatures 0.0006 mg. In the organisms of creatures and humans, Surma enters through the organs of the respiratory system or the intestinal tract. It is seen as a head rank with feces, in an insignificant number - from the section. Antimony is concentrated in the thyroid gland, liver, spleen. In erythrocytes, antimony accumulates more importantly at the oxidation stage +3, in blood plasma - at the oxidation stage. +5. The maximum permissible concentration of Antimony is 10 -5 - 10 -7 g per 100 g of dry tissue. At higher concentrations, this element inactivates a number of enzymes of lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism (possibly as a result of blocking sulphhydryl groups).

Surma that її spoluchy otruyni. Difficulty in the melting of the concentrate of antimony ores and in the production of alloys Surma. In case of severe disorders - teasing of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory paths, the eyes of that shkir. May develop dermatitis, conjunctivitis thinly.

Surma chemical element (French antimoine, English antimony, nim. antimon, lat. stibium, stars symbol - Sb, or Regulus antimonii; atomic vaga \u003d 120, i.e. O \u003d 16) - shiny silver-white metal, which is coarse-plated crystalline evil or grainy, marveling at the speed of being caught from a melted mill. Antimony crystallizes in blunt rhombohedrons, close to a cube, like and vismuth (div.), І maє ud. vaga 6.71-6.86. Native surma chirps at the looking luscious masses, sounds from the mist of the sreeble, the hallway that mish'yaku; beats vaga її 6.5-7.0. Tse founding metal, which is easily crushed into powder at the finest porcelain hub. S. melts at 629.5 ° [After new appointments (Heycock and Neville. 1895)) and overheats in white heat; the bula was assigned to induce the magnitude of the parity її, but at 1640 ° it appeared to be more large, lower it is necessary for the acceptance of two atoms in the particle - Sb 2 values: 10.743 at 1572 and 9.781 at 1640, we can talk about the density of the dispersion of the particle. So, as for the Sb 2 particle, the width is 8.3, then it is known that the width can be said to be about the absence of this "metal" but in the simplest way, when looking at the monatomic particle Sb 3, it looks like the right metal. The same authors added the values ​​of the bet to bismuth, mish'yak and phosphorus. Only one wismuth appeared to give a part of Bi 1; for the newly found offensive thickness: 10.125 at 1700 ° and 11.983 at 1600 °, and the calculated values ​​for Bi 1 and Bi 2 are 7.2 and 14.4. Particles of phosphorus P 4 (at 515 ° - 1040 °) and misch'yaku As 4 (at 860 °) dissociate upon heating importantly, especially P 4: at 1700 ° C 3P 4 only one part - one might think - transforms into 2P 2 a As4 in case of knowing it may be completely transformed into As2 In such a rank, the most important of these elements, to become one of the subgroups of the periodic system, is bismuth, judging by the strength of the bet; the power of non-metal lies with the world's largest phosphorus, characterizing at the same time Mish'yak and the lesser world - S.]]. S. can be distilled with a dry gas jet, for example. water, as it is easily oxidized not only in the open, but also in water vapor at a high pace.

2Sb + 3H2O = Sb2O3 + 3H2;

like melting a small piece of S. on a vugill in front of a blowpipe and throw it from a deaky height on a arkush paper, a mass of baked sacks will come out, like kittens, quenching white smoke oxide. At normal temperatures, C. does not change in appearance. Behind the forms, it is the same for all chemical waters of C. to lie in the V group of the periodic system of elements, the smallest metal subgroup, as well as avenging phosphorus, mish'yak and vismuth; to the rest of the two elements, it is brought in the same way, like tin in the IV group is brought to Nimechchina and lead. The most important types of spoluk S. two - SbX 3 і SbX 5 de va є trivalent i pentavalent; even better, scho tipi one hour and one. The haloids of S. are especially clear when it is said about the form of the sills.


C. SbCl3 can be removed already after Vasil Valentin's statement (XV century), itself during heating of natural sulphurous S. (Antimonium) from sublimate:

Sb2 S3 + 3HgCl2 = 2SbCl3 + 3HgS

why in the retort more volatile sulfurous mercury is overfilled, and SbCl 3 is transmuted in a seemingly barren motherland, which is caught in the masa, similar to cow's butter (Butyrum Antimonii). Until 1648, it was important that the volatile product avenge mercury; Why would Glauber show the insincerity of such an allowance. With strong heating, the excess in the retort vine also evaporates and gives crystalline sublimation of cinnabar (Cinnabaris Antimonii) HgS. The easiest way is to prepare SbCl 3 from metal S., blowing chlorine on it with a large stream of chlorine when heated Sb + 1 ½ Cl2 \u003d SbCl3, moreover, after the appearance of the metal, a rare product comes out, which can take revenge on the sprat of pentachloride S., . .:

3SbCl5 + 2Sb = 5SbCl3;

at the end of SbCl 3 distillation is required. Through heating of sulfuric acid with mica hydrochloric acid, SbCl 3 rises in excess, which causes the development of a circulatory day:

Sb2 S3 + 6HCl = 2SbCl3 + 3H2 S.

Such a difference occurs when the oxide of S. is separated in hydrochloric acid. During the distillation of sour gas, water and excess hydrochloric acid are breathed out, which will marry SbCl 3 - sound yellow in the first portions (due to the presence of chlorine salt) and after that it is barren. Trichloride S. represents a crystalline mass, which melts at 73.2 ° and boils at 223.5 °, facilitating a barless steam, the strength of which is consistent with the formula SbCl 3, and itself is 7.8 according to the requirement until reopening. Vaughn attracts the vologer all the time, spreading at the opening of the motherland, for which she can be seen again in a crystal-like look when standing in a desiccator over sulfuric acid. For zdatnistyu differ in water (in small quantities) SbCl 3 as a whole is similar to other, right salts of hydrochloric acid, but large quantities of water spread SbCl 3, transforming it into that chi іnsha chlorox, according to rivers.

SbCl3 + 2H 2 O \u003d (HO) 2 SbCl + 2HCl \u003d OSbCl + H 2 O + 2HCl

and 4SbCl 3 + 5H 2 O \u003d O5 Sb4 Cl2 + 10HCl

yakі to establish extreme interim nepovnoї dії vod (іsnuyut oxychloride promizhnogo warehouse); the great excess lead to bring chlorine out of antimony z'ednannya until it is completely removed. Water is in the cloud white powder similar chloroxides of S., but a part of SbCl 3 can be left out of stock and go into siege with a larger amount of water. Adding hydrochloric acid, you can siege again, turn it into SbCl 3. Obviously, S.'s oxide (div. Dalі) is a weak base, like bismuth oxide, and to that water - in excess - zdatna vіdnіmatі vіdny acid, converting the middle salts of С. into basic salts, otherwise, to this particular type, in chloroxide; the addition of hydrochloric acid is similar to the change in the quantity of reactive water, which is why, with the help of oxychloride, they are converted to SbCl 3. The white siege that comes out when you drive on SbCl 3 is called Algorot powder on the name of the Verona healer, who lived yoga (for example, the 16th century) for medical purposes.

If you add chlorine to the melted trichloride S., go out the pentachloride S.:

SbCl3 + Cl2 = SbCl5

R. Rose (1835). You can take away metal S., the powder of which, when boiled in a vessel with chlorine, burns in a new one:

Sb + 2 ½ Cl2 = SbCl5.

Tse bezbarvna or slightly yellowish native, yak smoke on the floor and may have an unacceptable smell; in the cold it crystallizes like a goblet and melts at -6°; won notch SbCl 3, but during distillation, it is partly expanded:

SbCl5 = SbCl3 + Cl2;

under a vice of 22 mm, boil at 79 ° - without folding (in the sinks, the temperature of boiling SbCl 3 \u003d 113.5 °). The wager rate at 218° and under the pressure of 58 mm is more than 10.0 if it is repeated, so that you can induce the partial formula (for SbCl 5 the wager rate is calculated as good 10.3). With a calculated amount of water at 0 ° SbCl 5 gives crystalline hydrate SbCl 5 + H 2 O, chloroform and melt at 90 °; With a great number of waters, a prosorium of rozchins comes out, which, when evaporated over sulfuric acid, gives another crystalline hydrate SbCl 5 + 4H 2 O, which is no longer rozchinnyy in chloroform (Anschütz and Evans, Weber). To hot water, SbCl 5 is introduced as an acid chloride, giving too much acidic hydrate (div. below). P'yatichlorist S. is easy to pass to trichloride, as presence of speech, zdatnі add chlorine, after which it is often zastosovuetsya in organic chemistry for chlorine; tse - "transmitting chlorine". Trichloride S. zdatna to make crystalline spoluky, subwine salts with deyakimi metal chlorides; similar slabs give antimony pentachloride with various slabs and oxides. Vіdomi spoluki surmite z іnshi halogens, and itself SbF 3 і SbF 5 , SbBr3 , SbJ3 and SbJ 5 .
, or antimony anhydride, lie down to the type of trichloride C. and also can be represented by the formula Sb 2 O3, but the value of the bet (at 1560 °, W. Meyer, 1879), as it was found equal to 19.9 give a sub-formula of Sb 4 O6, similarly to mish'yakovist and phosphorous anhydrides. Okis S. zustrіchaєtsya in nature, looking like a valentine, appeasing white, glittering prisms of a rhombic system, ud. vagi 5.57, and more – senarmontite – barless or siri octahedron, z ud. vaga. 5.2-5.3, as well as sometimes covering the earthy look - serious ocher - rich ore S. treated with metal or sulfur pure S. with diluted nitric acid when heated, Oxide S. may have a white color, when heated, it melts and melts at a higher high temperature, nareshti, boils with a white heat. When the molten oxide is cooled, it looks like a crystal. If you heat up the oxide of S. at the presence again, then it will turn the tinder, transforming into non-volatile oxide SbO 2 or, more or less, into Sb 2 O4 (div. below). The main power of S.'s oxide is rather weak, which is higher; salts are mostly basic. From mineral kisnevyh acids may be one sirchana zdatna to give salt S.; the average strength of Sb 2 (SO4) 3 comes out when the metal or oxide is heated with concentrated sulfuric acid, it looks like a white mass and crystallizes from a sprat of diluted sulfuric acid in two, with a shovkovisty glossy needles; water spreads її into rozchinnu sour and indistinct basic strength. Use salts with organic acids, for example. the main antimony-potassium salt of tartaric acid, or the vomitous stone KO-CO-CH (OH) -CH (OH) -CO-O-SbO + H2O (Tartarus emeticus), dosing in water (12.5 wag. parts at 21°). Okis S. maє, from the other side, weak anhydrous power, in which it is easy to perekonatisya, it is possible to add caustic potash or sodium to the amount of SbCl3 aluminum salts. It is important for potassium and sodium in the salt of antimony acid, for example, from boiling water, Sb 2 O3 crystallizes in sodium hydroxide antimony sodium NaSbO2 + 3H2 O, in glitter octahedra; other such salts - NaSbO 2 + 2HSbO2 and KSbO 2 + Sb2 O3

]. Acid vіdpovіdna, then metaacid (by analogy with the names of phosphoric acids), HSbO 2 however, is not present; Vіdomі ortho- pіrokisloti: H 3 SbO3 appear in a thin white powder with di nitric acid in the presence of mixed salts of tartaric acid and may store after drying at 100 °; H 4 Sb2 O5 settles down, as if puddat puddat pudding rose of trisulfide C. di mead vitriol in such a quantity, so that the filtrate ceased to give an orange siege with otstovoy acid - a siege to come out more and more of the warehouse.

High oxide type pentachloride C. є surmyanium anhydride Sb2O5. Він go out with energy-boiling nitric acid on powder S. or її oxide; powder, which, having settled down, give potim protective heating; vіn vengeance sound the house of the lower oxide. In a pure looking anhydrous, it is possible to remove the separation of salts of antimony acid, laying them with nitric acid and adding promitium precipitation by heating to the removal of water elements; ce - yellow powder, indistinguishable in water, prote, which makes it easier to fertilize blue litmus paprietz in red color. In nitric acid, anhydrous is absolutely indistinct, in hydrochloric (micinic) it is varied, if necessary, in full; when heated with ammonia, the building evaporates. We have three hydrates of antimony anhydride, which can be stored, which gives hydrates of phosphoric anhydride. Orthosurmic acid H3 SbO4 comes out of potassium metaantimony through processing with diluted nitric acid and may be stored after washing and drying at 100 °; at 175° it transforms into the meta-acid HSbO3; obidva hydrati - bіlі powders, rozchinnі in rozchini їdkogo kali and vámko - vіdі vіdі; when heated more strongly, they transform into an anhydride. Pirosurmic acid(From calling it a metaacid) go with hot water to pentachloride C. have a white precipitate, which, according to the hanging on the surface, is a warehouse of H 4 Sb2 O7 + 2H 2 O, and at 100 ° it turns into anhydrous acid, like at 200 ° ( and navit simply when standing under water - yearly) transform into metaacid. Pyroacid is more diverse in water, lower is orthoacid; won't be good for cold ammonia, which orthoacid is not good for. Salt vіdomi іlki for meta-pyroacid, which gives, ymovіrno, the right to give orthoacids the formula HSbO 3 + Н 2 O, in vvazhat meta-acid hydrate. Sodium and potassium metasols come out when fused with hydrophilic nitrate powder of metal S. (or from sulfur pure S.). З KNO 3 to come out after washing with water white powder, spreading at the commemoration of the water and building crystallization; seen separately and hung at 100°C to resist water 2KSbO3 + 3H2O; at 185 ° it consumes one particle of water and transforms into KSbO 3 + H2 O. Sodium strength can be stored 2NaSbO3 + 7H2 O, and at 200 ° it consumes 2H 2 Navіt vugіlnaya acid zdatna razdelenie ts_ sіlі: if you pass 2 through the razzin kaliєvoї ї і, then there will be an important precipitate of such sour salt 2K 2 O∙3Sb2 O5 + 7H2 O ). If the metaacid is separated in hot ammonia, then when cooled, the ammonium salt (NH 4 ) SbO3 crystallizes very well in the cold. Oxidizing S.'s oxide, dissolved in hydrous potassium (potassium antimony-acid), chameleon and then vaporizing filtrate, remove acid pyrosurmine potassium Up to 2 H2 Sb2 O7 + 4H2O; ts_l dosit razchinna in water (at 20 ° - 2.81 hours of anhydrous salt in 160 hours of water) and serve as a reagent in acidic analysis on sodium salt (at the average rosin), so it’s a clear crystalline strength of Na 2 H2 Sb2 O7 + 6H2 O is more important in water. Tse, one might say, is the most important difference in the strength of sodium, especially in the presence of a large amount of alcohol; if a retailer has less than 0.1% sodium salt, then in which case a crystal precipitate of pyrosalt appears. Shards of antimony salts of lithium, ammonium and meadow-earth metals also set the fall, then, consciously, they could be seen farther away. Salts of other metals are importantly different or indistinct in water; stinks can be taken away through the underlayment of the crystalline litter and are transformed into weak acids on acidic salts, and strong acids and vitreous remove serious acid. In the meantime, all antimonials differ in hydrochloric acid.

With strong heating, one more oxide, Sb 2 O4 itself, appears on the surface of the skin descriptions of C. oxides:

Sb2 O5 \u003d Sb2 O4 + ½O2 і Sb 2 O3 + ½O2 \u003d Sb2 O4.

Zei oxide can be used in such a way that it can replace trivalent and pentavalent S., so that in such a state of cei bula b the middle strength of orthoantimony acid Sb "" SbO4 or basic - metaacids OSb-SbO 3. Zeus oxide is the most stable at high temperatures and is analogous to minium (div. Lead) and especially to bismuth oxide Bi 2 O4 (div. Bismuth). Sb 2 O4 is a non-volatile white powder, which is more important in acids and comes out at once with Sb 2 O3 when the natural sulfuric acid is evaporated. - Sb2 O4 can grow in meadows; when fused with potash, after washing with water, a white product comes out, which is distributed in hot water and may store K 2 SbO5; tsya salt-like speech є, possibly, subwine surm'yano-potassium sil of orthosurm'yanoї acid (OSb)K 2 SbO4. Hydrochloric acid osadzhuє z such a salt is sour sil K 2 Sb4 O9, as it is possible to introduce the dependent strength of pyroantimony acid, itself (OSb) 2 K2 Sb2 O7 . In nature, there are similar subvine (?) salts for calcium and for midi: romeyt (OSb) CaSbO4 and amiolyte (OSb) CuSbO4. In looking at Sb 2 O4, one can call S. at kolkisny analysis; it is necessary only to wash the hot metal of the hardener with good accessibility again (near the crucible) and carefully so that the combustible gases are not squandered into the crucible.

For the method of adoption of sirchist spoluk S., yak and mish'yak, you can be insured to the right metals with a greater right, lower chrome. All of the trivalent S.'s in sour varieties (mostly in the presence of hydrochloric acid.) during hot water turn into an orange-red siege of trivalent S., Sb 2 S3, which, moreover, avenges more water. With pentavalent S., also in the presence of hydrochloric acid, with sirvodny give a yellowish-chervony powder of penta-sulphurous C. Sb 2 S5, which sounds like a house Sb 2 S3 and a white sirka; it is pure Sb 2 S5 to come out, if, at a normal temperature, add too much daylight water to acidified rose antimony salt (Bunsen); in sumishi z Sb 2 S3 and sіrkoy otrimuyut її, yakshcho miss sіrkovod na nagіty sour rozchiny; the lower the temperature of the osadzhuvannogo rozchiny and the more swedish strum water, the less Sb 2 S3 and sirki, and the more cleanly lined with Sb 2 S5 (Bosêk, 1895). On the other side, Sb 2 S3 і Sb 2 S5, like and in the middle of the floor of the mish'yaku, mayut the power of anhydrides; ce thioanhydride; using sulfuric ammonium or sulfuric potassium, sodium, barium, etc., stink to give thiosols, for example. Na 3 SbS4 and Ba 3 (SbS4) 2 or KSbS 2 and in. Qi salts analogous, perhaps, with acidic salts of elements of the phosphorus group; stinks to avenge the bivalent sourness of sourness and are called sulfosalts, which lead to confusion, guessing about the salts of organic sulfonic acids, as the best would be to call sulfonic acids [Exactly the same name sulfonic anhydrides (SnS 5 (N 2 S, BaS and in.) trace substitution with thio anhydrides and thio bases.]. serious blisk represents the most important ore of S.; it is widened among crystalline and old sharuvaty stone rocks; zustrіchaєtsya at Kornvalіsі, Ugorshchina, Transіlvanії, Westfalії, Schwarzwaldі, Bohemia, Siberia; Japan knows how especially great well-illuminated crystals are, and in Borneo there are significant deposits. Sb 2 S3 crystallizes in prisms and creates an extremely changeable-crystal, grayish-black mass with a metallic glare; beats vaga 4.62; fusible and easily podrіbnyuєtsya on the powder, which roam fingers like to graphite and long ago (Bible, book of the prophet Ezekiel, XXIII, 40) getting used as a cosmetic zasіb for brіv; under the name of "surma" it got used to it, imovirno, it gets used to it for the sake of meti and in us. Black sirchist S. at trade (Antimonium crudum) - smelted ore; This material in evil represents a gray color, a metallic glare and a crystal finish. In nature, moreover, there are numerous salt-like slabs of Sb 2 S3 with various sulfur-pure metals (thiopides), for example. SbS3, that іn Rudy, scho vengeance, cream Sb 2 S3, pure zinc, copper, zalizo and mish'yak, the essence is so sound. blakly rudi. As soon as trisirchist S. is melted, it is cooled down to firmness (poured into the water), it will come out in an amorphous look and may be less ud. vaga, same 4.15, may have a lead-gray color, in thin balls you can see through the hyacinth-chervonim and, looking like a powder, may have a red-storm zabarvlennya; won’t conduct electricity, which is powerful in a crystal view. Z so sound. surmian liver(hepar antimontii), how to come out with fused crystalline Sb 2 S3 with liquid potassium or potash and avenge sumish thioantimonitu and antimonіїtu potassium [The development of such a liver is even more likely to be clayed with kisen povitrya. The lowest grade of liver, as it is prepared with powdered sum Sb 2 S3 and saltpeter (in equal quantities), moreover, the reaction starts in baked vodka, thrown into sumish, and even more energetically with stepwise addition of KSO sum, avenge, krіm K 2 SO4, as well as a sprat of antimony acid (K-salt).]:

2Sb2S3 + 4KOH = 3KSbS2 + KSbO2 + 2H2O

so you can take amorphous trisulfide S. yourself, for which you soak the liver with water and filter the layers with sulfuric acid, or crystalline Sb 2 S3 is treated with boiling KOH (or K 2 3), and then the filtrate is spread with acid; in both falls, the siege is washed with strongly diluted acid (tartaric acid) and water and dried at 100 °. It is easier to come out light red-bury, easily soiled sulfur powder S., rozchinny in hydrochloric acid, acidic and carbonic acid meadows richer, lower crystalline Sb 2 S3. Similar preparations of sirchistoy S., only not so pure, known from long ago under the names of "mineral kermes" and knew zastosuvannya in medicine and like farb. Orange-red precipitate to Sb 2 S3 hydrate, which appears during diurnal water on acidic oxide S., consuming (promitium) water at 100-130 ° and transforming into black at 200 °; under a ball of diluted hydrochloric acid and a stream of carbon dioxide gas, the transformation is already boiled (Mitchell's lecture notes, 1893). If you add sirkovodnevoy water to the size of a vomitous stone, then an orange-black (when light) color of the colloidal Sb 2 S3 comes out, as it settles when you add calcium chloride and some other salts. Heating in a stream of water to produce Sb 2 S3 until the metal is renewed, in an atmosphere of nitrogen it only escapes. Crystal SB 2 S3 s3 for the prepared spluk S., and such a stall of the yak in the summers of the berthelets of the same oxiluvas for the pyrotechnic tsilles, to enter the warehouse of the heads of the Swedes of the Swedes of the Swedes, the smallest is the same. Creatures (horses) P'yatisirchista S. may be taken away, as it was appointed more, or through the laying out of diluted acid, the guessing retail thiosols:

2K H SbS4 + 6HCl = Sb2 S5 + 6KCl + 3H2 S.

Vaughn from nature does not growl, but has been seen at home for a long time; Glauber described (1654) otrimanna її s slag, which is obtained when preparing metal S. from antimony bliss when fused with tartar and nitrate, diyu optic acid and recommending as a carrying zasib (panacea antimonialis seu sulfur purgans universale). With a clear streak, the mother is brought to the right during the analysis: I take the day in the oblog from the soured line, we threw 4th and 5th analytical groups; among the rest i know S.; you will be upset by sounding at the sight of the sum Sb 2 S5 and Sb 2 S3 (divine) or only at the sight of the Sb 2 S З (if there was no such thing as SbX 5 in the beleaguered version) groups that get lost when they are under siege; Sb 2 S3 is transferred by rich ammonium to Sb 2 S5 and then all S. appears in a variety of ammonium thiosalts of the greater type, for which reason the acid is precipitated together with each other. with sulfur-free metals of the 5th group, as they were in the surviving speech. P'atisirchista S. is indistinct near water, easily dispersed in water dispersed in sour meadows, in carbonic acid salts and sulfuric puddle metals, as well as in sulfur pure ammonium and hot ammonia, but not in ammonium carbonate. If Sb 2 S5 is exposed to the sleepy light, or heated under water at 98 °, and also without water, but without wind, then it breaks up for equals:

Sb2 S5 = Sb2 S3 + 2S

after that, when heated with mica hydrochloric acid, it gives sirka, sirkovodny and SbCl 3 . Thiosurmic acid nampіy, or "Sil Shlippe", as it crystallizes in great regular tetrahedra, barless or zhovtuvatih, warehouse Na 3 SbS4 + 9H 2 O, can be cut off with varying amounts of Sb 2 S3 Sb 2 S3 s vougillya and boiling potim otrimanogo alloy with sirkoy. Razchini ts_єї salts can puddle reaction and salts, which cool and watery hot-metal relish. In a similar rank, it can be taken away and potassium sil, and barium is blamed for Sb 2 S5 in BaS; tsі salt utvoryuyut crystals warehouse K3 SbS4 + 9H2 O і 3 (SbS4) 2 + 6H 2 O.

Surm'yanisty water

, or stibine, SbH 3 . If the water settles into the difference, to avenge the difference between the S.’s (to add, for example, to the summish the zinc and the dissolved sulfuric acid the SbCl 3), then the wine doesn’t only inspire (at the moment of seeing) її, but y z’єz her; when diluted on an alloy of C. with potassium or sodium or an acid, on an alloy of її with zinc, SbH 3 dissolves itself. In all weathers, gas-like SbH 3 appears in sumishi with water; the most water sum can be taken away (F. Jones), by pouring drops of SbCl 3 concentrations in miconic hydrochloric acid to an excess of granulated or powder-like zinc, moreover, SbH 3 partly expands (the walls of the flask are curved with a mirror-like infusion of C.) revenge SbH 3 troch more than 4%. That pure SbH 3 cannot be produced at a high temperature, is especially clear from K. Olszewski, who showed that the speech freezes at -102.5 °, quenches the snow-like mass, melts into a barren motherland at -91.5 ° and boils at -18 °, and rare SbH 3 begins to spread even at - 65 ° - 56 °. Outside the distribution of SbH 3 diluted with water is 200 ° - 210 °; wine is laid out richly lighter than the mischievous water, which, ymovirno, is known for the connection with great clay heat when the elements are dissolved (on a gram. particle - 84.5 b. cal.) spoluk S. for the method of Marsh (div. Mish'yak).]. SbH 3 May unacceptable smell and even unacceptable taste; in 1 volume of water at 10 ° varies in 4 to 5 vol. SbH3; in such water, ribeye perish for a sprat of a year. On the sunny light, swidshe for 100 °, the sirka lays out SbH 3 for equal:

2SbH3 + 6S = Sb2 S Z + 3H2 S

what causes the orange-red appearance of Sb 2 S3; rozladnym rank diє, navіt temryavi, i sіrkovoden, which itself rozladєєtsya at tsomu:

2SbH3 + 3H 2 S = Sb2 S3 + 6H2.

If you skip SbH 3 (s H 2) of the nitrate slab, then a black siege will come out, which you imagine surmyanist srіblo with a house of a metal sword:

SbH3 + 3AgNO3 = Ag3 Sb + 3HNO3;

tse z'ednannya S. zustrіchaєtsya and in nature - dyscrasite. The development of wet meadows is characterized by SbH 3 swelled with brown color and the building of clay kisen z po vіtrya. Similar blue waters characterize mischievous water; insults of water from the floor do not show the same rank of building to give a similar ammonium type; the stinks are more predictable about the sirkovodod and show the dominance of acids. Іnshih water spoluk S., bіdnіsh vodnіsh, judging by the analogy, it is not reliable; metaleva S., otrimana electrolyzed and maє zdatnіst vibukhati, vengeance of water; It is possible that here the presence is similar to water spolka, like vibukhov, like water acetylene or nitrous acid. The basis of a flying, gas-like wind of a water-borne plant for S. allows especially water to reach non-metals; and non-metallicity її to be known, ymovirno, at the connection with the building to give different alloys with metals.
Z. know even more significant zastosuvannya; the presence of S. in them leads to an increase in the brilliance and hardness, and with significant quantities - and the hardness of the metals fused with it. An alloy that is made up of lead and S. (sound 4 hours and 1 hour), is used for forging Drukarian letters, for which alloys are often prepared, to compensate for the significant amount of tin (10-25%), and sometimes troch midi (about 2%). So sound. "British metal" is an alloy of 9 parts tin, 1 part C. and brush copper (up to 0.1%); vikoristovuetsya for the preparation of teapots, kavnikiv toshcho. dishes. "White, or anti-friction metal" - alloys that are vicarious for bearings; such alloys can be close to 10% C. and up to 85% tin, which can sometimes be replaced by half lead (Babbit's metall), in addition, up to 5% midi, the amount of which falls on the bark of C. up to 1.5%, as it is found in the alloy lead, 7 o'clock C. for 3 t. and purple alloy from the middle of the warehouse Cu 2 Sb (Regulus Veneris) at the sight of powders and with a significant amount of puddle metal, building self-employment on the surface, and with water one sees water, give a meadow in a wide range and antimony powder in the siege. to contain up to 12% of potassium and vicorist for the removal of organometallic parts of S. (div. Alloy).

Organometallic slabs

C. to go with diorganozinc spoluk on trichloride C.:

2SbCl3 + 3ZnR2 = 2SbR З + 3ZnCl2 ,

de R \u003d CH 3 or C 2 H5 ta in., as well as with the interplay of RJ, iodine alcohol radicals, with the help of an alloy of C. with potassium. Trimethylstibine Sb(CH3)3 boil at 81°, sp. vaga 1.523 (15°); triethylstibine boil at 159°, sp. vaga 1324 (16°). Tse mayzhe do not grow up by the water, that they are led by the smell of the cibula of the motherland, that they are self-employed on the floor. Ride with RJ, give money stibonium iodide R4 Sb-J, for which - absolutely similarly to chotyrization with carbohydrate radicals of ammonium iodide, phosphonium and arsonium - it is possible to remove the main oxide hydrates in substitutions of stibonium in R 4 Sb-OH, which may hold the power of foul meadows. Ale, moreover, stibini are even more similar to their waters with bivalent electropositive metals; stinks are not easily tainted with chlorine, sulfur and sourness, quenching salt-like streaks, for example. (CH 3 )3 Sb=Cl2 і (CH 3 )3 Sb=S, і oxide, for example (CH 3 )3 Sb=O, but also to remove water from acids, similar to zinc, for example.

Sb (C2 H 5) 3 + 2ClH \u003d (C 2 H5) 3 Sb \u003d Cl 2 + H 2.

Syrchist stibini are besieged from salt roschins in sirpist metal, turning into watery salt, for example:

(C2 H5) 3 Sb = S + CuSO4 = CuS + (C2 H5) 3 Sb = SO4.

From sulfuric acid stibine, it is possible to remove iodine oxide by precipitating sulfuric acid with caustic barite:

(C2 H5) 3 Sb \u003d SO 4 + (OH) 2 \u003d (C 2 H5) 3 Sb \u003d O + BaSO 4 + H 2 O.

Such oxides appear during the guarding of the wind on the stibin; stinks are released from the water, neutralize acids and take oxides of the right metals in the tax. Behind the warehouse and budovaya oxide stibіnіv is absolutely analogous to oxydіv phosphіnіv i arsinіv, ale vіdrіznyayutsya vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіdіvіmіm mіdnym osnovnymi vlastivostіv. Triphenylstibine Sb (C6 H5) 3, which appears when sodium is mixed with benzene solution of SbCl 3 with phenyl chloride and crystallizes in translucent plates, which melts at 48 °, building solids with halides, but not with sulfur 3 J: lower, next, metal power of stibin; we appreciate more cicavo, which is similar to more metal bismuth, absolutely beneficial: bismutin iR3, to avenge the boundary radicals, not before the arrival of the flame, a i (C6 5 )3 yes (C 6 H5 )3 Bi \u003d Cl2 i (C 6 H5 )3 Bi = Br 2 (div. Bismuth). The electropositive nature of Вi needs to be weakened by electronegative phenyls in order to achieve the goal, similarly to a metal divalent atom.

S. S. Kolotov.

Δ .

Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. - GOLD (lat. Aurum), Au (read "aurum"), chemical element with atomic number 79, atomic mass 196.9665. Vіdomo z deep ancient times. Nature has one stable isotope 197Au. Configuration of outer and front electronic shells. Encyclopedic dictionary

- (Fr. Chlore, n.m. Chlor, English Chlorine) an element from the group of halogens; yoga sign Cl; atomic vaga 35.451 [Zrachunka Clark danich Stas.] at O ​​= 16; part of Cl 2, which seems to be well known by Bunsen and Reno to the strength of yogo according to ...

- (chem.; Phosphore fr., Phosphor n.m., Phosphorus eng. and lat., signs of P, inode Ph; atomic vaga 31 [News of atomic vaga F. found (van der Plaats) such: vaga F. metal ... Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Soufre French, Sulphur or Brimstone English, Schwefel nim., θετον Greek, Latin Sulfur, stars symbol S; atomic energy 32.06 at O=16 to the most important non-metal elements. ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Platine fr., Platina or um English, Platin n.m.; Pt = 194.83, yakscho O = 16 for the tribute of K. Seibert). P. sing along with other metals, and tі z tsikh metals, as if they adjoin to it for their chemical authorities, took away the name ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Soufre French, Sulfur or Brimstone English, Schwefel nim., θετον Greek, Latin Sulfur, stars symbol S; atomic energy 32.06 at O=16 the most important non-metal elements. Vaughn… … Encyclopedic dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

s; and. [Persian. surma metal] 1. Chemical element (Sb), bluish-white metal (vicorous in various alloys in technology, in other references). Smelting surmi. Z'ednannya surmi with sirka. 2. For old hours: farba for black hair, brіv, vіy. Encyclopedic dictionary

- (Pers. Sourme). Metal, which is near nature with sirkoy; vikoristovuєtsya in medicine like vomiting. Glossary of inshomonic words that have gone up to the stock of Russian language. Chudinov A.M., 1910. Antimony antimony, metal gray color; beats in. 6.7; … … Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

SURMA, Sb (vіd tour. sürme, lat. Stibium * a. antimony; n. Antimon; f. antimoine; i. antimonio), - a chemical element of group V of the Mendeliev periodic system, atomic number 51, atomic mass 121.75. Natural antimony is formed from the sum of 2 stable isotopes 121 Sb (57.25%) and 123 Sb (42.75%). There were over 20 piece radioactive Sb isotopes with mass numbers from 112 to 135.

Surma comes from ancient times (in the 3rd millennium BC, judges were made from it in Babylon). In Egypt, on the cob of the 2nd millennium BC. antimonite powder (natural sulfide Sb 2 S 3) zastosovuvsya as a cosmetic zasib. A detailed description of the powers that be, the method of taking surmi and also the last time was given by the alchemist Vasil Valentin () in 1604. French chemist A. Lavoisier (1789) included antimony to the list of chemical elements under the name antimoine.

Surma - the speech of a bright white color with a bluish tinge and a metallic glare; vidoma crystalline and 3 amorphous forms of antimony (vibukhov, black and yellow). Crystalline antimony (also native) has a hexagonal lattice a = 0.4506 nm; thickness 6618 kg / m 3 t melting 630.9 ° C; boiling point 1634 ° С; thermal conductivity 23.0 W/(mK); petite molar heat capacity 25.23 JDmol.K); electrical opir 41.7.10-4 (Ohm.m); temperature coefficient of linear expansion 15.56.10 -6 K -1; diamagnetic. Antimony krykhka, easily split along the cleavage planes, rubbed into powder and do not move the carpet. The mechanical power of surmi is to be deposited in її cleanliness. Antimony is mentally brought to the metal. Vibuhova surma (width 5640-5970 kg / m 3) vibuhaє in dotik; utvoryuєtsya during electrolysis the difference of SbCl 3 . Black surma (width 5300 kg / m 3) come out with a cold steamed bet with coal; Zhovta modification - when passing acid through a rare SbH 3 hydride. Zhovta that black modification with metastable solutions and with an hour to pass to the crystal phase.

Antimony in the folds shows valency +5, +3, -3; in chemical exposure it is inactive, on the surface it does not oxidize to the melting point. With sour antimony vzaєmodіє less at the melted steel, utvoryuyuchi Sb2O 3; with water and nitrogen for normal brains does not react. Active interaction with halogens (crim F 2). Antimony is widely distributed in hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. When combined with metals, antimony dissolves antimonides. Of practical interest are the important salts of antimony acid - antimony (V) (Me SbO 3 .3H 2 Pro, de Me - Na, K) and metaantimony (III) (Me SbO 2 .3H 2 Pro), which can be powerful. Antimony is toxic, GDK 0.5 mg/m 3 .

The average content of antimony in the earth's crust (clarke) is 5.10-5%, in ultrabasic rocks 1.10-5%, basic 1.10-4%, acidic 2.6.10-5%. Antimony is concentrated in hydrothermal genera. There are surmium waters, as well as surmium-mercury, surmium-lead, gold-antimony, surmium-tungsten genera. Z 27

Surma(lat. stibium), sb, chemical element of the group of the periodic system of Mendeliev; atomic number 51, atomic weight 121.75; metal with a bright white color from a bluish tint. Nature has two stable isotopes 121 sb (57.25%) and 123 sb (42.75%). Three pieces of radioactive isotopes of the most important 122 sb ( T 1/2 = 2,8 cym) , 124 sb ( t 1/2 = 60,2 cym) and 125 sb ( t 1/2 = 2 rocks).

Historical proof. S. Vіdoma z deep old. At the borders, it immediately got used to about 3000 years before the stars. e. for the preparation of vessels. In Ancient Egypt already in the 19th century. to the sound e. antimony glare powder (natural sb 2 s 3) under the name of mesten or stasis for black brows. In Ancient Greece, vin buv vіdomy yak st i mi і st i bi, zvіdsi latin stibium. Close to 12-14 st. n. e. Vinicla called antimonium. In 1789 p. BUT. Lavoisier including S. to the list of chemical elements under the name antimoine (modern English antimony, Spanish and Italian antimonio, German antimon). Russian "surma" resembles Turkish s u rme; It was used as a powder of lead blisk pbs, which also served for black brows (for other tributes, "surma" - from Persian surmi - metal). A detailed description of the power and ways of separating S. and її from the beginning was given by the alchemist Vasil Valentin (Nimechchina) in 1604.

The expansion of nature. The average amount of S. in the earth's crust (clarke) 5? 10 -5% for the mass. In magma and biosphere S. rozsiyana. From hot underground waters it concentrates in hydrothermal genera. There are surmyanite genera in the air, as well as surmium-mercury, surmium-lead, gold-antimony, surmium-tungsten. Z 27 minerals antimonite(sb 2 s 3) . The stars of sporidity from sirkoi S. in the looking house often grow in the sulfides of mish'yaku, bismuth, nickel, lead, mercury, and other elements.

Physical and chemical power. C. vidoma in crystalline and three amorphous forms (vibuhova, black and zhovta). Vibukhova S. (width 5.64-5.97 g/cm 3) vibrate for any kind of zіtknennya: utvoryuєєє when electrolyzі razchin sbcl 3 ; black (strength 5.3 g/cm 3) - with swedish cooling bet S.; Zhovta - when passing sour into the clumps sbh 3 . Zhovta and black S. nestykі, at lower temperatures go to the highest S. The most crystallized S. , crystallize in a trigonal system, a = 4.5064; thickness 6.61-6.73 g/cm 3 (rare - 6.55 g/cm 3) ; t pl 630.5 ° C; t stos 1635-1645°C; heat capacity at 20-100 ° С 0.210 kJ/(kg? Before ) ; thermal conductivity at 20 ° С 17.6 w/m? Before. Temperature coefficient of linear expansion for polycrystalline C. 11.5? 10 -6 at 0-100°C; for single crystal a 1 = 8.1? 10 –6 a 2 = 19.5? 10 -6 at 0-400°C, pythomium electroopir (20°C) (43.045? 10 -6 ohm? cm) . C. diamagnetic, pet magnetic susceptibility -0.66? 10-6. On vіdmіnu vіd vіdnіstі metalіv, С. napіvmetalіv) . Mechanical power to lie in the purity of the metal. Brinell hardness for cast metal 325-340 Mn/m 2 (32,5-34,0 kgf/mm 2) ; spring modulus 285-300; intermediary 86.0 Mn/m 2 (8,6 kgf/mm 2) . Configuration of external electrons of the atom sb5s 2 5 r 3 . On the floor, the degree of oxidation is more important than +5, +3 and -3.

S. is inactive in a chemically minded person. On the surface it does not oxidize to the melting temperature. It does not react with nitrogen and water. Coal varies slightly in the melting of C. Metal actively interacts with chlorine and in. halogens, soothing surmi halides. We sour interaction at a temperature higher than 630 ° C with solutions sb 2 o 3 . When fused, come out of the sirkoy surmi sulfide, so the very interaction with phosphorus and mish'yak. С. The concentration of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid is adequately differentiated by C. s chloride sbcl 3 and sulfate sb 2 (so 4) 3; concentrated nitric acid oxidizes C. to a higher oxide, which is dissolved in a seemingly hydrated half of xsb 2 o 5? uH 2 O. Of practical interest is the important salt of antimony acid - antimonate (Mesbo 3? 3h 2 o, de me - na, K) and the salt of not seen metaantimony acid - metaantimony (mesbo 2? ZN 2 O), power. S. rush with metals, appeasing antimonides.

Otrimannya. C. otrimuyut pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of concentrates or ore, which should cover 20-60% sb. Prior to pyrometallurgical methods, siege and smelting are seen. Syrovina for osadzhuvalnoy smelting є sulphide concentrates; the process of foundations on vitamin C. with її sulfide with flooding: sb 2 s 3 + 3fe u 2sb + 3fes. Zalizo be introduced at the charge at the sight of scrap. The smelting is carried out at vidbivnyh or in short drum furnaces, which are wrapped at 1300-1400 ° C. Viluchennya S. in black metal to become over 90%. Vіdnovlyuvalna smelting S. is based on the introduction of її oksіv to metal villages in the coals or stone coal saw and slagging of the empty rock. The oxidative melting was preceded by the oxidizing vipal at 550 ° C with too much repetition. Cinder to avenge the non-flying chotiriohokis S. Yak for osadzhuvalnoy, so for double-season melting it is possible to zastosuvannya electric furnaces. The hydrometallurgical method of separating S. is composed of two stages: processing of syrovine with tin sulfide grade with S.'s conversion from the appearance of salts of antimony acids and sulfosalts and seeing S. by electrolysis. Chornova S. fallow in the warehouse of the syrovin and the way її otrimannya revenge on 1.5 to 15% of houses: fe, as, s and in. For otrimannya pure S. zastosovuyt pyrometallurgical or electrolytic refining. With pyrometallurgical refining, the houses of the hall and midi are removed from the clear slabs, introducing S. antimonite (krudum) into the melt - sb 2 s 3 after which the mish'yak is removed (at the sight of sodium arsenate) and the sirka when blown through the slag with soda slag. When electrolytic refining with a pink anode, black carbon is cleaned from the hall, midi and іn metals, which are in the electrolyte (Сі, ag, Аі are in the sludge). Electrolyte serve as a solution, which is formed from sbf 3 h 2 so 4 і hf. Vmіst domіshok at refining S. does not exceed 05-08%. To remove S. of high purity, either zone melting in an atmosphere of inert gas, or S. from a forward-cleaned half-crude - trikisu or trichloride.

Zastosuvannya. S. zastosovuetsya mainly in alloys based on lead and tin for battery plates, cable sheaths, bearings ( babit) , alloys, yakі zastosovuetsya in polygraphy ( garth) , etc. Such alloys can increase hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance. In fluorescent lamps, calcium halophosphate activates sb. C. to enter the warehouse conduit materials as a light additive to germanium and silicon, as well as to the warehouse of antimonides (for example, insb). The radioactive isotope 12 sb is stagnant in the cells of g-viation and neutrons.

O. Є. Crane.

Antimony in the body. Zmist S. (per 100 G dry speech) stored in roslins 0.006 mg, in sea creatures 0.02 mg, in terrestrial creatures 0.0006 mg. Into the body of creatures and humans S. enter through the organs of the respiratory system or the intestinal tract. It is seen as a head rank with feces, in an insignificant number - from the section. The biological role of S. nevidoma. Vaughn vibirkovo concentrates in the thyroid gland, liver, spleen. In erythrocytes, C is accumulated more importantly at the oxidation stage + 3, in blood plasma - at the oxidation stage + 5. The maximum allowable concentration of C. 10 -5 - 10 -7 G per 100 G dry tissue. At the highest concentration, this element inactivates a number of enzymes of lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism (possibly after blocking sulfhydryl groups) .

In medical practice, preparations of S. (solusurmine and in.) vicorist are mainly used for treatment of leishmaniasis and other helminthiasis (for example, schistosomiasis).

With. Impairment of the ability to melt with the concentrate of antimony ores and for the production of alloys C. In the presence of acute injuries - teasing of the mucous membranes of the upper dyhal channels, eyes, and also the skies. Dermatitis, conjunctivitis, etc. can develop. Prevention: mechanization of virobnits. processes, effective ventilation is thin.

Lit.: Shiyanov A. R., Virobnitstvo surmi, M., 1961; Fundamentals of metallurgy, v. 5, M., 1968; Researched in the sphere of creation of new technology of antimony production and її spoluk, in the collection: Chemistry and technology of antimony, Fr., 1965.


Surma-and; and.[Persian. surma - metal]

1. Chemical element (Sb), bluish-white metal (vicaristic in various alloys in technology, in other references). Smelting surmi. Z'ednannya surmi with sirka.

2. For the old hours: farba for black hair, brіv, vіy. Bring, lift eyebrows with antimony. Follow the surmi on the faces.

Surm'yaniy, -a, -th (1 character). S-ti rudi. C-i alloy. S. blisk(Mineral of lead-gray color to avenge antimony and sirk).


(Latin Stibium), a chemical element of the V group of the periodic system. I approve a sprinkling of modifications. Zvichayna surma (so called sira) - bluish-white crystals; thickness 6.69 g / cm 3 t pl 630.5°C. Do not change on the face. The most important mineral is antimonite (antimony shine). Component of alloys based on lead and tin (accumulator, drukars, bearings and other), filling materials.


Antimony (lat. Stibium), Sb, (read "stibium"), chemical element with atomic number 51, atomic mass 121.75. Natural antimony is composed of two stable isotopes: 121 Sb (mass weight 57.25%) and 123 Sb (42.75%). Roztashovana in VA group in 5 periods of the periodic system. Electronic configuration of the outer ball 5 s 2 p 3 . Oxidation steps +3, +5, rarely -3 (valency III, V). The radius of the atom is 0.161 nm. The radius of the ion Sb 3+ 0.090 nm (coordination numbers 4 and 6), Sb 5+ 0.062 nm (6), Sb 3-0.208 nm (6). After-ionization energy 8.64, 16.6, 28.0, 37.42 and 58.8 eV. Electronegativity according to Pauling (div. PAULING Linus) 1,9.
Historical proof
Surma zastosovuvali in the lands Just three thousand years before ours. The Latin name of the element is associated with the mineral "Stibi", from which in Ancient Greece they took surma. Russian "surma" resembles the Turkish "surme" - black eyebrows (powder for black eyebrows was prepared with a serious shine from the mineral). At the 15th century black Vasyl Valentin, having described the process of extracting surmi, with an alloy with lead for inking the Drukari type. Calling the natural syrchist surma of wines a serious slop. In the Middle Ages, surmium preparations were made with a medical method: surmium puffs, wine, vitrimane in bowls of surmium (with which the “vomiting stone” K 1 / 2H 2 O was established).
Wellness in nature
Zmist in earth crust 5 10 - 5% per mass. Zustrichaetsya in nature at the native camp. Approximately 120 minerals, which are replaced by Sb, are the main rank, and look like sulfide Sb 2 S 3 (antimony shine, antimonite, stibnite). The product of oxidation of sulfide with sour after Sb 2 O 3 - bila surmyan ore (valentine and senarmontite). Antimony is often found in lead, copper and silver ores (tetrahedrite Cu 12 Sb 4 S 13, jamsonite Pb 4 FeSb 6 S 14).
Antimony is taken away from the alloyed sulfide Sb 2 S 3 from the hall:
Sb 2 S 3 + 3Fe \u003d 2Sb + 3FeS,
vipal sulfide Sb 2 S 3 and otrimanogo vugillam oxide:
Sb 2 S 3 + 5O 2 \u003d Sb 2 O 4 + 3SO 2,
Sb 2 O 4 + 4C \u003d 2Sb + 4CO. Pure antimony (99.9%) is obtained by electrolytic refining. Antimony is also extracted from lead concentrates, removed during the processing of polymetal ores.
Physical and chemical power
Antimony silvery-siriy from a bluish tint bright non-metal. Sira surma, Sb I, with rhomboedral burrs ( a\u003d 0.45064 nm, a \u003d 57.1 °), stand for the highest minds. Melting point 630.5 ° C, boiling point 1634 ° C. Thickness 6.69 g/cm3. At 5.5 GPa Sb I go to the cubic modification of Sb II, at a pressure of 8.5 GPa - hexagonal Sb III, more than 28 GPa - Sb IV.
Sira surma has a spherical structure, decogen the Sb atom is pyramidally bound to three susides in the sphere (interspace 0.288 nm) and may be three nearest susides in the other sphere (interspace 0.338 nm). There are three amorphous modifications of surmine. Zhovta antimony settles down when sour on rare stibine SbH 3 and revenges an insignificant amount of chemically bound water (div. HYDROGEN). When heated or illuminated, the antimony will go over to the black antimony (width 5.3 g/cm 3 ), which can lead to power.
With the electrolysis of SbCl 3, vibukhova antimony is established for small concentrations of the struma, which avenges small amounts of chemically bound chlorine (vibrates when rubbed). Black antimony, when heated without access again to 400 ° C, and vibukhova antimony, when rubbed, turn into metal sulfur antimony. Metal antimony (Sb I) – conductor. The width of the fenced zone is 0.12 eV. Diamagnetic. At room temperature, metal antimony is even more crumbly and is easily ground into powder at the hub, above 310 ° C - it is plastic, also plastic antimony monocrystals of high purity.
With certain metals, antimony dissolves antimonides: tin antimonide SnSb, nickel Ni 2 Sb 3, NiSb, Ni 5 Sb 2 and Ni 4 Sb. Antimony does not interact with hydrochloric, hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids. With concentrated nitric acid, the nasty beta-antimony acid HSbO 3 is dissolved:
3Sb + 5HNO 3 \u003d 3HSbO 3 + 5NO + H 2 O.
The general formula of antimony acids is Sb 2 O 5 n H 2 O. With concentrated H 2 SO 4 antimony reacts with solutions of antimony (III) sulfate Sb 2 (SO 4) 3:
2Sb + 6H 2 SO 4 \u003d Sb 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3SO 2 + 6H 2 O.
Surma st_yka on display up to 600 °C. With further heating, it oxidizes to Sb 2 O 3:
4Sb + 3O 2 \u003d 2Sb 2 O 3.
Antimony oxide (III) can amphoteric power and react with meadows:
Sb 2 O 3 + 6NaOH + 3H 2 O \u003d 2Na 3.
and acids:
Sb 2 O 3 + 6HCl \u003d 2SbCl 3 + 3H 2 O
When Sb 2 O 3 is heated to more than 700 ° C, oxide is dissolved in the Sb 2 O 4 warehouse:
2Sb 2 O 3 + O 2 \u003d 2Sb 2 O 4.
Zeic oxide washes Sb(III) and Sb(V) one hour at a time. This structure has one by one octahedral grouping. With the careful use of antimony acids, antimony pentoxide Sb 2 O 5 is dissolved:
2HSbO 3 \u003d Sb 2 O 5 + H 2 O,
shows acid power:
Sb 2 O 5 + 6NaOH \u003d 2Na 3 SbO 4 + 3H 2 O,
and є oxidizing:
Sb 2 O 5 + 10HCl \u003d 2SbCl 3 + 2Cl 2 + 5H 2 O
Salts of surmi are easily hydrolyzed. The precipitation of hydroxosalts begins at pH 0.5-0.8 for Sb(III) and pH 0.1 for Sb(V). Warehouse for the product hydrolysis
SbCl 3 + H 2 O \u003d SbOCl + 2HCl,
4SbCl 3 + 5H 2 O = Sb 4 O 5 Cl 2 + 10HCl.
With fluorine (div. FLUORINE) antimony dissolves SbF 5 pentafluoride. In yogo interaction with hydrofluoric acid HF, strong acid H is produced.
2Sb + 5Cl 2 = 2SbCl 5, 2Sb + 3Cl 2 = 2SbCl 3.
3 bromine (div. BRIM) that iodine (div. IOD) Sb make origalogenide:
2Sb + 3I 2 = 2SbI 3 .
When dii sirkovodnyu (div. SIROVORID) H 2 S on water levels of Sb (III) and Sb (V), orange-black trisulfide Sb 2 S 3 or orange pentasulfide Sb 2 S 5 are dissolved, and they interact with ammonium sulfide (NH 4) 2 S:
Sb 2 S 3 + 3 (NH 4) 2 S \u003d 2 (NH 4) 3 SbS 3,
Sb 2 S 5 + 3(NH 4) 2 S \u003d 2(NH 4) 3 SbS 4.
Drink water (div. HYDROGEN) on salt Sb, gas stibine SbH 3 is seen:
SbCl 3 + 4Zn + 5HCl = 4ZnCl 2 + SbH 3 + H 2
Stibine, when heated, expands into Sb and H 2 . From organic antimony, similar to stibine, for example, orimethylstibine Sb(CH 3) 3:
2SbCl 3 + 3Zn(CH 3) 2 = 3ZnCl 2 + 2Sb(CH 3) 3
Antimony is a component of alloys based on lead and tin (for battery plates, drukar fonts, bearings, screens for robots with ionizing glassware, dishes), on the basis of midi and zinc (for artistic casting). Pure surma vikoristovuyut for the removal of antimonides from the narcotic conductors of authority. Enter to the warehouse of folding synthetic medicinal preparations. Antimony pentasulfide Sb 2 S 5 is used when preparing gum vicory.
Physiological activity
Antimony is introduced into microelements, in human organisms it is 10-6% per mass. Permanently present in living organisms, physiological and biochemical role is not known. Accumulate in the thyroid cavity, suppressing its function and causing endemic goiter. However, drinking into the herbal tract, half of the antimony does not exude poison, shards of salt Sb (III) are hydrolyzed there with the adoption of low-grade products. Drank and paris Sb call for nosebleeds, serious "livar fever", pneumosclerosis, damage the skin, disrupt state functions. For aerosols of antimony HDA in the field of the working zone 0.5 mg/m 3 in the atmospheric field 0.01 mg/m 3 . HDK in soil 4.5 mg/kg, in water 0.05 mg/l.

Encyclopedic dictionary. 2009 .


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