What is the cost of a major overhaul of a bagatokvartirny booth. Overhaul of a sleepy lane near a bagatokvartirny booth. Who appoints the list

Overhaul of the sleeping lane in the rich apartment houses - ce behind the preparations for the work of the start of the plan, directing on the upgrade of all communications, carrying out other work and living in, directing on the improvement of the minds of the life of the lord of a particular household.

Prior to entry, which is to be capitalized, it is possible to zahruvate the next step of the work from the overhaul of the future:

  • reinstatement of the waterproofing ball on the floor, and in the areas where the flow mill is used, the replacement of the covering cover;
  • replacement of all necessary communications that lie before the zagalnobudinkovyh;
  • reconstruction of the facade budіvlі or її zamіna (at the request);
  • so dії, ale vikonuvanі schodo foundation;
  • repair of elevator mechanisms (in quiet weather, if you come in right at a glance, the safety of the inhabitants, like vikoristovuyut these mechanisms);
  • replacement of window structures and door blocks;
  • plastering, whitewashing and furnishing of the walls and stel of pіd'їzdіv, as well as the uсіх mіst scorched koristuvannya, which can be seen up to the spicy budinka lane and included to the koshtoris on vikonannya robit.

The same work was introduced in Addendum No. 8 to the Rules and Regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock dated 27 September 2009 No. 170.

This change will not work, and there may be additions at times, as it was carried out on the occasion of additional points with the organization, as a viconu work.

Now, if you know, if you see how it works to enter the overhaul of a bagatokvartirny booth, let's talk about those who are working on a major overhaul of a sleepy lane in an MKD and what can be done with a sleeper.

How can robots be vikonuvatsya and in capital, and in repair?

If you look up to the appointments of more articles and analyze that resemblance robot, which ideas have a major overhaul, having compared it with a similar list from the current one, then you can work out that it is similar to the same robots.

And how do the robots lie down to the overhaul of the bagatokvartirny booth and to the line one?

So, for in-line repairs, and for major repairs, you can still come in:

  1. Renovation of waterproofing of the covering covering at different needs.
  2. Insulation will be done with a path over the facades (insulation and furnishing can be carried out both during in-line repairs, and during capital repairs, as a result of which the mind and operation will be affected).
  3. Chastkova or a new replacement of door blocks and window frames, as well as the restoration of a worn-out wall.
  4. Redecoration of pіd'їzdіv z usunennym damage to lacofarb coatings and plasters.

In general, the warehouse is working on a major overhaul of the apartment houses, and for the in-line molding, it is customary to form a skin-specific concrete apartment house with a path to praise the sleeping solution between the housekeepers and the organization hired for them.

Before the speech, in the regions special programs overhaul, at the borders of which, repairs will be carried out budіvel and sporud at places and settlements. Chergovіst robіt vyznaє list of regional programs for major repairs, you can find out what you can at the municipal authorities of self-repair.

Infusion of minds of the exploitation of a bagatokvartirny booth

Rules and norms of exploitation of the living fund under the umbrella of the division are considered especially mindful of the exploitation of various life, signs for the living of people.

The specialities of the Explitages of Budievel, Rostashovani on Riznikh Teriterii, are tied up to Rozdil No. 6, deck of the look of Vikoristan, the technology service of the Zhitlovikh, Roztashovani on Solonny ґ Rhrutsky, at the zone of the Seismic, prisons of the Seismic seismic, prisons.

Irrespective of those that are not fixed in Addendum No. 8 before the appointment of the Rules, as the very mind of exploitation is poured into repair work, Rozdil 6 will avenge a direct translation of the possible violation of the norms of vikoristannya rich apartment houses, as if due to the obligatory order of capital repairs in progress.

So, apparently up to Art. 6.2.2, in order to be known on the so-called sagging soils, then there is a great risk through the easy and porous structure of the shrinkage of the booth, during skin repair, all engineering communications are checked for possible leaks.

With a capital improvement in communications, the culprit is the replacement of high-quality materials. On the water supply lines, special locking mechanisms are installed to supply water in case of leaks (paragraph B of article 6.2.15).

In seismically active zones, for an hour, if any repair work is due, install partitions with a wooden frame, fasten them to the walls of the premises (Art. 6.5.5).

Based on the skin fact, to induce minimal seismic activity in water levels up to St. 6.5.10 it is necessary to carry out an inspection of the technical staff for further ordering of the act of inspection.

On the basis of such an act, a decision is made to carry out a major overhaul. And in the process of victorious repair work, it is necessary to carry out changes in the structures, which will ensure the stability and safety of life.

When carrying out repair work on any types of buildings that are operated in areas of permafrost, special attention is due to control, and in times of consumption, such as repair of the drainage system, as well as sidewalks and mows of houses to prevent water from entering the foundation, and freezing is also specially recognized for ensuring the stability of future talikiv, as well as rotting in foundations (Art. 6.6.7, 6.6.12).

Major repairs of the water supply and sewage lines are to be carried out more than once for 25 years, but for those periodicity, as it will be necessary to prevent the creation of an emergency situation through leakage, which is to be blamed.

In this rank, a major overhaul of any bagatovkvartirnyh budinkіv - zahid dosit folds, scho vmagaє dotrimannya a number of technical vimog to work.

Wherever the territory, in which case the operation of the housing stock is especially foldable, they will be able to work on major repairs, and their engineering communications will be developed.

Let’s hope that the materials presented in this article are correct for you and now you know that you can see how it works during the overhaul of the apartment house

Vіdpovіdno up to statі 166 federal law No. 271-ФЗ dated 12/25/2012 (this is the title of the law on overhaul), before the transfer of work from the overhaul of apartment houses, enter as follows:

  1. Repair of internal energy, heat, gas, water supply and water supply systems.
  2. Repair of replacement of elevators and elevator shafts.
  3. Dahu repair and re-dominance of the Dahu, which is not ventilated, is ventilated.
  4. Basement repair
  5. Repair and insulation of the facade of a bagatokvartirny booth.
  6. We install galnozhomovy lichilnik heat, gas, water, electricity. And also the establishment of a higher education institution for the management of these resources.
  7. Foundation repair

Also, the local regional authorities can praise the decision about the addition of the divinely predicted change of work for the overhaul of the Moscow Ring Road. On the other hand, the residents themselves, in case of acceptance of a higher resolution on the outrageous collections of the bagatokvartirny booth, may have the right, if the minimum contribution is increased, to overhaul their own booth, for such a relocation of the extranesk, to direct them to the overhaul of the work of the overhaul booth.

In other words - Mrs. Vlada confirmed the change of work for major repairs at a particular apartment block. This perelіk can be expanded for the salary of additional funds, otrimanih for the salary of the Vlasniks, or for the salary of the additional financing from the overhaul fund. However, another way of thinking is that the decision of the maternal power is necessary. That is why the bagmen want to carry out additional work for the overhaul of the rich apartment houses, if they are financed for the money for the overhaul fund, and not for the money of the money, the stench may go to the authorities’ authorities for such a consumption.

The work itself is carried out in accordance with the terms of the hardened rich apartment booth. With every baginka, they can again, at the solemn decision of the Vlasniks in the MKD, make a decision about more early terms works on overhaul.

The procedure for choosing a contractor to carry out a skin type of work for a major overhaul of a bagatokvartirny boudin to lie down in the case of the sergeant’s office at the boudinka of the molding scheme for the overhaul fund (for the regional operator’s rahunka or for a special okremy special hutch). As a matter of fact, the merchants took the form of accumulating koshtіv from looking at the “scorched pot” on the regional operator’s rahunka, then the best vikonavtsi for the robotic wines. The regional operator at tsomu vipadku vіdpovіdatime for akіst robіt іz overhaul in front of bags. Well, if the bagmen pay for a special bunker, then you must pay for that line without intermediary firm-vikonovets robit.

Overhaul - the whole complex of robots, the meta of carrying out some of them - the usunennia znoshenosti and short lives, the replacement of communications, which went out of whack. Having become necessary through the great vіdsotok of the old zagalnobudinkovy lane.

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Since 2014, the turn of the century passed from the state to the power of living and non-living fund, like goiter to pay for them. Payments are made on a regular basis, schomisyatsya, that go to. The amount is shown at the receipts, as if to force the lords of the life.

Periodicity of the work carried out from the overhaul - once for 25 years. Part of the can be carried out at the borders of the line repair.

What is it?

Line repair

Sliding apart overhaul and in-line repairs. The stench may be different statti vitrat, different fund and similarity.

Otzhe, so vidi robit can zdіysnyuvatisya as in overhaul, so in-line:

  • Works with insulation, renovation and furnishing of facades, as it is necessary for the hour of operation.
  • Replacing the roof covering on the dakha at the time of damage to the waterproofing.
  • Redecoration of the middle of the pіd'їzdіv іz zastosuvannyam plaster and lakofarbovogo pokrittya.
  • Povna or chastkova replacement, repair of window frames at pid'izdakh, door blocks, replacement of slopes.

Perelik robіt i z inline, і z overhaul can be changed individually. Guilty buti accepted the decision between the squires and the squires of the apartments.

On the regional level, there are special programs for overhaul, within the framework of which it is possible to carry out in-line repairs. Well, the program defines the change and the blackness of the planned work. You can get acquainted with such a list when you are recruited to the medical organs of self-regulation.

What does the exploitation of life mean?

The regularity and the need for major repairs, as well as the change, without intermediary, add to the special features of the exploitation of the rich surface life, in which people live.

To whom food was assigned the division of 6 Rules and standards for the operation of the housing fund. In a new place, maintenance of the dwelling is seen, as if rotting on the territory of permafrost, in a zone of high seismic activity, as well as on salty soil.

The Rules do not clearly indicate how the operation should be included in the repair work, prote є a list of possible violations of the standards, so that the obov'yazkovo usunenі pіd the hour of the overhaul.

Basic provisions of the document:

  • Features of the soil. When roztashuvannі budіvlі on the ground ґntu through yogo high porosity and ease of movement risk of strong shrinkage of budіvlі. At the beginning of the repair of the obov'yazkovo, a re-check of the main engineering communications for heating is carried out. The installation of communications is carried out only from high-quality materials. In water supply systems, special locking mechanisms are installed, which are necessary for attaching water to the water supply at the time of the passage.
  • Seismically active zones. During the overhaul or in-line repair, a special frame is installed on the walls. When fixing a small seismic activity, a technical review of the future is carried out, which is to establish an act. The document is necessary to make a decision about the need to carry out repair work. great value the design was added to ensure the safety of the high stability of the living quarters.
  • Permafrost. And here respect belongs to the control over the operation of the drainage system. It is important to prevent the penetration of water from the sidewalks at the foundation to wake up from further freezing. The overhaul of water supply systems is carried out not once for 25 years, but on an individual basis at the time of need and for the protection of emergency situations.

Overhaul of the rich apartment houses is a complex work, directed towards the improvement of life in the rich upper houses. Peredbachae dotrimannya a number of tekhnіchnyh vmog that is regulated on the legislator's level.

Overhaul of a bagatokvartirny booth - tse renovation of old structures and communication systems of the booth, so that the booths conform to the current living standards. Before the overhaul, it was difficult to enter chimalo robіv, until you know everything, yakі yourself. And it’s necessary for the nobility to know that the overhaul will hit literally all the bagmen’s booth.

Since 2015, a new row has appeared in the utility bills of the Russians - a major overhaul. In addition to the expensive services of the housing and communal services, a tax on indestructibility and other obligatory payments, one more requisition was added.

Considerable part of the population ignores this payment, otherwise pay. Ale respectfully remember that obov'azkovіst such extraskіv is established by the Zhytlovy code of the Russian Federation, and judge numerically (for that number, look at Constitutional Court) recognized the legitimacy of their selections.

Not everyone knows what the price is for the payment. People are swindled by the system of recruitment - from the area of ​​​​the apartment. It is known that pennies are collected for the refurbishment of the entire booth.

Really, it's not like that. Behind their apartments, Vlasniki stalks, and they collect pennies for sleeper lane repair all lords. In other words, pennies are collected for the repair of the facade, cottage, pіd'їzdіv, elevators, engineering communications and other sleeping lane.

With a penny, proportionally the area of ​​​​apartments is chosen, so it’s easier to designate a piece of skin sackcloth in the main room. Therefore, the tariff at 6, 10 o'clock 15 rubles per square meter is not for the repair of these meters at the apartment itself, but for the repair of one part of the sleeping lane.

Contributions for the overhaul of different regions in different regions. Є tariffs are 4-5 rubles (St. Petersburg), and є 18 rubles (Moscow). If there is enough time for a river of pennies on the spot, and if the vlasnik does not pay from the very start of the program, then the Borg are already significant.

Unfortunately, for Vlasniks, there is already a court practice about the contracting of borgs for overhaul, the judges practically always get up on the bank of the regional fund.

The skin region has its own regulatory act regional overhaul programs sleepy lane at the rich apartment booths (go for the booths, yakі vyrishili not to make special shelters). You can find yoga on the website of the regional overhaul fund at the “legislation” branch.

Behind the program, a number of houses are installed, as well as the term for carrying out a major overhaul in them. The back of the head is repaired by the most worn-out houses, for more "fresh" glasses in black, it can be stretched for 15 and more years.

A short time or more often the regional program is updated - include new houses, change the quality of repairs, the minimum tariff is also low.

What is important, the regional program has a change in work on capital repairs. About the price.

Like robots included before the program

Oskіlki overhaul of a sleeping lane of a bagatokvartirny booth is regulated by the state, є singing minimum standard for overhaul. Tse nabіr robit, yakі є obov'yazkovym for all regions and will not be ruled vikonanі, if pіdіyde cherga.

Perelik installations by law, and yogo can not change the regional operator (only expand). These include the following items:

  1. repair of internal engineering systems. Tse systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply and water supply;
  2. repair dahi, including the replacement of an unventilated dahu for ventilation;
  3. repair pіdvalu(like wines lie down to a sleepy lane);
  4. repair facade with insulation;
  5. repair or replacement lifts with possessions; repair of lift shafts (like lifts);
  6. installation of zagalnobudinkovyh lichilnikiv for heat supply, hot and cold water, electricity and gas);
  7. repair foundation.

Therefore, for a particular booth, there may be a daily repair of the elevator, so there is no way. For houses with elevators, call to install all the contributions for overhaul.

The legislation gives the right to direct money to the capital repair fund for the following purposes:

  • distribution project documentation(without a project, it is impossible to carry out a major overhaul);
  • payment for services with budіvelny control;
  • repayment of credits and debts for them.

Obviously, not everyone has to pay for the overhaul, but the repair program has been approved, the fund will have to take a loan.

Okrim obov'yazykovy minimum set of services, in the skin region can add more work. Shards should be deposited in the Russian regions, and even less so in the "outside" regions of the Russian Federation.

For example, in Moscow (at a tariff of 18.19 rubles per square meter), the overhaul fund is obligated to carry out the following work:

  • repair fire water supply, dimovial systems and anti-burning obladnannya;
  • repair or replacement smіtєprovodіv(install stainless steel pipes and non-corrosive attachments);
  • repair, replacement and fault of apartments pipes for internal drainage;
  • rating lifts vimogam bezpeki z technical regulations.

In fact, all obov'yazkovі robots are counted (well, including nutrition). Zakrema, change the pipes of the water supply and sewerage systems (cream of distribution in the apartment), the scorching system (including radiators), at the entrance to order the lighting, wiring, change the windows and doors. The facade is repaired and insulated.

Vartist to overhaul the booth to lie down in the place, the type of booth, the surface and the amount of water.

2015 rock journalism led orientation order of the rozrahunka the tariff for overhaul near Moscow (which is 15 rubles per square meter). Wiishlo, who will repair the P-44T series alarms, on 17 surfaces and 3 walkways (a total area of ​​11,433 square meters) will cost 59.5 million rubles.

Having added the sum of money for the number of square meters, we ended up with approximately 5200 rubles per meter. So, for a period of time between repairs, they set at 30 dates, for a month the tariff was 14.47 rubles per meter, which was then rounded up to 15 rubles.

Nadal through inflation, robots became more expensive, and for the quiet minds, the government of Moscow raised the tariff to 18 rubles.

In other regions, the sums will be smaller, the shards of the work force may be as low, so even more for Moscow (for example, at Pivnochi). Ale, the order of the rozrahunka sumi is left with a twist of the same.

The process of overhauling the booth

Overhaul of the bagatokvartirny booth - on the right is non-shvidka, and the leather item is important for this process. A bunch of booths are used in the regional program of overhaul, de for the new one, the rіk of carrying out the repair is appointed.

Nezalezhno vіd moreover, chi to pay the bagmen that booth for the overhaul, like booths of inclusions in the program for a specific repair will be.

Dali, no later than for the first time, the regional fund is to blame for povіdomiti vlasnikіv apartments about those who will soon carry out repairs. At the gatherings of the Vlasniks, there is a change in the work of repair, and one representative is also collected, which is the fate of the recipient of the work.

This is an even more important moment, which is why apartment owners are most likely to know about the repair only if the windows are already repaired.

Zamovnik overhaul can be a regional fund, a leading company, a homeowners association, or else an association of Vlasnikov. All the work is done by the arrangement of the cost repair, the arrangement of the contracts, the control of the process and the appointment of the manager herself.

At the time of the repair of Vlasnikov apartments do not see anywhere Ale stinks, zvichayno, stumble with unhandedness. Electricity, water can be regularly removed, robots are kept near the apartment. Ale vlasnik or yogo the representative of obov'yazkovo may be present at the hour spent at the apartment.

Workers are responsible for dealing with the clerks of the apartments correctly, and clean up the goiter every day after the work is completed.

In addition, as all stages of repair will be completed (and often more than one month), pass priymannya. Її zdіysnyuє special komіsіya, which is made up of representatives of the overhaul fund (including an engineer of technical vision), a company-contractor to repair, a representative of a sergeant, a key company, as well as a municipal deputy.

As during the overhaul, the robots used gas supply systems or elevators, representatives of service organizations are included in the commission.

When accepted, all problems are covered and respected by the masters to the contractor. Yakshcho є claims through psuvannya lane for an hour of repair, they goiter is confirmed by the contractor.

If all the nedolіki are lost, the robots are accepted. From what moment do you start fifth term of the guarantee for overhaul. In order to blame the meshkantsiv for problems after a short time before the repair, the worker of the goiter will start before the deadline for 2 days.

Real advice about overhaul

Behind the camp minuliy rіk before the overhaul program in all of Russia, 737,000 rich apartment houses were included. 117 thousand of them have already been repaired. Apparently hundreds of thousands of Russians became eyewitnesses of the overhaul.

It will be impossible to lie all thoughts, but in the least, in principle, positive comments are rarely published. In social services and on the forums, you can find a very important negative reaction to the level of work carried out.

Sered pluses indicate the following moments:

  • replacement of standing water pipes and water supply, zmіyovikіv, batteries and other lines on new ones;
  • try to "ennoble" pіd'їzd - new entrance doors, lighting, electrical wiring, farbuvannya; replacement of vicons; replacement of heating radiators;
  • all services are cost-free (may be on the verge, scho, the crime is paid for overhaul, for the minimum recruitment, you don’t have to pay).

There are more negative reviews. The most common addictions - unprofessionalism and incompetence of workers. The reason for this is that the regional funds are located in the cities and they lay down a contract with the company, as it propagated the lowest price for the work.

You can see the following scars:

  • replacement of pipes: no need to arrange a divorce for the apartment; new pipes appear smaller in diameter, and no gaps are laid; sometimes they can damage tiles and other elements of decoration;
  • scorching: not suitable for everyone, like radiators to choose for replacement; often the work is carried out inaccurately and for the first time all the pipes are re-checked to repair the leaks;
  • electrician: impersonal narcissist, often hired "normal" electricians to correct pardons;
  • facades: cheap materials and non-standard work; e. flutters, if the whole ball of insulation was seen by a blow of the wind;
  • pіd'їzdi: sloppy repairs, pardons for the development of electricity; incorrectly installed doors and non-practical intercoms (to install an expensive video intercom);
  • dakh: є vypadki, if the contract worker knew the exact cover and znikav for a few months (including the payment);
  • hot rіven robit: post-inclusion of electricity, water and sewerage; zіpsovaniya repair; activities can be carried out for months.

As a result, the overhaul of a bagatto hto zgaduє as one serious negative, and more often than not a little more, it will take another hour.

Whom to tell on robotnikiv that kind of work

Overhaul is actually carried out for pennies vlasnikiv apartments, yakі rokami zbirat through the fund. Therefore, the Vlasniki mayut outside the right to vimagati the normal way of working to be carried out.

The first instance, where the next skarzhitisya for the work, is the manager of the overhaul. Zalezhno vіd form collecting pennies for repairs, tse mozhe buti regional fund keruyucha company or HOA. Obviously, the deputy may have the right to obov'yazok to control the quality of the contractor's work.

An application may be filed both separately and collectively (there are more chances that the deputy is reacting to the scarga). The application is filed in a different form, but before it it is necessary to add more evidence of the revealed defects.

The deputy head of the overhaul of goiter needs to submit such a request for 10 days. As a matter of fact, the term did not fit in the definitions, let's move on to the offensive instance.

The next moment - Sovereign Housing Inspection(Created in the skin region). There you will also need to send an application, in order to say: bula skarga to the overhaul fund chi QC, vidpovidі not bullo, chi vіdpovіd bula without solving the problem.

Prior to the application, proof of the defect to the overhaul is attached, copies of the reports submitted earlier, and copies of the evidence on them. Derzhzhitlinspektsiya may react for 30 days.

As a matter of fact, the Zhitlova іnspektsіya tezh could not solve the problem, or else it ignored it, Rosspozhivnaglyad. In a similar way, write a statement, in which case they state, if it is scary, to whom it was sent and that the problem was not solved. Before Rosspozhivnaglyadu, the next step was taken and if defects were detected, the 5th guarantee term (as the contractor does not want to accept them voluntarily).

In retrospect, if Rosspozhivnaglyad did not solve the problem, prosecutor's office from the application. The prosecutor carried out a re-verification of the information from the application, and at different times needed to live: send an order to the contractor to fix the damage or initsiayuє pulling it to the point of failure.

If the prosecutor's office is deprived of the appeal of the decision by the General Prosecutor's Office, as well as beast to court. However, even in the situation that has developed, the right to blame for the overhaul, the problem sounds like it is being ruled by the authorities and does not reach the court on the right.

I. Repair of internal engineering systems of electricity, heat, gas, water supply, water supply

1. Repair and replacement of engineering systems:

1.1. Cold water supply, zocrema:

1.1.1. Repair of the replacement of waterworks.

1.1.2. Repair or replacement of rose mains and risers.

1.1.3. Replacement of locking fittings, including vіdgaluzhennya vіd risers near the apartment.

1.1.4. Repair or replacement in the complex of pump installations.

1.1.5. Repair or replacement of water supply, pipelines and fire water supply.

1.2. Repair or replacement of the hot water supply system, including:

1.2.1. Repair of the replacement of TRZ, heat exchangers, boilers, pumping units and other equipment (at the warehouse of the sleeping lane) at the complex for preparing and supplying hot water to the rose subdivision.

1.2.2. Repair or replacement of rose mains and risers.

1.2.3. Replacement of locking fittings, including vіdgaluzhennya vіd risers near the apartment.

1.3. Repair or replacement of the sewage system and water supply, including:

1.3.1. Repair of replacement pipes, selected pipelines, standpipes and windings.

1.3.2. Replacement of zasuvok for their presence.

1.4. Repair or replacement of the scorching system, including:

1.4.1. Repair or replacement of rose mains and risers.

1.4.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including those on service lines in risers to scorching fittings in living quarters.

1.4.3. Regrouping or replacing the scorch fittings in the areas of scorched coristing, replacing the scorching fittings in the risers and scorching fittings in the living quarters.

1.4.4. Installation, repair or replacement in the complex of ITP (individual heating points) and for the presence of pumping pumping units.

1.5. Repair or replacement of the gas supply system, including:

1.5.1. Repair or replacement of internal lines and risers.

1.5.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including for maintenance of risers up to butt gas fittings at living quarters.

1.6. Repair or replacement of the power supply system, including:

1.6.1. Repair or replacement of the main switchboard (head rose sub-board), sub-base and group shields.

1.6.2. Repair or replacement of internal highways and risers of communal and apartment lighting.

1.6.3. Replacement of vіdgaluzhen vіd podshovyh shchitіv аbo boxes kvartirnyh lіchlіnіv, nastanovnyh i osvіtlyuvalnyh priladіv kommunal'nogo svіtlennya.

1.6.4. Replacement of electric fencing for the living of the electrical installation of elevators and electrical installation for the safety of robotic engineering systems.

2. Modernization of engineering systems, including:

2.1. Obov'yazkove zastosuvannya modernization of scorching accessories and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic and other. that fence on the installation of steel pipes.

2.2. Translating the apparent electrical supply line to the increased voltage.

2.3. Replacement of lighting fixtures for the needs of communal lighting on energy saving.

2.4. Re-dominance of thermal points and water supply points.

3. Replacement of scorching in the central building with an annex:

boiler house;

heat conductors;

thermal points;

dakhovih and other autonomous dzherel heat supply.

4. Ownership:

4.1. Systems:

cold and hot water supply;


gas supply.

4.2. Systems with connections to the main lines at the entrance to the point of connection to the mains up to 150 m.

4.3. Systems with attachments:

gas pipelines;

water supply;

boiler rooms.

5. Repair of septic tanks and fungus pits.

6. Repair of scorching systems.

Information about changes:

7. Replacing the sanitary-technical possessions in the areas of scorched coristuvannya.

Information about changes:

8. Repair of the anti-burning automation system and smoked-off.

II. Repair or replacement of elevator equipment, recognized as unsuitable for operation, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts

1. Repair and replacement of elevator equipment with yogo modernization, including:

1.1. Repair of the repair of the replacement of the elevator equipment, recognized as unsuitable for operation.

1.2. Repair for the consumption of mines, replacement of attached mines.

1.3. Repair of machines

1.4. Repair, replacement of automation elements and dispatching of elevator control.

1.5. Owning outbuildings necessary for connection to airborne automation systems and dispatching of elevators.

III. Dahiv repair

1. Repair of structures of ducts:

1.1. From wooden structures:

1.1.1. Repair:

with a partial replacement of krokvyanyh nig;


crates of sucrose and discharged s bars.

1.1.2. Antiseptic and antiperspirant wooden structures.

1.1.3. Insulation of the undercover (mountain) ceiling.

1.1.4. Repair (replacement) of auditory windows.

1.2. From cast-in-place concrete roofing and covering decks:

1.2.1. Usunennya faults of concrete floors and roof decks.

1.2.2. Insulation of the undercover (mountain) ceiling.

1.2.3. Repair of a coupler for pokr_velny pokrittya.

2. Replacing cover letters:

2.1. Replacing the metal covering of dahіv іz pristroєm primikan.

2.2. Replacing the coating of the coating from rolled bitumen materials (ruberoid) on the coating from the materials that are built up with the attachment of the primikan.

2.3. Replacement of coverings with piece materials (slate, tile toshcho) and outbuildings.

3. Repair or replacement of the water supply system (hanging, zholobi, rozzholobki, trays) from the replacement of drainpipes and pipes (external and internal).

4. Repair and replacement of overlay elements:

4.1. Vlastuvannya and repairs are going to be covered.

4.2. Repair of ducts, repair or replacement of auditory windows and other outbuildings for ventilation of the city space.

4.3. Change of kovpak_v on the heads of dimovent blocks and ventilation shafts.

4.4. Change of coverings of parapets, firewalls, overheads.

4.5. Repair (plastering, furbing) and insulation of ventilation blocks and elevator shafts.

4.6. Renovation of the change of the fence on the hillside cover.

5. Re-installation of the lower vents, which are not ventilated, on ventilation with insulation under the roof (mountain) ceiling.

IV. Repair of the basement premises, which lie down to the sleeping lane at the rich apartment houses

1. repair

2. Insulation of walls and above-basement ceilings in basement premises.

3. Waterproofing of walls and underlays of the basement.

4. Repair of technical applications from the installation of metal doors.

5. Repair of ducts, basement windows, priyamkіv and ovnishnіh doors.

6. Sealing the passages of the inputs and releases of the engineering meshes at the outer walls (to be fixed during the repair of the meshes).

7. Repair of the replacement of the drainage system.

V. Insulation and repair of facades

1. Repair of facades that do not require insulation:

1.1. Repair of plaster (textured ball), including with an architectural order.

1.2. Repair of facing tiles.

1.3. Zabarvlennya behind plaster or a textured ball.

1.4. Repair and renewal of sealing of horizontal and vertical wall panels of large-block and large-panel buds.

1.5. Repair and renovation from the side of the facade of the sealing of the stiks of the windows and door openings, the area of ​​the embroidered core.

1.6. Zabarvlennya from the side of the facade of the window palettes.

1.7. Repair of fence walls.

1.8. Repair and replacement of windows and balcony doors (near the warehouse of the central lane).

1.9. Repair or replacement of external doors.

2. Works for the repair of facades that require insulation:

2.1. Repair and insulation of fence walls with further improvements on top.

2.2. Repair of windows and balcony doors (near the warehouse of the sleeping lane) or replacement of windows and doors in an energy-saving constructive window (window blocks with additional slopes and in.) with further insulation (sealing).

2.3. Repair of external doors with further insulation or replacement of metal doors in an energy-saving constructive window.

3. Calls for both groups of budіvel robots:

3.1. Repair of balconies with replacement, if necessary, of consoles, waterproofing and sealing with advancing storms.

3.2. Stronger constructions of caps over the entrances and remaining surfaces with further amenities on the surface.

3.3. Strengthening the construction of cornice blocks with further improvements on the surface.

3.4. Changes of the victorious drivers.

3.5. Change of trough.

3.6. Repair and insulation of the basement.

VI. Installation of collective (hard-boiled) devices for saving resources and control units (thermal energy, hot and cold water, electricity, gas)

1. Installation of collective (head-to-head):

1.1. Adjusting the appearance of peace:

thermal energy for the consumption of scorching and hot water supply;

cold water;

electrical energy;

1.2. Universities of resource management with the possession of attachments in automation and dispatching for ensuring the remote form and care.

VII. Repair of foundations in rich apartment houses

1. Works to repair or replace foundations:

1.1. Mortgage and stitching of sticks, seams, cracks in foundation elements. Vlashtuvannya zahisnoy ball.

1.2. Usunennya mіstsevih defects and deformatsiy way to strengthen the foundation.

1.3. Paving repair.

VIII. Development of design documentation for the construction of a major overhaul

IX. Carrying out a re-verification of the reliability of the designation of the koshtoris varnosti robіt z overhaul

X. Budіvel control

XI. Life and repair of ramps

XII. Robots from replacing and (or) renovating the load-bearing structures of a multi-apartment house and (or) engineering structures of a multi-apartment house, approved before the legislation on city life before the reconstruction of objects of a capital house

1. Works for the repair or replacement of load-bearing structures and rough covering of inter-surface and mountain wooden ceilings.

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