Tectonic life and sublime relief of Antarctica (7th grade). Antarctica Budova earth measles antarctica

Antarctica - Pivdenniy polar continent, which occupies the central part of the pivdenny polar region of Antarctica. Maizhe is completely ripped out in the middle of the Pivdenny polar stake.

Description of Antarctica

Zagalni vіdomostі. The area of ​​Antarctica with ice shelves is 13,975,000 km2, the area of ​​the continent is 16,355,000 km2. The average height is 2040 m-code, the highest is 5140 m-code (Vinson array). On top of the ice sheet of Antarctica, which covers the entire continent, at the central part it shifts 3000 m, making the most flat mountains on Earth, which outweigh the area 5-6 times in Tibet. It is a transantarctic mountain system, which crosses the entire continent from the Earth of Victoria to the shores of Weddell Cape, divides Antarctica into two parts - Skhidna and Zahidna, which are brimming with geological relief.

History of research in Antarctica

Antarctica, like a crying continent, was announced on September 28, 1820. the Russian navkolosvetnoy military-marine expedition under the cerebration of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev. Later, as a result of the work of the expeditions of the various lands ( ), the contours of the coast of the kryzhan continent began to step by step. The first evidence of the foundation of an ancient continental crystalline foundation under the ice-covered curve of Antarctica appeared after it worked near the Antarctic waters of the English expedition on the vessel "Challenger" (1874). English geologist J. Murray in 1894. having published a map, for the first time in the drawings the Antarctic continent looks like a single landmass. Statements about the nature of Antarctica have evolved as a result of the study of materials from sea expeditions and voyages, which lasted for an hour at scientific stations on the coast near the interior of the mainland. The first scientific station, on the basis of the built-up color warnings, was built on the cob in 1899 by the English expedition under the ceramics of the Norwegian heritage K. Borchgrevink on the Ader Missile (Pivnichne uzberezhzhya Viktoriya Earth).

The first scientific expeditions to the block of Antarctica by the ice shelf Pocca and the high ice plateau of the Earth of Victoria were created by the English expedition of R. Scott (1901-03). The English expedition of E. Shackleton (1907-09) passed up to 88 ° 23 "latitude from the Pocca Pivostrovka near the Pivdenny Pole. contributions by the Anglo-Australian-New Zealand expeditions of D. Mawson (1911-14 and 1929-1931), as well as by the American expeditions of R. Byrd (1928-30, 1933-35, 1939-64, 17) - in 1935, the American expedition of L. Ellsworth first crossed the mainland from the Antarctic Pivostrov to the Pocca Sea. head managers some of the routes are reconnoitering, weakly chi mayzhe in the open spaces of Antarctica. Only in the middle of the 40s. 20 st. on the Antarctic Pivostrovo were organized dovogostrokovі stations.

The great achievements of the Crimean continent due to the stagnation of modern transport facilities and scientific equipment broke out on the eve of the International Geophysical Rock (IGY; 1 lime 1957 - 31 breast 1958). 11 powers took the fate of these achievements, incl. , USA, UK and France. There was a sharp increase in scientific stations. Radiansk polar explorers created the main base - the Mirniy observatory on the Davis birch, set up the first inland continental Pioneer station in the depths of Skhidnoy Antarctica (375 km from the shore on the mainland), then 4 more inland continental stations near the central regions of the mainland. At the depths of Antarctica, the expedition stations of the USA, Great Britain and France were created. Zagalna kіlkіst Stations in Antarctica reached 50. In 1957, by the end of the year, the Radyansk survivors made a trip to the area of ​​the geomagnetic pole, and the station Skhid was created; for example, in 1958, the pole of visual inaccessibility was reached. In the summer season of 1957-58, the Anglo-New Zealand expedition, under the supervision of V. Fuchs and E. Hillary, first threw the Antarctic continent from the coast of the Weddell Sea through Pivdenny Pole to the Pocca sea.

The largest geological and geophysical studies in Antarctica are carried out by the US and CCCP expeditions. American geologists work mainly in Western Antarctica, as well as on Victoria Earth and in the Transantarctic Mountains. Radyansk expeditions hoarded with their achievements all the savings of Skhidnoy Antarctica and a significant part of the adjacent highlands, as well as the protection of the Weddell Sea and the southern highlands framed. In addition, Radiansk geologists took part in the robots of the US and Great Britain expeditions, conducting research on Mary Bird Land, Ellsworth Land, and the Antarctic Island in the Transantarctic Mountains. In Antarctica, there are about 30 scientific stations (1980), which are in constant or three-term period, and that time of the expedition base with replacement personnel, avenging 11 powers. There are about 800 winter personnel at the stations, of which about 300 are members of the Radian Antarctic Expeditions. The largest stations that are constantly open are Youth and Peace (CCCP) and McMurdo (USA).

After investigation by various geophysical methods, the main peculiarities of the nature of the krizhany continent were determined. For the first time, the information about the formation of the ice sheet of Antarctica was taken away, the main morphometric characteristics were established, and the description of the relief of the ice sheet bed was given. From 28 million km to the mainland, which is more equal to the sea, less than 3.7 million km 3, tobto. only close to 13%, falling on the "kam'yana Antarctica". Other 87% (more than 24 million km 3) - a tight ice-covered curve, the community of some kind in the surrounding areas exceeds 4.5 km, and the middle community has a 1964 m-code.

Lyodi Antarctica

The ice shield of Antarctica is made up of 5 great i great number other peripheries, ground domes and curves. On an area of ​​over 1.5 million km2 (about 11% of the territory of the entire continent), the ice sheet is afloat near the ice shelf. Territories not covered by ice (mountain peaks, ridges, coastal oases) occupy approximately 0.2-0.3% of the total area of ​​the mainland. Vіdomosti about the intensity of the earth's measles testify about the continental character near the borders of the mainland, the incidence of measles is 30-40 km. The significant isostatic value of Antarctica is transferred - compensation for the ice-floe pressure curve of the data.

Relief of Antarctica

Nine great orographic units are seen near the main (sublime) relief of Skhidnaya Antarctica: the Skhidna plain with altitudes of +300 to -300 m, which lies on the back of the Transantarctic Ridge, near the Skhid station; the Shmidt river, roztashovana on pіvdnі vіd 70-ї parallelі, mіzh 90 і 120 ° shidnoї dovgota (vysoti її kolivayutsya vіd -2400 to + 500 m); the plain of Zakhidna (near the top part of the Queen Maud Land), the surface of which is located approximately on the level of the sea; the mountains of Gamburtsev and Vernadsky, which stretched like an arc (about 2500 km long, up to 3400 meters high above the sea level) from the western edge of the Schmidt river to the Riser-Larsen Pivostrov; Skhіdne plateau (altitude 1000-1500 m), which adjoins from the river immediately to the skhіdny edge of the Shmidt river; the valley of the MGY with the Prince Charles system; Transantarctic mountains, which span the entire continent from the Weddell Sea to the Pocca Sea (altitude up to 4500 m); mountains of the Land of the Queen Maud with the greatest height over 3000 m and a valley of about 1500 km; the mountainous system of the Land of Yenderby, height 1500-3000 m. Western Antarctica has 4 main orographic units: the ridge of the Antarctic Pivostrova and Land of Oleksandr I, height 3600 m; mountain ranges along Cape Amundsen (3000 m); the middle massif of the Ellsworth mountains (maximum height 5140 m); river Berd with minimum clearance -2555 m-code.

Climate of Antarctica

The climate of Antarctica, especially in the interior regions, is extreme. The height of the surface of the ice sheet is great, the vibrancy of the sky is clear, the weather is more important, and so is the environment, which in the middle of the Antarctic summer the Earth is at perihelion, creates a friendly mind for the majestic quantity of sleepy radiation in the planet. Monthly values ​​of total sleepy radiation in the central regions of the mainland are much larger, lower in any other region of the earth's backcountry. Because of the great values ​​of the albedo of the snow surface (about 85%), in the chest, more radiation is released into the cosmic space, and the clayed energy will compensate for the loss of heat in the pre-hovian range. Therefore, the temperature in the central regions of Antarctica is negative, and in the region of the pole, the cold at the Skhid station does not exceed -13.6°C. On the greater part of the shore of the inlet, the maximum temperature again exceeds 0°С. Wintering in the middle of the warm polar night, it again becomes very cold in the surface sphere and the temperature drops below -80°C. On the log cabins, part of the hurricane winds are protected, which are accompanied by strong whirlwinds, especially in the winter hour. Wind speed often reaches 40-50 m/s, sometimes 60 m/s.

Geological Budova Antarctica

Near Antarctica, one can see (Skhidno-Antarctic craton), the Late Cambrian-Early Paleozoic fold system of the Transantarctic mountains and the Middle Paleozoic-Mesozoic Zahidno-Antarctic fold system (div. map).

In the inner regions of Antarctica there is the smallest area of ​​the mainland. The largest depressions of the Antarctic bedrock are suitable for sedimentation basins that are actively developing. The most important elements of the mainland structure are the numerical rift zones.

The Antarctic platform (an area of ​​about 8 million km 2 ) occupies the most important part of Northern Antarctica and the Western Antarctic sector between 0 and 35 ° cold longevity. On the shores of Skhidnoy and Antarctica, the Archean crystalline basement is more important, folded by folded metamorphic toms of granular and amphibolite facies (enderbite, charnockite, granite gneiss, pyroxene-plagioclase schist and іn.). At the pіslyarkheyskiy hour tsі tovshі ruptured, anorthosite-granosієnіti, i . Proterozoic and Lower Paleozoic sedimentary-volcanogenic rocks, as well as Permian terigenous deposits and Jurassic basalts, are locally deposited on the foundations. The Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic folds (up to 6000-7000 m) occur in aulacogens (Prince Charles Mountains, Shackleton Ridge, Denman Ice Sheet area and others). An ancient chokhol of remembrances at the western part of the Queen Maud's Land, the head rank on the flat rock of the Reacher. Here, on the Archean crystalline foundations, platform Proterozoic sedimentary-volcanogenic tovshchi (up to 2000 m), break through the main rocks, lie subhorizontally. The Paleozoic complex of the chokhla is represented by Permian coal-bearing tovsch (argillaceous, coal-bearing thickness up to 1300 m), over-critical tholeitic intervals (intensity up to 1500-2000 m) of the Middle Juri.

Pіznyodocambrіysko-early Paleozoic fold system of Transantarctic mountains (Russia) of vinickle on the crust of the continental type. Її rozrіz may be clearly visible two-tiered Budov: folding parts of the Precambrian-Early Paleozoic basement is peneplanated and overlaps with a non-dislocated Middle Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic platform chokhl. The folded basement includes ledges of the reshaped road (Lower Precambrian) base and damp Russian (Upper Precambrian-Lower Paleozoic) volcanic-siege comrades. Epіros'kyi (bikonskiy) chohol (up to 4000 m) is built up importantly, crowned with Jurassic basalts. In the middle of intrusive formations near the foundation, there are deposits of quartz diorites and at a local development of quartz and granites; The intrusive facies of the Jurassic pierce like a foundation, as well as a cap, and the most localized vzdovzh structural surface.

The Western-Antarctic fold system frames the Pacific coast of the mainland from the Drake channel at the exit to the sea Pocca at the entrance and є pіvdennaya lanka of the Pacific rumogo belt of the plant mayzhe 4000 km. The structure appears to be impersonal ledges of the metamorphic basement, intensively altered and often oblamated by the Pznyopaleozoic and Early Mesozoic geosynclinal complexes, deformed near the boundary і; The piznomezozoic-cainozoic structural surface is characterized by a weak dislocation of hard sedimentary and volcanic formations, which accumulated on aphids of contrasting orogeny, and intrusive. Vіk that pohodzhennya metamorphic foundation tsієї zone not installed. Before the Pznyopaleozoic-early Mesozoic, there is an intense (thousand meters of sprat) intensively dislocated comrades, more important than a shale-graywacke warehouse; on some plots there are rocks of siliceous-volcanogenic formation. A wide range of Piznyo-Jurassic-Early Cretaceous orogenic complex of volcanogenic-terigenic stock. Uzdovzh skhіdnogo uzberezhzhya Antarctic Pivostrov vіhodzhayutsya pіznоkremovy-Paleogene molasses complex of pores. Numerical intrusions of the gabro-granite warehouse, the main rank of the credian century.

Basins are developing - "apophysi" of oceanic depressions near the continent; Their outlines are distinguished by the structures of deboned and, possibly, tight, pink ruffles. Near Western Antarctica one can see: the pool of the Pocca sea from the depth of 3000-4000 m; the basin of the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas, reports about the glybinna of Budova, which are practically obvious; the basin of the Weddell Sea, which can be deeply inflated, the heterogeneous foundation and the tightness of the hood, which ripples from 2000 m to 10 000-15 000 m. Near the Shidnіy Antarctica one can see the basin of the Land of Victoria, the Land of Wilks and the Pryuds inlet. The tightness of the hood near the Prydz inflow basin is 10,000-12,000 m behind geophysical data;

Rift zones were seen from a large number of Cenozoic grabens on the basis of specific features of the structure of the earth's crust. The largest formations of the rift zone of the Lambert ice age, the Filchner ice age and the Bransfield channel. Geological evidence of riftogenic processes shows the piznyomesozoic-cainozoic meadow-ultrabasic ta meadow-basaltoid magmatism.

Korisn_ kopalini Antarctica

Signs of brown copalins were found more at 170 points in Antarctica (map).

There are only 2 points in the area of ​​the sea of ​​Spivdruzhnosti with genera: one is a zaliznyak, and another is a stone vugill. The average number of over 100 falls on the development of metal brown copalins, close to 50 - on the development of non-metal brown copalins, 20 - on the development of wood and 3 - on the gas development in the Pocca seas. Approximately 20 manifestations of metal brown copalins were revealed behind the movement of brown components in geochemical samples. The degree of the most important manifestation is even low and most often it is possible to state the fact of the manifestation of low mineral concentrations from the visual assessment of the calciferous sludge.

Combustible copalins are represented by stone vugs on the mainland and by gas blows near the Sverdlovina, which were drilled on the shelf of the Pocca Sea. The most significant collection of stone vugill, which is considered as a birthplace, is found in Skhidny Antarctica in the region of the Spivdruzhnost Sea. It includes 63 layers of stone coal on a distance of about 200 km 2, concentrated in the interval of permian tovsh in the intensity of 800-900 m. 20 - less than 0.25 m. Behind the warehouse, the stage of Vougillian metamorphism can be seen up to duren high altitudes of mid-solar varieties, transitional types of pre-flame to gaseous ones. За попередніми оцінками, загальні запаси кам'яного вугілля в родовищі можуть досягати кількох млрд. т. У Трансантарктичних горах потужність вугленосних товщ змінюється від кількох десятків до сотень метрів, а ступінь вугленасиченості розрізів варіює від дуже слабкої (рідкісні малопотужні лінзи та прошарки кутових). significant (from 5-7 to 15 layers in the interval of 300-400 m). Plasti moyut sub-horizontally zalyagannya and good vitrimanі for prostrations; as a rule, it becomes thinner from 0.5 to 3.0 m, and in single roseflies it reaches 6-7 m. On okremih dilyankah, there are napivanthracites and graphitized varieties, connected with the contact inflow of dolerite intrusions. Gas shows in the Sverdlovina on the shelf. Pocca are observed in the interval of glybins from 45 to 265 meters below the surface bottom and are represented by traces of methane, ethane and ethylene in the Neogene ice-sea deposits. On the shelf of the Weddell Sea, natural gas was observed in one sample of the bottom deposits. Near the mountain framed by the Weddell Sea, in the rocks of the folded basement, there are epigenetic light bitumen in visible microscopic veins and nest-like knots in cracks.

Metal painting copalini. Concentration of saliva is represented by genetic types of dekilcom, with the most confluence of associations with the Proterozoic jaspilite formation. The head of the jaspilite deposit (rodovishche) was opened in the upper exits of the Prince Charles cape with a stretch of 1000 m with an intensity of over 350 m; in rozrіzі zustrichayutsya also smaller potuzhnі packs of jaspilites (often a meter up to 450 m), separated by horizons of empty rock potuzhnіstyu up to 300 m. 0 times. The amount of silica varies from 35 to 60%, the amount of sulfur and phosphorus is low; like houses are designated (up to 0.2%), as well as (up to 0.01%). Aeromagnetic data to tell about the continuation of the jaspilite load under the cryoge of taking on a sprat of dozens of kilometers. Other manifestations of formations are represented by low-pressure root deposits (up to 5-6 m) or by sea roods; in the presence of oxides of the hall in these manifestations varies from 20 to 55%.

Snobіlsh Significant Metamorphogenic genesy represented by lines-shaped і gnizdim Mayzha Monniene-bought-up by the Rosemir in 1-2 meters with a vmist up to 90%, Loclain in the zones of the Ilta of Tyuste, and the Malo-Methods up to 200-300 m. orudnennya zustrіchaєtsya more. Show magmatogenic and hypergene genesis innumerable and insignificant. Прояви інших руд чорних металів представлені титаномагнетитової вкрапленістю, що іноді супроводжує магматогенні скупчення заліза тонкими марганцевими кірками і вицвітами в зонах дроблення різноманітних плутонієвих порід, а також і дрібними гніздоподібними скупченнями хроміту в серпентинізованих дунітах на Південних. The increase in the concentration of chromium and titanium (up to 1%) revealed some metamorphic and basic intrusive rocks.

Por_vnyano big show taman midi. The greatest interest to become manifest in the pivdenno-shіdnіy zone of the Antarctic Pivostrov. The stench can be seen up to the copper-porphyry type and are characterized by interspersed and veined (more like zhovnakov) rosacea, and sometimes with a house. According to the data of single analyses, intrusive rocks do not exceed 0.02%, but the most intensively mineralized rocks grow up to 3.0%, and are also present for approximate estimates up to 0.15% Mo, 0.70% Pb, 0.07 % Zn, 0.03% Ag, 10% Fe, 0.07% Bi and 0.05% W. On the western birch of the Antarctic Pivostrov there is a zone of manifestations of pyrite (most importantly pyrite-chalcopyrite with a house and) and mid-molybdenum (head) rank of pyrite-chalcopirite-molybdenum with house pyrrhotite); Prote show in this zone more nasty infections and not characterized by analyses. At the foundations of the Skhidno-Antarctic platform in the zones of hydrothermal treatment, the most dense ones on the coast of the sea Cosmonauts may have an intensification of up to 15-20 m and a valley of up to 150 m, sulfide mineralization of a vein-disseminated type develops near quartz veins. The maximum volume of ore phenocrysts, stockpiles of chalcocite, chalcopirite and molybdenum, becomes 1.5-2.0 mm, and in the case of ore minerals in the most enriched areas it reaches 5-10%. In such plots, the average growth is up to 2.0 and molybdenum up to 0.5%, and more often there are interspersed with traces of these elements (hundreds of parts of water). In other areas of the craton, there are less extended and thick zones with mineralization of a similar type, which are sometimes accompanied by lead and zinc. Other manifestations of metal ore occurrences - some occurrences in geochemical samples from the above-described ore occurrences (sound, trochs are more than 8-10 clarks), and induce an insignificant concentration of ore minerals, detected with less important fractional analysis of such occurrences Visually crowded, only a few crystals of a size no larger than 7-10 cm (mostly 0.5-3.0 cm) are found in pegmatite veins on dekilkoh plots of the Skhidno-Antarctic platform.

From non-metal brown copalins, crystals are most often seen, showing some kind of connection, most importantly with pegmatite and quartz veins at the foundation of the craton. The maximum size of crystals is 10-20 cm. As a rule, quartz is milky-white or dim; napіvprozorі or slightly translucent crystals are rare and do not exceed the size of 1-3 cm.

Today's Antarctica

The prospects for developing the genera of brown copalins are sharply surrounded by extreme natural minds in the region. It is worth stumbling upon us in front of the possibilities of revealing the genera of hard brown copalins without intermediary at the over-the-top exits of the mountainous species; worthless step of breadth of them dozens of times lowering the number of such views from other continents to inspire for the mind of detailed furnishing of all skeletal denuds that are in Antarctica. Vinyatok becomes less stone vugillya, the stratiform nature of the folds of some middle undiscovered deposits of the chokhla zooms in on their significant Maidan development, which increases the degree of bareness and the appearance of the coal layers. At the principle of revealing the pіdlіdnih skupcheni deakih species with brown copalins, it is possible with additional remote methods, but poshukovo-rozvіduvalnі and more exploitation work for the obviousness of the company of the mainland ice is still unrealistic. Budіvelnі materials and stones vugіllya on a larger scale can be vicorated for public needs without the need for vitrates for their kind of bottles, transportation and processing. To explore the prospects for the development in the nearest future of potential hydrocarbon resources on the Antarctic shelf, prote technical means for the exploitation of genera in extreme natural areas, the powerful shelf of the Antarctic seas, is not yet available; moreover, there is a geological and economic assessment of the establishment of such benefits and the profitability of the development of the Antarctic overwaters. Insufficient data for assessing the valued inflow of exploration and development of brown copalins in the unique natural environment of Antarctica and the admissibility of such viability from ecological positions.

Pivdenna Korea, Uruguay, . 14 participants in the Agreement may have the status of consulting parties, tobto. powers, yakі mayut the right to participate in the regular (through the skin 2 roki) advisory awards for the Antarctic Treaty.

The head of the advisory councils - the exchange of information, the discussion of food, related to Antarctica and that of representing mutual interest, as well as getting to know how to change the system of the Treaty and dotrimannya yogo goals and principles. The most important of these principles, which signify the great political significance of the Treaty on Antarctica, are: the victory of Antarctica for ever and exclusively for peaceful purposes and the prevention of its transformation into the arena of international relations; fences, whether of a military nature, nuclear vibra- tions and the dropping of radioactive exits; freedom of scientific research in Antarctica and the development of international scientific research there; Zakhist dovkilla Antarctica and conservation of її fauna and flora. At the turn of the 1970-80s. within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty system, the distribution of a special political and legal regime (convention) for the mineral resources of Antarctica was introduced. It is necessary to regulate the activity of exploration and development of brown copalins of Antarctica at the time of commercial development of її nadir without shkodia for the natural environment of Antarctica.

There are two surfaces in Antarctica: an ice-covered curve and a sublime relief. Mayzhe the whole mainland is covered with a strong ball of ice, which collapses in the center to the edges. Sweeping ice in the central part of the shield shield

store 1-2 m on the river. Lower on the slopes, the flow of ice rises up to 100-200 m on the river. At the edges of the krizhany slope of the krieg, it moves 600 m to the river. The steepness of the crested curve of Antarctica is about 2000 m in average, at the lower one of Antarctica it reaches 4500 m. Continental ice covers the surface of the mainland itself, and the numerical islands lie down to the ground, and wind the sea waters around. They cheered that 80% of the planet's fresh water is located near the creeky slope of Antarctica. For the rivers of the mountains, the average height of the mainland becomes close to 2300 m, which may exceed the average height of all other continents (875 m). Tsya height, at the same time with climate officials, to save and develop on the mainland of the tight, curved icing. The surface of the roofed roof is varied: a series of great roofed plains of the central part, on the other periphery there are domes, which rise hundreds of meters above the deep plains.

Along the outskirts of the creek, along the curve of the river, in the ice, the plots with an area of ​​​​hundreds of square kilometers, like they took away the name of the Antarctic islands. On the surface of the inlet there is no ice, no snow and wind are covered with ice of the melt water lake. The water in the lakes is warmed up to +12 0С. The temperature above the very surface of the earth in the oases is positive (+ 3.50 C in summer), but it drops sharply at a height of several meters. However, the surface of the exposed skel is heated up to +20°C.

The sublime relief of Antarctica is also varied. It has been established that the Greater Antarctic and the greater Western Antarctic in tectonic confinement to the ancient Precambrian Antarctic platform. Continent, like and other pivdenny continents, if entering the Gondwana warehouse. Quite recently (with a glance of the geological hour), on the cob of the Cenozoic, Antarctica was recreated from Australia. The platform is composed of metamorphic and igneous crystalline rocks, mostly green-colored granites. Modern methods It has been established that nearly 1/3 of the area of ​​the mainland lies below the sea level. It became a legacy of ice drifting on the surface of the mainland, as it was about 360 million rocks and the sky pressed the earth's surface into the earth's crust. At one time, under the ice-dwelling shell, mountain ridges and massifs were found.

At the relief of the western part of the continent, the mountains of the Antarctic Andi are seen, which are called in the Cenozoic era of the city creation and the continuation of the Andes Pivdenny America and stretch across the entire Antarctic Pivostrіv, and then bridle the west coast of the mainland. The greater part of the high mountain system is covered with continental ice, but the largest peaks reach 3000-4000 m, rise above the crest of the slope and carry the harder mountain ice. And the greatest mountain of the Antarctic Andes is the Elsuerta mountain with the largest peak of all Antarctica - the Vinson massif (5140 m).

On the cordon between Western and Northern Antarctica across the entire continent, from the shore of the Weddell Sea to the shore of the Ross Sea, the Transantarctic Mountains stretch. The stench rose up from the strained system of breaks and blew up with active volcanic activity. The largest of the volcanoes that exist is the Erebus volcano (3794 m), which hangs over Ross Island in the sea with the same name. The volcano was named after John Ross's expedition in the middle of the 19th century and named after one of the ships of the expedition. At the vent of the volcano, lava is baked steadily thicker and thicker.

The Transarctic Mountains divide Antarctica into two parts - zahіdnu and skhіdnu. Hidden part of the majestic, high, ice-covered plateau under the name of Radyansk. Beneath the crooked slope of the plateau, there are significant mountainous massifs of wreaths up to 3000-4000 m (mountains of Gamburtsev, Vernadsky and others). The western part is made up of a group of mountainous islands, which are crooked among themselves.

With the formation of the Antarctic continent, we inevitably need to know the relief of two surfaces: the system of heights on the surface of the ice, which covers practically the entire Antarctica (the height of the crizian Antarctica), and the system of heights that support the Arctic, the Antarctic .

Retail in Budovu Zakhidnoy and Skhidnoy Antarctica most clearly manifested by the nature of the icy life of the mainland.
On the cob it is brutally respectful of the relief of the stone rocks, which lay the ice. At the lower part, it is more important than the average height of the air from 0 to +1 km, as well as at the western part - from 0 to -1 km.
As soon as you take the crying shield, Zahidna Antarctica will become an ocean with archipelagos of islands. Among them are three great islands: Mount Meri Berd, Antarctic Pivostrіv and Mount Elsuerta. Stop, maybe, join the Antarctic Pivostrov. The sublime river of Skhidnoy Antarctica lies more importantly than the river of the sea. The Antarctic mountains, which separate the insults of Antarctica, stretched for a few hundred kilometers under the Skhidnoantarktichny shield and spread asymmetrically through Zahidnoy and Skhidnoy Antarctica. Nayvischi peaks of Skhidnoy Antarctica lie richly deeper under the shield shield, lower to Zakhidnoy.
The Transantarctic Ridge stretches across the entire continent from the Ross Sea to the Weddell Sea (3200 km) and crosses 4000 m of absolute height (4010 m - Nansen, 4291 m - Mount Wade). The Transantarctic Ridge is far from being completely covered by ice. A significant part of its own has a supraglacial ridge. On the map Skhidna Antarctica. The largest mountain massif of Skhidnoy Antarctica is sublime. Tse burn Gamburtsev and Vernadsky. The massif of Gamburtsev is broken by a long break under the ice-makers of Eymer and Lambert. The heights of the mountain peaks reach 3390 m, and the thickness of the ice above them is only 800 m. Near the Skhidniy Antarctica, there is also a high massif, mountains of Prince Charles, Golitsin and the Skhidne plateau.
Mіzh mountains roztashovanny rivers: Skhіdna (+500m), Zakhіdna, Shmidta (+500-1100 m). Three rivers occupy nearly half of the area of ​​Antarctica. Burns are grouped for a long time in such a rank that the rest are rimmed on 2/3 of the periphery of the mainland by mountains and, moreover, are thawed by the Middle Range of Gamburtsev Vernadsky. Між st. Hidden and Wilks' Land is, perhaps, the lowest point of the stone surface of the bed. Її sign - 1100 m. Vilks. Thus, the height amplitude of the stone relief of Skhidnaya Antarctica reaches 6000 meters.

Sublime relief Western Antarctica sharply contrasting with Skhidnaya. On the Antarctic Peninsula, along the coast of the Amundsen Sea - the ridges of Kohler, Egzek'yutiv-Kommitt, Hal-Flad, Edsel-Ford. It rises near the central region above the surface ice of the lancet nunatak of the Sentinel Ridge (5140 m abs. alt.). Tsei Ridge establishes the most important points of all Antarctica. The Great Depression begins in the Ross Sea, stretches through the Ross ice rink and the entire Byrd Basin, covering the entire central part of Western Antarctica. One shoal of this pool curves into the Amundsen Sea, and then it stretches along the slope to the Bellingshausen Sea and further bypasses the Elsuert Mountains, straight to the Filchner and Ronne ice rinks, and joins the Weddell Sea. The deepest areas of depression lie more than 1000 m-code (up to 2555 m-code in the Bred region) under the sea level. To form a block of mountain ranges of Elsworth and Whitmore, the Ross and Weddell seas are subdivided by a total of one to two hundred kilometers. In this rank, the elevation difference will be greater, lower at Skhidny Antarctica.
Two main tectonic provinces of Antarctica are seen on the tectonic schemes: the Antarctic (Gondwanan) platform and the Andean folding belt. To the first one one can see the whole of Skhidna Antarctica and a significant part of Western Antarctica (Land of Meri Bird and part of the central region), to the other - the Antarctic Pivostrіv from Oleksandr I Land, the Yeats Coast from about. Thurston i district gіr Elsuert. The cordon between these provinces will be carried out on the way to the exit from the mountain of Elsuert.

The Antarctic Gondwana platform, which was formed on the ear of the Middle Paleozoic, is composed of three different complexes of pre-Cenozoic rocks. The lower (pre-Riphean) complex establishes the crystalline foundation of the platform, the middle (Riphean-Lower Paleozoic) one rises to the so-called transitional tiers of ancient platforms, and the upper (Middle-Nepaleozoic-Mesozoic) one is a sedimentary-volcanogenic chokhl. The heterogeneity of the structure of the platform is connected in the first part of the Black Sea with a different Budovian and structural site of the intermediate Riphean-Lower Paleozoic stage: on some plots (the western part of the Queen Maud Land) the vines lie horizontally, filling the lower part of the platform chokhl, on others. comrade to build the upper part of the foundation. Apparently, in the outline of the Antarctic Gondwanan platform, pre-Riphean and post-Caledonian platform areas are seen, marked on the diagram as pre-Riphean and post-Caledonian plates.
The regions of Western Antarctica, mentally connected to the Gondwanian platform as a sign of significant similarity in the geological life with folded foundations of the Earth of Victoria, are resurrected in the remaining days of the chokhla. The central regions of Western Antarctica are accepted as their own relics before the single mainland.
The type area of ​​the Andiysk folded belt of the Zahidnoy Antarctica is the Antarctic Pivostrіv, connected by the island arc of Scotty with the peninsulas of the American Andes and may be richly bedded with them in its geological structure. At the borders of the Andean folded belt of Western Antarctica, there are areas of Hercynian and mentally alpine folding.
Geographically, the importance of ancient, and new tectonic damage may be significant. The stench zooms in on the greatest figures of today's relief. The values ​​of vіdmіnnostі lie in the basis of the podіlu of the mainland on Skhidna and Zakhіdna Antarctica. Natural cordon s-pomіzh them є pіvnіchny ledge of the Great Antarctic horst. This ledge is the main neotectonic, geomorphological and geographic boundary in the middle of Antarctica.
For example, let's draw a tectonic scheme of Antarctica (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. 1 - slabs, which are characterized by the overgrowth of ancient ruins in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic; 2 - slabs, which are characterized by the prevalence of lower ruins in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic; 3 - Archean-Proterozoic shields; 4 - Baikalidi; 5 - Mesozoids; b- Gertsinidi; 7 - pizn_ hercynides; 8 - caledonides; 9 - alpidi; 10 — pericratonic, marginal and intercontinental troughs; 11 - parageosyncline troughs; 12 — Upper Mesozoic volcanogenic belt; 13 - transarctic plateau-basaltic belt; 14 - Oceanic depressions; 15 - Oceanic trenches; 16 - Mid-ocean volcanoes; 17 — zones of activated clay breaks - morpho-disjunctive; 18 - Peredbachuvani between interstitial clayey middle arrays. (for Y.S. Korotkevich, 1972)

Class: 7

Objectives of the lesson

1. Vivchiti tectonic life and relief of Antarctica.
2. To learn from the example of tectonic life and the relief of Antarctica, to prove the basis for the pivdenniy pivkulі of the single continent of Gondwana, the vicarious variety of information.
3. Vikoristovuyuchi maps in the atlas and handbook, learn to learn how to see the relief of Antarctica 200-135 million years ago.

Initial-methodical complex for the lesson: assistant, school atlas, handout material prepared by the teacher for the lesson.

Home tasks: Section 49

Hid lesson

The teacher will decipher the topic and know it from the tasks of the lesson. On the doshtsi, the topic of that task is written down for the lesson:

"Tectonic life and sublime relief of Antarctica"


Lesson task:

    1. Vivchiti tectonic life and relief.
    2. Establish evidence of evidence near the pivdenniy pivkul of the single mainland of Gondwana.
    3. Put together statements about the relief of the mainland 200 - 135 million years ago.

Teacher. Using the map of “Budova earth measles”, characterize the tectonic Budova Antarctica and hang your propositions on the relief of the mainland.

Uchen. Most of the mainland is occupied by the Antarctic platform, covered with a siege hood. The relief in this part of the mainland can be even. At the western part, the area of ​​the new warehouse frequency is roztashovana that, also, high mountains. The teacher writes down on the doshtsi vіdpovіd uchnya:

Tectonic structure - a form of relief.

The Antarctic platform is the plain.

Areas of new warehouse frequency - high mountains.

Teacher. What is all right with your comrade's excuses, what is another thought? All good. Then I'll ask you to find a tutor on page 196. Read the section "The Sublime Relief of Antarctica". Under the hour of reading, I tried to find out the features of the relief of Antarctica.

After 5 minutes, the student names, and the teacher writes down on the dosh the features of the mainland relief:

Features of the relief of Antarctica.

    1. Nearly 1/3 of the surface lies below the ocean.
    2. At the western part there are high mountain massifs (5140 m) and deep depressions (-2559 m).
    3. At the skhіdnіy part of the rіvnі dіlyanki (2000-3000 m) are drawn from the mountain massifs.
    4. The evidence of the city's lighting processes is the Erebus volcano, what is it.

The teacher will tell you to look at the relief of the mainland in Fig. 79 "Physical map of Antarctica", name the mountains and regions.

The reader supplements the entry on the doshtsi, signing at the western part of the river Berd at the lower part Transantarctic mountains, mountains of Vernadsky and Shmidt river.

Teacher pіdbivaє podbumok first part of the lesson:

- Look at the record and match our allowance with the right relief of the mainland. Grow visnovok.

Uchnі vіdznayut, scho budovі skhіdnoї є shіdnoї є burn and okrі mіrskі tops bіla platforms.

Teacher. We are with you zіshtovkhnulis іz protirіchchiam. Who can name the protirichya?

Learn. On the platform - high mountains with heights of 3630 m, 3175, 3997 m, Vernadsky mountains and Transantarctic mountains.

Teacher. We know that burns are formed on the stick of lithospheric plates. This is why super-sharpness is due to the fact that on the map of the atlas at the base of Antarctica there is an Antarctic platform, and in the relief of the mainland, the plains are drawn by high mountain peaks and mountains.

Teacher. Who can explain the presence of gyr in the other part of the mainland?

Learn to use the impersonal allowance.

Teacher. The text "The Sublime Relief of Antarctica" has little explanation of the presence of mountains at the descent of the mainland. Know and read yoga.

Learn to read the found proposition: “Near Antarctica, under the succulent ice-covered ice, the river-beds on the surface are streaked with girsky massifs of frills 30004,000 m.

Later, the author of the assistant will pronounce and explain the presence of gyr on the Antarctic platform in the geological past. I will tell you to look at the contours of the continents in fig. 11.1 and 11.2 “Changing the contours of the continents at different times” (p. 26 at the assistant). Tell me how the continents looked 200 and 135 million years ago.

Learn. 200 million years ago, Antarctica, Pivdenna America, Pivnichna America and Africa entered the Pangea warehouse. 135 years ago, Antarctica, Pivdenna America, Africa, Australia entered the warehouse of Gondwana.

Teacher. At once I will ask you to look at the tectonic life of Pivdenny America, Africa and Australia. areas of ancient times and ancient warehouses on 3 continents. If you think about joining Pivdenny America with Africa, then the area of ​​the most recent folding at the convergence of Pivdenny America will continue in the western part of Africa. The area of ​​the most recent warehouse frequency in North Africa can be extended to the main part of Australia. Father, I can boldly affirm that the tectonic life of Africa, Australia, Pivdenny America, Antarctica can be the same? I will ask you either to confirm my assertion, or to ask Yogo.

Vislovlyuvannya of one of the students. In Antarctica, it is possible to identify areas of ancient and recent folding frequency between 60° W. - 0 ° longitude and 0 ° - 140 ° s.l., to the very fact that here the stench itself was lit up with a height of 2800 - 3997 m. In the distant past, the stench could be better, but at the same time the stench rushed through the rank factories. Like Antarctica, think about Africa, Pvdenny America, and Australia, vrakhovyvay on Antarctica long ago and the most recent stockpile, you can take a single mainland, otmochki koltsem gіr.

Teacher. Who can pіdtremati chi prostuvati vyslovlyuvannya svogo classmate?

Everyone is happy with the thought of their classmate, but in one class the girl hung the opposite thought. Vaughn insisted that in Antarctica there is no and cannot be the areas of the most recent and most recent warehouses. Vaughn made such a proof: as if Antarctica was spread on the front of Pivdennoy America, Africa and Australia, then there would be no areas of the most recent and most recent warehouses.

To this whistling classmate go boisterous counterarguments:

1. If you place Antarctica on the peninsula of Pivdennoy America, Africa and Australia, then on the west coast of Antarctica between the meridians 0 and 60 z. e. there will be roztashovuvatisya areas of ancient warehouse frequency (opposite Africa) and the most recent warehouse frequency (opposite Pivdenny America). Mіzh 160 and 120 meridian st. e. you can know the stock of the old warehouse in Australia.

2. So it’s just like asking to induce rice. 11.1 and fig. 11.2., the camp of Antarctica is clearly designated 200 and 235 million years ago.

Teacher. Later, we were able to bring the visibility of the areas of ancient and recent folding in Antarctica, to explain the movement of the mountains in the lower part of the mainland, so that you can see the super-accuracy, like vinicla.

Show fig. 79 "Physical map of Antarctica" (p. 196 to the assistant) and the map "Budov earth measles". Eat the card and the little ones and hang out your propositions. Like burning on the mainland, in your opinion, do you see areas of ancient and ancient warehouses?

Learn how to hang out, as if thinking about Pivdna America, Africa, Antarctica and Australia, then the Transantarctic Mountains call the region of ancient warehouse frequency in Pivdenniy America and Australia. Also, the Transantarctic Mountains are a long-standing warehouse. And the areas of the most recent folding of the Pivdni of Africa and Australia lie among themselves the mountains of Vernadsky, and the heights of the mountains - 3630 m - 3997 m - 3176 m.

Teacher. Chi all pogodzhuyutsya s vyslovlyuvannyam svogo classmate chi є іnshі thoughts?

Now I once again want to turn around to see you. Show yourself and tell the whole class, like a moment to see the relief of Antarctica 200 and 135 million years ago. In order to make it easier for us to reveal it, once again we victorious rice. 79 p. 196.

Uchen. At the descent of Antarctica, 200 million years ago, high mountains were founded, which made it stronger for everything. Then the stench began to collapse and 135 million years ago the mountains of the Transantarctic and the lost part of the mainland became a great flat mountain.

Teacher. Yakby was in us for more than an hour, we would have discussed with you the allowance. Therefore, I will tell you to think about it at home again, as if for a moment you could see the relief of Antarctica 200 and 135 million years ago.

And now I will distribute to you the little ones, crushed by venom, on such a stench, just like you and at the same time, you blabbed your confession about the foundation of the Gondwana mainland, the unity of the tectonic life of Pivdennyh continents. Consider it respectfully and tell me, how many of your admissions are similar to those of your admissions?

Learners recognize that the admissions made by them are practically avoided by the admissions of the pupils.

Teacher. Whose butt, lads, to talk about those who, independently from the skin, can speak and bring their hypotheses, as a mother of the same bag of knowledge, win over the various sources of information and choice, as necessary for work.

Now I will sum up our lesson. Today, in the course of the year, we have shaped the tectonic life of the relief of Antarctica with you, made a small excursion in the geological past of our planet, knew the super-sharpness and virishi її. Krіm tsyogo, you learned how to express your thoughts and argue її. I thank you for your active work and lesson.

The teacher evaluates the work of the student. (Learners in the process of the lesson took away tokens: chervona - vodpovіd povna, zhovta - vodpovid is correct, ale vomagaє additional, green - additional to vіdpovіd).

TOPIC 2. Nature of the mainland

§ 31. Tectonic life, relief, climate, growth and creation world of Antarctica. Natural riches, їhnє vikoristannya. Ecological problems of the mainland


1. What is the basis of Antarctica?

2. How does the geographic expansion of the mainland bring in climate?

Tectonic life. If Antarctica at once from Africa, Australia and Pivdenny America established the ancient continent Gondwana. It is based on the ancient Precambrian Antarctic platform.

The foundation of the platform is made up of metamorphic and magmatic rocks, mostly granites. On top of the cover is a siege cover. Tsіkavo, that in them the remains of ancient growths and creatures were found. At the western part of the mainland, a warehouse area has settled into the alpine forest. їy at the relief it seems to be burning, that they rose from the breaks of the earth's measles.

Millions of years ago, in Antarctica, there was a warm, calm climate, and conifers and beech foxes grew on the mainland. The icing began maybe 20 million years ago, and throughout the year the continent was covered with a tight ice sheet. Under the yoke of the earth's surface, the bula was squeezed in, and now in some places it is found to be lower than equal to the ocean.

Relief of the continent. Antarctica is like two surfaces: to the top - ice cover, from below - the earth's surface. The strained ice age covered the tovshchina 2000-4000 m-code covered the entire continent. Vіn maє vyglyad dome, trohi raised near the central part. The average altitude of the mainland becomes 2000 m. The surface of Krizhan stretches for thousands of kilometers. The snowy barchans are making a whirlwind. Less close to the shores and subdecudes in the interior regions, there are islands, high mountain ranges and near peaks (Fig. 84). For obsyagy lead Antarctica guess the ocean, the water runs from it to rest at a solid stand. Under the force of gravity and peculiarities of the relief, the ice-covered places of Antarctica are gradually collapsing from the center to the edges of the mainland. The speed of the air connection in the middle becomes 200 m per river. On the edge of the mainland, stinks shave off and make strimki krizhany take care of that icebergs. Descho ice breakers swims into the ocean to the shelf and sinks afloat, making the ice breakers to the shelf. Outline the coastline of Antarctica in a short hour can change in a moment - there are missions, islands, inlets, and the coast goes tens of kilometers. The largest shelf ice pit in the world is the Ross ice pit - 800 km wide, 1100 km deep, 700 m deep ice. Between Western and Hidden Antarctica, the Transantarctic Mountains stretch across the entire continent. The stench of their own products of the Andes Pvdennoy America. Most of their peaks reach 3000-4000 m-code, rise above the slopes of the mainland. Near Western Antarctica on the Vinson massif there is the nave point of Antarctica (5140 m), as well as the largest volcano Erebus (3794 m), which is located. Under the ice of the mainland there are mountains, valleys, rivers, rivers of many rivers, bowls of many lakes.

Rice. 84. Relief of Antarctica

Analyze the relief map of Antarctica.

Korisnі kopalini. At the early stages of reaching Antarctica, the stone of the Vugill was found. Geologists vvazhayut, scho stone vugillya in the depths of Antarctica vengeance more, be it from other continents. In addition, ore of black and color metals, diamonds, girsky crystal, mica, graphite were found here. Proteo їх species of buttocks in suvori Antarctic minds are tied up with great difficulties.

Antarctica to avenge the significant color of the copalini, the wording of the species of such a lot of possibilities for the proper development of technology.

Climate of Antarctica. Antarctica may be more suvori natural mind. Here the coldest climate of the Earth was formed. Її call the mainland of eternal frosts. This is not only due to the expansion of Antarctica beyond the polar stake, but also to the influx of climate-adjusting factors.

Analyze the map of the atlas of Antarctica. Climate map.

Supplemental sony energy, which heats the earth's surface, becomes less influx when the polar day is restored. Even in Antarctica, there are styles and sony energy, like in the equatorial latitude. However, the surface, which is supported, does not heat up. This is due to the fact that 90% of the sony energy of the cryon on the surface of Antarctica is blowing back at the cosmic expanse. Vzimku, if the polarity is nothing, sleepy energy may not be allowed, the average temperature will again become -60 ° C In Antarctica, a record low temperature on the Earth was registered - 89.2 ° C, and in the surface snow - 90 ° C. Such low temperatures on the surface of the planet have not been recorded anywhere else, so this area is called the Pole of Cold.

Colder wind chimes over the mainland in an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure. From the ice bath in the center of the mainland, the masses of a cold, important wind descend to the edges, satisfying even stronger draining winds. In Antarctica, there are the strongest winds on the planet. їhnya speed to become 277 km/year. There is also another Pole of Winds. Hurricane winds are so often and so strong that under the hour of surviving, they don’t wind up and break.

The Antarctic soils are revitalized with transparency and dryness. On the mainland, there is an insignificant amount of fall - the average is 200 mm on the river (there may be more stilts, the skilki th at the desert of the Sahara). Antarctica takes them away from the solid state.

Rice. 85. Climatic diagrams of the Antarctic and subantarctic belts of Antarctica

In Antarctica, two climatic zones are seen: - Antarctic subantarctic (Fig. 85). Particularly harsh climate is observed in the interior regions. Winter (from April to Spring) is fiercely cold over -70 °C. Navіt near the fall of the polar lita (in the chest-fierce) the thermometer shows -30 ° С. However, the weather is clear and windless. There are no such severe frosts on the shores: -35 ° C winter, may be 0 ° C inlet, but there panuyut storms, like crossing a hurricane, accompanied by snowfalls.

On the shores near the interior regions of Antarctica there are plots, fields in the ice and snow. Tse antarctic oases. The temperature of the snail there above the ground becomes positive (+3 °C), but it drops sharply at a height of more than a few meters. Greater significance may be guarded by the climate of the mainland, which infuses the entire climate of the planet.

Roslinnіst and creaturely world. Vcheni brought that millions of years in Antarctica it was warm and the green foxes were noisy. At the same time, vegetation is represented by lichens, moss and blue-green algae.

There are no terrestrial savts, winged comaxes and freshwater ribs, ale and pingvins, rich petrels, skuas, different seals and sea leopards, elephant seals, minke whales, caps arctic doves, arctic buffalo, arctic plovers linger by the waters krill, antarctic sea star.

Gospodarskoe vykoristannya Antarctica polagaє її spolіdzhennі vchenimi for the recognition of the global picture of the life of the earth and the world.

Practical work 8 (continued)

Designated for contour map names of the main geographical objects of Antarctica

Designate on the contour map, vicorist atlas.

Gori Transantarctic;

Erebus volcano.

Inquiry and task

1. Explain the features of the geological life of the mainland.

2. Why is Antarctica the greatest continent of the Earth? What is the elevation of your most important point?

3. How rich is the mainland?

4. What kind of climate affects Antarctica?

5. Name the representatives of the growth and the creaturely world of Antarctica.

Practice with a map and an atlas

Find out on the map of science stations. Point qi name on the contour map.

History of the past

Vikoristovuyuchi different dzherel іnformatsiї, continue to open it:

Influx of the circulation of the atmosphere of the Pivdenny polar region on the circulation of the atmosphere of the planet, changing the climate;

Influx of the circulation of the waters of the Pivdenny Ocean onto the global circulation of the waters of the Light Ocean.

Cicavia fact

Nearly 6 yew. tourists. There is a tourist base and an airfield on the Antarctic Pivostrovi. In the 1990s, tourism expanded to the Ross Sea and other areas on a daily basis in Australia.

The majority of tourists in Antarctica are cruising on ships (Fig. 86).

Rice. 86. Antarctica is touristy

Repeatable smut

Antarctica is a polar continent, roztasovaniya extreme pivdnі Earth.

The position of the mainland near the Pole region led to the establishment of a tight crooked curve, the middle of which was to become 2000 m-code.

On the mainland there is the Pole of Cold.

3 1996 the Ukrainian scientific and research station "Akademik Vernadskyi" is working here.

Antarctica does not belong to any other power.

At the heart of the mainland lies the ancient Precambrian Antarctic platform. Here are found genera of stone vugill, ores of black and color metals, diamonds, girsky crystal, mica, graphite.

The climate of the mainland is the best, the coldest on Earth. Roslinnist and creaturely light is even worse.

In Antarctica, two climatic zones are seen: and the Antarctic subantarctic.

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