Information about the population of pivdennoy America. Dopovіd naselenie pivdennoy America. Population of Pivdenny America

The history of the formation of the population of the mainland

The population of Pivdenny America was formed into a sprat of stages. It came to share on the root. The root of the population lie down to the Mongoloid race. Ancient tribes penetrated the continent approximately $17$ yew. the fate of that. Tse buli Quechua, Aymara, Inca tribes . The rest created a powerful state on the mainland (on the territory Peru) – empire of the inks . Columbus, discovering new lands, having taken what he had spent to India. Therefore, vin and naming the mіstsevyh meshkantsіv Indians .
The name of the indigenous peoples of the New World was fixed by science.

The first colonizers were the Spanish and the Portuguese. Then came the French, Dutch, English.

Appointment 1

People of the European campaign, ale people in the colonies, were called Creoles .

Europeans brought Negro slaves to work on the plantations. In such a rank, the inhabitants of Pivdennoy America will go to their own representatives of all races of the planet. The flags of the Europeans and the Indians are called mestizos . And they called the natives of the Europeans and the Negroes mulattoes , and Indians and Negroes - sambo .

Respect 1

The majority of the population is formed by the representatives of the alien races themselves.

After another light war to Pivdenny America, they spent the holidays from the Nimechchina and the Ukrainian allies, like they flowed into the retrial, and a lot of the concentration camps, they didn’t dare to turn to the fatherland.

Distribution of the population of the territory of the continent

The population of Pivdenny America is divided by the territory of the mainland unevenly. Tse zumovleno as natural officials, and social reasons.

The majority of the population is more important than the protection of the area (especially the Atlantic). The average population here is $100 $person per $km²$. The smallest population density - in the interior regions of the continent - is less than $1$ per $km²$. The average population density indicator is $20$ per person/$km²$. Lower shows are less in Australia.

The current population structure of Pivdennoy America

As it was guessed, the population of the mainland can develop an ethnic structure. Nations are rebuying at the molding stage. The migration of peoples has led to the migration of zvichaїv, traditions, religious beliefs of the population.

The barbaric establishment of the colonialists before the Indians brought to the fore the majestic layer of knowledge about the traditions and sounds of the indigenous peoples of the mainland. The population of Pivdenny America lie up to another type of accompaniment . The cost of urbanization is about $70%. Today Pivdenny America has close to $40$ of mist-millionaires. Most of them: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, Lima . In the rest of the hour, the population of the great places of the continent is actively growing. The process of demographics is called "hibnoy urbanization" , the shards of the won are enmeshed in the necessary development of the virobnic forces of the suspense, the minds and the equal life of the numerically large population of the megalopolises.

Middle mov override Portuguese and Spanish . The very tsі kraїni zahopili the most for the area of ​​the colony.

Political Map of Pivdenny America

On the current political map of Pivdenny America see $15$ powers and territories . Sovereign Independents є $13$.

Most of them gained political independence even more like the $19th century. It was amazing all the indicators of the economic development, equal to the lands of Africa and Asia.

Behind the level of economic development, all edges lie down to the group countries that are developing . On their economic and political development, the leading edge of the modern world is poured in.

The economy of these lands has a rich character. Reformation of the state political structures the country is allowed to improve the welfare of the population of the continent.

Biggest beyond the area of ​​the state:

  • Brazil (capital of Brazil)
  • Argentina (capital Buenos Aires)
  • Peru (capital Lima),
  • Chile (capital Santiago),
  • Venezuela (capital - Caracas).

The largest colony of France is Guiana.

Pivdenna America is a part of the world, the area of ​​which it occupies is close to 18 million km2. Pivdenna America was announced the first hour of the Spanish sea expeditions.

For a long time the powers of Pvdennoy America were staying at the colonial fallow land of the European powers. After the fall of the metropolitan area near Pivdenniy America, a reconstruction period began.

Population of Pivdenny America

The population of Pvdenny America can be divided into three categories according to the ethnic sign: whites, mestizos and Indians. Metsis are being transported by such powers as Paraguay, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia. Residents of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile may have a European trip.

Such powers, like Bolivia and Peru, are home to the natives - ethnic Indians. On the cob of the 19th century, the power of Pivdenny America covered the wind of migrants from Europe.

On this day, the skin of the fifth inhabitant of Pivdenny America is a direct touch to the Spaniards and Italians. The absolute majority of the population of the continent promotes Christianity (Catholicism, Protestant currents).

In distant regions, the old national viruvannya was also preserved. Socially and economically, the population of the meshkans in Pivdennoy America lie in the fact that stinks linger in this country. So the most guilty power of the continent is Argentina.

In the lands of Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay, social insecurity is expected - wealthy people (15% of the population) can account for 60% of national wealth. Close to 50% of the population of these powers are staying behind the cordon of vigilance.

The high rate of urbanization in the powers of industrialized America does not match the real number of working jobs. Tse to cause to the growth of wickedness in deyakih powers. I am a butt of pardoning urbanization in Pivdenny America and the urbanization of Brazil.

The edges of the mainland

Pivdenna America is composed of fifteen lands, as if spreading without intermediary on the continent, as well as adjoining to the new territory.

Lands of Northern America: Guatemala, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Antarctica and Venezuela.

American powers are insured to the category of countries that are developing. Skin country may be rich natural resources, science and human potential.

The main economic partners of the American countries are the USA, China, Great Britain and Germany. The largest places in Pivdenny America є: Rio de Janeiro (6 million), Sao Paulo (11 million), Buenos Aires (3 million), Lima (7 million), Caracas (3 million).

The current population of Pivdenny America in anthropological terms is rather different. This warehouse includes representatives of different races - American (indigenous population - Indian), European (immigrants' caps), Negroid (slaves' caps), as well as numerically diverse groups - mestizos, mulati, sambo. The racial shift in the lands of Pvdennoy America is going on at a steady pace, and new racial types are gradually taking shape. Before the advent of the Europeans (the end of the 15th century), various Indian tribes and peoples inhabited, they spoke the language of Quechua, Arawak, Chibcha, Tupigua-rani and іn. The population was dispersed unevenly: the most populous were populated in the highlands of the valley of the Central Andean Nagir.

With the arrival of the European conquerors (i), fundamental changes were made in the ethnic structure of the continent. Thousands of Africans were imported as slaves for work in the mines of the Viceroyalty and plantations of cane on the banks of the brewery. In the Central Andiyskomu nagіr'ї, the blacks of the zdebіlshy parted among the local population, in two other regions the part in the ethnic processes and the contribution to the culture was great. Here the population of mixed European-Negro and Negro-Indian migration was formed.

Due to the success of the independence of a large change in the ethnic warehouse, they were in, and for the mass flow of immigrants, and for the other regions of Europe (they were the head rank for the development of national territories in the 2nd halves of - and 19 - on the cob 20 - on the cob immigration (head rank s i). Most of the current population of Pivdenny America of mixed Indian-European migration, but on the mainland's descent, the population of the Negro-European migration is overwhelmed. In a number of lands of Pivdenny America, great Indian peoples were saved: Quechua in Peru, as well as Aymara in Bolivia, Aravkans in Chile. In addition, in the outskirts of the Mayzha of all powers (for example, pivnichna, Brazil, pivnichny zahіd and іn), small Indian tribes and peoples were also saved, who speak their own language.

The official language of the most important country of Pivdenny America is Spanish, Brazil is Portuguese. From the Indian language, another official language is less than the language of Quechua in Peru. Great self-respect, the greater part of the population is rooted in Indian my guarana, volodyuchy chi other world my Spanish. Guyana, Official language- English, among Suriname - Dutch, French Guiana - French. The largest living population of Pivdennoy America -. Among the Indians, the remnants of pre-Christian religions play a significant role, while among the Negroes, the remnants of African cults play a significant role.

Looking out Indigenous population of Pivdenny America Varto signifies that the Latin American continent is this region of the planet, the Indians should not only be allowed to live and develop freely, but also to plant large stones of great significance.

One of the examples of how the representative of the Indians managed to get the presidential chair is that we can count on the victory of Evo Morales in the elections for Bolivia. Tsya people are a representative of the Indian Aymara tribe, that is, a representative of the native population of Pivdennoy America. It is such a national identity to make Evo Morales the right leader for all the indigenous peoples of Pivdennoy America without blame. Another representative of the Indian tribes, having taken away the most powerful settlement, is the President of the Republic of Peru, Ollanto Humala. Vin belongs to one of the largest Peruvian Indian tribes - the Quechua. Obviously, no need to think what a way of life indigenous population of Pivdenny America not knowing the daily changes. І Umala, і Morales - these are active politicians who try to make their state prosper. Let's analyze the situation with tim, as it is divided Indigenous peoples of Northern America throughout the entire continent.

Timi powers, de root the population to become a great number of people in the total number of people, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and Guatemala. In this state, like Peru, the number of Indian populations is 14 million. It’s better to say that in all Latin America the Indians are not more than 48 million, then the price may be 30% savage number. The main population of Pivdennoy America is not similar to the same and not to the same territories of compact living. So the settlement of the Indians used to move from Mexico to the pivdennih districts of Argentina and Chile.

Indigenous peoples of Pivdennoy America- tse Aymara, Quechua, yakі lie down to nashchadkіv іnkіv. Tse Guarani and Mapuche, yak live mainly in the middle part of the continent. Before the speech, often replacing the word "Mapuche", another version of the name of the Indian people "Araucani" is used. Indigenous population of Pivdenny America- even more tehuelche, which mayzhe dreamed of your own araucani. Tse i chibcha (mosca), the culture of that history is filled with no less number of mysteries and legends, the lower culture of the Maya. In the Amazonian selva of Peru, a selection of the Shipibo-Konibo nationality lives, as if to speak their own language, and there are few representatives of this indigenous people of Northern America understand Spanish. Shipibo-Conibo gave light to the famous Peruvian artist Pablo Amaringo. A large number of documentaries have been filmed about the culture of shipibo-conibo. Acts of them were awarded international prizes at European and American documentary film festivals. Venezuela and Guyana are home to one more representative of the indigenous population of Pivdenny America - the Indians of the Warao (Guarao). It's wonderful, but the whole tribe may still lead a vegan way of life, allowing them to live more than fruits, vegetables and ribi. For this reason, the culture of the Varao may be more and more harrowing the watering, lower the anger of the gods of the Varao. The main population of Pivdennoy America - tse and in the region not numerous tribe Botokudo, yak living on the territory of Brazil. Representatives of this tribe do preach occult vіruvannya, often leading themselves to near-cordon camps between life and death, in order to indulge their dead ancestors for the sake of them. In Botokudo, the system of rahunku has been opened up: there are no more than one number of people.

So wonder:

Language of the countries of Latin America has been expanded

If you talk about the most widely spoken language of Latin America, then it's Spanish. Proteo є th іnshih mov, є є є є nevid'єmnoy part of the culture of the American powers. Talk about Portuguese, English, Dutch and French movies.

Population size of Pivdenny America: analysis of the situation that has evolved

Per Rest of the Rocks the number of the population of Pivdennoy America has grown substantially. This is due not only to the high level of nationality, but also to other factors, about which the report can be said.

Ethnic Warehouse of Pivdenny America, speaking about this topic, we inadvertently may be on the border of the Spaniards with the Portuguese, as if starting from the XV century. began to assimilate into American sub-racial conglomerates. However, do not forget that Pvdenny America, like Russia, is a magnificent geographical illumination, like it is inhabited by over 250 peoples and nationalities, which are found one by one in close contact giving parostas everything to new and new ethnic adoptions.

The current population of Pivdenny America is more diverse. Representatives of three different races enter before the new one:

  • American (Indians - native population);
  • evropeoidnoї (patches of migrants from Єuropi);
  • Negroid (bait of slaves brought from Africa);

And if you say it simpler, then you are Indians, whites and Negroes. Also on the continent there are more and more numerous groups - mestizos, sambo, mulati.

Krajina Area (km²) Population (2015 r) Space (person/km²)
2 766 890 43 132 000 14,3
1 098 580 10 520 000 8,1
8 514 877 204 519 000 22,0
912 050 30 620 000 27,8
1 138 910 48 549 000 37,7
406 750 7 003 000 15,6
1 285 220 31 153 000 21,7
176 220 3 310 000 19,4
756 950 18 006 000 21,1
283 560 16 279 000 47,1
214 970 747 000 3,6
214 970 560 000 3,6
91 000 262 000 2,1
12 173 3 000 0,24

3 093 20 0
Usyogo 17 824 513 414 663 000 21,5

Three stories

The racial change in the American countries had to be completed at a rapid pace, so new racial types were being formed. Before the arrival of the end of the XV century. Europeans near Pivdennu America, the continent was inhabited by impersonal different Indian tribes and peoples, which were called language, tupiguarani, etc. The emergence of European conquerors (Portuguese and Spaniards) radically brought about significant changes in the ethnic structure of Pivdenny America.

Dozens of thousands of Africans were imported as slaves for important jobs in the mines of Peru and other plantations in Brazil and Venezuela. Here settled down the number of people of mixed Negro-Indian and European-Negro travel. Their contribution to the local culture and the fate of the ethnic processes of the region were great.

Since the lands of Pivdennoi America became independent, in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil there were sharp ethnic changes. The cost was for the mass flow of immigrants from Germany, Italy, Croatia and other lands of Western and Northern Europe. So in Guyana and Suriname, significant changes in the ethnic warehouse were taken into account by the flow of immigrants from Asia, mainly from India and China.

In addition, the majority of the current population of the American continent may be mixed with Indian-European migration, but in the brewery gathering of the country - Negro-European. In some countries, the great Indian peoples were saved: Bolivia, Quechua in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, Araucani in Chile.

Move warehouse


Most believers in Pivdenny America are Catholics. Among the Indians, the role was played by the remnants of pre-Christian religions and rituals, and among the Negroes, the remnants of African cults played a role. Also Orthodox, Protestants, as well as adherents of non-Christian religions - Muslims and Hindus. Prote z upevnіstyu it can be said that Christianity was the panivny religion on the continent. Moreover, Brazil has more than 158 million Christians, which allows them to borrow another place from the world of the United States for this show.

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