Near Kazan, the “Health” plant is being carried out, which is a mystery in the city. Near Kazan, the Zdorov'ya plant is brought up, which will be in the city - a mystery Not only modernization, but new life

Miska vlada has repeatedly pointed out to us those that need to be improved old look budіvlі. So it was before the Universiade-2013, and at the same time before the Confederations Cup. In the renovated look, the complex looks approximately beyond the river. Reconstruction was initiated by the new head of the plant - TOV "Zdorov'ya", which rented a health-improving complex from "Kompobutservis" until the last year. The transfer of the “Healthy” lane was due to the grassroots fate, - Olena Gendelman, general director of Kombutservis AT, announced to “Vechirniy Kazan”.

Yak z'yasuval "Vechirnya Kazan", the founder of TOV "Health" є onuk Kamil Iskhakov - Karina Kamalova. As a result, the bathhouse complex became part of the family business.

Kamil Iskhakov himself, having described “Vechirnіy Kazan”, that the plant’s old life, as it has long been in the zhalyugidny camp, will be resurrected, and on the її mіstsі viroste it’s new - ymovirno, with underground parking and additional surfaces.

"The whole era": as Kazan prepares for the launch of the Zdorov'ya plant

The days of marriage are abandoned until the moment when it’s a rich life, it’s rolled out on the Pravo-Bulachniy street in the center of Kazan, to pretend to be a weekly maidanchik. On the 30th of the chervnya, the plant stopped accepting reconnaissance and closed for reconstruction. The object may be more familiar, but on the other side of the world it is new, modern

The days of marriage are abandoned until the moment when it’s a rich life, it’s rolled out on the Pravo-Bulachniy street in the center of Kazan, to pretend to be a weekly maidanchik. On the 30th of the chervnya, the plant stopped accepting reconnaissance and closed for reconstruction. The object may be more familiar, but in this world the growth is new, modern.


For a long time it was an hour to cover up this “healthy” plant, like a pretense in the face of the place.


Use such a scoop, the hour has definitely come


Miraculous complex. It seems Lucian overbought. Don’t miss out on tovtosums




Great life: Kazan is modernizing the city of polyclinics

Meshkantsі the capital of Tatarstan, like before, make claims to medical medicine. Satisfaction with the service is still on the low side. To rectify the situation, a special presidential program was launched. It includes the repair of all mature and child polyclinics of the city. The warehouse budget is 1.3 billion rubles

Meshkantsі the capital of Tatarstan, like before, make claims to medical medicine. Satisfaction with the service is still on the low side. To rectify the situation, a special presidential program was launched. It includes the repair of all mature and child polyclinics of the city. Zagalny budget to become 1.3 billion rubles.

Svitlana Burakova- Kazan

Satisfaction of the population with medical services is becoming insufficient

The "People's Control" system, which operates in the republic, for the first time in 2016 recorded an increase in the number of citizens living in the category "Polyclinics and likarni". To my mind, all the observations are unfortunate, and most of all, they are connected with the bajans to improve the work of the primary lanka for the protection of health. Most of the patients' names are called chergi, the number of necessary specialists and the plethoric faces. Zagalom 60% of the dissatisfaction is due to the organization of the work of the medical facilities of the city, the population of the community does not have the power to be smart and become a polyclinic.

The dates of the various due dates are subject to change. And the average level of satisfaction of the population with the health care system is to become 52%. Polyclinics are old and small. Everything points to the need to modernize the primary lanka, - explaining the head of the Kazan Health Department. Ilnur Halfiev.

President to Tatarstan Rustam Minikhanov praising the decision to carry out a large-scale modernization of the primary health care system, in 2017 it was necessary to eat the grown-up children and children of the Kazan polyclinic.

Through the stages of renovation, which include a major overhaul of the budіvlі, equipping the owner and the provadzhennya system of standards "Friendly polyclinic", go through 53 medical installations of the city: 14 roztashovanі in the Moscow and Kirov districts, 11 - near Novo-Savіnіvskiy and Avіаbudіvskiy, 13 - near Radyanskiy at Vakhitivsky and Privolzsky.

The help of the great ones will be repaired: polyclinic No. 10, serving 91,000 inhabitants; No. 20, to which 79 thousand houses were attached to the Radyansky district; city ​​polyclinic No. 18, serving 70,000 cases. The plan also includes all children's polyclinics of the city: 5 - near Moskovsky and Kirovsky, 7 - at Novo-Savinovsky and Aviabudivny, 6 - at Radyansky and 5 - at Vakhitivsky and Privolzsky.

For project implementation overhaul 1.348 billion rubles are planned for medical installations in Budinki, part of which will be spent on the purchase of furniture and equipment. Today, the main alteration of the obladanniya was already appointed, which will make the first replacement, that re-equipment of polyclinics. We have the right to be used for the diagnosis of cardiovascular, oncological and quiet diseases, which are the cause of the death of the population.

We put new ultrasound devices, cardiography with the possibility of remote transmission of data, X-ray, mammography, tomography, as well as endoscopic imaging, - specifying Halfiev.

Under the hour of preparation of projects for repair work, the commission, which includes deputies of the State of the Republic of Tatarstan and representatives of the Vikonkom, ob'їhala all medical institutions, to determine what the territory will require, so that it will come to the polyclinic, under repair. Главам адміністрацій районів і керуючих підприємств було доручено розглянути такі питання: організація паркувальних місць, ремонт та асфальтування під'їзних шляхів, благоустрій та озеленення прилеглих територій, встановлення якісного вуличного освітлення будівель поліклінік, організація колясочних у дитячих поліклініках, заміна загальнобудинкових систем водовідведення;

Not only modernization, but new life

A series of large-scale updates on the foundations of the health protection measures of Kazan Ilsur Metshin announcing the life of two great polyclinics So, in 2017, a new child of the polyclinic will appear near the Novo-Savinivsky district. For the project, 450 patients will be transferred to serve 29,000 attached residents, and will also become a clinical diagnostic center of the DRCH type in Azino. Another medical facility - the polyclinic has grown by 350 services with 45,000 patients near the Kirovsky district. The medical installation is called to the place of the abandoned life, as if it were bringing prosperity.

At the same time, the emergence of new residential microdistricts will give rise to the need to bring medical services closer to the population. There are still no specifics for this directly: the Viskonkom of Kazan denounces the nutritional organization of the offices of doctors global practices. And what is certain is that the residents of “Salavat Kupere” will get a health polyclinic from the “Spasinnya” company, and on the basis of the child polyclinic No. 4, medical assistance will be provided to children.

“There is no way to update the polyclinic, there is no need for food”

It is important to reevaluate the importance of modernization programs, even if over 80% of the population seeks primary help. I would like to give special respect to those who all think will be the creation of the president's program. However, at the present moment, the quality of work, the quality of the service, are depleted more often, especially the cost of the first Lanka, - voicing Ilsur Metshin.

Speaking about the quality of service, it is necessary to pay attention to the nutritional staffing of polyclinics with doctors, as it is necessary to get drunk. This figure adds up to 70%.

The main task, as to stand before the uplifting ministries and committees, is to save more medical doctors. Why is the admission of students for the specialty of doctors-pediatrists recognized, with which medical facilities have already laid agreements. For higher fahіvtsіv continue pratsyuvati special program Within the framework of such a doctor, they can take a grant from 500,000 rubles for the replenishment of living minds, including for the social mortgage program. The grant can be withdrawn on a competitive basis for the washing of the life of the body. Vidpovidno to the minds of the program, the grant holder of the goiter will lay down the agreement from the likuvalny setting about the work at one rate for five years. Yes, for Rest of the Rocks in the republic, zokrema in Kazan, over 220 fakhivtsiv received a grant.

Speaking about the salary of medical practitioners, Ilnur Khalfiyev zapevniv that she is growing. The average salary for a nurse is 36,000 rubles - for doctors, 25,000 rubles - for the average medical staff.

I want to say that the connection with the understaffing of doctors in other categories works not for one rate, but for sums, and the salary is also higher, - saying the head of the health department.

Significantly, this year, the city polyclinics will offer medical services to the population on this day, on weekdays - from 8.00 to 20.00 - the services of the polyclinic will work. At Saturday - until 18.00 - the black doctors, fakhivtsy from the schedule and viznі brigade work, as they serve patients at home. In the week - until 15.00 - the devil's doctors work, as they serve the patients, as they turned back for an unfortunate call.

Orders shocked with a rapt call about the reopening of the historical bath complex, and the ex-mayor of Kazan declared “everything is like in Sandunakh”

Remaining days robotic health care plant "Zdorov'ya". For ten years, the complex has survived a bunch of party functionaries, evil authorities, and managed to survive the Universiade, the Confederations Cup, and even after winning the world football championship. Yakim will be a competitor of "Luciano" in the city, when Fedir Shalyapin was soaring, having announced "BUSINESS Online".

- Budіvlya maє vlasnikіv, maє your own name. Plus, there is a city of power and may have its own territory. Maybe, on the thought of both sides, the stench realized that reconstruction was needed. Singingly, only a few of them are left behind. That's my thought. Obviously, life should not stand on the mission and wake up old. For the heart, there will be a place for transformation.

As soon as the orendar, then the power of the price and the rose of the one whom the stench would like to bachiti as the order of the post and partners. Moving to a fitness club will definitely not be easy. Even if it's spontaneous, it's not easy. Even if it is programmed, then it is worth spending a song, and time and reputation. More with clients. The client is not being sold a "miracle powder" in a package, but he is being sold a service stretched out by the hour and with timcha's goiter.

Shamil Agiev, head of CCI from RT:

- In its time, there was a pool that pool was indecent, but everything was outdated at once, and it doesn’t fit into the current concept of the place. There was no special elite there. Zagalom complex does not represent anything special. Kazan is not guilty of being caught and is guilty of developing in the current trend, but life does not fit into it.

Oleksiy Luchnikov, Oleg Platonov, Ganna Zalyaletdinova, Olena Galєeva, Dmitro Katargin, Regina Makasina Persons: Iskhakov Kamil Shamilievich

Remaining news to Tatarstan on the topic:
Kamil Iskhakov about his "Combine Health 2.0": "Essay is not a variant of human respect"

Kamil Iskhakov about his "Combine Health 2.0": "Essay is not a variant of human respect"- Kazan

Orders shocked with a rapt call about the rest of the historic bath complex, and the ex-mayor of Kazan announced "everything is like in Sanduny"
18:11 22.06.2017 Business Online

Kamil Iskhakov spoke about the swedish revival of the Zdorov'ya plant- Kazan

Kazan plant "Zdorov'ya" attaches 1 lime to the robot, reminds "Vechirnya Kazan". As I remember seeing, for rich orendarists, the news about the closing of the legendary plant has become an inconsistency.
09:16 22.06.2017 Business Online

Near the center of Kazan, there will be a health center- Kazan

The health-improving complex is shutting down from 1 linden Near the center of Kazan, from 1 linden, the Zdorov'ya plant is closing up, the specialists of the complex seem to be bringing it about, and a new spa center will be opened
08:54 22.06.2017 ProKazan.Ru

Won to ask you to come in at some time, and also to propagate the project of a new life to be discussed by professionals - architects, mysticists, local scientists.
06/30/2017 ProKazan.Ru The representative of the architectural dynasty does not propagate, but reconstruct the life - Kamil Iskhakov says to think "Reconstruction - so, but not the destruction", - with such a sheet with the drive of the future life on Pravo-Bulachniy,
06/30/2017 Business Online Daughter of the author of the project of the "Health" complex Volodymyr Medlev, architect Ganna Medlev to ask the Minister of Life, Architecture and ZhKG of the Republic of Tatarstan Іrek Fayzullin to protect the future of construction.
06/30/2017 Inkazan.Ru

While the orderlies are worried about their business, the spivrobitniks are wondering what they can compete with Luciano Z 1 lipnya “Combinat zdorov'ya”.
06/23/2017 ProKazan.Ru In Kazan, it is planned to set up a "Zdorov'ya" co-ownership, cashing out on Pravo-Bulachniy ulitsa.
22.06.2017 Inkazan.Ru Combine "Health". Photo: The famous Zdorov'ya plant on Pravo-Bulachniy pripinyaє work from 1 linden.
06/22/2017 E-kazan.Ru

Kazan plant "Zdorov'ya" attaches 1 lime to the robot, reminds "Vechirnya Kazan". As I remember seeing, for rich orendarists the news about the closing of the legendary plant has become an inconsistency.
06/22/2017 Business Online The health-improving complex is shutting down from 1 linden Near the center of Kazan, from 1 linden, the Zdorov'ya plant is closing up, the specialists of the complex seem to be bringing it about, and a new spa center will be opened
06/22/2017 ProKazan.Ru Tomorrow, 31 lindens, Kirovsky, Moskovsky Privolzsky and Radyansky districts of Kazan will be deprived of electricity at times, the press service of the mayor's office of the capital of Tatarstan reminds.
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Photo: Denis Gordiyko (Misto Kazan KZN.RU, 30 linden, Alina Berezhna). The main task of the national projects "Protection of health" and "Demography" is the increase in the frivolity of life, the decrease in the death rate of the population.
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30.07.2019 Chelninsky News

Russian newspaper| Teresa, what share will you have at Khabarovsk?

Teresa Kamalova| I made a surprise to Kohanom Tatov. The new one now has new turbos. This is also a folding stage for our homeland, my mother is worried about the new one, and if I went here, my heart did not show: I bought a ticket and flew to Khabarovsk, take care of him, support me, which became a misfortune for the new one.

Win the district at once, there is no time for a break-up, but in the evenings we spend it all at once. I tell you about the region, about my friends and people, and how I can support it, I try to warm it with heat and turbo. Mi zіyshlissya with him at that, that people on the Far Descent, which are reminiscent of the suvorim climate, even warmer, wider, I did not remember it in the fly. The stench is easy to get in touch with.

WG| It doesn't matter to guess what to appoint a new envoy at once to the distant ones. What could you tell about dad?

Kamalova| I have an invisible tato. I can honestly say that the inhabitants of Kazan, as if not long ago, have designated a thousandth of a proper place, destined by old fates, even miserable about yogo relocation. Kamil Shamiliovich is already a pious person, he can spend twenty years on production, and if Kazan was getting ready for his anniversary, he would sleep less than two years.

We, for example, are proud that Kazan was the first to wake up the metro in two years. Before us, people recognize the orderliness and ambition of Iskhakov, as well as the madness of standing up to work. Vіn nіkoli nіkoli nоv karєristom, yоgo іt іѕ nіkоvlаl іnіtаlіnі benefits, bіn іnі people аre secure. Tato is more respectful of people, wine for me is the butt of life. Vіn duzhe is a rich-faceted specialty. At our city, I knew the streets of our city, delving into the ears.

WG| Is he an athletic person?

Kamalova| So, I’ve been doing sports all my life, I’m a master of sports in sports gymnastics, I love fitness, I love the Rubin football team. All life is spent on diet, do not burn, do not drink alcohol. Remembrance knows the impersonal virshiv and at the hour of the family urochistos read them and speak.

WG| What is your homeland?

Kamalova| She is very friendly, mother is bored and will come here soon. I have a sister, she is studying at Kazan University and getting education from Finland. There is one more person in us - my daughter, Karina, is learning at school.

WG| Your daddy got a job in a difficult environment. One river, if the budget of the city and ti yogo gospodar, that іnsha - if ten subjects have their own budgets, and all of them need to be controlled.

Kamalova| I can say that I won the battle in a combative way, my hands are in no way out of stock. Batko traveled to the hospital, to the living fund and zaznav, what are the problems, like vin virishuvav in Kazan - in the protection of health, transport, here it is necessary to virishiti. I'm a chula, I see a huge ambassador with the governors, it was not easy to form together, but a great region cannot be without control. I father at once needs contacts with people, it is important to know their thoughts, spodіvannya, abi zrozumіti, chimkaє district.

WG| What kind of father will help you with a robot?

Kamalova| Apparently, I don’t want to work for your PR, Kamil Shamilovich won’t require it, but how many people wouldn’t know about it, everyone knows that you’re a really good and practical person, it’s possible to put yourself up to colleagues great people. Vin never swings a saber and does not accept hasty decisions, diplomatic.

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