Cho take on the cube z clothes. Lake in the center of Sharjah. Official language in Cuba

First of all, a tourist should click - de zagali know Cuba on the map of the world, what are expensive vouchers and what are the prices on hotels. Expensive, but only because of those that Cuba is far away from us, and otherwise on the island itself, the prices are not so high, but the beaches and that kind of repairs compensate for everything

"Cuba libre", or Island of Freedom. White Pisok sleepy beaches, boundless ocean expanses, bright nature, unique architecture, rum and cigars - all the same, a little bit of goodness THERE about Cuba.

General information about Cuba

Where is Cuba

The Republic of Cuba is situated not far from the shores of the Pivnichny and American continents, it is reinforced by the waters of the Florida Channel. The state occupies the islands of Cuba, Huventud and about 1,600 other islands with a total area of ​​110,860 km.

The private coast of the head island of the country reaches the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the pivnіchno-zahіdnі and pivnіchno-shіdnі beaches are washed by the Mexican inflow and the Atlantic Ocean.

Cuba on the world map


Following the data given to the head of the population under the UN Department of Economic and Social Nutrition, the number of the population of the republic in 2017 will be 11.4 million.


National currency - Cuban peso CUP, CUC. At the rate of 1 peso = 1 US dollar.

Correct phone numbers

  • Telephone country code: 53;
  • Telephone code of m. Havana: 7;
  • Call from Kubi: 119 - code of your country - area code - phone number.
  • Call to Cuba: 8 - international call code - Kubi code - area code - phone number.
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation: (+53 7) 204-10-85;
  • Consulate of the Russian Federation: (+53 2) 268 61 46.

Emergency Services (Havana):

  • Police: 116;
  • Honey. additional help: 40-50-93;
  • Later: 78-85-41.

On the territory of the country:

  • National police: 82-01-16;
  • Later: 81-11-15;
  • Honey. help: 24-28-11.

Payment and exchange in Cuba

In areas designated for tourists, pesos are in circulation, which is convertible. Through the warmth of the blue between the island communist power and the Empire of Good, like to zazdrat from the third part of the Florida canal, with eternally green presidents, it’s better not to come. When exchanging American dollars, you can take a commission of 10 to 20%. For this reason, tourists have already been informed to please come here from the Euro. Tsіkavo, that non-conversion of the Cuban peso (CUP) to a tourist is practically unrealistic.

If it is better for you to use Visa/MasterCard cards, you should respect that:

  • Visa card is accepted from the largest number of mortgages, lower Mastercard;
  • When looking at small shops or cafes, it’s better than a mother when cooking, the banknotes to the payment terminal may not appear;
  • Pleasing cards are subject to an 11.24% tax.

tourist memo

Rebuvannya in Cuba may be as much as possible, perhaps you will have to add tickets to your everyday wardrobe. You have every chance to become a fan of Cuban cigars after you see your father's land, but the chickens near the huge places are fenced.

If you are dear to the beach, or at the hour of the excursion you will see a cow, be careful. This creature is sacred to the Cubans, and the death of a cow in your presence can bring you to unacceptable roses with representatives of the police.

It is important for tourists to know what to photograph establish state, military equipment, soldiers, policemen were fenced. In addition, the first time to take a picture of the Cuban next to obov'yazkovo ask the new permission.

Yaky vin, Cuban people

Cuba Bagatonatzіonal is the bagatocultural of Kraina, de served the blood of the people of Africa, Ispanai, I, British, Nimechini, Cuban, the American tribes, migrants to the franziya, and the same migrants in an hour.

Mіstsevі, good-natured people. Do not hurry to learn about the propositions and share the meal with the domino. Do not be surprised if you ask for a drink in a cafe for your rahunok. And if the spіvrobіtniki of the hostel chi hostel ask you to deprive the special koshti of hygiene (razors, kicks for the leg), remember that this is due to the high rank and inaccessibility of the rest for ordinary people.

Safety in Cuban land

The people of the communist republic are good-natured, ale bad. It’s better not to show ready-made and expensive accessories. Follow your speeches so as not to become a victim of dirty shakhraivs and intestinal villains. At the night time, doby walk in the common areas is not recommended through a high resistance to attack.

The climate in Cuba, if it's better to go

The most pleasant hour for the repair is the interval from leaf fall to Sunday.

Fans of windsurfing are worthy of a windfall, if every hour of the day the greatest winds rise. Zamariti vіdpochinok can be a panuvannya of hurricanes in the interim between yellow and leaf fall, but for the fact of planning vіdpochinok in Cuba it is possible at some time of fate.

The cost of a small area of ​​ob'їhati Cuba can be paid for a small amount of money. So that you don't miss anything important, our site has prepared for you a list of places and resorts, facilities for relaxation.

capital Havana- Tse misto protilezhnosti. Here, such a gloomy place is entrusted with colonial pre-revolutionary mansions, which have a wonderful people. A place outside the architectural memos and the central place. Havana is filled with white beaches, treats with visuka cuisine and adds the sounds of salsa. Okremo varto respect bar El Floridita is one of Ernest Hemingway's favorite places. If you don’t have a good time in a bar, curl up to the house-museum of the writer, and then go to the museum of Roma. For those who do not get tired of daytime excursions, it is important to know that closer to night the place transforms into one great disco, reminiscent of untidy energy. The very hour for the show-cabaret "Tropikana", as it was famous throughout the world from 1939 rock.

Santa Clara

Santa Clara a memorial place for the Cuban revolution, de Comandante Che Guevara, having launched under the command of the armored train of the dictator Batista. The snares of that same train are left at the accident site until this very day, the stench is pride and a reminder for the inhabitants of the country. In addition, here there is a mausoleum named after Ernesto Che Guevari and you are a huge man of America, then you can not be allowed into it.

Santiago de Cuba

Batkivshchyna street culture Santiago de Cuba. Music on the streets of the town sounds on the skin rose. By right, this place is respected by the coli of Cuban melodies and rum, even though Don Facundo Bacardi was born here.


Like a cіkavo bacchit the island like this, like a wine from the 18th century, then the place Trinidad- the best for this place. The authentic situation of which city is hostile. Brooking the road, budinki zbudovan in the colonial style, flower plantations that were saved in the afternoon of the past hours, budinki for slaves.


Matanzas the capital of the province of the same name is home to a great number of bridges, for which it was nicknamed the “Cuban Venice”. Cicava for seeing the province of Pinar del Rio, you can see tyutyun plantations and have mercy on the views of the Vinales valley, which took the title of "Cultural Land of Humanity" in 1999.

Cuban resorts


Varadero- The oldest of the resorts, the most popular and dynamic paradise place with turquoise waters to the ocean and white beaches. The resort can be called a classic Russian vіdpochinku mine, here everything is included. Tsіlodobovі bari, buffet at restaurants with cuisines of the whole world.


Olgin- Elite business VIP class resort. Hotels are more important than p'yatizirkov. Seeing the place for the sake of luxury, peace and luxury.


guardavalaca, one of the best diving resorts, which is famous for its coral reef. Esmeralda is the place of emerald beaches. For lovers of original evenings, you will opine at the cave disco of the island of Cayo Coco.


juventud, under the name of the island of Molodi (roztashovaniya for 100 km from the island of Cuba) cicavia with its natural reserves. It seems that R. L. Stevenson described the image of the "Island of Treasures" itself from the landscapes of Youthud.

Cayo Largo

Speaking of pirates, it is important not to guess La Yana - the ancient tree that is found on the island. Cayo Largo. Behind the legends, it was a landmark for the pirates of the Caribbean, if they buried their looted gold.

It is only a small part of the city, so you can see the hour of rebuking in this country. Navіt yakscho you come to Cuba for a few times on the river for a long time, for a long time, you know how to call you and win you.

Rozvagi and vіdpochinok on the Island of Freedom

Those same, for the sake of which thousands of tourists come to the rescue - tse diving. Underwater light of the cicadas is not only beautiful coral reefs, but also a fleet of ships that sank on the coast. Fans of windsurfing can catch the whirlwind of the feeding shores, those who don’t want (or can’t swim) get bogged down on the underwater line in the vast ocean.

The main remembrances of the Cuban architecture are kept by many of the most important touristic places in the world. Near the capital of Kubi Havana, you can visit the impersonal cathedrals, including cathedral St. Christopher. And you better not boast that you were in Cuba without seeing Zbroyova, the Cathedral Square and the Old Square of the capital of the state.

Memorial to Che Guevari in Santa Clara, cigar factory Francisco Donatien» near Pinar del Rio, a stove with rocky little Mantanas. On the island of Youthud in'yaznytsia Presidio Modello", as a copy great misfortune recognition of F. Castro Joliet(State of Illinois). Natural landscapes and national parks with too few architectural monuments, a lot of natural areas of Kubi are recognized by UNESCO.

Come and see the carnivals in the period from 15 linden to 15 serpny, as they pass by the Harbor and Santiago de Cuba, shards of the unforgettable barvista come in, more music dances and stringy swearing. And for lovers of smoking, we know about the festival of Cuban cigars of the international level, which will take place like a fierce one.

І where do we go without shopping, even if it is necessary to bring such, Cuban - cigars, rum and cava. Black corals and black corals are popular among tourists. At shopping malls Harbors or in the shops of Casa del Habano do not fool you and sell good quality goods.

National Cuban cuisine

Bringing Creole cuisine to Cuba. The main national dishes are prepared with pork and chicken. M'yaso get ready impersonally themselves different ways. Among the dishes of the national cuisine - "Creole ahiako" - one of the main ones. Get ready for pork and vegetables from the addition of garnoi portions of spices. So you varto try:

  • langoustines with lemon;
  • m'yaso crocodile;
  • m'yaso and turtle eggs.

Fresh fruit flavors are often served before the skin. Boil savory and mіtsnu kava. The main national drink is rum, which is included in the warehouse of rich mist cocktails.

In the main restaurants are located in the resort and tourist areas, they are recommended for cooking. The cost of a meal for one person in a good mortgage is from 30 to 40 pesos, a simple mortgage will cost no more than 15 pesos, and in a big deposit you can get a maximum of 5 Cuban coins. I charge 10% of the sum of the check and more often give it to the hands of the waiters. And if you try to eat at the bar, it’s unlikely that you will get into it. In colorful Cuban bars, you need to drink, and you take the maximum pots, well, chips.

Cuban hotels

The largest in Cuba, hotels of class 4 stars, for those who do not particularly plan to stay in some walls of sufficient hotels of class 2 and 3 stars. And the axis of lovers of luxury choices is especially not clear why so many hotels in 5 stars are literally alone. Most of the sights on the island of freedom I present to you in the houses of light, as they work for the "all inclusive" system. Check-in at a hotel in Cuba starts at 15:00, check-out starts at 12:00. Cunning Cubans leave themselves at 3:00 a.m. to clean up the room before the arrival of the upcoming guests, so you can boldly make claims if you know the next guests.

How to get to Kubi

Cuba didn’t get you like a heavenly place, Dobre THERE I recommend that you respect negative side a start in your beautiful country:

  • the sun is richer, more intense and brighter, lower, the inhabitants of the krai of the SND and Russia called, to vanish sleepy opikiv stock up on sunscreen creams;
  • evening beach showers can be filled with dry coma, spray and mother's cream with your own clothes;
  • do not drink syru water, but drink alcoholic beverages to ask for cooling without ice, because in Cuban water there are no faces for a tourist, which does not sound like bacteria;
  • beware of marine life: moray eels, sea snakes and zhakiv and "Portuguese boats";
  • remember about the vigilance of the population, as you can provoke you to rob you in the next few days, so that you demonstrate your valuable speech and preparation.

Everything is just a bit more advanced, and even better, get ready in advance, so that your repair is not obscured by anything, and you could enjoy yourself positive aspects trips:

  • feel the atmosphere of freedom;
  • enjoy the great beaches;
  • take in your own cultural spirit of Kubi, having seen the holy carnivals;
  • admire the beauty of Cuban nature;
  • try cigars and rum in your fatherland;
  • soar in the depths of the ocean, to look around yoga treasures;
  • know and talk to new people.

Video supplement our article

Video - Tsіkavі facts about Cuba

In Cuba, skins know about cicava. Expand your boundaries, even if the world is not in our apartments and phones. Raise the price, watch out, learn new things. good THERE Bazhaє you accept a good order on the Island of Will.

Good in Cuba tsiliy rik! Ale, it's the best time for recovery - from leaf fall to spring. At this hour on the island, the weather is comfortable and warm, and there is practically no rain, no wind. Sweat, we start to make it hot and sometimes go to the tropics, but live life! Even summer in Cuba is the same season of carnivals and various street festivals with music, salsa and fireworks. Well, it’s easier for surfers to know good times at the same time.

About 30 airlines fly to Cuba, and most of them have transfers. Good news: recently, direct flights from St. Petersburg appeared at Azur Air. You can book a tour with a direct charter flight at Anex Tour, or simply tickets at partner agencies (

What obov'yazkovo take from you

With electricity in Cuba, buy differently. The voltage in the yard is usually 110 volts, although during the rest of the day at most hotels it is 110 and 220 volts. The very same story with plugs and sockets, which can conform to both European and American standards. In order to protect yourself from problems with equipment and її recharging, you can easily get an adapter, a universal adapter and a tee, so that you can charge a little gadget at once.

Tropical sun is even more active, so be it for the time you need a sun cream, and it’s better to bring it with you - it’s just like shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and toothpaste, with which you vikli koristuvatisya. Tі, scho give you at the hotel, fill with peace at once from the tea.

Chim pay

In Cuba, there are two penny units in circulation - pesos and CUC. The peso is worth money for the Cubans: the pesos have a salary, they sell products in the markets, they pay at the cafes that are not big. CUC - per peso that can be converted. Yogo rate of attachments to the dollar, foreigners pay for it. Practically all tickets for transport and cultural reminders stand differently for tourists and tourists: for example, for them - a ticket for 5 pesos, for you - for 5 cookies. Remember some of the cookies on the peso, as you choose to raise the price of Cuba, live in the private sector, or go to the fruit market. At tourist destinations, plastic cards are also accepted, but not all are clear. Also, the best mother with you and cooking. Traditionally, there are fewer problems with euros and Canadian dollars.

Cookies are easily accepted at ATMs, but you can also bring the preparation with you. Mustache money changers in the Cuban state, to that shukati, de course vigіdnіshiy, marno. You can exchange foreign currency in hotels, airports, banks and offices (CADECA). If you want to entice you to remember the currency in the “miscellaneous bank”, obіtsyayuchi reducing the exchange rate, do not: the simplest trick. As soon as the trips are out of unused cookies, they can be paid in duty-free or in the same place, at the airport, exchanged back for a foreign currency.

Cho de є

The first thing that opposes our spіvvіtchiznik in Cuba is the great number of fruits, the plant of fresh and fresh ones: the stink of the whole river comes here. Pineapple, papaya, mango, guava, mamonchillo, guanabana, passion fruit, sapodilla... First of all, bananas: here they are used to prepare various flavors, from desserts to sauces to meat and garnishes.

Cuban cuisine is a hot mix of Spanish, Chinese, African and Latin American traditions, large generous portions, unmatched textures and modern spices. Restaurants serve marvelous seafood. You can buy fresh shrimp, langoustines and lobsters from fishermen literally “for food”, they say they stink, you can cook the catch cheaply, or you can fish it yourself.

What to drink

The head drink in Cuba is tse, obviously, rum. Cream of the promoted "Havana Club", do not hesitate to try smaller brands of "Santiago de Cuba", "Legendario" and "Kaney" or rather small local brandies. For inspiration, see the Roma Museum in Old Havana, where you can report on its history and virobnitstvo.

Rum is undiluted either in krieg or in cocktails. Practically leathery Cuban bar is serving its own branded cocktail - feed it and try it! І literally skrіz vizstrіnete Hemingway: leather bar roses, scho slavnozvіsny scribe loves a new buvat. Check out El Floridita and don't miss La Bodeguita del Medio. At that Havanese mortgage, with a bohemian and even characteristic atmosphere for the Kubi, they are preparing the best, at the thought rich, mojito.

Okrim rum, respect varty liquor "Kubai", beer "Crystal" and "Bucanero", table wine. Pіdbadёritsya mizh podkhodami to the bar to help Cuban cava: there is cooked more meaty, often drink in small portions. That bottled water is sold at all stores.

How to go over the edge

Taking a car at the airport can be a sensation only if you can rush into the country. At Gavana, the wines are invisible: it’s possible to have a chance to be quick as a taxi service (primary or double motorcycle taxis), but all the same, it’s cheaper. Around the capital, the pishkas are moving around the most beautifully, adoring the bright atmosphere of this marvelous city. Alternatively, you can get on the Hop on – Hop off panoramic tourist bus, which you will bring with head notes.

Also, for moving around Havana, you can rent a scooter, but don’t varto stay on the new one for її between: the roads on the islands are depleted of the best. The best option for distant roads is renting a car (there is no Rent a car rental office in Cuba) or buses that run on the main domestic routes. Leading transport companies - Viazul and Transtur. It is most problematic to buy tickets later on through the site, but you can easily get it at the station itself. On the day of the trip, you need to arrive at least 20 minutes before the bus exit in order to exchange a check for a boarding pass.

How to call and write

Wi-Fi is available in hotels, special Internet rooms and more. Dosvіdcheni Mandrivniki are happy to be in front of the vivichiti of the spread of the Rosiysky mobble operator in the ilnerenet in the Roying: Tsevasi Vigіdniy, NIZH Cubinsky Wi-Fi, I also have a tikhni. For dzvіnkіv tezh vykoristovuvati roaming: mіstsevі simki not sell to tourists, hіba scho you can rent a phone at once from a sim card.

De live

In Cuba, wonders were welcome for some relish, that hamanets. The stench is doing everything for a complete recovery: gyms, roses, spas. If you want a place, you can find a place to live in the private sector. In Cuba, business is absolutely legal: for clear landlords, you can see a special license and the stench will rise in price. The hosts of the masters, as a rule, are ready to eat, pronounce the grass for the evening, give tips on how expensive it is. That and vzagali, there is no better opportunity to get to know the Cuban pobuty in the middle and find out about the inhabitants of the city.

What do you need to know about the misters?

In tourist areas, most residents speak English, but as you choose to raise the price of the country, you can’t do without spanish movie, want bi base. The Russians can sometimes become lucky, especially as you will be in contact with the Cubans of the older generation.

Cuba is a safer country, especially compared with some Latin American susides. The only pleasure is not to react to zhebrakіv and obtrusive service of the miserable "businessmen", as if they were going to see them off until the month, they promise especially savory cigars and other bait.

An hour in Cuba is understandable: it seems that the road takes 5 quills, a bold multiplier on two; a small shop is unlikely to start right about nine o'clock, and a tour, which is better for everything, does not start strictly at the stunned hour. It’s not good and it’s not bad - Cubans just need to calmly put themselves up to life in order to be punctual.

Women are not varto painfully put to the whistle of people and compliments: Cubans are less likely to want such things, so it’s easy for a macho man to understand that this respect is promoted, but it’s not acceptable to anyone.

Wait a minute, everything is laying around here depending on the situation. Taxi drivers are not allowed to be deprived of them, but if you do, you can’t count them. Give resting places and noses 1-2 cookies each. In small caverns, the tea is minimal, up to 5% of the total amount. At restaurants near the rahunki, a surcharge of 10–15% for services is included, so that we can share between us, the mortgage. If you want to tell someone in a special way, or rather in advance, clarify this moment. You can get rid of tea in any currency, like money, so in euros and in dollars.

When it comes to rum, it is optimal to bathe three puffs - you can easily take the insoles from Kubi and bring them to Russia. Do not varto vodkladat tsyu purchase for the rest of the moment, wanting in d'yuti-free rum, obviously, for sale. Rather, break at the company's store - turn it over, but the damage is not.

Chob vibrati kava, try, try and try again. If you want to drink it “naoslip”, the axis is not big cheat sheet for popular varieties, which is unlikely to be disappointing. Serrano - soft, with a slight sourness, Altura - tart, with great caffeine content, Maragogype - thick, spicy and spicy, Granma - with notes of tyutyun in the aroma.

It doesn't matter to find other souvenirs: the most universal and unimaginative gift is a T-shirt from Che. For people - guiabera shirt, traditional sombrero, self-made musical instrument- maracasi chi drumi bongo. For women - decorate with tortoise shell, crocodile skin and smut - with black coral. Ask the seller for the obov'yazkovo to get a visa and don't forget to check whether the coral on the light is a chervonim, otherwise it's a letter.

Vіdpochivali with a squad in Cuba from 21 leaf fall until 2 December 2010. Before the trip, we looked over a lot of articles on the Internet, looking for advice on food, but until the end our informational hunger was not overcome. To that very thing, I wrote more importantly about those who didn’t know about us, about what they worried about and were afraid of a little. So it turned out that I went ahead for the rest of 20 years, having gone beyond the cordon for reparations, I couldn’t even compare Cuba with other resorts.


Flight Fly from Domodedovo about 15.00, Boeing 777, Transaero Airlines (Moscow - Varadero), economy class. Non-stop flight, hot hour flight 11h 30 min. Godowed 2 times, it’s not clear, but you won’t die of hunger. It was not even worthy of the day of roaring on board. Individual monitors at the shortest time will show a map of the litak's health. For 1000 rubles you can order a video player with video films, but you can’t watch them all. So, if you want to fly with Transaero, get ready to take care of yourself.

Take books, don't sleep, ask for a place for a white window, don't miss Duti-free, etc. Just don't overdo it with alcohol. On the way back at the plane, a passenger was beaten by stewards. At Domodedovo, the militia chimed in, and I think that they will fly out of the country even more long ago and not obov'yazkovo in the wild. Be smart and comrade with your head. Tim, who flies with Aroflot, will not be afraid of difficulties, for he who practices everything that is necessary there (video, music, games), but he will fly from Moscow to Havana.

After landing to Varadero 2:00 by bus. Before landing, without a hitch, you will be asked to renew your migration card. It’s better to start right in the air, so that you can ask the stewardess, as if you were inadvertently, the stench will help you to remember. This card will be with you until the very end. In the same time, you will have a stamp on your mittens about arrival in Cuba and, if you will, pick up your card there.

Don’t put anything on foreign passports, that, for the riddle about the trip, will lose less than the Domodedovo badge. Arrived to Varadero close to 20.00 for the moon hour. Duzhe dovgo vіdbuvavsya passport control. Zustrichayuchy representative of the tour operator (TEZ-tour) having landed on the bus, having seen a memo about the tour operator from the representative at the hotel, he returned to the hotel. We arrived at ARENAS DORADAS just before 10:00 pm, and as a last resort, we stayed late for the evening.


ARENAS DORADAS. Tourists in the hotel are accommodated in 11 rooms, 25-30 rooms each at the skin room. The furniture is far from new. The situation in the rooms is modest - a large bed, 2 bedside tables, a wardrobe, a large mirror, a table with a TV set, a small table with 2 tables, a pay safe (2 cookies per day), a small refrigerator, air conditioning. There is no mini bar. The toilet and the bathroom are in a nearby room, right there in the room.

Lighting in the bedroom is only made up of 3 floor lamps, which is clearly not enough for us Russians. To read a book normally, you need to strip the light bulb of the floor lamp. The voltage in our room is 220 volts, which was even more pleasing. Europeans didn’t even get to know each other. Before reading that, you need to buy an adapter for 110 volts. Having searched all the places in Tver, I tried to get the adapter through the service center from Moscow, but nothing came up. It turned out that it was better.

The doors to the room are controlled by an electronic key, which must be inserted into a special receiver at once. The room has electrical outlets and lighting, as it is powered permanently, but more work only if you insert the electronic key at this special receiver. This is especially true for a refrigerator, for which you need to use an electrical outlet, which is permanently practical.

The skin room has a balcony with plastic furniture (2 stilts and stil). There are 3 towels on the skin tourist (legs, face, body), which are regularly changed. There is a hair dryer at the shower room. Also, a small piece of milk is given and 2 small bottles of shampoo and gel. We made our own, I can’t say how many shampoos and gel I see. There is only one Russian channel - NTV America, whoever loves serials about cops is lucky.

The staff is vvіchlivy, room service is good, ale neakіsne. It’s easy for you to refuel, remember that you need whiteness and towels, try to wipe the bed, put on a new toilet paper, blame the smitta, but forget to wipe it clean. І so skin day. For example, you can paint pictures on bedside tables. If only we could have been so "lucky" for us. The electrician arrived after the call only on the third day, the TV remote control was brought only on the 4th day after the application. Chantly, they checked, until they ring in the next number.

It is not possible to drink water from a tap in Cuba. For drinking in the skin room, a dance with water is to be blamed, as for the need, you should be sure to drink in the bar. Our number її did not have і after the application її was not brought. I had a chance to buy Cola in the store and win my dance. The soundproofing of the rooms is not very good. Especially "stretched" the thin doors between our that court room.

If the courts are restless (for example, they are Canadians), then in the night there may be problems and such a mess behind the schedule (for the time being, the courts are on the beaches). The doors to the street are also thin, just about everything, especially if you walk out of the country at night. From positive considerations, I would like to note the importance of the day of officialdom at the hour of transferring to the beach. You can swim from the room right next to the swimsuit. We got a room from the squad at booth number 7 for 80 meters from the beach, just Super!

Territory Rating: 5 The territory of the hotel is very green. There is one swimming pool with black water, which is lightly treated with bleach. In Cuba, it is winter in the fall of leaves, it is also dark about 17.30. For those who like to bathe in the evening with a piece of light and drink beer in the bar in the center of the pool (bud_vlya No. 13), wine is sing-song. Also on the territory of the hotel there are special maidanchiks for the tenis, although this camp is not the best.

Denna animation is weak in my opinion. On the square of the pool, you can order table tennis (1 styl), small billiards (1 st), gra “Put a ring on a rum dance”, darts, non-trival dances, mini-football with a palm tree in the middle of the field. At 21.30 p.m., at the open-air Crete show-maydanchik (waiting room No. 10) there are small shows performed by local artists. After the end of the show - a disco. I can’t say anything about her, we never went with the retinue once.

Stilnikovy zv'yazok on the territory of the hotel. I have a Megafon, and the Beeline team has those offensive operators working through the Mist Pyramid. Received SMS we overpowered constantly. I don't know roaming, but the instructions are not too expensive.


Eating at the hotel is not different. Do it all one-man, ale sitne. There are no such dastarkhans like in Turkey and Egypt in Cuba. Go to the distant (wake-up number 9) for snacks (7.30 - 10.00), lunch (12.30 - 15.00) and evening (18.30 - 22.00). At that evening, at your barn, waiters can serve wine, beer. At one o'clock in the evening at the distant play and sing the master musicians. Tables for a maximum of 4 persons, but for a great company, or holy, you can make a great table.

And if you pay the musicians, then you have a little quartet or trio. Tim, who didn’t manage to catch a bite, is on the territory of the bar Grill “Los Loritos” next to the pool (waiting 12), which is open from 10.00 to 18.30. They serve potato fries, hamburgers and ing. snacks. To the point, such a luxury can be boasted of by a non-leather hotel near Varadero. Before us, tourists from other hotels came to the bar, de lis snіdanok, obіd that supper.

It’s only necessary to get cold water, that’s why cocktails, beer, cola and other drinks, also in the bars on the beach (wake up number 17), order from the reception (wake up number 2) and in the pool (no. 13). Cocktails were not worthy of me, but the beer was more than a garnet. Lovers beach resort If you don't want to dress up, you can also have a meal at the beach (No. 16) from 12.00 - 16.00. Also, the hotel has 4 restaurants, for which you need to sign up at the reception desk.

Recorded for doba before the campaign. If you want to make an appointment for 2 dobies, talk to a representative of the tour operator, get home, and make a deal with a tip. Raja sees "El Galeon", where they serve seafood (lobster, lobster toshcho). Usі restaurants for vіdpochivayuchih bezkoshtovnі. For example, you can order a lobster on excursions for 10 cookies per serving, and in a restaurant you can try it for free.


The hotel's beach is good. Good light gray sand, beautiful clear, transparent, black water. We, from the retinue, were lucky with the weather, during the whole day, during the first hour, we were sleepy, the temperature was +24-26, the water was +22-24. Sometimes at night a small board, ale gloomy boulevard maximum to obidu. 3 days before our arrival, there were 2 days of boards and wind. Less than on the day of our departure, the winds in the ocean were bigger, lower the need, they fenced him to bathe. But somehow it seems: - “If you can’t, if you really want to, then you can.” Tim is bigger, it's so cool.

To take a bath on the beach, take beach towels. For a leather towel, an outpost of 10 cookies is taken, if you take it, you will turn a penny. The sun on the cube is narrower, so it is obligatory to take a cold cream, and if you read it under the sun, then Sunglasses eyepieces. Better take yours, dear ones, dear ones. Rozvag on the beach is not rich. If the weather is good, you can order a water bike, more expensive with an instructor on a catamaran under a glass, kayaks. Everything is cost-free, but it’s less than 30 quills.

So, come what may, for lovers of active sports volleyball. Possibly, in hotels there is more class, there are more beach holidays. Poz us having drunk the “banana”, the “wing” was also visible here. There were no services on our dry beaches. When you go with children, take some eyepieces for swimming, the salty water is not too salty for your eyes. There is no underwater light to the beach. At a distance of up to 250 meters from the shore, there is only one sand without coral and rib.

The depth in human growth starts from 50 meters, so you won’t have to go long. Like a raja, take your mask and pipe with you. There are few places to visit on the beaches, but on all excursions it will be recommended to swim in the coral reefs with fish. The cost-free masks are really unsafe for health. Even more often, when in the depths, with unhandled Russia, the stench begins to let water through, wanting to be tightened for good.

As a result, the deputy of the spectator of the underwater world has a struggle for survival. Qi problems were far from less in me. Souvenirs are sold on the beaches of mіstsevі miltsі. For those who want to cool down, at the beach bar (from 10.00 - 18.00) you can take cold cocktails, beer, cola for free. And as I already wrote more, you can have a meal without going far from your sunbed.

Yaki pennies brothers

Like a penny brother. For foreigners in Cuba, pesos are converted to commoners (commoners have cookies). You can exchange currency for cookies at bank branches and exchange offices. Qi points are found in the skin hotel in airports. The places have few of them. Miny pennies, as the guide told us, it’s better at the airport. In hotels, the rate is not rich, but less. At the time of our arrival at the airport 1 euro - 1.203 cookies, the next day in the hotel 1 euro - 1.18 cookies, after 3 days 1 euro - 1.16 cookies.

At the time of our offer, 1 euro - 1.16 (1.163) cuka, 1 dollar - 0.8 (0.83) kuka, 1 Canadian dollar - 0.82 (0.85) kuka. At the shackles, data was added to the exchange office at Varadero Airport. Now get used to the calculators. Under the hour of our arrival, the euro exchange rate fell, but the dollar became stable. On the cube you see a lot of Canadians. For them, Cuba is the same for us as Turkey and Egypt. To that, if you try to take a dollar, then it’s better for a Canadian one.

What to take with you

Tse pitanya seriously praised us from the retinue. We didn’t have a consultation, we didn’t know about the information on the Internet. At the result, more than half of the speeches taken were not needed. I think you will lose our pardons. I’ll write about people, and women, choose your own outfits, which are suitable for companions. At the hotel, everyone can wear shorts, slates and shirts (footballs). Moreover, this outfit is victorious both in the distance, and on trips on excursions, and at the evening show.

If you plan to go to the hotel restaurant, go to the place Varadero chi Gavan, then replace the shorts with trousers and jeans, and replace the slates with summer shoes and beautiful ones. You can take a sports jacket for a nasty turn. I needed swimming trunks, 3 shifts in white, 2 t-shirts, a shirt, light jeans, shorts, slates, beautiful ones - that's all. If you plan to dine at the local discos to the local clubs, then dress like a place. Do not take bagan synthetics.

Garni shorts can be bought from the local store for 15 cookies. With women it is more folded, but I can say without a word, there is no one to wear expensive evening cloth. There is a shortage in Cuba, take all the faces from you, about every kind of change.

Movie knowledge

Before leaving, we were told that many people in Cuba know Russian language and love Russian tourists. In fact, everything turned out not so well. The main language in Cuba is Spanish, but maybe all the hotel staff can speak English. I don’t know Russian language, I’d rather use the widest words and phrases. We weren’t allowed to move with the retinue, so before leaving, we had a lot of priming, fighting with the staff.

I want to say at once that the fights were true, but often. It’s possible to know people who don’t know language in Cuba. First, do not miss the news from the representatives of the tour operator on the coming day after your arrival. I will explain everything to you according to the hotel, excursions and show you where the special folder with information is located. I want to tell you that the representative of the tour operator at the hotel regularly 5 times a day at the song hour. Therefore, all food should be obshtuvannya on the mission, problems with the staff, the call of fakhivtsiv at the room can also be answered through the new one.

At the special papacy of the tour operator, who is at the free access for everyone, there will be an arrangement for the arrival of a representative and a description of the excursions. Under the hour of registration at the reception, you will see a tourist memo on the hotel. There, in a short form, the main phrases for communicating with the staff will be indicated, or rather, take a phone book with you. Zagalom, as if everything will be fine, you can contact the hotel staff to the minimum. Read a few phrases, such as: “Tu bir, pliz”, “Red wine, pliz”, “Tu cola (orange, water mineral, ice cream), pliz”, “One kawi, pliz” too thin.

I think everyone understood that there are 2 beers, red wine, 2 coli (fanti, cold water, frost) and 1 cava. At the extreme, you can show with your finger that you need skils. Ask a representative, as they are called themselves delicious cocktails, and just insert their names after the numbers. The mustache of the bartender will make you wonder. Іz restaurants are more complicated. All the menus are in English and Spanish, which is even more disappointing. For such an influx of tourists from Russia, for a moment, insert a row of Russian.

If you don’t gain knowledge, you’ll be able to seduce not those you want, but those who understand in the menu, or you can learn patience from the waiter, which helps to guess your gestures and explanations. Z ієї cause us at the restaurants was not worthy. Stores have prices in cookies. Just sleep: “How much?”, and if you don’t understand the price, they will show you on the calculator. Believe me, you'll settle down for another, third day of recovery. Before that, the skin hotel had a lot of spivvitchizniki.

According to my opinion, tourists from Russia are close to 1/3 of all tourists. At once in Cuba, the oxamite season for Russia and Canada. If you don’t know anyone at once, go lie about the 7th year to the beach. Almost everyone who swims early is a lie, ours. And those who are big lies are not ours. It’s easier in the distance, whoever has a bigger plate is ours. Pray for a pretty girl, 85% out of Russia, but not free. Don’t fight that, you can always find out and ask from your own people, among them there are folders of tour operators with a layout for the arrival of a representative (as a matter of fact, get in touch for the first time).


What can a tourist know, first break at the entrance to Cuba? Cuba is not just a place for a beach getaway or a banal trip to the sea, Cuba is a special culture, history and a good car for the hour. Cuba - tse mriya! Ale, prepare before the trip, all the same, it is recommended to be grounded. The axis will help you with a cursive speech, about yaki better to know before a trip to Cuba.

1. Take cooking from yourself

It's really a good idea if you want to. Don't skip ATMs, don't skip, you can pay with a card. And after 8 pm, it’s even more difficult to find a working ATM near Havana. Deyakі banks vzagalі can withdraw dollars from your ruble card with fixed commissions, which can reach up to 25%.

2. Give priority to the euro or the Canadian dollar

The dollar in Cuba is not in exchange, and therefore the exchange rate for the new negligible. Let's okrim the inadequate exchange rate for leather exchange of dollars from you "get" another commission. With euros and Canadian dollars (which is changed for the exchange rate, lower euros) in Cuba is much simpler. Even though the blue sky of the United States near Kubi is warmer in the rest of the hour, to the dollar the setting also changes in the same bank.

3. Nuances of the Cuban exchange

Don't change your pennies at the airport. Like in the rich countries of the world, the course there is very impenetrable. So pennies don’t trust the street miners - it’s an easy way to get to know the shakhrays. There are a lot of problems with exchange in tourist areas. Near Havana, for example, you can change pennies at the reception of some hotels.

4. There are two currencies in Cuba

The national currency of Cuba is the Cuban peso. Both have two currencies - the Cuban Peso and the Cuban Peso (CUC or CUC). The first currency zastosovuєtsya at high street shops and other spheres of life of Cubans, as well as converting pesos from tourist areas. Cook, really, pennies for tourists.

5. Keep receipts for purchases

Try not to buy anything without a check - a confirming document about the purchase can be important. Without a check on the right, you can go to confiscation.

6. Be ready to barter

In Cuba, you can easily remember your worn sneakers for example, savory;) Tse zovsіm not hot. Deyakі tourists specially take from themselves what is valued in Cuba and can be named for yakus tsikava river. Tourists, for example, often sell canned tuna or kapron tights as zasib for barter.

7. Don't Forget Your Insurance

Insurance is issued by a travel agency in your country. Better mother її with him, to that for її vіdstnostі you ask to take out insurance at the airport, but it's more expensive.

8. Weak Internet

The Internet in Cuba is weak. Some hotels have Internet cafes, and the Wi-Fi axis is far from clear.

9. Provide all necessary documents

About every change, please send air tickets in a well-arranged look. The Internet and the printer are not broken in Cuba. It is also better than a mother with a photocopy of all documents.

10. Visa-free country for Belarusians

A visa to Cuba for Belarusians is not required, for a stay of no more than 30 days.

11. Great Wallies Can Cause Trouble

It’s a small nuance, which, of course, doesn’t hit everyone, but it’s impossible not to guess about it. At some Cuban booths open the big doors and the same way. With majestic important valіza, it can be even more unhandy.

12. The best time for rock to see Kuby

Like on all the islands in the Caribbean Sea region, in Cuba it is necessary to remember the season of hurricanes and rains. The boards are repaired like grass, at the red ones and try up to the sickle inclusive. All the summer and right up to the zhovtnya є nebezpeka typhoons with zlivami and winds. best hour for the view of Kubi - the dry season from leaf fall to April. The bathing season is three in Cuba.

13. A couple of Spanish words

Learning the simplest Spanish words from a romanist can change your mind. Mіstsevі also love to talk to tourists, and if you know my friends, they will definitely be friendly.

14. Save cookies!

Like tea in a hotel, it’s good to give one cookie. You will be smart, because the average salary in Cuba is about 20 cookies.

15. Dance salsa!

Cuban salsa is known to the whole world. A sprat of salsa lessons can be taken from local residents. Come on, in a couple of years you won’t become a prominent dancer, then you’ll see the artistic coloring for everything, and then have fun. If you are asked to dance far, dress like a follow. Cubans are not up to like that official requests can come from mayts and beach shorts.

16. Take a bag of pens

Mother children love to accept other gifts from tourists. Kulkovi handles in a special case.

17. Rum and cigars

The most popular souvenirs are rum and cigars. When buying rum, remember about the baggage allowance and the local rules of recognition. The most popular cigar brands in Cuba: Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo & Julieta, Hoyode Monterrey, Partagas.

18. Take an intestinal liquor from the trip

If you choose to walk in the evenings in the streets of Moscow - do not forget the lighter. Evenings in the streets are not illuminated. Tourists are not recommended to arrive at the Old Harbour, after 22:00.

The island of Svobodi is famous for its mild, warm climate, so it’s not enough to bring a great number of speeches to Cuba. Hiba scho є mozhlivist to catch the misty winter - from breast to birch. Todi will be needed not the warmest light, a raincoat and a parasol.

Also, take to Cuba items of special hygiene in general: toothbrushes, pasture, cute (in hotels є, ale zhahlivoї akostі), shampoos, conditioners, gels for the soul, that shank, razors, hand creams, disguise, bodies, for the first day of the day, before that day of zasmagi, deodorant.

Don't forget to bring an adapter to Cuba! In Cuba, electric circuits can have parameters of 110, 60 Hz and plugs with flat teeth.

Yaki faces to take to Cuba

Persha in Cuba dopomoga shvidka cost-free, the first visit to the doctor is also cost-free. But if you don’t have enough medicines, then you need more faces to take with you. In some regions of the country, malaria is widespread, so it is necessary to stock up on an anti-lichomanc drug. It is recommended to drink special bottled water, shards can not be infected with hepatitis.

Why take the kids to Cuba

If you want to hang out with children, then you should take to Cuba handy and comfortable clothes, bagan with bavovni, lyon, handy, as well as sun cream and obov'yazkovo - head cleaning.

For a detailed list of speeches required for the trip, you can look at the list: what to take to Cuba. You can also add additional items or turn off non-essential items.

Acceptances are more expensive.

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